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Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh

Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development & Cooperatives

Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)

Contract Package CW-04: Improvement of one Growth Center Market and 18.006 km
Adjacent Roads at Gorpara of Sharsha Upazila in Jashore District.



31 DECEMBER 2022
Feasibility Study & Detailed Design Consultant
Executive Summary
The Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh (GoB) has started to implement the
Western Economic Corridor & Regional Enhancement Program (WeCARE) from 2020. It
follows on the decision to improve 32 Growth Center Markets (GCMs) and 611km connecting
roads in Jashore, Magura, Jhenaidah and Jashore districts under Phase-I as per approved
Development Project Proposal (DPP), which comprises of 16 work packages. The program
will be implemented with the (loan) assistance from the World Bank.

The Feasibility Study & Detailed Design Consultant (FSDDC) has carried out a feasibility
study of 32 GCMs and 1031km adjacent roads under Phase-I, including socioeconomic,
environmental and technical investigations. Out of 1031km roads in the project areas, the
FSDDC has prioritized 611km based on the Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA). According to the
DPP, the Phase-I will be implemented under 16 work packages.

The package CW-04 includes the improvement of one GCM and two Upazila roads in Sharsha
Upazila under Jashore district. But in DPP, there is provision for improvement of 38 km roads
with a cost of BDT 84.70 crore. The consultant has completed detailed design and estimate of
Gorpara GCM and adjacent 18.006 km roads with a cost of BDT 80,29,62,280.00 (Taka Eighty
Crore Twenty-Nine Lac Sixty-Two Thousand Two Hundred and Eighty only). For
improvement of the remaining roads, it will require additional cost. This variation is due to
increase of schedule rates of LGED 2022. The cost of DPP was estimated considering the old
schedule rates of LGED.

Located in the Western region of the country, Sharsha has 341,565 populations and an area of
336.34 sq. km. The Upazila is bounded by the West Bengal State of India to the West ,
Chowgacha Upazila to the North, Jikargacha Upazila to the East and Kalaroa Upazila to the
South side. Main sources of income Agriculture 66.32%, non-agricultural 3.99%, industry
0.94%, commerce 12.40%, transport and communication 3.60%, service 4.43%, construction
1.51%, religious service 0.14%, rent and remittance 0.66% and others 6.01%

The average road density in Sharsha Upazila is 3.40 km/sq. km. The existing crest width of the
proposed three Upazila roads has been found 7.00 -7.32 m on average. However, the LGED’s
design standard 2021 for this type of road and considering the predicted CVD values requires
at least 9.2 m crest width (type-5). Such a requirement involves acquisition of a substantial land
and eviction of existing establishment along the roadsides. The FSDDC has followed the
standard carriageway width of 5.50 m and addition of 0.9 m shoulder widths, maintaining the

previous standard crest width. The Finished Reduced Level (FRL) of the roads has been
proposed between 5.21-11.14 m, which is on average 0.15 m above the existing RL.

With regard to the rural road safety, the FSDDC consultant has carefully considered 47 junction
treatments, including 4 intersections and 43 T-junctions, and designed them following the
LGED’s guidelines, including the widening of junction points. Moreover, the consultant has
proposed 4 bus-bays/passenger-sheds under this package.

Functional bridges and culverts those are in good condition have not been proposed for
reconstruction. There are 26 existing Bridge and Culverts on the alignments. Among them, 5
Bridges and 15 culverts are damaged and proposed for reconstruction. One new Box-culvert is
also proposed for construction for drainage purposes. Moreover, there are proposed to put 17
no. 315 mm diameter PVC pipe about 10 m long at different locations where there is no
provision of Box Culverts within 500 m of segments. The proposed bridge and culverts are
designed by considered the hydrological analysis and the effect of climate change.

The location of Gorpara GCM has influenced the design. There are khas and private land in the
GCM. The improvement of the GCM is considered only on khas land but existing internal
roads within private land would be developed with the internal roads of khas land. The number
of proposed structures at GCM has relied on the availability of land, number of shopkeepers to
be rehabilitated, amount of solid waste, nearby drainage outfall and footpaths. The FSDDC
team has conducted a Participatory Planning Meeting to incorporate the local demand into the
GCM design, and the location of market components has been proposed in consultation with
the potential beneficiaries.

The consultant team has explored the design of GCM for multipurpose use, having space for
parking facility, grocery, laundry, haircut, tailor, stationary, IT center, tea stall and an open area
for temporary vegetable, fish and meat vendors. Gender inclusiveness has also been given due
consideration, providing necessary washroom facilities. Moreover, solar panel, rainwater run-
off bio swales and compost plant for solid waste management have been proposed, along with
cross-ventilation, stack effect and daylight to minimize electricity consumption. The National
Building Code 2021 has been followed in designing the GCMs.

The consultant has carefully considered the resilient aspects in design to minimize social,
economic and environmental costs associated with the short life-span of infrastructure, land
acquisition, eviction, and loss of agricultural land and cutting of trees. Due attention has been
given to preserving the existing socioeconomic environment. No land acquisition would be

required and required number of skilled and unskilled labors are available in the project areas.
Required quantity and quality of all types of construction materials are also available.
Nevertheless, some additional costs are involved in the implementation of this package for
rehabilitation of structures, cutting of trees, and relocation of a number of shops.

The economic analysis suggests that the implementation of the package is economically
beneficial: (i) with an Economic Internal Rate of Return (EIRR) of 25% and Benefit Cost ration
(BCR) of 1.79 for Gorpara GCM; even under 20% cost overrun or 20% benefit reduction or
both cases the robustness of investment is evident; and (ii) equally, the EIRR for investment in
roads is greater than 20%, the robustness is evident under 20% benefit reduction or 20%
increased costs or both cases. Such robustness can justify the ‘value for money’.

The estimated cost of this package is BDT 80,29,62,280.00 (Taka Eighty Crore Twenty-Nine
Lac Sixty-Two Thousand Two Hundred and Eighty only) including the construction costs of
road, structures and GCM. It does also include the provisional sum, social and environmental
item costs. The project will be implemented within 24 months from the handing over the sites.

However, there are several challenges underlying with the implementation of the package,
include traffic management during construction, relocation of existing shops, keep the market
operational, shortage of unskilled labor during harvesting time, early monsoon rain, availability
and quality control of construction materials, transportation and stockpiling of construction
materials, noise and dust pollution, dismantling of the damaged structures and availability of
water in the construction site. All these challenges can slow the progress of the packages.

Finally, the improvement of rural market and infrastructures under this package would be
leveraged the marketing opportunity of agriculture crops and road communication in Sharsha
Upazila, which can also add value to agricultural products and stimulate the local economy.
Improved infrastructures will be potentially encouraging the farmer to grow more agricultural
crops that can contribute to poverty reduction, employment generation and improving the rural

Executive Summary ................................................................................................................. i
List of Table ........................................................................................................................... xii
List of Figure ..........................................................................................................................xv
Acronyms ............................................................................................................................. xvii
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................1
1.1 Project Background .......................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Objective .......................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Scope of Work ................................................................................................................. 2
CHAPTER 2: PACKAGE AREA AND DESCRIPTION ....................................................6
2.1 Sharsha Upazila ............................................................................................................... 6
CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY FOR FIELD INVESTIGATION .................................9
3.1. Road Condition Survey ................................................................................................... 9
3.1.1 Topographic Survey ............................................................................................................................. 9

3.1.2 Field Survey and Pavement Inventory ............................................................................................... 10

3.1.3 Expected Outputs ............................................................................................................................... 11

3.1.4 Methodology of Topographic Survey ................................................................................................ 12

3.2 Geotechnical and Sub-Soil Investigation ....................................................................... 16

3.3 Pavement Exploration and Material Testing.................................................................. 16
3.4 Traffic and Origin –Destination (O-D) Survey .............................................................. 17
3.5 Hydrological Survey ...................................................................................................... 17
3.5.1 Design ................................................................................................................................................ 17

3.5.2 Data Collection .................................................................................................................................. 18

3.5.3 Rainfall Analysis ................................................................................................................................ 18

3.5.4 Flood Analysis ................................................................................................................................... 19

3.5.5 Hydrological Analysis ........................................................................................................................ 20

3.6 Climate Change Considerations for Resilient Infrastructures ....................................... 21

3.6.1 Climate Resilience Assessment & Design ......................................................................................... 21

3.6.2 Climate Resilient Aspects in Design .................................................................................................. 22

3.6.3 Climate Change/Assessment Data ..................................................................................................... 22

3.6.4 Climate Change Scenario in the Project areas .................................................................................... 23

3.6.5 Projection of Climate Change ............................................................................................................ 23

3.6.6 Environmental & Climate Resilient issues ......................................................................................... 24

3.6.7 Climatic Measures in Design ............................................................................................................. 25

3.6.8 Culvert & Bridge ................................................................................................................................ 26

4.1 Design Criteria of Gorpara GCM .................................................................................. 27
4.1.1 Basic GCM Information ..................................................................................................................... 28

4.1.2 Structural Design Consideration for Gorpara Growth Center Market (GCM) ................................... 29

4.1.3 Construction of RCC Works .............................................................................................................. 30

4.1.4 Steel Works ........................................................................................................................................ 33

4.1.5 Subsoil Investigation .......................................................................................................................... 38

4.1.6 Components of GCM ......................................................................................................................... 38

4.1.7 Electrical Design of Gorpara GCM .................................................................................................... 39

4.2. GCM: Drainage Design ................................................................................................ 39

4.2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 39

4.2.2 Approach and Methodology ............................................................................................................... 40

4.2.3 Existing Drainage Problems of Gorpara GCM .................................................................................. 41

4.2.4 Highest Flood Level ........................................................................................................................... 42

4.2.5 Nearby Outfall .................................................................................................................................... 42

4.2.6 Drainage and Sanitation system ......................................................................................................... 42

4.2.7 Calculation of Drainage Run-Off ....................................................................................................... 42

4.2.8 Storm Water Quantity Control ........................................................................................................... 43

4.2.9 Proposed Drainage cross section ........................................................................................................ 44

4.2.10 Operation and Maintenance ............................................................................................................. 45

4.2.11 Drainage near road side .................................................................................................................... 45

4.3 Road Design Criteria for CW-04 ................................................................................... 46

4.3.1 Traffic Projection Summary of CW-04 .............................................................................................. 46

4.3.2 Geometric Design Standards .............................................................................................................. 47

4.3.3 Intersection Design............................................................................................................................. 53

4.3.4 Bazar area and Connecting Roads ...................................................................................................... 56

4.3.5 Bus Bay/Passenger Shed .................................................................................................................... 60

4.3.6 Pavement Design Standards ............................................................................................................... 62

4.3.7 Road Drainage .................................................................................................................................... 81

4.4 Bridge, Cross-Drain and Culvert Design ....................................................................... 82

4.4.1 Design life: ......................................................................................................................................... 82

4.4.2 Width of the Bridge:........................................................................................................................... 82

4.4.3 Design Data: ....................................................................................................................................... 82

4.4.4 Live Load Analysis: ........................................................................................................................... 83

4.4.5 Wind Load.......................................................................................................................................... 83

4.4.6 Seismic Consideration ........................................................................................................................ 83

4.4.7 Secondary Forces ............................................................................................................................... 84

4.4.8 Maintenance Load .............................................................................................................................. 85

4.4.9 Design Consideration ......................................................................................................................... 85

4.4.10 Service Limit State ........................................................................................................................... 85

4.4.11 Strength Limit State ......................................................................................................................... 85

4.4.12 Resources ......................................................................................................................................... 85

4.4.13 Design Resources ............................................................................................................................. 86

4.4.14 Materials........................................................................................................................................... 86

4.4.15 Components of the bridges ............................................................................................................... 87

4.4.16 Sub-structures and foundations ........................................................................................................ 87

4.4.17 Navigation clearance ........................................................................................................................ 87

4.4.18 Construction assumptions ................................................................................................................ 87

4.4.19 Size Determination ........................................................................................................................... 88

4.4.20 Hydrological Consideration ............................................................................................................. 88

4.4.21 Hydrologic Analysis ......................................................................................................................... 88

4.4.22 Discussion and conclusion ............................................................................................................... 91

4.4.23 Structure List on the two Alignments ............................................................................................... 92

4.4.24 Rational for dismantling the proposed bridges and culverts ............................................................ 98

4.5 Calculation of Retaining Wall ..................................................................................... 100

CHAPTER 5: ROAD SAFETY ..........................................................................................105
5.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 105
5.2 Statement of the problems ........................................................................................... 106
5.3 Road safety audit for identification of road safety issues ............................................ 107
5.3.1 Overall Findings from RSA ............................................................................................................. 108

5.4 Findings from RSA ...................................................................................................... 110

5.4.1 Specifications and Design of Road Safety Features ......................................................................... 112

5.5 Design Specifications of Road Hump, Rumble Strips, ................................................ 115
5.6 Estimate Preparation of Road Safety Features............................................................. 126
5.7 Road Amenity/Bus Bay ............................................................................................... 127
CHAPTER 6: CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS & SOURCING ..................................128
6.1 Earth Filling ................................................................................................................. 128
6.2 Embankment and Roadway Excavation ...................................................................... 129
6.3 Cement ......................................................................................................................... 129
6.4 Bitumen Grade ............................................................................................................. 131
6.5 Stone Chips .................................................................................................................. 131
6.6 Reinforcement .............................................................................................................. 132
6.7 Bricks ........................................................................................................................... 133
6.8 Aggregates ................................................................................................................... 136
6.9 Sand Filling .................................................................................................................. 141
6.10 Improved Subgrade .................................................................................................... 141
6.11 Slope Protection ......................................................................................................... 141
6.12 Admixture .................................................................................................................. 142
6.13 Rustles Tying Wire .................................................................................................... 143
6.14 Lime ........................................................................................................................... 143
6.15 Water .......................................................................................................................... 143
6.16 Filling Material .......................................................................................................... 144
6.17 Timber ........................................................................................................................ 144
6.18 Geo-Textile ................................................................................................................ 145
6.19 Glass ........................................................................................................................... 146
6.20 Wire Gauge ................................................................................................................ 147
6.21 Paints and Protective Materials .................................................................................. 147
6.22 Aluminum Members .................................................................................................. 149
6.23 Structural Steel for Doors and Windows ................................................................... 149
6.24 Pipes ........................................................................................................................... 149
6.25 Gunny Bags ................................................................................................................ 150
6.26 Sourcing Of Materials ................................................................................................ 150
6.27 Market Survey of Rates ............................................................................................. 150
CHAPTER 7: CONSIDERATION OF SOCIAL ASPECTS...........................................155
7.1 Social Assessment ........................................................................................................ 155
7.2 Gender Issues and Women Participation ..................................................................... 156
7.3 Social Inclusion ............................................................................................................ 157
7.4 Prepare Gender Action Plan......................................................................................... 158
7.5 Inclusion of Gender Equality and Equality of the Project ........................................... 158

7.6 Risk of Gender Based Violence (GBV) ....................................................................... 159
CHAPTER 8: SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS .....................................161
8.1 Social and Environmental Management Plan .............................................................. 161
8.1.1 Purpose of this SSEMP Report ........................................................................................................ 162

8.1.2 Methodology .................................................................................................................................... 162

8.1.3 Monitor Safeguard Policy Compliance ............................................................................................ 163

8.1.4 Scoping Exercise and Surveys ......................................................................................................... 163

8.2 SSEMP guidance ......................................................................................................... 165

8.3 Land Use, Status of Housing and Built-Up Infrastructure ........................................... 171
8.4 Social Conflicts and Development Activities .............................................................. 171
8.5 Training and Awareness .............................................................................................. 171
8.6 Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) ....................................................................... 172
8.7 Requirements of Construction Site Camp.................................................................... 172
8.8 Requirements of Construction Labor Camp ................................................................ 173
8.9 Associated Occupational Health Risk with Construction Activities ........................... 173
8.10 Occupational Health Safety Plan ............................................................................... 176
8.10.1 General ........................................................................................................................................... 176

8.10.2 Capacity Building........................................................................................................................... 176

8.10.3 Availability of PPE (Personnel Protective Equipment) .................................................................. 178

8.10.4 Site Inspection ................................................................................................................................ 178

8.10.5 COVID-19 Pandemic Response ..................................................................................................... 178

8.11 Agro- Logistic Consideration .................................................................................... 179

CHAPTER 9: SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT ...........................................................180
9.1 Objectives of the Solid Waste Management in Gorpara GCM.................................... 180
9.2 Solid Waste Decomposition Process ........................................................................... 181
9.3 Solid Waste Management at Gorpara GCM ................................................................ 181
9.4 Solid Waste Composition at Gorpara .......................................................................... 182
9.5 Calculation of Solid waste at Gorpara ......................................................................... 183
9.6 Flow of Organic Waste ................................................................................................ 184
9.7 Design of Composting Plant ........................................................................................ 184
9.8 Inorganic Solid Waste management ............................................................................ 187
9.9 Electronic waste management...................................................................................... 188
9.10 Slaughterhouse Waste Water Management at Gorpara GCM ................................... 189
9.11 Recommendation ....................................................................................................... 190
9.12 Conclusion ................................................................................................................. 190

CHAPTER 10: TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT & SAFETY PLAN ...................................192
10.1 Traffic Management Plan during construction .......................................................... 192
10.1.1 Definitions of Traffic ..................................................................................................................... 192

10.1.2 Objective of TMP ........................................................................................................................... 192

10.1.3 Traffic Management Plan ............................................................................................................... 193

10.1.4 Activities of Flag Man ................................................................................................................... 195

10.1.5 Dust Control ................................................................................................................................... 195

10.1.6 Use of Temporary Signs ................................................................................................................. 196

10.1.7 Road Side Barrier ........................................................................................................................... 197

10.1.8 Road Safety during Construction: .................................................................................................. 198

10.2 Road Safety Management System ............................................................................. 198

10.2.1 Project-Specific Safety Plan Overview: ......................................................................................... 199

10.2.2 Job Safety Board ............................................................................................................................ 199

10.2.3 Emergency Action Plan .................................................................................................................. 199

10.2.4 Segregation of work zones and road users ..................................................................................... 200

10.2.5 Speed control.................................................................................................................................. 200

10.2.6 Forgiving roadside ......................................................................................................................... 200

10.2.7 Considering vulnerable road users ................................................................................................. 200

10.2.8 Considering work zone personnel .................................................................................................. 201

10.2.9 Raising safety awareness ................................................................................................................ 201

10.2.10 Standardization of design and work sequence .............................................................................. 201

10.2.11 Safety related issues in the tender ................................................................................................ 201

10.2.12 Work Zone Safety Examinations ................................................................................................. 201

10.2.13 Informing, Warning & Guiding of Road Users ............................................................................ 202

10.2.14 Information on alternative / diversion routes ............................................................................... 202

10.2.15 Safety Panels ................................................................................................................................ 203

10.2.16 Portable rumble strips .................................................................................................................. 203

10.2.17 Protection & lighting .................................................................................................................... 204

10.2.18 Intelligent Transport Systems ....................................................................................................... 204

10.3 Safety at Construction Zone....................................................................................... 204

10.3.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 204

10.3.2 Safety Management System ........................................................................................................... 205

10.3.3 Monthly Safety Reports ................................................................................................................. 206

10.3.4 Job Safety Board ............................................................................................................................ 206

10.3.5 Project-Specific Safety Plan Overview .......................................................................................... 206

10.3.6 Environmental Health and Safety................................................................................................... 207

10.3.7 Fall Protection ................................................................................................................................ 208

10.3.8 Fire Prevention and Protection ....................................................................................................... 208

10.3.9 Project Site Fire Safety ................................................................................................................... 208

10.3.10 Fire Protection/Fire Alarm Systems ............................................................................................. 209

10.3.11 Hot Work...................................................................................................................................... 209

10.3.12 Housekeeping ............................................................................................................................... 209

10.3.13 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) .......................................................................................... 210

10.3.14 Protection of the Public ................................................................................................................ 210

10.3.15 Recordkeeping and Incident Reporting ........................................................................................ 211

10.3.16 Proposal for Engineer’s Site Office, Construction Camp/Labor Sheds........................................ 211

10.4 Traffic management once the road is open ................................................................ 214

10.5 Road Safety when the road is open: (Attached Separate Report) .............................. 214
CHAPTER 11: ECONOMIC ANALYSIS.........................................................................215
11.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 215
11.2 Analytical Technique and Methodology.................................................................... 215
11.3 Economic Evaluation of Project Roads ..................................................................... 216
11.3.1 Economic Analysis for Project Roads – VOCs Approach ............................................................. 217

11.4 Traffic Study .............................................................................................................. 217

11.5 Traffic Counts ............................................................................................................ 218
11.6 Vehicle Operating Costs (VOC) ................................................................................ 221
10.7 Estimating the post-harvest loss benefits of a developed market .............................. 226
11.7.1 Estimation of EIRR related to post-harvest: Gorpara ..................................................................... 228

11.7.2 Consideration of Post-Harvest losses ............................................................................................. 229

11.7.3 Post-Harvest losses in poor connected Road .................................................................................. 229

11.7.4 Post-harvest losses in undeveloped Market .................................................................................... 230

11.8 Calculation of EIRR for Base Case and Sensitivity Analysis.................................... 231
11.9 Economic Evaluation of Growth Center Market ....................................................... 235

11.10 Cost –Benefit estimate ............................................................................................. 236
CHAPTER 12: SUMMARY OF THE COST ESTIMATES ...........................................242
12.1 Summary of the package estimate ............................................................................. 242
12.2 Sectional Completion (CW-04) ................................................................................. 246
12.3 Justifications for Provisional Sum ............................................................................. 247
12.3.1 Specified Provisional Sums not included in Subtotals of Bills (Physical Contingency) ................ 247

12.3.2 Specified Provisional Sums for Contingency Allowance (Price Contingency) ............................. 247

12.3.3 Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................... 248

12.4 Work Plan .................................................................................................................. 248

CHAPTER 13: DOCUMENTATION & PROCUREMENT ...........................................253
13.1 Contents of Bidding Documents: ............................................................................... 253
13.2 Provisional Sums ....................................................................................................... 253
13.3 Day Work Schedule ................................................................................................... 254
13.4 Eligibility and Financial Criteria of the Bidders ........................................................ 254
13.5 Quality Assurance and Quality Control Plan ............................................................. 254
13.6 Market Research ........................................................................................................ 255
13.7 Procurement Strategy ................................................................................................. 255
Annex A: CVD and PCU ................................................................................................... 256

List of Table
Table 1.1: Scope of Work of the Package CW-04 ....................................................................3
Table 2.1: Administrative and demographic information of Sharsha Upazila .........................6
Table 2.2: Construction History of Sharsha GC-Gorpara GC Road .........................................7
Table 2.3: Construction History of Gorpara GC-Bangdah G.C Road ......................................7
Table 2.4: Proposed components of the roads for improvement ..............................................8
Table 3.1: Summary of the survey activities...........................................................................11
Table 3.2: Location of permanent BM at Gorpara GCM ........................................................11
Table 3.3 (a): Temporary benchmarks (ID-241902001) ........................................................11
Table 3.3(b): Temporary benchmarks (ID-241902005) .........................................................11
Table 3.4: List of equipment, software, and purposes for the survey works ..........................14
Table 3.5: Climate Scenario of Bangladesh ............................................................................23
Table 3.6: Environmental & resilient issues in sub-project design.........................................24
Table 3.7: Climate Measures Design ......................................................................................25
Table 4.1: Basic GCM Gorpara Information ..........................................................................28
Table 4.2: Lap Length .............................................................................................................32
Table 4.3: Lap Lock ................................................................................................................32
Table 4.4: Mild Steel Confirming To ASTM- A36/A36m .....................................................33
Table 4.5: Shallow foundation ................................................................................................38
Table 4.6: Design Speed Criteria ............................................................................................48
Table 4.7(a): Super-Elevated Segments: Sharsha GC-Gorpara GC Road ..............................51
Table 4.7(b): Super-Elevated Segments: Gorpara GC-Bangdah GC Road. ...........................51
Table 4.8: Comparison of LGED Standard and Proposed Geometric Dimensions ................52
Table 4.9: Min & Max Values of Existing Ground Level and Finished Road Level .............53
Table 4.10: Intersection List of Sharsha GC - Gorpara GC Road .........................................54
Table 4.11: Intersection List of Gorpara GC-Bangdah GC Road ...........................................54
Table 4.12: Location of Proposed Bus-Bays / Passenger sheds .............................................60
Table 4.13: Utility Relocation and Tree Removal ..................................................................61
Table 4.14(a): Pavement Exploration Results (ID-241902001) .............................................63
Table 4.14(b): Pavement Exploration Results (ID-241902005) .............................................66
Table 4.15: Layers of Flexible Pavement and Its Material .....................................................69
Table 4.16: Specification of Bitumen Penetration Grade 80/100 ...........................................70
Table 4.17: Layers of rigid pavement and its materials .........................................................76

Table 4.18: Densities of the materials .....................................................................................87
Table 4.19: Design Water Level at Tahirpur BWDB Station SW 161 ...................................90
Table 4.20: Design Water Level at Darsana BWDB Station SW 208 ....................................90
Table 4.21: DFL for bridge/culverts and connecting road (ID-241902001)...........................91
Table 4.22: DFL for bridge/culverts and connecting road (ID-241902005)...........................91
Table 4.23: Inventory of structure on Sharsha GC-Gorpara GC Road ...................................94
Table 4.24: Inventory of structure on Gorpara GC-Bangdah GC Road .................................96
Table 5.1: Sharsha GC - Gorpara GC Road ..........................................................................110
Table 5.2: Gorpara G C - Bangdah G C Road. .....................................................................111
Table 5.3: Rural road safety measures and its specifications ...............................................112
Table 5.4: Passenger sheds under the package .....................................................................127
Table 6.1: LAA and water absorption capacity ....................................................................132
Table 6.2: Sieve Size and weight ..........................................................................................134
Table 6.3: First class bricks and specifications .....................................................................134
Table 6.4: Minimum compressive strength on gross area ....................................................135
Table 6.5: Clinker brick specifications .................................................................................135
Table 6.6: Materials and Mass Percentage............................................................................137
Table 6.7: 20 mm nominal size coarse aggregate .................................................................137
Table 6.8: 40 mm nominal size coarse aggregate .................................................................137
Table 6.9: Stone aggregate –criteria and standard ................................................................138
Table 6.10: Sand and impurity specifications .......................................................................139
Table 6.11: Fine aggregate for concrete................................................................................140
Table 6.12: Fine aggregate for masonry ...............................................................................140
Table 6.13: Sand filling specifications ..................................................................................140
Table 6.14: Market rates of construction materials...............................................................152
Table 8.1: General Guidance for SSEMP .............................................................................165
Table 8.2: Sample Complaints Register ................................................................................172
Table 8.3: Required Health and Safety Measures for Construction Workers .......................174
Table 8.4: Required Response for Site Emergency ..............................................................175
Table 8.5: Sample for Conducting training/awareness sessions among the workers. ..........177
Table 8.6: List of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) ......................................................178
Table 8.7: Sample of Site Inspection Form...........................................................................178
Table 8.8: Agro- Logistic Consideration ..............................................................................179
Table 9.1: Sources and types of solid wastes ........................................................................181
Table 9.2: List of Biodegradable, Recyclable and Non-degradable waste ...........................182
Table 9.3: Solid Waste Composition ....................................................................................182
Table 9.4: Retention time for composting ............................................................................186
Table 9.5: Designed dustbin for plastic and other recyclable items .....................................188
Table 11.1: Vehicle Operating Costs by Surface Roughness (IRI) for NMT .......................222
Table 11.2: Vehicle Operating Costs Surface Roughness (IRI) for MT ...............................222
Table 11.3: Estimation of EIRR related to post-harvest loss for Gorpara ............................228
Table 11.4: EIRR Result-Proposed Roads ............................................................................231
Table 11.5: EIRR, NPR and BCR of Gorpara GC-Bangdah GC Road. ...............................232
Table 11.6: EIRR, NPR and BCR of Sharsha-Gorpara GC road. .........................................233
Table 11.7: Estimation of EIRR for GCM (Gorpara) ...........................................................234
Table 11.8: Results of Economic Analysis ...........................................................................240
Table 11.9: Economic Cash Flow GCM Subproject.............................................................241
Table 12.1: Construction Costs Summary ............................................................................242
Table 12.2: Sectional Completion.........................................................................................246
Table 12.3: Work Plan of Package CW-04 ...........................................................................249
Table Anx- 01: CVD for Sharsha-Gorpara GC Road (Hat Day) ..........................................256
Table Anx- 02: CVD for Gorpara GC-Bangdah GC Road (Hat Day)..................................257
Table Anx- 03: CVD for Sharsha-Gorpara GC Road (Non-Hat Day) .................................258
Table Anx- 04: CVD for Gorpara GC-Bangdah GC Road (Non-Hat Day) .........................259

List of Figure

Figure 2.1: Location of GCM & Roads of CW04 ....................................................................6

Figure 3.1: Total Station .........................................................................................................13
Figure 3.2: Vulnerability due to Natural Disaster...................................................................23
Figure 4.1: Methodology Diagram of Drainage Plan .............................................................41
Figure 4.2: Existing drainage pattern at Gorpara GCM.........................................................41
Figure 4.3: Rainfall intensity Curve at Project Areas .............................................................44
Figure 4.4: Relationship between capacity and carriageway width........................................47
Figure 4.5: Road Alignment with Sharp Curves.....................................................................49
Figure 4.6: Intersection design Criteria ..................................................................................53
Figure 4.7: Gorpara and Connecting Roads Layout ...............................................................57
Figure 4.8(a): Typical Cross Sections for Gorpara GCM internal Roads ..............................58
Figure 4.8(b): Typical Cross Sections for Gorpara GCM internal Roads ..............................59
Figure 4.9(a): Typical Bus Bay and Passenger Shed Layout and Sections ............................60
Figure 4.9(b): Typical Bus Bay and Passenger Shed Layout and Sections ............................61
Figure 4.10: Flow Chart of design methodology of roads .....................................................62
Figure 4.11: Typical Upazila Road Filling Section ................................................................72
Figure 4.12: Typical Upazila Road Cutting Section ...............................................................73
Figure 4.13: Typical Village Road Cutting Section ...............................................................74
Figure 4.14: Typical Village Road Cutting Section ...............................................................75
Figure 4.15: Typical Rigid Pavement Section with Footpath .................................................77
Figure 4.16: Typical Rigid Pavement Section without Footpath............................................78
Figure 4.17: Retaining Wall Details .......................................................................................79
Figure 4.18: Palisading Work Details .....................................................................................80
Figure 4.19: Sub-Grade Drainage ...........................................................................................81
Figure 4.20: Side Slope Protection. ........................................................................................82
Figure 4.21: BNBC Seismic Response Spectrum ...................................................................83
Figure 4.22: Shrinkage Strain .................................................................................................84
Figure 4.23: Creep Coefficient ...............................................................................................85
Figure 4.24: Flood Inundation Map of Bangladesh (Source: RHD).......................................89
Figure 4.25: Proposed Box Culvert for replacement (ID-2001) .............................................98
Figure 4.26: Proposed Culvert for New Construction (ID-2005) ..........................................98
Figure 4.27: Proposed Box Culvert for replacement (ID-2005) .............................................98

Figure 5.1: Traffic calming measure (road hump) ................................................................115
Figure 5.2: Traffic calming measure (Rumble Strips) ..........................................................116
Figure 5.3: Typical super-elevation ......................................................................................117
Figure 5.4: Typical intersection treatment ............................................................................118
Figure 5.5 Dimensions of Guide Post ...................................................................................119
Figure 5.6: Delineators/guidepost, reflector on road side objects ........................................119
Figure 5.7: Improvement of level-crossing with gate ...........................................................120
Figure 5.8: Intersection treatment .........................................................................................121
Figure 5.9: T-Intersection widened with compound curves .................................................122
Figure 5.10: Typical 4-legged intersection widening with compound curve .......................123
Figure 5.11: Typical T-intersection treatment ......................................................................124
Figure 5.12: Slope protection with RCC poles .....................................................................125
Figure 9.1: Solid Waste Decomposition Process. .................................................................181
Figure 9.2: Solid Waste Composition Management .............................................................182
Figure 9.3: Size of wheelbarrow ...........................................................................................183
Figure 9.4: Plan of compost plant .........................................................................................184
Figure 9.5: 3D view of compost plant ..................................................................................185
Figure 9.6: Top vied of compost plant ..................................................................................185
Figure 9.7 Compost fertilizers to use ....................................................................................186
Figure 9.8: Soak pit ...............................................................................................................187
Figure 9.9: Designed dustbin for plastic and other recyclable items ....................................187
Figure 9.10: Septic tank with soak pit ..................................................................................189
Figure 10.1(a): Construction Stage of 1 & 2 ........................................................................194
Figure 10.1 (b): Construction Stage of 3 & 4 .......................................................................194
Figure 10.2: Flag Man with wearing PPE.............................................................................195
Figure 10.3: Water Tankers for Dust Control .......................................................................195
Figure 10.4: Use of Temporary Traffic Signs at Construction sites ....................................197
Figure 10.5: Temporary Road Side Barrier ..........................................................................198
Figure 10.7: Use of Safety Panels for Road Safety ..............................................................203
Figure 10.8: Portable Rumble Strips.....................................................................................203
Figure 10.9: Protection & Lighting for Road Safety ............................................................204
Figure 10.10: Layout Plan for Construction Camp & Engineer’s Office .............................212
Figure 10.11: Proposed Engineer’s Site office .....................................................................213


ADB Asian Development Bank

ADSL Associates for Development Services Limited
AOI Area of Interest
BBS Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics
BM Benchmark
BMD Bangladesh Meteorological Department
BTM Bangladesh Transverse Mercator
BWDB Bangladesh Water Development Board
CPVD Commercial Vehicles Per Day
CW Contracted Work
CW Contract Work
DEM Digital Elevation Model
DOE Department of Environment
DPHE Department of Public Health Engineering
EPC Engineering and Planning Consultants Ltd.
ESF Environmental and Social Framework
ESS Environmental and Social Standards
FAP Flood Action Plan
FCD Flood Control and Drainage
FSI Fatality or Serious Injury
GC Growth Center
GCM Growth center
GIS Geographic information system
GOB Government of Bangladesh
GPS Global Positioning System
GWT Ground Water Table
HWL Highest Water Level
HYV High Yield Variety
IWM Institute of Water Modeling
Km Kilometer

Km2 Kilo Meters squared, square kilo meters
LGED Local Government Engineering Department
LWL Lowest Water Level
M Meter
m2 Meter squared, square meter
m3/s Cubic meter per second (cumec)
MCC Manual Classified Count
MCM Million Cubic Meter
MPO Master Plan Organization
MSL Mean Sea Level (at Cox’s Bazar)
N7 National Highway 7
NC North Central
NCA Net Cultivable Area
NE Northeast
NRSSAP National Road Safety Strategic Action Plan
NW Northwest
NWMP National Water Management Plan
NWP National Water Planning
O&M Operation and Maintenance
PCU Passenger Car Unit
PWD Public Works Department
RAJUK Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakkha
RDP Regional Development Plan
RHD Roads and Highways Department
RTK Real-Time Kinematic
SC South Central
SN/Sl Serial No.
SoB Survey of Bangladesh
SPI Standardized Precipitation Index
STP Strategic Transport Plan
SW Southwest
TBM Temporary Benchmark

TMS Traffic monitoring site
TOC Table of Contents
ToR Terms of Reference
TS Total Station
WARPO Water Resources Planning Organization
WeCARE Western Economic Corridor & Regional Enhancement
WB The World Bank
WL Water Level
WRP Water Resources Planning

1.1 Project Background

1. Western Economic Corridor and Regional Enhancement (WeCARE) program aims at

providing an efficient, safe, and resilient connectivity in the Western region of the
country. The intervention is expected to facilitate rural economy, thus contribute to
regional economy. On request from the government of Bangladesh, the World Bank
(WB) has agreed to finance the program, which is being implemented jointly by the
Roads & Highways Department (RHD) and Local Government Engineering
Department (LGED).

2. The project area consists of 10 (Ten) districts; Jashore, Jhenaidah, Satkhira, Magura,
Jashore, Kushtia, Pabna, Meherpur, Natore and Sirajganj. The intervention is expected
to reduce the transport and logistics costs and, enhance the marketing opportunities of
agriculture crops. The project is being implemented jointly by RHD (National, Regional
& Zila Roads) and LGED (Rural Roads) in four phases but LGED is involved in Phase-
1 & Phase-3 only. Phase-1 & Phase-3 of LGED involves the following activities:

3. Phase 1: Improvement of 611 km rural roads (Upazila, Union, and village) and 32
GCMs in four districts – Jashore, Jhenaidah, Magura and Jashore.

4. Phase 3: Upgrading of selected Upazila, Union, and village roads and GCMs of
Satkhira, Jashore (Three Upazila) and Meherpur districts

For this purpose, LGED has engaged a JV Consulting Firms consists of – CHEIL, DONG
SUNG, EPC and ADSL – to provide consultancy services for the feasibility study and detailed
design of priority sub-projects.

1.2 Objective

The project aims at improving the regional road connectivity and rural logistics along the
regional economic corridor in Western Bangladesh, and strengthening the road sector

The specific objectives are:

 Improving local road connectivity with national highway to benefit local communities
by providing access to national supply – chain network;

 Integrating local markets with the supply – chain network along the corridor through
investments in feeder roads and logistic infrastructures;

 Increasing agricultural production providing necessary access to marketing. Such an

opportunity is critical for small producers, relying much on the local market;

 Stimulating local economic activities and trade to achieve wider economic benefits
(WEBs), including growth of income and consumption of the people and jobs. Such
changes in economic activities will have potential implications for social and economic
inclusion and reducing inequalities.

The targets of CW-04 are:

 Improvement and rehabilitation of approx. 18.006 km of roads in Sharsha Upazila

(Jashore district) including appurtenant structures; and

 Upgrading of Gorpara GCMs infrastructures and logistics.

1.3 Scope of Work

The targets of the project are demonstrated by the following points. Activities associated with
these points fall within the scope of work.

 Upgrading and rehabilitation of feeder roads, including appurtenant structures;

 Construction of growth center infrastructure and logistics;
 Identification of supply-chain network and carrying out value-chain analysis;
 Preparation of a quality assurance/quality control plan;
 Preparation plans and carrying out detailed surveys and investigations;
 Forecasting traffics, conducting hydrological study, auditing road safety, land and
 Carrying out economic analysis on logistics investments;
 Preparing detailed geotechnical report;
 Carrying out value engineering;
 Identification of waste disposal points within the growth centers and;
 Valuation survey;
 Compliance with Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF); and
supporting the procurement activities.

Table 1.1: Scope of Work of the Package CW-04
Number of Road
Scheme Name
Length Cross
Bridge Culverts
(km) Drains
Sharsha GC - Gorpara GC Road
(ID-241902001) 8.753 3 11 -
Gorpara GC-Bangdah GC Road
(ID-241902005) 9.253 2 5 -
Construction of Gorpara GCM - - - -
Total 18.006 5 16 0

Scheme Details:
A) Construction of Engineers’ Site office, Construction Camp, Labor sheds Sanitation
& other Facilities.
Construction of Engineers’ Site office, Construction Camp, Labor sheds Sanitation & other
Facilities (Part-1)
B) Improvement of Sharsha GC - Gorpara GC Road (ID-241902001).
Part-02: General & Site Facilities:
Part-03: Earth Works:
Part-04: Pavement & Surfacing Works:
Part-05: 02 Nos. Passenger Sheds/Bus Bays Construction:
Part-06: Protective Works:
C) Construction of 03 No. Bridges and 11 No. Box Culverts on Sharsha GC - Gorpara
GC Road
Part-07: Sharsha GC - Gorpara GC Road: 2 Nos. 40.00 m RCC Bridge Construction at Ch.
0+361m (Sl. No.-02) & Ch. 8+667m (Sl. No.-14)
Part-08: Sharsha GC - Gorpara GC Road: 20.00 m RCC Bridge Construction at Ch. 3+044m
(Sl. No.-05)
Part-09: Sharsha GC - Gorpara GC Road : 1 No.-4.50m x 4.00m Two vent Box Culvert
construction at Ch. 3+518m (Sl. No.-06)
Part-10: Sharsha GC - Gorpara GC Road : 1 No.-4.00m x 4.00m-Three-vent Box Culvert
construction at Ch. 4+275 m (Sl. No.-08)
Part-11: Sharsha GC - Gorpara GC Road : 1 No.-3.00m x 2.00m one vent Box Culvert
construction at Ch. 3+554m (Sl. No.-07)

Part-12: Sharsha GC - Gorpara GC Road : 1 No.-2.00m x 2.00m one vent Box Culvert
construction at Ch. 1+225m (Sl. No.-04)
Part-13: Sharsha GC - Gorpara GC Road : 6 Nos.-1.00m x 1.00m one vent Box Culvert
construction at Ch. 0+525m (Sl. No.-03), Ch. 4+770m (Sl. No.-09), Ch. 5+900m (Sl. No.-
10), 6+450m (Sl. No.-11), 7+286m (Sl. No.-12) & Ch. 7+848m (Sl. No.-13)
Part-14: Sharsha GC - Gorpara GC Road : 1 No.-0.60m x 0.60m one vent Box Culvert
construction at Ch. 0+010mm (Sl. No.-01)
D) Improvement of Gorpara GC-Bangdah GC Road (ID-241902005).
Part-15: General & Site Facilities:
Part-16: Earth Works:
Part-17: Pavement & Surfacing Works:
Part-18: 02 Nos. Passenger Sheds/Bus Bays Construction:
Part-19: Protective Works:
E) E) Construction of 02 No. Bridges and 5 No. Box Culverts Box Culvert in Gorpara
GC - Bangdah GC Road
Part-20: Gorpara GC - Bangdah GC Road: 20.00 m RCC Bridge Construction at Ch.
3+080m (Sl. No.-05)
Part-21: Gorpara GC - Bangdah GC Road: 20.00 m RCC Bridge Construction at Ch.
5+087m (Sl. No.-06)
Part-22: Gorpara GC - Bangdah GC Road: 1 No.-0.60 m x 0.60 m one vent Box Culvert
construction at Ch. 2+100m (Sl. No.-04)
Part-23: Gorpara GC - Bangdah GC Road: 4 Nos.-1.00 m x 1.00 m one vent Box Culvert
construction at Ch. 0+745m (Sl. No.-01), Ch. 1+480m (Sl. No.-02), Ch.1+586m (Sl. No.-
03) & Ch. 8+100m (Sl. No.-07)
F) Part-24: Road Safety Works for all Roads:
G) Construction of Gorpara GCM
Part-25: Civil Works:
Part-26: 01 No. Slaughter House Construction:
Part-27: Electrical Works:
Part-28: Plumbing Works:
Part-29: 01No. Compost Plant Construction:
Part-30: Improvement of Internal Roads (Rigid Pavement Construction):
H) Part-31: Relocation of Electric Poles & Plantation of Trees for all sites:

I) Part-32: Environmental Mitigation & Enhancement Works for all sites:
J) Part-33: Social & Gender Aspects for the all sites:
Part-34: Schedule of Day work Rates: 1. Labor
Part-35: Schedule of Day work Rates : 2. Materials
Part-36: Schedule of Day work Rates : 3. Contractors Equipment


2.1 Sharsha Upazila

Sharsha Upazila (Jashore district) covers an area of 336.34 square kilometers and is located at
23.0744°N 88.8667°E. It is bounded by the West Bengal State of India to the west, Chowgacha
Upazila to the north, Jikargacha Upazila to the east and Kalaroa Upazila to the South side.
Sharsha Upazila is divided into Sharsha Municipality and eleven Union Parishads: Sharsha,
Bagachra, Bahadurpur, Benapole, Dihi, Goga, Kayba, Lakshmanpur, Nizampur,
Putkhali,Ulashi. The union parishads are subdivided into 135 Mauzas and 168 villages.

According to 2011 Bangladesh census, Sharsha had a population of 341,565. Males constituted
49.82% of the population and females 50.18%. Muslims formed 97.42% of the population,
Hindus 2.47%, Christians 0.08% and others 0.03%. Sharsha had a literacy rate of 49.76% for
the population 7 years and above. Present population census is not available from BBS.

Water bodies: Main River are Betna, Zila Beel, Sonanadia Beel, Barakona Beel, Banmandar
Beel, Kalianir Beel, Balunda Beel and Rantapara' Beel are notable. Administration Sharsha
Thana was formed in 1910 and it was turned into an Upazila in 1983.

Figure 2.1: Location of GCM & Roads of CW04

Table 2.1: Administrative and demographic information of Sharsha Upazila

Union Mouza Village Population Density (per sq Literacy (%)
Urban Rural km) Urban Rural
11 135 168 41608 299720 1000 59.28 42.49

Description of the Package Roads (CW-04)

The CW-04 Package consists of two Upazila roads; (1) Sharsha GC - Gorpara GC Road
(241902001); and (2) Gorpara GC – Bangdah GC Road (241902005). Brief descriptions of the
roads are given below:

Sharsha GC – Gorpara GC Road (241902001)

The starting and ending coordinate of the road are 23°03'19.9"N 88°57'23.2"E and
23°07'39.9"N 88°58'15.4"E respectively. Length of the road is about 8.753 km. The existing
crest and pavement width is 4.80-5.00 m and 7.00-7.30 m respectively and pavement is
bituminous carpeting. From the construction history obtained from RSDMS of LGED, it is
found that the road has constructed in different periods.

