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Warm-Ups and Stretches (PDFDrive)

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The document discusses the importance of warming up before exercise and outlines the components of an effective warm-up, including gradual increases in intensity and incorporating dynamic stretching.

The document states that a proper warm-up should include a general period to gradually increase heart rate and a sport-specific period incorporating dynamic stretching and movements similar to the actual activity.

The document notes that static stretching has been commonly used pre-exercise but recent research questions its effectiveness and finds it may compromise muscle performance, while dynamic stretching does not have the same negative effects on performance.

Baltimore Dragon Boat Club

Warm-Up, Cool-Down, and
Strength Training Exercises
I. WARM-UP (Mayo Clinic,
 Helps prepare your body for aerobic activity.
 Gradually revs up your cardiovascular system.
 Increases blood flow to your muscles and raises
your body temperature.
 Helps reduce muscle soreness and lessen your
risk of injury.
 Should focus on large muscle groups, such as
core muscles.
 Will prepare your body for dragon boating,
which may cause mild sweating but it shouldn’t
leave you fatigued.
A. Stretching During Warm-Up

Static stretching has long been used in a warm-up,

with the aim of enhancing performance and reducing
the risk of injury. Recent reviews of the literature
surrounding the role of static stretching question this
practice. There is little, if any, evidence that stretching
pre-participation prevents injury or subsequent muscle
soreness. Although static stretching before activity
might increase performance in sports that require an
increased range of motion, such as dragon boating,
static stretching can compromise muscle performance.
Dynamic stretching, on the other hand, does
not seem to elicit the performance reduction
effects of static stretching. Based on current
evidence, dynamic stretching would be the
preferred option for stretching during a warm-
The degree of stretching required in the warm-up
depends on the type of sport. Sports in which
increased flexibility is needed, such as dragon boating
require a good degree of stretching. Additionally,
those with high demands for a stretch-shortening
cycle of high intensity, as in sprinting, are likely to
require more stretching than those with low or
medium stretch-shortening cycle activity, as in
jogging or cycling.
B. Components of a Warm-Up
(DeVasto, 2012)

A total warm-up program includes the following two

1. A general warm-up period may consist of 5 to 10
minutes of slow activity such as jogging or
skipping. The aim of this period is to increase
heart rate, blood flow, deep muscle temperature,
respiration rate, and perspiration and to decrease
viscosity of joint fluids.
2. A specific warm-up period incorporates
movements similar to the movements of the
athlete’s sport. It involves 8 to 12 minutes of
dynamic stretching focusing on movements that
work through the range of motion required for the
sport, such as the walking knee lift. Sport-specific
movements of increasing intensity, such as sprint
drills, or jumping, follow this.
The warm-up should progress gradually and
provide sufficient intensity to increase muscle and
core temperatures without causing fatigue or
reducing energy stores. It is likely that there are
optimal levels of warm-up and that these will be
related to the sport, the individual, and the
Around 10 years ago, dynamic warm-ups
started gaining popularity in the sports world as an
effective method for athletes to prep before an
event. Today, dynamic warm-ups are a standard
routine for athletes ranging from amateurs to
C. What Is a Dynamic Warm-Up?

A dynamic warm-up uses stretches that are

"dynamic," meaning you are moving as you stretch.
For decades, static stretching, which requires
holding a stretch for 10 or more seconds while
motionless, was the most popular type of warm-up
for athletes.
Dynamic Stretching is ideal as the core of a warm-up
routine for several reasons:

 It activates muscles you will use during your

workout. For example, a lunge with a twist is a
dynamic stretching exercise that engages your hips,
legs, and core muscles. Whether you are doing
weighted lunges in the gym, or transitioning to a
catch phase in dragon boating, the muscles
involved have already been engaged during your
 Dynamic stretching improves range of motion. So
if you feel like you can barely bend over to tie your
shoes after a long day at work, a dynamic warm-up
routine can help you feel more flexible
 Dynamic stretches improve body awareness. If you
don’t warm-up and hop into the boat, it may take a
while for your body to perform optimally. Moving
as you stretch challenges your balance and
coordination; skills that could help your
 Warming up in motion enhances muscular
performance and power. Studies reveal dynamic
stretching before an activity, such as dragon
boating or a work out in the gym can help you lift
more weight and increase overall athletic
performance compared to no stretching or static
stretching. If you are trying to get stronger, build
more muscle, or simply perform better, a dynamic
warm-up routine is likely your best bet.
D. The Five-Minute Dynamic
Warm-Up Routine
(Perry, 2013)
 Here's a dynamic warm-up routine that doesn't
require any equipment, it will prepare your entire
body for movement, and it can be completed in just
five minutes. This basic routine can be used as an
effective warm-up for many different activities,
from dragon boating to a full body strength-
training workout.
Complete 10 reps of each exercise below for 1-2 rounds

