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Work Order Standard Operating Procedure

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Work Order Standard Operating Practice INSTRUCTION NUMBER:



To establish a standard operating practice to receive, assign, and track requests for work
A. General

Work orders are used to request, assign, and track work that needs to be accomplished by
Facilities Operations for maintenance, repair, and minor construction work.

The work order also serves to document the completion of work and to record all costs
associated with that work (i.e., labor expenses, materials issued from inventory and other
expenses incurred for purchase of materials or payment to contractors).
B. Work Order Types

Corrective Work Orders: Corrective Work Orders are created for routine repair and/or
maintenance of buildings and campus facilities. Corrective work orders are initiated
internally by Facilities Operations staff.

Corrective work orders do not include non-maintenance work such as building new
shelves, hanging whiteboards, hanging banners, making signs for events or providing
staffing support for special events outside of normal work hours (see Special Billing
work orders below).

Service Request: Service Requests are corrective work orders requested from a
customer external to Facilities Operations.

Special Billing (SPBILL) Work Order: Customer requests for non-maintenance work
orders (examples: building new shelves, signage) with an estimated cost of less than
$5,000 are billable to the requesting department.

MBILL: Used to capture billable work for billable auxiliaries such as POCAM, Housing
and Residence Life, Campus Enterprises retail locations, Gove Health, and Dining
without requiring a BANFIN form.

Project: Customer requests for non-routine maintenance work with an estimated cost of
$5,000 or more or for non-routine maintenance where tracking the involvement of
multiple trades is beneficial (this does not include all multi-trade requests). Projects are

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Work Order Standard Operating Practice INSTRUCTION NUMBER:


only created in TMA if a Project Manager informs the CSC that it is in fact a project and
the BANFIN is provided. Project requests shall be evaluated by the appropriate manager
to determine if it should be a Facilities Design and Construction project due to scope or

Business Office: Used to create a work order for tracking purposes that is neither
billable nor corrective.

Estimates: Department request for estimated cost before proceeding with billable
work. To have an estimate prepared the requesting department will send a request to
Facilities Operations through mail, email, phone, or online.

Preventive Maintenance (PM): Work orders automatically generated on a scheduled

frequency to ensure that routine maintenance is performed.

Athletics: Used to indicate where support is requested for athletic events so that costs
associated will be charged to the Facilities Operations Athletic Facilities Maintenance
fund regardless of the location or building.
C. Billing

Facilities Operations generates monthly billing to the following Auxiliaries:

● Housing and Residence Life
● Parking Operations and Campus Access Management
● Campus Enterprises - Retail Locations
● Dining Services
● Student Health Services (Gove)
● 15 Clubview Court (Chancellor’s Residence) except for event support (see

All work order charges, regardless of work order type, are captured in the monthly billing
to these external departments without requiring a BANFIN. Billing to these auxiliaries is
generated by reviewing a report of all work orders for each building code assigned to the
auxiliaries listed above and charging for all labor and materials regardless of the work
order type. The retail spaces in Housing and Residence Life have an R in addition to the
building code.

If a work order will require labor from multiple trades and is not a project the work order
will include a task for each shop/trade. Billing will not occur until all tasks in the work

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order have been completed and noted on the BANFIN given to the Facilities Operations
accounting office.

Facilities Operations generates semiannual billing for event support at 15 Clubview.

Labor and materials used for event support are documented on a work order which is then
linked to project number 66 in TMA by CSC staff. Bills are generated in June and
December and sent to the Capital Improvements Administrator.
D. Work Order Status

Customer Service Center (CSC) uses eight work order statuses:

Approved: Work request is approved when it has been accepted and a work order
number assigned. TMA automatically generates an e-mail to notify requestor that a work
order number has been assigned unless requestor declined notification when work order
was submitted. Work orders with the status of approved have either yet to be assigned to
a technician's handheld or have yet to be printed.

