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Liang Et Al-2010-Journal of Separation Science

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410 J. Sep. Sci.

2010, 33, 410–421

Yizeng Liang1 Review Article

Peishan Xie2
Footim Chau 3
Chromatographic fingerprinting and related
Research Center of
Modernization of Chinese
chemometric techniques for quality control
Medicines, Central South
University, Changsha,
of traditional Chinese medicines
P. R. China
Zhuhai Chromap Institute of Development of chromatographic fingerprint (CF) and related chemometric methods and
Herbal Medicine Research, their applications to quality control of traditional Chinese medicines (TCMs) were discus-
Zhuhai, P. R. China
Department of Applied Biology sed. CF is essentially a kind of quality control method for TCMs (or Chinese herbal
and Chemical Technology, The medicines). Also, it is a quality-relevant-data high-throughput and integral tool to explore
Hong Kong Polytechnic chemically the complexity of TCMs. With the help of chemometrics, some difficulties in
University, Hung Hom,
Kowloon, Hong Kong
evaluation and analysis of CFs, such as calculation of information content, peak alignment,
pattern analysis, deconvolution of overlapping peaks, etc. could be well solved. To further
explore TCMs synergic quality, intensive study of CF coupled with chemometrics will create
Received October 13, 2009 the possibility to achieve the aim to reveal the working mechanisms of TCMs and to further
Revised November 29, 2009 control and strengthen TCMs’ intrinsic quality in a comprehensive manner.
Accepted November 29, 2009

Keywords: Chemometric application / Quality control / Traditional Chinese

medicines / Trends of chromatographic fingerprint development
DOI 10.1002/jssc.200900653

1 Introduction compounds can then be evaluated to determine not only the

absence or presence of desired markers or activities but the
It is well known that the holistic system of traditional Chinese complete set of ratios of all detectable analytes [5].
medicine (TCM) is featured by the integrity of the ingredients Furthermore, with the help of hyphenated techniques, such
contained in the Chinese herbal medicines (HM). This creates as GC-MS, HPLC-DAD, HPLC-MS-MS, HPLC-NMR, CE-
a challenge in establishing quality control standards for raw DAD, CE-MS, HPLC-NMR, etc. combined with resolution
materials and the standardization of finished herbal drugs methods recently developed in chemometrics, database
because no single component can contribute to the total searching, and structural elucidation techniques, the quali-
efficacy [1, 2]. This difficulty has been acknowledged in the tative and quantitative analysis of the main compounds
draft of a Strategic Plan for Regional Traditional Medicine of the detected in CFs for TCM became possible [6–10]. CF
World Health Organization (WHO) [3]. analysis of herbal drugs not only represents a comprehen-
It is necessary to develop a type of quality assessment sive qualitative approach for the purpose of species
system that adequately meets the complex characteristics of authentication, evaluation of quality, and ensuring the
TCM. Chromatographic fingerprint (CF) analysis represents consistency and stability of herbal drugs and their related
a rational approach for the quality assessment of TCM. It products but also forms a comprehensive chemical base for
utilizes chromatographic techniques, CE, GC, HPLC, further research on working mechanism of TCMs.
HPTLC, etc. [4] to construct specific patterns for recognition In this paper, some aspects concerning recently devel-
of multiple compounds in TCMs. The entire pattern of oped chemometric techniques for CF and quality control of
TCM will be reviewed. Several examples presented in this
paper elucidate that CF combined with chemometrics is a
Correspondence: Professor Yizeng Liang, Research Center of rational method for quality control of TCMs. The relation-
Modernization of Chinese Medicines, Central South University,
Changsha 410083, P. R. China
ship between chemical information acquired from finger-
E-mail: print and the efficacy of TCMs can be explored with the
Fax: 186-731-8825637 assistance of chemometrics.

