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Energy Economics 96 (2021) 105168

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On income and price elasticities for energy demand: A panel data study
Jiti Gao, Bin Peng ⁎, Russell Smyth
Monash University, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Obtaining reliable cross-country estimates of the income and price elasticity of energy demand requires a panel
Received 18 August 2020 data model that can simultaneously account for endogeneity, heterogeneity over time, cross-sectional heteroge-
Received in revised form 24 January 2021 neity, nonstationarity and cross-sectional dependence. We propose such an integrated framework and apply it to
Accepted 5 February 2021
a very large dataset of 65 countries over the period 1960–2016 recently assembled by Liddle and Huntington
Available online 19 February 2021
(2020). We find that while the elasticities of income and price are non-linear, the income elasticity is generally
in the range 0.6 to 0.8 and the price elasticity in the range −0.1 to −0.3. We also find that the income elasticity
Elasticity has been declining since the 1990s, which broadly corresponds to increasing awareness of the negative external-
Energy policy ities associated with burning fossil fuels associated with the Kyoto Protocol. From a policy perspective, that the
Panel data analysis income energy elasticity is less than one, and has been declining since the 1990s, bodes well for climate change
mitigation because it suggests that energy intensity will fall with economic growth.
JEL classification: © 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction countries, nonstationarity and cross-sectional dependence. While one,

or more, of each of these five modelling issues have been addressed in
Determinants of Energy demand have been examined for more than panel data studies of energy demand, a limitation of the existing litera-
half a century, employing a variety of frameworks (e.g., Brookes, 1972; ture is that they have not been fully addressed within one modelling
Adams and Miovic, 1968; Casler, 1992; Jacobsen, 2015; Liddle et al., framework. To motivate the need for a single modelling framework
2020). One of the primary interests in this literature is developing reli- which simultaneously addresses endogeneity, heterogeneity over
able estimates of the income and price elasticity of demand for energy time, heterogeneity across countries, nonstationarity and cross-
employing panel data (e.g., Liddle et al., 2020; Liddle and Huntington, sectional dependence, we briefly review how each issue is present in
2020 and references therein). It is important to know how price changes panel data studies of energy demand, as well as outline how these issues
affect producer and consumer energy demand (e.g., Olmstead et al., have been addressed in the existing literature, with particular reference
2007). Behavioural responses to price-based incentives have important to the major studies reported in Table 1.
implications for strategies to improve energy efficiency and reduce neg- We begin with heterogeneity over time. Nearly all of the existing
ative energy-related externalities (e.g., Jacobsen, 2015; Diederich and studies in the energy elasticity literature employ a parametric modelling
Goeschl, 2017). Given that climate mitigation strategies are often framework that produces point, or time-invariant, estimates (see, for
based on lowering the carbon intensity of GDP, it is equally important example, Galli, 1998; Gately and Huntington, 2002; Medlock and
to know if the income elasticity is less than unity, which implies that en- Soligo, 2001; van Benthem, 2015). To take account of non-linearities,
ergy intensity will fall in a business-as-usual economic growth scenario these studies have mainly included the quadratic, or higher order poly-
(Liddle et al., 2020). nomial terms, of GDP per capita (Galli, 1998; Medlock and Soligo, 2001)
Table 1 presents details of several relevant studies that have pre- and occasionally price (van Benthem and Romani, 2009). Some of these
sented estimates of income and price elasticities of energy demand. studies employ dynamic models with a lagged dependent variable,
From a methodological perspective, obtaining reliable estimates of the which capture the dynamics over time to some extent. The asymmetric
income and price elasticity of energy demand in a cross-country panel modelling approach to energy demand is also motivated by a desire to
data setting requires a modelling framework that can simultaneously capture the lasting impacts of price shocks (e.g., Gately and
account for endogeneity, heterogeneity over time, heterogeneity across Huntington, 2002). However, parametric models, such as these, are
not flexible enough to fully capture non-linearities. One reason is that
⁎ Corresponding author at: Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics,
panels of energy data typically cover a relatively long time period, dur-
Monash University, Caulfield East, Victoria 3145, Australia. ing which policies and technologies change frequently. Energy demand
E-mail address: (B. Peng). is also subject to episodic shocks, such as the first and second oil price
0140-9883/© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J. Gao, B. Peng and R. Smyth Energy Economics 96 (2021) 105168

Table 1
Selected studies of income and price elasticities of energy demand. IE, PE and NP stand for income elasticity, price elasticity, and nonparametric, respectively.

Study Details Estimates

Galli (1998) Point estimates for 10 developing Asian countries over 1973–1990 IE 1.18; PE −0.32
Medlock and Soligo (2001) Point estimates for 28 countries (including 7 non-OECD) by sector over IE 0.5–1 depending on sector; PE −0.1
Gately and Huntington (2002) Point estimates for 96 countries over 1971–1997 IE 1 for non-OECD and 0.6 for OECD countries
van Benthem and Romani Point estimates for 17 developing countries over 1978–2003 IE not comparable; PE −0.1
Karimu and Brännlund (2013) NP IE and PE for 17 OECD countries over 1960–2006 IE is nonlinear and fluctuates with income level; PE −0.2
van Benthem (2015) Point estimates for 58 countries (28 non-OECD) over 1978–2006 IE near unity; PE insignificant for non-OECD
Labandeira et al. (2017) A meta-analysis of PE of energy demand based on studies since 1990 Long-run PE −0.6; Short-run PE −0.2
Huntington et al. (2019) Review of IE and PE in major industrializing countries since 2000 IE & PE vary across countries and sectors, but generally
Liddle and Huntington (2020) Point estimates for an unbalanced panel of 41 non-OECD countries over IE around 0.7; PE insignificant
Liddle et al. (2020) NP IE and PE for 26 middle income countries over 1996–2014 IE in the range 0.6–0.8; PE insignificant or close to 0