Awaiting Funding: Is used for work order requests that are considered billable but do
not have a BANFIN associated with them yet. When a customer submits a request that
requires a BANFIN via the web they are contacted by CSC to provide a BANFIN. Upon
the customer's agreement to send a BANFIN, the work order is accepted and assigned to
the CSC trade with this status. CSC should follow up with customers of work orders of
this status once a week until the BANFIN has been provided to make sure that they do
still want the work completed. Once the BANFIN has been acquired, the request date is
changed to the BANFIN’s acquisition day and the work order is treated as normal and
changed to Approved.

Cancelled: Work order was initiated but later deemed unnecessary prior to any work
being performed. The customer must call or email to cancel the work order, the
supervisor of the assigned shop must approve cancellation, or the CSC can cancel work
orders that are obvious duplicates. (CSC should uncheck the ‘Notify Me’ check box
prior to cancelling to ensure that customers do not receive notification of cancellation).

Billed: Accounting will change the Status field in TMA to Billed for all work orders
being billed to signify the customer has been billed.

Completed: All processes have been completed and work order has been closed in TMA
by the CSC or the appropriate supervisor. TMA automatically generates an e-mail to

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notify requestor that work has been completed unless requestor declined notification
when work order was submitted.

Finished: Work has been completed by the technician.

In Progress: Work order has been printed or assigned to the appropriate technician’s
handheld device and is in progress.

Scheduled: Requests where work cannot be performed immediately due to customer

request or factors beyond our control (example: weather). . Supervisors can notify the
CSC to set a work order as scheduled but should include a reason and a scheduled date at
the time of the request. NOTE: “Scheduled” will also be indicated in the work order
Priority field for scheduled work orders. This will allow reports to be generated either
with or without the “Scheduled” priority work orders included with other corrective
maintenance work orders (example: weekly/monthly metrics and statistics).
E. Work Order Priorities

● Emergency – used only when immediate response is required to avoid injury

due to safety hazard, significant damage to university facilities (ex. flooding),
or extended major disruption to university activities (ex. power outage).
● Routine – default
● Scheduled – scheduled work orders


For Mobile Device Users – Please also reference the Mobile TMA Device Usage
Standard Operating Practice for additional information.
A. General

1. All work orders must be completed in a timely manner or cancelled (see

2. Work orders cannot be deleted.
3. All completed work orders require documentation of Facilities Operations
labor and materials and any other costs incurred.
4. Technicians completing the work are responsible for recording the hours
worked as well as indicating if the charge is to be Regular Time (RT) or
Overtime (OT). The cost of all materials used and any outside service expense

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must be recorded on the work order whether obtained through the inventory
distribution system or purchased outside the inventory system, via purchase
order or p-card.

B. Receiving and Distributing Work Orders

1. CSC personnel shall check for work requests submitted by e-mail or via TMA
online regularly during normal business hours and at the beginning of each
business day. Work orders received by these methods are entered into TMA as
soon as possible. TMA will provide automatic customer notification of work
order creation and status changes unless the customer requests to not be
notified. Printed work orders will be distributed to the supervisors’ mailboxes
at 10:30 am and 4:30 pm.
2. For emergency work orders: CSC personnel should contact appropriate
personnel immediately by radio. (flooding or other situations requiring
immediate response to avoid injury or property damage)
3. Work orders received by phone:
a. CSC personnel should obtain the following necessary information:
i. Requestor’s first and last name
ii. Requestor's email address
iii. Requestor's phone number
iv. Building name, room number/location of the problem area
where work is requested (be as specific as possible)
v. Description of work requested
vi. If they request to not receive automatic notification of work
order status changes leave the requestor’s email blank.
b. Choose the appropriate trade code (shop) assignment
c. Set the appropriate Work Order Type
4. Estimate work orders:
a. The automatic e-mail notification feature is disabled in TMA.
b. Create a work order the same as a corrective except the work order
type should be Estimate.
c. All estimates will be printed regardless of whether the trade uses
d. Estimate work orders will be printed on blue paper.
5. BANFINs received through interdepartmental mail or via email:

