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Sindy 1904.02107v2

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Data-driven discovery of coordinates and governing equations

Kathleen Champion1∗ , Bethany Lusch2 , J. Nathan Kutz1 , Steven L. Brunton3

Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, United States
Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, IL 60439, United States
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, United States

The discovery of governing equations from scientific data has the potential to transform
data-rich fields that lack well-characterized quantitative descriptions. Advances in sparse re-
gression are currently enabling the tractable identification of both the structure and parameters
arXiv:1904.02107v2 [stat.OT] 4 Apr 2019

of a nonlinear dynamical system from data. The resulting models have the fewest terms neces-
sary to describe the dynamics, balancing model complexity with descriptive ability, and thus
promoting interpretability and generalizability. This provides an algorithmic approach to Oc-
cam’s razor for model discovery. However, this approach fundamentally relies on an effective
coordinate system in which the dynamics have a simple representation. In this work, we design
a custom autoencoder to discover a coordinate transformation into a reduced space where the
dynamics may be sparsely represented. Thus, we simultaneously learn the governing equa-
tions and the associated coordinate system. We demonstrate this approach on several example
high-dimensional dynamical systems with low-dimensional behavior. The resulting model-
ing framework combines the strengths of deep neural networks for flexible representation and
sparse identification of nonlinear dynamics (SINDy) for parsimonious models. It is the first
method of its kind to place the discovery of coordinates and models on an equal footing.

Keywords– model discovery, dynamical systems, machine learning, deep learning, autoencoder

1 Introduction
Governing equations are of fundamental importance across all scientific disciplines. Accurate
models allow for fundamental understanding of physical processes, which in turn gives rise to an
infrastructure for the development of technology. The traditional derivation of governing equa-
tions is based on underlying first principles, such as conservation laws and symmetries, or from
universal laws, such as gravitation. However, in many modern systems, governing equations are
unknown or only partially known, and recourse to first principles derivations is untenable. On the
other hand, many of these modern systems have rich time-series data due to the emergence of sen-
sor and measurement technologies (e.g. in biology and climate science). This has given rise to the
new paradigm of data-driven model discovery. Indeed, the data-driven discovery of dynamical
systems is the focus of intense research efforts across the physical and engineering sciences [1–15].
A central tension in model discovery is the balance between model efficiency and descriptive ca-
pabilities. Parsimonious models strike this balance, having the fewest terms required to capture
essential interactions, and not more [1, 3, 9, 11]. Related to Occam’s razor, parsimonious mod-
els tend to be more interpretable and generalizable. However, obtaining parsimonious models
is fundamentally linked to the coordinate system in which the dynamics are measured. Without
knowledge of the proper coordinates, standard approaches may fail to discover simple dynamical
models. In this work, we develop a machine learning approach that simultaneously discovers
effective coordinates via a custom autoencoder [16–18], along with the parsimonious dynamical
system model via sparse regression in a library of candidate terms [9]. The joint discovery of
models and coordinates is critical for understanding many modern complex systems.

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Numerous recent approaches leverage machine learning to identify dynamical systems mod-
els from data [19–26], with many using neural networks to model time-series data [18, 27–38].
When interpretability and generalizability are primary concerns, it is important to identify par-
simonious models that have the fewest terms required to describe the dynamics, which is the
antithesis of neural networks whose parametrizations are exceedingly large. A breakthrough ap-
proach used symbolic regression to learn the form of dynamical systems and governing laws from
data [1, 3, 39]. Sparse identification of nonlinear dynamics (SINDy) [9] is a related approach that
uses sparse regression to find the fewest terms in a library of candidate terms required to model
a dynamical system. Because this approach is based on a sparsity-promoting linear regression, it
is possible to incorporate partial knowledge of the physics, such as symmetries, constraints, and
conservation laws [40]. Successful model identification relies on the assumption that the dynamics
are measured in a coordinate system in which the dynamics may be sparsely represented. While
simple models may exist in one coordinate system, a different coordinate system may obscure
these parsimonious representations. For modern applications of data-driven discovery, there is
no reason to believe that our sensors are measuring the correct variables to admit a parsimonious
representation of the dynamics. This motivates the systematic and automated discovery of coor-
dinate transformations to facilitate this sparse representation, which is the subject of this work.
The challenge of discovering an effective coordinate system is as fundamental and important
as model discovery. Many key historical scientific breakthroughs were enabled by the discovery
of appropriate coordinate systems. Celestial mechanics, for instance, was revolutionized by the
heliocentric coordinate system of Copernicus, Galileo, and Kepler, thus displacing Ptolemy’s doc-
trine of the perfect circle, which was dogma for more than a millennium. Fourier introduced his fa-
mous transform to simplify the representation of the heat equation, resulting in a sparse, diagonal,
decoupled linear system. Eigen-coordinates have been used more broadly to enable simple and
sparse decompositions, for example in quantum mechanics and electrodynamics, to characterize
energy levels in atoms and propagating modes in waveguides, respectively. Principal component
analysis (PCA) is one of the most prolific modern coordinate discovery methods, representing
high-dimensional data in a low-dimensional linear subspace [41, 42]. Nonlinear extensions of PCA
have been enabled by a neural network architecture, called an autoencoder [16, 17, 43]. However,
PCA coordinates and autoencoders generally do not take dynamics into account and, thus, may
not provide the right basis for parsimonious dynamical models. In a related vein, Koopman anal-
ysis seeks to discover coordinates that linearize nonlinear dynamics [44–47]; while linear models
are useful for prediction and control, they cannot capture the full behavior of many nonlinear
systems. Thus, it is important to develop methods that combine simplifying coordinate transfor-
mations and nonlinear dynamical models. We advocate for a balance between these approaches,
identifying coordinate transformations where only a few nonlinear terms are present, as in the
classic theory of near-identity transformations and normal forms [12, 48].
In this work we present a method for discovery of nonlinear coordinate transformations that
enable associated parsimonious dynamics. Our method combines a custom autoencoder network
with a SINDy model for parsimonious nonlinear dynamics. The autoencoder architecture enables
the discovery of reduced coordinates from high-dimensional input data that can be used to re-
construct the full system. The reduced coordinates are found along with nonlinear governing
equations for the dynamics in a joint optimization. We demonstrate the ability of our method to
discover parsimonious dynamics on three examples: a high-dimensional spatial data set with dy-
namics governed by the chaotic Lorenz system, a spiral wave resulting from the reaction-diffusion
equation, and the nonlinear pendulum. These results demonstrate how to focus neural networks
to discover interpretable dynamical models. Critically, the proposed method is the first to provide
a mathematical framework that places the discovery of coordinates and models on equal footing.