Table 2.2: Construction History of Sharsha GC-Gorpara GC Road

Sl. Starting Ending Year of Surface Type
No. Chainage (m) Chainage(m) Construction
1. 0+000 6+000 1995-96 BC
2. 6+000 8+753 1996-97 BC

From the above table it is found that total road has been developed over 10 years ago which is
over the design lifetime of 10 years.

Gorpara GC – Bangdah G.C Road (241902005)

The starting and ending coordinate of the road are 23°07'40.5"N 88°58'15.5"E and
23°12'10.2"N 88°59'33.6"E respectively. Length of the road is about 9.250 km. The existing
crest and pavement width are 4.80-5.00 m and 7.00-7.30 m respectively and the pavement is
bituminous carpeting. From the construction history obtained from RSDMS this road has
undergone construction in-

Table 2.3: Construction History of Gorpara GC-Bangdah G.C Road

Sl. Starting Ending Year of Surface Type
No. Chainage (m) Chainage Construction
1. 0 2+900 1997-98 BC
2. 2+900 5+900 1997-98 BC
3. 5+900 9+253 1997-98 BC

From the above table it is found that the entire road has been improved over 10 years ago which
is over the design lifetime of 10 years.

Table 2.4: Proposed components of the roads for improvement

Name of Road Length (km)

i) Sharsha GC – Gorpara GC Road (241902001) 8.753
ii) Gorpara GC – Bangdah G.C Road (241902005) 9.253
iii). Improvement of Gorpara GCM 1 No.


Providing good road network is very essential for the development of any country. In
Bangladesh, there are about more than 3,50,000 km rural roads located in different terrain
conditions. The climatic conditions also vary from place-to-place to a great extent. Social,
economic and educational development of these villages greatly depends on accessibility. A
large number of villages in the rural area are still not connected with the all-weather roads. The
employment opportunities and basic necessities, like, health, education cannot reach rural
masses without a system of good road network. It has now been realized that for the
development of rural areas, development of proper and communication system must be a
priority. Rural Road connectivity is a key component of rural development by promoting access
to economic and social services and thereby generating increased agricultural incomes and
productive employment opportunities. It is also a key ingredient in ensuring poverty reduction.
For design of the proposed rural roads and GCM of this package, several field investigations
were applied. These are described briefly below:

3.1. Road Condition Survey

The Road Condition Survey is carried out to collect all physical information of the alignments
which are necessary in design of road cross sections, drainage facilities, relocation of electric
pole, cutting of trees and social institutions. To identify the road safety features and slope
protection, road condition survey is necessary. Moreover, to prepare traffic management plan,
road condition survey is necessary for choice alternative alignment.

The prime objectives of the road condition survey are as follows:

To locate the main physical features on the ground, such as rivers, lakes, reservoirs, roads,
forests or large rocks; or the various features of the fish-farm, such as ponds, dams, dikes,
drainage ditches or sources of water

To determine the difference in height between land forms, such as valleys, plains, hills or
slopes; or the difference in height between the features of the fish-farm. These differences are
called the vertical relief

3.1.1 Topographic Survey

The detailed site survey was undertaken and temporary bench marks on every available
permanent structure were established along with all physical features of site like buildings, tree,
culverts, and stream/canal crossings, cross drainage structures with respect to PWD BM. Levels

for cross section have been taken at every 25m intervals of the alignments. Road plans & L-
section was developed on AUTO CAD. The plan shows formation width of road, center lines,
permanent structures, large trees, junctions, starting and ending chainage of curves etc. Various
parameters of curve tangent, apex distance and spirals angles, central deviation angle for
circular curve, length of transitions curve, tangent apex distance and total curve length have
been also placed suitable on the drawings.

The points surveyed and recorded in three dimensions provide accurate spatial information for
the site and allow for the drawing up of spot height maps, contour maps, and complex terrain
models. Additional information is often incorporated, such as subsurface features and utilities,
site sections compiled using ground-penetrating radar and notable points in the surrounding

Accurate topographical surveys provide reliable indications and measurements of the layout
and location of features on a site. This information assists architects, engineers and other
professionals in planning the cost-effective development of the site, including the placement
and design of new buildings, installation of necessary drainage schemes and the environmental
impact of the proposed activities on the surrounding area.

3.1.2 Field Survey and Pavement Inventory

The survey captured information regarding the nature of land and built environment. Buildings,
fences, trees, and streams are permanent structures define terrain and boundaries, and the
elevation is depicted by land contours and spot levels.

During the field survey, information of existing pavement layers was recorded in the log sheets,
supervised by qualified specialists. The survey team checked and adjusted the equipment in
reference to handbook for appropriate service and calibration. Each machine was operated by
an expert surveyor and accompanied assistant.

The field survey also includes a topographic survey and identification of permanent benchmark
(reference points) at specific intervals of the connecting roads, with interim reference points
such as regulators, mosques, primary schools, houses, etc. Details of the field survey have been
listed in the Table 3.1.

Table 3.1: Summary of the survey activities
Sl. Description of Activities (For Road) Unit Quantity
1. Topographic Data Collection km 18.006
(20m from the central line, both sides)
2. 40 m buffer detailed land-use information km 18.006
3. Benchmark (Gorpara) No. 1
Table 3.2: Location of permanent BM at Gorpara GCM
Gorpara Bazar Latitude (Degree) Longitude (Degree)
BM 23.133921 88.970901
Table 3.3 (a): Temporary benchmarks (ID-241902001)
Sharsha G C - Gorpara G C Road
Chainage (m) Easting Northing RL Source
TBM1 0+008 88°57'22.9"E 23°03'20.1"N 7.335 Building
TBM2 0+361 88°57'22.1"E 23°03'31.5"N 6.964 Bridge
TBM3 1+055 88°57'15.3"E 23°03'53.1"N 6.366 Building
TBM4 2+005 88°57'11.4"E 23°04'23.3"N 5.943 EP
TBM5 3+480 88°57'42.3"E 23°04'58.6"N 5.573 Building
TBM6 5+357 88°58'06.0"E 23°05'50.9"N 5.853 Building
TBM7 7+000 88°58'08.8"E 23°06'43.9"N 7.666 Building
TBM8 8+667 88°58'13.7"E 23°07'37.5"N 6.598 Bridge

Table 3.3(b): Temporary benchmarks (ID-241902005)

Road Name Gorpara G C - Bangdah G C Road. (241902005)

SI Chainage (m) Easting Northing RL Source
TBM1 0+009 88°58'15.2"E 23°07'40.8"N 7.043 Building
TBM2 1+195 88°58'12.8"E 23°08'18.4"N 5.74 EP
TBM3 2+215 88°58'14.3"E 23°08'49.4"N 7.669 Mosque
TBM4 5+075 88°58'12.9"E 23°10'21.5"N 5.81 Building
TBM5 6+990 88°58'56.0"E 23°11'08.2"N 5.947 EP
TBM6 8+175 88°59'22.2"E 23°11'38.1"N 7.408 Building
TBM7 9+256 88°59'33.4"E 23°12'10.3"N 7.128 EP
3.1.3 Expected Outputs

The outputs of the study include:

 Digital Elevation Model (based on the availability of a topographical survey of the

proposed area);

 Origin-destination (O-D) survey data, market facilities and logistics need; and

 Identification of solid waste disposal point.

Some obvious limitations includes: Distances and angles could never be determined exactly,
measurements are thus subject to some error. However, the surveys followed a standard of
accuracy (e.g. first-order, second-order, etc.).

3.1.4 Methodology of Topographic Survey

Topographic Data Collection Procedures:

Uniform operating procedures were applied to avoid confusion when collecting topographic
survey data, especially for detailed utility surveys. The use of proper field procedures was
essential to prevent confusion in generating the final site plan map. Collection of survey points
in a meaningful pattern aid in identifying map features. The following guidelines apply to all
types of topographic survey methods, including total stations and RTK systems.

Horizontal and Vertical Control for Radial Survey:

This includes bringing control into the site and establishing setup points for the radial survey.
Primary control was usually brought into the site from established NSRS
monuments/benchmarks using static or kinematic GPS survey methods and/or differential
leveling. Supplemental traverses between radial setup points were conducted with a total
station as the radial survey was being performed. An RTK system may require only one setup
base; however, supplemental checkpoints may be required for site calibration. Elevations are
established for the radial traverse points and/or RTK calibration points using conventional
leveling techniques. Total station trigonometric elevations or RTK elevations may be used if
vertical accuracy is not critical--i.e., ± 0.1 ft.

Topographic Features in Sequence:

Planimetric features (e.g. roads, buildings, etc.) were collected first. Further, ground elevation
data points were entered to fully define the topography. Define break lines were then observed
as well.

Establishment of Temporary Benchmark:

Survey of Bangladesh (SoB) has created benchmarks for horizontal and vertical control
(latitude and longitude) across the country (Reduce Level). Temporary Benchmarks for the
Survey of Bangladesh (SoB) Benchmark were established in the current study inside the project
region. By etching the existing structures, a temporary Benchmark was established between
the permanent Benchmark.

Topographic Data Collection

Along the length of the proposed alignment, spot level/land level data was gathered at a
respective distance or closer depending on the current state of the field up to 40m width and up
to 100m intervals. For the planned alignment, the Total Station land level/spot level was
captured as coordinates and height data. The surveyed area's data was utilized to construct spot
height maps, contour maps, and more complicated terrain models.

A total station is an electrical device that calculates and collects locations (X, Y) while
concurrently lowering the level (Z) of various things on the earth's surface. To conduct a
topography survey, Total Station should consider the following factors:

 Accuracy check of machine: calibration

 Correct two reference points (X, Y, Z) input

 Back point check

 Good condition of prism

 Fair-weather

 Logistic support

 Clear visibility through machine

Figure 3.1: Total Station

The spot levels of points and coordinates of different features can be properly measured with
the Total Station. This can be used to create site layouts, topographic maps, and contours,
among other things. However, for surveys such as road alignment and homestead delineation
where the level is not critical, the Pro XR GPS can be used to complete the surveying faster.

Physical Features (land use) Survey

Along the length of the proposed road, any existing structures on the land, such as a homestead,
Bazar, sluice gate, culvert, bridge, school, college, road, etc., or noteworthy places, were noted
around a 40m buffer. All water bodies and soil types along the proposed road's alignment were
also collected for this investigation.

Instrument and Control Accuracies

Surveying instruments were used in the data collection program study is listed in Table 3.4.

Table 3.4: List of equipment, software, and purposes for the survey works

Sl. Name of Equipment Software Purpose/ check

1 GNSS RTK GPS CHC Support GNSS Horizontal positioning and
Model: CHC i80 and Software Land Star 7 & vertical level.
X-5 ArcGIS 10.1 Mapping, data editing, and
2 Topcon Total Station Topcon Toolbox Topographic data collection and
GM-101 & 102 Transfer software & processing.
Sokkia Total Station ArcGIS 10.1 Mapping, data editing, and
CX-101 AutoCAD 2015/ quality check;
AutoCAD Map 3D
3 Level Instrument Autodesk Land Desktop Level flying for Benchmark
Model: Sokkia B-20 2015 Microsoft Excel connection.
Topographic data collection and
Data editing, construction of 3D
polylines, and presenting all soft
copy for deliverables;
Reference Points:

National Benchmarks were gathered and utilized as the vertical reference, which was
established and maintained by the Survey of Bangladesh (SoB). All survey activities in the
research region were carried out following the nearest available Survey of Bangladesh (SoB)
Benchmark, which was acquired during the survey. ABM fly was also carried out on the
riverbank using RTK GPS and optical level equipment to create a consistent datum in
consideration of the surrounding surroundings.

The entire survey was completed utilizing a satellite-based GPS with differential correction.
The GPS point (x, y) was translated to Bangladesh Transverse Mercator (BTM) under the
Everest 1830 ellipsoid using the WGS-84 ellipsoid.

Establishing Control for the project

During the level survey, BMs and TBMs have been kept by engraving on permanent structures
like bridges, culverts, and other available infrastructure. Closing errors and connection of
available reference BMs along the rivers have been checked to maintain the survey accuracy.

Construction Details of Control Points

Several benchmark pillars were found from the Survey of Bangladesh (SoB) between the
existing stations to the proposed station. In addition, to conduct the quality survey works and
future implementation work, we established a single Permanent TBM nearest to the alignment
of the proposed road.

Description of PCPs

Permanent controls points are not newly installed as Survey of Bangladesh Benchmark (SoB)
are available. During construction, required information related to coordination and elevation
can be taken from available SoB Benchmark & TBM pillars.

Utility Investigation

Field investigation was conducted by a survey team to identify the gaps in existing utility
infrastructures and facilities. It includes

 Marking the tentative alignments of infrastructures and utilities on maps

 Reconnaissance survey of infrastructures and utilities

 Selection of good alignments of infrastructures and utilities Survey of the proposed

alignments of utilities

 Final alignment survey of infrastructures and utilities

The selection of good alignments is done following the criteria below:

 Short and economical

 Can generate a sizeable revenue

 Construction material and labor availability are as near as possible.

 A good alignment should connect all the important and rush areas in that region.

 The cost of construction and expected revenue should be estimated along the good

Bridge and Culvert Inventory

In this first stage of data collection, the common problems in the road networks related to
culverts and surface drainage should be described. From this information, it is possible to

develop a preliminary classification of pathologies and diagnosis to facilitate the completion
of a typified form to be sent in the next phase of data collection. Please refer to the Topographic
Survey Report.

3.2 Geotechnical and Sub-Soil Investigation

Subsoil investigation to determine the shear parameters and other engineering properties of the
underlying soil stratum is essential to determine the type and depth of foundation for bridge
structures and is a prerequisite to the economical design of the substructure elements.
Subsequently a geotechnical investigation including borehole drilling and logging, sample
collection, field and laboratory tests was conducted at the representative location of bridge and
building sites. It was also necessary to obtain sufficient information for feasibility and
economic studies for the proposed project.

The elements of Geotechnical Site Investigation depend heavily on the project but generally
should provide the following:

 Information to determine the type of foundation required (shallow or deep).

 Information to allow the geotechnical engineer to make a recommendation on the

allowable load capacity of the pile foundation.

 Sufficient data / laboratory tests to make settlement predictions.

 Location of Ground Water Table (or determination of whether, it is in the construction


 Information so that the identification and solution of construction problems.

 Identification potential problems (settlements, existing damage etc.).

 The proposed locations for boreholes and the investigation results are presented in the
Geotechnical and Sub-soil Investigation Report.

3.3 Pavement Exploration and Material Testing

A comprehensive investigation was carried out to determine the properties & strength of sub-
grade soil of existing roads. It demonstrates the suitability in construction of roads, designing
traffic loading and life line.

At selected locations along the project trial pits have been excavated through the pavement
layers into the subgrade level. The vertical profile of the test pit was cleaned to expose the

different material layers, the profile is then logged with respect to material type and thickness
and this is shown in Thickness Chart attached in separately. Material samples were taken for
further testing in the laboratory as deemed necessary and the test results are presented in the
Pavement Thickness Report.

3.4 Traffic and Origin –Destination (O-D) Survey

The volume and nature of traffic are the basis for designing road, making policies for
maintenance and revenue. The traffic survey obtained reliable data for future traffic demand.
Origin –Destination (O-D) Survey is performed to identify the necessity of the improvement
according the frequency of the trips and movement of the passengers.

 Making estimates for likely future conditions

 Assessing the road facility requirement

 Assessing the need for traffic control devices and traffic management improvement

 Assessing relative priority proposals

Traffic demands are basic requirements of analysis and determinants of any transport sector
investment. The approach in the study is to begin with reviewing the existing traffic and
economic data, and to carryout required traffic surveys verify the collected traffic data and to
forecast the traffic for the design life of the project roads with respect to the Base Year traffic
with the expected economic changes in the project impact area. Traffic study is also required
for CVD calculation and design of pavements. Please refer to the Traffic Survey Report. O-D
survey report is also attached.

3.5 Hydrological Survey

3.5.1 Design

Hydrological investigation is based on an analysis of rainfall and flood records, supplemented

by engineering field investigations, to establish the adequacy of road embankment levels,
culverts and side ditches, and design bed and slope protection for the climate resilient drainage
and cross-drainage structures. The hydraulics and hydrological investigation carried out:

 To determine the High flood Level for design formation level of the upgraded roadway;

 To determine the design discharge and Linear Waterway for the culverts and other
structures; and

 To determine the design bed and slope protection works.

Whenever a road has to cross existing rivers, drains, khas or canals, or sometimes when a river
or drain has to cross an existing road, a bridge or a culvert is required to be constructed at the
point of crossing. The number of such bridges or culverts in any road alignment, if there
requires a large bridge then account for a high percentage of expenditure. These bridges and
culverts should therefore, be designed safely and economically, so as to avoid any unnecessary
over investments.

3.5.2 Data Collection

Records of annual flood level and low water level over 20 years along with maximum and
minimum discharges were collected from the Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB)
and the Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority (BIWTA). BMD data were also
collected. The highest flood levels were also cross confirmed by intelligent local observations
and local inquiry. The study recorded the flow of water through flood plain and khals from
secondary sources.

River/culvert Cross Section

The velocity of water through an opening depends on the size of the openings, discharge
volume and head difference of the upstream and downstream water level. The smaller cross-
sections are having greater velocity and the greater the potentiality of scour. For calculating
anticipated velocity and discharge through the culvert opening, the cross section 5m in the u/s
& d/s of culvert was used.

Flood Level and Design Discharge

To get a common scenario of the project area, historical Water Levels at important hydrological
Gauging Stations were analyzed. The major rivers in the study area are Bhairab and Kobadak
and some local khals. Major part of road passes through the middle-Western region. Where
major flood occurs from local rainfall and some inflow occurs from the neighboring rivers. The
Water Levels of the outfall locations also play important role for the flooding of the
downstream area. The design flood year is selected considering the historical flooding (Water
Level) in the area. Then, the flow volumes were estimated from the catchments’ runoff.

3.5.3 Rainfall Analysis

For rainfall analysis daily Rainfall and Evaporation data are required. Statistical
analysis/mathematical model technique has been carried out for the analysis.


The rainfall stations maintained by BWDB/BMD in and around the catchment area have been
collected. Rainfall data are usually collected by Bangladesh Water Development Board
(BWDB) throughout the country using manually operated rain gauges. Historical records of
daily rainfall at all selected stations are found to be available of around 40 years (1980-2019).
Annual maximum of 3-days accumulated rain fall at selected stations is taken for analysis.
Frequency analysis of rainfall has been carried out for 5, 10-,25-,50- and 100-year return
periods using Log Normal Distribution. Based on values of different return period the
representative years have been selected.

After selecting the design year, the rainfall runoff (NAM) model is to be simulated for the
selected year. Runoff for every catchment area for different locations of structures has been
identified from the model results. Then the design flow can be calculated for structure design.

3.5.4 Flood Analysis

Flood frequency analysis is a common practice to estimate design flood event. Hydrological
processes such as floods are exceedingly complex natural events. They are resultants of a
number of component parameters and are therefore very difficult to model analytically. Some
of the commonly used frequency distribution functions for prediction of extreme flood values
are: i) Gumbel’s extreme-value distribution, ii) Log-Pearson Type-III distribution, and iii) Log
normal distribution.

Statistical analysis of flood level is required for determining the probability of the occurrence.
Frequency analysis of Annual peak Water Level data of different BWDB gauge stations
available in the catchments are to be made to get the flood levels of different return periods.
The Log normal distribution method would be adopted for the analysis as suggested by the
Flood Hydrology Study (FAP-25). Data series for the last 30 year (1991-2021) have been used
in this analysis. Annual high flood of 2-year, 5-year, 10-year, 20-year, 50-year, and 100-year
return period are necessary for analyzing of different flood scenarios. Scrutinizing these, design
flood year is found that represents the highest recorded flood for most of the stations in the
study area of the project. This design year corresponds to a flood between certain range (e.g.,
25 to 50 year) return periods.

After selecting the design year, the regional models (1D- HD) model or 2D Model has been
simulated for the selected year. Water Levels and discharges at different locations of structures

have been identified from the model result. Model result is available for only the river/channels
those exist in the regional models.

The structures situated in the flood plains; the flow volumes have been estimated from the
catchments’ runoff. The rainfall runoff has been determined interpolating water level of
surrounding rivers. The catchment runoff has been used to determine the discharge, Velocity
and Water level at a particular location of the structures in the flood plains.

3.5.5 Hydrological Analysis

For the hydrological study, the catchment boundary and area are first to be delineated.

Topographical survey of the hydrological basin:

 Spot level/land level to be taken from secondary source: SOB

 The boundary: Ganges right bank at north, southern boundary of Jashore district at
south, Garai at East and Mathabhanga at West

 Spot level/land level to be taken where there is no data of the secondary source: SoB

For flood analysis the following data are needed:

 Land elevation data (SOB data)

 Water Level data(3 hourly) from BWDB gauge stations(30 years)

 Rainfall data (daily weighted average) from BWDB (30 years)

 Evaporation data (daily) (30 years)

For Rainfall analysis the following data are needed:

 Rainfall data (daily weighted average) from BWDB (30 years)

 Evaporation data (daily) (30 years)

1. During survey, establishment of TBM by engraving/marking the existing structures (bridge,

culvert, homestead, mosque etc.)

2. Longitudinal and X-sectional survey of all river in the project area at 500m interval. The X-
section has been extended up to 50m beyond high bank or Embankment/road, if any.

3. X-sectional survey of all peripheral rivers connected with the river system beside the project
area at 50m interval extended to 500m in both u/s and d/s from the outfall.

4. Longitudinal and X-sectional survey of all drainage channel/Khal in the project area at 400m
interval. The X-section has been extended up to 50m beyond high bank or Embankment/road,
if any.

5. Longitudinal and X -sectional survey of the existing hydraulic structures in the project area.
The detail survey includes complete inventory and condition report:

 Name & Type of the structure (Sluice/culvert/pipe drain etc.)

 Location of the structure

 Deck level, soffit level, invert level

 Number of vents and size (vent height & width)

 Existing condition in detail

 Adequacy of the structure whether vintage is sufficient or additional required)

6. Survey the location of rainfall gauge station, water level gauge station and discharge station
in the project area with distance from GCM and is too shown in project map

7. Water level gauges to be installed in the project area. Data has been collected for one month
during survey period (monsoon period). Please see the Hydrological Survey Report.

3.6 Climate Change Considerations for Resilient Infrastructures

The package area is relatively less vulnerable to climate change. Natural hazards such as
cyclones, tidal surges, riverine floods and salinity intrusion are not intense in the package areas,
but are subject to fall under these hazards in future. The region is also at risk of severe draughts
as the annual average temperature increased in the last decades (with an increase of around 0.6
C from 1950 to date). Softening and cracking of pavements due to increased temperature makes
it even vulnerable to heavy rainfall episodes.

3.6.1 Climate Resilience Assessment & Design

Risk related to hydrologic and hydraulic uncertainty has been assessed:

 Area flooding

 Culvert protection

 Culvert sizing

 Embankment protection-to ensure that roads are not washed away during heavy rainfall
and flooding

 Usage of geo-cell material for stability in waterlogged area

3.6.2 Climate Resilient Aspects in Design

Design is resilient to climate, weather and other natural disasters-beyond natural standards. To
ensure safety and resilience in design and construction through the use of-

 Cost efficient alternatives, green & local pavement material able to withstand high

 Provision of sufficient numbers of culverts/ditches/cross-drain to address the risk of

flooding based on site specific hydrological studies

Specific resilient norms for cyclones/flooding risks have also been incorporated in design and
construction that my include-

 Raised platforms

 Rain water harvesting

 Solar lighting

 On-site shelters

3.6.3 Climate Change/Assessment Data

1. Flood hazard events in the study area.

2. Highest & lowest water level monthly maximum & minimum record

3. Flooding area

4. Rainfall pattern for the study area. Maximum, minimum and mean monthly rainfall for
the period of record.

5. General patterns of ambient temperatures and humidity, evapo-transpiration and

monthly means, maxima and minima for the period of record.

6. Flood inundation map of the project area and GCMs.

7. Survey land area in GCM for construction of raised platforms & on-site shelters in
climate extreme events.

3.6.4 Climate Change Scenario in the Project areas
Bangladesh is one of the largest deltas in the
world and vulnerable to natural disasters
because of its geographical position, flat and
low-lying landscape, and other associated
factors. Moreover, the adverse effects of
climate change – especially high temperature,
sea-level rise, cyclones and storm surges,
salinity intrusion, heavy monsoon downpours
etc. have aggravated the overall economic
development scenario of the country to a great

Jashore Jhenaidah and Magura district

identified as drought prone area (high
Figure 3.2: Vulnerability due to Natural Disaster.
temperature) as mentioned in Delta plan. Beside this, Water logging, Salinity and drainage
congestion, erratic rainfall (change of frequency and intensity of rainfall) also impact on
infrastructures in the project area. Thus, design will consider High Temperature, Inundation,
drainage and Salinity in the project area. Jashore district is out of Delta Plan areas. There is a
flood free area but temperature is high with respect to others district.

3.6.5 Projection of Climate Change

i. Temperature. The Bangladesh Meteorological Department demarcates Bangladesh into

seven climatic sub-regions based on climate, land use patterns, and hydro geological settings.
General Circulation Model (GCM) simulations of selected variables of the National Centers
for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) for three representative concentration pathway (RCP)
scenarios (very low emission-cp 2.6, medium emission-RCP 4.5, and very high emission-RCP
8.5) were used to downscale the future projections of temperature and relative humidity.
Table 3.5: Climate Scenario of Bangladesh
Temperature Change (°C) Mean Rainfall Change (%) Mean Sea Level
Annual DJF JJA Annual DJF JJA Rise (cm)
2030 1.0 1.1 0.8 5 -2 6 14
2050 1.4 1.6 1.1 6 -5 8 32
2100 2.4 2.7 1.9 10 -10 12 88
Notes: DJF = December-January, February; JJA = June-July-August
Source: National Program of Action (NAPA-2005)

In 26 April 2021, the highest temperature was recorded as 41.2 °C. Global Climate change
affects Bangladesh especially in the coastal areas, which are classified as the Climatic Hot Spot
due to increase in temperature.

ii. Sea Level Rise. The coastal area of Bangladesh has been categorized into three: (i) Ganges
Tidal Plain or the Western Coastal Region, (ii) Meghna deltaic plain or the Central Coastal
Region, and (iii) Chittagong Coastal Plain or Eastern Coastal Region. Sea level rise scenarios
that are being experienced among these regions differ, i.e., 5 to 7mm per year in the Western
Coastal Region, around 10mm per year in the Central Coastal Region, and 14 to 23mm per
year in the Eastern Coastal Region (CEGIS, 2016). It was estimated that a 1.5 meter rise in sea
level will submerge 16% of the country and affect 17 million people (TNC, UNDP, DoE).
Project area will moderately affect considerably due to by the rise of Sea Level as per climate
change projection of Bangladesh.

iii. Salinity in surface, ground and soil in the coastal zone has been a critical issue, particularly
in southern coast in Bangladesh (Mondal, Bhuiyan, & Franco, 2001; Institute SRDI, 2010).
The coastal zone of Bangladesh covers about 20% of total land of the country and over 30% of
the cultivable lands (source: NAPA). It affects the agricultural production, ecosystem and
physical infrastructures like roads, bridges/culverts, buildings, etc. The total amount of salinity-
affected land in Bangladesh was 83.3 million hectares in 1973, which increased to 105.6
million hectares in 2009 (Source: SRDI).

3.6.6 Environmental & Climate Resilient issues

The design has incorporated environmental and climate change issues given due consideration
to local context. Table below shows the issues that have been taken in into the design

Table 3.6: Environmental & resilient issues in sub-project design

Environment Specific Intervention for Environment & Climate resilient
and Climatic data/information infrastructures for Sub Projects
Vulnerability required GCM Road Bridge/ Culvert
Increase Average maximum Consider In some cases N/A
temperature Temperate last average use concrete
50/100 years maximum instead of
( Projected Temperature for Bituminous
Temperature) building
Increase intensity Rainfall depth and Materials used Better Design should
of monsoon duration and intensity that durable due drainage, in consider
rainfall data to rainfall some cases hydrological

Environment Specific Intervention for Environment & Climate resilient
and Climatic data/information infrastructures for Sub Projects
Vulnerability required GCM Road Bridge/ Culvert
use concrete Report (water
instead of level, discharge )
Flooding/ Tidal Maximum recorded Design Plinth Design road Design bridge
Flooding Flood height nearest Level considering height considering
station. (+0.6 m PWD Maximum considering Maximum
PWD 50 years return Recorded Flood 25 Years Recorded Flood
Period) Height Return Height &
( +0.6 m PWD) Period discharge
High Maximum Recorded Maximum Wind Plantation N/A
winds/Cyclone wind speed in the area speed should be both side of
( Cyclone ) considered the Road
Earthquake Zone-III & Seismic Design BNBC Use materials Considering
vulnerabilities Coefficient 0.04g Rules & considering seismic coefficient
considering seismic 0.04g
seismic coefficient
Coefficient 0.04g 0.04g
3.6.7 Climatic Measures in Design

Table 3.7: Climate Measures Design

Sl. Extreme climatic Roads
No. event
1 Climate Vulnerable Climatic vulnerabilities have been taken care of in designing
area slope protection works and surface drainage systems. For
quick runoff surface water, 2.5% cross-fall in camber and
5% cross slope in Shoulder have been prescribed.
2 Flood Prone area Hydrological Study considering Highest Flood Level & 30
Years Return Period should be considered
Bridges shall be designed for a period of at least 75 years.
The latest version of ‘AASHTO LRFD Bridge design
specifications’ will be used as design standards for LGED
bridges. For the vehicular live load of bridges, the AASHTO
HL-93 loading shall be followed.
3 Rainfall prone area It has been recommended to preserve a freeboard of 0.6 m
from the bottom of the sub-grade to the Highest Flood Level
(HFL) on 20 years’ return period
The 20-year return period has been suggested to increase to
30 years in the flood-prone areas to prevent the subgrade

Sl. Extreme climatic Roads
No. event
saturation. Based on the site condition, the designers will
apply their engineering judgment in this regard.
The harder grades of bitumen with higher viscosity (e.g. VC
30, VC 40) have been suggested in the area with prolonged
intense rainfall and high projected traffic volumes. Besides,
the Polymer Modified Bitumen (PMB) has been suggested
using on a pilot basis for wearing courses at those sections
of the road only where extreme traffic volume is expected.

3.6.8 Culvert & Bridge

In general, the width of bridge and/or culvert will be equal to or more than the crest width of
the carriageway.

The vertical and horizontal navigational clearance of bridges shall be in accordance with the
guideline of BIWTA (Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority).

4.1 Design Criteria of Gorpara GCM

The main design features of Gorpara GCM are as follows:

 Multiple accesses have been considered to ensure fire safety and avoid congestion.

 The layout includes for building sheds in which one is toha bazar used for vegetable,
fish, meat vendors and other is chandina vita used for retail market like grocery,
stationery, IT etc.

 The open sales platform is provided with water collection point nearby to ensure food

 Separate Male and female toilet has been provided with desired privacy.

 All structures are protected from the harsh sunlight by the shade of the existing trees
and wire-cut brick jali screen.

 Open space is maximized for more vendors to join on a hat day.

 The design also accounts the issue of place-making for social interaction, circulation
and accessibility to promote gathering.

 The topographic, hydrological and sub-soil properties have been analysed. In some
cases, the sub soil properties have been found very poor particularly in shallow depth,
indicating poor bearing capacity of the soil in the project areas. Moreover, due attention
has been given to uneven state of the foundation and local climatic condition.

 The market place is actually a multipurpose structure having the parking area & flexible
open space. Daily need shops like grocery, laundry, haircut, tailor, stationary, IT center
with small tea stall and an open area for temporary vegetable, fish & meat vendors
comprise the market place.

 Through the design process the zoning of different market component is used to ensure
Food safety & hygiene. Woman section has been introduced in each market to ensure
their participation at rural level. Washroom facilities are a major consideration in
designing the GCM.

 Resilient infrastructure is a prime consideration to provide optimum flexibility
considering the climate change issue. Solar panel & retaining rainwater run-off making
bio swales is introduced.

 To recycle the daily waste, a compost plant has been designed which will generate
organic fertilizer & incorporated in the process.

 To reduce energy consumption passive design strategy like cross-ventilation, stack

effect is used & daylight

For making the design standard compliant, National Building Code has been followed.

4.1.1 Basic GCM Information

Table 4.1: Basic GCM Gorpara Information

Name of Items Quantity

Market periphery area 1491.00 sqm
Built area 669.95 sqm
General info Ground coverage 1382.35%
Paved area 712.40 sqm
Storey 1
Structure type Frame structure
Foundation type Shallow footing
Roof type Truss supported CI sheet
Roof sheeting material Profile Sheet
No parking area provided due to lack of
Transport & Parking area
Aisle width 2.5m
Multipurpose shade I no.
Number of traders 59
Fish & meat shade 2 no.
Sales Number of traders 39
infrastructure Grocery & retail shops
Shop size
Number of shops
Storage facility 0.0 sqm
Waste Type of compost plant Pit Compost
management Area covered 65.62 sqm
Male washroom area 22.730 sqm
Fixtures 3WC/3BC/2UR
Female washroom area 13.83 sqm
Fixtures 2WC/3BC

Name of species Azardiracta Indica(neem), Casia
fistula(shonail) cocas nucifera(coconut)
Saraca indica (ashok) Alstonia
scholaris(chatim) Thevetia peruvian
Plantation /tree (kolke)
Local name Neem, Shonail, Narkel, Ashok, Chatim,
kolke, Raintree

Type Providing shadow, environment friendly

4.1.2 Structural Design Consideration for Gorpara Growth Center Market (GCM)

The following design features are considered for construction of GCM:

Seismic load

As per BNBC 2020 Package CW-04 locate at Zone-01 & Zone coefficient is 0.12.

Live Load as per BNBC 2020

Retail Stores

 First floor: 4.8 kN/m2

 Upper floor: 3.6 kN/m2
 Wholesale, all floors: 6 kN/m2
 All other construction: 1 kN/m2
 Stairs and exit ways: 4.80 kN/m2
 Primary roof members exposed to a work floor Single panel point of lower chord of
roof trusses or any point along primary structural members supporting roofs over
manufacturing, storage warehouses, and repair garages: 9 kN
 All other occupancies: 1.33 kN
 All roof surfaces subject to maintenance workers: 1.33 kN
 Walkways and elevated platforms (other than exit ways): 2.90 kN/m2
 Yards and terraces, pedestrian: 4.80 kN/m2
 Electro Mechanical & Plumbing: 1.44 kN/m2

Dead load:

 RCC & Steel Member: Column, Beam, Slab, Stair & Truss (Self Weight & Calculated)

Wind Load:

 As per BNBC 2020 Wind chart Basic wind speed is 65 m/s.

4.1.3 Construction of RCC Works

1. General Consideration

 Design method used is USD according to Bangladesh National Building Code

(BNBC) 2020, UBC 1997, ASCE 7-02 and ACI 2008.
 All the Structural Drawings shall be read in conjunction with relevant
Architectural Drawings.
 Basic Wind Speed = 104 km/s.
 Seismic Zone-01
 Other Loads as per BNBC 2020, UBC 97 & ASCE 7-02

2. Foundation Design

 The building has been designed for single storied RCC column with truss
structure at GCM.
 Foundation Type – Shallow Footing Foundation.
 Depth of foundation shown in Structural Drawing as per sub soil investigation.

3. Concrete Properties

TYPE: Concrete Cylindrical Compressive Strength at 28 Days Considered as Follows: Sub

Structure & Super Structure, F 'C = Minimum 19.0 MPa (2700 psi).

Curing of R.C.C work

1) Curing time: minimum 21days.

2) Method of curing
 Horizontal surface - by ponding of water
 Other surfaces-by wrapping moist jute, fabric and sprinkling water by hose pipe

4. Cement Properties

 Portland Composite Cement mentioned- item wise conforming to BDs En-1971- Cem
2 / ASTM-C 150 Type – ii

5. Concrete Aggregate

 Fine Aggregates: Sand of F.M 2.50 (min.).

 Coarse Aggregates: 20mm down well graded crushed stone chips to be used as coarse
 Coarse aggregate should possess Abrasion Resistance so that maximum Los Angeles
Abrasion (LAA) <30%D) for CA must be saturated surface dry (SSD) condition while

6. Steel Reinforcement

 All Structural Reinforcements are of 72 Grade High Strength Deformed bar made from
billet steel.
 Yield Strength of Steel f'y = 500 MPa Conformed to one of the following specifications:
I) BDS 1313: 1991, ii) ASTM A615.
 The Following tests for reinforcing bars from random samples shall be conducted at
BUET as per BDS 1313: 1991 and test result shall be submitted to the engineer for
checking and records:
1. Tensile Strength Test
2. Percentage Elongation Test
3. Bend/ Rebend Test
4. Nominal Diameter

7. Water for Construction

Drinkable water would be used in all concrete mixture or plaster.

8. Development Length of Reinforcing Bar

All beam and slab rebar should be extended into the support up to the development length.

9. All Admixtures: Approved by the Consultant.

10. Water Store

225mm wide PVC water stopper to be used at all construction joints below ground in Mat,
Retaining Wall & Water Tank Wall.

11. Maximum Bars in Beams in Single Layer

Maximum number of Bars as a Single Layer in Beam Stem Shall be as per ACI Detailing

12. Minimum Bar Spacing of Column Longitudinal Bars

Clear Distance between Longitudinal Bars Shall Not Be Less than 1.5 Times Bar Diameter, 1.5
Times of the Maximum Size of Coarse Aggregate No 40mm.\

13. Lap Length

Unless otherwise mentioned in the drawings, lap length of bars for super structure shall be:

Table 4.2: Lap Length

Splice Length Tension Compression
Bar Dia.(mm)
(Inch & mm) (Inch & mm) (Inch & mm)
10∅ 16 / 375 12 / 300 8 / 200
12∅ 16 / 375 12 / 300 11 / 275
16∅ 20 / 500 14 / 350 12 / 300
20∅ 27 / 675 18 / 450 15 / 375
22∅ 38 / 950 20 / 500 16 / 375
25∅ 50 / 1250 24 / 600 18 / 450

14. Hooks of Rebar

Provide 90° standard hooks (L-Bent) for all Re-Bar: if not shown in the drawings.
15. Spacer Bars
To support second layer bars in beams use 25∅ spacer bars @ 1000 C/C where required.
16. Chair
Use chairs of necessary dimension made of 20∅ bar to support top bars of mat @ 1200 C/C.

17. Lap Lock

A. For beam bottom bar, lap not to be provided at middle third zone of the span.
B. For beam top bar, lap may be provided at middle third zone of the span.
C. Not more than 50% of the bars shall be spliced at one place.
D. Lap splices are to be confined by hoops with maximum spacing or pitch of d/4 0r
100mm where d is the effective depth of the beam.

Table 4.3: Lap Lock

Requirements of structural steel plate shapes & bars Physical property
a) Tensile strength in MPa 400 to 550
b) Minimum yield point in MPa 250
c) Minimum elongation in 200/50mm plate & bars in % 20/23
d) Elongation in bars/channel/angles in 200/50mm long 20/21

4.1.4 Steel Works

Contractor shall prepare shop/fabrication drawing for approval from the engineer. All
fabrication shall be done as per approved fabrication drawings only.

1) Edge Preparation
 Edge preparation for welding shall be done by machine controlled flame cutting with
edges free from burrs, clean and straight.
 Material shall be cut to size by oxy-acetylene flame cutting or sawing. All flame cut
edges shall be grounded or machined to clean, square & true edges. Drag lines obtained
shall be removed.
 Fabrication tolerance shall confirm to AISC ASTM-a6/a6m and BNBC-2010
 All fabrication shall be done as per bnbc-2010 cl: 10.13.4 (part6)
2) Welding
 Samples of welded components and tests on them shall be approved by the inspecting
agency or its nominated agency prior to commencing full scale fabrication of the related
 Butt welding of component shall be avoided as far as possible unless shown in the
drawings and if carried out shall be of minimum number with the approval of the
engineer-in-charge. Butt welding, if done, shall be tested aerographical/ultrasonic
method and certificate shall be submitted to the engineer
 Structures are generally of bolted construction unless otherwise mentioned in the
 For welding two flange plates and flange plates with web plates submerged arc welding
shall be used as per cl: 10.10.2 of (part6) BNBC-2010

Minimum thickness of fillet weld for fabrication of built up sections unless stated
otherwise in the drawings shall be as follows:

Table 4.4: Mild Steel Confirming To ASTM- A36/A36m

Mild Steel Confirming To ASTM- A36/A36m
Item Up To 6 Mm. 6-13 13-19 >19
Thickness Of Thicker Element 3 5 6 8

 All accessible edges in contact at a joint are to be welded unless otherwise specified.
 All welding shall confirm to AWS- d1.1/bnbc-2010.

3) Assembly at workshop & camber provision
 Joints shall be made by filling not less than 50% of holes with service bolts and drifts
in the ratio 4:1 for trial assembly at work shop. Dead load camber of every span length
should be checked by keeping support at bearing point.
 Match drilling shall be done wherever possible. All members, gusset plates shall be cut
after full-scale shop layout.
 Camber provisions shall be strictly adhered to as mentioned in the drawing and/ or
technical specification.
4) Erection
 Each fabrication member, whether assembled prior to dispatch or not so assembled shall
bear an erection mark, which will help to identify the member and its position in respect
of the whole structure to facilitate re-erection at site, the erection mark shall be suitably
incorporated in the fabrication detail and erection drawings.
 No reaming shall be carried out without engineer’s permission.
 Contractor shall submit erection scheme for all the p.e.b. sheds for approval of the
engineer. Contractor shall strictly adhere with the approved erection scheme and erection
sequence and also, shall follow all the safety rules guideline and regulation in accordance
with the statutory authority of govt. of Bangladesh.
 All temporary bracings/structures required for erection of the p.e.b. shed are in the scope
of contractor. These bracing structures shall be dismantled only after completion of the
structure and/or as per approval of the engineer
5) Metallic Roofing and Side Cladding
 All metallic roofing and side cladding should be double skinned rock wool/ mineral wool
insulated sandwich panel as per specification.
 All metallic roofing profile should be designed for installation of solar panel in future.
 The minimum thickness of sandwich panel for roofing should be 120 mm. (including
0.58 mm thick. Profiled galvalume sheet at top & bottom)
 The minimum thickness of sandwich panel for side cladding should be 80 mm.
(including 0.58mm thick. Profiled colour coated galvallume sheet at both sides)
 Heat insulation layers should be resin bonded rock wool/mineral wool having minimum
density 8o kg/cum. & ' k' value should be maximum 0.03 w/mk at 20 deg C.
6) Joints/Connections

 Steel structures shall be detailed with connections and joints provided as per the
provisions of AISC ASD89 and with following requirements
 Connection of vertical bracing with connecting members and diagonals of truss
members shall be designed for full tensile capacity of the bracing unless actual loads are
indicated on the drawing
 Size of fillet weld for flange to web connection for built up section shall be as follows
 For box/ pipe section, weld size shall be designed for 60% of full shear capacity or actual
shear whichever is more where fillet weld is not possible, full penetration but weld shall
be provided
 For built-up-section, weld size shall be designed for 80% of shear capacity or actual
shear (if indicated in drawing) whichever is more. However, weld size shall not be less
than 0.5 times the web thickness. Weld shall be double fillet.
Shear Connection
 Shear connection shall be designed for 70% of section strength for rolled section and
80% of section strength for built-up section or rolled section with cover plates. However,
if force is more than above, the connection shall designed for actual force
Moment Connection
 Moment connections between beam and column shall be designed for 100% of moment
capacity of beam section.
 All butt welds shall be full penetration butt welds.
 All welds shall be continuous. The minimum size of the fillet weld shall be as per cl
2.3.5 (UNO)
 The connection between top flange and web of crane girder shall be full penetration butt
weld. Bottom flange connection with web can be fillet weld or butt weld as directed by
 Connection of base plate and associated stiffeners with the columns shall be designed
considering the total force transferred through welds. However, minimum weld size
(double fillet) shall not be less than 0.6 times the thickness of stiffeners or 6 mm
whichever is higher.
 Shop splicing for all sections other than rolled section shall be carried out by full
penetration butt welds with no cover plates. Shop splicing for all rolled section shall be
carried out using web & flange cover plates.