Lunge with a Twist

The forward lunge helps stretch

the hip flexors and activates legs,
gluteus muscles, and hips, while
the twist stretches out the upper
and middle back and activates
core rotation. As you do the
lunge, step forward, and then
drop your hips. You shouldn't try
to lunge too far forward so your
front knee extends far beyond
your toes. After you have lunged,
slowly twist toward the side you
are lunging for a more intense hip
flexor stretch.
Knee to Chest

This exercise mimics the top of a

running stride as you bring your
knee toward your chest before
striking the foot toward the
ground. You can alternate each
leg while stationary or do it while
walking forward. Focus on
bringing the knee cap into the
chest by hugging your shin while
stepping onto your toes with your
opposite foot, which will give you
more leverage.
High Kicks

High kicks help warm-up the

hamstrings and improve range of
motion. You can do them while
alternating as you walk, or how I
prefer, stationary while focusing on
one side at a time. If starting with
your right leg, extend your left arm
straight out. Kick your leg up while
keeping your leg and hand straight
so that your toes hit your palm. Try
to progressively kick higher, but
complete this exercise while staying
under control.
Hip Stretch With A Twist

It helps open up the hips and groin

while stretching the core, upper,
and middle back. Start in the push
up position and bring your left foot
up to your right hand while
keeping your hips down and lower
back flat. Take your left hand,
twist to your left while extending
your arm and reaching toward the
sky. Come back to the starting
pushup position and repeat on the
other side.
T Push Ups

A T-Push Up is a great exercise to

help warm-up your upper body,
especially the shoulders, while also
activating your entire core. Start
out in the push-up position, and
then lower yourself down towards
the ground. As you push back up,
extend your left arm toward the
sky while keeping your right arm
stable and your hips from moving
down, or up. Bring your arm back
to the starting position, do another
push up, and then repeat with the
right arm.
Jump Squats (Advanced)

Jump squats are a great

plyometric exercise for warming
up the lower body. Because the
exercise is fast, it requires a
greater degree of force production
and power than the other exercises
on this list, so it's a more
advanced warm-up exercise.
Stand up with your feet about
shoulder width apart while
holding your hands behind your
head, or on your hips. Squat down
until the hips are about parallel
with the ground, then forcibly
jump off the ground. Land softly
and repeat the jump.
Jump Lunges (Advanced)

Jump lunges are another great

plyometric exercise for warming
up the lower body. This exercise
also requires balance to help
activate your stabilizer muscles in
your legs and hips. With your
hands at your sides or behind your
head, start with one foot extended
forward and one behind. Drop
your hips downward and forcibly
jump into the air. While you are in
the air, switch your legs so that
your forward leg is now behind
you and your back leg is now in
front of you.
To make this dynamic warm-up easier, you can do some
of the exercises assisted while holding on to a sturdy and
stable pole or object. For example, you can do an assisted
squat, or assisted reverse lunge, which makes both exercises
much easier and more manageable. With the hip stretch,
you can choose not to open up your shoulders, and with the
T-push up, you don't have to do the push up.
E. A few more examples of Dynamic Stretching
Front to Back Leg Swing
(Hamstrings, Gluteus
muscles, Quads)

Begin by supporting yourself

with one arm while swinging
your opposite leg forward
then backward. Keep your
leg straight as it moves
forward and stretches the
hamstrings then as it comes
back try to kick yourself in
the butt to stretch the quads.
With each swing you should
take the stretch a bit further
(10-20 times).
Sideways Leg Swing (Abductors,

While holding on to your

paddle for support, swing one
leg at a time from side to side
in front of your other leg (10-20
Hand Walks (Shoulders, Core,