Abbreviations: AMWFA, alternative moving window factor

analysis; CA, Chinese Angelica; CF, chromatographic 2 Integral expression of TCM and pattern
fingerprint; CR, Cnidium rhizome; DD, Dangguibuxue analysis of CFs
decoction; HM, herbal medicine; PCA, principal component
analysis; pCR, Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae; pCRV,
In general, CF constructs a relative complete picture of
Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae Viride; OP, orthogonal
projection; PLS, partial least squares; SL, Szechwan chemical components in TCMs to detect the product’s
Lovage; sPCR, secured principal component regression; ‘‘phytoequivalence’’ [11]. The CF should feature the funda-
TCM, traditional Chinese medicine mental attributions of ‘‘integrity’’ and ‘‘fuzziness’’ so as to

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chemically represent the TCM investigated [12–15]. Thus, obtained, some types of variation sources are likely confused
the CF technique has been extensively accepted for quality from one chromatogram to another. One of the variations is
control of TCMs and the HMs with synergic features [16]. imposed by the retention time shifts. For instance, the
retention time shifts happened in HPLC are caused by
the variation sources which might be due to (i) the
2.1 Information features of CFs of TCM degradation of the stationary phase, especially, the low
stability of silica and silica-based supports at high pH
If one wants to obtain an informative fingerprint of TCMs, a values and the collapse of C18 bonded phase because
good extracting method and a chromatogram with good of a high content of water in polar mobile phase eluted;
resolution are needed. Thus, optimization of the extraction (ii) minor changes in mobile phase composition caused
method and operation procedure is an important task. by temperature and pressure fluctuations, variations
Suppose that we have obtained some fingerprints, the next in flow-rate, and gradient dispersion; (iii) some problems
step will be to evaluate the information contents of the CFs involved in the detectors, for example, a wavelength
of HMs reasonably and efficiently. From the point of view of shift in the UV spectrometer, a spectroscopic intensity
multivariate, the information content of a chromatogram variation and the misalignment of the monochromator;
with lots of peaks might be calculated by means of various (iv) the column overloading on account of the great
approaches [17–21]. In fact, a CF of a TCM could be injected amount or some components with high concentra-
regarded as a continuous signal determined by its chroma- tion; (v) the possible interaction between analytes; (vi) other
tographic shape. Based on information theory, the informa- unknown shifts in the instrument. These variations
tion content (F) for CFs of TCMs could be defined [22], can cause imperfect alignment of the data when comparing
that is runs. Being able to determine which peaks appear reprodu-
X ! xi " ! xi " cibly across chromatograms is difficult if the profiles are
U¼" P log P ð1Þ misaligned. Furthermore, misalignment in chromatographic
xi xi
data is rarely a simple shift. Most often, there is extension
where xi is the real chromatographic response of the and compression throughout the chromatogram at varying
chemical components involved in the CF under study. points. A simple example of peak alignment is shown in
Here, the normalization of xi divided by their sum is to Fig. 2. Thus, it is important to choose an alignment protocol
make the chromatogram investigated be of probability that will compare points throughout the chromatogram.
property. In this way, Eq. (1) is exactly the expression of Pattern recognition depends on the ability to directly compare
Shannon entropy, that is, the information content uniform data files. If the files are not aligned, a pattern
of the chromatogram investigated. Noting that in recognition algorithm may fail to recognize consistent signals
information theory, if and only if xi with unchangeable simply because they are not found at the same location each
variance is characterized by normal distribution can its time.
information content F reach maximum [23]. Under an ideal During the past decades, several kinds of useful
situation, all the chromatographic peaks in a chromatogram chemometric approaches have been developed for peak
can be separated completely and each peak confined to a synchronization in chromatographic profiles [25–38]. Some
narrow zone might correspond to a normal distribution of them corrected the retention time shifts by making
profile [24]. A CF with all of peaks just completely separated internal standards added or marker peaks coinciding in all
should be featured by maximal information content. chromatograms under study [25, 27–29]. In Refs. [26,
However, in reality, some peaks in a complex fingerprint 30–32], some objective functions on the correlation between
are almost inevitably overlapped with its adjacent one; such the target and sample chromatograms were optimized
overlapped peaks will surely show non-Gaussian normal and then the sample chromatographic profiles were
distribution and therefore undoubtedly cause a loss of the aligned automatically with the target. In general, the
information content. The method uses the whole chromato- methods must be very efficient and elegant if the samples
gram with a simple normalization, thus it is not necessary investigated are quite similar in the concentration profiles of
to identify the retention time, peak intensity, peak width, the chemical components. However, if the concentration
peak area, and/or peak height for all the peaks identified. profiles change greatly for the complex samples such as
The calculation burden is reduced significantly. Moreover, HMs from the different habitats and/or from the various
the theoretic background of the method is simple and harvest seasons, wrong results might be obtained by simply
reasonable. Figure 1 shows such a situation discussed seeking the optimal correlation coefficient between the
above. chromatograms.
More recently, some new techniques were developed in
chemometrics in peak alignment [33–38]. Among them,
2.2 Peak alignment of CFs by chemometrics from the point of view of information usage, the methods
can be roughly classified into two kinds. Some were trying
The analysis of complex CFs can be quite challenging. When to use the information from spectrum to correct the chro-
one deals with several CFs jointly with all data points matographic shifts, since the spectral information will be

