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SAS 9.4 Formats and

Informats: Reference

SAS® Documentation
September 8, 2022
The correct bibliographic citation for this manual is as follows: SAS Institute Inc. 2016. SAS® 9.4 Formats and Informats: Reference. Cary,
NC: SAS Institute Inc.
SAS® 9.4 Formats and Informats: Reference
Copyright © 2016, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA

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Syntax Conventions for the SAS Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v

What's New in SAS 9.4 Formats and Informats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi

PART 1 SAS Formats 1

Chapter 1 / About Formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Definition of Formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Using Formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Definitions for Dates, Times, and Intervals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
About Date and Time Intervals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Byte Ordering for Integer Binary Data on Big Endian and Little Endian Platforms . 37
Data Conversions and Encodings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Working with Packed Decimal and Zoned Decimal Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Working with Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and
Extended Notations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

Formats Documented in Other Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Formats by Category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Dictionary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102

PART 2 SAS Informats 523

Chapter 3 / About Informats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525

Definition of Informats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525
Syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526
Using Informats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527
Byte Ordering for Integer Binary Data on Big Endian and Little Endian Platforms 530
Working with Packed Decimal and Zoned Decimal Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533
Reading Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and
Extended Notations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 538

Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 545

Informats Documented in Other Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 547
Informats by Category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 547
Dictionary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 560
iv Contents

Syntax Conventions for the SAS


Overview of Syntax Conventions for the

SAS Language
SAS uses standard conventions in the documentation of syntax for SAS language
elements. These conventions enable you to easily identify the components of SAS
syntax. The conventions can be divided into these parts:
n syntax components

n style conventions

n special characters

n references to SAS libraries and external files

Syntax Components
The components of the syntax for most language elements include a keyword and
arguments. For some language elements, only a keyword is necessary. For other
language elements, the keyword is followed by an equal sign (=). The syntax for
arguments has multiple forms in order to demonstrate the syntax of multiple
arguments, with and without punctuation.
specifies the name of the SAS language element that you use when you write
your program. Keyword is a literal that is usually the first word in the syntax. In a
CALL routine, the first two words are keywords.
In these examples of SAS syntax, the keywords are bold:
CHAR (string, position)
CALL RANBIN (seed, n, p, x);
ALTER (alter-password)
vi Syntax Conventions for the SAS Language

REMOVE <data-set-name>
In this example, the first two words of the CALL routine are the keywords:
CALL RANBIN(seed, n, p, x)
The syntax of some SAS statements consists of a single keyword without
... SAS code ...
Some system options require that one of two keyword values be specified:
Some procedure statements have multiple keywords throughout the statement
CREATE <UNIQUE> INDEX index-name ON table-name (column-1 <,
column-2, …>)
specifies a numeric or character constant, variable, or expression. Arguments
follow the keyword or an equal sign after the keyword. The arguments are used
by SAS to process the language element. Arguments can be required or
optional. In the syntax, optional arguments are enclosed in angle brackets ( <
> ).
In this example, string and position follow the keyword CHAR. These arguments
are required arguments for the CHAR function:
CHAR (string, position)
Each argument has a value. In this example of SAS code, the argument string
has a value of 'summer', and the argument position has a value of 4:
x=char('summer', 4);

In this example, string and substring are required arguments, whereas modifiers
and startpos are optional.
FIND(string, substring <, modifiers> <, startpos>
specifies that one argument is required and that multiple arguments are allowed.
Separate arguments with a space. Punctuation, such as a comma ( , ) is not
required between arguments.
The MISSING statement is an example of this form of multiple arguments:
MISSING character(s);
<LITERAL_ARGUMENT> argument-1 <<LITERAL_ARGUMENT> argument-2 ... >
specifies that one argument is required and that a literal argument can be
associated with the argument. You can specify multiple literals and argument
pairs. No punctuation is required between the literal and argument pairs. The
ellipsis (...) indicates that additional literals and arguments are allowed.
The BY statement is an example of this argument:
BY <DESCENDING> variable-1 <<DESCENDING> variable-2 …>;
Style Conventions vii

argument-1 <options> <argument-2 <options> ...>

specifies that one argument is required and that one or more options can be
associated with the argument. You can specify multiple arguments and
associated options. No punctuation is required between the argument and the
option. The ellipsis (...) indicates that additional arguments with an associated
option are allowed.
The FORMAT procedure PICTURE statement is an example of this form of
multiple arguments:
PICTURE name <(format-options)>
<value-range-set-1 <(picture-1-options)>
<value-range-set-2 <(picture-2-options)> …>>;
argument-1=value-1 <argument-2=value-2 ...>
specifies that the argument must be assigned a value and that you can specify
multiple arguments. The ellipsis (...) indicates that additional arguments are
allowed. No punctuation is required between arguments.
The LABEL statement is an example of this form of multiple arguments:
LABEL variable-1=label-1 <variable-2=label-2 …>;
argument-1 <, argument-2, ...>
specifies that one argument is required and that you can specify multiple
arguments that are separated by a comma or other punctuation. The ellipsis (...)
indicates a continuation of the arguments, separated by a comma. Both forms
are used in the SAS documentation.
Here are examples of this form of multiple arguments:
AUTHPROVIDERDOMAIN (provider-1:domain-1 <, provider-2:domain-2, …>
INTO :macro-variable-specification-1 <, :macro-variable-specification-2, …>

Note: In most cases, example code in SAS documentation is written in lowercase

with a monospace font. You can use uppercase, lowercase, or mixed case in the
code that you write.

