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Indian Railways is an Indian state-owned enterprise, owned and operated by the Government of
India through the Ministry of Railways. It is one of the world's largest railway networks comprising
115,000 km (71,000 mi) of track over a route of 65,436 km (40,660 mi) and 7,172 stations. In 2013–
14, IR carried 8,425 million passengers annually or more than 23 million passengers daily (roughly
half of which were suburban passengers) and 1050.18 million tons of freight in the year. In 2013–
2014 Indian Railways had revenues of  1441.67 billion (US$23 billion) which consists of  940.0
billion (US$15 billion) from freight and  375.0 billion (US$6.1 billion) from passengers tickets.
Railways were first introduced to India in the year 1853 from Bombay to Thane. In 1951 the systems
were nationalised as one unit, the Indian Railways, becoming one of the largest networks in the
world. IR operates both long and suburban rail systems on a multi-gauge network
of broad, metre and narrow gauges. It also owns locomotive and coach production facilities at
several places in India and are assigned codes identifying. Their gauge, kind of power and type of
operation. Its operations cover also provides limited international services
to Nepal, Bangladesh and Pakistan. Indian Railways is the world's seventh largest commercial or
utility employer, by number of employees, with over 1.307 million employees. As for rolling stock,
IR holds over 239,281 Freight Wagons, 62,924 Passenger Coachesand 9,013 Locomotives (43 steam,
5,345 diesel and 4,568 electric locomotives). The trains have a 5 digit numbering system and runs
12,617 passenger trains and 7421 freight trains daily. As of 31 March 2013, 20,884 km (12,977 mi)
(31.9%) of the total 65,436 km (40,660 mi) route length was electrified, Since1960, almost all
electrified sections on IR use 25,000 Volt AC traction through overhead catenary delivery.

Gorakhpur workshop was established in 1903 for repair and overhauling of MG steam locomotives,
coaches and wagons. Later on, overhauling of MG steam cranes and repair of station cash boxes and
cash safes were also started. Due to gauge conversion from MG to BG, POH activity of 50 BG
coaches/month was started in Sept.’1984. In order to rationalize load in GKPS and considering the
growing traffic demand, POH activity of MG wagons was closed in 1986 and that of MG steam
locomotive in the year 1994. The POH of MG coaches was also stopped from January 2002. At
present, this workshop is mainly carrying out POH of BG AC and non-AC coaches. The workshop is
also engaged in manufacturing of nearly 685 different components for POH activities of coaches .
Capacity augmentation and modernisation Project Phase-I (costing Rs.22.7 Cr.) and Phase-II (costing
Rs.18 Cr.) have been sanctioned and are under progress.
The Indian Railways is divided into zones, which are further sub-divided into divisions, each having
a divisional headquarters. There are a total of sixty-nine divisions. Each of the divisions, is headed by
a Divisional Railway Manager (DRM) who reports to the General Manager (GM) of the zone. A
DRM can be appointed from any services of Indian railway,Indian Administrative Service (IAS) and
Indian Revenue Service (IRS) for the tenure of 3 years but it can be exceeded on the
recommendation of Railway Board. Divisional officers heading all departments viz. engineering,
mechanical, electrical, signal and telecommunication, accounts, personnel, operating, commercial,
safety, medical, security branches report to the Divisional Railway Manager. The DRM is assisted by
one or two Additional Divisional Railway Managers (ADRM) in the working of the division. There
are seventeen main division in Indian railway listed below….

1. Central railway-CR-Mumbai
2. East central railway-ECR-Hajipur
3. East coach railway-ECoR-Bhubaneswar
4. Eastern railway-ER-Kolkata
5. North central railway-NCR-Allahabad
6. North eastern railway-NER-Gorakhpur
7. North western railway-NWR-Jaipur
8. North east frontier-NFR-Guwahati
9. Northern railway-NR-Delhi
10. South central –SCR-Secunderabad.
11. South eastern-SER-Kolkata
12. South western –SWR-Hubli
13. Southern railway-SR-Chennai
14. South east central-SECR-Bilaspur
15. West central railway-WCR-Jabalpur
16. Western railway-WR-Mumbai
17. Kolkata Metro-Kolkata
Gorakhpur workshop was established in 1903 for repair and overhauling of MG steam locomotives,
coaches and wagons.Due to gauge conversion from MG to BG, POH activity of 50 BG coaches
/month was started in sep1984.The POH of MG coaches was also stopped from January 2002.At
present,this workshop is mainly carrying out POH of BG AC and NON-AC coaches in number 180
per months.Capacity augmentation and modernization project phase-1(coasting RS.22.7 crore) and
phase -2(coasting Rs.18 cr.) has been sanctioned and are under progress.


 No of officers -19.
 No of supervisors-378.
 On roll strength- 5282.
 Total are covered-29.8 Hectare.
 Covered area-12.6 Hectare.
 Township area Gorakhpur.
 Power consumption- 208662 KWH.
In this section all kinds of machining is done to obtain the correct size and shape of the job. Besides,
machining of steel job, Aluminum-plates are also machined here. Machining is other performed
manually or on automatic machines.

Machines are two types:



There are three types of automatic machine.

 Numerical control.
 Computer numerical control.

 Direct numerical control machine .


The machining parameter are feed from the control panel by pushing buttons .The job is machined
according to the parameter There are N.C. boring machine in this shop.


In this machine all the data corresponding to the initial work piece to the final product is feed into the
computer. All the process required in the order of action is fed with the help of programmer .In this
machine one, has to just fix the job is to the chuck. All the other process is done automatically. This
is the machine use for large scale production. In this shop there is one CNC chucker turret Lathe


This machine is controlled by installing a control room away from the work place .These machine
are D.N.C. machine. These are fully automated .The machine shop is divided into different divisions
to the task accomplished .Theses sections are-

1. Capstan and turret lathe section.

2. Milling section.
3. Drilling section.
4. Central lathe section.

5 Heavy machine section


DRILLING SECTION-Drilling operation is carried out here. A large for the operation .To complete
the operation faster a few gauge milling machine are also provides.


SLOTTER-The is vertical shaping machine .The arm reciprocating in the vertical direction .Most
parts are the same as shaper .Slotting is the process that is carried on this machine .


PLANNER-Planner is used for the very large jobs. The basic difference between shaper and
planner is procedure of giving relative motion between the work piece and tool .In the shaper, the
tool reciprocates while in planner the table reciprocates.
In this shop, repair work of the wheel and axel is under taken. As it is known that, the wheel
wears throughout its life. When at work the profile and diameter of the wheel constantly changes.
To improve it’s working and for security reason, it is repaired and given correct profile with
proper diameter.

The diameter of new wheel is-

Type Wheel dia. Distance b/w journal Journal Axel wheel seat
center (mm) size(mm) dia. (mm)
ICF 915 2159 120*113.5 172,0.25,0.35
BMEL 915 2210.2 120*179 171,0.45,0.63

Wheel can be used certain minimum diameter after which it is discarded. The diameter

wheel when it is condemned is


1. ICF/BMEL SOLID 915-813
2. ICF TIRED 915-851
3. BMEL TIRED 915-839

In this shop wheel sets are removed from the bogies, the entire wheel is first inspected for assessing
the condition of the component of wheel such as axel trial wheel disc and guttering.

The shop consist of-

[1] Axel journal testing lathe.

[2] Hydraulic wheel press with facility of mounting.

[3] Axel turning lathe.