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412 Y. Liang et al. J. Sep. Sci. 2010, 33, 410–421

Figure 1. Elucidation of infor-

mation contents (F) of the
chromatographic fingerprints
with different separation situa-
tions (A) and with different
extraction conditions (B). Plot
(A) a: 20 completely separated
peaks of information content 5
8.5334; b: 20 baseline sepa-
rated peaks of information
content 5 8.5334 (oversepara-
tion happened in plot a does
not increase the information
content of the fingerprint); c:
20 peaks with eight peaks over-
lapped of information content
equal to 8.3740 (information
content decreasing because of
peak-overlapping); d: 20 peaks
with 11 peaks overlapped of
information content equal to
8.2948 (information content
decreasing because of severe
peak-overlapping). Plot (B) a:
20 completely separated peaks
with rather uniform distribu-
tion of peak magnitudes of
information content 5 8.5333;
b: 20 completely separated
peaks with only few peaks
rather big of information
content 5 8.3989 (information
content decreasing because of
asymmetry distribution of
peak magnitudes); c: 25 almost
separated peaks of information
content 5 8.8085 (information
content increasing because of
more extracted compounds);
d: 16 almost separated peaks
of information content 5
8.1524 (information content
decreasing because of few
extracted compounds).

very useful for featuring the chromatographic peaks [37–38]. 2.3 Quality control of TCM based on pattern analysis
The other kind of methods were trying to fully use the of CFs
feature embedded in chromatograms with the help of
statistic techniques, such as analysis of variance feature By definition, a CF of a TCM, in practice, is a chromato-
selection, Kalman tracking, and principal component graphic pattern of the extract of some common chemical
analysis (PCA) [33–35]. components of pharmacological activity or chemical char-
After such a correction of the chromatographic shifts of acteristics [39–41]. Several works using the CFs obtained by
the CFs resulted from HPLC, GC, CE, etc., the identity, HPLC or GC for quality control of HMs have been reported
stability, and consistency of TCMs as well as the differ- with the help of similarity analysis and chemical pattern
entiation of adulterants could then be done by similarity recognition [42–50].
analysis and chemical pattern recognition developed in To identify Chinese Angelica (CA) from related herbs,
chemometrics. such as Japanese Angelicae Root (Angelica radix, JA), Szech-

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manufacturing processes of a Chinese herbal preparation,

