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CF2 - Chapter 2 Capital Structure - SV

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Chapter 2

Dr. Nguyen Quynh Tho
Key Concepts and Skills

● Understand the effect of financial leverage (i.e., capital

structure) on firm earnings
● Understand homemade leverage
● Understand capital structure theories with and without
● Be able to compute the value of the unlevered and
levered firm
Chapter Outline

1. Some different sources of capital

2. Patterns of financing

3. The Capital Structure Question and The Pie Theory

4. Modigliani and Miller Theory

Part 1.
Some different sources of capital
Corporate Capital Structure Hierarchy
Debt versus Equity

Debt Equity
• Not an ownership interest • Ownership interest
• Creditors do not have voting rights • Common stockholders vote for the
board of directors and other issues
• Interest is considered a cost of
doing business and is tax
deductible • Dividends are not considered a cost
of doing business and are not tax
• Creditors have legal recourse if deductible
interest or principal payments are
missed • Dividends are not a liability of the
firm, and stockholders have no legal
• Excess debt can lead to financial recourse if dividends are not paid
distress and bankruptcy
• An all-equity firm cannot go bankrupt
1. Common Stock

● Voting rights (Cumulative vs. Straight)

● Proxy voting

● Classes of stock

● Other rights

○ Share proportionally in declared dividends

○ Share proportionally in remaining assets during liquidation

○ Preemptive right – the right to purchase new stock issued, so as to

maintain proportional ownership
Voting Right

● Straight Voting
○ Individuals have 1 vote per share.
○ Each share entitles 1 vote for a director seat.
○ Ex. I own 10 shares and 3 directors are up for election. I can vote 10
times for each seat.

● Cumulative Voting
○ Individuals have 1 vote per share
○ Each share entitles to 1 vote for each director seat.
○ You can allocate any number of votes to a single seat.
○ Ex. You can vote all 30 votes for a single director.
Voting Right: Example

The shareholders of Starbuck need to elect seven new directors. There are
960,000 shares outstanding currently trading at $48 per share. You would
like to serve on the board of directors; unfortunately no one else will be
voting for you.

1- How much will it cost you to be certain that you can be elected if
the company uses straight voting?

2- How much will it cost you if the company uses cumulative voting ?
2. Preferred Stock

● Dividends
○ Stated dividend must be paid before dividends can be paid to
common stockholders.
○ Dividends are not a liability of the firm, and preferred dividends
can be deferred indefinitely.
○ Most preferred dividends are cumulative – any missed preferred
dividends have to be paid before common dividends can be

● Preferred stock generally does not carry voting rights.

3. Bond

● The contract between the company and the bondholders that


○ The basic terms of the bonds

○ The total amount of bonds issued

○ A description of property used as security, if applicable

○ Sinking fund provisions

○ Call provisions

○ Details of protective covenants

Bond Indenture

● Registered vs. Bearer Forms

● Security

○ Collateral – secured by financial securities

○ Mortgage – secured by real property, normally land or buildings

○ Debentures – unsecured

○ Notes – unsecured debt with original maturity less than 10 years

● Seniority
Required Yields

● The coupon rate depends on the risk characteristics of

the bond when issued.

● Which bonds will have the higher coupon, all else equal?
○ Secured debt versus a debenture

○ Subordinated debenture versus senior debt

○ A bond with a sinking fund versus one without

○ A callable bond versus a non-callable bond

Zero Coupon Bonds

● Make no periodic interest payments (coupon rate = 0%)

● The entire yield to maturity comes from the difference between
the purchase price and the par value
● Cannot sell for more than par value
● Sometimes called zeroes, deep discount bonds, or original issue
discount bonds (OIDs)
● Treasury Bills and principal-only Treasury strips are good
examples of zeroes
Floating Rate Bonds

● Coupon rate floats depending on some index value

● Examples – adjustable rate mortgages and inflation-
linked Treasuries
● There is less price risk with floating rate bonds.
○ The coupon floats, so it is less likely to differ
substantially from the yield to maturity.
● Coupons may have a “collar” – the rate cannot go above
a specified “ceiling” or below a specified “floor.”
Other Bond Types

● Income bonds

● Convertible bonds

● Put bonds
International Bonds

● Eurobonds: bonds denominated in a particular currency

and issued simultaneously in the bond markets of several

● Foreign bonds: bonds issued in another nation’s capital

market by a foreign borrower
4. Bank Loans

● Lines of Credit
○ Provide a maximum amount the bank is willing to lend
○ If guaranteed, referred to as a revolving line of credit