Style Conventions
The style conventions that are used in documenting SAS syntax include uppercase
bold, uppercase, and italic:
identifies SAS keywords such as the names of functions or statements. In this
example, the keyword ERROR is written in uppercase bold:
ERROR <message>;
identifies arguments that are literals.
In this example of the CMPMODEL= system option, the literals include BOTH,
viii Syntax Conventions for the SAS Language


identifies arguments or values that you supply. Items in italic represent user-
supplied values that are either one of the following:
n nonliteral arguments. In this example of the LINK statement, the argument
label is a user-supplied value and therefore appears in italic:
LINK label;
n nonliteral values that are assigned to an argument.

In this example of the FORMAT statement, the argument DEFAULT is

assigned the variable default-format:
FORMAT variable(s) <format > <DEFAULT = default-format>;

Special Characters
The syntax of SAS language elements can contain the following special characters:
an equal sign identifies a value for a literal in some language elements such as
system options.
In this example of the MAPS system option, the equal sign sets the value of
angle brackets identify optional arguments. A required argument is not enclosed
in angle brackets.
In this example of the CAT function, at least one item is required:
CAT (item-1 <, item-2, …>)
a vertical bar indicates that you can choose one value from a group of values.
Values that are separated by the vertical bar are mutually exclusive.
In this example of the CMPMODEL= system option, you can choose only one of
the arguments:
an ellipsis indicates that the argument can be repeated. If an argument and the
ellipsis are enclosed in angle brackets, then the argument is optional. The
repeated argument must contain punctuation if it appears before or after the
In this example of the CAT function, multiple item arguments are allowed, and
they must be separated by a comma:
CAT (item-1 <, item-2, …>)
References to SAS Libraries and External Files ix

'value' or "value"
indicates that an argument that is enclosed in single or double quotation marks
must have a value that is also enclosed in single or double quotation marks.
In this example of the FOOTNOTE statement, the argument text is enclosed in
quotation marks:
FOOTNOTE <n> <ods-format-options 'text' | "text">;
a semicolon indicates the end of a statement or CALL routine.
In this example, each statement ends with a semicolon:
data namegame;
length color name $8;
color = 'black';
name = 'jack';
game = trim(color) || name;

References to SAS Libraries and

External Files
Many SAS statements and other language elements refer to SAS libraries and
external files. You can choose whether to make the reference through a logical
name (a libref or fileref) or use the physical filename enclosed in quotation marks.
If you use a logical name, you typically have a choice of using a SAS statement
(LIBNAME or FILENAME) or the operating environment's control language to make
the reference. Several methods of referring to SAS libraries and external files are
available, and some of these methods depend on your operating environment.
In the examples that use external files, SAS documentation uses the italicized
phrase file-specification. In the examples that use SAS libraries, SAS
documentation uses the italicized phrase SAS-library enclosed in quotation marks:
infile file-specification obs = 100;
libname libref 'SAS-library';
x Syntax Conventions for the SAS Language

What's New in SAS 9.4 Formats

and Informats

SAS Viya 3.4 adds the $UUID format and informat.
New formats write date, time, and datetime values based on user local time.
Some format values might differ slightly when the DECIMALCONV= system option
is set to STDIEEE.

New SAS Formats

The following formats are new:
converts character data to Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) format.
adjusts a Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) datetime value to the user local
date and time. Then, writes the local date and time by using the ISO 8601
datetime and time zone basic notation yyyymmddThhmmss+hhmm.
writes datetime values as local time by appending a time zone offset difference
between the local time and UTC, using the ISO 8601 basic notation
adjusts a Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) value to the user local time. Then,
writes the local time by using the ISO 8601 basic time notation hhmmss+|–
adjusts a Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) datetime value to the user local
date and time. Then, writes the local date and time by using the ISO 8601
datetime and time zone extended notation yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss+hh:mm.
xii What's New in SAS 9.4 Formats and Informats

writes datetime values as local time by appending a time zone offset difference
between the local time and UTC, using the ISO 8601 extended notation yyyy-
adjusts a Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) value to the user local time. Then,
writes the local time by using the ISO 8601 extended time notation hh:mm:ss+|–
writes odds ratios.

Enhancements to Formats
In 9.4m7, the F format is added to the documentation. This format is an alias for the
W format.

Format Output Differences Due to the

DECIMALCONV= System Option
When the DECIMALCONV= system option is set to STDIEEE, SAS converts and
formats decimal values using the IEEE Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic 754–
2008. This standard improves the accuracy of floating-point numbers. The output
written for the following formats might differ slightly from previous releases:

BESTDw.p E8601TZw.d S370FPDUw.d

B8601DTw.d HHMMw.d S370FZDw.d
B8601TMw.d HOURw.d S370FZDLw.d
Dw.d MMSSw.d S370FZDTw.d
Ew. PERCENTNw.d w.d
E8601DTw.d PVALUEw.d ZDw.d
E8601TMw.d S370FPDw.d
For more information, see “DECIMALCONV= System Option” in SAS System
Options: Reference.
Enhancements to Existing Informats xiii

New Informats
SAS Viya 3.4 has added the $UUIDw. informat.
converts hexadecimal data to a 16-byte binary variable Universally Unique
Identifier (UUID).

