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2021 Effectiveness of Collaborative

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Tribhuvan University Journal


Vol. 36, No. 1: 199-210, June, 2021
Research Directorate, Tribhuvan University,
Kathmandu, Nepal

Bhim Lal Bhandari
Associate Professor, Butwal Multiple Campus, Butwal, Rupandehi, TU
Corresponding author:

The success of language teaching and learning depends on collaborative
atmosphere between the teachers and students in the class. Collaborative learning
is a learner centered approach for language teaching and learning. It engages
learners to work collaboratively with teachers. This study aimed at investigating
the effectiveness of collaborative learning for improving learners’ proficiency in
English classrooms. The study was based on an experimental research design. For
this purpose, I selected 50 students from grade 12 in the academic year of 2020.
Among them 25 were selected for experimental group while 25 for control group
as sample population of the study. Pre-test and post-test items related to writing
proficiency were used as the tools for data collection. The study revealed that
students of experimental group made better progress in improving writing skill than
the students of control group in the post-test which confirmed the effectiveness of
collaborative learning in teaching writing. Those who were engaged in free writing
in collaboration with each other created better written texts than those who wrote
writing texts individually by themselves. Besides, the students of experimental
group obtained 19.42 average score whereas the control group obtained 14.82
average score out of 25. Thus, collaborative learning contributes to improve
students’ writing as it assisted them to produce the quality of their writing.
Keywords: collaborative language learning - critical thinking - learner centered-
instruction - writing proficiency
Collaborative learning is a learner centered approach where
students work together in small groups to accomplish a common goal. In

this regard, Cohen (1994) states in collaborative learning, learners attempt

to solve the assigned task collectively in small groups and each of them
has to contribute efficiently. Even the learners who are backward in their
studies can perform well when they do the tasks in groups. Collaborative
learning encourages learners to work in teamwork in order to maximize their
own and others learning (Johnson & Johnson 1999). At present, teaching
learning strategies are shifted from teacher-centered to learner-centered as
learners are no more the empty vessels to be filled in, rather they need to be
the co-creators of knowledge; who are willing to take ownership of their
learning and contribute to the improvement of understanding.
In collaborative learning, the learners learn through activities based
on team work. Collaborative learning usually involves small groups of
learners to work together as a team to solve a common goal’ (Graham 2005).
It engages groups of learners who work together for finding a solution to
the problem. When the learners learn in groups, they feel more relaxed to
share the facts with each other and learn many new things from the group
members. In course of working together, they naturally take part in the
assigned task spontaneously with high motivation and they contribute in
Collaborative activities also offer mutual support for planning and
implementing lessons, assessing students’ progress, sharing professional
concerns, and addressing students’ learning needs. In the same context,
Mclnerney and Robert (2004) state, “Collaborative learning involves a
group of two or more learners working together to achieve a common goal
respecting each individual’s contribution to the whole” (as cited in Kozar
2010). Most importantly, such work in teaching allows more opportunities
to teachers in improving their classroom pedagogy. In addition, it assists
them to understand the content apparently and develop individual learning
potential. Collaboration engages student-student, student-teacher and
student-content interactions (Schmid et al. 2014). Since there is face to face
interaction and mutual helpfulness atmosphere, the learners have a chance
to practice the language through social skills with their group mates by the
exchange of information between them to increase the learning of others. In
this way, they learn better and retain more rather being the passive learners
in teacher-centered language classroom. Regarding this, Sukirman (2016)

