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Canadian Journal of Cardiology 34 (2018) 132e145


New Insights Into the Use of the 12-Lead Electrocardiogram for

Diagnosing Acute Myocardial Infarction in the Emergency
Department David F. Miranda, MD,a Angie S.
Lobo, MD,b Brooks Walsh, MD,c Yader Sandoval, MD,d and Stephen
W. Smith, M.D.
Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, Hennepin County Medical Center and Minneapolis Heart Institute, Abbott Northwestern Hospital,
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Department of Medical Education, Abbott Northwestern Hospital, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Department of Emergency Medicine, Bridgeport Hospital, Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA
Mayo Clinic, Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Rochester, Minnesota, USA

Department of Emergency Medicine, Hennepin County Medical Center and University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

The 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) remains the most immediately accessible The electrocardiogramme (ECG) à 12 dérivations demeure l'un des tools de
and widely used initial diagnostic tool for guiding man agement in patients with diagnostic des más accesibles et des más utilises pour orienter vers une prize
suspected myocardial infarction (MI). en charge les patients qui montrent une suspicion d'infarctus du myocarde (IM).
Although the development of high-sensitivity cardiac troponin assays has Well that the elaboration of dosages of high cardiac troponin sensitizes ait am
improved the rule-in and rule-out and risk stratification of acute MI without ST elior the 'exclusion and the confirmation of the diagnosis of myocardial infarcts
elevation, the immediate management of the subset of acute MI with acute (AMI) and the stratification of the risk of AMI without its decalage of the ST
coronary occlusion depends on integrating clinical presentation and ECG segment, The price en charge immediate de l'IAM associated with an occlusion
findings. Careful interpretation of the ECG might yield subtle features suggestive aiguë d'une artère coronaire depend de l'integration du tableau clinique et des
of ischemia that might facilitate more rapid triage of patients with subtle acute resultats de l'ECG. The rigorous interpretation of the ECG pourrait aboutir à des
coronary occlusion or, conversely, in identification of ST-elevation MI mimics subtle characteristics evocative of an ischeme that favors the rapid triage of
(pseudo ST elevation MI patterns). Our goal in this review article is to consider patients before a subtle occlusion aiguë of a coronary artery or, à l'inverse, à la
recent advances in the use of the ECG to diagnose coronary occlusion MIs, detection of a simulation d'IM with sus-decalage du segment ST (forms of pseudo-
including the application of rules that allow MI to be diagnosed on the basis of infarctus du myocarde avec sus-decalage du segment ST). Dans presented him
atypical ECG manifestations. Such rules include the modified Sgarbossa criteria article, notre objectif est de tenir compte des recentes
allowing identification of acute MI in left

The 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) remains the first, (ME). AMI is neatly divided into ST-elevation (STE)
most rapid, widely available, noninvasive, and cost- myocardial infarction (STEMI) and non-STEMI (NSTEMI).
effective diagnostic test for patients with suspected acute The physiological substrate for STEMI is acute thrombotic
coronary syndrome (ACS). It should be recorded within 10 occlusion (ATO), with the risk of irreversible myocardial
minutes of presentation to the emergency department loss if not immediately treated. ATO is defined in studies
(ED).1 Its interpretation, as with any diagnostic test, must referenced below by Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction
always be per formed in the context of the patient's clinical (TIMI) flow grade of 0, 0/1, or 0-2, or by very high percent
presentation and the pretest probability for acute myocardial infarction acute stenosis. As we will see, such high-risk physiology
is frequently diagnosed as NSTEMI (ie, AMI without
diagnostic STE), such that the division between the two is
Received for publication July 15, 2017. Accepted November 22, 2017. not so dichotomous.
Corresponding author: Stephen W. Smith, MD, Hennepin County Medical Although the diagnosis of STEMI relies primarily on the
Center and University of Minnesota, 701 Park Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55415.
Phones: 612-873-5683; fax: 612-904-4242. ECG, the diagnosis of NSTEMI relies primarily on troponin2
Email: because a significant proportion of patients with AMI
See page 142 for disclosure information. present with a “negative” ECG; Welch et al., using
0828-282X/ 2017 Canadian Cardiovascular Society. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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Miranda et al. 133

New Insights into the ECG in Acute MI in the ED

bundle branch block or ventricular pacing, the 3- and 4-variable for mula Advances in the use of the ECG to diagnose the IM associated with the
to differentiate normal ST elevation (formerly called early repo larization) occlusion of a coronary artery, and understand the application of the rules
from subtle ECG signs of left anterior descending coronary artery occlusion, that allow the diagnosis of the IM on the basis of atypical manifestations of
the differentiation of ST elevation of left ventricular aneurysm from that of the ECG. Parmi ces règles, on note Sgarbossa's criteria modifies that allow
acute anterior MI, and the use of lead aVL in the recognition of inferior MI. detection of AMI in the presence of a gauche branch pad or ventricular
Improved use of the ECG is essential to improving the diagnosis and stimulation, the 3 and 4-variable formula to differentiate its normal scale du
appropriate early management of acute coronary occlusion MIs, which will segment ST (formerly called repolarization pr ecoce) des signes subtiles à
lead to improved outcomes for patients who present with acute coronary l'ECG d'une occlusion de la branche descendante anterioreure de l'artère
coronary gauche, the differentiation of the sus-d ecalage of the ST segment
of the anevrisme ventriculaire gauche de celui de l'IAM de la paroi
anterieure et l'utilisation de la derivación aVL pour d'etecter l'IM de la paroi
inferieure. A better use of the ECG is essential to the optimization of the
diagnosis and the early adequate price of IM associated with the acute
occlusion of a coronary artery disease, and it will be translated by the best
clinical results for the patients who sont atteints d'un syndrome coronarien

