Chapter 17
Chapter 17
Chapter 17
Learning objectives
After completing this chapter, you should be able to
1. Identify the kinds of managerial problems that goal programming can address.
2. Describe how a goal programming model differs from other kinds of management
science models.
3. Discuss the differences between the weighted goal programming approach and the
preemptive goal programming approach.
4. Determine which of these approaches seems more appropriate for a given situation.
5. Formulate and apply a weighted goal programming model from a description of the
6. Formulate and apply a preemptive goal programming model from a description of the
In Chapters 2–8, you have seen various kinds of management science models that can address a
wide variety of managerial problems. However, all these models share one common
characteristic. They all have a single objective function that expresses the overall measure of
performance for the problem. For example, the objective might be to maximize total profit.
Unfortunately, it is not always possible to encapsulate management’s objectives into one
overall measure of performance in this way. The objectives might be so disparate that there is no
common basis for measuring progress toward these objectives. In this kind of situation,
management might instead set numeric goals for the various objectives and then seek a solution
that makes as much progress as possible toward all these goals. This is the kind of problem that
goal programming addresses.
The chapter begins with a case study that demonstrates how this kind of situation can
arise. You will see three members of top management championing three very different goals for
a project. The CEO agrees that all three goals are important and then mediates to assess their
relative importance. You also will see how the head of the Management Science Department
works with top management to elicit the kind of input needed to apply goal programming.
Goal programming provides two alternative ways of formulating problems with multiple
goals. One, called weighted goal programming, assigns weights to the goals that measure their
relative importance and then seeks a solution that minimizes the weighted sum of the deviations
from the goals. This approach is described in Section 17.2 in the context of the case study. The
second approach, called preemptive goal programming, requires deciding on the order of
importance of the goals. It then focuses on one goal at a time in this order. This approach is
described in Section 17.3. The dialogue for the case study in Section 17.1 also introduces both
approaches, including when each one is more appropriate and how management should provide
the needed input, in a practical setting.
Understand what management’s objectives are for the decisions they need to make based on our
studies. Then address those objectives rather than what we think the goals should be. I preach that
all the time.”
“So what happened?”
“Well, we’ve just been handed an extremely important new project, a really juicy
management science study. So I made the rounds today interviewing the key people in top
management to clarify just what they wanted to get out of our study. What is the basic objective
for the decisions they need to make? Usually this goes pretty smoothly, with a lot of consensus
about what the overriding objective should be. But not today. First I was told that we should
focus on such and such as the main goal of the study. Then the next person I interviewed said no,
the key goal was something completely different. Then the next guy had an entirely new slant on
it. I’ve never seen so much disagreement. Each one was only protecting his or her own interests
instead of looking at the big picture of what is best for the company as a whole. So now we’re
stymied. I’ve already selected the members of the team to work on this study. But we can’t really
get started until we receive much clearer direction from management. And, of course,
management needs the study completed quickly. One jokester said they would like our report the
day before yesterday. I laughed politely, but I felt like kicking him. Don’t they realize that our
output from the study can only be as good as their input!?! And that we can only act as quickly as
they give us the direction we need!”
“Wow, no wonder you’re frustrated,” Scott responds. “It sounds like management really
dropped the ball on this one.”
“Yes, they did. It was clear that they hadn’t talked to each other about this issue, even
though they knew I would be interviewing all of them about this today. It’s management’s
responsibility to thrash this out and come to a common understanding of what they want out of a
management science study, and then give us clear direction. They really didn’t do their job this
“So what’s the next step?”
“I’ve already called our CEO late this afternoon. Direction needs to come from the top.
Actually, Gary was pretty sympathetic. He even volunteered that he thought his people had let me
down this time.”
“So did he give you the direction you need?” Scott asks Kathleen.
“No, I really wasn’t asking for that at this point. He wasn’t involved with requesting this
management science study, so I was hitting him cold. But he understood right away what had
gone wrong. Even before I could suggest it, he said that the managers involved with this project
should be brought together in a meeting to thrash out what the main goals should be. He even said
he would chair the meeting himself. He also wants me and key members of my team there. He
says it is very important that we have a clear understanding of management’s thinking on this
issue. And I certainly agreed.”
“Great! So it sounds to me like all you have to do is attend the meeting and listen
carefully. Let them do their homework and then come to a meeting of the minds. Press them if
necessary to get the clarity you need. Then you’ll be off and running.”
The Dewright Company is one of the largest producers of power tools in the United States. The
company has had its ups and downs but has managed to maintain its position as one of the market
leaders for over 20 years. This is largely due to superior products produced by a skilled and loyal
work force, many of whom have been with the company for most of its existence. One of
management’s priorities has been to maintain a relatively stable employment level to retain the
high morale and loyalty of this work force.
CD 17-3
The company has just gone through one of its leaner years. Sales were down slightly
from the preceding year and earnings dipped as well (much to the discontent of the company’s
stockholders). One consequence is that the company now has less capital available than usual
with which to invest in new product development. Management also is concerned that some
downsizing may be needed if sales don’t improve soon.
Fortunately, help is on the way. The company is preparing to replace its current product
line with the next generation of products—specifically, three exciting new power tools with the
latest state-of-the-art features, so they are expected to sell well for at least a year or two. Because
of the limited amount of capital available, management needs to make some difficult choices
about how much to invest in each of these products. Another concern is the effect of these
decisions on the company’s ability to maintain a relatively stable employment level. A competitor
is known to be developing similar new products, so decisions must be made quickly.
These kinds of considerations recently led the company’s president, Tasha Johnson, to
call Kathleen Donaldson, head of the Management Science Department, to request an urgent
management science study to analyze what the product mix should be. Tasha asked Kathleen to
come see her for a briefing on management’s objectives in making the product-mix decisions.
Tasha also suggested that Kathleen talk with Vijay Shah (vice president for manufacturing) and
Hien Nguyen (the chief financial officer).
Kathleen has just completed these interviews, with the unsatisfactory results reported to
her husband.