maintains collaboration supports learners to develop writing through peer

learning in groups as every individual takes responsibility of their own and
each other’s learning.
Through collaborative learning, learners learn to write sharing
information to produce a new piece of writing. This type of learning
becomes more effective when students share their ideas, experiences, and
perceptions with peers (Jonassen & Kwon 2001). In this regard, Jacobs
(1998) states, “In cooperative learning, teachers teach students social skills
so that they can work together more efficiently” (as cited in Freeman,
2008). In collaborative learning, there is face to face interaction and mutual
helpfulness atmosphere where the learners have a chance to practice the
language through collaborative social skill with their group mates by the
exchange of information between learners in groups to increase the learning
of others. Furthermore, Storch (2001) mentons that group work provides
learners with more chances to employ the target language in low anxiety
atmosphere and boost up their motivation. Storch (2002) pointed out that a
collaborative learning strategy in writing classes is helpful for brainstorming
and discussing collaboratively and it is also supportive to the peer review
and editing. In this line, Storch (2002) also found that writing collaboratively
encourages the learners to share responsibility for making decisions on all
aspects and categories of writing, including content, structure and language.
Similarly, another study of Storch (2005) examined the effectiveness of
collaboration in improving learners’ writing texts written in groups with
others written independently. The students working collaboratively recorded
their conversations while completing their compositions. The study showed
that the students working collaboratively produced short texts than the
students who wrote individually and it facilitated them to construct better
and more complex written texts.
Common goal, shared beliefs, harmonious interaction, and
cooperative process are the fundamentals of successful collaboration (Jeon
2010). Sharing similar teaching beliefs help to have a smooth and effective
collaboration. In addition, teachers who take part in collaborative activities
promote their social interaction like conflict management and creative
problem solving. Learners develop their own learning collaborating with

their teachers and peers (Woolner et al. 2012). This study justifies that
collaborative learning promotes learners to clear their ideas through debates
and discussions with teachers and peers. In this vein, Laal (2013) states
collaborative learning provides feedback to manage conflict resolution.
When a student engages in writing individually, he/she may face difficulties
in generating ideas. On the other hand, collaboration enhances various
skills such as group management and self-management, effective planning
and decision making, higher-level thinking, leadership, presentation,
communication and cooperative skills. In the same line, Mandusic and
Blaskovi (2015) also claimed collaboration improves and develops critical
thinking skill in learners.
In collaborative writing, learners share ideas and effort from
every group members at every stage of writing which supports them for
pre writing, drafting, revising and editing (Veramuthu & Shah 2020).
Collaborative writing creates opportunities to the students to interact and
share ideas with peers on the assigned task. Peer support is more effective
than teachers imparting knowledge about writing. Besides, it prompts
conversation among peers which gradually leads them to feedback (as cited
in Veramuthu & Shah 2020). The previous studies in this field have revealed
that collaborative writing maximizes students’ motivation and boosts their
self-confidence. Therefore, while sharing knowledge and views and solving
problems, students take charge of their own learning as well.
The brief review of available literature on collaborative learning
in English classrooms reveals that effectiveness of collaborative learning
is taken positively in foreign contexts; however, its effect in improving
students’ writing skill in teaching and learning English language in the
context of Nepal has not been studied so far. The contexts are not always
the same. The findings got from one context cannot be generalized in other
contexts. In spite of wide use and effectiveness, collaborative learning is
much less practiced in Nepalese context to improve students’ writing skills.
Therefore, I intend to investigate the effectiveness of collaborative learning
in English language classrooms in Nepal.


Writing skill is one of the most complex tasks in second language
learning. Both teachers and students employ a range of strategies to
enhance writing proficiency. Traditional approaches of developing writing
skills emphasize primarily on accuracy and disregard to a great extent
the process of writing itself. I also experienced that teaching and learning
English language are usually dominated by teacher-laden dictation and
lecture-based instruction. In Nepalese context, English language teachers
both in community and institutional schools are considered as the main
source and centre of knowledge delivery and unquestioned authorities. In
such a situation engaging students in learning process through discussion
and interaction is challenging. As I experienced in schools, my interests
were rarely addressed by my English language teachers. They taught me
writing without engaging me in discussion and interaction rather they
directly dictated me the ready-made answers. Regarding this, Bruffee
(1986) declares when teachers engage learners in collaborative learning
through group work and discussion; they facilitate them to interact with
each other collaboratively. Likewise, Richards and Rodgers (2001) believe
that learners in cooperative environment take responsibility of their own
learning throughout the process of planning, monitoring and assessment
because there is direct involvement of learners in interaction.
Regarding collaborative learning, Williams (2003) states that
group works offer learners with the opportunity to learn in a social context.
They learn better and retain more when they are passive learners in teacher-
centered language classroom. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce and
implement learner centered collaborative learning in teaching writing skills
in community schools to minimize rote learning and teacher- centered
methods of teaching. It can be an alternative approach to enhance students’
writing proficiency in English language classes. I also believe effective use
of collaborative learning can only make teaching writing skills interactive
and meaningful. Being a teacher, I realized it is worthy to develop writing
skills. Therefore, I want to examine the effectiveness of collaborative
learning for improving secondary level students’ writing proficiency in