registry data, reported that, of myocardial infarction (MI) Over the past decade, ECG patterns that warrant
diagnosed according to creatine kinase MB (CK-MB) emerging reperfusion, despite not fulfilling standard STEMI
fraction (not angiography or troponin), 8% were completely criteria, have been described. Rokos et al. outlined the
normal and 35% were “nonspecific” (a frequently used evidence for many STEMI equivalents in addition to isolated
synonym for “ nondiagnostic”; ie, without diagnostic STE, posterior AMI: LBBB that met Sgarbossa criteria, de Winter
ST depression [STD], or T-wave inversion).3 Only 57% had pattern, and hyperacute T waves, as well as the so-called
diagnostic STE, STD, or T-wave inversion. All interpretations “left main (LM) coronary occlusion” pattern (diffuse STD
were as recorded by the treating physician. with STE in aVR).7 Some later reviews also addressed the
This highlights a widespread problem with the literature: evidence for these STEMI equivalents and for a variety of
studies rarely report detailed data on ECG findings and it is other abnormal malities that merit emergent reperfusion,
thus difficult to know if “nondiagnostic” ECGs might be including discussions of de Winter T waves, Wellens T
subtly diagnostic to a more expert clinician. Accordingly, waves, isolated posterior STEMI, and hyperacute T waves
there is a marked paucity of literature describing methods (see Fig. 1A for de Winter T waves).10-12 Aside from the
to scrutinize apparently nondiagnostic ECGs to find subtle previously mentioned patterns, previous reviews
features of ischemia, and especially of ATO, that might help document the deficiencies of the ECG, the risk and
to identify ACS patients who might benefit from expedited prognosis of various ECG findings in patients with ACS,
care. and the correlations of infarct location or infarct artery with
The ECGs of many patients with ACS do not manifest various locations of STE or STD.10,11 However, they offer
any sign of ischemia, much less of overt STEMI, especially few techniques for identifying, among the many otherwise
on the initial ECG. Although some of these ECGs are “nonspecific”-appearing ECGs, signs of ACS that require
normal, some have STD or T-wave inversion diagnostic of emergent reperfusion thera py, or for differentiating them
ischemia but not of ATO, and a significant proportion have from nonischemic STE/STD.
nonspecific ST/T abnormalities that might or might not be It is important to note that, in the review by Nikus et al.,
due to ischemia but are not diagnostic. Also, many have the dichotomous classification of MI into STEMI vs NSTEMI
confounding preexisting abnormalities (eg, left bundle was questioned, because MI is a dynamic process in which
branch block [LBBB], left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy the exact same patient's ECGs might have very different
[LVH]). This heterogeneous group has been interpreted patterns depending only on the time at which they are
simply as NSTEMI, although it has been long recognized recorded; if there happens to be a diagnostic STE during
that certain features of these ECGs suggested significant the recording, it will be STEMI, but if recorded before
prognostic information.4 In particular, widespread and pro evolution of, or after resolution of, the STE, it will be called
found STD (> 2 mm in 2 consecutive leads) is associated an NSTEMI.11 This group also recommended classifying
with very high mortality,5 and T-wave inversion is low risk if hy peracute T waves (“tall and symmetric”) and Wellens
it is during pain, in contrast to T-wave inversion after pain syndrome (T-wave inversion, with preservation of R waves,
resolution, which is high risk post-ischemic T-wave inversion in leads V2-V4 after resolution of chest pain) as STEMI
(see an example 12-lead ECG in Supplemental Fig S1A because both are on the spectrum of ATO: hyperacute T
and B). A review from 2006 cautioned against considering waves represent ATO either immediately after occlusion,
emergent reperfusion therapy for any ECG pattern except or are a residual finding immediately after spontaneous
for clear STEMI and the “STEMI-equivalent” of isolated STD reperfusion (autolysis); Wellens T waves are high-risk
in V1-V3, consistent with an isolated posterolateral (or postischemic T-wave inversions also seen after spontaneous
“posterior”) MI (see 12-lead ECG in Supplemental Fig. S2A reperfusion of ATO, in which there is active thrombus and
and B).6 risk of reocclusion.
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134 Canadian Journal of Cardiology

Volume 34 2018

Figure 1. Hyperacute T waves and/or subtle ST-elevation (STE) in the anterior and lateral locations. (A) (V3-V5) Winter T waves of left anterior
descending artery (LAD) occlusion. These are usually seen in V2-V4. See Supplemental Figure S7 for a full 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) of
another case. (B) (V2-V4) Hyperacute T waves of LAD occlusion. The full 12-lead ECG is shown in Supplemental Figure S1. This LAD occlusion was
predicted by the 3- and 4-variable formulas. Low R-wave voltage in V4 and low QRS voltage in V2 makes this very unlikely to be normal STE. (C)
(V2-V4) Hyperacute T waves and subtle STE of LAD occlusion: predicted by the 3- and 4-variable formulas. Low R-wave voltage in V4 and low QRS
voltage in V2 makes this very unlikely to be normal STE. (D) (V2-V4) Subtle STE in a case of acute LAD occlusion. This is predicted by the 3- as well
as 4-variable formula. Low R-wave voltage in V4 and low QRS voltage in V2 make this very unlikely to be normal STE. (E) (V4-V6) Subtle lateral
hyperacute T waves due to occlusion of the first diagonal off the LAD. In a normal ECG, T waves in V4-V6 should not be nearly as tall is the R wave.
Panels A, D, and E reprinted from Dr Stephen W. Smith's blog, courtesy of Dr Stephen W. Smith. Panel B reproduced from Driver et al.8 with
permission from Elsevier. Panel C reproduced from Smith et al.9 with permission from Elsevier.