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a. Verify the BANFIN is signed and has a debit fund and account
number. (If it doesn’t include a fund and account number or is not
signed, contact the requestor to obtain a completed form before
b. Using the information on the BANFIN, fill out the work order
information as you would a normal corrective except set the work
order type to SPBILL
c. A paper copy will not be printed if work order is assigned to a trade
that uses handheld devices
d. Printed SPBILL work orders will be printed on gold paper and a copy
of the BANFIN will be attached to the back.
6. TMA automatically assigns a work order number once all required
information is entered and the work order is saved.

C. Does Not Require a Work Order

Routine services provided by Grounds or Facility Services generally do not require a
work order with the exception that all work performed at 15 Clubview Court shall be
documented on a work order.

D. Multi-Trade Work Orders

A request that will require the assistance of more than one shop will be set up using one
work order and task for each shop/trade involved. CSC staff will not change the work
order status to Completed until all tasks (i.e., all work) has been completed.
o Adding a Task to a Work Order for Another Shop

▪ Supervisors shall contact CSC to have a task added to an existing work

order for additional shops/trades.
▪ CSC will reprint or schedule the additional task as appropriate.

E. Completing a Work Order

1. Once the requested work on a printed work order has been Finished it should be
submitted to the CSC within one business day of work completion.
2. Finished work orders should include:
a. The name of each employee that performed work against that work order.
b. The number of labor hours for each employee including:

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i. Time spent communicating with supervisor, staff, or customer

about the work order
ii. Time spent driving to and from the job (prorated as appropriate for
multiple work orders at same site).
iii. Time spent retrieving materials and parts (If retrieving parts for
several work orders at one time prorate the time between work
iv. Time spent performing the task
v. Time spent processing the work order and purchasing documents
specific to the work order.
c. The time type, designated as regular time (RT) or overtime (OT).
d. The date each set of hours was worked
e. Any materials used from inventory and/or the cost of purchased materials
outside of inventory and services paid to an outside contractor must be
recorded on the work order (in description field); a copy of the external
invoice or p-card receipt should be linked to the work order.
f. A description of the work done to correct the issue when appropriate
3. Time worked by Facilities Operations employees performing jobs is to be
recorded on the work order in quarter hours (15 minutes) increments as a decimal
(example: 15 minutes should be shown as 0.25 hour, half an hour as 0.50 hour,
and 45 minutes as 0.75 hour). Time will be rounded up to the nearest quarter if
not recorded properly on the sheet.
4. Copies of all purchasing documents must be submitted with the completed work
5. Printed work orders should be Completed by the CSC or appropriate supervisor
within one business day of receiving.
6. Completed paper SPBILLs should be forwarded to Facilities Operations
Accounting with original BANFIN attached.
7. Completed mobile SPBILLs will be checked for weekly and the original BANFIN
will be turned into Facilities Operations Accounting.
8. For non-billable printed work orders, CSC will retain the original work order for a
period of at least one month.

F. Billable Work Orders

1. The Facilities Operations Accounting office changes the status field to Billed
in TMA for each work order after the charges have been billed.

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2. Facilities Operations Accounting will forward a copy of the final

billing/invoice to the customer for their files.

G. Estimate Work Order

Estimates are provided by Facilities Operations on request and will be provided to the
requestor by the trade supervisor after investigation of the request. This is only an
estimate; the actual cost may be higher or lower depending on numerous factors
including changes in material cost, asbestos abatement, and unforeseen changes in project
scope. Labor rates are updated yearly in July.
1. The Supervisor or Manager will submit the estimate on the standard Facilities
Operations Estimate Form located on the W: drive (W:\Facilities Operations
Forms and Info\FORMS) to the requestor.
2. The Supervisor or Manager will enter the total amount of the estimate on the
estimate tab, total estimate cost, located at the bottom right of the work order
in TMA or submit a copy of the estimate and the Estimate work order to the
CSC to close.
3. CSC should close the Estimate work order and retain the estimate for
reference for at least 3 months in case the customer decides to proceed with
the work. A Project or Special Billing work order will be opened upon
authorization of work via submittal of a BANFIN.