Gary Lang, the company’s CEO, now has arranged for the meeting to bring these parties
together with Kathleen and key members of her team.
Vijay Shah (vice president for manufacturing): Well, I’m certainly not going to argue against
making profits. But there are different ways of accomplishing that. By and large, we’ve been a
very profitable company for over 20 years. And despite our occasional off years like last year, I
think we will continue to be a very successful company as long as we don’t forget what got us
here. Our number one asset is our work force. They’re the best in the business and we all know it.
Besides our strong leadership at the top, they’re our main reason for success. If we simply go
scrambling after big profits in the short run to satisfy the board of directors for a little while, I
think that’s going to mean some downsizing. That would ruin morale! And cause all kinds of
disruption. I know a lot of companies have been doing it, often to their regret, but it would be a
huge mistake in our case. Let’s not kill the goose that’s been laying our golden eggs. We have
great morale and an exceptionally efficient work force largely because we’ve kept them together
all these years. We’re going to have larger profits in the long run if we maintain a stable
employment level and continue developing new products to keep them fully utilized. I told
Kathleen that I thought her team should develop a plan for the current new products that would
maintain our present employment level, and then profits would take care of themselves.
Tasha: But in this global economy, the companies that are surviving are those that downsize
quickly when they need to in order to stay competitive.
Vijay: That would be shortsighted, especially in our situation.
Gary: Vijay, I do agree that we have a terrific work force and we should try to maintain it if
possible. It is my hope that these three new products will enable us to do just that. We currently
have 4,000 employees. We might even be able to increase that if everything falls into place.
When you talk about the disadvantages of changing the employment level, how would you feel
about an increase rather than a decrease?
Vijay: An increase wouldn’t be so bad. But it still would cause some problems, especially since
the increase probably would be temporary as these products wind down. First, we would incur the
expense and disruption of training these inexperienced workers. Then we would turn around and
need to lay them off because we have so little attrition here. Any layoffs are not good for morale.
I think we’re better off sticking pretty close to the 4,000 employees.
Gary: OK. Thanks, Vijay. Now I’m anxious to hear from Hien, especially after our financial
downturn this past year.
Hien Nguyen (chief financial officer): Yes. You know well that we’re not in a good financial
situation. We seldom have been as strapped for capital as we are right now.
Gary: Unfortunately, we’re going to need a lot of capital to launch these new products properly.
And it is very important to the future of this company to have a good launch. I’m going to need to
depend on you to work your usual magic to come up with at least the minimum amounts
necessary to invest in the production facilities, marketing campaigns, and so forth, that we need
for these products. How much do you think we can do?
Hien: I’ve been looking into that pretty carefully. I think we can scrape together something close
to $55 million. However, I wouldn’t advise trying to go beyond that. If we get that overextended,
I fear that our corporate bonds will be downgraded into the junk bond category. And then we
would be paying through the nose in high interest rates for all our debt. So when Kathleen saw
me recently, I advised her to stick with plans that would hold the capital investment down to no
more than $55 million.
Gary: I hear you. OK, here is my conclusion so far. I think all three of you have raised very valid
concerns. You each have enunciated a goal: Achieve a total profit from these products of at least
$125 million, maintain the current employment level of 4,000 employees, and hold the capital
investment down to no more than $55 million. These all are legitimate goals. I seriously doubt
CD 17-5
that we can fully achieve all of them. However, rather than selecting just one of them, I think we
need to try to come as close to meeting all three goals simultaneously as we can.
Kathleen: I have a question.
Gary: Shoot.
Kathleen: Do you see any way of combining all three goals into a single overriding objective—
one objective that would encompass all three?
Gary: Such as?
Kathleen: Well, perhaps maximizing long-run profit. The problems associated with either
changing the employment level or overextending our capital outlays affect our profit in the long
run. Can we measure these effects on long-run profits and combine them with the direct profit
from the new products?
Gary: Hmmm. An interesting idea. But no, I don’t think so. You’re really comparing apples and
oranges. There are too many intangibles involved in the impact of missing either the second or
third goal. I don’t see how you can develop any reasonable estimate of the long-run profit that
would result from all this.
Kathleen: Yes, that was my reaction too. But yours is the one that counts. So it sounds like we
should consider all three goals as separate goals, but then analyze them simultaneously.
Gary: Yes, I think so. Do you have a good way of doing this?
Kathleen: Well, I can think of two possibilities. But we need further guidance from all of you to
determine the approach we should use.
Gary: Go ahead.
Kathleen: One possibility is to use a linear programming approach. You’ll recall that we’ve
conducted several linear programming studies for you recently.
Gary: Yes.
Kathleen: This would involve maximizing the total profit from the new products, subject to
constraints that the second and third goals are met. But this would mean requiring that the second
and third goals are completely satisfied. Would that requirement seem reasonable to you?
Tasha: No, no, no! I think the first goal is the most important. We should make sure we meet it
even if that means missing the second and third goals somewhat.
Vijay: But we also should permit missing the first goal somewhat to avoid missing the other
goals by a large amount.
Gary: Well, there you have it. I agree that we shouldn’t require any of the goals to be completely
satisfied if they can’t all be satisfied simultaneously.
Kathleen: OK, fine. So formulating a linear programming model would not be appropriate to
meet your needs. But now it sounds to me like the second approach would be perfect for you.
Gary: What’s that?
Kathleen: It’s a management science technique called goal programming. It is designed to find
the best way of striving toward several goals.
Gary: Yes, that sounds like just the ticket. So now you have what you need from us to start your
Kathleen: Not quite. I need to ask your indulgence for a few minutes to elicit a little more
input—information we need to be able to use goal programming.
CD 17-6
begin with the weighted goal programming approach, but then double-check our conclusions by
applying the preemptive goal programming approach as well. We’ll include all our results in our
report and then the four of you can put your heads together to make the decision on what the
product mix should be for the three new products.
Gary: I like it. Full steam ahead. Are you all set now? Does this give you everything you need?