shocks. One way to address this issue is to model energy demand using included are nonstationary over the relevant time period. This finding
a non/semi-parametric approach. Semi-parametric modelling allows is not surprising. For instance, Phillips and Moon (1999) point out that
one to examine how the elasticities change over time. This allows for almost every macroeconomic variable in the Penn World Table is non-
more precise estimates than the point estimates which are averages. stationary; of which, GDP per capita is one.
Comparison of the time-varying estimates with the point estimates To address the above issues, our main contribution is to propose a
can also be informative. For instance, if the time-varying estimates do (time-varying) structural equation panel data model, which simulta-
not change much over time, it might be appropriate to use accepted neously allows for endogeneity, heterogeneity across countries and
point estimates as a rule of thumb for forecasting (Liddle and over time, nonstationarity and cross-sectional dependence, and to illus-
Huntington, 2020). In this line of research, there are, however, very trate its application to estimating income and price elasticities of energy
few non/semi-parametric panel data estimates of income and/or price demand using a large cross-country dataset. We incorporate an interac-
elasticity of energy demand. The few examples include Karimu and tive fixed effects structure into the analysis in order to capture depen-
Brännlund (2013), Nguyen-Van (2010), Park and Zhao (2010), Chang dence among countries and time-varying individual heterogeneity. To
et al. (2016), and Liddle et al. (2020). address nonstationarity, we incorporate the approach of Casas et al.
In addition to heterogeneity over time, it is also important to account (2021), which allows for nonstationary regressors, provides a data
for heterogeneity across countries. Traditionally, fixed effects have been driven method to select the number of unobservable factors and does
employed to model individual heterogeneity. Since the seminal studies not limit these factors to be stationary.
by Pesaran (2006) and Bai (2009), interactive fixed effects have been in- It is important to note that while we use the energy elasticity litera-
corporated into panel data models to not only capture time-varying in- ture to illustrate the application of our modelling framework, our pro-
dividual heterogeneity, but also measure cross-sectional dependence. posed framework could be applied to several other areas of energy
In energy demand studies, it is well-recognised that country level and environmental economics that routinely employ cross-country
data exhibit cross-sectional dependence, so it is important to account panel data, such as the Environmental Kuznets Curve and the relation-
for cross-sectional dependence and time-varying individual heteroge- ship between income inequality and environmental degradation.
neity using interactive fixed effects, when using a panel dataset, such While these studies typically address one or more of cross-sectional de-
as the one to be considered in this paper. pendence, endogeneity, heterogeneity or nonstationarity, none of these
We next consider endogeneity. The price of energy is likely deter- studies simultaneously address all of them.
mined endogenously by the same components that determine energy The study that is perhaps closest to ours is Liddle et al. (2020). That
demand (see, e.g., Huntington et al., 2019). GDP per capita, as a measure study also employs a subset of the Liddle and Huntington (2020)
of income, is also almost certainly endogenous. Micro-studies of energy dataset for 26 countries spanning 1996–2014 to estimate income and
demand often address price endogeneity (e.g., Miller and Alberini, price elasticity of energy demand using a semiparametric local linear
2016). While some macro energy studies that have produced point esti- dummy variable estimation method. We differ from that study in the
mates have explicitly addressed price endogeneity (see e.g., Burke and following ways. First, Liddle et al. (2020) do not account for endogeneity
Abayasekara, 2018), most macro studies using panels data models just of income or price. We explicitly address endogeneity using a traditional
employ fixed/time effects to partially account for endogeneity TSLS type estimator for both parametric and semiparametric ap-
(e.g., van Benthem and Romani, 2009; Nguyen-Van, 2010; Chang proaches. Second, the modelling framework in Liddle et al. (2020) re-
et al., 2016). quires the right-hand side variables (including GDP per capita and
Finally, we consider nonstationarity. Many studies on energy de- price) to be stationary. Third, to capture heterogeneity, they use fixed
mand assume that the regressors are stationary over time. A common effects, while we add a factor structure to capture individual and time-
source of misspecification for time series is the violation of the assump- varying heterogeneity. Our results differ from Liddle et al. (2020) in im-
tion of stationarity, which will lead to spurious results (Engle and portant ways. While Liddle et al. (2020) find that the price elasticity is
Granger, 1987). In this regard, a few studies note the importance of ad- largely insignificant and occasionally positive, we find that both income
dressing nonstationarity (e.g., Park and Zhao, 2010; Liddle et al., 2020) and price elasticities are significant and vary over time. Specifically, we
and some, that have produced point estimates, have used error- find that income and price elasticity of energy demand are positive and
correction models (see, e.g., Galli, 1998). negative respectively, consistent with exconomic theory, and that in-
We examine the impact of income (measured by GDP per capita) come has had a stronger impact on energy demand than price over
and price on energy demand for 65 countries from 1960 to 2016 using the time period 1960–2016.
a dataset assembled by Liddle and Huntington (2020). Unit root tests The rest of the paper is organised as follows. Section 2 describes the
for the variables in our study suggest that most of the time series details of the dataset. Section 3 presents a benchmark parametric model

J. Gao, B. Peng and R. Smyth Energy Economics 96 (2021) 105168

and the corresponding results. We present the details of our proposed Table 2
semiparametric model and results in Section 4. Section 5 concludes. Ad- Percentage of countries exhibiting nonstationarity for
each variable.
ditional details regarding the estimation method, which is supplemen-
tal to that presented in the main text, is summarized in Appendix A. Variable Percentage

