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Scattering From Solutions of Star Polymers: HE Uropean Hysical Ournal

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Eur. Phys. J.

B 3, 353–358 (1998)
EDP Sciences

c Springer-Verlag 1998

Scattering from solutions of star polymers

C.M. Marques1,a , D. Izzo2 , T. Charitat3 , and E. Mendes4
CNRS - Rhodia, Complex Fluids Laboratory, Cranbury, NJ 08512-7500, USA
Instituto de Fı́sica da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, 21945-970 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Université Joseph Fourier, LPNSC, CNRS, 25 avenue des Martyrs, B.P. 166, 38042 Grenoble Cedex 09, France
Laboratoire d’Ultrasons et de Dynamique des Fluides Complexes, 4 rue Blaise Pascal, 67070 Strasbourg, France

Received: 3 September 1997 / Revised: 13 January 1988 / Accepted: 31 March 1998

Abstract. We study the scattering intensity of dilute and semi-dilute solutions of star polymers. The star
conformation is described by a model introduced by Daoud and Cotton. In this model, a single star is
regarded as a spherical region of a semi-dilute polymer solution with a local, position dependent screening
length. For high enough concentrations, the outer sections of the arms overlap and build a semi-dilute
solution (a sea of blobs) where the inner parts of the actual stars are embedded. The scattering function
is evaluated following a method introduced by Auvray and de Gennes. In the dilute regime there are three
regions in the scattering function: the Guinier region (low wave vectors, qR  1) from where the radius
of the star can be extracted; the intermediate region (1  qR  f 2/5 ) that carries the signature of the
form factor of a star with f arms: I(q) ∼ q −10/3 ; and a high wavevector zone (qR  f 2/5 ) where the local
swollen structure of the polymers gives rise to the usual q −5/3 decay. In the semi-dilute regime the different
stars interact strongly, and the scattered intensity acquires two new features: a liquid peak that develops
at a reciprocal position corresponding to the star-star distances; and a new large wavevector contribution
of the form q −5/3 originating from the sea of blobs.

PACS. 87.22.Bt Membrane and subcellular physics and structure – 82.70.Dd Colloids

1 Introduction Guinier regime from where the star radius of gyration can
be extracted [19]. In this paper we study the different fac-
A star polymer is a branched macromolecule with a small tors which contribute to the scattering intensity of a star
central core from where emerge several end-attached lin- solution at arbitrary concentrations. We follow a method
ear chains [1]. Not only can star polymers be regarded as introduced by Auvray and de Gennes [20,21] to evaluate
prototypes of branched systems, but also can solutions of the intensity scattered by an adsorbed polymer layer. This
star polymers be considered as model systems to study method allows for an explicit computation of the scattered
polymer colloidal stabilization or the effects of internal intensity of a star solution in the full wavevector range
segment density on the behaviour of viscoelastic solutions. 0 < q < b(b3 /v) , where b is the Kuhn length and v
Experimental work in dilute solutions includes studies of the excluded volume parameter.
viscoelastic behaviour and chain conformation by rheology
[2,3], light scattering [2–6] and Small Angle Neutron Scat-
tering (SANS) [6]. The chain dimensions and structure fac-
tors in semidilute solutions or melts has also been studied 2 The Daoud-Cotton model for star polymers
by SANS [7–9]. Theoretical work on the conformation of
star polymers in good solvents was pioneered by Daoud The structure of a star polymer with f arms of polymer-
and Cotton [10] and Birshtein and Zhulina [11]. Renor- ization index N can be described by the Daoud Cotton [10]
malization group calculations [12–14], Monte-Carlo [15, model. Attachment of the chains to a central core effec-
16] and molecular dynamics simulations [17,18] corrobo- tively forces the local polymer density to be everywhere
rate the Daoud-Cotton (D-C) picture at least in the di- inside the star above overlapping concentration. The star
lute regime where the simulations have been performed. can therefore be described as a semi-dilute solution [22,
However, only a limited amount of information is avail- 23], with a local, position dependent screening length ξ(r),
able to describe the scattering intensity I(q) of star poly- where r is the distance from the center. Pictorially, we
mers. Analysis of the scattering data in the litterature is represent this by associating with each arm a string of
performed with postulated expressions or limited to the blobs of increasing size ξ(r). The radial dependence of
the blob size ξ(r) can be obtained by noticing that at
e-mail: a distance r from the center there are f blobs of cross
354 The European Physical Journal B