Qingfu Guanjieshu (QFGJS) capsule for assessing its
stability over time [46]. In fingerprinting analysis, the
chemical characteristics of four herbs in QFGJS (excluding
Radix Aconiti Lateralis Preparata) were present in the HPLC
chromatographic profile. The chemometric analysis results
showed that three batches of QFGJS products collected at 3
months intervals after production in the stability testing
were consistent [46]. Another example is Qingkailing (QKL)
injection. 2-D fingerprint combined with PCA classified
various samples from different manufacturers to solve the
quality survey of commercial QKL injections in the market
according to the fluctuation of their fingerprint profiles [47].
Also, the lot-to-lot consistency and inferior products of
Danshen Dropping Pill, which consisted of three Chinese
materia medica (Danshen, Sanqi, and borneol) can be
clearly determined by 2-D fingerprint with PCA and simi-
Figure 2. Fingerprint 1 and fingerprint 2 before (A) and after (B) larity measurement [48].
correcting the retention time shifts by chemometric alignment. The fundamental roles of fingerprinting analysis
aided by a pattern recognition software interface named
computer aided similarity evaluation have been brought
under four aspects in the work conducted by Xie’s team:
wan Lovage Rhizome (Rhizoma chuanxiong, SL), and (i) species authentication (ginseng and its congeners);
Cnidium Rhizome (Cnidii rhizoma, CR), a HPLC fingerprint (ii) batch-to-batch quality consistency TGP extract products);
of CA was developed based on the consistent chromato- (iii) in-process quality monitoring (tablets made from
grams of 40 CA samples (Angelica sinensis (Oliv.) Diels). The immature fruit of Terminalia chebula); and (iv) differentiat-
amount of senkyunolide A in CA was less than 30-fold of ing adulterants from the true product (Ginkgo leaves extract
that in SL and CR samples, which was used as a chemical products) [49]. These facts suggested that CF is a rational
marker to distinguish them. Japanese Angelicae was easily approach for assessing the problem of quality control of
distinguished from CA, SL, and CR based on either chro- TCMs.
matographic patterns or the amount of coniferyl ferulate To enhance the discriminating ability of pattern recog-
(see Fig. 3 for more details). No obvious differences exist nition, some novel methods for better pattern analysis
between SL and CR chromatograms except the relative were also developed. To deal with variable selection in
amount of some compounds, suggesting that SL and CR discriminating HMs, a chemometric approach concerning
might have very close relationship in terms of chemotax- forward selection and key set factor analysis using PCA was
onomy [42]. developed. A case study for 79 herbal samples showed that,
Houttuynia cordata Thunb. is a commonly used Chinese the methods of forward selection were preferable to
materia medica in either fresh herb or sun-dried one. A determine the representative variables [51]. Secured princi-
comparative study by a modified GC-MS method coupled pal component regression (sPCR) [52, 53] was originally
with pattern recognition could effectively distinguish the developed to detect and characterize the uncalibrated
fresh herbs from the dry ones, even differentiate stems and spectral features. However, when the investigated objects
leaves [43]. A HPLC chromatographic pattern matching are diverse CFs in compositional distribution, it is not
successfully described the difference of whole chromato- friendly to use and the results are also not satisfactory. The
grams of raw and steamed roots of Panax notoginseng method called modified sPCR allows one to avoid the
quantitatively [44]. HPLC fingerprints of Pericarpium Citri above effects as much as possible [54]. The successful
Reticulatae (pCR) and Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae Viride application of modified sPCR to two real HMs of
(pCRV) were measured for deliberately collected 39 Erigeron breviscapus from different geographical origins
authentic samples and 21 commercial samples. The PCA and Ginkgo biloba from various sources or vendors
successfully distinguished the ‘‘mixed peels of Citrus’’ demonstrates that the method can detect reasonably unex-
samples from authentic samples, partial least squares (PLS)- pected features differing from the regulars or not being
linear discriminant analysis was then effectively applied to modeled. Also, orthogonal projection (OP) technique was
class separation between authentic pCR and pCRV with applied to discriminant analysis of the HM Houttuynia
correct discriminating rate of 93.02% and prediction ability cordata Thunb. (HCT) and its final injection products. The
of 86.67%, respectively [45]. advantages of the OP technique were shown after compar-
The CF could also be used to address the quality stability ing with the conventional methods such as Mahalanobis
and consistency of the compound formula of TCM products. distance, and similarity comparison method. Three different
A selective assessment was developed for monitoring the sources of medicinal material Houttuynia cordata Thunb.

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414 Y. Liang et al. J. Sep. Sci. 2010, 33, 410–421

Figure 3. HPLC chromatograms measured at UV 280 nm of (A) 40 Chinese Angelica samples; (B) four Japanese Angelicae Root samples;
(C) six Szechwan Lovage Rhizome samples; and (D) three Cnidium Rhizome sample. The peaks marked by numbers represent ferulic acid
(1), coniferyl ferulate (4), senkyunolide A (5), and Z-ligustilide (9), respectively.

