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Vendor Security Checklist

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Information Security
Control statement Control Implemented Remarks
(Yes, No, Partial, NA)
Do you have a valid third-party
information security/cybersecurity
attestation or certification?
Do you have company-wide, publicly
available information security policies in
Is the Information Security Policy is
reviewed at planned intervals, or if
significant changes occur to ensure its
continuing suitability, adequacy and
What mechanisms are in place to ensure
your policies are enforced within your
supply chain?
Are the roles and responsibilities
pertaining to information security
defined and communicated to all

Asset Management
Control statement Control Implemented Remarks
(Yes, No, Partial, NA)
Do you have an asset management
program approved by management for
your IT assets?
What are your methods to manage IT
assets on the network?
How do you manage other IT hardware
and software assets, which are not
network connected, regardless of
network presence?
Do you have documented policies or
procedures to manage enterprise
assets throughout their lifecycle.
Do you have policies or procedures to
ensure your enterprise software
platforms applications, and hardware

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assets, are classified according to their

Do you have policies or procedures to
ensure appropriate controls are in place
for internal or third-party cloud
Do you maintain an up-to-date inventory
of hardware and software assets to
ensure their accountability and
Do you have processes or procedures
for secure disposal of your assets.
Does media containing information
protected against unauthorized access,
misuse or corruption during
transportation beyond the
organization’s physical boundary.
Do you maintain information labelling
and handling procedures. Are
documented information
tagged/labelled as per your asset
classification schema.

Identity and Access Management

Control statement Control Implemented Remarks
(Yes, No, Partial, NA)
Are Procedures defined and followed for
provisioning access (logical and
Physical) to information systems and
information processing facilities.
Are Procedures defined and followed for
provisioning access to Network and
Network devices.
Are procedures defined and followed for
management of privilege access rights.
Do you have specific procedures
established and maintained to avoid the
unauthorized use of generic
administration user IDs (super admin,
super user IDs), according to systems’
configuration capabilities.

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While provisioning access rights and

privileges on information and
information systems do you determine
if access rights, and privileges are
based upon business
needs/requirements and that these
provide for adequate segregation of
Are user access provisions monitored
and reviewed on an ongoing basis to
ensure additions, deletions and changes
to the accounts and access rights are
properly tracked.
Are procedures defined and followed for
removal of all access rights (Logical
Access and Physical Access).
Do you have procedures defined and
followed for Password management
(covering password strength, password
history, password expiry, password
reset, etc.) for accessing information
and information assets.
Have you deployed password security
controls within the environment on
application, OS, database and network
Do you have a secure log-on procedure
Does the User Account get
automatically Locked out after
predetermined unauthorized attempts.

Human Resource Security

Control statement Control Implemented Remarks
(Yes, No, Partial, NA)
Do you have procedures defined and
followed for onboarding personnel.
Do you have procedures defined and
followed for conducting background
checks of your employees, contractors

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and third parties as permitted by the

country in which you operate.
Are employees, contractors and third
parties mandated to sign a non-
disclosure or confidentiality agreement
/ NDA / Code of conduct.
Do you have an information security
awareness program mandatory for all
employees’ contractors and third
Are all staff required to take the
information security awareness
trainings and sessions upon hire and
periodically thereafter.
Is there additional security training
provided to users with elevated
Are you aware of security training
practices performed by your sub-
suppliers to their personnel.
Do you have disciplinary
procedures/code of conduct defined
and followed for employees who have
committed a security breach.
Are the employees aware of the fact
that in case they breach security there
could be a disciplinary action taken
against them.
Do you have procedures defined and
followed for offboarding personnel.
Does the process include a process to
transfer knowledge to other personnel.
What is the process to remove access
to all company documents, applications,
assets, etc.
What is the process to recover all
company assets.

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Physical Security
Control statement Control Implemented Remarks
(Yes, No, Partial, NA)
Do you have physical security
procedures defined and followed that
address the control of physical access,
environmental protection, equipment
maintenance, equipment siting, visitor
management etc.
Is access to sensitive areas (server
location, tape library, computer room,
etc.) physically restricted to authorized
personnel, If yes, does the physical
access system log the access capturing
the data, time, door access, employee
coordinates during logging physical
Are all physical access control logs
periodically reviewed and retained per
retention requirements.
Are visitors signed into the building by
an employee who accepts responsibility
for the visitors during the course of
their visit.
Do you have fire alarm/suppression
systems installed across office (secure
areas/work areas).
Do you use CCTV cameras to monitor
the facility on a 24x7?
Are redundant power supplies available
for supplying power to critical
Is there an Uninterruptible Power Supply
(UPS) or DG set backup for the
Is lightning protection applied to the
buildings and lightning protection filters
fitted to all incoming power and
communications lines at the premise
housing work area and information
processing facilities?
Are all the information systems
equipment's maintained in accordance

