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Act 3 Scene 3 MOV

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ACT III Sc en e 3


1. (i) Shylock asks the jailer to guard Anton io closely and see that he
not escape. He tells him not to ask him to show mercy to Anton io.
The extrac t shows that Shylock was agains t Anton io. He insists on
havin g the bond saying that he has taken an oath to exact the full
penalt y of the bond. Besides, he says that since Anton io called him
a 'dog', Anton io shoul d bewar e of his teeth, as they can bite.
(ii) (a) lent out money gratis: lendin g mone y witho ut intere st.
(b) beware my fangs: bewar e of my teeth. That is bewar e of my reveng e.
(iii) After this extract, Shylock angril y tells the jailer that he is surpri sed
at his being so foolish as to yield to Anton io's reque st and to bring
him out in the open. He censu res the jailer for bringi ng him out.
(iv) The short scene shows the determ inatio n of Shylock to extrac t the
penalt y as stipul ated in the bond. His passio n for reveng e is reveal ed
in this scene, when he savag ely cries to the jailer to guard Anton io
closely and see that he does not escape. He refers to the bond five
times in the scene and refuse s to listen to Anton io's pleas. His
determ inatio n is sealed by his statem ent that he has sworn an oath
that he will have his bond.
(v) Shylock wants the Duke to allow him to have his bond and do justice
to him. The scene is impor tant becau se it brings the action near to
the Trial Scene. It adds suspe nse to the bond story as it shows that
it is impos sible for Anton io to escap e Shylo ck's reveng e. This scene
fills the interval before the Trial scene and allow s time for Bassa nio' s
journe y from Belmo nt to Venice.
2. (i) When Anton io's contin uous pleas to Shylock to listen to him fail
and he insists on havin g his bond, Anton io get enrag ed. He says
that Shylock wants to take away his life becau se he has freque ntly
helped Shylock's debto rs out of his clutch es when they appro ached
him for help. This has made Shylock to hate him.
(ii) Salari no says that he is sure that the Duke will never permi t the
penalt y of the bond to hold good in law.
(iii) Strang ers referre d to in the extrac t are the trader s and busine ssmen
from other countr ies doing busine ss in Venice. Here, specific refere nce
is to Shylock, a Jew, a foreig ner. They do trade and busine ss in Venice.
(iv) The Duke canno t deny the course of law to the strang ers. Firstly, the
rights and privileges of trade that foreig ners have in Venice canno t

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be denied. If denied they will expose the justice system of the state
to reproach. Secondly, prosperity of Venice depends on its trade with
foreign nations. If injustice is done to Shylock, other foreigners will
raise alarm and objections. They will lose confidence in the justice
system and it will affect the trade in the city.
(v) Antonio's final wish is to see Bassanio before he dies. This shows
his great love and affection for Bassanio. Antonio resigns himself
to his fate but takes comfort in the thought that he is going to die
for the sake of his friend.

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