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... Can I Leave The Door Open For A While?..

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Q3 LESSON 10 Student’s name:...................................................Class: 7D..............

I. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive tense.
1 A: Who looks after your garden for you?
B: It looked after... (look after) by my brother.
2 A: That’s a beautiful dress. Where did you buy it?
B: Actually, it ………………………………. (make) for me by my aunt.
3 A: Have you typed that letter yet, Miss Brown?
B: It ………………………………. (type) right now, sir.
4 A: Did you make the coffee when you got to work this morning?
B: No, it ………………………………. (already/make) by the time I got there.
5 A: Are you going to pick up the children today?
B: No, they ………………………………. (pick up) by Roger. I’ve already arranged it.
6 A: Where is your watch?
B: I broke it. It ………………………………. (repair) at the moment.
7 A: Has the new furniture for my bedroom arrived?
B: No, it ………………………………. (not/deliver) yet.
8 A: They are building a new sports centre in town.
B: l know. It ………………………………. (open) by the mayor next month.

II. Rewrite the sentences using the words in bold.

1. Do you mind if I leave the door open for a while? can
...Can I leave the door open for a while?...
2. You’re obliged to take notes during the lecture. have
3. I’m sorry, but you aren’t allowed to enter this room. must
4. Jack managed to unlock the door. able
5. It wasn’t necessary for Ann to cook dinner, but she did. need
6. Let’s play a game of chess. could
7. I’m certain Sarah is bored with her work. must
8. I strongly advise you to take up sport. must
9. I’m certain Liz isn’t interested in your ideas. can
10. You may take the car tonight if you want. can

I. Look at the sentences below about a centre where visitors can go to watch the stars.
Read the text on the opposite page to decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect.
If it is correct, mark A on your answer sheet.
If it is not correct, mark B on your answer sheet.
Trung tâm Anh Ngữ Nhung Phạm
27N7A KĐT Trung Hòa Nhân Chính – 0946 530 486 – 0964 177 322 1
1. The Tracker Star-Watching Centre is right at the top of a mountain. …………..
2. There is a variety of ticket prices that you can choose from. …………..
3. You can attend various courses at the Centre during the day. …………..
4. You are allowed to use the Centre’s special equipment by yourself to see the stars. …………..
5. Centre employees will help you to notice the best sights in the sky. …………..
6. Visitors will get different views of the planet Saturn, depending on when they visit. …………..
7. A telescope is needed to see all the objects that the staff show you. …………..
8. Some students from a nearby university can answer the questions you have. …………..
9. You can buy something to wear at the Centre if you feel too cold. …………..
10. Visitors who need fuel for their vehicles can get some on the way up the mountain. …………..

Tracker Star – Watching Centre

Are you interested in finding out more about the stars and planets in the night skies? Then come and
join us at the Tracker Star-Watching Centre halfway up Mintal Mountain. We hold popular star-
watching sessions almost every night of the year from 6.00 until 10.00. The Centre is run entirely on
money given to us by the public, so although there's no actual charge for your tickets, we're always
grateful when people choose to give us large or small amounts of money - it all helps. And if after one
of our evening sessions you become interested in finding out more, and you're willing to pay a small
fee, then we run a range of daytime courses.
During our evening programmes, you'll first see a documentary that tells you all about the history of
the Centre and all the star watching programmes that we run here, and then you'll move outside
where several special telescopes are set up for you to see the stars in more detail. Our expert staff
will manage all the equipment and during the evening they will guide you so that you get to see the
most interesting objects, including double stars and planets. You may also get a chance to see the
planet Saturn, with its glowing rings though its brightness changes throughout the year. We're so far
up that the clouds are often below us, so our view of the night skies is clear and bright. We'll also tell
you about some of the most important things that can be seen in the night sky without equipment.
There are always students from the university here who help out at the Tracker Centre in their spare
time, and are prepared to give you any information you want about the stars.
Visitors to the Centre should note that we often experience near-freezing night-time temperatures at
the Centre, so please dress in warm clothes. However, if you have a problem and find you are not
warm enough, sweaters and scarves, which might make a nice souvenir, are available from the
Centre store.
Visitors should also make sure they have a full tank of petrol in their vehicles before making the trip
up to the Centre, as petrol is unavailable near the station, and the nearest petrol stations are about 40
km away. The 12 km climb to the Centre can take some time - so make sure your car is in good
enough condition to make it! We hope to see you at the Tracker Centre soon!

You will hear a conversation between a man and a woman at home. Listen and fill in the blanks
Man: What shall we do tonight? Shall we (1) __________________ somewhere?
Woman No, I’m tired. I’ve had a really hard day.
: That’s (2) __________________! Come on, let’s go to a cinema or see that new play at the
Man: theatre.
Not tonight. Why don’t we rent a video and (3) __________________?
Trung tâm Anh Ngữ Nhung Phạm
27N7A KĐT Trung Hòa Nhân Chính – 0946 530 486 – 0964 177 322 2
Woman Well, I’d rather go out... but if you’re tired ... OK. So what shall we have? How about that new (4)
: __________________?
Man: No, far too serious for me. I’d (5) __________________! Why can’t we get something funny - a
film with Rik Moranis or someone like that.
Woman (6) __________________? No thanks. I’m not wasting my money.
: Well, I’ll pay, if you’re going to be difficult about it.
I’m not being difficult - I just don’t want to see a comedy.
Man: Fine. What else do you suggest then?
Woman How about a Robert de Niro?
: We’ve seen them all.
Man: Maybe, but they’re great films. Let’s watch one again.
Woman Now you’re suggesting something that’s a real (7) __________________! And I hate seeing films
: twice, you know that.
Man: OK, OK. What, then?
Woman Oh, forget it. We’re obviously not going to agree anyway!
: No, I tell you what, you (8) __________________to the video shop and choose a film. Whatever
Man: it is, I’ll watch it.
Woman Really? And you won’t be difficult or make me (9) __________________ ?
: No - go on, (10) __________________ . I’ll make something to eat while you’re out.
Great. See you in a few minutes then.
Man: Bye.


Trung tâm Anh Ngữ Nhung Phạm

27N7A KĐT Trung Hòa Nhân Chính – 0946 530 486 – 0964 177 322 3

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