3 The scattering intensity

The scattering intensity due to the chains in solution is
given by [24]
I(q) = ha∗ (q)a(q)i, (2)
where a(q) is the amplitude scattered by the N monomers
in the system and h i denotes an average taken over all pos-
sible configurations. The scattered amplitude is written as
a(q) = (ni − ns ) exp{jq.ri } (3)

n ξp i
oi with ni − ns the difference between the scattering lengths
eg ta
ar rt of the ith-monomer and the solvent. We assume here-
ev ne
cn after that all monomers have equal scattering lengths, n0 .
oc Defining φ(r) as the monomer volume fraction at position
Rc Rsd distance r, expression (2) can be written as
Fig. 1. Schematic representation of a semi-dilute solution of c
I(q) = d r exp{jq.r} d3 r0 hρ(r0 )ρ(r + r0 )i, (4)
star-shaped polymers. The average concentration profiles be- N
tween two neighbouring stars is also represented.
with ρ(r) = (n0 − ns ) φ(r). The scattering amplitude ρ(r)
of the semidilute solution of polymer stars described above
can be represented as
section ξ(r)2 occupying a total area of 4πr2 . The blob size X
thus varies as ξ(r) ' rf −1/2 and the corresponding local ρ(r) = δ(r − ri ) ⊗ [ρs (r)Π(r)]
polymer volume fraction as φs (r) ' f 2/3 (b/r)4/3 . Note i=1
" #
that there is a crowded region of size Rc ' bf 1/2 in the X
middle of the star where the concentration reaches one. + ρp (r) 1 − δ(r − ri ) ⊗ Π(r) , (5)
The size of the star can
R R be obtained from monomer con- i=1
servation N f b3 = 4π 0 r2 drφs (r). Neglecting the small
where Ns = N /(N f ) is the number of micelles in the
core region one gets R ' aN 3/5 f 1/5 . Figure 1 sketches
volume V, theRsymbol ⊗ denotes the convolution integral
the structure of the star solution above the overlapping
f (r) ⊗ g(r) ≡ d3 r0 f (r − r0 )g(r0 ) and Π(r) the step func-
concentration φ? = f N b3 /R3 . The inner part of each in-
tion Π(r) = 1 for r ≤ Rsd ; Π(r) = 0 for r > Rsd . The
dividual star is still described by a position dependent
first term on the r.h.s. of equation (5) effectively locates
correlation length ξ(r) and the corresponding concentra-
Ns spherical inner parts of stars at positions ri . The sec-
tion profile φs (r) ' f 2/3 (b/r)4/3 . However, the profile ond term accounts for the monomers in the sea of blobs.
doesn’t vanish at a distance R but levels off to a constant The scattering amplitudes of the inner parts of the star
value φp at a distance Rsd , determined from the condition ρs (r) and of the sea of blobs ρp (r) can be expressed as the
φs (Rsd ) = φp . The concentration φp is the polymer con- sum of an average contribution and of a fluctuating part
centration in the region known as the sea of blobs, where
the outer sections of the arms overlap. The stars embed- ρs (r) = (n0 − ns )φs (r) + (n0 − ns )δφs (r),
ded in the sea of blobs occupy a volume fraction Φs and (6)
ρp (r) = (n0 − ns )φp (r) + (n0 − ns )δφp (r).
the sea of blobs the remaining fraction 1 − Φs . Above the
overlapping concentration φ? , the values of the polymer By inserting expressions (5, 6) into equation (4) we eval-
concentration in the sea of blobs φp , of the fraction occu- uate the total scattering intensity under the following ap-
pied by the stars Φs and of the radius of the embedded proximations: i) density fluctuations in different stars are
stars Rsd can be calculated from mass conservation: uncorrelated; ii) density fluctuations in the sea of blobs
are uncorrelated to density fluctuations in the inner part
of the stars. This is a reasonable assumption except per-
 5/4  3/4
φ? φ? haps for the correlations between the outer blob layer of
Φs ' , φp ' φ and Rsd 'R . (1) the stars and the neighbouring blob layer in the sea of
φ φ
blobs; iii) we also igore fluctuactions in the shape of the
inner parts, that is taken as a sphere of radius Rsd . In the
appendix we show that under this assumptions the total
Notice that an increase of the polymer concentration φ scattering intensity can be written as a sum of three terms
leads to an increase of the fraction of space occupied by the  
sea of blobs and a shrinkage of the inner star dimensions. I(q) = (n0 − ns )2 Ipp (q) + Iss (q) + IS (q) . (7)
C.M. Marques et al.: Scattering from solutions of star polymers 355

