Lecture 28
Lecture 28
Lecture 28
Lecture # 28
Area as Limits
• Definition of Area
• Some technical considerations
• Numerical approx of area
• Look at the figure below
In this figure, there is a region bounded below by the x-axis, on the sides by the lines
x= a and x = b, and above by a curve or the graph of a continuous function y = f(x)
which is also non-negative on the interval [a, b].
Earlier we saw that such an area can be computed using anti-derivatives.
Let's make the concept precise.
Recall that the slope of the tangent line was defined in terms of the limit of the slopes of
secant lines.
Similarly, we will define area of a region R as limits of the areas of simpler regions
whose areas are known.
We will break up R into rectangles, and then find the area of each rectangle in R and
then add all these areas up.
The result will be an approximation to the region R. Let's call it
If we let n go to infinity, the resulting will give a better and better approximation to R
as the rectangle in R will get thinner and thinner, and the gaps will be filled in.
Here is the formal idea
Choose an arbitrary positive integer n, and divide the interval [a,b] into n subintervals of width
by inserting n-1 equally spaced points between a and b say x1 , x2 ,...xn−1
Now we want to approximate the area of each strip by the area of a rectangle. For this,
choose an arbitrary point in each subinterval ,
Over each subinterval construct a rectangle whose height is the values of the function f
at the selected arbitrary point.
The union of these rectangles form the region Rn that we can regard as a reasonable
approx to the region R. The area of Rn can be got by adding the areas of all the
rectangles forming it
If now we let n get big, the number of rectangles gets big, and the gaps btw the curve
and the rectangles get filled in.
For all the following work and computation, we will treat n as a POSITIVE integer
For computational purposes, we can write A in a different form as follows
In the interval [a,b], each of the approximation rectangles has width
We call this delta x or ∆x =
The heights of the approximating rectangles are at the points x1* , x2* ,...xn*
So the approximating rectangles making up the region have areas
area ( Rn) f ( x1* )∆x + f ( x2* )∆x + ... + f ( xn* )∆x
area ( Rn ) ∑ f (x
k =1
This we will take to be the PRECISE def of the area of the region R
Usually the point xk* in a subinterval is chosen so that it is the left end point of the
interval, the right end point of the interval or the midpoint of the interval.
Note that we divided the interval [a,b] by the points x1 , x2 ,..., xn−1 with x0 = a and xn = b
into equal parts of width ∆x
Use the definition of the Area with xk * as the right end point of each subinterval to find the area
under the line y = x over the interval [1,2].
Subdivide [1,2] into n equal parts, then each part will have length
b − a 2 −1 1
x = = *
We are taking xk as the right end point so we
n n n
Have xk* = a + k ∆x = 1 +
k k 1
f ( xk * )∆x = xk *∆x = 1 + ∆x = 1 +
n nn
And the sum of the areas of the n rectangles is
3 1 3
=A lim ∑ f ( xk=
)∆x lim +=
k =1
n→+∞ 2 2n 2
Note that the region we have computed the area of is a trapezoid with height h = 1 and bases b 1 = 1
and b 2 = 2. From basic geometry we have that
1 1 3
Area of trapezoid = =
A h(b1 + b2=
) (1)(1 + 2)
2 2 2
Same problem as before but with left end points.[ 1,2].
Use the definition of the Area with xk* as the left end point of each subinterval to find the area under
the line y = x over the interval [1,2].
Subdivide [1,2] into n equal parts, then each part will have length
b − a 2 −1 1
x = =
n n n
We are taking xk * as the left end point so we
Have xk * = a + k ∆x = 1 +
Thus, the kth rectangle has area
k k 1
f ( xk * )∆x = xk *∆x = 1 + ∆x = 1 +
n nn
And the sum of the areas of the n rectangles is
k 1 n 1 k 1 n
1 n
k 1 =
∆x ∑ 1 + =
f ( xk )= *
k 1 n =
∑ + =
n k 1 n n 2 =
∑1 + n2 ∑
n k 1= k 1
1 1 1
= ⋅ n + 2 n(n + 1)
n n 2
Note that the region we have computed the area of is a trapezoid with height h = 1 and bases b1 = 1
and b2 = 2 . From basic geometry we have that
1 1 3
Area of trapezoid = A = h(b1 + b=
2) (1)(1 + 2)
2 2 2
Use the area definition with right endpoints of each subinterval to find the area under the parabola
Use a computer of a calculator to find the area under the curve y = 9 − x 2 over the interval [0,3]
and n = 10, 20 and 50.
Left end point approximation Right end point approximation Mid point approximation
K xk * 9 − ( xk ) 2 xk * 9 − ( xk ) 2 xk * 9 − ( xk ) 2
1 0.0 9.000000 0.3 8.910000 0.15 8.977500
2 0.3 8.910000 0.6 8.640000 0.45 8.797500
3 0.6 8.640000 0.9 8.190000 0.75 8.437500
4 0.9 8.190000 1.2 7.560000 1.05 7.897500
5 1.2 7.560000 1.5 6.750000 1.35 7.177500
6 1.5 6.750000 1.8 5.760000 1.65 6.277500
7 1.8 5.760000 2.1 4.590000 1.95 5.197500
8 2.1 4.590000 2.4 3.240000 2.25 3.937500
9 2.4 3.240000 2.7 1.710000 2.55 2.497500
10 2.7 1.710000 3.0 0.00000 2.85 0.877500
n =16.605000 =18.022500
∆x ∑ f ( xk ) = 19.30500
k =1