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Daily 27-11-19 No 269

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Vol. 26 No. 269 St.

Johnʼs, Antigua Wednesday November 27, 2019

WITHOUT PENSION Read story on page 3

To Ease
Bahamas Hot Mix, the
company responsible for
the ongoing road rehabil-
itation project, is cur-
rently installing
headwalls — comprised
of steel-reinforced bags
of concrete — at several
crossroad culverts as a
means of alleviating the
impact of land erosion
and subsequent flooding.
(Photo by Orville
Williams) Read story on
page 8


Pa g e 2 We d n e s d a y N o v e m b e r 2 7 , 2 0 1 9
T H E D A I LY O b se rv er

Members of public are urged to attend the final Giant
African Snail Town Hall Meeting tomorrow Novem-
ber at Multipurpose Cultural Center at 6 pm.
Low chc of shwrs Mod chc of shwrs

The Antigua and Barbuda Nurses Association will be

High: 31ºC/88ºF High: 31ºC/88ºF

holding a general meeting for all members tomorrow,

Low : 23ºC/73ºF Low : 23ºC/73ºF

at 3 pm. All members from Fiennes Institute, Clarevue

Sunrise:6:18 am Sunrise:6:18 am
Sunset :5:31 pm Sunset :5:31 pm

Psychiatric Hospital, Community Nursing Service,

MSJMC, are asked to make a special effort to attend as
pertinent issues will be discussed. ON THE RADIO
November 30
The Optimist Club of St John’s will be having a Bake
Sale on Saturday 30th November, outside Best of
Books on St Mary’s Street, from 10 am until. OBITUARIES / Connecting with Dave Lester
December 1 6 a.m. – 6:30 a.m. 2 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Birthday Club 2 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Turn your unwanted items into ca$h!!!** - 6:30 a.m – 6:45 a.m Courts Antigua Ltd Christmas
Car Boot Sale/Flea Market on Sunday 1st Decem- Promotion
ber, LIAT Cargo Road, Coolidge. Sellers: cars $40 1st Morning Edition
prepaid, $45 on day; trucks/SUVs/ jeeps/tents: $50 of the Big Stories 2:30 p.m. – 3 p.m.
6:45 a.m – 7 a.m Raynell Carroll – The Dance
prepaid, $55 on day, supporting local craftsmen! Buy-
ers: $2 entrance fee in aid of St John Hospice. Book Observer AM 3 p.m. – 4 p.m.
today at 720 9833/560 7343. 7 a.m. – 9 a.m. Leon “Kuma” Rodney – As We
News and Remember the late Vaughn Walter
December 7 Current Affairs
Evolution Drive Time
BOOK LAUNCH 2nd Morning Edition Powered by
The Museum of Antigua and Barbuda presents the of the Big Stories Antigua Motors
launch of “The Cornish in the Caribbean” written by 7:45 a.m. – 8 a.m. 4 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Cornish Antiguan Sue Evan-Wong, on Saturday 7th
Good Morning Jojo Evening Edition
December, 7 pm at the Museum Upstairs Gallery. This 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. of the Big
is the first study to tell the stories of some of the many Weekday Sporting Highlights Stories
Cornish men and women who went to the Caribbean. 5:30 p.m. – 6 p.m.
Some became wealthy plantation owners, while others Voice of the People
11 a.m. – 2 p.m. OBITUARIES /
came as indentured servants and labourers. All are Focusing on Hot Button Issues ALMANAC
welcome, admission is free. 6 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Lunch Time Edition
December 8 of the Big Stories Healthy Living
11:45 a.m. – 12 p.m. 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
The Association of Sons and Daughters of Willikies in- Serpent in the Snakepit
vites the general public to its fundraising Glow Walk & 8:30 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.
Barbecue, commencing at 5 pm on Sunday 8th De-
cember, from the Welsh’s Superette in Pares Village to
Long Bay. Tickets, $25, include the cost of the barbe- Local listeners (268) 462-2911
Interact with Observer Radio by phone, text or email

cue, and are available from executive members. Avnll Text (268) 725-9111
proceeds are in aid of the Willikies Village Reunion in
August 2020.
Skype ID: Follow us on Twitter:
Send your notices to The Daily Observer: Like us on Facebook: observermediagroup For general information (not on-air), call 462-3911
We d n e s d a y N o v e m b e r 2 7 , 2 0 1 9 Pa g e 3
T H E D A I LY O b se rv er

Police Commissioner Wendel Robinson

terminated without pension
By Elesha George John told the suspended
officer that the treatment of
After 32 years of serving his entitlement to pension is
in the Royal Police Force of documented in “Section 7 of
Antigua and Barbuda the Pensions Act”, which
(RPFAB), Commissioner of states that “Where an offi-
Police, Wendel Robinson has cer’s service is terminated on
been dismissed without a the ground that, having re-
pension. gard to the conditions of the
In a letter, dated Novem- public service, the usefulness
ber 25th 2019, Chairman of of the officer thereto and all
the Police Service Commis- the other circumstances of
sion (PSC), Kelvin John told the case, such termination is
Robinson that the body was desirable in the public inter-
exercising its power under est, and a pension, gratuity
the Constitution of Antigua or other allowance cannot
and Barbuda, and felt that it otherwise be granted to him
was “in the public interest” under the provisions of this
that he be removed from the Former Commissioner of Police, Wendel Robinson Act”.
office of Commissioner of with the office of Commis- promised” his ability to ef- According to that Act,
Police. sioner of Police” and that his fectively perform his duties, the Governor-General may,
The PSC chairman also relationship with Steadroy adding that it is “inimical to if he thinks fit, grant pen-
reiterated that Robinson did Benjamin, the Minister with the interests of good gover- sion, gratuity or other al-
not “possess the suitability responsibility for the Police nance of Antigua and Bar- lowance “as he thinks just
of temperament that accords Service has “severely com- buda”. and proper”, not exceeding
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the amount that the officer tober 15th, 2019. of Police with immediate ef- tion to appeal the judge’s de-
would receive, had he re- Robinson, who was born fect and prescribed costs to cision. The appeal is still out-
tired from the public service. in St Vincent and the Robinson and his legal team. standing even while the
Robinson’s termination Grenadines, was on suspen- Robinson’s lawyers had decision was taken to termi-
takes place with immediate sion since April 15th, 2018, argued that in suspending nate the head officer.
effect. Up to press time, the when the PSC began an in- the Commissioner before he Section 105(1) of the
outgoing Commissioner said ternal investigation into was charged with an offence, Constitution of Antigua and
he had not officially been is- complaints of sexual miscon- the PSC acted beyond its Barbuda grants the Police
sued the termination letter duct by male colleagues legal power or authority Service Commission the
but told OBSERVER media under the commissioner’s (ultra vires) and that the sec- power to appoint persons to
that he will consider his legal care. The investigation later tion of the Police Act which hold or act in offices in the
options once he does. led to charges being brought speaks to remuneration of RPFAB (including appoint-
This news comes mere against him. half pay while suspended, ments on promotion and
weeks after the suspended It would later occur that only applied to lower rank- transfer and the confirma-
officer made a request to be in October, 2018, High Court ing officers. tion of appointments) and to
seconded to another public Judge Godfrey Smith It was, however, a short remove and exercise discipli-
service position and more quashed the PSC’s decision win for the Commissioner, nary control over persons
than a month after he was to suspend Robinson and or- who would within hours re- holding or acting in such of-
first warned of his possible dered that he be reinstated to ceive a second suspension fices shall vest in the Police
termination via letter on Oc- his office as Commissioner letter, as the PSC filed a mo- Service Commission.