The first term Ipp accounts for density fluctuations in the with α = Rc /Rsd , the ratio between the compact core
sea of blobs radius Rc and the inner star radius Rsd . The form of this
contribution is similar to the contribution from the sea of
Ipp (q) = (1 − Φs )hδφ2p (q)i, (8) blobs. For instance, in the large wavevector limit (X  1)
the second term Iss accounts for density fluctuations in one has hδφ2s (X)i = 9/5hδφ2p (X)i.
the inner part of the stars The form factor ∆φ(q)2 in equation (10) is calculated
Iss (q) = Φs hδφ2s (q)i, (9)
"Z #2
and the third term IS expresses correlations between the 12π sin qr
different stars:
∆φ(q) = 3 2
r dr (φ(r) − φp ) (13)
Rsd 0 qr
IS (q) = Φs S(q)∆φ(q)2 . (10)
with φ(r) = 1 for r < Rc ; φ(r) = f 2/3 (b/r)4/3 for Rc <
This last expression contains the stars structure factor
PNs r < Rsd and φp a constant over all the integration range.
S(q) = 1/Ns m,n=1 exp{jq(rm − rn )} that expresses Performing the integral leads to
correlations between the positions of the stars in the
 8/3 h
solution. It is weighted by the form factor of the av- 3
4πRsd b
erage polymer concentration in inner parts of the stars ∆φ(Z) = 2
α5/3 g(αZ) − g(Z)
3 ξp
∆φ(q)2 = (φp (q) − φs (q))2 . We do not attempt here a #2
calculation of the structure factor S(q), our results pro- 3 sin y
vide instead a systematic approach for extracting S(q) + 5/3 dy 1/3 (14)
Z αZ y
from the experimental data.
The results presented above can also be used for di-
where we defined a dimensionless wavevector Z = qRsd .
lute solutions of polymer stars. Formally, one sets the sea
The asymptotic behaviour of the form factor for large
of blobs contribution equal to zero and takes the limit −1/3 −8/3 −10/3
S(q) → 1. The volume fraction occupied by the stars is in wavevectors (Z  1) is ∆φ(Z)2 ∼ Rsd ξp q .
this limit Φs = φ/φ? . Comparison of the three factors described above show
We now calculate explicitly the polymer contributions that the scattered intensity is dominated at high q vectors
to the three different terms (8–10). The contribution from by the q −5/3 behaviour that is due, in dilute star solu-
polymer-polymer correlations in the sea of blobs can be tions, to concentration fluctuations inside the star and, in
written as the fourier transform of g(r), the pair correla- semidilute star solutions, to concentration fluctuations in
tion function for density fluctuations. This is a function both the inner part of the stars and in the sea of blobs. At
which decays algebraically as r−4/3 and vanishes rapidly low wave vectors we predict for dilute solutions a Guinier
for distances larger regime followed by a q −10/3 slope in a log-log representa-
pthan the correlation length ξp = ξ(φp ):
tion, due to the form factor of the stars. For semidilute so-
p ∼ exp{−r/( 27/20ξ p )}/r 3/4
. The numerical value
lutions, correlations between different stars are important,
20/27 is chosen such that the correlation length can be and the form factor multiplies the structure factor which
directly measured from the lorentzian decay of the struc- measures those correlations. In practice this must lead
ture facture at low wave vector hδφ2p (q)i ∼ (1 + (qξp )2 )−1 . to the appearence of one or more correlation pics in the
Performing the fourier transform of the correlation func- Guinier zone or above. The crossover between the q −5/3
tion leads to and the q −10/3 regimes is expected to occur at wave vec-
n o
 1/3r sin 2 arctan p27/20X tors qRsd ∼ f 2/5 in semidilute solutions and at qR ∼ f 2/5
ξp 5 3
in dilute solutions.
hδφ2p (X)i=Cte (11)
b 3 (X 3 + 27/20X 5)1/3
with the dimesionless wavevector X = qξp . For
small wavevectors (X  1) one has by construc- 4 Comparaison with experiments
tion hδφ2p (X)i ' Cte(ξp /b)1/3 (1 + X 2 )−1 while for
large wavevectors (X  1) one gets hδφ2p (X)i ' The general form of the scattering intensity of a poly-
p mer star solution, as outlined above, is in good agreement
Cte 5/4 (20/27)1/3 (ξp /b)−4/3 q −5/3 .
with results from both experiments and simulations. In
The contribution from the density fluctuations inside
this section we quantitatively confront our predictions to
the stars can be regarded as the scattering from a semidi-
experimental data from reference [8]. The stars considered
lute solution with a position dependent correlation length:
in reference [8] are synthesized by the so-called core-first
 1/3 r method. In this method, a core of divynyilbenzene (DVB)
ξp 5
hδφs (X)i = Cte
3 is synthesized and from the surface of the core, anionic
b 3
n p o polymerization of polystyrene takes place. This method
Z 1 sin 23 arctan 27/20Xy has the advantage of providing high functionality objects,
× y 7/3 dy but with the inconvenient of a high polydispersity of the
α ((Xy)3 + 27/20(Xy)5)1/3 functionality (polydispersity of core masses). Also, since
(12) the linear chains are grown from, sometimes, massive DVB
356 The European Physical Journal B

