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Meeting the Requirements of ISO 22301

The Route Map to Business Continuity
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Standards Institution 2012
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Standards Institution 2012

John Sharp
Continuity Management
The Route Map to Business

Meeting the Requirements of ISO 22301

Licensed Copy: Mr. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia User, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 22/08/2012 04:19, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) The British

First published in the UK in 2008


BSI Standards Limited

389 Chiswick High Road

London W4 4AL

Second edition published in 2012

© The British Standards Institution 2012

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ISBN 978 0 580 74341 2

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Preface viii

Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Evolution of BCM 2
The business drivers 4
Benefits of BCM 7

Chapter 2 Why adopt a business continuity standard? 11

Implementing ISO 22301 11
Comparing ISO 22301:2012 with BS 25999-2:2007 16
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Chapter 3 Context of the organization 23

Understanding the organization and its context 23
Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties 27
Determining the scope of the management system 28

Chapter 4 Leadership 29
Setting the business continuity policy 30
Roles, responsibilities and authorities 31

Chapter 5 Planning 33
Actions to address risks and opportunities 33
Business continuity objectives and plans to achieve them 34

Chapter 6 Support 37
Resources 37
Training and competency 37
Awareness 38
Communication 42
Documented information 45

Chapter 7 Operation 49
Operation planning and control 50
BIA and risk assessment 50

Chapter 8 Business continuity strategies 63

Backlog trap 66

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management v

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Chapter 9 Establish and implement business continuity

procedures 69
Incident response structure 69
Incident response team 72
Command centre 75

Chapter 10 Incident response and business continuity plans 77

Plan contents 81
Implementation 84

Chapter 11 Exercising and testing 85

Chapter 12 Performance evaluation 91

Maintaining the BCMS 91
Post-incident review 93
Internal audit 94
Management review 94

Chapter 13 Improvement 97
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Nonconformity and corrective action 98

Continual improvement 99

Chapter 14 Conclusion 101

Appendix A BCM drivers by company sector 102

Appendix B Cross references between BS 25999-2 and

ISO 22301 104

Appendix C Interested parties’ template 107

Appendix D Sample scoping document 108

Appendix E Sample business continuity policy 109

Appendix F BCM competencies 112

Appendix G Establishing a training programme 115

Who needs to be trained? 115
How are training needs identified? 115
Satisfying training needs 116
Training delivery 116

Appendix H Business impact assessment matrix 118

vi The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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Appendix I BIA template 121

BIA record for Acme Organization Ltd 121

Appendix J Sample resource record 123

Resource record for Acme Organization Ltd 123

Appendix K Sample risk mitigation record 124

Risk mitigation measures for Acme Organization Ltd 124

Appendix L Resource requirements template 125

Appendix M Key resource strategies 126

People 126
Premises 127
Technology 128
Information 129
Supplies 129

Appendix N Sample plan review 131

Standards Institution 2012

Business Continuity Assurance Certificate 131

Appendix O Sample incident log 135

Appendix P Sample business continuity plan 136

Appendix Q Types and methods of exercising BCM

arrangements 142

Appendix R Suggested BCM audit checklist 143

References 154

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management vii

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This book has been written to help those managers who have decided, or
who have been tasked, to introduce business continuity management
(BCM) into their organization. It is based on the new international
standard for BCM – ISO 22301:2012 and on the Plan-Do-Check-Act model
used by the new standard and other management systems, such as
BS EN ISO 9001, Quality management systems and BS EN ISO 14001,
Environmental management systems. The British Standard for BCM,
BS 25999 Parts 1 and 2, on which the first edition of this book was based,
was used extensively in the creation of ISO 22301.

The book includes brief case studies to illustrate the main ideas of BCM,
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and templates to assist with the various stages of the BCM process.

Those seeking to implement BCM are encouraged to build on what

already exists in their organization, e.g. IT disaster recovery plans, risk
management, security and safety management and personnel succession
planning. They are further encouraged to involve representatives from all
departments and support functions to achieve a uniform approach to
BCM and a more resilient organization.

viii The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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Chapter 1 Introduction

Business continuity management (BCM) is a management discipline that

has become increasingly important given the turbulent environments in
which organizations now find themselves.

There are three types of risks that organizations now face: known risks
such as utility failures or fires, which can be identified, quantified and
planned for; emerging risks such as animal or human flu pandemics
whose impact cannot be fully determined; and unforeseen risks that can
have a major impact. In 2007, the author Nassim Nicholas Taleb put
forward the concept of ‘black swans’ to describe unforeseen events that
hit organizations without warning: an example is the 2011 Japanese
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earthquake, tsunami and subsequent nuclear accident.

When these risks materialize they can cause major disruption to

communities and organizations, resulting in the failure to deliver
products and services that support the economic life and welfare of
communities as a whole.

It is not just major events that can cause a break in continuity of

operations. One in five UK organizations suffers a disruptive event every
year caused by lower-level incidents such as sickness, loss of technology,
denial of access to its site or loss of a key supplier. These events may not
impact on the wider community but could lead to the failure of an
individual organization through disruption to cash flow or loss of
confidence and reputation by its customers and clients. By adopting BCM,
organizations will be better equipped to meet the challenges they face
when disrupted, whatever the reason, thus protecting themselves and the
wider community they serve.

In 2003 the British Standards Institution (BSI) published a Publicly

Available Specification, PAS 56, Guide to business continuity
management, which drew together the best practice in BCM and was
adopted by many organizations throughout the world.

In 2006 PAS 56 was withdrawn and replaced by a new British Standard

for BCM: BS 25999-1, providing a code of practice for BCM. The
document incorporated the best practice from PAS 56, the BCM
guidelines that support the UK Civil Contingencies Act 2004 and other

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management 1

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Chapter 1 Introduction

sources from around the world. In 2007 BSI published BS 25999-2 that
provided a Specification against which organizations could seek

In 2007 the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) launched an

accreditation scheme for certification bodies and by 2012 eight
companies had been accredited by UKAS to issue certification against
BS 25999-2. During this period many organizations across the world have
achieved certification.

In 2012 the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) issued a

new standard, ISO 22301, that provides new requirements/specifications
for BCM. This standard is to be complemented by new BCM guidance –
ISO 22313.

The first edition of this book was written to assist those organizations
wishing to comply with the British Standard BS 25999-2. This edition is
designed to help organizations meet the requirements in the new
standard for BCM, ISO 22301, and builds upon the work that many
organizations have already undertaken to gain certification or align their
Standards Institution 2012

BCM to BS 25999-2.

Evolution of BCM
The concept of business continuity was developed in the mid-1980s as a
new way of managing business risks. The basis of BCM is that it is the key
responsibility of company directors to ensure the continuation of business
functionality at all times and under any circumstances.

BCM grew out of requirements in the early 1970s to provide computer

disaster recovery for information systems. Traditionally disaster planning
had concentrated on the restoration of facilities after a major incident,
such as the loss of computing or telecommunications, or the loss of a
building or plant through fire or flood. The responsibility for these plans
had been dispersed to various functions within a company. Typically these
were the IT, estates and security departments. Disaster recovery plans in
general are written on the basis of recovery after a disruptive incident.

Unexpected events do not simply happen; quite often they are created by
the organization itself. Every organization has inherent weaknesses:
faulty IT systems that are ‘worked around’, informal communication
channels, lack of operator training, disconnects in structures and local
procedure variations. Examination into the causes of most major disasters
has found that there are several incidents or circumstances that combine
together, leading to the eventual disaster.

BCM is about prevention, not just cure. It is not just about being able to
deal with incidents as and when they occur and thus prevent a crisis and

2 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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Evolution of BCM

subsequent disaster, but also about establishing a culture within the

organization that seeks to build in greater resilience in order to ensure
the continuity of operations to deliver key products and/or services to
clients and customers.

BCM establishes a strategic and operational framework to implement,

proactively, an organization’s resilience to disruption. It is not purely a
reactive measure taken after an incident has occurred. BCM requires
planning across many facets of an organization. Its resilience depends
equally on its management and operational staff, as well as technology
and facilities. It is essential to take a holistic approach when establishing
a BCM programme.

BCM is about anticipating that things are about to go wrong and taking
planned and rehearsed steps to protect the business and hence the needs
and expectations of interested parties. It is about maintaining their
confidence in the management’s ability to handle a crisis and to prevent
disasters occurring, thus protecting the brand, reputation and image of
the organization as much as its physical infrastructure and employees.
BCM goes beyond recovery from a disaster to establishing a culture that
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seeks to prevent failure and crisis.

Knight and Pretty of Templeton College, Oxford, undertook research in

the mid-1990s that showed that the impact of disasters on shareholder
value could be serious (Knight and Pretty, 2000). They discovered that it is
the lack of confidence in the ability of senior managers and directors to
act quickly and professionally at the time of disaster that drives down
share values. This was further backed up by the Cass Business School
study into major risk events, Roads to Ruin, published in 2011 by Airmic.
The study investigated 18 high-profile corporate crises of the past
decade. Most of the companies – and their shareholders – suffered
severe, uninsurable losses and most reputations suffered severe damage.
None of the companies emerged without obvious immediate harm.
Among the seven issues identified were inadequate board skills to
exercise control, blindness to inherent risks, such as risks to the business
model or reputation, inadequate leadership on ethos and culture,
defective internal communication and information flow, and
organizational complexity and change.

The BP Gulf of Mexico disaster of 2010 is a classic example of

what can go wrong when the senior management mishandles a
crisis. The share price fell 54 per cent in three months and two
years later was still 23 per cent below the price prior to the
disaster. The CEO lost his job, the company was forced to sell
off many of its assets to set aside funds to cover claims that in
2011 exceeded £35 billion. In addition a lucrative deal with the
Russians was lost to another international oil company.

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management 3

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Chapter 1 Introduction

Effective BCM integrates with crisis/incident management to ensure that

if a major incident does occur then not only is the organization able to
maintain continuity of operations, it is also able to reassure the
interested parties that it is in control.

The business drivers

Although it is widely accepted that the protection of brand, reputation
and image is paramount for any organization, other, external, drivers
may have greater influence over the introduction of BCM (see Figure 1).

Industry regulations and legal requirements are driving organizations to

establish BCM. There is greater awareness among regulators that
organizations should have effective BCM in place for the protection of
customers and the community. Since the attack on the World Trade
Centre in New York on 11 September 2001 and the global financial crisis
of 2008 finance regulators across the world have set out conditions for
BCM that they expect the firms they regulate to follow. In some cases
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these conditions are mandatory; in others they provide strong guidance.

Figure 1 – External drivers for BCM

Source: Chartered Management Institute, 2012

In the UK the Civil Contingencies Act 2004 requires local government

bodies, the National Health Service (NHS) and emergency services to put
in place effective BCM to ensure that they can continue to perform their

4 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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The business drivers

functions in the event of an emergency. They have to ensure they can

mobilize the functions they need to deal with the emergency, minimize
the impact on the responder’s day-to-day activity, and maintain vital
services for the community at an appropriate level. In addition local
authorities have the responsibility of promoting business continuity to
business and appropriate voluntary bodies in support of the concept of a
resilient community.

Insurance companies are having an increasing influence. Business

interruption insurance is seen as a way of covering the revenue lost
following a major disruption. Until relatively recently the insurance
market linked business interruption insurance to building insurance. They
now seek to sever this link as business interruption losses have increased
dramatically. Underwriters are looking for evidence that effective BCM is
in place to reduce their risk exposure to business interruption.

One of the most significant drivers today is that of corporate governance.

Across the world, regulation and legislation in this area is increasing. In
the UK the revision of stock exchange listing rules places greater
emphasis on internal controls to manage the principal risks facing a
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When the Turnbull Committee’s Guidance for Directors on internal

controls was first published in September 1999 (Turnbull et al., 1999) the
chair of the committee, Nigel Turnbull, stated, ‘The Guidance sets out an
overall framework of best practice for business, based upon an
assessment and control of their significant risks. For many companies,
business continuity management will address some of these key risks and
help them to achieve compliance’ (Nigel Turnbull, personal

Auditors are acting as key external drivers as they look for evidence of
effective BCM being in place to meet regulations and legislation.
Previously they asked if business continuity plans (BCPs) existed. Their
current approach is to look for evidence that the plan is rehearsed and
that BCM has been promoted within the organization.

In the UK public authorities and emergency services that are driven by

the Civil Contingencies Act are now the biggest drivers of BCM down the
supply chain. Increasingly they are seeking evidence that their partners
and suppliers have effective BCM; in many cases suppliers cannot tender
unless they have implemented business continuity.

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management 5

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Chapter 1 Introduction

A local authority in the North West of England uses voluntary

organizations to provide vital services, on the authority’s
behalf, to some of the most vulnerable in its community. It
needs to be certain that these organizations are able to
continue, especially at the time of a major emergency affecting
the area.

The council department responsible for these services now

requires that any organization receiving funding from the
authority must have business continuity. The council offers help
and advice to the voluntary organizations on the establishment
of BCM.

Motivated by these external drivers and the need to manage principal

risks, organizations have identified that they are often dependent upon
key suppliers for their own continuity. As a result the pressure for BCM
has started to flow down the supply chain from customers. Just as major
Standards Institution 2012

customers have insisted that their suppliers have quality and project
management processes in place, they are now also demanding that BCM
be established to ensure continuity of supply. This is driven not only by
their need to achieve regulatory compliance, but also by the need to
maintain their market share. The Japanese earthquake/tsunami/nuclear
accident, the volcanic ash cloud in 2011 and the increase in severe winter
weather has highlighted the need for better continuity management
across the supply network.

There are a number of factors that have emerged in recent decades that
might be considered to have increased the level of risk in supply chains.
These include: the adoption of ‘lean’ practices, the globalization of
supply, focused factories and centralized distribution, the trend to
outsourcing, reduction in the supplier base, volatility of demand and the
lack of visibility and control procedures.

A breakdown of drivers by sector and organizational type is contained in

Appendix A.

Future drivers may include investors and banks that would wish to see
that continuity is built into business plans. Additional pressure may come
from trade and professional bodies and the public in general via the
media and pressure groups.

Time has become a key driver for BCM. The speed of business has
changed and there is very often little time to allow for a gradual
recovery. The emergence of e-commerce and the lack of loyalty among
customers change the need for recovery to one of availability.
Organizations for which this is vital have to ensure that their services are

6 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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Benefits of BCM

available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Customers
will not wait if a call centre is not answering or a website is not available
to place an order; they will go elsewhere. Failures can be the result of
technical problems, high demand when a site opens for the first time or,
more seriously, denial of service attacks by malicious individuals or

Tickets for the 2012 Olympics in London were sold in various

tranches over the internet. The demand for tickets was so great
that when the official website opened it was swamped and
crashed on several occasions. The media had extensive coverage
of the failures and of applicants’ disappointment.

Benefits of BCM
Implementing BCM can bring real benefits to an organization aside from
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meeting the regulatory and legal requirements.

Competitive advantage can be gained for organizations that are able to

demonstrate to potential customers that they have proven plans to
continue supply in the face of disruption. Certification against or
compliance with ISO 22301 (and BS 25999-2 until transition to the new
standard is achieved) can be used as part of a marketing package to
attract new customers as well as providing existing customers with a
positive reason to renew contracts.

Financial benefits will occur when areas of weakness within the

organization are eliminated. Within processes, duplications and omissions
exist that are wasteful in time and resources. Every failure that occurs has
a cost to the organization, even if it does not result in a disruption. By
eliminating these weaknesses the organization becomes more resilient
and more cost-effective.

Further financial gain may occur if effective BCM exists as it can influence
the approach taken by insurers to business interruption insurance. It can
affect the level of cover offered, the amount of excess that is applied to
a policy or reduce the premiums levied. More than 80 per cent of
insurance brokers state that premium discounts are given if business
continuity plans are in place (British Insurance Brokers’ Association and
UK Cabinet Office, 2012).

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management 7

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Chapter 1 Introduction

One of the greatest threats to an organization during a

disruption is the interruption to cash flow. In enabling the
continued delivery of key products and services, effective BCM
contributes to the maintenance of cash flow. Following the
global financial crisis, for many organizations this can be critical
as they are dependent on their ability to maintain operations in
order to service debt.

A printer ran a successful one-man business in a small UK town.

He was reasonably priced and relatively quick. Five weeks
before Christmas he had a problem with his press and could
not print orders. He did not inform his customers of the
difficulties but waited for them to contact him. He had no
maintenance contract on his press and when he did get an
engineer to the site he was advised that it was a machine for
which there were no spares in stock and they would have to
come from Japan.

It was three weeks before he was back in production. Many of

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his customers had gone elsewhere as they needed their printing

completed before Christmas. As he was based in a small town
his failing was soon known and his reputation suffered as a
result. The following March he wrote to all his existing
customers advising them that he was no longer able to
continue to service their needs as the company was closing due
to lack of business.

Key lessons for small companies:

• If you have a single machine on which you rely, ensure you

have a maintenance contract in place with a company that
services that model.
• Make arrangements with a similar company outside the
area whereby you both undertake to meet the other
company’s orders in the event of being disrupted – mutual
• And finally, if you have a problem, advise your customers
and explain what you are doing to meet their

If correctly introduced, BCM encourages greater staff involvement in the

successful running of the organization. By listening to the people who
actually do the job it is possible to eliminate many of the lower-level risks
that can disrupt an organization. It is often the front-line staff that can
identify where weaknesses and single points of failure exist and how to
improve processes and resilience. These staff will welcome an opportunity

8 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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Benefits of BCM

to contribute and have a chance for their ideas and concerns to be

acknowledged and, if appropriate, implemented.

Every organization has a duty of care to its employees, customers, clients,

the community and the environment as part of societal security. BCM can
be seen as part of a social responsibility agenda, helping to discharge
these duties and maintaining employment throughout the period of

The most valuable asset of any organization – public, private or voluntary

– is its reputation; it can take years to build up and moments to destroy.
Elements of BCM are designed to ensure that every effort is made to
protect brand reputation and image throughout and beyond a period of
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The Route Map to Business Continuity Management 9

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Chapter 2 Why adopt a business

continuity standard?

As BCM has developed worldwide, there has been a convergence in the

methodologies being promoted. It became apparent following the Year
2000 problem or ‘millennium bug’, when organizations were deluged
with requests for compliance statements from their customers and clients,
that there was a need for a uniform approach to BCM.

It is undesirable for major customers to enforce their own approach to

BCM down their supply chains, as happened with other management
systems, notably quality. While a supplier can run different quality
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systems to meet the requirements of its customer base, it cannot run

different, and possibly conflicting, BCM systems, which will be used
during a disruption at a time when tensions are high. This was one of the
principal drivers for establishing BCM standards in the UK.

BS 25999 was created to set out a uniform benchmark in good practice,

satisfying the needs of customers, clients, government, regulators and all
other interested parties. BS 25999 has been accepted worldwide and has
formed the basis of many other BCM standards, including the US ASIS/BSI
BCM.01 standard adopted by ANSI. BS 25999 and other BCM standards
from across the globe provided the source material for the creation of
two new international standards: ISO 22301 (requirements) and
ISO 22313 (guidance).

By adopting the standard approach to BCM as set out in ISO 22301,

organizations can offer their customers and clients greater assurance that
they will be capable of maintaining continuity of operations if they suffer
disruptive incidents.

For those already certified to BS 25999-2 there will be a transition period

to allow them to update the BCM systems to ISO 22301. For those
certified, and those organizations working towards certification, the
additional requirements are not onerous.

Implementing ISO 22301

The international standard for BCM, ISO 22301:2012 specifies
requirements for setting up and managing an effective business

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management 11

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Chapter 2 Why adopt a business continuity standard?

continuity management system (BCMS). It is for use by internal and

external parties, including certification bodies, to assess the
organization’s ability to meet regulatory and customer requirements as
well as the organization’s own requirements. ISO 22301 contains only
those requirements that can be objectively audited and a demonstration
of successful implementation can therefore be used by an organization to
assure interested parties that an appropriate BCMS is in place.

During the latter part of 2012 or early in 2013, ISO will issue a guidance
document: ISO 22313. This document will take the form of good practice
guidance and recommendations, indicating what practices an
organization should, or may, undertake to implement effective BCM.
Organizations may choose to follow all or part of the guidance, which
may be used for self-assessment or between organizations. The guidance
is not a specification for BCM.

In common with modern management system standards, ISO 22301:2012

utilizes the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle for developing, implementing
and improving the effectiveness of an organization’s BCMS.
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Management systems approach – PDCA

The Plan-Do-Check-Act methodology is based upon the work of Walter
Shewhart who developed statistical process control in the USA during the
1930s. It was taken up and promoted very effectively from the 1950s
onwards by the famous quality management authority, W. Edwards
Deming, and is used extensively to achieve continual improvement in
management systems. Figure 2 shows the Shewhart or Deming cycle.

Figure 2 – The Shewhart or Deming cycle

12 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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Implementing ISO 22301

Figure 3 shows how the PDCA cycle is applied to the BCMS as set out in
ISO 22301. The PDCA model produces business continuity outcomes that
meet the requirements and expectations of interested parties.
Standards Institution 2012

Figure 3 – Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle

Source: ISO 22301:2012

The elements of the PDCA cycle as it relates to BCM are as follows.

Plan Establish business continuity policy, objectives,

(Establish) targets, controls, processes and procedures relevant
to improving business continuity in order to deliver
results that align with the organization’s overall
policies and objectives.
Do Implement and operate the business continuity
(Implement policy, controls, processes and procedures.
and operate)
Check Monitor and review performance against business
(Monitor and continuity policy and objectives, report the results to
review) management for review, and determine and
authorize actions for remediation and improvement.
Act Maintain and improve the BCMS by taking corrective
(Maintain and action, based on the results of management review
improve) and reappraising the scope of the BCMS and
business continuity policy and objectives.
Source: ISO 22301:2012

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management 13

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Chapter 2 Why adopt a business continuity standard?

BCM, being a relatively new concept, will normally be introduced into a

mature organization. The PDCA approach as used in ISO 22301 ensures
there is a degree of consistency with other management system
standards, such as BS EN ISO 9001:2008 (quality management systems)
and BS EN ISO 14001:2004 (environmental management systems). If an
organization already has an established management system to support
these standards it may be sensible to base the BCMS on the same
structures, in some cases providing an integrated management system.

Initial work by practitioners in 1999 resulted in a widely accepted

representation of the BCM life cycle. With the publication of BS 25999-1
in 2006, a new illustration of the BCM life cycle was introduced. To align
more closely, the diagram needs to be modified slightly as the
maintaining and reviewing elements now relate closely to the BCMS (see
Figure 4).
Standards Institution 2012

Figure 4 – The BCM life cycle

It is accepted that the PDCA approach can be applied to every element of

the BCM life cycle but, for the purposes of this publication, the following
approach has been taken.

14 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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Implementing ISO 22301

Figure 4 could be described as the BCM wheel. The hub (BCM programme
management) and the tyre (Embedding BCM in the organization’s
culture) are the elements that relate to Plan, Check and Act in the PDCA
cycle. The spokes (Understanding the organization, Determining BCM
strategies, Developing and implementing a BCM response and Exercising
and testing) represent the Do element of the PDCA cycle.

