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The Effect of Temperature On Enzyme Activity

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The effect of temperature on

enzyme Activity
Lab Report

Jassim Alsabt
14 December 2022

Lab Report 1

What would happen to your cell if they made a poisonous chemicals?
You might think that they would die, In fact your cells are always making
poisonous chemical. They don’t die because your cells use enzyme to break
down these poisonous chemical into harmless substance. Enzymes are
proteins that speed up the rate of reaction that would otherwise happen
more slowly, the enzyme is not altered by the reaction you have hundreds of
di erent enzymes in each of your cells, Each of these enzyme is responsible
for one particular reaction that occurs in the cell.

In this lab you will study an enzyme that is found in the cells of many
living tissues ‚the name of the enzyme is catalase it speeds up a reaction
which breaks down hydrogen peroxide a toxic chemical into 2 harmless
substances like water and oxygen.

2H2O2→ 2H2O+O2

This reactions important to cells because hydrogen peroxide is produces

as a byproduct of many normal cellular reactions. if the cells did not break
down the hydrogen peroxide they would be poisoned and die.

Materials required:
Test tubes
Test tube holders
Hydrogen peroxide
Forceps, scissors
Measuring cylinder
Glass rod
Fresh liver

Lab Report 2

Part A- Observe normal catalase reaction:
1. Place about 2ml of the hydrogen peroxide solution into a clean test
2. Using forceps and scissors cut a small piece of liver and add it to the
test tube. Push it into the hydrogen peroxide with a glass rod observe
the bubbles.
3. Recall that a reaction absorbs heat is endothermic, a reaction that
gives o heat is exothermic.
4. Test the temperature of the test tube with the thermometer.

Part-B the e ect of the temperature on catalase activity:

1.put a piece of liver into the bottom of a clean test tube and cover it with
a small amount of water place this test tube in a boiling water bath for 5
2. Remove the test tube from the hot water bath, allow it to air cool, then
pour out the water add 2ml of hydrogen peroxide. Observe this
3. Put equal quantities of liver into 5 clean test tube and 2ml HO, into 25
other test tubes put one test tube of liver and one of H202 into each
temperature stated below
4. Use the water bath or the ice bath to have the sample at the correct
5. After 3 minutes, pour each tube of HO into the corresponding tube of
liver and immediately start the timer, Observe the reaction and stop
the timer when the formation of foam reaches.

Lab Report 3




Temperature Control Time, Trail 1 Trail 2 Trail 3 Average time


10°C 2mL 24.86s 16.14s 30.92s 23.99s

20°C 2mL 27.49s 43.22s 44.29s 38.33s

35°C 2mL 50.43s 53.26s _______ 51.85s

50°C 2mL 19.68s _______ _______ 19.68s

100°C 2mL _______ _______ _______ 0s

10°C 20°C 35°C 50°C 100°C

How long the reaction took to take

Time in Seconds



Trail 1 Trail 2 Trail 3

Lab Report 4

Averge time


Time in seconds



10°C 20°C 35°C 50°C 100°C

First what is enzyme, enzyme is a proteins that speed up the rate of
reaction and it present in all tissue, and after is used up it recover so that it

Secondly my results is dependent but not controlled because as we see

the irst three temperatures are going taking longer time as the temperature
are rising only 50°C it lower that any temperature, but as we see the
temperature is e ecting.

Thirdly the systematic and human errors, the irst error was that the liver
was not equally sized some of them were bigger than others so it e ected

Lab Report 5


the experiment and some of the temperatures didn't have the three trails so it
could e ect the Average time.
Fourthly the observation shows that the bigger the temperature the
longer it took to get to the point but at 50°C it shorter than any experiment,
its related to exothermic because it breakdown the H2O2 to H2 because H2 is

Fifthly there is two thing more could e ect the enzyme, the ph and the
catalyst, as the Ph higher the more a stable it’s also as the catalyst the more
catalyst the more the enzyme react.

Sixthly if the enzyme is cooked it well not react as the enzyme

denatured, that means that the enzyme changed shape as we see that the
reaction didn't have a time as the reaction didn't happen so we can say
whatever the time it well never react.

Lab Report 6


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