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Reduction of Landslide Risk and Water-Logging Using Vegetation

Conference Paper  in  E3S Web of Conferences · October 2018

DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20186506003


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2 authors:

Mohammad Shariful Islam Md. Azijul Islam

Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology University of Texas at Arlington


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E3S Web of Conferences 65, 06003 (2018)
ICCEE 2018

Reduction of Landslide Risk and Water-Logging

Using Vegetation
Mohammad Shariful Islam1* and Md. Azijul Islam2
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology,
Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh.
Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology,
Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh.

Abstract. Landslide is a major concern in Bangladesh. The Hill Tracts of

Bangladesh are highly vulnerable to rain-cut erosion because of their
geological formation, soil characteristics (sedimentary) and deforestation.
The cracks in the sandstone allow water to permeate through the layers
which causes decrease in shear strength of hill soils leading to landslides.
Eroded soil causes clogging in drains and canals in nearby urban areas.
Subsequently, in a view to investigate the erosion potential of hill slopes,
soil samples were collected from Chittagong and Rangamati hills. The soil
is mostly silty or clayey sand which is susceptible to erosion. In this
context, bio-engineering technique using vetiver has been selected to
reduce erosion potential and water-logging. Efficacy of vetiver in soil
erosion has been studied using a model for vegetated slope constructed
with hill soil. Performance of slope against rain-cut erosion has been
premeditated under uniform artificial rainfall for both bare and vegetated
slopes. The sediment yield for bare soil is found to be 47.8 kg/m2 which is
almost four times higher compared to the sediment yield for rooted slope
(11.6 kg/m2). Therefore, vetiver is effective in reducing erosion, which
eventually decreases landslide vulnerability and water-logging in the
nearby city areas.

1 Introduction
Landslide is one of the most significant natural disasters in Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) of
Bangladesh [1]. Rapid urbanization and human development activities such as building and
road construction through deforestation and excavation of hill slopes have increased
landslides in densely populated cities located in mountainous areas [2]. In addition, heavy
rainfall makes uncovered slope prone to erosion [3]. Water-logging in Chittagong city is a
great concern. One of the main reasons for water-logging is clogging of the drains and
canals which is mainly caused by eroded soil load from the nearby hills.
The hill areas are underlain by tertiary and quaternary sediments that have been folded,
faulted and uplifted, then deeply dissected by rivers and streams. These areas consist of
thick sandstones, shale and siltstone which have less stability. The yellowish orange

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E3S Web of Conferences 65, 06003 (2018)
ICCEE 2018

coloured sand particles are fine and loose in state. In between the sandstone layers, there is
shale which comes due to the soaking of water. In addition, there are some cracks in the
vertical line, which makes it easy for the rain to permeate therein. Hence, the bedrock and
soil structure of these hills become unstable and highly prone to erosion.
Vegetation is currently a well-recognized method in the world to stabilize slopes.
Vegetative cover not only increases the stability of the slopes but also decreases the soil
loss due to rain-cut erosion. Specially, vetiver grass (Vetiveria zizanioides) which is a
graminaceous plant having fibrous roots reported to reach depths up to 3 m is very popular
in slope stabilization [4]. It is a low cost and environment friendly method for erosion
control [5-7]. Previous studies have reported on the growth and use of vetiver grass in its
natural environment [8]. Shear strength of rooted soil matrix [9-10] and performance of
vetiver grass on the coastal embankment stabilization of Bangladesh has been studied [8].
Studies have indicated that a homogeneous slope under rainfall conditions is prone to suffer
from surface erosion or shallow landslides [11] whereas deep seated failures are often
induced by rainfall in slopes with weak layers. The most obvious way in which vegetation
enhances mass stability is via root reinforcement. The combination of deep roots with soils
improves the shear strength of soil which makes vetiver grass an ideal plant for stabilizing
steep and unstable slopes. The shoot of vetiver effectively absorbs the impact energy of
rainfall. In addition, the root system acts as a filter to trap erosion sediment, creates natural
terraces and reduces the velocity of rainfall runoff. Vegetation has also effects on
infiltration capacity of soil. It is found that vegetative barriers with longer and thicker roots
and significantly higher dry weight and volume can make the soil profile more porous and
permeable than bare soil condition, resulting in greater channelling and infiltration of runoff
[12]. Thus, the Vetiver System (VS) when applied to erodible slopes significantly reduces
the probability of land slippage and reduces the need for “hard solutions”.
Physical measures are often combined with bio-engineering approaches to obtain the
benefit for erosion control and slope protection [13-14]. Although different model studies
have been conducted all around the world, the investigation on hill slopes of Bangladesh is
needed to be investigated. This study aims to determine the soil properties of CHT and
understand the behaviour of rooted soil through model study. Effect of vetiver on
infiltration and erosion potential of hill slopes have also been investigated.

