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UT58D Manual en

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should be taken for there is danger of electric Display Symbols (See Figure 2)

shock. Warning
z Use the proper terminals, function, and range for Never attempt an in-circuit current measurement
your measurements. where the open circuit voltage between terminals
and ground is greater than 60V DC or 30V rms.
z If the value to be measured is unknown, use the
If the fuse burns out during measurement, the Meter
maximum measurement position and reduce the
may be damaged or the operator himself may be hurt.
range stop by step until a satisfactory reading is
Use proper terminals, function, and range for the
measurement. When the testing leads are connected
z Do not use or store the Meter in an environment
of high temperature, humidity, explosive, inflammable to the current terminals, do not parallel them across
and strong magnetic field. The performance of any circuit.
the Meter may deteriorate after dampened. The DC Current ranges : 2mA, 200mA and 20A
zWhen using the test leads, keep your fingers ( Figure 2) The AC Current ranges : 2mA, 200mA and 20A
behind the finger guards. No. Symbol Description To measure current, do the following:
zDisconnect circuit power and discharge all high 1. Turn off power to the circuit. Discharge all high-voltage
-voltage capacitors before testing resistance, The battery is low. capacitors.
continuity, diodes, capacitance or current. Warning: To avoid false 2. Insert the red test lead into the 20A or mA input
zBefore measuring current, check the Meter's fuses
readings, replace the battery as terminal and the black test lead into the COM terminal.
and turn off power to the circuit before connecting soon as the battery indicator When you measure current below 200mA, please insert
the Meter to the circuit. appears. the red test lead into the mA input terminal. When you
zReplace the battery as soon as the battery indicator Warning Symbol. measure 200mA or above, insert the red test lead into
appears. With a low battery, the Meter might 2
the 20A input terminal.
produce false readings that can lead to electric AC Indicator for AC voltage or current.
3 3. Set the rotary switch to an appropriate measurement
shock and personal injury. The displayed value is the mean
position in A or A range.
zRemove test leads and multi-purpose socket from value.
4. Break the current path to be tested. Connect the red
the Meter and turn the Meter power off before 4 Indicates negative reading. test lead in serial to the more positive side of the break
opening the Meter case. Test of diode. and the black test lead to the more negative side of
zWhen servicing the Meter, use the replacement parts The continuity buzzer is on. the break.
with the same model or identical electrical specifica 5. Turn on power to the circuit.
7 Date hold is active.
-tions. The measured value shows on the display.
zTo avoid any damage to the meter or any accident, 8 Indicator of connecting test leads
Overview into different input terminals. Note
do not alter the internal circuit of the Meter randomly. Connect
Terminal z If the value of current to be measured is unknown,
zSoft cloth and mild detergent should be used to
use the maximum measurement position, and reduce
Warning clean the surface of the Meter when servicing. No 9 hFE The Unit of Transistor Test
the range step by step until a satisfactory reading is
To avoid electric shock or personal injury, read the abrasive and solvent should be used to prevent
A: Amperes (amps). The unit of obtained.
"Safety Information" carefully before using the Meter. the surface of the Meter from corrosion, damage mA, A current. z For safety sake, the measuring time for high current
and accident. mA: Milliamp. 1 x 10-3 or 0.001
Digital Multimeter Model UT58D is a 2000-count hand should be less than 10 seconds and the interval time
zThe Meter is suitable for indoor use. amperes.
-held instrument with remarkable features: ex-large between 2 measurements should be greater than 15
zTurn the Meter power off when it is not in use
LCD, steady operations, overload protection for all V: Volts. The unit of voltage. minutes
and take out the battery when not using for a long
ranges and unique structure. It is designed with large mV: Millivolt. 1 x 10-3 or 0.001 volts. z When current measurement has been completed,
-scale integrated circuits and dual integral A/D converter disconnect the connection between the testing leads
zConstantly check the battery as it may leak when
as the core, which offers 28 measuring ranges and can and the circuit under test, and remove the testing leads
it has been using for some time, replace the battery
measure AC/DC voltage, AC/DC current, resistance, away from the input terminal of the Meter
as soon as leaking appears. A leaking battery will
capacitance, inductance, transistor, diode and continuity. damage the Meter. 10-15 C. Measuring Resistance (See Figure 5)
It is also equipped with data hold, full icon display and
sleep mode functions,etc; International Electrical Symbols
AC (Alternating Current).
Unpacking Inspection
Open the package case and take out the Meter. Check DC (Direct Current).
the following items carefully for any missing or Grounding. Black Red
damaged part: H: Henry. The unit of Inductance.
Double Insulated. mH, H -3
mH: Millihenry. 1 x 10 or 0.001
Item Description Qty Low Battery Indication. henry.
( Figure 5)
1 English Operating Manual 1 pc
Warning. Refer to the Operating Manual. Measurement Operation
2 Test Lead 1 pair Warning
A. Measuring DC and AC Voltage(See Figure 3)
3 Multi-Purpose Socket 1 pc Diode.