TFC 64.62%
GDP 72.31%
2. Data
Price 92.31%

We employ a new dataset that was assembled by Liddle and

Huntington (2020), which is available at
energyjournal/article/3508. As Liddle and Huntington (2020) note, a Dataset 1: All countries (N = 65) covering years 1960–2016;
major weakness in most studies in this literature is the absence of Dataset 2: High income countries (N = 37) covering years
long time series for energy prices for many countries, particularly 1960–2016;
non-OECD countries. The Liddle and Huntington (2020) dataset over- Dataset 3: Middle income countries (N = 26) covering years
comes this, making it possible to employ a long panel of both OECD 1960–2016.
and non-OECD countries. Specifically, Liddle and Huntington (2020) de- Dataset 4: The dataset employed in Liddle et al. (2020), which con-
velop a new real price index that largely stemmed from Enerdata's sists of a subset of 26 middle income countries covering the years
Global Energy and CO2 database, which begins in 1978. The initial 1996–2014.
price data are in constant US dollars. Three real indices are calculated For our main results, we employ the full dataset (Dataset 1). Liddle
(base year set to 2005) from the data available for three sectors: resi- and Huntington (2020) divide their sample into middle- and high-
dential, industry, and transport. The final, aggregate index is a weighted income panels, so we use Dataset 2 and Dataset 3 to compare with
average (by their share of total final energy consumption measured in their results. We employ Dataset 4 as a robustness check and to provide
tons of oil equivalent) of the three end-use indices. a direct comparison with the time-varying estimates in Liddle et al.
The residential index is based on a weighted average of real price in- (2020).
dices for households using PPP (including taxes) for bituminous coal,
light fuel oil, electricity and natural gas. The industry index is based on 3. The benchmark
a weighted average of real price indices for industry (including taxes)
for bituminous coal, light fuel oil, heavy fuel oil, electricity and natural In this section, we examine the datasets with a constant parameter
gas. To create both the residential and industry real price indices, indi- structural equation panel data model, which can be considered as a
vidual sector price indices are weighted by their share in final energy benchmark.
consumption of the residential and industry sectors, respectively. The
transport real index is based on a weighted average (again by consump- 3.1. The parametric structural equation model
tion shares) of real price indices based on PPP (including taxes) of pre-
mium gasoline and diesel. Premium gasoline prices are highly The model is as follows.
correlated with unleaded gasoline prices, as are diesel prices with com-
mercial diesel prices. The prices for premium gasoline and diesel have y1,it ¼ y02,it β0 þ λ01,i f t þ ε1,it , ð1Þ
11 p1 r1
by far the greatest degree of coverage.
GDP per capita and total final energy consumption in toe per capita
are also included in the augmented price dataset constructed by Liddle y2,it ¼ B0 xit þ λ02,i f t þ ε2,it , ð2Þ
and Huntington (2020). Hereafter, we refer to the above three variables
as Price, GDP and TFC for simplicity. Our objective, thus, is to examine
how GDP and Price affect TFC. In order to account for the unbalanced na- where the dimensions of the remaining variables are obvious, so omit-
ture of the original data, we use the “tidyverse” package in R to fill the ted. xit includes the instrumental variables (IVs) to address endogeneity,
missing values in each time series using the next entry, given that the ft is an r × 1 unobservable factor with r being unknown, λ1, i and λ2, i are
missing values normally occur at the beginning of the time period. We unknown factor loadings,3 and ε1, it and ε2, it are the error terms.
further remove countries which cannot be imputed at all. Our final Alternatively, we can write Eqs. (1)–(2) in a reduced form as fol-
dataset consists of 65 countries and 57 years (1960–2016).1 lows:
We take the logarithm for each variable as in Liddle et al. (2020).
Given the complexity of the construction of the price variable, we nor- yit ¼ π0 xit þ Λi f t þ εit , ð3Þ
malize each time series to get mean 0 and standard deviation 1, which
ensures that every variable is unit free.2 For each variable, we conduct where yit = (y1, it,y2, it′)′ and π0 is a matrix of unknown coefficients with
the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test with a constant and a trending dimensionality being (p + 1) × d. We provide some further discussion
term for each time series, and report the percentage of countries on the model in Appendix A.1, while we state full details of the estima-
exhibiting nonstationarity in Table 2. Most time series are non- tion procedure in Appendix A.2.
stationary. In particular, for price, more than 90% of countries fail to re- Before proceeding further, we comment on the flexibility of the
ject the null that the time series include a unit root. This underpins the above model. Consider the reduced form Eq. (3) for simplicity. For
importance of addressing stationarity within a holistic framework. r = 1, if ft = 1 (or Λi = 1p×1), Eq. (1) reduces to a panel data structural
In this study, we present results for four different panels: equation model with fixed effects (or time effects). When r = 2, Eq. (1)
nests the case with both fixed effects and time effects as follows:
Note that the original dataset includes 78 countries in total, so the imputation proce-
dure removes 13 countries. Of the 65 remaining countries, the percentages of imputed ob- λ1, i′ft and λ2, i′ft are the structures of interactive fixed effects, which are also referred to
servations for Price, GDP and TFC are 34.5%, 14.3% and 14.4% respectively. Recent studies as factor structures in many studies (e.g., Pesaran, 2006). One may call λ1, i and λ2, i either
on interactive fixed effects panel data models (Bai and Ng, 2019; Su et al., 2020) suggest factor loadings or fixed effects in different context, but it should be understood that the
that results using imputed data are as reliable (i.e., asymptotically equivalent) as if the two names are interchangeable. A factor structure is included in the econometric specifi-
dataset were complete. We refer interested readers to the two aforementioned studies cation with the intent to synthesize the effects of shocks to energy demand that are not di-
for details. rectly measurable. Such shocks may be due to advances in technology, policy shifts,
Such a procedure is a fairly standard exercise in the literature. See for example Stock pandemics or diseases and shifts in preferences and expectations of individuals
and Watson (2005) and Fan et al. (2013). (e.g., Baltagi and Moscone, 2010).

J. Gao, B. Peng and R. Smyth Energy Economics 96 (2021) 105168

Table 3
Results of the constant parameter models from all countries (i.e., Dataset 1). The numbers in parentheses are the 95% confidence interval. The value of the number of factors is calculated as
in Step 2 of Appendix A.2, but for the parametric models.

Two-way fixed effects model Eq. (4) The structural equation model Eqs. (1)–(3)

Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 1 Case 2 Case 3

Coefficient β0 GDP 0.1499 0.1556 0.992 0.9946

(−0.0125, 0.3004) (−0.0287, 0.3495) (0.9600, 1.0331) (0.9696, 1.0266)
Price −0.0502 −0.0722 −0.1945 −0.0654
(−0.1310, 0.0268) (−0.1371, −0.0013) (−0.2162, −0.1691) (−0.0889, −0.0475)
GDP(−1) 0.5954 0.5983
(0.4272, 0.7544) (0.4200, 0.7862)
Price(−1) −0.1364 −0.2272
(−0.2160, −0.0458) (−0.3192, −0.1311)
No. of Factors 1 1 1
Elasticity EG 0.7453 0.9922 0.9566 0.9542
(0.6806, 0.8101) (0.8934, 1.0820) (0.9360, 0.9846) (0.9416, 0.9803)
EP −0.1867 −0.2873 −0.1723 −0.0574
(−0.2159, −0.1511) (−0.3293, −0.2404) (−0.1923, −0.1508) (−0.0698, −0.0436)

Table 4
Results of the constant parameter models from the high income countries (i.e., Dataset 2). The numbers in parentheses are the 95% confidence interval. The value of the number of factors is
calculated as in Step 2 of Appendix A.2, but for the parametric models.