 Field splicing if permitted, in design, drawing can be provided with butt weld followed
by splice cover plates. Butt weld shall be full strength butt welds on web & flange. Web
& flange splice cover plates shall be designed for full design force/full strength.
 At the joints between main framing beams and columns, stiffeners on both sides of web
of column shall be provided along top flange/moment plate and bottom flange/ moment
plate. The thickness of stiffener plates shall be same as that of flange/moment plate.
 UNO the size of gussets shall be verified by actual full scale layout taking into account
the welding length/bolting space requirement and clearance from the members.
 The shape of gusset plates is suggestive only.
 All joint connection and weld connection detail shown in the fabrication drawing shall
be done as per approved connection detail.
7) Terminology and Abbreviation

Sl. No. Terminology Abbreviation

1 Top of steel T.O.S.
2 Bottom of steel B.O.S.
3 25mm thick 25THK.
4 Unless noted otherwise U.N.O.
5 Diameter DIA OR ∅
6 Long LG.
7 Radius R OR RAD.
8 Vertical VERT.
9 Marked MKD.
10 Dimension DIM.
11 Near side, far side NS, FS
12 Opposite hand OPP. HAND
13 Center to center c/c
14 Center-line CL
15 Horizontal HORZ.
16 Drawing DRG.
17 Not to scale N.T.S.
18 Typical TYP.
19 Required REQD.
20 Girder GDR.
21 Column COL.
22 Countersunk CSK
23 Packing plate PACK PL.
24 Flange plate FLG. PL.
25 Stiffener STIFF.
26 Both face b/f
27 Pre-engineered building Peb
28 Millimeter mm

8) Codes & Standards










4.1.5 Subsoil Investigation
A. Gorpara GCM

The following proposals are recommended for footing selections.

Table 4.5: Shallow foundation

Load Capacity (KN), F.S= 3.0 Allowable Bearing Capacities for
Bore Hole Depth(m) Sq. Footing Strip Footing
1.5 0.96 0.95
BH-01 3.0 1.63 1.42
4.5 1.21 1.11
1.5 0.95 0.91
BH-02 3.0 1.42 1.32
4.5 1.10 1.09

 1 TSF = 1.094 kg/cm2 = 10.25 kN/cm2, 1 Ton = 2000 lbs. = 9.96 kN, 1 m= 3.281 ft.
Existing Ground Label & F.S. = Factor Of Safety.
 Foundation base should be kept dry during the construction period.
 Pile load test should be performed 'f pile load test is not performed then the value of
pile capacity should be considered half.
 Seismic factors must be considered in design (Ref: Seismic zoning map of Bangladesh)
 Designer may or may not follow above recommendation.

4.1.6 Components of GCM

1. Grocery Shed 13. Electric design

2. Vegetables Shed 14. Fire Safety of GCM
3. Fish Shed 15. Covid 19 Items
4. Meat Shed
5. Slaughter House
6. Retail Section
7. Slaughter Tank
8. Soak pit
9. Men & Women Separate Toilet
10. Septic tank
11. Rigid Pavement
12. Drainage of Water

4.1.7 Electrical Design of Gorpara GCM

Electrical power and distribution system have been designed to meet the electricity demand of
power at Gorpara Bazar.

After the base connectivity from the regional distributor, the connection is terminated in Main
Distribution Boards (MBD) in both the markets, as shown in the drawing. Then the power has
been distributed to a total of 13 sub- distribution boards (SDB). Among the 13, 4 of the SDBs have
been used to provide power for HVAC system.

Electrical Room of the Retail & Grocery Section serves as the central distribution point for the
other four sections. All the connectivity up to the distribution boards are 3-phase connections.
Single phase lines have been designed from SDB to respective switch boards (SB) as shown.

For future additional requirement of power, spare circuit breakers have been used in distribution
boards. Maximum 7-8 points have been connected in one electrical circuit to minimize
unavoidable occurrence of overloading. All the cabling works have been designed to withstand
starting and running current of general electrical fixtures as shown in the drawings. Moreover,
considering future usage, 16 retail shops have been equipped with sufficient cabling for 1 or 1.5
TR HVAC installation.

If intersection of multiple PVC conduits creates additional difficulty in cable-laying or future

maintenance, aluminum cable tray can be utilized as required.

4.2. GCM: Drainage Design

4.2.1 Introduction

One of the basic concepts of a storm drainage system is to convey excess rain water economically
to a safe outlet minimizing the impact on the environment. Within the basic objective of achieving
an optimum rural environment, the underlying concepts should be considered for the storm
drainage management as:

 To provide safety for the public and protect property.

 To minimize water logging and nuisance flooding;
 To provide safe passage for big floods;
 To stabilize the soil and control erosion; and

 To minimize the environmental impact of rural runoff on water quality.

These objectives can be achieved when:

 The planning, design and construction of drainage facilities are done as per the required
criteria and standards; and also adequate to serve the requirements of new and future
 There is compatibility with existing drainage facilities, operational methods, and
maintenance techniques; and
 Drainage facilities provide adequate environmental, community, and asset protection
consistent with planning, design, and construction requirements and the principles of
ecologically sustainable development.

4.2.2 Approach and Methodology

Basic information of GCM has been collected from Executive Engineer and Upazila Engineer of
LGED. Land use, physical feature and topographic data have been collected by field survey. Total
water-shed has been divided into number of drainage zones, improvement of drainage network has
been proposed by construction of new primary, secondary and tertiary drains considering the
existence of water-logged areas. Then a field visit has been performed for understanding the
existing drainage system, possible outfalls, water logged areas and average flood level. The study
area has been classified according to the average yearly flood level. The land above the average
yearly flood level is brought under gravity drainage system. Drains, catchments and zones was
delineated with the help of GIS considering existing roads, infrastructure, homestead, contour
maps, outfalls, natural canals and rivers in and around the area. The drain line, drainage point, flow
direction, flow accumulation, stream definition, stream segmentation and catchment areas have
been calculated by the GIS software. Discharges have been calculated by modified rational
method. Finally, detailed profiles of the drains have been drawn with drain sections.

Figure 4.1: Methodology Diagram of Drainage Plan

4.2.3 Existing Drainage Problems of Gorpara GCM

Existing drainage pattern is shown in Figure: 4.2

Figure 4.2: Existing drainage pattern at Gorpara GCM

A wider scope for construction of a drainage system may be provisioned in the area. At Least
central areas are open for such development immediately and other areas may be followed for
projected period as designed in the plan. In this context rationalistic approach is very much suitable
for that area. The principles required for drainage plan are also available in the study area. Land
slope, nearness of the natural drainage, sparse population density and soil condition are in favour
of drainage construction.

4.2.4 Highest Flood Level
While designing the structure (Culvert/ Bridge) in the alignment of the road we have seriously
addressed the climate resilience issues. We have taken information of HFL of the road & flow
trend of the water. This also dictates to observe the level difference or head difference of two sides
of the road & the water flow trend and other hydrological & geological information discussing
with the stakeholder involved/ beneficiary. Considering those issues, we have provided required
drainage structures with required length.

4.2.5 Nearby Outfall

A proper drainage system needs a proper outfall system. For draining the water of nearby Land,
House holder, market water, an efficient & aligned drainage outfall need to locate. Otherwise it
will be caused water logging in road, market, residential house area.

4.2.6 Drainage and Sanitation system

Sanitation system is an important part of GCM in this project. A proper drainage system needs to
be provided in Growth Center Market. Waste water produced in Growth Center Market drains out
from market by an aligned drainage system & a proper outfall.

4.2.7 Calculation of Drainage Run-Off

It is relatively simple, internationally used technique for designing storm drainage system in urban
areas and accordingly has been selected for use in estimating the design for discharge proposed
storm. Accordingly, the peak-flows at any given point in a drainage system can be calculated by
using the following formula:

Q = CIA/360

Where, Q = peak flow in m3/ sec

C = run-off coefficient

I = design rainfall intensity in mm/hr.

A = catchments area in hectares

4.2.8 Storm Water Quantity Control

Runoff quantity control is one of the main objectives of drainage system. To achieve this objective,
the runoff peak flow (for conveyance system) and volume (for detention system) should be
calculated as accurately as possible. This Chapter provides guidelines on the procedures to control
storm runoff from the rural areas.

Peak Flow Estimation

This section presents the methods and procedures required for storm runoff estimation. The
recommended methods are the Rational Method and Hydrograph Methods. Each method has its
own merits. A simple Rational Hydrograph Method (RHM) is recommended for the design of
storage facilities (OSD, Ponds, Lakes, etc.).


The Rational Method is the most frequently used technique for runoff peak estimation in rural
areas. It gives satisfactory results for small drainage catchments and is expressed as:


Q = Peak flow (m3/s);

C = Runoff coefficient

I = Average rainfall intensity (mm/hr); and

A = Drainage area (ha).

The primary attraction of the Rational Method is its simplicity. However, now that computerized
procedures for hydrograph generation are easily available, making computation/design by
computerized method or software is highly recommended.

The most critical part of using the Rational Method is to make a good estimate of the runoff

C. In general, the values of C depend mainly on land use of the catchment and are very close to its
imperviousness (in decimal form). The value of C also varies with soil type, soil moisture

condition, rainfall intensity, etc. The user should evaluate the actual catchment condition for a
logical value of C to be used. For larger area with high spatial variability in land use and other
parameters, this can easily be done by the use of AutoCAD, GIS or other computer software.

Design Rainfall Estimate: The most common form of design rainfall data required for use in peak
discharge estimation is the intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) curves. The IDF can be developed
from the historical rainfall data, which is done for the rainfall station operated by the
meteorological department.

Figure 4.3: Rainfall intensity Curve at Project Areas

4.2.9 Proposed Drainage cross section

Design parameter consideration for rural road surface/rectangular drain:

Minimum gradient or slope 1: 1000.

Runoff Coefficients for Drainage Area for Streets i.e Asphalt, C = 0.90

Manning's Coefficient, n = 0.014

Rainfall Intensity, I = 170 mm/hr

Consider Tertiary drain


As per Rectangular drain size chat from LGED against Discharge it is shown that for actual
discharge Q= 0.442 m3/s, Drain size 0.6 m x 1.0 m

Design Discharge, Q= 0.749 m3/s & Design Drain size will 0.6 m x 0.6m

Extra depth (1.4 – 1.0) m =0.40 m will be treated as a retention basin.

4.2.10 Operation and Maintenance

Proper operation and maintenance (O&M) of storm drainage systems is essential to achieve their
designed objectives. This Chapter describes recommended general practices and guidance on this
aspect to assist personnel who are involved in the day-to-day operation and maintenance of the
storm water drainage system.

The objectives for proper operation and maintenance include:

 To offer quality of service that is acceptable, with respect to costs and the effects on the
society and environment;
 To monitor the flow capacity of the system and to restore it by removal of excessive
accumulation of sediment, sludge, garbage etc.;
 To monitor and maintain the structural integrity of the system;
 To prevent excessive infiltration and inflow;
 To provide feedback when necessary, on the need for improvement and upgrading works;
 To achieve the above service objectives making the best possible use of manpower, public
participation and resources at the least cost and disruption to the public; and
 To keep the O&M team updated about the facilities by proper training.

4.2.11 Drainage near road side

Sufficient Drainage Facility should be provided near a road side. Its help to provide proper
drainage facility for nearby Agricultural land from flash flooding. Sometimes roads are found
Locked both side by market, Residential House or building which cause water logging in road. Its
leads to damage the road if we can’t provide road side drain. For the durability of the road, Road
side drains are provided.

4.3 Road Design Criteria for CW-04

The roads have been designed primarily following Road Design Standards of LGED, 2021. For
special cases, AASHTO, RHD and other standards have been adopted to meeting specific design
requirements. From Traffic Survey, CVD & PCU has been forecasted. Based on forecasted CVD
& PCU existing width are not enough. So, carriageway widths of the proposed roads are increased
as per design standards. The Pavement thickness and old materials of existing roads has been
investigated. Investigation outcomes-

 Pavement layer thickness is not satisfactory

 Undulations observed from road condition survey.
 CBR & LAA values of Base and Sub-base are unsatisfactory

Due to unsatisfactory condition of existing pavement structure, new construction of whole road is
proposed from the sub-grade level.

The design level of the road has been fixated based on the hydrological analysis and location
information of the highest flood levels. The standards have addressed the environment and climate
change issues. Climatic vulnerabilities have been taken care of in designing slope protection works
and surface drainage systems. For quick runoff of surface water, 2.5% cross-fall in camber and
5% cross slope in shoulder have been prescribed.

4.3.1 Traffic Projection Summary of CW-04

Traffic survey has been conducted at selected points shown in traffic survey report. From the traffic
survey data, CVD and PCU have been projected.

The summary of projected CVD and PCU values [See Annex for CVD and PCU details]-

1) Sharsha G C - Gorpara G C Road

Maximum Hourly Flow) PCU Values = 230.57 PCU/hr., CVD=58
Design Period=10 yr. [Road Design and Pavement Standards of LGED 2021]
Growth Rate= 7.5% [Final Report of Road Design and Pavement Standards of LGED
Projected CVD= 288.544 , Projected PCU= 475.205 PCU/Hr.

2) Gorpara GC - Bangdah GC Road (241902005)
Maximum Hourly Flow) PCU Values = 203 PCU/hr. ,CVD=39
Design Period=10 yr. [Road Design and Pavement Standards of LGED 2021]
Growth Rate= 7.5% [Final Report of Road Design and Pavement Standards of LGED
Projected CVD= 214.347 ,Projected PCU= 418.39 PCU/hr.

Figure 4.4: Relationship between capacity and carriageway width

From the above calculation, the PCU value ranges from 401-1000 and CVD 201-300.

4.3.2 Geometric Design Standards

Carriageway width and shoulder width

Cross-section is a vital element of geometric design and the choice of cross-section is crucial to
obtaining a cost-effective solution to meet traffic needs. Most of our roads are built on
embankments and every extra meter of crest width adds considerably to the cost. Generally, cross-
section elements are:

 Carriageway- The part of the road formation carrying moving vehicles which can be
divided into one or more traffic lanes.
 Shoulder- The strip along the edge of the carriageway for use by stopped vehicles and often
NMV’s and pedestrians.

 For drainage purposes, cross-slope of 2.5% in carriageway and 5% in shoulder is provided.
Side slope ratio, Fill 1.5 H: 1.0 V.

Design speed

Design speed is a basic criterion for determining geometric features of horizontal and vertical

Table 4.6: Design Speed Criteria

Reference: Road Design Standard 2021

In roads design, 40 km/hr speed has been adopted for the Upazila Road of carriageway width 5.5m.

Horizontal alignments

The existing road alignment exhibits a number of sharp curves, which cannot be smoothened due
to private properties. So, the existing alignments remain as it is. The following super-elevation
shows the horizontal alignment and adjacent establishments.

Figure 4.5: Road Alignment with Sharp Curves

Sight distance

A driver’s ability to see ahead is needed for safe and efficient operation of a vehicle on a roadway.
The designer should provide sight distance of sufficient length so that drivers can control the
operation of their vehicles to avoid striking an unexpected obstruction in the roadway. Sight
distance is the length of roadway ahead that is visible to the driver. The available sight distance on
a roadway should be sufficiently long to enable a vehicle traveling at or near the design speed to
stop before reaching a stationary object in its path. Stopping sight distance is the sum of two
distances: (1) the distance traversed by the vehicle from the instant the driver sights an object
necessitating a stop from instant the brakes are applied, and (2) the distance needed to stop the
vehicle from the instant brake application begins. These are referred to as brake reaction distance
and braking distance, respectively.

Stopping Sight Distance= Reaction Time+ Braking Distance

=0.278vt+V2/254f = 44 m (For Upazila Road)

Where, V= Design Speed, Km/h=40 km/h (For Upazila Road)

t=reaction time, sec=2.5 sec. [AASHTO 2018]

f=friction factor=0.39 [AASHTO 2018]


The rise given to the outer edge of a road on curves is known as super elevation. When a vehicle
passes over a curved path centrifugal force acts on the vehicle. The centrifugal force tends to push
the vehicle off the road. It is resisted by the friction between the tires and the road. If the frictional
force is not sufficient the vehicle skids sideways. To avoid this outer edge of the road at the
horizontal curve rose above the inner edge.

Without adequate super elevation or removal of adverse camber, the friction required between the
tire and road surface will be much greater and the risk of an accident higher. Such a situation will
encourage drivers to use the center of the road, or the inside lane, irrespective of direction. This
situation is frequently evident on gravel roads, where a lack of adequate maintenance can lead to
a loss of profile.

The application of super elevation with a very low rate of rotation of the carriageway over a long
transition section may result in flat spots with inadequate drainage. Too high a super elevation will
result in the possibility of stationary slow moving vehicles sliding sideways or, in extreme cases,
overturning. Too low a super elevation may result in standing water on the carriageway.

The radiuses of curvature of the most rural roads are very sharp. In such condition, sufficient super
elevation is highly necessary to reduce traffic accidents. However, the unavailability of required
development length for super elevation, drainage problem resulting from super elevation is the
great challenge for rural road.

Rmin=V2/127(0.01e+fmax) =67m (For Upazila Road)

[Minimum radius at which super elevation is not required]

Where, R=Minimum Radius, m

e=Super-Elevation (%)

V= Design Speed, km/h

f=0.19 for rural roads

In providing super-elevation, the following points have been considered:

For conditions in Bangladesh (with consideration of loaded local traffic) maximum super-elevation
of 1 in 20 had been adopted. Maximum Super-elevation Rate=5%

Super-elevation where provided shall not be less than camber of the road recommended for the
particular road type to facilitate drainage.

Table 4.7(a): Super-Elevated Segments: Sharsha GC-Gorpara GC Road

Sl. No Starting Ending Percentage of Super- Super-

Chainage Chainage Elevation (e%) Elevation side

1 4+032.16m 4+080.68m 5 L

2 8+599.48m 8+658.77m 5 R

Table 4.7(b): Super-Elevated Segments: Gorpara GC-Bangdah GC Road.

Sl. No. Starting Ending Percentage of Super- Super-Elevation

Chainage Chainage Elevation (e%) side
1 0+642.60m 0+686.32m 5 L
2 2+218.18m 2+279.16m 5 R
3 4+979.05m 5+029.57m 5 R
4 7+215.08m 7+282.09m 5 R
5 9+146.04m 9+191.24m 5 R
6 0+642.60m 0+686.32m 5 L
7 2+218.18m 2+279.16m 5 R
8 4+979.05m 5+029.57m 5 R
9 7+215.08m 7+282.09m 5 R

Crest/road width

Based on traffic projection, Type-5 of LGED design template has been selected. So, the template
carriageway width is 5.5m, soft shoulder width of 2x 0.9, total crest width is 7.3m.

Table 4.8: Comparison of LGED Standard and Proposed Geometric Dimensions
Road Name LGED Design Standards
and Proposed Geometric Dimensions
Template Type 5
Design Total Crest Carriageway Soft Total Carriagewa Soft Side
Template Width (m) Width (m) Shoulder Crest y Width (m) Shoulder Slope
Type: Width (m) Width (m) Width (m)

Sharsha GC -
Gorpara G C
Road(2419020 9.20 5.50 1.85 7.30 5.50 0.91 1:1.5
Gorpara GC -
Bangdah GC
Road. 9.20 5.50 1.85 7.30 5.50 0.91 1:1.5

The LGED standard crest widths as per LGED Design Manual 2021 could not be maintained as it
would require land acquisition that would be a time-consuming matter and create social problems,
relocation of social infrastructure. Moreover, as per existing site condition, increasing of crest
widths as per LGED Manual will result in requirement of large amount of utility relocation and
uprooting of trees. Uprooting of large trees may be an issue of environmental degradation.

Vertical alignment

The vertical alignment of a road consists of a series of straight grades and vertical curves. Convex
vertical curves are called summit curves or crest curves, and concave vertical curves are known as
sag curves. The recommended form of vertical curves is the parabola. In flat terrains maximum
gradient is 0-3% [Ref: RMSS, Vol.V11A]. The aim should be to design the horizontal and vertical
curves so that it blends into an aesthetically pleasing way and does not present any awkward
surprises to the driver.

Upazila Roads

Minimum K value, Crest Curve, 40 km/hr

Minimum K value, Sag Curve, 40 km/hr

Table 4.9: Min & Max Values of Existing Ground Level and Finished Road Level
EGL FRL Water Level
Road ID
Min Max Min Max NFL HFL
241902001 5.000 7.449 5.417 7.566 4.24 3.22
241902005 5.310 8.076 5.520 8.174 4.24 3.22

In the vertical alignment proposed gradients ranges between 0-3%. There is no vertical sight
distance obstruction due to level change of road.

4.3.3 Intersection Design

There are no major intersections/junctions in this road. The intersections are designed with
adequate corner radius maintaining LGED design standards. Adequate road safety measures for
the intersections are undertaken which are described in the road safety report. The following figure
depicts criteria followed for intersection design.

Figure 4.6: Intersection design Criteria

The intersections to be developed in this package are listed below:
Table 4.10: Intersection List of Sharsha GC - Gorpara GC Road
SL Type Of Chainage Left Side/ Length L1 L2 Carriage way
Intersection Right Side Width(mm)
1 T-Junction 0+182 Right Side 15 3000
2 T-Junction 1+871 Left Side 15 3700
3 T-Junction 2+130 Right Side 15 3000
4 T-Junction 4+075 Right Side 15 3000
5 T-Junction 5+063 Left Side 15 3000
6 Intersection 5+675 30 15 15 Left(3000), Right (3000)
7 T-Junction 6+475 Right Side 15 3000
8 T-Junction 8+627 Left Side 15 5500

4-Legged Intersection = 1, T- Junction =7

Table 4.11: Intersection List of Gorpara GC-Bangdah GC Road

SL Type Of Chainage Left Side/ Length L1 L2 Carriage way

No Intersection Right Side Width(mm)
1 Intersection 0+052 31 16 15 Left(3000), Right (3000)
2 T-Junction 0+115 Right Side 15 3000
3 T-Junction 0+193 Right Side 16 3000
4 T-Junction 0+683 Right Side 15 3000
5 T-Junction 0+761 Right Side 15 3000
6 T-Junction 1+321 Left Side 16 3000
7 T-Junction 1+346 Right Side 15 3000
8 T-Junction 1+646 Left Side 15 3000
9 T-Junction 1+942 Left Side 15 3000
10 T-Junction 2+083 Right Side 15 3000
11 T-Junction 2+112 Left Side 18 3000
12 T-Junction 2+155 Right Side 15 3000
13 T-Junction 2+211 Right Side 16 3000

SL Type Of Chainage Left Side/ Length L1 L2 Carriage way
No Intersection Right Side Width(mm)
14 T-Junction 2+330 Right Side 15 3000
15 T-Junction 2+350 Left Side 16 3000
16 T-Junction 2+435 Right Side 15 3000
17 T-Junction 2+952 Right Side 15 3000
18 Intersection 3+020 31 16 15 Left(3000), Right (3000)
19 T-Junction 3+275 Left Side 16 3000
20 T-Junction 3+785 Right Side 16 3000
21 T-Junction 4+185 Left Side 16 3000
22 T-Junction 4+322 Right Side 18 3000
23 T-Junction 4+503 Left Side 15 3000
24 T-Junction 4+528 Right Side 16 3000
25 T-Junction 4+712 Left Side 17 3000
26 T-Junction 4+960 Left Side 15 3000
27 T-Junction 5+130 Left Side 15 3000
28 T-Junction 5+150 Right Side 15 3000
29 T-Junction 5+462 Right Side 15 3000
30 T-Junction 5+806 Left Side 15 3000
31 T-Junction 7+055 Right Side 15 3000
32 T-Junction 7+177 Left Side 15 3000
33 T-Junction 7+350 Right Side 15 3000
34 T-Junction 8+330 Right Side 15 3700
35 T-Junction 8+392 Right Side 18 3000
36 T-Junction 8+432 Left Side 18 3000
37 Intersection 8+795 34 19 15 Left(3000), Right (3000)
38 T-Junction 8+060 Right Side 16 3000
39 T-Junction 9+165 Left Side 15 3000

4-Legged Intersection = 3, 3-Legged Intersection = 36

4.3.4 Bazar area and Connecting Roads
In rural areas, the hat area is the main traffic generators. In this package Gorpara GCM would be
developed. Gorpara Bazar which is located near 23°35'35.0"N 89°23'24.5"E. To ensure
connectivity and traffic movement in the Bazar areas internal roads are proposed to be developed
with pedestrian facilities along the main bazar roads. In Gorpara Bazar, 100 m internal roads would
be improved by RCC. Meat shed, fish shed, vegetable shed, slaughter house and treatment of solid
waste by composting pit are proposed.

Figure 4.7: Gorpara and Connecting Roads Layout
Figure 4.8(a): Typical Cross Sections for Gorpara GCM internal Roads

Figure 4.8(b): Typical Cross Sections for Gorpara GCM internal Roads

4.3.5 Bus Bay/Passenger Shed
A bus bay is a specially constructed area separated from the travel lanes and off the normal section
of a roadway that provides for the pick-up and discharge of passengers. Bus bays are frequently
constructed in heavily congested downtown and shopping areas where large numbers of
passengers may board and alight. In this project bazar area, connecting road and adjacent roads are
to be developed. To facilitate the movement of traffic movement to bazar areas bus bay areas with
passenger shed for passengers are provided.

Table 4.12: Location of Proposed Bus-Bays / Passenger sheds

Sl. No. Road Name and Road ID Chainage Side Remarks

Sharsha GC - Gorpara GC Road 0+085 RS
(241902001) 8+473 LS
Gorpara G C - Bangdah G C 1+190 LS
Road. (241902005) 8+897 RS

Figure 4.9(a): Typical Bus Bay and Passenger Shed Layout and Sections
Figure 4.9(b): Typical Bus Bay and Passenger Shed Layout and Sections

Utility Relocation and Tree Removal

Due to widening of road some utility and trees are required to be removed. The list is given below-

Table 4.13: Utility Relocation and Tree Removal

Sl. No. Road ID Electric Poles Tress Remarks
1. 241902001 41
2. 241902005 8
3. GCM 4 1

4.3.6 Pavement Design Standards

Type-5 will be applicable for Upazila roads. The structural design of the pavement is aimed at the
protection of the sub-grade from excessive permanent deformation, resist loss of structural
capacity of Asphalt concrete/ Reinforced Concrete from fatigue produced by repeated traffic loads
and provide adequate serviceability to users for a given period of time. The pavement structure is
usually designed in order to achieve a chosen level of service over the analysis period, as cheaply
as possible. Broadly, an acceptable level of service can be defined as the functional performance
(riding quality) of the road as far as the ordinary road user is concerned. Riding can be defined as
the general extent to which road users experience a ride that is smooth and comfortable or bumpy
and thus unpleasant and perhaps dangerous.

Design Objective:

The aim of the pavement design is to produce a structurally balanced pavement that will carry
traffic in the existing environment at an acceptable service level without major structural distress.
It is vital that this is accomplished with a high level of confidence for the structural design period.

Design Methodology:

The following figure depicts methodology for pavement design-

Figure 4.10: Flow Chart of design methodology of roads

The pavement components have been selected from Road Design Standard of LGED, gazette on
16th August of 2021. From traffic data CVD value has been projected and subgrade CBR values
have been obtained from field testing.

From the traffic data CVD values have been obtained and the values range from 201-300. The
CBR values for design have been selected evaluating existing soaked CBR data for roads. The
selected CBR values are:

For both Road roads: 4%

The pavement thickness of different layers has determined from the design parameters.

Existing Pavement Condition

Pavement exploration has been carried out. Test pits were made from which thickness of existing
layers wear formed. Sample materials have been taken for testing purpose and also, field DCP test
has been conducted. The results obtained from field investigations are given below:

Table 4.14(a): Pavement Exploration Results (ID-241902001)

Road ID 241902001
Name Sharsha GC -Gorpara GC Road
Layer Remarks
SI Chainage Item Wearing
Thickness(Field) 45 110 300 250 300
Thickness(Required) 40 150 250 250 300
Remarks Ok Not Ok Ok Ok Ok
CBR(DCP) - 92 40 20 20
1 0+007
CBR(Standard) 80 30 8 4
Remarks Not Ok Ok Ok Ok
- - - -
CBR(Soaked) 5.63
Thickness(Field) 40 135 125 190 300
Thickness(Required) 40 150 250 250 300
Remarks Ok Not Ok Not Ok Not Ok Ok
2 1+100 CBR(DCP) 57 57 10 23
CBR(Standard) 80 30 8 4
Remarks Not Ok Ok Ok Ok
- - - -

Road ID 241902001
Name Sharsha GC -Gorpara GC Road
Layer Remarks
SI Chainage Item Wearing
Thickness(Field) 30 185 170 90 300
Thickness(Required) 40 150 250 250 300
Remarks Not Ok Ok Not Ok Not Ok Ok
3 2+000 CBR(DCP) 74 30 17 15
CBR(Standard) 80 30 8 4
Remarks Not Ok Ok Ok Ok
- - - - -
Thickness(Field) 35 175 180 140 300
Thickness(Required) 40 150 250 250 300
Remarks Not Ok Ok Not Ok Not Ok Ok
4 2+590 CBR(DCP) 65 27 8.6 8
CBR(Standard) 80 30 8 4
Remarks Not Ok Not Ok Ok Ok
- - - - -
Thickness(Field) 35 255 85 160 300
Thickness(Required) 40 150 250 250 300
Remarks Not Ok Ok Not Ok Not Ok Ok
5 3+100 CBR(DCP) 54 28 12 8
CBR(Standard) 80 30 8 4
Remarks Not Ok Not Ok Ok Ok
- - - - -
Thickness(Field) 35 313 170 110 300
Thickness(Required) 40 150 250 250 300
Remarks Not Ok Ok Not Ok Not Ok Ok
6 4+000 CBR(DCP) 72 30 21 11
CBR(Standard) 80 30 8 4
Remarks Not Ok Ok Ok Ok
- - - - -
Thickness(Field) 30 180 115 240 300
7 5+000 Thickness(Required) 40 150 250 250 300
Remarks Not Ok Ok Not Ok Not Ok Ok

Road ID 241902001
Name Sharsha GC -Gorpara GC Road
Layer Remarks
SI Chainage Item Wearing
CBR(DCP) 103 39 15 9.7
CBR(Standard) 80 30 8 4
Remarks Ok Ok Ok Ok
- - - - -
Thickness(Field) 45 178 115 235 300
Thickness(Required) 40 150 250 250 300
Remarks Ok Ok Not Ok Not Ok Ok
8 6+000 CBR(DCP) 103 39 14 11
CBR(Standard) 80 30 8 4
Remarks Ok Ok Ok Ok
- - - - -
Thickness(Field) 45 110 220 130 300
Thickness(Required) 40 150 250 250 300
Remarks Ok Not Ok Not Ok Not Ok Ok
9 7+000 CBR(DCP) 76 65 11 14
CBR(Standard) 80 30 8 4
Remarks Not Ok Ok Ok Ok
- - - - -
Thickness(Field) 40 150 140 110 300
Thickness(Required) 40 150 250 250 300
Remarks Ok Ok Not Ok Not Ok Ok
10 8+000 CBR(DCP) 53 32 21 18
CBR(Standard) 80 30 8 4
Remarks Not Ok Ok Ok Ok
- - - - -
Thickness(Field) 45 126 100 235 300
Thickness(Required) 40 150 250 250 300
11 9+000 Remarks Ok Not Ok Not Ok Not Ok Ok
CBR(DCP) 66 26 27 11
CBR(Standard) 80 30 8 4

Road ID 241902001
Name Sharsha GC -Gorpara GC Road
Layer Remarks
SI Chainage Item Wearing
Remarks Not Ok Not Ok Ok Ok
- - - -
CBR(Soaked) 5.66

Table 4.14(b): Pavement Exploration Results (ID-241902005)

Road ID 241902005
Name Gorpara GC -Bangdah GC Road
Layer Remarks

SI Chainage Item Wearing


Thickness(Field) 40 130 135 110 300

Thickness(Required) 40 150 250 250 300
Remarks Ok Not Ok Not Ok Not Ok Ok
1 0+005 CBR(DCP) 57 23 26 11
CBR(Standard) 80 30 8 4
Remarks Not Ok Not Ok Ok Ok
- - - -
CBR(Soaked) 5.64
Thickness(Field) 45 130 135 110 300
Thickness(Required) 40 150 250 250 300
Remarks Ok Not Ok Not Ok Not Ok Ok
2 1+000 CBR(DCP) 74 21 29 36
CBR(Standard) 80 30 8 4
Remarks Not Ok Not Ok Ok Ok
- - - - -
Thickness(Field) 35 146 140 90 300
Thickness(Required) 40 150 250 250 300
Remarks Not Ok Not Ok Not Ok Not Ok Ok
3 2+000 CBR(DCP) 63 18 36 38
CBR(Standard) 80 30 8 4
Remarks Not Ok Not Ok Ok Ok
- - - - -

Road ID 241902005
Name Gorpara GC -Bangdah GC Road
Layer Remarks

SI Chainage Item Wearing


Thickness(Field) 40 200 130 100 300

Thickness(Required) 40 150 250 250 300
Remarks Ok Ok Not Ok Not Ok Ok
4 3+000 CBR(DCP) 78 20 18 12
CBR(Standard) 80 30 8 4
Remarks Not Ok Not Ok Ok Ok
- - - - -
Thickness(Field) 45 210 120 95 300
Thickness(Required) 40 150 250 250 300
Remarks Ok Not Ok Not Ok Ok
5 4+000 CBR(DCP) 74 19 13 11
CBR(Standard) 80 30 8 4
Remarks Not Ok Not Ok Ok Ok
- - - - -
Thickness(Field) 40 170 180 160 300
Thickness(Required) 40 150 250 250 300
Remarks Ok Ok Not Ok Not Ok Ok
6 5+000 CBR(DCP) 81 24 14 19
CBR(Standard) 80 30 8 4
Remarks Ok Not Ok Ok Ok
- - - - -
Thickness(Field) 40 180 170 170 300
Thickness(Required) 40 150 250 250 300
Remarks Ok Ok Not Ok Not Ok Ok
7 6+000 CBR(DCP) 74 23 12 17
CBR(Standard) 80 30 8 4
Remarks Not Ok Not Ok Ok Ok
- - - - -
Thickness(Field) 40 170 115 125 300
8 7+000
Thickness(Required) 40 150 250 250 300

Road ID 241902005
Name Gorpara GC -Bangdah GC Road
Layer Remarks

SI Chainage Item Wearing


Remarks Ok Ok Not Ok Not Ok Ok

CBR(DCP) 59 13 16 18
CBR(Standard) 80 30 8 4
Remarks Not Ok Not Ok Ok Ok
- - - - -
Thickness(Field) 40 165 100 120 300
Thickness(Required) 40 150 250 250 300
Remarks Ok Ok Not Ok Not Ok Ok
9 8+000 CBR(DCP) 57 9.7 12 19
CBR(Standard) 80 30 8 4
Remarks Not Ok Not Ok Ok Ok
- - - - -
Thickness(Field) 40 225 165 120 300
Thickness(Required) 40 150 250 250 300
Remarks Ok Ok Not Ok Not Ok Ok
10 9+000 CBR(DCP) 89 41 15 13
CBR(Standard) 80 30 8 4
Remarks Ok Ok Ok Ok
- - - - -
Thickness(Field) 45 230 170 125 300
Thickness(Required) 40 150 250 250 300
Remarks Ok Ok Not Ok Not Ok Ok
11 9+253 CBR(DCP) 92 43 16 14
CBR(Standard) 80 30 8 4
Remarks Ok Ok Ok Ok
- - - -
CBR(Soaked) 5.63
From the data of the above table, it is observed that CBR and thickness of existing pavement are
inadequate to sustain the load. Although base layer has adequate thickness is most cases but
compaction is inadequate and CBR required is unsatisfactory. The sub-base layer has inadequate

thickness and CBR. The ISG layer has satisfactory CBR but thickness of ISG layer is not as

The materials have been selected as per LGED guideline. The details of design pavement are
shown in the table below:

Table 4.15: Layers of Flexible Pavement and Its Material

Layer Thickness
Sl No. Material Specification Remarks
Name (mm)
Bitumen Grade 60/70 (compacted pre-mixed
As per
Wearing bituminous carpeting to be prepared using
1 40 LGED
Course 25mm downgraded crushed stone chips
(LAA<= 30%))
Aggregate Base course for Stone Aggregate,
Los Angeles Abrasion Value (LAA)
max.35% or Aggregate Crushing Value
(ACV) max. 30%. Compacted in Two As per
2 150 layers, each layer Soaked CBR min. 30%, LGED
Compacted to 98% of MDD Modified Guideline
Proctor) , Compacted in Two layers, each
layer soaked CBR min. 80%, Compacted to
100% of MDD Modified Proctor
150 mm Sub-Base Course (Brick Aggregate,
Los Angeles Abrasion Value (LAA)
max.40% or Ten Percent Fines Value (TFV) As per
3 150 min. 100 kN; Compacted in Two layers, LGED
each layer Soaked CBR min. 30%, Guideline
Compacted to 98% of MDD Modified
250mm ISG (Salvage Material obtained by
Existing Wearing Course, Base Course and
As per
Sub-base Course materials is proposed on
4 ISG 250 LGED
existing ISG, Compacted in two layers, each
layer Soaked CBR min. 20%, Compacted to
min. 98% of MDD Modified Proctor)

Layer Thickness
Sl No. Material Specification Remarks
Name (mm)
Subgrade Compacted min. 98% of MDD As per
5 Sub-Grade 300 Modified Proctor, Soaked CBR min. 4%, PI LGED
value 8%-205. Guideline

Wearing Course:

The penetration grade of 80/100 and 60/70 bitumen is used in LGED and are easily procurable but
higher grade bitumen is not available and also not included in the rate schedule. The difference
between 80/100 and 60/70 penetration grade is the penetration range. Bitumen 60/70 has lower
penetration which means it is harder than bitumen 80/100. To the contrary of bitumen 80/100,
Bitumen 60/70 is suitable to be used in hot climates and it shows more durability exposing to heavy
traffic loads. Following tables show detailed comparison between 80/100 and 60/70 penetration

Table 4.16: Specification of Bitumen Penetration Grade 80/100

Sl. No. Characteristics Test Method Unit Min. Max.

1 Specific Gravity at 25°C ASTM D70 °C 1.01 1.05

2 Penetration at 25°C, 100g, 5s ASTM D5 mm 80 100

3 Softening Point ASTM D36 °C 42 52

4 Ductility at 25°C ASTM D113 Cm 100

5 Loss on heating ASTM D6 % 0.5

6 Flash point ASTM D92 °C 225

7 Characteristics Test Method Unit Min. Max.

8 Specific Gravity at 25°C ASTM D70 °C 1.01 1.06

9 Penetration at 25°C, 100g, 5s ASTM D5 mm 60 70

10 Softening Point ASTM D36 °C 46 56

Sl. No. Characteristics Test Method Unit Min. Max.

11 Ductility at 25°C ASTM D113 Cm 100

12 Loss on heating ASTM D6 % 0.2

13 Flash point ASTM D92 °C 230

From the above tables, it can be said that penetration grade of 60/70 is better for proposed roads
especially considering the climatic condition.

Base Course (150 mm):

Stone chips and brick chips are widely used for the construction of pavement design both in rural
and urban roads. These chips give a stable foundation for the construction of roadway. But stone
chips have better Aggregate Crushing Value (ACV), Aggregate Impact Value (AIV), Flakiness
Index (FI), Flakiness Index (FI), and 10% Fines value than brick chips. Also, in the field it is
required that base course have min. CBR value of 80%. Observing existing construction works in
Bangladesh it is very difficult to achieve this CBR value from brick chips. Moreover, water
absorption capacity is less than bricks chips but legibility is much higher. That is why stone chips
have been preferred for base course.

Sub-Base Course (150 mm):

Both stone chips and brick chips are suitable for sub-base construction. But brick chips as sub-
base course can easily attain CBR of 30% or greater from field compaction. So, in terms of both
stability and economy, bricks chips are proposed as sub-base course.

Improved Sub-grade (ISG) (250 mm):

As obtained from pavement exploration and existing material testing since existing material are
unsuitable for use construction has been considered from subgrade layer and this generate a large
volume of salvage material. This amount of salvage material is difficult to dispose of. So, this large
quantity of salvage has been selected to be placed as ISG on existing ISG. This will result in more

Figure 4.11: Typical Upazila Road Filling Section

Figure 4.12: Typical Upazila Road Cutting Section

Figure 4.13: Typical Village Road Cutting Section

Figure 4.14: Typical Village Road Cutting Section

Layers of Rigid Pavement and Materials Specifications

The pavement thickness of different layers has determined from the design parameters. The
materials have been selected as per LGED guideline. The details of design rigid pavement are
shown in the table below:

Table 4.17: Layers of rigid pavement and its materials

Sl Thickness
No. Layer Material Specification Remarks

1 28 days cylinder crushing strength

of concrete f ' = 30 M Pa, Flexural
Strength = 3.5 M Pa with suggested
mix ratio 1:1.25:2.5 and maximum As per LGED
RCC Slab 200
water cement ratio 0.4 having Guideline
minimum required average
strength. f c = 33.5 M Pa Slump 50
- 100 mm
2 Sub-Base
As per LGED
Course (Dry 125 Plain Cement Concrete
lean Concrete)
3 250mm ISG (Compacted Sand
Improved Subgrade, Sand FM min.
0.8 PI value <6, Compacted in Two As per LGED
ISG 250
Layers, Each Layer Soaked CBR Guideline
min. 8%. Compacted to min. 98% of
MDD (Modified).

Figure 4.15: Typical Rigid Pavement Section with Footpath
Figure 4.16: Typical Rigid Pavement Section without Footpath

Figure 4.17: Retaining Wall Details

Figure 4.18: Palisading Work Details

4.3.7 Road Drainage

To prevent rapid deterioration of pavement layers and to maintain the subgrade at or above the
design strength, it is essential that any water entering the pavement layers is allowed to drain
away as quickly as possible. Standing water in the pavement layers will not only cause a
reduction in strength of the pavement materials but under the action of traffic loads the high
pore- water pressures developed will quickly lead to disintegration of the surfacing. Therefore,
cross-slope of 2.5% in pavement carriageway and 5% in shoulder is proposed. Sub-grade
drainage is also proposed, which are described below.

Sub-Grade Drainage

On rural areas the pavement may easily be drained by providing a drainage channel at 5m
intervals both sides in the subgrade. Typical arrangements of this are shown in Figure below.
The drainage material must be of a size to allow passage of the water but not too large to allow
fines to be washed from the pavement; materials of fine gravel and sand sizes are generally the
most suitable. A fabric separator between the drain and the pavement/shoulder materials can
be used to prevent fine soils washing out of the drain. It must be ensured that subsequent work
on the embankment side slopes does not result in the sealing of the drainage layer.

Figure 4.19: Sub-Grade Drainage

Side-slope protection with drawings

Stabilizing the roadside slope is very important for ensuring the sustainability and durability of
road embankments. The factors affecting side slopes are topography of the surrounding area,

geological condition and local activity. For slope protection of general road embankments,
turfing with vertiber grass in the embankment and durba grass in the shoulder is proposed.

Figure 4.20: Side Slope Protection.

4.4 Bridge, Cross-Drain and Culvert Design

This section demonstrates the design specifications used for structures under the package.

4.4.1 Design life:

The bridges have been designed as ‘permanent’ structure to carry specified loads with a service
life of 75 years. This decision is based on traffic predictions, current standard and by the
resources available at present and in the foreseeable future.

4.4.2 Width of the Bridge:

The width of the bridge is 7.3 m with 0.9m wide footpath on either side of the bridge, and the
carriageway width is 5.5m. This is two way two lane structures.

4.4.3 Design Data:

The Design Data are described in the following sections.

4.4.4 Live Load Analysis:
The bridge has been designed for vehicular load AASHTOLRFDHL-93 (32.5 tons).
The bridge under the project has been designed for vehicular load HL-93 as per definition of
AASHTO LRFD 2007/2020.
Also the response of IRC Class-A has been checked.

4.4.5 Wind Load

Wind load acting on the superstructure is based on the bridge elevation exposed to the wind,
the height of which usually consists of the girder depth including railing height and exposed
part of piers above HFL. Wind load for Live Load is applied on the model following AASTTO
LRFD 2007/2020.Wind load has been calculated following BNBC’2020 in combination with
AASTTO LRFD 2007/2020. The wind Speed is taken 65 m/s.

4.4.6 Seismic Consideration

Response Spectrum Function has been applied in all the directions. The proposed Response
Spectrum function is given below. Seismic analysis using this Response Spectrum
incorporating Zone Coefficient is as BNBC’2020. The structures are in zone-1 which co-
efficient is 0.12.

Figure 4.21: BNBC Seismic Response Spectrum

4.4.7 Secondary Forces


The thermal variation load analysis is carried out for all the elements. The system temperature
is 150c, maximum and minimum temperatures are 420c & 50c respectively.


