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Percentage Questions for MAH-CET PDF

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For the following questions answer them individually

Question 1

The wheat sold by a grocer contained 10% low quality wheat. What quantity of good quality wheat should be added to 150 kgs of
wheat so that the percentage of low quality wheat becomes 5%

A 150 kgs

B 135 kgs

C 50 kgs

D 85 kgs

E None of these

Answer: A

Let x kg of good quality wheat should be added.

Acc to ques,
10 5
=> 100 ×x= 100 × (x + 150)
=> 10x = 5x + 750
=> x = 5 = 150 kg
Question 2

42 per cent of first number is 56 per cent of the second number. What is the respective ratio of the first number to the second
number ?

A 4:5

B 31 : 42

C 4:3

D Cannot be determined

E None of these

Answer: C

Let the numbers be 100x and 100y
100x x
We need to find = 100y = y =?
Acc to ques,
42 56
=> 100 ∗ 100x = 100 ∗ 100y
=> 42x = 56y
x 56 4
=> y = 42 = 3

=> x :y=4:3

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Question 3

In a class of 55 students and 3 teachers, each student got sweets that are 20% of the total number of students and each teacher got
sweets that are 60% of the total number of students. How many sweets were there?

A 737

B 671

C 714

D 638

E None of these

Answer: E

There are 55 students and 3 teachers.
Sweets received by each student = 100 ∗ 55 = 11
=> Total sweets received by all the students = 55 * 11 = 605
Sweets received by each teacher = 100 ∗ 55 = 33
=> Total sweets received by both teachers = 3 * 33 = 99

∴ Total sweets distributed in class = 605 + 99 = 704

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Question 4

One-seventh of a number is 39. What will be 56% of that number?

A 164.66

B 152.88

C 178.22

D 182.44

E None of these

Answer: B

Let the number = 7x
Acc to ques,
=> 7 ∗ 7x = 39
=> x = 39
Now, 56% of the number = 100 ∗ 7 ∗ 39
= 152.88

Question 5

The difference between 73% of a number and 58% of the same number is 960. What is 22% of that number?

A 1408

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B 1232

C 1324

D 1536

E None of these

Answer: A

Let the number be 100x
Acc to ques,

=> (73 − 58)% of 100x = 960

=> 100 × 100x = 960
=> x = 15 = 64
=> Number = 100 * 64 = 6400
∴ 22% of 6400 = 100 ∗ 6400
= 1408

Question 6

109. A plot of 715 sq. ft. is available at the rate of Rs. 3,850/- per sq.ft. If 40% of the total cost of the plot is to be paid for booking the
plot, how much is the booking amount?

A Rs. 11,10,000/-

B Rs. 11,01,100/-

C Rs. 11,01,000/-

D Rs. 11,00,100/

E None of these -

Answer: B

Total cost of the plot = 715 * 3850 = Rs. 27,52,750

40% of the total cost is to be paid for booking

=> Booking amount = 100 ∗ 2752750
= Rs. 11,01,100

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Question 7

The owner of a Gift shop charges his customer 28% more than the cost price: If a customer paid Rs. 1,408/- for some Soft toys, then
what was the cost price of those Soft toys?

A Rs. 1,300/-

B Rs. 1,000/-

C Rs. 1,200/-

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D Rs. 1,400/-

E None of these

Answer: E

Let the cost price of the soft toys = Rs. 100x
Selling price = 100 ∗ 100x = 128x
Acc to ques,

=> 128x = 1408

=> x = 128 = 11
∴ Cost price of soft toys = 100 * 11 = Rs. 1,100
Question 8

Three-fourth of a number is equal to 60% of another number. What is the difference between the numbers?

A 18

B 32

C 24

D Cannot be determined

E None of these

Answer: D

Let the numbers be x and y
Acc to ques,
3 60
=> 4 ×x= 100 ×y
x y
=> 4 = 5
x 4
=> y = 5

Clearly, no unique answer is possible.

Question 9

Sophia invests 25% of her monthly salary in insurance policies. She spends 15% of her monthly salary in shopping and 35% of her
salary on household expenses. She saves the remaining amount of Rs. 9,050.What is Sophia’s annual income ?

A Rs. 84,500

B Rs. 5, 30,000

C Rs. 3, 25,200

D Rs. 4, 34,400

E None of these

Answer: D

Let Sophia's monthly salary be Rs. 100x

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Sophia's % monthly expenditure = (25 + 15 + 35)% = 75%

=> Savings % = 100 - 75 = 25%

Acc to ques,
=> 100 ∗ 100x = 9050
=> x = 25 = 362
=> Sophia's annual income = 12 ∗ 100x = Rs. 1200x
= 1200 * 362 = Rs. 4,34,400

Question 10

The number of employees in Companies A, B and C are in a ratio of 4 : 5 : 6 respectively. If the number of employees in the three
Companies is increased by 25%, 30% and 50% respectively, what will be the new ratio of employees working in Companies A, B and C

A 13 : 10 : 18

B 10 : 13 : 17

C 13 : 15 : 18

D Cannot be determined

E None of these

Answer: E

Let the no. of employees in companies A, B and C in respectively be 4x, 5x and 6x
After respective increase in the number of employees :
A = 100 × 4x = 5x
B = 100 × 5x = 6.5x
C = 100 × 6x = 9x
=> Required ratio = 5 : 6.5 : 9

= 10 : 13 : 18

Question 11

Matthew scored 42 marks in biology, 51 marks in chemistry, 58 marks in mathematics, 35 marks in physics and 48 marks in English.
The maximum marks a student can score in each subject are 60. How much overall percentage did Matthew get in this exam?

