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CANCER SPREAD ▪ ask for presence of metal

Lymphatic – spread from lymph needs; accessories

common type of spread ▪ ask if they have metal
Hematogenous – spread through bloodstream implants
Angiogenesis - make their own blood vessels as • if they have CT scan
their resource ▪ ask for Claustrophobia
Tumor removal – removes cells around it 4. Computed Tomography (CT scan)
to prevent its spread o x-ray to scan layers of tissue (dye
* Cancer cells are resource hungry. injection) in cross-sectional view
o ask for allergies
o ask for pregnancy
5. PET scan
o distinguish between benign and
malignant; red = biological act.
6. Biopsy
o sample tissue extraction; secure the
7. Bone Scan > bone cancer
8. Endoscopy
o direct visualization of cavity and
o given anesthesia and sedated,
NPO to prevent aspiration
9. Tumor Markers
ROLES OF IMMUNE SYSTEM IN o prostate specific antigen (PSA)
1. Defense against uncontrollably dividing cells
2. T-lymphocytes initiate cell-mediated
immunity and destroy malignant cells.
3. A person is likely to be pre-disposed to
develop cancer when immunocompromised.

1. Mammography
o x-ray of breast to detect early signs
2. Papanicolaou (PAP) Smear
o collect cells from cervix to detect
cervical cancer TUMOR STAGING
o avoid sex for the past 7 days ❖ T – tumor
before procedure ❖ N – node (affected lymph mode)
3. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MIR) ❖ M – metastasis > spreading to other
o create sectioned images of body parts of the body
o magnetic field
1. Hyperplasia
o increase in the number of cells of a
o Barrett’s Esophagus
▪ simple columnar cells in
▪ Stratified squamous
stratified squamous

simple columnar
- precancerous
by acid
The higher the grade, diff. differentiation
* Cyst are not cancerous = accumulation of * Because acid reflux
fluid damages cells of
esophagus, it converts
to simple columnar

Look first on where cell comes from (some in stomach) to

withstand acid.
❖ Totipotent - only the zygote; can
differentiate into a whole individual * Any change in normal cells is pre-cancerous
❖ Pluripotent stem cells - grows into
Blastocyst Pluripotent * Hypertrophy – increase in size of cell
o pluripotent cells can differentiate * Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH)
while cancer cannot o hypertrophy of prostate; not increase in
❖ Cancer - If there is any disruption within cell component
the cells o Endometrial Hyperplasia – increase in
Cells are organized endometrial cell
❖ junction that regulates cell division
if there is 2. Metaplasia
❖ basement membrane any
o conversion of one type of mature
it can be cell into another type of cell
precursor 3. Dysplasia (same pero iba iba size)
to cancer o bizarre cell growth resulting in cells
that differ I size, shape or
arrangement from other cells of the
CELL CYCLE same type of tissue.
1. G1 Phase – growth of cell (size) 4. Anaplasia (malignant cells don’t look normal)
2. Synthesis Phase – increase number of o cells that lack normal cellular
genetic materials inside the nuclei characteristics and differ in shape
3. G2 Phase – growth of the cell and organization with respect to
4. Mitosis – cell division their cells of origin.
5. Neoplasia
* There are drugs that targets each cell cycle o uncontrolled cell growth that
phases follows no physiologic demand.
o destruction of cellular integrity
o modification/ destroy of genetic code

1. Virus and Bacteria

o injects viral RNA to normal cell
i. alters future cells
ii. HPV – cervical cancer
iii. Hepatitis B – Hepatocellular
cancer and Liver cancer
o bacteria destroy cellular integrity
i. H. pylori inflammatory (HPV)
Cancer – uncontrollably dividing cells with no 2. Physical A.
differentiation o cellular integrity; ionizing radiation:
- immortal; divides as long as they have DNA
energy source o trauma; repeated traumatic injury
3. Chemical Agents
CELL MUTATION o cellular integrity destruction
1. Base Substitution o [charred part] carcinogens,
o one base is substituted with alcohol, tobacco
another base 4. Genetic
o hereditary; family history
5. Dietary
o obesity; predisposition to cancer;
Increase in BMI = high possibility of
usually happens with bases 6. Hormonal Agents
that have corresponding o diff. of cells – anaplasmosis –
base cancer

2. Deletion
o results when one or more base * Abnormal cell;
pairs are last from the DNA not cancer unless

3. Insertion
o results when additional base parts
destruction in
are added to DNA
cellular integrity
* When this happens, it results to
problem in the daughter cells

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