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Pathfit Module 10

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Learning Module 01

Physical Activity Towards Health and

Learning Packet 01


Learning Packet 1

Physical Fitness Concepts and Assessments


Creating a lifelong habit of physical fitness and wellness is difficult for many young
people since they spend most of their time using electronics and leading sedentary
lifestyles. They frequently expand in the technological or technologically-enabled
world, which encourages inactive behavior that may result in various ailments.

Physical fitness components and evaluation will be covered as the main topic in this
module. This topic is remarkably renowned as the introductory lesson in the
curriculum for physical education. This course demonstrated many methods of
evaluating physical fitness traits.

We can ascertain an individual's degree of participation through physical fitness components and
assessment. this evaluates how well a person is performing in a sport or physical activity. Decide
your level of participation before you do anything else. Keep your eye on the prize this time: a
healthy family.
● Identify physical Fitness components and Its uses
● Execute different assessment under each physical fitness components
● Evaluate the result of physical fitness test
Learning Management System
(Provide the link for the class as used in Google Classroom. Likewise, share links of other
learning materials stored using the Google Drive. In the event that a commercial LMS will be
made available by the University, links shall be refreshed/updated and also be shared.)
● Topic 01: Physical Fitness Components and Assessment = 4 hours (1 hour synchronous
class and 3 hours self-directed learning with practical exercises and assessment)
Delivery Mode
(State the delivery mode, whether onsite (face-to-face under split-half scheme for shopwork) or
online (synchronous or asynchronous)).
Assessment with Rubrics
(Discuss the assessment tool to be used along with the corresponding rubrics.)
Requirement with Rubrics
(Discuss the requirement along with the corresponding rubrics.)


 Introduction Key Points:
You can exercise regularly if you're physically fit because your muscles are strong,  
your joints are flexible, and your cardiovascular system is in good shape.
Additionally, being physically fit means having a good balance of muscle and fat on ∙ Fitness testing is a great way to
your body as well as the capacity to engage in endurance sports. All people should
make it a priority to maintain a healthy level of physical fitness because doing so monitor and assess students’ ability
has numerous advantages for their health. Exercises that are beneficial include as it relates to aerobic fitness,
walking, running, swimming, cycling, dancing, and strength training. strength, and flexibility. It can also
help students understand how
  healthy they are and learn to set
Pre-Assessment goals to improve their health-related
PAR-Q fitness. 
Answer the Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire for Everyone on page 9-12.  
Submit it along with this module.
Definition of Terms:
Lesson Proper Health. The state of being free from
● Activity. illness or injury
Direction: Answer the following question with I HAVE if you have been in the Skill. The ability to do something
situation and NEVER if not.
1. NEVER HAVE I EVER…commit myself to an activity and failed to
well; expertise 
2. NEVER HAVE I EVER…cheated on my fitness program Hazard Alerts:
3. NEVER HAVE I EVER…enrolled in a gym
4. NEVER HAVE I EVER…encourage my family to join in my exercise Stretch out your leg muscles,
5. NEVER HAVE I EVER…bought food that is out of my budget ligaments, and tendons. It will limit
6. NEVER HAVE I EVER…bought exercise equipment and never use it the health risks of a potential
7. NEVER HAVE I EVER…lied about my weight damage caused by a 'pull or strain'.
8. NEVER HAVE I EVER…deprived my sleep because of gadgets It also prepares your knees and
9. NEVER HAVE I EVER…assessed my fitness attributes
10. NEVER HAVE I EVER…engaged in physical activity during pandemic
ankle joints and will get them ready
for a strenuous workout.
1. I HAVE The workout area should be clear
2. NEVER of anyone who does not have a
4. I HAVE direct involvement in the routine.
6. NEVER First Aid - ensure that you have
7. NEVER knowledge and have a prepared kit
in case emergency happens.
10. I HAVE
Proper Clothing - It’s long been
● Processing of the Activity. advised to remove all loose jewelry
1. List some activities which are good for your heart? and belts before the class starts as
2. List down 5 exercises that will develop your upper and lower extremities. they can actually lead to injury.
● Jumping rope Stretching & Warm-ups - It’s easy
● Swimming to injure cold muscles. That is why
● Playing Tennis ALL levels perform simple
● Running stretching exercises before working
● Brisk Walking
● Cycling
out. Your class should be no
2. UPPER EXTREMITIES different. Start off with a few
● Lie on your back with your arm at your side. Raise your hand overhead, stretches and some light physical
keeping elbow straight activity before you kick your lesson
● Lie on your back or stand straight into full gear. Be sure to allow time
● Lie on your back with your elbows straight out from your shoulders
● Hold your right arm out with the palm of your hand facing upward at the end of the lesson to properly

‘cool down’ and stretch again.
● Brief Lesson.
Be Alert - It is important to be
Physical components of fitness are used in school, gym, and health clubs to actively vigilant with your class.
measure your level of physical fitness. Look for injuries. Some students
want to keep performing despite
Physical fitness components are divided into two. Health-Related Fitness
(HRF) and Skill- Related Fitness (SRF) developing an injury, where others
may be too embarrassed to say
something. Minor injuries can
HEALTH-RELATED FITNESS worsen if not treated.
The definition of health-related fitness involves exercise activities that you do to try
to improve your physical health and stay healthy. It has 5 components:
cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and
body composition.