Two-way fixed effects model Eq. (4) The structural equation model Eqs. (1)–(3)

Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 1 Case 2 Case 3

Coefficient β0 GDP −0.3568 −0.3074 1.1623 1.1765

(−0.6013, −0.0360) (−0.6057, −0.0224) (1.1399, 1.1956) (1.1630, 1.2067)
Price −0.0647 −0.0601 −0.2863 −0.1506
(−0.1777, 0.0494) (−0.1655, 0.0389) (−0.3151, −0.2537) (−0.1763, −0.1325)
GDP(−1) 1.3594 1.2996
(1.0393, 1.6228) (1.0250, 1.6035)
Price(−1) −0.2429 −0.3467
(−0.3533, −0.1342) (−0.4386, −0.2652)
No. of Factors 1 1 1
Elasticity EG 1.0026 0.8191 1.1380 1.1372
(0.9045, 1.0891) (0.7765, 0.8575) (1.1228, 1.1623) (1.1402, 1.1745)
EP −0.3076 −0.3925 −0.2566 −0.1383
(−0.3530, −0.2608) (−0.4269, −0.3520) (−0.2836, −0.2298) (−0.1497, −0.1225)

0 1 As a point of comparison, we also report estimates from a two-way

1 α i,1   fixed effects (FE) model, by regressing y1, it ≡ log TFCit on (y2, it′, xit′)′.
B C γt
Λi f t ¼ @ 1 α i,2 A : Thus, the model is:
1 α i,3  
y1,it ¼ y02,it , x0it β0 þ α i þ δt þ ε it , ð4Þ

for which the long-run elasticities, EG and EP, are the summations of the
3.2. Benchmark results coefficients associated with GDP and Price respectively - see Liddle et al.
(2020) for example.
We present results based on Eqs. (1)–(3) for three cases: The results are presented in Tables 3–6. In the FE model, Tables 4–6
Case 1: y2, it = log GDPit and xit = log GDPi, t−1; show that the coefficients on GDP, Price, EG, and EP show signs which are
Case 2: y2, it = log Priceit and xit = log Pricei, t−1; inconsistent with economic theory from case to case. However, once
Case 3: y2, it = (logGDPit, log Priceit)′ and xit = (logGDPi,t−1, one accounts for endogeneity, the estimates for each of the coefficients
log Pricei,t−1)′. and elasticities in the structural equation model Eqs. (1)–(2) have the
We follow Liddle et al. (2020) in including the one period lag of GDP expected sign and are significant in all of Tables 3–6, although the mag-
and Price, but we treat them as IVs. In addition to the coefficients of the nitudes vary from dataset to dataset. Moreover, in the structural equa-
model, we also examine the long-run GDP and Price elasticities (de- tion model, the estimates not only have the expected sign, but are
noted by EG and EP hereafter). For the purpose of illustration, consider significant in pretty much all cases with all datasets.
Case 3 only. Inserting Eq. (2) into Eq. (1) yields the values of EG and Below, we focus on the results of the structural equation model only.
EP, which are the first and second elements of B0′β0 respectively.4 In First, across Tables 3–6, the coefficient on GDP is always positive, while
the following, we report the estimated values of β0, EG and EP. Note the coefficient on price is always negative, consistent with theory. With
that β0 includes the coefficients presented in Eq. (1), and so measures the full sample (Dataset 1), the magnitude of the elasticity for GDP is
the impact of GDP and Price in the current period on current TFC, i.e. close to 1 in Table 3. While Liddle and Huntington (2020) find that the
short-run elasticities. income elasticity is generally less than unity (e.g., 0.7) for their full sam-
ple, a number of previous studies find the energy income elasticity of
The long-run elasticities are calculated in the same way as in Liddle et al. (2020, eq. 5)
demand to be close to 1 (see, e.g., Galli, 1998; Medlock and Soligo,
and Liddle and Huntington (2020, eq. 2) after inserting Eq. (2) into Eq. (1). The coefficients 2001; van Benthem, 2015). When Liddle and Huntington (2020) split
in Eqs. (1) and (2) can be interpreted as the short-run coefficients. the sample into high- and middle-income panels, they find similar

J. Gao, B. Peng and R. Smyth Energy Economics 96 (2021) 105168

Table 5
Results of the constant parameter models from the middle income countries (i.e., Dataset 3). The numbers in parentheses are the 95% confidence interval. The value of the number of fac-
tors is calculated as in Step 2 of Appendix A.2, but for the parametric models.

Two-way fixed effects model Eq. (4) The structural equation model Eqs. (1)–(3)

Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 1 Case 2 Case 3

Coefficient β0 GDP 0.3502 0.3727 0.8407 0.7962

(0.1543, 0.5012) (0.2036, 0.5248) (0.7791, 0.9655) (0.7781, 0.9249)
Price −0.0513 −0.1092 −0.0707 −0.1001
(−0.1944, 0.0959) (−0.2310, 0.0052) (−0.1134, −0.0225) (−0.1246, −0.0378)
GDP(−1) 0.4187 0.4362 0.7252
(0.2659, 0.5933) (0.2805, 0.6133) (0.7160, 0.8151)
Price(−1) 0.0095 −0.0333 −0.0892
(−0.1337, 0.1697) (−0.1605, 0.0880) (−0.1031, −0.0486)
No. of Factors 1 1 1
Elasticity EG 0.769 0.8089 0.7642 0.7252
(0.6850, 0.8438) (0.7360, 0.8855) (0.7159, 0.8449) (0.7160, 0.8151)
EP −0.0418 −0.1426 −0.0621 −0.0892
(−0.0899, 0.0140) (−0.1834, −0.0991) (−0.1018, −0.0200) (−0.1031, −0.0486)

Table 6
Results of the constant parameter models from the dataset of Liddle et al. (2020) (i.e., Dataset 4). The numbers in parentheses are the 95% confidence interval. The value of the number of
factors is calculated as in Step 2 of Appendix A.2, but for the parametric models.

Two-way fixed effects model Eq. (4) The structural equation model Eqs. (1)–(3)

Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 1 Case 2 Case 3

Coefficient β0 GDP 0.7452 0.7004 1.159 0.9843

(0.3979, 1.0880) (0.3530, 1.0526) (1.0057, 1.3081) (0.9634, 1.1541)
Price 0.399 −0.0201 −0.0509 −0.1136
(0.2515, 0.5659) (−0.1176, 0.0787) (−0.1131, 0.0394) (−0.1510, −0.0072)
GDP(−1) −0.0141 0.0867
(−0.3879, 0.3650) (−0.2906, 0.4543)
Price(−1) −0.1135 −0.1048
(−0.2962, 0.0552) (−0.2081, 0.0020)
No. of Factors 1 1 1
Elasticity EG 0.7311 0.7871 1.1611 0.9218
(0.6656, 0.7943) (0.7146, 0.8544) (1.0540, 1.2544) (0.9028, 1.0356)
EP 0.2855 −0.125 −0.0376 −0.1019
(0.2112, 0.3696) (−0.2020, −0.0581) (−0.0824, 0.0301) (−0.1204, −0.0537)