Justin Simon appointed head of

Disciplinary Committee for lawyers
By Latrishka Thomas grieved by an act of profes-
sional misconduct commit-
Former Attorney Gen- ted by an attorney-at-law,
eral, Justin Simon QC, has which complaint must be
been appointed Chairman of supported by an affidavit;
a Disciplinary Committee along with the manner in
which is charged with exam- which disciplinary proceed-
ining alleged breaches of dis- ings are to be held.”
cipline by lawyers in Antigua As such, the committee
and Barbuda. will be hearing any com-
In a letter dated Novem- plaint individuals have with
ber 8th 2019, the Chief Justice regard to lawyers who may
of the Eastern Caribbean have been acting for them,
Supreme Court, Dame Janice the lawyer explained.
Pereira, appointed Simon in “It is my intention
accordance with Section 1 of shortly to explain all of that
the Fifth Schedule of the to members of the public
Legal Profession Act No. 22 during an ABS Radio/TV ap-
of 2008 – a decision which pearance,” he added.
was made in consultation The other members of
with the Bar Council of the the committee are C Debra
Antigua and Barbuda Bar Burnette as Vice Chairman;
Association. Jose’ Laurent; Jared Hewlett;
Section 36(1) of the same Denise Amstrong; and Frank
Act establishes that commit- Justin Simon. (File Photo) Henry, as members, and
tee which the Queen’s Coun- high ethical duty to the court, practice, etiquette, conduct, President of the Bar,
sel will head for three years. our clients, and fellow attor- and discipline of attorneys- Lenworth Johnson as an Ex
Simon, the Senior Con- neys which must be taken se- at-law which are contained Officio member.
sultant & Legal Practitioner riously to ensure public faith in our Code of Ethics and a Simon was appointed as
at Chancellor Chambers, told and confidence in us as a part of The Legal Profession Minister of Legal Affairs and
OBSERVER media that he in- professional body in our Act, 2018. Attorney General when the
tends to take the authority fight for and in defence of “Part V of the Act pro- United Progressive Party
vested in him with utmost our clients’ legal rights.” vides the manner in which under the leadership of
seriousness because “as at- He said: “There are rules complaints should be made Prime Minister Baldwin
torneys-at-law, we owe a governing the professional by persons who feel ag- Spencer took office in 2004.
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Roundabouts mark important phase

in road rehabilitation progress
By Orville Williams

Two of the major players

in the road rehabilitation
project – the Project Imple-
mentation Management Unit
(PIMU) of the Ministry of
Works and the contractor, Ba-
hamas Hot Mix (BHM) –
have voiced their satisfaction
with the roundabouts cur-
rently under construction.
Representatives from
both agencies shared their
opinions that, although it has
not been “smooth sailing”,
the evidence of the work is
Temporary roundabout erected at the Cedar Grove/Friars Hill Road junction.
slowly being seen.


For Sale by Public Auction – For Sale by Public Auction – For Sale by Public Auction –
The Licencing Magistrate, Vacant Land at Belle Vue Vacant Land at Belle Vue Hill top land with a view at
District “A” Dieppe Bay
High Street, Instructed by ECAMC, Instructed by ECAMC, Receiver
St. Johnʼs Receiver for ABI Bank for ABI Bank Limited (In Instructed by Roberts & Co,
Antigua. Limited (In Receivership), we Receivership), we shall sell by Attorneys at Law for ABI Bank
shall sell by Public Auction on Public Auction on Thursday Limited (In Receivership), we
The Commissioner of Police Thursday 19th December, 19th December, 2019 at 3:00 shall sell by Public Auction on
Police Headquarters, 2019 at 4:00 PM, one parcel of PM, one parcel of land situated Wednesday 11th December
American Road, land situated at Belle Vue at Belle Vue Estate, registered 2019 at 1:00 PM, two beautiful
Antigua. Estate, registered as: as: Registration Section: parcels of land with a view reg-
Registration Section: Central, Freemans Village; istered as: Registration Sec-
Central, Freemans Village; Block #: 14 2288A; Parcel #: tion – South East; Block #:
I, KEISHA SHAWNELLE Block #: 14 2288A; Parcel #: 56-2280A; Parcel #: 166 &
SCAFF of Sawcolts, in the 84 measuring 0.44 acre. It is
82 measuring 0.61 acre. It is owned by George Arthurton. 248. Both parcels of land are
Parish of Saint Paulʼs, in the owned by George Arthurton. owned by Mr. Edward Hadeed
State of Antigua and Barbuda The site consists of one parcel and can be purchased together
DO HEREBY GIVE YOU The site consists of one parcel of land, rectangular in shape. or separately.
NOTICE that it is my intention of land which slopes The land slopes northwards and
to apply at the next special northwards and commands an commands an excellent view of Both parcels are elevated with
session to be held at the excellent view of northern parts the northern and eastern a moderate to steep slope and
Magistrates Court, High of the island. The property is sections of the island. The a great view of the Harbour
Street, St. Johnʼs, Antigua on unfenced, unoccupied land property is unfenced, and other surrounding areas.
the 9th January, 2019 next en- fronted by an unpaved road on unoccupied land fronted by an Each parcel measures approx-
suing for a Tavern Licence in the west. unpaved road on the west. imately 1 acre (43,560 sq. ft.).
respect of my premises
known as “HUMMUS AN- The auction will be held on site. The auction will be held on site. The auction will be held on site.
TIGUA” situate in English Bidders must have a picture ID Bidders must have a picture ID Bidders must have a picture ID
in order to be registered for the in order to be registered for the in order to be registered for the
Harbour, St. Paulʼs, Antigua. auction which will begin
Pursuant to Section 11(3) of auction which will begin auction which will begin
promptly at 4:00 PM. promptly at 3:00 PM. promptly at 1:00 PM.
the Licensing (Intoxicating Further details may be
Liquor) Act Cap. 249 of the obtained from ACME Real Further details may be Further details may be
Laws of Antigua and Barbuda Estate Agents, Tel. no. 770 obtained from ACME Real obtained from ACME Real
1992 Revised Edition. ACME (2263); 464 ACME Estate Agents, Tel. no. 464 Estate Agents, Tel. no. 770
(2263); 464 7293 Email: ACME (2263); 770 ACME ACME (2263); 464 ACME
DATED the 15th day of ~ (2263); 464 7293 Email: (2263) Email: info@acme-
November,2019. Web: ~ ~ Web: Web: www.acme- -
MICHAEL G. ARCHIBALD Roberts & Co., Attorneys at
PHILLIPS, PHILLIPS & Michael Roberts Law – 462 0076; 462 1388
ARCHIBALD Licensed Auctioneer Michael Roberts
Licensed Auctioneer
Solicitors for the Applicant ACME Real Estate Agents
ACME Real Estate Agents Ltd.
ACME Real Estate Agents
Ltd. Ltd.
We d n e s d a y N o v e m b e r 2 7 , 2 0 1 9 Pa g e 7
T H E D A I LY O b se rv er

OBSERVER media can when you are approaching a done with consideration ready at the roundabout –
attest to that, after visiting roundabout, actions must be given to the road levels and that is the challenge that we
the sites of two completed taken to ensure the safety of motorist visibility, among are really having,” Thomas
temporary roundabouts – at yourself as a road user; the other factors. These consider- explained.
the Sir George Walter High- safety of other road users — ations are especially neces- In total, five round-
way and the Cedar pedestrians and, in some sary to ensure the safety of abouts will be constructed:
Grove/Friars Hill Road junc- cases, cyclists as well,” he the motoring public – an ele- two on the Sir George Walter
tions – during a media brief- said. ment that Thomas says will Highway (SGWH) and three
ing yesterday. The roundabout at the take a lot of work. on Friars Hill Road. The
At the Sir George Walter Cedar Grove/Friars Hill “We find sections of the other on SGWH will be at the
Highway junction, tempo- Road junction is a bit clearer public are not aware how to Factory Road junction, while
rary road markings had been than the former, with “barri- utilise the roundabouts and the other two on Friars Hill
put in place, “to encourage cades” added to the road that is creating a bit of a chal- Road will be at Dickenson
the public to begin to think markings, to clearly illustrate lenge. Very early this morn- Bay junction and Cross Street
differently and to begin to the new traffic requirements. ing, we saw a close call in (YMCA junction).
change [our] behaviour as it The permanent adjust- terms of an accident and that The contractors maintain
relates to the use of round- ments to the roundabouts, could have happened just by that plans are still in place for
abouts”, according to Public Thomas said, will be done on one driver refusing to yield a September 2020 completion
Relations Officer of the Proj- a phase-by-phase basis. to the traffic which was al- of the entire project.
ect Implementation Manage- “Once the contractor
ment Unit (PIMU), Shawn would have completed this December 18 – 20
Thomas. phase, they will then come All Saints Pentecostal Church-Kingdom Life Center invites you to Journey
Thomas added that, back to the section and install to Shiloh 2019 under the theme: 2020 the Year of Uncommon Miracles,
“here in Antigua and Bar- lights and the decorative from Wednesday 18th to Friday 20th December from 7 each night at the
buda, roundabouts are new pieces to the roundabouts,” church.
for a lot of us and we want he said. GOSPEL MUSIC & MEDIA AWARDS
the public to be able to begin Thomas, along with The Antigua Barbuda Gospel Music & Media Awards is now accepting
to understand that attitudes BHM’s Public Relations Offi- submissions for the 2020 award ceremony. Local radio and television sta-
need to change”. cer, Vickindra Simon, con- tions are eligible to submit one or more programmes for nomination in
various categories. Deadline is January 17th 2020. Contact abg-
“It will take some time, firmed that the designs to the for more details or call or WhatsApp 722-2576.
but what is important is that roundabouts have all been
Pa g e 8 We d n e s d a y N o v e m b e r 2 7 , 2 0 1 9
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Drainage solution coming

to major roadways

Headwalls installed at the Cedar Grove/Friars Hill Road junction.