Contemporary Diagnostic Evaluation of Patients measurements to expedite the risk stratification of patients
With Suspected AMI Using the 12-Lead ECG with suspected MI.13 However, in clinical practice the
Recently, there has been much focus on the use of turnaround time for cTn measurements is often longer than
contemporary and high-sensitivity cardiac troponin (cTn) the 60-minute recommended interval.14 Moreover, nearly half of STEMI
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Miranda et al. 135

New Insights into the ECG in Acute MI in the ED

patients, especially those who are early presenters, have an American College of Cardiology/European Society of Cardi
initial troponin level below the 99th percentile upper reference ology STEMI criteria was only 50% (95% confidence interval
limit.15,16 All patients with ATO are at risk for significant [CI], 37%-63%) with a specificity of 97% and positive predictive
myocardial loss, whether the ECG actually meets STEMI value of 94%.22 The ECG in many ATOs do not meet STEMI
criteria or not, and those who do not meet STEMI criteria are criteria.
thus more difficult to identify. However, nuanced evaluation of Rokos et al. coined the term “semi-STEMI” (< 1 mm of STE) in
the 12-lead ECG, which remains the most rapid and readily a post-hoc analysis of Harmonizing Outcomes with
available diagnostic tool for immediate risk stratification and Revascularization and Stents in Acute Myocardial Infarction
triaging, might identify a significant proportion of these patients. (HORIZONS-AMI); however, the study greatly underestimated
Troponin “rule-in” strategies (using serial change in high the incidence of semi-STEMI at w5% because HORIZONS-AMI
sensitivity troponin at 0-1, 0-2, and 0-3 hours) help to more was a study of STEMI patients, with methods requiring at least
rapidly identify patients with AMI13; more study is needed to 0.1 mV of STE.23 In order to find the true incidence of semi-
determine if they more rapidly identify those with ATO. STEMIs, One must use NSTEMI cohorts, because many
If the initial ECG is not diagnostic but the patient remains ATOs are diag nosed only after cTn measurements return with
symptomatic and there is high clinical suspicion for ACS, serial elevated values, followed by a delayed angiogram.
ECGs should be obtained over 15- to 30-minute in
tervals during the first hour.1 Fesmire et al. reported that In a 2017 meta-analysis of 7 studies of 40,777 consecutive
continuous 12-lead ST monitoring over 1 hour improved the patients with first NSTEMI, Khan et al. reported that 10,415
sensitivity of the ECG for STEMI and ACS, respectively, from (25.5%) had a “totally occluded” infarct artery.24 All 3 arteries
55% and 28% on the initial 12-lead ECG to 68% and were involved and there was no difference in time to angiog
34%.17 Similarly, Welch et al. reported that 20% of initially raphy between those with, and those without, ATO, implying
normal or nondiagnostic ECGs later showed “frank” STE.3 The that these patients were not prospectively identified using ECG,
first decision in patients with suspected MI should be to troponin levels, or clinical factors; Furthermore, their adjusted
identify those with definite acute STEMI for whom clinical mortality risk compared with those with an open artery was
practice guidelines recommend the immediate use of anti higher, short-term (relative risk, 1.67; 95% CI, 1.31-2.13) as
platelet as well as anticoagulant therapies, as well as emergent well as long-term (relative risk, 1.42; 95% CI, 1.08 -1.86).
coronary angiography with possible revascularization, if There are other supporting articles described in the next 4
indicated (or fibrinolytic therapy if angiography is unavailable).18 paragraphs that were not included in the meta-analysis.
The Third Universal Definition of MI consensus defines STE as In a post hoc analysis of the Trial to Assess Improvement in
new STE at the J-point in 2 contiguous leads with the following Therapeutic Outcomes by Optimizing Platelet Inhibition With
cut points, measured at the J-point, relative to the 0.1 mV in all Prasugrel-Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction-38 Substudy,
where a cut point leads
of 0.2 other
mV inthan
menleads V2-V3
40 years PQ junction:
of age or older; Pride et al. examined a subset of MI patients who presented
0.25 mV in men younger than 40 years or 0.15 mV in women.19 without STE but with STD in leads V1-V4 and reported that one-
Notably, theastudy
cohortthat originated
from the 1980stheand
sex-specific criteria used
thus the diagnosis of third of them had an occluded artery with a TIMI flow grade of
AMI was according to CK-MB; the criteria yielded a sensitivity 0 or 1.25
of only 47% and specificity of 98.5%, compared with the Similarly, in a prospective registry of 447 patients with
sensitivity of 41.5% and specificity of 96.0% using the original persistent ischemic symptoms not responding to nitrates with
American College of Cardiology/ European Society of any STE who underwent urgent coronary angiography, Marti
Cardiology criteria.20 Had troponin been used for diagnosis of et al. reported that 18% of patients had subtle STEMI, defined
AMI , the sensitivity would have been much lower. These by STE of 0.1 to 1 mm. ATO was defined as TIMI flow grade
criteria were never validated. 0/1; 91% underwent percutaneous coronary intervention
(PCI).26 Thirteen percent of ECGs in patients with LAD ATO
had 1 mm of STE; even more would have failed to meet the
24 Subtle STE was not
current guideline criteria for V2 and V3.
associated with better outcomes than diagnostic STE.
Acute Coronary Occlusion Without Definitive From et al. reported that approximately one-third of patients
STE: Subtle STEMIs without STE have a critical culprit lesion on angiography
Despite guidelines recommending the use of these STE (defined as either a 100% ATO or 90% stenosis with less than
cutoffs, older literature shows that standard voltage thresholds TIMI-3 flow). More than 20% of cases with LAD or right
are not sensitive for ATO and establish the need for more coronary artery ATO, and 57% of left circumflex artery lesions,
nuanced ways of recognizing subtle STEMI on the ECG. did not meet STEMI criteria.27
Schmitt et al. examined a cohort of 418 patients (including 102 In an older article by Koyoma et al.28 in which 404 patients
with standard and extended ECG leads) with angio graphically with suspected AMI were taken for immediate angiography,
confirmed diagnosis of thrombotically occluded infarct-related among 125 NSTEMI, 63% had coronary flow limitation and
vessel that was subsequently revascularized during the invasive 47% had TIMI-0 flow. TIMI flow was < 3 (2) in 28 of 43 patients
procedure. Sensitivity of conventional leads (I-aVF 1 mm and with STD 1 mm, 4 of 5 with STD < 1 mm, 24 of 42 with minimal
V1-V6 2 mm) was 85% and 75% for the left anterior descending STE < 1 mm, 15 of 23 with T-wave inversion, 3 of 6 with peaked
coronary artery (LAD) and right coronary artery, respectively, T-wave, and 4 of 6 with no ST deviation.
and only 50% for the left circumflex artery. 21 Similarly, in a One objection to the notion that patients with subtle ATO
cardiac magnetic resonance imaging study involving 116 require emergent angiography and PCI is the misconception
patients, the sensitivity of the that randomized trials of immediate vs next-day
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136 Canadian Journal of Cardiology

