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To Build A Fire

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To Build a Fire

by Jack London

1. (a) Describe the setting of the story 'To Build a Fire'. Why did Jack London
particularly choose this setting?

Answer: Jack London chose to situate his stories in the snowy, sub-freezing world of
Yukon. 'To Build a Fire' is no exception to it and the story is set in the cold world of the
northern Arctic region. The action of the story takes place on the Yukon trail with a man
and a dog set out to reach his friends in a camp. London begins his story with the words
"Day had dawned cold and grey when the man turned aside from the main Yukon trail."
The first line itself describes the harsh conditions and extreme climate against which the
story is going to take place. The day is very cold; the earth is covered under a thick blanket
of ice with no trace of the sun. For miles, the only thing to be noticed is the white snow.
London very categorically makes it clear to the readers that the man is naïve to have
challenged the hostility and mercilessness of nature.

London specifically chose the Yukon trail as the place of setting for his story because
London writes, “there seemed to be indescribable darkness over the face of things." his
words are taken to be serious as the story is indeed a tragic tale of the man's futile attempt
to cross the Yukon trail. He will have to succumb to the power of nature and lose his life for
being too confident of his survival instincts. The pine-covered trees are the only form of
vegetation and they do not symbolize the hope of survival but the means that will trigger
the doom of this man.

He had spent an influential part of his life, mining for gold in the north. Familiarity with the
region and the American readers' craze for stories based on the Klondike Gold Rush was
reason enough to base his short story here. The Klondike Gold Rush saw Americans
flocking in great numbers to Canada's Yukon territory in the hope of discovering gold.

London was of the belief that modernization and the advent of machines had rendered
people useless. They had forgotten their animal instincts for survival. People, if they wished
to remain strong while fighting the forces of nature, needed to reconnect with nature and it
is with this belief Jack creates the man who is strong, tough and determined to reach his
destination but naïve to be not able to fathom the power of Nature. London, through this
story, is trying to make the readers realize that modern life may have cushioned our
existence but despite that, we cannot take our survival for granted when the situation

(b) How does the man allow his pride to interfere with his survival? Explain with
examples from the text.
Answer: In the tragic tale of survival narrated by Jack London, the reason behind the man's
death cannot just be attributed to the hostility of nature. The situation needs to be probed
and evaluated and then the reasons need to be ascertained. On the superficial level, the
primary reason for the man's death is the cold and the lack of fire. However, the real reason
that leads to his untimely death is his pride, his overconfidence and lack of understanding
of the forces of nature.

The man, before setting on his journey in the Yukon trail, met an old man at the Sulphur
Creek who advised him against travelling alone in sub-freezing temperatures of Yukon. The
man failed to imagine the difficulties of survival in such terrain and laughed off the
suggestions, being sure about his bravery and quick common sense. When his hands and
toes became numb to the extent that he found it difficult to light a fire, he recalled the old
man's counsel and confessed, "That man from Sulphur Creek had spoken the truth when
telling how cold it sometimes got in this country." The harshness of the conditions made
him accept that "one must not be too sure of things."

The man was quick to adapt himself to situations and was ready to fight the atrocities of
nature. He was well-versed with the precautions and dangers of travelling in such a terrain,
yet he was not far-sighted to heed them. He is reminded of the old man's advice that "no
man should travel alone in that country after fifty below zero," when he failed to light a fire
for his survival. The wet clothes and the cold added to his misery, making him lose the
sensations in his hands and feet. It was a necessity that he had so clearly ignored a partner
on the trail who would have helped him "built the fire" and saved his life.

The man despite the folly of his pride and overconfidence was a brave man who stood
against the trials of nature and fought valiantly until he accepted death in a calm and
dignified manner. London with clear examples indicated that man should not be prey to his
pride and overconfidence and lose on something as precious as life. The man in his journey
remembers the old man's advice six times. In spite of being aware of each and every
precaution, he succumbs to his death. This was inevitable because his quick sense and
agility had no comparison against the forces of nature and the experience and wisdom of
the old man.