H. Cancelling a Work Order

1. Reasons for cancelling a Corrective work order:

a. The requestor of the work order requests cancellation in writing
b. The request is refused by management; management will request
cancellation, in writing or by email
c. The work order is a duplicate request (in this situation, the email
address of the requestor needs to be removed so that they will not get
the automatic email)
2. Supervisors are required to review and approve work order cancellation by
signing the work order and marking it as “Cancelled”. The work order should
also indicate a reason why it is being cancelled and should be forwarded to the
CSC. This can also be done by the supervisors and managers emailing CSC at indicating the reason.

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3. Cancelled work orders must be documented with a reason on the work order
in the general comments field in TMA by CSC.
4. The CSC is then responsible for notifying the original requestor that their
work has been cancelled and the reason why unless it was a duplicate request.
5. When the requestor cancels the work order, no notification is required.
6. When the requestor is the same shop performing the work, then no
notification is required.

I. Work Order Tracking and Reporting

1. Weekly Work Order Reports:

CSC will schedule TMA to automatically generate the following reports on a
weekly basis each Monday:
a. Supervisors (Buildings & Trades, Utilities, Grounds, and Facility
• Corrective Work Orders Over 7 Days Old for their respective shop
or zone. Report lists work orders by age with oldest listed at top of
• Estimate Work Orders Over 14 Days Old
• All Work Orders Over 30 Days Old
b. Managers (Buildings & Trades, Utilities, Grounds, and Facility
Services) receive same reports listed above for all Shops and Zones under
their management.
c. Director: receives reports listed above for entire department
2. Weekly Report Response
a. Supervisors shall respond to the CSC reports in the following manner:
i. For all corrective work orders on the Over 7 Days Old Report,
supervisors shall take immediate action to complete, transfer, or
change status to Scheduled (if appropriate after assessment and
conversation with customer – see definition of Scheduled work
orders above) or other work order type. Supervisors shall provide
a written response to the CSC and their respective manager within
2 business days (typically end of day each Wednesday) indicating
the status of these work orders. Response shall contain the current
status and estimated completion date. CSC will enter this
information in the comments section of the work orders. For work
orders changed to “Scheduled” status, supervisor must provide the

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scheduled date of completion to the CSC so that they can note in

the Comments field of the work order. CSC will also note that the
work order has been changed to “Scheduled” in the Priority field.
ii. Scheduled Corrective Work Orders Over 30 Days Old: For
scheduled corrective work orders over 30 days old, supervisors
shall review and submit any changes to completion date to CSC
after consulting with customer. CSC will enter this information in
the comments section of the work order.
iii. Estimate Work Orders Over 14 Days Old: supervisors shall take
action to complete estimates and send to the department and a copy
to CSC as soon as possible. Supervisors shall also provide a
written status and estimated completion date for all Estimate work
orders listed on report to their manager and to CSC within two
business days.
b. Managers shall respond to the CSC reports in the following manner:
i. For corrective work orders on the Over 7 Days Old Report that are
14 days old or older, managers shall take measures to expedite
completion and closing of work order. Managers shall also ensure
that appropriate comments regarding status, estimated completion
date, and that any appropriate work order category changes have
been provided to CSC by end of day each Wednesday.
ii. For all work orders on the Over 30 Day report, managers shall take
measures to expedite completion as appropriate and ensure that
comments regarding the current status and estimated completion
date have been provided to CSC by end of day each Wednesday.
c. Supervisor and/or CSC inputs comments received from Supervisors and
Managers into Comments section of work orders by end of day each
Friday so that the comments will be included in the next week’s reports.

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