Shrinkage effects have been addressed in construction stage analysis. CEB-FIP Code has been
followed to estimate the shrinkage strain. Other variable considered in the shrinkage effect
analysis are:

 Relative humidity-70%
 Normal cement
 Age of Concrete at the beginning of Shrinkage -7days

Figure 4.22: Shrinkage Strain

Creep effect shall be addressed in construction stage analysis. CEB-FIP Code is followed in
the estimate of Creep coefficient. Other variable in Creep effect analysis are:
 Relative humidity-70%
 Normal cement
 Age of Concrete at the beginning of loading-10 days

Figure 4.23: Creep Coefficient

4.4.8 Maintenance Load

 Maintenance load: It is assumed that there will be no traffic during maintenance of the
 Load from any utility lines except electricity.

4.4.9 Design Consideration

The bridge components has been analyzed and designed to satisfy the requirements of service,
strength for load combinations and method of analysis & design as specified in Chapter 4 & 5
of AASHTO LRFD 2007/2020 Specifications.

4.4.10 Service Limit State

Concrete cracking, distribution of reinforcement, deflection etc. have been investigated at

service limit state.

4.4.11 Strength Limit State

Axial, Flexural, Shear strength and stability of concrete components have been investigated at
strength limit state. Resistance factors that have been used were based on AASHTO LRFD
2007/2020 Specifications.

4.4.12 Resources

There are four categories of resources considered in the design process:

 Technology available;

 Skills for the bridge construction processes;
 Available materials; and
 Standard practice in the region.

4.4.13 Design Resources

Design Code

Bangladesh standard/data have been used for assessing the natural loads. Structural design of
the bridge has been done as per AASHTO Code, 2007/2020. Load Factor Design Method
(LFRD) has been used for proportioning all the structural members.

Software Used

Bridge design software MIDAS Civil has been used in analysis of the Structure. Along with
the Software, MS Excel worksheets have been extensively used for specific calculation.

4.4.14 Materials

Design of concrete structures are based on the on the material properties cited herein and on
the use of material properties that conform to the AASHTO-2007/2020 and the Bangladesh
Standard. Emphasis is given to locally available material.

FM of sand shall be 2.5 (min.), coarse aggregate 20mm downgraded crushed stone chips in
accordance with ASTM C33 & cement must be conforming to BDS EN 197-1:2003 CEM
I52.5N / ASTM C 150 type.

Strength of Concrete

Although many of our local construction companies could have proved themselves to achieve
a concrete compressive strength of even 60 MPa but we have kept its limit as 30 MPa maximum
RCC work & 40 MPa for PSC I girder.

Reinforcing Steel

Steel reinforcing bars are deformed bars. Reinforcing bars shall be 500 MPa Grade to
AASHTO, ASTM. Reinforcing bars have been referred to in the contract plans and
specifications by diameter and vary in size from 10mm to 32mm.

Densities of the materials

Density of the construction material considered as per AASHTO standard which has been
partly reproduced in Table for convenience.

Table 4.18: Densities of the materials

Material Density in kg/m3

Bituminous Wearing Surface 2250
Compacted sand, silt and clay 1925
Concrete–Normal density with f’cup to35mPa 2320
Rolled gravel, Macadam or Ballast 2250
Steel 7850
Stone Masonry 2725
Water 1000

4.4.15 Components of the bridges

The following bridge components are considered as applicable to the specific site condition.

 Bridge railing – RCC pedestrian railing

 Bridge deck – RCC cast-in-situ deck with RCC girder/beam construction
 Wearing course –50mm Bituminous wearing course
 Abutment – RCC return type
 Approach road – Heavy duty concrete paver block over sub-base
 Approach slab – Reinforced cement concrete
 Deck drain – To be drained by PVC drain pipe

4.4.16 Sub-structures and foundations

Reinforced Cement Concrete (RCC) substructures and its foundation is Reinforced Concrete
Cast-in-Situ Pile foundation. The Pile Foundation has been designed following AASHTO
LRFD 2017 specification. Soil parameters have been taken from soil test report. It is to note
that we approached for determination of unsupported length using Virtual fixity method as
mentioned in AASHTOArt. & in famous pile foundation book by M.J. Tomlinson
since it is the conservative approach.

4.4.17 Navigation clearance

Though it is non-classified channel, a minimum (0.6m) vertical clearance has been taken form

4.4.18 Construction assumptions

After construction of foundation & sub-structure, the girders, x-beam & deck slab shall be cast.
4.4.19 Size Determination

Length of the bridge, opening of the box culvert & pipe culvert are determined from hydrology
analysis report.

4.4.20 Hydrological Consideration

Main objective of hydrologic investigation is to determine the peak design flood discharge
which the culverts or bridges are to carry across the road during flood season. However, some
of the important aspects are briefly mentioned underneath.

 Fluctuation of Water Level at High and Low Tide.

 Estimation of Design Peak Flood by standard frequency functions.
 Consistency of the water data. The data has been used for generating the design water
level by applying different probability distribution functions (PDF).
 Considering the regression analysis graphs. And to identify the best fitted curve with
the observed data.
 Generating the design flood level of different return periods.

The hydrologic analysis mainly focuses on estimation of design water level and discharge by
frequency analysis.

4.4.21 Hydrologic Analysis

For the design and construction of the proposed bridge investigation of different aspects has
been carried out by following an integrated and interdisciplinary approach. Peoples’ views on
different aspects of the bridge (hydro-morphological and social) were integrated with analytical
results supported by modern engineering tools, technology and experiences. Water level and
discharge data were collected from BWDB has been analyzed by applying different probability
function for return period events of up to 100 years. Then the return period events of design
water level for the proposed bridge location have been established by slope adjustment.

Figure 4.24: Flood Inundation Map of Bangladesh (Source: RHD)

In this project Jashore, Jhenaidah, Jashore, Shatkhira, and Margura district corridor is
considered is for hydrological analysis. The study area is Sharsha Upazila for improvement of
Sharsha G C - Gorpara G C Road (241902001) & Gorpara GC - Bangdah GC Road

Table 4.19 & 4.20 shows the water level generated by different frequency functions for
different return periods. As reflected in Table 4.19 & 4.20 most of the frequency functions
appear to generate the return period events without having much differences. However,
considering the regression analysis graphs the data of Jashore Diversion appears to fit best in
the Normal Distribution. Figure 4.19 & 4.20 shows the regression analysis for Jashore
Diversion respectively.

Table 4.19: Design Water Level at Tahirpur BWDB Station SW 161

Return Period/
2 2.33 5 10 20 50 100
Frequency Function
Normal 5.33 5.48 6.06 6.44 6.75 7.11 7.34
2 Parameter Log Normal 5.27 5.42 6.02 6.46 6.84 7.30 7.63
Pearson 5.29 5.45 6.07 6.54 6.97 7.50 7.88
Log Pearson 5.26 5.42 6.03 6.47 6.86 7.32 7.64
Gumbel EV1 5.20 5.35 5.99 6.50 6.98 7.59 8.05

Table 4.20: Design Water Level at Darsana BWDB Station SW 208

Return Period/
2 2.33 5 10 20 50 100
Frequency Function
Normal 9.15 9.33 9.99 10.43 10.80 11.20 11.48
2 Parameter Log Normal 9.10 9.27 9.96 10.44 10.86 11.35 11.69
Pearson 8.96 9.13 9.93 10.60 11.26 12.13 12.81
Log Pearson 9.04 9.22 9.94 10.48 10.96 11.53 11.94
Gumbel EV1 8.99 9.17 9.91 10.50 11.05 11.76 12.29

The design water level at proposed bridge site has been calculated at different frequency with
1cm/ km slope adjustment. Accordingly, the extrapolation is made for the design flood level
at the proposed bridge site and given in the Table.

Table 4.21: DFL for bridge/culverts and connecting road (ID-241902001)

Return Period (Years)

Frequency Function
2 2.33 5 10 20 50 100
Log Pearson(m PWD) 3.56 3.68 4.14 4.45 4.70 4.99 5.17
From analysis of SW 23 (1983 to 2020, simulated) standard high-water level is 4.70mPWD
with some slope adjustment. The area HFL is 5.981 mPWD which is locally estimated (2000).
The 5-yr peak water level is 4.14 (mPWD). The average minimum WL is 3.68 mPWD. During
survey locally estimated normal flood level is 4.728m PWD

Table 4.22: DFL for bridge/culverts and connecting road (ID-241902005)

Return Period (Years)

Frequency Function
2 2.33 5 10 20 50 100
Log Pearson(m PWD) 7.60 7.78 8.50 9.04 9.52 10.09 10.50

From analysis of SW 208 (1983 to 2020, simulated) standard high-water level is 9.52mPWD
with some slope adjustment. The local information also indicates the area HFL ranges from
7.676 to 8.248 m PWD (2004). The 5-yr peak water level is 8.50 (m PWD). The average
minimum WL is 7.78 m PWD. During survey locally estimated normal flood level is 7.28m

4.4.22 Discussion and conclusion

It appears from the study that the proposed bridge will not cause any significant effect on the
climate of the area or morphology of the river in the foreseeable future. The study findings are
specified below.

 The proposed area is in located in the west region of Bangladesh where the rivers are
predominantly non tidal. The amplitude during wet period is not larger than that of the
dry period.
 The channel sections are mostly uniform and smooth;
 Moderate indication of scour and erosion/ accretion along the bed and banks of the river
of proposed bridges because of the constricted portion in the bridge sections and
available section data;

The sites of Jashore districts are not located in coastal area of Bangladesh. So, the
Infrastructures in the Non-Coastal area are not vulnerable due to climate change event like, i.e.
Increase in temperature, ii. Increase of monsoon rainfall iii. Sea level rise, iv. High winds, v.
Increase of the frequency of strong cyclones/storms & Tidal flooding and siltation on river bed.

This area is particularly flood free. It has also been verified from field information of the local
people that areas under these roads and bridges do not remain flooded.

The study recommended some observations when the structural designer will work, need to
follow the observations:

 Constructing the road crest level to 300-600 mm above high flood level with ensure
sustainability of the proposed development works. Some modification of the standard
pavement designs is proposed in terms of
 Allowing subgrade drainage.
 Additional embankment protection and cross drainage to counter existing climatic
 Rehabilitation to counter future climatic impacts within the 10-year design life of the
 Continuous monitoring is required for any emergency work for bridge, culverts and
roads design.
 Constructing the road crest level to 300-600 mm above high flood level with ensure
sustainability of the proposed development works. Some modification of the standard
pavement designs is proposed in terms of allowing subgrade drainage.
 Additional embankment protection and cross drainage to counter existing climatic
 Rehabilitation to counter future climatic impacts within the 10-year design life of the
 Constructing the road crest level to 300-600 mm above high flood level with ensure
sustainability of the proposed development works
 Continuous monitoring is required for any emergency work for bridge, culverts and
roads design.

4.4.23 Structure List on the two Alignments

Total numbers of existing and proposed bridge/culverts are listed below:

(1). Name of Road: Sharsha GC - Gorpara GC Road, ID No: 241902001

 Total Existing Drainage Structure= 15Nos
 Total Proposed New B.C Structure (Replace)= 10 Nos, Span of B.C=20.6 m
 Total Proposed Bridge (Replace)= 03 Nos, Span of Bridge=100 m

 Total Proposed New Structure(Replace)= 13 Nos, Total Span=120.6 m

(2). Name of Road: Banka R&H - Gorpara G C - Bangdah G C Road., ID No: 241902005
 Total Existing Drainage Structure= 11 Nos
 Total Proposed New B.C Structure(Replace)= 04 Nos
 Total Proposed New B.C Structure (Newly) = 01 Nos, Span of B.C=4.6m
 Total Proposed Bridge(Replace)= 02 Nos, Span of Bridge=40 m
 Total Proposed New Structure(Replace)= 07 Nos, Total Span=44.6 m

Table 4.23: Inventory of structure on Sharsha GC-Gorpara GC Road
Length Year of
(Along Width Construction Si No. of Proposed
SL Chainage Type of Height
the (Transverse) (From Condition Reason For Poor Proposed Structure
No. (m) Structure (m)
Road) the Road (m) RSDMS) Structure (B*H*L)
0.6m x 0.6m
1) Existing Structure is
1 0+010 m Box Culvert 0.5 10 0.5 2010 Poor 1 x12m Box
poor and damaged.
1) Existing bridge
width is 4.40m but
constructed road width 40m RCC
2 0+367 m Bridge 13.50 4.40 0.46 1994 Poor 2
is 5.5m. Girder Bridge
2) To avoid road
1) Existing Structure is 1m x 1m
3 0+525 m 0.60 6.80 0.37 1997 Poor poor and damaged. 3 x10m Box
1) Abutment wall is 2m x 2m
4 1+225 m 1.90 6.70 1.68 2010 Poor damaged. 4 x7.3m Box
2) Top slab damage. Culvert
1) Existing culvert
width is 3.80m but
constructed road width 20m RCC
5 3+044 m Box Culvert 8.80 3.80 0.82 1984 Poor 5
is 5.5m. Girder Bridge
2)To avoid road
1) Existing bridge
width is3.66m but
2 Vent 4.5m
constructed road width
6 3+518 m Box Culvert 6.00 3.66 4.00 2001 poor 6 x 4m x7.3m
is 5.5m
Box Culvert
2) To avoid road
1) Abutment wall is 3m x 2m
7 3+554 m Box Culvert 3.00 3.00 2.00 1997 Poor damaged. 7 x7.3m Box
2) Top slab damage. Culvert

Length Year of
(Along Width Construction Si No. of Proposed
SL Chainage Type of Height
the (Transverse) (From Condition Reason For Poor Proposed Structure
No. (m) Structure (m)
Road) the Road (m) RSDMS) Structure (B*H*L)
8 4+275 m Box Culvert 3.80 7.00 2010 Good Good ,No need

1m x 1m
1) Existing Structure is
9 4+770 m Pipe Culvert 0.9 4.67 0.5 2002 Poor 8 x10m Box
poor and damaged.

10 5+175 m Box Culvert 2.50 6.70 1.68 Good Good ,No need
1m x 1m
1) Existing Structure is
11 5+900 m Pipe Culvert 0.9 7.12 0.5 2002 Poor 9 x10m Box
poor and damaged.
1) Brick sidewall is 1m x 1m
12 6+450 m Box Culvert 0.80 8.87 0.37 1989 Poor damaged. 10 x10m Box
2) Top slab damage. Culvert
1) Brick sidewall is 1m x 1m
13 7+286 m Box Culvert 0.90 7.93 0.57 1999 Poor damaged. 11 x10m Box
2) Top slab damage. Culvert
1) Brick sidewall is 1m x 1m
14 7+848 m Box Culvert 0.67 10.00 0.74 1989 Poor damaged. 12 x10m Box
2) Top slab damage. Culvert
1) Existing culvert
width is 3.80m but
2 vent Box constructed road width 40m RCC
15 8+667 m 10.30 3.80 4.00 2010 Poor 13
Culvert is 5.5m. Girder Bridge
2)To avoid road

Total Existing Drainage Structure= 15Nos Total Proposed New B.C Structure(Replace)= 11 Nos Span of B.C=20.6 m
Total Proposed Bridge(Replace)= 03 Nos Span of Bridge=100 m
Total Proposed New Structure(Replace)= 14 Nos Total Span=120.6 m

Table 4.24: Inventory of structure on Gorpara GC-Bangdah GC Road
Length Year of
(Along Width Construction Si No. of Proposed
SL Chainage Type of Height
the (Transverse) (From Condition Reason For Poor Proposed Structure
No. (m) Structure (m)
Road) the Road (m) RSDMS) Structure (B*H*L)
1 0+283 m 0.60 3.66 0.40 2013 Good Good ,No need
1) Brick sidewall is
1.0m x 1.0m
Pipe damaged.
2 0+745 m 1.00 7.80 1.00 1991 Poor 1 x10.0m Box
Culvert 2) Top slab
1) Brick sidewall is
1.0m x 1.0m
Box damaged.
3 1+480 m 0.63 6.00 0.30 1998 Poor 2 x10.0m Box
Culvert 2) Top slab
1) Brick sidewall is
1.0m x 1.0m
Box damaged.
4 1+586 m 0.60 4.00 0.30 1991 Poor 3 x10.0m Box
Culvert 2) Top slab
0.6m x 0.6m
5 2+100 m x10.0m Box
1) Existing bridge
width is 3.85m but
constructed road 20m RCC
6 3+080 m Bridge 13.80 3.85 3.72 2016 Poor width is 5.5m. 4 Girder
2)To avoid road Bridge

7 3+089 m Culvert 3.00 7.30 2.50 2013 Good Good ,No need

Length Year of
(Along Width Construction Si No. of Proposed
SL Chainage Type of Height
the (Transverse) (From Condition Reason For Poor Proposed Structure
No. (m) Structure (m)
Road) the Road (m) RSDMS) Structure (B*H*L)
1) Existing bridge
width is 3.70m but
constructed road 20m RCC
8 5+087 m Bridge 13.60 3.70 3.89 2013 Poor width is 5.5m. 5 Girder
2) To avoid road Bridge

9 5+606 m 3.00 9.00 3.41 2016 Good Good ,No need
10 6+707 m 4.00 8.00 4.02 2013 Good Good ,No need
11 7+873 m 4.00 8.00 3.24 2016 Good Good ,No need
1) Brick sidewall is
1m x 1m
Pipe damaged.
12 8+100 m 0.90 3.60 0.5 1991 Poor 6 x10m Box
Culvert 2) Top slab

Total Proposed New B.C Structure(Replace)= 04 Nos

Total Existing Drainage Structure= 11Nos Total Proposed New B.C Structure(Newly)= 01 Nos Span of B.C=4.6m
Total Proposed Bridge(Replace)= 02 Nos Span of Bridge=40 m
Total Proposed New Structure(Replace)= 07 Nos Total Span=44.6 m

The design has followed the required specification, and assumptions are based on the tested
and pragmatic approaches applied to similar structures. It followed a consultation with the
experienced consultants, executive agency and spatial attributes in design process.

4.4.24 Rational for dismantling the proposed bridges and culverts

The bridges were built to meet the earlier CVD, so the carriageway width was kept less than
5.5m. However, the crest width of the roads to be constructed across the bridges has been
designed as 7.3m. The bridges also do not have footpath on it for walking passengers. Due to
the age, the structure has loose its strength, so have been recommended for dismantling.

Figure 4.25: Proposed Box Culvert for replacement (ID-2001)

Figure 4.26: Proposed Culvert for New Construction (ID-2005)

Figure 4.27: Proposed Box Culvert for replacement (ID-2005)

Old box culverts have been proposed for replacement. Most of the culverts were constructed
around 20-30 years before. In most cases, abutment of these culverts was made of brick
masonry and RCC work by brick chips. Carriageway width is less than 3.6m or up to 3.60m
which is not adequate. On the other hand, to match with the proposed crest width of the road
and considering road safety, the new box culverts have been proposed.

The design assumption contains no major features to be innovative. Instead, it is based on well
tested and pragmatic approaches to similar projects which we used in the earlier Bridges. It
blends teamwork from experienced consultants with a high degree of consultation with the
executive agency, and places considerable emphasis on gaining consensus at the decision-
making points in the investigation and design process.

4.5 Calculation of Retaining Wall

5.1 Introduction

Transport is the backbone of economic activities of a nation; and in a developing country, the
road transport plays the most dynamic role. However, deaths and injuries from road traffic
sector are a major and growing public health epidemic. Every year more than 1.35 million
people die and another 50 million become injured or permanently disabled due to road traffic
crashes around the world. It is thus not surprising that road traffic injuries are the leading cause
of death for people aged 15–29 years globally, and half of them are vulnerable road users. The
economic loss due to road traffic accidents is about 1-3% of GDP, which is more than the
economic assistance received by these countries. In Bangladesh, about 3,500 people die and
another 5,000 are injured each year; however, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates
the number of fatalities could well be more than 24,000. The fatality rate from road traffic crash
per 1, 00,000 people in Bangladesh is 13.6 which is below the global average rate 17.6 but
larger than European Union as 9.3. In terms of registered motor vehicles, the fatality rate for
10000 motorized vehicles is about 102 which are about 50 times more compared to 2 in USA,
1.4 in UK and 3.3 in New Zealand. Although, Bangladesh has the lowest motorization level,
only 30 motor vehicles for 10000 people as compared with 7970 motor vehicles in USA, 4260
motor vehicles in UK and 5600 motor vehicles in New Zealand. The road traffic safety is
generally governed by three prime factors: - the road, the vehicle, and the road user. The
present crash data recording and reporting system concentrates mainly on National, Regional,
and Zila roads (RHD road network); and is leaving the rural roads uncared for- although the
total network of rural roads is larger than the prior road network. Moreover the growth of
motorized and non- motorized traffic is increasing rapidly not only on RHD road networks but
also on rural roads. Studies regarding road safety are available mainly for highways but not for
rural roads.

Situation of road safety in Bangladesh is the poorest with respect to the registered vehicles in
the world and has earned the questionable distinction of having more number of fatalities due
to road accidents which is emerging as a major social concern. On the other hand, road users
are heterogeneous in nature, ranging from pedestrians, animal driven carts, bi-cycles,
rickshaws, and tractor trolleys, to various categories of two/three wheelers, motor cars, buses,
trucks, and multi-axle commercial vehicles etc.

Therefore, it is now a key concern for the holistic assessment of rural road safety, and for safer
connectivity considering the deficiencies of geometric dimensions as well. This study is aligned
to achieve that vision and would be helpful to establish a safe and sound rural connectivity to
accelerate the poverty alleviation as per the Vision 2021, 2041 of the Government of
Bangladesh; and to attain the targets of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.
It would also identify the improvement policy of rural roads, capacity, and implication policy
of the respective organizations.

5.2 Statement of the problems

Road transportation plays a vital role in providing accessibility and mobility that contributes to
the socio-economic development of a country. In 1984 the Government of Bangladesh has
outlined its rural development strategy, focusing on the development of infrastructure including
roads, markets, storage facilities and minor irrigation for reduction of poverty. Since then, the
improved roads (including rural roads) and other infrastructure, through Governments’
agencies, have created opportunities for economic growth and poverty reduction through a
range of mechanisms. For better planning, improvement and maintenance, the road system of
Bangladesh was then classified by the Planning Commission through its Gazette Notification
in 2003 into six categories and fixed the ownership and responsibilities for the concerned
government organizations. The two engineering department such as Local Government
Engineering Department (LGED) and the Department of Roads and Highways (RHD) are
mainly responsible for construction, improvement and maintenance of the road system. LGED
is responsible for Upazila Roads, Union Roads and Village Roads. These three classes of roads
are termed as “Rural Roads”. The total length of the road networks in Bangladesh is about
3,54,891 km. Of which about 21,302 km. belongs to Roads and Highways Department (RHD)
and the remaining 3,33,589 km. in LGED. In the meantime about 40% of rural roads have been
improved by LGED.

But most of the rural roads, however, are not capable to carry present traffic volume due to
insufficient pavement width and non-uniform cross section along with environmental road side
hazards. Moreover motorized and non-motorized traffic are increasing day by day not only on
highways but also on rural roads. Also, due to the lack of knowledge of understanding of road
safety and want of awareness of road users, safety improvement measures are not served
efficiently and effectively for rural roads. While rural roads are not yet recognized as the
riskiest in Bangladesh in terms of road safety, safety concerns however exist, such as, instances
of dangerous overtaking, overloading, and combination of slow and fast moving traffic and
abundance of non-motorized vehicles with very poor night visibility (rickshaws). Moreover no
traffic crash data of rural roads is available but from the different report, it is found that about
10%-15% accidents may occur on these roads. Different initiatives have been taken to improve
the road safety of rural roads, such as placing traffic signs, signals and markings; but, these
initiatives do not cover the whole country as per requirements.

So road safety for rural roads is becoming a public health problem with the raising of
motorization and urbanization. These problems have received less attention in comparison with
highways and urban roads. Although the share of road accidents of rural roads is not significant
with respect to the length of rural roads and exposure of rural people but this insignificant
number may be significant day by day for the following causes:

i. Increasing demand of high speed traffic on rural roads

ii. Increasing economic activities of rural people
iii. Growing number of motorization
iv. Growing number of formal as well as informal traffic
v. Improving rural roads without maintaining geometric standards as per traffic
vi. Improving rural roads without considering facilities for vulnerable roads users
vii. Lack of proper maintenance of rural roads
viii. Deteriorating road side environmental hazards

Therefore, it is now essential to improve road safety of the rural roads for making a safe and
sound rural connectivity to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3.6 target of a
50% reduction in national road crash fatalities.

5.3 Road safety audit for identification of road safety issues

The package consists of two rural roads at Sharsha Upazila of Jashore district. For identification
of road safety issues, the consultant has prepared a Road Safety Audit (RSA) Checklist for
rural roads with reviewing different road safety audit manuals and has formed a road safety
audit team with three members. The RSA checklist has attached with the report separately. The
team inspected two alignments and found the following deficiencies of the road safety features.

5.3.1 Overall Findings from RSA
Geometric Problems:
 Lack of Super elevation on Curve
 No extra widening at bend
 Lack of shoulder/Occupied shoulder
 Sudden shoulder drop and Pavement edge drop
 Uncontrolled access at bend/curve/bridge approach
 Deep side slope/ditch without guard rail
 Narrow Bridge or Culvert
 Hazardous Bridge Approach/abutment
 No pedestrian facility on bridge/culvert
 Unprotected/unshielded bridge/culvert parapets
 Improper speed hump without sign and marking
 Lack of Drainage facility
 No overtaking/passing facility/zone
 No loading and unloading facility
 No parking facility

Road Side Environmental Problems:

 Vision obstruction
 Low sight distance at curve and intersection
 Illegal use of road including construction materials on road
 Vendor on road
 Lack of proper road edge or centerline marking
 Wrong/Lack of appropriate sign
 No delineator or chevron sign for curve
 Lack of maintenance existing traffic sign/inconsistence traffic sign
 Damaged or Rough surface
 Damaged or Rough pavement side
 Unsafe delineator before/after bridge
 Lack of guard rail
 Unsafe concrete bollard
 Road side bill board

 Bazar/ permanent shop at junction corner point
 Landslide beside the road
 Rough/pot hole on road surface
 Gravel/stone on road
 Open Drain
 Steep slopes/cliffs but no delineation or marking
 Large trees or electric pole on road side without sufficient setback
 Lack of maintenance of road Furniture
 Gap between road surface and rail track
 Unnecessary gap between elements/discontinuity

Road User Behaviors:

 Shoulders are occupied by roadside inhabitants for household activities
 Sometimes local people use the carriageway to dry their crops
 Sudden entry of children from roadside house to road yards
 Huge pedestrian activities in bazaar area, especially in hat day
 People are not aware about the safety and take the risk while using the road
 Community participation regarding road safety was also found in some places,
but that was not enough and unguided.
 On road parking
 Overtaking without proper signal
 Overloading/Unstable Loading
 Local activities on road
 Long distance walking by school children
 Walking and Crossing of vendors, daily shopkeepers etc.

Special Accident Prone Road Segments in LGED Roads

 Sharp Curves
 Long straight section
 Narrow bridge section
 Intersections
 Level crossing
 Hat-Bazar area
 School area

5.4 Findings from RSA
Table 5.1: Sharsha GC - Gorpara GC Road
Reason for
Sl. Name of Item Nos. Chainage Remarks
Cautionary, Road Sign will be
Compulsory, installed in the bend,
Informative Road Sign double bend, narrow
1 113 bridge, speed limit,
∆ Precautionary - 93
⃝ Compulsory - 10 intersection point,
□ Informative – 10 school, mosque,
mondir, health center,
railway crossings etc.
2 Road Marking
and design followed
according to LGED
Pedestrian Crossing/ For the Safety Directives
3 safety of
Zebra-Crossing Road hump designed
road & according to LGED
4 Rail Crossing Sign market specifications where
users, necessary
5 Rumble Strips Indicated
traders, Guide Post provided at
in the
6 Road Hump 2 vehicle sharp curve and bridge
Guide Post at Curve owner, approaches & designed
7 Portion/Bridge 88 driver, according to LGED
Approach students, specifications
Road Intersection - 08 service Provision for Super
8 provider, elevation kept in the
Junction Treatment - 25
Sharp Curve for super etc. design where curve
9 radius is less than 67m
and will be
10 Kilometer Post 10
implemented during
construction period
11 Road Name Plate 1 treatment designed
according to LGED
Road Design Standard

Table 5.2: Gorpara G C - Bangdah G C Road.
Reason for
Sl. Name of Item Nos. Chainage Remarks
Cautionary, Road Sign will be
Compulsory, installed in the bend,
Informative Road Sign double bend, narrow
1 65 bridge, speed limit,
∆ Precautionary - 45
intersection point,
⃝ Compulsory - 10 school, mosque,
mondir, health center,
□ Informative – 10 railway crossings etc.
and design followed
2 Road Marking according to LGED
Safety Directives
For the
Pedestrian Crossing/ Road hump designed
3 safety of
Zebra-Crossing according to LGED
road &
market specifications where
4 Rail Crossing Sign
users, necessary
5 Rumble Strips traders,
in the Guide Post provided at
6 Road Hump 2 safety sharp curve and bridge
drawings approaches & designed
Guide Post at Curve driver,
according to LGED
7 Portion/Bridge 174 students,
Approach service
provider, Provision for Super
Road Intersection - 08 etc. elevation kept in the
8 33
Junction Treatment - 25 design where curve
radius is less than 67m
Sharp Curve for super and will be
elevation implemented during
10 Kilometer Post 7 construction period
treatment designed
11 Road Name Plate 1 according to LGED
Road Design Standard

5.4.1 Specifications and Design of Road Safety Features
All road safety features are designed following LGED’s Road Safety Manual and those are
described in the table below.

Table 5.3: Rural road safety measures and its specifications

Sl.No. Road Safety Specification Location
1 Road Hump *length → full Pavement width * 50m ahead from both
*Width → 1.2m to 1.8m end
*height → 150mm *Signboard 100m ahead
*slope → flat/round from either end or
*color → white marking on top suitable location.
*cost → according to LGEDs rate *Bazar/Rail crossing
2 Rumble *series of typically four to six strips *Social, educational,
Strip *Made of graded stone chips with hot health etc. infrastructure.
bituminous mix.(premix ) *Minimum 50m before
*Length :carriage width length from either end or
*width of strip: 150mm suitable location.
*height of each strip: 13mm
*color: white paint on top
*cost: According to LGEDs rate
3 Road *Edge line *Starting to ending
Marking: *Center line
*5 to 7 mm width
*Thermoplastic compound including
* cost: According to LGED rate
4 Cautionary *600mm equilateral triangle with *Before and after
road sign 671mm *202mm Supplementary warning object
plate. *100m ahead from both
*Sheet thickness =18 BWG end or suitable location.
*Frame :25mm*25mm*3mm angle
*Fitted with 50mm dia and 2.9mm
thick MS pipe
*Height=2.87m from ground level
*0.6m below ground level fitted by
concrete foundation
*Retro-reflecting paint.
5 Compulsory *600 mm circular plate * Before and after
road sign 600mm *202mm with Supplementary informative Object

Sl.No. Road Safety Specification Location
*Sheet thickness =18 BWG *100m had from both
*Frame :25mm*25mm*3mm angle end
*Fitted with 50mm dia and 2.9mm
thick MS pipe
*Height=2.87m from ground level
*0.6m below ground level fitted by
concrete foundation
*Retro-reflecting paint.
6 Informative *810mm*480mm rectangular plate. *before and after all
road sign *Sheet thickness =18 BWG informative object
*Frame :25mm*25mm*3mm angle *100m ahead from both
*Fitted with 50mm dia and 2.9mm end
thick MS pipe
*Height=2.87m from ground level
*0.6m below ground level fitted by
concrete foundation
*Retro-reflecting paint
7 Speed limit *Sheet thickness =18 BWG *local
sign *Frame :25mm*25mm*3mm angle
*Fitted with 50mm dia and 2.9mm
thick MS pipe
*Height=2.87m from ground level
*0.6m below ground level fitted by
concrete foundation
*Retro-reflecting paint
8 Intersection * intersection with circular curve *LGED – LGED road
treatment *intersection with composite curve intersection
*According to design *LGED – RHD road
9 Super *According to curve radius * curve portion of the
elevation road where needed
and extra
10 Guide post *precast RCC post 200m dia * curve portion of the
* length 1.7m road
*above ground level = 1.0m *bridge approach
*below ground level = 0.7m *road side
*300mm *200mm base river/pond/ditch
*1.5mm *300mm c/c
*4.12mm dia deformed bar
*8mm dia stirrup@ 150mm c/c

Sl.No. Road Safety Specification Location
11 Painting of *two coats of reflecting All bridges and culverts
bridge / *color (White and Red)
culvert Rail
bar & Rail
12 Road name *RCC plate firmly with ground by brick *At starting and End
plate work . point of the road.
*length of the plate 1050mm
*height of the plate 1200mm
*thickness of the plate 75mm
*7nos 12mm dia MS rod vertically
*8 NOS 10mm dia MS rod horizontally
*background color: yellow
*writings = black
13 Kilometer *RCC plate firmly fixed with ground * @ 1000m c/c
post by brick work .
*length of the plate = 600mm
* height of the plate = 1275mm
*thickness of the plate =75mm
*reinforcement :4 NOS 12mm dia MS
steel vertically and 7 NOS 10mm dia
rod horizontally.
*background color – yellow
*Writes color black
14 Bus bay / *length = 15.0 m Where implementable.
Passenger *width = 5.0 m

5.5 Design Specifications of Road Hump, Rumble Strips,

Figure 5.1: Traffic calming measure (road hump)

Figure 5.2: Traffic calming measure (Rumble Strips)

Figure 5.3: Typical super-elevation

Figure 5.4: Typical intersection treatment

Figure 5.5 Dimensions of Guide Post

Figure 5.6: Delineators/guidepost, reflector on road side objects

Figure 5.7: Improvement of level-crossing with gate

Figure 5.8: Intersection treatment

Figure 5.9: T-Intersection widened with compound curves

Figure 5.10: Typical 4-legged intersection widening with compound curve

Figure 5.11: Typical T-intersection treatment

Figure 5.12: Slope protection with RCC poles

5.6 Estimate Preparation of Road Safety Features

We consider all safety items during preparation of estimates according to LGED specification
and schedule of rates. Nevertheless, if any issue regarding safety is identified in the later stage
must be minimized during implementation. Safety remarks

 Increasing traffic crash on rural roads has been a major concern to road users, so the
road design must accommodate
 Geometric features play major roles in creating traffic crash.
 Due to non-availability of crash data, actual safety condition of RRs is unknown.
 Most of the RRs are single lane with narrow or without shoulders, so VRUs facing
trouble situation.
 Road Safety Committees for RRs at different levels are not active.
 LGED is taking initiatives for making double lane roads, in that case, traffic speed may
be increased, crash frequency may also increase if appropriate safety measures are not
 Improvement of Road Safety needs a systematic management tool that has been widely
adapted around the world.
 iRAP methodology is valuable tools to identify the safety status of roads.
 The Star Rating/ Road Protection Score is a valid risk measure for crash experience.

The roads have been designed with effective and adequate road furniture, for instance, road
marking, guard rails, traffic signage, etc. Sufficient offset distance from natural roadside
features has been maintained and sharp curves have been widened in the inner sides. Passing
lanes and bus bays have been provided wherever convenient. Properly designed traffic calming
devices like speed humps; rumble strips, etc. have been used wherever applicable.

The road intersections have been channelized with the provision of stacking lanes and adequate
turning radii. In the case of LGED and RHD road intersections, the traffic will move through
acceleration and deceleration lane.

A local road safety plan (LRSP) provides a framework for identifying, analysing, and
prioritizing roadway safety improvements on local roads. The LRSP development process and
content are tailored to local issues and needs. The process results in a prioritized list of issues,
risks, actions, and improvements that can be used to reduce fatalities and serious injuries on

the local road network. While rural roads are less travelled than national highways, they have
a much higher rate of fatal and serious injury crashes. Developing an LRSP is an effective
strategy to improve local road safety for all road users and support the goals of a State's overall
strategic highway safety plan. Although the development process and resulting plan can vary
depending on the local agency's needs, available resources, and targeted crash types, aspects
common to LRSPs include:

 Stakeholder engagement representing the engineering, enforcement, education, and

emergency medical services, as appropriate.
 Collaboration among municipal, county, Tribal, State and/or Federal entities to leverage
expertise and resources.
 Identification of target crash types and crash risk with corresponding recommended
proven safety countermeasures.
 Timeline and goals for implementation and evaluation.

5.7 Road Amenity/Bus Bay

A few bus-bays/ passenger-sheds have been proposed for construction under this package. At
the beginning and ending points of either side of the road, a bus-bay/passenger shed will be
constructed. Considering the existing structures, it has been proposed at the following chain-

Table 5.4: Passenger sheds under the package

Sl. No. Road Name and Road ID Chainage Location
1 Sharsha GC - Gorpara GC Road 0+567 LS
(241902001) 11+974 RS
2 Gorpara GC - Bangdah C Road. 6+050 RS

Construction materials and sourcing of it are critical for durable road and structure. Quality
materials offer a longer life to roads and structures, thus the sourcing of quality materials should
get due consideration. The following sections provide specifications for major construction
materials, particularly soil, cement, stone chips and bitumen that are important for construction
of roads, structures and GCM.

6.1 Earth Filling

Soil quality: Tests have been carried out for soil at 1 km interval of each road, and at points
where new structures will be constructed. It satisfies the following criteria:

 Liquid limit of fraction passing 425 micron sieve does not exceed 50%;
 Plasticity index of fraction passing 425 micron sieve does not exceed 20%;
 The dry density after compaction in layers more than 300mm below top level is not
less than 90% of the maximum dry density;
 The dry density after compaction within 300mm below the top level (or such greater
depth if shown on the plans and drawings) is not less than 95% maximum dry
density as determined in accordance with STP T4.5;
 Soaked (4 day) CBR is greater than 4% at 95% MDD; and
 The moisture content is optimum in the soil.

Availability: The soil of the project area is suitable for the construction of roads. For raising
the plinth level and widening of roads, additional filling materials (sand/soil) will be collected
from nearby river beds and unproductive land. It is noted that, productive agricultural land
(double cropped land) and topsoil will not be used for the construction of Roads. It should be
ensured that, the contractor will collect soil/sand from government designated legal sources
(e.g., Balumahal Ejara) to avoid environmental and social impact as well as avoid reducing the
agricultural production in the project area.

Stockpiling: Soil will be stockpiled on a nearby land, which can be rented.

Risk: The contractor may face a moderate level risk, associated with soil source and getting
vacant land available for stockpiling.

Risk mitigation: The contractor will find the alternative source of soil, if such a situation

6.2 Embankment and Roadway Excavation
 Excavated materials shall be the property of the LGED;
 It shall be classified as suitable and unsuitable for use;
 To be suitable as filling material, the soil must not contain roots, sod, or other
deleterious materials;
 The Different type of salvaged materials shall be stockpiled separately on the nearby
site; and
 The Contractor shall remain responsible for these until such time as they are disposed
of by instruction of the Engineer.

6.3 Cement
Quality of Cement

 The ‘Ordinary Portland’ cement (CEM 1) will be used for the construction of roads and
structures. A typical composition of Portland cement is as follows: CaO (65%), SiO2
(25.5%), Al2O3 (5.9%), Fe2O3 0 (6%), MgO (1.1%) and SO3 (0.1%);
 Portland cement Type-1 conforms the requirement of ASTM C-150;
 Such cement complies with the requirements of BDS EN 197-1:2000 CEM-I 52.5 N
 It can gain strength very fast, above 3000 psi within 3 days. The compressive strength
and tensile strength of standard cubes and briquettes are as follows:

Days Compressive strength Tensile strength (N/mm2)

3 12.4 1.0
7 19.3 1.9
28 27.6 2.4

 This type of cement does not contain extra additive, so free from unsoundness;
 Insoluble residue is less than 1.0%, ensuring high quality of clinker and gypsum and
free from foreign particles; and
 Weight of individual bag containing cement shall be 50 kg and weight of all bags shall
be uniform. Weight of cement shall be legibly marked on each bag. Bags in broken or
damaged condition shall be rejected.

Availability of Cement: Ordinary Portland cement can be readily available at the project

Storage of Cement

 Cement shall be delivered at the Site in sound and properly sealed jute/paper bags, each
plainly marked with manufactures name or registered mark. Cement shall be well
protected from weather by tarpaulins or other approved cover during transit;
 The Contractor shall provide waterproof and well-ventilated godowns at approved
location having a floor of wood raised platform at minimum 450mm above the ground
to protect the cement against moisture. Sheds shall be large enough to allow a minimum
300mm gap between the stacked cement and the godown walls to store cement in
sufficient quantity to ensure continuity of work and to permit each consignment to be
stacked separately therein to permit easy access for inspection. All storage facilities
shall be subject to approval by the Engineer; and
 Cement shall be stored in the godowns with adequate provisions to prevent absorption
of moisture. Contractor shall use the consignments in the order in which they are
received. Cement delivered to the Site by the supplier or manufacturer, shall be stored
in bags. Cement shall be used immediately after opening. Cement shall not be stored in
a godown for more than three months. Unused cement shall be removed from the Site.

Quality Control

 A certificate showing the place of manufacture and the results of standard tests carried
out on the bulk supply from which the cement will be collected must accompany each
consignment of cement delivered to the site.
 Cement of doubtful quality shall not be used in the work until it has been tested. The
Engineer shall make necessary tests if the cement has deteriorated in any manner during
transit or storage.
 The Engineer shall carry out sampling, inspection and testing of all cement if necessary.
Samples shall be taken as instructed from the Site store or any places where cement is
used for incorporation in the Work.
 Initial setting time shall be not less than 45 minutes and the final setting time shall be
not more than 8 hours.
 Cement, when tested for fineness, shall have a specific surface of not less than 160 m

 Cement when tested for soundness shall not have an expansion of more than 10 mm.
 The unit weight of cement shall be a minimum of 14.16 KN/m3.
 The Engineer may reject any cement as the result of any tests thereof notwithstanding
the manufacturer’s certificate. The Engineer may also reject cement, which has
deteriorated owing to inadequate protection or from other causes where the cement is
not to his satisfaction. The Contractor shall remove at his cost all rejected cement from
the Site without delay.

6.4 Bitumen Grade

 60-70 grade bitumen has been proposed for construction of roads under WeCARE
projects. Previously, LGED used 80-100 grade bitumen in road surfacing work.
However, softer grade (80-100) bitumen is more sensitive to heavy load & hot
temperature in Bangladesh, which leads premature rutting & cracking. 60/70 grade
bitumen is self-adhesive and water proofing, also can sustain in a hot summer weather.
 However, bitumen of same penetration grade, does not behave similar when the sources
are different. To overcome this problem, the grade classification by penetration of
bitumen has already been abolished in most countries of the world.

Availability: Bitumen can be imported from Eastern Refinery, Chattogram.

Quality Control

 Grading based on viscosity at 60℃ shall be tested.

 Bitumen Grade 60-70 (compacted pre-mixed bituminous carpeting shall be prepared
using 25mm downgraded crushed stone chips (LAA<= 30%).

6.5 Stone Chips

Quality of stone chips

 Stone chips will be used in construction and shall be of size # 2-3 (retained on screens
6mm and 19mm mesh).
 The chips shall be of uniform color and texture and shall be made from marble stone,
having following properties:

Criteria Standard
Compressive strength 562 – 844 kg/cm2
Specific gravity 2.72
Unit weight 2563 – 2724 kg/m3

 Dust shall consist of finely grounded marble stone and 90% shall pass sieve # 100.
 The quality of the stone chip is better than the required specifications.

Availability: In general, stone chips would be collected from the Benapole, Bhomra and Sona
Masjid Land Ports. The available stone chips used in the project areas have LAA value ranging
from 20.7 to 22.2 and the water absorption capacity varies from .9% to 1.7%. Please see the
table below.

Table 6.1: LAA and water absorption capacity

Location LAA value Water Absorption Capacity
Magura 20.7 0.9%
Jashore 22.2 1.3% -1.7%
Jashore 27.0 -

6.6 Reinforcement

 Mild Steel bar will be used for structures, which is plain and round or deformed in shape
of a structural or intermediate grade conforming to ASTM Specification A 510 or A
615 with a yield strength of not less than 280 MPa (N/mm2) i.e. 40 grade.
 High strength deformed rod will also be used, comprises Grade-60 Deformed re-bars.
 The steel shall conform to ASTM Specification A 617M or A 615M of yield strength
not less than 420 MPa (N/mm2). The structural grade shall be made from billets. The
ends of the bar shall be machine sheared perpendicular to the axis of the bar. The bars
shall be free from injurious defects and shall have a workman like finish.
 Pre-stressing reinforcement shall comprise of high strength seven wire strand, high
strength steel wire or high strength alloy bars conforming grade and type as shown on
the Drawings.
 Un-coated seven-wire strand shall conform to the specifications of AASHTO M 203.
 Un-coated stress-relieved steel wire shall conform to the specifications of AASHTO M
 Un-coated high-strength bars shall conform to the specifications of AASHTO M 275.

