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Reviewer Assessment Learning 2

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Reviewer skills knowledge in realistic

situation .Ex. portfolio,Notes,

Assessment Debate,
Learning 2 assignments ,presentation, and
Chapter 1-Assessment Norm-reference assessment- is
as an Integral Part of a form assessment which
Teaching compares a learners
performance with the
Assessment- is an integral and performance of other learners .
essential part of the teaching Ex. A learner score compared
process. with the scores of his /her
Kinds of Assessment classmates.

Diagnostic assessment – pre- Criterion -referenced

instruction assessment, its done assessment – the learners
through a pretest performance is compared
against the predetermine
Formative assessment- given standard regardless of the
during the instruction. Its performance of other learners in
the group.
Summative assessment- given
at the end of the instruction. It’s Contextualized assessment- the
the basis of grading application of knowledge and
skills in the real work context of
Traditional Assessment –
the discipline area .
consist of the paper and pencil
tests classified into selected Decontextualized assessment –
response and constructed It includes written exams and do
response. Ex. Essay test and not necessarily have direct
problem solving. connection to real life context.
Authentic assessment- assess Establishing High Quality
using creative learning Assessments
experiences to test students
1. Quality assessments are 5. Involving the
in accordance with learners in all
contemporary view of aspects of the
active learning and assessment
motivation 6. Making standards
2. Assessment of high and criteria public
quality is valid. rather than private
3. Assessment of high and service
quality is reliable 7. Using computers as
4. Assessment of high part of assessment.
quality is fair
Chapter 2- Outcome
based Education and
Current Trends in  Outcome- Based
Assessment (Santrock Education ( OBE) and
2009) Outcome- based
1. Using at least some Teaching and Learning
performance -based (OBTL) are education
assessment or teaching-learning
2. Examining higher based on outcome not
level skills on content
emphasizing  Outcomes- Are in
integrated rather different levels from
than isolated skills broad institutional
3. Using multiple outcomes to program
assessment methods outcomes to course
4. Having high outcomes and specific
performance learning or instructional
standards including outcomes.
world -class
standards in
interpreting results.
Outcomes in Different  In OBE and
Levels : Biggs and OBTL ,the process of
Tang instruction begins with
1. Instructional the clarification of
outcomes-Graduate learning outcomes ,The
attributes content ,the method of
2. Program outcomes instruction,the teaching
3. Course outcomes and learning activities
4. Learning outcomes and the assessment task
are all based on the
 These specific learning outcome. This is
or instructional constructive alignment.
outcomes are most  Understanding by
specific and are also Design( UbD ) and
referred to as intended OBE and OBTL agree
learning outcomes or that the first step in the
student learning instructional process is
outcomes . identifying and
4 Principles of OBE: clarifying learning
1. Clarity of focus outcomes .The learning
2. Designing down outcomes are the bases
3. High expectation of assessment tasks, the
4. Expanded content and the
opportunities teaching-learning
 Spady’s OBE is
concerned with UbD 3 three stages:
exit ,broad outcomes
which are demonstrated 1. Identify desired
in the place of work results
while Biggs’ OBTL is 2. Determine
directed to more acceptable Evidence
specific learning or
instructional outcomes
3. Plan Learning Chapter 3- Learning
Experiences and
outcomes: Sources and
Learning Outcomes- are the
knowledge ,skill and values that
students are expected to
 Constructive demonstrate at the end of the
alignment – simply lesson.
means that the
assessment tasks, Learning Outcomes Derived
criteria of From the following:
assessment ,teaching  Vision and mission
learning-activities are statements of
aligned to learning educational Institutions.
 Policies, outcomes and
 Instructional cycle competencies issued by
includes clarifying the DepEd such as the
learning outcomes for Philippine Professional
learners the reaching Standards for Teachers
learning process itself PPST
which begins in
 Program outcomes for
teachers education
assessment ,secondly it
issued by the
includes the teaching
Commission on Higher
and learning activities
Education ( CHED )
using Formative
 Table of Specifications
assessment and the
for the Licensure
cycle ends with
Examination for
summative assessment
Teachers from the
based on the learning
Professional Regulatory
Board for Professional
 The competency institutional ,program
standards frome the and course outcomes
Technical Education 3. Are based on and
Skills Development aligned with local,
Authority ( TESDA ) national and
 National and regional international trends and
developmental goals issues
and framework Like 4. Are known and are very
THE PHILIPPINE well understood by both
QUALIFICATIONS students and faculty .
REFERENCE 5. Include a spectrum of
FRAMEWORK ( PQRF thinking skills from
) simple remembering to
 International trends like creating or from lowest
the 2030 agenda for and simplest
sustainable cognitive ,unistructural
development, ASEAN process to cognitive in
Qualifications BLOOMs AND
Reference Framework ANDERSON’S
( AQRF ), and needs TAXONOMY OF
industry. OBJECTIVES.
Characteristics of Good G
Learning Outcomes  REMEMBERING

1. Are centered on the

student / learner.
2. Are based on and
aligned with the
 Games
6. Are SMART –  Projects
 SPECIFIC  Debates
 MEASURABL  Checklist
E  Cartooning
 RESULT-  Notes
oriented and  Panel discussions
 TIME -BOUND  Demonstration
 Problemsolving
Chapter 4 – Authentic  Discussion

Assessment Authentic assessments

complements traditional
Authentic assessment- is aform assessments in other words
of assessment in which students learners cannot perform or
are asked to perform real world do the real world task if they
tasks that demonstrate have not mastered basic
meaningful application of knowledge and sills .
essential knowledge and
skills ,it is also referred to as Non test Indicators-
performance assessment. Academic tests are typically
relied upon to assess the
Non-test assessment is n performance of the students
alternative assessment it also in educational task
refers to formative assessment.
Features of Authentic/
Examples of non-test are: Performance assessment
 Portfolio  An emphasis on
 Teacher observation doing open ended
 States or hand signals activities for which
 Daily assignments there is no
 Journal correct ,objective
answer and that may point presentation or poem
assess higher composed.
 Direct methods or
evaluation  GOAL
 Self assessment  ROLE
 Assessment of  AUDIENCE
group performance  SITUATION
as well as individual  PRODUCT
performance  STANDARDS AND
 Extended period of CRITERIA
time for assessment INDICATORS
Characteristics of 21st century

 Responsive
 Flexible
 Integrated
 Informative
 Multiple methods Guidelines for
 Communicated Performance Assessment
 Technically sound
 Systematic  Establishing clear
Process oriented- demonstrate
 Identifying observable
the skill of process
ex. Demonstrating skill of note  Providing an
or the skill of singing national appropriate setting
anthem  Judging or scoring the
Product oriented -product of prformance
the appicationof learned
knowledge and skill ex. Power

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