49MTV 0001
49MTV 0001
49MTV 0001
Individually addressed and controlled multi-tone
and multi-candela TrueAlert ES A/V (audible/visible)
notification appliances provide:
Multi-candela xenon strobe with synchronized 1 Hz flash
rate and with intensity programmable from the control
panel or jumper selected as 15, 30, 75, 110, 135, or
185 cd
Advanced addressable notification controlled by IDNAC
SLCs providing regulated 29 VDC allowing strobes to
operate with lower current even under battery backup
Wiring supervision to each appliance allowing
“T-tapped” connections for Class B circuits to
simplify wiring (Class A circuits require in/out
Self-Test Mode allows on-board sensors to detect the
strobe and horn output and then report their status to TrueAlert ES Multi-Tone Addressable A/Vs are Available
the control panel in Red with White Lettering and White with Red Lettering
Per appliance tone selection of: 520 Hz Horn, Features (Continued)
Broadband Horn, Bell, Chime, High/Low, Slow
Mechanical design features include:
Whoop, or Siren; programmable from the control
Rugged, high impact, flame retardant thermoplastic
panel, or selected using an on-board DIP Switch (refer
housing in red with white letters or white with red letters,
to sound output details on page 4) with clear lens, available with FIRE, FEU, ALERT,
520 Hz tone is compliant with NFPA 72 Low FEU/FIRE, or blank lettering
Frequency Signal Requirements for Sleeping Areas Separate covers are available to change application type
Horn, Bell, and High/Low tones can be controlled as: on-site or for replacement; covers can be easily removed
Temporal Code 3, Temporal Code 4, March Time without disturbing the connected housing and avoiding
(selectable as 20, 60, or 120 bpm), or Continuous trouble conditions
Slow Whoop, Siren, and Chime tone selections are A separate mounting plate allows wiring to be completed
before appliance is mounted; use with single gang, double
controlled as synchronized continuous operation
gang, or 4-inch square box, flush or surface mount
Output of “high” or “low” (~6 dBA difference) In/out wiring terminals for 18 AWG to 12 AWG
selectable at the appliance or from the controller with
Optional mounting adapters are available to cover
FACP mode selected at the appliance
surface mounted electrical boxes and to adapt to Simplex
TrueAlert Device Reports at the control panel 2975-9145 boxes
detailing appliance point ID, custom label, type, and
candela setting (see sample on page 3) Description
Magnet Test diagnostics to assist checkout and testing TrueAlert ES addressable multi-tone A/Vs are
of appliances and wiring individually addressed audible/visible notification
Electrical test point access without removing cover appliances that receive power, supervision, and control
Compatibility with ADA requirements; (refer to signals from a Simplex fire alarm control panel providing
important installation information on page 3) IDNAC Signaling Line Circuits (SLCs). (See
compatibility list on page 4.)
Strobe operation is listed to UL Standard 1971 and
ULC Standard S526; Horn operation is listed to UL Strobe Application Reference
Standard 464 and ULC Standard S525 Proper selection of visible notification is dependent on
LED Indicator and Magnet Test feature: occupancy, location, local codes, and proper applications
Appliance LED can be selected to display each polling of: the National Fire Alarm Code (NFPA 72), ANSI
cycle to indicate appliance supervision A117.1; the appropriate model building code: BOCA,
When the controller is in diagnostic mode, the Magnet ICBO, or SBCCI; and the application guidelines of the
Test pulses the LED to indicate appliance address and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
can be set to also briefly flash the strobe and sound the * This product has been approved by the California State Fire Marshal (CSFM) pursuant to
Section 13144.1 of the California Health and Safety Code. See CSFM Listing
horn 7135-0026:0380 for allowable values and/or conditions concerning material presented in
this document. Additional listings may be applicable; contact your local Simplex product
supplier for the latest status. Listings and approvals under Simplex Time Recorder Co.
are the property of Tyco Fire Protection Products.
S49MTV-0001-6 7/2016
TrueAlert ES Operation Advantage TrueAlert ES Diagnostics
TrueAlert ES addressable appliances on IDNAC Test Features. When IDNAC SLCs are in diagnostic
SLCs provide separate visible and audible notification mode, Self-Test and Magnet Test features provide individual
using a single two-wire circuit that also confirms appliance testing. With the Self-Test feature, appliance
connection to the individual notification appliance’s operation can be confirmed without leaving the control panel.
electronic circuit. This operation increases circuit Additionally, each appliance’s LED can be selected to pulse
supervision integrity by providing supervision that when it receives a supervision poll during normal operation.