Kathleen: Nearly. This has been extremely helpful. However, we still need your input on one
more thing in order to implement the weighted preemptive programming approach. Let me
explain a little more about how this approach works. It assigns penalties to not achieving goals.
The more you miss a goal, the larger the penalty. The top priority goals get the largest penalties
for missing them and the lowest priority goals get the smallest penalties. Then goal programming
finds the set of decisions—in this case the production rates for the three products—that minimizes
the total number of penalty points incurred by missing goals.
Gary: Sounds like a good approach.
Kathleen: Yes. But what this means is that we need to assign penalty weights that measure the
relative seriousness of missing the respective goals. Now we could try to assign the penalty
weights based on the discussion here and the priorities you have set. But that really isn’t our
place. These penalty weights need to reflect your assessment, not ours, of the relative seriousness
of missing these goals.
Gary: I agree. How do we go about that?
Kathleen: Well, the first step is that we assign any old number as the penalty weight for missing
one of the goals, just to establish a standard of comparison. Then you would scale this penalty
weight up or down for each of the other goals, depending on whether you think the seriousness of
missing that goal is larger or smaller than for missing the first goal. OK, since our top priority is
the goal of achieving a total profit from these new products of at least $125 million, let’s assign a
penalty weight of 5 for each $1 million you undershoot this goal. In other words, if the estimated
total profit resulting from the selected profit mix is $124 million, 5 penalty points would be
assessed. If the estimated total profit is $115 million, undershooting the goal by $10 million, then
50 penalty points would be assessed. Ten times five is 50.
Gary: I get it.
Kathleen: OK. With this penalty weight of 5 as a standard of comparison, now we’re ready for
the hard questions. Going down your priorities, what should the penalty weight be for each 100
employees we undershoot the goal of maintaining the current employment level at 4,000
employees? For each $1 million we miss the goal of holding the capital investment down to no
more than $55 million? For each 100 employees we overshoot the goal of sticking with 4,000
Gary: Hmmm. Good questions. Hmmm. Well, I think I would go 5, 4, 3, 2. Five for the first
goal, and then 4, 3, 2 for your three questions.
Kathleen: Great. Understood. That gives us exactly what we need. We can launch into our study
immediately now.
Gary: Very good. You understand that we’ll need your report quite soon.
Kathleen: Yes, I think we can finish in a month. I’ll tell you what our biggest job is going to be.
Gathering data. We’re going to need to get good data on the effect of each product’s production
rate toward meeting each of the three goals. How much profit will each product generate? How
much employment level? How much capital investment is needed? We’ll have to get a lot of help
from various staff people.
Gary: I’ll see to it that everybody makes this their top priority.
CD 17-8
Kathleen: Then we can do it. I don’t think any of us will see much of our families for the next
month, but I’ll make sure that we get it done in time.
Gary: Good for you, Kathleen. Thank you so much. And let us know whenever you need more
input or help from any of us.
Kathleen: I will. Thank you.
The meeting concludes, except for a somewhat heated private conversation between Tasha and
Table 17.1 Penalty Weights That Measure the Relative Seriousness of Missing
the Goals for the Dewright Co. Problem
Relevant Data
What the total profit, employment level, and capital investment level will be depends on the
production rates (number of units produced per day) of the three products. Each product’s
contribution to each of these three quantities is proportional to the rate of production of the
product. Therefore, for each of the three products, the management science team focuses on
estimating the contribution to each of these quantities per unit rate of production of the product.
Much of these data are not readily available, so the team has to do considerable digging with
much help from knowledgeable staff. Based on the limited information it can uncover, the team
then makes the best estimates that it can of each product’s contribution to each of the three
These estimated contributions per unit rate of production are shown in Table 17.2, where
the contributions are in the units indicated (in parentheses) in the first column. Thus, for example,
producing one unit per day of product 1 would contribute $12 million toward total profit, 500
employees to the employment level, and $5 million to the capital investment level.
Table 17.2 Contributions to the Goals per Unit Rate of Production of Each
Product for the Dewright Co. Problem
The story of how the team uses these data to complete its study continues in the next
section, after we introduce the general subject of goal programming.
1. What is the problem that Dewright’s management science team has been asked to address?
2. What are the three goals that management has established for addressing this problem?
3. What is to be minimized when using a weighted goal-programming approach?
CD 17-10
These mathematical expressions for the goals look like linear programming constraints.
However, they cannot be used as constraints in a mathematical model because constraints
definitely must be satisfied whereas Dewright management already has concluded that it probably
will not be possible to attain all these goals simultaneously. For a goal-programming model, the
overall objective instead is to come as close as possible to satisfying all these goals
More precisely, using the penalty weights given in Table 17.1, let
W =Weighted sum of deviations from the goals
= Number of penalty points incurred by missing the goals
For each goal that is missed, the number of penalty points incurred is the penalty weight times the
deviation from the goal. Therefore, the overall objective then is to choose the values of P1, P2,
and P3 so as to
Minimize W = 5 (amount under goal 1) + 2 (amount over goal 2) + 4 (amount under goal 2)
+ 3 (amount over goal 3)
where no penalty points are incurred for being over goal 1 (exceeding the target for total profit is
fine) or for being under goal 3 (underexpending the capital investment budget is satisfactory).
Figure 17.1 shows one way of formulating the spreadsheet model for this problem. Three
of the changing cells UnitsProduced (C12:E12) display the values of the decision variables (P1,
P2, and P3). Given these values, the equations entered into LevelAchieved (F6:F8) provide the
levels achieved toward meeting the goals expressed in columns B, G, and H.
The most subtle part of this formulation involves columns, J, K, M, and O. Deviations
(J6:K8) are additional changing cells that display the decisions on the amounts over and amounts
under the respective goals. WeightedSumOfDeviations (M13) is the objective cell giving the
value of W, where the Solver Parameters box specifies that the objective is to minimize this value.