Enhancements to Existing Informats

SAS 9.4M2 has added new aliases for some time-zone informats:

New Alias Existing Informat

B8601DXw. on page 600 B8601DZw.d on page 601

B8601LXw. on page 603 B8601DTw.d on page 599

B8601TXw. on page 605 B8601TZw.d on page 605

E8601DXw. on page 625 E8601DZw.d on page 625

E8601LXw. on page 627 E8601DTw.d on page 623

E8601TXw. on page 631 E8601TZw.d on page 631

xiv What's New in SAS 9.4 Formats and Informats


SAS Formats

Chapter 1
About Formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Chapter 2
Dictionary of Formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

About Formats

Definition of Formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Using Formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Ways to Specify Formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Permanent versus Temporary Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
User-Defined Formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Definitions for Dates, Times, and Intervals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Julian Date Formats and Astronomical Dates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Two-Digit and Four-Digit Years . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Five-Digit Years . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
The Year 2000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Working with SAS Dates and Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
About Date and Time Intervals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Intervals by Category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Example: Calculating a Duration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Boundaries of Intervals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Single-Unit Intervals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Multi-unit Intervals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Shifted Intervals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Custom Intervals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Retail Calendar Intervals: ISO 8601 Compliant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Byte Ordering for Integer Binary Data on Big Endian and Little
Endian Platforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
How Bytes Are Ordered Differently . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Writing Data Generated on Big Endian and Little Endian Platforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Integer Binary Notation and Different Programming Languages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Data Conversions and Encodings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Working with Packed Decimal and Zoned Decimal Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
4 Chapter 1 / About Formats

Types of Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Platforms That Support Packed Decimal and Zoned Decimal Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Languages That Support Packed Decimal and Zoned Decimal Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Summary of Packed Decimal and Zoned Decimal Formats and Informats . . . . . . . . 43
Working with Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and
Extended Notations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
ISO 8601 Formatting Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
About Dates and Times That Use the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended Notations . . . 47
Basic ISO 8601 Date, Time, and Datetime Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Extended ISO 8601 Date, Time, and Datetime Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Tips for Remembering UTC Formats That Use Time Zone Offsets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Examples of Reading and Writing Basic and Extended ISO 8601
Date, Time, and Datetime Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Writing ISO 8601 Duration, Datetime, and Interval Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

Definition of Formats
A format is a type of SAS language element that applies a pattern to or executes
instructions for a data value to be displayed or written as output. Types of formats
correspond to the type of data: numeric, character, date, time, or timestamp. The
ability to create user-defined formats is also supported. Examples of SAS formats
are BINARY, DATE, and WORDS. The WORDS22. format, which converts numeric
values to their equivalent in words, writes the numeric value 692 as six hundred

SAS formats have the following form:
indicates a character format. Its absence indicates a numeric format.
names the format. The format is a SAS format or a user-defined format that was
previously defined with the VALUE statement in PROC FORMAT.

See For information about user-defined formats, see “FORMAT Procedure” in

Base SAS Procedures Guide.

specifies the format width, which for most formats is the number of columns in
the output data.
specifies an optional decimal scaling factor in the numeric formats.
Using Formats 5

Formats contain a period (.) as a part of the name. If you omit the w and d values
from the format, SAS uses default values. The d value that you specify with a format
tells SAS to display that many decimal places. Formats never change or truncate
the internally stored data values.
For example, in DOLLAR10.2, the w value of 10 specifies a maximum of 10
columns for the value. The d value of 2 specifies that two of these columns are for
the decimal part of the value, which leaves eight columns for the remaining
characters in the value. The remaining columns include the decimal point, the
remaining numeric value, a minus sign if the value is negative, the dollar sign, and
any commas.
If the format width is too narrow to represent a value, SAS tries to squeeze the value
into the space available. Character formats truncate values on the right. Numeric
formats sometimes revert to the BESTw.d format. SAS prints asterisks if you do not
specify an adequate width. In this example, the result is x=**:
put x= 2.;

If you use an incompatible format, such as a numeric format to write character

values, SAS first attempts to use an analogous format of the other type. If this
attempt fails, an error message that describes the problem is displayed in the SAS
When the value of d is greater than 15, the precision of the decimal value after the
15th significant digit might not be accurate.

Using Formats

Ways to Specify Formats

About Specifying Formats

You can specify formats in these ways:
n in a PUT statement

n with the PUT, PUTC, or PUTN functions

n with the %SYSFUNC or %QSYSFUNC macro functions

n in a FORMAT statement in a DATA step or a PROC step

n in an ATTRIB statement in a DATA step or a PROC step

6 Chapter 1 / About Formats

PUT Statement
The PUT statement with a format after the variable name uses a format to write data
values in a DATA step. For example, this PUT statement uses the DOLLARw.d
format to write the numeric value for AMOUNT as a dollar amount:
put amount dollar10.2;

The DOLLARw.d format in the PUT statement produces this result:


For more information, see “PUT Statement” in SAS DATA Step Statements:

PUT Function
The PUT function converts a numeric variable, a character variable, or a constant by
using any valid format, and then returns the resulting character value. For example,
this statement converts the value of a numeric variable to a two-character
hexadecimal representation:

The PUT function returns a value of 0F, which is assigned to the variable CHAR.
The PUT function is useful for converting a numeric value to a character value.
For more information, see “PUT Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines:

%SYSFUNC Macro Function

The %SYSFUNC (or %QSYSFUNC) macro function executes SAS functions or
user-defined functions and applies an optional format to the function outside a DATA
step. For example, this program writes a numeric value in a macro variable as a
dollar amount:
%macro tst(amount);
%put %sysfunc(putn(&amount,dollar10.2));
%mend tst;

%tst (1154.23);