2 Materials and methods

2.1 Study site

Mountains of Bangladesh are located in the southern, eastern and northern part of the
country including the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT). The area of CHT is 13,184 km2 which
is approximately one-tenth of the total area of Bangladesh. These hills are underlain by
unconsolidated or little-consolidated beds of sandstones, siltstones and shale. In order to
characterize the hill soil and geometry of hills, two locations were selected: Chittagong and
Rangamati. The slope angle and hill height were observed as 450~600 and 15~35 m,
respectively. Disturbed samples were collected from two locations of Rangamati.
Undisturbed samples were collected from Rangamati using Shelby tube from a depth of 1
m. Then the Shelby tube was waxed both at top and bottom in order to maintain the
moisture content as same as the field condition. The study sites and locations of soils
samples collected are shown in Fig. 1.

E3S Web of Conferences 65, 06003 (2018)
ICCEE 2018

2.2 Soil Properties

Physical and engineering properties of collected hill soil samples were determined through
extensive laboratory tests. Atterberg limit test, grain size, permeability test and direct shear
test (CU) have been performed according to ASTM standards. Grain size distribution of the
two soil samples collected are presented in Fig. 2. Table 1 presents the properties of the
soils. Based on the index properties, soils were classified as SC and SM according to
Unified Soil Classification System (USCS).

910 46ꞌ 52ꞌꞌE
920 6ꞌ 20ꞌꞌE

Fig. 1. Locations of the collected soil samples

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ICCEE 2018

80 Soil-2

Percent finer (%)



1.0E-4 1.0E-3 1.0E-2 1.0E-1 1.0E+0 1.0E+1

Particle size (mm)

Fig. 2. Grain size distribution of the soil collected from hill tracts

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ICCEE 2018

Table 1. Properties of hill tracts soil

Properties Soil-1 Soil-2

Natural moisture content, wn (%) 15.46 13.34
Specific gravity, Gs 2.75 2.66
Bulk density, γ (kN/m3) 16.80 18.50
Liquid Limit (%) 24 28
Plastic Limit (%) 17 24
% Finer No. 200 sieve 42.60 21.70
Soil Classification (USCS) SC SM
Void ratio, e 0.85 0.59
Cohesion, c (kN/m2) 1.80 0
Angle of internal friction,  (0) 30.20 39.60
Permeability, k (cm/s) 5.25×10-6 1.93×10-5

2.3 Experimental setup

2.3.1 Model construction

A physical model was constructed to assess the erosion potential of hill slopes. A
trapezoidal glass module was manufactured with a slope of 1V:1H. The length, width and
height of the model were 900 mm, 600 mm and 600 mm, respectively. The schematic
diagram of the glass model is shown in Fig. 3(a). The model was filled with soil collected
from Rangamati with a uniform density. The density of the slope model was kept similar to
the field condition from where the soil had been collected. To achieve the density in model
slope, soil was compacted by a hammer (according to standard proctor test specification)
weighing 2.5kg and the drop height was 304.8 mm. The compaction was achieved by
several trials. The soil was weighed and placed in the glass chamber and then compacted in
every 75 mm thick layer with the use of the hammer. Thus, the whole soil in the model was
compacted in total 8 layers.

(a) (b)
Fig. 3. (a) Isometric view of the glass model used for rain-cut erosion test, (b) Layout of plantation

E3S Web of Conferences 65, 06003 (2018)
ICCEE 2018

scheme of vetiver tiller (dimensions are in mm)

After preparation of the model, the slope was measured as 1V:2.5H. Two similar
models were made to simulate two conditions, one for bare soil and the other one was
rooted soil with vegetation. For the rooted soil model, vetiver sapling was sowed on mid-
December, 2017 with a center to center spacing of 100 mm as shown in Fig. 3(b).