Start by standing up straight up

straight with your feet together.
Slowly bend forward until your
hands reach the ground, walk
your hands until your body is
almost parallel with the ground
and then slowly walk your feet
back up to your hands (Repeat
5-10 times).
Arms Swings (Chest, Shoulders)

Swing your arms back and

forth across the body as you
stretch your chest and shoulders
(30 seconds to a minute).
Power Skip (Advanced)

This a good dynamic exercise

in preparation for explosive
movements. Skip across the
field using powerful explosive
motions. Try to emphasize
height instead of distance
while using big arms swings
and high knee lifts (Try 20
skips each side).
Here is a list of some exercises that you can also include
in your dynamic stretch routine:
 Jogging in place

 Jumping jacks

 Backward run

 Walking on toes

 Arm circles

 Hopping on one foot

 Plank with alternate raising of arms and legs

 Mountain Climbers
II. COOL-DOWN (Mayo Clinic,
Research suggests that the use of static stretches
is more appropriate for the cool down. Cooling
down after an activity, such as dragon boating,
allows for a gradual recovery of heart rate and
blood pressure. Cooling down may be most
important for competitive athletes, such as
marathoners, because it helps regulate blood flow.
Cooling down doesn't appear to help reduce muscle
stiffness and soreness after exercise, but more
research is needed.
The following are examples of general static
stretching exercises that could form part of the cool
down program at the end of a training session when
stretches are held for 10 seconds or to improve the
mobility and range of movement when stretches
are held for 30 seconds. In all exercises, breathe
easily while performing them (Mac, 2014).
Chest Stretch
Stand tall, feet slightly wider
than shoulder-width apart,
knees slightly bent. Hold your
arms out to the side parallel
with the ground and the palms
of the hand facing forward.
Stretch the arms back as far as
possible. You should feel the
stretch across your chest.
Biceps Stretch
Stand tall, feet slightly wider
than shoulder-width apart,
knees slightly bent. Hold your
am out parallel with the ground
and the palms of the hand
facing forward. Rotate the
hands so the palms face to the
rear. Stretch the arms back as
far as possible. You should feel
the stretch across your chest
and in the biceps.
Upper Back Stretch
Stand tall, feet slightly wider
than shoulder-width apart,
knees slightly bent. Interlock
your fingers and push your
hands as far away from your
chest possible, allowing your
upper back to relax. You should
feel the stretch between your
shoulder blades.
Shoulder Stretch
Stand tall, feet slightly wider
than shoulder-width apart,
knees slightly bent. Place your
right arm, parallel with the
ground across the front of your
chest. Bend the left arm up and
use the left forearm to ease the
right arm closer to you chest.
You will feel the stretch in the
shoulder. Repeat with the other
Shoulders and Triceps Stretch
Stand tall, feet slightly wider
than shoulder-width apart,
knees slightly bent. Place both
hands above your head and then
slide both of your hands down
the middle of your spine. You
will feel the stretch in the
shoulders and the triceps.
Stand tall, feet slightly wider
than shoulder-width apart,
knees slightly bent, hands
resting on the the hips. Bend
slowly to one side. Come back
to the vertical position and then
bend to the other side. Do not
lean forward or backwards.
Hamstrings Stretch
Sit on the ground with both legs
straight out in front of you.
Bend the left leg and place the
sole of the left foot alongside
the knee of the right leg. Allow
the left leg to lie relaxed on the
ground. Bend forward keeping
the back straight. You will feel
the stretch in the hamstring of
the right leg. Repeat with the
other leg.
Calf Stretch
Stand tall with one leg in front
of the other, hands flat and at
shoulder height again. Ease
your back leg further away
from the paddle, keeping it
straight and press the heel
firmly into the floor. Keep your
hips facing the paddle, and the
rear leg. Repeat with the other
Hip and Thigh Stretch
Stand tall with your feet
approximately two - shoulder
widths apart. Turn the feet and
face to the right. Bend the right
leg so that the right thigh is
parallel with the ground and the
right lower leg is vertical.
Gradually lower the body. Keep
your back straight and use the
arms to balance. You will feel the
stretch along the front of the left
thigh and along the hamstrings of
the right leg. Repeat by turning
and facing to the left.
Adductor Stretch
Stand tall with your feet
approximately two-shoulder
widths apart. Bend the right leg
and lower the body. Keep you
back straight and use the arms to