(c) What leads to the death of the man?

Answer: In a clear scheme of things, the man in Jack London's short story dies because he
is unable to light a fire that could aid his survival. The man before beginning his trail is
aware of the perils of travelling in the country. He is cautious and completely confident of
finishing his journey on time. The man walks vigilantly, avoiding the pools of water under
the snow; however, he breaks through the ice at a place where there were "no signs" of
danger, wetting his feet till his knees. The man knew there was no going further on the trail
without drying his mittens and socks. He stopped to light a fire and chose a place under the
pine trees. The firewood was easily available and he slowly lit a match to burn the fire. In
no time, he had created a roaring fire which was the hope for his survival in this harsh
climate. He was working carefully, ensuring that he makes no mistakes that could take
away his hope for survival. The man knew there was no another chance, and thus he must
not fail.

The cold was setting in and he lost the feeling in his feet while his fingers had grown
completely numb. However, he was convinced of his efforts and was sure he would soon be
able to dry up his socks and mittens. He confidently finished what he had to do and was just
about to remove his mittens and socks when the fire was snubbed by the snow falling from
the pine trees. The man had faltered and it was his own mistake. He had to begin again to
light a fire but no more had the same energy and confidence. He seemed to have guessed
that his mistake had invited death and minimized his chances of survival.
He began with his efforts and created the space for the fire in an open area. He got the
firewood together and searched for the bark, but he could not take it out with his freezing
hands. His feet were already suffering the onslaught of cold. His bare fingers could not
work anymore, he was struggling to light a match and in his efforts to separate the matches,
the packet fell on the snow. He now had a huge task at hand. With fingers dead; he decided
to rely on his eyesight to guide him but he could not do it. Tired, he picked up the match in
his teeth and drew it across his leg to light the bark. But the burning got to his nose and
made him cough and eventually, the match fell into snow. The man had been naïve to set
out on a journey without a partner.

The man was determined to save his life and with all his efforts lighted all the seventy
matches of the pack. Fire was lit and in the process, he had burnt his hands. He endured the
pain because fire was the lifesaving agent at this hour, yet all his efforts were thwarted
when a wet plant fell on the fire and scattered it everywhere. He tried to get the sticks
together but in vain.

His last hope of survival was the dog, who he decided to kill and bury his hands inside its
warm body. But unfortunately, his hands did not have the sensations and the energy to
hold a knife and kill the dog. The man was thus forced to run to keep his body warm but
when he could no longer run, he decided to face his death with dignity.

While his inability to light the fire was the primal reason of his death yet on deeper probing
we realize that it was the man's pride and overconfidence that led to his doom. He failed to
realize the gravity of the forces of nature and relied too much on his ability. He paid no
heed to the advice given to him and thus suffered the inevitable.

Long Questions and Answers

1. What contrast is made between man and dog in 'To Build a Fire and in what ways
does the dog seem to have more sense than the man?
How does the dog's point of view about the setting differ from the man's point of

Answer: Jack London's story "To Build a Fire' is all about a man's fight with Nature. A dog
follows the man in his arduous journey. The dog survives but the man dies, and this has
much to do with their approach to Nature.

The man is arrogant and foolish in deciding to undertake a journey across the Yukon on a
bitter cold day. He feels confident enough to trek alone without a partner. He does not
listen to the well-meant advice of the old man of Sulphur Creek. The man dismisses it as
'womanly' but later has to admit that the old man was right.

The dog is introduced as a foil to the man. It does not approve of the man walking in the icy
cold region but follows him out of sheer obedience. Its instinct says that this is the time for
retreating into the warmth of a fire. It is apprehensive of the man's insistence on going
ahead when the temperature is far below minus fifty degrees. It is depressed by the
tremendous cold, its tail droops in discouragement. It does not know anything about
thermometers: there is no sharp consciousness but the inner voice tells it that this is no
time to travel. Once, it breaks through ice wetting its feet and promptly bites out the ice
that has formed between its toes to avoid sore feet. It does not know this, but is
mysteriously prompted by the accumulated knowledge of its ancestors. Also, its suspicious
nature senses the murderous intention of its companion, which helps it to avoid certain
death. At the end, it senses the smell of death emanating from the man and trots up the trail
seeking for other food and fire providers.

