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Siemens Bs 240 Bs 241 Brochure

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BS-240 / BS-2

er Stations

BS-240/241 is the new future-proof

evolution of Siemens’ BTS hard-
ware. Highlights are 24 TRX in
3 rac
ks with 8 TRX each,
each, sign
cantly reduced volume
volume per TRX,
and a future-oriented platform for
new GSM features.
features. Sieme
ns’ late
base stations are already prepared
forr UMT
fo UMTS.

Product Profile

Increasing demands
demands forfor higher
capacity are met by BS-240/241
through reduced volume and an
expanded number of 24 24 TRX in
3 racks with a modularity
modularity of 8 TRX
per rack.This also makes the
BS-240/241 a powerful dualband
base station
station for
for GSM900 and
GMS1 800, as well
well as for
for GSM900
and GSM1900.

A full spectrum of combining equip-

ment means high outputoutput power
power and
a minimized number
number of antennas forfor
all cell configurations.
configurations. High receiver
sensitivity is also guaranteed.
A future SDMA option is planned.
The modular archite
cture and the
flexible internal structure with data
rates of up to 2MBit/s enables the
BS-240/241 to provide new GSM
features such as EDGE.This platform
ensures that network evolution is as
smooth as possible.The use of latest
technolo gy reduces power consump-
tion and improves reliability.
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   O    O    O    O
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   A    A    A    A

Technical Data BS-240

Indoor application
Carriers per rack 8
Height x width x depth 1600 x 600 x 450 mm
   2    3    O    O    6    7
   #    #
   C    C    #    # Volume net 432 l
   U    U    M    M    U    U
   C    C    A    A    C    C Weight 210 kg
   I    I
   D    D
Operation acc. to ETSI 3.1E
Temperature range – 5 °C to + 55 °C
Power supply – 48 V DC; 230/400 V AC or 110/207 V AC
Max. power consumption 1.3 kW
Output power GSM900 60 W
   0    0    1    1
   #    #    #    #
Output power GSM1800 40 W
   0    1    4    5
   #    #    A   A   A   A    #    #
   U    U    B   S   B   S    U    U Output power GSM1900 40 W
   C    C    O   O   O   O    C    C
   C   C   C   C Batterie backup available

Fig.: Front view of BS-240

Customer Benefits Compatibility

s Compatibility with existing SBS The BS-240/241 are compatible with

ensures easy integration into the the existing Siemens BS-20/21/22 and
already installed infrastructure BS-60/61 products. An easy expansion
s Possible site configurations of up of installed networks with the new
to 72 TRX/site prepares for BS-240/241 is possible. Software
increasing capacity requirements features will run independently on
s Highest reliability thanks to all BTS types.
redundancy for all core modules
s Reduced investment costs due
to integrated A bis cross connect
(8 PCM lines)
s Fast network rollout: approximately
50% fewer sites required due to
high RX sensitivity and high output
s BS-240/241 can consist of up
to 8 racks: 1 base rack,
1 or 2 extension racks and up
to 5 service racks
s Pre-installed commissioning
reduces installation time to less
than one hour
s No service interruption for rack
extension or TRX exchange
s Smart antennas (beam switching)
Fig.: BS-240
option increases capacity
s High site efficiency due to reduced
volume of 54 liters/TRX and small
s Architecture prepared for future
GSM features (e.g. EDGE):
functional, modular internal
structure, highly flexible signal
processing capacity, exchangeable
RF frontend
   0    0    1    1
   0    1    #    #    #    #    4    5
   #    #    A   A   A   A    #    #
   U    U    B   S   B   S    U    U
   C    C    O   O   O   O    C    C
   C   C   C   C

Fig.: BS-241
   0    1
   #    #
   #    O    O    6
   C    C Technical Data BS-241
   U    U    M    M    U    U
   C    C    A    A    C    C
   I    I Outdoor application
   D    D
Carriers per rack 8
Height x width x depth 1750 (incl. plinth) x 700 x 650 mm
Volume net 705 l
Weight 265 kg
Operation acc. to ETSI 4.1E
   0    1    2    3
   #    #    #    # Temperature range
   M    M    M    M
(including solar radiation) – 45 °C to + 50 °C
   A    A    A    A
Integrated Power Supply 230/400 V AC or 110/207 V AC
Max. power consumption 1.85 kW
Output power GSM900 60 W
Output power GSM1800 40 W
Output power GSM1900 40 W
Battery backup available
Microwave hardware available
Fig.: Front view of BS-241

Feature Overview s Tower Mounted Amplifier s Hot plug-in ability of TRXs

(TMA) with intelligent reliability s Short software upgrade time
s Frequency bands: GSM900/  management s Improved MTBF
GSM-RE/GSM1800/GMS1900 s Smart antennas
s Dual band (beam switching) option
(GSM900/1800 and GSM900/1900 s Integrated A bis cross connect
in the same BTS rack) (8 PCM24/30 lines)
s Site configurations up to s Integrated NTPM and µ-wave
72 TRX/site, up to 24 TRX/cell equipment, optional battery
and 36 cells/site backup in a service rack
s High power amplifier (60W) and s High flexibility of site configurations
up to –116 dBm RX sensitivity thanks to service rack
s Core redundancy and AC/DC s State-of-the-art technology,
redundancy environmentally friendly, recyclable
s Duplex combiner s 48 external alarms, 8 site outputs
s Filter combiner per rack
s Filter combiner s Rack extension without service
with High Power Duplexer (HPDU) interruption
Technical Data RF BS-240/241

GSM900 Prim. Band Ext. Band

Uplink range 890-915 MHz 880-890 MHz
Downlink range 935-960 MHz 925-935 MHz

GSM-RE Frequency Band

Uplink range 876-901 MHz
Downlink range 921-946 MHz

GSM1800 Frequency Band

Uplink range 1710-1785 MHz
Downlink range 1805-1880 MHz

GSM1900 Frequency Band

Uplink range 1850-1910 MHz
Downlink range 1930-1990 MHz

AC Alternating Current HPDU High Power DUplexer   e
ACOM Antenna COMbining MTBF Mean-Time Between   n
BS Base Station Failures   o
BTS Base Transceiver NTPM Network Termination   e
Station Primary Multiplex   a
COBA COre BAsic module PCM Pulse Code Modulation    t
COSA COre SAtellite module RF Radio Frequency   a
CU Carrier Unit RX Receiver    b
DC Direct Current SBS Siemens Base Station   v
DIAMCO Diversity Amplifier System    t
Multi COupler SDMA Space Division    b
EDGE Enhanced Data rates Multiple Access   r
for GSM Evolution TMA Tower Mounted   e
ETSI European Amplifier    d
Telecommunications TRX Transceiver   c
Standard Institute UMTS Universal Mobile   s
GSM Global System for Telecommunications   v
Mobile Communication System    d
GSM-RE GSM Railway   s
Extension    d


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Order No. A50001-N3-P43-4-7600 • Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany • MR M625 SIE_013_00 PA 04005.   s
COPYRIGHT© • Siemens AG 2000 • Information and Communication Networks • Communication on Air • Hofmannstr. 51 • 81359 Munich • Germany •

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