102 101

slope -10/3
scattering intensity (cm-1)

scattering intensity (cm-1)

φ = 0.125 φ = 0.10

slope -5/3

100 100


10-1 φ = 0.066 φ = 0.055
10-3 10-2 10-1 100 10-3
10-3 10-2 10-1 10-3
scattering vector q (Å-1) 10-2 10-1 100

scattering vector q (Å-1)

Fig. 2. Scattering intensity as a function of the scattering vec-
tror in a log-log scale for a solution of star polymers. The con- Fig. 3. Scattering intensity as a function of the scattering
centration is 50 mg/cm3 and the average functionality (over- vector in a log-log scale for solutions of very polidisperse star
estimated) is 130. The star branch mass targeted in synthesis polymers at different concentrations when q −5/3 terms have
was Mn = 2 × 104 . Straight lines of slopes −5/3 and −10/3 been subtracted. The slope −10/3 is also shown for every data
are also represented in the figure. set.

nodules, steric repulsion between monomers in the early φ = 0.125

stage of the polymerization are probably responsible for
branches which are longer than the value targeted during
structure factor S(q) φ = 0.10
synthesys. In the present case, the branch mass was tar- 4 φ = 0.083
geted to be Mn ∼ 2 × 104 . The values used here for Rsd φ = 0.066
are: 35.4 Å; 41.5 Å; 50.2 Å, 53.7 Å; 57.1 Å, for polymer 3 φ = 0.055
volume fractions of, respectively, 0.125; 0.1; 0.083; 0.066;
We plot in Figure 2 a typical scattering curve from
a semidilute star solution. The intermediate and large q
ranges clearly exhibit slopes −10/3 and −5/3 as predicted. 1

In order to extract the structure factor of the stars solution

we first subtract the large wavevector contributions. The 0
unknown constant of equations (11, 12) can be obtained 0 0,05 0,1 0,15