Cleaning & storage

 Steel reinforcement bars and structural steel shall be stored in a way to prevent
distortion, corrosion, scaling and rusting. Reinforcement bars and structural steel
sections shall be coated with cement wash before stacking, especially in humid areas.
In the case of long time storage or storage in coastal areas, reinforcement bars and steel
sections shall be stacked at least 200mm above the ground level.
 Steel sections shall be stacked upon platforms, skids or any other suitable supports. Bars
of different sizes and lengths and structural sections shall be stored separately to
facilitate issues in required sizes and lengths without cutting from standard lengths.
Ends of bars and sections of each type shall be painted with separate designated colors.
 Tag line shall be used to control the load in handling reinforcing bars or structural steel
when a crane is used. Heavy steel sections and bundles of reinforcing bars shall be lifted
and carried with the help of slings and tackles.
 All bars, prior to its use, shall be cleaned with wire brush to make them free from nail
scale, loose rust, dirt, paint, oil, grease or other foreign substances.
 Bars of reduced sectional area to excessive rust shall be rejected.
 All reinforcing steel shall be stored properly under shed not to be contaminated by oil,
grease, dirt or mud. All stacking and storing of bars shall be the Contractor’s
responsibility and contingent upon his Tender.
 Pre-stressing steel and anchorage

6.7 Bricks

 Bricks shall be manufactured from clay or shale or a combination of these materials and
shall be uniformly burnt throughout. They shall be hard and sound and give a clear
metallic ring when struck with a small hammer or another brick and should not break
when dropped to the earth from a height of 1.5m with one brick above another in the
formation of a ‘T’. The surface should be too hard to be scratched with the fingernail.
 Bricks shall be stacked on dry firm ground in regular tiers. Each stack shall comprise
50 bricks in length and 10 bricks in height, the bricks being placed on edge. The width
of each stack shall be formed with two bricks. Clear distance between adjacent stacks
shall be not less than 800mm.
 Bricks shall be loaded or un-loaded with care, and shall not be thrown or dumped. They
shall be carried from the stack to the Site of placement in small batches as and when
 First Class Bricks shall comply with the following requirements:

Appearance: Sound, hard and well burnt, uniform in size, shape and color, homogeneous in
texture and shall have plane rectangular faces with parallel sides and sharp straight right-angled

edges. This shall be of uniform color (generally deep red or copper), homogeneous in texture
and free from cracks, flaws and nodules of free lime. A fractured surface shall show a uniform
compact structure free from holes, lumps or grits and shall emit clear metallic sound when
struck. When scratched by steel or nails, there should be no permanent mark on the surface.
Unit Weight Unit weight to be determined by breaking bricks to the following sizes

Table 6.2: Sieve Size and weight

Sieve Sizes (mm) % of sample Min weight (gm)
Passing Retained
38 25 25 750
25 19 25 750
19 12.5 25 750
12.5 9.5 25 750
Crushing strength 170kg/ (average) but not less than 140 kg/
in any individual brick
Max water absorption 15% of dry weight
Effloresce Nil
Dimensions (+/-3mm) 240mm x 115mm x 70 mm

Picked Jhama Bricks: shall be over-brunt first class bricks, uniformly vitrified throughout
with good shape, hard, slightly black in colour and without cracks or spongy areas. Water
absorption, as a percentage of the dry weight, shall not exceed 15%. Crushing strength should
be on average 210 kg/cm2, but not less than 170 kg/cm2 in any individual bricks. All other
requirements for First Class Bricks shall also apply to Picked Jhama Bricks.

First Class Machine Made Bricks shall be thoroughly burnt and shall have plane rectangular
faces with parallel sides and sharp straight right-angled edges. They shall be of uniform color
(generally deep red or copper), homogeneous in texture and free from cracks, flaws and nodules
of free lime. A fractured surface shall show a uniform compact structure free from limps and
grits of holes. Other requirements of the First Class Machine Made Bricks shall comply with
the following requirements:

Table 6.3: First class bricks and specifications

Criteria Standard
Min crushing strength 210kg/sq, cm
Max water absorption 10% of dry weight
Efflorescence Nil
Dimensions (+/-5mm) 200mm x 100mm x 50mm

Perforated bricks shall meet the following specifications:

Table 6.4: Minimum compressive strength on gross area

Multi-core brick 70 kg/cm2.
10-hole engineering bricks 210 kg/cm2
Maximum size of perforation 645 mm2
Minimum number of perforation 2
Along the width of brick 6
Along the length of brick 16 mm
Minimum wall thickness 10 mm
Between brick edge and perforation
Between adjacent perforation
Maximum water absorption 12% of dry weight.
Efflorescence Nil.
Dimension 241mmx114mm x 70mm.

The perforations may be of any regular shape in cross-section. In case of a rectangular section,
the larger dimension shall be parallel to the longer side of brick. Dimension of perforation
measured parallel to the plane of the shorter side shall not be more than 16 mm except in case
of circular shape of the perforation in which case it may be allowed up to 20mm. Total area of
perforation shall not exceed 45% of the total area of corresponding faces of the brick.

In all other respects the perforated bricks shall conform to the specifications of the First Class
Machine Made Bricks.

Table 6.5: Clinker brick specifications

Specifications standard
Minimum compressive strength 562 kg/cm2
Minimum modulus of rupture 42 kg/cm2
Maximum water absorption 12% - 15% of dry weight.
Efflorescence Nil.
Dimension 203mm x 102mm x 51mm.

Clinker bricks shall be manufactured by dry process and burnt to a higher temperature and shall
be uniformly vitrified to a dark copper tone. Arises shall be square, straight and sharply defined.

6.8 Aggregates

 Aggregates shall be hard, strong, durable, dense and free from injurious amount of
adherent coatings, clay, lumps, dust, soft or flaky particles, shell, mica, alkali, organic
matter and other deleterious substances. The sizes of particles of which an aggregate is
composed of shall be uniformly distributed throughout the mass.
 Testing of aggregates shall be in accordance with BS 812 or ASTM C-136. Approval
of a source of aggregate by the Engineer shall not be construed as constituting the
approval of all materials to be taken from that source and the Contractor shall be
responsible for the specified quantity and quality of all such materials used in the Work.
Aggregates shall not be obtained from sources, which have not been approved by the
 The Contractor shall provide means of storing aggregates at each point where concrete
is made such that: (1) aggregates shall be stored on a hard and dry patch of ground
covered with a 50mm thick layer of lean concrete; (2) each nominal size of coarse
aggregate and the fine aggregate shall be kept separated at all times; and (3)
contamination of the aggregates by the ground or other foreign materials shall be
effectively always prevented.
 The Contractor shall make available to the Engineer such samples of the aggregate as
he may require. Such samples shall be collected at the point of discharge of aggregate
to the batching plant/mixer machine. If any such sample does not conform with the
Specifications, the aggregate shall promptly be removed from the Site and the
Contractor shall carry out such modifications to the supply and storage arrangements
as may be necessary to secure compliance with the Specifications.
 Coarse aggregate shall be obtained from breaking hard durable rock or gravel or Picked
Jhama Bricks, which conform to the requirements of AASHTO Standard Specifications
M-80. Coarse aggregate shall be clean, free from dust and other deleterious materials.
The grading of the coarse aggregate shall be such that when combined with the
approved fine aggregate and cement, it shall produce a workable concrete of maximum
 Aggregate pieces shall be angular in shape and have granular or crystalline or smooth,
but not glossy non-powdery surfaces. Maximum allowable limits of deleterious
substances that shall not be exceeded for coarse aggregate are shown in the following

Table 6.6: Materials and Mass Percentage

Material Mass Percent

Soft fragments 2.00
Clay lumps 0.25
0.50 for clay
Material passing the 0.075mm sieve
1.50 for fracture dust
Thin or elongated pieces: Flakiness
index (STP T 7.13) less than

The Aggregate Crushing Value (STP T 7.7) shall be less than 30% or the 10% Fine Value (STP
T 7.8) shall be greater than 150 kn. Grading for nominal size coarse aggregate shall comply
with the following ASTM C-33 standard gradations:

Table 6.7: 20 mm nominal size coarse aggregate

Sieve Size (mm) % Passing by

25 100
19 90-100
12.50 20-55
9.50 0-15
4.75 0-5

Table 6.8: 40 mm nominal size coarse aggregate

Sieve Size (mm) % Passing by Weight

50 100
37.5 95-100
19 35-70
9.5 10-30
4.75 0-5

 Coarse aggregate subject to five cycles of the Soundness Test, specified in ASTM C88,
shall not show a loss exceeding 10% when Magnesium Sulphate solution is used except
where otherwise approved.
 The flakiness and elongation indices of the predominant size fractions in each single
sized coarse aggregate, determined in accordance with BS 812, shall not exceed 20%
and 35% by weight respectively.
 Aggregate for use in concrete which is subject to abrasion and impact shall comply with
the Test requirements of BS 812 and the Specification of BS 63 Part 1 and BS 63 Part
2 and BS 882 respectively.

 Coarse aggregate shall be tested for drying shrinkage characteristics in accordance with
BRS Digest No. 35.
 Coarse aggregate shall be stored at Site in such a manner that it is not contaminated by
fine aggregate, earth or other foreign matter. Adequate precautions shall be taken to
prevent segregation of the coarse aggregate while it is being transported and stacked.
 Stone aggregate: The boulders to be used as coarse aggregate in concrete shall be
composed of limestone, sandstone, granite, trap rock or rock of similar nature and shall
have the following properties:

Table 6.9: Stone aggregate –criteria and standard

Criteria Standard
Compressive strength (minimum) 490 kg/cm2
Specific gravity 2.4 – 2.7
Unit-weight 2245 – 2566 kg/cum
Porosity 2 – 6%
Water absorption 1.5 – 5% by weight

 The boulder shall be of uniform light colour as approved and shall be free from thin
lamination, adherent coatings and deleterious substances. The wear loss of coarse
aggregate of all types shall not exceed 35% by weight when tested by the Los Angles
Abrasion Test.
 The boulders shall be supplied in sizes that can be handled manually by one person.
Stock piling shall be such as to permit ready identification of the materials and shall be
approved by the Engineer. Site for stockpiles shall be clean prior to storing materials.
The stockpiles shall be built up in layers not to exceed 1.22m in height and each layer
shall be inspected before the next layer is started. The crushed boulder chips shall be
stacked in accordance with the specified sizes in different stacks as directed by the
Engineer. Height of each stack should not exceed 33% of the minimum base dimension
of the stack.
 Brick aggregate shall be as far practically as possible of uniform specific gravity. Blown
bricks or unevenly burnt bricks shall not be crushed for the purpose of providing
aggregates. Best possible first class picked jhama bricks of selected quality only shall
be allowed for crushing.
 Brick aggregate shall consist of first class Picked jhama Brick chips graded as stated
above under the Sub-section ‘General’. All brick aggregates shall be screened and
washed at Contractor’s own costs and shall consist of clean, well-shaped cubical

particles, free from splintered or flaky particles, soil, organic matter, or any deleterious

Storage of coarse aggregate

 Aggregate of different sizes or grades and from different sources of supply shall not be
mixed. All aggregate shall be stored separately free from contact with earth and other
deleterious matter. The coarse aggregate should be stockpiled in different stacks,
according to the sieve sizes.
 All precautions shall be taken during transport and stockpiling of coarse aggregate to
prevent segregation. Segregated aggregate shall not be used until they have been
thoroughly re-mixed and the resulting stack is of uniform and acceptable gradation.
 Aggregate shall be stock-piled at least 7 (seven) days prior to their anticipated use to
permit the Engineer to sample each stock-pile to determine the acceptability of the
material for the intended use.

Fine aggregate

 Fine aggregates for use in the concrete and masonry work shall be non-saline clean
natural sand and have a Specific Gravity not less than 2.6 and conform to the
requirements of ASTM C 144. It shall be angular (gritty to touch), hard and durable,
free from clay, mica and soft flaky pieces. All sands must be well washed and clean
before use.
 A well graded sand should be used for cement work as it adds to the density of the
mortars and concretes. Sand required for brick work needs to be finer than that for stone
 Sand which contains 90% of particles of size greater than 0.06mm and less than 0.2mm
is fine sand. On the other hand, sand which contains 90% of particles of size greater
than 0.6mm and less than 2mm is coarse sand.
 Supply methods and stock piling of sand shall be such, as to permit ready identification
of the material delivered and shall be approved by the Engineer.


 Sand shall be clean and free from injurious amount of organic impurities. Deleterious
substances shall not exceed the following percentage by weight.

Table 6.10: Sand and impurity specifications

Criteria Specification
Material passing No. 200 sieve 2.0
Shale, coat, soft or flaky fragments 1.0
Sulphur compounds 0.3
Clay Lumps (wet, on No. 4 sieve) 0.0

 Fine aggregate subject to five cycles of the soundness test, specified in ASTM C88 shall
not show a loss exceeding 10 mass percent when Magnesium Sulphate solution is used
except where otherwise approved.


Sand shall be well graded from coarse to fine within the limits given below or shall conform to
the specified Fineness Modulus.

Table 6.11: Fine aggregate for concrete

Sieve No. % Passing by Weight
9.5mm 100
4 95-100
16 45-80
50 10-30
100 2-10
Table 6.12: Fine aggregate for masonry
Sieve No. % Passing by Weight
4 100
8 95-100
16 70-100
30 40-75
50 10-35
100 2-15
 Sand fill shall consist of hard, dense, durable materials free from injurious amounts of
clay lumps, lightweight materials or other deleterious substances. Unless otherwise
specified on the drawings, sand fill with gunny bags shall have Fineness Modulus not
less than 0.8. Sand fill for the Geo-textile bags shall, unless otherwise approved by the
Engineer, comply with the following grading:

Table 6.13: Sand filling specifications

Criteria Standard (mm)
d90 0.60 to 0.30
d86 0.50 to 0.25
d60 0.40 to 0.20
d50 0.35 to 0.20
d10 0.20 to 0.05

6.9 Sand Filling
 F.M. of sand shall be in accordance with the standard of the BOQ. Materials shall be
tested and approved by the Engineer.

The sand fill shall satisfy the following criteria:

 The fraction passing the 425 micron sieve shall have a Plasticity Index not greater than
10 (STP Section-3).
 The material shall have a soaked CBR value not less than 8% when compacted to 98%
of maximum dry density as to be determined by STP T 4.5.
 Sand shall be stockpiled outside the working areas.

6.10 Improved Subgrade

It is required to provide sufficient cover over weak subgrade i.e. where the subgrade soil
materials exhibit low CBR. However, in Bangladesh it becomes a very common practice and
being used many road projects above the Subgrade layer. The Improved Subgrade is normally
constructed with fine sand having Fineness Modulus (FM) around 1.0, CBR min 8%, max
percentage passing 10% through sieve 0.075 mm and plasticity index max 6%. The major
disadvantage of Improved Subgrade is that as because of non-plastic character the materials is
susceptible to displacement under movement of construction traffic during the progress the
progress of the construction work, thus at the time of dumping the sub-base materials by the
dump truck then it is likely to cause disturb i.e. loosen the ISG layer substantially. Additionally,
during spreading the sub-base by the grader the aggregates would drag the ISG material
longitudinally and laterally i.e. further disturbance happened.

Sub-Base Course: Brick Aggregate, Los Angeles Abrasion Value (LAA) max.40% or Ten
Percent Fines Value (TFV) min. 100 kN; Compacted in Two/Three layers, each layer Soaked
CBR mim. 30%, Compacted to 98% of MDD Modified Proctor)

Base Course: Brick Aggregate, Los Angeles Abrasion Value (LAA) max.40% or Ten Percent
Fines Value (TFV) min. 100 kN; Compacted in Two/Three layers, each layer Soaked CBR
min. 30%, Compacted to 98% of MDD Modified Proctor), Compacted in Two layers, each
layer soaked CBR min. 80%, Compacted to 100% of MDD Modified Proctor

6.11 Slope Protection

Hand placed rip-rap: Boulders shall conform to the sizes/weights and grading shown on the
Drawings. The material shall not be polluted and shall be free from objectionable quantities of

dirt, sand, dust and elongated or flaky stones. The boulders shall be free from cracks and veins
which could lead to breakage during loading, unloading and dumping. The specific gravity of
the boulders shall be between 2.4 and 2.6.

The weighted average loss of materials in the sodium soleplate soundness test shall not be more
than 10% by weight in accordance with ASTM C88. Water absorption of stone material shall
be 2% maximum. The percentage of wear as determined by the Los Angeles Test shall not be
more than 40 as per ASTM C535. The aggregate impact value shall not exceed 30% limit

Sacked rip-rap (gunny bagged rip-rap): This work shall consist of supplying and placing of
Sacks filled with mixture of sand and cement (1:8) on the Embankment slopes necessary to
protect the Embankment from erosion. All works shall be done in accordance with these
Specifications and in conformity with the lines, grades, and thickness and typical cross sections
shown on the Drawings or as directed by the Engineer

Sand: Sand for the Rip-rap shall have a minimum F.M. 1.0 while for the filter bed it shall have
a minimum F.M.2.50.

Sacks: Sacks shall be made of jute fabric or any other type of burlap having requisite strength.
The sizes shall be approximately 500mm by 900mm measured inside the seams when the sack
is laid flat. The approximate capacity shall be 0.035 cubic meter. Sound reclaimed sacks may
be used.

Brick masonry blocks: Bricks will be used shall conform all Specifications as described under
the Section on the ‘Brick Masonry and Brick Work’.

Sand shall be non-saline, hard, dense and free from deleterious materials and shall have a
minimum; FM.1.5. It should conform to the requirements of AASHTO Standard Specifications

6.12 Admixture

Admixture shall be used to provide excellent acceleration of gaining strength at early age and
major increase in strength at all ages by significantly reducing water demand in a concrete mix,
especially suitable for pre-cast concrete and other high early strength requirements. Admixture
shall conform to BS 5075 Part 3 and ASTM C 494.

6.13 Rustles Tying Wire

Rustles tying wire of 18 SWG shall be obtained from approved manufacturers and shall, as
regards strength, comply with the requirements specified. The Contractor shall, at his own
costs, provide binding wires of required specifications.

6.14 Lime

Lime shall be stone lime of good quality high calcium lime containing calcium oxide from 95%
upwards. The impurities, insoluble in acids, should not exceed 3% for the quick lime and 1%
for the hydrated lime. Limes shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C 5 for quick lime
and ASTM C 207 for hydrated lime.

Storage and handling of lime: Quicklime shall be slaked as soon as possible. If not possible, it
may be stored in compact heaps having only the minimum of exposed area. The heaps shall be
stored on a suitable platform under a roof protected from rain and wind. A minimum space of
300mm shall be provided all round the heaps to avoid bulging of walls.

Un-slaked lime shall be stored in a watertight place and shall be separated from combustible

Hydrated lime shall be supplied either in containers or sacks, such as jute bags lined with
polyethylene or high density polyethylene woven bags lined with polyethylene or craft paper
bags. It shall be stored in a dry room to protect the lime from dampness and to minimize
warehouse deterioration.

When dry slaked lime is to be used within a few days, it shall be stored on a covered platform
and protected from rain and wind. It shall be kept in a dry airtight godown when immediate use
is not required. However, it shall never be stored for more than two months.

Workmen, handling bulk lime, shall wear protective clothing, respirators and goggles. They
shall be instructed for cleanliness as a preventive measure against dermatitis and shall be
provided with hand cream, petroleum jelly or similar protectors.

6.15 Water

Water shall be clean, fresh and free from organic or inorganic matter in solution or suspension
in such amount that may impair the strength or durability of the concrete. Water shall be
obtained from a supply, where possible. However, it may be taken from any other sources, only

if approved. No water from excavation shall be used. Only water of approved quality shall be
used for washing shuttering, curing of concrete and similar other purposes.

Water to be used in construction shall be stored in tanks, bottom and the sides of which shall
be constructed with brick or concrete. Contact with any organic impurities shall be prevented.

The tank shall be so located as to facilitate easy storage and filling in, and supply for
construction works and other purposes.

6.16 Filling Material

Filling material shall be uniform in character throughout and free from substances that by decay
or otherwise may cause the formation of hollows or cavities or otherwise affect the stability of
the filling.

Earth filling shall be of selected materials obtained from the excavation or carted fine sand as
approved by the Engineer. No soft chalk or clay or earth with a predominating clay content
shall be used. Hard core shall be selected hard clean gravel, broken brick, broken concrete,
broken or crushed stone, quarry waste or similar approved materials. Concrete for filling shall
be to the proportions specified.

6.17 Timber

All timbers for temporary or permanent works shall be of best quality, sound, straight and well-
seasoned. They shall be free from sap, defects, radial cracks, cup-shakes, large/loose/dead
knots, or other imperfections and shall show a clean surface with cut.

Timber shall be stored in stacks on well treated and even surfaced beams, sleepers or brick
pillars so as to be at least 200mm above the ground level. Members shall be stored separately
in layers according to the lengths.

A space of 25mm shall be kept between the members. The longer pieces shall be placed in the
bottom layers and the shorter pieces in the top layers. At least one end of the stack shall be in
true vertical alignment.

The recommended width and height of a stack are 1.5m and 2.0m respectively. Minimum
distance between two stacks shall be 800mm.

The stacks of the timbers shall be protected from hot dry wind, direct sun and rain. Weights
may be placed on top of the stacks to prevent wrapping of timber. Nails, metal straps, etc.
attached to used timber shall be removed before stacking.

All timbers shall be subject to inspection at Site piece by piece and shall be to the approval of
the Engineer who may reject such timber as is considered by him to be under-specified. In the
case of timber specified to be creosoted, the Engineer may reject such timber before or after
creosoting, if specifications are not correctly followed. The Contractor shall provide all
necessary labor for handling the timber during inspection free of charge.

All joiner’s works shall be wrought and finished with a clean, even and smooth face. Thickness
shall be given to include 2mm for each wrought face in soft- wood and 1.5mm for hard wood.

Timber piles shall be made of Sal, Sundari, Gajari or any other approved hard wood. They shall
be matured, straight and free from large or loose knots, cracks and other defects.

Piles shall have a minimum diameter of 100mm measured at one-third point from the thickest
end (butt) without bark. Piles should be straight and a straight line drawn from the center of the
butt to the center of the tip shall be contained entirely within the pile.

Timber piles exposed permanently above water shall be treated with a water repellent
preservative such as creosote for a minimum period of 24 hours in accordance with BS 5268,
Para 5, 1977.

6.18 Geo-Textile

All geo-textiles shall be manufactured and supplied by a firm or firms of reputable geo-textile
manufacturers. The Engineer shall approve the quality of geo-textile and the manufacturer as

Before placing an order for any quantity of geo-textile, the Contractor shall submit samples
and test reports to the Engineer for approval for each type of geo-textile from an independent
testing laboratory, approved by the Engineer.

The geo-textiles to be incorporated within the works shall comply with the appropriate Codes
and Standards including the following:

ASTM D4491 Standard test methods for water permeability of geo-textile by permittivity.

DIN 53936 (pt1) Determination of the water permeability coefficient kv1 normal to the geo-
textile plane with constant head.

ISO 9073-1: Determination of mass per unit area for non-woven textiles.
ISO 9073-2: Determination of thickness of non-woven textiles.
ISO 9073-3: Determination of tensile strength and elongation of non-woven textiles.
The filter effective opening size, O90, defined as being the grain size of a standard sand
corresponding to 90% retention by weight on a sample of the geo-textile in a vibrating sieve
apparatus, shall be measured in a wet apparatus using the BAW (Bundesanstalt fur Wasserbau
– German Federal Institute for Waterways Engineering) method.

All geo-textiles shall be clearly and uniformly marked on the upper face. The marking shall
take the form of an indelible repeat roll imprint at the edge of each geo-textile roll recurring at
least every 1.5m.

Geo-textile bags

Geo-textile bags shall be manufactured from short staple non-woven geo-textile weighing not
less than 0.8 kg/m2, and with O90 not greater than 0.07mm or similar material approved by the

Geo-textile bags shall be manufactured to the dimensions and capacity specified on the
Drawings and filled with sand which complies with the requirements stated in the preceding

Each bag shall be double stitched along all edges except for the opening at the top of each bag,
which shall be wide enough to allow the filling of the bag. The minimum tensile strength of
the seam shall be not less than 90% of the tensile strength of the geo-textile. The top of each
bag shall have a flap, which shall be closed tightly after filling and then double stitched.

The bags shall be stored under cover, well covered from direct sunlight and to prevent the
ingress of dust or mud. They shall be protected from damage by insects or rodents.

6.19 Glass

All glass shall be obtained from an approved manufacturer and be free from blemishes of all
kinds and descriptions, whether surface or internal.

Flat glass shall be provided where specified or directed in the following grades:

 24 oz. flat drew clear sheet glass.

 32 oz. clear sheet glass.
 6mm thick ‘Georgian’ rough cast wired glass.

 6mm thick polished glass.

Wired glass shall be 6mm thick with wire reinforcements inside and shall be obtained from an
approved manufacturer and shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer.

All glass sheets shall be kept dry and stored in a covered place. Glass sheets shall be lifted and
stored upright on their long edges and put in to stacks of not more than 25 sheets. They shall
be supported at two points at about 300mm from each end by fillets of wood.

The bottom of each stack shall be about 25mm clear from the base of the wall and other support
against which the stack rests. The whole stack shall be as close to upright as possible. Smooth
floors shall be covered with gunny bags.

Workmen handling glass sheets, remnants and waste glass pieces and fibre-glass shall be
provided with gloves, jelly and other suitable hand protections. In removing glass sheets from
crates, great cares shall be taken to avoid damages and breakage. Glass edges shall be covered
or protected to prevent injuries to Workmen.

6.20 Wire Gauge

Wire gauge general: Gauge for fly proofing shall be of the quality uniformly woven webbing
of 23 meshes per square centimeter. The wire for the gauge shall be of best quality 22 SWG
brass or copper wire or any other approved materials.

Other material: Gauge known as “plastic gauge” may also be used as and when required by the

6.21 Paints and Protective Materials

Knotting shall be uniform dispersion of lac or suitable resin (natural or synthetic) in a suitable

White lead paint shall be made from pure white lead in accordance with BS 239, mixed with
fine boiled linseed oil, turpentine, dryers and pigments and strained free from skins and all
extraneous matter before being pigments. If so used, the quantity shall not exceed 8% of the
paint mixed ready for the brush. No other ingredient except the coloring matter will be allowed
and the color shall be produced by using the least required amount of coloring matter. The
proportions of the ingredients for the various coats shall be subject to the approval of the

Red lead paint shall be made from non-setting red lead in accordance with BS 217, thoroughly
ground and well and freely mixed with approximately 15% of boiled linseed oil to give paint
with good covering power, bobby and adhesion. It shall be determined by tests to be made by
the Contractor to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The Engineer may select samples of the paint
for analysis after a sufficient quantity of the work about to be painted has been mixed.

Linseed oil putty for stopping and glazing shall consist of whiting/chalk powder thoroughly
ground with linseed oil to form a smooth paste, and shall confirm BS 544.

Varnishes/wood polish: The material is required to be clear and transparent and when applied
shall on drying, give a glossy coating free from fun and specks. The composition of the varnish
shall conform to the requirements of BS 274.

White wash shall be made from pure flat lime brought to the work in an unslaked condition.
Water shall be added to this lime in a tub until the mixture is of the consistency of cream and
shall be allowed to rest for a period of 48 hours. The mixture shall then be strained through an
approved cloth strainer and 4 kg of gum boiled with 12 kg of rice and a suitable quantity of
blue shall be added per cubic meter of the mixture.

Color wash, where not of an approved proprietary brand, shall be made from pure selected fat
lime as described above for white wash, to which shall be added and intimately mixed the
necessary pigment to produce the tint specified. The pigment shall be to the approval of the

Oil bound distemper shall comply with BS 1053 Type-1 and shall be obtained from an
approved manufacturer.

Robbialac/Berger/Elite Emulsion Paints shall preferably be used but the Engineer may allow
any other brands of equivalent standard subject to the production of appropriate test certificates
and guarantees.

The Creosote is a paint used for preservation of timber. It shall be pure tar distillate of the best
quality as obtained and sold under the trade name '‘SOLIGNUM'. The ‘SOLIGNUM’ shall be
clear so as not to mar the timber. Other brands equivalent to ‘SOLIGNUM’ may also be used,
if only approved by the Engineer.

Storage and handling of paint, varnishes, etc.: Paints, varnishes, lacquers and thinners shall be
kept in properly sealed or closed containers. The containers shall be kept in a well-ventilated

location, free from excessive heat, smoke, sparks or flames. The floor of the paint store shall
have at least 100 mm thick loose sand on it.

Temporary electrical wiring and fittings shall not be installed in a paint store. When electrical
lights, switches or electrical equipment are necessary to be stored or used in the same room,
the room shall be designed in a way to reduce explosion risks.

Buckets containing sand shall be kept ready for use. A five-kilogram dry powder fire
extinguisher conforming to accepted standards shall be kept at an easily accessible position
close to the paint store.

6.22 Aluminum Members

Aluminum doors, windows, curtain walls, etc. shall be of approved standard conforming to the
U.S. Architectural Aluminum Manufacturing Association (AAMA) or equivalent
specifications. The frames and sash members shall be of extruded shape made of 6063 – T5
high quality Aluminium alloy having a minimum section thickness of 2mm unless otherwise
shown on the Drawings or indicated in the BOQ and shall conform to the U.S. Aluminum
Association or equivalent standard.

6.23 Structural Steel for Doors and Windows

All steels used in doors and windows shall be the products of reputable manufacturer and shall
conform to the American Standard Specifications. The sections, sizes and profiles shall be as
per the requirements for a specific work as shown on the Drawings.

6.24 Pipes

M.S. Pipe shall be made from low carbon steel conforming to the requirements of ASTM A 53
and physical requirements as specified therein.

PVC pipe shall be of un-plasticized policing/chloride and shall conform to BS 3500:

1968/3506:1969 or equivalent. The pipes shall be laid and jointed in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions and to the Engineer’s satisfaction.

Storage and handling of pipe: Pipes shall be stored in stacks with stoppers provided at the
bottom layer to keep the pipe stack stable. The stack, particularly of smaller diameter pipes,
shall be in a pyramid shape. Pipes shall not be stacked more than 1.5m height.

Each stack shall have pipes of the same type and size only. Removal of pipes shall start from
the top layer and by pulling from one end. A pipe shall not be stored inside another pipe. The
pipes may also be placed alternately length and crosswise.

PVC pipes shall be stored in a shaded area. The ends of pipe, particularly those especially
prepared for jointing, shall be protected from abrasion. Damaged portion of a pipe shall be cut
out completely.

Pipes of conducting materials shall be stacked on solid level sills and contained in a manner to
prevent spreading or rolling of the pipe. For storage in large quantity, suitable packing shall be
placed between the layers. During transportation, the pipes shall be so secured as to prevent

6.25 Gunny Bags

The gunny bags for permanent works shall be new, 50/75 kg capacity bags similar to those
normally used. The Contractor shall submit sample bags to the Engineer for his approval.

6.26 Sourcing Of Materials

1. Brick – Locally available (from brick field)

2. Sand (FM 0.8 & FM 1.5)– locally available
3. Sand (FM 2.5) – Import from Sylhet
4. Cement -Available in Khulna & Mongla cement factories
5. MS-Available in local market
6. Bitumen – Import from Eastern refinery, Chattogram
7. Stone chips – Available at Mongla, Bhomra, Benapole, and Sonamosjid
ports, also in local markets.
8. Brick chips – Available in local brick fields
9. C.I. Sheet – Available in local market
10. Steel Angle – Available is local market
11. Paint – Available in local market

6.27 Market Survey of Rates

We have followed the LGED rate schedule 2022 in preparation of the Engineering Estimate.
The rate schedule 2022 is prepared considering the price of materials before June 2022.
However, due to pandemic and Ukraine-Russia war, market rates of construction materials;
labour price etc. is again increased significantly due to higher price of US Dollar. Moreover,

the annual government budgets will have further implications on rates in the market. We
conducted a market research, which demonstrates that the market prices of the construction
materials and labours are more than 15% to 20% higher than the schedule rates 2022. Such an
increase is more than 20% for some materials, which is signify.

Table 6.14: Market rates of construction materials
Comparative Statement of Present Market Price-2022 vs. LGED Rate Schedule-2022

Sl Item LAA Unit Schedule Market Price-October 2022 Average Less/Above

Value Rate 2022 Jashore Magura Jashore Jhenaidah
1 Ordinary Labor Day 400.00* 500.00 550.00 550.00 600.00 550.00 37.50
2 Skilled Labor Day 535.00* 600.00 600.00 600.00 650.00 612.50 14.48
3 Mason Day 635.00* 700.00 700.00 800.00 700.00 725.00 14.17
4 Head Mason Day 735.00* 800.00 800.00 8.84
5 Sand (FM - 0.5) cum 515.00* 690.00 515.00 780.00 850.00 708.75 37.62
6 Sand (FM - 0.8) cum 610.00* 820.00 700.00 890.00 1050.00 865.00 41.80
7 Sand (FM - 1.0) cum 731.00 850.00 706.00 1130.00 895.33 22.48
8 Sand (FM - 1.5) cum 1075.00 1120.00 1400.00 1300.00 1273.33 18.44
9 Sand (FM - 2.5) cum 1861.00 2120.00 2650.00 2650.00 2800.00 2555.00 37.29
Local Sand (Sieve # 200
10 cum 450.00 675.00 500.00 800.00 700.00 668.75 48.61
passing not more than 15%)
11 Stone Dust (2.38mm down) cum 2300.00* 2875.00 2825.00 3100.00 3000.00 2950.00 28.26
12 Crushed stone (6mm down) ≤ 35 cum 5200.00 5490.00 7000.00 7100.00 7500.00 6772.50 30.24
13 Crushed stone (6mm down) ≤ 30 cum 4950.00* 6050.00 7050.00 7150.00 7600.00 6962.50 40.65
14 Crushed stone (6mm down) ≤ 25 cum 5300.00* 6450.00 7063.00 7200.00 7800.00 7128.25 34.49
Stone Chips (12mm down
15 ≤ 35 cum 6100.00 6600.00 7350.00 8100.00 7500.00 7387.50 21.10
Stone Chips (12mm down
16 ≤30 cum 5785.00* 7180.00 7300.00 8150.00 7600.00 7557.50 30.63
Stone Chips (12mm down
17 ≤ 25 cum 6600.00 7760.00 7380.00 8200.00 7800.00 7785.00 17.95
Stone Chips (16mm down
18 ≤ 35 cum 7050.00 7300.00 7600.00 8100.00 6850.00 7462.50 5.85

Sl Item LAA Unit Schedule Market Price-October 2022 Average Less/Above
Value Rate 2022 Jashore Magura Jashore Jhenaidah
Stone Chips (16mm down
19 ≤30 cum 7550.00 7855.00 7700.00 8150.00 6950.00 7663.75 1.51
Stone Chips (16mm down
20 ≤ 25 cum 7750.00 8700.00 7777.00 8200.00 7100.00 7944.25 2.51
Stone Chips (20mm down
21 ≤ 35 cum 7500.00 7510.00 7600.00 8200.00 7700.00 7752.50 3.36
Stone Chips (20mm down
22 ≤30 cum 6680.00* 8000.00 7700.00 8250.00 7800.00 7937.50 18.82
Stone Chips (20mm down
23 ≤ 25 cum 8000.00 8785.00 7777.00 8300.00 7900.00 8190.50 2.38
Stone Shingles (20mm down
24 cum 4350.00* 5430.00 5600.00 6000.00 5700.00 5682.50 30.63
25 1st Class Brick each 9.2.00* 11.50 l,1.00 11.50 13.00 12.00 30.43
Brick Chips (50mm down
26 ≤40 cum 3080.00 3900.00 3400.00 4500.00 3500.00 3825.00 24.18
Brick Chips (40mm down
27 ≤40 cum 3149.00 3980.00 3450.00 4550.00 3600.00 3895.00 23.69
Brick Chips (30mm down
28 ≤40 cum 2879.00* 3700.00 3500.00 4600.00 3700.00 3875.00 34.59
Brick Chips (25mm down
29 ≤40 cum 3300.00 3700.00 3500.00 4600.00 3750.00 3887.50 17.80
Brick Chips (20mm down
30 ≤40 cum 3341.00 3820.00 3550.00 4650.00 3800.00 3955.00 18.37
Ordinary Portland Cement
31 bag 490.00* 520.00 570.00 600.00 580.00 567.50 15.81
(CEM I, 52.5N)
Portland Composite Cement
32 bag 450.00 500.00 550.00 570.00 550.00 542.50 20.56
(CEM-II/A-L/M/V/W 42.5N)
33 Bitumen [Grade 60/70] kg 70.00 75.00 84.00 86.00 90.00 83.75 19.64

Sl Item LAA Unit Schedule Market Price-October 2022 Average Less/Above
Value Rate 2022 Jashore Magura Jashore Jhenaidah
34 Bitumen Emulsion kg 101.00 97.00 118.00 122.00 120.00 114.25 13.12
M.S. Ribbed/ Deformed Bar
35 kg 75.84 86.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 89.00 17.35
(Grade 300)
M.S. Ribbed/ Deformed Bar
36 kg 82.16 89.00 93.00 93.00 93.00 92.00 11.97
(Grade 400)
M.S. Ribbed/ Deformed Bar
37 kg 82.16 89.00 93.00 93.00 95.00 92.50 12.58
(Grade 420)
M.S. Ribbed/ Deformed Bar
38 kg 87.69 89.00 92.00 92.00 95.00 92.00 4.92
(Grade 500)
39 MS Angle, Flat bar kg 71.50 85.00 88.00 88.00 90.00 87.75 22.72
40 Earth work cum 288.00* 355.00 420.00 370.00 381.67 32.52
H.C. of 3 Wheel Static Road
41 Day 3500.00 3500.00 3500.00 3600.00 3533.33 0.95
roller (8-10 ton)
H.C. of Concrete Mixture
42 Machine (Capacity 0.40/ 0.28 Day 800.00 1200.00 1500.00 1200.00 1300.00 62.5
H.C. of Vibratory Road Roller
43 Day 3000.00* 4000.00 4000.00 4100.00 4033.33 34.44
(8-10 ton)
44 Asphalt Plant Day 10000.00* 12000.00 13000.00 13000.00 12666.67 26.67
Hire and running charges of
45 Batching and Mixing Plant @ Day 30000.00* 35000.00 40000.00 36000.00 37000.00 23.33
30 cum/hour

7.1 Social Assessment

As soon as the alignment and design are finalized for the expansion of the sub projects, the
Social Impact Assessment (SIA) will need to be further updated. Considerable influx of labour
is expected because of requirement of specialized skills and the lack of such skills locally. This
will increase the risks to community health and safety, including risks of Gender Based
Violence (GBV). There is a potential that these affected people will be aggrieved against the
project and laborer from outside the area without adequate consultation and communication
and impact mitigation. Contractors do not usually develop and implement code of conduct for
its workers. All in all, the planned minimization and mitigation of the adverse impacts caused
by the project will require resources and skills. During the operation phase, the potential
impacts will be mostly positive. However, the increased traffic and usage of sub-project may
pose risks of increased incidents of accidents during the operation phase. Moreover, lacks
resources and capacity to manage such risks.

The package consists of improving of Sharsha GC - Gorpara GC Road (241902001), Gorpara

GC- Bangdah GC Road. (241902005) of Sharsha Upazila roads including appurtenant structure
and upgrading of Gorpara GCMs. Activities under this program will generate rural jobs and
stimulate the economy.

The subproject investments will contribute to eradicating poverty by promoting the expansion
of employment and business opportunities. Labor intensive technologies will be adopted during
the construction phase which will create short-term employment opportunities for those in the
Upazila’s skilled and unskilled labor force.

GCM is conceived as a hub of regional trade center for exchanging goods & services. WeCARE
growth center design is based on the philosophy of making the market a center of gathering,
sharing, trade & communication with necessary support of information technology. Daily need
shops like grocery, laundry, haircut, tailor, stationary, IT center with small tea stall and an open
area for temporary vegetable, fish & meat vendors comprise the market place.

Through the design process the zoning of different market component is used to ensure food
safety & hygiene. Woman section has been introduced in each market to ensure their

The design of the subprojects shall address issues on women, children and disadvantaged
groups such as the differently-abled, elderly, etc. Subproject designs shall be inclusive such
that there will be, as applicable, (i) separate toilets for women and men, (ii) lactating rooms

Subproject implementation shall also be gender-sensitive such as the participation of women

shall be ensured in decision-making processes such as during the meetings of the MMC. The
participation of women in the construction labor force shall be encouraged.

The targets of CW-04 are upgrading and rehabilitation of two Upazila roads under the Jashore
district, including appurtenant structure and upgrading of Gorpara GCM infrastructures and
logistics. The subprojects are expected to have the following positive social, poverty, and
gender impacts:

 Improved Growth Center Market (GCMs) will create new business and employment
opportunities for both men and women. It is suggested that these markets be provided
with a ‘women’s corner’ to encourage more women to become entrepreneurs and in
getting employment. Working conditions especially for women will be improved
through better toilet facilities, social environments that are free from eve teasing, and
enhanced security.
 Improved road conditions will facilitate the inter-town and intra-town movement of
people which could translate to more economic and livelihood opportunities as well as
improved accessibility of social services.
 Stimulating local economic activities and trade to achieve wider economic benefits
including growth of income and consumption of the people and jobs. Such changes in
economic activities will have potential implications for social and economic inclusion
and reducing inequalities.

The identification of negative impacts that may arise from the implementation of the
subprojects should give particular attention to the rural poor, women and girls, youth, the
differently-abled and other marginalized groups. The needs of these groups should be
addressed in the design and construction of the subprojects.

7.2 Gender Issues and Women Participation

Socioeconomic parameters like literacy, work force participation rate and general health
conditions etc. reveal that social status of women is low respectively, thereby brought forward

the scope of considering the households headed by women as vulnerable. Participation of
women has been envisaged specifically in the pre-planning and planning stages. These include:
inclusion of women members as investigators/facilitators in the consultancy firm for RAP
implementation; encouragement in evaluate the project outputs with specific gender indicators.
All assistance would be paid in a joint account in the name of both the spouses; involvement
in construction activities by provision of preference in labor opportunities, health center, day
crèches facilities could be extended.

Subproject implementation shall also be gender-sensitive such as the participation of women

shall be ensured in decision-making processes such as during the meetings of the Market
Management Committee (MMC).The participation of women in the construction labor force
shall be encouraged.

Women Participation & Suggestions

 In the pre-planning and planning stages participation from women could be sought
through allowing them for taking part in the consultation process.
 Ensure that the women are consulted and invited to participate in group-based activities,
to gain access and control over the resources. Compensation for land and assets lost,
being same for all the affected or displaced families, special care needs to be taken by
the IAs for women groups, while implementing the process of acquisition and
compensation as well.
 Provide separate trainings to women groups for upgrading the skill in the alternative
livelihoods and assist throughout till the beneficiaries start up with production and
 Women should be encouraged to evaluate the project outputs from their point of view
and their useful suggestions should be noted for taking necessary actions for further
modifications in the project creating better and congenial situation for increasing
participation from women.

7.3 Social Inclusion

It is widely believed that components of the project may have particular positive socio-
economic and income generating activities for the ultra-poor, poor and vulnerable
communities, especially for the women and different tribal people. The vulnerable group are
often less powerful or influential that may exist in the project area. This is happening due to
the social and cultural norms that limit their mobility and participation in decision making. The

practical social effects are anticipated in the project that will be undertaken to identify project
beneficiaries, particularly focusing on poor, impacted people and other relevant stakeholders.
The project strategy will utilize a well-planned and all-inclusive communication and
consultation strategy and include a baseline survey covering the prevailing status of income,
employment, education, age, skills and other socio-economic aspects along with cultural and
community aspects in the project area.

7.4 Prepare Gender Action Plan

According to the ToR, Consultant will prepare GAP, LAP, RAP labor management, socio-
economic and Inventory of losses assessment on various adverse impacts on gender aspects.
The vulnerable groups including the small ethnic community (if found in the project sites),
COVID-19 and other patients, security and safety issues including sexual harassment and
human trafficking in the project area. Considering gender concern, A Gender Action Plan
(GAP) will be prepared for mitigation measures at community, project design and
implementation level in the detailed design.

Depending on the project risk rating, the consultant team will prepare a GBV Action Plan and
Accountability and Response Framework which provides details on (a) available service
providers; (b) the responsibilities of the Grievance Redress Mechanism to handle complaints
and link to service provision; (c) monitoring arrangements and responsibilities keeping in mind
the recommendations of the Good Practice Note for the different project actors; and (d)
awareness raising strategy in the local community (stakeholder engagement plan). The
consultant will identify potential actions or initiatives to support GBV broader prevention in
the project area such as: (a) need to broader support to health services or for health provision;
(b) youth engagement; of (c) behavior change communication, among others.