2.3.2 Rainfall simulator

For artificial rainfall simulation, a portable perforated steel tray rainfall simulator (1220mm
910mm 50mm) was designed (Fig. 4). This drip-type artificial rainfall simulator
includes a 1.11 m2 rectangular tray made of mild steel with a pipe supply-based water
connection system, enabling it to simulate any artificial rainfall on a structure (physical
model) having an area equal or less than 1.11 m2. It can produce 188 mm/h rainfall
intensity from a height of 3 m above the bottom of the slope with a drop size distribution
slightly greater than natural rainfall (median diameter, D50=4.18 mm). Detailed design and
calibration are available in Chowdhury et al., 2017 [14].

Fig. 4. Schematic diagram of the rainfall simulator (dimensions are in mm)

2.3.3 Collection of eroded soil

After application of artificial rainfall, the portion of rainfall infiltrates into the soil and rest
causes direct runoff. Because of direct runoff, some soil particles got washed away which
caused surficial soil erosion. To quantify the amount of erosion, the runoff water was
collected in a tray and the volume of the runoff water was measured. Then, the soil and
water mixture were filtered through filter paper to separate the soil mass from water.
Finally, the collected moist soil was dried in oven at 1060 C for 24 hours to get the dry soil

E3S Web of Conferences 65, 06003 (2018)
ICCEE 2018

3 Results and discussions

3.1 Growth of vegetation

In order to study the growth rate of vetiver in hill slopes, vetiver grass have been planted on
a model and nurtured on a regular basis. After completion of erosion test, shoot length, root
length, clump diameter etc. have been measured. Vetiver grasses have been pulled out from
the slopes to observe the physical condition after growth in 90 days. The average root and
shoot length was measured as 35.6 cm and 84 cm, respectively. Obtained results have been
compared to other values determined by other researchers and presented in Fig. 5. It is
observed that growth rate is maximum for dredge sand and minimum for silt. The growth of
vetiver in dredge sand [16] was conducted in a model study where enough care and
nurturing had been maintained properly. On the contrary, growth in silty soil of road slope
[17] was conducted in a field study where it was not possible to nurture the plants properly
and hence growth of vetiver in silt [17] was found less compared to the growth in sand [16].
Nasrin, 2013 [19] found that growth rate of vetiver grass in silty sand is higher than that of
in clay soil which is very similar to the results of present study and other literature [16-18].

Fig. 5. Comparison of vetiver growth among different study

3.2 Efficacy of vetiver grass in top soil erosion

3.2.1 Effect of vegetation on infiltration

The efficacy of vetiver under artificial rainfall has been tested. Fig. 6 shows the
comparative result of soil erosion and condition of bare and vegetated slopes. It can be seen
from the clear view of the glass model that the root system has reached the bottom of the
model which is 50 cm from the ground surface. The root architecture is also robust in
nature. Since vetiver root system absorbs and retains moisture, the water content at the
bottom of the model is found higher than the water content at the top of the model.
Moreover, the model was confined at the bottom and the infiltrated water could not go
deeper compared to the natural slope. Hence, moisture content was found higher at the

E3S Web of Conferences 65, 06003 (2018)
ICCEE 2018

bottom. Although, the pull-out capacity of the root system has not been measured
quantitatively, it is found much higher comparing to the other plant’s root system.
From Fig. 7, it is observed that the volume of infiltrated water decreases with time
having the same amount of surface water runoff. It is caused due to the decrease in water
retention within the soil with time under rainfall. Moreover, confinement of the soil area
with trapezoidal glass module may contribute to the increase in retained water; not allowing
the water to spread in a large area. Thus, the proportion of the infiltrated water decreases
resulting in greater surface runoff water volume.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 6. Rain-cut erosion: (a) bare soil before rainfall; (b) rooted soil before rainfall; (c) bare soil
model after 30 min of rainfall; (d) rooted soil model after 30 min of rainfall for bare soil

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ICCEE 2018

Volume of infiltrated water (m3)





130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40
Time taken for 0.01 m3 surface water runoff (seconds)