(Photo by Orville Williams)
By Orville Williams adjustments should signifi-
cantly reduce the impact on
The drainage issues that af- their properties.
fect residents and motorists on “Before the project com-
certain major roadways during menced, there are some stake-
periods of heavy rainfall, are holders that would have
likely to be a thing of the past, complained about excessive
with work being done to allevi- flooding when it comes to
ate the impact. heavy rains, hurricanes, storms,
As part of the road rehabil- etc. That was taken into consid-
itation project, headwalls will be eration when doing this design,
installed at several crossroad and you would find that some
culverts, to reduce the possibil- pipe sizes have increased to bet-
ity of land erosion and subse- ter [deal with] heavy rains and
quent flooding. These flooding and it’s diverted in
headwalls are comprised of such a way that it doesn’t go
steel-reinforced bags of con- onto people’s properties,” she
crete, stacked to resemble a pointed out.
“wall”. Upon water contact, the Property owners who
bags will disintegrate, leaving would have also relinquished
the concrete structure to serve portions of land to be used in
as a barrier against the flow of the project, can also expect word
water. on a timeline for reimburse-
Public Relations Officer for ment, after deliberations among
the roadwork contractor – Ba- the necessary stakeholders.
hamas Hot Mix (BHM), Vickin- Public Relations Officer in
dra Simon, explained how the the Project Implementation
structures will function in im- Management Unit (PIMU),
proving the drainage situation. Shawn Thomas, shared that the
“The headwalls that we Government, along with the
have constructed so far, the Ministry of Works and the
main purpose is drainage. The PIMU, would be discussing the
bags that we have procured, situation and finalising a deci-
they are biodegradable, so after sion.
a certain time when the rain “A number of property
falls, the bags would wither owners would have signed off
away and you would be left on the consent form for the ex-
with a concrete structure. That pansion of the roadway and
way, you will have better secu- once we would have gotten to
rity on the pipes that are imple- the stage where we would have
mented,” she said. acquired land and the project
Simon shared that residents would have been implemented
who would have been heavily in totality, those property own-
affected by flooding can now ers would be compensated,”
“breathe a sigh of relief”, as the Thomas said.
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Former Transport Board managers win

case, former GM awaits word on trial
While two former man- took the statutory body to agers’ contracts, and so the awards.
agers have won their cases in court. balance of each contract was Meanwhile, the payment
the Industrial Court, former In the judgments read on ordered to be paid out. of exemplary damages
General Manager of the An- November 25th, more than The Court also deter- amounted to $20,000, each,
tigua and Barbuda Transport $300,000 was awarded to one mined that the two were enti- plus legal costs of $2,500.
Board (ABTB) Harry Josiah is manager, while the other is tled to the entire balance of Joseph, when terminated,
still awaiting word from the set to receive almost a quarter their Thrift Fund accounts, occupied the position of
High Court on whether crim- of a million dollars. rather than the 75 percent Deputy General Manager,
inal charges brought against The Industrial Court they had received and as while Julien had just been
him will go to trial. found that their termination such, the balance of 25 per- promoted to Facility Manager
Just a few weeks ago, on violated the former man- cent formed part of their at the Motor Pool.
November 6th Josiah’s attor-
ney Dane Hamilton pre-
sented a no-case submission
before the Court and when
OBSERVER media spoke to
Hamilton, yesterday, he said
that they are still awaiting
word as to when they will
hear from the judge.
In September 2014, an in-
vestigation was launched into
the management of the ABTB
under Josiah’s tenure.
He was later sent home
on indefinite suspension
which was later rescinded. He
returned to work in January
Josiah was first charged
in mid-March 2015 and later
that month, additional
charges were filed against
The charges against
Josiah range from corruption
to forgery; uttering and ob-
taining items valued at $75,
000 using forged documents
during the period December
2009 and December 2010.
The items include three
On Monday, the ABTB
lost the cases brought against
it by former managers Patri-
cia Julien and Hudson Joseph,
Jr, and is now required to pay
over $550,000 in compensa-
tion to the former managers
by the end of 2019.
The two former employ-
ees were among several who
were terminated in 2014 after
the Antigua Barbuda Labour
Party Administration came to
office, and subsequently, they
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Police welfare officers back on the job for now

By Elesha George ficers on Tuesday, November who disclosed she had no pre- Rodney’s decision to walk out
26th, 2019, and informed them vious knowledge of the Act- on an active meeting with the
Police officers under the that the Acting Commissioner ing Commissioner’s travel PWA membership on Mon-
Police Welfare Association of Police, Atlee Rodney was plans, told OBSERVER that day, November 25th, 2019.
have returned to normal du- off island and so a joint meet- “on his return we expect to In the meantime, officers
ties after meeting with the ing could not be held at this have that meeting where he will return to work as Harris
Minister responsible for Police time. will come and address us”. stressed that the police
Service, Steadroy Benjamin. Corporal Marilyn Harris, The joint session, among “would never hold Antigua
Benjamin met with the of- the Deputy Chair of the PWA, other things, will address hostage”.

Teachers of Social Sciences participate

in Regional Integration Workshop
The Ministry of Education Community (CARICOM)/
hosted a Regional Integration OECS to consolidate markets
Workshop for Social Sciences and population size to have
teachers across Secondary greater bargaining power,
Schools in Antigua and Bar- while one disadvantage was
buda last week. the strain on the Member
Among the panelists at the States to maintain membership
Regional Integration Work- in two regional organisations.
shop for Teachers was Ambas- Ambassador Murdoch’s
sador Colin Murdoch, presentation sparked an inter-
Commissioner to the OECS for active discussion with the
Antigua and Barbuda. teachers. Some teachers echoed
During his presentation, sentiments such as, “the OECS
Ambassador Murdoch focused is indeed a strong integration
on Regional Integration in the movement with a single cur-
context of the Organisation of rency. The Eastern Caribbean
Eastern Caribbean States Dollar has been stable for as
(OECS) for which he defined long as I can remember.”
and provided historical back- However, the teachers ex-
ground. He emphasised that in pressed concerns that students
the OECS, there has always find the topic of ‘Regional Inte-
been a longstanding tradition gration’ boring due to lack of
of Regional Integration that public education and knowl-
dates back to the creation of the edge. To address this concern,
Leeward Island and Wind- Ambassador Murdoch has
ward Island Federations. How- committed to having interac-
ever, the dissolution of both tive sessions with students
federations came about as a re- across the country to garner in-
sult of external forces. terest in Regional Integration.
In giving an example of Other panelists for the
the long-existing operations of one-day workshop included
integration, Ambassador Mur- Michele Joseph from the Min-
doch shared a personal anec- istry of Trade who focused on
dote. “... My mother was a civil CARICOM, and Dorbrene
servant in St Kitts and Nevis O’Marde who spoke on the
and was transferred to the fed- achievements of Regional Inte-
erative civil service of Antigua gration thus far.
and Barbuda...” ment of its people between the world…” Ambassador Murdoch
This example showed that Member States, and have at- The presentation also was accompanied by Foreign
historically, the islands all op- tained a Single Currency highlighted advantages and Service Officer within the Min-
erated as one colony. Union with one Central Bank disadvantages of OECS Inte- istry of Foreign Affairs, Javier
Ambassador Murdoch headquartered in St Kitts and gration, with one advantage Spencer, and Communications
added that “the OECS integra- Nevis. The Eastern Caribbean being that it made better eco- Officer within the Office of the
tion is strong as the OECS has Dollar is one of four strong nomic sense for the smaller Prime Minister, Angelica
achieved freedom of move- common currencies in the countries of the Caribbean O’Donoghue.
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Major fundraising event helps

