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Thermo Crib Sheet

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at yale super heated jabs Ew Vv é ran ecu 2- Phase (use quality ) RO ge cae ee Vee + Xly -ve) Weg + X(Wg- We) We Np + & Ung-he ) Liquid Opproximation v= Vell) We We (T) Ne we) +vplT) LP -Poor Mass flow vate _—_——_. = A lel v (W) Polyrropic Proess w70 woe out | V0 = constant: ao Inrerpo lation (8) (yay wed wor e Jly} = or Vaiwe-WW ee 6.70 work ont Waign= 1Ow PV ee” gin werk. idea |_Qas Ideal GAS + poy svoprc ideal qas + = . Neat Py = RT; & w- @(1-T) const_sece. neat Ve RNa Oren <2; Wl | ray eC Ch-T) Py =me@T a Wa- hae Cpt <1.) we Wit) We e@Tin (2) jel | cy. au Cp = 8 2 ae ne WIT) pik 2(te yin [yyma _ oe an e, 2 ve) Ke Es CpeCya ad 2 Bosal “system” |. wePiWy Only, 'e-E8 ve Be ace ee aye Kel KAN 2 Aset conservation oF macs : ; ¥ a ee ee Wee teNas\n (1) 05) Zimj-dme = amrey + Shea We PLY, —Vay const. Pressure a + nugligibe KER PE ami eZme- + Q=D ladwbatic) | work For closed cucter ma)- mu) © Wed oe = PLV-Ve) exp: nyo. W? 0 me Sar comp:QVe0 WEP PS i SLE pe. SE RY a5, Se maaan r concer vation of ne Ast Law x G ry ¢ i Vie 2 vl rZmihier “ad qui) —Zmelhne* vs a 4%) = a = 0,-6, hozle ond dtfuser 0 Ce bc ® ee + Ni7M ~ P,P a DN 2 wr de oh, 2 Beer eo Luntet | I owtlet + Cready state *\gnore PE *Q% W=0 turome | eame | Compression Br ) 1 ¢ va (hy-hne) T Q-w =0 + Steady Stake signe KE 4 PE + ignore @ Cadroloatic) em (hy-h2) = W ®, 2, 027% P27 i ‘onl | eee hn, eM Wy 7hy nr 7h Valve (Yorottling device), Wye Me OO) Shea Stoke SOF + rgnore VE «PF + \ niet | \ owtet pers “wt @=-0 et gecnange Cw} aah wlnichr) TA =O Tm ra = Smee . Steamy stake “\gnore VE 4 BE Exnm Sneet 2 i ——- Vos —7 cold ¥ Clausias Stavennent col 7 WO YA wposstole- {Power anche) Uhuenwy 3-8 Noles We Qy-& | (Ret eum! EF ILAenuy , Ba Qube tees ea {sean Low] — cloced ae = +o =muly-6) ce = open Chansiac (nequale § +0 Ge _ & oe ta) eee Te [efvigenahin IAC oyue) Cif eva Baye B= OE we W "Gee may. Gee, JC aCe WwW 20 (reverse) MM BE Pe “ite oro (vexerible) e 2 eo (vmpsccle) 2? 7 aropy, Change, for on weal gas Varvalele (ee a by ef v St We)-sve) {ome sey stata) $C RD =F openy HE - Rs * S$ fth)- sft) -em ee) Way (Sy — Sout) 7s ‘er ~ ontopy, change fur ane te SUT Ph) STM) = Cpt) - Aw Llp.) = inl) +n (ly) kine _oycle Oy Brayton CYLl aw earned } woe ent HG 4 Tet & ; a ° a i u cS! oe A 3 a Wi 2S | men wine Ws ny : a act a Ww fo yy. Gust MAY a (ase) ; at — wy OA eqentrative Gas tavyne Quy 7 ae) m Bae We yes Goat = Ly -Ua) =v (Put) vat worle New’ - 20 Mek Loh = 2 mlhont Boy = Win Wuew : W= Qi 7 Rowe Mad uly Me eae me Ween Wi Q Q Se Ua Wai Ae yl eequner aft _YngoC QOWEY OH a 5 gun, Feud ati ny = tet cleats) Gon = My “ny & 3 Seite " u Uy-Me ng Me Mache Wye hy way We | Rugeneratvve Aor wi veneur | & \wtorindiny, enthalpy ond _wte’nal_en | SE Cuncrot —cpeuiere wert Witz) - wth) = Cvlq,-1,) WIT.) - Wh) = Get —T) X¥ Variable spetfic ent wot yale B-272 bw ws. W values

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