7.5 Inclusion of Gender Equality and Equality of the Project

Advancement of gender equality, transforming traditional gender roles and progressive

changes in power relationships between women and men are essential to the success of any
development initiative. Therefore, WeCARE will ensure that gender inclusiveness as well as
chance to benefit as equally as possible from the project interventions. Women’s and excluded
group along with tribal people’s involvement in decision-making should be a genuine and
meaningful participation. Since, their activities are always lagging behind the socio-political
discrimination, geographically in disadvantaged position and paternalistic attitude of the state
and powerful social actors. Therefore, WeCARE will give a special attention to creating an

enabling environment for women, adolescent girls, children; elderly physically challenged
people and excluded groups for their empowerment.

The WeCARE will develop guidelines on gender equity following international best practice
in the health services. Thus, gender inclusiveness and sensitivity will be a core guiding
principle for all of the sub-components of the project activities. It will recognize existing gender
norms, roles and power relations, therefore address gender inequities.

New Employment Opportunities: The targets of CW-04 are upgrading and rehabilitation of the
Sharsha Upazila roads, including appurtenant structure and upgrading of Gorpara (GCMs)
infrastructures and logistics employment opportunities will be created for women in the
upgrading and development of sub-projects. The components of the project will create some
new in services that may require long-term job opportunities to focus in the transport sector for
local community, professionals, contractor, labor, janitors, security guards etc. Long-term
Improvement in Livelihoods and Local Economies will improve will reduce poverty, different
income generating activities, social benefits, productivity and household incomes leading to
the long-term benefit of improved local economies.

7.6 Risk of Gender Based Violence (GBV)

Promote the right of women to live free of violence and abuse. Social empowerment activities
may focus on women’s leadership and participation in GBV programming & promote the right
of women to live free of violence and abuse.

The consultant team will assess the overall GBV risk in the project area based on (a) existing
gender county diagnostics/country action plans; (b) data on partner/non-partner physical
violence against women; (c) cultural practices vis-s-vis women (early marriage, physical
practices); and (d) information obtained from consultations carried out as part of consultations
with stakeholders.

i. Prepare Mapping of GBV service providers

The consultant team will prepare a mapping of GBV service providers in the project area that
indicates the type of services, including formal service providers (i.e., hospital, NGOs,
government offices) and informal (i.e., women’s groups, community elders, etc.). The mapping
will also indicate any capacity constraints of informal GBV service providers.

ii. Finding Mitigation measures

The consultant team will also confirm the GBV risk assessment as ESF for the project and
assess the capacity of the implementing agency to supervise GBV mitigation measures. The
consultant team will;

 Identify GBV mitigation measures linked to activities to manage any labor influx.
 Engage Community in the area of influence with women’s groups, groups that advocate
for children and adolescent rights, and other stakeholders (including issues related to
GBV and GBV-related concerns about the project following ethical protocols). These
consultations will feed into the identification of potential GBV issues and possible
prevention and mitigation strategies.


Major content of participatory meeting was analyzing present condition, need identification,
recommendation of participants on particular discussion points for development of GCM.
Queries of meeting participants & LGED response on particular queries were confirmed in
meeting. Finally produced and submitted participatory meeting report. Detailed report on
participatory planning meeting is attached.

8.1 Social and Environmental Management Plan

The Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Co-operatives (LGRDC) have
taken up the initiative to upgrade the rural growth centers connecting by two-way roads from
the National Highways. It will be the milestone in the field of rural infrastructure economic
development in Bangladesh. It will also facilitate the transaction of rural economy from the
poor farmers to the mid-level businessmen within the growth centers which will also increase
the national economic growth as well as the lifestyle of the rural people. The Government of
Bangladesh (GoB) has requested the World Bank (WB) to support the preparation and
implementation of the Western Economic Corridor and Regional Enhancement Program
(WeCARE Program) with the Roads and Highways Department (RHD) and the Local
Government Engineering Department (LGED) as the main implementing agencies. The
responsibilities of LGED are to implement construction, rehabilitation and improvements of
priority rural roads and market infrastructures in 10 districts in the Western Region of
Bangladesh comprising Jashore, Jhenaidah, Satkhira, Magura, Jashore, Kushtia, Pabna,
Meherpur, Natore and Sirajganj. The main goal of the WeCARE program is to provide
efficient, safe, and resilient connectivity along a section of a regional transport corridor in
Western Bangladesh.

The WeCARE is a prioritized project of LGED and a Category B project following World
Bank (WB) safeguard policy. Accordingly, it has been the subject of a comprehensive
Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) in accordance with the WB Operational
Policies and Bangladesh environmental regulations. The ESMP's goal is to ensure that
implementation of the WeCARE at Gorpara GCM both are Project areas complies with both
Bangladesh legislation and regulations and World Bank requirements as established by the
Bank's Operational Policies.

The Feasibility study and detailed design consultant-FDDC (Environmental and Social
Components) provide technical assistance to the Project Management Office (PMO-LGED) in

the management, and reporting of the WeCARE Project. The Project Implementation
Consultant (PIC) is responsible for reviewing and endorsing the Contractors’ Site-specific
Environmental Management Plan (SSEMP), reviewing and reporting on the Contractors’
performance in the implementation of the SSEMP and for developing the Semi-Annual
Environmental Reports for Gorpara GCM.

8.1.1 Purpose of this SSEMP Report

The site-specific environmental plan for WeCARE is developed to ensure that the project is
implemented in an environmentally sustainable manner where all contractors and
subcontractors, including consultants, understand the potential environmental risks arising
from the proposed project and take appropriate actions to properly manage that risk. The Site-
Specific Environmental Management Plan (SSEMP) is a site and work specific document
mentioning detailed action plan to mitigate the environmental impacts by proper planning,
implementation, appropriate documentation checking of construction related activities through
regular monitoring and evaluation and performing necessary preview and modification of
management system if needed in order to mitigate impending environmental hazards. This
SSEMP refers the environmental objectives for Package-04 (Gorpara CGM). The SSEMP
includes the environmental monitoring and mitigation Program developed by the FDDC
(Basically contractor’s responsibility), for continuous evaluation of the environmental impacts
during construction stage. The SSEMP will form part of the contract documents and will be
used as monitoring tool for compliance.

8.1.2 Methodology

The Environmental and Social Safeguard Team is responsible for reviewing and endorsing the
Contractors’ Site-specific Environmental Management Plan (SSEMP), reviewing and
reporting on the Contractors’ performance in the implementation of the SSEMP and for
developing the Semi-Annual Environmental Reports. Further to note, the basis of this SSEMP
is the FDDC Environmental Report (IEE/EIA) which is in process stage, and the selected
Contractor for implementation of the Project will follow FDDC environmental report
(IEE/EIA) as a reference, as in (IEE/EIA) there will be a Section on EMP-where the SSEMP
including mitigation measures will be mentioned.

8.1.3 Monitor Safeguard Policy Compliance

A. Government Environmental Laws, Regulations and Guidelines

The reconstruction/rehabilitation of Gorpara GCM are including roads, water supply system
and sanitation components shall go through the environmental requirements of the Government
of Bangladesh (GoB). Section 7 of the Environmental Conservation Rules of 1997 has
mandates that an Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) shall be secured for specific types
of projects. The WeCARE safeguard documents will comply with the DOE requirements.

B. World Bank Group Guidelines

The World Bank’s environment health and safety (EHS) General Guidelines are the foundation
of our site-specific guidance that WeCARE Team are providing to Project’s Client (WB,
LGED), which have been adapted to the unique realities and circumstances of Bangladesh so
that minimal, but adequate, levels of EHS preventive and protective mitigation measures can
be implemented during the implementation of construction, re-construction, renovation, and
maintenance of Gorpara GCM and connecting road Project facilities and equipment. Three (3)
of the World Bank Group’s revised Environmental and Social Standards (that is, ESS-1, ESS-
2, and ESS-4) are applicable to the WeCARE Project. ESS-1 contains guidance on setting up
and operating an Environmental and Social Assessment and Management System while ESS-
2 covers Labor and Working Conditions, and ESS-4 addresses Community Health, Safety and
Security concerns. There are many practical steps and procedures that can be put into place as
part of an integrated environmental and social management plan (ESMP) to comply with the
WB’s policy statement PSs (PS) and EHS Guidelines at reasonable cost and effort. These
measures, protocols, and procedures should all form the different parts of an effective ESMP
system at individual sub-project work sites.

8.1.4 Scoping Exercise and Surveys

As discussed, the environmental and social safeguard reports are based on the requirements of
Project Terms of Reference (TOR), GOB and World Bank legislations, policies and guidelines.
Principal sources of information are the scoping exercises, reconnaissance site visit for rapid
environmental assessment (REA) followed by detailed baseline survey on physical, ecological
and socioeconomic status including land acquisition and resettlement plan (LARP), climatic,
terrestrial and aquatic flora and fauna data collection and analysis for preparing the reports,
which is the basis of this SSEMP.

Supplementary information has been taken from consultations with Participatory Planning
meeting, local LGED engineers, stakeholders’ consultation, field observations and site
assessment, review of documents, project implementation plans and preliminary detailed
designs, and review of previous LGED reports on similar projects implemented other areas in

A scoping and field reconnaissance have been conducted at Gorpara, including connecting
roads and associated infrastructure (Bridges, culverts, ghats), clustered settlements and
sewerage and storm water drainage corridors, during which Rapid Environmental Assessment
(REA) has been carried out at representative sites to establish the potential impacts and
categorization of WeCARE project activities. The methodology of the environmental study has
been elaborated in order to address all interests (using screening checklist and detailed
environmental survey checklist). Subsequently, primary and secondary baseline environmental
data and information collection process is on-going from possible sources, and the intensity
and likely location of impacts will be identified with relation to sensitive receivers. The
significance of predictive impacts and risks from re-construction/ construction of GCMs
including connecting roads, sanitation infrastructure will be assessed and for those impacts
requiring mitigation measures will be proposed to reduce impacts to within acceptable limits.

As described, environmental reports cover the description of existing environmental

conditions, assessment of environmental impacts of proposed WeCARE Project, recommended
management and mitigation measures and monitoring of selected parameters. The
environmental impacts and risks are considered for physical, ecological, social and cultural
resources within the project facilities and its area of influence. The scope of the environmental
reports cover the natural and human environment, their interaction and any induced change
brought about by the WeCARE Project activities.

As discussed, the survey team conducted environmental subjective assessment and observation
around Gorpara GCM and associated road sites through a structured checklist to determine the
concerns and impacts on the GCM, and their area of influence (AOI). Similarly, discussions
with stakeholders and project team, review of project documents, available online resources
and other sources was carried out. The team also organized site observation/transect walk along
the proposed road corridor.

This SSE&SMP is to demonstrate how the proposed reconstruction/ rehabilitation/

construction works can be delivered in a logical, sensible and safe sequence with the

incorporation of specific environmental control measures relevant to construction works of this
nature. The following steps were followed to prepare the SSEMP:

A. IEE report (in progress) and all the relevant documents in connection with WeCARE
B. Ensuring the SSEMP is consistent with applicable environmental laws, regulations and
standards of the project (DOE, WB-IFC).
C. Consultation was done by the Environmental Specialist to monitor the environmental
condition of the project area (Ref: Participatory Planning Meeting).

The general approach to establish the environmental baseline was to survey the GCMs and
connecting roads for identification of the environmental features those are mentioned in the
site-specific environmental management plan document.

8.2 SSEMP guidance

Following are the general guidance of Site-specific environmental management plan (SSEMP)
that needs to be considered during project development (at FDDC stage) and implementation
by the Contractor:

Table 8.1: General Guidance for SSEMP

Site-specific Issues Mitigation Measures
Permits, Environmental For extension of GCM area, land acquisition for waste disposal
Clearance: site, slaughter house and associated access road development,
GCM development. temporary contractor’s yard, material stock areas, environmental
clearance and permits must be obtained from the Department of
Air Quality: (a) The generation and release of emissions of PM10, PM 2.5
Localised changes in mg/l3, NOx, SOx, O3, CO2, should be minimized through
ambient air quality due selection of fuel for vehicles and equipment, application of
to operation of mobile emissions control techniques, spraying water on ground surfaces
and stationary in GCM, roads re-construction sites, stockpiled materials, such as
equipment burning dirt and soil, that contribute to airborne dust should be covered with
fossil fuels. canvas or plastic sheets. Other measures include: (a) Contractor to
maintain all fossil fuel burning equipment in accordance with
manufacturers recommendations, (b) Contractor to use good

Site-specific Issues Mitigation Measures
quality equipment with minimum emissions, (c) No equipment
shall be left idling if not in use
Noise: (a) Use well-maintained equipment equipped with modern
Noise disturbance due mufflers, (b) Use alternative construction methods, such as sonic
to equipment and or vibratory pile driving in noise sensitive areas.
construction activities
Water Quality: (a) Contractor to clearly mark above ground oil pipelines prior to
Accidental strike of oil any construction works in GCM, (b) Develop emergency response
pipeline may cause a mechanism to ensure that flow is stopped if an incident occurs, (c)
loss of containment of Contractor to conduct risk assessment on all activities near to drain
oil into river, canal or water courses and apply appropriate controls.
and/or flood plain-
creating water pollution
and ecological damage
Pollution: Direct discharge of solid waste, construction run-off may cause
Water resources siltation of surrounding surface water bodies, including Gorai
River. Subject to surface water contamination, contractor to
conduct instrumental tests of water samples from representative
Soil Contamination: (a) On site refueling of equipment and vehicles shall utilize a drip
Potential damage or loss tray to prevent hydrocarbons entering the ground, (b) Fuels should
of soil resource due to be stored in good quality above ground tanks placed on an
accidental spillage of impervious surface with a spill containment bund.
hydrocarbon affecting
local ground
Waste: (a) All hazardous waste containers to be labeled clearly with a
Poor waste management waste hazard identification label, (b) Contractor will establish a
practices resulting in demarcated temporary waste storage area where waste will be
direct and indirect stored pending transport to final treatment/disposal location
effects on GCM area

Site-specific Issues Mitigation Measures
Fumes from Hazardous The other major sources of ambient air quality may be present at
Chemicals in the GCM construction work sites involve the use, storage, and
Workplace handling of a broad cross-section of chemicals, such as paints and
paint removers, sealants and coagulants, lacquers, solvents, and all
sorts of other chemical or petroleum products. These chemicals can
have a multitude of known immediate effects, such as dizziness,
nausea, and/or vomiting, as well as longer-term, sometimes
unnoticed negative effects on persons exposed to them at lower
concentrations (dosages) over longer periods of time (chronic

In these cases of commonly used chemicals in the workplace, there

are a number of mitigation measures that can be employed,
including: (a) Use of proper personal protective equipment (PPE)
such as masks, gloves, rubber boots, and proper work clothing; (b)
Proper handling, use, storage, and disposal of such chemicals to
reduce exposures; (c) Adequate air ventilation in more ‘open
spaces’ with the use of powerful fans to disperse high
concentrations of vapors or fumes away from workers or other
persons nearby; (d) The Contractor shall observe and comply with
the DOE Air Quality Standard and its subsidiary regulations, etc.
Traffic: (a) Actively enforce speed limits for Project vehicles, (b)
Increased risk of road Awareness program for local population prior to works
traffic accident due to commencing, including visits to local schools, (c) Development of
construction traffic Traffic management Plan as part of the ESMP, (d) Drivers to be
movements fully competent and authorized to drive heavy loads vehicles and
to receive specific training.
Health & Safety: (a) Contractor shall develop Method Statements for all major
Injury or fatality of activities and include health and safety risk assessment for each of
workers due to these activities, (b) Contractor shall provide health and safety
insufficient controls on induction training for all staff, and specific training for staff
working on work GCM sites.

Site-specific Issues Mitigation Measures
work activities and
Nuisance/inconvenienc During construction of GCM latrines, impacts will be minimized
e during installation of through proper stockpiling and immediate disposal of spoils or
latrines excavated soils. Haul trucks containing sand, soil, gravel and other
construction materials will be provided with cover during
Decreased efficiency of To ensure efficiency of latrines with on-site treatment, de-sludging
pits and septic tanks will be undertaken at a frequency of once or twice a year for pits
(Operational period) and every two to three years for septic tanks. The WeCARE Project
or Union Parishad shall support the Bazar Committee to procure
small (500 liter) capacity deluding tanks, which are wheel mounted
and can enter narrow streets or paths.
Wastewater and For the GCMs rehabilitation/extension, wastewater may include
Ambient Water Quality contaminated wastewater from fish and slaughter sites, utility
operations, storm water, and sanitary sewage detrimental to human
health and the surrounding environment. Further, all WeCARE-
projects (that is, specific work sites) that generate wastewater
should incorporate the necessary precautions such as water use
efficiency to reduce the amount of wastewater generated to avoid,
minimize, and control adverse impacts to human health, safety, or
the environment;
Risk of explosion or Awareness training of site staff and supervisors of issues
fire: concerning the presence of the pipelines
Due to accidental strike
of gas and oil lines
present along this
stretch of GCM road -
resulting in harm to
workers and locality
Flora: The Contractor is advised to keep records of the following: (a)
Number and types of trees cutting, (b) When any timber producing

Site-specific Issues Mitigation Measures
GCM, roadside or medicinal plants or ornamental are subject for removal,
vegetation removal due replantation of 3 to 5 new native plant should be considered for 1
to construction tree cut, (c) Local Executive Bodies (Union Parishad, Upazila) can
be coordinated to identify and endorse the species types for
Fauna: Considerable number of trees and bushes in the site provide habitat
GCM, roadside for birds and other animals. During implementation of project,
vegetation removal due habitats and migratory routes of terrestrial and aquatic fauna
to construction should be avoided
Monitor, Evaluate Monitor, Evaluate or Assess, Report, and Verify (MERV)
Report, and Verify Community and Occupational Safety and Health (COSH)
(MERV) conditions at and around GCM Work Sites should designate that,
the environmental reports will incorporate status of employers and
supervisors are obliged to implement all reasonable precautions to
protect the health and safety of workers from any fire, explosions,
and construction accidents. Regular inspection of water supply,
sewerage, gas (if any), and electric lines should be conducted to
identify any flaws or conditions that are prone to accidents.
Provision of fire-fighting equipment (extinguishers, fire hoses,
alarms, etc.) should be prominently and easily accessible to all
workers at construction sites. It should be checked regularly to
make sure that it is all in working order
Implement a Grievance The overall objective of the Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM)
Redress Mechanism is to create an effective communication channel between
(GRM) with procedures stakeholders to ensure a timely and effective bilateral feedback
and forms to use and a mechanism to address any grievance redress submitted for the
committee (GRC) WeCARE projects, including from community members, local
enterprises and other stakeholders, and awareness-raising the
public about projects and the availability of the grievance
mechanism. The procedure for resolving grievance requires their
resolution, conducted in the spirit of mediation between the parties,
and must comply with the spirit of WB standards and practices.

Site-specific Issues Mitigation Measures
Labor Laws The Contractor shall ensure compliance with the labor laws and
pertinent occupational health and safety regulation of Bangladesh,
and World Bank Group social safeguard policy (SSP). The
Contractor shall ensure that all workers are supplied with and use
the relevant protection safety equipment on the GCM construction
sites. Abstain from employing child labor. Monitoring: The O&M
contractor (LGED or Union Parishad, Upazila administration) is
likely to be in the best position to elaborate and implement the
necessary physical monitoring programs during operational
WeCARE Projects in GCMs and associated road facilities extended within areas with
Sensitive Ecological poor air quality (“airsheds”), such as near cities or urban areas, as
Areas. well as work sites within, near, or next to ecologically sensitive
(e.g., national parks, wetlands, or wildlife reserves), should also
strive to minimize air pollution (and noise) levels to as little as is
practically feasible.
Such mitigation measures may include: (a) relocating significant
sources of emissions outside the air shed or sensitive area; (b)
Using cleaner fuels or technologies; (c) Applying pollution control
measures, and (d) Delaying certain heavily polluting or ‘noisy’
activities until pollution levels drop or fewer people or animals are
around to reduce exposures.
Emergency An Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan, should be
Preparedness and incorporated into and consistent with, the WeCARE Project
Response facility’s overall OHSMS (Occupational Health and safety
Management System), should be prepared to cover the following:
Planning Coordination: Procedures should be prepared for:
(a) Informing the public and emergency response agencies;
(b) Documenting first aid and emergency medical treatment;
(c) Taking emergency response actions;

Site-specific Issues Mitigation Measures
(d) Reviewing and updating the emergency response plan to reflect
changes, and ensuring that employees are informed of such
Emergency Equipment: Procedures should be prepared for using,
inspecting, testing, and maintaining the emergency response
Training: Employees and contractors should be trained on
emergency response procedures.
Community Involvement and Awareness: Comply with, subject to
local condition.

8.3 Land Use, Status of Housing and Built-Up Infrastructure

The land use pattern in the Gorpara is mixed of agriculture, resident, and market, almost like
other area of rural Bangladesh. The kacha, semi-pucca, tin shed and very seldom pucca
dwelling houses were built beside road and closest to their farm land. Moreover, semi pucca &
pucca shop houses were built in the growth center. There are no industrial activities in the Bazar

8.4 Social Conflicts and Development Activities

The participatory planning meeting participants of GCMs area welcomed the project and they
promised to extend all kind of local support for implementing project activities.

However, no such social/community conflict reported in the meeting.

Indigenous People

Gorpara GCM, the participatory meeting participants reported that there is no cultural heritage
and indigenous people living in around the GCM.

8.5 Training and Awareness

The assigned contractors are obliged to make aware and train the employees and sub-contractor
on environmental aspects, so that they can minimize adverse environmental impact that may
cause from implementing project activities.

Ahead of starting work in construction sites, assigned contractors shall organize induction
training on the project required environmental obligations for construction site staff, employees

and sub-contractors by the qualified individuals or organizations, so that they can
conceptualize, understand and act accordingly. The training courses would have record
including participant list and kept in construction site office for facilitating effective
supervision and monitoring.

Tool Box Meeting

Contractor’s employed Health & Safety Officer at construction site shall organize tool box
meeting everyday morning for all employed workers and engineers for defining environmental
responsibility, awareness on EMP and site-specific environmental management plan (SSEMP).

The proposed issues of the tool box meeting include occupational health & safety including
PPE, safety signage, housekeeping, waste management, management of hazardous materials
and emergency procedure.

8.6 Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM)

A complaint register will be maintained at the field level to record all the complaints received
from the project affected people, local people or other stakeholders. Some sorts of complaints
will be resolved at the field instantly and someone will be passed to the GRC (Grievance
Redress Committee) which is formed by the LGED to redress the complaints relating to the

Table 8.2: Sample Complaints Register

Location Corrective Action Plan (CAP) Remarks

and dates
Complainants of Action
of Responsibility Timeline
complaints required

8.7 Requirements of Construction Site Camp

a) Office with necessary furniture and equipment
b) Proper store facility
c) Proper stake yard facility
d) Sign/billboards for with project information
e) Sign/billboards for with COVID-19 prevention information
f) Waste collection & disposal facilities, includes non-hazardous solid waste,
hazardous solid waste, non-hazardous liquid waste, hazardous liquid waste, and
construction waste, and

g) COVID-19 prevention facilities (i.e. temperature measurement kit, hand wash
facility, hand globs, hand sanitizer, mask, isolation room etc.)

8.8 Requirements of Construction Labor Camp

a) Separate sheds for male and female labors with kitchen, drinking water supply,
toilet, babysitting facilities
b) Supply COVID-19 prevention materials i.e. temperature measurement
equipment, hand wash facility, face mask, hand globe, hand sanitizer and
maintain physical distance during construction work & meal time
c) Sign/billboards for with project information
d) Sign/billboards for with COVID-19 prevention information
e) Waste collection & disposal facilities, includes non-hazardous solid waste,
hazardous solid waste, non-hazardous liquid waste, hazardous liquid waste, and
construction waste.
f) Use available signs & signals for traffic management
g) Waste collection & disposal facilities, included non-hazardous solid waste,
hazardous solid waste, non-hazardous liquid waste, hazardous liquid waste, and
inert construction waste.
h) COVID-19 prevention facilities (i.e. temperature measurement kit, hand wash
facility, hand globs, hand sanitizer, mask, physical distance maintenance during
work & while taking food etc.), and
i) Everyday orientation of labors prior to start work in the morning.

8.9 Associated Occupational Health Risk with Construction Activities

a) Exposure to the sunlight- workers are being exposed to the sun for long hours
b) Exposure to the high temperature, and humidity for a long time resulting in
c) Contact with the hazardous substances and wastes pose risks of the infections
and diseases
d) Risk of the poor air quality due to the dust
e) Risk of the collision (traffic) during mobilization of the equipment and
transportation of the equipment
f) Risks from head loads for carrying soil, construction materials and construction
equipment, and

g) Risks of the using of the machineries in motion.

Table 8.3: Required Health and Safety Measures for Construction Workers

Issues Requirements
1. Health and  Cleanliness at the site premises and workers living places and at
Hygiene the Labor Sheds
 Arrangement of the proper ventilation and temperature at the
Labor Sheds
 Protection against dust and furnace by using of the nose masks
and covering of the head and body
 Proper disposal of the wastes and effluents, and
 Introduce waste bins for the solid waste management system.
2. Safety & First  Using of the personal protective equipment (helmet, gloves,
Aid Box goggles, nose mask, safety boots)
 Precautions during work on or near machineries in motion
 Head loads are prohibited
 First aid facilities should be provided and maintained, and
 The first aid kit should include adhesive bandages, regular
strength pain medication, gauze, and low-grade disinfectant.
3. Compensation Contractors will bear medical treatment costs. If any sever accidents
for Accidents at such as loss of hands, legs or loss of working ability or any case of death
Work needs compensation (the amount of the compensation should be fixed
considering the type of accidents).

4. Dust and Fumes For any dust, fumes, or other impurities likely to be injurious to the
workers, effective measures shall be taken to prevent their accumulation
and its inhalation by the workers.
5. Overcrowding  No labor room should be overcrowded.
6. Latrines and  Sufficient latrines shall be provided
Urinals  Latrines shall be maintained in clean and sanitary condition, and
 Latrines shall be adequately lighted and ventilated.

7. Disposal of  Proper disposal system for the solid waste and effluent is
Wastes and required, and
Effluents  Waste bins must be provided by the contractor at labor shed.

Table 8.4: Required Response for Site Emergency

Potential Responsible authorities &

Action needed
Emergencies personnel
1. Injury caused  In serious injuries call an  Emergency Services
by: ambulance  Nearest Doctor
 Fire  Site authority should also have the  Medical Center
 Explosion contact details of the nearest  Site Manager
 Machinery doctor, Medical Center and /Supervisor, and
accidents, and Hospital  Project Manager
 Minor injuries  Immediately inform the site First
Aid Officer
 Follow the procedures as detailed
in the Site Safety plan, and
 For major injuries contact the Site
Manager or Project Manager.
2. Fire  Evacuate all personnel to a safe  Emergency Services
 Fire at the area immediately  Adjacent Residents
diesel tank  Call the Fire Brigade (Emergency  Medical Center
 Fire at any of Services).  Site Manager
the  If the fire is likely to damage /Supervisor, and
machineries, neighboring property inform the  Project Manager
and adjacent residents
 Fire caused by  Follow the procedures as detailed
vandalism in the project Site Safety plan, and
 For major fire emergencies,
contact the Site Manager or
Project Manager
3. Spills For major spills, (defined as a spill  Emergency Services
Management & that is likely to have direct  Site Manager
Contaminated environmental consequences.) /Supervisor
Soils  Immediately call the Fire Brigade  Project Manager, and
 Spill or release and notify superintendent,  Environmental Specialist
of diesel fuel or Identify the source of the spill,
oil and
 Spill or release  Refer to the Material Safety Data
of other Sheet (MSDS) and evaluate the
hazardous hazards of the material.
chemicals or
4. Emergencies &  Follow procedures as per site  Site Manager
Critical Incident specific emergency/evacuation /Supervisor
procedure, outlined in the  Project Manager, and

Potential Responsible authorities &
Action needed
Emergencies personnel
induction presentation or SSEMP,  Environmental Specialist
 Notify Superintendent
5. Discovery of Fence off the area as “no go” zone and  Site Manager /Supervisor
items of contact the Site Manager or Project  Project Manager, and
conservation value manager and ES immediately for  Environmental Specialist
(e.g. flora & fauna, further action.

6. Discovery of Fence off the area as “no go” zone and  Site Manager
contaminated contact the Site Manager or Project /Supervisor
material on-site manager and ES immediately for  Project Manager, and
(e.g. underground further action.  Environmental Specialist
fuel storage tanks)

8.10 Occupational Health Safety Plan

8.10.1 General

An Occupational Health & Safety Plan is a management tool used to manage occupational
health & safety activities associated with the construction & erection, and operation &
maintenance of a project. It is a prerequisite for satisfying the LGED that the successful
contractor has implemented a management system for the safe operation of construction &
erection related activities in a project

8.10.2 Capacity Building

The labourers or workers will be capacitated regarding occupational health and safety. They
will be informed what risks are being associated with their regular works and how it is to be
mitigated or managed for making confirm more secured work environment.

Table 8.5: Sample for Conducting training/awareness sessions among the workers.
Types of
Nos. of
Capacity Topics Date Remarks
Training -Importance on using of PPE (Personnel
Protective Equipment) during working at
the site.
- Solid waste will be caused for accident
in the work place if not properly
managed. - If any accident occurs, how
Awareness quickly victim will be sent to the nearest
hospital or medical center.
- Importance on using of First-Aid box
which is available at site.
- Using of masks, hand sanitizers or soap
frequently and maintaining social
distancing to reduce the risks of COVID-
19 pandemic.
- Importance on using of hygienic latrines
and clean drinking water.
- Using soap after using latrine, before
eating to ensure disease free workforce.

Inspection - Importance on using of dustbin to keep

household or other wastes and disposed of
in a safe place, and
- Discouraging of haunting or trapping of
wild or domestic birds or animals to avoid
social conflict etc.

8.10.3 Availability of PPE (Personnel Protective Equipment)
The following PPE (Personnel Protective Equipment) equipment will be suppled at the
construction sites before commencing of works and it is to be ensured that every worker is
using this PPE while they are working at the site.

Table 8.6: List of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Name of PPE Nos. Date & locations Remarks

Hard Helpmate
Hard Boot
Safety Belt
Hand Gloves
Eye Protectors
Air plug while working at the
construction site
First Aid box

8.10.4 Site Inspection

The working sites will record the occupational accidents and make the corrective action plan
to reduce the risks in future.

Inspection to be conducted at the site in response on the following Occupational Health &
Safety (OHS) Issues.

Table 8.7: Sample of Site Inspection Form

PPE used by Emergency
Fire safety is latrine and
the laborers preparedness is
Location available at clean water Remarks
during available at the
the site used by the
construction? site?
Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No

8.10.5 COVID-19 Pandemic Response

The following protocol will be strictly maintained at the working sites in response to the
COVID-19 pandemic following the Government of Bangladesh instructions:

 Determine (plan) different ways to enter into and exit from the site

 Take steps to make everyone accustomed to hand washing, sanitation and disinfectant
 Arrange disinfection spray, hand wash and thermal scanning, determine the location for
these and mark it in the site plan
 Determine the maximum number of construction workers to be aggregated on site and
fix the protocol for entry and exit of workers
 Decide whether the site can accommodate residential workers and, in this case, discuss
and decide on ensuring the health and sanitation of the workers
 A disposal unit or dustbins will be established at the site or at a convenient place for
disposal of daily use items such as tissues, cups, glasses, masks etc. - Workers will work
with maximum social distance, and
 All workers will wear masks and gloves for full-time; - In case of change of place by
goods or workers then disinfect the place with appropriate measure.

8.11 Agro- Logistic Consideration

Table 8.8: Agro- Logistic Consideration

Description of Methodology Followed in Preparing Document

Prepared Document
1. Participatory Planning  The meeting was organized by Upazila Engineer
Meeting for Package-04 under guidance of local Executive Engineer, LGED.
(Gorpara GCM)  Local UP chairman & members, market committee
members & traders and buyers of GCM were invited
in the meeting through publicity, poster fixation and
leaflet distribution well ahead of meeting date.
 Meeting date, time, venue & purpose were mentioned
in invitation well ahead.
 On the scheduled dater participatory meetings were
conducted and facilitated by respective
 Major content of participatory meeting was analyzing
present condition, need identification,
recommendation of participants on particular
discussion points for development of GCM.
 Queries of meeting participants & LGED response on
particular queries were confirmed in meeting.
 Finally produced and submitted participatory meeting

Solid waste comprises solid and semi-solid home waste, sanitary waste, commercial waste,
institutional waste, catering and market waste, and other non-residential wastes, street
sweeping, and other activities created in the jurisdiction of local governments and other entities.
Solid waste is any waste that is not human excreta, urine, or water. Non-liquid, non-soluble
items ranging from municipal rubbish to industrial wastes that include complex and
occasionally dangerous compounds are also included.

Broadly there are 3 types of solid waste which are as follows:

 Household waste is generally classified as Municipal waste

 Industrial waste as Hazardous waste
 Biomedical waste or Hospital waste as Infectious waste

9.1 Objectives of the Solid Waste Management in Gorpara GCM

The following objectives are addressed:

 To enhance the health of rural residents and preventing disease,

 To lessen environmental damage and improve the tidiness of public marketplaces
 To promote recycling and reuse of solid waste
 To convert bio waste into organic manure this is nutrient source of agricultural and
horticultural crop.
 To implement community-level solid waste treatment technologies that are both cost-
effective and ecologically responsible, we want to provide new job possibilities for the
underprivileged in rural areas.
 To achieve goals of sanitation, fail miserably when solid and liquid waste management
aspect is not given proper attention to improve health and living environment of the
 To make management of solid or liquid wastes in rural areas is much easier and
profitable business than in urban areas since it is mostly organic in nature and does not
contain toxic compounds.
 To reduce environment pollution and make healthy rural areas.
 To transform bio waste into energy to improve energy security at the village level.
 To convert solid waste into resource

9.2 Solid Waste Decomposition Process

The process of solid waste decomposition process is depicted in the flow chart.

Middle stage
Early stage decomposition
decomposition (bacterial
Original ingredients
(most ingredients still microorganisms
recognizable) at work ingredients
less recognizable)

Late stage Later stage

decomposition decomposition Curing
(Ingredients no longer (all ingredients (pile begins cooling,
recognizable, some transformed, woody compost becomes
fungi and actinomycetes substances may still ready to use)
begin working) be recognizable.)

Figure 9.1: Solid Waste Decomposition Process.

9.3 Solid Waste Management at Gorpara GCM

Presently, there are 6 women crews paid from WeCARE project, collect produced solid waste
from different household, roads and open space. Then they carry the waste and dump them into
a nearby ditch. After drying, these are fired. Those create smell and hamper of environment.

Sources and types of solid wastes:

Table 9.1: Sources and types of solid wastes

Sources Types of solid waste
Residential Food wastes, paper, cardboard, plastics, textiles, leather, yard wastes, wood,
glass, metals, ashes, bulky items, electronics, batteries, oil, tires, and
household hazardous wastes.
Commercial Paper, cardboard, plastics, wood, food wastes, glass, metals, special wastes,
hazardous wastes.
Municipal Street sweepings; landscape and tree trimmings; general wastes from road
services sides and other recreational areas.
Agriculture Spoiled food wastes, agricultural wastes, hazardous wastes (e.g., pesticides).

Table 9.2: List of Biodegradable, Recyclable and Non-degradable waste

Biodegradable Recyclable Non-degradable

Food waste, cooked food, Paper, plastic cartons, cans, Glass, blades, expired
vegetables, fruit, leaves. metallic items. medicine, bandages.

9.4 Solid Waste Composition at Gorpara

The solid waste composition at site location is given in table 9.3

Table 9.3: Solid Waste Composition

Component Gorpara
Organic waste (Vegetable, fruit and other 89%
organic etc.)

Paper 3%
Plastic & Glass which is recyclable 4%
polythine which is non-recyclable 2%
Rubbish 2%

From the above table, the graph showing different percentages at Gorpara GCM is illustrated

SW Composition at GorparaGCM

90% 89%








10% 4%
3% 2% 2%
Organic waste Paper Plastic & Glass polythine Rubbish

Boro Bazar

Figure 9.2: Solid Waste Composition Management

Organic waste is composted in 89% of cases, and the result is used as fertilizer on agricultural
land. Recyclable materials include paper, plastic, glass, and metal. It is sold in the recycle
market. Non-recyclable items are disposed of in landfills.

9.5 Calculation of Solid waste at Gorpara

Based on data analysis of solid waste in Gorpara, 90% of SW waste is organic waste (vegetable,
food, and other organic) that may be composted. On the other hand, we know from secondary
data that our agricultural land is losing fertility as we use more chemical fertilizer over time.
Compost is critically needed in this scenario to restore the fertility of that area as it works to
recondition the soil. So, considering the demand for agricultural land and the management of
solid waste in GCM, a compost facility is possible. If a compost plant and recycling practices
are in place, 90% of GCM's solid waste will be managed by the compost plant, 6% by recycling,
and the remaining 4% by landfill. A modest plot of land may be sufficient to manage GCM's
solid waste. As a result, the flow diagram of solid waste management shown below has been
recommended for GCMs.

Figure 9.3: Size of wheelbarrow

From survey report and field observation, analysis of current damping palace it has been seen
in every week growth center market will be generated 6 wheelbarrows of organic waste in 3
hat days and 2 wheelbarrows in 4 non-hat days after separating the inorganic waste.


(6 wheelbarrows × 3 hat days) + (2 wheelbarrows × 4 non-hat days) = 26 wheelbarrows organic


All wheelbarrows contain 2 x 1.5 x 1.75 =5.25 cft waste, Total waste 26×5.25= 136.5 cft.

9.6 Flow of Organic Waste
The steps are followed to flow of organic waste are

Step 1: Organic waste is to be collected from GCM and to be taken into composting box

Step 2: After filling the box, it to be composting 21 to 23 days (retention time)

Step 3: After 21 to 23 days, it will be evacuated for sending to agriculture field.

Step 4: Before spreading it will be window process composting at near agriculture field for 21
days more. After 21 days this compost to be used in agriculture land.

9.7 Design of Composting Plant

The composting plant has been designed with 4 composting boxes for Gorparaand each
composting box 6 ft x 5 ft. x 4.5 ft. = 135 cubic feet, so each box is sufficient to manage every
week’s organic waste, which is being explained in below

Figure 9.4: Plan of compost plant

Figure 9.5: 3D view of compost plant

Figure 9.6: Top vied of compost plant

Table 9.4: Retention time for composting

Day Composting Box Retention time for composting

Day 1 to Day 7 C. Box 1 Box 1 to be evacuated after retentation
21 to 25 days
Day 8 to Day 14 C. Box 2 Box 2 to be evacuated after retentation
21 to 25 days
Day 15 to Day 21 C Box 3 Box 3 to be evacuated after retentation
21 to 25 days
Day 22 to Day 29 C Box 4 Box 4 to be evacuated after retentation
21 to 25 days
Again start from C.

For example, the first week's organic waste (from Calendar Day 1 to 7) should be composted
in Box1. Which will be evacuated on calendar day 28, resulting in retention duration of 21 to
25 days, and that will be ready to accept organic waste on calendar day 30.

Before Spreading it will be window process composting at near agriculture field for 21 days.
After 21 days, the compost will be used in agriculture land. GCM committee will manage the
agriculture land. The farmer offers his land for this window process will get the compost
fertilizer for that month.

Figure 9.7 Compost fertilizers to use

If we can collect organic waste immediately like in the image above (which they are presently
doing), it will be fresh and suitable for composting (due to free from plastic and other
inorganic). Dustbins will not be necessary in these cases. However, to prevent unlawful

dumping (and hence avoid spreading organic waste around the market), we must install three
separate dustbins in fish and meat shed and vegetable market.

For controlling leaching from compost plant we install a soak pit and allow the clean water to
the ground water.

Figure 9.8: Soak pit

Oxygen is the obvious compound to add when the source of the odors is anaerobic metabolism.
Aeration systems provide a way to introduce oxygen. These systems require relatively uniform
perforated PVC pipe which allow aeration through the compost. In passively aerated systems,
which depend on diffusion and natural convection, adequate porosity is essential to reduce the
resistance to oxygen movement.

9.8 Inorganic Solid Waste management

We need a separate portable plastic dustbin for plastic and other recyclable items so that people
may practice good hygiene. As a result, the following image serves as a guideline for four sets
of 20L separated color dustbins.

Paper Plastic Glass Metal waste

Figure 9.9: Designed dustbin for plastic and other recyclable items

Table 9.5: Designed dustbin for plastic and other recyclable items
Sl no. Dustbin color Use

1 Red Plastic waste, polythene and bottles

2 Green Paper and tissue

3 Yellow Glass

4 Blue Metal

5 Black Medical waste (syringes, needles etc.)

9.9 Electronic waste management

"Electronic waste (E-waste)" may be defined as all secondary electronic goods including
computers, entertainment device electronics, phone sets / mobile phones, and other items such
as television sets and refrigerators, whether sold, donated, or discarded by their original owners.
E-waste is a popular, informal name for electronic products nearing the end of their "useful
life." Computers, televisions, VCRs, stereos, copiers, and fax machines are common electronic
products. Many of these products can be reused, refurbished, or recycled. Unfortunately,
electronic discards is one of the growing segments of our nation's waste stream.

E-waste containing products

 Televisions and computer monitors,

 Computers and computer peripherals (e.g. monitors and key boards),
 Audio and stereo equipment
 VCRs and DVD players,
 CFL bulbs,
 Video cameras,
 Telephones, cellular phones and other
 wireless devices,
 Fax and copy machines,
 Video game consoles,
 Medical and dental equipment’s etc.

E-waste poses a huge risk to humans, animals, and the environment. The presence of heavy
metals and highly toxic substances such as mercury, lead, beryllium, and cadmium pose a
significant threat to the environment even in minute quantities. Consumers are the key to better
management of e-waste.

Reuse large electronics and recycling is the best solution of E-waste problem. In our GCM we
will encourage people to reuse and recycle instead of dumping. Those that cannot be recycled
must be dumped at a chosen quite place.

9.10 Slaughterhouse Waste Water Management at Gorpara GCM

At Gorpara GCM slaughterhouse 3-5 cows and 8-10 goats are slaughtered every hat day. Half
of it is on non-hat days. As a result lots of waste is produced in Gorpara GCM. Bones, horns
and Hides are sold locally. So the main garbage is cattle blood and stomach content. If we open
it free then the environment especially water of river, canal and subsurface ground water will
be polluted horribly. So the free flow of blood and stomach content must be stopped.

In our market design we propose a septic tank with soak pit. The flowing blood will mix with
the wash water and collect it in the septic tank. After sedimentation, serum and water will
allowed to go through the soak pit. As blood is non-biodegradable, septic tank should be clean
frequently after one or two months.

Slaughter requires a large amount of water which ranges from 6 up to 36 cubic meters per ton.
According this, each cow (500+kg) in our slaughter house needs minimum 500 L to slaughter.
So in a hat day every slaughter house needs minimum 3000 litters of water supply and septic
tank should be minimum 50 sq. ft.

Figure 9.10: Septic tank with soak pit

9.11 Recommendation

1. Social awareness is required using separate bins for organic, inorganic, recyclable,
non-recyclable, and hospital waste. Strong monitoring should be continuing to keep
them on track.

2. Training should be provided all stockholders connected with this work for awareness
of health and safety.
3. Every activity should be done carefully, and everybody gets proper safety protection
from any health injure.
4. Organic waste biodegradable that suitable for composting. After composting and
drying a suitable temperature it will use as fertilizer for agriculture land.
5. Compost plant must be free from dumping any inorganic waste.
6. Capacity development of waste cleaner for occupational health and safety.
7. Capacity development of local agricultural land owners and farmers for making
compost plant properly along with the assigned persons appointed by committee of
8. To reduce the odor proper aeration system must provide which is a way to introduce
9. During the construction of Compost plant proper slop of plant and drain must be
maintained to avoid water logging.
10. Rainwater should be stopped from entering the soak pit.

11. Recyclable waste goes to recycling market for sealing.

9.12 Conclusion

Composting is inherently a process generating gaseous emissions Green House gases (GHG)
such as Carbon dioxide, Methane and nitrous oxide. Carbon monoxide and nitrous oxide can
also be released in smaller amounts. It is harmful for our nature. These GHG polluted air, water
and soil. It also increases global temperature causes natural disaster like over flood, drought,
cyclone etc. We know trees and wet land absorbed CO2 from the air. So, to minimize this
effect we can plant trees and create artificial wetland around Market place. Methane gas spread
bad smile and polluted air. To minimize this, we can provide a cover in composting box and
connect with a long vertical pipe so that Methane and others harmful gas will mix in air of a
certain height from the ground. In this way we can minimized air pollution in the ground area.

Composting is better for the environment than sending waste to landfills, but it still has its own
environmental impact.