[4] Vertical turning lathe

Axel journal turning lathe

On this lathe, the diameter of the axel is brought to the correct diameter. The cutting tool is used of
carbon tool.

Hydraulic wheel press with a facility of mounting

The wheel is pressed on the axel with the help of this machine. A calculated amount of pressure is
applied and the wheel is pressed

Axel turning machine

External and internal diameter is corrected by this lathe, wheel is tightened on the rotating clutch.

The stationary is carbide tool cut the wheel to correct diameter .

Wheel Profile Lathe

The profile of the wheel is repaired on this machine. Correct profile is cut by carbide tool

It is a non-destructive testing is used to detect the flows or discontinuities in materials without using
impairing their use fullness. This testing is used for ferrous is non-ferrous metals

In this section the helical and leaf spring are prepared. For this purpose there certain machine for
testing, grading and repairing it.


The test performed on helical spring and laminated spring are-

[1] Visual and magnetic crack detection.

[2] Spring scraping mach

[3] D’ buckling

Visual and magnetic crack detection. The visual test with the help of magnifying lens and glass the
spring the is inspected of-
Corroded--------------- Fail

Deep seam of mark -------------------- Fail

Surface crack ------------- Fail

No sound defect ------------- Fail

In the magnetic testing a mixture of kerosene oil and magnetic red ink is sprayed on the spring and
inspected for the clinging of the oil droplets. If oil clings at same place if present the presence of
crack. There are variation reasons for the failure of the helical spring such as free height load test,
dent mark, corrosion and breakage.


Free of height 8.93%
Load test 82.08%
Dent mark, corrosion &breakage 08.39%

After the buckling test, the spring should be put on scraping machine and the camber should be
measured. In this test, the spring should be pressed quickly and camber should be measured 2 times.
The spring should be test such as, it should not be more than ½ of the plate. In helical spring
scraping, the spring is kept on the machine and its free height us measure. Now the spring is
compressed, under certain and its compression is noted down. The compression is matched from the
table provided for springs. If the compression matches, the spring is passed otherwise rejected


1. Over camber of the spring.

2. Short camber of the spring.
3. Leaf broken.
4. Gap between the leaves of the spring

On this machine, buckling is performed on laminated spring. The leaves of the springs are assembled
and pressed. Now it is put on the buckling machine axial and longitudinal forces are applied


Heat treatment is the process of heating and cooling of a material to change its physical and
mechanical properties without changing the original shape and size. Heat treatment of steel is often
associated with increasing its strength, but can also be used to improve machinability, formability,
restoring ductility, etc. Basic heat treatment process for steels are described in the following



1. Hardening.
2. Tempering.
3. Austempring.
4. Martempring.
5. Annealing.
6. Stress relieving.
7. Spheroid zing.
8. Normalizing
9. Case hardening.
10. Cyaniding.

11. Flame hardening.

12. Induction hardening.

13. Nitriding.



If a component to be produced in small numbers then procedure adopted is marketing out, setting on
machine, clamping to machine table. Nevertheless. It would not be suitable for producing same
component in large quantities because of economic reason. A faster and more profitable method calls
for a device JIG&FIXTURE

9.1 JIGS
Jig may be described as a plate, or metal box, structure or a device usually made of which metal is
clamped or fastened or located one after others for the other for specific operation in such a way that

it will guide one or more cutting tools to the same position .

This may be structure for locating holding and supporting a component or work piece securely in a
definite position for a specific operation but it does not guide the cutting tool. The cutting tool are set
in position by machine adjust or by trial& error method



1. Sharp corners may be avoided.
2. Adjustment locator must be provided.
3. Locating pins should be tapered.
4. Quick acting, clamps should be provided.
5. Safety criterion should be provided.
6. Accuracy is the basic need should not be compromised.
Working-By means of frictional force between wheel and brake pad.

Mainly two types of braking system is used-

1. Air-Braking system.
2. Vacuum-brake system


This is new method of braking system, which is more efficient than the vacuum brakes. It is used at
first in Rajdhani and satabdi coaches. Progress conversion of vacuum brakes in air-brake has being

The main parts of air-brake system are following

1. Brake cylinder.
2. Brake pipe.
3. Feed pipe.
4. Distributer pipe.
5. Angle lock.
6. House pipe.
7. Auxiliary reservoir.
8. Guards van valve & pressure gauge.
9. Isolating cock.
10. 10.Passenger emerging alarm signal device.
11. 11. Dirt collector
BRAKE PIPE-This is charged from the locomotive at 5 kg/cm3 and causes application and
release of brakes due to change in its pressure through the locomotive control system. The pipe

linked to distributor system .

FEED PIPE- It having 6kg/cm3 pressure, and keeps the auxiliary reservoir charge at fuel
pressure even when brakes are applied. Feed pipe are also connected to the distributor valve.

DISTRIBUTOR VALVE- It is connected to the brake pipe auxiliary reservoir and brake
cylinder. It controls the pressure in the brake cylinder. It controls the pressure in the brake
cylinder in proportion to the reduction of pressure in brake-pipe.

ANGLE COCK-It is use for alarming purpose.

HOUSE COUPLING- Both the brake-pipe and feed pipe are fitted to the angle cock outlet
for the passage of compressed air from one coach to another mean of braided rubber and metal

coupling .

GUARD VAN VALVE & PRESSURE GAUGE - These are provided in the guards
compartments. These are provided to control the train movement.

ISOLATING COCK- Use for isolating the air from one point to the other point.

CHOKE- It is device for restricting the flow of air from one point brakes circuit to other point.

The handle of this cock is kept parallel to the pipe to indicate that it is in open conditions .
Shell shop is divided into two parts-




MAIN PARTS OF SHELL-Various parts of shell are as follows-









3. ROOF.









Welding by torch
Material Handling is the field concerned with solving the pragmatic problems involving the
movement, storage in a manufacturing plant or warehouse, control and protection of materials,
goods and products throughout the processes of cleaning, preparation, manufacturing,
distribution, consumption and disposal of all related materials, goods and their packaging. The
focus of studies of Material Handling course work is on the methods, mechanical equipment,
systems and related controls used to achieve these functions. The material handling
industry manufactures and distributes the equipment and services required to implement material
handling systems, from obtaining, locally processing and shipping raw materials to utilization of
industrial feedstock’s in industrial manufacturing processes. Material handling systems range
from simple pallet rack and shelving projects, to complex conveyor belt and Automated Storage
and Retrieval Systems (AS/RS); from mining and drilling equipment to custom built barley malt
drying rooms in breweries. Material handling can also consist of sorting and picking, as well
as automatic guided vehicles.


Material-handling equipment is equipment that relate to the movement, storage, control and
protection of materials, goods and products throughout the process of manufacturing,
distribution, consumption and disposal. Material handling equipment is the mechanical
equipment involved in the complete system.Material handling equipment is generally separated
into four main categories: storage and handling equipment, engineered systems, industrial trucks,
and bulk material handling


13.1 About electrical locomotive

An electric locomotive is a locomotive powered by electricity from overhead lines, a third rail or on-

board energy storage such as a battery or fuel cell. Electric locomotives with on-board fuelled prime
movers, such as diesel engines or gas turbines, are classed as diesel-electric or gas turbine-electric
locomotives because the electric generator/motor combination serves only as a power transmission
system. Electricity is used to eliminate smoke and take advantage of the high efficiency of electric
motors, but the cost of electrification means that usually only heavily used lines can be electrified.

13.2 Characteristics

One advantage of electrification is the lack of pollution from the locomotives. Electrification results
in higher performance, lower maintenance costs and lower energy costs.

