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Salivary Glands

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Learning Objectives
Glands and its classification
Exocrine glands and its classification
Salivary glands and its classification
Relations of different glands
Blood supply
Nerve supply
Lymph drainage
Surface anatomy
Clinical correlates
Gland;An organ which produces and releases
substances that perform a specific function in

◦ Glands are basically divided into;

1. Endocrine glands:secretes their products through basal
lamina and lacks a duct system for example:pituitary,
thyroid and adrenal glands.
2. Exocrine glands:secretes their product through a duct
for example:sweat,lacrimal and salivary glands
Groups of exocrine glands
Merocrine or • Cells secrete their substances by exocytosis
eccrine glands e.g mucous and serous glands

• A portion of secreting cell’s body is lost during

Apocrine glands secretion e.g mamilary and axillary glands

• The entire cell disintegrates to secretes its

Holocrine glands substances e.g sebaceous glands
Categories of exocrine glands
• Secretes a watery,often protein rich
Serous glands product

• Secretes a viscous product,rich in

Mucous glands carbohydrates[e.g glycoproteins]

Sebaceous or oil • Secretes a lipid product

Salivary glands; are compound,tubule
acinar,merocrine,exocrine glands the ducts of
which open into oral cavity
Oral cavity is kept moist by a film of fluid called saliva that coats
teeth and mucosa
Saliva is a complex fluid
Salivon;is the functional unit of salivary gland that consists of;acinar
cells,tubular ducts and myoepithelium
Smell,thought,taste and sight of food stimulates salivation
Sleep,dehydration,fatigue and fear inhibits salivation
Classification of salivary glands on the
basis of size and location
Major or • Large in size and located outside the oral cavity.e.g
extrinsic parotid,sublingual and submandibular salivary
salivary glands

Minor or • small,numerous and located within oral cavity. E.g

lingual,palatal,buccal,retromolar,glossopalatine and
intrinsic salivary labial salivary glands
glands • Present in submucosal layer
Minor glands
Based on type of secretion salivary
glands types;
serous secreting glands;secretes more watery enzymes
rich[digestive such as lingual lipase e.g lingual lipase]e.g
parotid and von ebner’s gland
Mucus secreting glands;secretes thick,proteins rich such as
glycoproteins secretionse.gglands of blandin and
nuhn,glosso palatine glands
Mixed glands;secretes mixture of both serous and mucus
secretions.e.gsubmandibular and sublingual[it is mainly
mucus secreting] glands
Parotid gland;largest gland[para means
around and otic means ear]
Purely serous gland,15 grams weight its
superficial portion lies in front of external ear
and deep part filling retromolar fossa
3 borders;anterior,posterior and medial
border. 4 surfaces[ superior,anteromedial
posteromedial and superficial surface
Relations of submandibular gland;
anteriorly;anterior belly of digastric
posteriorly;posterior belly of
digastric,stylohyoid and parotid gland
nerve,submandibular ganglion and hypoglossal
Laterally;submandibular fossa of
mandible’inferolaterally covered by investing
layer of deep cervical fascia,platysma and skin
Relations of sublingual gland;
anteriorly;gland of opposite side
posteriorly;deep part of submandibular gland
Medially;genioglossus muscle,lingual nerve and
submandibular duct
Laterally;sublingual fossa of mandible
Superiorly;mucous membrane of floor of
mouth,that forms sublingual fold
Inferiorly;mylohyoid muscle
 Parotid gland open through a duct in oral
cavity called stensen’s duct
Submandibular ducts open in mouth through
wharton’s duct
Sublingual ducts open in mouth through a 10 to
20 ducts called bartholins duct that drain its
secretions into duct of rivinus
Size order;parotid>submandibular>sublingual
Amount of saliva produce;submandibular>parotid
Blood supply;
1.Sublingual gland receives blood supply from;
Sublingual artery[a branch of lingual artery]
Submental artery[a branch of facial artery]
Same names of veins drain sublingual gland and hence follows same path as
arteries follows
2.Submandibular gland receives arterial supply from;
Sublingual and submental artery but submental vein mainly drains this
gland later anastomose with sublingual vein
3.Parotid gland receives arterial supply from;superfiacial temporal artery
Maxillary artery and transverse facial artery
Retromandibular vein drains parotid gland
Nerve supply;
• Receives parasympathetic innervation from 9th nerve
Parotid gland

Sub mandibular
• Receives parasympathetic innervation from 7th nerve
and lingual

• From superior cervical ganglion supplies these 3 glands

innervation and produces mucous secretions

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