2 Background
2.1 Sparse identification of nonlinear dynamics
We review the sparse identification of nonlinear dynamics (SINDy) [9] algorithm, which is a math-
ematical regression technique for extracting parsimonious dynamics from time-series data. The
method takes snapshot data x(t) ∈ Rn and attempts to discover a best-fit dynamical system with
as few terms as possible:
x(t) = f (x(t)). (1)
The snapshots represent measurements of the state of the system in time t, and the function f
constrains how the dynamics of the system evolve in time. We seek a parsimonious model for the
dynamics, resulting in a function f that contains only a few active terms: it is sparse in a basis of
possible functions. This is consistent with our extensive knowledge of a diverse set of evolution
equations used throughout the physical, engineering and biological sciences. Thus, the functions
that comprise f are typically known from our extensive modeling experience.
SINDy frames model discovery as a sparse regression problem. Assuming snapshot deriva-
tives are available, or can be calculated from data, the snapshots are stacked to form data matrices
   
x1 (t1 ) x2 (t1 ) · · · xn (t1 ) ẋ1 (t1 ) ẋ2 (t1 ) · · · ẋn (t1 )
 x1 (t2 ) x2 (t2 ) · · · xn (t2 )   ẋ1 (t2 ) ẋ2 (t2 ) · · · ẋn (t2 ) 
X= , Ẋ = .
   
.. .. . . .
.   .. .. . . ..
 . . . .   . . . . 
x1 (tm ) x2 (tm ) · · · xn (tm ) ẋ1 (tm ) ẋ2 (tm ) · · · ẋn (tm )

with X, Ẋ ∈ Rm×n . Although f is unknown, we can construct an extensive library of p poten-

tial candidate basis functions Θ(X) = [θ 1 (X) · · · θ p (X)] ∈ Rm×p , where each θ j is a candidate
basis function or model term. We assume m  p so that the number of data snapshots is much
larger than the number of candidate library functions; it may be necessary to sample transient
dynamics and multiple initial conditions to improve the condition number of Θ. The choice of
basis functions typically reflects some knowledge about the system of interest: a common choice
is polynomials in x as these are elements of many canonical models of dynamical systems [48].
The library is used to formulate a regression problem to approximately solve the overdetermined
linear system of equations
Ẋ = Θ(X)Ξ
where the unknown matrix Ξ = (ξ 1 ξ 2 · · · ξ n ) ∈ Rp×n is the set of coefficients that determine the
active terms from Θ(X) in the dynamics f . Sparsity-promoting regression is used to find parsi-
monious models, ensuring that Ξ, or more precisely each ξ j , is sparse and only a few columns of
Θ(X) are selected. For high-dimensional systems, the goal is to identify a low-dimensional state
z = ϕ(x) with dynamics ż = g(z), as in Sec. 3. The standard SINDy approach uses a sequen-
tially thresholded least squares algorithm to find the coefficients [9], which is a proxy for `0 opti-
mization [49] and has convergence guarantees [50]. Yao and Bollt [2] previously formulated the
dynamical system identification problem as a similar linear inverse problem, although sparsity-
promoting regression was not used, so the resulting models generally included all terms in Θ. In
either case, an appealing aspect of this model discovery formulation is that it results in an overde-
termined linear system of equations for which many regularized solution techniques exist. Thus,
it provides a computationally efficient counterpart to other model discovery frameworks [3, 6].
SINDy has been widely applied to identify models for fluid flows [40, 51], optical systems [52],
chemical reaction dynamics [53], convection in a plasma [54], structural modeling [55], and for

model predictive control [56]. There are also a number of theoretical extensions to the SINDy
framework, including for identifying partial differential equations [11, 57], multiscale physics [58],
parametrically dependent dynamical models [59], hybrid (switching) dynamical systems [60], and
models with rational function nonlinearities [61]. It can also incorporate partially known physics
and constraints [40] and identify models based on physically realistic sensor measurements [51].
The algorithm can also be reformulated to include integral terms for noisy data [62] or handle
incomplete or limited data [63, 64]. The selected modes can also be evaluated using information
criteria for model selection [65]. These diverse mathematical developments provide a mature
framework for broadening the applicability of the model discovery method.

2.2 Neural networks for dynamical systems

The success of neural networks (NNs) on problems such as image classification [66] and speech
recognition [67] has led to the use of NNs to perform a wide range of tasks in science and engi-
neering. One recent area of focus has been the use of NNs for studying dynamical systems, which
has a surprisingly rich history [27]. In addition to improving solution techniques for systems with
known equations [34–38], deep learning has been used for understanding and predicting dynam-
ics for complex systems with potentially unknown equations [18, 28–33]. Several recent methods
have trained NNs to predict dynamics, including a time-lagged autoencoder which takes the state
at time t as input data and uses an autoencoder-like structure to predict the state at time t + τ [30].
Other approaches use a recurrent NN architecture, particularly long short-term memory (LSTM)
networks, for applications involving sequential data [68–70]. LSTMs have recently been used to
perform forecasting on chaotic dynamical systems [29]. Reservoir computing has also enabled im-
pressive predictions [14]. Autoencoders are increasingly being leveraged for dynamical systems
because of their close relationship to other dimensionality reduction techniques [43, 71–73].
Another class of NNs use deep learning to discover coordinates for Koopman analysis. Koop-
man theory seeks to discover coordinates that linearize nonlinear dynamics [44–47]. Methods
such as dynamic mode decomposition (DMD) [4, 5, 10, 74], extended DMD [75], kernel DMD [76], and
time-delay DMD [77, 78] build linear models for dynamics, but these methods rely on a proper
set of coordinates for linearization. Several recent works have focused on the use of deep learn-
ing methods to discover the proper coordinates for DMD and extended DMD [31, 32, 79]. Other
methods seek to learn Koopman eigenfunctions and the associated linear dynamics directly using
autoencoders [18, 33].
Despite their widespread use, NNs face three major challenges: generalization, extrapolation,
and interpretation. The hallmark success stories of NNs (computer vision and speech, for instance)
have been on data sets that are fundamentally interpolatory in nature. The ability to extrapolate,
and as a consequence generalize, is known to be an underlying weakness of NNs. This is espe-
cially relevant for dynamical systems and forecasting, which is typically an extrapolatory problem
by nature. Thus models trained on historical data will generally fail to predict future events that
are not represented in the training set. An additional limitation of deep learning is the lack of
interpretability of the resulting models. While attempts have been made to interpret NN weights,
network architectures are typically complicated with the number of parameters (or weights) far
exceeding the original dimension of the dynamical system. The lack of interpretability also makes
it difficult to generalize models to new data sets and parameter regimes. However, NN methods
still have the potential to learn general, interpretable dynamical models if properly constrained or
regularized. In addition to methods for discovering linear embeddings [18, 33], deep learning has
also been used for parameter estimation of PDEs [36, 37].