Table 1. Total classification errors and incorrect rates of the test sets for ten times of calculations of the final injection products (letters A,
B, C, D, E and F denote different manufactures, respectively)

Different cross-validation procedure Total classification errors and incorrect rates

Mahalanobis distance Incorrect rates Similarity method Incorrect rates OP technique Incorrect rates

Total errors Total errors Total errors


6-fold 3 5 3 3 4 5 19.2% 0 0 3 2 4 2 9.2% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0%

3-fold 7 9 5 6 9 10 21.9% 1 3 4 3 6 4 10.0% 0 0 0 1 1 0 0.95%
3-fold-bisa 16 20 19 18 23 21 27.2% 5 7 6 10 12 9 11.4% 0 0 1 2 4 3 2.3%

and its final injection products from six different manu- determination and identification of unknown samples
facturers were studied. The results are summarized shows it could be a powerful tool for quality control in HM
in Table 1. The good performance of OP technique in production [55].

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3 Further qualitative and quantitative powerful tools to accomplish this job [60–69]. With the help
analysis of TCM fingerprints with the of chemometric resolution methods, the qualitative and
help of hyphenated chromatographic relatively quantitative analysis for some CFs of volatile
techniques and chemometrics components in TCMs obtained from GC-MS were also
reported [6, 7, 70–72]. When the boiling points of
To understand bioactivities and possible side effects of active compounds are close to each other, co-elution of two or
compounds and to enhance quality control of TCMs, it more different compounds is very possible although the
seems necessary for one to determine most of the chromatographic conditions are optimized. In such a case,
phytochemical constituents of herbal products. With the by direct similarity searches in MS database alone is hard to
development of analytical instruments, especially with the identify the compounds, which will even result in wrong
development of the hyphenated chromatographic instru- conclusions. Therefore, it is extremely necessary to resolve
ments, such as GC-MS, HPLC-DAD, HPLC-DAD-MSn, the overlapping peaks by means of chemometric techni-
HPLC-NMR, CE-DAD, and CE-MS, the qualitative and ques. With the help of chemometric resolution methods,
quantitative ability has been enhanced significantly, since such as heuristic evolving latent projections and subwindow
such instruments provide not only their separation ability factor analysis, determination of volatile components in
but also their qualitative ability with spectroscopic profiles. Cortex Cinnamomi [6], Notoptergium incium [71], Artemisia
It builds the chemical foundation for explanation of the capillaris [72], and peptic powder [7] were conducted by GC-
mechanism of pharmacological activity. Just like the MS. Tentative identifications were performed by comparing
situation in metabolomics, as pointed out by Van de Greef, the retention time and mass spectra of samples with stan-
‘‘the comprehensive identification of metabolites remains a dards or/and earlier publications.
key challenge’’ [56]. Based on the CFs obtained, compre-
hensive identification of secondary metabolites of the TCMs
should be very momentous, and the assistance of chemo- 3.2 Comparing analysis between CFs with the help
metric measurement is also indispensable. of chemometrics