Using the expression for W given earlier, the equation entered into this objective cell is the
SUMPRODUCT of the data cells PenaltyWeights (J13:K15) and the changing cells Deviations
The Solver options selected at the bottom of Figure 17.1 specify that this model now has
been formulated in a way that fits linear programming (which enables solving the model) and that
all the changing cells need to be nonnegative. There are no constraints involving the output cells
LevelAchieved (F6:F8) since these cell values are not required to fully satisfy the goals specified
in columns B, G, and H. However, the output cells Balance (M6:M8) do needto satisfy the
constraints specified by the Solver Parameters box, Balance (M6:M8) = Goal (H6:H8).
CD 17-12
1 Dewright Co. Goal Programming (Weighted)
3 Goals Deviations Constraints
4 Contribution per Unit Produced Level Amount Amount Balance
5 Product 1 Product 2 Product 3 Achieved Goal Over Under (Level - Over + Under) Goal
6 Goal 1 (Profit) 12 9 15 125 >= 125 0 0 125 = 125
7 Goal 2 (Employment) 5 3 4 48.333333 = 40 8.333333 0 40 = 40
8 Goal 3 (Investment) 5 7 8 55 <= 55 0 0 55 = 55
11 Product 1 Product 2 Product 3 Penalty Over Under Weighted Sum
12 Units Produced 8.3333333 0 1.6666667 Weights Goal Goal of Deviations
13 Profit 5 16.66666667
14 Employment 2 4
15 Investment 3
4 Level 4 Balance
5 Achieved 5 (Level - Over + Under) Goal
6 =SUMPRODUCT(C6:E6,UnitsProduced) 6 =LevelAchieved-AmountOver+AmountUnder = =Goal
7 =SUMPRODUCT(C7:E7,UnitsProduced) 7 =LevelAchieved-AmountOver+AmountUnder = =Goal
8 =SUMPRODUCT(C8:E8,UnitsProduced) 8 =LevelAchieved-AmountOver+AmountUnder = =Goal
11 Weighted Sum
12 of Deviations
13 =SUMPRODUCT(PenaltyWeights,Deviations)
Figure 17.1 A spreadsheet model for the Dewright Co. weighted goal-programming problem
formulated as a linear programming problem, where the changing cells
UnitsProduced (C12:E12) show the optimal production rates and the changing
cells Deviations (J6:K8) show the optimal amounts over and under the goals. The
objective cell WeightedSumOfDeviations (M13) gives the resulting weighted
sum of deviations from the goals.
These constraints play the key role of ensuring that the changing cells Deviations (J6:K8)
will equal the amounts by which LevelAchieved (F6:F8) deviate from the goals. To see why, note
that the equations entered into Balance (M6:M8) are
Balance (M6:M8) = LevelAchieved (F6:F8) -AmountOver (J6:J8)
+AmountUnder (K6:K8)
Therefore, the constraints that Balance (M6:M8) = Goal (H6:H8) require that
Goal (H6:H8) = LevelAchieved (F6:F8) -AmountOver (J6:J8) +AmountUnder (K6:K8)
To minimize the objective cell, the smallest nonnegative values of AmountOver (J6:J8) and
AmountUnder (K6:K8) that satisfy these equations will need to be chosen. Consequently, in any
CD 17-13
row where LevelAchieved deviates from Goal, either AmountOver or AmountUnder will equal
this deviation (which one depends on whether it is a positive or negative deviation) and the other
one will have a value of 0.
Running Solver yields the optimal solution for all the changing cells shown in Figure
17.1. Since the units being used in the spreadsheet are those given in the first column of Table
17.2, this solution thereby provides the following:
Production rate for product 1 = 8 1/3 units per day
Production rate for product 2 = 0
Production rate for product 3 = 1 2/3 units per day
Total profit = $125 million
Employment level = 4,833 employees
Capital investment = $55 million
The only deviation from management’s goals is the one considered least serious (exceeding the
employment level goal of 4,000 employees).
1. What is the one common characteristic of the management science models introduced in
previous chapters that is not possessed by goal-programming problems?
2. What is the basic approach of goal programming?
3. What is represented by the objective function in a goal-programming model?
4. What is shown by the changing cells (other than those displaying the values of the decision
variables for the original problem) in the spreadsheet model for a goal-programming
5. To enable solving a goal-programming problem, it can be formulated to fit what kind of
spreadsheet model?
understood. Management has more confidence in the output of a model when it has confidence in
both the validity of its input and the process involved in obtaining the output.
There are situations where the features of both approaches perhaps should be combined
to analyze the problem. This occurs when the goals can be divided into groups where the goals
within each group are of comparable importance but there are great differences between the
groups in their level of importance. In this kind of situation, weighted goal programming can be
used within each group in turn while preemptive goal programming is being applied to deal with
each group in order of importance. However, we will not delve further into this more advanced
The spreadsheet models employed by weighted goal programming and preemptive goal
programming for the same problem are quite similar. The major difference is in their objective
cells. Rather than using the weighted sum of deviations from the goals as the objective cell to be
minimized, preemptive goal programming begins by minimizing only the deviation from the most
important goal. When this is completed, the second step is to add a constraint that the minimal
deviation achieved must continue to be met while switching to minimizing the deviation from the
second most important goal. Next, a second constraint is added that the minimal deviation
achieved for this second most important goal must continue to be met while switching to
minimizing the deviation from the third most important goal. This process continues until all the
goals have been considered.
Now let us continue the Dewright Co. case study to see how this approach is applied in
that context.
The second step is to focus on the Priority 2 goal of minimizing UnderGoal2 (K7).
However, this cell already has a value of 0 in Figure 17.2, so this goal already is fully achieved
along with the Priority 1 goal by the solution shown in this figure (and many other solutions).
Thus, we can immediately go on to the third step of focusing on the Priority 3 goal (do
not exceed a capital investment of $55 million). Figure 17.3 shows the revised spreadsheet model
for this step. The objective cell now is OverGoal3 (J8). The other key revision is the addition of
the constraints, UnderGoal1 (K6) = 0 and UnderGoal2 (K7) = 0, in the Solver Parameters box
(and also displayed in cells J11:K12). The changing cells in this figure show the optimal solution
obtained after running Solver. Once again, a value of 0 has been obtained in the new objective
The fourth and final goal is to focus on the Priority 4 goal of minimizing OverGoal2 (J7),
as shown in Figure 17.4. The constraint, OverGoal3 (J8) = 0, now has been added to the
constraints that were introduced at the preceding step, UnderGoal1 (K6) = 0 and UnderGoal2
(K7) = 0. Running Solver provides the optimal solution displayed in the changing cells along
with a value of 8.3333 in the objective cell.