● Syndicated Loan
○ Large banks frequently have more demand for loans than they have supply.
○ Small regional banks are often in the opposite situation.
○ As a result, a larger bank may arrange a loan with a firm or country and then sell
portions of the loan to a syndicate of other banks.
○ A syndicated loan may be publicly traded.
Part 2.
Patterns of Financing
The Long-Term Financial Deficit

Uses of Cash Flow Sources of Cash Flow

(100%) (100%)

Capital Internal cash

spending flow (retained
earnings plus Internal cash
depreciation) flow

Net working
capital plus
other uses Long-term debt External cash
and equity flow
Patterns of Financing
● Internally generated cash flow dominates as a source of financing.

●Corporations are redeeming more stocks and bonds than they are
Recent Trends in Capital Structure

● Which are best: book or market values?

○ In general, financial economists prefer market values.

○ However, many corporate treasurers may find book values more

appealing due to the volatility of market values.

● Whether we use book or market values, debt ratios for

U.S. non-financial firms have been below 50 percent of total
Part 3.
The Capital Structure Question
and The Pie Theory
Capital Structure and the Pie

●The value of a firm is defined to be the sum of the value of the firm’s
debt and the firm’s equity.


• If the goal of the firm’s management S B

is to make the firm as valuable as
possible, then the firm should pick the
debt-equity ratio that makes the pie as
big as possible.
Value of the Firm
Stockholder Interests

There are two important questions:

1. Why should the stockholders care about maximizing firm value?
Perhaps they should be interested in strategies that maximize
shareholder value.
2. What is the ratio of debt-to-equity that maximizes the shareholder’s
As it turns out, changes in capital structure only benefit the
stockholders if the value of the firm increases.
Maximising Firm Value vs Maximising Stockholder Interests

Suppose the market value of

the Company is $1,000. The
company currently has no
debt, and current stock price
is $10.

Further suppose that the

Company plans to borrow
$500 and pay the $500
proceeds to shareholders as
an extra cash dividend of $5
per share.
Maximising Firm Value vs Maximising Stockholder Interests

Managers should choose the

capital structure that they believe
will have the highest firm value
because this capital structure will
be most beneficial to the firm’s
Financial Leverage, EPS, and ROE

Consider an all-equity firm that is contemplating going into debt.

(Maybe some of the original shareholders want to cash out.)

Current Proposed
Assets $20,000 $20,000
Debt $0 $8,000
Equity $20,000 $12,000
Debt/Equity ratio 0.00 2/3
Interest rate n/a 8%
Shares outstanding 400 240
Share price $50 $50
EPS and ROE Under Current Structure

Recession Expected Expansion

Current EBIT $1,000 $2,000 $3,000

Assets $20,000 Interest 0 0 0
Debt $0
Equity $20,000 Net income $1,000 $2,000 $3,000
Debt/Equity ratio 0.00
Interest rate n/a
Shares outstanding 400 ROA
Share price $50

EPS and ROE Under Proposed Structure

Recession Expected Expansion

Proposed EBIT $1,000 $2,000 $3,000

Assets $20,000
Interest 640 640 640
Debt $8,000
Equity $12,000 Net income $360 $1,360 $2,360
Debt/Equity ratio 2/3
Interest rate 8% EPS
Shares outstanding 240
Share price 50

Financial Leverage and EPS

10.00 Debt

8.00 No Debt

6.00 Advantage to
Break-even point



1,000 2,000 3,000
(2.00) EBIT in dollars, no taxes
Disadvantage to debt
Part 4.
Modigliani & Miller Theory
Homemade Leverage: An Example

The shareholder are buying 40 shares of a $50 stock, using $800 of

debt. We get the same ROE as if we bought into a levered firm.
Recession Expected Expansion
EPS of Unlevered Firm $2.50 $5.00 $7.50
Earnings for 40 shares $100 $200 $300
Less interest on $800 (8%) $64 $64 $64
Net Profits $36 $136 $236
ROE (Net Profits / $1,200) 3.0% 11.3% 19.7%

Our personal debt-equity ratio is: B $800

= = 23
S $1,200
Homemade (Un)Leverage: An Example

Buying 24 shares of an otherwise identical levered firm along with some of the
firm’s debt gets us to the ROE of the unlevered firm.
Recession Expected Expansion
EPS of Levered Firm $1.50 $5.67 $9.83
Earnings for 24 shares $36 $136 $236
Plus interest on $800 (8%) $64 $64 $64
Net Profits $100 $200 $300
ROE (Net Profits / $2,000) 5% 10% 15%
This is the fundamental insight of M&M
MM Proposition I (No Taxes)

●We can create a levered or unlevered position by

adjusting the trading in our own account.