Power plants, even if they burn fossil fuels, are far cleaner than mobile sources such as locomotive
engines. The power can come from clean or renewable sources, including geothermal
power, hydroelectric power, nuclear power, solar power and wind turbines. Electric locomotives are
quiet compared to diesel locomotives since there is no engine and exhaust noise and less mechanical
noise. The lack of reciprocating parts means electric locomotives are easier on the track, reducing
track maintenance.

Power plant capacity is far greater than any individual locomotive uses, so electric locomotives can
have a higher power output than diesel locomotives and they can produce even higher short-term
surge power for fast acceleration. Electric locomotives are ideal for commuter rail service with
frequent stops. They are used on high-speed lines, such as ICE in Germany, Acela in the
U.S., Shinkansen in Japan, China Railway High-speed in China and TGV in France. Electric
locomotives are used on freight routes with consistently high traffic volumes, or in areas with
advanced rail networks.

Electric locomotives benefit from the high efficiency of electric motors, often above 90% (not
including the inefficiency of generating the electricity). Additional efficiency can be gained
from regenerative braking, which allows kinetic energy to be recovered during braking to put power
back on the line. Newer electric locomotives use AC motor-inverter drive systems that provide for
regenerative braking.

The chief disadvantage of electrification is the cost for infrastructure: overhead lines or third rail,
substations, and control systems. Public policy in the U.S. interferes with electrification: higher
property taxes are imposed on privately owned rail facilities if they are electrified. U.S. regulations
on diesel locomotives are very weak compared to regulations on automobile emissions or power
plant emissions.

In Europe and elsewhere, railway networks are considered part of the national transport
infrastructure, just like roads, highways and waterways, so are often financed by the state. Operators
of the rolling stock pay fees according to rail use. This makes possible the large investments required
for the technically, and in the long-term also, economically advantageous electrification. Because
railroad infrastructure is privately owned in the U.S., railroads are unwilling to make the necessary
investments for electrification.
Indian Railways use a specialized classification code for identifying its locomotives. The code is
usually three or four letters, followed by a digit identifying the model (either assigned
chronologically or encoding the power rating of the locomotive).This could be followed by other
codes for minor variations in the base model.

The three (or four) letters are, from left to right, the gauge of tracks on which the locomotive
operates, the type of power source or fuel for the locomotive, and the kind of operation the
locomotive can be used for. The gauge is coded as 'W' for broad gauge, 'Y' for meter gauge, 'Z' for
the 762 mm narrow gauge and 'N' for the 610 mm narrow gauge. The power source code is 'D' for
diesel, 'A' for AC traction, 'C' for DC traction and 'CA' for dual traction (AC/DC). The operation
letter is 'G' for freight-only operation, 'P' for passenger trains-only operation, 'M' for mixed operation
(both passenger and freight) and 'S' for shunting operation. A number alongside it indicates the
power rating of the engine. For example '4' would indicate a power rating of above
4,000 hp (2,980 kW) but below 5,000 hp (3,730 kW). A letter following the number is used to give
an exact rating. For instance 'A' would be an additional 100 horsepower (75 kW); 'B' 200 hp
(150 kW) and so on. For example, a WDM-3D is a broad-gauge, diesel-powered, mixed mode
(suitable for both freight and passenger duties) and has a power rating of 3400 hp (2.5 MW).

The most common diesel engine used is the WDM-2, which entered production in 1962. This
2,600 hp (1.9 MW) locomotive was designed by Alco and manufactured by the Diesel Locomotive
Works, Varanasi, and is used as a standard workhorse. It is being replaced by more modern engines,
ranging in power up to 5,500 hp (4.1 MW).

There is a wide variety of electric locomotives used, ranging between 2,800 to 6,350 hp (2.1 to
4.7 MW). They also accommodate the different track voltages in use. Most electrified sections in the
country use 25,000 volt AC, but railway lines around Mumbai use the older
1,500 V DC system. Thus, Mumbai and surrounding areas are the only places where one can find
AC/DC dual locomotives of the WCAM and WCAG series. All other electric locomotives are pure
AC ones from the WAP, WAG and WAM series. Some specialized EMU (electric multiple units) are
running on Mumbai Suburban System of Central Railway and Western Railway also use dual-power
systems, these are new-age rakes manufactured in ICF (Integral Coach Factory) in Paramour usually
white and purple livery color. There are also some very rare battery-powered locomotives, primarily
used for shunting and yard work.
The only steam engines still in service in India operate on two heritage lines (Darjeeling and Ooty),
and on the tourist train Palace on Wheels Plans are afoot to re-convert the Neral-Matheran to steam.
The oldest steam engine in the world in regular service, the Fairy Queen, operates between Delhi and