Volume 34 2018

Figure 2. Inferior myocardial infarction. (A) (II, aVL, III, aVF) Subtle inferior hyperacute T waves with reciprocally hyperacute inverted T wave in aVL,
due to right coronary artery (RCA) occlusion, case 1. The T waves are not large by themselves, but very large in proportion to the QRS. The inverted
T wave in aVL is similarly very large compared with the QRS. (B) (II, aVL, III, aVF) Subtle inferior hyperacute T waves with reciprocally hyperacute
inverted T wave in aVL due to acute RCA occlusion, case 2. (C) (II, aVL, III, aVF) Subtle inferior ST- elevation with reciprocal ST depression in aVL
due to RCA occlusion. Any ST depression in aVL makes any ST-elevation in lead II very likely to be due to inferior myocardial infarction. Reprinted
from Dr Stephen W. Smith's blog, courtesy of Dr Stephen W. Smith.

invasive treatment of NSTEMI do not show benefit for the More recently, the Immediate Versus Delayed Invasive
group managed emergently. This misconception was furthered Intervention for Non-STEMI Patients (RIDDLE-NSTEMI)
by the Timing of Intervention in Acute Coronary Syndrome Study randomized 323 NSTEMI patients (patients with re
(TIMACS) trial,29 which reported no difference in outcome fractory ischemia were excluded) to immediate (1.4 hours) vs
for patients with a Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events delayed (61 hours) intervention and reported that the
(GRACE) score < 140. However, the “early” intervention immediate intervention group had a much lower rate of new
group had a mean time to angiography of 16 hours, which is acute MI or recurrent ischemia.32 No detailed ECG analysis was done.
not emergent. Furthermore, although it is not stated in the Importantly, emergency physicians and cardiologists alike
methods, patients with persistent refractory angina were have difficulty in distinguishing ATO from its absence on the
excluded (personal communication from SR Mehta, April 16, ECG; this has been confirmed in multiple studies, with ac
2014). Indeed, the European Society of Cardiology guidelines curacy no better than 75%, and with very poor inter-rater
state that patients with ACS who have very high-risk criteria, reliability.33-35 Older studies suggest that a skilled subjective
which includes “recurrent or ongoing chest pain refractory to interpretation is superior to any millimeter criteria.36
medical treatment,” should undergo < 2-hour angiography, Accordingly, contemporary computer algorithms are insensitive
and they add “regardless of ECG or biomarker findings.” They (65%) for STEMI, and only approximately 90% specific.37,38
state (correctly) that such patients. Thus, it would be useful to have more nuanced ways of
“have been generally excluded from RCTs.” identifying subtle ATO on the ECG.
American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association
(ACC/AHA) guidelines recommend an immediate invasive
strategy for refractory angina.31 Although no randomized trial Hyperacute T Waves
has evaluated the subgroup with subtle STE, this is likely a STE might be preceded by (or if immediately after
group for which immediate invasive therapy is particularly reperfusion and resolution of chest pain, followed by) large
beneficial. “hyperacute” T waves (Figs. 1 and 2), which might thus be a
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Miranda et al. 137