●This homemade leverage suggests that capital structure

is irrelevant in determining the value of the firm:

Assumptions of the M&M Model

●Homogeneous Expectations

●Homogeneous Business Risk Classes

●Perpetual Cash Flows

●Perfect Capital Markets:

○Perfect competition

○Firms and investors can borrow/lend at the same rate

○Equal access to all relevant information

○No transaction costs

○No taxes
MM Proposition II (No Taxes)

●Proposition II

Leverage increases the risk and return to stockholders

Rs = R0 + (B / SL) (R0 - RB)

RB is the interest rate (cost of debt)

Rs is the return on (levered) equity (cost of equity)

R0 is the return on unlevered equity (cost of capital)

B is the value of debt

SL is the value of levered equity

MM Proposition II (No Taxes)

Cost of capital: R (%)

R S = R0 +  ( R0 − R B )

R0 RW ACC =  RB +  RS


Debt-to-equity Ratio
MM Propositions I & II (With Taxes)

●Proposition I (with Corporate Taxes)

○Firm value increases with leverage
VL = VU + TC B
●Proposition II (with Corporate Taxes)
○Some of the increase in equity risk and return is offset by the interest tax shield
RS = R0 + (B/S)×(1-TC)×(R0 - RB)
RB is the interest rate (cost of debt)
RS is the return on equity (cost of equity)
R0 is the return on unlevered equity (cost of capital)
B is the value of debt
S is the value of levered equity
The Effect of Financial Leverage
Cost of capital: R R S = R0 +  ( R0 − R B )
(%) SL

R S = R0 +  (1 − TC )  ( R0 − R B )

RW ACC =  R B  (1 − TC ) +  RS
B+S L B + SL

ratio (B/S)
Total Cash Flow to Investors
Recession Expected Expansion
EBIT $1,000 $2,000 $3,000
Interest 0 0 0
All Equity

EBT $1,000 $2,000 $3,000

Taxes (Tc = 35%) $350 $700 $1,050
Total Cash Flow to S/H $650 $1,300 $1,950

Recession Expected Expansion

EBIT $1,000 $2,000 $3,000

Interest ($800 @ 8% ) 640 640 640

EBT $360 $1,360 $2,360
Taxes (Tc = 35%) $126 $476 $826
Total Cash Flow $234+640 $884+$640 $1,534+$640
(to both S/H & B/H): $874 $1,524 $2,174
EBIT(1-Tc)+TCRBB $650+$224 $1,300+$224 $1,950+$224
$874 $1,524 $2,174
Total Cash Flow to Investors

All-equity firm Levered firm


The levered firm pays less in taxes than does the all-equity firm.
Thus, the sum of the debt plus the equity of the levered firm is
greater than the equity of the unlevered firm.
This is how cutting the pie differently can make the pie “larger.”
-the government takes a smaller slice of the pie!
Summary: No Taxes

●In a world of no taxes, the value of the firm is unaffected by capital structure.

●This is M&M Proposition I:


●Proposition I holds because shareholders can achieve any pattern of payouts they
desire with homemade leverage.

●In a world of no taxes, M&M Proposition II states that leverage increases the risk and
return to stockholders. B
RS = R0 +  (R0 − RB )
Summary: Taxes

●In a world of taxes, but no bankruptcy costs, the value of the firm increases with leverage.

●This is M&M Proposition I:

VL = VU + TC B

●Proposition I holds because shareholders can achieve any pattern of payouts they desire with
homemade leverage.

●In a world of taxes, M&M Proposition II states that leverage increases the risk and return to
RS = R0 +  (1 − TC )  (R0 − RB )
● Describe the basic characteristics of
common and preferred stock.
●Identify the rights of shareholders and
QUICK QUIZ bondholders.

● Why should stockholders care about

maximizing firm value rather than just the
value of the equity?

●How does financial leverage affect firm

value without taxes? With taxes?

●What is homemade leverage?

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