Types of electric locomotives in Indian Railways

 Mixed type locomotives; WDM 1 (first mainline diesel electric locomotives used in India.
Introduced in 1957. Imported from ALCO. Out of service now. 1950hp) WDM2 (Most widely
used and first homemade mainline diesel-electric locomotives in India. Original prototypes were
made by Alco. Introduced in 1962, more than 2700 have been made. Rated at 2600 hp) WDM 2A
(Technical variants of WDM 2) WDM2BWDM 3 (Only 8 were imported. They used hydraulic
transmission and are currently non- functional)WDM 3A (Formerly WDM 2C. Another WDM 2
variant. It is not related to WDM3. 3100 hp)WDM 3C, (higher powered versions of WDM
3A)WDM 3DWDM 4 (Entered service along with WDM 2. Prototypes designed by General
Motors. Though considered superior to WDM 2 in many ways, these locomotives weren’t chosen
as General Motors did not agree to a technology transfer agreement. 2600 hp)WDM 6 (Very rare
class; only two were made; one is being used by Puttalam Cement Factory in Sri Lanka. Rated at
1200 HP)WDM 7 they were designed for branch-line duties, but they are now used mostly for
shunting. Rated at 2000hpWDM 5 No locomotive class was designated as WDM5 in India.
Passenger Locomotives: WDP 1WDP 2 (New class name WDP 3A. Dedicated passenger diesel
locomotive. Entered service in 1998. Powerful locomotive. 3100 hp)WDP 3 This locomotives are
actually prototypes of the class WDP 1 and never entered serial production WDP 4 EMD (former
GM-EMD) GT46PAC, fundamentally a passenger version of the WDG 4 (GT46MAC). 4000 hp
WDP 4B EMD (former GM-EMD) GT46PAC, An improved version of the WDP 4, this is a
more powerful version and has 6 traction motors, just like the WDG 4. Also comes with wider
cabin to aid visibility and minor exterior design changes. 4500 hp WDP 4D EMD (former GM-
EMD) GT46PAC, This is basically a WDP 4B with twin cabs. Minor changes were made to the
locomotive to facilitate the addition of a second cabin. This locomotive comes with LC
Instrument display and toilet for the drivers. As of now, two units have been made and are
expected to enter full-time service soon. 4500 hp.
 Goods locomotives: WDG 2 New class name WDG 3A. These class is actually a technically
upgraded form of WDM 2WDG 3B, Technical upgraded forms of WDG 2 or WDG 3AWDG
3C,WDG 3DWDG 4 New dedicated goods locomotives. These are General motors
 GT46MAC models. First units were imported in 1999. They are numbered from #12000
upward. Local production started on 2002. 4000 hp Shunting locomotives (Also known as
switching engines):WDS 1 First widely deployed and successful diesel locomotives used in
India. Imported in 1944- 45. Currently out of service. 386 HPWDS 2 Currently out of service
WDS 3 All locomotives of this class were rebuilt and reclassified as WDS 4C in 1976-78.
618 HPWDS 4, Designed by Chittaranjan Locomotive Works. 600-700 hp WDS 4A,WDS
4B,WDS 4DWDS 4C Rebuilt WDS 3 locos as mentioned above WDS 5 Some of these
locomotives are used for industrial shunting. A few are used on Indian Railways. Rated at
1065hpWDS 6 Heavy-haul shunters made in large numbers for industrial concerns as well as
for Indian Railways Rated at 1200/1350hpWDS 8 Only five of these were made, and all were
transferred to steel works 800hpNote: There is no electric shunting engine in India. Classes
from WDS 1 to WDS 4D have hydraulic transmission. The WDS 4, 4A, 4B, 4C and 4D are
the only still existing broad gauge locomotives with diesel-hydraulic transmission. Diesel
multiple units: A few routes in India currently have Diesel multiple unit service. Depending
on the transmission system they are classified as DEMU (diesel-electric transmission) or
DHMU (diesel-hydraulic transmission).There are diesel railcar services in a few places
known as railbus. DC electric traction Note: These locomotives are, or were used only in
sections around Mumbai which is the only location in India
 Mixed type locomotives: WCM 1 First electric locomotives with the now familiar Co-Co
wheel arrangement to be used in India. 3700 hp WCM 2 520hpWCM 3 600hp - Used in
Kolkata , then transferred to Mumbai, Built by Hitachi WCM 4 675hp - Also built by Hitachi
WCM 5 Built by Chittaranjan locomotive works to RDSOs design specifications. Auxiliaries
by Westinghouse and North Boyce. Built in 1962, these are India’s first indigenously
designed DC electric locomotives. The first was named Lokamanya after the Congress leader
Bal Gangadhar Tilak. 3700 hp WCM 6 A rare and highly powerful class. 5000 hp, only two
were built. Now converted to run on AC power, class name changed to WAM 4Passenger
locomotives: WCP 1, WCP 2 Historically very important locomotives as these are the very
first electric loco(GIPR EA/1 and EA/2 to be used in India. The first locomotive was named
as Sir Roger Lumney and is currently preserved in the National Rail Museum, New Delhi.
2160 hp WCP 3, WCP 4 GIPR EB/1 and EC/1, these are also among the earliest electric
locos used in India Goods locomotives: WCG 1 These are Swiss crocodile locomotives
imported in 1928 from Swiss locomotive works.(GIPR EF/1 These are among the earliest
electric locos used in India. The first locomotive was named as Sir Leslie Wilson and is
currently preserved in the National Rail Museum, New Delhi. 2600-2950 hp WCG 2
Designed by Chittaranjan locomotive works in 1970AC electric traction The 25 kV AC
system with overhead lines is used throughout the rest of the country. Mixed type
locomotives WAM 1 Among the first AC electric locomotives used in India. Introduced in
1959. Now out of service. 3010 hp WAM 2WAM 3WAM 4 Indigenously designed by
Chittaranjan Locomotive Works in 1970. Highly powerful class. One of the most successful
locomotives in India. 3850 hp Passenger locomotives WAP 1 Designed by Chittaranjan
locomotive works in 1980 for the Kolkata-Delhi Rajdhani Express. A very successful class.
3900 hpWAP 2 Not in use
 WAP 3 Not in use WAP 4 Upgraded from WAP 1 for higher loads by Chittaranjan
locomotive works in 1994. One of the most successful locomotives in India. Very powerful
class. 5350 hp WAP 5 Imported in 1995 from Switzerland and used on premier express
trains. 5450 hp WAP 6 Only found near Asansol WAP 7 Same design as WAG 9 with
modified gear ratio. Highly powerful class. 6250 hp Goods locomotives WAG 1WAG
2WAG 3WAG 4WAG 5 The most successful electric locomotives in India. Designed by
chittaranjan locomotive works in 1984. More than 1100 were made. 3850 hpWAG 5A,
Technical variants of WAG 5WAG 5BWAG 6A Imported from ASEA and Hitachi. 6110
hpWAG 6B, Variants of WAG 3A. All rated at 6110 hpWAG 6cWAG 7 Very successful
class. Designed by chittaranjan locomotive works. 5000 hpWAG 9 Currently the most
powerful class in India, rated at 6350 hp. Same design as WAP 7 with modified gear ratio.
Designed by Adtranz, Switzerland Dual (both AC and DC) traction Note: These locomotives
are, or were used only in sections around Mumbai which is the only location in India still
using DC traction. They can run under AC traction too. The main purpose behind the
manufacture of these types of locomotives was to provide transportation in and out Mumbai
area without changing the engine. Mixed type locomotives:WCAM 1WCAM 2WCAM 3
Designed by Bharat Heavy Electricals locomotives:WCAG 1 Designed by Bharat heavy
electrical limited. 2930 hp under DC traction and 4720 hp under AC traction Note There is no
dedicated dual current Limited. 4600 hp under DC traction and 5000 hp under AC traction
Goods passenger locomotive in India, but in Mumbai area, there are some EMUs which can
run under dual traction.

14.1 Traction Motors In Locomotives

Traction motor refers to an electric motor providing the primary rotational torque to a machine,
usually for conversion into linear motion (traction).

Traction motors are used in electrically powered rail vehicles such as electric multiple
units and electric locomotives, other electric vehicles such as electric milk
floats, elevators, conveyors, and trolleybuses, as well as vehicles with electrical transmission systems
such as diesel-electric, electric hybrid vehicles and battery electric vehicles. Additionally, electric
motors in other products (such as the main motor in a washing machine) are described as traction
motors. Traditionally, these were series-wound brushed DC motors, usually running on
approximately 600 volts. The availability of high-powered semiconductors (such as thyristors and
the IGBT) has now made practical the use of much simpler, higher-reliability AC induction
motors known as asynchronous traction motors. Synchronous AC motors are also occasionally used,
as in the French TGV.

14.2Three Phase AC Railway electrification

Three-phase AC railway electrification was used in Italy, Switzerland and the United States in the
early twentieth century. Italy was the major user, from 1901 until 1976, although lines through two
tunnels also used the system; the Simplon Tunnel in Switzerland from 1906 to 1930, and the Cascade
Tunnel of the Great Northern Railway in the United States from 1909 to 1939. The first line was in
Switzerland, from Burgdorf to Thun (40 km or 25 mi), since 1899


The system provides regenerative braking with the power fed back to the system, so is particularly
suitable for mountain railways (provided the grid or another locomotive on the line can accept the
power). The locomotives use three-phase induction motors. Lacking brushes and commutators, they
require less maintenance. The early Italian and Swiss systems used a low frequency (16⅔ Hz), and a
relatively low voltage (3,000 or 3,600 volts) compared with later AC systems.