Note that this solution is the same as the one in Figure 17.3. Thus, the revised model in
Figure 17.4 did not succeed in making any more progress in striving toward the Priority 4 goal.
However, this solution has fully achieved the top three priority goals, so this is an excellent
Also note that the solution in Figures 17.3 and 17.4 is identical to the one in Figure 17.1
that was obtained by using weighted goal programming. This provides additional assurance that
this is the solution that best meets management’s needs.
CD 17-16
Solver Parameters
Set Objective Cell: UnderGoal1
To: Min
By Changing Variable Cells:
UnitsProduced, Deviations
Subject to the Constraints:
Balance = Goal
Solver Options:
Make Variables Nonnegative
Solving Method: Simplex LP
Figure 17.2 A spreadsheet model formulated as a linear programming model for the first step
of the Dewright Co. preemptive goal-programming problem. Since Priority 1 is
to minimize the deviation under Goal 1, the objective cell is UnderGoal1 (K6) for
this step. The changing cells UnitsProduced (C12:E12) show the resulting
production rates and the other changing cells Deviations (J6:K8) show the
resulting amounts over and under the goals after running Solver. Since Priority 2
is to minimize UnderGoal2 (K7), which already has a value of 0, the procedure
next will bypass step 2 and go directly to step 3.
CD 17-17
Solver Parameters
Set Objective Cell: OverGoal3
To: Min
By Changing Variable Cells:
UnitsProduced, Deviations
Subject to the Constraints:
Balance = Goal
UnderGoal1 = 0
UnderGoal2 = 0
Solver Options:
Make Variables Nonnegative
Solving Method: Simplex LP
Figure 17.3 The revision of the spreadsheet model in Figure 17.2 needed to perform step 3 of
the preemptive goal-programming procedure. Since Priority 3 is to minimize the
deviation over Goal 3, the objective cell is OverGoal3 (J8) for this step.
Constraints that UnderGoal1 (K6) = 0 and UnderGoal (K7) = 0 also have been
added to the model. The changing cells show the results after running Solver.
CD 17-18
Solver Parameters
Set Objective Cell: OverGoal2
To: Min
By Changing Variable Cells:
UnitsProduced, Deviations
Subject to the Constraints:
Balance = Goal
UnderGoal1 = 0
UnderGoal2 = 0
OverGoal3 = 0
Solver Options:
Make Variables Nonnegative
Solving Method: Simplex LP
Figure 17.4 The revision of the spreadsheet model in Figure 17.3 needed to perform step 4 of
the preemptive goal-programming procedure. Since Priority 4 is to minimize the
deviation over Goal 2, the objective cell is OverGoal2 (J7) for this step. One
more constraint, OverGoal3 (J8) = 0, also has been added to the model. Since this
is the final step, the changing cells show the optimal solution obtained for
Dewright’s preemptive goal-programming problem by running Solver.
Everybody had read the written report with this wonderful news before entering the
meeting. This completely changed the mood from the usual one that Kathleen encountered when
presenting an oral report and recommendations to Dewright management. Gone were the usual
probing and skeptical questioning of the presentation. (In the privacy of her home with her
husband Scott, Kathleen referred to these sessions as her inquisitions.) Also missing was the
zealous guarding of territory by some Dewright managers that Kathleen had observed in the past.
(Kathleen marveled to Scott afterward that she actually spotted Tasha and Vijay smiling at each
other for the first time in months.) Vijay did suggest, with nods all around, that some of the new
employees be brought in as “temps” (temporary workers) and that the development of the next
generation of new products be accelerated a little to try to avoid any future layoffs of permanent
employees. Otherwise, the presentation was virtually uninterrupted. Following a quick pro forma
vote to approve the plan recommended by the management science team, Gary had champagne
brought in. He then offered a toast to the very fine work done by Kathleen and her team.
Thus began a very good year for the Dewright Company. However, some very rocky
times—and managerial changes—awaited the company further down the road. Shortly before the
downturn, Kathleen left Dewright to head up her own management science consulting firm. Her
firm is doing very well.
1. When should preemptive goal programming be used instead of weighted goal programming?
2. How does the preemptive goal-programming approach differ from the weighted goal
programming approach?
3. What is the major difference between the spreadsheet models employed by weighted goal
programming and preemptive goal programming for the same problem?
4. After considering the first goal, what additional constraint needs to be added during each step
of the preemptive goal-programming approach when attention is turned to the next goal?
5. How many of the top-priority goals for the Dewright Co. problem did preemptive goal
programming succeed in fully achieving?
Most management science models make the basic assumption that a single objective function is
available that encompasses the overriding objective of management for the problem. However,
management sometimes will instead have a variety of rather different objectives that require
separate consideration. As illustrated by the Dewright Co. case study, goal programming
provides some ways of striving toward several such objectives simultaneously.
One basic approach, called weighted goal programming, is to establish a specific numeric
goal for each of the objectives and then to seek a solution that balances how close it comes to
each of these goals. By introducing some new variables (changing cells) that represent the
amounts over or under the respective goals, this approach leads to formulating a model where the
objective is to minimize the weighted sum of the deviations from the goals.
The other basic approach, called preemptive goal programming, begins by listing the
goals in the order of their importance. It then focuses on one goal at a time in this order. While
focusing on a particular goal, the model uses the objective of minimizing the deviation from that
goal. The model also includes constraints that require that there be no reduction in the progress
toward the goals previously considered.
With either approach, the current model often can be formulated to be a linear
programming model, in which case it can be solved very readily. Thus, goal programming often
CD 17-20
provides a practical way of striving toward various managerial goals simultaneously while giving
higher priority to the more important goals.
goal programming A technique designed to find the best way of striving toward several goals.