For more information, see “%SYSFUNC, %QSYSFUNC Macro Functions” in SAS

Macro Language: Reference.
Using Formats 7

FORMAT Statement
The FORMAT statement permanently associates character variables with character
formats and numeric variables with numeric formats.
SAS uses the format to write the values of the variable that you specify. For
example, the following statement in a DATA step associates the COMMAw.d
numeric format with the variables SALES1 through SALES3:
format sales1-sales3 comma10.2;

Because the FORMAT statement permanently associates a format with a variable,

any subsequent DATA step or PROC step uses COMMA10.2 to write the values of
For more information, see “FORMAT Statement” in SAS DATA Step Statements:

Note: If you assign formats with a FORMAT statement before a PUT statement, all
leading blanks are trimmed. Formats that are associated with variables that use a
FORMAT statement behave like formats that are used with a colon (:) modifier in a
subsequent PUT statement. For more information about using the colon format
modifier, see “PUT Statement: List” in SAS DATA Step Statements: Reference.

ATTRIB Statement
The ATTRIB statement can also associate a format, as well as other attributes, with
one or more variables. In this statement, the ATTRIB statement permanently
associates the COMMAw.d format with the variables SALES1 through SALES3:
attrib sales1-sales3 format=comma10.2;

Because the ATTRIB statement permanently associates a format with a variable,

any subsequent DATA step or PROC step uses COMMA10.2 to write the values of
For more information, see “ATTRIB Statement” in SAS DATA Step Statements:

Permanent versus Temporary Association

When you specify a format in a PUT statement, SAS uses the format to write data
values during the DATA step but does not permanently associate the format with a
variable. To permanently associate a format with a variable, use a FORMAT
statement or an ATTRIB statement in a DATA step. SAS permanently associates a
format with the variable by modifying the descriptor information in the SAS data set.
8 Chapter 1 / About Formats

Using a FORMAT statement or an ATTRIB statement in a PROC step associates a

format with a variable for that PROC step, as well as for any output data sets that
the procedure creates that contain formatted variables.
For more information about using formats in SAS procedures, see “Formatted
Values” in Base SAS Procedures Guide.

User-Defined Formats
In addition to the formats that are supplied with Base SAS software, you can use
PROC FORMAT to create your own formats. PROC FORMAT enables you to create
your own formats for both character and numeric variables.

Note: PROC FORMAT is valid on the SAS client and the CAS server.

For more information, see “FORMAT Procedure” in Base SAS Procedures Guide
and SAS Cloud Analytic Services: User-Defined Formats.
User-defined format names cannot end in a number. If you specify a user-defined
format whose name ends in a number, SAS returns an error. You can re–create the
format with a valid name that does not end in a number, or you can use PROC
CATALOG to rename the format. Here is an example that uses PROC CATALOG to
change the name of a user-defined format from MYFMT22 to MYFMT.
proc catalog cat=work.formats;
change myfmt22=myfmt / entrytype = format;

Note: A SAS user or a third party’s software might create a format with a name that
ends in a number. Follow the guidelines for naming SAS elements at “Words and
Names” in SAS Programmer’s Guide: Essentials when you create user-defined

When you execute a SAS program on the SAS client that uses user-defined
formats, you can make these formats available in two ways:
n Create permanent, not temporary, formats with PROC FORMAT.

n Store the source code that creates the formats (the PROC FORMAT step) with
the SAS program that uses them.
To create permanent SAS formats, see “FORMAT Procedure” in Base SAS
Procedures Guide.
Your CAS administrator can configure the server so that format libraries are added
and promoted from libraries that are persisted as SASHDAT files in a caslib's data
source. The format libraries that you have created are not automatically loaded
when you start a CAS session, even if you have persisted them.
When you execute a SAS program in a CAS session that uses user-defined
formats, you can make these formats available in three ways:
n Use the addFmtLib action to add a format library that has been created with
Definitions for Dates, Times, and Intervals 9

n Use the SAVEFMTLIB option of the CAS statement to save a format library to a
CAS table or a SASHDAT. The table and the file include the formats in a format
n Use the LOADFORMATS option of the CAS statement to load user-defined
formats from a format item-store file that was created with PROC FMTC2ITM.
For more information, see addFmtLib Action and CAS Statement.
If you execute a program that cannot locate a user-defined format, the result
depends on the setting of the FMTERR system option. If the user-defined format is
not found, these system options produce these results:

System Option Result

FMTERR SAS produces an error that causes the current

DATA or PROC step to stop processing.

NOFMTERR SAS continues processing and substitutes a default

format, usually the BESTw. or $w. format. SAS also
writes a note to the log indicating that the specified
format was not found or could not be loaded.

Although using NOFMTERR enables SAS to process a variable, you lose the
information that the user-defined format supplies.
To avoid problems, ensure that your program has access to all user-defined formats
that are used.

Definitions for Dates, Times, and


SAS date value
is a value that represents the number of days between January 1, 1960, and a
specified date. SAS can perform calculations on dates that range from A.D.
November 1582 to A.D. 19,900. Dates before January 1, 1960, are negative
numbers; dates after January 1, 1960, are positive numbers.
n SAS date values account for all leap year days, including the leap year day in
the year 2000.