At the heart of the BCM life cycle is programme management. It was

given this title rather than project management because a project has a
beginning and an end but BCM has to be seen as a continuous process. It
should be considered as a programme of projects designed to ensure a
current, relevant and assured BCMS exists within an organization.
ISO 22301 defines a business continuity programme as being the
‘ongoing management and governance process supported by top
management and appropriately resourced to implement and maintain
business continuity management’.

The elements of the BCM life cycle as they relate to ISO 22301 are as
Standards Institution 2012

BCM programme management covers the following clauses of ISO 22301:

• 4 Context of the organization;

• 5 Leadership;
• 6 Planning;
• 7 Support;
• 8.1 Operational planning and control;
• 9 Performance evaluation; and
• 10 Improvement.

Understanding the organization relates to Clause 8.2 Business impact

analysis and risk assessment.

Determining BCM strategies covers Clause 8.3 Business continuity strategy.

The strategies chosen take into account existing business continuity and
risk mitigation measures (Clause 8.3.3 Protection and mitigation).

Developing and implementing a BCM response covers Clause 8.4 Establish

and implement business continuity procedures. This includes the
establishment of an incident response structure and the creation of
business continuity plans. A specific clause has been added to
ISO 22301:2012 – 8.4.3 Warning and communication – that relates to the
means for detecting and responding to an incident.

Exercising and testing covers Clause 8.5 Exercising and testing. The BCM
life cycle in BS 25999-2 included maintaining and reviewing in this
element of the cycle. These have now been incorporated into BCM
programme management (see above).

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management 15

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Chapter 2 Why adopt a business continuity standard?

Embedding BCM in the organization’s culture relates to Clause 7.2

Competence and Clause 7.3 Awareness.

Comparing ISO 22301:2012 with BS 25999-2:2007

When news of an ISO standard for BCM emerged, business continuity
managers expressed concern that they might have to radically rework
their BCM procedures and processes once ISO 22301 was introduced.
BS 25999-2 had been, and continues to be, used by many organizations
across the world as the basis of their BCM procedures and processes. The
good news is that BS 25999-2 has provided the main foundation of the
new ISO standard. There are some important additions and a few
elements that have been omitted. The additions have added greater
depth and clarity while the omissions do not detract from the overall
good BCM practices and principles.

The new standard is entitled Societal security – Business continuity

management systems – Requirements. This is one of a suite of standards
Standards Institution 2012

being developed by ISO/TC 223 designed to achieve greater societal

security. Societal security can be defined as providing protection of
society from, and the ability to respond to, incidents, emergencies and
disasters caused by intentional and unintentional human acts, natural
hazards, and technical failures.

The way in which ISO 22301 can be used is detailed in Clause 1 Scope. It
states that the standard ‘is applicable to all types and sizes of
organizations that wish to

a) establish, implement, maintain and improve a BCMS,

b) ensure conformity with stated business continuity policy,
c) demonstrate conformity to others,
d) seek certification/registration of its BCMS by an accredited third party
certification body, or
e) make a self-determination and self-declaration of conformity with
this International Standard [ISO 22301:2012].’

The standard can also be used by an organization to assess its suppliers’

ability to meet continuity needs and obligations.

New concepts and activities have been introduced as follows.

Context of the The environment in which the organization

organization operates.
Interested parties Replaces ‘stakeholders’.
Leadership Requirements specific to top management.

16 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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Comparing ISO 22301:2012 with BS 25999-2:2007

maximum ‘time it would take for adverse impacts, which

acceptable outage might arise as a result of not providing a
(MAO) product/service or performing an activity, to
become unacceptable’. This is the same as
‘maximum tolerable period of disruption
minimum business ‘minimum level of services and/or products that
continuity is acceptable to the organization to achieve its
objective (MBCO) business objectives during a disruption’.
Performance Covers the measurement of BCMS and BCM
evaluation effectiveness.
Prioritized Order and timing of recovery for critical
timeframes activities.
Warning and Activities undertaken during an incident.

There have been many other additions and some slight alterations to the
terms and definitions listed in the standard. The additions and changes
Standards Institution 2012

reflect terms and definitions commonly used by BCM practitioners today.

The major additions to ISO 22301:2012 are as follows.

Clause 4 Context of the organization

This clause, covered in Chapter 3, introduces requirements necessary to
establish the context of the BCMS as it applies to the organization, as
well as needs, requirements and scope. ISO 22301 requires an
organization to ‘determine external and internal issues that are relevant
to its purpose and that affect its ability to achieve the intended
outcome(s) of its BCMS’. Understanding the organization and how it sits
within its environment is an essential step to ensure any BCMS and BCM
solutions developed are fit for purpose and relevant to the organization
and interested parties.

This clause also requires the organization to determine its risk appetite
and the legal and regulatory requirements that apply to the
organization, and to clearly define the scope of the BCMS. Setting the
initial scope of the BCMS is critical and must be done at an early stage.
ISO 22301 requires the organization to determine what will be covered
by business continuity and, just as importantly, what will be excluded.
Scoping has presented challenges to many organizations seeking
certification under BS 25999-2. Organizations are now required to clearly
communicate the scope to relevant internal and external parties.

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management 17

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Chapter 2 Why adopt a business continuity standard?

Clause 5 Leadership
Clause 5 summarizes the requirements specific to top management’s role
in the BCMS, and how they shall articulate their expectations to the
organization via a policy statement.

New requirements are placed upon top management to demonstrate its

commitment by

• ‘ensuring that policies and objectives are established for the business
continuity management system and are compatible with the strategic
direction of the organization,
• ensuring the integration of the business continuity management
system requirements into the organization’s business processes,
• communicating the importance of effective business continuity
management and conforming to the BCMS requirements’.

In addition it must ensure ‘that the BCMS achieves its intended

outcome(s)’ and that it directs and supports continual improvement.
Standards Institution 2012

Policy creation and communication is an important element of Clause 5.

It stresses the importance of ensuring the policy is appropriate to the
organization, forms the basis for setting BCM objectives, and contains
commitments to meeting legal and regulatory requirements and to
continual improvement of the BCMS. It also states that the policy shall be
available to appropriate interested parties.

Clause 5 requires top management to assign responsibility for the

establishment, implementation and monitoring of the BCMS. What is
missing is the requirement to appoint a specific sponsor from top
management to ‘champion’ BCM in the organization. This is a regrettable
omission as, to be successful, a BCMS must be introduced and supported
by top management of the organization. Its involvement is required from
the outset and its visible ongoing support is essential if BCM is to be
taken seriously by the organization as a whole.

The requirements of Clause 5 are covered in Chapter 4.

Clause 6 Planning
This is a new section, covered in Chapter 5, and relates to establishing
strategic objectives and guiding principles for the BCMS as a whole. The
content of Clause 6 differs from establishing risk treatment opportunities
stemming from risk assessment, as well as from the business impact
analysis (BIA)-derived recovery objectives that are covered in Clause 8.

This section requires the organization to address the threats to the BCMS
not being successfully established, implemented and maintained. It is
about understanding the internal culture and the external environment

18 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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Comparing ISO 22301:2012 with BS 25999-2:2007

in which the organization operates and the likely barriers that will
prevent the BCMS being effective. It relates back to Clause 4.1
Understanding of the organization and its context and Clause 4.2
Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties.

This clause requires the organization to clearly define the business

continuity objectives and to have plans (projects) to achieve them. These
objectives must tie back to the BCM policy and must be measurable. In
setting the objectives account must be taken of the minimum level of
products and services that will be acceptable to the organization in order
to achieve its business objectives. Although it does not specify which
products and services this applies to, it links back to the Scope (Clause 1)
where the organization determined what would be covered by the
BCMS. In BS 25999-2 these were referred to as the key products and

The organization must also determine who will be responsible for

delivering the objectives, what will be done and in what timescale, what
resources will be required and how results will be evaluated.
Standards Institution 2012

Clause 7 Support
Clause 7, covered in Chapter 6, details the support required to establish,
implement and maintain an effective BCMS. This covers the resources
required, the competence of those involved, awareness of, and
communications with, interested parties, and requirements for document

BS 25999-2 requires a training needs analysis to be carried out to

determine the gap between the competence required to fulfil
appropriate BCM roles and the capabilities of those assigned to the roles.
ISO 22301 does not specifically require such an analysis but does require
an organization to ensure such persons are competent on the basis of
education, training and experience.

The section covering awareness is more specific in that it requires all

persons under the organization’s control to be aware of the BCM policy,
understand their contribution to the effectiveness of the BCMS and the
implications of not conforming to its requirements. They must also
understand their role at the time of disruption.

The major addition in Clause 7 covers communication, a vital part of

managing any disruption and an area where many organizations fail.
Clause 7.4 relates to internal and external communications and covers
information about the BCMS and the organization’s BCM capabilities,
pre- and during disruption. It also sets out requirements for receiving and
responding to communications from interested parties, adapting and
integrating warning and informing systems and facilitating structured

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management 19

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Chapter 2 Why adopt a business continuity standard?

communications with appropriate authorities. It requires communications

systems to be tested. Further requirements are also specified in Clause

The requirements for BCMS documentation are more specific in

ISO 22301:2012. It is essential that the organization fully documents all
elements of the BCMS and business continuity procedures and that these
documents are maintained, controlled and stored appropriately. This is
particularly important for any subsequent audits required for compliance
assessment or certification against ISO 22301.

Clause 8 Operation
Clause 8.1 Operational planning and control is a new clause and relates
back to Clause 6.1, which requires the organization to identify the risks
to the BCMS not being established, implemented and maintained by the
organization. Clause 8.1 requires the organization to ensure processes
that have been developed to manage the risks to the BCMS are being
correctly implemented. This includes any processes that have been
Standards Institution 2012

contracted-out or outsourced.

Clause 8.2.2 Business impact analysis introduces a new term, ‘prioritized

timeframes’; however, this is not listed in Clause 3 Terms and definitions.
‘Prioritized timeframes’ relates to the more familiar term, ‘recovery time
objective (RTO)’, and defines the order and timing of recovery for critical
activities that support the key products and services.

Although the term ‘maximum tolerable period of disruption (MTPD)’ is

defined in Clause 3 it is not used in the body of the standard. However,
Clause 8.2.2 c) does state that the organization must set prioritized
timeframes for resuming activities that support the provision of (key)
products and services ‘at a specified minimum acceptable level, taking
into consideration the time within which the impacts of not resuming
them would become unacceptable’.

Clause 8.2.3 Risk assessment draws attention to the fact that ‘certain
financial or governmental obligations require the communication’, at
varying levels of detail, of the risks that could disrupt the prioritized
activities. ‘In addition, certain societal needs can also warrant sharing of
this information’, as appropriate.

Clause 8.4 Establish and implement business continuity procedures brings

together all procedures necessary to deliver effective BCM procedures.
The procedures must establish internal and external communications
protocols, set out the immediate steps to be taken at the time of
disruption but also be flexible to respond to changing circumstances and
unanticipated threats. The BCM procedures must focus on impacts that
could disrupt key products and services and be effective in minimizing

20 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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Comparing ISO 22301:2012 with BS 25999-2:2007

the consequences of the disruption. This clause introduces the need to

take account of stated assumptions and the organization’s

Clause 8.4.2 Incident response structure has expanded requirements,

namely the need to ‘identify impact thresholds that justify initiation of
formal response’ and the need, using life safety as the first priority, to
implement external warnings and communications as appropriate. This is
covered in Clause 8.4.3 Warning and communication, which is an entirely
new requirement.

Clause 8.4.4 Business continuity plans has fewer requirements than

BS 25999-2. It does not require a named person to be designated as
owner of the plan and be responsible for its review, update and
approval. It does not require meeting locations and contact details to be
included. It makes no specific reference to the need to include incident
logs for recording decisions made and actions taken.

Clause 8.4.5 Recovery is an entirely new requirement.The standard simply

states that ‘The organization shall have documented procedures to
Standards Institution 2012

restore and return business activities from the temporary measures

adopted to support normal business requirements after an incident.’ The
looseness of this clause may lead to different interpretations across
certification bodies.

Clause 8.5 Exercising and testing. ISO 22301 does not require an
approved exercise programme to be in place. It does require the exercises
to be based on an appropriate range of scenarios. It also links the review
of the exercise back to the requirement to promote continuing
improvement of the BCMS.

The requirements of Clause 8 are covered in Chapter 7.

Clause 9 Performance evaluation

This clause brings together the maintaining and reviewing of the BCMS.
Chapter 12 covers this clause.

Clause 9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation is a new set

of requirements and is designed to ensure that appropriate metrics are in
place to effectively manage the BCMS and provides the input to
management reviews.

Clause 9.2 Internal audit now includes a requirement that the

management responsible for the area being audited must ‘ensure that
any necessary corrections and corrective actions are taken without undue
delay to eliminate detected nonconformities and their causes. Follow-up
activities shall include the verification of the actions taken and the

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management 21

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Chapter 2 Why adopt a business continuity standard?

reporting of verification results.’ Clause 9.2 drops the reference to taking

into account the output of the BIA when developing an audit

Clause 9.3 Management review is a very comprehensive clause. There is a

new requirement to provide information for the review on the ‘trends in

1. nonconformities and corrective actions,

2. monitoring and measurement evaluation results, and
3. audit results’.

Additionally, when considering the output from the management review

changes may be required to risk reduction and security arrangements and
operational conditions and processes, if appropriate. It may also be
appropriate to change the measures for ‘how the effectiveness of
controls are measured’.

This clause concludes with a requirement for the organization to

• ‘communicate the results of [the] management review to relevant

Standards Institution 2012

interested parties, and

• take appropriate action relating to those results’.

The management review no longer has to take input from interested

parties or consider the results of training and awareness programmes.

Clause 10 Improvement
This clause combines the previous corrective and preventative actions
under one heading: Nonconformity and corrective action.

A full cross-reference between BS 25999-2:2007 and ISO 22301:2012 is

contained in Appendix B.

The rest of this book describes approaches that will enable those
responsible for business continuity in an organization, regardless of size
or sector, to meet the requirements of ISO 22301:2012.

22 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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Chapter 3 Context of the


No organization operates in a vacuum. There are many internal and

external circumstances or factors that surround the organization that it
must take into consideration when planning its approach to BCM and the
development, implementation and maintenance of the BCMS.

Understanding the organization and its context

ISO 22301 requires an organization to determine the internal and
Standards Institution 2012

external issues that are relevant to its purpose and affect its ability to
achieve the expected outcomes of its BCMS. Understanding the
organization and how it sits within its environment is an essential step to
ensure any BCMS and BCM solutions developed are fit for purpose and
relevant to the organization and interested parties.

Some of the analysis may already have been undertaken within the
organization by risk or marketing managers. Those appointed to develop
the BCMS for the organization can call upon the previous analysis to
support this important stage. Alternatively they will need to work with
appropriate top management and specialists to develop their own

The environment that surrounds and impacts upon an organization can

be broken down into three areas, namely the ‘internal environment’, the
‘micro environment’ and the ‘macro environment’, as shown in Figure 5.

The internal environment

The first action is to identify the products or services that, if disrupted for
any reason, would have the greatest impact upon the organization and
its stakeholders and the achievement of the organization’s goals and
objectives. It is these products or services, often referred to as ‘key’, that
initially will fall within the scope of the BCMS. Once BCM has been
successfully established to deal with these key products or services there
will be the opportunity to extend the scope to other areas of the
organization. Initial discussion with top management will give an
indication of which products and services are key for the organization.

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management 23

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Chapter 3 Context of the organization

In analysing the way key products or services are delivered an approach

must be taken that breaks with the traditional functional view of the
organization. A large multinational IT services company uses a
methodology that considers what activities and functions are involved to
get from ‘quote to cash’. That is to say, what is needed to get into a
position to quote against a tender, win the business, deliver to the
customer’s satisfaction, invoice for the goods and services delivered and
subsequently receive payment. It requires an ‘end-to-end’ view of the
organization and its activities, resources used and the role contributed by
internal functions.

It is important to understand how decisions are made within the

organization. What is its strategic direction and what are the policies and
objectives that are in place to support the strategy? It is essential that
any policy relating to BCM is linked to the organization’s objectives and
existing policies and procedures as appropriate. How is the organization
structured and what governance arrangements exist? What is the
approach to risk and what high-level risks face the organization?
Standards Institution 2012

Figure 5 – The environment that surrounds and impacts upon an


24 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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Understanding the organization and its context

All organizations have unique cultures, built up over time that influence
the behaviours and actions of those involved. At the outset it is
important to understand the culture and relationships that exist. Does a
‘silo’ mentality exist, is there a culture based on blame or is the
organization open to new ideas and ways of working? Is the
organization ‘unionized’? Is it driven by dictate or consensus? If BCM is to
be introduced successfully it must work with the culture.

The micro environment

The next step to consider is the micro environment surrounding the
organization. The influencers here are customers, suppliers, partners,
contractors, distributors and intermediaries. Does the organization have a
few or many customers/clients? Does the organization deal direct with its
customers/clients or does it operate through distributors and
intermediaries, e.g. insurance brokers? Does it rely on a small number of
suppliers? What contract arrangements and service-level agreements are
in place with partners and outsourcing companies? Are there mutual aid
Standards Institution 2012

arrangements in place? Who are the competitors and how do they

operate in the marketplace?

The macro environment

It is important to understand how the pressures from the external
environment can impact on an organization. Various analytical tools are
available to assist in this, one of which is STEEPLE (see Figure 6).

Some of the questions that have to be answered for each element of the
analysis are:

• What are the social responsibilities the organization has to the

community, e.g. employment and/or safety? How does society view
the activities of the organization, e.g. as a threat and/or with
• How dependent is the organization upon external technologies, e.g.
communications? How does the rapid advance in technology impact
the organization, e.g. e-readers on book publishers?
• What is the economic climate in which the organization operates?
What is the attitude towards debt by the financial institutions the
organization is involved with? How strong are the economies of the
countries in which and with whom the organization trades?
• What are the ethics of trade? What is the perception of the public
and the media towards the organization and its activities, e.g. the
use of child labour in the production process?
• What is the political climate in which the organization operates?
Would a change of government affect attitudes towards the

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management 25

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Chapter 3 Context of the organization

Standards Institution 2012

Figure 6 – STEEPLE

organization and its sector? What are the chances of terrorism and
civil unrest affecting the organization?
• Which laws and regulations apply? Are they regional, national or
international? ISO 22301 requires an organization to identify those
laws and regulations that relate to the continuity of ‘operations,
products and services, as well as the interests of relevant interested
parties’. The BCMS should be established, implemented and
maintained taking into account the requirements of the applicable
laws and regulations.
• And finally, what environmental considerations does the organization
have to take account of? What is the organization’s own impact on
the environment, e.g. pollution? What are the external events that
could impact the organization, e.g. from nature or from neighbours?

Having developed an understanding of the organization and the context

in which it operates, the organization can develop specific BCM
objectives. The high-level risks that the organization faces and the drivers
that influence the decision to introduce business continuity arrangements
will influence these objectives.

26 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties

Understanding the needs and expectations of

interested parties
When establishing the BCMS the organization must determine its
relevant interested parties and understand their requirements, whether
stated, implied or obligatory.

Interested parties are frequently referred to as stakeholders. These are

individuals, groups of people or other organizations that can affect, be
affected by, or perceive themselves to be affected by the decisions or
activities of the organization, whether under normal operations or
during a disruptive event, and can influence it but who may or may not
be directly involved in undertaking the organization’s activities.

Stakeholders can be classified into two groups:

1. primary stakeholders – these are usually internal stakeholders

engaged in economic transactions with the organization. These
include investors, customers, patients, contractors, suppliers, creditors
and employees. Additional stakeholders include regulators, financial
Standards Institution 2012

investors, banks, insurance companies and auditors.

2. secondary stakeholders – these are usually external stakeholders,
who, although they do not engage directly with the organization,
are affected by or can affect its actions. These include the general
public, communities (both permanent and transitory), professional
bodies, trade associations, government departments, activist groups
and the media. The latter two can have considerable influence on
the public’s perception of the organization.

By understanding the stakeholders’ interests in, and perceptions of, the

organization under both normal and disruptive situations it is possible to
develop appropriate continuity solutions that meet their needs and
expectations. It is particularly important to develop appropriate strategies
and plans to facilitate communications with interested parties at the time
of disruption.

A simple technique that can be used to identify stakeholders and their

expectations is to assemble a group of managers and get them to list the
stakeholders and their expectations and then to rank the stakeholders in
order of importance for the organization. The exercise has the additional
benefit of helping the management team to look at the organization
from the stakeholders’ point of view rather than from within. Particular
emphasis should be placed on the expectations of the customers and
clients of the organization at the time of disruption.

A template for recording the results of the analysis of the interested

parties’ needs and expectations is included in Appendix C.

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management 27

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Chapter 3 Context of the organization

Determining the scope of the management system

The BCMS is the overarching management system that ensures BCM is
correctly developed, implemented and maintained within an

In designing the BCMS it is important to determine what will be included

in the scope of the system as both internal and external parties need to
understand what products, services and activities will be covered if the
organization should suffer a disruptive event.

The needs and expectations of interested parties and the legal and
regulatory requirements that apply to the organization will have a major
influence upon the scope of the BCMS.

ISO 22301 states that ‘the organization shall

a) establish the parts of the organization to be included in the BCMS,

b) establish BCMS requirements, considering the organization’s mission,
goals, internal and external obligations (including those related to
Standards Institution 2012

interested parties), and legal and regulatory responsibilities,

c) identify products and services and all related activities within the
scope of the BCMS,
d) take into account interested parties’ needs and interests, such as
customers, investors, shareholders, the supply chain, public and/or
community input and needs, expectations and interests (as
appropriate), and
e) define the scope of the BCMS in terms of and appropriate to the
size, nature and complexity of the organization.’

A large and complex body is unlikely to introduce a BCMS for the entire
organization at the initial pass but rather commence with the products
and services that are key to meeting the objectives of the organization
and the requirements of the external stakeholders. It may choose to
introduce BCM to a specific location or function such as information and
communications technology (ICT). A small organization is better able to
encompass all of its activities first time round.

The organization must also identify and document those areas, products,
services and activities that will not be covered by the BCMS scope. In
doing so it is important to ensure that those activities excluded do not
affect the organization’s ability to deliver its key products and services.

Whatever the decision, it is vital that the scope of the BCMS is defined
and documented at the outset of the programme. An example of a
scoping document can be found in Appendix D. It is possible to include
the scope within the policy document.

28 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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Chapter 4 Leadership

To be successful BCM must be introduced and supported by the

organization’s top management. Its involvement is required from the
outset and its ongoing leadership and support is essential if BCM is to be
taken seriously by the organization as a whole.

Top management must ensure that a BCMS is established that aligns with
the strategic direction of the organization. BCM is not a bolt-on activity;
it has to be integrated into business processes and must have the support
of the staff across the organization. Top management needs to
communicate why BCM is important, how it will be delivered and who
will be responsible for the development, implementation and
Standards Institution 2012

maintenance of the BCMS in the organization. This can be achieved by

the publication of a BCM policy endorsed by top management.

