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Steam Generators - Part II - FINAL - 03.03.2022

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Q1 furnance wall afser, 19 m bh,

ont 76-2 mm
OD, and 61
hick Tece jueS Sqturaded

cwater at 8o bar and 1.S

m/s ve loc ity .

Assuming a Cfrcu Jat ion Yqtio 's 12.

and slip Tatfo of 1.2
Determine (a) Pressure head deve luped

Cb) Void fectron at rT'Ser exit

Cc RA oStan forto ah
Ra te^perzOtaaieee
peA Athe iser Ube
Ca) AP H (p-Sm)
>m StoP t S
Now cut 80 bar, (8000 le fe), steam table
p =
O0 138 4 k
.S : 712-54s /3
S2oP o+o
Ep O Oo138+ o-08 x0-022 14

Oo 316

epF 316-34 3/3

316 94+722.54
Usin 2
Sls74 74 /
AP 18 mx 381 X(722.543 519.74)
AP 3s 3 kPa Answer
Cb) Void fvaction at riser exit

1 1t

top= ToP Dryn35 fachion

tD T F CR 9.008
USing bT

1 -008. o00138 y 12
0:08 O:0 23 S2

O552 VAnswe

in iser tube
Cc of stem formaiom
Mass flow ruBe of sakireted wate
enterin the riser x top

=S AY =722.54x D(o072-0:0122 ns
QuA IS m hlah deusn Ceme
ot 6o baIhe aaes eceives w Oper ate ALer_CiAuut
Am heat
une and AoUusated Late. The.e t
soY Cal ulatt he PACMU qualty
dveleped du to hatwal ciaClottenTak
Hheip artes ,2

Sol Ap= gHC

60 ba + S844s kao3
Cus ina B.1.2 Steam tabble)

fe Unitem heotHut and heatingi

Sm Y Ln-) 1-))
I0t.4 kafm -
0.0013 mka
S= O.6o1t X 2 O.22 1
e 0 .O.82

&ubstituding Vaues in O,
Sm= 22S ka /m
Ap-9H -Sm 9,81 XIS x(584.45-325)
Ap33.16 kPa
2020/10/10 21:13-
"Neem has anti-bacterial properties which remove pimple-causing bacteria"

QuL A peweR plant PADduUng 120 MW

hasteam cEMdition at beile butlet o
loo bau, SOo'C and fhe CendMAe pu we
A 0.4 b ih be1le eioen iGp7The
paile Cnetume COal ColoaiicNalue
2S MJ/ka Th eeduwatez tempexat u at
beile inlet i 160'C. h Ateam acneate
hos 3ACARtm the uRnac wal 46 mhoh.
hqality at op
and minimumeit vlocsty b mibtue
saNing th Bises Qnd etelnehe dum
Acguiaed to be eml4. TheAeu hove
bb mm OD ond 3 mm wallhicknes& Nealet
paeAsue dsep heat ALSas well
pump wDAk es tioale ,

team nen eaato Ral

iiful BURig Kate W
ilPAe DLRe htad oavailableen fuaal oCuahitn
vNumbese RiAeRs Aequiscd
1 60 C)
JD0 ba


At Se0'C 100 ba h, =2313.6 kT/ka
S =6. S16S kg/kaK
AluD S,=S,= 6.S46S kJ/k-K
at0.1 ba.
And S2 St Sgaa
6 .6. S 6SO.6qa2 t , l4. SoD)
=O.193 0 . %o
ha nig t 2 hia2 1 8 t 0 . 8 (23q2.82)
ha 2089.31 K

At O. A atusated quid wotee

h3 1 .81' kJ/ka 3 S.8|C
ALLmiMa Pump uwek =D.
hy , = 1.81 kJ/ka y T=4S.g1'C

PeintS) 16C 1Bo oa, Compacsed wote

hs 6 SI. 0 kI/t_ T=ibo'
quoting, ma 4leu aate ) x Ah=Cnasy fsdutd

wsh-ha 12D xID kW

C w =93.43 kals
=O.9 Ws Chhs)
u r t x CV

93.4 C313.623- 681, 0)

.9x 2S}6D
= 1 0 . 816 k ocoal /

hi At 100 baR V 0.00 14S2 m/ka

V O.0 16SH m
VHp 0.Go14S S)
+0. (o-D16S
Vtop 0.002 3 m ° k
36D km
S k /m3
mm Stopxo. S23.9 ka m bacteria"
ieue "Neem has anti-bacterial properties which remove pimple-causing

Ap a H Ss Sm b x 9%5 x C683-52.3.q)
Ap 62. 23 k Pa

iNGCulati m Raho CR. 12.S


VNo. Rises
KacteeSteamosmation in rise
uds TIdix Stop XNao0X4op

WsE O.D6-D.006 36b x2x O:O8

O= 0.131 kg /s

2No.e RioeRtuoes 93.43

O. 13

A APAO ype duAupeheate ydupplied oh

oates at 6o' C Tt Lnecteol m a
Ateam lme Casuia 200t/h_ t e a ma t
30 bo Colulot amount watu that
mLst be APAayeol pe hp to manta n
Ateam a t 24e0 Uohon heile Dad CoLuues
Ateamtocove at 4SD'CC
t a t e

Sol , 6o°C
3o ba Leo
0 b
At 30 ba SD C
At 30 ba, 1e0 C 2220 82 T/k
h remove bimble-causing bacteria"
At 6o C 20 buR ComseAJ Rd
20 ba, 6°C h S 2 . 3 kJ/k
SD bas 6o'C h=_ 2ST.8 kJ/ k3
30 bas 60C h= 6 kJ/

hio Balanc e duupe otea

LO t wh Wt o)h
tOhhs 2 90 3 4 4 32.30.S2)
hsh2 3230 32 - 2 53.