To avoid damages to the Meter or to the devices under
4 Test Clip 1 pair AC or DC. test, disconnect circuit power and discharge all the
5 Holster 1 pc Fuse. high-voltage capacitors before measuring resistance.
6 9V Battery (NEDA 1604, 6F22 or 009P) 1 pc Continuity Test.
Conforms to Standards of European Union.
In the event you find any missing or damaged part,
please contact your dealer immediatel
y. The Meter Structure (See Figure 1)
1. Insert the red test lead into the V input terminal and
Safety Information 1 LCD Display the black test lead into the COM terminal.
This Meter complies with the standard IEC61010: 2 POWER 2. Set the rotary switch to an appropriate measurement
Pollution Degree 2; Overvoltage Category; (CAT. II 1000V, 3 HOLD Button. position in range.
CAT. III 600V) and Double Insulation; 4 Rotary Switch 3. Connect the test leads with the object being measured
Black Red
CAT. II: Local level, appliance, PORTABLE EQUIPMENT 5 COM Input Terminal in parallel.
6 20A Input Terminal ( Figure 3) The measured value shows on the display.
etc., with smaller transient voltage overvoltages than
CAT. III 7 mA Input Terminal The DC Voltage ranges are: 200mV, 20V, 200V and 1000V.
8 Other Input Terminal. ( Figure 1) The AC Voltage ranges are: 2V, 200V and 1000V Note
CAT. III: Distribution level, fixed installation, with smaller
The test leads can add 0.1 to 0.3 of error to the low
transient overvoltages than CAT. IV To measure DC&AC Voltage, connect the Meter as follows: UHVLVWDQFHUDQJH ȍ PHDVXUHPHQW
Use the Meter only as specified in this operating manual, Rotary Switch 1. Insert the red test lead into theV input terminal
otherwise the protection provided by the Meter may be Below table indicated for information about the and the black test lead into the COM input terminal. To obtain accurate readings in low-resistance, short-circuit
2. Set the rotary switch to an appropriate measurement the input terminals beforehand and record the reading
impaired. rotary switch positions.
position in V or V range. obtained (called this reading as X). (X) is the additional
In this manual, a Warning identifies conditions and resistance from the test lead.
3. Connect the test leads parallel across with the object
actions that pose hazards to the user, or may damage Then use the equation:
to be measured.
the Meter or the equipment under test. measured resistance value (Y) - (X) = accurate readings
The measured value shows on the display.
A Note identifies the information that user should pay DC voltage measurement. of resistance.
attention to. AC voltage measurement. Note
zIf the value of voltage to be measured is unknown, z For high resistance (>1M ), it is normal taking several
Transistor Test use the maximum measurement position (1000V) seconds to obtain a stable reading..
Warning AC Current Measurement and reduce the range step by step until a satisfactory z When there is no input, for example in open circuit
To avoid possible electric shock or personal injury, DC Current Measurement reading is obtained. condition, the Meter displays "1".
and to avoid possible damage to the Meter or to the Fcx Capacitance Test zThe LCD displays "1" indicating the existing selected z When resistance measurement has been completed,
equipment under test, adhere to the following rules: HLx Inductance Test range is overloaded, it is required to select a higher disconnect the connection between the testing leads
z Before using the Meter inspect the case. Do not range in order to obtain a correct reading. and the circuit under test, and remove the testing leads
Diode test zIn each range, the Meter has an input impedance of away from the input terminal of the Meter.
use the Meter if it is damaged or the case (or part
of the case) is removed. Look for cracks or missing Continuity test approx. 10M This loading effect can cause
Resistance measurement. measurement errors in high impedance circuits. If the D. Testing Diodes and Continuity (See Figure 6)
plastic. Pay attention to the insulation around the
connectors. circuit impedance is less than or equal to 10 k , the
z Inspect the test leads for damaged insulation or error is negligible (0.1% or less).
Functional Buttons zWhen voltage measurement has been completed
exposed metal. Check the test leads for continuity. Below table indicated for information about the functional
Replace damaged test leads with identical model disconnect the connection between the testing leads
button operations and the circuit under test, and remove the testing
number or electrical specifications before using
the Meter. Description leads away from the input terminal of the Meter.
Black Red
z Do not apply more than the rated voltage, as POWER Turn the Meter on and off. B. Measuring DC and AC Current (See Figure 4)
marked on the Meter, between the terminals or ( Ye l l o w z Press down the POWER to turn on the
between any terminal and grounding. Button) Meter. ( Figure 6)
z The rotary switch should be placed in the right z Press up the POWER to turn off the
position and no any changeover of range shall Meter. Warning
be made during measurement is conducted to To avoid damage to the Meter or to the equipment
HOLD z Press HOLD once to enter hold mode.
prevent damage of the Meter. under test, disconnect circuit power and discharge
(Blue z Press HOLD again to exit hold mode.
z When the Meter working at an effective voltage Black Red
all high-voltage capacitors before measuring diodes.
Button) z In Hold mode, is displayed and the
over 60V in DC or 30V rms in AC, special care ( Figure 4) To avoid harms to you, never attempt to input
present value is shown.

voltages higher than 60V DC or 30V rms in AC. and V terminal.