(Section 17.1)
penalty weights Values assigned to the goals of a weighted goal-programming problem that
measure the relative seriousness of missing these goals. (Sections 17.1 and 17.2)
preemptive goal programming A type of goal programming that focuses on one goal at a time
in order of importance while preempting any consideration yet of less important goals. (Sections
17.1 and 17.3)
weighted goal programming A type of goal programming that assigns penalty weights to the
various goals and then seeks a solution that minimizes the weighted sum of the deviations from
the goals. (Sections 17.1 and 17.2)
To the left of each of the following problems (or their parts), we have inserted an E* whenever
Excel should be used (unless your instructor gives you contrary instructions). An asterisk on the
problem number indicates that at least a partial answer is given at the end of the problems.
17.2. Management of the Albert Franko Co. has established goals for the market share it wants
each of the company’s two new products to capture in their respective markets.
Specifically, management wants product 1 to capture at least 15 percent of its market and
product 2 to capture at least 10 percent of its market. Three advertising campaigns are
being planned to try to achieve these market shares. One is targeted directly on the first
product. The second targets the second product. The third is intended to enhance the
general reputation of the company and its products. Letting x1, x2, and x3 be the amount of
money allocated (in millions of dollars) to these respective campaigns, the resulting
market share (expressed as a percentage) for the two products are estimated to be
Market share for product 1 = 0.5x1 + 0.2x3
Market share for product 2 = 0.3x2 + 0.2x3
A total of $55 million is available for the three advertising campaigns, but management
wants at least $10 million devoted to the third campaign. If both market share goals
cannot be achieved, management considers each 1 percent decrease in the market share
from the goal to be equally serious for the two products. In this light, management wants
to know how to most effectively allocate the available money to the three campaigns.
a. Describe why this problem is a weighted goal-programming problem by giving
quantitative expressions for the goals and the overall objective.
E* b. Formulate and solve this problem as a linear programming model on a spreadsheet.
c. Interpret this solution to management in its language.
CD 17-22
17.3.* The Research and Development Division of the Emax Corporation has developed three
new products. A decision now needs to be made on which mix of these products should
be produced. Management wants primary consideration given to three factors: total
profit, stability in the work force, and achieving an increase in the company’s earnings
next year from the $75 million achieved this year. In particular, using the units given in
the following table, they want to
Maximize M = P - 6C - 3D
M = Overall measure of performance combining the three factors
P =Total (discounted) profit over the life of the new products
C = Change (in either direction) in the current level of employment
D = Decrease (if any) in next year’s earnings from the current year’s level
The amount of any increase in earnings does not enter into M, because management is
concerned primarily with just achieving some increase to keep the stockholders happy. (It
has mixed feelings about a large increase that then would be difficult to surpass in
subsequent years.)
The impact of each of the new products (per unit rate of production) on each of
these factors is shown in the following table:
17.5. Montega is a developing country that has 15,000,000 acres of publicly controlled
agricultural land in active use. Its government currently is planning a way to divide this
land among three basic crops (labeled 1, 2, and 3) next year. A certain percentage of each
of these crops is exported to obtain badly needed foreign capital (dollars), and the rest of
each of these crops is used to feed the populace. Raising these crops also provides
employment for a significant proportion of the population. Therefore, the main factors to
be considered in allocating the land to these crops are (1) the amount of foreign capital
generated, (2) the number of citizens fed, and (3) the number of citizens employed in
raising these crops. The following table shows how much each 1,000 acres of each crop
contributes toward these factors, and the last column gives the goal established by the
government for each of these factors.
In evaluating the relative seriousness of not achieving these goals, the government has
concluded that the following deviations from the goals should be considered equally
(1) each $100 under the foreign-capital goal,
(2) each person under the citizens-fed goal, and
(3) each deviation of one (in either direction) from the citizens-employed goal.
a. Describe why this problem is a weighted goal-programming problem by giving
quantitative expressions for the goals and the overall objective.
E* b. Formulate and solve this problem as a linear programming model on a spreadsheet.
c. Interpret this solution to management in its language.
E* 17.6. Reconsider the scenario described in Problem 17.5. The unemployment rate in Montega
is rising and the shortage of foreign capital is becoming a more serious problem.
Therefore, the Montega government now has decided that it needs to place higher priority
on increasing employment and increasing foreign capital than on its other goals.
Specifically, it has established the following order of priorities for its goals.
Priority 1: Citizens employed ≥ 200,000
Priority 2: Foreign capital ≥ $70 million
Priority 3: Citizens fed ≥ 1,750,000
Priority 4: Citizens employed ≤ 200,000
Use preemptive goal programming to determine how the government should allocate the
publicly controlled agricultural land to the three basic crops.
CD 17-24
E* 17.7. The city council of Aberdeen must determine the tax policy for the city for the coming
year. Four types of taxes are used to raise money:
• Property tax
• Sales tax (a surcharge on the state sales tax)
• Entertainment tax
• Utility tax (on city-owned utilities)
The city consists of three groups of people: low income, middle income, and high
income. The amount of revenue (in thousands of dollars) raised from each group by
setting a particular tax at a 1 percent level is given in the following table. (For example, a
3 percent sales tax will raise $1.2 million from low-income people.)
The city council has decided that the tax policy must satisfy the following restrictions.
• The tax burden on middle-income people cannot exceed $2.5 million.
• The tax burden on high-income people cannot exceed $2.3 million.
• The total revenue raised must exceed the current level of $6 million.
• The sales tax must be between 1 percent and 3 percent.
Given these restrictions, the city council has set the following three goals (listed in order
of priority):
• Goal 1: Limit the tax burden on low-income people to no more than $2 million.
• Goal 2: Set the property tax rate at no less than 1 percent.
