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Cap Bitucoat

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applied, non fibrated, emulsified bitumen Appearance:
protective coating, specially formulated and Viscous liquid, dark brown in colour, drying to
resistant to sub-soil corrosive salt, fungal black flexible coating.
protection and waterproofing of substrate.
Weight per liter in grams : 1000 + 100.
CAP BITUCOAT complies with the Flammability : No tendency to flash or ignite.
specifications of ASTM-D 1227 & BS 6949. Toxicity : Non-toxic.

Chemical and water resistance:
Excellent resistance to water vapour, saltwater,
▪ Protective coating for flat, exposed and dilute acids, and alkalis.
pitched roofs as well as kitchens,
bathrooms, and basements. Heat flow resistance:
▪ Damp-proofing of concrete basements, The cured film will not sag or flow under
walls, floors, blockwork walls, etc. service conditions.
▪ Protection of concrete foundations, Shelf life:
footings, retaining walls, etc. above and Minimum 12 months in sealed original
below grade from soil chemicals. containers, under recommended storage
▪ It can serve as a protector on metal conditions.
surfaces that are subjected to corrosion
like metal pipes, steel structural works, COVERAGE
and other metallic surfaces. High built up is possible on account of the
▪ Can be comfortably used as a curing thixotropic consistency of the product. Coverage
membrane, or a primer and sealer for rates vary from 0.4 to 0.6 Kg/m2 depending on
building sub-structures. the type of surface and built up thickness.


▪ Suitable for use in both dry and damp Surface Preparation:

surfaces. ▪ Concrete surfaces must be clean, sound, and
▪ Easy to apply. free from oil, grease, dirt, dust, and loose
▪ Ready for use; no mixing or heating particles. It is desirable to dampen the surface
required. with water if the concrete or blockwork is
▪ Good weather resistance. very dry.
▪ Does not embrittle at low temperatures. ▪ It is recommended that metal surfaces be
▪ Good resistance to soil acids and salts. wire brushed in order to remove loose rust,
▪ Solvent-free, non-toxic and non-flammable. mill scale, etc. wipe off oil and grease from
▪ Economical in use. the surface with a suitable solvent.

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Method of Application: CLEANING TOOLS

▪ Primer usage is not mandatory but based ▪ Dip brush in clean water before and
on substrate condition if required use during use for ease of application.
Ahlia’s CAP-PRIME as a primer at the ▪ During work break periods place them in
rate of 0.15 to 0.25 Kg/m2 to ensure water to prevent caking up of the bristles.
proper bonding of subsequent coat or ▪ Clean brushes and tools in soap and
CAP BITUCOAT, diluted with water water immediately after use.
may also be used as a primer. ▪ Dried emulsion can be removed with the
▪ CAP BITUCOAT should be thoroughly help of white spirit, petrol, diesel oil etc.
mixed before application. It can be
applied by means of brush, roller, or SAFETY PRECAUTIONS
airless spray. ▪ CAP BITUCOAT is non-flammable and
▪ While the coat is still wet, embed non- hazardous in normal use.
fiberglass mesh into the coat. use the ▪ When the product is wet, it should be
trowel to work the material up and removed from skin by soap and water.
through the mesh until it is completely But when dry, suitable cleaners like
embedded. petrol, diesel, etc. should be used.
▪ Apply minimum of two coats of CAP ▪ Splashes to eyes should be washed
BITUCOAT with a heavily loaded brush immediately with abundant water.
or broom. A thick coat can be laid even ▪ Avoid contact by careful working and
on vertical surfaces, on account of the use barrier cream or gloves.
thixotropic nature of the product.
▪ Each coat must be applied at right angles PACKAGING
to the previous one to obtain proper CAP BITUCOAT is supplied in 15 Kg metal
coverage and uniformity. pails.
▪ The first coat must be fully dry before
the subsequent coat is applied. Normal STORAGE
drying time is between 1 to 4 hours. In ▪ Stored in sealed conventional containers,
high humid and cold weather conditions, protected from extreme weather
this may extend up to 12 hours or more. conditions.
▪ In exposed areas, it is prudent to cover ▪ Stir well before use, if stored for a long
the applied CAP BITUCOAT with a time.
protective screed, in order to avoid direct
exposure to sunlight. The protective
screed will enhance the life of CAP
BITUCOAT treatment.
Our Technical Service Department is available at any time to advise you in the correct use of this product or any other Ahlia products.
Note : The information presented herein is based on the best of our knowledge and expertise for which every effort is made to ensure its reliability. Although
all the products are subjected to rigid quality tests and are guaranteed against defective materials and manufacture, no specific guarantee can be extended
because results depend not only on quality but also on other factors beyond our control.
As all Ahlia Technical Data Sheets are updated on a regular basis, it is the user responsibility to collect most recent issue.

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