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Cross-Bar Cooler

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Cross-Bar® Cooler

The Art of
Cooling Clinker


Cross-Bar® Cooler 1
Efficient cooling with a low
TCO – now that’s cool
You need three things from your cooler: high uptime, quick
cooling, and the capability to recoup as much heat as possible.
With very low maintenance requirements and advanced, R&D-led
design, the Cross-Bar® cooler delivers on all fronts, giving you
optimum cooler performance with a low total cost of ownership.

Key benefits
■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
No Robust High thermal Low Hot air recircula- Energy
snowmen cooler recuperation maintenance tion (up to 130 ⁰C) efficient

2 Cross-Bar® Cooler
Cross-bar® Cooler

The latest Generation Cross-Bar® Cooler, comes with the snowman-eliminating ABC Inlet as standard. To
designed for maximum uptime ensure maximum cooling efficiency, we use self-adjusting mechan-
Cooler downtime causes lost productivity and lost profits. The best ical flow regulators in essential zones to control the flow of ambient
way to reduce downtime is to choose a cooler that is designed to air through the clinker bed.
withstand the extreme conditions of the operation. The Cross-Bar®
cooler is designed to be operational for 330 days a year, just like It’s efficient. It’s reliable. And it reduces both power and fuel con-
your kiln. sumption, helping to curb carbon emissions. You can’t get cooler
than that.
Less moving parts, less contact between clinker and machinery, and
smart engineering that eliminates both agglomeration and Snow-
men. That’s what we’ve achieved with the Cross-Bar® cooler, which

Cross-Bar® Cooler 3
Provides all that you need
from the Cooler
No more snowmen
When snowmen build up, the cooler goes down. While you can
‘fire-fight’ the beginnings of agglomeration, there comes a time
when your only recourse is to shut down the pyro system for a
clearout. Each time this happens you lose days of production and
consume excess fuel getting the pyro line back up to temperature
again. It’s expensive, stressful and unsustainable. No process can
afford repeated shutdowns over an extended period.

Destroying snowmen should not be part of your ‘business as usual’.

They should never be able to form in the first place. That’s the basis
of the ABC Inlet.

Better air flow

In the old-style moving grate coolers, air flow consistency was
disrupted by wear to the grates. With Mechanical Flow Regulators
(MFR) in essential zones, we have the opportunity to optimise air
flow to maximise cooling and recuperation efficiency.

The MFR acts as a flow limiter in places where more air flow than
needed typically passes through due to the lesser degree of
resistance, such as through the coarse clinker layer. It works without
operator intervention and gives you fuel savings and – because
ABC™ Inlet
less cooling air input is required to cool the clinker – a substantial
reduction in power consumption.

High bed Low bed

Air through Air through resistance resistance
idle hole holes in

Air through Low ∆P High ∆P

gaps MFR MFR

“Mechanical Flow Regulator automatically limits Constant air flow irrespective of overgrate conditions
desired airflow upon the varying clinker layer and
particle size without operator intervention.

Cross-Bar® Cooler 4
No gaps, no loss of efficiency High thermal recuperation for optimum efficiency
One of the main benefits of this approach is that the gradual wear The heat from your cooling clinker is valuable. Not only does it hold
of the cross bars has no impact on cooler efficiency. By comparison, the potential to reduce your fuel consumption in the kiln, it also
on moving grate cooler models, the grate plates wear and create opens up the possibility to burn more moist alternative fuels you
gaps between plates, which leads to inefficient cooling and poor might not otherwise consider viable. But you have a limited window
thermal efficiency – and all the additional problems that arise from for capturing this heat. That’s why high thermal recuperation is a
clinker exiting the cooler without having cooled sufficiently. priority in the Cross-Bar® Cooler design.

Furthermore, because the Cross-Bar cooler is designed with no Upgrading your existing old cooler with the latest generation
moving grates and a well-proven seal arrangement, there’s also Cross-Bar cooler will provide you heat consumption savings in the
no possibility for clinker to fall below the grates, which means you range of 20 – 60 kcal/kg of clinker depending upon the age and
no longer need a conveying system underneath. One less thing to type of your existing cooler.
worry about.