3 SINDy Autoencoders
We present a method for the simultaneous discovery of sparse dynamical models and coordinates
that enable these simple representations. Our aim is to leverage the parsimony and interpretability
of SINDy with the universal approximation capabilities of deep neural networks [80] in order to
produce interpretable and generalizable models capable of extrapolation and forecasting. Our ap-
proach combines a SINDy model and a deep autoencoder network to perform a joint optimization
that discovers intrinsic coordinates which have an associated parsimonious nonlinear dynamical
model. The architecture is shown in Figure 1. We again consider dynamical systems of the form
(1). While this dynamical model may be dense in terms of functions of the original measurement
coordinates x, our method seeks a set of reduced coordinates z(t) = ϕ(x(t)) ∈ Rd (d  n) with an
associated dynamical model
z(t) = g(z(t)) (2)
that provides a parsimonious description of the dynamics. This means that g contains only a few
active terms. Along with the dynamical model, the method provides coordinate transforms ϕ, ψ
that map the measurement coordinates to intrinsic coordinates via z = ϕ(x) (encoder) and back
via x ≈ ψ(z) (decoder).
The coordinate transformation is achieved using an autoencoder network architecture. The
autoencoder is a feedforward neural network with a hidden layer that represents the intrinsic co-
ordinates. Rather than performing a task such as prediction or classification, the network is trained
to output an approximate reconstruction of its input, and the restrictions placed on the network
architecture (e.g. the type, number, and size of the hidden layers) determine the properties of
the intrinsic coordinates [17]; these networks are known to produce nonlinear generalizations of
PCA [16]. A common choice is that the dimensionality of the intrinsic coordinates z, determined
by the number of units in the corresponding hidden layer, is much lower than that of the input
data x: in this case, the autoencoder learns a nonlinear embedding into a reduced latent space. Our
network takes measurement data x(t) ∈ Rn from a dynamical system as input and learns intrinsic
coordinates z(t) ∈ Rd , where d  n is chosen as a hyperparameter prior to training the network.
While autoencoders can be trained in isolation to discover useful coordinate transformations
and dimensionality reductions, there is no guarantee that the intrinsic coordinates learned will
have associated sparse dynamical models. We require the network to learn coordinates associ-
ated with parsimonious dynamics by simultaneously learning a SINDy model for the dynamics
of the intrinsic coordinates z. This regularization is achieved by constructing a library Θ(z) =
[θ 1 (z), θ 2 (z), . . . , θ p (z)] of candidate basis functions, e.g. polynomials, and learning a sparse set of
coefficients Ξ = [ξ 1 , . . . , ξ d ] that defines the dynamical system
z(t) = g(z(t)) = Θ(z(t))Ξ. (3)
While the functions in the library must be specified prior to training, the coefficients Ξ are learned
along with the NN parameters as part of the training procedure. Assuming derivatives ẋ(t) of the
original states are available or can be computed, one can calculate the derivative of the encoder
variables as ż(t) = ∇x ϕ(x(t))ẋ(t) and enforce accurate prediction of the dynamics by incorporat-
ing the following term into the loss function:
Ldz/dt = ∇x ϕ(x)ẋ − Θ(ϕ(x)T )Ξ 2 .

This term uses the SINDy model along with the gradient of the encoder to encourage the learned
dynamical model to accurately predict the time derivatives of the encoder variables. We include

(a) (b) ż1ż2ż3 1 z1 z2 z3 z12 z1 z2 z33 ξ1 ξ2 ξ3

⋮ ϕ ψ ⋮
= …

x(t) z(t) x̂(t)

Ż Θ(Z) Ξ
żi = ∇x ϕ(xi )ẋi Θ(zTi ) = Θ(ϕ(xi )T )
2  2 2
kx − ψ(z)k2 + λ1 ẋ − (∇z ψ(z)) Θ(zT )Ξ 2 + λ2 (∇x z) ẋ − Θ(zT )Ξ 2 + λ3 kΞk1

| {z } | {z } | {z } | {z }
reconstruction loss SINDy loss in ẋ SINDy loss in ż SINDy

Figure 1: Schematic of the SINDy autoencoder method for simultaneous discovery of coordinates
and parsimonious dynamics. (a) An autoencoder architecture is used to discover intrinsic coordi-
nates z from high-dimensional input data x. The network consists of two components: an encoder
ϕ(x), which maps the input data to the intrinsic coordinates z, and a decoder ψ(z), which recon-
structs x from the intrinsic coordinates. (b) A SINDy model captures the dynamics of the intrinsic
coordinates. The active terms in the dynamics are identified by the nonzero elements in Ξ, which
are learned as part of the NN training. The time derivatives of z are calculated using the deriva-
tives of x and the gradient of the encoder ϕ. The inset shows the pointwise loss function used to
train the network. The loss function encourages the network to minimize both the autoencoder
reconstruction error and the SINDy loss in z and x. L1 regularization on Ξ is also included to
encourage parsimonious dynamics.

an additional term in the loss function that ensures SINDy predictions can be used to reconstruct
the time derivatives of the original data:
Ldx/dt = ẋ − (∇z ψ(ϕ(x))) Θ(ϕ(x)T )Ξ 2 .


We combine (4) and (5) with the standard autoencoder loss function

Lrecon = kx − ψ(ϕ(x))k22 , (6)

which ensures that the autoencoder can accurately reconstruct the input data. We also include
an L1 regularization on the SINDy coefficients Ξ, which promotes sparsity of the coefficients and
therefore encourages a parsimonious model for the dynamics. The combination of the above four
terms gives the following overall loss function:

Lrecon + λ1 Ldx/dt + λ2 Ldz/dt + λ3 Lreg , (7)

where the scalars λ1 , λ2 , λ3 are hyperparameters that determine the relative weighting of the three
terms in the loss function.
In addition to the L1 regularization, to obtain a model with only a few active terms we also in-
corporate sequential thresholding into the training procedure as a proxy for L0 sparsity [49]. This

technique is inspired by the original algorithm used for SINDy [9], which combined least squares
fitting with sequential thresholding to obtain a sparse dynamical model. To apply sequential
thresholding during training, we specify a threshold that determines the minimum magnitude for
coefficients in the SINDy model. At fixed intervals throughout the training, all coefficients below
the threshold are set to zero and training resumes using only the terms left in the model. We
train the network using the Adam optimizer [81]. In addition to the loss function weightings and
SINDy coefficient threshold, training requires the choice of several other hyperparameters includ-
ing learning rate, number of intrinsic coordinates d, network size, and activation functions. Full
details of the training procedure are discussed in Section S1.4.

4 Results
We demonstrate the success of the proposed method on three example systems: a high-dimensional
system with the underlying dynamics generated from the canonical chaotic Lorenz system, a two-
dimensional reaction-diffusion system, and a two-dimensional spatial representation (synthetic
video) of the nonlinear pendulum. Results are shown in Figure 2, and additional details for each
example are provided in Section S2.