The overhead wiring, generally having two separate overhead lines and the rail for the third phase,
was more complicated, and the low-frequency used required a separate generation or conversion and
distribution system. Train speed was restricted to one to four speeds, with two or four speeds
obtained by pole-changing or cascade operation or both.
14.3 Overview Of Traction Offerings

[1] Traction transformer

[2] Traction converter
[3] Traction control
[4] Train Control and Monitoring System
[5] Traction motor
[6] Diesel engine generator
[7] Auxiliary converter
[8] Battery charger
[9] Energy storage


Power Supply
25 kV AC, 50 Hz single phase power supply for electric traction is derived from the grid of State
Electricity Boards through traction sub-stations located along the route of the electrified sections at
distance of 35 to 50 km apart. The distance between adjacent substations may however be even less
depending on intensity of traffic and load of trains.
At present there are broadly four different arrangements in existence as under
a. The Supply Authorities supply power at 220/132/110/66 kV Extra High Voltage (EHV) at
each traction substation which is owned, installed, operated and maintained by the Railways.
b. The Railway receives 3-phase power supply from the supply Authority at a single point near
the grid substation from where the Railway runs its own transmission lines providing its own
traction sub-stations.
c. All EHV and 25 kV equipment is owned, installed, operated and maintained by the Supply
Authority except 25 kV feeder circuit breakers which are owned, installed, operated and
maintained by the Railway.
d. All EHV and 25 kV equipment is owned, installed, operated and maintained by the Supply
Authority but 25 kV feeder circuit breakers alone are operated on remote control by the
Traction Power Controller (TPC).
Duplicate Supply
a. To ensure continuity of supply under all conditions, the high voltage feed to the traction
substations is invariably arranged wither from two sources of power or by a double
transmission line, so that if one source fails the other remains in service. Suitable protective
equipment is installed at the substations to ensure rapid isolation of any fault in transmission
lines and substation equipment, so that the power supply for electric traction is maintained
under all conditions.
b. At each traction substation, normally two single phase transformers are installed; one which
is in service and the other is 100% stand by. The present standard capacity is 21.6 MVA
(ONAN)/30.2 MVA (ONAF).
However transformers of capacity 13.5 MVA (ONAN)/10.8 MVA (ONAN) have also been used at
many of the substations. These transformers step down the grid voltage to 25 kV for feeding the
traction overhead equipment (OHE). 25 kV feeders carry the power from the substations to feeding
posts located near the tracks. Each feeder is controlled by a single pole circuit breaker equipped with
protective devices.

Voltage Regulation
The permissible variation of the bus bar voltage on the bus bars at the grid substations is +10% and
5% i.e. between 27,500 V and 23750 V. The tappings on the transformers are on the secondary
winding and set to ensure the voltage is maintained as high as possible but not exceeding 27.5 kV at
the feeding post at any time.

25 kV Supply at Traction Substations

a. On the secondary side one transformer circuit breaker and one feeder circuit breaker are
installed with associated double pole isolator the bus bar connections being such that full
flexibility of operation is assured.
b. The traction substation is designed for remote operation.
c. The facilities exist to change over from one feeder to the other by means of isolator/bus
d. One end of the secondary winding of the transformer is solidly earthed at the substation and
is connected to track/return feeder through buried rail.

15.1 Feeding and Sectioning Arrangements

a. The generation and transmission systems of Supply Authorities are 3-phase systems. The
single phase traction load causes unbalance in supply system. The unbalance has undesirable
effects on the generators of the supply Authorities and equipment of other consumers. If its
value becomes excessive.
b. The permissible voltage unbalance at the point of common coupling on the grid supply
system should not exceed the following limits:-
Voltage unbalance (%)
Instantaneous 5
2 hours 3
Continuous 2
c. To keep the unbalance on the 3-phase grid system within the above limits, power for ac
single phase traction is tapped off the grid system across the different phases at adjacent
substations in cyclic order.
d. Thus, it becomes necessary to separate electrically the overhead equipment systems fed by
adjacent substations. This is done by providing a ‘Neutral Section’ between two substations
on the overhead equipment to ensure that the two phases are not bridged by the pantographs
of passing electric locomotives/EMUs.
e. To ensure rapid isolation of faults on the OHE and to facilitate maintenance work, the OHE is
sectioned at intervals of 10 to 15 km along the route. At each such point a ‘switching station
interrupters, usually rated at 600A are provided. The shortest section of the OHE which can
be isolated by opening interrupters alone is called a ‘subsectors’. Each sub-sector is further
sub-divided into smaller ‘elementary sections’ by provision of off-load type manually
operated isolator switches.
f. At some stations with large yards, alternate feeding arrangements are provided so that the
power for feeding and yards may be drawn from alternate routes. Normally the switch is
locked in one position, being changed to the other when required after taking necessary
g. To meet requirements at electric loco running sheds, isolators with an earthing device in the
’off’ position is provided. At watering stations manually operated interrupters and isolators
with earthing heels are provided to enable switching off of the power supply locally and
earthing the OHE to enable working on roofs of rolling stock.

15.2 Switching Stations

There are several types of switching stations as detailed as the following-
a. Feeding Post (FP): It is a supply post where the incoming 25 kV feeder lines from substation
are terminated and connected to the overhead equipment through interrupters. Each feeder
supplies the OHE on one side of the feeding post through interrupters controlling supply to
the individual lines. Thus, for a two track line, there will be four interrupters at each feeding
b. Sectioning and Paralleling Post (SP): It is the supply control post situated mid-way
between two feeding posts at the neutral section and provided with bridging and paralleling
These posts are situated approximately midway between feeding posts marking the
demarcating point of two zones fed from different phases from adjacent substations. At these
posts, a neutral section is provided to make it impossible for the pantograph of an electric
locomotive of EMU train to bridge the different phases of 25 kV supply while passing from
the zone fed from one substation to the next one. Since the neutral section remains ‘dead’
warning boards are provided in advance to warn and remind the Driver of an approaching
electric locomotive /EMU to open locomotive circuit breaker (DJ) before approaching
‘neutral section’ to coast through it and then switch ‘on’ on the other side. Special care is
taken in fixing the location of neutral sections on level tangent tracks far away from signals
level crossing gates etc to ensure that the train coasts through the neutral section at a
sufficiently high speed to obviate the possibility of its stopping and getting stuck within the
neutral section.
A paralleling interrupter is provided at each ‘SP’ to parallel the OHE of the up and down
tracks of a double track section ‘bridging interrupters’ are also provided to permit one feeding
post to feed beyond the sectioning post up to the next FP if its 25 kV supply is interrupted for
some reasons These bridging interrupters are normally kept open and should only be closed
after taking special precautions as detailed in these rules.
c. Sub-Sectioning and Paralleling Post (SSP): It is a supply control post where sectioning and
paralleling interrupters are provided. One or more SSPs are provided between each FP and
adjacent SP depending upon the distance between them. In a double track section, normally
three interrupters are provided at each SSP i.e. two connecting the adjacent subsectors of up
and down tracks and one for paralling the up and down tracks.
d. Sub-Sectioning Post (SS): It is a supply control post where a sectioning interrupter is
provided. These are provided only occasionally. These are similar to SSPs with provision for
sectioning of the OHE but not paralleling.