results for each panel. However, when we divide the dataset into high y2,it ¼ B0 ðτt Þ xit þ λ2,it þ ε2,it , ð6Þ
and middle income groups (i.e., Dataset 2 and Dataset 3), the elasticity
for GDP is higher than 1 for high income countries, but lower than 1 where τt = t/T for short. Note that both λ1, it and λ2, it correspond to the
for the middle income countries. The results for the elasticity of GDP factor structure of the constant parameter model. The detailed form of
in Dataset 4, reported in 6, is also close to 1. these terms are clear from the reduced form.
The point estimates on price vary from −0.0376 in Table 6 to We can write Eqs. (5) and (6) in a reduced form as follows.
−0.2566 in Table 4. These results are similar to those in Liddle and
Huntington (2020) for their high income panel, although for their mid- yit ¼ π0 ðτ t Þxit þ Λi f t þ εit , ð7Þ
dle income panel, price was generally insignificant. For all Tables 3–6,
looking at the absolute values of the coefficients, EG and EP, the results where yit = (y1, it, y2, it′)′, and the other variables are defined accord-
of the structural equation model suggest that GDP has a stronger impact ingly. Again, further comments on the model are provided in
on TFC than Price. This result is also consistent with the point estimates Appendix A.1, and the detailed estimation procedure is summarized in
of income and price elasticities reported in studies such as Galli (1998) Appendix A.2.
and Liddle and Huntington (2020).
4.2. Constancy test
4. A semiparametric approach
Before presenting the results from the semiparametric model, we
In this section, we estimate a time-varying structural equation panel first conduct a constancy test to demonstrate that a semiparametric ap-
data model. proach is needed. In particular, we focus on Eq. (7), and test whether the
coefficient of π0 is a constant.
4.1. The time-varying structural equation model Formally, we state the null and alternative hypotheses below:

ℍ0 : Prfπ0 ðÞ ≡ π 0 g ¼ 1 for some π 0 ∈ℝðpþ1Þd ;

Specifically, the model is as follows:

y1,it ¼ y02,it β0 ðτt Þ þ λ1,it þ ε1,it , ð5Þ ℍ1 : Prfπ0 ðÞ ≡ π 0 g < 1 for all π0 ∈ℝðpþ1Þd :

J. Gao, B. Peng and R. Smyth Energy Economics 96 (2021) 105168

Table 7
Constancy test.

Case 1 0.0000
Case 2 0.0000
Case 3 0.0000

Failing to reject the null infers that a constant parameter structural

equation model Eqs. (1)–(3) would be sufficient for examining energy -0.2
demand. However, if the null is rejected, a more flexible model is

needed. We summarize the technical details in Appendix A.3.
We conduct the constancy test for Case 1 to Case 3, and present the -0.3
results in Table 7. The p-values equal 0.000 in all tests, which strongly
indicate that the constant parameter model is not flexible enough for
studying energy demand. -0.4

4.3. Results

We consider the three cases and four datasets referred to in

Section 3.2, and are interested in the values of β0, EG and EP. For Dataset
1, we report the results for all three cases. To avoid repetition, and for -0.6
1960 1968 1976 1984 1992 2000 2008 2016
the sake of robustness, we report the results associated with Case 3
only for Datasets 2–4. Figs. 1–3 present the results for the income and Fig. 2. Estimates of β0(⋅) for Case 2 using the Data of All Countries (i.e., Dataset 1). Black,
price coefficients for each of the three cases using the data for all coun- blue and red solid lines stand for the estimated β0(⋅) using the bandwidths h, hL and hR, re-
tries (i.e., Dataset 1), while Figs. 4–6 provide the results for the income spectively. The black dotted lines stand for the 95% confidence interval associated with the
black solid line.
and price coefficients of Case 3 using Datasets 2–4. Figs. 7–9 present
the corresponding elasticities for Dataset 1, while Figs. 10–12 provide
the corresponding elasticities for Datasets 2–4.
for the price of energy. The effect of real GDP per capita on energy con-
4.3.1. Results for Dataset 1 sumption is positive and sharply increasing from the 1990s until rela-
The coefficients and elasticities on GDP for both Cases 1 and 3 are tively late in the sample period. The time-varying pattern in the
significant over the entire time period. While the values vary over corresponding elasticity for Case 1, depicted in Fig. 7, is very similar.
time, in general they are less than 1 and are mostly in the range 0.6 to But, Fig. 1 does not control for energy prices, creating an omitted vari-
0.8. In Fig. 1 we present the results for Case 1, which does not control ables bias problem. Energy prices are correlated with real GDP per

1.4 1.6



1.2 1




1960 1968 1976 1984 1992 2000 2008 2016







0.2 -0.6
1960 1968 1976 1984 1992 2000 2008 2016 1960 1968 1976 1984 1992 2000 2008 2016

Fig. 1. Estimates of β0(⋅) for Case 1 using the Data of All Countries (i.e., Dataset 1). Black, Fig. 3. Estimates of β0(⋅) for Case 3 using the Data of All Countries (i.e., Dataset 1). Black,
blue and red solid lines stand for the estimated β0(⋅) using the bandwidths h, hL and hR, re- blue and red solid lines stand for the estimated β0(⋅) using the bandwidths h, hL and hR, re-
spectively. The black dotted lines stand for the 95% confidence interval associated with the spectively. The black dotted lines stand for the 95% confidence interval associated with the
black solid line. black solid line.

J. Gao, B. Peng and R. Smyth Energy Economics 96 (2021) 105168

1.8 1.1
1.4 1

1 0.9

0.6 0.8
0.2 0.7

1968 1976 1984 1992 2000 2008 1996 1998 2001 2004 2006 2009 2012 2014






-0.2 -0.2

-0.3 -0.3

-0.4 -0.4
1960 1968 1976 1984 1992 2000 2008 2016 1996 1998 2001 2004 2006 2009 2012 2014

Fig. 4. Estimates of β0(⋅) for Case 3 using the High Income Countries Data (i.e., Dataset 2). Fig. 6. Estimates of β0(⋅) for Case 3 using the Data of Liddle et al. (2020) (i.e., Dataset 4).
Black line stands for the estimated β0(⋅). The black dotted lines stand for the 95% confi- Black line stands for the estimated β0(⋅). The black dotted lines stand for the 95% confi-
dence interval. dence interval.