• If their tax burden becomes too high, 20 percent of the low-income people, 20
percent of the middle-income people, and 40 percent of the high-income people
may consider moving. This will start to happen if the total tax burden of this
subset of the population exceeds $1.5 million. Goal 3 is thus to limit the total tax
burden on this group of people to no more than $1.5 million.
a. Use preemptive goal programming to determine how the various tax rates should be
b. Use weighted goal programming to determine how the various tax rates should be set
when using the following penalty weights: 1 per $1,000 in excess of goal 1; 90 per 1
percent short of goal 2; and 1 per $1,000 in excess of goal 3.
E* 17.8. Reconsider the scenario described in Problem 17.2. Management of the Albert Franko
Co. now has decided that it should give higher priority to the goal of having product 2
capture at least 10 percent of its market than to the goal of having product 1 capture at
least 15 percent of its market. Use preemptive goal programming to determine how to
most effectively allocate the available money to the three advertising campaigns.
CD 17-25
E* 17.9. Reconsider the Dewright Co. case study introduced in Section 17.1. Vijay Shah (vice
president for manufacturing) still feels that the top-priority goal should be retaining the
employment level at 4,000 employees (avoiding a deviation in either direction) and that
satisfactory profits will then follow. Therefore, he places second priority on the goal of
holding the capital investment down to no more than $55 million and places only third
priority on the goal of achieving a total profit of at least $125 million. Apply preemptive
goal programming to the Dewright problem using this revised order of priorities.
E* 17.10. The admissions committee for the Whartvard Business School will be making its
decisions regarding which applicants to admit to its MBA program for the coming year.
In addition to considering each applicant on his or her own merit, the committee also
needs to take three policy guidelines into account. One guideline is that, although a
relatively low GMAT total score should not disqualify an applicant if other factors are
very positive, the average GMAT total score for the entire MBA class should be
reasonably high. (About 85 percent of all individuals taking the GMAT receive a total
score below 650, but Whartvard is such a selective school that it considers anything
below 650 to be a low score.) A second guideline is that the number of men and number
of women in the MBA class should not be too badly out of balance. The third guideline is
that the class should include a substantial number of students who are at least 30 years
old, since they bring considerable work experience and maturity into the mix.
The committee now has divided both the male applicants and female applicants into three
categories according to whether they have high, medium, or low GMAT total scores. The
following table shows the number of applicants whose age is under 30 and at least 30 in
each category.
The admissions committee has set four goals for this entering MBA class, in the
following order of priority:
Goal 1: The entering class should include at least 240 students.
Goal 2: The entering class should have an average GMAT total score of at least 690.
Goal 3: The entering class should consist of at least 35 percent women.
Goal 4: At least 120 members of the entering class should be at least 30 years old.
Based on past experience, 60 percent of all applicants who are admitted will accept
Use preemptive goal programming to determine approximately how many applicants to
admit from each category.
CD 17-26
only some of what they need to thrive. He therefore decides to penalize his plan by seven points
for every 100,000 people below his 20 percent goal.
Mr. Baker realizes that he has certain limitations on the aid packages that he delivers to
Cuba. Each type of package is approximately the same size, and because only a limited number of
cargo flights from the United States are allowed into Cuba, he is only able to send a maximum of
40,000 packages. Along with a size limitation, he also encounters a weight restriction. He cannot
ship more than six million pounds of cargo. Finally, he has a safety restriction. When sending
medicine, he needs to ensure that the Cubans know how to use the medicine properly. Therefore,
for every 100 supreme packages, Mr. Baker must send one doctor to Cuba at a cost of $33,000
per doctor.
a. How many basic, advanced, and supreme packages should Mr. Baker send to Cuba?
b. Mr. Baker reevaluates the levels of importance he places on each of the three goals.
To sell his efforts to potential donors, he must show that his program is effective.
Donors generally judge the effectiveness of a program on the number of people
reached by aid packages. Mr. Baker therefore decides that he must put more
importance on the goal of reaching at least 20 percent of the population. He decides
to penalize his plan by 10 points for every half a percentage point below his 20
percent goal. The penalties for his other two goals remain the same. Under this
scenario, how many basic, advanced, and supreme packages should Mr. Baker send
to Cuba? How sensitive is the plan to changes in the penalty weights?
c. Mr. Baker realizes that sending more doctors along with the supreme packages will
improve the proper use and distribution of the packages’ contents, which in turn will
increase the effectiveness of the program. He therefore decides to send one doctor
with every 75 supreme packages. The penalties for the goals remain the same as in
part b. Under this scenario, how many basic, advanced, and supreme packages should
Mr. Baker send to Cuba?
d. The aid budget is cut, and Mr. Baker learns that he definitely cannot allocate more
than $20 million in aid to Cuba. Due to the budget cut, Mr. Baker decides to stay
with his original policy of sending one doctor with every 100 supreme packages.
How many basic, advanced, and supreme packages should Mr. Baker send to Cuba,
assuming that the penalties for not meeting the other two goals remainthe same as in
part a?
e. Now that the aid budget has been cut, Mr. Baker feels that the levels of importance of
his three goals differ so much that it is difficult to assign meaningful penalty weights
to deviations from these goals. Therefore, he decides that it would be more
appropriate to apply a preemptive goal-programming approach (which will ensure
that his budget goal is fully met if possible), while retaining his original policy of
sending one doctor with every 100 supreme packages. How many basic, advanced,
and supreme packages should Mr. Baker send to Cuba according to this approach?
involve heading a task force on airport security, Adeline had not hesitated a moment in accepting
the position. She had greatly enjoyed her career as a management science consultant in the airline
industry. It was very satisfying to help several airline companies save many millions of dollars.
However, she now felt a greater calling. She would be able to use her expertise in management
science to help save lives. There was no way to bring her friends back, but at least she could do
everything possible to prevent this from happening again.
Adeline is indeed in the right spot to carry out her mission. Shortly after the tragic events
of September 11, 2001, the United States Congress enacted emergency legislation to give the
Department of Transportation primary responsibility for providing security at over 400 major
U.S. airports. The Transportation Security Administration was then created within the
Department of Transportation to carry out this responsibility. One assignment given to Adeline’s
task force is to investigate what advanced security technology should be developed and used at
airport checkpoints to maximize the effectiveness with which passengers can be screened within
budget constraints.