Over the last decades, many chemometric techniques

3.1 Chromatogram/spectrum deconvolution of TCM [73–84] have been successfully applied to solve the problems
fingerprints by multivariate resolution arising from metabolic analysis, qualitative and quantitative
analysis of HMs, and others [77–82]. Also, SIM technique
In general, the data generated by hyphenated instruments was developed for the analysis of complex chromatographic
are matrices with every row being a spectrum and every systems [83–84]. But the goals of identification and
column a chromatogram at some wavelength, wave number quantification of all the chemical components in a complex
or m/e unit. In common, the size of the data matrix such- system are far from satisfactory [85].
obtained is rather big. However, the matrix data obtained by Fortunately, in some cases, it is not necessary for the
hyphenated chromatography has so-called dimension researchers to resolve all the ingredients in complex systems,
advantages proposed by Booksh and Kowalski [57], which but only to identify parts of them or find the difference and
will make resolution of overlapping chromatographic peaks similarities of components between two data of target
possible. Furthermore, the hyphenated technique might samples for purpose of quality control of TCMs. It is obvious
enhance the chromatographic separation ability by the that the integrated investigation must be time-saving and
additional spectral information, since one could easily find effective for obtaining the valuable information. In the
some useful component selectivity with the help of relationship between the two CFs, five possible relationships
chemometric local rank analysis methods [58]. of the chemical components between two different and
Chromatography is a powerful tool for analyzing complex systems are firstly illustrated in Fig. 4. To analyze
complicated system as TCM. However, as pointed out by the five possible relationships, a novel chemometric method
Giddings, relative to the maximum peak content or peak was developed. The method, named alternative moving
capacity for closely spaced peaks, a random chromatogram window factor analysis (AMWFA), could utilize the cross-
will never contain more than about 37% of its potential information hidden in the two systems to determine the
peaks. Thus, the number of observed peaks is not the same number of common components between them and even to
as the number of distinct chemical components [59]. On the identify their corresponding spectra half-automatically. The
other hand, a Chinese herbal formula for treating the selective information in matrices X and/or Y can alter-
common cold contains hundreds of chemical components, natively be employed for the identification of their common
and it seems impossible to get a baseline separation with components. Using component information in one system
hundreds of analytes. As a result, identification of the purity to deduce the spectrum in the other related system is the
of a target peak cluster followed by resolution into pure main advantage of AMWFA, since the same component
chromatograms and/or spectra is of great significance for should have the same spectrum even if they exist in different
complex systems like TCMs. Fortunately, the recently fingerprints. When no or only weak selective information
developed chemometrics resolution methods provide exists in them, strategy of sub-matrices extraction from data

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416 Y. Liang et al. J. Sep. Sci. 2010, 33, 410–421

It is worth noting that the comparing analysis of CFs

could be used for tracing metabolic situation of TCMs. From
the point of view of exploring the mechanism about why
TCM works, this kind of research might be of great
importance. If one could trace the metabolic change of the
TCMs when they are taken into the body of animal/human
being, it will be very helpful for screening of active
component and/or the pharmacokinetics research of TCM.
Based on the metabolic fingerprinting technique and LC/
DAD-MS, a rapid screening and analysis of the multiple
absorbed bioactive components and metabolites of an oral
solution of Danggui and the Dangguibuxue decoction (DD)
in rabbit plasma after oral administration were developed
[90–92]. The results obtained from a comprehensive
comparative analysis of the fingerprints of the DD and its
metabolic fingerprints in rabbit plasma indicated that 46
Figure 4. Schematic illustration of the five possible relationships components in the DD were absorbed into the rabbit’s body.
of chemical components contained in two different complex Of them, ten components were tentatively identified from
chromatographic systems X and Y. The overstriking maculae in their MS and UV spectra and retention behaviors by
X and Y denote different components.
comparing the results with the reported literature. In addi-
tion, 21 components were only found in the metabolic
fingerprints, which suggested that they might be metabo-
X and/or Y can be used for identification with moving lites of some components in the DD. This might be, in our
window technique. From the results of comparative analysis opinion, important not only for the pharmaceutical discov-
of volatile chemical components in ‘‘TCM drugs pair’’ ery process and the quality control of crude drugs, but also
rhizoma ligustici chuanxiong-radix paeoniae rubra and the to be a helpful aid in getting to know the curative
involved two single HMs and Angelica oral solution and its mechanism of TCMs.
plasma sample after oral intake to rabbit, powerful ability of
the method is shown [86]. Also, with the help of AMWFA,
the volatile components between stems and roots and also 4 Exploration of relationship between
among five Clematis species from China were studied and bioactivity and composition of TCM and
analyzed by GC-MS. Tentative identification of the validation of their bioactive modes with
compounds was assisted by comparison of temperature- the help of chemometrics
programmed retention indices with authentic samples [87].
Also, the similarities and differences of essential oil With the chemical composition of TCMs at hand, the
components in pCRV and pCR were investigated by GC-MS exploration of relationship between the CFs and efficacy of
combined with the help of AMWFA. The essential oils from the HMs seems thus to be the important aspect for the
pCRV and pCR significantly differed both qualitatively and quality control of HMs. However, how to evaluate reason-
quantitatively. The main compound in the essential oils ably their relationship is obviously not a trivial task.
from pCRV and pCR was D-limonene accounting for Recently, some work has been done along this research
65–83%. Essential oils from four samples of Rhododendron direction with help of chemometrics [93–98].
were analyzed by GC-MS. A total of 128 volatile components The quantitative relationship between chemical
were identified temporarily with the help of retention indices composition and decreasing cholesterol effect of Qi-Xue-
and chemometrics resolution method [88]. A compound Bing-Zhi-Fang, a widely used HM in China, was investi-
medicine of Dangguibuxuetang and its two involved single gated. Quantitative composition–activity relationship
medicines of Danggui (Radix Angelica sinensis) and Huangqi models generated by multiple linear regression, artificial
(Radix Astragali) were compared for their relevant constitu- neural networks, and support vector regression exhibited
ents. It was found that of twenty-one high peaks in Dang- different capabilities of predictive accuracy. Moreover, the
guibuxuetang, eight originate from Radix Angelica sinensis six proportion of two active components of Qi-Xue-Bing-
from Radix Astragali, and seven from both Radix Angelica Zhi-Fang was optimized based on the quantitative compo-
sinensis and Radix Astragali. Some new chemical ingredients sition–activity relationship model to obtain new formula-
appeared in fingerprints of Dangguibuxuetang, and some tion. Validation experiments showed that the optimized HM
existing in those of single medicines contrarily disappeared has greater activity [97]. Many herbal products are claimed to
after the compatibility. It suggested that there might be have healing or protective effects, though often these activ-
certain interactions of the chemical ingredients in ities are neither evaluated nor quantified. For instance, it
compound medicine besides their total sum effect of single was shown that green tea exhibits protective effects against
medicines [89]. several cancers introduced by chemical carcinogens as well