capita and are a determinant of energy demand. As shown in Fig. 2, the and elasticities in Figs. 3 and 9 is consistent with the dematerialization
coefficient on energy prices in absolute values increased markedly over process emphasised by authors such as Brookes (1972) in which energy
a similar time-frame to which real GDP was increasing in Fig. 1. Again, intensity initially increases as low-income countries increase their in-
the time-varying pattern in the corresponding elasticities for Case 2, dustrial bases and then declines over time with a sectoral shift from
depicted in Fig. 8, are very similar. energy-intensive heavy industry to light industry and then finally to
When we control for energy prices in Case 3, the time varying pat- the less energy-intensive commercial sector. Studies, such as Medlock
tern in the income coefficient and elasticity looks very different. The and Soligo (2001), document this phenomenon using the quadratic of
mildly non-linear inverted U-shaped pattern in the income coefficients




1.2 1.2



0.6 1



0 0.8
1960 1968 1976 1984 1992 2000 2008 2016



1960 1968 1976 1984 1992 2000 2008 2016
1960 1968 1976 1984 1992 2000 2008 2016 Fig. 7. Elasticity for Case 1 using the Data of All Countries (i.e., Dataset 1). Black, blue and
red solid lines stand for the estimated elasticity using the bandwidths h, hL and hR, respec-
Fig. 5. Estimates of β0(⋅) for Case 3 using the Middle Income Countries Data (i.e., Dataset tively. The black dotted lines stand for the 95% confidence interval associated with the
3). Black line stands for the estimated β0(⋅). The black dotted lines stand for the 95% con- black solid line.
fidence interval.

J. Gao, B. Peng and R. Smyth Energy Economics 96 (2021) 105168


-0.05 1
1960 1968 1976 1984 1992 2000 2008 2016


-0.25 0


-0.3 -0.1


-0.35 -0.2


-0.4 -0.3
1960 1968 1976 1984 1992 2000 2008 2016 1960 1968 1976 1984 1992 2000 2008 2016

Fig. 8. Elasticity for Case 2 using the Data of All Countries (i.e., Dataset 1). Black, blue and Fig. 10. Elasticity for Case 3 using the High Income Countries Data (i.e., Dataset 2). Black
red solid lines stand for the estimated elasticity using the bandwidths h, hL and hR, respec- line stands for the estimated elasticity. The black dotted lines stand for the 95% confidence
tively. The black dotted lines stand for the 95% confidence interval associated with the interval.
black solid line.

varying estimates for GDP in Chang et al. (2016) and Liddle et al.
(2020). Most countries have experienced a decrease in energy intensity,
GDP in a parametric specification, as do Chang et al. (2016) in a defined as the ratio of energy consumption to real GDP, over the last two
non-parametric framework for specific countries, such as China and decades. Since 1990, global energy intensity has declined at an average
South Korea. rate of 1.2% per year, while for lower-middle income countries this fig-
The finding that the income coefficient and elasticities in Figs. 3 and ure has been higher at 1.8% per year (see e.g. Chen et al., 2019). Hence,
9 have been declining since the 1990s is consistent with the time- the decline in the income coefficient and elasticities in Fig. 3 and Fig. 9
since the 1990s is consistent with the increase in autonomous energy
efficiency over the same period.






1960 1968 1976 1984 1992 2000 2008 2016 0.2

1960 1968 1976 1984 1992 2000 2008 2016








1960 1968 1976 1984 1992 2000 2008 2016

Fig. 9. Elasticity for Case 3 using the Data of All Countries (i.e., Dataset 1). Black, blue and -0.5
1960 1968 1976 1984 1992 2000 2008 2016
red solid lines stand for the estimated elasticity using the bandwidths h, hL and hR, respec-
tively. The black dotted lines stand for the 95% confidence interval associated with the
Fig. 11. Elasticity for Case 3 using the Middle Income Countries Data (i.e., Dataset 3). Black
black solid line.
line stands for the estimated elasticity. The black dotted lines stand for the 95% confidence
J. Gao, B. Peng and R. Smyth Energy Economics 96 (2021) 105168

1.1 It is worth noting that using the semiparametric approach, two un-
observable factors are identified (i.e., r = 2) for all Cases 1–3, which is
1 estimated in Step 2 of the estimation approach provided in Appendix
A.2. However, the parametric approach identifies only one unobserv-

0.9 able factor (see Table 3). This results further reinforces the need to ex-
amine the elasticity of energy demand in a semiparametric setting,
given that more information can be retrieved. Finally, we emphasize
that as shown in Figs. 1–3 and 7–9, our approach is not sensitive to
the choices of bandwidth.
1996 1998 2001 2004 2006 2009 2012 2014
4.3.2. Results for Datasets 2–4
In Figs. 4 and 10 we present the Case 3 coefficient and elasticity re-
0.05 sults for the high-income panel (Dataset 2). The coefficient on GDP
per capita is positive and significant and generally in the range 0.8 to
0 1, although it peaked in the mid-1970s at 1.2. The coefficient on GDP
per capita is highly non-linear. It first exhibits a U-shaped pattern
followed by an inverted U-shaped pattern. The latter, consistent with