Cross-Bar® Cooler 5
Rapid quenching Moving bars, not grates – low maintenance
Getting the clinker temperature down quickly avoids the C3S by design
reverting to C2S and impacting final cement strength. It also Replacing worn grates or carrying out gap management on grate
enables you to use that heat back in your kiln system. The Cross- type coolers are time-consuming exercises and an on-going
Bar® Cooler is equipped with the ABC Inlet, which is designed expense. In the Cross-Bar® cooler, clinker is moved through the
for rapid quenching for faster and more even cooling. This rapid cooler using horizontal bars that operate in a shuttle motion across
cooling also ensures you maintain the optimum chemical composi- a number of lanes. This effectively conveys, mixes and shears the
tion in the clinker, which both enhances the clinker quality and gives clinker and prepares it for efficient exposure to the cooling air.
you more flexibility with your cement product.
The cross bars are raised about 90 mm above the grate line so
there is no contact with the grate itself, and the grate is further
protected by a bed of clinker. This extends the grate life
Step 1. considerably in comparison with the moving grate cooler models.

The number of lanes across the cooler width provides flexibility to

control red river formation. If you should see a red river, you can
simply slow the clinker transportation in the affected lane to give the
clinker more time to cool.

The Cross-Bar cooler is designed such that in most cases,

you will only need one hydraulic cylinder per lane, reducing the
All lanes move forward
maintenance burden.

Step 2.

The modular FLSmidth® Cross-Bar® cooler reduces installation

Every other lane moves backwards time and costs. It is manufactured to a high quality standard and
ensures attractive equipment delivery times.

Step 3.

Remaining lanes move backwards

Installation of FLSmidth Cross-Bar cooler inside existing
cooler housing
Cross-Bar® Cooler 6
Helping you keep it cool

How does the ABC Inlet work? Designed and built by experts
Ordinary fixed inlets use air blasting to destroy agglomerations. The Cross-Bar® Cooler can be a completely new installation or an
These air blasters are built into the side walls and back of the cooler upgrade for most existing coolers. This flexibility is possible thanks
inlet. But with a maximum blast radius of about half a metre, there’s to the modular design, which can be tailored to fit most footprints.
a huge area in the centre of the inlet that the air can’t reach. As far as possible, our coolers are preassembled in our workshop,
That’s where the snowmen can still form. ensuring rapid and hassle-free installation – often manageable
within a standard annual maintenance shutdown.
The ABC Inlet uses a patented in-grate design that pushes
compressed air up through the grates, blasting agglomerations. Maximise waste heat recovery
Pressure sensors detect when build-up is starting to occur and the It’s not only in the first half of cooler where there is recuperated heat
automated blast control system reacts accordingly, increasing blast to be used. We can also integrate a waste heat recovery system to
frequency to disperse the clinker and prevent further agglomera- your Cross-Bar Cooler so that you can use the excess hot air else-
tion. Smart, targeted and efficient. The result? No snowmen. Ever. where in your process. The processed air can also be recirculated
back to the cooler under compartment at ≤ 130 ⁰C to further boost
the excess air heat content without affecting cooler efficiency.
This solution is suitable for new installations and upgrades and for
partial or complete hot air recirculation, depending on your needs.
Hot air recirculation can help you meet strict emissions require-
ments and maximise your waste heat recovery potential.


■ Self-adjusting mechanical flow regulators ■ No moving grates

■ No manual dampers ■ No clinker fall-through
■ No internal piping or air beams ■ No side seals
■ No sealing air fans ■ No spillage valves
■ Few fans ■ No undergrate conveying system
■ Easy replacement of wear parts

Cross-Bar® Cooler 7
C 03-21400-44-ENG V3

FLSmidth A/S
Vigerslev Allé 77 Tel: +45 3618 1000
DK-2500 Valby Fax: +45 3630 1820 Copyright © 2021 FLSmidth. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. FLSmidth is a (registered) trademark of FLSmidth.
This brochure makes no offers, representations or warranties (express or implied), and information and
Copenhagen E-mail: data contained in this brochure are for general reference only and may change at any time.

8 Cross-Bar® Cooler

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