balance. You will feel the stretch
in the left leg adductor. Repeat
with the left leg.
Groin Stretch
Sit with tall posture. Ease both of
your feet up towards your body
and place the soles of your feet
together, allowing your knees to
come up and out to the side.
Resting your hands on your lower
legs or ankles and ease both
knees towards the ground. You
will feel the stretch along the
inside of your thighs and groin.
Front of Trunk Stretch
Lie face down on the floor, fully
outstretched. Bring your hands to
the side and ease your chest off
the floor, keeping your hips
firmly pressed in the ground. You
will feel the stretch in the front of
the trunk.
Iliotibial Band Stretch
Sitting tall with legs stretched out
in front of you. Bend the right
knee and place the right foot on
the ground to the left side of the
left knee. Turn your shoulders so
that you are facing to the right.
Using your left arm on the floor
for support. You will feel the
stretch along the length of the
spine and in the muscles around
the right hip.
Quadriceps Stretch
Lie face down on the floor.
Press your hips firmly into
the floor and bring your
right foot up towards your
buttocks. Take hold of the
right ankle with the right
hand and ease the foot
closer to you buttocks.
Repeat with the left leg.
You will feel the stretch
along the front of the
III. Strength Training (Wolf, 2014)
According to a study published in the January 2013
issue of the "Journal of Strength and Conditioning
Research," a specialized upper body workout is the key to
improving performance during dragon boat racing. This
study concluded that strength-training programs should be
developed targeting development of upper-body
musculature because these factor is the strongest predictors
of 200-meter and 500-meter race performance (Ho, Smith,
Chapman, Sinclair, & Funato, 2013). Include in your own
workout routine exercises to develop your back, shoulders,
chest and arms as a means of super charging each phase of
your dragon boat stroke.
Back Muscles
The muscles in your back -- the erector spinae and
rhomboids -- play a role in the pull phase of your dragon
boat stroke, so incorporate exercises to strengthen these
muscles. A good upper body workout for dragon boat
racing might include the one arm dumbbell row, the bench
row, wide grip front pull-downs, one arm cable rows,
straight arm pull-downs and close grip chin-ups. Strong
muscles in your upper back will allow you to move a
maximum amount of water during the pull phase of your
Shoulder Muscles
You need to grab as much water as possible with the blade
of your dragon boat paddle during the catch phase of your
stroke, and strong shoulders help you accomplish that. A
good upper body workout for dragon boat racing targets the
shoulder muscles -- the trapezius, as well as the anterior,
middle and posterior deltoids -- with exercises such as the
dumbbell overhead press, upright row, bent over lateral
dumbbell raise, upright shrug and dumbbell shrug.
An open chest position provides good form for
your dragon boat stroke at the catch position.
Strong chest muscles, particularly the pectoralis
major, allow you to properly execute the catch.
Include the flat dumbbell fly, the flat dumbbell
press and the incline dumbbell press in your upper
body workout to improve dragon boat racing
Your arms do not do a great deal of work during
the dragon boat stroke, but your biceps and triceps
are primarily involved in the catch phase.
Strengthen these upper body muscles for best
performance during dragon boat racing. A good
workout for these muscles may include the
alternating standing dumbbell curl, dumbbell
kickback, preacher curl, reverse curl, cable press
down, overhead dumbbell extension and dumbbell
Active Rest
 Make sure you spend at least 30 minutes to 1 hour
of Active Rest when you are not training in the
gym, or with the dragon boat team. You can do
running, jogging, road/mountain biking, HIIT
(High Intensity Interval Training), or any activities
that help improve your endurance and performance
in dragon boating.
 Refer to for strength
training exercises.
DeVasto, P. (2012). Seven ultimate dynamic stretching exercises. Retrieved from

Ho, S.R., Smith, R.M., Chapman, P.G., Sinclair, P.J., and Funato, K. (2013). Physiological
and physical characteristics of elite dragon boat paddlers. Journal of Strength and
Conditioning Research, 27(1), 137–145

Mac, B. (2014). Static stretching exercises. Retrieved from

Mayo Clinic (2014). Aerobic exercise: How to warm up and cool down. Retrieved from

Perry, M. (2013). Try This Full-Body Dynamic Warm-up to Prep for Any Workout. Retrieved

Wolf, N. (2014). Good upper body work out for dragon boat racing. Retrieved from

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