protect the marine environment
The New York-based Divers Hall of Fame scholar- the spectacular event dubbed “I am delighted that for
Women Divers Hall joined ship fund to help young “Tropical Dreams & Paradise 12th year, Antigua and Bar-
forces with the Antigua and women and men entering the Sunsets” featured a tropical buda was featured at an event
Barbuda Tourism Office to field of marine education. theme but with a twist being with Tthe Women Divers Hall
raise money for the Women According to a release, a “hippy” event. of Fame and this helped bring
Antigua to the forefront of the
scuba diving community at
this worldwide trade show,”
the Fundraising Chair of The
Women Divers Hall of Fame,
Antigua-based Martha
Watkins Gilkes said.
Adding to an authentic
Caribbean atmosphere was a
steelpan performance, facili-
tated by the Antigua and Bar-
buda New York Tourism
Office. The unique annual
party and auction also fea-
tured key members of the
diving industry.
With Dr Dan Orr as the
MC and auctioneer, the event
was a resounding success, the
release said, as over US
$25,000 was raised for the
Interested young people
in Antigua and Barbuda are
invited to apply for a scholar-
ship at under
scholarships. An Antigua-
based researcher was previ-
ously awarded a scholarship
for the study of the endan-
gered Hawksbill turtles on
Jumby Bay Island.

CALL 1-268-462-3920/21
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Our Neighbours French couple shot dead in Haiti

HAITI, Port-au-Prince -
An official at the French em-
while seeking to adopt a child
bassy confirmed that a
French couple had been robbery that turned deadly. gered by fuel shortages but istry recommends visitors
killed, without giving fur- A spokeswoman for the have turned violent and “postpone their trip to Haiti
ther details of the exact cir- Ardeche department con- morphed into a broader until further notice.”
cumstances of their deaths. firmed to AFP that the cou- campaign against President “Demonstrations, ac-
According to two other ple, from the town of Jovenel Moise. companied by blockades on
sources however, the couple Saint-Martin-d’Ardeche, had According to UN fig- the main roads and violent
were from the Ardeche re- been given a green light last ures, at least 42 people have acts (rock throwing, shots...)
gion of south-eastern France year to adopt their first child. been killed and dozens in- are very frequent. Violent
and had arrived in the capi- Haiti, the poorest coun- jured during anti-govern- groups are active and fueling
tal to adopt a child. try in the Americas, has been ment protests since a climate of insecurity,” the
One of the sources said roiled for two months by mid-September. foreign ministry warned last
they were killed in an armed protests, which were trig- The French foreign min- month. (FRANCE 24)

Press Body Turns Up Heat On PM

JAMAICA, Kingston - at a West Kingston political and democratic press. seeks to undermine the
Little more than a week after conference on November 18, The PAJ said that while media as a whole.
prime minister and leader of Holness told a partisan the prime minister was free “It is even more disturb-
the Jamaica Labour Party crowd: “You can go on social to criticise the press and ing that Mr. Holness did so
(JLP), Andrew Holness, di- media, you can go on my challenge the veracity of its under the cloak of support-
rected party supporters to page, ... all my social-media reports like any citizen, it is ing freedom of the press, for
visit his social media plat- pages, the party pages, you cause for concern when a po- which Jamaica has an envi-
forms for accurate news, have so much now, news op- litical leader, speaking from able reputation,” the PAJ
while suggesting that not all portunity, to get informed. a political party platform, said. (Jamaica Gleaner)
information presented by the You don’t have to rely on
local media are factual or one particular media for in-
truthful, the Press Associa- formation or commentary or
tion of Jamaica (PAJ) has opinion.”
taken him to task for his re- In a statement yesterday,
marks. the press body noted that
At the same time, Dr. while directing members of
Rohan Lewis, associate pro- the public to his or his polit-
fessor at the School of Hu- ical party’s social pages may
manities and Social Sciences not be controversial, conflat-
at the University of Technol- ing this with comments
ogy, Jamaica, said that in any about media not needing to
modern democracy, com- report the truth sends a clear
mercial and public media are message that the press is not
the key elements that hold to be trusted. The PAJ also
the government accountable, said that this signalled that
not the social media of polit- the government’s and
ical entities. party’s information arms are
Addressing Labourites preferable to that of a free


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Powerful quake kills 13 in Albania

World View as buildings bury residents
TIRANA/THUMANE ings in Durres, the main port
(Reuters) - At least 13 people and tourism destination, the
were killed when the most Defence Ministry said,
powerful earthquake to hit adding 39 had been pulled
Albania in decades shook out alive from under the
the capital Tirana and the ruins.
country’s west and north on Defence Minister Olta
Tuesday, tearing down Xhacka said 135 people were
buildings and burying resi- injured.
dents under rubble. Firefighters, police and
Residents, some carry- civilians were removing the
ing babies, fled apartment debris from collapsed build-
buildings in Tirana and the ings in Thumane. Most of
western port of Durres after the buildings that collapsed “Albania reels after biggest quake in decades exacts a deadly toll.”
(Photo courtesy Reuters)
the 6.4 magnitude quake were built of bricks, a
struck shortly before 4:00 Reuters reporter said. At least 135 people were building in Durres.
a.m. (0300 GMT). Rescuers in Thumane injured, with 72 hospitalised, “I talked with my
In the northern town of used a mechanical digger to Xhacka said. Two planes daughter and niece on the
Thumane, Marjana Gjoka, claw at collapsed masonry from fellow NATO-member phone. They said they are
48, was sleeping in her apart- and remove a tangle of metal Romania were expected to well and are waiting for the
ment on the fourth floor of a and cables. Others groped land with specialised search rescue. Could not talk to my
five-storey building when with bare hands to clear rub- and rescue equipment and wife. There are other fami-
the quake shattered the top ble. help was coming from Italy lies, but I could not talk to
floors. Two people were pulled and Turkey, Xhacka said. them,” the man said.
“The roof collapsed on from rubble in Thumane Greece had sent emer- Located along the Adri-
our head and I don’t know four hours after the quake, a gency services for search and atic and Ionian Seas, be-
how we escaped. God Reuters reporter said. Doc- rescue operations, its pre- tween Greece and
helped us,” said Gjoka, tors said they were in a bad mier’s office said. Macedonia, Albania experi-
whose three-year-old niece condition. “Firefighters and army ences regular seismic activ-
was among four people in “Everything at home staff are helping residents ity.
the apartment when the kept falling down,” Refik, a under the rubble,” in Durres An earthquake of 5.6
quake struck. Tirana resident, said of the and Thumane, the Defence magnitude shook the coun-
The quake was centred impact on his sixth-floor Ministry said. try on September 21, damag-
30 km (19 miles) west of apartment. An unidentified man, ing around 500 houses and
Tirana, the U.S. Geological “We were awake be- with a wound dressing on destroying some. The De-
Survey (USGS) said, and was cause of the previous his right cheek, told News24 fence Ministry had said it
also felt across the Balkans quakes, but the last one TV his daughter and niece was the most powerful
and in the southern Italian shook us around,” he told were among those trapped quake in Albania in the last
region of Puglia. Reuters, referring to smaller in a collapsed apartment 30 years.
Hours later a magnitude tremors recorded in the hour
5.4 earthquake hit Bosnia, before the main quake. UK’s Johnson: Chief Rabbi’s attack
with an epicentre 75 km (45 Rescuers told local
miles) south of Sarajevo, media one of the dead was on Corbyn ‘a serious business’
monitors said. There were no an elderly woman who
immediate reports of in- saved her grandson by LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Boris
juries. cradling him with her body. Johnson said on Tuesday it was a “serious business” when
Five people were found Xhacka said the quake’s the chief rabbi criticised the opposition leader Jeremy Cor-
dead in the rubble of apart- epicentre was in Durres. It byn for failing to root out anti-Semitism from the Labour
ment buildings in the north- was followed by 100 after- party.
ern Albanian town of shocks. “All I will say about that is I do think it is a very serious
Thumane and a man died in “Durres and Thumane business when the chief rabbi speaks as he does,” Johnson
the town of Kurbin after are the areas worst hit. Res- said in response to a question from a reporter on Chief
jumping out of a building, a cue-and-save work contin- Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis’s attack on Corbyn.
Defence Ministry spokes- ues in the collapsed “I’ve never known anything like it and clearly it is a
woman said. buildings there,” she said as failure of leadership on the part of the Labour leader that he
Seven bodies were troops pulled a victim from a has not been able to stamp out this virus in the Labour
pulled from collapsed build- hotel in Durres. Party.”
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Are we the people of Antigua and