Interaction and collaboration facilitate to develop and improve
students’ writing proficiency in English. This study will be a significant in
order to enhance the quality of the learners through collaborative language
learning in English classrooms. It also provides them with a person whom
they can gain encouragement who can offer constructive feedback on their
teaching (Benoit & Haugh 2001). The study will develop the students
work collaboratively and discourages the individuality and competitions
generating a pleasant atmosphere (Ghaith & Kawtharani 2006). Since
writing plays a major role to be skilled in English; it can be grasped through
practices and experiences (Fareed et al. 2016). To my understanding, in the
past, teachers were regarded as the source of all knowledge and information
and they transferred knowledge to the learners that they needed. However,
at present, the scenario of teaching and learning has been changed therefore
they are regarded as facilitators and inspirers of learners to create a
favourable learning atmosphere for them where they can learn language
without obvious effort. Thus, the collaborative practice offers teachers
with a partner to help them in the process of setting goals, making plans,
delivering lessons and evaluating the outcomes.
The teaching and learning over a longer period of time in Nepal is
traditional one. However, the tendency of rote learning and memorization
is being discouraged at present. Particularly, the study will be useful for
professional development of English language teachers regarding the
effectiveness of collaborative learning. I believe collaborative learning
will gear up to develop writing proficiency of the learners. The findings
of this study will contribute to add new knowledge in the existing body of
knowledge on collaboration in general and teaching writing in particular.
Moreover, the policy makers, syllabus designers, text book writers, teachers,
students and researchers who are involved in the field of language teaching
and learning will be benefited from this study. Realizing the fact, I attempt
to conduct this research to examine the effectiveness of collaborative
learning for better writing proficiency of the learners
Research question
Is collaborative learning effective for improving students’ writing
proficiency in English language classrooms?

This study was based on experimental research design. Experimental
research is a research in which an intervention is purposely introduced to
observe its effects” (Shadish, Cook & Campbell 2002). The study was
carried out in 50 students of an institutional school of Rupandehi district.
Among them 25 students were purposively selected for experimental
group and 25 for control group. I taught the experimental group using
collaborative approach but I taught to control group in a traditional way
for a month then by administering the proficiency test to 50 students, I
collected the answer sheets from them. Finally, I tabulated, analyzed
and interpreted the data obtained from the proficiency test of writing to
fulfill the purpose of the study using mean and percentage to find out the
differences between experimental and control group of the respondents.
The study was conducted using mix method. The tools used in the study
for data collection were test items (three types of writing tasks with 25 full
marks) related to writing skill. The grade 12 compulsory English class was
selected for teaching writing skill. Therefore, I conducted the pre- test in
the beginning and post test at the end of teaching using the same test items
to see writing proficiency. The collected data were analyzed and interpreted
descriptively using statistical tools and tables. The scores from the post-
test were compared with the pre-test scores to see whether the learners
improved their writing skills or not.
Data analysis
Collected information from the respondents’ proficiency test was
analyzed using mean and percentage to examine the differences between
the writing proficiency level of experimental and control group of the
learners by using tables.
The results of this study have been presented in the table to provide
the overall writing proficiency of students.
Respondents’ average scores in writing
The result in Table 1 shows that the experimental group of students
performed better proficiency in writing than the control group which shows
that collaborative learning is significant and effective to improve learners’
writing skill.