the dematerialization process, is much more pronounced in the high-

income sample from the mid-1960s through to the end of the sample
period. The wave-like pattern in GDP per capita is consistent with find-
ings from parametric studies of energy demand in high-income coun-
-0.2 tries. Galli (1998), Medlock and Soligo (2001), and van Benthem and
1996 1998 2001 2004 2006 2009 2012 2014 Romani (2009) estimated a U-shaped relationship for GDP per capita
at low income intervals, but an inverted U-shape relationship at higher
Fig. 12. Elasticity for Case 3 using the Data of Liddle et al. (2020) (i.e., Dataset 4). Black line
stands for the estimated elasticity. The black dotted lines stand for the 95% confidence
income ranges. The coefficient on price is negative and significant with
interval. magnitudes in the range −0.1 to −0.2 throughout. The corresponding
elasticities in Fig. 10 exhibit a similar time-varying pattern to the
What explains the decreasing income coefficient and elasticity in
In Figs. 5 and 11 we present the Case 3 coefficient and elasticity re-
Figs. 3 and 9 since the 1990s ? One important event was the Kyoto Pro-
sults for the middle-income panel (Dataset 3). The coefficient on GDP
tocol, which was signed in 1997. As Chang et al. (2016) note, the Kyoto
per capita is positive and significant and the magnitude is around 0.7
Protocol marked a major milestone in increasing awareness of the neg-
to 0.8 for most of the period. A difference between Figs. 4 and 5, is
ative externalities of consuming fossil fuels. It resulted in many high-
that in the latter the non-linear inverted U-shaped pattern in GDP per
and-middle income countries reducing their income elasticity with
capita occurs later in the sample period. Specifically, the hump shape
the goal of lowering pollution, consistent with being on the downward
in GDP begins in the mid-1990s and extends to the end of the sample
sloping section of the Environmental Kuznets Curve. More generally, it
period, with the peak at 1 around the time of the Global Financial Crisis,
represented “the culmination of shifting attitudes [on climate change]
which is consistent with these countries being both later to industrialize
up to that time” (Chang et al., 2016, p. 240).
and then gradually transition to service economies.
The decline in the income coefficient in Fig. 3 accelerates from the
The coefficient on price is negative and significant for most of the pe-
mid-2000s. This coincides with signatories to the Kyoto Protocol being
riod with magnitudes being in the range −0.1 to −0.2, although the
required to implement efficiency measures by 2005 and growing public
confidence intervals cut the horizontal axis at the beginning and end
awareness of the dangers posed by climate change (for a detailed re-
of the sample period. Recall that Liddle and Huntington (2020) found
view of changing attitudes on climate change from opinion poll data
the point estimates for price to be mostly insignificant for the middle-
see Capstick et al., 2015). It also reflects the effect of the Global Financial
income panel. The time-varying estimates suggest that the findings for
Crisis, which reduced economic growth and energy intensity (Andreoni,
the point estimates could reflect the situation at the beginning and
end of the sample period. The time-varying pattern in the correspond-
Consistent with the findings in Section 3.2, the coefficient and elas-
ing elasticities in Fig. 11 are similar to the coefficients.
ticity on Price is negative and significant in Case 2 and 3 over almost
Similar to the findings of the point estimates in Section 3.2, the elas-
the entire time period with the magnitudes in the range −0.1 to −0.3.
ticity for GDP of the high income countries is higher than that of the
In both Figs. 3 and 9 the pattern is somewhat wave shaped. For the pe-
middle income countries. Meanwhile, the elasticity for Price of the
riod from the mid-1960s to the mid-1980s there is a U-shape, consistent
high income countries is roughly the same as that of the middle income
with Fouquet (2014) who found that price elasticities follow a u-shape
countries. Moreover, in both figures, the absolute magnitude of the elas-
pattern as the economy develops. Since the 1990s, energy demand has
ticity for Price is much less than the elasticity for GDP across the entire
become more price elastic. This likely reflects the effect of the Kyoto Pro-
tocol and substitution toward renewable energy sources and the eco-
In Figs. 6 and 12, we provide the results using the Liddle et al. (2020)
nomic downturn in the Global Financial Crisis. Consistent with this
dataset. In Fig. 6 the coefficient on GDP per capita is around 0.9 through-
interpretation, there are also short periods in which energy demand be-
out the period. The coefficient on price is in the range −0.1 to −0.2, al-
comes more price sensitive following the first and second oil price
though it is not statistically different from zero from around the time of
shock. This result is also consistent with the meta-analysis by
the Global Financial Crisis onwards. In Fig. 12 we present the corre-
Labandeira et al. (2017) which found that energy demand becomes
sponding elasticities. The time-varying pattern in the elasticities are
more sensitive following an energy crisis or recession.
similar to the coefficients, although the confidence interval for price
In Fig. 3, the magnitude on the price coefficient is lower in absolute
elasticity cuts the horizontal axis earlier than the price coefficient in
terms than the coefficient on GDP over the entire period. The same is
Fig. 6.
true for the corresponding elasticities - EG and EP - in Fig. 9, which rein-
The coefficient plots associated with GDP for the two middle income
forces the conclusion from the point estimates that GDP has stronger
samples (Datasets 3 and 4) are generally similar to those presented in
impacts on TFC compared to Price.
Fig. 3.b in Liddle et al. (2020). In that study, the coefficient on income

J. Gao, B. Peng and R. Smyth Energy Economics 96 (2021) 105168

was generally in the range 0.6 to 0.8 between 1996 and 2014. However, the time-varying structural equation panel data model Eqs. (5)–(7).
comparing the results for price from Datasets 3 and 4 with those in The estimation procedure for the constant parameter model Eqs. (1)–
Fig. 3.b in Liddle et al. (2020), we find more evidence that the coefficient (3) can be considered as a much simplified version, so is omitted.
on price is negative and significant for extended periods. Possible expla- Section A.3 provides the details of the constancy test.
nations for the different results is that in Liddle et al. (2020) the data
have been detrended nonparametrically and that Liddle et al. (2020) A.1. Some facts on the models
do not account for endogeneity of price.
For the parametric model Eqs. (1)–(3), we partition π0 as:
5. Conclusion 0 1
B 1d C
Estimating energy elasticities with panel data models present five π0 ¼ @ A:
main modelling challenges: ie. addressing endogeneity, heterogeneity pd
over time, heterogeneity across units, nonstationarity and
cross-sectional dependence. While there is a large literature estimating Simple algebra shows that multiplying Eq. (3) by (1, −β0′) yields:
energy elasticities with panel data, these five issues have not been fully      
addressed in an integrated framework. Our contribution has been to y1,it −y02,it β0 ¼ π0,1 −β00 π0,2 xit þ 1, −β00 Λi f t þ 1, −β00 ε it , ðA:1Þ
propose such a framework and apply it to a very large panel recently as-
sembled by Liddle and Huntington (2020) that includes data on energy From Eq. (1) it follows:
prices as well as GDP and spans 56 years. Analysing such a large dataset
π0,1 −β00 π0,2 ¼ 0,
which extends back to 1960 means that not only do we employ a model   ðA:2Þ
1, −β00 Λi ¼ λ01,i ,
that simultaneously addresses a range of issues that has plagued this lit-
erature, but we present time-varying estimates for energy income and
price elasticity that are, by far, for the longest time period and widest Once π0 is recovered, we can estimate β0(⋅) using π0, 1 − β0′π0, 2 = 0
cross-section of countries available. from Eq. (A.2) provided that π0, 2 has full row rank (and, thus, d ≥ p).
We find that the elasticities of income and price are time-varying. Similarly, for the model Eqs. (5)–(7), we partition π0(τ) as:
For Dataset 1, in Case 3 in which we include income and price in the 0 1
π0,1 ðτ Þ
one specification, the income elasticity is generally in the range 0.6 to B 1d C
π 0 ðτÞ ¼ @ A:
0.8, while the price elasticity in the range − 0.1 to −0.3, although the π0,2 ðτ Þ
income elasticity has been decreasing since the 1990s. The results for pd

the income elasticity are generally consistent with the notion of dema-
terialization in the energy literature. The decline in the income elasticity Then, similar to Eq. (A.2), the following equalities hold:
since the 1990s is consistent with the effect of the Kyoto Protocol reduc-
π0,1 ðτt Þ−β00 ðτt Þπ0,2 ðτt Þ ¼ 0,
ing energy intensity.   ðA:3Þ
From a policy perspective, that the income energy elasticity is less 1, −β00 ðτ t Þ Λi ¼ λ1,it :
than one, and has been declining since the 1990s, bodes well for climate
change mitigation because it suggests that energy intensity will fall with Once π0(⋅) is recovered, we can estimate β0(⋅) using Eq. (A.3) pro-
economic growth. More generally, consistent with the conclusion in vided that π0, 2(⋅) has full row rank uniformly.
Chang et al. (2016), our findings point to transnational institutions,
such as the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement, having an impor- A.2. The estimation procedure for Eqs. (5)–(7)
tant role in reducing energy intensity, both as commitment devices for
the signatories and as barometers of changing public attitudes toward We focus on the estimation of π0(⋅) of Eq. (7). Write Eq. (7) in matrix
fossil fuels and climate change. form as follows.

