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Field Trip: Dig It! The Secrets of Soil: Directions

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Field Trip: Dig It! The Secrets of Soil T

Directions: E
Fill in the blanks. N
Introduction W
1. Dig It! The Secrets of Soil is a traveling exhibit brought to you by the _________ O
____________ Society of America. R
2. For more information regarding the Dig It! Exhibit and its schedule of exhibition S
dates visit __________________.
3. Throughout history, humans have depended on soil for their existence as soil T
filters the ________ we breathe and the __________ we drink.
4. Plants are dependent upon soil as it supplies plants with ______________ and N
allows them to anchor their __________ for proper growth.
5. The world has _______ different recognized soil types, known as soil R
Soil Properties & Formations E
6. In just one _____________ of healthy soil, there can be as much as one Y
____________ microorganisms.

7. Soil microorganisms, particularly __________, are important in decomposing

____________ matter.

8. We group soils based on their similarities and their characteristics such as their
____________, color and ______________.

9. These horizons form as you go down into the soil and they are altered by the five
soil forming factors: ___________ material, time, climate, _______________ and
biological factors.

10. The A horizon is known as ________ _________.

11. The soil ______________ that are displayed are important either due to their
unique or special characteristics or they are displayed because of their
importance in ________________.

12. The _________ of the particles in soil greatly affects how __________ is able to
move through the soil profile.

Soil Orders
13. Soils play a critical part in each and every one of our lives from the

Accompanies: Field Trip: Dig It! The Secrets of Soil 1

Field Trip: Dig It! The Secrets of Soil T
____________ that we wear, to the food and water that we eat and drink, to E
sometimes the _________ that we use. N
14. The 12 types of soil orders that scientists have characterized include: Andisols, W
_____________, Inceptisols, Alfisols, Spodosols, _____________, Ultisols, O
Histosols, Oxisols, Vertisols, Aridisols as well as Mollisols. R
15. _____________ are moderately developed soils which are commonly found in S
____________ where plant litter has accumulated in the top layer. E
16. Oxisols are highly weathered _____________ soils. They are probably the most T
______________ of all the soils.
17. ______________ are the most ____________ soils in the world and support N
grasslands and savanna prairies. W
Soil Functions & Management R
18. Soil not only helps to provide humans with food, feed, __________ and fuel, but
also filters our __________ and air. K
19. This (Terra Preta) soil is important because it represents very ____________
pockets within the Amazonian Basin which is surrounded by largely
______________ soil.

20. Civilizations have not only managed soil for agricultural purposes, but also for
________________ and _________________.

21. In soils that experience _____________, ice crystals can form in soil, however,
when these soils slump, they can pose risks for the structures they hold and
potentially ___________ the foundation.

22. Applying too much _______________ can lead to _______________

downstream as these fertilizers can seep into the soil and enter the groundwater
and eventually lakes and streams.

23. Tillage is the conventional farming method used to prepare the soil for
_____________ __________.

24. Farmers can then return, or increase, the fertility of the soil by applying fertilizers,
whether it be synthetic or organic, as well as growing certain plants such as
____________ which can actually enhance the soil ______________.

Accompanies: Field Trip: Dig It! The Secrets of Soil 2

Field Trip: Dig It! The Secrets of Soil T
25. At times, human activities have led to the formation of __________________ E
_________, or _______________ soil, such as backfilling new soil or landfills. N
26. Humans have altered the soil in some ways that are disastrous, which means W
that the soil cannot perform its critical functions of filtering the soil water, O
cleansing the _______________, as well as providing appropriate structure for R
the _______________ upon which we live. K
27. Additionally, farmers can grow plants such as ____________ which actually take E
nitrogen from the atmosphere and add it to the soil and that then becomes plant E
available _____________. T

28. We need healthy soils for optimal function. This may include: maintaining A
_____________, water drainage, organic matter, diverse ______________ N
communities and nutrient cycling. W
29. Strategies might involve _______________ the use of fertilizers and other inputs, R
maintaining soil organic matter and selecting soils with the best
________________ for its intended use. K

Accompanies: Field Trip: Dig It! The Secrets of Soil 3

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