4.1 Chaotic Lorenz system

We first construct a high-dimensional example problem with dynamics based on the chaotic Lorenz
system. The Lorenz system is a canonical model used as a test case for many dynamical systems
methods, with dynamics given by the following equations

ż1 = σ(z2 − z1 ) (8a)

ż2 = z1 (ρ − z3 ) − z2 (8b)
ż3 = z1 z2 − βz3 . (8c)

The dynamics of the Lorenz system are chaotic and highly nonlinear, making it an ideal test
problem for model discovery. To create a high-dimensional data set based on this system, we
choose six fixed spatial modes u1 , . . . , u6 ∈ R128 , given by Legendre polynomials, and define

x(t) = u1 z1 (t) + u2 z2 (t) + u3 z3 (t) + u4 z1 (t)3 + u5 z2 (t)3 + u6 z3 (t)3 . (9)

This results in a data set that is a nonlinear combination of the true Lorenz variables, shown in
Figure 3a. The spatial and temporal modes that combine to give the full dynamics are shown in
Figure 3b. Full details of how the data set is generated are given in Section S2.1.
Figure 3d shows the dynamical system discovered by the SINDy autoencoder. While the re-
sulting model does not appear to match the original Lorenz dynamics, the discovered model is
parsimonious, with only 7 active terms, and with dynamics that live on an attractor which has
a two lobe structure similar to that of the original Lorenz attractor. Additionally, by choosing a
suitable variable transformation the discovered model can be rewritten in the same form as the
original Lorenz system. This demonstrates that the SINDy autoencoder is able to recover the cor-
rect sparsity pattern of the dynamics. The coefficients of the discovered model are close to the
original parameters of the Lorenz system, up to an arbitrary scaling, which accounts for the differ-
ence in magnitude of the coefficients of z1 z3 in the second equation and z1 z2 in the third equation.
On a test data set of trajectories from 100 randomly chosen initial conditions, the mean square
error of the decoder reconstruction is less than 3 × 10−5 of the fraction of the variance of the input

System Equations Coefficient Matrix Attractor

(a) Lorenz 1
z·1 = − 10.0z1 + 10.0z2 z2
z· 2 = 27.7z1 − 0.9z2 − 5.5z1z3 z1z3

z·3 = − 2.7z3 + 5.5z1z2

x ⋮ z3

sp a
ce z 33
z2 z1

(b) Reaction-diffusion 1
z·1 = − 0.85z2 z1 z 2

z· 2 = 0.97z1 ⋮
sin z1 z1
sin z2

(c) Nonlinear pendulum z

z z·
··z = − 0.99 sin z

z· 3
sin z
sin z· z

Figure 2: Discovered dynamical models for example systems. (a,b,c) Equations, SINDy coefficients
Ξ, and attractors for the Lorenz system, reaction-diffusion system, and nonlinear pendulum.

data. The fraction of the unexplained variance in predicting the derivatives ẋ and ż are 2×10−4 and
7 × 10−4 , respectively. Simulations of the resulting SINDy model are able to accurately reconstruct
the dynamics of a single trajectory with less than 1% error over the duration of trajectories in the
training data. Over longer durations, the trajectories start to diverge from the true trajectories.
This result is not surprising due to the chaotic nature of the Lorenz system and its sensitivity to
initial conditions. However, the dynamics of the discovered system match the sparsity pattern of
the Lorenz system and the form of the attractor. Improved prediction over a longer duration could
be achieved by increased parameter refinement or training the system with longer trajectories.

4.2 Reaction-diffusion
In practice, many high-dimensional data sets of interest come from dynamics governed by partial
differential equations (PDEs) with more complicated interactions between spatial and temporal
dynamics. To test the method on data generated by a PDE, we consider a lambda-omega reaction-

High-dimensional system Equations Coefficient matrix Attractor

(a) (c) True model z1
z·1 = − 10z1 + 10z2 z2
z· 2 = 28z1 − z2 − z1z3 z1z3

x z· = − 2.7z + z z
3 3 1 2 ⋮ z3

sp a
ce z 33
z2 z1

(b) 1 1.5 (d) Discovered model 1

u1 z1 z2
z·1 = − 10.0z1 − 10.9z2
-1 -0.6
1 1.5 1
u2 z2 z· 2 = − 0.9z2 + 9.6z1z3 z1z3

-1 -0.6
1 1.5 z·3 = − 7.1 − 2.7z3 − 3.1z1z2 z3
u3 z3 z1 → α1z1
z2 z1 z2 → α2 z2
-1 -0.6 z 33 z3 → α3 z3 + β3
1 1.5
u4 z13 (e) Discovered model 1
-1 -0.6 (transformed) z2
1 1.5 z3

z·1 = − 10.0z1 + 10.0z2

u5 z 23 1
z· 2 = 27.7z1 − 0.9z2 − 5.5z1z3
-1 -0.6 z1z3

z·3 = − 2.7z3 + 5.5z1z2 ⋮

1 1.5
u6 z33 z3
-1 -0.6
-1 1 0 10 z 33
space time z2 z1

Figure 3: Model results on the high-dimensional Lorenz example. (a) Trajectories of the chaotic
Lorenz system (z(t) ∈ R3 ) are used to create a high-dimensional data set (x(t) ∈ R128 ). (b) The
spatial modes are created from the first six Legendre polynomials and the temporal modes are
the variables in the Lorenz system and their cubes. The spatial and temporal modes are com-
bined to create the high-dimensional data set via (9). (c,d) The equations, SINDy coefficients Ξ,
and attractors for the original Lorenz system and a dynamical system discovered by the SINDy
autoencoder. The attractors are constructed by simulating the dynamical system forward in time
from a single initial condition. (e) Applying a suitable variable transformation to the system in (d)
reveals a model with the same sparsity pattern as the original Lorenz system. The parameters are
close in value to the original system, with the exception of an arbitrary scaling, and the attractor
has a similar structure to the original system.

diffusion system governed by

ut = (1 − (u2 + v 2 ))u + β(u2 + v 2 )v + d1 (uxx + uyy ) (10a)
2 2 2 2
vt = −β(u + v )u + (1 − (u + v ))v + d2 (vxx + vyy ) (10b)
with d1 , d2 = 0.1 and β = 1. This set of equations generates a spiral wave formation, whose
behavior can be approximately captured by two oscillating spatial modes. We apply our method
to snapshots of u(x, y, t) generated by the above equations. Snapshots are collected at discretized
points of the xy-domain, resulting in a high-dimensional input data set with n = 104 .
We train the SINDy autoencoder with d = 2. The resulting model is shown in Figure 2b. With
two modes, the network discovers a model with nonlinear oscillatory dynamics. On test data,

the fraction of unexplained variance of both the input data x and the input derivatives ẋ is 0.016.
The fraction of unexplained variance of ż is 0.002. Simulation of the dynamical model accurately
captures the low dimensional dynamics, with the fraction of unexplained variance of z totaling
1 × 10−4 .

