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Pointers To Review in 21ST Cent.

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A. Reasons for reading

-acquisition of relevant information and also entertainment.

-with literature man has the power to enrich his experiences and to explore the world which may propel
to great discoveries and genuine realization.

B. Defining literature

-Scholars have given some legitimate definitions pertaining to how they perceive literature.

*Latin word- Literatura means writing

- Literus means learning

- Belles letters means beautiful writing

-Literature covers both oral and written forms of works that manifest expressive or imaginative quality,
nobility of thoughts, timelessness, and lastly universality.

- Through literature, we learn the innermost feelings and thoughts of people- the most real part of
themselves. Thus we gain an understanding not only of others but more importantly of ourselves and of
life itself.

- Literature appeals to man’s higher nature and its needs (emotional, spiritual, intellectual, and creative).
Literature is one of the seven arts.

C. Key features of literature

- Literature is a form of Communication

- Literature is an art- intensifies its value to the people depending on how they judge and perceive the
beauty and quality of work.

- Nobility of thoughts- It’s necessary to highlight ideas of great importance and significance.

- Timelessness- the significant truth about life that a literary work reveals should not wane and dissipate
as times passes by.

- Universality- a work must have global applicability in which work transcends across space.

- Literature has utility- it refers to the intellectual, emotional, and social function of any creative or
literary works.

• Major forms of literature



*Forms - Written in paragraph

*Language- Expressed in ordinary language

* Appeal- to the intellect

* Aim- to convince, informs, instruct, imitate and reflect


* Forms- written in stanza or verse form

- 4 lines is Quatrain

- 6 lines is Sestet

-8 lines is Octave

-couplet is a pair of consecutive lines of poetry that create a complete thought or idea.

*Language- Expressed in metrical, rhythmical and figurative language

* Appeal- to the emotion

* Aim- stirs the imagination and set and ideal of how life should be

• PROSE- this form is mainly ascribed to be composed freely


1. Essay 8. Current publication

2. Biography and Autobiography 9. Philosophy

3. Letter 10. Travel

4. Diary 11. Parable

5. Journal 12. Eulogy

6. Historical prose 13. Speech

7. Scientific prose

• POETRY- it is the form of literature characterized by its highly controlled manner of choosing and
arranging language with the use of regulating devices.

*The Greek term “ poesis” means to create or to make.

• Key Aspect of Poetry

1. Structure

2. Language

3. Tone, sound, rhythm


1. Sense- revealed through the meaning of words, images and symbol.

2. Sound- the result of a combination of elements

3. Structure- refers to the arrangement of words, and the lines to fit together and the organization of
the parts to form a whole.


1. Narrative poetry- this is mainly a poem that is non-dramatic in which the prime goal of the author is
to narrate a story. It has a variety of lengths and of complexity.


• Epic

• Metric Romance

• Metrical Tale

• Ballad

2. Lyric poetry- this mainly discloses a poet’s feelings and emotions which can be perceived to be
subjective and personal. This is known to be melodic since it was first recited by a lyre.


• Ode

• Elegy

• Song

• Corridos

• Sonnet
3. Dramatic Poetry- this is a lyric work that exhibits dialogue and characterization which are known to be
elements of drama.


• Monologue

• Soliloquy

 GENRES OF LITERATURE- Barritugo (2002) explained that literature has specific classification. It can be
classified into four genres namely: poetry, prose fiction, drama, and non-fiction prose.

1. Poetry- ascribed as the most economical means of expressions since it only uses limited number of
words. Its beauty is mainly forced by the intricate and careful use of words, figurative expression,
imagery, rhythm and sound.

2. Prose fiction- this is mainly characterized by scholars as any literary work that is an imaginative
recreation and reconstruction of life.

3. Drama- this is involves stories involving significant human encounters which are intended to be
performed on stage.

4. Non-fiction prose- this genre mainly attempts to present, to interpret or to describe facts.


 Consideration in Analyzing a Poem

1. The author
2. The title of the Poem
3. The Persona and the Addressee
4. Tone, Attitude, Motifs and Conditions
5. Imagery and Symbolism
6. Genre
7. Structure
8. The theme
9. Appeal


1. Ancient settlers in the islands of the Philippines had their own form of literature even before the
coming of the Spaniards- True

2. Ancient Philippine Literature was generally in oral tradition-True

3. Literature contains historical and cultural pieces of information that were used to reveal the way of
life of our forebears-True
4. It was only the Spanish occupation that literature was introduced to the Philippines-False

5. Most of the ancient literary forms were in oral tradition since there was no system of writing existed
during the pre-colonial period- True

6. Literature is a way used by our forebears communicated their stories to future generations- True

7. Primitive literary forms revealed the way of life of our forebears including their traditions, belief,
customs and mores- True

8. Legends are stories popular in the country which highlights the assumed origin of a thing, place, or
anything- True

9. Various foreign occupations in the Philippines affected and influenced the features and themes of its
literature- True

10. Philippine literary texts are only those written in the native or local language-False


 In pre-colonial times, oral transmission was the primary means of communicating and
preserving Philippine Literature.

*Subject/Genre of Pre-Colonial Period

Riddle- went by many names and forms: bugtong in Tagalog, paktakon in Ilonggo, patototdon in Bicol
and buburtia in Ilocano.

Proverbs- on the other hand, were rather more serious because they were intended to teach values.

-Proverbs were known as kasabihan in Tagalog, panultihon or pagya among the Cebuano, kasebian
among the Pampango and humbaton or hurobaton among the Ilonggo.

Epics- the epics were perhaps the most prominent literary genre of the pre-colonial period.

- Epics were called darangen in Maranao, ulangihan in Manobo, guman in Subanon and hudhudin
Ifugao. Popular examples included the Ilokano epic Biag ni Lam-ang, the Ibaloy epic Kabunlan and
Bendian, the Tagalog epic Kumintang, the Palawan epic Kudaman, the Panay-Bisaya epic Maragtas at
Hinilawod, the Manobo epic Tuwaang Midsakop, the Negros Bisaya epic Hari sa Bukit, the Mindanao
epic Darangen, the Muslim epic Bantugan and the Ifugao epic Hudhod at Alim.

Denotation- Literal meaning

Connotation- Figurative meanings

Myths- served to explain how the world was created.

Legends-a story from the past that is believed by many people but cannot be proved to be true.

Fables- short story, typically with animals as characters, conveying a moral.

Lullabies-A lullaby is a song or folk poem meant to help a child fall asleep.

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