Even prior to 2001, airline passengers had become familiar with the two basic types of
systems used to check each passenger at a security checkpoint. One is a portal that can detect
concealed weapons as the passenger walks through. The other is a screening system that scans the
passenger’s carry-on luggage. Various proposals have been made for advanced security
technology that would improve these two systems. Adeline’s task force now needs to make
recommendations on which direction to go for the next generation of these systems.
The task force has been told that the functional requirement for the new portal system is
that it must be able to detect even one ounce of explosives and hazardous liquids as well as
metallic weapons being concealed by a passenger. The technology needed to do this includes
quadrupole resonance (closely related to magnetic resonance technology used by the medical
industry) and magnetic sensors. There are various ways to design the portal with this technology
that would satisfactorily meet the functional requirement. However, the designs would differ
greatly in the frequency with which false alarms would occur as well as in the purchase cost and
maintenance cost for the portal. The frequency of false alarms is a key consideration since it
substantially affects the efficiency with which the passengers can be processed. Even more
importantly, a high frequency of false alarms greatly decreases the alertness of the security
personnel for detecting the relatively rare terrorists who are actually concealing destructive
The most basic version of the portal system that satisfactorily meets the functional
requirement has an estimated purchase price of $90,000 and, on the average, would incur an
annual maintenance cost of $15,000. The drawback of this version is that it would generate a false
alarm for approximately 10 percent of the passengers. This false alarm rate can be reduced by
using more expensive versions of the system. Each additional $15,000 in the cost of the portal
system would lower the false alarm rate 1 percent and also would increase the annual
maintenance cost by $1,500. The most expensive version would cost $210,000, so it would have a
false alarm rate of only 2 percent of the customers as well as an annual maintenance cost of
Regarding the new screening system for carry-on luggage, the functional requirement is
that it must clearly reveal suspicious objects as small as the smallest Swiss army knife. The
technology needed to do this combines X-ray imaging, a thermal neutron scanner, and computer
tomography imaging (which compares the density and other physical properties of any suspicious
objects with known high-risk materials). It is estimated that the most basic version that
satisfactorily meets this functional requirement would cost $60,000 plus an annual maintenance
cost of $9,000. As with the most basic portal system, the drawback of this version is that it
doesn’t sufficiently discriminate between suspicious objects that actually are destructive devices
and those that are harmless. Thus, this version would generate false alarms for approximately 6
percent of the customers. In addition to wasting time and delaying passengers, such a high false
CD 17-30
alarm rate would make it very difficult for the screening operator to pay sufficient attention when
the far more unusual true alarms occur. However, more expensive versions of the screening
system would be considerably more discriminating. In particular, each additional $30,000 in the
cost of the system would enable a reduction of 1 percent in the false alarm rate, while also
increasing the annual maintenance cost by $1,200. Thus, the most expensive version, costing
$150,000, would decrease the false alarm rate to 3 percent and incur an annual maintenance cost
of $12,600.
The task force has been given two budgetary guidelines.
First budgetary guideline: Plan on a total expenditure of $250,000 for both the portal
system and the screening system for carry-on luggage at each security checkpoint.
Second budgetary guideline: Plan on holding down the average total maintenance costs
for the two systems at each security checkpoint to no more than $30,000.
These budgetary guidelines prohibit using the most expensive versions of both the portal
system and the screening system for carry-on baggage. Therefore, the task force needs to
determine which financially feasible combination of versions for the two systems will maximize
the effectiveness with which passengers can be screened. Doing this requires first obtaining input
from the top management of the Transportation Security Administration regarding what the
measure of effectiveness should be and then what management’s goals and priorities are for
achieving substantial effectiveness and meeting the budgetary guidelines.
Fortunately, Adeline already has had extensive discussions with top management to
obtain its guidance on these matters. These discussions led to the adoption of a clear policy that
was approved all the way up to the Secretary of Transportation (who also informed the
chairpersons of the congressional oversight committees of this action). The policy establishes the
following order of priorities.
Priority 1: The functional requirement for each of the two new systems must be met.
(This is satisfied by all the versions under consideration by the task force.)
Priority 2: The total false alarm rate for both systems should not exceed 0.1 per
Priority 3: Meet the first budgetary guideline.
Priority 4: Meet the second budgetary guideline.
Now that it has obtained all the needed managerial input, the task force is ready to begin its
a. Identify the two decisions to be made and define a decision variable for each one.
b. Describe why this problem is a preemptive goal-programming problem by giving
quantitative expressions for each of the goals in terms of the decision variables
defined in part a.
c. Draw a single two-dimensional graph where the two axes correspond to the decision
variables defined in part a. Consider each of the goals in order of priority and use the
quantitative expression obtained in part b for this goal to draw a plot on the graph
that displays the values of the decision variables that fully satisfy this goal. After
completing this for all the goals, use the graph to determine the optimal solution for
this preemptive goal-programming problem.
d. Use preemptive goal programming to formulate and solve this problem on a
CD 17-31
e. If it is possible to fully satisfy all the goals except the lowest priority goal, one can
quickly solve a preemptive goal-programming problem by formulating and solving a
linear programming model that includes all the goals except the last one as
constraints and then uses the objective function to strive toward the lowest priority
goal. Formulate and solve such a linear programming model for this problem on a
spreadsheet. What would be the interpretation for the preemptive goal-programming
problem if this linear programming model had no feasible solutions?
f. Perform some what-if analysis by determining how far the total false alarm rate per
passenger can be reduced (perhaps even below the goal) by ignoring the second
budgetary guideline but fully meeting the first one.
g. What additional what-if analysis do you feel should be performed in order to provide
top management with the information needed to make a sound judgment decision
about the best trade-off between (1) the total false alarm rate per passenger, (2) the
total expenditure for the two new security systems per security checkpoint, and (3)
the total annual maintenance cost for these two systems per security checkpoint?