Barbuda really independent?
By Helen Abbott put on these sales. and are apparently buying up siren songs of disunity, of dis-
YIDA now owns Guiana land in St John’s. Local stores cord that will sink our ship of
In 1967 Antigua acquired Island and acres of land on the like Brysons and Dews, which state on the rocks of disaster.”
33,000 acres of land from the mainland. The mangroves had been here forever, and It seems to me that many
Antigua Syndicate Estates have all been destroyed and I many others have closed. citizens are already on the
and the Antigua Sugar Fac- hear they even own the sea We have now opened a rocks of disaster. Pensions not
tory. around the island! How can school to teach Chinese; why paid on time, government
The story goes that Sir that be? The Chinese YIDA do the Chinese not have to workers paid late and over-
Alexander Moody-Stuart of- having denuded the lands are learn English since Antigua is time and back pay not paid.
fered to sell the land, probably now building horrible ugly an English speaking country? And on and on it goes. I am
never expecting the sale to buildings which are in great Maybe we won’t be for much sure that the ministers are
happen. V.C Bird the Prime contrast to the West Indies longer. paid on time every month.
Minister of Antigua visited beautiful artistic style and are It appears the Chinese Before we became inde-
the Royal Bank Of Canada spoiling our island views. want to take over the world. pendent we were ruled by the
and returned to tell Sir YIDA is a State within a State They are in Africa and now British Government now it
Alexander he had the money from which Antigua and Bar- trying to get into the islands appears we will soon be ruled
and would buy the land, the buda will receive nothing. near Australia. They lend by the Chinese. If you think
deal was donein December The Chinese were given huge sums of money and the British were bad, just wait
1969 the said land was Vested five acres of land to build an when it cannot be repaid they until the Chinese take over.
in the Crown . This land in- embassy. Who needs five take over. I hear that their Just look at what is happening
cluded arable land, beach acres for an embassy? What garbage dump in China, in Hong Kong, which was a
land, and all the houses etc on else will be in there? They are which was to be used for 25 beautiful peaceful place under
the estates and all the equip- now building a huge edifice years, is now full. the British.
ment, land houses etc at The which I guess will be as ugly The Prime Minister Gas- Are we independent or
Antigua Factory. as the YIDA buildings and ton Browne told us in his In- are we at the mercy of the
This land became the spoil the open view on that dependence speech: “I urge Government, the foreigners,
property of the government road. that we deafen our ears to the and the Chinese in our land.
and people of Antigua & Bar- A few other things we
buda. I wonder if any of the should worry about.
other islands were this fortu- Supermarkets are al-
nate? lowed to import workers, and
How much of this Crown these supermarkets don’t buy
land is left today? How many pork, etc, from local farmers.
government ministers or ex It appears many busi-
ministers live on some of nesses are now owned by for-
these estates? We see minis- eign investors (maybe they
ters building huge houses on are Antiguans by CIP, we
prime land which was Crown don’t know) they own hotels
land. We hear of land deals and now I hear they have
being done which the people been given land to farm. How
of Antigua and Barbuda many native Antiguans have
know nothing about until the been trying for years to get
deals are done. land to farm?
We hear of the govern- A hotel built at Devil’s
ment buying land for various Bridge which I thought was a
reasons such as supposedly Protected Area. When will
building affordable homes. these hoteliers have enough? I
This land comes at a huge guess it’s who you know.
price, especially when you Fort James one of the
compare it with what was most popular and one of the
paid in 1967 for all the lands last empty beaches will be lost
etc. Our beaches no longer be- to locals; any time of the day
long to the people but to for- you go there they are people.
eign hoteliers. How much Runaway Beach, another
beach land has been sold and popular beach, will probably
not yet built upon? Are they be very changed.
waiting for another buyer to Chinese have opened su-
come along? There never permarkets and other stores
seems to be any stipulations
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Historical correction to first Antiguan

to head MSJMC’sEmergency Dep’t
Dear Sir her patients and several Min- write this ‘correction’ above indignity and disrespect that
Kindly allow me the isters of government, includ- the express objection of Dr. is often the cause of the ‘brain
space in your widely read ing Minister of Health the Francis who expressed hearti- drain’ that is a plague in our
publication to correct the his- honourable Molwyn Joseph, est congratulations to Dr. developing societies.
torical record in relation to the who is yet to fulfill his prom- Bowen wishing her all the
headline in your publication ise to offer Dr. Francis a posi- best in her position at MSJMC. Respectfully,
of 26th November 2019 and to tion within the medical However I express the fervent
address the Antiguan procliv- fraternity of Antigua and Bar- hope that authorities will in Ras Franki Mwalimu Kwame
ity to declare ‘first’ in certain buda. future refrain from treating Tafari/ Ambassador Lennox
areas of endeavor which I hasten to add Sir, that I young professionals with the F. Francis
shows a singular lack of
recognition and respect for
those who have gone before.
With all due respect to Dr.
Olsheath Bowen, the position
of Head of the Emergency De-
partment at the Mount St.
John’s Medical Centre was
held by Antiguan Doctor Dr.
Adama Francis from 2014 to
2017 until she was relieved of
her position, without cause
and due process by Medical
Director Dr. Duncan, who re-
fused to apologise for his dis-
respect to Dr. Francis and his
failure to follow proper proce-
dure until forced to do so by
then Chairman of the Board of
MSJMC, Mr. Bernard Percival.
Dr. Adama Francis holds
the post-graduate degree of
Masters in Emergency Medi-
cine (M.E.M.) from the Uni-
versity of Guyana in
collaboration with the Emer-
gency Medical Institute of
University of Vanderbilt,
Nashville Tennessee and in
her time at MSJMC was
highly regarded and com-
mended by her colleagues,

that Abdulkarim Alfares of
Cassada Gardens, An-
tigua, is applying to the Min-
ister for Naturalisation and
that any person who knows
any reason why Naturalisa-
tion should not be granted
should send a written and
signed statement of the
facts to the Permanent
Secretary, Ministry of Ex-
ternal Affairs.
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Greenhouse gas emissions have to