Top management must recognize that effective BCM is not established

overnight and that it is an ongoing activity. It must ensure that adequate
resources are provided to enable the development of the BCMS and that
staff appointed are competent and capable of delivering the required
outcomes. In a large organization a dedicated BCM team may be
appointed; in small- and medium-sized organizations BCM may be part of
a single person’s responsibilities.

Top management must agree what is to be covered by the BCMS with

those appointed to run the system. It must also set out the organization’s
criteria for accepting risks and what levels of risk it is prepared to take.
This should not just be its personal view but must also be influenced by
the requirements and expectations of interested parties. Understanding
of top management’s approach to risk enables BCM staff to develop and
implement BCM strategies that will be acceptable by top management.
Without this criterion being set there is a danger that top management
will reject proposed BCM strategies as being either overengineered or

Top management’s commitment does not end with the establishment of

the BCMS. It must demonstrate its ongoing support by actively engaging
in the exercising and rehearsing of business continuity plans, by ensuring
that internal audits are conducted and by ensuring that the BCMS is
subject to management reviews and continual improvement.

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management 29

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Chapter 4 Leadership

Setting the business continuity policy

The creation and publication of the organization’s BCM policy document,
signed by an executive director, is a key element of the BCMS and a clear
demonstration of the organization’s commitment.

The policy document should set out:

• the objectives for the establishment and maintenance of BCM within

the organization;
• the scope of business continuity, including limitations and exclusions;
• an overview of the roles and responsibilities of those charged with
delivering BCM;
• the resources allocated to BCM;
• the BCM principles, guidelines and standards that will apply;
• a reference to any legal or regulatory requirements; and
• the basis on which the BCMS will be measured, reviewed and
continually improved.

The final point relates to how the organization assures itself that the
Standards Institution 2012

BCMS is being correctly implemented and maintained within the

organization. This is covered in Chapter 12.

The policy document should be brief and appropriate to the

organization, taking into consideration the nature, scale, complexity,
geography and criticality of its activities. It must also reflect the culture,
dependencies and operating environment. If there is a standard format
for policy documents in the organization then this should be followed.

The BCM policy document, once approved and signed off by top
management, should be published within the organization and may be
made available to appropriate interested parties. Key public sector bodies
covered by the UK Civil Contingencies Act 2004 are required to make
their BCM policy documents publicly available. These may be published
on their websites or be available on request. There may be commercial
advantage for private companies in similarly publishing their BCM policy
documents. Listed companies could include reference to their policy in
the annual report and accounts, providing assurance to investors and
other interested parties that they take business continuity seriously.

The BCM policy, like all other policies within the organization, should be
subject to regular review at an interval appropriate to the organization
or when significant changes occur to the organization or the
environment in which it operates. A sample policy document is included
in Appendix E.

30 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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Roles, responsibilities and authorities

Roles, responsibilities and authorities

Executive management sits at the heart of effective BCM regardless of
company size. All new management processes introduced to
organizations require champions at a high level. This may be the
managing director of a small company, a director of a major plc or an
executive within a local authority who can take authority over, and
accountability for, BCM and can demonstrate ongoing support for the
initiative. A clear demonstration of this high-level commitment must be
made across the organization at the very outset and must always be

An appropriate structure should be established that suits the


A small organization may have a senior manager who has responsibility

for the introduction and management of the BCMS. International
businesses frequently have large teams that work throughout the world
to establish and maintain BCM across the organization.
Standards Institution 2012

The level of BCM resources at the centre of the organization should be

kept to the minimum and be appropriate to the size and geographical
spread of the organization. BCM must be owned by the organization at
the operational level. Creating a BCM department will enforce a ‘silo’
culture and undermine the inclusive principle that should be established
through the belief that continuity is part of everyone’s job. Figure 7 sets
out a structure for a medium-sized organization. The BCM structures used
within the organization must be clearly documented.

Figure 7 – Possible BCM structure

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management 31

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Chapter 4 Leadership

A high-level working group should be drawn from the senior

management at division, product and/or service level. The role of the
group is to:

• take overall control of resource allocation;

• set priorities for the organization;
• interpret the board’s attitude towards risk;
• set continuity strategies in line with the organization’s objectives and
• establish the measures that will be used to assure the BCMS remains
current and relevant; and
• report to top management on the performance of the BCMS.

This group is also responsible for ensuring that the importance of BCM is
communicated throughout the organization and that stakeholders are
kept informed. The approach the high-level working group takes will
have a strong influence on the culture within the organization. In a small
organization this role may fall to the owner or managing director, who
may be assisted by a senior employee. In a larger organization, divisional
liaison managers are responsible for the introduction and maintenance of
Standards Institution 2012

the BCM process within their area of operation. Very often these
individuals have BCM added to their existing roles and responsibilities
rather than being solely dedicated to the process.

Organizations that have successfully introduced BCM have used a ‘matrix’

management approach: a team of managers that understands the
business and is able to appreciate how the organization operates, its
activities and how it utilizes resources. Such teams may have
representatives from the executive, operational management, legal,
finance, technology (ICT), facilities, purchasing, security, human resources
(HR), suppliers, etc. Their role is to advise the high-level working group
throughout the BCM process.

32 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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Chapter 5 Planning

Actions to address risks and opportunities

There are many challenges facing organizations when introducing a new
management system; BCMS is no different. It is important that those
responsible for developing and introducing a BCMS should understand
the challenges (risks) that will arise and develop plans and actions to
counteract them.

It is vital to understand the organization’s culture. It is important to gain

an appreciation of the way the organization works, both formally and
informally, and understand the experience gained from the introduction
Standards Institution 2012

of other management systems or process changes that have already

taken place. This provides an opportunity to build on what has been
successful and develop appropriate plans and actions to overcome
objections. BCM will have to be ‘sold’ to many people in the organization
to gain their participation and support. Strong focus and leadership from
the top is one of the prerequisites to ensuring BCM will be taken

It is important not to try to do too much at one time or to develop an

overly complicated and comprehensive BCMS in the short term. Agree
realistic expectations with top management, allowing sufficient time for
the design phase of the BCMS. It is important to start small and limit the
scope initially. If the introduction of the BCMS and BCM is to be
sustainable, early efforts must be perceived as useful and as having
organizational legitimacy. Therefore a gradual and systematic approach
involving phased implementation is essential in most organizations.

Conflicting staff incentives can shift focus away from the BCMS, which
can be seen as a nice-to-have process, towards the short-term objectives
based on the must have, e.g. achievement of sales targets. Incorporating
the implementation of the system into management objectives and
ensuring these objectives are regularly reviewed will help focus
management effort. Breaking down the implementation into realistic
steps against which managers can be assessed will help.

It is important for top management to recognize the time and effort that
will be required to develop and implement the BCMS. Agreeing realistic
timescales and ensuring adequate resources are made available at the

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management 33

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Chapter 5 Planning

commencement of the project is important. It is vital to ensure those who

are leading and involved in the process are adequately trained and

Not all challenges will be internal. Changes in the laws and regulations
that apply to the organization may force changes to the BCMS. The
needs and expectations of those interested parties that are outside the
organization may also influence the way that the BCMS is developed and

Organizations constantly change and organizational change affects every

aspect of operations, including strategic planning, resource allocation and
management, assessment and incentive systems, monitoring, and
reporting. It is therefore vital to assess the BCMS against these changes
to ensure it is still relevant and fit for purpose.

Business continuity objectives and plans to

achieve them
Standards Institution 2012

Having identified the challenges and risks that surround the BCMS, top
management must ensure that business continuity objectives are
established, documented and communicated for relevant functions and
levels throughout the organization.

The business continuity objectives must:

• be consistent with the business continuity policy;

• take account of the minimum level of products and services that is
acceptable to the organization to achieve its objectives;
• be measurable;
• take into account applicable requirements of interested parties and
laws and regulations;
• address the challenges and risks identified; and
• be monitored and updated as appropriate.

In setting the business continuity objectives, the organization must


• who will be responsible for meeting each objective;

• what will be done;
• what resources will be required;
• the timescale in which the objective will be completed; and
• how the results will be evaluated.

As stated previously, consideration should be given to including BCM

objectives in managers’ personal objectives. Some organizations use an
element of performance-related pay to ensure that BCM objectives have
the right level of management focus.

34 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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Business continuity objectives and plans to achieve them

One major UK telecommunications company has included an element of

continuity in management objectives and has a comprehensive online
training programme that all managers must undertake. A major London
borough has gone one step further and linked BCM objectives to
performance-related pay.

A forward-looking organization should include continuity in its

mission/vision statement, e.g. ‘to continue to be the most successful
supplier of ….’ If the management’s key objectives are derived from the
mission statement then they should also include continuity.

There should be clearly documented plans established to achieve BCM

objectives. The use of project management tools and techniques is
recommended with implementation plans set out as Program Evaluation
and Review Technique (PERT) or Gantt charts. These can be subsequently
submitted as evidence if the BCMS is subject to audit.

If the organization is dependent upon key suppliers, intermediaries or

partners for the delivery of key products and services to its
customers/clients then it is essential that any introduction of BCM
Standards Institution 2012

acknowledges this, and the BCMS objectives and plans reflect the need to
ensure the effectiveness of the key suppliers’ or partners’ BCM

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management 35

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Chapter 6 Support

If the introduction and ongoing maintenance of BCM is to be successful
then sufficient resources must be allocated to the programme. Top
management frequently views BCM as a ‘grudge purchase’ and it requires
a return on investment (ROI) to be demonstrated. This can be difficult as
BCM is designed to maintain continuity in the unlikely event of a
disruptive incident occurring.

The arguments for BCM are based more on economics than accountancy.
It is the opportunity cost of failure that has to be weighed against the
Standards Institution 2012

investments required. Examples of opportunity costs are the:

• cost to the organization, in lost sales, if production is disrupted for

more than ‘X’ hours;
• financial penalties that will be incurred if the service/product cannot
be delivered;
• value placed on lost customers if disruptions last more than ‘X’ days
(taking into account that to win new customers is very expensive);
• value of lost contracts, or the inability to win new ones, as a result of
being excluded for not having a BCMS in place; or
• fines or penalties that may be imposed for failing to meet applicable
laws and regulations.

The level of resource required to implement and maintain a BCMS is

appropriate to the size and nature of the organization and the
environment in which it operates. For smaller organizations BCM does
not have to be complex and appropriate BCM can be established at
minimal cost. What is important is that sufficient time is allocated to
those who are tasked with implementing the BCM programme. Once
established, BCM should become part of normal business practice.

Training and competency

In Chapter 4 the importance of assigning roles and responsibilities was
stressed; however, that is not enough. The organization must ensure that
all personnel who are assigned business continuity roles and
responsibilities are competent to perform the required tasks.

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management 37

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Chapter 6 Support

The tasks may be in BCMS development and planning or in an actual

invocation following a major disruption. Under these circumstances
people need to know what is expected of them and they must have the
capabilities to perform the required tasks, often under stress. This is an
area that can get overlooked. One major government department found
that there were people named in its business continuity plans who did
not know they were included and so had received no exposure to the
roles and responsibilities and how to perform at the time of disruption.

BCM competence is a key element of ISO 22301 and BCM training is a

statutory requirement placed on local government, emergency services
and the NHS under the UK Civil Contingencies Act 2004. Financial
resources must be set aside for this activity.

There are some key steps to be taken to ensure appropriate levels of

BCM training and competencies exist within the organization. These are:

• determining the necessary competencies for those who will be tasked

to work on BCMS (Appendix F contains a sample list of
Standards Institution 2012

• conducting training needs analysis on staff being assigned BCM roles

and responsibilities in the development of the BCMS and those who
will be involved when a plan is invoked;
• providing the training;
• evaluating the effectiveness of the training provided; and
• maintaining records of education, training skills, experience and

Appendix G sets out a process for establishing a training programme.

If the organization does not have the staff resources or competent staff
internally then it may hire or contract appropriate people. It is essential
that the organization ensures that any such person has the necessary
competence and experience to deliver the BCM programme.

The outer part of the BCM life cycle (see Figure 4) relates to an
organization’s culture. To be successful, business continuity has to become
part of the way that an organization is managed, regardless of size or
sector. At each stage of the BCM process opportunities exist to introduce
and enhance an organization’s BCM culture.

ISO 22301 requires people doing work under the organization’s control
to be aware of:

• the business continuity policy;

38 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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• how they contribute to the effectiveness of the BCMS and

achievement of the organization’s business continuity objectives;
• ‘the benefits of improved business continuity management
• ‘the implications of not conforming with the BCMS requirements’;
• ‘their own role during disruptive incidents’.

In order to achieve this awareness, the organization needs to raise,

enhance and maintain awareness of the importance of BCM to the
organization. This can be achieved by establishing an ongoing BCM
education and information programme for all staff. It is important to
introduce a process for evaluating the effectiveness of BCM awareness

Building, promoting and embedding a BCM culture within an

organization ensures that it becomes part of the organization’s core
values and effective management.

An organization with a positive BCM culture will benefit, as it will:

Standards Institution 2012

• develop the BCM programme and the BCMS more efficiently;

• instil confidence in interested parties, especially staff and customers,
in its ability to handle business disruptions;
• increase its resilience over time by ensuring BCM implications are
considered in decisions made relating to existing products and
services as well as to new ones; and
• minimize the likelihood and impact of disruptions.

Creating and embedding a BCM culture within an organization can be a

lengthy and difficult process that might encounter a level of resistance
that was not anticipated. An understanding of the existing culture within
the organization will assist in the development of an appropriate BCM
awareness programme.

To be effective, BCM must not be seen as a ‘bolt-on’ or as a ‘passing

initiative’ from top management. Before the process can start, the board
or executive team has to accept the importance and value of the BCMS
process. It needs to encourage a management approach that
contemplates the ‘what ifs’ or considers what might prevent delivery of
the organization’s products and/or services.

To be successful, BCM must be ‘owned’ by everyone within an

organization. Many disruptions are caused by internal failures. Many
organizations have a blame culture that prevents people from flagging
up problems. If the culture is about only wanting to hear the ‘good
news’ then there will be a reluctance to draw attention to failings, which
may subsequently lead to disruptions and eventual crises for the

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management 39

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Chapter 6 Support

All staff, including middle management, must be convinced that BCM is a

serious issue for the organization and that they have an important role
to play in maintaining the delivery of products and services to their
clients and customers. It is essential that awareness programmes be
established as part of the overall introduction of BCM.

Raising awareness is done in two stages. The first is to ensure that all
those in the organization are aware BCM is being introduced and why.
They will need to be convinced that this is a lasting initiative that has the
support of the executive.

Novartis, an international pharmaceutical company, issues every

member of staff with a Code of Conduct. In a section headed
‘Business Continuity’, it states:

We believe that business continuity management is critical

for our patients, customers, associates and other
stakeholders, and is part of responsible management
Standards Institution 2012

practice. In the event of an emergency or significant

business disruption, we are committed to doing our utmost
to ensure uninterrupted supply of key products and
Source: Novartis Employee Code of Conduct, 2011

The code, which is signed by the Chairman and CEO, sets out
what is expected of the individual employee, stating:

Our Code of Conduct reflects our commitments to meet the

expectations of our stakeholders as a responsible corporate
citizen and contains the fundamental principles and rules
concerning ethical business conduct.

The code provides a link to other materials on the company’s

intranet site.

A technique that was used very successfully in the introduction of total

quality management in the 1980s was to hold team meetings at each
level of the organization to introduce the concept and to ask the team to
consider how it could improve the quality of its output.

The same principle can be applied to BCM, with the teams being asked to
identify aspects that prevent or impede the continuity of their areas of
operation. The key questions to ask are the ‘what ifs’ since this style of

40 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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question gets the group thinking about its contribution to continuity.

Experience has shown that, even at the lowest level, employees are able
to relate to the BCM concept and not only identify areas of potential
disconnect but also possible solutions that can maintain continuity.

Each organization will have a level of management that is particularly

sceptical about the introduction of new initiatives; this is very often
middle management. Particular emphasis must be given to gaining its
support if BCM is to become part of the organization’s culture. This
management level will also have a large part to play in the initial
charting of critical processes and activities, so gaining its support at an
early stage is vital.

The second stage of raising awareness occurs once the business continuity
plans have been produced. It is important that appropriate interested
parties are made aware that the organization has such plans in place.
This will help to raise their level of confidence in the organization’s
ability to deal with disruptions.

Employees need to have confidence that their jobs will be protected

Standards Institution 2012

while the disruption is being contained. It is also critical that individuals

know what actions they are required to take when the plan is invoked.

A major UK retailer has a communications policy that is

designed to ensure its employees know what to do if an
incident occurs. They are given a number to call if they become
aware of an incident at work or they see a news report, etc.
concerning a disruption at their work location. When one of its
London stores caught fire the employees knew what to do the
next day. Some went to previously designated alternative
locations; others remained at home and called the staff helpline
for recorded advice.

Lesson: ensure employees are kept informed about what is

needed from them at the time of disruption.

Employees new to an organization must be made aware of the BCM

policy and their part in the business continuity process. This can be
accomplished by incorporating BCM material into the staff induction
programme. Awareness of the BCMS can be maintained by using internal
newspapers, emails, the organization’s intranet, team meetings and
broadcasts from senior management. These may highlight examples
where the organization successfully managed an incident, praising those
involved. It may also draw upon lessons learned from the failures of
other organizations.

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management 41

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Chapter 6 Support

A good awareness programme will have the effect of making all staff
understand the significance of ‘thinking continuity’ in their everyday
activities. For example the purchasing department in the organization has
an important role to play in ensuring that key suppliers are made aware
of the importance of BCM to the organization and the processes they
should adopt to ensure continuity of supply. This applies to existing and
new supply contracts.

Those responsible for new product development should be encouraged

to build continuity solutions into the design of the product and its
supporting processes. It is easier and more cost-effective to design in
continuity at the concept stage than to add it as a bolt-on after a
problem has arisen. One Australian bank will not allow a product to be
launched onto the market unless an appropriate continuity solution has
been incorporated.

All staff must understand that BCM is a serious issue for the organization
and that they have an important role to play in maintaining the delivery
of products and services to its clients and customers.
Standards Institution 2012

One of the biggest challenges to any organization suffering a disruptive
incident is the need to maintain communications with interested parties.

There are many cases of companies that have believed they managed a
disruptive incident well and minimized the impacts on the organization.
What then disappoints them is the reaction of the external community
following restoration of service and supply. What they failed to do was to
recognize the importance of communicating with all the interested
parties, both internally and externally.

When a company that manufactured PCs to order had problems

loading the operating system software onto its product, it
correctly stopped the production line in order to prevent faulty
machines being delivered to its customers. The company chose
not to inform customers of the problem unless they contacted
it directly. Disgruntled customers contacted the main IT
newspaper, which picked up the story and ran it the following
week, damaging the company’s reputation in the process.

Lesson: if you intend to do nothing then make certain you have

informed those who are expecting service or product delivery.

42 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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Particular emphasis should be placed on communication with staff, as

they will be concerned about their welfare and employment. At the time
of disruption clear communication is required to advise staff of what
actions to take. This can be done through hard copy, email, the
organization’s intranet, local media or recorded messages on a freephone

It should be recognized that communications will be a two-way process

and arrangements must be made for staff to be able to flag up incidents
or leave messages about their own situation, e.g. checking in if there are
major transport disruptions due to bad weather.

Arrangements must be made to keep senior management informed

about the progress towards resumption. It is essential to identify who
within the organization will be responsible for planning and delivering

One key element of a communication strategy is how the organization

will manage the media at the time of a major disruption. Regardless of
the size of the organization, if the event is significant enough to raise
Standards Institution 2012

the media’s interest a competent person must be appointed to act as the

organization’s spokesperson. Preparing material that can be quickly
adapted when needed will save time. This should include draft response
statements and general information about the organization. How this is
managed must be developed as part of the communication strategy.

It is important that those responsible for handling media communications

monitor what is actually reported in the press and on radio and TV. If the
reports are positive then subsequent messages released should build on
this; if the reports are negative the organization has to consider how,
and if, the negatives are counteracted.

The emergence of social media, e.g. blogs, Facebook and Twitter, offers
new opportunities to provide fast communications to staff, the public
and other key parties, e.g. suppliers. If it is intended to use these
channels then their limitations and accessibility to the wider community
must be recognized. It is important to monitor social media to see what
the public, and interested parties, is saying about the organization’s
disruption and how it is being handled. Messages posted by individuals
on Twitter can spread very quickly. The death of an international singer
in 2012 reached 2.5 million people across the world in two hours. In 2012
it has been estimated that 750 million people use social media daily
and/or weekly.

It is not just about having the processes and procedures in place when
things go wrong. It is also about raising the awareness of interested
parties of what the organization has in place to manage disruptions.

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management 43

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Chapter 6 Support

Customers will need to know how their supply of goods and services will
be affected and when they can expect a return to normal working
practices. Suppliers will need to know the alternative locations they will
be required to deliver supplies to and also will need to be confident that
they will be paid. The banks and investors will need to have confidence
in the management being able to handle the disruption effectively and
will need to know their investments are safe.

Regulators, legislators and others with statutory responsibilities will need

to understand the alternative arrangements that will be in place to meet
the organization’s statutory and regulatory requirements. The wider
community may need to be informed of actions that will be taken if the
disruption could have a serious impact on their welfare, e.g. warning the
public in the event of a chemical plant fire.

ISO 22301 places great importance on the role of communications in

business continuity. It requires organizations setting up their BCMS to
determine the need for both internal and external communications. This
must cover what and when to communicate and to whom it will
Standards Institution 2012

ISO 22301 states that ‘the organization shall establish, implement, and
maintain procedure(s) for

• internal communication amongst interested parties and employees

within the organization,
• external communication with customers, partner entities, local
community, and other interested parties, including the media,
• receiving, documenting, and responding to communication from
interested parties,
• adapting and integrating a national or regional threat advisory
system, or equivalent, into planning and operational use, if
• ensuring availability of the means of communication during a
disruptive incident,
• facilitating structured communication with appropriate authorities
and ensuring the interoperability of multiple responding
organizations and personnel, where appropriate, and
• operating and testing of communications capabilities intended for
use during disruption of normal communications.’

When planning the communications element of the BCMS the

organization should use the output of the stakeholder analysis that
formed part of establishing the context of the organization.

44 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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Documented information

Documented information
Proving that a BCMS is effective is one of the key challenges facing any
organization. Documents should be kept relating to the management of
the BCMS and of exercises, incidents, outcomes, lessons identified and
actions taken. For those seeking certification to ISO 22301 there is a clear
requirement to establish a documented management system and such
documentation will provide significant evidence when an organization is
audited for certification.

Evidence from such documents can be used to demonstrate to internal

management that the policy is adhered to and objectives are being met.
The outcomes and lessons learned from exercises and incidents will help
to justify the investment made in BCM to the top management of the

External stakeholders will also be interested in such documents. In the

event of an inquiry or legal claim being mounted against an organization
that has experienced a major incident and failed to maintain the supply
of critical products and/or services, evidence will be required of how the
Standards Institution 2012

BCMS operates in the organization and how the incident was managed.
Being unable to produce such evidence may harm the organization.