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as against atherosclerosis and coronary heart diseases [98]. makes it an attractive candidate for mode of action studies
These positive actions of green tea are related to its anti- [107]. Metabolic profile is being used to evaluate the pharma-
oxidant capacity and therefore it was tried to predict the total cological mechanism of the drugs or drug candidates. The
antioxidant capacity of green tea from CFs by linear multi- method is particularly useful when a moderate number of
variate calibration techniques [99]. The predicted antioxidant different outcomes (e.g. modes-of-action, disease states) can be
capacities can then be a measure for the protective effects pre-defined [108].
and for the quality of the tea. However, for chromatographic Using metabolomic profile and nine antibacterial
data, e.g. fingerprints, only few multivariate calibration substances with known modes of action, the antibacterial
applications are described. Recently, Dumarey et al. explored mode of berberine on Staphylococcus aureus was recently
linear multivariate calibration techniques to predict the total investigated [109]. The working procedure is elucidated
antioxidant capacity of green tea from CFs. Also, van briefly in Fig. 5. With the help of HPLC/ESI-MS, metabolic
Nederkassel et al. [95] predicted the total antioxidant capacity profiles of S. aureus treated by berberine and nine anti-
of green tea from their CFs by the use of PLS [99, 100] and bacterial substances with known modes of action (see
uninformative variable elimination PLS [101]. More recent- Table 2) were firstly acquired. After data pretreatment, those
ly, using whole chromatographic profiles and measure- profiles acquired were reduced into several MS vectors
ments of total bioactivity as input, a quantitative containing 900 m/z values. Then, PCA was carried out upon
pattern–activity relationship approach [102] was proposed as those metabolic profiles in order to classify those drugs
a general method for providing two pieces of crucial infor- according to their mechanisms. From the result obtained by
mation about complex bioactive mixtures available: (i) a PCA, the possible antibacterial mode of berberine was
model for predicting total bioactivity from the CF and (ii) the explored. Also the antimicrobial roles of dihy-
features in the chromatographic profile responsible for the drocucurbitacin F-25-O-acetate, one of the major compo-
bioactivity. The targeted approach makes information about nents in Hemsleya pengxianensis, on S. aureus were also
bioactivity available at the molecular level and provides explored with the similar approach [110]. The result
possibilities for assessment of HM possible beyond just obtained showed the mechanism may be to inhibit cell wall
authentication and total bioactivity. As an example, the synthesis.
antioxidant property of the HM Radix Puerariae lobatae was Another example of score plot from PCA (the variance
measured through its reducing power toward a ferric ion of the first two PC being 89.5% of total variance of the data)
complex. A PLS model was created to predict the antioxidant for exploring the antibacterial mode of TCM Aquilegia
activity from the CF. Using the antioxidant activity as a oxysepala is shown in Fig. 6. From Fig. 6, one could see
target, the most discriminatory projection in the multi- clearly that 90 samples treated with different drugs and
variate space spanned by the chromatographic profiles was controls are well-separated. Cefataxime, whose target is on
revealed. transpeptidases and carboxpeptidases, formed a distinct
On the other hand, the mechanism of TCMs is usually cluster separated from the other antibiotics based on its
unknown, which also poses challenges to the pharmaceutical different mode of action. Acheomycin, lincolmensin,
and agrochemical industries [103–105]. Metabolic profile is a erythromycin, chloromycetin, and streptomycin cluster
very sensitive indicator of environmental influences and might together. As known from Table 2, lincolmensin, erythro-
be used to detect and analyze changes of the total metabolic mycin, and chloromycetin have effects on 50S ribosomal
state of microbe due to pathophysiological stimuli [106] [http:// subunit; streptomycin and acheomycin act on 30S riboso- 5 2386], which mal subunit. In a word, the mode of action of those five