Certain Equipment at Switching Stations

Certain equipments are installed at various points to protect the lines, to monitor the
availability of power supply and provide other facilities. These are generally as under-
a. Lightning arresters are provided to protect every sub-station against voltage surges.
b. Auxiliary transformers are provided at all the posts and also at certain intermediate points to
supply ac at 240 V, 50Hz required for signalling and operationally essential lighting
installations. To ensure a fairly steady voltage. Automatic voltage regulators are also
provided where required.
c. Potential transformers are provided at the various switching stations for monitoring supply to
each sub-sector.
16.1 Supply Arrangements
To ensure reliability of ac 240V, supply through 25 kV/240V auxiliary transformer by tapping 25 kV
OHE is made available at following places:
a. At each way side station for CLS.
b. Level crossings located more than 2 km away from Railway Station.
c. At IBH.
d. At all the power supply installations.
In the event of power block being given on both the OHE sub sectors from which the signal supply is
derived electric traffic would necessarily have to be suspended on the line. During such periods
colour light signally will not also be in operation. Such cases are likely to arise very rarely at any
station and the duration of the block is not likely to exceed one hour at a time. Therefore, no
additional power supply arrangement need be made by the Electrical Department at wayside stations.
However, to cater for this condition portable generating sets should be kept by the S&T Department
to be operated until 25 kV supply is restored. At large stations with considerable shunting
movements a stand by diesel generator set may be installed by the S&T Department to meet
emergencies, if considered essential.
16.2 Voltage Regulators
The fluctuating nature of the traction load causes perceptible fluctuation on the 240 V supplies
affecting operation of signalling equipment. To overcome this, static type voltage regulators are
provided by S&T Department to limit voltage fluctuations to + 5%. These voltage regulators are
installed either in separate kiosks inside the remote control cubicles, inside the ASM’s room, or
inside the cabins depending upon the position of various load centres.


Remote Control
The interrupters at the various switching stations as well as the feeder circuit breakers (and other
switchgear owned and operated by the Railway) at the substations are controlled from a Remote
Control Centre (RCC) manned throughout the 24 hours of the day. During each shift there is one
more number of Traction Power Controller (TPC), depending upon the work load. All switching
operations on the system are thus under the control of one single person, namely TPC, who is
responsible for maintaining continuity of power supply on all section of the OHE. He also maintains
continuous and close liaison with the Section Controllers in regard to train operations on electrified
Communication Facilities
All aerial telecommunication lines running by the side of the tracks are replaced with under-ground
cables/microwave to overcome the interference caused by 25 kV single phase a.c traction. The cables
contain adequate number of pairs of conductors for the various types of Railway telecommunication
circuits on ac traction.
In an electrified section it is essential, in the interest of efficiency to provide several independent
telephone circuits to facilitate quick communication and to achieve co-ordination between different
branches of the Railway. In an emergency several alternate telephone channels will be available for
communication should one fail. The various telephone circuits provided in electrified sections are
described below briefly:-
a. Train Control/Section Control: This circuit is operated by the Section Controller and is
used mainly for controlling train movements within his jurisdiction. It has connections with
Signal Cabins, ASMs’ Offices, Loco Sheds and Yard Masters’ Offices.
b. Dy. Control Telephone: This circuit is operated by the Deputy Controller and is used for
directing traffic operations in general. It has connections with the important Station Masters’
offices. Yard Masters’ Offices, Loco Sheds and Signal Cabins.
c. Stock Control Telephone: This circuit is operated by the Stock Controller and is mainly
used for keeping a continuous watch and to maintain control over the movements of wagons.
It has connections with Yard Masters and important Station Masters office.
d. Traction Loco Control: This is a circuit provided for ac traction and is operated by the
Traction Loco Controller who is responsible for movements of electric locomotives and
Electric Multiple Unit (EMU) stock. It has connections with Electric Loco Sheds, EMU
Sheds, Important Station Masters, Yard, Divisional Officers such as Sr. DEE/DEE, AEE
(RS), Sr. DEE/DEE/AEE(OP), Traffic Control Offices, Traction Foreman and important crew
booking points.
e. Traction Power Control: This is a special circuit on ac traction and is used by TPC for all
communications in connection with power supply switching operations and ‘permit-to-work’.
It has connections with Station masters’ offices, cabin. Traction sub-stations, feeding posts,
sectioning and sub-sectioning posts, traction maintenance depots, important Signal Cabins,
Divisional Officers such as Sr. DEE (TrD), Sr. DEE/OP and Traffic Control Offices.
f. Emergency Control Circuit: This circuit is provided to facilitate the traction maintenance
gangs and electric train crew to get in touch with TPC with the least possible delay in
emergencies. It is also used by train crew in times of accidents for communication with the
Control office. This circuit is operated by TPC and is located in the RCC. Emergency
telephones socket boxes are provided along the track at an interval of 0.75 to 1 km and also
and near the signal cabins, sub-sectioning and sectioning posts, insulated overlaps and
feeding posts etc. Portable emergency telephones are given to maintenance gangs, train crew
and station Masters. By plugging the portable telephone into an emergency socket it is
possible to communicate with the TPC.

g. Hot Line Communication: Hot line communication circuit should be provided between the
HQ, divisional HQ traction loco controller and electric loco sheds. These would be provided
in the HQ with CEE, CEE/Loco, Dy.CEE/RS, Sr.DEE/RS in the sheds and Sr.DEE/OP in the

h. Walkie Talkie sets : Every maintenance depots of OHE should have adequate numbers of
walkie-talkie sets to be available with them during their normal maintenance work as well as
break-downs so that not only effective communication is available at site but also to increase
the efficiency and productivity of the work during power blocks. These walkie-talkie sets are
to be used primarily for the following purposes:
 To communicate to the maintenance/breakdown gangs/parties that power block has been
 To direct and supervise work during the period power block is in force;
 Confirmation regarding cancellation of power block by each individual party and
cancellation of power block.

i. Other Communication facilities: An independent inter-communication circuit is also

provided between the various Section Controllers and the Chief Controller for local
communication between themselves. Facilities are also provided for the Chief Controller to
talk to any station on train control, deputy control, stock control and traction loco control
circuits. Similarly, facilities are provided to TPC to talk to any station on the train control and
traction loco control in an emergency. However, it will not be possible for Chief Controller or
TPC to ring independently any station on station on any control circuit as this ringing facility
is only provided to the respective Controllers.
Every TSS has 2 nos. of traction transformers out of which one is working at a time and the second
transformer is stand by. The capacity of each traction transformer is sufficient to feed its own feed
zone and half of the adjoining feed zone.
Feeding Post (FP): To feed 25 KV traction power to OHE. The section of OHE normally fed by a
traction transformer.
Feed Length: The distance for which a traction transformer will feed power in emergent conditions
i.e., the distance between two is adjoining FPs.
Neutral Section (NS): A short section of insulated dead over head equipment which separates the
sectors fed by two adjacent substations which are normally connected to different phases. To
separate OHE of two adjoining feed posts, a short neutral section (PTFE) type is provided opposite
the Traction Sub Station to avoid the need of lowering the pantograph during extended feed
Sectioning Post (SP):
 To facilitate the extension of traction power from one feed zone to half of the adjoining feed
zone during emergency.
 Parallel the UP and DN OHE in double the sections.
Sub-sectioning and paralleling post (SSP):
 To sectionalize OHE.
 To parallel the UP and DN OHE in double line sections.
Sector: A section of Overhead equipment of a track which can be energized by closing a feeder
circuit breaker at the substation. “The section of the OHE between the FP & SP is called the sector”.
Sub-Sector: The smallest section of overhead equipment which can be isolated remotely by opening
of interrupters. “The section of the OHE between the FP & SSP, SSP & SP is called sub-sector”.
This is the shortest section of the OHE which can be isolated through Remote Control by the
Traction Power Controller.
Elementary Section (ES): This is the shortest section of the OHE which can be isolated manually for
carrying out OHE maintenance work.
These principles for preparation, checking and finalization of overhead equipment layout plans, have
been framed for standardization and guidance of Railways / Railway Electrification Projects. In some
cases, the principles are obligatory and should be followed. In other cases, after studying individually
the implications to arrive at the best solution both from economical and technical points of view. The
fundamental aim of design of overhead equipment is to install the contact wire at the requisite height
and to keep it within the working range of the pantograph under all circumstances.