A major element of any management system is the control and

management of documentation. With BCM this is critical since, at the
time of any disruption, it is essential that all players have access to, and
work from, authorized and current incident or continuity plans and
supporting documentation. Much of the information contained within
the BCMS documentation will be of a sensitive nature and therefore must
be subject to appropriate protection and confidentiality markings.

Creating and updating documentation

ISO 22301 requires the management of the organization to establish and
maintain a process for creating and updating documented information
that covers:

a) ‘identification and description (e.g. a title, date, author or reference

b) format (e.g. language, software version, graphics) and media (e.g.
paper, electronic), and review and approval for suitability and

The extent of the documented information required for a BCMS will be

dependent upon the size and nature of the organization, the complexity
of its business and the people involved.

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Chapter 6 Support

Documentation required
The organization must have documentation covering the following
aspects of the BCMS:

• the context of the organization;

• the needs and expectations of interested parties;
• the legal and regulatory requirements;
• the scope of the BCMS, including exclusions;
• evidence of top management commitment;
• BCM policy;
• BCM organization, roles and responsibilities;
• BCM objectives and plans to achieve them;
• the procedures in support of the BCMS;
• the monitoring and measurements to assess the BCMS and the
subsequent results;
• BCM competence requirements, staff assessments and training
• internal and external BCMS communication plans and delivery
Standards Institution 2012

• BIA and risk assessment processes;

• the outputs from the business impact analyses and risk assessments;
• the BCM strategies;
• incident, business continuity and recovery management processes and
• up-to-date contact and mobilization details for personnel and any
relevant agencies, organizations and resources that might be
required to support the response strategies;
• an exercise schedule, results and actions;
• post-incident reviews and actions;
• audit schedules, results and actions;
• BCMS management reviews and actions; and
• document management processes.

The extent of documented information can differ among organizations. It

will depend upon the size of the organization, its operations and its
interdependencies. Any organization that is subject to audit, either
voluntarily or as a result of a mandatory requirement, will be required to
provide documentary evidence relating to its BCMS. The above list
provides a useful guide to appropriate documentation. Those wishing to
be certified to ISO 22301 will have to adhere to this list as a minimum.

Control of documented information

Documented information required by the BCMS must be subject to
controls that cover its:

• protection, distribution and access (includes levels of access rights);

46 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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Documented information

• storage and preservation, including legibility;

• retrieval and use;
• version control and prevention of unintended use of obsolete
• preservation; and
• retention and disposal.

Not all documented information required for the planning and operation
of the BCMS may be held within the organization. If this is the case it is
necessary to identify the location and, as appropriate, for it to be

Any documentation required by the BCMS must be protected to ensure

that no unauthorized modifications or deletions can be undertaken.

Chapters 3 to 6 covered the Plan element of the BCMS, incorporating the

policy, structure, resources, training and assurance, as set out in the hub
(programme management) and the tyre (culture) of the BCM life cycle,
shown in Figure 4. Chapter 7 looks at the Do element of the PDCA cycle.
Standards Institution 2012

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management 47

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Chapter 7 Operation

This section covers the Do element of the PDCA cycle. Its purpose is to
define business continuity requirements, determine how to address them
and develop the procedures to manage a disruptive incident. In relation
to the BCM life cycle (see Figure 4) this section includes:

• understanding how the organization delivers key products and

• determining business continuity strategies;
• developing and implementing a BCM response; and
• exercising.
Standards Institution 2012

Many organizations start by developing continuity plans against

perceived risks such as loss of IT services or building facilities. This is the
traditional disaster recovery approach, which delivers a degree of comfort
to senior managers in that something has been done to protect the
organization. However, it has an inherent problem in that it might
overlook critical activities outside these services and facilities and not
meet the actual needs of the business.

The direction that BCM has now taken is based on ensuring the
continuity of critical processes and activities that deliver key products and
services to clients and customers. This is more aligned with total quality
management, which is based on supplier/customer relationships and the
processes that serve them.

Every organization has inputs and outputs regardless of size, sector or

type, whether it is a commercial business, public body, voluntary
organization or charity. All have customers or clients to whom they
deliver products or services. The drivers for the organization to deliver
these products and services may be different, e.g. profit, community
service, legislation or regulation. They will vary from sector to sector and
are dependent on the size of the organization. In addition there are
many stakeholders who have a keen interest in what the organization
delivers and how the products and services are produced. The
requirement to identify the interested parties and their needs and
expectations was covered in Chapter 3 as part of the Plan element of the
PDCA cycle.

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Chapter 7 Operation

Operation planning and control

The start of Chapter 5 covered the requirement for an organization to
establish actions to address risks and opportunities to the BCMS and,
where applicable, integrate and implement these actions into the BCMS
processes. As the organization develops the BCM processes that will
protect the continuity of key products and services, it must ensure that
the appropriate controls are carried out as planned whether these are
in-house, contracted out or outsourced.

BIA and risk assessment

These two activities are of the greatest importance, being the basis on
which the business continuity procedures are to be built. The
organization must ensure that sufficient time and resources are allocated
to these tasks and that the staff who are to undertake them are
competent and adequately trained. Some organizations choose to use
external consultants to facilitate this work but it must be recognized that
Standards Institution 2012

it is the individuals who deliver the key products and services who
actually understand how the processes and activities work and what
resources and dependencies support them.

ISO 22301 (Clause 8.2.1) requires an organization to ‘establish, implement

and maintain a formal and documented process for business impact
analysis and risk assessment that

a) establishes the context of the assessment, defines criteria and

evaluates the potential impact of a disruptive incident,
b) takes into account legal and other requirements to which the
organization subscribes,
c) includes systematic analysis, prioritization of risk treatments, and
their related costs,
d) defines the required output from the business impact analysis and
risk assessment, and
e) specifies the requirements for this information to be kept up-to-date
and confidential.’

Impact versus risk

The standard does not specifically indicate in which order the BIA and
risk assessment should be undertaken. The traditional risk management
approach would be to consider the threats/risks that could disrupt the
critical activities that support key products or services and what can be
done to prevent them.

BCM on the other hand adopts an approach based on impact and time. It
looks at the impact on the organization if critical activities are

50 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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BIA and risk assessment

interrupted; it looks at effects rather than causes. While we can predict

many threats, recent occurrences have shown that the unexpected can
always happen, e.g. fuel shortages, the floods of 2007 and the loss of
water supplies that resulted from them, the volcanic ash cloud that
closed European air space and the Japanese earthquake, tsunami and
nuclear accident.

As stated before, BCM requires the organization to consider what the

impact would be on itself and its interested parties if the delivery of key
products or services, the processes used and their supporting critical
activities were disrupted for any reason.

Defining key products and services

There are two ways to identify the key products and services of an
organization. The first involves seeking input from operational
management on what it considers is important to the organization. The
results are collated and an attempt is made to rank the activities in order
of priority for resumption. The danger in taking this approach is that
Standards Institution 2012

many operational managers naturally see their own areas of operation as

critical and ranking will be difficult. It is also possible that when the
analysis is presented to top management it may disagree on the findings.

The second, and preferred, approach is to use a senior management team

– this may be a BCM high-level working group – to consider the
organization as a whole and to provide a prioritization for key products
or services. In doing so it must take into consideration the needs and
expectations of the interested parties and the legal and other
requirements that apply to the organization, which should already have
been identified. This approach provides the quickest route to establishing
the first element of BCM implementation.

A complex organization may have many products and services and, while
all are important, some are more critical than others. For example, one
UK county council delivers more than 200 services to the community.
Following the high-level consultation it was established that 37 of these
activities were key or vital for the community. With this knowledge the
council concentrated its BCM activities on the most important areas for
the authority and the community.

Once the key products and services have been identified the next task is
to determine the point at which the MTPD occurs for each product and
service. The MTPD is defined in ISO 22301 as the ‘time it would take for
adverse impacts, which might arise as a result of not providing a
product/service or performing an activity, to become unacceptable’. An
alternative definition given in BS 25999-2 is that it is the duration after
which the organization’s viability will be irrevocably threatened if the
product or service cannot be resumed.

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Chapter 7 Operation

Measures of impact could be:

• financial loss;
• the impact on service delivery;
• embarrassment or loss of reputation;
• threat to personal safety;
• personal privacy infringement;
• failure to meet statutory or regulatory obligations; or
• effect on project objectives and schedules.

The measures chosen must be appropriate: those for a commercial

organization may be different from those for a public body.

An example of a business impact assessment matrix is shown in Appendix


Some products or services and their supporting processes and activities

are more critical at certain points in the calendar, e.g. key reporting
dates, elections, payment dates (including payroll), school admissions,
events associated with festivals and gritting of roads. In addition there
Standards Institution 2012

may be key projects that have to be delivered on time and, if disrupted,

will have serious consequences for the organization. As we cannot
predict when any disruption will occur it is essential to chart these
activities/events against a calendar (see Figure 8).

Figure 8 – Key annual events for an English university

It is important to prioritize timescales for resumption of a product or

service within the MTPD. This is called the recovery time objective (RTO)
and it specifies the point in time by when resumption must be achieved.

52 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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BIA and risk assessment

In some cases the organization may require a phased restoration,

building towards full recovery. The organization must also determine the
minimum acceptable levels at which key products or services must be
resumed by the recovery deadlines. This is called the minimum business
continuity objective (MBCO). Top management should agree the list of
key products and services, their MTPDs, RTOs and MBCOs.

Appendix I provides a template for this stage of the BIA.

The output from these consultations is used to identify the critical

processes and activities, together with their supporting resources and
dependencies, that enable the organization to deliver its key products
and services. Consideration must also be given to any third party’s role in
these processes and activities. Third parties include suppliers, outsourcers
and intermediaries (see Figure 9).

As their contract is with the organization, customers or clients will expect

the organization to deliver the product or service regardless of the ability
of the other players to maintain their continuity of operations. They will
hold the organization responsible for failure.
Standards Institution 2012

Figure 9 – The end-to-end view of delivery

As an example consider home care for the elderly. Local authorities are
increasingly using third parties to deliver this service. However, if the
service fails or is below standard it will not be the third-party
intermediary that the client or their relatives will hold responsible but
the local authority in whose name the service is being delivered. It is
therefore essential that the local authority ensures the intermediary has
effective BCM in place.

Michael Porter’s value chain analysis (Porter, 1985) provides a useful

methodology to assist in the understanding of how an organization
works. The activities are broken down to ascertain where value is added.
This provides a starting point in understanding how the organization
works. Many senior managers make the assumption that they ‘know how
it works around here’. This is often not the case as the investigation into

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management 53

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Chapter 7 Operation

many disasters has clearly shown. If it is not understood how the

organization works ‘normally’ then there is little chance of keeping it
running at a time of a crisis.

Process mapping
Having gained the agreement of the high-level working group or top
management as to which are the key products or services, the next stage
is to identify the critical activities that support these products and

Activities, some formal, some informal, that have been established over
time will support the critical processes. They all draw upon the resources
of the organization and of third parties. The next stage is to identify
these activities and the resources they use.

Process mapping should now be undertaken on the critical activities. The

benefit of using this technique is that it will identify what actually
happens in the organization in order to deliver the key products or
Standards Institution 2012

services. The most dangerous step to take at this stage is for managers to
assume they know how things are done in the organization. Managers
that have risen through the organization usually lose touch with practices
on the ground. It is vital that we understand what actually happens in
order to replicate this at the time of any disruption in order to provide a
seamless continuity of operations. If it is not understood how the
organization works ‘normally’ then there is little chance of keeping it
running at a time of crisis.

It is possible that this has already been carried out in the organization. If
so, the outputs should be examined to see if they are still current and
relevant to BCM.

As an example consider the fictitious Acme Organization Ltd that delivers

a range of facility management services. It has four main customer-facing
divisions: Home Service, Estate Management, Domestic Installations and
Commercial Contracts. These are supported by internal departments,
including purchasing, which also run the stores’ facilities for spares and
equipment (see Figure 10).

Top management considers emergency call-outs to be a key service for

the home-based customer, as this is a contracted service to the local
housing association. The critical processes and activities, and the
supporting resources, now need to be identified together with any
internal or external dependencies. This has to be done on an end-to-end
basis for the whole service, from reception of call through to resolution;
this is what the customer expects from the organization.

54 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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BIA and risk assessment

The mapping starts with the high-level processes, e.g. dealing with a
domestic customer’s faulty heating system (see Figure 11).

The next level down is then mapped (see Figure 12).

There may be further levels of activities below these that also need to be
recorded. The system used to record the activities may be paper-based or
an appropriate software package.

The individuals who operate the processes and activities should be

involved in helping to map the way they work and the resources they
use. Because people work in different ways and informal activities
develop over time it is useful, where possible, to work with several
people who are involved in operating the same activity.
Standards Institution 2012

Figure 10 – Handling a home emergency call-out

Figure 11 – High-level process mapping example

The process mapping exercise opens up an opportunity for those

delivering the service to raise areas where they experience difficulties:
perhaps through the lack of resources, failure of supply, or breakdown in
systems and security. They should also be asked about how they currently
overcome disruptions to the activity. Input at this level can identify

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management 55

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Chapter 7 Operation

Figure 12 – Detailed process mapping example

continuity solutions – workarounds that already exist but may not be

documented and also areas where the organization can be made more
resilient by reducing vulnerabilities.

A process mapping tool

One simple form of process mapping is based on the use of adhesive
notes. The person who undertakes the activity is interviewed on what
they do. The interviewer writes each stage of the activity on a separate
adhesive note, which is then attached to a flip chart (see Figure 13). The
Standards Institution 2012

use of adhesive notes allows missed steps to be added without having to

redraw the flow diagram. Very often those being interviewed miss out
steps as they assume the interviewer knows what happens next.

Figure 13 – Simple process mapping

56 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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BIA and risk assessment

The next stage is to use different-coloured adhesive notes to chart

resources used against stages in the activity. The key resources used to
support the activities may be people, information systems (ICT), facilities
and suppliers. The number, location, skills, roles and responsibilities of the
people required should be noted. The systems that support them must be
logged, e.g. computer hardware, software applications,
telecommunications and information (data). It should be noted what
facilities in terms of premises, plant, machinery and materials are
required. Very often third parties have a major role to play in critical
activities as suppliers of goods and services, as outsourcers or as agents
between the organization and its customers or clients. Their part must be

As information is so important to the operation of any activity it is

recommended that a separate line and colour of adhesive note is used
for information sources. When the mapping exercise is complete the
output should be permanently recorded.

When the mapping has been completed for all the activities that support
the critical processes for key products or services, it is possible to identify
Standards Institution 2012

all the resources and functions that are used to support these activities
(see Figure 14).

Figure 14 – Mapping resources to critical activities

The inputs and outputs are recorded together with the timescales and
the resources used to complete the activity. The resources are recorded
against the individual activity element. As previously stated, it is
important to recognize that some activities are seasonal and that the use

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management 57

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Chapter 7 Operation

of resources may vary throughout the year, e.g. Christmas mail sorting
and delivery requires temporary staff and additional facilities.

Appendix J provides a template for recording resources against activities.

Risk assessment
It is now possible to undertake risk assessments against the resources
identified from the process mapping. If the organization has an
established risk management process in place it is sensible to use this
process for the BCM risk assessment. Single points of failure (SPoFs) exist
in every organization, e.g. a key member of staff, building or supplier.
Using the data from the process mapping exercise, it is easier to identify
which processes and hence which activities will be affected by a single
point of failure.

A manufacturer in the North East of England made a range of

Standards Institution 2012

office furniture. One factory line produced a high-volume,

low-profit margin, general office range while another made the
executive range in low volumes but with high margins. It was
the company’s ability to supply both ranges that resulted in
contracts with major organizations. When analysing the risks to
the executive range it was realized that the production line had
a single point of failure. It had only one, very elderly, employee
who was capable of applying the wood veneers to this key
range of furniture and without him the line would stop. Failure
to deliver the executive furniture to the organizations could
result in the loss of the general office furniture contract with
those companies.

Lesson: identify SPoFs and ensure you have an appropriate risk

treatment in place.

Internal and external threats, liabilities and exposures are identified,

together with the likelihood of the threat occurring. The results must be
recorded. A risk register may already exist as part of the organization’s
risk management system and consideration should be given to
establishing one integrated risk register.

Consideration must also be given to disruptions and crises that occur

outside the organization. In addition the failure of a competitor can
rebound on other organizations in the same industry. The capsizing of
the Costa Concordia off Tuscany in January 2012 not only impacted the

58 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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BIA and risk assessment

ultimate owners, Carnival Corporation, but also potentially reduced

overall demand across all cruise companies.

The 2005 product recall of more than 600 food lines from UK
shops containing Worcester sauce contaminated with Sudan 1
(a carcinogenic food colouring) affected sales of Lea & Perrins®
Worcestershire Sauce despite this product containing no
artificial colouring. Name association by the media and the
public resulted in depressed demand for the Lea & Perrins®
product. Three thousand five hundred customers called the Lea
& Perrins® helpline in the first four days of the product recall
requiring it to draft in extra staff. The company had to launch
an expensive advertising campaign to protect the brand and its
90 per cent market share.

Lesson: it might not be an incident that directly occurs within

your control that threatens your organization. The perceptions
of interested parties, in this case the wider public, must be
Standards Institution 2012

taken into account when developing BCM procedures.

The results of the BIA and risk analysis are then used to create a risk
matrix for the critical activities as shown in Figure 15.

Figure 15 – Example of a risk matrix

The high-level working group or top management is again consulted to

seek agreement on the assignment of the risks to the critical activities. Its
decision must take account of the organization’s risk appetite that was
established when the BCMS project was commenced. This will determine
the level of resilience required and the amount of delay that is
acceptable before continuity of operations is achieved.

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Chapter 7 Operation

Risk treatments for protection and mitigation

From the risk assessment matrix in Figure 15 it can be seen that there are
a number of options that can be applied to the critical activities: accept,
manage or contain, reduce or prevent, and plan. An appropriate risk
treatment may be to implement one or a combination of these.

Where the impact would be insignificant and the likelihood of failure is
rare the high-level working group may decide to accept the risk and do
nothing. This is a perfectly acceptable course of action and is driven by
the risk appetite of the organization. The risk appetite will vary
according to the size and style of the organization, the stakeholders and
their interests, the sector in which it operates, the behaviour of
competitors and the senior management’s own approach to risk.

Standards Institution 2012

Where the risk level is high but the impact on the critical activity would
be low the best option is to mitigate the risk, which is to say, manage or
contain the risk. If the risk of power failure is high then the provision of
a standby generator and uninterrupted power supply will minimize the
impact on critical activities. If the use of a single supplier would stop the
activity then a second supplier would provide appropriate resilience to
minimize the risk.

Stop, cease or suspend

Where the likelihood of failure is very high and the impact would be
considerable on the organization, urgent action will be needed. If it is
not possible to reduce the risk then a decision may be taken to cease the
activity. This may not be possible if it is a statutory requirement, e.g. to
fight fires. Alternatives are to change or re-engineer the processes that
support the activities or to transfer to an alternative location where the
risk may be lower, e.g. move away from a flood plain.

Plan for continuity

Where the risk of failure is low but the impact would be high it is
essential that consideration be given to continuity management plans
that could deal with such a situation if it should arise. An example would
be the case of a group of key staff winning The National Lottery and all
deciding to leave their jobs immediately.

60 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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BIA and risk assessment

Appendix K provides a template for recording risks and mitigation


Insurance is often seen as a way of offsetting the consequences of some

threats if they should occur. Although insurance can compensate for loss
of facilities and earnings it will not protect brand and reputation.
Customer loyalty cannot be taken for granted and therefore
organizations will have to consider how they will retain clients and
customers until full service is restored.

Business continuity planning is an element of the BCM process that is

designed to ensure the organization can continue to deliver its key
products and services to clients and customers. The depth of planning
applied depends upon the level of risk and impact on the organization
that it is prepared to accept as a result of a disruption, based on its risk

The outcome of the risk assessments should be a set of risk treatments

that is designed to
Standards Institution 2012

a) ‘reduce the likelihood of disruption,

b) shorten the period of disruption [if it should happen], and
c) limit the impact of disruption on the organization’s key products and

Both BIA and risk analysis must be reviewed at planned intervals and
when significant changes occur to the organization or the environment
in which it operates.

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Chapter 8 Business continuity


Having identified the critical activities and resources that support the key
products or services of the organization, completed the impact and risk
assessments and agreed the prioritized RTOs, together with the minimum
level of operation required, it is time to consider how continuity will be

ISO 22301 states that the organization must determine and select
appropriate strategies for:
Standards Institution 2012

a) ‘protecting prioritized activities,

b) stabilizing, continuing, resuming and recovering prioritized activities
and their dependencies and supporting resources, and
c) mitigating, responding to and managing impacts’.

Those responsible for BCM must determine how the organization will
recover each critical activity within its RTO and what resources will be
required; this will generate a continuity resource requirement statement.
In addition they must determine how relationships with key stakeholders
will be managed at the time of disruption. In choosing the appropriate
options or strategies, consideration must be given to the MTPD for each
activity, the costs of implementing the strategy and the consequences of

In setting the strategies, consideration must be given to how they will

utilize key resources, e.g. people, premises, facilities, equipment and
consumables, ICT, transportation, finance, supplies, and information and
data. Information was considered separately from technology in
undertaking the process mapping outlined in Chapter 7. If the ICT fails,
being able to gain manual access to critical information might enable
critical activities to continue.

A company in the South East of the UK was an important

supplier of an essential product to a large meat processor in
East Anglia. Its factory was located in a small town and the
power to the factory was from the only electricity substation in
the area. One morning the power was interrupted – this was
not unusual – and as a result production stopped.

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management 63

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Chapter 8 Business continuity strategies

Normally the power was restored within the hour but on this
particular morning it stayed off. On contacting the supply
company the managing director was informed that the
substation had burnt out and it would be at least two days
before restoration.

This caused the company a major problem. It had no power for

its computers, phone system, fax, office or warehouse. It had no
paper records as everything was computer-based and there was
no backup. As a consequence the company could not access
customer, staff or supplier records. Although it had products in
the warehouse the staff did not know what was to be
despatched where and could not access the warehouse, anyway,
without lighting. Having sent the staff home the company
could not then contact them about when to return to work.
Meanwhile its customer had vast quantities of meat awaiting
processing at its plant.

Lesson: always ensure you have access to key information that

Standards Institution 2012

is not dependent upon a functioning computer system.

The company featured above has now installed a small

generator to provide resilience.

Any incident that results in the invocation of incident management and

business continuity arrangements will cause disruption to people,
including the organization’s staff, customers, contractors, partners and
the community in general. The greater and longer the disruption, the
greater the impact will be upon people. An organization has a duty of
care and statutory/contractual requirements to protect people.