. I 1 1kas
Page Na


QuL eaduwatez Lem the high Regu heatez enteaLh

intt heads oth eienemia.e at h 3at
6eo kg2 lond at 14D ba,D°C L heated
L qases ilL it becemeg &ous ated
quid at h a t PRessuuL and Loaves h
Sutlet heada to Louo lntD h daum
Flu gases o ee heecenemise Cceil
at h Aatu 1 2SD kgl8' and Love at
4SO°CTo estai t h e eeSIENA0Lbu 4
ash t h a velouty should not
ecceed 'm/ okil th optimum wate
velouts iaNmg Hhe_ceil A 1.2 m/4. ih
o Oo mm D and6o mm ID.
th venallheattaanue Debiclent mau
be Token a to K.Deteam in the
numbe C Leily nedod in h eLonomue
Qnd Kongth caLh_Ceil. Take E
Take Cp.ges 1-2k/a-K kgk
h hDAizental pitch Cei Somm
and vesticalpitch e tuhe in a ceil id u
80m and cleasan hso Aldis e
dutt Loid th G8m Smm,Hnd Hh
veabcal height he eCenenmAe eilu
and h kngth dutt AARumeheight
e duut iA ob m

SolAt 140 loa e datusated quidwate

h = 15H1.03 kJ/k talble 2
0.0016I m
set 336. + C d

"Neem has anti-bacterial properties which remove pimple-causing bacteria"


At 140 baz Ho'C Wateg Compcscd Slecte

Ueinatable B.l,4
190 ba 160 C h= 681,0kJ/k
180C h E 6,8 kJka
9 0 bas HoC h 124,GS kJ/k

ISD bau 160°C , he 684. 04 kJ/kg

180 C h= t0.48 kJ
1 ba lt0'C h = 2 3 ,215 kJ ka

Dba to°C hE 26.LA/ka hte

Rall h heattans he m th ecBem Ael
WsChhe C gg
Also, = U, A.ATm
Using , la 1.7SC
Uaina I , A

laing TI A= 660 C15l.O 8 -26.)

o X 451-2 80
n 4S

:Ap20.14SI x10m2

F Nuakes eteila, o nmdN

Y=2 95 Cei
O MI DUAL CAMERA 2020/10/10 18:25
"Neem has anti-bacterial properties which remove pimple-causing bacteria"
A n Tdn = 20.115S XID m
20.1S XI0
2 85x TIX 0.0+D
92)1.9 m
Numbe e tuans in n Leil,
width 2x cdearant
221.9 -1
2.8-2x b. 0D 5

NeacticalHeigkt o eceueme Ceilu ,h

he hx(Netical ptch) tox Cpude Kadiua)
height E 6Tx D.03 + 0.04
h = 05.43 m
Lengthedutt = x heLinbtalpltdh
t(ouctex adiuu)+ 2x cleana nL
Legth f Auct 2 2.80

QuLFen Ateam gLnerato sed in Seylou qustien

Hhue o Hubloatpe ai pehcoate eeusinq
ecenenmbse,uOh h u Laaes lew thsouh
Hh tubkes and au CEolid to 60C aid a
enteting at 3s°C e 6utsid th tubes
ot thud at o IL61 ka. Th inlut veloity
e ue aase iA 13m/a_and ubecg Qu 60 m
ID Ond 6Smm OD. TU 30 W - K.find the
nath and umbcR Dtuuoes. AsRume hat
h ut gases behave a an idea
hav Ing Cp Ond R=O. 237 KJA

SoRat oheat baanahe

WaxCaa WaCpa LTala)0
Also S U, A ATm -
12SD x L(SD-6o)=L16x 1.00S (Ta2-3s)
la 315 °C
Ling , A, 2 SD x 1.1 (CSp-L60
o Am
O.03 X ATem
ATn HS 12S
A 13 5. xID m

Xn 125D

P 0132S = 0.488 ka
Ta O.2 3+ x (4 SDt243) m

Wa12 SD = n T (.06 x 1x 0.489


A=nTI d,
R = Ao 12S.7 X ID
TidD 668B X TX O.06S
L=9.S4 m


MI DUAL CAMERA 2020/10/10 18:27
Q-7 Find the numbey aind lengn of Surer hecuier
Coils of 5o m m id and 5 mm thickness
to be provided 1f stem at exit at
60 bar 5oo°c, and flows with q velocity
of Lo m/s and maus flod of 8o
Dye to restrictio by materials, he
heat fluz in the S4Perheater coi)s iss
be limited to kW/m

S,AV 92AaV =(na*)

ave e Ws 8o FJs,
but n-? djSoy10m,

steam table, cut 6o bav,

h 3422.2 137e
=Oos665 /k
At 6o bav, h 2 7 84.3 KSey =

o os6EJ
From e" ©, n TxCo-os)* 1o 23

NouO A hTdo 51632 2

A s)(h1-h) Kw
' 36S
-3 8 . 3 7 m
231 7x (50+éxs)}y5
60 bar, 2 500 °C
500 °C
Super 60 bar
heater OSH

sat. vap.
from drum

(a) (b)
Fig. E6.8

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