Y i ¼ X i,π0 þ Γi,F þ Ei , ðA:4Þ

CRediT authorship contribution statement
where Yi = (yi1, …, yiT)′, Xi, π 0 = (π0(τ1)xi1, …, π0(τT)xiT)′, Γi, F = (Λif1, …,
Jiti Gao: Methodology, Formal analysis, Writing - original draft, ΛifT)′ and ℰi = (εi1,…, εiT)′.
Writing - review & editing. Bin Peng: Methodology, Formal analysis, We adopt the approach in Casas et al. (2021), which allows for non-
Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing. Russell Smyth: stationary regressors, provides a data driven method to detect the num-
Methodology, Formal analysis, Writing - original draft, Writing - review ber of unobservable factors and does not limit these factors to be
& editing. stationary. Therefore, it avoids generating spurious results as discussed
in Engle and Granger (1987). Note, that the reason why nonstationarity
Acknowledgements yields spurious results is normally due to wrong inferences (i.e., the con-
fidence interval, critical value or p-value), rather than producing a
We thank two referees and Brant Liddle for their helpful comments wrong estimate per se. We do not expand this with more details in
on earlier versions of this paper. The usual disclaimer applies. Gao ac- order to not deviate from our main goal, but refer interested readers
knowledges financial support from the Australian Research Council Dis- to Engle and Granger (1987) and Phillips and Moon (1999).
covery Grants Program under Grant Numbers: DP170104421 and First, define the following objective function.
DP200102769. Peng acknowledges the Australian Research Council Dis- ( )
covery Grants Program for its financial support under Grant Number N
DP210100476. Q ðπ, F Þ ¼ tr ∑ ðY i −X i π0 Þ K h,τ M F K h,τ ðY i −X i π0 Þ , ðA:5Þ

Appendix A where

The Appendix A presents materials supplemental to the main text. 1. π is (p + 1) × d, Xi = (xi1, …, xiT)′, tr{⋅} stands for the trace operation;
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
First, Appendix A.1 elaborates on the two models considered in the 2. K h,τ ¼ diag K h ðτ1 −τ Þ, . . . , K h ðτT −τ Þ , Kh(⋅) = K(⋅/h)/h, and K
main text. In Appendix A.2, we describe the estimation procedure for (⋅) and h are the kernel function and bandwidth respectively;

J. Gao, B. Peng and R. Smyth Energy Economics 96 (2021) 105168



3. F ¼ ðF 1 , ⋯, F T Þ0 , and MF ¼ IT −F ðF 0 F Þ F provided F has full ⁎

η0 ≔∥ N1 ∑i¼1 Y i −X i πb0 Y i −X i πb0 ∥2 . We
Define a mock eigenvalue b

column rank.
estimate r by
The detailed steps are as follows.
Step 1: For ∀τ ∈ [0, 1], we estimate π0(τ) and F = (f1, …, fT)′ by ( ⁎ ⁎
! ⁎
η‘þ1 b
η‘ b
br ¼ arg min ⋅I ⁎ ≥ε N þI ⁎ <ε N ,

1 1≤‘≤J b⁎
η‘ b0
η b0
πbðτÞ, b
F ¼ argmin Q ðπ, F Þ subject to F 0 F ¼ IJ , J≥r, ðA:6Þ
T n n o

where ε N ¼ ln max b η0 , N .
where J is a user chosen large constant and r is defined as in Section 4.1. Step 3: Update the estimates of π0 and F by
Step 2: Let b
ηj be the jth largest eigenvalue of the estimated sample co-

variance matrix e, e
π F ¼ arg min Q ðπ, F Þ subject to F 0 F ¼ IJ , J≥br :

b ðτ Þ ¼ 1 ∑ K
Σ b0 Y i −X i πb0 ðτÞ K h,τ :
h,τ Y i −X i π 0ðτ Þ
N i¼1 e ie
exit −Λ
eit ¼ yit −π e i ¼ 1 Y i −X i πe0 e
Let further u f t and Λ T F, where

Define a mock eigenvalue e e e
F ¼ f 1 , . . . , f T . Calculate the statistic:

0 0

η0 ≔∥ N1 ∑i¼1 b 2 b
Y i −X i π ðτÞ K h,τ Y i −X i π ðτ Þ ∥2 , where ∥ ⋅ ∥2 stands for  
1 τ −τ
the spectral norm. We estimate r by LNT ¼ pffiffiffiffiffi ∑∑1031 u ejs 131 K t ⁎ s ,
eit u
⁎ h
N T h i, j t≠s
η‘þ1 b
η b
br ¼ sup arg min ⋅I ‘ ≥εN þ I ‘ <ε N , where h ∗ is a bandwidth, and ∑i, j and ∑t≠s read ∑N N
1≤‘≤J b
η‘ b
η0 b
η0 i=1∑j=1 and
τ∈½0, 1
∑t=1∑t=1, t≠s, respectively. By Corollary 2.1 of Casas et al. (2021),
   −1 LNT→DN(0, σ2ℓ), where σ2ℓ = 2δ4u ∫ K2(w)dw, in which δ2u can be estimated
where εN ¼ ln max η b0 , N . The values of br in Tables 3–6 are cal-
∑t¼1 ∑i¼1 1031 u
culated in the same fashion, but for the parametric models of Section 3. by BNT ¼ NT
1 eit consistently.
Step 3: Update the estimates of π0(τ) and F by

1 Appendix B. Supplementary data
πeðτÞ, e
F ¼ arg min Q ðπ, F Þ subject to F 0 F ¼ I J , J≥br : ðA:7Þ
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
eðτÞ and e
π F are the final estimates of π0(τ) and F. org/10.1016/j.eneco.2021.105168.
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