To achieve an effective recovery the organization should ensure that

appropriate HR policies and procedures are developed as part of the
overall recovery arrangements. The HR policies and procedures should
cover two distinct areas:

1. managing people during the recovery phase; and

2. supporting people after the organization has recovered.

On invocation, it is important to ensure that the HR policies and

procedures recognize and address the impact disruption will have on
people affected by the incident. Failure to acknowledge and manage the
issues can lead to resentment and demotivation, and hence a
degradation in the organization’s capability at the time when it is most

64 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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Chapter 8 Business continuity strategies

The effects on people of a major incident and subsequent disruption do

not end at the point when the organization has fully recovered, albeit to
a new normality. For many the effects will last for a considerable time. It
is therefore essential that HR policies and procedures are put in place to
respond to the needs of employees over an extended period.

BSI has published PD 25111, Business continuity management – Guidance

on human aspects of business continuity, which provides detailed advice
on managing people during and following a disruptive incident.

It is important for an organization to develop strategies to ensure supply

chain continuity, as there are occasions where the organization relies on
critical suppliers to deliver key products and services on time. ISO 22301
requires an organization to conduct evaluations of the business
continuity capabilities of suppliers that are identified as critical during
the BIA process.

As stated earlier, customers and clients expect the organization to take

responsibility for its supply chains and are likely to hold the organization
(rather than its suppliers) responsible for failure to deliver products or
Standards Institution 2012

services. In addition the organization might be responsible under

legislation for poor delivery, even if the issue lies within the supply chain.
Therefore, the organization’s reputation and brand is at risk of damage
in the event of a problem in its supply chain or by the actions of a

BSI has published PD 25222, Business continuity management – Guidance

on supply chain continuity that can be used to assess the effectiveness of
suppliers’ continuity. Major organizations are increasingly asking their key
suppliers to comply with recognized BCM standards, in many cases
requesting proof through the supplier obtaining certification.

It is recommended that four scenarios be considered when developing

strategies. The cause that lies behind the scenario should not be
considered. Instead it is the impact if it should occur that should be taken
into account. The four scenarios are:

1. denial of access to plant or premises;

2. shortage of staff;
3. failure of technology; and
4. failure of a key supplier or partner.

There are three levels at which strategies can be set:

1. full availability – cannot fail;

2. recovery within RTO at an agreed minimum level (MBCO); and
3. do nothing.

Full availability is provided where any disruption to the activity cannot be

tolerated. Examples are 999 emergency call answering, e-banking

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management 65

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Chapter 8 Business continuity strategies

activities or the A&E department in a hospital. Duplication of the

activities and the resources that support them is the most appropriate
way to achieve full availability. In the case of e-banking this may involve
the provision of a second online computer facility at a separate site
running in parallel with the primary site, served by a duplicated
telecommunications network.

Where resumption of the activity can be phased over a period of time, it

is possible to agree levels of resumption at fixed points in time.
Consideration of the impact on the organization of the disruption over
time will set the parameters for this approach, e.g. 25 per cent (minimum
level agreed) to be available in two hours, 50 per cent in two days, full
service in one week.

Examples of solutions that meet this approach are:

• standby offices equipped with PCs and telephones where staff

delivering critical activities can be accommodated at short notice;
• alternative suppliers or the storage of buffer stocks;
• the use of interim managers to fill critical posts; and
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• reciprocal arrangements with a similar organization.

If the strategy to be used is based on full availability or, alternatively,

recovery within RTO at an agreed minimum level, then the type and
amount of resources needed to achieve this have to be identified.
Appendix L provides a basis for recording resource requirements while
Appendix M sets out possible strategies that relate to the organization’s
key resources.

Doing nothing is an acceptable option. However, there are impacts that,

if not managed, will subsequently have serious implications for the
organization. These may be financial or, more likely, damage to
reputation. In preparing the case for this option it is important to
identify the range of impacts that will arise over time and establish
appropriate actions to counteract them, e.g. communications to
stakeholders as to why the decision to do nothing has been taken. An
example of such a strategy would be a local authority suspending the
processing of planning applications in the event of an emergency in the

Backlog trap
If the decision is to suspend or reduce the level of activity for a particular
set of services or products, then arrangements must be made to ‘catch
up’ by carrying out the outstanding work that has built up during the
disruption. This may involve working overtime, outsourcing work or even

66 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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Backlog trap

deciding not to resume work at all. Some organizations that managed to

weather a disruption have subsequently failed by not being able to
overcome the backlog of work.

A small, regional broadband communications supplier was

attracting many new customers as a result of its pricing policies.
As more customers were signed up its system response slowed
down. This resulted in a large number of customer complaints
to the already stretched customer service staff. An upgrade to
the system was initiated but this resulted in more complaints as
problems arose with the installation.

New call centre staff were recruited but went live before being
fully trained. The number of outstanding complaints escalated
even further. At this point the media became involved. The
company could no longer keep on top of complaints and the
backlog built up to such an extent that customers began
leaving. Eventually the company was forced to sell out to a
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national provider.

There will be cost implications for each strategy chosen. Wherever

possible these must be set against the cost of disruption. It must be
appreciated that in some cases the impact of financial cost cannot be
applied to the activity. It may be that the greatest impact would be
damage to reputation or embarrassment for elected representatives.

The decision on what levels of resilience and continuity are to be applied

within the organization falls to the top management, which must sign
off strategies to support the key products or services, as well as critical
processes and activities and their supporting resources, acknowledging
the cost implications, before any planning activities can commence.

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Chapter 9 Establish and implement

business continuity procedures

Incident response structure

The term ‘incident’ has been used in ISO 22301 but is frequently replaced
with ‘crisis’ or ‘emergency’. Every organization, regardless of size, must
have a procedure in place to deal with a disruptive incident.

An incident response structure (IRS) supports all levels of activities that

take place during a disruptive incident. If no structure exists there is a
danger that response, continuity and eventual recovery plans will be
Standards Institution 2012

operated independently of each other. This may cause delays, conflicts,

incorrect allocation of resources and failure to achieve required levels of

It is critical that the organization moves at the speed of the incident in

order to maintain control of the situation. In a larger organization it is
strongly recommended that separation exists at the operational and
tactical levels between teams that manage the emergency situation, e.g.
fire and evacuation, and the teams responsible for ensuring continuity of
operations. The mistake has been made in the public sector of having the
same individuals trying to manage a public emergency situation, e.g.
flooding, and also trying to manage their own authority’s continuity. This
has proved to be impractical and exhausting for the management team

Procedures must be appropriate to the size and nature of the

organization and set out the basis for determining when a disruption has
occurred and how plans will be invoked. The timeline for response is
shown in Figure 16. The diagram indicates a sequential implementation
of incident, continuity and recovery plans. However, in some cases the
plans may be implemented in rapid succession or simultaneously.

There are four elements within a good IRS:

1. situation assessment;
2. IRS activation;
3. communication capability; and
4. decision-making processes.

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Chapter 9 Establish and implement business continuity procedures

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Figure 16 – Incident response timeline

Source: PD 25888:2011

1. Assessment
The incident response procedure must identify the authority that
determines the scale and severity of the disruption. There must be a
process in place for undertaking an initial assessment of the situation,
together with an ongoing process of monitoring and reporting to those
who are managing the incident.

2. Activation
The IRS must specify the process to be used to activate the plans, who
should be consulted and informed. Authority for activation should be
invested at the appropriate level. If the disruption is at business unit
level, the local manager should have the authority to invoke the plan.
Investing the authority for invocation at a high level might not be
appropriate and could delay the response, causing the situation to get
out of control and lead to serious consequences for the organization.

70 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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Incident response structure

For six days in January 1998 freezing rain coated large parts of
Canada, resulting in 7–11 cm of ice being deposited on
telephone and power cables. The weight of the ice brought
down poles and transmission towers, causing massive power
and telephone outages that left four million people without
electricity supply, some for as long as a month. The authority to
invoke the power company’s emergency plan was vested in the
senior executives who were still away at their holiday homes.
Contact could not be made with them as the landline
communications to their remote locations were lost. This
delayed the company’s response to the emergency.

Lesson: ensure there is always someone on duty that has the

authority to invoke the plan.

3. Communication
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If the plans are invoked it is essential that all interested parties are
informed and kept up to date. Who is to be informed and who will
manage communication must be established as part of the IRS. This
would include the media, if appropriate: a media spokesperson should be
nominated in the IRS. Clear and concise communication is required at the
time of disruption.

This activity has now been included as a requirement in ISO 22301 under
Clause 8.4.3 Warning and communication. It requires an organization to
‘establish, implement and maintain procedures for

a) detecting an incident,
b) regular monitoring of an incident,
c) internal communication within the organization and receiving,
documenting and responding to communication from interested
d) receiving, documenting and responding to any national or regional
risk advisory system or equivalent,
e) assuring availability of the means of communication during a
disruptive incident,
f) facilitating structured communication with emergency responders,
g) recording of vital information about the incident, actions taken and
decisions made, and the following shall also be considered and
implemented where applicable:
• alerting interested parties potentially impacted by an actual or
impending disruptive incident;
• assuring the interoperability of multiple responding
organizations and personnel;
• operation of a communications facility.

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Chapter 9 Establish and implement business continuity procedures

The communication and warning procedures shall be regularly exercised.’

4. Decision making
It is important that at the time of a major disruption the organization
has in place a structure that will allow the management to make
informed decisions and to take control of the situation. Organizations
whose management style is normally based on debate and consensus will
have to switch to a command and control structure (see Figure 17). The
emergency services and the military have no problem with this approach,
as it is their normal management style. Other organizations will have
problems with this approach if the incident response team has not
rehearsed before an incident occurs.

The model shown in Figure 17 is suitable for large- and medium-sized

organizations. Small enterprises will have limited management resources
to allocate to tactical and strategic responsibilities. In these circumstances
it is essential that those who are managing the incident take time to
address strategic and tactical issues, notwithstanding the pressing need to
Standards Institution 2012

fix the problem at an operational level.

At the time of a major disruption it is possible that conflicting priorities

will arise, as resources will be limited and all managers believe their areas
of responsibility are critical. The decisions about priorities should have
been made when the BCM strategies were developed and not at the time
of the disruption. However, every situation is different and there must be
a mechanism in place to adjust priorities accordingly. The strategic BCM
team must be empowered to confirm or realign priorities as appropriate.

Incident response team

ISO 22301 requires an organization to establish ‘procedures and a
management structure to respond to a disruptive incident using
personnel with the necessary responsibility, authority and competence to
manage an incident’. The incident response team (IRT) should be
assembled at a predetermined command centre and comprise people in
positions who understand and represent the organization. One possible
team structure is shown in Figure 18 below.

Team leader: the team leader is responsible for managing the IRT and is
the primary contact with the appropriate company executives. The team
leader is usually the person who decides, against predefined thresholds,
that the incident should be handled by the IRT and assembles the team.
The team leader ensures that all team functions are covered and initiates
the plan to address the incident.

72 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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Incident response team

Figure 17 – Model of a command and control structure

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Figure 18 – Possible incident response team structure

Ideally, the team leader should be a strong senior executive or manager

who is trusted and decisive, with a long-term perspective, and who
should be freed from other responsibilities to lead the IRT until the
incident is over or passed to the business continuity and recovery teams.

Health and safety: this person co-ordinates the health and safety
response from the corporate level. They may also be responsible for
environmental issues. The health and safety person provides the
high-level contact for the ‘blue light services’ and government agencies,
and provides advice on proper protective equipment and other health

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Chapter 9 Establish and implement business continuity procedures

and safety matters. This person may also be responsible for advising the
wider community of potential hazards from the incident, e.g. chemical

Corporate communications: this person ensures accurate and timely

public response is being made together with appropriate press releases
and contact with the media. They co-ordinate internal communications to
executives, staff and other interested parties. This person ensures legal
advice is taken when preparing communications. They advise the incident
scene in media relations if required.

Human resources: this person ensures people issues are being addressed
and co-ordinates these with the site’s HR people. They provide for crisis
counselling, access to the employee database, support in contacting
family members, and assembling necessary internal and external HR
resources if required.

Legal: this person provides legal counsel to the team and arranges for
external legal support as needed. They participate in communication
preparation and provide advice on securing the incident scene for
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subsequent investigation.

Operations: representatives from the organization’s products and service

delivery areas who provide advice and support as appropriate.

Team co-ordinator: this person or persons stays in the command centre

and ensures the members are working with the most current
information, and assists the team leader in managing the IRT activities

• recording information and comments from the team;

• making the team leader aware of new information;
• updating the IRT on any national or regional risks occurring;
• maintaining the incident log of actions taken and decisions made;
• updating team members as they arrive or return to the command
• assisting the team leader in managing IRT activities; and
• documenting key phone numbers, contacts, etc. that may not have
been recorded prior to the incident.

Team administration: if not a specific individual, these duties need to be

assumed by one or more team members. The individual or individuals:

• helps to set up the incident command centre;

• ensures ICT equipment is ready to use;
• provides computer support to access data and procedures;
• operates and relays fax(es) and emails;
• provides copies of documents, e.g. Incident Response Plan;
• provides news updates and weather reports;

74 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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Command centre

• gathers information that may be needed – e.g. external resources;

• ensures welfare arrangements for the IRT are in place.

Deputies should be appointed to all positions for two reasons. First, this
provides cover for team members’ absence due to holidays, sickness, etc.
and secondly, if the IRT has to operate over an extended period of time
then it is advisable to rotate team members to avoid stress and tiredness.

When first assembled the team should decide on a schedule for meetings,
typically every two or three hours depending on the nature of the
incident. During the ‘heat of the moment’ all key issues are addressed.
The meetings should last approximately 20–30 minutes, allowing time for
the team members to action the decisions taken.

It is recommended that the incident control procedures include a

standard agenda for the team leader to work to. A possible agenda
might be:

1. reports on actions taken in previous period;

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2. situation review and analysis;

3. decisions required in short term and long term;
4. decisions on activating business continuity arrangements;
5. allocation of tasks;
6. allocation of briefings, internally and externally;
7. briefing and directing of others; and
8. standing down.

It is essential that all members, including deputies, are competent and
can operate effectively as a team. Training needs must be assessed and
provided; this will include appropriate training for any person who will
be required to be interviewed by the media.

The team must undertake scenario-style exercises designed to familiarize

it with the challenges incident management will present. Interested
parties will be monitoring how well the disruptive incident is being
managed and their confidence in the organization will be damaged if it
is poorly handled. Good communications with the interested parties is
critical to maintain confidence (see Communication above).

Command centre
The organization must establish an appropriate, prepared, location where
the IRT will meet to manage the incident. This may be a room within the
organization, if not a dedicated command centre, e.g. the boardroom or

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Chapter 9 Establish and implement business continuity procedures

training room; it must be available when needed. Alternatively, the

facility may be outside in a hotel or at a specialist provider. Experience
has shown that it is advisable to have a secondary command centre
available as the prime centre may be impacted by the incident or access
denied by the ‘blue light’ services.

The centre may be equipped with, or have easy access to:

• telephones – fixed, mobile, satellite;

• fax machine;
• dedicated computer with internet and intranet access;
• data network connections;
• printer and photocopier;
• audio and/or video conferencing equipment;
• TV with satellite connection – provides ability to monitor the news;
• key office supplies – pens, markers, flip charts, paper, etc.;
• LED projector and screen;
• status board;
• clock(s) – multiple if more than one time zone is involved;
• sign in/out board – to track location of team members;
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• hard copy backups of incident management plans, business

continuity plans, employee records, contact lists and key site or
reference information; and
• welfare arrangements for incident team members.

76 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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Chapter 10 Incident response and

business continuity plans

The first action for many organizations in establishing BCM has been to
create a business continuity plan without going through the key steps
outlined in the previous chapters. The danger in taking this approach is
that it will not result in a true understanding of the organization and
how it delivers key products or services. Consideration of various
strategies and their resource requirements may have been missed. As a
result the plan produced may not be fit for purpose and may not offer
the protection and benefits that would have been possible. By
completing the processes set out earlier the organization can now
Standards Institution 2012

develop realistic and appropriate business continuity plans.

Experience has shown that organizations can be disrupted for many

reasons. Business continuity planning has traditionally been based on
known threats: loss of IT, loss of a building through fire, flooding, etc. In
recent times, however, the UK has experienced some unexpected
disruptions, including a widespread outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease,
extensive disruptions to the rail network, a national shortage of oil-based
fuels, the loss of water supplies for weeks and a volcanic ash cloud. In
most cases existing plans did not cover these disruptions and the impacts
they had on the day-to-day operations of organizations.

When developing plans it is important that all elements of the

organization are involved (see Figure 19). If this does not happen
assumptions may be made about the ability of other parts of the
organization to respond and meet the needs of the plan. For example if
the plan calls for members of staff to work from home then the IT
department must confirm that technical arrangements have or can be
made to enable this to happen. The HR department may need to adjust
its policies to accommodate remote working and health and safety
policies may have to be modified.

Incident and continuity plans are used under challenging and stressful
circumstances; they should be concise, simple and easy to follow. In
addition plans should ensure the organization maintains compliance with
applicable laws and regulations during the period of their

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Chapter 10 Incident response and business continuity plans

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Figure 19 – Involving everyone in the planning process

Plans should provide answers to the basic questions:

• What is to be done?
• When?
• Where are the alternative resources located?
• Who is involved?
• How is continuity to be achieved?

In any organization there may be a suite of interconnected plans

covering emergency, business continuity, incident management and
recovery management. The plans produced should be appropriate for the

A small organization, operating from one site, may only need a single
document that covers incident management and continuity management,
while larger organizations will need integrated corporate, divisional and
business unit plans based on a common structure. These in turn may be
underpinned by action plans for front-line operations, e.g. hospital wards
(see Figure 20). Such plans must be synchronized to eliminate conflicts
and ensure that agreed restoration priorities are achieved. In a large
organization a central BCM team or BCM co-ordinator undertakes this

78 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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Chapter 10 Incident response and business continuity plans

Figure 20 – Corporate business continuity plan structure

The organization will need to create plans that detail how it will achieve
continuity of operations (business continuity plans) that are based on the
previously agreed timescales and minimum levels for the activities that
support the key products and services.
Standards Institution 2012

Many large organizations have functional departments that deliver

support services across many business units, e.g. ICT, HR, facilities and
finance. Support departments should develop BCM plans that meet the
needs of the business units to continue the operation of critical processes
and activities. The RTOs and, in the case of ICT, the recovery point
objectives (RPOs) must be driven by the business requirement not the
capabilities of the functional department. If the department cannot meet
the required RTOs, e.g. ICT recovering network services, then the business
unit may need to include alternative arrangements until the support
service is resumed.

Plans will be subject to change and therefore version control and

configuration management must be applied. Each copy of the plan must
be numbered and subject to controlled distribution. Where sensitive
information is contained in plans they must be given the appropriate
level of confidentiality.

Plans may take various formats. They may be written as text or flow
charts, or be produced by specialist software. They can be held on the
company intranet or secure areas of the internet, or be paper-based, held
on a personal digital assistant (PDA), a tablet computer or in a simple
‘wallet’ format. Plans should not be vast documents as they will have to
be used in times of stress and therefore should be kept as
straightforward as possible, containing the minimum amount of
information to enable the team to deliver continuity. They must be
accessible at all times to those named individuals who are required to use

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Chapter 10 Incident response and business continuity plans

On several occasions when major incidents have occurred in

London the police have been forced to evacuate and cordon off
large areas of commercial districts. Individuals were found
trying to cross the cordon lines to get access to their building.
When challenged they informed the authorities that they
needed to get their business continuity plan as it had been left
in the office.

Lesson: make certain there are copies of incident and continuity

plans available at all times and that additional copies are kept
off site.

Within a large organization a common template may be used for the

creation of incident and continuity plans. There are frequent requests
from organizations for standard templates to be published that just
require ‘box filling’. While such a template would be useful as a
guideline, it must be recognized that no two organizations are the same
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and even separate locations within the same organization will have
differences. The plan must therefore reflect the organization rather than
the organization being made to fit a standard template.

For many organizations the threat of a global flu pandemic has driven
the requirement to develop business continuity. Plans are written for that
unique scenario, which included specific arrangements covering
occupational health, HR policies and security. While these are important
areas to be addressed if a flu pandemic should occur, these elements of a
business continuity plan should be owned by the specific functions that
are responsible for maintaining the content. Good practice ensures that
these elements are documented separately and the business continuity
plans signpost where the documents are located, e.g. by hyperlinks
within an electronic plan. This ensures that the latest arrangements are
available and minimizes the workload of the business continuity plan

Ownership of the plan must be identified. In larger organizations there

will be plans at different levels. Business unit managers should own
operational plans. All plans must be reviewed regularly and also when
significant changes occur to the organization or the environment in
which it operates. The responsible owner must undertake the review that
is then signed off at a higher level. An example of a plan review is
contained in Appendix N.

The plans must also take account of any external arrangements for
managing an incident. These include the actions of the emergency
services, local authorities and other external agencies in the event of a

80 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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Plan contents

major disruption and, if sharing a building, the contingency

arrangements of the facilities management company or landlord.

Plan contents
The following sections discuss the recommended elements of incident
response and business continuity plans.

Purpose and scope: should be clearly defined.

Objectives: details of the priority order for continuity and recovery of key
products or services and their critical activities must be available together
with their RTOs and recovery levels (MBCOs).

Assumptions and dependencies: the plan should indicate what

assumptions have been applied, e.g. worst-case scenario: ICT facilities will
not be available for five days. It should also indicate any
interdependencies and interactions that are necessary for the plan to
Standards Institution 2012

Roles and responsibilities: the plan should identify the roles and
responsibilities of those post holders who will be involved in delivering
the plan. It will identify the team leader, key team members and their
deputies to be assembled at the time of invocation. It will set out their
levels of authority (including financial authority) and to whom they must
report their actions. It will also set out the point at which the
responsibility for incident or continuity management must pass to a
higher level in the organization. There may be separate teams
responsible for incident and continuity plans.

Invoking the plan: the plan must indicate the circumstances under which
it is to be invoked and who can authorize the invocation. It must also
include details of how to manage a disruption and its impact upon the
organization. It is essential that an organization responds quickly if a
crisis or disaster is to be avoided. The invocation of a business unit plan
may need a lower level of authority to deal with a local incident. It is
important that any invocation is flagged to senior management so it is
aware that an incident exists and can consider the wider implications for
the organization. Instructions to that effect should be written into the

Command centre: details of the main and secondary locations where the
team should proceed to in order to manage the disruption.

Alternative locations: details of standby locations should be included,

together with maps, security arrangements to gain access, contractual
terms and any other relevant information.

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Chapter 10 Incident response and business continuity plans

System recovery plans: small companies may include basic system recovery
plans within the main document. These may consist of instructions on
how to restore data or transfer telecommunications services to an
alternative location. In larger organizations the recovery plans will be
complex and may be separate documents owned by the unit responsible
for providing the service, e.g. IT recovery plans for a major data centre.
The main plan should identify the recovery plan owners and the key
actions they will take.