Using century dates greater than 4000 might result in incorrect dates.
SAS does not consider century years that are divisible by 4000 to be leap years.
Computations on dates that use a century date greater than or equal to 4000
10 Chapter 1 / About Formats

might be off by days, depending on the computation. SAS does not consider the
years 4000, 8000, 12000, 16000, and 20000 to be leap years.

n SAS date values can reliably tell you what day of the week a particular day
fell on as far back as September 1752. That was when the calendar was
adjusted by dropping several days. SAS day-of-the-week and length-of-time
calculations are accurate in the future to A.D. 19,900.
n Various SAS language elements handle SAS date values: functions, formats,
and informats.
SAS time value
is a value that represents the number of seconds since midnight of the current
day. SAS time values are between 0 and 86400.
SAS datetime value
is a value that represents the number of seconds between January 1, 1960, and
an hour/minute/second within a specified date.
The following figure shows some dates written in calendar form and as SAS date

Figure 1.1 How SAS Converts Calendar Dates to SAS Date Values

Julian Date Formats and Astronomical Dates

SAS uses SAS date values, which are ordinal numbers, to calculate dates. SAS
date values represent the number of days between January 1, 1960, and a specified
date. All SAS formats, informats, and functions use SAS dates. You have to use an
informat to convert a Julian date to a SAS date before SAS can use it to perform
The following SAS language elements do not convert SAS dates to Julian dates.
These language elements apply a Julian date format to a SAS date.

Format Informat Function




Definitions for Dates, Times, and Intervals 11

Format Informat Function


SAS can perform calculations on raw SAS date values and on formatted SAS date
values. This includes performing calculations on Julian-formatted date values.
SAS uses these definitions of Julian dates and Julian formats:
Julian date
is the number of continuous days since January 1, 4713 BC, which is also known
as an astronomical date.
Julian format
is the representation of an ordinal SAS date in the form of a calendar day,
SAS uses the Julian format (ordinal date) definition of dates. Julian-related
language elements in SAS do not convert SAS dates internally to Julian
astronomical dates. These Julian-related language elements make a SAS date look
like an ordinal date with the form YYDDD or YYYYDDD. For example, January, 23,
2018 is 18023 when you apply a Julian format in SAS.
You must define the values as SAS dates before using them in calculations. The
only way you can convert a SAS date to an astronomical date is to add 2,436,934.5
to the SAS date value. This conversion enables SAS to use the values to perform
calculations. Otherwise, SAS treats the values as regular integer numeric values,
and you might get unexpected results.
The following example performs these tasks:
n Creates a data set that contains SAS dates.

n Converts the dates to the MMDDYY10 format and the Julian format.

n Performs calculations on the two sets of dates, even though they have different
data dates; /* 1 */
input sas_date;
proc print data = dates;

data dates2; /* 2 */
set dates;
formatted_sas_date = sas_date;
julian_formatted_SAS_date = sas_date;
format formatted_sas_date mmddyy10. julian_formatted_SAS_date
julian.; /* 3 */
proc print data=dates2;
12 Chapter 1 / About Formats


data dates3; /* 4 */
set dates2;
datediff=sas_date - lag(julian_formatted_SAS_date); /* 5 */
proc print data =dates3;
The following items correspond to the lines that are numbered in the preceding
DATA step.
1 Create the data set of SAS dates.
2 Convert the dates to the MMDDYY10 format and the Julian format.
3 The FORMAT statement creates the two formats for the dates.
4 Perform calculations on the formatted dates.
5 The LAG function compares the SAS date values in the previous row with the
value in the current row and returns the difference.
Definitions for Dates, Times, and Intervals 13

Figure 1.2 Converting SAS Dates and Using the Results in Calculations
14 Chapter 1 / About Formats

Two-Digit and Four-Digit Years

SAS software can read two-digit or four-digit year values. If SAS encounters a two-
digit year, the YEARCUTOFF= option can be used to specify which century within a
100-year span the two-digit year should be attributed to. For example,
YEARCUTOFF=1950 means that two-digit years 50 through 99 correspond to 1950
through 1999. Two-digit years 00 through 49 correspond to 2000 through 2049.
Note that while the default value of the YEARCUTOFF= option in SAS is 1926, you
can adjust the YEARCUTOFF= value in a DATA step to accommodate the range of
date values that you are working with. To correctly handle two-digit years that
represent dates between 2000 and 2099, you should specify an appropriate
YEARCUTOFF= value between 1901 and 2000. For more information, see the
“YEARCUTOFF= System Option” in SAS System Options: Reference.

Five-Digit Years
Although some formats specify a width large enough to accommodate formatting a
five-digit year such as DATETIME20., SAS documentation does not display five-digit

The Year 2000

Using the YEARCUTOFF= System Option

SAS software treats the year 2000 like any other leap year. If you use two-digit year
numbers for dates, you probably need to adjust the default setting for the
YEARCUTOFF= option to work with date ranges for your data or switch to four-digit
years. The following program changes the YEARCUTOFF= value to 1950. This
change means that all two-digit dates are now assumed to fall in the 100-year span
from 1950 to 2049.
options yearcutoff=1950;
data _null_;
put 'SAS date='a;
put 'formatted date='a date9.;

The PUT statement writes the following lines to the SAS log:
SAS date=15639
formated date=26OCT2002
Definitions for Dates, Times, and Intervals 15

Note: Whenever possible, specify a year using all four digits. Most SAS date and
time language elements support four-digit year values.

Example: How YEARCUTOFF= Affects

Two- and Four-Digit Years
The following example shows what happens with data that contains both two- and
four-digit years. By default, the YEARCUTOFF= option is set to 1926.
options nodate;

data schedule;
input @1 jobid $ @6 projdate mmddyy10.;
A100 01/15/25
A110 03/15/2025
A200 01/30/96
B100 02/05/12
B200 06/15/2012

proc print data=schedule;

format projdate mmddyy10.;
The output from the PROC PRINT statement looks like this.