New Insights into the ECG in Acute MI in the ED

subtle finding of early ATO. The 2004 STEMI guidelines, which LAD occlusion. The 3- and 4-variable formulae are used to
have not been revised in this regard, imply that hy peracute T differentiate subtle LAD occlusion from normal-variant STE in
waves are an indication for reperfusion therapy.39 They are V2-V4; they should only be used when the STE is not obviously
now considered a STEMI equivalent.7,11 Except to be due to LAD occlusion, and characteristics of an obvious LAD
described as tall and symmetric,11 hyperacute T waves are occlusion are listed. Anterior LV aneurysm morphology
not well defined in the literature, and depend on recognition (persistent STE after previous MI) is a common false positive,
more than on criteria. Smith et al. showed that, among patients and a rule for differentiating it from acute STEMI is summed
with ischemic symptoms and at least 1 mm STE in leads V2- up; it is most applicable when there are well-formed Q waves,
V4, there is no difference in T-wave voltage among subtle LAD usually QS waves, in V1-V4. Finally, in patients with a normal
ATO vs normal STE (“normal-variant STE” or “early QRS and any amount of STE in inferior leads, look for any
repolarization”) ; rather, the former are much larger only in STD in lead aVL as a specific indicator of inferior MI.
proportion to the corresponding R wave. Thus, the mean ratio It is particularly important to recognize that normal STE,
( SD) of T-wave amplitude in V2-V4 to R-wave amplitude in V2- also called “normal variant STE” and also formerly referred to
V4 was 0.7 ( 0.4) for normal-variant and 3.1 ( 4.3) for “subtle” as “early repolarization,” may mimic inferior, lateral, or anterior
LAD ATO, with a mean difference of 2.5 (95% CI, 1.8-3.2).9 In STEMI; the latter has normal STE in leads V2-V4.
other words, large T waves might be normal in V2-V4, but only Most normal ECGs have at least 1 mm of STE (at the J-point,
when there is high R-wave amplitude (see these 10 examples relative to the PQ junction) in right precordial leads, and might
of inferior hyperacute T waves: https://hqmeded- have up to several millimeters.47,48 Because many acute hyperacute-t- LAD ATO manifest 2 mm, and even 1 mm, of STE,26 it is clear
waves.html. Here are 10 examples of anterior hyperacute T that there is significant overlap between normal STE and LAD
waves: ATO. Furthermore, 40% of anterior STEMI have upward
examples-of-hyperacute-t-waves.html . Here are 10 examples concavity in all of leads V2-V6 and half have no inferior
of lateral hyperacute T waves: https://hqmeded-ecg. reciprocal STD.49,50 Thus, the differentiation be tween the v4- two entities can be very difficult. One feature that clearly rules
v6.html). out normal STE is terminal QRS distortion, defined as absence
of both an S wave and a J wave in either of leads V2 or V3; it
was found in 0 of 171 cases with normal STE in V2-V4 (Fig.
Mimickers of STEMI 3).44 How can we recognize subtle LAD ATO when it appears
There are many conditions with STE that might mimic to be normal STE? Smith et al. compared 171 normal STE
STEMI and thus affect the specificity of STE.40 In fact, most in V2-V4 with 143 “subtle” acute LAD. Subtle was defined as
STE of at least 1 mm in patients with undifferentiated chest no precordial Q waves, no STE > 5 mm, no STD (either in
pain result from other conditions, such as normal STE (also precordial or in limb leads [particularly in II, III, or aVF]), no
known as early repolarization ), LVH, acute pericarditis, straight or convex ST segment in V2-V6, and no terminal QRS
Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, and LBBB, among others. These distortion.9 They reported that ECGs with normal STE have
ECG patterns might result in false positive cardiac higher R-wave amplitude and a shorter Bazett-corrected QT
catheterization laboratory activations. Larson et al. examined (QTc-B). A for mula that differentiates the 2 entities was derived
the false positive rate among 1335 patients with suspected and validated in separate cohorts: using the QTc-B, STE at 60
STEMI undergoing coronary angiography and reported that ms after the J-point in lead V3 (STE60V3), and the R-wave
14% of patients did not have a culprit artery; etiologies of false amplitude in V4 (RAV4), if the formula 1.196 STE60V3 þ 0.059
positive activations were due to conditions such as early QTc-B 0.326 RAV4 has a value > 23.4, vs 23.4, the ECG
ization, pericarditis, and LVH, among Forrepolar others.41
this reason, it is represents LAD ATO with a sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy
essential for clinicians triaging patients with suspected of 86%, 91%, and 88%, respectively, with positive and negative
STEMI to understand the nuances in ECG diagnosis to likelihood ratios of 9.2 and 0.10 (Fig. 4).
maximize the identification of patients with ATO that benefit
from emergent coronary angiography and possible PCI, while These likelihood ratios compared very favorably with
also limiting false activations. standard STEMI “criteria,” which had a positive and negative
likelihood ratio of 1.5 and 0.6, respectively. There is a free
iPhone app called “SubtleSTEMI,” which helps assess ECGs
Ischemic STE Might Mimic Normal STE, and Vice Versa in which the differential diagnosis is normal STE vs subtle LAD
More importantly, ECGs with STE that is in fact due to ATO. There is an Android app called “ECG SMITH.”
ischemia might mimic nonischemic STE. Table 1 lists 8 The calculator is also on
rules for recognizing ATO in the absence of classic STEMI, or Patients whose ECGs had high (or low) total QRS voltage
in differentiating ischemic STE from STE due to a STEMI in lead V2 (QRSV2) had false positive (or false negative)
mimic. results. Therefore, the formula was refined and, in multivariate
All are also described in this and the next 4 paragraphs, as analysis, a high total QRS voltage in V2 correlated with normal
well as the following 5 sections. The modified Sgarbossa STE and a low voltage with subtle LAD ATO. If the derived,
criteria, in which 2 variants are listed, are applied to LBBB, but not yet validated, 4-variable formula: (0.052 QTc 0.151
and appear to be applicable to ECGs with right ventricular QRSV2 0.268 RAV4 þ 1.062 STE60V3) is 18.2, then LAD
pacing. “Terminal QRS distortion” is used to differentiate subtle ATO is very likely,and
area sensitivity
under the and 94.7%
curve specificity
of 0.9686.8
LAD occlusion from normal-variant STE in right precordial
leads; it is not seen in normal-variant STE, and thus is a very specific indicator of
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Table 1. Proposed rules for identifying acute coronary occlusion.

rule name Population rules Sensitivity for occlusion
138 Specificity

Modified Sgarbossa-142 LBBB Any 1 of these 3 criteria, in 1 lead: 1. 80% 99%

Concordant STE at least 1 mm 2.
Concordant STD V1-V3 at least 1 mm 3.
Excessively discordant STE as defined
by ST/S ratio > 25%
3. Excessively discordant STE as defined 84% 94%
by ST/S ratio > 20%
Modified Sgarbossa-242 LBBB Any single lead with excessively discordant 64% 98%
STD or STE defined by > 30% of preceding
S or R wave Any 1 of these 3 criteria, in
Modified Sgarbossa for paced rhythm43 Right ventricular pacing 1. Concordant STE of at least 1 mm1 lead: 67% 99%