Contact details: the plan should include contact details of the IRT
members and their deputies. In addition it may include other details for
internal and external contacts as follows:

• key senior management;

• key operational staff;
• emergency services;
• local authority officers;
• regulators and other compliance bodies;
• suppliers;
• key customers/clients;
Standards Institution 2012

• utility companies;
• insurers; and
• media organizations.

It may be appropriate to include details of contracts, insurance policies,

regulatory requirements, etc. These additional documents may be stored
separately to the plan itself but should be accessible.

Vital documents and resources: a list of vital documents and resources

needed for continuity and recovery for each critical activity must be
included along with details of where these are located. These should be
based on the output from the BIA. Vital documents may include records
of who is authorized to retrieve materials as well as security
arrangements, e.g. passwords that will be required. Vital materials may
include stationery, spare parts, specialist machinery and tools.

Checklists: a simple checklist or action card may be included to ensure the

team completes mandatory tasks. Meeting agendas can be included so
that all key elements of the process are covered when the team meets.
(See Chapter 9.)

Incident log: with any major disruption there may be a requirement for
post-event inquiry and audit. It is vital therefore that a record is
maintained of what actions were taken, why they were taken, when they
were taken and who took them. An example of an incident log is shown
in Appendix O.

People issues: special consideration must be given to the needs of staff,

contractors and visitors who may have been evacuated from the normal

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Plan contents

premises without time to collect their personal belongings, e.g. money,

credit cards, keys and identity cards. There may be injuries or deaths and
immediate family would have to be informed. The organization has a
duty of care to its staff and these personnel issues will need to be
addressed as part of the incident plan, which must identify whose
responsibility it is to deal with the people issues.

Plans must also take account of the welfare of those who will be
managing the disruption, comply with health and safety requirements
and ensure there are sufficient team members available to work shifts in
the event of the disruption extending over a long period.

Communications: details of what will be communicated, and to whom,

must be included together with details of those who are responsible for
delivery of the messages. This will cover internal and external
communications. Larger organizations may choose to have a separate
incident communication plan to cover this area.

Salvage: this is an area frequently omitted from BCM. If the organization

has suffered fire, flooding or other damage to its buildings then it is
Standards Institution 2012

important to ensure that, when safe to do so, arrangements are made to

recover important documents and equipment. Documents and equipment
that are damaged by water or other contaminants can be cleaned and
restored by specialist contractors. As time is of the essence it will assist
with recovery if there are pre-existing arrangements in place with
appropriate contractors to carry out such restoration work.

Returning to normal: a process must exist for standing down the incident
and continuity teams and returning to normal once the disruption is over.

The nature, complexity and scale of recovery cannot fully be determined

in advance of an incident; therefore, the management of the recovery
has to be flexible, scalable and relevant to a broad range of risks
applicable to the organization and its operating environment.

Some incidents are dramatic and could change the very fabric of
‘normality’ for the organization and its stakeholders, so lessons have to
be learned from the response to any incident and any pre-planned
recovery arrangements reviewed. For this reason, the organization may
need to function under new operating norms beyond recovering to
pre-recovery conditions.

It is necessary that an organization’s recovery arrangements interface

with any incident management and BCM arrangements.

BSI has published PD 25888, Business continuity management – Guidance

on organization recovery following disruptive incidents, which provides
comprehensive guidance on organization recovery following damaging

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Chapter 10 Incident response and business continuity plans

Having completed the plans, they must be implemented. Those who hold
positions that are named in the plan must be made aware of their role
and have the appropriate training to enable them to fulfil their
responsibilities. The section on training in Chapter 6, including the key
steps for establishing a training programme, provide useful guidance on
training. Exercising plans is one of the principal methods of ensuring that
those who will be involved in managing an incident and implementing
continuity are aware of the contents of the plan and their roles.
Exercising is covered in Chapter 11.

Interested parties, both internal and external, need to be aware that the
organization has plans in place to deal with disruptions. They need to be
conscious of what will be done, what products and services will be
available, and at what levels. Where appropriate, they will also need to
know what activities the organization will not be doing while it recovers.

External stakeholders, partners and suppliers that have a role to play in

assisting the organization to cope with disruption need to know their
Standards Institution 2012

role and responsibilities in supporting the organization’s requirements. As

these partners and suppliers may also be affected by the same disruption
it is important that they have plans to maintain their own continuity of

Appendix P shows an example of a possible plan structure. It is important

to note that plans must be appropriate to the organization and support
the management of a disruptive incident, not hinder it. A simple action
card might be appropriate at the business unit level to commence the
incident response, with the full plans being held at the command centre

84 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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Chapter 11 Exercising and testing

BCM requires that effective plans be established to ensure an

organization can respond to any incident. But the process does not stop
at the planning stage.

ISO 22301 requires the organization to have exercised and tested its
business continuity procedures to ensure they are consistent with its
business continuity scope and objectives.

Plans are worthless unless they are exercised. Many examples exist where
organizations have had business continuity plans in place but the plans
failed because they had not been exercised. In the UK, research has
Standards Institution 2012

shown (Chartered Management Institute, 2012) that only half of those

organizations with plans exercise or test them at least on an annual basis
while 18 per cent never exercise their plans at all (see Figure 21).

The exercising of plans is essential as it is highly unlikely that any plan

created will work first time. Exercising ensures that disconnections and
omissions within the plan are fixed before it is used in reality. Seventy-six
per cent of those organizations that carried out exercises found errors in
their plans. It is far better to have found the errors when the plan was
exercised rather than the first time it is invoked in response to a real
incident. Having found the errors it is essential that time-specified actions
are created to rectify the errors and omissions. Figure 22 shows the latest
results of rehearsals for UK organizations.

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Chapter 11 Exercising and testing

Standards Institution 2012

Figure 21 – Frequency with which UK organizations exercise business

continuity plans
Source: Chartered Management Institute, 2012

Figure 22 – Results of BCM rehearsals

Source: Chartered Management Institute, 2012

86 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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Chapter 11 Exercising and testing

Exercising helps to build confidence in team members by clarifying roles

and responsibilities, and supplying practical training and awareness, as
well as providing valuable experience of responding to an incident.

There are various forms of exercise but it is important to:

• test the systems;

• exercise the plans; and
• rehearse the people.

Examples of tests for systems may be to ensure that the standby

generator starts when power is interrupted, that the telephone divert
arrangements work or that data can be recovered from the backup

The managing director of a small company that relied on IT

systems ensured that a backup of important data was taken
every day, copied onto a tape. He took the tape home every
Standards Institution 2012

night, placing it in the side pocket of his car door.

When a problem occurred with the company’s IT server,

attempts were made to use the backup tape to recover the
data only to find the tape was blank. By placing the tape in the
door pocket it had been adjacent to one of the car’s
loudspeakers and the magnetic field generated by the
loudspeaker had wiped the data from the tape.

Lesson: tapes should be stored in a safe, off-site environment,

there should be more than one copy and regular data restore
tests should be undertaken.

Testing should ensure that technical systems work correctly and that
operating instructions are clear and valid for the equipment. The tests
should be as close to live working as possible, e.g. full load being taken
by the generator. Another form of test that should be carried out on a
regular basis is a ‘call cascade’. This is used to verify lines of
communication that will be used when invoking the plans.

Plans should be exercised to ensure they are comprehensive and realistic.

The first exercise should be one to ‘prove the plan works’ and should be
sold as a learning exercise. Prior to this first exercise it is advisable for the
plan to be read by someone who has not been involved in producing the
document. This is to ensure the plan is clear and makes sense to others,
to check that it takes account of all the people involved and to spot any
gaps in the document.

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Chapter 11 Exercising and testing

Exercising is not about achieving a pass or a fail but ensuring the plan
works as intended. It is also a training opportunity for those who are
named in the documents. There are certain key rules to be observed
when planning exercises.

Exercises must have defined aims and objectives that may include:

• affirmation that everyone understands their role and that there is an

overall appreciation of the plan;
• checking that invocation procedures/call-out communications work;
• ensuring that the accommodation, equipment, systems and services
provided are appropriate and operational; and
• verifying that the critical activities that support key products or
services can be recovered within their RTOs and to the levels (MBCOs)

BSI has published PD 25666, Business continuity management – Guidance

on exercising and testing for continuity and contingency programmes,
which provides comprehensive guidance.
Standards Institution 2012

Exercises should not ‘risk’ the organization by causing disruptions. They

must be practical and cost-effective, appropriate to the organization and
designed to build confidence in the plans.

A very large public sector organization was testing the

uninterruptible power supply (UPS) that served its main
computer systems. A failure occurred with the UPS that caused
the mains power to the computers to trip out, resulting in a
complete loss of systems. In the rush to restore power, the trip
switch was restored but this caused a massive spike in voltage
to the computers. This burned out several key components in
the computers. Alternative systems were established but full
restoration took several weeks. It was acknowledged that the
test had not been properly planned and no risk assessment had
been undertaken.

Lesson: planning your exercise and carrying out impact and risk
assessments is very important.

A regular programme of exercises should be established and

documented. These should take place at a period determined by top
management or when there have been significant changes to the
organization or the environment in which it operates. ISO 22301 requires
top management to be actively involved in exercising and testing as a
demonstration of the commitment to the BCMS.

88 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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Chapter 11 Exercising and testing

Observers should be appointed to note the way the incident and

continuity teams handle the situation. Every effort must be made to gain
full participation from those involved. If the organization has an internal
audit function there is value in inviting someone from this department to
attend and provide feedback on performance against the plan.

There are various forms of exercise ranging from desktop review, where
the participants review and challenge the contents of the plan, a
‘walk-through’ where the interaction between players is assessed, to a
full plan test where the site or building is shut down and a move
undertaken to an alternative location. Full plan testing is the only way to
assure all concerned parties that the incident and continuity management
arrangements will work when required. Appendix Q shows the
relationship between the various types of exercises.

To exercise a plan the BCM management should decide upon an

appropriate scenario that has relevance to the organization. Initially it
may be appropriate to exercise elements of the plan separately, resolving
any gaps found, before running a complete plan exercise. It is important
that the scenario is changed each time the exercise is performed in order
Standards Institution 2012

to challenge the plan and ensure all its components are examined.

Full plan testing is not always appropriate so the organization must

ensure that an exercise programme is constructed that, taken together
over time, validates the whole of the business continuity arrangement
and involves relevant parties.

As disruptions occur without warning there is benefit in running a snap

exercise where only the minimum number of people are made aware
that the exercise is to take place.

An exercise can be run in real time or compressed time so that a plan can
be exercised in one session. It is important to include timeout periods so
that people and teams can clarify their understanding of the exercise.
Because the exercise will require intense concentration from the players,
careful consideration should be given to the length of time taken by the
exercise and the players’ welfare arrangements.

Rehearsing the team players is vital. People demonstrate different

characteristics when put under pressure. A real invocation will be a
stressful situation and it is important to understand the strengths and
weaknesses of the individuals concerned. As previously stated, in the UK
the normal management culture surrounding decision making is based on
consensus with the maximum information being available to all parties.
At times of plan invocation the management style may have to move to
command and control, working with less than perfect information.

Different leadership styles are needed and it could be that the initial
teams chosen lack certain skills. Some of these can be acquired through

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management 89

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Chapter 11 Exercising and testing

training but often it will be necessary to change roles or even exclude

people from the team. It is not always the most senior person who is best
at managing a disruptive incident.

A log of all actions and outcomes must be made during the exercise and
this must be reviewed as soon as possible after the event. It is a good
idea for this review to be carried out with the participants so they can
express their own views on what went well or otherwise.

To assist with this, participants should be asked to maintain their own

diary of events throughout the exercise. The views of the independent
observers should also be included.

A post-exercise report should be completed that includes

recommendations on actions to adjust the plans. A senior manager of the
unit in which the exercise was conducted should sign off the report and
the actions to be taken. The process of exercising is set out in Figure 23.
Standards Institution 2012

Figure 23 – The exercising cycle

Source: HM Government, 2005

Documentation from the exercise programme provides clear evidence to

auditors that BCM is being taken seriously within the organization and as
such would form a vital part of any documentation being submitted
when seeking compliance with or certification to ISO 22301.

90 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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Chapter 12 Performance evaluation

This chapter relates to the Check element of the BCMS and covers
monitoring and reviewing of the BCMS and business continuity
performance. It is essential that the organization conduct evaluations at
planned internals or when significant changes occur.

Maintaining the BCMS

Nothing stands still; organizations are in a continual state of flux. Staff
change; some will leave and new people will join. Roles and
responsibilities can alter, especially at a time of reorganization. Mergers,
Standards Institution 2012

acquisitions, organic growth and downsizing mean that structures and

reporting lines will evolve. Suppliers and customers change, and
regulatory and legal environments may be adjusted; political conditions
in supply countries may become unstable. An outsourcing contract may
change the responsibility for critical functions, e.g. IT being outsourced to
a third party. New products and services may be introduced, or new sites
opened or others closed. At the basic level, contact details will always be

It is therefore essential that the BCMS and the BCM arrangements be

subject to regular monitoring, measurement and review.

Processes must be established whereby any change that will affect

business continuity arrangements is flagged up to the BCM manager. This
includes the changes in any other policies that could have an impact on
BCM, e.g. risk management. Adjustments to the BCMS and business
continuity plans should be made if the changes are minor. If major
changes have occurred it may be necessary to revisit the BIA to reassess
critical activities. New continuity strategies may be required and the
incident and continuity plans changed. Any changes made to the BCMS
and the BCM arrangements must be subject to the appropriate levels of

Regardless of whether there have been changes or not, the BCM

arrangements should be subject to an annual review to ensure they are
still current. Senior management should review the list of key products or
services and an assessment should be made about the criticality of
supporting activities and their priority for recovery. Checks should be
made to ensure that the supporting resources and interdependencies are

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Chapter 12 Performance evaluation

still correct. Plans should be reviewed to ensure they are still appropriate
and workable. An appropriate management level should sign off the
reviews regardless of whether changes have or have not been made.

Staff will need to be made aware of any changes that have been made
to the BCMS or BCM arrangements. The maintenance of document
control is critical; it is important that version control is applied to BCM
documentation and that a mechanism exists whereby updates are issued
and old versions withdrawn.

With regard to the BCMS, ISO 22301 requires the organization to


• ‘what needs to be monitored and measured’;

• establish valid methods for measurement and monitoring;
• determine how analysis and evaluation of the findings will be
undertaken; and
• set a timetable for measurement, monitoring, analysis and
Standards Institution 2012

Both quantitative and qualitative measures should be used to assure the

organization that the BCMS is fit for purpose and is being correctly
implemented and maintained.

One way this can be done is by the setting of key performance indicators
(KPIs). These are normally numerical and quantity based and objectively
assessed against targets. Examples are:

• the percentage of key products and services covered by the BCMS;

• the percentage of plans completed by a specified date;
• the number of awareness sessions completed by a specified date;
• the percentage of staff who have attended awareness sessions;
• the number of plans to be exercised, and types of exercise to be
carried out, by a specified date;
• the percentage of actions resulting from the exercises that were
completed within a specified timescale;
• the percentage of plans reviewed by the target date;
• the number of disruptive incidents or near misses experienced in a
given period.

To evaluate the quality and effectiveness of the BCMS requires a different

type of assessment that is more subjective. This can be undertaken by
assessing elements of the BCMS against the organization’s internal
standards, industry good practice or the requirements of ISO 22301.
Assessments may include:

• compliance with the organization’s business continuity policies and

• compliance with applicable legal and regulatory requirements;

92 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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Post-incident review

• the quality of the impact and risk analyses, and business continuity
• the quality, breadth and clarity of exercise scripts and training
• assessment of effectiveness of awareness and training of staff in
relation to the BCMS and business continuity arrangements;
• the type of lessons identified from exercises;
• the level of impact caused by disruptive incidents;
• the effectiveness of the BCM arrangements when invoked;
• the lessons identified as a result of the post-incident reviews (see
• the stakeholders’ awareness and satisfaction with the organization’s
BCM arrangements.

It is possible to use maturity models to measure the penetration and

acceptance of BCM within an organization. These can be used to assess
the current status of an existing BCMS and then be used on an annual
basis to demonstrate improvement, or otherwise.

Some organizations use self-assessment questionnaires to determine the

Standards Institution 2012

compliance with the BCM procedures and any standard adopted. A

self-assessment checklist is included in Appendix R.

The organization must take action to address adverse trends or results

emerging from evaluation activities. The output can be used to establish
corrective actions and to set BCM objectives for the next 12 months.

The organization must retain documented evidence of the monitoring,

measuring, analysis and evaluations that will facilitate corrective actions
as appropriate.

Post-incident review
If the organization has suffered a disruptive incident that has resulted in
the incident and/or continuity plans being invoked, arrangements should
be in place to carry out a post-incident review to:

• establish the nature and cause of the incident;

• assess the adequacy of the management’s response;
• assess the effectiveness of the plans to meet the RTOs and MBCOs;
• assess the capabilities of those involved in implementing the plans;
• identify any improvement that can be made to the BCMS and the
business continuity arrangements; and
• establish a timetable for corrective actions to be taken.

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Chapter 12 Performance evaluation

Internal audit
The decision to introduce BCM into an organization will be taken at the
highest level. The Chartered Management Institute’s 2012 BCM awareness
survey shows that the need for good corporate governance continues to
provide the biggest reason why BCM is introduced into an organization.
Top management needs to be assured that the BCMS and the BCM
procedures are fit for purpose and are being correctly implemented.

Internal auditing involves measuring compliance with the organization’s

policies and procedures and provides value to governing bodies and top
management as an objective source of independent advice. It provides a
catalyst for improving an organization’s effectiveness and efficiency by
providing insight and recommendations based on analyses and
assessments of the business continuity processes. If the organization has
decided that it will comply with an appropriate standard, e.g. ISO 22301
(as quoted below), internal auditing also provides assurance that the
BCMS and BCM comply with the standard.

The organization must:

Standards Institution 2012

• ‘plan, establish, implement and maintain (an) audit programme(s),

including the frequency, methods, responsibilities, planning
requirements and reporting. The audit programme(s) shall take into
consideration the importance of the processes concerned and the
results of previous audits,
• define the audit criteria and scope for each audit’;
• select competent auditors with a knowledge of BCM. Auditors may
be internal or outsourced;
• conduct audits to ensure objectivity and the impartiality of the audit
• ‘ensure that the results of the audits are reported to relevant
management, and
• retain documented information as evidence of the implementation
of the audit programme and the audit results.’

The management responsible for the area being audited shall ensure that
any necessary corrections and corrective actions are taken without undue
delay to eliminate detected nonconformities and their causes. Follow-up
activities must verify the actions taken and the results recorded.

Management review
An important element of performance evaluation is the management
review. Top management must review the organization’s BCMS, at
planned intervals, to ensure its continued suitability, adequacy and

94 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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Management review

The review must look for opportunities to improve or, if appropriate,

change the structure of the BCMS. Areas to be covered include those set
out in Chapters 3 to 6, with specific attention being given to the BCM
policy and objectives for the organization. Consideration must be given
to any changes in external or internal issues that are relevant to the
BCMS. The output of the reviews, including identified ‘opportunities for
continual improvement’, must be documented and records maintained.

Various sources of information can be used to inform the review. These


• output from BCMS audits and internal reviews;

• output from reviews of supplier and partner BCM arrangements;
• feedback from interested parties and recommendations for
• the status of nonconformities and corrective actions, including
follow-up actions previously identified;
• the level of residual risk and changes in the organization’s risk
• emerging vulnerabilities/threats and those not previously addressed
Standards Institution 2012

• output from exercises, including the lessons identified reports;
• observations/recommendations from incidents or near misses
experienced by the organization and others;
• results of the education and awareness programmes;
• ‘monitoring and measurement evaluation results’;
• ‘the status of actions from previous management reviews’; and
• developments in BCM techniques, products, procedures and good

In developing the output of the review top management must take into
consideration any changes to:

• the business;
• the risk appetite;
• risk and security requirements;
• operational conditions and processes;
• legal, regulatory and contractual requirements; and
• resource and budgetary requirements.

The output from the management review will include decisions and a
timetable for the actions related to opportunities to continually improve
the BCMS and the possible need for any changes to the system. These
may include:

• ‘variations to the scope of the BCMS;

• improvement of the effectiveness of the BCMS;
• update of the risk assessment, business impact analysis, business
continuity plans and related procedures’; and

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Chapter 12 Performance evaluation

• how the effectiveness of the BCMS and BCM are measured.

The organization must retain documented evidence of the results of the

management review. The results should be communicated to the relevant
interested parties.
Standards Institution 2012

96 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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Chapter 13 Improvement

The final element of the PDCA cycle is Act, which requires the
organization to identify and act on BCMS nonconformities through
corrective actions. One of the key elements of a good management
system is that it has the capacity for continual improvement. This is a key
element of Deming’s approach to quality management and it is also a
requirement of ISO 22301. Continual improvement is based on the
Japanese philosophy of Kaizen, which means ‘change for the better’ or

The concept of Kaizen is easy to understand. However, it is often difficult

to achieve on an ongoing basis in an organization due to complacency,
Standards Institution 2012

distractions, loss of focus, lack of commitment, reassigned priorities and

lack of resources. Chapter 5 referred to the risks and opportunities that
surround the introduction of the BCMS and the need to develop
appropriate action plans to deal with the risks if they should arise. An
organization that fosters a climate of continual improvement will have
greater success in maintaining a ‘fit for purpose’ BCMS.

Tatung of Taiwan ran a television manufacturing facility in the

UK. If any employee on the production line found a problem
with quality, component shortage or production methods they
were authorized to stop the line. Providing the problem was
genuine, the employee was not blamed for loss of production
but praised for possibly preventing faulty products from being

Those working within, or who are closely associated with, an

organization are an excellent source of suggestions for improvements.
They can see areas where corrections can be made to systems and
preventative measures can be built in to increase overall resilience. More
often than not, however, the climate within the organization is such that
they are reluctant to bring their suggestions to management.

Organizations need to encourage a process whereby individuals feel able

to highlight omissions, duplications and failings without being rebutted
or blamed in any way. It is those who work at the coalface who

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management 97

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Chapter 13 Improvement

frequently know the solutions but the culture of the organization may
prevent their ideas from surfacing. By using a suggestions scheme or
discussing how BCM and the organization’s resilience can be
strengthened at team meetings and on a one-to-one basis, managers will
be able to create a climate where continual improvement is the norm.

There are two actions associated with the final element of the BCMS:
nonconformities and continuous improvement.

Nonconformity and corrective action

This is where the organization eliminates the cause of nonconformities
associated with the BCMS in order to prevent their recurrence. ISO 22301
sets out the documented procedures for corrective actions:

‘The organization shall

a) identify the nonconformity,

b) react to the nonconformity, and, as applicable,
Standards Institution 2012

1) take action to control, contain and correct it, and

2) deal with the consequences.’

ISO 22301 goes on to state that the organization shall also ‘evaluate the
need for action to eliminate the causes of the nonconformity, by

• reviewing the nonconformity,

• determining the causes of the nonconformity, in order that it does
not recur or occur elsewhere, by …
• determining if similar nonconformities exist, or could potentially
• evaluating the need for corrective action to ensure that
nonconformities do not recur or occur elsewhere,
• determining and implementing corrective action needed,
• reviewing the effectiveness of any corrective action taken and
• making changes to the BCMS, if necessary.’

