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SO UI U7-8 TestB

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Upper Intermediate Progress Test Units 7–8B

Listening 4 Correct the two mistakes in each sentence.

1 As soon as the   alarming   clock goes off, I’m
1 Track 7 Listen to six recordings. Are statements wide   wake  .
1–6 true (T) or false (F)?   alarm     awake  
1 The woman reads two papers at the weekend.   T   2 Don’t agree for taking off your decision. There’s
2 The man admits it’s important to know what’s plenty of time and you need to be sure.
going on.                                                     
3 The boy enjoys watching comedies.            3 Very little people are bright and windy first thing
4 The woman reads a broadsheet for news.            in the morning.
5 The man was very confident on the show.                                                     
6 The woman has always watched television late at 4 I hadn’t have been so angry if you would have told
night.            the truth.
10 5 There isn’t plenty coffee left so please just have a
6 Let me take you up tonight. It’s late and we’ve
2 Track 8 Listen and complete the sentences still got so many to talk about.
using contractions if necessary.                                          
1 I would never   have bought   those shoes if   I’d
known   how expensive they were. 10
2 We                      to the cinema if                     
back in time.
3 Even if                      the truth I                      5 Complete the second sentence so that it means
the same as the first. Use the word in capitals.
believed you.
4 He                      passed his driving test even if 1 ‘Let me buy you lunch, Hannah.’ OFFERED
Jack   offered to buy lunch   for Hannah.
loads more lessons.
5 What would you                      if you                      2 My parents don’t like to be separated. STAND
My parents                                                             .
at that meeting?
6 It                      easy for Jack to admit that he 3 ‘I’m sorry I’m late.’ APOLOGISED
John                                                             .
4 My new car stopped working in the middle of a
busy junction. DOWN
My new car                                                             .
5 I hope everything went as you’d expected.
Vocabulary and Grammar TURNED
I hope everything                                as you’d
3 Complete the words. expected.
1 I watched a really interesting d o c u m e n t a r y 6 ‘David’s been driving my car without asking.’
about ancient Egypt yesterday. ACCUSED
2 Most people talk about the characters in TV Ben                                                             .
s          o                as if they know them personally!
3 I only read the sport and financial 10
s                               in the weekend paper.
4 Tabloids tend to have higher r                              
than broadsheets.
5 Who wants to be a Millionaire? is a phenomenally
successful q          show.
6 The BBC is well-known for historical c                  
dramas such as Pride and Prejudice and Cranford.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2011 Pearson Longman

Upper Intermediate Progress Test Units 7–8B

6 Underline the correct alternative. Speaking

1 What’s the origin of the expression ‘once in a
green /   blue   moon’? 8 Complete the conversation. Use the prompts in
2 I tend to sleep / sleeping late at the weekend. brackets.
3 Tom’s tried time over / after time to get through to A: (you / got / minute) 1  Have you got a minute  ?
his bank manager but without any luck. B: Sorry?
4 It’s important to stick on / to your principles if you A: There’s something (I / mean / talk / you about)
want to be respected.
5 I want you to apologise and take on / back what B: (What / up) 3                                        ?
you just said. A: Well, look, I don’t want (you / get / wrong idea)
6 Clare insisted / suggested booking tickets in
                                                   but ...
advance to avoid disappointment. B: But what?
A: It’s just that you always leave the kitchen dirty.
5 It’s quite selfish. (you know / I mean)
B: Sorry. (I / not / think / it / be)
7 Choose the correct answers to complete the 6
                                                   so upsetting.
text: a), b), c) or d).
People talk a lot about the effect of TV on kids, but 5
what about the rest of us? If you 1  a   to ask most
people how 2           time they spend watching
television 3           week, I suspect you would 4           9 Complete the conversation with the words in
shocked. In many households, the television is on a the box.
good 5           of the time, although often no one will so did absolutely sorry no good
be watching. Take my neighbours for example. As helpful the send earth that’s
soon as they get 6          , they turn the television on.
They’ll watch the 7           over breakfast and perhaps A: I’m 1  so   upset that the concert has sold out.
one of the morning chat shows. In the afternoon it’ll Why didn’t you remind me to get tickets?
be time for a soap 8           or two, followed by an B: But I 2                     remind you. I sent you a text.
           of the latest reality show. They would never A: Well that’s not very 3                    ! You know I
           to being addicted but I wonder how they hardly ever use my mobile.
           manage if someone took their television B: That’s 4                     ridiculous! You’re
away for a few days. And to be honest, if someone 5
                     one who’s always texting.
took my TV away, so would I! A: No I’m not!
B: How on 6                     can you say that? Let’s just
1 a)   were   b) will c) are d) have take a look, shall we?
2 a) much b) many c) few d) a little A: Ah … hmm … oh, I’m so 7                    . It seems
3 a) in b) during c) each d) the you really did 8                     me a text after all.
4 a) being b) be c) to be d) been B: Well, no harm done. The 9                     thing is
5 a) number b) part c) much d) deal the band’s doing an extra night and there are still
6 a) on b) down c) over d) up tickets available. So there’s 10                     way
7 a) news b) show we’re going to miss out.
c) documentary d) sitcom A: Brilliant – 11                     really great news – so
8 a) show b) opera c) chat d) quiz what are we waiting for? Let’s go!
9 a) example b) episode
c) introduction d) item 10
10 a) say b) tell c) admit d) suggest
11 a) would b) will c) can d) did


PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2011 Pearson Longman

Upper Intermediate Progress Test Units 7–8B

a) I sent in my application, went through various

Reading interview stages and to my surprise, I was accepted
10 Match gaps 1–6 in the text with a)–g) below. on to the show.
There is one extra sentence you do not need. b) Most of my fellow inmates were night owls and
would stay up until the early hours just messing
Hi Jude around.
c) Actually I didn’t even like any of the other
I’m sorry I haven’t been in touch for such a long participants.
time – I can’t tell you what I’ve been through in the d) However, I decided to give it a go and try to get
last few months. You might remember that I was on with everyone.
thinking of applying to be on Big Brother (I can’t e) Well, I suppose I was.
imagine what possessed me!), well it all went ahead. f) Meanwhile, I’ve been asked to write about my
  a   I couldn’t believe it. What had started out as a mad media week for the local paper.
bit of a joke really, turned out to be my worst g) Imagine being stuck in a house together with
nightmare. Before I knew where I was, it was too complete strangers for twenty-four hours a day,
late to pull out. seven days a week.

As soon as I set foot in the Big Brother house, I 15

knew that I’d made the biggest mistake of my life.
           It was really difficult. You know how it is –
the producers are really only interested in getting Writing
good viewing figures. They deliberately chose 11 Underline the correct alternative.
participants who were going to be controversial. 1 Some people have no interest in current affairs
however /   while   others love to learn.
So there I was, a forty-year-old (normally sane) 2 Despite / However not having time to read the
woman on national television, sharing her every paper every day, I do enjoy listening to the news.
waking moment with my new family and wishing I 3 Jana refused to sell her story although / despite
could be anywhere else. 3           It was hard work, I she was offered a lot of money.
can tell you. Some of them were very hard to like! 4 While / Despite some readers enjoy reading
gossip, there are those who do not.
To be honest though, one of the worst things about 5 However / While celebrity scandals can be
the whole experience was sleep – or lack of it. damaging initially, most stars recover quite quickly.
           As you know I’m never at my most alert late 6 A lot of people would like to be rich and famous.
at night so I started to feel quite groggy after a few However / Although, there are many drawbacks to
days of sleep deprivation. fame.

To cut a long story short, I was voted out after the 5

first week – probably because the viewers thought I
was too boring. 5           I didn’t say or do anything
outrageous so what was the point of being there? 12 Write an informal article: How to reduce the
stress in your life. Write 140–180 words on a
Do you know, I still have nightmares about it all and separate sheet of paper.
just hope things will get back to normal soon. Next
time I have a crazy idea, please just do something to 10
stop me! 6           Perhaps there is something in me
that does rather enjoy being the centre of attention Total: 100
after all!


PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2011 Pearson Longman

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