In contrast to the dog, the man uses his judgment, which goes terribly wrong as he fails to
foresee the danger. Unlike the dog, he does not respect the power of Nature. The gloom, the
lack of sunlight, the strangeness, the weirdness of it all does not worry him. The problem is
that he is totally devoid of imagination. He is quick and alert but does not think of his frailty
as a creature of temperature, a human that can live only within the parameters of certain
degrees of cold and heat. He also makes the mistake of making fire under a snow-laden
spruce tree, ignoring the voice of wisdom or common sense.

In short, the story can be considered as a tussle between Naturalism, which is represented
by the wolf-dog, a native of the land and Realism, represented by the man, a stranger and
newcomer to the place.

2. Comment on the setting of the story 'To Build a Fire'.

Answer: Jack London gives a vivid portrayal of the natural setting in such a way that the
reader feels very much a part of the story. Specific details of the environment are pointed
out to create an atmosphere of gloom and foreboding.

Nature is shown at her cruellest, best in her icy cold setting. The frailty of man is contrasted
with the power of Nature. That the day is cold and grey is made clear at the outset. There is
no hint of sun. Yukon is a mile wide and hidden under three feet of ice and many feet of
snow. His spittle crackles mid-air indicating that it is much below minus. His nose and
cheekbones are sore, his beard and moustache is frosted and the tobacco juice has made a
brown muzzle below his chin.

The man accidentally breaks the ice and wets his feet. He wants the fire to save his feet. Fire
is the only protection but he miserably fails to make one and that spells his doom.

The man is punished by Nature for his arrogance, for his inability to understand his frailty
when faced with the superior power of Nature and lack of foresight. The icy landscape
looms large throughout the story, making the human so puny and ineffectual. The man's
pathetic efforts to build a fire are thwarted by the forces of Nature. Only if he had respected
her power, and been more like his companion dog, he would have escaped death.

The man suffers because of the mistakes he makes, as he does not have imagination or
instinct to survive the challenges thrown by the superior power. He first throws caution to
the wind and decides to travel alone. He makes fire under the snow-clad spruce tree. He
thinks of running to thaw the numbness caused by cold but his endurance deserts him. He
cannot bring blood flow to his cheeks, to his hands. When he realizes he is running like a
chicken with its head cut off, he succumbs to the power of Nature.

Throughout the narration, the setting stands not in the background but very much in the
foreground, playing the role of a full-fledged character-threatening, menacing and all-

3. Describe the various themes that constitute the story.

Answer: The main theme that comes across is the relationship and the conflict between
man and the natural world. If a man remains in the limits that nature has drafted for him,
both can live in unity. When the pride of man breaks its limits, it will result in disharmony
and destruction.

The wolf dog's primitive instinct helps it to survive the hostile weather whereas the man's
logical calculations fail miserably. The man has personal experience but the dog's
experience is from every blood ancestor. Dog's experience tells it to be close to fire whereas
the man wants to walk ahead in the cold and reach his destination. Fire represents
humanity's control over nature whereas, ice and snow represent the relentless unforgiving
lessons imparted by nature. Fire is life-giving, ice is death. Inability to light the fire shows
how vulnerable man is when confronted with forces beyond his control.

Man's foolishness and folly is another factor that ties the theme together. Choosing to travel
alone, in spite of the well-meant advice of the old man, is utter foolishness. Choosing to
make fire under the ice-laden spruce tree is folly and sheer negligence of the voice of

That pride and arrogance weaken man's chance of survival is the recurrent theme in the
story. Man has to cultivate a healthy respect for the strength of nature. Man's practical
knowledge hampers his imagination.

Amidst all these undercurrents, there is the perseverance of man that has to be admired
and applauded. We develop an admiration for the man who tries his best to overcome the
threats but when things go beyond his endurance, he accepts death with dignity.

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