The organization must retain:

• ‘the nature of the nonconformities and any subsequent actions

taken, and
• the results of any corrective action’ taken.

98 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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Continual improvement

Continual improvement
Like any management system BCMS must be subject to continual
improvement. The organization must make arrangements to ensure that
it continually improves the suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the
BCMS through:

• the review of the business continuity policy and objectives;

• audit results;
• analysis of monitored events;
• corrective and preventative actions; and
• management review.
Standards Institution 2012

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Standards Institution 2012
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Chapter 14 Conclusion

Despite the increased use of BCM in organizations, there are still

managers who continue to dismiss the need for continuity management
even in the face of such major disruptions as the 2007 floods and
2010/2011 bad winters in the UK. Many have a strong belief that
insurance will provide cover for any loss that they may suffer. This is not
the case as losses are not restricted to material damage but also include
loss of reputation, revenues and customers. Recommencement of
operations after a disaster often takes far longer than anticipated,
adding to the cost burden on the organization. As a result, the gap
between the real cost of disasters and insurance payments is
Standards Institution 2012

Organizations can be disrupted in many ways. Incidents include fire,

flood, water shortages, storm damage, internal and external vandalism or
fraud, the failure of systems and loss of data, computer hacking,
machinery breakdown, breaches of physical and system securities, and
staff losses. These are only some examples. Added to this is the climate in
which today’s organization has to operate. The intolerance of customers
and clients to failure, their lack of loyalty and the demands of the banks
for financial viability add considerable pressure at a time of disruption. If
the organization is unable to manage a disruption correctly and in good
time then the situation will rapidly turn into a crisis and then a disaster,
and the organization may fail. Small- and medium-sized enterprises are
at greatest risk yet they are the first to ignore the benefits of BCM. As
they form the foundation on which most economies operate, it is
essential that they are encouraged to adopt BCM.

As recent disasters around the world have demonstrated, it is not

possible to predict all possible events that can seriously disrupt an
organization’s ability to maintain continuity of operations. Because the
unexpected will always occur, there is a clear need to protect
organizations by forward planning. BCM is seen as a vital tool to achieve
this. The new international BCM standard, ISO 22301:2012, built upon
BS 25999-2, has been developed to enable organizations to demonstrate
their capability through alignment or certification. This book sets out to
help any organization, regardless of sector or size, to meet the
requirements of ISO 22301. It does not claim to be a definitive guide but
rather a route map that leads to the implementation of an effective

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Appendix A BCM drivers by

company sector

Sector Principal drivers Comments

Business services Insurers, customers Insurers are keen to

and corporate reduce business
governance interruption risks.
Major customers
demanding BCM.
Central government Corporate While not covered
Standards Institution 2012

governance directly by legislation

it is recognized that
the continuity of
departments and
agencies is critical.
Construction Insurers, customers Major contracts are
and corporate driven by project
governance management and
penalty clauses. Health
and safety issues are
important – insurers
look for good
Education Corporate Funding bodies and
governance, auditors look for
regulators and evidence of BCM.
central government
Finance and Regulators, auditors Industry is highly
insurance and corporate regulated and subject
governance to a variety of audits.
Health and social Central government, Health services are a
care legislation, principal focus for
regulation and government. The UK
corporate Civil Contingencies Act
governance 2004 covers public
bodies. The Care
Quality Commission

102 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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Appendix A BCM drivers by company sector

Sector Principal drivers Comments

and Monitor are the

IT and Insurers, customers IT and
telecommunications and corporate telecommunications
governance provide the
infrastructure for most
Telecommunications is
a key element of the
critical national
Local government Central government, These organizations
and emergency legislation, auditors are now subject to
services and corporate legislation under the
governance Civil Contingencies Act
Standards Institution 2012

Manufacturing and Insurers, customers Major customers have

production and corporate become aware of their
governance supply chain
vulnerabilities while
insurers are keen to
reduce business
interruption risks.
Retail/wholesale Insurers and Retail outlets drive the
customers wholesalers but the
outlets themselves
have many customers
who individually have
no voice.
Transport and Customers, Major players in
logistics regulators, insurers supply chain logistics.
and corporate
Utilities – electricity, Regulators, insurers, Critical infrastructure
gas, water auditors, customers operated and
and corporate maintained by
governance regulated companies
that have major
customers. Subject to
a variety of audits.

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management 103

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Appendix B Cross references

between BS 25999-2 and ISO 22301

BS 25999-2:2007 ISO 22301:2012

Directly related Does not

Introduction 0.1 General

0.2 The
Act (PDCA) model
Standards Institution 2012

1 Scope 1 Scope
2 Terms and 3 Terms and
definitions definitions, some
terms omitted,
new terms added,
some redefined.
3.1 Planning the 4.1 Understanding of
business the organization
continuity and its context
management 6.1 Actions to address
system risks and
opportunities (to
the BCMS)
3.2.1 Scope and 4.2 Understanding
objectives of the needs and
the BCMS expectations of
interested parties
4.3 Determining the
scope of the
6.2 Business
objectives and
plans to achieve
3.2.2 BCM policy 5.1 General

104 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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Appendix B Cross references between BS 25999-2 and ISO 22301

BS 25999-2:2007 ISO 22301:2012

Directly related Does not

5.2 Management
5.3 Policy
3.2.3 Provision of 7.1 Resources
resources 5.2 Management
5.4 Organizational
and authorities
8.3.2 Establishing
3.2.4 Competency 7.2 Competence
Standards Institution 2012

of BCM
3.3 Embedding 7.3 Awareness
BCM in the 7.4 Communication
3.4 BCMS 7.5 Documented
documentation Information
and records 8.1 c) Operational
planning and
4.1.1 Business 8.2.1 General
impact analysis 8.2.2 Business impact
4.1.2 Risk 8.2.1 General
assessment 8.2.3 Risk assessment
4.1.3 Determining 8.3.3 Protection and
choices mitigation
4.2 Determining 8.3.1 Determination
business and selection
continuity 8.3.2 Establishing
strategy resource
4.3.2 Incident 8.4.2 Incident
response response
structure structure

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management 105

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Appendix B Cross references between BS 25999-2 and ISO 22301

BS 25999-2:2007 ISO 22301:2012

Directly related Does not

8.4.3 Warning and

4.3.3 Business 8.4.4 Business
continuity plans continuity plans
and incident
8.4.5 Recovery
4.4.2 BCM 8.5 Exercising and
exercising testing
4.4.3 Maintaining 9.1.2 Evaluation of
and reviewing continuity
BCM procedures
Standards Institution 2012

9.1 Monitoring,
analysis and
5.1 Internal audit 9.2 Internal audit
5.2 Management 9.3 Management
review of the review
6.1 Preventive and 10.1Nonconformity
corrective and corrective
actions action
9.1.1 General
6.2 Continual 10.2Continual
improvement improvement

106 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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Appendix C Interested parties’


Expectations of interested parties

Interested Ranking
party Under normal During a (high/med/low)
circumstances disruption
Standards Institution 2012

Date of assessment Signed off by

…………………….. ………………..…………………
Date to be reviewed


The Route Map to Business Continuity Management 107

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Appendix D Sample scoping

This document sets out the scope of the business continuity management system
(BCMS) that is currently operated by Acme Organization Ltd.
The BCMS covers the key services of the Home Service and Commercial Contracts
divisions of the organization.
The key services are:
• emergency call-out; and
• fault reporting and repair.
Standards Institution 2012

These services are delivered from the four regional depots based in London,
Birmingham, Manchester and Glasgow.
The BCMS extends to cover all activities, resources and dependencies utilized by these
key services.
The Acme Organization Ltd BCMS has been aligned to the International Organization
for Standardization’s ISO 22301:2012, Societal security – Business continuity
management systems – Requirements standard.
This scoping document was issued on 1 May 2012 and will be reviewed not later than
1 May 2013.
Signed on behalf of Acme Organization Ltd

………………………………………………………….. Dated: 1 May 2012

A B Jones, Managing Director
Acme Organization Ltd
Acme Business Park,
West Acton

108 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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Appendix E Sample business

continuity policy



The Acme Organization’s business continuity policy provides the

framework within which our company can comply with the business
continuity requirements of our customers by introducing a business
Standards Institution 2012

continuity management system (BCMS) that aligns with

ISO 22301:2012. Business continuity management is being
established to ensure our company can continue to deliver a
minimum level of service to our key customers in the event of any
disruption. Plans must be made, published and tested for key
services as agreed by the Business Continuity Committee.


The policy applies to those divisions and areas of our company set
out in the scoping document. All employees within these divisions
and areas must be aware of this policy. This policy applies in
particular to heads of divisions and business unit managers.


The Acme Organization’s business continuity policy provides a

structure through which:

• a comprehensive BCMS is established and maintained;

• key services, together with their critical processes and activities,
and supporting resources and interdependencies, will be
• business impact analysis and risk assessment will be applied to
our critical processes and activities, supporting resources and

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management 109

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Appendix E Sample business continuity policy

• plans will be developed to ensure continuity of key services at a

minimum acceptable level and within specific timeframes
following disruption;
• invocation of business continuity plans and communications
with our customers and clients can be managed;
• plans are subject to ongoing exercising and revision; and
• the executive board can be assured that the BCMS remains up
to date and relevant.

Policy statement

• Each key service within our company is to be owned by a

designated division. The head of division will ensure that plans
capable of maintaining a minimum acceptable standard of
service delivery are in place for each key service.
• Functional departments will provide professional support to
improve resilience of critical activities and resources that
support key services.
• Each division will carry out an annual review of its business
Standards Institution 2012

continuity process. The Business Continuity Committee will

monitor the review process, benchmark the results and provide
support where necessary.
• Each division must exercise its business continuity plans at least
once a year and make modifications where necessary, to take
account of the exercise results.
• Contracts with suppliers of critical goods and services to our
company must include a requirement for the supplier’s business
continuity processes to be approved and to be exercised to the
satisfaction of our company.
• All staff must be made aware of the plans that affect their
division or business unit and their role following invocation of
business continuity plans.
• Our key customers are to be kept informed about our BCM
arrangements as they affect the service provided to them.


The policy provides a clear commitment to establishing a business

continuity management system within Acme Organization that will
enable our company to:

• continue to provide key services to our customers in times of

• make best use of personnel and other resources at times when
both may be scarce;
• reduce the period of disruption to our organization and the
customers we serve;

110 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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Appendix E Sample business continuity policy

• resume normal working more efficiently and effectively after a

period of disruption;
• comply with standards of corporate governance;
• improve the resilience of our organization’s infrastructure to
reduce the likelihood of disruption; and
• reduce the operational and financial impact of any disruption.


• The Head of Finance is responsible to the executive board for

business continuity issues.
• This policy is owned by the Business Continuity Committee.
• The Head of Business Continuity within the Finance Division is
the professional lead for business continuity within our
company and will:
䡩 review and develop the policy in line with industry best
practice and the needs of our company;
䡩 monitor the performance of the BCMS and compliance
with the policy; and
Standards Institution 2012

䡩 provide support and guidance to divisional managers.

Policy review date

This policy will be subject to review by 30 April 2013.

For further enquiries please contact Head of BCM on extension


Signed on behalf of Acme Organization Ltd, Acme Business Park,

West Acton, London

………………………………………………………… Dated: 1 May 2012

A B Jones, Managing Director

Acme Organization business continuity policy, Version 1 April 2012

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management 111

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Appendix F BCM competencies

The BCM team should demonstrate the ability to apply knowledge and
skills in the areas listed below.

Initiation of BCMS

• Understand the principles of management systems and the

Plan-Do-Check-Act approach.
• Understand the requirements of appropriate BCM standards.
• Understand the organization and its environment.
• Establish the needs and expectations of interested parties.
• Identify applicable laws, regulations and obligations.
Standards Institution 2012

• Establish the scope of the BCMS.

• Understand the risks to establishing, implementing and maintaining
the BCMS.
• Develop and co-ordinate action plans to establish, implement and
maintain the BCMS.
• Report to senior management and obtain senior management
approval/commitment to BCM and the BCMS.
• Establish a BCMS structure, taking into account: roles and
responsibilities, budget and resource requirements.
• Identify the competences required for those involved with the BCMS
and business continuity procedures and develop appropriate training
• Develop and deliver awareness programmes.
• Establish document management and control.

Operational planning and control

• Understand BIA methodologies.

• Understand assessment techniques: quantitative and qualitative
• Assess effects of disruptions, loss exposure and business impact.
• Define criticality of business functions and processes, and prioritize
• Determine recovery timeframes and minimum resource requirements.
• Understand the organization’s risk appetite.
• Evaluate, select and use appropriate risk analysis methodologies and
• Identify controls and safeguards to prevent and/or mitigate the
effects of risk.

112 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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Appendix F BCM competencies

• Evaluate the effectiveness of controls and safeguards.

Developing BCM strategies

• Identify enterprise-wide and business unit continuity strategic

• Assess suitability of alternative strategies and select appropriate
• Identify resources required to achieve continuity strategies.
• Develop communication strategies covering all interested parties.
• Prepare a cost–benefit analysis of continuity strategies and present
findings to senior management.
• Understand contractual agreements for business continuity services.

Incident response and operations

• Identify components of IRS.

• Identify incident response, business continuity and recovery team(s)
and define roles and responsibilities.
• Develop detailed incident response procedures.
Standards Institution 2012

• Identify command and control requirements and procedures.

• Establish command centres.
• Identify applicable laws and regulations governing emergency
management. Identify emergency response and triage requirements
and procedures.
• Identify and co-ordinate with agencies supporting business continuity
needs and aims. Identify salvage and restoration requirements.

Developing and implementing incident plans and BCM plans

• Determine plan development requirements.

• Identify and define the format and structure of major plan
• Draft and implement plans.

Incident communication

• Identify and develop a proactive incident communication

• Establish a community-wide warning and informing system as
• Establish essential incident communication plans with external
agencies as appropriate.
• Establish essential communication plans with internal and external
interested parties to ensure they are kept informed in an appropriate
• Establish essential communication plans with the media.

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management 113

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Appendix F BCM competencies

Exercising plans

• Establish an exercise programme.

• Determine exercise requirements.
• Develop realistic scenarios.
• Establish exercise evaluation criteria and document findings.
• Develop exercises for incident communication plans.
• Develop and facilitate appropriate exercises with external agencies.
• Facilitate exercises.
• Manage post-exercise reporting.
• Monitor actions resulting from exercises and feed back to
appropriate people.

Performance evaluation

• Develop appropriate evaluation metrics for BCMS and business

continuity arrangements.
• Establish status-reporting procedures.
• Monitor performance of BCMS and business continuity against
Standards Institution 2012

• Define plan maintenance scheme and schedule.

• Undertake self-assessment of BCMS and business continuity
• Determine audit objectives.
• Provide input to management reviews.
• Monitor actions resulting from self-assessments, audits and
management reviews. Ensure resulting actions completed.


• Identify nonconformities and initiate corrective actions.

• Establish a culture of continual improvement.

114 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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Appendix G Establishing a training


People need training to equip them with the relevant knowledge and
skills, and to build relationships with other team players. Key questions to
be asked in developing a training programme are listed below.

Who needs to be trained?

• The BCM team.
• People named specifically in business continuity plans.
Standards Institution 2012

• Senior management.
• ‘Non-essential’ staff who may be needed at the time of plan
• Contractors and suppliers.

How are training needs identified?

For every individual/group involved in delivering the BCMS (including
those involved in plan invocation) the following should be listed.

What do they need to know?

• Specific knowledge about the role.
• General understanding of what others do.
• Processes used.

What additional skills do they need?

• Specialist equipment skills.
• Interpersonal skills.

When answers have been obtained to the above questions, a training

programme should be developed.

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management 115

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Appendix G Establishing a training programme

Satisfying training needs

For every individual/group involved in delivering the BCMS (including
those involved in plan invocation) it is important to identify any
deficiencies in skills and knowledge in relation to those required to
deliver the BCMS or invoke plans. This is sometimes called a gap analysis.
When deficiencies have been identified, an appropriate training
programme needs to be developed to bridge the gap.

Training delivery
The training may use external or internal resources and should:

• develop skills through tutored practice as well as a self-development

programme, possibly e-based;
• increase knowledge through discussion seminars and walk-through
• build relationships by training with the team and through exercises.
Standards Institution 2012

Figure 24 sets out a possible model for developing a training programme.

Effective training and validation requires a policy and commitment from

the organization, as well as the necessary resources. The training should
be based on standards and targets and should also be subject to an
assessment process.

It is essential to maintain a log of training for every identified individual

or group involved in the BCMS.

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Figure 24 – Model for developing a training programme

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Standards Institution 2012

Appendix H Business impact assessment matrix

Level of Insignificant (1) Minor (2) Moderate (3) Major (4) Catastrophic (5)

Personal Minor incident. Incident Hospital Fatality. Multiple fatalities.

injury to First aid requiring admission. Permanent Multiple permanent
customer/ administered. medical More than disability/emotional disabilities/
staff/visitor/ treatment. three-day injury. emotional injuries.
contractor (A) Less than absence.
three-day Semi-permanent
absence. injury/emotional
Emotional trauma.

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Standards Institution 2012

Level of Insignificant (1) Minor (2) Moderate (3) Major (4) Catastrophic (5)

System Negligible Single failure to Repeated failures 1 to 2 days’ outage. Complete loss of
failure (B) service meet internal to meet Significant impact systems and loss of
disruption. service-level service-level on client/customer data.
No impact on agreements. agreements. service. Major impact on
client/customer No impact on Minimal impact Impact on client/customer
service. client/customer on organization service.
Minimal service. client/customer absorbed with Impact on
disruption to Impact on service. some formal organization
routine organization Impact on intervention by absorbed with
organization rapidly organization other significant formal
activity. absorbed. absorbed with organizations. intervention by
No long-term No long-term significant level Significant other organizations.
consequences. consequences. of intervention. long-term Major long-term
Minimal consequences. consequences.

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management


Appendix H Business impact assessment matrix
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Standards Institution 2012

Level of Insignificant (1) Minor (2) Moderate (3) Major (4) Catastrophic (5)

Public Issue of no Local press Limited damage Loss of credibility Prolonged national
confidence public/political interest. to reputation. and confidence in media coverage.
and concern. Local Extended local organization. Major
reputation public/political press National press public/political
(C) concern. interest/regional interest. concern.
press interest. Independent Full public inquiry.
Regional external inquiry.
public/political Significant
concern. public/political
Failure to Legal challenge. Civil action – no Class action. Criminal Criminal prosecution
meet laws Minor defence. Criminal prosecution – no – no defence.
and out-of-court Improvement prosecution. defence. Executive officer
Appendix H Business impact assessment matrix

regulations settlement. notice. Prohibition Executive officer fined or imprisoned.

(D) notice. dismissed.
Financial loss Less than £5,000. £5,000–£50,000. £50,000–£250,000. £250,000–£1 More than £1
(E) million. million.

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Standards Institution 2012

Appendix I BIA template

BIA record for Acme Organization Ltd

Key Areas of Impact (1–5) Maximum tolerable Recovery time Minimum service level
services/ impact (A–E period of disruption objective [minimum business
products see below) (MTPD) (RTO) continuity objective

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

A Effect on personnel safety
B System failure
C Public confidence and reputation
D Failure to comply with legal and regulatory requirements

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Standards Institution 2012

E Financial loss
Date of assessment Signed off by
Appendix I

........................................ ………………………………….
Date to be reviewed

BIA template

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Standards Institution 2012


Date of assessment

Date to be reviewed
Appendix J



Computing equipment

Software applications



Signed off by

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

Non-ICT equipment

Resource record for Acme Organization Ltd


Internal dependencies

Sample resource record


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Standards Institution 2012

Appendix K Sample risk mitigation record

Risk mitigation measures for Acme Organization Ltd

Division/dept. Key product/service

……………………………………………… ………………………………………………
Critical Risk Ranking Risk mitigation measures
activity/resource/dependency (H/M/L)

Date of assessment Signed off by Date to be reviewed

………………………… ………………………………………………………. …………………………

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Appendix L Resource requirements


Division/dept. Key service/product

…………………………………. ………………………………….
Resource required
0–24 hours* Within 3 Within 14
days* days*
Activities that
support key
Standards Institution 2012

People and skills
Computing and
telecoms required
applications required
Information required
Non-ICT equipment
Furniture required
Other dependencies
Other comments
Date of assessment Signed off by

………………………… ………………..…………………
Date to be reviewed

* Timing set to suit organization’s requirements.

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management 125

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Appendix M Key resource


The key resource strategies below are taken from BS 25999-1:2006.


The organization should identify appropriate strategies for

maintaining core skills and knowledge. This analysis should extend
Standards Institution 2012

beyond employees to contractors and other stakeholders who possess

extensive specialist skills and knowledge. Strategies to protect or
provide those skills might include:

a) documentation of the way in which critical activities are

b) multi-skill training of staff and contractors;
c) separation of core skills to reduce the concentration of risk (this
might entail physical separation of staff with core skills or
ensuring that more than one person has the requisite core skills);
d) use of third parties;
e) succession planning; and
f) knowledge retention and management.

[BS 25999-1:2006, Clause 7.3]

In setting the strategies in this area it is important to remember people

will react differently during an emergency/major incident compared with
how they operate normally. A useful resource covering these issues is BSI’s
PD 25111, Business continuity management – Guidance on human aspects
of business continuity.

126 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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Worksite strategies can vary significantly and a range of options
might be available. Different types of incident or threat might
require the implementation of different or multiple worksite options.
The correct strategies will in part be determined by the
organization’s size, sector and spread of activities, by stakeholders
and by geographical base. For example, public authorities will need
to maintain a frontline service delivery in their communities.

[BS 25999-1:2006 commentary on Clause 7.4 Premises]

The organization should devise a strategy for reducing the impact of

the unavailability of its normal worksite(s). This may include one or
more of the following:

a) alternative premises (locations) within the organization,

including displacement of other activities;
b) alternative premises provided by other organizations (whether or
not these are reciprocal arrangements);
Standards Institution 2012

c) alternative premises provided by third-party specialists

[sometimes called work area recovery];
d) working from home or at remote sites;
e) other agreed suitable premises; and
f) use of an alternative workforce in an established site.

NOTE 1 If staff are to be moved to alternative premises, these

premises ought to be close enough that staff are willing and able to
travel there, taking into account any possible difficulties caused by
the incident. However, the alternative premises ought not to be so
close that they are likely to be affected by the same incident.

NOTE 2 The use of alternative premises for continuity purposes ought

to be supported by a clear statement as to whether the alternative
premises are for the sole use of the organization. If the alternative
premises are shared with other organizations, a plan to mitigate the
non-availability of these premises ought to be developed and

[BS 25999-1:2006, Clause 7.4]

An alternative solution to relocating people to alternative premises is to

provide them with remote access to IT via dial-up, or through the
internet using a virtual private network (VPN) or similar technology.