Refers to the ability of the whole body to perform activities for a prolonged time
and have the circulatory and respiratory systems work efficiently. An individual who
are engage in aerobic exercises are the one who can sustain workouts for long period
of time without getting tired.

Ways to Improve Cardiovascular Endurance

1. Running or Walking
2. Aerobics and Aerobic Dance
3. Swimming and Bicycling
4. At-Home Exercises

Ability of the muscle to generate force. It is often measured by how much weight a
person can lift. Stroger muscles allow person to do more work, protect the joints
from possible injuries and makes bone stronger.

Ways to Improve Muscular Strength

1. Lifting Weights
2. Cycling
3. Hill Walking
4. Working with resistance bands

The ability of the muscle to generate force repeatedly. Improved endurance allows
an individual to perform physical activities in a greater number of repetitions and in
a longer period.

Ways to Improve Muscular Endurance

1. Sit-ups
2. Press-ups
3. Squat Thrusts

Defined as the range of motion possible at the many joints in the body. When the
muscles are developed and lengthened through appropriate exercise, they allow the
joints to move through a wider range of motion.

Ways to Improve Flexibility

1. Tai chi
2. Yoga
3. Dance

It is the ratio of lean body weight to fat. The main components under consideration
are fat mass, muscle mass, bone density, and water volume.

Ways to Improve Body Composition

1. Push-ups
2. Weighted Squat Jump
3. Explosive lunge jump


Skill related fitness is defined as working out to improve a specific skill. The six
skill-related components of fitness contribute to your ability to successfully
participate in sports and activities.

Speed deals with the rate at which a movement is performed. This skill is applicable
in all sports.

Ways to Improve Speed

1. Squat
2. Deadlift
3. Broad jump
4. Sled push

It is the ability to apply force at a high rate of speed. Power is common among
weight lifters

Ways to Improve Power

1. Squat Jumps

2. Clapping Push-ups
3. Hurdle Jumps

It refers to the ability to change direction quickly and accurately during movement.
This skills is best applied in sports where stopping and changing direction is
constantly enforced.

Ways to Improve Agility

1. Ladder Drills
2. Hurdle Drills
3. Cone Taps

It is the ability to maintain equilibrium while moving or standing still. This skill is
needed for most of the sports especially skating and gymnastics.

Ways to Improve Balance

1. Squat
2. Tai chi

It is the ability to use senses with the body parts to perform movement tasks. This
skill is best for hand-eye and foot-eye coordination

Ways to Improve Coordination

1. Jump Rope Drills
2. Target Practice
3. Dribbling

It is elapsed between a stimulus and the resulting response. This skill is best applied
in running especially sprinting.

Ways to Improve Reaction Time

1. Playing Table tennis
2. Dodgeball

● Enhancement Activity.
A. Direction: List down all the types of physical fitness components under
Skill-Related Fitness and Health-Related Fitness and give example of
physical activity related to the fitness component. Must not give the
examples from the discussion or lesson proper.


FITNESS Activities FITNESS Activities
SPEED Deadlift Cardiovascular Running and
Endurance Walking
POWER Squat Jumps Mascular Strength Cycling
AGILITY Ladder Drills Mascular Press - Ups
BALANCE Squat Flexibility Tai chi
CCOORDINATION Dribbling Body Composition Push - Ups

Reaction time Dodgeball

● Generalization.
Physical fitness components are divided into two. Health-Related Fitness (HRF) and
Skill- Related Fitness (SRF)

Health-related fitness involves exercise activities that you do to try to improve your
physical health and stay healthy. It has 5 components: cardiovascular endurance,
muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition.

Skill-related fitness is defined as working out to improve a specific skill. The six
skill-related components of fitness contribute to your ability to successfully
participate in sports and activities.

● Application.

Perform activity assessments to test each fitness component on page 12-21. Write
down the result and take photos while doing the activities and make a narrative
report about it. Submit the narrative report to your professor on the scheduled date.
(See page 2 for the rubric).

Additional Activity

1. List 2 Fitness Assessments for each Physical Fitness

Components. Explain the process.

Activity Sheet


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