Testing Diodes 2. Set the rotary switch to an appropriate measurement
Use the diode test to check diodes, transistors, and other position in Fcx range.
semiconductor devices. The diode test sends a current 3. Insert the tested object into the corresponding jack of
through the semiconductor junction, and then measures he multi-purpose socket or connect the test clip to The displayed
the voltage drop across the junction. A good silicon he object being measured.
value is hFE
junction drops between 0.5V and 0.8V. The measured value shows on the display. approx. value of
To test out a diode out of a circuit, connect the Meter as tested transistor
follows: Note
zIf the value of capacitance to be measured is unknown,
use the maximum measurement position, and reduce
2. Set the rotary switch to . the range step by step until a satisfactory reading is Maintenance
3. For forward voltage drop readings on any semiconductor obtained. This section provides basic maintenance information
component, place the red test lead on the component's zWhen the tested capacitor is shorted or the capacitor including battery and fuse replacement instruction.
anode and the black test lead on the component's value is overloaded, the LCD display "1".
cathode. Warning
zTo minimize the measurement error caused by the
The measured value shows on the display. Do not attempt to repair or service your Meter unless
distributed capacitance, the testing lead should be
Note as short as possible. you are qualified to do so and have the relevant
calibration, performance test, and service information.
zTo increase accuracy especially when measuring
To avoid electrical shock or damage to the Meter, do
small capacitance range 20nF, subtract the test leads'
not get water inside the case.
open-circuit value from the display reading.
A. General Service
zIt is normal to take a longer time when testing a high z Periodically wipe the case with damp cloth and mild
capacitor value. detergent. Do not use chemical solvent.
" " zFor testing the capacitor with polarity, connect the z To clean the terminals with cotton bar with detergent,
red clip or red test lead to anode and black clip or as dirt or moisture in the terminals can affect readings.
black test lead to cathode. z Turn the Meter off when it is not in use and take out
zWhen capacitance testing has been completed, the battery when not using for a long time.
remove the testing leads away from the multi-purpose z Do not store the Meter in place of humidity, high
socket, and remove multi-purpose socket or test clip temperature, explosive, inflammable and strong
away from the input terminal of the Meter. magnetic field
(See Figure 9) B. Replacing the Fuses (See Figure 10)

Testing for Continuity
To test for continuity, connect the Meter as below:
1. Insert the red test lead into V terminal and the black
test lead into the COM terminal. Continuous Holster
2. Set the rotary switch to .
3. Connect the test leads across with the object being
measured. ( Figure 9)
4. The buzzer sounds if the resistance of a circuit under ( Figure 10) Fuse

test is <70 .
The tested circuit resistance value simultaneously
shows on the display and the unit is .
z When continuity testing has been completed,
disconnect the connection between the testing leads
and the circuit under test, and remove the testing
leads away from the input terminal of the Meter.

E. Measuring Inductance (See Figure 7)

( Figure 7)
Sleep Mode
To preserve battery life, the Meter automatically turns
Warning off if you do not turn the rotary switch or press any
Make sure the tested inductance is far away from the button for around 15 minutes. When the Meter is under
high electromagnetic field so as to to obtain accur sleep mode, it consumes 10 μA current. (See Figure 10)
-ate reading. To activate the Meter, press POWER for two times.
The inductance ranges : 2mH, 20mH, 200mH and 20H.
Operation of Hold Mode
To test for Inductance, connect the Meter as below:
1. According to the size of the tested object's leads, Warning
insert multi-purpose socket or test clip into the mA To avoid possibility of electric shock, do not use Hold
and V terminal. mode to determine if circuits are without power. The
2. Set the rotary switch to an appropriate measurement Hold mode will not capture unstable or noisy readings .
position in HLx range.
3. Insert the tested object into the corresponding jack
of the multi-purpose socket or connect the test clip
to the object being measured.
The measured value shows on the display. 4. Remove the battery from the battery connector.
5. Replace with a new 9V battery (NEDA1604, 6F22 or
6. Rejoin the case bottom and case top, and reinstall the
3 screws and the holster.

disconn sounds
-ect tested objects from multi-purpose socket or test
** END **
F. Measuring Capacitance (See Figure 8) This operating manual is subject to change without notice.

Copyright 2001 Uni-Trend Group Limited.

" " All rights reserved.
" "
" "

( Figure 8)
z The tested inductance: Q 10, Internal resistance
Warning 1.3k.
To avoid damage to the Meter or to the equipment z When the tested inductance is >1H, the obtained
under test, disconnect circuit power and discharge reading is only for reference.
all high-voltage capacitors before measuring
capacitance.Use the DC voltage function to confirm
that the capacitor is discharged.
To avoid harms to you, never attempt to input voltages
higher than 60V DC or 30V rms in AC.
The capacitance ranges:
To measure capacitance, connect the Meter as follows:
1. According to the size of the tested object's leads, select
multi-purpose socket or test clip to insert into the mA

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