extends beyond the appliance wiring connections. Self-Test Details. Selecting Self-Test Mode from the control
Reduced current allows efficient IDNAC SLC panel allows on-board sensors, depending on the device type, to
operation. With IDNAC SLCs, a constant 29 VDC detect its own strobe and/or horn output and then report their
source voltage is maintained, even during battery standby, status to the control panel. Operation is by selected VNAC
allowing strobes to operate at higher voltage with lower appliance groups and is either automatic (all briefly
current and ensuring a consistent current draw and voltage simultaneously activated) or individually activated by applying
drop margin under both primary power and secondary a magnet. (Refer to control panel data sheet for more Self-Test
battery standby. Efficiencies include wiring distances up information, see list on page 4.)
to 2 to 3 times farther than with conventional notification, Silent Appliance Magnet Test. In this test mode, in
or support for more appliances per IDNAC SLC, or use of response to application of a magnet, the appliance LED pulses
smaller gauge wiring, or combinations of these benefits, sequentially to conveniently indicate the appliance’s address.
all providing installation and maintenance savings with Operational Appliance Magnet Test. In this test mode,
high assurance that appliances that operate during normal after the address is indicated by pulsing the appliance LED, the
system testing will operate during worst case alarm strobe will briefly flash and the horn will briefly sound to
conditions. indicate proper operation.
Reducing Installation and Testing Time. With TrueStart Instrument Two (TSIT). The 2nd generation of
separate controls on the same two-wire SLC, installation the Simplex TrueStart Test Instrument adds testing of IDNAC
time and expense for both retrofit and new construction SLC wiring and TrueAlert ES appliances to its ability to test
can be significantly reduced. When Class B wiring is IDCs, NACs, and IDNet communications before connection to
used, wiring can be “T” tapped, allowing more savings in the control panel. Please contact your local Simplex
distance, wire, conduit (size and utilization), and overall representative for additional information.
installation efficiency. Use of Self-Test and Magnet Test
features improve installation efficiency. TrueAlert device
TrueAlert Addressable Wiring Isolator
reports conveniently identify information about each Isolator Model 4905-9929 is available for remote mounting
connected appliance. on TrueAlert addressable circuits to isolate short circuited
wiring from functioning wiring. (See data sheet S4905-0001.)
Product Selection
TrueAlert ES Wall Mount Multi-Tone Addressable Audible/Visible Appliances
TrueAlert ES multi-tone addressable A/V appliances include cover and matching mounting plate except as noted;
Dimensions with Cover = 5 ⅛” H x 5” W x 2 ⅝” D (130 mm x 127 mm x 67 mm)
Model* Cover Color Wording Lens Color Model* Cover Color Wording Lens Color
FIRE Clear Blank Clear
49MTV-WWF(-BA) White 49MTV-WWS-BA White
49MTV-APPLW(-BA) Select cover and mounting plate separately
Separate Mounting Plate (Required when ordering model 49MTV-APPLW(-BA))
Model* Color Model Color Note
49MP-AVVOWR Red 49MP-AVVOWW White Mounting Plate, select color to match cover
* Note: (-BA) indicates model is available either with or without the -BA suffix. Model numbers ending in -BA, APPLW models, and separate
mounting plates are assembled in the USA.
Separate Covers (Required when ordering model 49MTV-APPLW(-BA), uses same covers as 49AV Series fixed tone A/Vs)
Model Color Wording Model Color Wording
49AVC-WRS Red Logos Only 49AVC-WWS White Logos Only
Mounting Adapters
Model Color Description Dimensions
4905-9937 Red 5 ⅜” H x 5 ¼” W x 1 ⅝” D (136 mm x 133 mm x 41 mm)
Surface Mount Adapter Skirt
4905-9940 White Total depth with strobe = 4 ⅜” (111 mm)
Red Adapter Plate for mounting to Simplex 2975-9145 Box 5
4905-9931 8 ⁄16” x 5 ¾” x 0.060” Thick (211 mm x 146 mm x 1.5 mm)
(typically for retrofit, mount vertical or horizontal)
2975-9145 Red Mounting Box, requires 4905-9931 Adapter Plate 7 ⅞" x 5 ⅛" x 2 ¾" D (200 mm x 130 mm x 70 mm)
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TrueAlert Device Reports Reference
Service Port Page 1
REPORT 5 : TrueAlert Device Report 12:34:56am TUE 10-Mar-15
T14-1-1 Location Label . . . up to 40 characters MT AV 15
T14-1-2 Break Room 5 MT AV 110
T14-1-3 Boiler Room VO 75
T14-1-4 Elec. Room 7 AV 135
Installation Reference
TrueAlert ES
Addressable A/V
3 S49MTV-0001-6 7/2016
IDNAC SLC Controller Compatibility Reference
Data Sheet IDNAC SLC Output Appliance Voltage
Compatible Controllers Controller Output
Reference Voltage Design Reference
4100ES with EPS+ or EPS Power Supply S4100-0100
4009 IDNAC Repeater S4009-0004 29 VDC 23 VDC
4007ES with IDNAC Notification S4007-0002 (regulated) (with 6 VDC drop)
4010ES with ESS Enhanced System Supply S4010-0011