Output 1.1 Output Showing Four-Digit Years That Result from Setting YEARCUTOFF= to

Here are some facts to note in this example:

n In the data lines in the DATA step, the first record contains a two-digit year of 25,
and the second record contains a four-digit year of 2025. The century for the first
record defaults to the 2000s because 2025 is in the range of 1926–2025. The
four-digit year in the second record is unaffected by the YEARCUTOFF= option.
n In the third record, the century defaults to the 1900s because the year 1996 is in
the range of 1926–2025.
16 Chapter 1 / About Formats

n The output from the fourth and fifth records shows results that are similar to the
first and second records. The fourth record specifies a two-digit year of 12, and
the fifth record specifies a four-digit year of 2012. The century in the fourth
record defaults to the 2000s because 2012 is in the range of 1926–2025. The
four-digit year in the fifth record is unaffected by the YEARCUTOFF= option.
As you can see, specifying a two-digit year might or might not result in the intended
century prefix. The optimal value of the YEARCUTOFF= option depends on the
range of the dates that you are processing.
In releases SAS 6.06 through SAS 6.12, the default value for the YEARCUTOFF=
system option is 1900. Starting with SAS 7, the default value is 1920, and starting
with SAS 9.4, the default value is 1926.
For more information about how SAS handles dates, see “Definitions for Dates,
Times, and Intervals”.

Practices That Help Ensure Date Integrity

The following practices help ensure that your date values are correct during all the
conversions that occur during processing:
n Store dates as SAS date values, not as simple numeric or character values.

n Use the YEARCUTOFF= system option when converting two-digit dates to SAS
date values.
n Examine sets of raw data that come into your SAS process to make sure that
any dates containing two-digit years are correctly interpreted by the
YEARCUTOFF= system option. Be aware of these situations:
o Two-digit years that are distributed over more than a 100-year period. For
dates that cover more than a 100-year span, you must use either four-digit
years in the data or conditional logic in a DATA step to interpret them
o Two-digit years that need an adjustment to the default YEARCUTOFF=
range. For example, if the default value for YEARCUTOFF= in your operating
environment is 1926 and you have a two-digit date in your data that
represents 1925, you have to adjust your YEARCUTOFF= value downward
by a year in the SAS program that processes this value.
n Ensure that output SAS data sets represent dates as SAS date values.

n Check your SAS programs to ensure that formats and informats that use two-
digit years, such as DATE7., MMDDYY6., or MMDDYY8., are reading and
writing data correctly.

Note: The YEARCUTOFF= option has no effect on dates that are already stored as
SAS date values.
Definitions for Dates, Times, and Intervals 17

Working with SAS Dates and Times

Informats and Formats

SAS converts date, time, and datetime values back and forth between calendar
dates and clock times with SAS language elements called formats and informats.
n Formats present a value such as a time or date value that is recognized by SAS
as a calendar date or clock time in a variety of lengths and notations.
n Informats read notations or a value such as a clock time or a calendar date that
might be in a variety of lengths, and then convert the data to a SAS date, time, or
datetime value.
SAS can read date and time values that are delimited by the following characters:
The blank character can also be used.
Only one delimiter can be used for a date. Otherwise, an error message is written to
the SAS log. For example, 01/Jan/2007 uses a single delimiter and can be read by
SAS. In the case of 01-Jan/2007, two different delimiters separate the parts of the
date, which results in an error message.

Date and Time Tools by Task

The following table correlates tasks with various SAS language elements that are
available for working with time and date data.