18.2 BOND
An electrical connection across a joint in or between adjacent lengths of rail.
Bond continuity: A rail bond used for maintaining continuity of the rail circuit at crossings and
Bond Cross: A rail bond used for connecting together two rails of a track or rails of adjacent tracks.
Bond Impedance: A special rail bond used to bridge an insulated rail joint in ac track circuited
sections in areas equipped for electric traction.
Bond Rail: An electrical connection across a joint between two adjacent lengths of rail as part of the
track return.
Bond Structure: An electrical connection between the steel work of track structures, bridge or station
bulking, to which the traction overhead equipment is attached and the tracks return.
The electrical conductors over the track together with their associated fittings, insulators and other
attachments by means of which they are suspended and registered in position. All overhead electrical
equipment, distribution lines, transmission lines and feeders may be collectively referred to as
overhead lines.
19.1 Cantilever Assembly
It is an insulated swivelling type structural member, comprising of different sizes of steel tubes, to
support and to keep the overhead Catenary system in position so as to facilitate current collection by
the pantograph at all speed without infringing the structural members. It consists of the following
structural members.

Stay arm
It comprises of dia. 28.4/33.7 mm (Small) size tube and an adjuster at the end to keep the bracket
tube in position. It is insulated from mast by stay arm insulator.
Register Arm
It comprises of dia. 28.4 x 33.7 mm tube to register the contact wire in the desired position with the
help of steady arm.
Steady arm assembly
It is 32 x 31 mm BFB section made of aluminium alloy to register the contact wire to the required
stagger and to take the push up of contact wire. It is always in tension.
A fitting used in overhead equipment construction for supporting the contact wire from Catenary.
Height of contact wire
The distance from rail level to the underside of contact wire.
A conductor or an arrangement of conductors for electrical continuity not under tension, which forms
electrical connection between two conductors or equipments.
A single vertical post embedded in the foundation or otherwise rigidly fixed in vertical position to
support the overhead equipment with cantilever assembly. It may be rolled section or fabricated. The
uprights of portals and TTCs are also called masts.
Note: Pre-stressed concrete spun poles for traction overhead equipment are under development.
Bracket tube
It comprises of dia. 40/49 mm (large) or dia. 30/38 mm (standard) bracket tube and insulated by
bracket insulator. Catenary is supported form this member by Catenary suspension bracket and
Catenary suspension clamp.
Terminology about separations
a. Stagger: Stagger of the contact wire is the horizontal distance of the contact wire from the vertical
plane through the centre of track.
b. Span: The distance between the centre line of the adjacent supporting masts for overhead
equipment/lines. Clear span in case of portal structure, is the distance between the inner faces of
portal uprights.
c. Setting Distance: The horizontal distance from the nearest face of traction mast to the centre line
of the track.
d. Suspension Distance: The horizontal distance from the centre of the eye of Catenary suspension
bracket to the face of the mast for a single cantilever assembly or the face of cross arm channel in
case of multiple cantilever assembly.
e. Electrical Clearance: The distance in air between live equipment and the nearest earthed part.
f. Encumbrance: The axial distance on vertical plane between the Catenary and the contact wire at
The electrically live member / conductor passing over another electrically live member / conductor,
without physical contact.
a. Power line crossing: An electrical overhead transmission or distribution line or underground
cable placed across railway tracks whether electrified or not for transmission of electrical
b. Crossing OHE: Crossing of two conductors of OHE crossing without physical contact.

A conductor connecting a
(a) substation with a feeding post, or
(b) feeding post with the OHE.
It is a single phase Vacuum SF6 / oil circuit breaker used as load switch to close the circuit on fault
but does not open on fault. It is operated either by remote control or manually at site.
Different methods of connection of interrupters are:
a. Bridging Interrupter: An interrupter which is provided at the neutral section to extend the
feed from one substation to the overhead equipment normally fed by the other substation in
emergencies or when the latter is out of use. This normally remains in the open position.
b. Sectioning Interrupter: An interrupter which connects adjacent sub-sectors together to
maintain continuity of supply. This normally remains in closed position.
c. Paralleling Interrupter: An interrupter which connects overhead equipments of two different
tracks. This normally remains in closed position to reduce the voltage drop.
Any fixed structure provided over the track. The prescribed clearance is normally provided as laid
down in the Schedule of Dimensions for unrestricted movement of rolling stock.
Regulating Equipment
A device for maintaining the tension of OHE conductors constant under all ambient temperature
Return conductor
A conductor which carries return current from the tracks to the sub-station in the booster transformer
On multiple track sections, where adequate track centres are not available and tracks cannot be
slewed, ports are used. Each portal consists of two fabricated uprights and one fabricated boom
consisting of with or without one central piece and two end pieces.
“A collapsible device mounted on and insulated from the roof of an electric engine or motor coach
for collecting current from the overhead equipment is known as Pantograph.”
When the pantograph of a locomotive passes from one track to another along a cross over, current
collection changes from one OHE to another. The runners do have the overlap so that there may not
be any sparking during change over.


a. The pantograph mounted on the roof of the OHE Inspection Car is electrically bonded to the
under frame by means of a cable connection. This cable connection should be checked before
starting any operation for checking and adjustment of OHE.
b. The pantograph should normally be kept in the fully lowered position and clamped securely
by means of the special clamp provided for the purpose. No string, cord etc shall be used for
this purpose.
c. Before any person goes up to the roof of the OHE Inspection Car for commencing Inspection
and adjustment, the section of the OHE concerned shall be made dead and earthed on either
sides. Additional earths shall be provided where necessary. After earthing the OHE, an
additional earth shall be provided near the OHE Inspection Car on the OHE of the track on
which it is standing. An authorized person not lower in rank than a linesman shall then go up
on the roof and remove the clamps to release the pantograph.
d. Under no circumstances should the OHE Inspection Car be worked with the pantograph
raised without an earth on either side of it on the section of the OHE in which it is to be
e. In order to ensure that the pantograph does not enter a section where the OHE is live the OHE
Inspection Car shall be protected on both the sides with banner flags and other signal flags.
The driver shall always stop the OHE Inspection Car ahead of all turn outs, crossovers,
insulated overlaps and section insulators first and then proceed only after ensuring that the
section ahead is dead and earthed. Banner flags then be removed for the purpose of admitting
the OHE Inspection Car into the section ahead.
f. At the end of the inspection and checking, the pantograph shall be lowered and clamped by
an authorized person not lower in rank than a linesman working on the roof after earthing the
OHE of the track on which the OHE Inspection Car operating. The earths on the OHE near
the OHE Inspection Car shall then be removed after all persons working on the roof have
come down.
Electric locomotive gets power from overhead contact wire through pantograph. For smooth
operation of locomotive, the movement of pantograph should be even and unobstructed on the
contact wire, when any part of pantograph comes in between overhead wires or vice versa, panto
entanglement takes place.
Causes of Pantograph Entanglement
Panto entanglement causes damage to pantograph and overhead equipment resulting in dislocation of
Electric Traction traffic.
Pantograph entanglement occurs due to following reasons-
a. OHE defects
b. Pantograph defects

OHE Defects: Damaged OHE components such as insulators, cantilever tubes, jumpers, droppers
etc. may foul with the movement of the pantograph and result in entanglement. The OHE defects
that can cause panto entanglement are-
 Improper adjustment of crossover and turn-out and
 Malfunctioning of ATD.
 Damage of OHE components.
 Apart from this if locomotive goes in unwired section by mistake it may damage both the
panto and 9 tonne insulators.
To avoid them-
 Check insulators, droppers and other OHE component periodically for any cracks.
 Ensure provision of C jumpers to avoid dropper failure.
 Ensure provision of double PG clamps on G jumpers and feeder wire locations.