from data on semidilute solutions of linear polymers. In- scattering vector q (Å-1)
deed, the scattering at small angles of linear polymers in Fig. 4. Structure factors of solutions of polydisperse stars at
a semi-dilute regime is given by an Orstein-Zernicke equa- different concentrations obtained from the procedure described
tion containing the same multiplicative constante of equa- in the text.
tions (11, 12) . In our case we extracted the numerical
value of the constant from data on polystyrene in deuter-
ated toluene [25]. We fixed the ratio α at the value 0.1. The different polymer concentrations. The functions obtained
curves obtained after subtraction are presented in Fig- display the usual features of liquid structure factors, in
ure 3. For the more diluted sample, φ = 0.055, the slope particular the position of the peak increases with concen-
of data in a log-log representation approaches the theoreti- tration as φ1/3 [8]. It is also important to stress that the
cal slope of −10/3. Deviations from this slope for the more procedure of subtraction is extremely sensitive to both the
concentrated samples migth have several origins. Second chemical quality of the stars and the correspondent qual-
or higher order pics in the structure factor would fall in ity of the scattered data. We expect that structure factors
this range, therefore introducing oscillant deviations from of better quality can be extracted from data of a carefully
a pure linear slope in the log-log plot. Also, the quality defined chemical nature. Such structure factors could then
of the stars may be here of importance, particularly the be confronted to existing theories of liquid structuration.
size, shape and functionality of the star cores. A few large
cores with a small number of attached arms would also
contribute significantly to the scattered intensity in the 5 Conclusions
intermediate range.
As a final step we divide data from Figure 3 by the cal- In this paper we have studied the scattering intensity of
culated form factor of equation (14). The structure factors a star-polymer solution, both in the dilute and semidi-
obtained by this method are plotted in Figure 4 for five lute regimes. The structure of the solution and the
C.M. Marques et al.: Scattering from solutions of star polymers 357
conformation of the stars has been described by the C= d3 r exp{jq.r} d3 r0
Daoud-Cotton [10] model, and the intensity calculated fol-
lowing a method introduced by Auvray and de Gennes [20, " Z #
3 000 0 000 000
21]. Our results show that the scattering intensity can be × 1− d r δ(r − rn − r )Π(r )
described as the sum of three terms. The first term is n=1
the product of the structure factor of the solution by the Ns Z
form factor of the star. We did not evaluate the structure × d3 r00 δ(r0 + r − rm − r00 )
factor for a star solution, but our results provide a pro- m=1
cedure that allows its extraction from experimental data. × Π(r00 )hρp (r0 )ρs (r00 )i, (A.4)
The form factor is the fourier transform of the average
concentration profile of the star. This term gives rise to Z Z
a caracteristic q −10/3 wavevector dependence in the in- D = d3 r exp{jq.r} d3 r0
termediate q range (1  qRsd  f 2/5 ). The second and " Z #
third terms are independent of the structure factor and X

measure concentration fluctuations in the inner parts of × 1 − d3 r00 δ(r0 − rn − r00 )Π(r00 )
the stars and in the sea of blobs. They have both a q −5/3 n=1

dependence, and dominate the scattering spectra at high " Z #

wavevectors qRsd  f 2/5 . Our data is consistent with × 1− 3 00
d r 0
δ(r + r − rm − r )Π(r )000 000
available experimental data on star solutions. m=1
× hρp (r0 )ρp (r0 + r)i. (A.5)
We would like to thank J.F. Joanny for many fruitful discus- By further decomposing each of the concentration vari-
sions. ables into their average and fluctuating values one gets
A/(n0 − ns )2 = hexp{jq.(rm − rn )}iφs (q)φs (−q)
Appendix A: The de Gennes-Auvray method Z Z
+ Ns d3 r exp{jq.r} d3 r0 Π(r0 )

In this appendix we expand expression (4) by inserting × hδφs (r0 )δφs (r + r0 )i

therein the representations (6, 5) for the concentration and (A.6)
performing the averages under the assumptions stated in R
where φs (q) = d3 rΠ(r) exp{jq.r}φs (r);
Section 3. More precisely we calculate
Z Z (B + C)/(n0 − ns )2 = − hexp{jq.(rm − rn )}i
d3 r exp{jq.r} d3 r0 hρ(r0 )ρ(r + r0 )i = A + B + C + D n,m=1
× φp φs (q) d3 rΠ(r) exp{−jq.r}
with 3
+φs (−q) d rΠ(r) exp{jq.r}
A= d3 r exp{jq.r} d3 r0 d3 r00 d3 r000 (A.7)
Ns X
D/(n0 − ns )2 = V − Ns d3 rΠ(r)
× δ(r0 − rn − r00 ) δ(r0 + r − rm − r000 )
n=1 m=1
× Π(r00 )Π(r000 )hρs (r00 )ρs (r000 )i, (A.2) × d3 r exp{jq.r}hδφp (0)δφp (r)i

+ hexp{jq.(rm − rn )}iφ2p
Z Z Z n,m=1
B= d3 r exp{jq.r} d3 r0 d3 r00 Z
× d3 r00 exp{jq.r00 }Π(r00 )
× δ(r0 − rn − r00 )Π(r00 )
× d3 r000 exp{−jq.r000 }Π(r000 )
" Z #
Ns (A.8)
3 000 0 000 000
× 1− d r δ(r + r − rm − r )Π(r )
All contributions to pure forward scattering (terms pro-
00 0
portional to δ(q)) have been discarded. Grouping the dif-
× hρs (r )ρp (r + r )i, (A.3) ferent terms leads to equation (7).
358 The European Physical Journal B

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