Table 1.1 Tasks with Dates and Times, Part 1

Type of
Language Language
Task Element Element Input Result

Write SAS date values Date formats DATE. 19434 17MAR13

in recognizable forms
DATE9. 19434 17MAR2013

DAY. 19434 17

DDMMYY. 19434 17/03/13

DDMMYY10. 19434 17/03/2013

DDMMYYB. 19434 17 03 13

DDMMYYB10. 19434 17 03 2013

18 Chapter 1 / About Formats

Type of
Language Language
Task Element Element Input Result

DDMMYYC. 19434 17:03:13

DDMMYYC10. 19434 17:03:2013

DDMMYYD. 19434 17-03-13

DDMMYYD10. 19434 17-03-2013

DDMMYYN. 19434 17032013

DDMMYYN6. 19434 170313

DDMMYYP. 19434 17.03.13

DDMMYYP10. 19434 17.03.2013

DDMMYYS. 19434 17/03/13

DDMMYYS10. 19434 17/03/2013

DOWNAME. 19434 Sunday

JULDAY. 1 19434 76

JULIAN. 1 19434 13076

MMDDYY. 19434 03/17/13

MMDDYY10. 19434 03/17/2013

MMDDYYB. 19434 03 17 13

MMDDYYB10. 19434 03 17 2013

MMDDYYC. 19434 03:17:13

MMDDYYC10. 19434 03:17:2013

MMDDYYD. 19434 03-17-13

Write SAS date values Date formats MMDDYYD10. 19434 03-17-2013

in recognizable forms
MMDDYYN. 19434 03172013

MMDDYYN8. 19434 03172013

MMDDYYP. 19434 03.17.13

MMDDYYP10. 19434 03.17.2013

MMDDYYS. 19434 03/17/13

Definitions for Dates, Times, and Intervals 19

Type of
Language Language
Task Element Element Input Result

MMDDYYS10. 19434 03/17/2013

MMYY. 19434 03M2013

MMYYC. 19434 03:2013

MMYYD. 19434 03-2013

MMYYN. 19434 032013

MMYYP. 19434 03.2013

MMYYS. 19434 03/2013

MONNAME. 19434 March

MONTH. 19434 3

MONYY. 19434 MAR13

PDJULG. 1 19434 2013076F

PDJULI. 1 19434 0100076F

WEEKDATE. 19434 Sunday, March

17, 2013

WEEKDAY. 19434 1

WORDDATE. 19434 March 17, 2013

WORDDATX. 19434 17 March 2013

Quarter formats QTR. 19434 1

QTRR. 19434 I

Time formats TIME. 19434 5:23:54

TIMEAMPM. 19434 5:23:54 AM

TOD. 19434 05:23:54

Write SAS date values Year formats YEAR. 19434 2013

in recognizable forms
YYMM. 19434 2013M03

YYMMC. 19434 2013:03

YYMMD. 19434 2013-03

YYMMP. 19434 2013.03

20 Chapter 1 / About Formats

Type of
Language Language
Task Element Element Input Result

YYMMS. 19434 2013/03

YYMMN. 19434 201303

YYMMDD. 19434 13-03-17

YYMON. 19434 2013MAR

Year/Quarter YYQ. 19434 2013Q1

YYQC. 19434 2013:1

YYQD. 19434 2013-1

YYQP. 19434 2013.1

YYQS. 19434 2013/1

YYQN. 19434 20131

YYQR. 19434 2013QI

YYQRC. 19434 2013:I

YYQRD. 19434 2013-I

YYQRP. 19434 2013.I

YYQRS. 19434 2013/I

YYQRN. 19434 2013I

1 In SAS, a Julian date is a date in the form YYNNN or YYYYNNN, where YY is a two-digit year, YYYY is a four-digit year,
and NNN is the ordinal offset from January 1 of the year YY or YYYY. SAS processes Julian dates only for valid SAS

Table 1.2 Tasks with Dates and Times, Part 2

Type of
Language Language
Task Element Element Input Result

Date Tasks

Read calendar dates as Date informats DATE. 17MAR13 19434

SAS date

DATE9. 17MAR2013 19434

DDMMYY. 170313 19434

Definitions for Dates, Times, and Intervals 21

Type of
Language Language
Task Element Element Input Result

DDMMYY8. 17032013 19434

JULIAN. 1 13076 19434

JULIAN7. 1 2013077 19434

MMDDYY. 031713 19434

MMDDYY8. 03172013 19434

MONYY. MAR13 19418

YYMMDD. 130317 19434

YYMMDD8. 20130317 19434

YYQ. 13q1 19359

DATETIME 17MAR2013 1679097600


TIME 14:45:32 53132

Return today's date as a Date functions DATE() or () The SAS date

SAS date value TODAY() value for today

Extract calendar dates Date functions DAY 19434 17

from SAS

HOUR 19434 5

JULDATE 1 19434 13076

JULDATE7 1 19434 2013076

MINUTE 19434 23

MONTH 19434 3

QTR 19434 1

SECOND 19434 54

WEEKDAY 19434 1

YEAR 19434 2013

Write a date as a SAS date 'ddmmmyy'd '17mar13'd 19434

constant in an expression constant
22 Chapter 1 / About Formats

Type of
Language Language
Task Element Element Input Result

Write today's date as a SYSDATE SYSDATE &SYSDATE The date at the

string automatic time of SAS
macro variable initialization in
the form


time of SAS
initialization, in
the form

Time Tasks

Write SAS time values as Time formats HHMM. 19434 5:24

time values

HOUR. 19434 5

MMSS. 19434 323

TIME. 19434 5:23:54

TIMEAMPM. 19434 5:23:54 AM

TOD. 19434 05:23:54

Read time values as SAS Time informats TIME. 05:23:54 19434

time values

Write the current time as SYSTIME SYSTIME &SYSTIME The time at the
a string automatic moment of
macro variable execution, in
the form

Return the current time of Time functions TIME( ) () The SAS time
day as a SAS time value value at the
moment of
execution, in
the form

Return the time part of a Time functions TIMEPART 17mar2013 5:11:43

SAS datetime value 05:11:43

Datetime Tasks

Write SAS datetime Datetime DATEAMPM 1679097600 17MAR13:12:0

values as datetime formats 0:00 AM
Definitions for Dates, Times, and Intervals 23

Type of
Language Language
Task Element Element Input Result

DATETIME 1679097600 17MAR13:00:0


Read datetime values as Datetime DATETIME 17MAR13:00:00:0 1679097600

SAS datetime values informats 0

Return the current date Datetime DATETIME() () The SAS

and time of day as a SAS functions datetime value
datetime value at the moment
of execution, in
the form

Interval Tasks

Return the number of Interval INTCK week2 1368

specified time intervals functions
that lie between the two
date or datetime values 01jan13

Advances a date, time, or Interval INTNX day 19434

datetime value by a given functions
interval, and returns a
date, time, or datetime 365

1 In SAS, a Julian date is a date in the form YYNNN or YYYYNNN, where YY is a two-digit year, YYYY is a four-digit year,
and NNN is the ordinal offset from January 1 of the year YY or YYYY. SAS processes Julian dates only for valid SAS

SAS also supports these formats and informats:

n ISO 8601 basic and extended forms for dates, times, datetimes, durations,
intervals, and time zones. For more information, see “Working with Dates and
Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended Notations” on page 45 and
“Reading Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended
Notations” on page 538.
n There are international formats and informats that are equivalent to some of the
most commonly used English-language date formats and informats. For more
information, see “Dictionary of Formats” and “Dictionary of Informats”.
24 Chapter 1 / About Formats


Example 1: Displaying Date, Time, and

Datetime Values as Recognizable Dates
and Times
The following example demonstrates how a value might be displayed as a date, a
time, or a datetime. Remember to select the SAS language element that converts a
SAS date, time, or datetime value to the intended date, time, or datetime format.
See the previous tables for examples.

n Time formats count the number of seconds within a day, so the values are
between 0 and 86400.
n DATETIME formats count the number of seconds since January 1, 1960. For
datetimes that are greater than 02JAN1960:00:00:01 (integer of 86401), the
datetime value is always greater than the time value.
n When in doubt, look at the contents of your data set for clues as to which type of
value you are dealing with.