4.3 Nonlinear pendulum

As a final example, we consider simulated video of a nonlinear pendulum in two spatial dimen-
sions. The nonlinear pendulum is governed by the following second order differential equation:

z̈ = − sin z. (11)

We simulate the system from several initial conditions and generate a series of snapshot images
with a two-dimensional Gaussian centered at the center of mass, determined by the pendulum’s
angle z. This series of images is the high-dimensional data input to the autoencoder. Despite the
fact that the position of the pendulum can be represented by a simple one-dimensional variable,
methods such as PCA are unable to obtain a low-dimensional representation of this data set. A
nonlinear autoencoder, however, is able to discover a one-dimensional representation of the data
For this example, we use a second-order SINDy model: that is, we use a library of functions
including the first derivatives ż to predict the second derivative z̈. This approach is the same as
with a first order SINDy model but requires estimates of the second derivatives in addition to
estimates of the first derivatives. Second order gradients of the encoder and decoder are therefore
also required. Computation of the derivatives is discussed in Section S1.3.
The SINDy autoencoder is trained with d = 1. Of the ten training instances, five correctly
identify the nonlinear pendulum equation. We calculate test error on trajectories from 50 ran-
domly chosen initial conditions. The best model has a fraction of unexplained variance of 8 × 10−4
for the decoder reconstruction of the input x. The fraction of unexplained variance of the SINDy
model predictions for ẍ and z̈ are 3 × 10−4 and 2 × 10−2 , respectively.

5 Discussion
We have presented a data-driven method for discovering interpretable, low-dimensional dynam-
ical models and their associated coordinates for high-dimensional dynamical systems. The simul-
taneous discovery of both is critical for generating dynamical models that are sparse, and hence
interpretable and generalizable. Our approach takes advantage of the power of NNs by using a
flexible autoencoder architecture to discover nonlinear coordinate transformations that enable the
discovery of parsimonious, nonlinear governing equations. This work addresses a major limita-
tion of prior approaches for the discovery of governing equations, which is that the proper choice
of measurement coordinates is often unknown. We demonstrate this method on three example
systems, showing that it is able to identify coordinates associated with parsimonious dynamical
equations. For the examples studied, the identified models are interpretable and can be used for
forecasting (extrapolation) applications (see Figure S1).
A current limitation of our approach is the requirement for clean measurement data that is
approximately noise-free. Fitting a continuous-time dynamical system with SINDy requires rea-
sonable estimates of the derivatives, which may be difficult to obtain from noisy data. While
this represents a challenge, approaches for estimating derivatives from noisy data such as the
total variation regularized derivative can prove useful in providing derivative estimates [82].

Moreover, there are emerging NN architectures explicitly constructed for separating signals from
noise [83], which can be used as a pre-processing step in the data-driven discovery process ad-
vocated here. Alternatively our method can be used to fit a discrete-time dynamical system, in
which case derivative estimates are not required. Many methods for modeling dynamical systems
work in discrete time rather than continuous time, making this a reasonable alternative. It is also
possible to use the integral formulation of SINDy to abate noise sensitivity [62].
A major problem with deep learning approaches is that models are typically neither inter-
pretable nor generalizable. Specifically, NNs trained solely for prediction may fail to generalize
to classes of behaviors not seen in the training set. We have demonstrated an approach for using
NNs to obtain classically interpretable models through the discovery of low-dimensional dynam-
ical systems, which are well-studied and often have physical interpretations. Once the proper
terms in the governing equations are identified, the discovered model can be generalized to study
other parameter regimes of the dynamics. While the coordinate transformation learned by the
autoencoder may not generalize to data regimes far from the original training set, if the dynamics
are known, the network can be retrained on new data with fixed terms in the latent dynamics
space. The problem of relearning a coordinate transformation for a system with known dynam-
ics is greatly simplified from the original challenge of learning the correct form of the underlying
dynamics without knowledge of the proper coordinate transformation.
The challenge of utilizing NNs to answer scientific questions requires careful consideration of
their strengths and limitations. While advances in deep learning and computing power present a
tremendous opportunity for new scientific breakthroughs, care must be taken to ensure that valid
conclusions are drawn from the results. One promising strategy is to combine machine learn-
ing approaches with well-established domain knowledge: for instance physics-informed learning
leverages physical assumptions into NN architectures and training methods. Methods that pro-
vide interpretable models have the potential to enable new discoveries in data-rich fields. This
work introduced a flexible framework for using NNs to discover models that are interpretable
from a standard dynamical systems perspective. In the future, this approach could be adapted
using domain knowledge to discover new models in specific fields.

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation Graduate Re-
search Fellowship under Grant No. DGE-1256082. The authors also acknowledge support from
the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA PA-18-01-FP-125) and the Army Re-
search Office (ARO W911NF-17-1-0306 and W911NF-17-1-0422). This work was facilitated through
the use of advanced computational, storage, and networking infrastructure provided by AWS
cloud computing credits funded by the STF at the University of Washington. This research was
funded in part by the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility, which is a DOE Office of Sci-
ence User Facility supported under Contract DE-AC02-06CH11357. We would also like to thank
Jean-Christophe Loiseau and Karthik Duraisamy for valuable discussions about sparse dynamical
systems and autoencoders.

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S1 Network Architecture and Training
S1.1 Network architecture
The autoencoder network consists of a series of fully-connected layers. Each layer has an asso-
ciated weight matrix W and bias vector b. We use sigmoid activation functions f (x) = 1/(1 +
exp(−x)), which are applied at all layers of the network, except for the last layer of the encoder
and the last layer of the decoder. Other choices of activation function, such as rectified linear units
and exponential linear units, may also be used and appear to achieve similar results.

S1.2 Loss function

The loss function used in training is a weighted sum of four terms: autoencoder reconstruction
Lrecon , SINDy prediction on the input variables Ldx/dt , SINDy prediction on the encoder variables
Ldz/dt , and SINDy coefficient regularization Lreg . For a data set with m input samples, each loss is
explicitly defined as follows:
1 X
Lrecon = kxi − ψ(ϕ(xi ))k22 (12a)
1 X ẋi − (∇z ψ(ϕ(xi ))) Θ(ϕ(xi )T )Ξ 2

Ldx/dt = 2
1 X
∇x ϕ(xi )ẋi − Θ(ϕ(xi )T )Ξ 2

Ldz/dt = 2
Lreg = kΞk1 . (12d)
The total loss function is
Lrecon + λ1 Ldx/dt + λ2 Ldz/dt + λ3 Lreg . (13)
Lrecon ensures that the autoencoder can accurately reconstruct the data from the intrinsic coordi-
nates. Ldx/dt and Ldz/dt ensure that the discovered SINDy model captures the dynamics of the
system by ensuring that the model can predict the derivatives from the data. Lreg promotes spar-
sity of the coefficients in the SINDy model.

