Field Trip: Dig It! The Secrets of Soil: Directions
Field Trip: Dig It! The Secrets of Soil: Directions
Field Trip: Dig It! The Secrets of Soil: Directions
8. We group soils based on their similarities and their characteristics such as their
____________, color and ______________.
9. These horizons form as you go down into the soil and they are altered by the five
soil forming factors: ___________ material, time, climate, _______________ and
biological factors.
11. The soil ______________ that are displayed are important either due to their
unique or special characteristics or they are displayed because of their
importance in ________________.
12. The _________ of the particles in soil greatly affects how __________ is able to
move through the soil profile.
Soil Orders
13. Soils play a critical part in each and every one of our lives from the
20. Civilizations have not only managed soil for agricultural purposes, but also for
________________ and _________________.
21. In soils that experience _____________, ice crystals can form in soil, however,
when these soils slump, they can pose risks for the structures they hold and
potentially ___________ the foundation.
23. Tillage is the conventional farming method used to prepare the soil for
_____________ __________.
24. Farmers can then return, or increase, the fertility of the soil by applying fertilizers,
whether it be synthetic or organic, as well as growing certain plants such as
____________ which can actually enhance the soil ______________.
28. We need healthy soils for optimal function. This may include: maintaining A
_____________, water drainage, organic matter, diverse ______________ N
communities and nutrient cycling. W
29. Strategies might involve _______________ the use of fertilizers and other inputs, R
maintaining soil organic matter and selecting soils with the best
________________ for its intended use. K