Figure 5. Working procedure

of validation of antibacterial
mode of traditional Chinese
medicine by metabolomics
and PCA.

& 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
418 Y. Liang et al. J. Sep. Sci. 2010, 33, 410–421

This may imply that the target of maguoflorine and A.

oxysepala on S. aureus is possibly similar to that of lincol-
mensin, erythromycin, chloromycetin, streptomycin, and
acheomycin, whose targets are protein. With almost the
same idea, several other HMs and their corresponding
active components were also investigated [118–120].

5 Concluding remarks

The parameters relevant to the quality of Chinese HMs

acquired from CF are certainly a large dataset, which can
only be processed sufficiently and systematically through
chemometric calculation. It can explore deeply the inte-
grated quality information in whole to make the empirical
evidence logical, particularly when the compound data
Figure 6. PCA projection of metabolic profile of controls and
derived from macro amount of samples collected are
cultures treated with Aquilegia oxysepala, genkwanin, apigenin, subjected to a series analysis by means of chromatography
maguoflorine, berberine, and nine antibiotics. Controls (&), hyphenated with various detective measurements. Further-
acheomycin (&), lincolmensin ( % ), erythromycin (m), chloro- more, the quality information serves as a ‘‘quality databank’’
mycetin (&), streptomycin (&), cefataxime (v), vancomycin (&),
in order to incorporate the phytochemical information with
rifampicin ( & ), norfloxacin (&), A. oxysepala (&), genkwanin
(J), maguoflorine (&), apigenin (x), and berberine (v).
biological activity of the herbals together so as to seek the
relationship between the CF and the synergic efficacy of the
TCMs [121–123]. Basically, chemical fingerprint analysis
aided by chemometrics can ensure the maintenance of the
consistent quality of samples for biological and pharmaco-
logical research.
Table 2. Modes of actions of selected known antibiotics

Drug/class Function inhibited Molecular target This work is financially supported by the National Nature
Foundation Committee of P. R. China (Grant No. 20875104)
Chloromycetin Protein synthesis 50S ribosomal subunit and the international cooperation project on traditional Chinese
Streptomycin Protein synthesis 30S ribosomal subunit medicines of Ministry of Science and Technology of China
Acheomycin Protein synthesis 30S ribosomal subunit (2007DFA40680).
Erythromycin Protein synthesis 50S ribosomal subunit
Lincolmensin Protein synthesis 50S ribosomal subunit
Norfloxacin DNA replication/ Gyrase and topoisomerase IV The authors have declared no conflict of interest.
Rifampicin Transcription RNA polymerase
Cefataxime Peptidoglycan Transpeptidases and
synthesis carboxypeptidases
Vancomycin Peptidoglycan Cell wall peptidoglycan
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