S1.3 Computing derivatives

Computing the derivatives of the encoder variables requires propagating derivatives through the
network. Our network makes use of an activation function f (·) that operates elementwise. Given
an input x, we define the pre-activation values at the jth encoder layer as

lj = f (lj−1 )Wj + bj . (14)

The first layer applies the weights and biases directly to the input so that

l0 = xW0 + b0 . (15)

The activation function is not applied to the last layer, so for an encoder with L hidden layers the
autoencoder variables are defined as

z = f (lL−1 )WL + bL . (16)

Assuming that derivatives dx/dt are available or can be computed, derivatives dz/dt can also be
dz 0 dlL−1
= f (lL−1 ) ◦ WL
dt dt

dlj 0 dlj−1
= f (lj−1 ) ◦ Wj
dt dt
dl0 dx
= W0 .
dt dt
For the nonlinear pendulum example, we use a second order SINDy model that requires the cal-
culation of second derivatives. Second derivatives can be computed using the following:

d2 z d2 lL−1
00 dlL−1 dlL−1 0
= f (lL−1 ) ◦ ◦ + f (lL−1 ) ◦ WL
dt2 dt dt dt2
d2 lj d2 lj−1
00 dlj−1 dlj−1 0
= f (lj−1 ) ◦ ◦ + f (lj−1 ) ◦ Wj
dt2 dt dt dt2
dl0 d2 x
= 2 W0 .
dt dt

S1.4 Training procedure

We train multiple models for each of the example systems. Each instance of training has a dif-
ferent random initialization of the network weights. The weight matrices Wj are initialized
p thep Xavier initialization: the entries are chosen from a random uniform distribution over
[− 6/α, 6/α] where α is the dimension of the input plus the dimension of the output [84]. The
bias vectors bj are initialized to 0 and the SINDy model coefficients Ξ are initialized so that every
entry is 1. We train each model using the Adam optimizer for a fixed number of epochs [81]. The
learning rate and number of training epochs for each example are specified in Section S2.
To obtain parsimonious dynamical models, we use a sequential thresholding procedure that
promotes sparsity on the coefficients in Ξ, which represent the dynamics on the latent variables
z. Every 500 epochs, we set all coefficients in Ξ with a magnitude of less than 0.1 to 0, effectively
removing these terms from the SINDy model. This is achieved by using a mask Υ, consisting of
1s and 0s, that determines which terms remain in the SINDy model. Thus the true SINDy terms
in the loss function are given by
m m
1 X ẋi − (∇z ψ(ϕ(xi ))) Θ(ϕ(xi )T )(Υ ◦ Ξ) 2 + λ2 1
∇x ϕ(xi )ẋi − Θ(ϕ(xi )T )(Υ ◦ Ξ) 2

λ1 2 2
m m
i=1 i=1
where Υ is passed in separately and not updated by the optimization algorithm. Once a term has
been thresholded out during training, it is permanently removed from the SINDy model. There-
fore the number of active terms in the SINDy model can only be decreased as training continues.
The L1 regularization on Ξ encourages the model coefficients to decrease in magnitude, which
combined with the sequential thresholding produces a parsimonious dynamical model.
While the L1 regularization penalty on Ξ promotes sparsity in the resulting SINDy model, it
also encourages nonzero terms to have smaller magnitudes. This results in a trade-off between

accurately reconstructing the dynamics of the system and reducing the magnitude of the SINDy
coefficients, where the trade-off is determined by the relative magnitudes of the loss weight penal-
ties λ1 , λ2 and the regularization penalty λ3 . The specified training procedure therefore typically
results in models with coefficients that are slightly smaller in magnitude than those which would
best reproduce the dynamics. To account for this, we add an additional coefficient refinement
period to the training procedure. To perform this refinement, we lock in the sparsity pattern in
the dynamics by fixing the coefficient mask Υ and continue training for 1000 epochs without the
L1 regularization on Ξ. This ensures that the best coefficients are found for the resulting SINDy
model and also allows the training procedure to refine the encoder and decoder parameters. This
procedure is analagous to running a debiased regression following the use of LASSO to select
model terms [85].

S1.5 Model selection

Random initialization of the NN weights is standard practice for deep learning approaches. This
results in the discovery of different models for different instances of training, which necessitates
comparison among multiple models. In this work, when considering the success of a resulting
model, one must consider the parsimony of the SINDy model, how well the decoder reconstructs
the input, and how well the SINDy model captures the dynamics.
To assess model performance, we calculate the fraction of unexplained variance of both the
input data x and its derivative ẋ. This error calculation takes into account both the decoder re-
construction and the fit of the dynamics. When considering parsimony, we consider the number
of active terms in the resulting SINDy model. While parsimonious models are desirable for ease
of analysis and interpretability, a model that is too parsimonious may be unable to fully capture
the dynamics. In general, for the examples explored, we find that models with fewer active terms
perform better on validation data (lower fraction of unexplained variance of ẋ) whereas models
with more active terms tend to over-fit the training data.
For each example system, we apply the training procedure to ten different initializations of the
network and compare the resulting models. For the purpose of demonstration, for each example
we show results for a chosen “best” model, which is taken to be the model with the lowest fraction
of variance unexplained on validation data among models with the fewest active coefficients.
While every instance of training does not result in the exact same SINDy sparsity pattern, the
network tends to discover a few different closely related forms of the dynamics. We discuss the
comparison among models for each particular example further in Section S2.

S2 Example Systems
S2.1 Chaotic Lorenz system
To create a high-dimensional data set with dynamics defined by the Lorenz system, we choose six
spatial modes u1 , . . . , u6 ∈ R128 and take
x(t) = u1 z1 (t) + u2 z2 (t) + u3 z3 (t) + u4 z1 (t)3 + u5 z2 (t)3 + u6 z3 (t)3 .
where the dynamics of z are specified by the Lorenz equations
ż1 = σ(z2 − z1 ) (18a)
ż2 = z1 (ρ − z3 ) − z2 (18b)
ż3 = z1 z2 − βz3 (18c)