Fig. 7. Volume of infiltration vs. time taken for 0.01m3 surface runoff

3.2.2 Effect on surface erosion

From the Fig. 8, the cumulative dry weight of eroded soil (under rooted condition) initially
(2 minutes~10 minutes rainfall) increases with the increase in time, but the increment rate
decreases in the later part (10 minutes~30 minutes) of rainfall, observed from the
decreasing slope of the graph with time compared to the initial part. The cumulative dry
weight of eroded soil (for bare condition) exhibits an exponential increase with time which
signifies that vetiver is quite effective in preventing soil erosion compared to bare soil
condition. From Fig. 9, the sediment yield for bare soil is found 47.8 kg/m 2 which is almost
four times higher compared to the sediment yield for rooted slope (11.6 kg/m2). In case of
the vegetative slope, the erosion was stopped after 60 mm of rainfall. Since the sediment
yield decreases, the sediment load for drains and canals will also be decreased and thus it
will reduce water-logging.
Rooted soil
Cumulative dry weight of eroded

25 Bare soil

soil (kg)



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Cumulative time taken for 0.01 m3 surface water runoff (min)

Fig. 8. Cumulative dry weight of eroded soil vs. cumulative time taken for every 0.01m3 surface
water runoff

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50 Loessial Soil
Present study
(Bare slope)
(fine-silty and mixed)
Cumulative Sediment Yield (kg/m2)

40 Present Study
Clayey Sand slope)
30 Xu et al. 2016
buffer strip)
Xu et al. 2016
Silty Clay (Control run,
bare slope)
Nasrin, 2013
(bare slope)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Nasrin, 2013
Cumulutative Rainfall (mm) slope)

Fig. 9. Comparison of cumulative sediment yield due to rainfall for this study and experiment
conducted by Xu et al. (2016) and Nasrin (2013) for bare and vegetated slope

3.2.3 Validation of the model

The study of erosion potential of vegetated slope has been compared with other studies. Xu
et al., 2016 [20] simulated rainfall experiment which was designed to investigate how a
cornstalk buffer strip affected soil erosion. The data obtained from Xu et al. (2016) have
been compared with the present study and illustrated in Fig. 9. Although the present study
was conducted by a rainfall simulation only for 30 minutes, the trend of the result can be
compared with Xu et al. (2016). It is observed that the performance of the vegetated slope
of the two studies for erosion control is quite similar. Though Xu et al. (2016) conducted
their study for four different cases of cornstalk buffer strip; comparison was done with only
continuous cornstalk buffer strip condition as it was conducted on maximum vegetative soil
condition resulting in minimum sediment yield. The slope of cumulative sediment yield
decreases gradually with rainfall for both the studies which indicates that after some rainfall
the slope erosion decrease which will eventually tend to zero. Moreover, trend of the
cumulative sediment yield of this study approaches towards the data of Xu et al. (2016).
However, there is a difference for bare soil in which the result from the present study gives
higher cumulative sediment yield. The present results are also compared with the results
obtained from Nasrin, 2013 [19] in which the slope was 1V:1.5H. Cumulative sediment
yield of the present study is quite similar to the results obtained from Nasrin, 2013 [19].

4 Conclusion
In hill slopes, soil erodes mainly due to rain-cut erosion. To quantify the effect of soil
erosion under rainfall both field survey and reduced scale models have been conducted for
vegetated and bare slope. From this investigation, the followings can be concluded.
a) Because of deforestation, rapid urbanization and human activities, the hill slopes
become bare. The hill soils are composed of different layers of sandstones and shales
which are easy for the rain to permeate. Thus, the shear strength of hill soil decreases
during heavy rainfall in monsoon and causes rain-cut erosion and landslides.

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b) The soil properties of hills have been determined and it is found that the soils are mainly
silty or clayey sand. Sandy hills are mainly prone to erosion. Hence, water clogging
occurs because of eroded soil loads in nearby Chittagong metropolitan areas.
c) From the model study, it is found that cumulative sediment yield reduces significantly
for vegetated slopes compared to bare slope. Thus, vetiver grass plantation is effective
in reducing the top soil erosion and protection of shallow depth slope failure. Reduction
in erosion also decreases the water-logging of the nearby city area.
Vegetation is a cost-effective, sustainable and eco-friendly method for erosion control. For
overall stability of hill slopes, vegetation associated with other measures like soil nailing,
grouting, geotextiles and geogrid etc. can be used. Pilot studies are being conducted to
investigate the effectiveness of the proposed method in Chittagong Hill Tracts.

The authors acknowledge the infrastructural and financial support received from Bangladesh
University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh for carrying out the research

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