Auto Tensioning Device

ATD keeps OHE in correct tension. If ATD drum is not moving freely, the OHE tension will not
remain correct. This will cause sag in OHE at higher temperature, any sag in OHE is prone to panto
entanglement when pantograph is moving at high speed. Ensuring free movement of ATD and
providing 100 mm sleeve on anti falling device rods in short tension length prevents sagging of
OHE. Contact wire consists of joints within the running length. These joints are made during
manufacturing. Their failure results in snapping of contact wire. If a locomotive is moving in the
same zone where such a snapping takes place panto entanglement will result. Therefore it is
necessary to check frequently all the joints, especially those in the polluted area where they are prone
to more failures. Provide slice at such joints which may work out to avoid snapping.

c. Pantograph Defects: The defects of pantograph which cause panto entanglement are-
 Spring box failures
 Improper static force on OHE
 Missing pins and fasteners
 Cracks in mechanical parts and
 Improper levelling of pan.
These defects can be minimises by-
 Checking regularly the conditions of cracked OHE fittings
 Properly fastening of pantograph wearing strips
 Checking availability of split pins
 Investigating broken parts of the pantograph.

“A traction motor is an electric motor used for propulsion of a vehicle, such as an electric locomotive or
electric roadway vehicle”.

Traction motors are used in electrically powered rail vehicles such as electric multiple units and
other electric vehicles such as electric milk floats, elevators, conveyors, and trolleybuses, as well as
vehicles with electrical transmission systems such as diesel-electric, electric hybrid vehicles and
battery electric vehicles.

Fig:21.1 Traction motor


Direct-current motors with series field windings were the oldest type of traction motors. These
provided a speed-torque characteristic useful for propulsion, providing high torque at lower speeds
for acceleration of the vehicle, and declining torque as speed increased. By arranging the field
winding with multiple taps, the speed characteristic could be varied, allowing relatively smooth
operator control of acceleration.
A further measure of control was provided by using pairs of motors on a vehicle; for slow operation
or heavy loads, two motors could be run in series off the direct current supply. Where higher speed
was desired, the motors could be operated in parallel, making a higher voltage available at each and
so allowing higher speeds. Parts of a rail system might use different voltages, with higher voltages in
long runs between stations and lower voltage near stations where slower operation would be useful.
A variant of the DC system was the AC operated series motor, which is essentially the same device
but operated on alternating current. Since both the armature and field current reverse at the same
time, the behavior of the motor is similar to that when energized with direct current. To achieve
better operating conditions, AC railways were often supplied with current at a lower frequency than
the commercial supply used for general lighting and power; special traction current power stations
were used, or rotary converters used to convert 50 or 60 Hz commercial power to the 16 2/3 Hz
frequency used for AC traction motors.
The AC system allowed efficient distribution of power down the length of a rail line, and also
permitted speed control with switchgear on the vehicle.
AC induction motors and synchronous motors are simple and low maintenance, but are awkward to
apply for traction motors because of their fixed speed characteristic. An AC induction motor only
generates useful amounts of power over a narrow speed range determined by its construction and the
frequency of the AC power supply. The advent of power semiconductors has made it possible to fit a
variable frequency drive on a locomotive; this allows a wide range of speeds, AC power
transmission, and rugged induction motors without wearing parts like brushes and commutators.
Traditionally, these were series-wound brushed DC motors, usually running on approximately 600
volts. The availability of high-powered semiconductors (such as thyristors and the IGBT) has now
made practical the use of much simpler, higher-reliability AC induction motors known as
asynchronous traction motors. Synchronous AC motors are also occasionally used, as in the French
A traction motor is composed of a stator and a rotor. In the case of an AC motor, the stator is
composed of a stator iron core and a stator winding (fig. 6.3). The stator core is made of stacked
electrical steel sheets to reduce the iron loss. The stator winding is composed of form-wound coils,
which are made of rectangular copper wire covered with an insulation material. The form-wound
coils are suitable for high voltages and have sufficient mechanical strength to bear the vibration
stress. The stator slots should be open to install the form-wound coils. Therefore, there are relatively
high slot ripples, which generate surface loss in the rotor. The rotor structure depends on the motor
type. In the case of a squirrel-cage induction motor, the rotor is composed of a rotor iron core and a
squirrel-cage winding, which is composed of copper alloy bars, short-circuit rings, and retaining
rings (fig. 5.4). Usually, the sheets for the rotor iron core and the stator iron core are punched from a
same magnetic steel sheet at the same time. In the case of a PMSM, the rotor is composed of a rotor
iron core and permanent magnets. The structures of PMSMs can be classified into interior permanent
magnet structures and surface permanent magnet structures. In the case of an interior permanent
magnet structure, the permanent magnets are inside the rotor iron core (Fig. 3), and often have
magnetic saliency, which can produce reluctance torque. In contrast, in surface permanent magnet
structures, the permanent magnets are on the rotor surface, held against centrifugal force by a
retaining structure made of nonmagnetic


 25 kV AC, 50 Hz single phase power supply for electric traction is derived from the grid of
State Electricity Boards through traction sub-stations.
 25 kV feeders carry the power from the substations to feeding posts located near the tracks.
 The permissible variation of the bus bar voltage on the bus bars at the grid substations is
+10% and 5%.
 Feeding Post is a supply post where the incoming 25 kV feeder lines from substation are
terminated and connected to the overhead equipment through interrupters.
 Sectioning and Paralleling Post is the supply control post situated mid-way between two
feeding posts at the neutral section and provided with bridging and paralleling interrupters. is
the supply control post situated mid-way between two feeding posts at the neutral section and
provided with bridging and paralleling interrupters.
 Sub-Sectioning and Paralleling Post is a supply control post where sectioning and paralleling
interrupters are provided.
 Sub-Sectioning Post is a supply control post where a sectioning interrupter is provided.


 These principles for preparation, checking and finalization of overhead equipment layout
plans, have been framed for standardization and guidance of Railways / Railway
Electrification Projects.
 The electrical conductors over the track together with their associated fittings, insulators
and other attachments by means of which they are suspended and registered in position is
known as Over Head Equipment.

 A collapsible device mounted on and insulated from the roof of an electric engine or
motor coach for collecting current from the overhead equipment is known as Pantograph.
 When any part of pantograph comes in between overhead wires or vice versa, panto
entanglement takes place.
 OHE defects and Pantograph defects are few reasons of Pantograph entanglement.
 India becomes 24th such nation in the world to run between Boribunder to Kurla, the 1st
electric train.
 It Works on single phase AC- 25 kV, 50 Hz, supply but TMs are three phase Induction
 Traction converter consist of three types of converters in each loco-
-Line Converter
-DC Link
-Drive Converter

 A traction motor is an electric motor used for propulsion of a vehicle, such as an electric
locomotive or electric roadway vehicle.
 Traction motors are used in electrically powered rail vehicles such as electric multiple units
and other electric vehicles such as electric milk floats, elevators, conveyors, and trolleybuses,
as well as vehicles with electrical transmission systems such as diesel-electric, electric hybrid
vehicles and battery electric vehicles.
 Transverse drives
 Longitudinal drives

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