GUEST OPINION fall over 7 per cent each year;
By Inger Andersen, Executive
we must stop procrastinating
would remain on course for a warnings. We have procrasti- in 2020, then stronger national
Director, United Nations Envi-
3.2°C temperature rise. To get nated, thinking we can catch up climate commitments and ac-
ronment Programme
on track to limiting the global later. But now the hard deadline tion to kick start the major
temperature rise to 1.5°C, we for serious action is upon us. transformations of economies
We are doing nowhere
need to more than halve global The size of these annual and societies needed to catch up
near enough to limit climate
emissions by 2030. Slicing this cuts is shocking. It is also un- on the years in which we pro-
change. Greenhouse gas emis-
up evenly means emissions precedented. The best annual crastinated.
sions are rising when they
should fall 7.6 per cent per year emissions reduction any indi- It is still possible to reach
should be falling. Countries
from 2020 to 2030. For the 2°C vidual country has recorded is the 1.5°C target, but we should
need to urgently increase action
target, the figure is 2.7 per cent just over two per cent per year – not downplay the size of the
or we will face a future of rising
each year. the UK, between 1990 and 2018. task. To close the gap in action,
seas, extreme weather events
Scientists, the UN and ac- The task may seem impossible, nations have to raise the ambi-
and increased human misery.
tivists have been delivering particularly for 1.5°C. But we tion of their pledges over five-
The UN’s annual Emis-
variations of this message for have to try, and we must start fold when they revise them.
sions Gap Report, released in
more years than most of us care now. The Intergovernmental They must then immediately
Geneva on November 26th,
to remember, and their voices Panel on Climate Change has follow up with policies, strate-
tells us that even if all current
have only grown louder. Still, warned us that going beyond gies and action to meet these
unconditional Paris commit-
the world has not heeded their 1.5°C will increase the fre- commitments.
ments were implemented, we
quency and intensity of cata- The global landscape has
AUCTION NOTICE NOTICE strophic climate events such as never been more conducive to
the heatwaves and storms wit- taking the necessary action.
nessed across the globe in the There is an increased under-
Registration Section
Hodges Bay & Thibouʼs The Licencing Magistrate,
District “A” last few years. Sea levels will be standing of the multiple bene-
higher. Almost all coral reefs fits of climate action – such as
Block Parcel
43 1896A 796 High Street,
St. Johnʼs will die. The planet will be in se- clean air, green jobs and a boost
Antigua. rious trouble. to many Sustainable Develop-
Instructed by RBC Royal Bank of
Canada, Licenced Auctioneer, Mr.
Trevor Santos shall sell by Public Action The Report’s findings are ment Goals. There are many ex-
the property comprised in the above The Commissioner of Police timely as they come ahead of amples of ambitious efforts
noted Register which is located at
Mount Pleasant, St. Johns in Antigua. Police Headquarters, the UN Climate Change Con- from national governments,
American Road, ference COP25 which takes cities, businesses and investors.
Date of Auction: 20th December, Antigua.
2019 place in Madrid, Spain, chaired Pressure is growing in the form
Time of Auction: 12:00 pm I, CHRISTINA HAMZA of by Chile, and where parties will of powerful protest move-
Dieppe Bay, St. Paulʼs An- review their climate action ments. Climate change is be-
Location of Auction:
On Site at Mount Pleasant tigua and Barbuda DO pledges. coming a bigger issue in the
HEREBY GIVE YOU NO- Countries cannot wait until ballot box.
Sharon Pelle also know as Sharon
TICE that it is my intention to the end of 2020, when new cli- We either take advantage
Seth apply at the next special ses- mate commitments are due, to of this environment to deliver
sion to be held at the Magis- step up action. They – and the radical transformations and
Size of parcel:
0.14 acre or 6,119 sq. ft. trates Court, Grayʼs Farm, St. every city, region, business and climate-smart solutions we
Johnʼs, Antigua on the 9th individual – need to act now. need now or face the conse-
Attributes: January, 2019 next ensuing
The property consists of a flat rectangu-
for a Tavern Licence in re- We need quick wins to reduce quences of a planet radically al-
lar shaped parcel of land with a 2 storey
detached wooden and concrete dwelling spect of my premises known emissions as much as possible tered by climate change.
house thereon. as “MATCH SPORTS BAR
The Lower floor is consists of 3 bed- & BISTRO” situate in Temo
rooms, 1 bathroom, living room, dining Sports, English Harbour, St. PAN AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE OF THE
room, kitchen, laundry room and a ve- Paulʼs, Antigua. Pursuant to
Section 11(3) of the Licensing
The Upper floor is an incomplete struc-
ture. (Intoxicating Liquor) Act Cap.
The property is bounded on east by par-
cel # 795, on the west by a road, on the
and Barbuda 1992 Revised ALICO POLICY NO: 3289315 ON THE LIFE OF CANUTE
north by parcel #868 and on the south
Access to the property is provided by
the public road and water, telephone THE SAME. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNLESS OB-
and electricity services to the property DATED the 13th day of No- JECTION IS RAISED WITHIN TWO (2) WEEKS OF THE DATE
Additional details may be obtained SUED.
PHILLIPS, PHILLIPS & Dated : 26st November 2019
Mr. Trevor Santos, Licenced Auc-
tioneer, Tel: 464-7653/562-7653 Solicitors for the Applicant Thank you,
Wyntee Henry (ms)
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“Nearga say dat ebrybody inna dat administration,

except wan ar two, lacka Mickey Mouse!”
Pa g e 2 4 We d n e s d a y N o v e m b e r 2 7 , 2 0 1 9
T H E D A I LY O b se rv er


Born today, you are not always able to control stress the
way you might wish, and youʼre sure to feel the influence of
others a great deal more than many born under your sign.
Your interactions with those around you, whether personal or
professional, are always going to determine the overall tone
of each and every day, and you may have very little control
over how things pan out if you refuse to take control of how
things affect you.
You are one of the most collaborative individuals born
under your sign, and you thrive when working with those
who share your aspirations, talents, outlook and drive.
Whether leading or following others, you are able to excel at
nearly everything you do — or are asked to do. You are an
exemplary employee!
Also born on this date are: Robin Givens, actress;
Caroline Kennedy, attorney and diplomat; Jayne
Kennedy, sportscaster; Bruce Lee, actor and martial
artist; Jimi Hendrix, rocker; James Agee, author; Bill
Nye, TV show host; Jaleel White, actor.
To see what is in store for you tomorrow, find your birth-
day and read the corresponding paragraph. Let your birth-
day star be your daily guide.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — Youʼre racing to-
ward a certain goal with the bit between your teeth — but is
this lack of control really good for you? Try toning it down.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — You may have to
change the way you think about a certain situation in order
to avoid any serious pitfalls that may be presented by it.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — Itʼs time to make a list
of all those who will want to be kept abreast of a certain fast-

Answer to previous Sudoku Puzzle

developing situation. You mustnʼt leave anyone out!
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) — An early start may not
be required, but it can certainly put you in the lead — and
you can stay there if you anticipate certain obstacles.
ARIES (March 21-April 19) — Itʼs all about how you say
certain things today, though timing will play a role. You may
be caught up in something that defies logic.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20) — By being sharp of mind
and quick of body today, you can have what you want — but
youʼre going to have to share some of it with a rival, perhaps.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20) — You may wake today to
discover that youʼve fallen behind in some way. Donʼt be too
quick to jump into the saddle; assess the situation.
CANCER (June 21-July 22) — Youʼll find yourself on a
new and unfamiliar path at some point today. When did you
take this new course? You can seize opportunities.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — You are not likely to reach
the same conclusion as one who is considered an “expert,”
but that doesnʼt mean your thinking has been faulty.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — You will almost surely
have to answer one or two difficult questions today — or is
it the answers that are difficult? You must come clean!
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — Examine the facts closely
today in order to realize youʼve been in the dark about a key
issue for far too long. All thatʼs about to change.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — A complication arises
today that challenges you in mind, body and spirit. Your
overall attitude will be what makes the biggest difference.
We d n e s d a y N o v e m b e r 2 7 , 2 0 1 9 Pa g e 2 5
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Answer to previous Scrabblegram

JUMP START ® by Robb Armstrong PEANUTS® by Charles M. Schulz

DILBERT® by Scott Adams ROSE IS ROSE® by Pat Brady

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Williamson apologises to Archer after