The study found that composting organic waste versus landfilling it can reduce more than 50%
of carbon dioxide-equivalent greenhouse gas emissions,

Compost retains a large volume of water, thus helping to prevent/reduce erosion, reduce runoff,
and establish vegetation. Compost improves downstream water quality by retaining pollutants
such as heavy metals, nitrogen, phosphorus, oil and grease, fuels, herbicides, and pesticides.

Appropriate waste management can reduce landfill and greenhouse emission and also increase
land fertility.

10.1 Traffic Management Plan during construction

In construction sites, effective traffic management plan will mean to reduce the risk of traffic-
related accidents happening in the work sites as well as maintaining the uninterrupted traffic
flow for smooth operation of social life. Traffic-related accidents can lead to loss of lives,
human injuries and property damage. Without traffic management plan, there create traffic
congestion and become delay in productivity and reputation and business opportunities to the
contractor. Therefore, it is crucial that contractors provide sufficient attention to traffic
management at their worksites. This traffic management plan is prepared for the Package CW-
04 to minimize the traffic-related hazards faced due to traffic flow from outsides and internal
operation in construction sites and recommended control measures to eliminate or mitigate the
safety risks are shared. TMP highlights the following:

a) To achieve smooth traffic flow

b) To reduce traffic accidents, and

c) To create pedestrian –friendly facilities.

10.1.1 Definitions of Traffic

a. Traffic would mean either human or vehicular/ machinery flow on site.

b. Human traffic would mean pedestrian flow on site.

c. Vehicular/ machinery traffic would mean vehicular/ machinery flow on site

The traffic management plan should be monitored and reviewed regularly including after an
incident to ensure it is effective and takes into account changes at the workplace. Workers
should be aware of and understand the traffic management plan and receive information,
instruction, training and supervision. Site induction should include the traffic management plan

10.1.2 Objective of TMP

The objectives of the Traffic Management Plan are: To provide protection to workers and the
general public from traffic hazards that may arise as a result of the construction activity. To
manage potential adverse impacts on traffic flows to ensure network performance is maintained
at an acceptable level.

Specific Objectives are:

 To maintain uninterrupted traffic flow

 To ensure safety of road users
 To minimize conflict between traffic and road users
 To guide the drivers to follow the safe ways
 To protect unauthorized person at construction side
 To maintain a safe work zone

10.1.3 Traffic Management Plan

The following activities should be followed:

 To keep pedestrians and vehicles apart at the construction workplace and when vehicles
enter or exit the workplace:
 Providing separate traffic routes for pedestrians and vehicles, where possible.
 Providing separate clearly marked pedestrian walkways that take a direct route.
 Creating pedestrian exclusion zones where powered mobile plant is operating.
 Creating vehicle exclusion zones for pedestrian-only areas, for example around
tearooms, amenities and pedestrian entrances.
 Securing areas where vehicles and powered mobile plant operate by installing
pedestrian barriers, traffic control barricades, chains, tape or bollards. Where needed
ensure a competent person with the necessary training or qualifications directs powered
mobile plant when it operates near workers or other plant.
 Designating specific parking areas for workers’ and visitors’ vehicles outside the
construction area.
 Providing clearly signed and lit crossing points where walkways cross roadways, so
drivers and pedestrians can see each other clearly.
 Using traffic controllers, mirrors, stop signs or warning devices at site exits to make
sure drivers can see or are aware of pedestrians before driving out onto public roads.
 Avoiding blocking walkways so pedestrians do not have to step onto the vehicle route.
 Scheduling work so vehicles, powered mobile plant and pedestrians are not in the same
area at the same time

Moreover, since the package roads are single lane with narrow soft shoulders, construction
works would be performed on sequential steps which are described on the following Figures:
10.1 (a) & (b).

Figure 10.1(a): Construction Stage of 1 & 2

Figure 10.1 (b): Construction Stage of 3 & 4

On the above Figures, there are shown the 4 steps of road improvement activities with
maintaining uninterrupted traffic flows. The segmental dimension may be changed as per site
conditions. For bridge culvert construction works, there are provisions of HBB diversion roads
and wooden bridges also. For these purpose sufficient Flag Men, Traffic Signs, Fencings,

Ropes, Blocks etc. are required. Moreover, the following activities need to maintain. Heavy
and large traffic would be diverting on alternative routes.

10.1.4 Activities of Flag Man

There are required Flag Man on both side of the construction segments to control traffic flows.
They will guide the drivers of the vehicles to avoid face to face hazards of the traffics. They
need traffic control signs (Stop/Slow Paddle) and two-way radios for continuous and
uninterrupted communication between pairs of flag persons. He is equipped with traffic
evacuation personnel, wearing safety helmets, goggles, reflective clothing, protective gloves,
holding traffic signs and small light stick flags, coordinating the passage of passing vehicles
and personnel, and handling traffic congestion and other emergencies.

Figure 10.2: Flag Man with wearing PPE

10.1.5 Dust Control

It is mandatory to control of dust during construction work. So, water tanker will be available
at working sites during dry seasons.

Figure 10.3: Water Tankers for Dust Control

10.1.6 Use of Temporary Signs

Temporary signs include indication signs (vehicle direction guide signs), warning signs
(dangerous objects and enclosure signs), prohibition signs (no parking, speed limit, height
limit, etc.), construction signs would be placed on required points. The following signs are used
during construction sites.

Signs, warning devices and visibility:

Signs should be used to alert workers and pedestrians to potential hazards from vehicles
entering and exiting the construction workplace and other requirements like pedestrian
exclusion zones. Traffic routes should be clearly signed to indicate restricted parking, visitor
parking, headroom, speed limits, vehicle movement, key site areas and other route hazards.
Standard road signs should be used where possible and speed limits should be implemented
and enforced. A person conducting a business or undertaking must not allow powered mobile
plant to collide with a pedestrian. If there is a possibility of powered mobile plant colliding
with pedestrians or other powered mobile plant, the person with management or control of the
plant must ensure the plant has a device to warn people at risk from the movement of the plant.
A person conducting a business or undertaking must also ensure, so far as is reasonably
practicable, lighting is provided to allow workers to carry out their work without risk to health
and safety. Bad weather, shadows from plant and blind spots can reduce visibility. The
following control measures should be considered to manage risks:

 installing mirrors, reversing cameras, sensors and alarms to help drivers see or be aware
of movement around the vehicle
 installing visual warning devices like flashing lights and high-visibility markings for
powered mobile plant
 implementing safe systems of work to stop loads being carried forward where they
impair clear vision
 appointing a trained person to control maneuvers
 ensuring high-visibility or reflective clothing is worn by workers, plant operators and
pedestrians at the workplace

Figure 10.4: Use of Temporary Traffic Signs at Construction sites

10.1.7 Road Side Barrier

Wherever vehicles and pedestrians are in close proximity to one another, safety should be a top
priority and an essential part of road safety strategy.

Concrete barriers are extremely durable, offering a robust way to direct traffic, prevent
collisions and obstruct vehicular access to certain sections of your site. They are extremely
difficult to move (typically requiring specialist equipment or, at the very least, a forklift)
making them ideal for use as a long-term barrier. Although plastic barriers cannot offer the
same level of impact protection as a reinforced concrete barrier, they still provide a good barrier
at the roadside. The lightweight material means that plastic barriers are much easier to transport
and position, but most styles are designed to be filled with water or sand once in-situ, making
them much harder to move. For this reason, plastic barriers are the most versatile option for
temporary roadside barriers, particularly in slow-moving traffic and where pedestrians will not
be stood close to the barrier

Figure 10.5: Temporary Road Side Barrier

10.1.8 Road Safety during Construction:

“Safety First” will be the priority of all works. Safety is an essential component of construction
work. It is a key contractual responsibility for those managing and performing such work and
an important determinant of overall Project success. An efficient contractor should follow the
safety programs to identify and evaluate anticipated hazards and to establish controls in
advance of actual works systematically. While the obvious purpose of a contractor safety
program is to reduce on-the-job injuries and illnesses to the greatest extent possible and to
ensure compliance with all workplace safety standards, the interactions developed through
these programs can also bring collateral benefits in the form of improved communication,
documentation, and cost savings.

To provide a safe and efficient road infrastructure construction is necessary and important. In
most cases, road work zones are located close to the traffic, with limited space available. Such
circumstances can lead to risks for road users and road workers; hence it is important for road
authorities, work environment authorities and construction companies to minimize these risks.
Work zones are hazardous for both road users and road workers as reported can be seen
regarding the numbers of incidents collected in various countries.

10.2 Road Safety Management System

Road Safety Management System requires the following persons:

Project Safety Representative: The designated project safety representative shall have
knowledge about Construction Safety.

Project Safety Manager: A dedicated, full-time project safety manager may be a contractual
requirement project. He is also knowledgeable about Construction Safety.

10.2.1 Project-Specific Safety Plan Overview:

General contractors/construction managers must develop, communicate, and implement a

written project-specific safety plan (“Plan”). The goal of the Plan is to assist general
contractors/construction managers in meeting their responsibilities to provide a safe work
environment and to aid in developing a program to eliminate accidents, injuries, and property
damage. The following list of elements of a project-specific safety plan is provided to assist
the general contractor/construction manager. The Plan may include only elements that are
necessary for the given project and do not need to comply with this particular format.

10.2.2 Job Safety Board

The contractor/construction manager shall post and maintain a job safety board at the project
site in a conspicuous location that is accessible to the subcontractors/trade contractors, workers
and other personnel arriving at or entering the project site. The general contractor/construction
manager shall notify all persons working on the project site of the location of the job safety
board. At a minimum, the Board shall provide the following information and items:

• Basic project information

• General contractor/construction manager names and contact numbers for key
personnel and subcontractors/trade contractors
• Emergency procedures and contact numbers
• Location where project-specific plan can be found
• Location of project-related material safety data sheets
• Shutdown notices and posting of other activities requiring coordination
• Notices for upcoming job and safety meetings
• Location of accident report forms
• Monthly summary of recordable injuries/illnesses, lost-time and total recordable
rates, near miss incidents
• Location of first aid station
10.2.3 Emergency Action Plan

The general contractor/construction manager shall develop reasonable preparations and

contingencies for the various potential emergencies that can occur on the project site, including:

• Project site accidents and injuries;

• Smoke and fire conditions;
• Spills and releases of chemicals or other hazardous materials;
• Structural or equipment failure or collapse;
• Security threats, including public demonstrations, bomb threats, or the discovery of
suspicious materials; and
• Severe weather conditions, including high winds
10.2.4 Segregation of work zones and road users

A basic principle to prevent vehicles from intruding into work zones is to physically separate
the road user from the work zone. In long-term work zones physical barriers (mostly steel or
concrete), should be used whenever possible. For short term work zones this is often not
feasible. However, a segregation by beacons, cones etc. is foreseen in most guidelines. Putting
obstacles in place that are not “collision friendly” (like blocks of concrete) to prevent incursions
should be avoided due to the possible injuries of drivers colliding with these obstacles. To
enhance safety, other safety measures such as reduction of legal speed, prohibition of
overtaking or – if possible – increase of lateral safety distance are reasonable.

10.2.5 Speed control

One major problem in many work zones is the lack of compliance with legal speed limits.
Speed control is necessary to reduce the risks of serious accidents and the risk of incursions
into work zones. A gradual reduction of the speed limit on the approach to the work zone in
many cases is reasonable to reduce the danger of rear end accidents and to harmonize the speed
level. Commonly used are decrements of 20 km/h. Usually, mandatory speed limits are applied.
To ensure adherence, enforcement is crucial, which can be done either by police presence,
stationary speed cameras or average speed control.

10.2.6 Forgiving roadside

Space is often limited in work zones, leading to narrower lanes and a reduction of possibilities
to react and recover from small mistakes. Usually, legal speed in work zones is lower than
under normal circumstances. Still, devices used in work zones should be as “collision friendly”
as possible. This applies especially for temporarily applied signs, lampposts, etc.

10.2.7 Considering vulnerable road users

Speed is the greatest risk regarding incursions into work zones with severe accidents including
road workers. This issue must be considered while planning the work site, during establishment

and maintenance of the construction site, and during controlling of the work site – an integrated
approach and the conduction of Road Safety Audit and Road Safety Inspection could improve
the needs of vulnerable road users in work zones

10.2.8 Considering work zone personnel

Working on roads in or nearby traffic is dangerous and requires a lot of skills. As mentioned
above, a habituation effect can often be detected in the sensitivity of workers for the existing
risks leading to a misinterpretation or less careful behavior. Inspections of work zones, which
are performed in different countries to various extents, can increase risk sensitivity, but ideally
the workers should maintain a realistic estimation of possible risks themselves and adapt their
behavior accordingly. A responsible person for safety must be nominated for every work zone
(supervisor, work zone / safety coordinator). It is this person’s responsibility that all required
safety measures are met and that workers are aware of the risks and what to do to reduce the
probability of an accident. Measures to enhance the skills of personnel like definition of
competences in the contract, regular awareness raising within construction companies,
educational measures etc. help to improve road work safety

10.2.9 Raising safety awareness

A prominent issue is to ensure that all parties involved in designing and operating work zones
see safety as a top priority. This includes designers, employees of road authorities and road
operators, construction companies, contractors and subcontractors, and the workers on the site.

10.2.10 Standardization of design and work sequence

Work zone design is usually done based on national guidelines and regulations. These
documents typically include example layouts for distinct types of work zones, covering
markings, signing and infrastructural elements to be used.

10.2.11 Safety related issues in the tender

Contractors must oblige to follow national laws, rules and regulations, which usually include
safety aspects. To emphasize the importance of safety, safety issues can be a part of contracting,
thus making safety an assessment criterion.

10.2.12 Work Zone Safety Examinations

For ensuring a successful work zone safety process the practitioners involved should “see the
big picture”, i.e. how the various components of Work Zone Safety Examinations interrelate.

To achieve this, the project personnel must have responsibilities and competencies for
individuals involved in the work zone inspection program from agency to project levels. There
should have a monitoring program that regularly evaluates the effectiveness of agency policies
and project-level actions.

An effective Work Zone safety process involves two basic levels of reviews: - Agency level
review activities, which deal mainly with process related elements over longer periods of time
and involve review and response to policies and processes. - Project level activities, which
involve a more ‘real-time’ look at conditions specifically within the project.

10.2.13 Informing, Warning & Guiding of Road Users

The following sings should be used to improve road safety during construction works.

Figure 10.6: Different sings used during construction

10.2.14 Information on alternative / diversion routes

The package roads have alternative routes and this information must be directed to the road
users. There are provisions of diversion roads for construction of bridge/culverts. Moreover,
traffic would move by half way during construction following the Figure: 10.1 (a) & (b).

10.2.15 Safety Panels

The type of safety panels used is mostly defined in national guidelines. Arrow panels are
normally used in different countries.

Figure 10.7: Use of Safety Panels for Road Safety

10.2.16 Portable rumble strips

Portable rumble strips can be used on various occasions for road safety. Applied on the driving
lane it may be a speed reducing measure ahead of a work zone. In case of works on the hard
shoulder they may be applied on the hard shoulder to “wake up” drivers and prevent them from
using the hard shoulder. In some countries portable rumble strips are also used for lane closing
in addition to safety panels.

Figure 10.8: Portable Rumble Strips

10.2.17 Protection & lighting

The best way to reduce incursions into work zones is a physical barrier (steel, concrete)
between work zone and the traffic. The Figures 2.4 shows the protecting & lighting system for
road safety during construction.

Figure 10.9: Protection & Lighting for Road Safety

10.2.18 Intelligent Transport Systems

Modern technology may be used to improve the information for drivers when approaching a
work zone / work zone vehicles or when driving within the work zone. Intelligent Transport
Systems (ITS) and variable message signs (VMS) are used more frequently on motorways.
Existing gantries should be used as much as possible for information on road works as well, in
addition to the manually installed temporary signs. Some examples were stated in the

10.3 Safety at Construction Zone

10.3.1 Introduction

Safety is an important aspect in relation to construction works. Construction work involves risk
of fatal injuries or even death. Safety is a major concern and can be ensured with proper
equipment, safety precautions and education about risks involved. Even the country’s
government can play significant role by issuing strict rules and regulations to be followed at
construction sites. In my view, workers must also be provided with minimum life cover
according to their human value. Thus, the research work has been done to ensure the safety of
masons, labors, project managers and everybody related to construction work.

Construction industry is considered as one of the most dominating sources of economic growth
and development of any country. It also has a great contribute to the Bangladesh national
economy. Construction involves a little percentage of the overall workforce. But it is regarded
as the most hazardous industry due to its unique nature and the safety record of building
construction industry has always been poor. Within many businesses developments sector
construction industry is one of the largest and rapidly growing industrial sectors. This industry
is considered as the most dangerous industry in recent years. The incidence rate for both fatal
and non-fatal accidents causing death, injuries and illnesses exceeds that of numerous different
enterprises. Being a developing country, construction industry is growing rapidly in
Bangladesh. It represents 7.6% of Bangladesh’s gross domestic product (GDP) and employs
more than 3.3 million people. There are more than a thousand companies in Bangladesh who
are involved in the construction business. But in Bangladesh safety management issues are
characterized as a very poor rate. A safe and constructive working environment decreases the
risks of heavy accidents at work, sickness and lower costs for the total construction.

The contractor is responsible for the safety of its employees, and the Procurement Entity would
be committed to helping the Contractor meet its goals of a safe, healthy and productive work
site. The document will help the contractors to provide a safe environment for their employees
and everyone else who visits the project site. The contractor nevertheless remains solely
responsible for the safety of all persons and property, and must take whatever steps may be
necessary or appropriate to assure that safety. The contractor is solely responsible for the
development and implementation of their own safety program. The requirements in this
document apply to all new construction, renovation, alteration, and demolition projects
conducted by general contractors/construction managers, subcontractor/trade contractors and
their respective employees.

10.3.2 Safety Management System

Each project shall have a safety management system in place that outlines the policies,
processes, instruction, and documentation that will serve to establish the culture of safety and
understanding for all tiers involved on the project. The following components shall be part of
the systematic approach:

Contractor Prequalification: The contractor is responsible to prequalify all subcontractors/trade

contractors engaged on a project per their own written prequalification process.

Contractor Safety Representatives: For all projects, a designated project safety representative
or project safety manager shall be on site at all times while work is being performed.

10.3.3 Monthly Safety Reports

The general contractor/construction manager shall prepare and submit a project-specific

monthly safety report to the PE/PM by the 15th of each month. The report should be signed by
the contractor/manager and contractor superintendent. The monthly safety report shall report
current month data, year-to-date data, and project to-date data.

10.3.4 Job Safety Board

The general contractor/construction manager shall post and maintain a job safety board at the
project site in a conspicuous location that is accessible to the subcontractors/trade contractors,
workers and other personnel arriving at or entering the project site. The general
contractor/construction manager shall notify all persons working on the project site of the
location of the job safety board. At a minimum, the Board shall provide the following
information and items:

• Basic project information

• General contractor/construction manager names and contact numbers for key
personnel and subcontractors/trade contractors
• Emergency procedures and contact numbers
• Location where project-specific plan can be found
• Location of project-related material safety data sheets
• Shutdown notices and posting of other activities requiring coordination
• Notices for upcoming job and safety meetings
• Location of accident report forms
• Monthly summary of recordable injuries/illnesses, lost-time and total recordable
rates, near miss incidents
• Hot Work permit kit
• Location of first aid station
10.3.5 Project-Specific Safety Plan Overview

General contractors/construction managers must develop, communicate, and implement a

written project-specific safety plan (“Plan”). The goal of the Plan is to assist general
contractors/construction managers in meeting their responsibilities to provide a safe work
environment and to aid in developing a program to eliminate accidents, injuries, and property

The following list of elements of a project-specific safety plan is provided to assist the general
contractor/construction manager. The Plan may include only elements that are necessary for
the given project and do not need to comply with this particular format.

 Accountability  Job hazard analysis (JHA)

 Audits/Inspections  Ladders
 Cell phone usage  Material handling
 Communication  Moisture control and mold
 Competent person prevention
 Concrete/masonry  Personal protective equipment
 Confined spaces (PPE)
 Cranes and hoists  Pest management
 Demolition  Public protection
 Electrical safety  Recordkeeping and reporting
 Environmental, and  Safety meetings
Occupational Health  Scaffolding
 Equipment safety  Signs, signals and barricades
 Excavation and trenching  Steel erection
 Fall protection  Substance abuse policy
 Fire prevention and protection  Temporary elevator usage
 Hazard communication  Tool safety
 Housekeeping  Training
 Incident management and  Visitor policy
prevention- emergency action  Welding/cutting
10.3.6 Environmental Health and Safety

Building-Related Hazardous Materials: Several kinds of hazardous materials may be present

in older existing buildings, including, but not limited to, asbestos-containing materials, lead-
based paint, and mercury containing items or PCB-containing transformers and lamp ballasts.
All fluorescent bulbs and ballasts are collected for recycling. Contact owner’s representative
for recycling containers. To reduce the safety risks associated with such hazardous materials,

the general contractor/ construction manager shall assure that only appropriately trained and
licensed contractors are permitted to abate, remediate, or otherwise handle or dispose of
hazardous materials. The general contractor/construction manager shall immediately stop work
and notify the owner’s representative.

Contaminated Soil and Debris: Anyone encountering any suspicious soil or buried debris
(unusual odors, sheen, and discoloration) during excavation or grounds clearing must
immediately notify their supervisor and owner’s representative.

Environmental Releases: The general contractor’s/construction manager’s responsibility for

project site materials and operations extends to emergency response services and medical
assistance for any project-related accidents, spills, releases, or over-exposures to chemical
products. The improper disposal of waste material by a worker or other personnel constitutes
grounds for immediate and permanent dismissal of those persons from the project.

10.3.7 Fall Protection

Protection against falls shall be implemented. Fall arresting systems including lifelines, body
harnesses, and other like equipment can be used when fall hazards cannot be addressed by
employing railings, temporary floors, nets, and other means. The general
contractor/construction manager can reduce the safety risks associated with performance of
elevated work by developing, implementing, and enforcing an effective fall protection safety
program that complies with rules, regulations and industry standards addressing fall protection.

10.3.8 Fire Prevention and Protection

The general contractor/construction manager shall address all emergency fire issues in the
emergency action plan. The following shall also be addressed in order to prevent a fire

10.3.9 Project Site Fire Safety

 All flammable liquids shall be stored in approved containers/cabinets and all storage
and labeling shall comply with rules and industry standards.
 Fuel may be stored indoors only
 All oily rags and oily cloths shall be taken off site at the end of each shift for proper

10.3.10 Fire Protection/Fire Alarm Systems

 A water line shall be extended as required by code to supplement the fire extinguishers
on site.
 A temporary fire department standpipe shall be installed as required by code.
 Fire alarm detection devices (smoke/heater detectors) and/or fire suppression
equipment shall not be covered, removed, or otherwise impaired without prior approval.
 Special consideration must be given when work activities generate excessive dust,
particles, etc. that could affect the reliability of existing systems and/or result in
unnecessary system activations.
 For additional assistance regarding site specific (Ann Arbor Campus only) questions,
evaluations, or concerns, contact the PE/PM.

10.3.11 Hot Work

“Hot work” is defined as a process or procedure that could result in a fire if not properly
controlled. Common examples of hot work include welding, burning, cutting, brazing,
grinding, and soldering. Hot work equipment may produce high voltages or utilize compressed
gases and requires special awareness training to be used safely. The general
contractor/construction manager shall control the hazards associated with hot work by
developing, implementing, and enforcing an effective safety program that follows rules,
regulations and industry standards and follows and uses the Hot Work permit that addresses all

10.3.12 Housekeeping

The general contractor/construction manager and all his subcontractors/trade contractors at all
times shall keep the premises free from accumulation of waste materials or rubbish caused by
their operations, keep the premises clean and free from fire hazards, and maintain the work and
materials stockpiles neat and orderly throughout the construction period to permit safe and
convenient access and movement of workers and materials throughout the building and site
and to prevent the spread of debris, dust or other contaminants into the air or surrounding areas
at all times.

Construction debris and rubbish as generated by the general contractor/construction manager's

activity shall be removed by the general contractor/construction manager from the point of
origin daily and not allowed to accumulate. It shall be deposited in a trash container provided
by the general contractor/construction manager on the site until hauled away. Scrap materials

for reuse in temporary work shall be segregated and properly stored, protected and covered as
for new materials. The result of the above shall be the maintenance of a clean project, in keeping
with the proximity of a University facility and with a minimum of fire hazards. The owner’s
representative shall have the right to establish a clean-up routine with the full participation of
the general contractor/construction manager(s).

10.3.13 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Personal protective equipment (PPE) increases safety for individuals performing potentially
hazardous tasks. All workers and other personnel entering the project site shall be appropriately
attired for work. The minimum required PPE on a project site is hard hat, safety glasses with
side-shields meeting BSTI standards and the use of sturdy work shoes or boots with steel toes,
as necessary. No short pants, skirts, sleeveless shirts, open toe shoes, nor tennis shoes shall be

10.3.14 Protection of the Public

The general contractor/construction manager should take all necessary precautions to prevent
injury of the construction site inhabitants and the general public. So, the entire project site
should be secured against unauthorized access and provided with appropriate warning signage.
Where roadways or walkways must be encroached or closed due to work, adequate barriers
shall be installed to safely redirect the flow of vehicles and pedestrians and protect them from
construction activities. Whenever it is necessary to maintain public use of work areas, the
public shall be protected with appropriate guardrails, barricades, temporary fences, overhead
protection, or temporary partitions. The public must also be adequately protected from any
work created hazards, such as excavation. Appropriate warnings, signs, warning lights and
instructional safety signs shall be conspicuously posted and placed where necessary. The public
must also be protected from falling debris and objects from the project site. Overhead
protection shall be provided that will fully protect the public and be capable of withstanding
the maximum forces that could be applied from potential falling objects. Special attention shall
also be given to developing adequate means to protect against wind-blown debris and
construction-related materials. A common problem in this area involves masonry cutting and
repointing, which generates large amounts of fine dust that must be controlled at their source
through the application of local exhaust ventilation capture, use of appropriate work methods,
or other controls, with a special emphasis on protecting occupants, pedestrians, and workers
from the hazards of silica and other fine dusts.

10.3.15 Recordkeeping and Incident Reporting

If emergency assistance is summoned to the project site, the general contractor/construction

manager is responsible for immediately notifying the owner’s representative. The same
immediate notification is also required for any fire, medical, environmental, and other
emergencies. The General Contractor/Construction Manager is responsible for directly
notifying any regulatory agencies as required as well as arranging for any necessary follow-up
repairs, abatement, or other corrective actions. In addition to the monthly reporting
requirements, additional reporting for recordable incidents, and fire, medical, environmental,
and other emergencies is required to be submitted within 24 hours to PE/PM.

Their source through the application of local exhaust ventilation capture, use of appropriate
work methods, or other controls, with a special emphasis on protecting occupants, pedestrians,
and workers from the hazards of silica and other fine dusts.

10.3.16 Proposal for Engineer’s Site Office, Construction Camp/Labor Sheds

The Engineer’s Site Office, Construction Camp/Labor Sheds include (Except Sl. No. 1, all are
tentative but as per requirement):

1. Engineer’s Site Office-80.00 8. Laddy inspector-5 sqm

sqm. 9. Clinic-15 sqm
2. Contractor Office-20 sqm. 10. CACHE-6 sqm
3. Construction Plants – 132sqm. 11. Mess-60 sqm
4. Vehicle Washing- 36 sqm. 12. Female Worker-36 sqm
5. Parking-60 sqm 13. Male worker-40 sqm
6. Store-60 sqm 14. Female Toilet-12 sqm
7. Skilled worker-10 sqm 15. Male Toilet- 18 sqm

Details of the Engineer’s Site Office, Construction Camp/Labor Sheds and other facilities have
been presented in the layout plan below. The above items of the shed would ensure the safety
and security of labors, particularly the female labors.

Figure 10.10: Layout Plan for Construction Camp & Engineer’s Office
Figure 10.11: Proposed Engineer’s Site office

10.4 Traffic management once the road is open

Normally there is no traffic management authority to manage traffic on rural roads. But there
is a Road Safety Committee at Upazila level headed by Upazila Nirbahi Officer but this
committee is not active. So, specific vehicle owners associations are play rule for traffic
management on rural roads by the help of Upazila road safety committee.

10.5 Road Safety when the road is open: (Attached Separate Report)

There is performed Road Safety Audit for each package road and proposed recommendation
for implementation of required road safety features. According to the recommendations, road
safety estimate is prepared for each package. This Road Safety Audit report is attached

11.1 Introduction

Economic Feasibility Study of a project assesses the project’s effect on the national economy
to see whether the intended investment is economically justified in the context of broad
development objectives of the sponsoring government. Any investment, private or public is
made to get a profitable return. A choice is to be made as to the deployment of scarce resources
considering the rate of return i.e., the benefit flowing from the investment. Economic analysis
is one of the measuring tools for determining quantifiable benefits expected and actual in
relation to the cost of investment including operation and maintenance.

The major components of physical works to be executed under the proposed project are
upgrading of Upazila, Union and Village roads with bridges and culverts, upgrading of growth
centers including women market section. Of these physical infrastructure components, direct
& quantifiable benefits will accrue from the improvement/upgrading of Project roads and
growth centers. The economic analysis for quantification of the benefits, therefore, is confined
to these two components. A number of Upazila, Union and Village roads and 32 no. of GC
markets here originally selected to be developed under the project and economic analysis was
done for each of them separately for the purpose of determining the economic viability.

11.2 Analytical Technique and Methodology

A. Analytical Technique

The Economic viability of projects at the feasibility study stage and the economic benefit
achieved after implementation are determined by the Cost Benefit Analysis. The financial
analysis estimates the profitability of a project for the private investor while in economic
analysis the benefit of the project vis-a-vis cost is estimated for the economy of the society as
a whole. In economic analysis certain prices are required to be adjusted to reflect the social
values by using opportunity costs (“Shadow price” or accounting price) and all transfer
payments (taxes, subsidies etc.) are excluded. The cost element is fairly straight forward
consisting of investment cost, recurring cost and physical contingency. But the benefits vary in
form and nature as well as gestation period from project to project. The estimation of benefit,
therefore, needs consideration of various tangible and intangible elements. The tangible
benefits are quantified in value terms by economic analysis while the intangible benefits are
expressed in qualitative terms. The technique for quantification of benefit is selected on the
basis of the type and characteristics of the project. The indicators of benefit are identified on

the basis of which data are collected from field areas. The data are processed and analyzed by
different methods depending upon the nature of the project and at the end the norms of
economic viability NPV (Net Present Value), BCR (Benefit Cost Ratio) and EIRR (Economic
Internal Rate of Return) are determined.

11.3 Economic Evaluation of Project Roads

Different methods/approaches of Economic Analysis for Project Roads are applicable and were
used in LGED in recent years such as:

 UCS (Users Cost Savings) approach/ Travel Time Cost (TTC) is also used as a part of
Road User Cost (RUC) in the economic appraisal of projects. In Bangladesh, the TTC
is estimated according to separate vehicle types both for freight and passengers termed
as TTC Freight and TTC Passenger and due to the functional difference TTC is derived
separately for Upazila, Union and Village Roads.
 VOCS (Vehicle Operating Cost Savings) Approach
 APS (Agricultural Produce Surplus) approach

The “Logical Framework’ prepared by a task force of LGED for “Effect Monitoring and
Evaluation of Road and Market improvements”, the UCS approach is deemed to be preferable
as its objective is straight forward and less expensive in terms of time and resources compared
to the other two methods. The VOCS per Tkm/Pkm (Ton kilometre/Passenger kilometre)
approach, however, is an accepted method and which is as good as the UCS approach, although
it requires a number of assumptions and value judgments, which may vary from person to
person. The APS method is subjective, requiring more time, energy and fund for its correct

In spite of the advantages of the UCS method, the weakness of it is that the VOC savings
derived from road improvement may not be fully reflected in the freights /fares for a long time
because of market in-competitiveness, socio-political situation, inflationary pressures etc. and
therefore, the actual economic benefit is susceptible to underestimation during short periods.
Therefore, for the economic evaluation of this project, VOCS (Vehicle Operating Cost
Savings) approach is employed due to the following reasons:

i) The defined role of Project Road is to connect important marketing centers to the
higher levels of road network and in this role Project Roads do not serve the first link
in the marketing chain, which is the essential function of the union roads. Thus APS
approach is more appropriate to lower levels of the road network, i.e. union roads.

ii) As confirmed by the traffic count data, the demographic, agriculture and trading
characteristics of rural Bangladesh generate a large demand for movement of goods and
people on the rural roads network, which will constitute rationale for calculating based
on traffic.

iii) Also, the conventional method for Economic Analysis of road project i.e. VOCS
has been used in World Bank funded project formulation of RRMIMP-ii (RDP-11) and
RTIP (RDP-26) project of LGED. Moreover, the Logical Framework approach of
LGED, and the ADB guidelines for BMF also advocates the VOCS approach. All things
considered VOCS method is followed for Economic Analysis of Project Roads under
the proposed project.

11.3.1 Economic Analysis for Project Roads – VOCs Approach

The economic evaluation with VOCs approach includes the following three steps:

 Traffic Counts;
 Calculation of VOC; and
 Calculation of Economic Internal Rate of Return (EIRR) for Base case and
Sensitivity Analysis.

11.4 Traffic Study

(a) Normal Traffic

Normal traffics: those would be use the road if no improvement were made. The demand for
transport is related to the size of the economy, and normal traffic growth is therefore correlated
with economic growth. Relationships between demand and either price or income are known
as elasticity. Demand elasticity for transport is defined as the ratio of the percentage change in
transport demand to a percentage in income. If national income is defined as gross domestic
product (GDP) then traffic growth can be expressed in the form:

Annual growth rate = (G/100xE) x 100

Where, G is the annual growth rate of GDP, and

E is the income elasticity of transport demand

Thus, if the real growth in GDP is 5% and the elasticity is 1.5, the traffic growth rate is 7.5%.

Using such a relationship it is possible to relate future traffic growth to predict economic
growth, as measured by GDP, rather than simply extrapolating past time series traffic data. In

the case of passenger transport demand, the population and income effects are sometimes
separated. In this case the relationship between population growth and traffic growth is
assumed to be 1.0 and the income elasticity then relates to growth in average income per head.
However, GDP growth implicitly includes both population growth and per capita income
growth, and so both freight and passenger traffic growth can be related to GDP growth in the
simple form of relationship shown above.

(b) Generated Traffic

Generated traffic is the additional vehicle travel at a particular time and location due to a
transportation improvement. Road improvements that reduce travel costs attract trips from
other routes, times and modes, and encourage longer and more frequent travel. This is called
generated traffic, referring to additional vehicle traffic on a particular road.

Traffic that is associated with journeys that will only be made in response to travel cost and
time savings obtained as a result of the improvement to the road.

In the short-run generated traffic represents a shift along the demand curve; improved
transportation makes driving cheaper per mile or kilometer in terms of travel time and vehicle
operating costs.

The number of additional trips is usually based on the reduction in vehicle operating cost, with
the response based on the price elasticity. Similar to demand elasticity, price elasticity is the
proportional change in the number of trips per unit change in price. It has been measured in
road appraisal studies in developing countries and usually found to fall in the range -0.6 to -
2.0, with an average of about -1.0. This means that a 1% decrease in transport costs leads, on
average, to a 1% increase in traffic. Evidence suggests that the elasticity of demand for
passenger transport is well above that for freight transport. Strictly, the indicator of travel costs
should be perceived cost in financial terms, typically taken as time value plus fuel cost in the
case of private vehicles and the fare in the case of buses, but normally the VOC in economic
terms is used. The cost reduction following improvement depends largely on the existing
condition of the road, measured by roughness.

11.5 Traffic Counts

A. Location and Duration of Traffic Counts

Traffic counts have been carried out for each road section over the period between March to
May, 2022:

Two points (one in starting and another at ending) of the roads were selected for traffic count.
The actual point of counting should be 100 meters from the starting point of the road and 100
meters from the ending point of the same.

In order to get an actual number of vehicles, a normal day i.e. rain free day was selected.
Weather was given due consideration in the selection of day for counting.

Traffic Counting was done for two days. One was on hat day and another one on non-hat day.

It started from 6 a.m. and continued up to 6 a.m. In other wards it was a twenty four hours
counting from morning to next day morning.

B. Types of vehicles

The following types of vehicles have been counted:

Motorized Vehicles

 Auto Rickshaw ( including Baby Taxi, Misuk and Tempo);

 Jeep/Car/Taxi
 Motor cycle
 Pickup Van/ Microbus
 Bus/ Minibus
 Truck/ Tractor/Tanker

Non-Motorized Vehicles:

 Bicycle
 Rickshaw
 Rickshaw Van
 Bullock Cart
 Push Cart

C. Assessment of Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT)

The Annual Average of Daily Traffic (AADT) has been derived from the traffic counts, taking
into account:

 A weekly conversion factor for assessing the 7 day traffic volumes from the 2-days (one
hat day and one non-hat day) traffic volumes;
 A seasonal factor for assessing the AADT from 7-day traffic volumes.

Daily Adjustment Factors

Daily adjustment factor is not required because as per project guide line 24 hours traffic count
has been carried out by the field enumerators of consulting firm

Weekly Adjustment Factor

Daily traffic was converted to weekly average daily traffic (WADT) based in the number of
hat and non-hat days.

WADT = {(Daily Traffic x no. of hat days) + (Daily Traffic X no. of Non-hat days)} ÷ 7

Seasonal Adjustment Factor

Traffic counts have been carried out mainly between March to May 2022.They are
representative of traffic volume during dry season. Based on the RRMIMP-ii project
formulation report (Draft final Report, Volume-11, Annex-14, P-3), the dry season is assumed
to be 6(six) months long, and traffic to be 20% higher during the dry season than the wet season.
Thus Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) has been estimated according to the following

AADT = {Traffic (Wet season) + Traffic (Dry season)}÷2

= { 1 Traffic(Dry season) + Traffic (Dry season)}÷21. .2

≈ 0.92 x (Traffic Dry Season)

Therefore, AADT of all road section has been derived from average daily traffic during dry
season by considering a common conversion factor equal to 0.92. The AADT has been
considered as average of the AADT measured during dry and wet season. The average AADT
of each proposed Project road section is presented hereinafter.

11.6 Vehicle Operating Costs (VOC)
A. General

The vehicle Operating Cost (VOC) approach is based on the quantification of financial and
economic VOC savings of the vehicles using the road in the ‘pre-development’ and ‘post-
development’ situations. For economic analysis the economic cost and the economic benefit
are computed “without project” and “with project” development and the net benefit are
estimated by the difference between them. Benefits to traffic come from lower cost of operating
vehicles and lesser time spent traveling on improved compared to unimproved roads.

B. Surface Roughness “with” and “without” Project

Road condition is expressed using a road condition index that is based on roughness as
measured by the international roughness index (IRI) in meters per km. The project roads vary
in terms of their IRI due to different road composition along their length. Most project roads
have sections constructed of different materials, including the BC, Earth and HB. The Earth
roads have an average IRI of 15 m per km. In the with–project scenario, roads are improved
and the roughness is estimated to reduce to an IRI of 4.0 m /km.

The VOC input parameters have been used to calculate VOC for a range of roughness
conditions, measured by International Roughness Index meter per kilometer (IRI m/km), for
conventional and slow-moving vehicles. VOC with respect to IRI on different roads vary
depending on the surface condition of the roads, existence of road gaps (bridges/culverts), age
and type of vehicle; local prices of vehicle, spares and fuel; labor cost and annual kilometer
age run by the vehicle. The variation of VOC is quite significant is some cases. The VOC
calculation on sub-project road (‘without project’ and ‘with project’ situation) is presented
hereinafter. However, the VOC on each individual road section (surface Type wise) has been
used in calculation of the economic analysis for each road separately.

C. Per Kilometer VOC and Travel Time Costs (TTC) Calculation

In order to assess the traffic benefit i.e. the vehicle cost savings, the VOC of each type of
vehicle plying on the Project road both for motorized and non-motorized vehicles, per
kilometer Vehicle Operating Costs (VOC) by vehicle type and surface roughness is shown in
Table-11.1 & 11.2 below.

D. VOC for Non-motorized Vehicles

The characteristics for non-motorized vehicles and the Economic VOC per km of non-
motorized vehicle at different roughness levels were derived from 2016-2017 RUC report and
presented in Table-1:. This data can be used applying appropriate growth factor.

Table 11.1: Vehicle Operating Costs by Surface Roughness (IRI) for NMT
IRI Bicycle Rickshaw Rickshaw- Bullock Push
(Taka/km) (Taka/km) Van(Taka/km Cart(Taka/km Cart(Taka/km
) ) )
4 3.03 4.07 4.07 8.02 8.02
5 3.07 4.09 4.09 8.34 8.34
6 3.10 4.36 4.36 8.71 8.71
7 3.26 4.41 4.41 9.19 9.19
8 3.38 4.86 4.86 10.06 10.06
9 3.71 5.08 5.08 10.16 10.16
10 3.82 5.19 5.19 10.23 10.23
11 3.9 5.43 5.43 11.51 11.51
12 4.03 5.48 5.48 11.96 11.96
13 4.34 6.54 6.54 12.02 12.02
14 4.34 6.64 6.64 14.23 14.23
15 4.86 6.66 6.66 15.23 15.23

The VOC per km for different motorized vehicle at different roughness levels is presented in
the following table.

Table 11.2: Vehicle Operating Costs Surface Roughness (IRI) for MT

Source: Report on Road User Cost (RUC) estimation 2018, LGED

E. Travel Time Cost (TTC)

‘Travel Time Cost’ describes the process of determining the TTC for passengers and freight
vehicles which is also referred to as ‘Value of Time’. This chapter contains the distribution of
various passenger parameters such as age, trip purpose, occupation, monthly income,
willingness to pay to save time etc. Later travel time cost of passengers and freight are derived
by category of vehicle and road class as project roads.

Travel Time Cost is an important element in VOC calculation. The estimation of passenger
travel time values involves a lengthy process requiring a wide variety of data like trip
distribution, income distribution, average monthly income, leisure factor, trip purpose,
weightage of the passenger etc. for which extensive survey is needed. On the other hand, in a
country like Bangladesh, the income pattern between the users of highly expensive motorized
vehicles such as cars and jeeps and those of using public minibuses is significantly different
and they may even represent two different economic classes in the society. Therefore, instead
of the uniform TTC approach, the TTC should be estimated according to separate vehicle type.
As TTC varies geographically according to the socio-economic characteristics of the region, it
would be expected, for instance, that road users in Dhaka Division will value their time more
than those in Rangpur Division. It is usual practice, in this case, to adopt a set of nationally
averaged TTC applicable to all analyses to avoid the sort of geographical biases in road

F. Cost of Project Road Improvement/Upgrading and O & M Costs

The improvement costs of rural roads are estimated on the basis of “Road Design Standard of
LGED 2021 published on 07/07/2021 and Rate Schedule of LGED during 2021-2022. Routine
and periodic maintenance cost of Project road upgrading with structures has been estimated on
the basis of LGED’s currently introduced standard pavement, structure and road maintenance
costs. Improvement/ upgrading cost per kilometer of this sub-project road vary depending on
the type of roads. But in DPP of WeCARE project, per kilometer estimated cost of Upazila
road is 1.99 crore, 1.60 crore for Union and 1.24 crore for village roads. The routine and
periodic maintenance costs are estimated Tk. 1 to 1.50 million per km (every year) and Tk.2.00
million per km (every fifth year) respectively in conformity with other on-going similar LGED

G. Expected life of Improved/Upgraded Road

The life of the proposed Project is assumed to be 20 years as a standard followed in case of
World Bank assisted RTIP (RDP-26).

H. Growth Rate of Traffic

The growth rate of traffic is used at 7.5%. TRIDP project formulation has used 6% while the
national growth rate is about 8%.

I. Discounting Costs and Benefits

The cost and benefit of the project is spread over the years, throughout the span of life of the
project. The costs incurred and the benefits received at different future dates, are reduced to
their present values by discounting them at 12% rate of interest, the standard discount rate used
in the economic analysis of projects currently implemented in Bangladesh. Based on this
discounting rate used in this Project is 12%.

J. Economic Costs

The economic costs of implementing the project were based on the estimated financial costs of
civil works, land acquisition and resettlement, and construction supervision, including physical
contingencies but excluding price contingencies and interest during construction. Financial
costs were converted to economic costs using a conversion factor of 0.85. This conversion
factor was also used by Third Rural Infrastructure Project and other recent projects. It is now
the standard economic conversion factor used for rural infrastructure construction in
Bangladesh. The Standard Conversion Factor (SCF) 0.85 both for capital costs and operational
and maintenance (O&M) costs are used to convert in to economic costs in line with the RTIP
project formation report.