2. Concordant STD V1-V6 of at least

3. Excessively discordant STE defined by ST/
S ratio > 25% in any lead Absence of S
Terminal QRS distortion44 Differentiating normal STE from ischemic wave and J wave in either of V2 twenty% 100% (95% CI, 97.8-100)
STE due to LAD occlusion Differentiation or V3
3-Variable formula to differentiate normal STE of normal precordial STE from LAD occlusion. Corrected QT interval, measured using 86% 91%
from subtle LAD occlusion9 computer
Exclude (obvious LAD occlusion): STE60V3
STE of 5 mm Single convex ST RAV4; see Figure 1A-C for methods of
segment in V2-V6 Any STD, inferior measurement
or anterior Terminal QRS distortion, Formula: 1.196 STE60V3 þ 0.059 QTc B 0.326
as above Any Q waves in V2-V4 RAV4 Most accurate cut point: if the value is >
23.4, 23.4, ECG represents LAD occlusion, AUC
vs ¼ 0.9538 Cut point of 22.0 (any value >
22 should prompt close evaluation)
96% 81%

4-Variable formula8 Same as 3-variable, not validated Same as 3-variable, but adds total QRSV2 89% 95%
Formula: 0.052 QTc 0.151 QRSV2 0.268
RAV4 þ 1.062 STE60V3 Most accurate cut
point is 18.2; if > 18.2, then LADvery
likely; AUC
¼ 0.9686

Anterior left ventricular aneurysm, or persistent STE in V1-V4 that could be either acute If there is a single lead among V1-V4 with a T 92% 69%
STE after old previous MI45

ST depression in aVL46
of STEMI or old MI with persistent STE. Q
waves, usually QS waves, present in V1-V4

ECGs with any STE in II, III, aVF, possible

34 inferior acute MI
amplitude to total QRS amplitude ratio of >
0.36, the ECG represents acute STEMI
False negative results occur with prolonged
chest pain (subacute MI)
Exclude patients with LVH, LBBB, delta wave,
paced rhythm With any amount of STD in
aVL, any STE in inferior leads is MI until proven
99% 100% (95% CI, 91-100)

Cannot differentiate old MI with persistent

STE from acute MI

AUC, area under the curve; CI, confidence interval; ECG, electrocardiogram; LAD, left anterior descending artery; LBBB, left bundle branch block; LVH, left ventricular hypertrophy; MI, myocardial infarction; QRSV2, QRS
voltage in lead V2; RAV4, R-wave amplitude in V4; STD, ST depression; STE, ST-elevation; STEMI, ST elevation myocardial infarction; STE60V3, ST elevation at 60 ms after the J-point in lead V3.
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New Insights into the ECG in Acute MI in the ED

difference is the size of the T waves, which are larger in

acute STEMI. A rule was derived and validated that uses T-wave
amplitude to make the distinction between the two.45,51 If,
in a patient with suspicion of ACS, there is STE and well
formed Q waves, especially QS waves, in leads V1-V4, then
the likely differential diagnosis is acute anterior STEMI vs
anterior LV aneurysm morphology. If there is a single lead
among V1-V4, which has a T/QRS amplitude ratio > 0.36,
then the diagnosis of acute STEMI is likely with a sensitivity,
specificity, and accuracy of 91.5%, 69%, and 89.3%,
respectively. False negative results occurred with subacute
STEMI (symptoms lasting > 6 hours) because T-wave size
diminishes, and Q waves develop, as an infarct progresses.
Figure 3. Anterior myocardial infarction with terminal QRS distortion. Inferior LV aneurysm remains difficult to distinguish from acute inferior S
Terminal QRS distortion due to left anterior descending artery occlusion
in a 29-year-old man. Terminal QRS distortion ¼ absence of an S wave
as well as a J wave in either of V2 or V3 (see lead V3). Reprinted from Pericarditis, Inferior Normal STE, and Subtle Inferior
Dr Stephen W. Smith's blog, courtesy of Dr Stephen W. Smith. Myocardial Infarction STE of AMI might also be dismissed
as pericarditis, especially inferior, lateral, or inferolateral
As with all dichotomous rules, for both formulas there are
STEMI. As stated previously, normal STE (or “early
still false positive and negative results, and the closer the repolarization”) in inferior and lateral leads might also be
value is to the cutoff, the less reliable the result. In the
confused with ischemic STE.
author's opinion, the rule is best used to identify unsuspected Among 426 patients with inferior MI who had a normal QRS,
ATO and not to dismiss a worrisome ECG as normal (See Bischof et al. reported that 99% of ischemic inferior STEs
Fig. 1B-E for subtle STE of LAD occlusion and Fig. 5 for had at least some reciprocal STD in lead aVL, even when
normal STE in V2-V4, and a 12-lead example in Supplemental the inferior STE (17% of cases) was subtle (<1 mm), and
Figs S3, and S4, for 12 cases of the use of the 3- and 4- even when there was STE in V5 and V6 46
. contrast, in
variable for mule, see: pericarditis there was no STD in any lead except aVR. Thus,
2017/11/12- cases-of-use-of-3-and-4-variable.html). in patients with ischemic symptoms and a normal QRS, any
STD in aVL, especially accompanied by T-wave inversion,
should lead to high suspicion of inferior MI (see example in
LV Aneurysm Supplemental Fig. S5 ) . It should be emphasized that ECGs
LV aneurysm morphology, or “persistent STE after with an abnormal QRS, especially limb lead LVH, LBBB,
previous MI” is a common cause of false-positive activation Wolf-Parkinson-White, known inferior LV aneurysm, or paced
that frequently challenges clinicians. Because acute STEMI rhythm, often have reciprocal STD at baseline, without
as well as LV aneurysm might have Q waves, the primary ischemia, in lead aVL and elsewhere. In contrast, ECGs of

Figure 4. Measurements of variables for the 3- and 4-variable formulas for differentiating normal ST-elevation from subtle left anterior descending artery
occlusion. (A) Shows the method of measurement of the ST segment at 60 ms after the J point in lead V3 (STE60V3). The horizontal line is drawn from
the PQ junction to the right. The J-point is located at the tip of the long thin arrow. A vertical dotted line is drawn down to the horizontal line. Another
thicker vertical dotted line is drawn 60 ms after this line. The intersection of this second vertical line with the tracing is located (intersection of thick dotted
line and the second horizontal line which is 2.5 mm above the first horizontal line). Thus, STE60V3 ¼ 2.5mm (0.25mV). (B) Shows the method of
measurement of R-wave amplitude in lead V4 (RAV4). (C) Shows the method of measurement of voltage in lead V2 (QRSV2).
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140 Canadian Journal of Cardiology