Equations Coefficient matrix Attractor Simulated dynamics
(a) Model 1 z1
z2 z1
z·1 = − 10.0z1 − 10.9z2
z· 2 = − 0.9z2 + 9.6z1z3
z1z3 z2
z·3 = − 7.1 − 2.7z3 − 3.1z1z2
⋮ z3
z2 z1
z 33
(b) Model 2 z1
z2 z1
z·1 = 5.7z3 − 3.5z1z2 + 2.1z2 z3 z2

z· 2 = − 10.3 − 2.7z2 + 2.6z12 − 1.0z32

z1z3 z2
z·3 = − 10.9z3 − 5.6z1z2 + 3.4z2 z3

z2 z1
z 33

Figure S1: Comparison of two discovered models for the Lorenz example system. For both models
we show the equations, SINDy coefficients Ξ, attractors, and simulated dynamics for two models
discovered by the SINDy autoencoder. (a) A model with 7 active terms. This model can be rewrit-
ten in the same form as the original Lorenz system using the variable transformation described in
Section S2.1. Simulation of the model produces an attractor with a two lobe structure and is able
to reproduce the true trajectories of the dynamics for some time before eventually diverging due
to the chaotic nature of the system. (b) A model with 10 active terms. The model has more terms
than the true Lorenz system, but has a slightly lower fraction of unexplained variance of x, ẋ than
the model in (a). Simulation shows that the dynamics also lie on an attractor with two lobes. The
model can accurately predict the true dynamics over a similar duration as (a).

with standard parameter values of σ = 10, ρ = 28, β = 8/3. We choose our spatial modes
u1 , . . . , u6 to be the first six Legendre polynomials defined at 128 grid points on a 1D spatial do-
main [−1, 1]. To generate our data set, we simulate the system from 2048 initial conditions for
the training set, 20 for the validation set, and 100 for the test set. For each initial condition we
integrate the system forward in time from t = 0 to t = 5 with a spacing of ∆t = 0.02 to obtain 250
samples. Initial conditions are chosen randomly from a uniform distribution over z1 ∈ [−36, 36],
z2 ∈ [−48, 48], z3 ∈ [−16, 66]. This results in a training set with 512,000 total samples.
Following the training procedure described in Section S1.4, we learn ten models using the sin-
gle set of training data (variability among the models comes from the initialization of the network
weights). The hyperparameters used for training are shown in Table S1. For each model we run
the training procedure for 104 epochs, followed by a refinement period of 103 epochs. Of the ten
models, two have 7 active terms, two have 10 active terms, one has 11 active terms, and five have
15 or more active terms. While all models have less than 1% unexplained variance for both x and
ẋ, the three models with 20 or more active terms have the worst performance predicting ẋ. The

Table S1: Hyperparameter values for the Lorenz example

Parameter Value
n 128
d 3
training samples 5.12 × 105
batch size 8000
activation function sigmoid
encoder layer widths 64, 32
decoder layer widths 32, 64
learning rate 10−3
SINDy model order 1
SINDy library polynomial order 3
SINDy library includes sine no
SINDy loss weight ẋ, λ1 10−4
SINDy loss weight ż, λ2 0
SINDy regularization loss weight, λ3 10 −5

two models with 10 active terms have the lowest overall error, followed by models with 7, 15,
and 18 active terms. While the models with 10 active terms have a lower overall error than the
models with 7 terms, both have a very low error and thus we choose to highlight the model with
the fewest active terms. A model with 10 active terms is shown in Figure S1 for comparison.
For analysis, we highlight the model with the lowest error among the models with the fewest
active terms. The discovered model has equations

ż1 = −10.0z1 − 10.9z2 (19a)

ż2 = −0.9z2 + 9.6z1 z3 (19b)
ż3 = −7.1 − 2.7z3 − 3.1z1 z2 . (19c)

While the structure of this model appears to be different from that of the original Lorenz system,
we can define an affine transformation that gives it the same structure. The variable transforma-
tion z1 = α1 z̃1 , z2 = α2 z̃2 , z3 = α3 z̃3 + β3 gives the following transformed system of equations:

z̃˙1 = (−10.0α1 z̃1 − 10.9α2 z̃2 ) (20a)
= −10.0z̃1 − 10.9 z̃2 (20b)
z̃˙2 = (−0.9α2 z̃2 + 9.6α1 z̃1 (α3 z̃3 + β3 )) (20c)
α1 α1 α3
= 9.6 β3 z̃1 − 0.9z̃2 + 9.6 z̃1 z̃3 (20d)
α2 α2
z̃˙3 = (−7.1 − 2.7(α3 z̃3 + β3 ) − 3.1α1 α2 z̃1 z̃2 ) (20e)
1 α1 α2
= (−7.1 − 2.7β3 ) − 2.7z̃3 − 3.1 z̃1 z̃2 . (20f)
α3 α3

By choosing α1 = 1, α2 = −0.917, α3 = 0.524, β3 = −2.665, the system becomes

z̃˙1 = −10.0z̃1 + 10.0z̃2 (21a)

z̃˙2 = 27.7z̃1 − 0.9z̃2 − 5.5z̃1 z̃3 (21b)
z̃˙3 = −2.7z̃3 + 5.5z̃1 z̃2 . (21c)

This has the same form as the original Lorenz equations with parameters that are close in value,
apart from an arbitrary scaling that affects the magnitude of the coefficients of z̃1 z̃3 in (21b) and
z̃1 z̃2 in (21c). The attractor dynamics for this system are very similar to the original Lorenz attractor
and are shown in Figure 3c.
The learning procedure discovers a dynamical model by fitting coefficients that predict the
continuous-time derivatives of the variables in a dynamical system. Thus it is possible for the
training procedure to discover a model with unstable dynamics or which is unable to predict the
true dynamics through simulation. We assess the validity of the discovered models by simulating
the dynamics of the discovered low-dimensional dynamical system. Simulation of the system
shows that the system is stable with trajectories existing on an attractor very similar to the original
Lorenz attractor. Additionally, the discovered system is able to predict the dynamics of the original
system. The fourth panel in Figure S1a shows the trajectories found by stepping the discovered
model forward in time as compared with the values of z obtained by mapping samples of the
high-dimensional data through the encoder. Although this is done on a new initial condition, the
trajectories match very closely up to t = 5, which is the duration of trajectories contained in the
training set. After that the trajectories diverge, but the predicted trajectories remain on an attractor.
The Lorenz dynamics are chaotic, and thus slight differences in coefficients or initial conditions
cause trajectories to diverge quickly.
For comparison, in Figure S1b we show a second model discovered by the training procedure.
This model has 10 active terms, as compared with 7 in the true Lorenz system. While the model
contains additional terms not present in the original system, the dynamics lie on an attractor with
a similar two lobe structure. Additionally, the system is able to predict the dynamics through
simulation. This model has a lower error on test data than the original 7 term model, with a
fraction of unexplained variance of 2 × 10−6 for x, 6 × 10−5 for ẋ, and 3 × 10−4 for ż.

