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Unit 2

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UNIT 2 Advertising


Vocabulary: Advertising
Media and Methods
Reading: A new kind of
Language Review: Articles
Skills: Starting and structuring

1. Comment on the following quotation:

ˮAdvertising isn’t a science. It’s persuasion, and persuasion is an artˮ (William

Bernbach (1911- 1982), US advertising executive

The debate over advertising as art or science is almost as old as the field itself. For me,
though, the best advertising is a combination that leverages the best of both approaches;
the guidance of science – data, analytics, goals, and a keen eye on profitability; combined
with the creativity, inspiration and engagement of impactful art.

Discuss the advertisements above. Which do you like best? Why?

Newspapers are one example of an advertising medium. Can you think
of others?

When marketers and media planners create marketing campaigns, they

must carefully consider the merits of each type of advertising media.
Each type of advertising media communicates marketing messages to potential customers
through different mediums - for instance, over the television, radio, or social media.
6 Types of Advertising Media Channels:
 Video Advertising: Television & YouTube
 Audio Channels: Radio & Podcast Advertising
 Newspapers
 Print & Digital Publications (Magazines) 
 Out-Of-Home Advertising 
 Social Media 

2. Look at these words. Label each word 1 for 'advertising media', 2 for 'methods of advertising'
or 3 for 'verbs to do with advertising'.

advertorials 2 endorse3 point-of-sale1 sponsor1 target1

banner ads1 exhibitions1 pop-ups2 sponsorship2
billboards (AmE)/ 1 hoardings (BrE)1 free samples2 posters2
Internet1 press1 television1
cinema leaflets/flyer2 product placement 1 viral advertising1
commercials2 outdoor advertising 2 radio2
communicate 3 place 1 run3

3. Which of the verbs you identified in Exercise 2 combine with these nouns?

1 Run a campaign 4 Endorse an event

2 Endorse a product 5 communicate with a consumer
3 Run an advertisement 6 Communicate a message

4. Choose the most suitable words to complete the sentences below:

1. A lot of cosmetics companies give away leaflets / commercials / free samples so that
customers can try the product before they buy.
2. Advertising companies spend a lot of money on creating clever slogans /posters /exhibitions
that are short and memorable, such as the message for Nike: 'Just do it'.
3. Celebrity exhibition / research / endorsement is a technique that is very popular in
advertising at the moment.
4. If news about a product comes to you by word of mouth /the press /the Internet, someone
tells you about it rather than you seeing an advert.
5. Many companies use post and electronic slogans / mailshots / posters because they can
target a particular group of consumers all at the same time.

6. What makes a good TV advertisement? Think about ones you have seen. Use some of
these words:
interesting funny
eye-catching shocking
original inspiring
powerful strange informative sexy controversial

I really like the Coca-Cola advertising campaign. Throughout

the years, the slogans used in advertising for Coca-Cola have
reflected not only the brand, but the times. Slogans provide a
simple, direct way to communicate about Coca-Cola. It is very
original because they use different slogans, last year it was ”real magic” and we all know
why. Coca-Cola has consistently communicated one strong and compelling message:

pleasure. Enduring, simple slogans such as “Enjoy” and “Happiness” never go out of
style and translate easily across the globe.
7. Do you think that these advertising practices are acceptable? Are any other types of
advertisement offensive?
Currently, advertising persists totally in our lives.  Being a factor that influences
all aspects in the diversity of products we use daily.if there is a product, there must be
demand, and for this there is advertising, and sometimes it doesn’t matter for the
manufacturer how, but he must, as best he can, recommend this product and increase
profits and attract new customers.
-As a result, a wide range of marketing techniques are used, involving different
resources used most frequently, they are present in social networks, television, billboards,
on web pages, we can even meet it before watching a movie or in the respective movie   ,
Starting from food products to medical services. Sometimes too aggressive advertising is
used for this, which can have positive or negative consequences, which mostly influences
the market, which is sometimes very fragile and changeable.  One of the most important
factors in aggressive marketing is competition.
Finally, I have a neutral position, sometimes I have a positive or a negative
attitude, depending on the type of promoted content and its destination.  Because
currently advertising is one of the most powerful influencing tools in my opinion.  This
sometimes influenced us on a subconscious level without us noticing.  That's why we have
to be very careful about what is advertised to us, because not all the time if I was told it's
good, it doesn't mean that it's true.

 Using children in
 Using actors who pretend to
be 'experts'
 Using nudity in
 Using 'shock tactics' in
 Promoting alcohol on TV
 Comparing your products to
your competitors' products
 An image nashed onto a
screen very quickly so that
people are influenced without
noticing it (subliminal advertising)
 Exploiting people's fears and worries

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