K. Traffic volume

The existing traffic volume on short listed Project roads is estimated from the 24 hour traffic
count survey and converted to AADT using hourly and seasonal correction factors as described
earlier. The existing traffic without project is treated as normal traffic and the increase in the
traffic volume with project is treated as generated traffic in the assessment of economic

L. Estimation of Benefits

The estimation of benefits that will accrue from a Project Road section for traffic is based on
savings in per km vehicle operating costs savings (VOCs), the increase of traffic volume, and
per km travel time costs (TTCs) with project situation. The procedure for estimation of benefit
from VOC savings is as follows:

 1st and 2nd year benefit = 0

 3rd year benefit = 40% of existing traffic
 4th year benefit = 70% of the existing traffic
 5th year benefit = 100% existing traffic plus 60% generated
traffic benefits
 6th year benefit = (Full benefits of existing traffic) + (Full
benefits of generated traffic)

The normal benefit i.e., the benefit accruing from the existing traffic due to VOC reduction is
estimated to be 40% of the total benefit in the 3rd year and full from the 5th year. 60% of the
generated benefit is counted as traffic benefit in the 5th year. In the 1st to 4th year the generated
benefit is considered to be zero allowing the gestation period for traffic generation on the
improved road. Full generated benefit is counted from the 6th year of Project completion taking
into account 60% in the 5th year and 40% in the 6th year considering the gradual gear up of the
generated traffic.

The proportions of benefit are observed from the previous completed projects and are used
conventionally. 7.5%Compound growth of the benefit is taken into account in the calculation
of benefits over the years of the project life on the basis of annual growth rate of traffic. The
benefit is discounted at the rate of 12%, considered to be the economic rate of return used in
the National accounting and in other projects of LGED. The travel time savings benefit is
included in the VOC saving of each type of vehicle.

The mathematical formulation used in the VOC savings benefit calculation are as follows:

VOCs = [(Cud-Cd) x Qud] + ½[(Cud-Cd) x (Qd-Qud)]

= (VOCs & TTCs on Existing Traffic) +(VOCs & TTCs on Generated Traffic)

= (Cost savings from existing traffic) + (Cost savings due to generated traffic)

Where, VOCs = Vehicle Operating Costs Savings Benefit

Cud = Per Vehicle Kilometre VOC of Undeveloped Road

Cd = Per Vehicle Kilometre VOC of Developed Road

Qud = Vehicle Kilometre of Undeveloped Road

Qd = Vehicle Kilometre of Developed Road

The VOC calculation for each proposed Project Road section including AADT is shown

10.7 Estimating the post-harvest loss benefits of a developed market

The following issues are considered for Post-Harvest loss analysis

i. The benefit is measured by the difference of Post-harvest Savings of perishable goods in the
market before and after development. In the developed market, post-harvest of commodities is
less and the turnover of commodities is higher due to better interaction of market forces and
protection to perishable commodities provided by selling sheds, developed internal roads and
improved drainage system. The post-harvest estimate is made from the survey results. The
survey was carried out with regard to turnover and selling quantity and prices (maximum and
minimum) of the commodities on hat day. In the feasibility stage, while calculating of post-
harvest on hat day, assumptions have been made in light of the RTIP (RDP-26) project
preparation that there are on average 104 hat days in a year. Among these hat days, there are
49 peak hat days and rest 55 off-peak hat days. Based on this assumption there remain 261 non-
hat days in the year, which equate to 17 off – peak hat days. Therefore, total off-peak hat-days
equal to (55+17) =72 per annum.

ii. The conventional Cost Benefit Analysis (COBA) approach for Growth Center markets is
also adopted. The results of the quantitative economic appraisal of investments in the provision
of improved Growth Center Market facilities are based principally upon the benefits from
reduced post-harvest. Using hat day data on turnover from crops sold and the turnover of post-
harvest in the markets was estimated.

iii. In the economic analysis of GCMs, it is assumed that 30% of post-harvest would be reduced
with project situation and 30% of post-harvest savings is the benefit from the improvement in
market facilities making an allowance of rest 70% as benefit arising from population growth,
improvement of transport facilities, landing stage/ ghat facilities etc. developed in the
meantime. Besides, after completion of upgrading benefit is expected in the 2nd year of the
respective Growth Center. ii. Improvement of market will increase the turnover of the GCM
due to fact that transaction will significantly change which is also considered as benefits to

calculate EIRR of GCM investment. On the basis of market supply and demand and difference
between volume of quantity sold and unsold the annually post-harvest savings were calculated.
The method of calculation is stated below:

11.7.1 Estimation of EIRR related to post-harvest: Gorpara
Table 11.3: Estimation of EIRR related to post-harvest loss for Gorpara
Name of Quantity Total Max Total Difference Balance of Post-harvest Post-harvest Post-harvest Annually Total
Commodities Arrived in Quantity Minimum between arrival unsold Loss per Loss Peak loss off peak post-harvest loss
the Market in sold quantity amount and quantity* Hatday (Tk) period period (121)
Maund sold quantity sold (49) (72)
Ata 25 18.75 12.5 6.25 6.25 5000 245000 360000 605000
Fish 450 337.5 225 112.5 112.5 1125000 55125000 81000000 136125000
Fruits 125 93.75 62.5 31.25 31.25 187500 9187500 13500000 22687500
Meat 55 41.25 27.5 13.75 13.75 385000 18865000 27720000 46585000
Paddy 350 262.5 175 87.5 87.5 113750 5573750 8190000 13763750
Poultry 240 180 120 60 60 360000 17640000 25920000 43560000
Rice 366 274.5 183 91.5 91.5 219600 10760400 15811200 26571600
Vegetables 1015 761.25 507.5 253.75 253.75 406000 19894000 29232000 49126000
Total 2626 1969.5 1313 656.5 656.5 2,801,850 137,290,650 201,733,200 339,023,850

Annually total post-harvest loss (Tk. 339,023,850)

*Quantity unsold:

i) Quantity becomes unsold due to many reasons. Among them lack of good environment that will exit related to storage, grading, sorting, cleaning
facilities, shed, drain and internal road.

ii) Lack of sufficient buyers. Lot of reasons are remain behind the availability of sufficient buyers in the market.

iii) Due to sun and rain the perishables items are deteriorated because of the lack of good quality sufficient shed and other facilities of n the market

11.7.2 Consideration of Post-Harvest losses
i. Reduction of post-harvest losses due to arrival of large number buyers and sellers and
availability of good environment that will exit related to storage, grading, sorting, and cleaning
facilities in the developed market. While economic analysis it has been considered that
investment in project market will certainly increase the turnover of the market as well as annual
transaction which will be increased significantly due to the presence of large number of buyers
and sellers that will intern shortened the period of selling the agricultural products.

ii. However, the very substantial non-quantifiable benefits arose from improvement in the
health conditions before and after improvement. Unimproved markets are wet and muddy
during monsoon seasons, dusty during the rest of the year and congested. Crops and other goods
are placed directly on the ground. Rotting garbage infested with flies litters markets. There is
a lack of clean water supplies and often no hygienic sanitation facilities with some locations
experiencing higher reductions than others do. Lower prices of final goods increase the
purchasing power of consumers, and cheaper input prices make producers more competitive.
The locations experiencing the largest decreases in prices become more competitive, attract
more workers, and increase their economic activity. Reductions in prices, relocation of
economic activity and potential increases in wages lead to increases in real aggregate income
for the beneficiary peoples around the project areas.

11.7.3 Post-Harvest losses in poor connected Road

Non-availability of transport and travel time delay is a common phenomenon of broken or

damaged roads. The majority of farmers depend on the use of rickshaw, van, motorized auto
and pick up due to the fact, that the road network is relatively poor as well as some of the roads
are not easily passable during the rainy season. Non-availability of transport and travel time
delay in different mode of transport also contributes to mechanical and physiological damage
of vegetables and fruits. The practice of poor arrangement of sacks on top of each other
and making a huge heap of packed vegetables during transportation cause fruits damage
due to shaking of the vehicle especially on broken damaged roads. Again these roads are
characterized by potholes, dust, and mud especially when it rains, thus impeding mobility and
creating postharvest losses due to lack of storage facilities to store their produce safe. This
makes the farmers run at a loss.

The breakdowns of vehicles can be a significant cause of losses in some areas as perishable
produce can be left in the sun for a day or more while repairs are carried out. The existence of

poor infrastructure, poor farm practices and storage and transportation facilities causes up to
huge losses. Road related post-harvest study will be carried out on the basis of the intensive
interviews with farmers, traders and other vendors who are associated to transport the
perishable commodities from farm to market.

11.7.4 Post-harvest losses in undeveloped Market

Growth center markets (GCMs) are the focal points for the sale of rural produce, agricultural
inputs, and consumer goods. In addition to GCMs there are also other small rural markets.
Unimproved markets are congested, unhygienic, and dusty in the dry season, and muddy in the
wet season. Improved markets provide clean, uncongested, and efficient places for trading farm
and other products.

Undeveloped market along with lack of proper infrastructure is the root cause of fruits,
vegetable and other perishable item post-harvest. The market losses are caused due to sunlight
which affects the quality of fruit and vegetables crops. The results also show that post-harvest
was the major loss due to sunlight followed by softening while change in organoleptic
properties of the fruits was the minor loss. Again temporary poor roofing materials used to
protect fruits from sunlight and/or rainfall at the market contribute to post-harvest of fruits. The
presence of roof at the market especially in the perishable selling areas prevents fruits from
sunlight and from rains. Exposing a fruit to the sunlight leads to water loss through transpiration
which causes the fruits quality change and rain increases moisture to the fruits which may cause
fruits post-harvest.

The economic effects of market improvement can be estimated by different indicators such as
turnover, lease money, level of toll, Post-harvest Savings (SS) etc. Out of these indicators the
SS method is prominent and successfully used in a number of LGED projects. In fact the
economic effects/tangible benefits of market improvement assessed by SS method arises from
the quality deterioration savings of perishable commodities.

Due to lack of market and transportation infrastructure facilities and consequent constrained
demand for the sale of commodities to other markets or for next market day, there is every
chance of deterioration of quality of the perishable goods. Commodities may also get damaged
due to lack of selling sheds and storage facilities. For fear of quality deterioration and need for
cash the seller is forced to sell the perishable commodities at a lower price at the end of the
market day. Thus, most of the commodities, especially the perishable commodities are not sold
at fixed prices and the prices fluctuate widely in the market throughout the day. The price

fluctuation is less in developed/ upgraded markets. This forms the basis of Post-harvest Savings
(SS) method.

11.8 Calculation of EIRR for Base Case and Sensitivity Analysis

A. Tools for Economic Analysis

The standard measures used for quantification of the economic benefit of the Project Road are
Net Present Value (NPV), Benefit-cost Ratio (BCR), and Economic Internal Rate of Return
(EIRR). The discounted costs and benefits of the Project roads are reflected into the Economic
cash flows of them wherefrom the NPV, BCR, and EIRR are calculated. The EIRR, NPV and
BCR Base Case of individual Project Road “without project” is presented hereinafter.

The analysis is a “without project” prediction on the basis of a number of assumptions

regarding VOC savings and traffic generation. The results of analysis for Project road indicate
higher economic worth of the project.

B. Results of Economic Analysis of the Project roads including sensitivity test

The economic analysis of the proposed Project Road made at the “without project” situation
based on the survey and on a number of assumptions made on the experience of RTIP, and
other recently implemented similar LGED projects. The assumption based analytical results
show high economic viability of the proposed Project roads. In selecting the Project Road, the
economic viability cannot always be followed religiously as other factors like local choice,
parity, and socio-political situation, potential economic changes etc. are to be taken into
consideration. Following table shows the results of Economic Analysis of six roads along with
traffic level and calculation methods.

Table 11.4: EIRR Result-Proposed Roads

Name of the road Base Case Sensitivity Test
EIRR NPV BCR Cost Benefit Both Normal
Increase Decrease Case Traffic
20% 20%
Sharsha GC - 22.84% 113.19 2.33 19.30% 18.55% 15.41% 36.22%
Gorpara GC Road
Gorpara G.C.- 26.07% 616.61 2.68 22.12% 21.30% 17.82% 11.36%
Bangdah G.Croad.

Table 11.5: EIRR, NPR and BCR of Gorpara GC-Bangdah GC Road.

Table 11.6: EIRR, NPR and BCR of Sharsha-Gorpara GC road.

Table 11.7: Estimation of EIRR for GCM (Gorpara)

Sensitivity analysis shows that the WeCARE benefits are very robust and the investment in the
project is sound under varying adverse conditions including the simultaneous increases in costs
and decreases in benefits.

Sensitivity analysis indicates that the economic viability of the proposed Project road is not
sensitive to the significant variations in costs and benefits. If benefit is reduced by 20% or the
cost increased by 20%, and also in both case the EIRR still remains higher than 12%.

The sensitivity analysis with adverse variation in project costs and project benefits indicated
that the evaluated roads had EIRRs well above 12%, even with increased costs, reduced
benefits, and lower traffic growth. Switching values for costs and benefits indicate that very
significant changes in these variables are required to reduce the EIRR to 12%.

C. Assessment

The project’s objective was to resolve problems of inadequate road infrastructure and road
maintenance. The poor condition of the road network made road transport services expensive
and unreliable. These, in turn, reduced the mobility of labor and goods and services,
constraining economic development potential and impeding poverty reduction efforts. As a
result, there was an urgent need to upgrade the existing road network and expand the capacity
of the project roads. This road links Western Economic Corridor to the country’s one of the
main land port, Bhomra, Satkhira. The rehabilitation is expected to spur economic growth and
employment opportunities in Bangladesh.

11.9 Economic Evaluation of Growth Center Market

(a) Evaluation Methodology

In case of economic analysis of Growth Center Market, the methodology used is Spoilage
Savings (SS). The economic effects of market improvement can be estimated by different
indicators such as turnover, lease money, level of toll, Spoilage Savings (SS) etc. Out of these
indicators the SS method is prominent and successfully used in a number of LGED projects. In
fact the economic effects/tangible benefits of market improvement assessed by SS method
arises from the quality deterioration savings of perishable commodities. Therefore, this method
is also termed as Quality Deterioration Savings (QDS).

The Spoilage Savings is the measure of proportion of revenue lost to the seller as a result of
deterioration of quality of the product. Due to lack of market and transportation infrastructure
facilities and consequent constrained demand for the sale of commodities to other markets or
for next market day, there is every chance of deterioration of quality of the perishable goods.
Commodities may also get damaged due to lack of selling sheds and storage facilities. To avoid
damage and need for cash, the sellers would be obliged to sell the perishable commodities at a
lower price at the end of the market days. Thus most of the commodities, especially the
perishable commodities are not sold at fixed prices and the prices fluctuate widely in the market
throughout the day. The price fluctuation is less in developed/ upgraded markets. This forms
the basis of Spoilage Savings (SS) method.

The improvement of Growth Center Markets provides a clean, de-congested efficient market
place for the trading of agricultural produce and other goods. RRMIMP-II & SEM&E studies
indicate that after markets are improved there are increased number of market visitors (seller
and buyers), an increased volume of trading and higher market turnover, and toll revenues.
New business activities develop within the vicinity of the markets and land values around the
markets tend to rise.

It was postulated that the direct economic benefit would be reduction of spoilage of certain
types of products sold in improved markets, as a result of better protection from the weather
and faster sales turnover. Certain quality deterioration items such as fish, meat, milk, eggs,
fruits, vegetables, rice, flour etc., are more susceptible to spoilage than others. Socio-economic
monitoring and evaluation had shown that there was a 2-4% reduction in spoilage of these items
following improvement of the market facilities. This was based upon comparisons of the
variation between maximum and average selling prices of these items during the course of
market day before and after improvement i.e. the logic was that, by reducing damage to items
during marketing and by selling the items more quickly, the average selling price would be
closer to the maximum price.

The price fluctuation or in other words the loss of revenue due to spoilage or fear of that is
measured by the difference of revenue at maximum price and average price [(maximum price+
minimum price) ÷2] of the sold commodities, spoilage of selected commodities is determined
for both developed (with project) and undeveloped (without project) markets, and the
difference is the Spoilage Savings.

11.10 Cost –Benefit estimate

A. Costs

The investment cost for the development of a Growth Center Market (GCM) including women
market section is estimated to be Tk. 5 to 15 crores on the average of large, medium and small
markets on the basis of estimated cost in the proposed Project. The operation and Maintenance

(O&M) cost is assumed to be at 4% of the capital cost Tk.0.50 million per annum, and other
miscellaneous cost is assumed at 2% of the capital cost in the light of LGED’s RTIP (RDP-
26) project. The estimates are in conformity with the costs incurred in the recently completed
RRMIMP-ii project and similar ongoing projects of LGED.

B. Estimation of benefits

i. The benefit is measured by the difference of Spoilage Savings of perishable goods in the
market before and after development. In the developed market spoilage of commodities is less
and the turnover of commodities is higher due to better interaction of market forces and
protection to perishable commodities provided by selling sheds, developed internal roads and
improved drainage system. The spoilage estimate is made from the survey results. The survey
was carried out with regard to turnover and selling prices (maximum and minimum) of the
commodities on hat day. In the feasibility stage, while calculating of spoilage on hat day,
assumptions have been made in light of the RTIP (RDP-26) project preparation that there are
on average 104 hat days in a year. Among these hat days, there are 49 peak hat days and rest
55 off-peak hat days. Based on this assumption there remain 261 non- hat days in the year,
which equate to 17 off – peak hat days. Therefore, total off-peak hat-days equal to (55+17) =72
per annum.

ii. The conventional Cost Benefit Analysis (COBA) approach for Growth Center markets is
adopted. The results of the quantitative economic appraisal of investments in the provision of
improved Growth Center Market facilities are based principally upon the benefits from reduced
spoilage. Using hat day data on turnover from crops sold and the turnover of spoilage in the
markets was estimated.

iii. In the economic analysis of GCMs, it is assumed that 30% of spoilage would be reduced
with project situation and 30% of spoilage savings is the benefit from the improvement in
market facilities making an allowance of rest 70% as benefit arising from population growth,
improvement of transport facilities, landing stage/hat facilities etc. developed in the meantime.
Besides, after completion of upgrading benefit is expected in the 2nd year of the respective
Growth Center.

C. Consideration of Post-harvest losses

i) Reduction of post-harvest losses due to arrival of large number buyers and sellers and
availability of good environment that will exit related to storage, grading, sorting, and cleaning
facilities in the developed market. While economic analysis it has been considered that

investment in project market will certainly increase the turnover of the market as well as annual
transaction which will be increased significantly due to the presence of large number of buyers
and sellers that will intern shortened the period of selling the agricultural products.

ii) However, the very substantial non-quantifiable benefits arose from improvement in the
health conditions before and after improvement. Unimproved markets are wet and muddy
during monsoon seasons, dusty during the rest of the year and congested. Crops and other goods
are placed directly on the ground. Rotting garbage infested with flies litters markets. There is
a lack of clean water supplies and often no hygienic sanitation facilities.

iii) In contrast, improved markets are paved and have internal drainage, and are provided with
raised and covered concrete selling platforms, hygienic facilities for livestock slaughter,
garbage bins, potable water supplies and sanitary latrines. They present a totally different health
environment. There is a positive health effect not only on market visitors but also in particular
on those who regularly trade in the market.

D. Consideration of large Economic Benefits

i) On the whole, Improvement of roads brings large economic benefits to Bangladesh because
of the reduction in travel time and transport costs for freight. The reduction in transport costs
reduces the prices of intermediate and final goods in all states, with some locations
experiencing higher reductions than others. Lower prices of final goods increase the purchasing
power of consumers, and cheaper input prices make producers more competitive. The locations
experiencing the largest decreases in prices become more competitive and attract more workers
and increase their economic activity. Reductions in prices, relocation of economic activity and
potential increases in wages lead to increases in real aggregate income for the beneficiary
peoples around the project areas.

ii) Improvement of market will increase the turnover of the GCM due to fact that transaction
will significantly change which is also considered as benefits to calculate EIRR of GCM

iii) The roads and markets infrastructure and services to be improved/developed which are
selected based on a multi criteria assessment and rigorous fieldwork. Improving logistics and
road infrastructure and services can reduce post-harvest losses and extend the range perishable
products to be traded at the national and international level.

iv) Reduction in post-harvest losses due to shorter marketing periods, better access to
technology and extension services.
v) The project is expected to generate substantial net incremental benefits for the poor, farmers.
and rural entrepreneurs (shop keepers, traders, transport owners): a) increased sales (through
increased volume and value of the agricultural production traded); (ii) increased number of
traders on the market; iii) reduced transportation costs for commodities as well passengers; iv)
increased volume of traffic generated by a new road (and the number of additional journeys
per vehicle) as well as by the travel time and the vehicle operating costs savings; v) Farmers
living within the market catchment area and the road catchment area will be able to increase
the volume of their agricultural production sold due to the increased traffic and will be able to
fetch higher selling price due to larger number of buyers coming to the market and hence higher
demand for the agricultural production.

E. Economic Analysis of GCM Gorpara

Gorpara GC market is a large rural market at Sharsha Upazila of Jashore district, which can be
major hubs for marketing of local agriculture products in Jashore and, accelerating trade and
business if required infrastructures and logistics are developed. It can stimulate local economy
and contribute to rural livelihood development.

Physical improvement of Gorpara hat GC market and connecting road infrastructures will
reduce spoilage of commodities, increase trade volumes, provide physical environment, ensure
market prices of commodities, attract business activities, create local job opportunities and
annual transaction of the market will be increased significantly. It will certainly affect the rural
economy and livelihood in Jashore. Nevertheless, such investment is economically justified:

F. Results of Economic Analysis of Gorpara Growth Center Market

The EIRR of different Markets indicate high economic viability of the proposed project. The
wide variance of EIRR is found among the market. The wide variance of the EIRR is due to
difference of the size of markets, volume of transactions, existing market facilities,
accessibility, backward and forward linkages etc.

The estimates have been presented below, which suggest that development of Gorpara Bazar
GC market economically feasible, with an EIRR 25%, NPV is 170.07 lakh taka and BCR 1.79.
It means that all three indicators –EIRR, NPV and BCR – comply with the feasibility
benchmark. The adjusted EIRRs under 20% cost overrun, 20% benefit reduction, and both cost
overrun & benefit reduction indicate its robustness, which is at least 15% for either case.

Table 11.8: Results of Economic Analysis
Base Case Sensitivity Test Remarks

Case-03(20% cost overrun &

Case-01(20% cost overrun)
feasible even

(20% benefit reduction)

20% benefit reduction)

with the most
Name of the Market


NPV (Lac Taka)

situation, such
as 20% cost

overrun & 20%
25% 170.07 1.79 20% 17% 15% reduction

G. Sensitivity

The tests result indicates that the project viability is less sensitive to any one of the above
parameters singly, and can withstand reasonable adverse changes in benefit and cost in
combination. Accordingly, the overall Economic Internal Rate of Return (EIRR) of the project
is estimated at 25% for the both case. Case-01 (20% cost overrun) the EIRR is 20%, again in
case-02 (20% benefit reduction) the EIRR is 17%, case-03 (20% cost overrun & 20% benefit
reduction) the EIRR is 15% which is more than 12%. Therefore, the project is Viable.

H. Conclusions of Economic Analysis – Growth Center Markets

The Economic analysis of the proposed Growth Center Market made at the “without project”
situation based on the data of the GC market and assumptions made on the experience of the
recently implemented similar LGED projects. The assumption based on analytical results show
high economic viability of the proposed Gorpara Bazar with an EIRR of 25% (Table-11.7).
The NPV and BCR (calculated at 12%) values for the Gorpara Bazar hat GC market are 170.70
lakh taka and 1.79. However, in selecting the Growth Centers to be upgraded the economic
viability cannot always be followed religiously as other factors like local choice, parity, and
socio–political situation, potential economic changes etc. are to be taken into consideration.

On the basis of pre-development (without project) analysis, the “with project” may be assessed
to evaluate the benefit of the investment in the Project. The data and Spoilage Savings
processed for analysis would be the benchmark information for comparative analysis “with
project” situation.

Thus the estimates imply that even with considering only the tangible benefits such as spoilage
savings, traders’ benefit, lease value and increased annual transaction etc. the subproject are
financially feasible. If the intangible benefits (e.g. jobs, health, education, socio-economic
condition, investment etc. that would be generated after physical development of GCM) are
also considered, the return is higher and the project is economically beneficial.

Table 11.9: Economic Cash Flow GCM Subproject

Economic internal rate of return before project overheads: 25%

Economic internal rate of return after project overheads: 15%

12.1 Summary of the package estimate
Total cost estimate of the Package is 80,29,62,280.00 (Taka Eighty Crore Twenty-Nine Lac
Sixty-Two Thousand Two Hundred and Eighty only) BDT but DPP cost for this package is
BDT 84.70 crore for improvement 38 km roads and one GCM. Only two roads of 18.006 km
and one GCM have estimated within the DPP cost. This variation may be the cost of DPP was
estimated considering the old rate Schedule of 2018-2019. But 18.006 km roads and one GCM
are estimated by considering new schedule rates 2022 of LGED. Stone chips are used for all
RCC items. Moreover the present market values of the prime construction materials for the
four districts have included in DPR. Summary of the package estimate is given in Table: 12.1.

Table 12.1: Construction Costs Summary

General Summary Amount in BDT
A) Construction of Engineer’s Site office, Contractor’s Site Office,
Construction Camp, Labor sheds, Sanitation & other Facilities.
Part-1: Construction of Engineer’s Site office, Contractor’s Site
Office, Construction Camp, Labor sheds, Sanitation & other 2,000,000.00
Sub-Total = 2,000,000.00
B) Improvement of Sharsha GC - Gorpara GC Road (Road ID-
241902001, Length 8.573 km).
Part-2: General & Site Facilities 268,623.55
Part-3: Earth Works 11,118,837.05
Part-4: Pavement & Surfacing Works 179,139,660.85

Part-5: 02 Nos. Passenger Sheds/Bus Bays Construction 653,109.06

Part-6: Protective Works 54,898,774.28

Total Amount of ((B) Sharsha GC - Gorpara GC Road

(Part-02 to 06)):
C) Construction of 3 nos. Bridges & 11 nos. Box Culverts on
Sharsha GC - Gorpara GC Road
Part-07: Sharsha GC - Gorpara GC Road: 2 Nos. 40.00m RCC
Bridge Construction at Ch. 0+361m (Sl. No.-02) &Ch. 8+667m 87,820,481.37
(Sl. No.-14)

General Summary Amount in BDT
Part-08: Sharsha GC - Gorpara GC Road: 20.00m RCC Bridge
Construction at Ch. 3+044m (Sl. No.-05)
Part-09: Sharsha GC - Gorpara GC Road: 1 No.-4.50m x 4.00m Two
vent Box Culvert construction at Ch. 3+518m (Sl. No.-06)
Total Amount of ((Part-10: Sharsha GC - Gorpara GC Road: 1 No.-
4.00 m x 4.00m-Three-vent Box Culvert construction at Ch. 4+275 7,614,237.36
m (Sl. No.-08))
Part-11: Sharsha GC - Gorpara GC Road: 1 No.-3m x 2m one vent
Box Culvert construction at Ch. 3+554m (Sl. No.-07)
Total Amount of ((Part-12: Sharsha GC - Gorpara GC Road: 1 No.-
2m x 2m one vent Box Culvert construction at Ch. 1+225m (Sl. No.- 850,275.91
Part-13: Sharsha GC - Gorpara GC Road: 6 Nos.-1.00m x 1.00m one
vent Box Culvert construction at Ch. 0+525m (Sl. No.-03), Ch.
4+770m (Sl. No.-09), Ch. 5+900m (Sl. No.-10), 6+450m (Sl. No.-
11), 7+286m (Sl. No.-12) & Ch. 7+848m (Sl. No.-13)
Part-14: Sharsha GC - Gorpara GC Road: 1 No.-0.60m x 0.60m one
vent Box Culvert construction at Ch. 0+010 mm (Sl. No.-01)
Total Amount of ((C) Construction of Box Culverts in Sharsha
GC - Gorpara GC Road (Part-07 to 14)):
D) Improvement of Gorpara GC - Bangdah GC Road (ID-
241902005, Length 9.250 km)
Part-15: General & Site Facilities 268,623.55
Part-16: Earth Works 10,714,101.11
Part-17: Pavement & Surfacing Works 212,143,403.01
Part-18: 2 Nos. Passenger Sheds/Bus Bays Construction 653,109.06
Part-19: Protective Works 49,985,271.19

Total Amount of ((D) Improvement of Gorpara GC - Bangdah

GC Road (Part-15 to 19)):
E) Construction of 2 nos. Bridges and 5 nos. Box Culverts on
Gorpara GC - Bangdah GC Road

General Summary Amount in BDT
Part-20: Gorpara GC - Bangdah GC Road: 20.00m RCC Bridge
Construction at Ch. 3++080m (Sl. No.-05)
Part-21: Gorpara GC - Bangdah GC Road: 20.00m RCC Bridge
Construction at Ch. 5++087m (Sl. No.-06)
Part-22: Gorpara GC - Bangdah GC Roadt: 1 No.-0.60m x 0.60m
one vent Box Culvert construction at Ch. 2+100m (Sl. No.-04)
Part-23: Gorpara GC - Bangdah GC Road: 4 Nos.-1.00m x 1.00m
one vent Box Culvert construction at Ch. 0+745m (Sl. No.-01), Ch.
1+480m (Sl. No.-02), Ch.1+586m (Sl. No.-03) & Ch. 8+100m (Sl.
Total Amount of ((E) Construction of Box Culverts in Gorpara
GC - Bangdah GC Road (Part-20 to 23)):
F) Part-24: Road Safety Works for All Roads Sub-Total = 5,198,347.45
G) Construction of Gorpara GCM
Part-25: Civil Works 37,588,025.77
Part-26: Slaughter House Construction 1,236,260.67
Part-27: Electrical Works 2,268,090.00
Part-28: Plumbing Works 1,003,516.00
Part-29: Compost Plant Construction 798,900.65
Part-30: Improvement of Internal Roads (Uni Block Pavement
Total Amount of ((G) Construction of Gorpara GCM
(Part-25 to 30)):
H) Part-31: Relocating of Electric Pole & Tree Plantation for All
Sites Sub-Total =
I) Part-32: Environmental Mitigation & Enhancement Works
for All Sites Sub-Total =
J) Part-33: Social & Gender Aspects for All Sites Sub-Total = 1,455,000.00
SUM-1: Subtotal of Bills (Total of (Part-1 + Part-2 + Part-3 +
Part-4 + Part-5 + Part-6 + Part-7+ Part-8 + Part-9 +Part-10 +
Part-11 + Part-12 + Part-13 + Part-14 + Part-15 + Part-16 + Part-
17 + Part-18 + Part-19 + Part-20 + Part-21 + Part-22 + Part-23

General Summary Amount in BDT
+ Part-24 + Part-25 + Part-26 + Part-27 + Part-28+Part-29+Part-
30+Part-31+Part-32+ Part-33)):
Day Work Schedule
Total Amount of (Part-34: Schedule of Day work Rates: 1. Labor): 558,500.00
Total Amount of (Part-35: Schedule of Day work Rates: 2.
Total Amount of (Part-36: Schedule of Day work Rates: 3.
Contractors Equipment):
SUM-2: Total for Day work (Provisional Sum) * 2,308,900.00
SUM-3: Specified Provisional Sums not included in Subtotal of
Billsii (Fixed Amount)
SUM-4: Total of Bills Plus Provisional Sumsi (SUM-1 + SUM-2
+ SUM-3)
SUM-5: Provisional Sum for Contingency Allowance ii (Fixed
Bid Price (SUM-4 + SUM-5) (Carried forward to Letter of Bid) 80,29,62,280.00
Bid Price in Word: Taka Eighty Crore Twenty-Nine Lac Sixty-Two Thousand Two Hundred
and Eighty only.

12.2 Sectional Completion (CW-04)
Table 12.2: Sectional Completion

Value: Time for

Description of Parts of the Works that shall be Percentage* Completion
designated a Section for the purposes of the Contract of Accepted (Sub-
(Sub-Clause GCC 2.5) Contract Clause
GCC 2.5)
Amount GCC 2.5)
A) Construction of Engineer’s Site office,
Construction Camp, Labor sheds Sanitation & other
Facilities. (Part-1) 0.05% of
B) Improvement of Sharsha GC - Gorpara GC Road Contract
(Road ID-241902001, Length 8.753 km). (Part-2, 3) Amount for
C) Construction of Bridge & Box Culverts in Sharsha 11.64% 6 Months delay per
GC - Gorpara GC Road (Part-9, 10, 11, 12, 14) day of the
D) Improvement of Gorpara GC - Bangdah GC Road uncompleted
(ID-241902005, Length 9.250 km) (Part-15, 16, 19) works
E) Construction of Box Culvert in Gorpara GC -
Bangdah GC Road (Part-22,23)
B) Improvement of Sharsha GC - Gorpara GC Road 0.05% of
(Road ID-241902001, Length 8.753 km). (Part-4, 6) Contract
C) Construction of Bridge & Box Culverts in Sharsha Amount for
GC - Gorpara GC Road (Part-13) 29.90% 12 Months delay per
H) Relocating of Electric Pole & Tree Plantation for day of the
All Sites (Part-31) uncompleted
C) Construction of Bridge & Box Culverts in Sharsha 0.05% of
GC - Gorpara GC Road (Part-8) Contract
D) Improvement of Gorpara GC - Bangdah GC Road Amount for
18 Months
(ID-241902005, Length 9.25 km) (Part-17) 34.18% delay per
E) Construction of Box Culvert in Gorpara GC - day of the
Bangdah GC Road (Part-20, 21) uncompleted
B) Improvement of Sharsha GC - Gorpara GC Road
(Road ID-241902001, Length 8.573 km). (Part-5)
C) Construction of Bridge & Box Culverts in Sharsha
0.05% of
GC - Gorpara GC Road (Part-7)
D) Improvement of Gorpara GC - Bangdah GC Road
Amount for
(ID-241902005, Length 9.250 km) (Part-18) 24 Months
17.77% delay per
F) Road Safety Works for All Roads (Part-24)
day of the
G) Construction of Gorpara GCM (Part-25, 26, 27,
28, 29, 30)
I) Environmental Mitigation & Enhancement Works
for All Sites (Part-32)
J) Social & Gender Aspects for All Sites (Part-33)

12.3 Justifications for Provisional Sum

Estimated Cost: 75,06,53,380.00 BDT (Excluding Provisional Sums & Day Works)

Contract duration: 24 Months

12.3.1 Specified Provisional Sums not included in Subtotals of Bills (Physical

We have considered 2.50% contract variation might be required depending on stakeholders’
requirements, site conditions changes, etc. unseen situations which will affect the design,
drawing, quantity, etc. during the contract period. In those cases, contract amount might
increase due to quantity variation.

We have also considered the physical contingency for changes in Laws i.e., changes in the
direct and indirect Taxes, etc. We have assumed that 0.50% of total estimated might be affected
in this case.

We have also considered natural disaster, etc. force majeure scenarios. We have also considered
physical contingency if those situations occur. We have assumed that 0.50% of total estimate
might be affected in this case.

So, total Physical Contingency Allowance is = 2.50% + 0.50% + 0.50% = 3.50%.

12.3.2 Specified Provisional Sums for Contingency Allowance (Price Contingency)

The contract duration is 24 Months but price adjustment will be effective after 12 months as
per contract. After 12 months of the contract commencement, it is expected that
33,35,53,089.00 BDT works will be completed. So, price adjustment will be needed for the
remaining 41,71,00,290.00 BDT of the contract.

We have also considered the economic recession, abnormal price hike, political unrest,
pandemic (like Corona virus), etc. force majeure scenarios. In those cases, physical progress
may also hamper. Again, the initial work plan needs to be revised due to delay of site handover,
design modification, etc. of any components, then those components may shift to next quarter
from the initial work plan (to 3rd & 4th quarter). So, we have to consider price contingencies if
those situations occur. In that case we assume that price adjustment will be needed for about
5% of proposed amount within 12 months, which is 1,66,77,654.00 BDT.

If we consider the expected total inflation of 6% for the initial 12 months of the contract, then
expected contract increase will be 6% on the (41,71,00,290.00+1,66,77,654.00)=
43,37,77,944.00 BDT of the contract i.e., 2,60,26,676.00 BDT of the estimated amount.

12.3.3 Conclusion

1. Physical = 3.5% of estimated = 2,62,72,868.00 ~ 2,50,00,000.00 BDT(Say)

Contingency amount

2. Price = 6% of remaining = 2,60,26,676.00 ~ 2,50,00,000.00 BDT(Say)

Contingency amount
Total = 5,00,00,000.00 BDT
So, total provisional sum (Physical Contingency + Price Contingency) amount we have
considered in our estimate which is 6.66% of total estimated amount.

12.4 Work Plan

The work plan of this package has been presented in the table below.

Table 12.3: Work Plan of Package CW-04
Quarterly physical Progress
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
BOQ Summary Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter
(1-3) (4-6) (7-9) (10-12) (13-15) (16-18) (19-21) (22-24)
A) Construction of Engineer’s Site Office,
Construction Camp, Labour sheds, Sanitation &
other Facilities.
Part-1: Construction of Engineer’s Site Office,
Construction Camp, Labour sheds, Sanitation & other
Sub-Total =
B) Improvement of Sharsha GC - Gorpara GC
Road (Road ID-241902001, Length 8.753 km).
Part-2: General & Site Facilities
Part-3: Earth Works
Part-4: Pavement & Surfacing Works
Part-5: 02 Nos. Passenger Sheds/Bus Bays
Part-6: Protective Works
Sub-Total =
C) Construction of Bridge & Box Culverts in
Sharsha GC - Gorpara GC Road
Part-07: Sharsha GC - Gorpara GC Road: 2 Nos. 40.00
m RCC Bridge Construction at Ch. 0+361m (Sl. No.-
02) & Ch. 8+667m (Sl. No.-14)
Part-08: Sharsha GC - Gorpara GC Road: 20.00m
RCC Bridge Construction at Ch. 3+044m (Sl. No.-

Part-09: Sharsha GC - Gorpara GC Road: 1 No.-4.5m
x 4m Two vent Box Culvert construction at Ch.
3+518m (Sl. No.-06)
Part-10: Sharsha GC - Gorpara GC Road : 1 No.-
4.00m x 4.00m-Three-vent Box Culvert construction
at Ch. 4+275 m (Sl. No.-08)
Part-11: Sharsha GC - Gorpara GC Road: 1 No.-3m x
2m one vent Box Culvert construction at Ch. 3+554m
(Sl. No.-07)
Part-12: Sharsha GC - Gorpara GC Road: 1 No.-2m x
2m one vent Box Culvert construction at Ch. 1+225m
(Sl. No.-04))
Part-13: Sharsha GC - Gorpara GC Road : 6 Nos.-
1.00m x 1.00m one vent Box Culvert construction at
Ch. 0+525m (Sl. No.-03), Ch. 4+770m (Sl. No.-09),
Ch. 5+900m (Sl. No.-10), 6+450m (Sl. No.-11),
7+286m (Sl. No.-12) & Ch. 7+848m (Sl. No.-13)
Part-14: Sharsha GC - Gorpara GC Road: 1 No.-0.60m
x 0.60m one vent Box Culvert construction at Ch.
0+010 mm (Sl. No.-01)
Sub-Total =
D) Improvement of Gorpara GC - Bangdah GC
Road (ID-241902005, Length 9.253 km)
Part-15: General & Site Facilities
Part-16: Earth Works
Part-17: Pavement & Surfacing Works
Part-18: 2 Nos. Passenger Sheds/Bus Bays
Part-19: Protective Works
Sub-Total =

E) Construction of Box Culvert in Gorpara GC -
Bangdah GC Road
Part-20: Gorpara GC - Bangdah GC Road: 20.00m
RCC Bridge Construction at Ch. 3++080m (Sl. No.-
Part-21: Gorpara GC - Bangdah GC Road: 20.00m
RCC Bridge Construction at Ch. 5++087m (Sl. No.-
Part-22: Gorpara GC - Bangdah GC Roadt: 1 No.-
0.60m x 0.60m one vent Box Culvert construction at
Ch. 2+100m (Sl. No.-04)
Part-23: Gorpara GC - Bangdah GC Road: 4 Nos.-1m
x 1m one vent Box Culvert construction at Ch.
0+745m (Sl. No.-01), Ch. 1+480m (Sl. No.-02),
Ch.1+586m (Sl. No.-03) & Ch. 8+100m (Sl. No.-07)
Sub-Total =
F) Part-24: Road Safety Works for All Roads Sub-
Total =
G) Construction of Gorpara GCM
Part-25: Civil Works
Part-26: Slaughter House Construction
Part-27: Electrical Works
Part-28: Plumbing Works
Part-29: Compost Plant Construction
Part-30: Improvement of Internal Roads (Uni Block
Pavement Construction
Sub-Total =
H) Part-31: Relocating of Electric Pole & Tree
Plantation for All Sites Sub-Total =
I) Part-32: Environmental Mitigation &
Enhancement Works for All Sites Sub-Total =

J) Part-33: Social & Gender Aspects for All Sites
Sub-Total =


13.1 Contents of Bidding Documents:

E-Tender Document (e-PW3-D) Comprises of:

Section-1_Instructions to Tenderer (ITT)

Section-2_Tender Data Sheet (TDS)

Section-3_General Conditions of Contract (GCC)

Section-4_Particular Conditions of Contract (PCC)

Section-5_e-Tender and e-Contract Forms

Section-6_Bill of Quantities (BOQ)

Section-7_General Specifications

Section-7(a)_Eligibility & Qualification Criteria

Section-7(b)_Other Tender Forms

Section-7(c)_Appendices to the Tender

Section-8_Particular Specifications


13.2 Provisional Sums

Provisional sums means amounts of money specified by the Procuring Entity in the Bill of
Quantities which shall be used, at its discretion, for payments to nominated Subcontractors and
other purposes detailed in the Tender Documents;

Issues included in Provisional Sum

 Provision of quantity contingencies in any particular item/items with reasonable

expectation of quantity overrun.
 A contingency allowance for possible price contingencies
 The estimated cost of specialized work to be carried out by a nominated subcontractor
 An estimated amount to cover the Employer’s portion (50%) of DAAB fees and

13.3 Day Work Schedule
Day work” items are for unforeseen work outside the items in BOQ. Day work items include
various classes of labour, materials, and contractor’s equipment for which basic day work rates
are inserted by the bidder.

Rationale for Calculation of Provisional Sum

 The LGED rate schedule was prepared in Oct 2019 and by this time the price of
several construction materials has increased significantly. So, price contingencies
are included in Provisional sum
 Physical contingencies (Quantity Overrun) are quite normal is earthwork, piling
work, and substructure work
 Specialized items may be required in the construction of GCM or compost plant
 An estimated amount is allocated to cover the Employer’s portion (50%) of DAAB
fees and expenses

13.4 Eligibility and Financial Criteria of the Bidders

 History of Non-Performance
 Pending litigation and Litigation History
 Environmental and Social Past Performance
 SEA and SH disqualification
 Liquid Assets
 Average Annual Construction Turnover
 General Construction Experience
 Specific Construction Experience
 Specific Experience in ES

13.5 Quality Assurance and Quality Control Plan

 Methods statement
 Procurement of materials from genuine sources
 Accurate measurement
 Quality Control
 Physical Checking
 Construction Report/Test Report

13.6 Market Research

Market Research enables a procurement entity to understand how the supply market works, the
direction in which the market is going, the competitiveness and the key contractors within the
market. Accordingly, the following factors have been considered in market research.

 There are sufficient number of qualified and licensed construction contractors in the
market who would likely to respond to a procurement requirement as stated in the
bid document
 The market sector has adequate capacity to deliver the procurement requirement as
per BOQ and delivery schedule.
 The raw materials for construction of building i.e. cement, MS rod, coarse
aggregates, and fine aggregates are easily available in the local market. Similarly,
materials for road construction i.e. bitumen, Asphalt, road construction machinery
are available in the country
 There are a good number of reputed contractors who are able to meet the
qualification criteria of bid document and provide competitive pricing and
 Finally, skilled construction manpower and skilled workers are available locally

13.7 Procurement Strategy

Based on detailed survey and investigations, design of RCC structures, Growth Center Market
and Road alignments have been designed.
 A competitive bidding procedure shall be followed taking into account the
minimum required technical qualification and previous experience of the bidders as
detailed in general qualification criteria and specific experience stated in the bidding
 Progress of work shall be strictly monitored with the agreed work plan and Gantt
chart by the supervision consultants
 Quality assurance plan and quality control plan shall be in place through the
contractual arrangement with the bidders to ensure quality of work
 Environmental and Social safeguards procedures as per World Bank guidelines and
as identified in consultation with stakeholders have been incorporated in the bidding
document to ensure compliance by the contractors

All the risk factors have been minimized with detail study of supply market of construction
materials and labour market.

Annex A: CVD and PCU
Table Anx- 01: CVD for Sharsha-Gorpara GC Road (Hat Day)

Table Anx- 02: CVD for Gorpara GC-Bangdah GC Road (Hat Day)

Table Anx- 03: CVD for Sharsha-Gorpara GC Road (Non-Hat Day)

Table Anx- 04: CVD for Gorpara GC-Bangdah GC Road (Non-Hat Day)


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