Table 1: Respondents’ average scores in writing

Group Average score Average score Differences Different
in pre-test in post test percentage
Controlled 10.12 11.62 1.50 14.82
Experimental 10.50 18.84 8.34 19.42
Table 1 illustrates that the average score of respondents in pre-test
was 10.12 and 11.62 in post test. The average score of experimental group
of students in pre-test was 10.50 and 18.84 in post test. It had increased its
average score by 8.34 which were greater than the differences of controlled
group. The differences percentage of controlled and experimental group
in pre-test and post test was 14.82 and 19.42 percent respectively. Thus,
this shows that the experimental groups of students had more effective
improvement than the controlled group in writing skill.
Respondents’ average scores in pre-test
Respondents’ average scores in pre- test are tabulated, analyzed
and explained as follow.
Table 2: Respondents’ average scores in pre-test
Types of Controlled Experimental Different
SS.N Difference
question group group percentage
11 1.9 1.7 0.2 10.53
22 3.38 3.35 0.03 0.8
33 4.12 4.0 0.12 2.91
Total 9.0 9.05 0.17 1.88
Table 2 presents the majority of the control groups of respondents
had obtained more marks in all the three test items than the respondents
of experimental group. Their marks in those test items over the controlled
group were 1.9 in paragraph writing, 3.38 in letter writing and 4.12 in essay
writing respectively. Their marks in those test items over the experimental
group were 1.7 in paragraph writing, 3.35 in letter writing and 4.0 in essay
writing respectively. The total difference average between controlled group
and experimental group were 10.53 percent in paragraph writing, 0.8
percent in letter writing and 2.91 in essay writing. This reveals that there is

no major difference on respondents’ average score of control group average

scores in pre-test.
Respondents’ average scores in post-test
Respondents’ average scores in post- test are presented in the
following Table.
Table 3: Respondents’ average scores in post-test
Types of Controlled Experimental Different
SS.N. Difference
question group group percentage
11 1.98 3.18 1.2 60.60
22 4.5 7.22 2.72 60.44
33 4.12 6.5 2.38 57.77
Total 10.60 16.90 6.30 59.43

Table 3 clearly indicates that the control groups of respondents had

obtained 1.98 and experimental group obtained 3.18 marks in paragraph
writing. The control groups of students had obtained 4.5 and experimental
group obtained 7.22 marks in letter writing. The control groups of students
had obtained 4.12 and experimental group obtained 6.5 in essay writing.
The total difference average between controlled group and experimental
group was 6.30.
The study confirms that collaborative language learning is effective
in improving students’ writing skill. Thus, the study suggests the need
of collaborative learning activities for two way communication that can
contribute a lot to make the learning and teaching process a great success.
Active participation of students is the basic requirement of such classroom.
When they are made familiar with all the skills that they are required for
effective writing proficiency, they learn effectively.
The study based on one month aimed at finding out the
effectiveness of collaborative language learning for developing learners’
writing proficiency in ELT classrooms. Majority of the respondents agree
that collaborative language learning helps them improve their writing

proficiency. The study shows that students of experimental group had made
better progress in improving writing skill (as they obtained 19.42 average
score) than the students of control group (i.e. they had 14.82 average score
out of 25) in post-test which proved effectiveness of collaborative language
learning in teaching and learning writing. It is more effective than the usual
traditional mode of teaching. Moreover; collaborative language learning
enables learners to develop critical and creative thinking in order to boost
up their inner potential capacity. Learners learn team work skills working
collaboratively sharing ideas with their direct involvement.
The study was not free from its limitations in its scope regarding
the number of respondents, tools implemented and the duration of study to
examine the effectiveness of collaborative language learning for improving
learners’ writing proficiency. The future researcher can carry out similar
study in the other level. Moreover, a large number of respondents should
be used so that more comprehensive details could be provided. A further
research is therefore necessary to be carried out including the view of
English language teachers and students to investigate the effectiveness of
collaborative learning in teaching speaking and reading skills in community
and institutional schools in a larger scale.
The study has great pedagogical implications for implementing
collaborative practices in teaching writing. The English language teachers
should provide the learners enjoyable learning atmosphere collaboratively.
They should also balance students’ status to contribute in the given tasks so
that high status students do not dominate low-status students. The teacher
should provide written tasks that students cannot complete independently
so that both bright and weak students can learn collaboratively sharing
ideas to accomplish the shared goals in the classroom.
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