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with the supplier’s recommended

service intervals and specifications
Are records kept of all suspected or
actual faults and all maintenance
activities performed on equipment's
Is the maintenance carried out by
authorized personnel only?
Do you have process in place to manage
movement of assets in and out of the
Do you have processes in place to
prevent counterfeit parts from entering
your supply chain?
Do you have process in place to protect
unattended equipment within the
Do you have a clear desk and clear
screen policy in force in the
Do you have a documented Security
Incident Response process covering
physical security incidents

Operations Security
Control statement Control Implemented Remarks
(Yes, No, Partial, NA)
Are applications and operating system
software implemented after extensive
and successful security testing.
Is there a log maintained to track
installation of operational software on
Do operational systems hold only
approved Software’s and there is a
periodic audit to track Software
Are users disallowed to install software
on their workstations.
Are external drives such as CDs and USB
drives disabled on all desktops and

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laptops, servers containing personal

data, customer data, business data.
Are audit logs maintained that record
user activities, exceptions, success and
failure logons, policy changes, events,
and information security events in order
to assist in future investigations and
access control monitoring.
Are system administrator and system
operator activities monitored and
Can system administrator activities be
tracked to individual system
Do you have a policy/procedure on
change management.
Are all changes to production
environment recorded and follows the
change management procedure.
Do you maintain a policy, operational
plan and procedures for teleworking
activities and whether teleworking
activity is authorized and controlled by
management and does it ensure that
suitable arrangements are in place for
this way of working.
Does patch management process
ensure all system are installed with
latest security patches (OS layer,
Application layer, Data base layer,
Network layer).
Do you have a formal vulnerability
assessment and penetration testing
(VAPT) process / procedure / policy /
manual is documented and operational.
Do you have security hardening
(technical specification, minimum
baseline security MBSS guidelines for all
infrastructure elements such as
Application, OS, Network and Database).
Have you deployed controls to protect
computer systems against virus and
spywares, malwares, Trojans, malicious
codes, etc.
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Have you implemented data protection

and privacy measures such DLP, IRM /
DRM etc.
Have you deployed any encryption /
protection mechanism (data at rest) on
databases, file servers, desktops and
laptops handling business data,
customer data, personal data (account
numbers, employee details, bank
accounts, password, card magnetic
stripe data, etc.) in compliance with all
relevant rules, laws, regulations, legal
and contractual obligations, country
specific data privacy laws, sector
specific data privacy laws.
Have you deployed any encryption
mechanism (data in transit and rest) to
secure data in rest and motion.
Do you agree to allow Auditors or
Contracted Third Parties conduct IS
Audit at your premise.
Do you have documented procedures
for the identification, capture, tracking,
escalation and resolution of operational
problems/incidents (all systems,
applications or facility-related
Whether any Firewall, deep packet
inspection solution, IPS/IDS, DLP, Anti
APT, SIEM, Anti Spoofing and other such
security solutions (Perimeter, Endpoint,
Web, Infrastructure) have been
implemented in the network
Are Users Handling organization data
given access to Corporate / Public
Mails. If Yes, are there any restrictions
on domains to which the mails can be
Are users handling organization data
provided access to the Internet.
Is there a Proxy / Content Filtering
Solution in place for controlled access
to Internet.
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Are the system clocks of all information

processing system within the
organization or security domain
synchronized with an agreed accurate
time source.
Are the system utility programs that
could be used to override system and
application controls strictly controlled
and their use restricted and that admin
privileges are not assigned to all users.
Do you have an organization-wide
strategy for managing development,
acquisition, life cycle support, and
disposal of systems, system
How does your company safeguard your
product or service against fraudulent
and/or fake IP components.
To reduce security risks, does your
company define, adhere to, and validate
safe coding practices.
Does your organization verify that third-
party software provides required
security requirements/controls.

Supply Chain Security

Control statement Control Implemented Remarks
(Yes, No, Partial, NA)
Do you have written Supply Chain Risk
Management requirements in your
contracts with your suppliers.
Do you perform due diligence on
vendors before onboarding.
Does your business take into account
supplier diversification to prevent
reliance on a single source and to lessen
the likelihood that suppliers may face
the same risks to their resilience.
Does your business take into account
alternative providing delivery channels,
such as cloud, network,

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communications, transportation, and

packaging, to offset prolonged supplier

Business Continuity
Control statement Control Implemented Remarks
(Yes, No, Partial, NA)
Do you maintain a formal business
continuity plan necessary to maintain
operations through disruptions and
significant loss of staff.
Do you have a Disaster Recovery Plan in
place to support recovery of key
products & services
Do you maintain a formally trained and
dedicated crisis management team,
including on-call staff, assigned to
address catastrophic or systemic risks
to your supply chain processes?
Do you have a Test Calendar in place to
test Business Continuity Plan?

Niranjan V
ISO 27001 LA

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