A 76

B 82

C 68

D 78

E None of these

Answer: D

Total marks obtained by Matthew

= 42 + 51 + 58 + 35 + 48 = 234

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Maximum marks of the five subjects = 5 * 60 = 300
=> Required % = 3 × 100 = 78 %
Question 12

855 candidates applied for a job, out of which 80% of the candidates were rejected. How many candidates were selected for the job ?

A 684

B 151

C 676

D 179

E None of these

Answer: E

% of candidates selected = (100 - 80)% = 20 %
Number of candidates selected = 100 × 855
= 5 = 171

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Question 13

A student was awarded certain marks in an examination. However, after reevaluation, his marks were reduced by 40% of the marks
that were originally awarded to him so that the new score now became 96. How many marks did the student lose after re-evaluation ?

A 58

B 68

C 63

D 56

E 64

Answer: E

Let the original marks of the student = 100x
Marks after re-evaluation = 100 × 100x = 60x
=> 60x = 96
=> x = 60 = 1.6
Thus, original marks = 100 * 1.6 = 160

∴ Marks lost after re-evaluation = 160 - 96 = 64

Question 14

Sujata scored 2240 marks in an examination that is 128 marks more than the minimum passing percentage of 64%. What is the
percentage of marks obtained by Meena if she scores 907 marks less than Sujata?

A 35

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B 40

C 45

D 36

E 48

Answer: B

Let maximum marks in the examination = 100x
Minimum passing marks = 100 × 100x = 64x
Marks scored by Sujata = 2240
Acc to ques,

=> 64x + 128 = 2240

=> 64x = 2240 − 128 = 2112
=> x = 64 = 33
=> Maximum marks = 100 × 33 = 3300
Marks scored by Meena = 2240 − 907 = 1333
∴ % marks obtained by Meena = 3300 × 100
= 40.39% ≈ 40%
Question 15

Aryan got 350 marks and Vidya scored 76 percent marks in the same test. If Vidya scored 296 marks more than Aryan, what were the
maximum marks of the test ?

A 650

B 900

C 850

D 950

E None of these

Answer: C

Marks scored by Vidya = 350 + 296 = 646

Let the maximum marks be x

=> 100 x = 646
=> x = 0.76 = 850

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Question 16

Last year there were 610 boys in a school. The number decreased by 20 percent this year. How many girls are there in the school if
the number of girls is 175 percent of the total number of boys in the school this year ?

A 854

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B 848

C 798

D 782

E None of these

Answer: A

Present population of boys = 100 × 610 = 488
=> Number of girls = 100 × 488
= 7 × 122 = 854

Question 17

The salary of Sarthak is 40% of that of Sarvagya. Harish’s salary is 60% of that of Sarthak. By what per cent is Sarvagya’s salary more
than that of Harish ?

A 317

B 217

C 228

D 281

E None of these

Answer: A

Let Sarvagya's salary = Rs. 100
=> Sarthak's salary = 100 ∗ 100 = Rs. 40
=> Harish's salary = 100 ∗ 40 = Rs. 24
=> Required % = 24 ∗ 100
= 317%

Question 18

Sushant spent 18% of his monthly salary on buying electronic goods and 32% of the monthly salary on repair work in his house: Out
of the remaining amount he invested 42% in fixed deposits. If he was left with Rs.12,325, how much is his annual salary?

A Rs. 5,18,000

B Rs. 5,02,600

C Rs. 5,15,600

D Rs. 5,00,200

E Rs. 5,10,000

Answer: E

Let monthly salary = Rs. 100x
Amount spent on buying electronic goods = 100 × 100x = 18x
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Amount spent on repair work = 100 × 100x = 32x
Amount left = 100x − 18x − 32x = 50x
Amount invested in fixed deposits = 100 × 50x = 21x
=> Amount left = 50x − 21x = 29x
Acc to ques,

=> 29x = 12325

=> x = 29 = 425
=> Monthly salary = 100 * 425 = Rs. 42,500

∴ Annual salary = 42500 * 12 = Rs. 5,10,000

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Question 19

In a village, three people contested for the post of Village Pradhan. Due to their own interest, all the voters voted and no one vote was
invalid. The losing candidate got 30% votes. What could be the minimum absolute margin of votes by which the winning candidate led
by the nearest rival, if each candidate got an integral percent of votes ?

A 4

B 2

C 1

D 3

E None of these

Answer: B

Let total number of voters in the village = 100
No. of votes received by losing candidate = 100 × 100 = 30
No. of votes received by remaining candidate = 100 - 30 = 70

Since, the winner will get more votes than the loser => Winner will get more than 35 votes out of the 70.

For the margin of votes to be minimum, votes received by winner = 36

and votes received by loser = 34

∴ Absolute margin of votes = 36 - 34 = 2

Question 20

If tax on a commodity is reduced by 10%, total revenue remains unchanged. What is the percentage increase in its consumption?

A 11 9

B 20%

C 10%
D 9 11
E None of these
Answer: A

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Revenue = consumption × tax amount
Let consumption = 10 and tax = 10

=> Revenue = 10 × 10 = 100

Now, after tax is reduced by 10 %, new tax = 10 − 100 × 10
= 10 − 1 =9
Total revenue remains unchanged
=> New consumption = 9
9 −10
∴ % increase in consumption = 10 × 100
10 100
= 9 × 10 = 9
= 11 9 %

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