fan racially abuses England bowler
New Zealand captain Kane
Williamson will seek out Jofra
Archer for a personal apology,
having said sorry on behalf of
his country, after the England
bowler was racially abused by a
An investigation was
launched by New Zealand
Cricket (NZC) after Archer
said he was targeted during the
first Test at Bay Oval.
The 24-year-old made 30 in
England’s second innings as Joe
Root’s team tried to salvage a
draw, only for the Black Caps to
claim an innings-and-65-run
win in the final session of the
last day.
After the match, Archer
wrote on Twitter: “A bit dis-
turbing hearing racial insults
today whilst battling to help
save my team, the crowd was New Zealand captain Kane Williamson (right) has apologized to England’s Jofra Archer.
been amazing this week except
for that one guy.” England’s director of cricket “We fully support Jof - He’s a young man making his
NZC apologised to Archer Ashley Giles promised Archer there is no place for racism in way in the game and we don’t
and vowed to identify the spec- the full support of his team. the game and Jof is part of our need this sort of thing. I’m
tator, and Williamson said he in- “The tweet that went out team. Whatever the abuse, hopeful they [NZC] will find
tends to speak with the bowler [from Archer] was obviously we’re right behind him. out who did it. They’re working
himself, too. emotional. It hurts,” Giles told “Our team will rally round very hard to find the culprit.”
“I will try, over the next few ESPN. him but it’s a serious incident. (
days if I can see him, definitely,”
he told
“It’s certainly against
everything that we as Kiwis are
The NBA heats up
about, and I certainly hope that Giannis Antetokounmpo 15-2 Lakers, who own the best
nothing like that ever happens scored a season-high 50 points record in the league.
again. and collected 14 rebounds as Buddy Hield had a career-
“I can only apologise on be- the Milwaukee Bucks beat the high 41 points but the Sacra-
half of Kiwis to Jofra, not only Utah Jazz 122-118 in NBA ac- mento Kings still lost 103-102 to
from our team and how we look tion on Monday. the Boston Celtics, who were
to conduct ourselves, but what It was Antetokounmpo’s without Kemba Walker due to a
we expect of Kiwis in general.” second 50-point game of his ca- neck sprain.
Williamson went on to de- reer, which helped extend Mil- Bam Adebayo had his
scribe the abuse as “horrific”. waukee’s (14-3) winning streak ninth double-double of the sea-
Asked if he was shocked, to eight games. son courtesy of 21 points and 13
he added: “Absolutely, 100 per Reigning MVP Antetok- rebounds as the Miami Heat “It was Antetokounmpo’s second
cent. ounmpo also recorded his 17th defeated the Charlotte Hornets 50-point game of his career, which
“We were out there too and consecutive double-double – 117-100 to remain undefeated at helped extend Milwaukee’s (14-3)
the longest streak to start a sea- home. winning streak to eight games.”
didn’t hear anything… obvi- (Photo courtesy sportsmax
ously we were focusing on son since 1976-77. Carmelo Anthony moved
other things. Bojan Bogdanovic (24 into 18th place on the NBA’s ca- scoreless for the first time in his
“It’s a horrific thing. In a points) and Donovan Mitchell reer scoring list. The veteran career after the Philadelphia
country, and a setting where it is (20 points) led the Jazz (11-6) on finished with 25 points in the 76ers went down 101-96 to the
very much multi-cultural, it’s the road. Portland Trail Blazers’ 117-94 Toronto Raptors. All-Star Em-
something we need to put to LeBron James, meanwhile, win against the Chicago Bulls. biid shot 0-for-11, missing all
bed quickly and hope nothing put up 33 points and 14 assists The Minnesota Timber- four of his shots from three-
like that ever happens again. It to see the Los Angeles Lakers to wolves triumphed 125-113 over point range and going 0 of three
certainly won’t if there’s any in- a 114-104 victory at the San An- the Atlanta Hawks thanks to from the free-throw line. He
fluence we can have on it.” tonio Spurs. Karl-Anthony Towns’ 28 points did, however, manage a game-
The second Test begins in Anthony Davis added 19 and 13 rebounds. high 13 rebounds.
Hamilton on Thursday and points and 12 rebounds for the Joel Embiid was held (
We d n e s d a y N o v e m b e r 2 7 , 2 0 1 9 Pa g e 2 7
T H E D A I LY O b se rv er

Canada condemn Marooners to defeat despite Palmer ton

A crisp maiden List A being the next highest. But Thaker and Sana,
hundred from Paul Palmer Thaker, bowling his un- watched by a small crowd
failed to ignite Combined complicated off-spin, re- that included Cricket Canada
Campuses & Colleges Ma- turned the miserly figures of president Ranhit Saini, frus-
rooners and Canada rode a 3-29 from his allotted 10 trated the Marooners with 92
strong all-round perform- overs to make him a shoo-in for the eighth wicket to push
ance from Harsh Thaker to a for the Player of the Match their side to a respectable 252
51-run victory in the Colonial award, after scoring a half- all out in their allocation of
Medical Insurance Super50 century when the Canadians 50 overs.
Cup on Monday. batted. Thaker hit a run-a-ball
Palmer struck 12 bound- New-ball bowler, unbeaten 68 that included six
aries in his top-score of 105 Kaleem Sana-ur-Rehman, fours and two sixes and Sana
from 123 balls and shared a was the most successful made a run-a-ball 37.
century, fourth-wicket stand bowler, taking 4-24 from 8.2 Off-spinner, Larry
with compatriot Romaine overs, and fellow slow Joseph, ended with 3-38 from
Morris, as the Marooners bowler, Shahid Ahmadzai, his 10 overs, pacer Jarlarnie
failed to successfully chase Palmer struck 12 boundaries in his
top-score of 105 from 123 balls.
supported with 3-37 from Seales took 3-62 from his 10
253 to win the final Group A eight overs to propel Canada overs and left-arm spinner
match at the Conaree Cricket in prime condition for the to their second win in the Kavesh Kantasingh bagged
Centre. format. tournament and send the two wickets.
Palmer’s hundred was The former Jamaica Scor- Marooners, last year’s cham- Neither team qualified
the 11th in the group out of a pions captain shared 103 for pions, to their sixth defeat. for the semi-finals, which
total 17 scored in the tourna- the fourth-wicket with Mor- Choosing to bat, Canada will start at 1:30 p.m. on
ment up to the time of writ- ris, whose 58 from 59 balls in- were 112 for three before they Thursday and Friday at the
ing – a testimony to the hard cluded six fours and one six, stumbled to 149 for seven in Queen’s Park Oval in the
work of the ground staff at but there was little stability the 38th over and looked in Trinidad & Tobago capital of
this venue and Warner Park, from the rest of the batting danger of falling for a sub- Port of Spain. (www.sports-
where the pitches have been with Gian Benjamin’s 10 par total.

Gayle says he ‘does not get respect’ in Twenty20 leagues

West Indies batsman The Stars have lost all six
Chris Gayle says he “does of their games, are bottom of
not get respect” in global the league table and cannot
Twenty20 franchise leagues. qualify for the knockout
Gayle was speaking in a stage despite having four
heated news conference after matches remaining.
his exit from South Africa’s The team’s chief execu-
Mzansi Super League (MSL). tive Jono Leaf-Wright said
The 40-year-old had Gayle was not a “burden” on
been playing for champions the side and called the left-
Jozi Stars but had scored just hander “sensitive.”
101 runs in six innings and “In Chris’ head, he feels
his side had not won a that when he doesn’t per-
match. form - because there are such
“As soon as I don’t per- expectations from the fran-
form for two or three games, chise, the fans - that he’s the
then Chris Gayle is the bur- reason the team is not per-
den for the team,” he said. forming,” Leaf-Wright said.
“I am not talking for this “I know Chris well. He
team only. This is something The 40-year-old had been playing for champions Jozi Stars but had seems like he’s the big char-
I have analysed over the scored just 101 runs in six innings. acter, lots of bravado, the
years playing franchise “I am not going to get re- than 20 teams in domestic swag and all that stuff - but
cricket. Chris Gayle is al- spect. People don’t remem- leagues around the world. he’s actually a sensitive guy,
ways a burden if I don’t ber what you have done for He scored 47 runs in his and unfortunately, when he
score runs. them.” first five matches in this doesn’t perform he really
“It seems like that one Gayle, one of the tourna- year’s MSL, then hit 54 off 28 takes it to heart.
particular individual is the ment’s marquee players, has balls in his final match for “He’s certainly no bur-
burden for the team. And scored 13,152 in T20 cricket the Stars before his sched- den on our side.” (BBC
then you will hear bickering. and has played for more uled departure. Sport)
Pa g e 2 8 We d n e s d a y N o v e m b e r 2 7 , 2 0 1 9
T H E D A I LY O b se rv er

Grenades confident but cautious

despite best ever top flight start
By Neto Baptiste like that together then you ex- his team will face numerous
pect to go out and win games. challenges on their way to
Coach of the Sandals, Inet We are not going to get com- what he hopes will be their
Grenades FC, Derrick Ed- placent, we have to take one first top flight title.
wards, believes he now has game at a time and this is a “We’re not perfect, the
the correct combination of competition where every players are not perfect and
players to get the job done in team comes out every week- you have to understand that
the Antigua and Barbuda end and they come out to sometimes you’ll come and
Football Association’s Pre- win, so you can’t lower your you’ll play a horrible game
mier Division. standard to the other teams and you’ll get three points. I
Speaking on the Good below you; you have to play think that we didn’t have a
Morning Jojo Sports Show, Ed- at a higher level,” he said. great game on Saturday but
wards said he is even more Grenades are currently at we came out on top and that’s
encouraged by the start the the top of the standings with the most important thing,”
team has had in the 2019/20 10 points, three ahead of the former national coach
league, winning three and Greenbay Hoppers, Five Is- said.
drawing one of their four lands and All Saints United. Grenades captured the
matches to date. However, it is still early days ABFA’s President’s Cup in
“I put a team together with more than 75 percent of 2016/17, one year before they
that I know could compete the league still left to be captured the FA’s Champions
Coach Derrick Edwards stands on and win the championship so played. League. However, the Jen-
the sidelines during one of his
team’s matches at the ARG. (File we expected to do well be- Edwards, although confi- nings-based team is yet to lift
photo) cause after you put a team dent, is not naïve, stating that the Premier Division title.