NOTE 3 It may be appropriate to move the workload rather than the

staff, e.g. a manufacturing line or a call centre’s workload.

[BS 25999-1:2006, Clause 7.4]

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management 127

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Appendix M Key resource strategies

Technology strategies will vary significantly between organizations
according to the size, nature and complexity of business. Specific
strategies ought to be developed to safeguard, replace or restore
specialized or custom built technologies with long lead times.

The organization may need to make provision for manual operations

before full technology services are recovered.

[BS 25999-1:2006 commentary on Clause 7.5.1 of Clause 7.5


7.5.1 Technology strategies will depend on the nature of the

technology employed and its relationship to critical activities, but will
typically be one or a combination of the following:

• provision made within the organization;

• services delivered to the organization; and
• services provided externally by a third party.
Standards Institution 2012

7.5.2 Technology strategies may include:

• geographical spread of technology, i.e. maintaining the same

technology at different locations that will not be affected by the
same business disruption;
• holding older equipment as emergency replacement or spares;
• additional risk mitigation for unique or long lead time

7.5.3 Information and communications technologies (ICT) services

frequently need complex continuity strategies. Where such strategies
are required, consideration should be given to:

• recovery time objectives (RTOs) for systems and applications

which support the key activities identified in the BIA. [It is
important that the business drives the ICT RTOs; it is possible that
ICT RTOs need to be set within the RTOs specified by the
business in order to facilitate testing, etc.];
• location and distance between technology sites;
• number of technology sites;
• remote access;
• the use of un-staffed (dark) sites as opposed to staffed sites;
• telecoms connectivity and redundant routing;
• the nature of “failover” (whether manual intervention is
required to activate alternative IT provision or whether this
needs to occur automatically); and
• third-party connectivity and external links….

128 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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[BS 25999-1:2006, Clause 7.5]

Information strategies should be such as to ensure that information
vital to the organization’s operation is protected and recoverable
according to the timeframes described within the BIA….

Any information required for enabling the delivery of the

organization’s critical activities should have appropriate:

• confidentiality;
• integrity;
• availability; and
• currency.

Information strategies should be documented for the recovery of

information that has not yet been copied or backed-up to a safe
Standards Institution 2012


Information strategies should extend to include:

• physical (hardcopy) formats; and

• virtual (electronic) formats, etc.

NOTE 2 In all cases, information needs to be recovered to a point in

time that is known and agreed by top management. Various
methods of copying may be used, such as electronic or tape backups,
microfiche, photocopies, creating dual copies at the time of
production and so on. This known recovery point is often referred to
as the “recovery point objective” [RPO].

[BS 25999-1:2006, Clause 7.6]

In office-based environments, supplies might constitute cheques, etc.
Other industries might identify retail stock or just-in-time supplies, or
vehicle fuels.

[BS 25999-1:2006 commentary on Clause 7.7 Supplies]

7.7.1 The organization should identify and maintain an inventory of

the core supplies that support its critical activities. Strategies to
provide these may include:

• storage of additional supplies at another location;

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management 129

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Appendix M Key resource strategies

• arrangements with third parties for delivery of stock at short

• diversion of just-in-time deliveries to other locations;
• holding of materials at warehouses or shipping sites;
• transfer of sub-assembly operations to an alternative location
which has supplies; and
• identification of alternative/substitute supplies.

7.7.2 Where critical activities are dependent upon specialist supplies,

the organization should identify the key suppliers and single sources
of supply. Strategies to manage continuity of supply may include:

• increasing the number of suppliers;

• encouraging or requiring suppliers to have a validated business
continuity capability;
• contractual and/or service level agreements with key suppliers; or
• the identification of alternative, capable suppliers.

[BS 25999-1:2006, Clause 7.7]

Standards Institution 2012

PD 25222 published by BSI provides detailed advice on how to ensure

supply chain continuity.

130 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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Standards Institution 2012

Appendix N Sample plan review

Business Continuity Assurance Certificate

Name of department: ………………………………………..
Within my department I can confirm that Yes No If your answer to any question is ‘no’ please
the following apply: provide information

1. There is a high-level business

continuity plan in place for my
2. The high-level business
continuity plan has been sent
to the departmental business
continuity team for validation.
3. Each business area within my

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

department has a business
continuity plan in place.
4. Key business risks have been
identified within my
department and appropriate
contingencies have been put in
place to mitigate risks.

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Standards Institution 2012

Name of department: ………………………………………..
Within my department I can confirm that Yes No If your answer to any question is ‘no’ please
the following apply: provide information

5. All business continuity plans in

my department conform to the
standard specified by the
corporate business continuity
6. All business continuity plans
within my department are
exercised and reviewed on a
Appendix N Sample plan review

regular basis.
7. Business continuity roles and
responsibilities within my
department are clearly defined
and understood.

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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Standards Institution 2012

The business continuity plans listed below were validated by:

………………………………………….[Name of department]
to support the business continuity validation and assurance process. We hold a completed business continuity validation
form for each business unit that we selected for validation in this exercise. These are listed below.
No. Name of business unit Location Further comments

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

Business Continuity Assurance Certificate
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Standards Institution 2012

Total number of business continuity plans validated: Percentage total of departmental business continuity plans
.................... validated: ………………..
I confirm that this is a true and accurate picture of the current status of business continuity:
for the period 1 April
…………………………(insert year)
to 31 March
…………………………(insert year)
Signature: Print name: Date:
Note: if you cannot provide full assurance for your department, complete the box below.
It may be that currently you are only able to provide partial assurance with regards to business continuity arrangements
Appendix N Sample plan review

within your department. If this is the case, please provide details in the box below of what action is being taken by the
department to address those areas where currently you cannot provide full assurance.

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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Appendix O Sample incident log

Acme Organization Ltd

Incident Location Lead manager

………………………… ………………………… ……………………

Impacted service/product

Date Information/request From Action By whom
and taken
Standards Institution 2012

Signature Date

………………………………………. …………………….

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management 135

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Appendix P Sample business

continuity plan

Acme Organization Ltd – Home Service Midlands


Document name Business continuity plan – emergency call-out

Version V1:1, 18 May 2012
Version comment Minor amendments following staff input, 15
May 2012
Date version 18 May 2012
Standards Institution 2012

Author P. Jones, Assistant Service Manager

Plan overview including ownership

Business continuity plan – emergency call-out service

The aim of the plan is to enable the emergency call-out service of the
Home Service Midlands Department of the Home Services Division to be
resumed following an incident that disrupts the service. The emergency
call-out service is a key service for the company as this is a contracted
service to the local housing associations.

Within two hours of a disruption the company must be able to receive

and respond to emergency call-out requests from housing association

This plan assumes that the public telephone service has not been affected
by the disruption.

This plan is owned by the Head of the Maintenance Department of the

Home Services Division.

136 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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Appendix P Sample business continuity plan

Plan distribution
Copies of this plan are held by:

Head of the Maintenance Department, Service Manager, Home Services

Division’s HQ

Roles and responsibilities

The Business Unit Manager, or their deputy, is responsible for assessing
the effects of a disruption and the impact on the capability of the unit to
deliver the key service. If appropriate, the Business Unit Manager, or their
deputy, will activate this plan in order to restore the service to the
agreed service level and within the agreed timescale. The Business Unit
Manager, or their deputy, will assemble their BCM team to implement
the plan.

BCM Team members:

Standards Institution 2012

Position Contact Deputy Contact

Department BCM Co-ordinator:

Deputy Department BCM Co-ordinator:
Acme Organization BCM Manager:
Acme Organization Deputy BCM Manager:

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management 137

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Appendix P Sample business continuity plan

Notifications, activation and escalation rules

Standards Institution 2012

Command centre details

If required, the BCM team will assemble in the second-floor meeting
room of the Midlands office. If this location is not available, the
alternative location for the command centre is the welfare room at the
vehicle garage on Oxleys Road.

138 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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Appendix P Sample business continuity plan

Contact details of command centres:

Standards Institution 2012

Facilities at command centres: telephone, internet access and battle box.

Battle box contains:……………………………………………………

Contacts, internal and external

Details for contacts to cover those who are:

• internal;
• external; and
• subject experts.

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management 139

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Appendix P Sample business continuity plan

Task checklists

• Mandatory ………………………………….
tasks: ………………………………….
• Discretionary ………………………………….
tasks: ………………………………….

Task completion tracking process: record all actions taken, together with
times, on the action/task worksheet.

Critical activities recovery plans

• Schedule of critical activities including recovery times and levels.
• Recovery plans for critical activities.
• Recovery site location(s).
Standards Institution 2012


Minimum of two maintenance engineers to be available within two

hours, operating from home if unable to operate out of normal office
location or recovery location.

In the event of no staff being available, then mutual aid arrangements

are in place with Any Job Anywhere Any Time Company. Contact details
are listed above.

Mutual aid plan is as


Recovery resource requirements

Recovery resource requirements are:

• people;
• information/data;
• IT;
• telecommunications;
• vehicles;
• specialist equipment;
• accommodation;
• office equipment;
• furniture;
• stationery, etc.

140 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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Appendix P Sample business continuity plan

The following supporting information not included in the

plan is located as shown

• Personnel records { – HR Department

• Handling injuries and {
fatalities {
• Staff welfare and counselling {
• Health and safety {
• Computer equipment { – Corporate ICT Department
• Telecommunications {
• Communicating with staff { – Corporate Communications
• Handling the media and PR {
• Emergency services liaison { – Building Management
• Finance { – Corporate Finance Department
• Insurance policies {
• Legal advice {
• Communicating with { – Purchasing Department
suppliers and intermediaries {
Standards Institution 2012

• Supplier agreements {

Form templates
• Meetings agenda
• Decision and action log
• Task list status report
• Telephone log

Plan signed off by:

……………………………………………[Head of Home Services Division]

Date to be reviewed: …………………………

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management 141

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Standards Institution 2012

Appendix Q Types and methods of exercising BCM

Complexity Exercise Process Variants Good practice

Simple Desk check. Review/amendment of Update/validation. At least annually.

Challenge content of BCP. Audit/verification. Annually.

Medium Walk-through of plan. Challenge content of BCP. Include interaction and Annually.
validate participants’

Simulation. Use ‘artificial’ situation to Incorporate associated Annually or twice

validate that the BCP(s) plans. yearly.
contain both necessary and
sufficient information to
enable a successful recovery.

Exercise critical Invocation in a controlled Defined operations Annually or less.

activities. situation that does not from alternative site for
jeopardize business-as-usual a fixed time.
Complex Exercise full BCP, Building/campus/exclusion Annually or less.
including incident zone-wide exercise.

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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Standards Institution 2012

Appendix R Suggested BCM audit checklist

Rate achievement for each key issue (1 – not started, 2 – 25 per cent complete, 3 – 50 per cent complete, 4 – 75 per cent
complete, 5 – completed).

Stages Key issues Example evidence Rating

Context of the Identification of the organization’s Analysis of needs and expectations of 1–2–3–4–5
organization objectives, obligations, statutory and interested parties.
regulatory duties, and environment in Listing of obligations, and statutory
which the organization operates. and regulatory duties.
Identification of the needs and
expectations of the interested parties.
Key services and products delivered by Documented procedures for identifying 1–2–3–4–5
and on behalf of the organization have and reviewing key services and
been identified and have been agreed products.
by the executive board. Executive board minutes confirming key

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

services and products.

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Standards Institution 2012

Stages Key issues Example evidence Rating

Context of the Determination of the organization’s risk Formal risk management in place with 1–2–3–4–5
organization appetite and risk criteria. documented evidence of risk criteria
Appendix R

and risk appetite.

A BCMS is formalized through the A BCM policy and scoping documents 1–2–3–4–5
organization’s policy and procedures. exist.
The BCM policy is published internally
and externally.
BCM objectives, and plans to achieve
them, in place.
Leadership Responsibility for BCM issues is clearly Named executive director accountable 1–2–3–4–5
defined within the organization at the for BCM policy and implementation.
corporate management level. Reports to senior management groups.
BCM Manager(s) or Co-ordinator(s) Named individual(s) in post responsible 1–2–3–4–5
appointed. for implementing and maintaining the
Suggested BCM audit checklist

BCM programme.
Competence requirements documented.
Training programme to establish and
maintain BCM competence.

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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Standards Institution 2012

Stages Key issues Example evidence Rating

Leadership Responsibility for business continuity BCM is included in job descriptions and 1–2–3–4–5
issues is well embedded within skill sets of service and support
individual services or management units. managers.
BCM responsibilities enforced by
inclusion in organization’s appraisal,
reward and recognition policies.
Awareness of business continuity issues is There is a programme in place raising 1–2–3–4–5
well embedded within the organization. awareness throughout the organization
and its interested parties.
Feedback mechanisms exist whereby
functional managers and staff can flag
up BCM issues.
Evidenced through minutes of meetings
Appendix R

and reports.
Induction programmes include
awareness of BCM.

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

Suggested BCM audit checklist
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Standards Institution 2012

Stages Key issues Example evidence Rating

Operational Critical processes, activities, and Documentation detailing critical 1–2–3–4–5

planning and supporting resources and dependencies, processes, activities, and supporting
Appendix R

control within and without the organization, resources and dependencies.

that are needed to deliver the key Mapping of critical suppliers and
services and products, have been partners.
Identification of the impact, over time, A structured business impact analysis 1–2–3–4–5
on the organization and the interested (BIA) process exists for the organization
parties of the loss of any key service or that prioritizes key services and
product. products.
A documented BIA that covers the key
services and products of the
Executive board minutes confirming
Suggested BCM audit checklist

Risk assessment has been used on the Documented procedures to review and 1–2–3–4–5
critical activities, and supporting rank risk.
resources and dependencies, to focus Identification of ‘single points of
effort on the areas of greatest need. failure’.
Countermeasures exist to minimize risks Documented evidence of risk mitigation 1–2–3–4–5
that have been identified, including covering people, systems, information,
measures to combat potential loss of premises and equipment, and suppliers.

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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Standards Institution 2012

Stages Key issues Example evidence Rating

Determining Development of appropriate strategies Documented strategies to support each 1–2–3–4–5

business to limit, over time, the impact of the loss key service and product.
continuity of key services and products on the Strategies cover: people, premises,
strategies organization and interested parties. technology, information, supplies and
communications with interested parties.
Strategies take account of public
authority’s actions, including those
undertaken in an emergency situation.
Executive board minutes confirming
strategy selection and its required
resource allocations.
Development of strategies to minimize Procurement policies for key suppliers 1–2–3–4–5
supplier disruption. that require BCM to be incorporated
Appendix R

into their supply contracts.

Evidence of BCM included in supply
Suppliers’ BCM arrangements audited.

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

Alternative suppliers identified.

Suggested BCM audit checklist
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Standards Institution 2012

Stages Key issues Example evidence Rating

Establishing and Incident response structure in place. Details of incident response structure 1–2–3–4–5
implementing Incident management plans are and procedures.
Appendix R

BCM procedures developed. Structure and procedures for

Generic business continuity plans (BCPs) developing incident management and
are developed that are flexible enough business continuity plans.
to maintain continuity of key services Reports. Meeting minutes.
and products through a range of Plans are clear, unambiguous and easy
disruptive events. to use. Documented evidence of
consultation with relevant staff in
functional units and incorporation of
feedback during plan development.
Plans identify objectives, personnel
involved, and command and control
Suggested BCM audit checklist

Plans contain references to other

sources of relevant information, advice
and other documentation.
A clear procedure exists for invoking the Documented invocation and response 1–2–3–4–5
plans and delivering the response. procedures.
Key staff are identified in plans.
Call-out lists for incident and continuity
team members.
Plans have clear ownership and are It is clear who is responsible for 1–2–3–4–5
signed off at the appropriate level. ensuring that each section/department
or site has plans.
All plans are signed off by plan owners

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

and/or nominated managers.
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Standards Institution 2012

Stages Key issues Example evidence Rating

Establishing and Appointment of teams that are trained Details of incident and continuity team 1–2–3–4–5
implementing to deliver the plans. members.
BCM procedures Competence assessment undertaken.
Training programme for team
Training record for team members.
A clear procedure exists that ensures A communications policy document. 1–2–3–4–5
interested parties, internal and external, Letters, emails, circulars, meeting
are aware of what actions the minutes, and internet and intranet
organization will take if plans are pages that raise awareness of the plans.
Ensuring communications with Plans containing arrangements for 1–2–3–4–5
interested parties at the time of communicating with clients, customers,
Appendix R

disruption to key services and products. staff, partners, interested parties and
the media.
Plans linked to communications plans.

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

Suggested BCM audit checklist
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Standards Institution 2012

Stages Key issues Example evidence Rating

Establishing and Ensuring latest plans and supporting Copies of plans and essential 1–2–3–4–5
implementing materials are always available. equipment/documents (in electronic or
Appendix R

BCM procedures hard copy) are easily available on and

off site.
All plans are subject to document and
version control processes.
Plans linked to other event plans within Links to emergency, recovery, major 1–2–3–4–5
and without the organization. incident, information and
communications technology disaster
recovery (ICT DR), and communications
plans, etc. are documented.
Documented procedures to recover Appropriate recovery plans and 1–2–3–4–5
business activities post incident. procedures in place.
Suggested BCM audit checklist

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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Standards Institution 2012

Stages Key issues Example evidence Rating

Exercising Ensuring there is a balanced programme Records of regularly tested contact 1–2–3–4–5
of exercise types that validates the full arrangements and exercises.
range of BCM capabilities. Exercise programmes/test schedules.
Exercise programmes have clear Exercise scenarios and plans. 1–2–3–4–5
Ensuring there is a documented process Notes of exercise debriefs and ‘lessons 1–2–3–4–5
for capturing and taking forward the identified’ reports.
lessons identified from exercises and Exercise review reports to relevant
tests. management team.
Action plans.
Review of actions at plan
preparation/review meetings.
Evidence that the lessons learnt from
Appendix R

exercises have been incorporated into


The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

Suggested BCM audit checklist
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Standards Institution 2012

Stages Key issues Example evidence Rating

Performance Assurance of organization’s BCM Key performance indicators (KPIs) set 1–2–3–4–5
evaluation capability. for BCM implementation and
Appendix R

KPIs subject to regular review.
BCM responsibilities reviewed by the
organization’s audit process.
A clear mechanism is in place for BCMS review programme. 1–2–3–4–5
measuring the effectiveness of the Self-assessment reports.
BCMS. Internal audit reports.
Benchmarking against standards (e.g.
ISO 22301) and guidelines.
External reviews by peers from other
Ensuring that the plans are kept up to There is an established and 1–2–3–4–5
Suggested BCM audit checklist

date. documented plan review process.

Plan review is built into the business
planning cycle.
Plan reviews are up to date and signed
by nominated manager.
Notes from review meetings.
Issue of version-controlled updates and
acknowledgement system for recipients.

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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Standards Institution 2012

Stages Key issues Example evidence Rating

Performance Ensuring there is a documented process Notes of incident debriefs, lessons 1–2–3–4–5
evaluation for capturing and taking forward the identified, action reports and results.
lessons identified from incidents or near
Ensuring that when there are major There is a mechanism that triggers BCM 1–2–3–4–5
changes to the organization or the reviews.
environment in which it operates, or Action plans.
threats, the BCM programme is reviewed Review of actions at plan
and modified as appropriate. preparation/review meetings.
Notes from review meetings.
Ensuring that the review process drives Review reports to relevant 1–2–3–4–5
improvement by identifying lessons, and management team.
appropriate action is taken. Action plans.
Appendix R

Review of actions at BCMS review

Evidence that the lessons learnt from
reviews have been incorporated into

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

the organization’s BCMS.
Improvement Nonconformities with the BCMS are There is a formalized process for 1–2–3–4–5
identified and corrective actions taken as identifying and correcting
appropriate. nonconformities in the organization’s
Notes from management review

Suggested BCM audit checklist
Licensed Copy: Mr. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia User, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 22/08/2012 04:19, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) The British


Airmic (2011) Roads to Ruin – A Study of Major Risk Events: Their Origins,
Impact and Implications, a report by Cass Business School on behalf of
Airmic, London: Airmic

ASIS/BSI BCM.01-2010, Business Continuity Management Systems:

Requirements with Guidance for Use, New York: American National
Standards Institute

British Insurance Brokers’ Association (BIBA) and UK Cabinet Office

(2012), The Value of Business Continuity Planning, London: British
Insurance Broker’s Association
Standards Institution 2012

BS 25999-1:2006, Business continuity management — Part 1: Code of

practice, London: British Standards Institution

BS 25999-2:2007, Business continuity management — Part 2: Specification,

London: British Standards Institution

BS EN ISO 9001:2008, Quality management systems — Requirements,

London: British Standards Institution

BS EN ISO 14001:2004, Environmental management systems —

Requirements with guidance for use, London: British Standards Institution

Chartered Management Institute (2012) Planning for the worst. The 2012
Business Continuity Management Survey (March 2012), London: Chartered
Management Institute

Great Britain (2004) Civil Contingencies Act 2004, London: The Stationery

HM Government (2005) Emergency Preparedness, Guidance on Part 1 of

the Civil Contingencies Act 2004, its associated Regulations and
non-statutory arrangements, London: UK Cabinet Office

ISO 22301:2012, Societal security – Business continuity management

systems – Requirements, Geneva: International Organization for

154 The Route Map to Business Continuity Management

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ISO/DIS 22313, Societal security – Business continuity management systems

– Guidance, Geneva: International Organization for Standardization.
(Expected to be published during the latter part of 2012 or early 2013.)

Knight, R F and Pretty, D J (2000) The Impact of Catastrophes on

Shareholder Value, The Oxford Executive Research Briefings, Templeton
College, University of Oxford

Nassim Nicholas Taleb (2007) The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly
Improbable, New York: Random House

Novartis International AG (2011) Our Code of Conduct, Basel,

Switzerland: Novartis International AG

PAS 56:2003, Guide to business continuity management, London: British

Standards Institution (PAS 56:2003 is now withdrawn. Please see
BS 25999-1:2006.)

PD 25111:2010, Business continuity management – Guidance on human

aspects of business continuity, London: British Standards Institution
Standards Institution 2012

PD 25222:2011, Business continuity management – Guidance on supply

chain continuity, London: British Standards Institution

PD 25666:2010, Business continuity management – Guidance on exercising

and testing for continuity and contingency programmes, London: British
Standards Institution

PD 25888:2011, Business continuity management – Guidance on

organization recovery following disruptive incidents, London: British
Standards Institution

Porter, E M (1985) Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining

Superior Performance, New York: Simon & Schuster

Turnbull, N et al. (1999) Internal Control — Guidance for Directors on the

Combined Code, London: Institute of Chartered Accountants in England
and Wales.

The Route Map to Business Continuity Management 155

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well as templates for recording and evaluating performance.

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Licensed Copy: Mr. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia User, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 22/08/2012 04:19, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) The British
Standards Institution 2012
Licensed Copy: Mr. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia User, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 22/08/2012 04:19, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) The British
Standards Institution 2012
Licensed Copy: Mr. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia User, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 22/08/2012 04:19, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) The British
Standards Institution 2012

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