S2.2 Reaction-diffusion
We generate data from a high-dimensional lambda-omega reaction-diffusion system governed by

ut = (1 − (u2 + v 2 ))u + β(u2 + v 2 )v + d1 (uxx + uyy ) (22a)

2 2 2 2
vt = −β(u + v )u + (1 − (u + v ))v + d2 (vxx + vyy ) (22b)

with d1 , d2 = 0.1 and β = 1. The system is simulated from a single initial condition from t = 0 to
t = 10 with a spacing of ∆t = 0.05 for a total of 10,000 samples. The initial condition is defined as
q  q 
u(y1 , y2 , 0) = tanh y12 + y22 cos ∠(y1 + iy2 ) − y12 + y22 (23a)
q  q 
v(y1 , y2 , 0) = tanh 2 2 2
y1 + y2 sin ∠(y1 + iy2 ) − y1 + y2 2 (23b)

over a spatial domain of y1 ∈ [−10, 10], y2 ∈ [−10, 10] discretized on a grid with 100 points on
each spatial axis. The solution of these equations results in a spiral wave formation. We apply our

(a) Reaction-diffusion system

Equations Coefficient matrix Attractor
(b) Model 1 z1
z12 z1
z·1 = − 0.85z2 z1 z 2

z· 2 = 0.97z1 ⋮ z2
2 time
sin z1 z1
sin z2
1 data
(c) Model 2 z1
z·1 = 0.82z2 z1 z 2 z1

z· 2 = − 1.10 sin z1 ⋮
z2 z2
sin z1 z1
sin z2 time

Figure S2: Resulting models for the reaction-diffusion system. (a) Snapshots of the high-
dimensional system show a spiral wave formation. (b,c) Equations, SINDy coefficients Ξ, at-
tractors, and simulated dynamics for two models discovered by the SINDy autoencoder. The
model in (b) is a linear oscillation, whereas the model in (c) is a nonlinear oscillation. Both mod-
els achieve similar error levels and can predict the dynamics in the test set via simulation of the
low-dimensional dynamical system.

method to snapshots of u(y1 , y2 , t) generated by the above equations, multiplied by a Gaussian

f (y1 , y2 ) = exp(−0.1(y12 + y22 )) centered at the origin to localize the spiral wave in the center of the
domain. Our input data is thus defined as x(t) = f (:, :) ◦ u(:, :, t) ∈ R10 . We also add Gaussian
noise with a standard deviation of 10−6 to both x and ẋ. Four time snapshots of the input data are
shown in Figure S2a.
We divide the total number of samples into training, validation, and test sets: the last 1000
samples are taken as the test set, 1000 samples are chosen randomly from the first 9000 samples as
a validation set, and the remaining 8000 samples are taken as the training set. We train ten models
using the procedure outlined in Section S1.4 for 3 × 103 epochs followed by a refinement period
of 103 epochs. Hyperparameters used for training are shown in Table S2. Nine of the ten resulting
dynamical systems models have two active terms and one has three active terms. The dynamical
equations, SINDy coefficient matrix, attractors, and simulated dynamics for two example models
are shown in Figure S2b,c. The models with two active terms all have one of the two forms shown

Table S2: Hyperparameter values for the reaction-diffusion example

Parameter Value
n 104
d 2
training samples 8000
batch size 1024
activation function sigmoid
encoder layer widths 256
decoder layer widths 256
learning rate 10−3
SINDy model order 1
SINDy library polynomial order 3
SINDy library includes sine yes
SINDy loss weight ẋ, λ1 0.5
SINDy loss weight ż, λ2 0.01
SINDy regularization loss weight, λ3 0.1

Table S3: Hyperparameter values for the nonlinear pendulum example

Parameter Value
n 2601
d 1
training samples 5 × 104
batch size 1024
activation function sigmoid
encoder layer widths 128, 64, 32
decoder layer widths 32, 64, 128
learning rate 10−4
SINDy model order 2
SINDy library polynomial order 3
SINDy library includes sine yes
SINDy loss weight ẋ, λ1 5 × 10−4
SINDy loss weight ż, λ2 5 × 10−5
SINDy regularization loss weight, λ3 10−5

in the figure: three models have a linear oscillation and six models have a nonlinear oscillation.
Both model forms have similar levels of error on the test set and are able to predict the dynamics
in the test set from simulation, as shown in the fourth panel of Figure S2b,c.

S2.3 Nonlinear pendulum

The nonlinear pendulum equation is given by

z̈ = − sin z. (24)

(a) Nonlinear pendulum Equations Coefficient matrix Attractor Simulated
(b) True model z


··z = − sin z
z· 3 z· time
sin z
sin z·
(c) Discovered 1
model 1 z·


··z = − 0.99 sin z

z· 3 z· time
sin z
sin z·
z model
(d) Discovered 1 data
model 2 z·
··z = − 0.52z ⋮ z
z· 3
sin z
z· time
sin z·

Figure S3: Resulting models for the nonlinear pendulum. (a) Snapshots of the high-dimensional
system are images representing the position of the pendulum in time. (b,c,d) Comparison of two
discovered models with the true pendulum dynamics. Equations, SINDy coefficients Ξ, attrac-
tors, and simulated dynamics for the true pendulum equation are shown in (b). The model in (c)
correctly discovered the true form of the pendulum dynamics. Both the image of the attractor and
simulations match the true dynamics. (d) In one instance of training, the SINDy autoencoder dis-
covered a linear oscillation for the dynamics. This model achieves a worse error than the model
in (c).

We generate synthetic video of the pendulum in two spatial dimensions by creating high-dimensional
snapshots given by
x(y1 , y2 , t) = exp −20 (y1 −cos(z(t)−π/2))2 + (y2 −sin(z(t)−π/2))2

at a discretization of y1 , y2 ∈ [−1.5, 1.5]. We use 51 grid points in each dimension resulting in snap-
shots x(t) ∈ R2601 . To generate a training set, we simulate (24) from 100 randomly chosen initial
conditions with z(0) ∈ [−π, π] and ż(0) ∈ [−2.1, 2.1]. The initial conditions are selected from a
uniform distribution in the specified range but are restricted to conditions for which the pendu-
lum does not have enough energy to do a full loop. This condition is determined by checking that
|ż(0)2 /2 − cos z(0)| ≤ 0.99.
Following the training procedure outlined in Section S1.4, we train ten models for 5 × 103
epochs followed by a refinement period of 103 epochs. Hyperparameters used for this example
are shown in Table S3. Five of the ten resulting models correctly recover the nonlinear pendulum
equation. These five models have the best performance of the ten models. The attractor and

simulated dynamics for the best of these five models are shown in Figure S3. One model, also
shown in Figure S3, recovers a linear oscillator. This model is able to achieve a reasonably low
prediction error for ẍ, z̈ but the simulated dynamics, while still oscillatory, appear qualitatively
different from the true pendulum dynamics. The four remaining models all have two active terms
in the dynamics and have a worse performance than the models with one active term.


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