Volume 34 2018

Figure 5. Early repolarization. (A) (V2-V4) Early repolarization in V2-V4 (normal ST-elevation), case 1. (B) (V2-V4) Early repolarization in V2-V4 (normal
ST-elevation), case 2. (C ) (V2-V4) Early repolarization in V2-V4 (normal ST-elevation), case 3. Notice there is ST-elevation in V2 and V3 meeting
criteria for anterior ST-elevation myocardial infarction. There is no terminal QRS distortion (S waves in V2 as well as V3). However, because of high R-
wave voltage (19 mm in V4) and short QTc (371 ms), the 3-variable formula value is very low at 19.88 (< 23.4). The 4-variable value is 16.83 (< 18.2).
Notice the absence of S wave in V4 is okay for normal ST-elevation. In V2, there is an S wave: it barely goes below the PQ junction. Panel C
reproduced from Smith et al.9 with permission from Elsevier.

Patients with myocarditis often manifest reciprocal STE that this point-weighted system, 3 points were required for the
might be impossible to distinguish from STEMI without an diagnosis.53 The third criterion is important for distinguishing
angiogram.52 Likewise, normal inferior STE should never normally discordant STE from excessively discordant STE
be assumed if there is any STD in lead aVL (Fig. 2). and is especially important in leads V1-V4 for the diagnosis
of mid LAD ATO (proximal LAD occlusion is likely to also
manifest concordant STE in lateral leads I and/or aVL due
LBBB to its effect on the first diagonal artery); however, it did not
LBBB has long been recognized as an impediment to the receive 3 points because it was not specific enough, and
ECG diagnosis of STEMI. “Appropriate discordance” means this is because 8% of baseline high-voltage LBBBs have at
that the nonischemic ST segment should be in the opposite least 5 mm of STE in V1-V4. Thus, the Sgarbossa point-
direction of most of the QRS. Concordance is when the ST insensitive.53 Smith et al. based
a very were overall
specific but very
segment is in the same direction as the QRS and 1 mm is angiographic outcome (not troponin or CK-MB) to study the
very specific for ATO. Furthermore, in “normal” LBBB without ECG in LBBB. Their Smith-modified Sgarbossa criteria
acute MI, leads V1-V4 have a negative S wave with transform the third criterion into a proportional criterion, such
appropriately discordant STE, and distinguishing this that if the ST/S ratio is 25% in just 1 lead (with at least 1 mm
baseline STE from ischemic STE has historically been problematic.STE), with STE measured at the J-point relative to the PQ
Sgarbossa et al. developed 3 criteria for diagnosis of junction, then ATO is diagnosed (see Fig. 6 for measurements
STEMI in LBBB, in which outcomes were on the basis of CK- and 12-lead example in Supplemental Fig. S6).54 Along
MB, not angiography.53 The Sgarbossa criteria are: (1) 1 with the other 2 criteria, the Smith modified Sgarbossa
mm of concordant STE in any single lead (5 points); (2) 1 criteria are more sensitive as well as more accurate than the
mm of concordant STD in 1 of leads V1-V3 (3 points); and original criteria. In the validation study, the sensitivity,
(3) excessively discordant STE of 5 mm in any lead (2 points). In specificity, and accuracy of Smith-modified
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New Insights into the ECG in Acute MI in the ED

Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy
Takotsubo might manifest T-wave inversion, but also STE
that mimics STEMI. Although earlier work had suggested that
ECG criteria might distinguish this STE from anterior
STEMI,58 recent literature does not support this result.59,60
Although the specificity of various combinations of ECG
elements for Takotsubo might be > 95%, the positive
predictive value might be as low as 67% because of the low
prevalence of Takotsubo. Many anterior STEMI, especially
due to wraparound LAD to the inferior wall, have similar ECG
Figure 6. Measuring ST-elevation at the J-point in left bundle branch
block to calculate the third criterion of the Smith-modified Sgarbossa findings and also apical ballooning.61 Therefore, coronary
criteria, the ST/S ratio. Measurement of the ST/S ratio in lead V3 in left angiography is often essential to rule out ATO, even when
bundle branch block. The arrows point to possible J-points, at either 3.5 the STE pattern as well as cardiac ultrasound suggest Takotsubo.
or 4.0 mm above the PQ junction. The S wave is at most 13 mm, so the
ST/S ratio is, at a minimum 3.5/13 ¼ 0.27 and is thus excessively
proportionally discordant. This was a left anterior descending artery Lead aVR in ACS62
occlusion. See Supplemental Figure S4 for a full 12-lead electrocardiogram. Many experts consider the ECG pattern of STE in aVR,
Reprinted from Dr Stephen W. Smith's blog, courtesy of Dr Stephen W. with diffuse STD elsewhere (referred to herein as the “aVR
STE pattern”), to be representative of LM ATO.7 The 2013
ACC/AHA STEMI guidelines consider this a “STEMI
equivalent,” in which thrombolytic therapy is not contraindicated
Sgarbossa criteria for ATO were 80%, 99%, and 95%, vs
(evidence level B, no specific class of recommendation).18
49%, 100%, and 91% for the weighted original criteria, and However, these conclusions are on the basis of studies in
56%, 94%, and 87% for the unweighted original criteria, which LM lesions were not true subtotal or
respectively.42 If the ST/S ratio cutoff is 20%, those values
complete occlusion (ie, TIMI 0/1 flow).62,63 The interventional
were 84%, 94%, and 91%, respectively (Fig. 6). A second
community defines occlusive LM disease as > 50% according
rule that was derived and validated is simpler and has 98%
to fractional flow reserve, or 75% stenosis,64 but urgent or
specificity, but only 64% sensitivity: any single lead with
emergent intervention on lesions not meeting these thresholds
excessively proportionally discordant STE or STD 30% of the
is only imperative if it is a thrombotic lesion and the patient
preceding R or S wave was diagnostic of ATO.42
has refractory ischemic symptoms (ie, not resolved by
nitrates, antiplatelet, and antithrombotic therapies; see 3
examples in Supplemental Fig. S7).
Ventricular Paced Rhythm Although nearly half of patients with 1 mm STE in aVR due
Similarly, AMI or even ATO in the setting of right ventricular to ACS will require coronary artery bypass surgery for
paced rhythm is thought by many to not be diagnosable on revascularization,62 the infarct artery is often not the LM, but
the ECG. The ongoing Paced Electrocar diogram Requiring rather the LAD or severe 3-vessel disease. More importantly,
Fast Emergent Coronary Therapy (PERFECT) study such ECG findings are frequently due to nonocclusive etiol
(NCT02765477) will examine the sensitivity and specificity of ogies (eg, baseline LVH, demand ischemia secondary to res
the Smith-modified Sgarbossa criteria for the diagnosis of piratory failure, aortic stenosis, hemorrhagic shock). Knotts et
ATO in patients with a ventricular paced rhythm and potential al. reported that only 23% of patients with the aVR STE
ischemic symptoms.55 Preliminary data are very encouraging; pattern had any LM disease (fewer if defined as 50% ste
among 15 ATO and 79 control participants, the criteria had nosis). Only 28% of patients had ACS of any vessel, and, of
67% sensitivity and 99% specificity for ATO.43 those patients, the LM was the culprit in just 49% (14% of all
cases).57 It was a baseline finding in 62% of patients, usually
due to LVH.
Thus, a number of expert reviews emphasize the low
LVH specificity of the aVR STE pattern, preferring to label it as
LVH might result in secondary repolarization that mimics circumferential subendocardial ischemia; in this syndrome,
STEMI. Armstrong et al. analyzed the ACTIVATE-SF STE in aVR is reciprocal STE, reciprocal to an STD vector
database; a registry of consecutive ED STEMI cases, and toward leads II and V5.
concluded that an ST/S ratio of 25% is an appropriate cut The aVR STE pattern is also not sensitive for LM ATO.
point for diagnosing STEMI.56 However, the study did not However, anterior STEMI with combined new right bundle
assess ECGs with very high right precordial S-wave voltages, branch block and left anterior fascicular block is highly
which are precisely the ECGs that are difficult. Any ST/S ratio suggest gestive of LM ATO (see example 12-lead ECG in
> 15% in the setting of high S-wave voltage in V1-V3 is Supplemental Fig. S8).65,66
suspicious for new anterior STE: 15% of a 30-mm S wave is It should be re-emphasized that true LM ATO (ie, TIMI
4.5 mm, whereas a 25% rule would require 7.5 mm of STE. flow 0) is rare in the ED, because most either die before
Unfortunately, convex morphology might be baseline and is arrival or are recognized clinically because of cardiogenic shock.
not specific for AMI. STD in V5 and V6, with reciprocal STE Thus, reported specificities of STE in aVR for LM ATO result
in aVR, occurs frequently in LVH and might mimic ACS.57 in very low positive predictive values. Of those who do get to
the ED, many present with clear STE.62,65,66
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142 Canadian Journal of Cardiology

Volume 34 2018

The ACC/AHA states that thrombolytics are not databases of ECGs (ie, “big data”), has the potential to
contraindicated for diffuse STD “associated with” STE in aVR. revolutionize ECG interpretation in the future (SW Smith et
Because of the poor specificity of this pattern for LM ATO, al, unpublished data, 2017).
we suggest that thrombolytics should only be considered for
those with profound STD that is clearly due to ACS, is
refractory to all other medical management, and only when Conclusion
PCI is completely unavailable. See Table 1 for a summary of rules. The ECGs of many
patients with acute coronary occlusion do not meet STE
criteria for STEMI, and thus consistently have delayed PCI
Lead aVR in STEMI with worse outcomes. ACS patients with refractory symptoms
Some patients whose ECGs already meet conventional benefit from emergent angiography. Many of these patients
STEMI criteria might also have STE in lead aVR. This finding have hyperacute T waves or subtle STE. Others with high-
does not alter the need to pursue emergent reperfusion, risk ACS have STD only. Recent literature provides insight
although it might suggest a poorer prognosis.62,67 In a into identifying these ECGs, and in differentiating them from
patient with otherwise diagnostic STE, additional STE in STEMI mimics, and in diagnosing STEMI in the setting of
aVR does not represent LM ATO and is not helpful in LBBB and paced rhythm, so that appropriate emerging PCI
diagnosing the infarct- related artery or the site of might be undertaken. Finally, some patients with acute
occlusion.68 Less than 3% of anterior STEMI has LM ATO, coronary occlusion might have no ECG evidence of ischemia,
and most are recog nized clinically because of cardiogenic shock.69,70
and emergent angiography, if undertaken, must be on the
basis of clinical, biomarker, or echocardiographic findings.
de Winter T Waves de
Winter T waves, as a STEMI equivalent, has been Disclosures
thoroughly reviewed.7,10 We only note that some authors The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
have conflated this rare finding with that of the more common
pattern of diffuse STD seen with circumferential endocardial
ischemia (see example in Supplemental Fig. S9).12
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Supplementary Material
75. Novotny T, Bond R, Andrsova I, et al. The role of computerized To access the supplementary material accompanying
diagnostic proposals in the interpretation of the 12-lead this article, visit the online version of the Canadian Journal
of Cardiology at and at
electrocardiogram by cardiology and non-cardiology fellows. Int J Med Report 2017;101:
85-92. 1016/j.cjca.2017.11.011.

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