West Indies pick Melius to lead

15-man squad to U19 World Cup
Cricket West Indies has the young Super50 side to
picked Kimani Melius to lead make the cut.
a 15-man squad to the ICC The Caribbean will get
U19 Cricket World Cup in its opportunity to see the
South Africa in January. team in action, with the Tri-
Before the team goes off Series set to feature nine
to the World Cup, it will take matches from December 6-21
on the England U19s and Sri at the Sir Vivian Richards
Lanka U19s in the West In- Cricket Ground and the
dies Rising Stars U19 Tri-Se- Coolidge Cricket Ground.
ries in December. The West Indies will face
Melius was part of the three-time winners Australia,
2017 team that failed to hold 1998 England, and tourna-
on to the title it won in 2016, ment debutants Nigeria, in
along with two other return- Zone B of the U19 World Cup
ing members. Ashmead which begins January 17 and
Nedd and Nyeem Young runs through to February 9.
were also members of that The squad is completed
squad which has brought in by Kevlon Anderson, Daniel
players from the West Indies Kimani Melius was part of Beckford, Matthew Forde,
Emerging Players team cur- the 2017 team that failed Joshua James, Antonio Mor-
rently part of the Colonial to hold on to the title ris, Mbeki Joseph, Avinash
it won in 2016.
Medical Insurance Super50 Mahabirsingh, Kirk McKen-
Cup. zie, Ramon Simmonds, and
Leonardo Julien and Jay- Matthew Patrick.
den Seales are the two from (
We d n e s d a y N o v e m b e r 2 7 , 2 0 1 9 Pa g e 2 9
T H E D A I LY O b se rv er

Cochrane: No definite date for

the return of horse racing
By Neto Baptiste

The Antigua Turf Club

(ATC) had put an indefinite
hold on the staging of races
at the Cassada Gardens Race
This is according to head
of the body, Neil Cochrane,
who said intermittent show-
ers have made it difficult for
horse owners and trainers to
get their animals in race con-
dition, forcing the Turf Club
to abandon plans of hosting
a December event.
“We had gotten the
place nicely cleaned up and
so and horses started to ex-
ercise as I said. We had set a
date for December 9th but Horse racing fans will probably have to wait until some time next year before the return of their favourite past
since then [clean up] we’ve time. (File photo)
had plenty of rain which has The situation, Cochrane rights and at the end of the make a presentation for the
caused them to miss exercise said, has been a frustrating day, if you can’t enjoy the in- financing; that is what we
for a week and so on which one but adds that prepara- vestment via bragging rights are trying to work on but
has just delayed the entire tions must be put in place in then it becomes extremely even that, too, with the level
process. We are working but an effort to avoid certain set- frustrating. Some people lose of funding required to en-
we haven’t set a date as yet. backs. their interest and to be hon- gage architects — all of that
When we get in as much “We need to get the est, if there is no racing the [has been a challenge]. We
work as possible and when drainage properly fixed so horses don’t get as much have the guys out of Califor-
we feel like two weeks be- that we can have the track in care as if there is racing be- nia who have already done a
fore the date we will an- a better condition when the cause even the grooms and significant amount of work
nounce a date for the return rain is over so that you don’t the attendants just gets lack- … on the race track, but the
of racing as opposed to just have to take a week just to adaisical so it has been ex- public amenities and facili-
setting a date and then the exercise. Everybody is frus- tremely frustrating right ties is where we are now fo-
rain comes and delays us,” trated but we do it for love through,” the ATC boss said. cused and getting the
he said. and we do it for bragging As for the planned con- architects to work with the
struction of a modern and guys out of California to
SALES - SERVICES state of the art facility at Cas- come with the final layout,”
Denis J. Gobinet D.E, D.H.C.S (France) Physiotherapist, sada Gardens, Cochrane said he said.
Manual Therapist is available by appointment Please Contact. that, too, has proven more of The Cassada Gardens
Telephone number: Office 462-2231 / Cell-720-4009. a challenge than anticipated Race Track last hosted a
but from a financial stand- competitive meet on June
DINING / ENTERTAINMENT point. 30th this year when the final
LE BISTRO RESTAURANT invites you to enjoy our traditional “We are trying to get stage of Antigua Triple
Thanksgiving Dinner this Thursday 28th November 2019. Our concept plans [drawings] fi- Crown Series, the Governor
Regular A La Carte menu will also be available. Reservations nalised so that we could General’s Cup was staged.
Recommended. Please Call: 462 3881
SPORTS We d n e s d a y N o v e m b e r 2 7 , 2 0 1 9

Schools Football Coaches Summoned

To Ministry Meeting
By Neto Baptiste

Football coaches within

the sports ministry have been
summoned to a meeting on
Thursday morning with the
Minister of Sports Daryll
Matthew and other officials.
This was confirmed by
Matthew who said the meet-
ing will seek to clarity to is-
sues surrounding the roles
and responsibilities of the
“There has been a lot of
feedback in the media and
also in the general public
about concerns related to
inter-schools football in
terms of how it’s managed
and how it’s going on. There
is also some concern from Coordinator of schools football, Rowan Benjamin, will
within the ministry about also be present in Thursday’s meeting.
Minister of Sports Daryll Matthew.
how some coaches may be who revealed that the min- –because, at the end of the partment is not optimal, then
approaching the job, and so I istry was aware of those day, the student athletes can- it is something we need to
decided to call a meeting coaches who were not turn- not be allowed to suffer and fix, and that fix has to go
with the coordinator [Rowan ing out for scheduled ses- the sport cannot be allowed through the principals, the
Benjamin], the Director of sions. to suffer. That is what we are Director of Education and
Sports [Heather Samuel Matthew is hoping that seeking to address,” the min- others within the Ministry of
Daley] and the coaches, the pending meeting could ister said. Education,” the sports minis-
which will take place this shed some light on the mat- Asked if the schools ter said.
Thursday,” he said. ter as they seek to address would be included in the dis- The Jennings Secondary
The meeting comes on any issues which may be af- cussions, Matthew said all School, in particular, has for-
the heels of public debate fecting the smooth running stakeholders would need to feited a number of matches in
and, in some instances, of the programme. work together once Thurs- the ongoing programme
scrutiny, over concerns that “Of course, not every- day’s meeting is successful in while there have been reports
some coaches may be ne- thing we hear being bandied identifying any loopholes that some coaches have not
glecting their duties by not about is factual, even though and or shortcomings in the been turning out for sessions
turning out for scheduled there may be some concerns system. at some schools.
sessions with some schools. … where there is smoke, “The schools have to be There have also been
The issue, which was there is fire and so to get a an integral part of the discus- concerns over coaches and,
first brought to light on the better understanding of what sions long term. We will as- sometimes, even students
Good Morning Jojo Sports the situation is on the ground sess internally what is going from the competing schools,
Show, was recently addressed — if there are issues, what on and if it is that we identify having to officiate matches
by the coordinator of schools are the issues and how do we that the engagement between due to a lack of qualified ref-
football, Rowan Benjamin, address them going forward the schools and the sports de- erees.

See classifieds
The Daily Observer is published in St. Johnʼs by Algernon Watts who resides at Mount Joy.
He is also the Editor.
on page 23
Contact: 156, Redcliffe Street, ABI Financial Building, 4th floor, St Johnʼs, Antigua, WI,
(268) 462-3911. Newsroom: (268) 462-3920/21. E-mail:, Advertising:

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