This program uses the DATETIME, DATE, and TIMEAMPM formats to display the
value 86399 to a date and time, a calendar date, and a time.
options nodate;
data test;
format Time1 datetime.;
format Date1 date9.;
format Time2 timeampm.;
proc print data=test;
title 'Same Number, Different SAS Values';
footnote1 'Time1 is a SAS DATETIME value';
footnote2 'Date1 is a SAS DATE value';
footnote3 'Time2 is a SAS TIME value';
Definitions for Dates, Times, and Intervals 25

Output 1.2 Datetime, Date, and Time Values for 86399

Example 2: Reading, Writing, and

Calculating Date Values
This program reads four regional meeting dates and calculates the dates on which
announcements should be mailed.
data meeting;

input region $ mtg : mmddyy8.;

N 11-24-12
S 12-28-12
E 12-03-12
W 10-04-12

proc print data=meeting;

format mtg sendmail date9.;
title 'When To Send Announcements';

Output 1.3 Calculated Date Values: When to Send Mail

26 Chapter 1 / About Formats

About Date and Time Intervals

is an integer that represents the difference between any two dates or times or
datetimes. Date durations are integer values that represent the difference, in the
number of days, between two SAS dates. Time durations are decimal values that
represent the number of seconds between two times or datetimes.

TIP Date and datetime durations can be easily calculated by subtracting

the smaller date or datetime from the larger. When dealing with SAS
times, special care must be taken if the beginning and the end of a
duration are on different calendar days. Whenever possible, the simplest
solution is to use datetimes rather than times.

is a unit of measurement that SAS can count within an elapsed period of time,
such as DAYS, MONTHS, or HOURS. SAS determines date and time intervals
based on fixed points on the calendar, the clock, or both. The starting point of an
interval calculation defaults to the beginning of the period in which the beginning
value falls, which might not be the actual beginning value that is specified. For
example, if you are using the INTCK function to count the months between two
dates, regardless of the actual day of the month that is specified by the date in
the beginning value, SAS treats the date as the first of that month.

SAS provides date, time, and datetime intervals for counting different periods of
elapsed time. You can create multiples of the intervals and shift their starting point.
Use intervals with the INTCK and INTNX functions and with procedures that support
numbered lists (such as the PLOT procedure). This is the form of an interval:
The terms in an interval have the following definitions:
is the name of the interval. For a list of intervals and their definitions, see the
following table.
creates a multiple of the interval. multiple can be any positive number. The
default is 1. For example, YEAR2 indicates a two-year interval.
About Date and Time Intervals 27

is the starting point of the interval. By default, the starting point is 1. A value
greater than 1 shifts the start to a later point within the interval. The unit for
shifting depends on the interval, as shown in the following table. For example,
YEAR.3 specifies a yearly period from the first of March through the end of
February of the following year.

Intervals by Category
Table 1.3 Intervals Used with Date and Time Functions

Category Interval Definition Point Shift Period Example Description

Date DAY Daily Each day Days DAY3 Three-day

intervals intervals
starting on

WEEK Weekly Each Days WEEK.7 Weekly with

intervals of Sunday (1=Sunday Saturday as
seven days … the first day
7=Saturday) of the week

WEEKDAY Daily Each day Days WEEKDAY1W Six-day

intervals week with
with Friday- Sunday as a
Saturday- weekend
Sunday day

Counted as WEEKDAY35W Five-day

the same week with
day (five-day Tuesday and
work week Thursday as
with a weekend
Saturday- days (W
Sunday indicates
weekend). that day 3
days and day 5
identifies the are weekend
weekend days)
days by
(1=Sunday ..
By default,

TENDAY Ten-day First, Ten-day TENDAY4.2 Four ten-day

intervals (a eleventh, periods periods
28 Chapter 1 / About Formats

Category Interval Definition Point Shift Period Example Description

U.S. and starting at

automobile twenty- the second
industry first of TENDAY
convention) each period

SEMIMONT Half-month First and Semi- SEMIMONTH2. Intervals

H intervals sixteenth monthly 2 from the
of each periods 16th of one
month month
through the
15th of the
next month

MONTH Monthly First of Months MONTH2.2 February-

intervals each March, April-
month May, June-
July, August-
January of
the following

QTR Quarterly January 1 Months QTR3.2 Three-month

(three- intervals
month) April 1 starting on
intervals April 1, July
July 1 1, October 1,
and January
October 1 1

SEMIYEAR Semiannual January 1 Months SEMIYEAR.3 Six-month

(six-month) intervals,
intervals July 1 March-
August, and

YEAR Yearly January 1 Months


Datetime Add DT to Interval that Midnight DTMONTH

any of the corresponds of January
date to the 1, 1960 DTWEEKDAY
intervals associated
date interval
About Date and Time Intervals 29

Category Interval Definition Point Shift Period Example Description

Time SECOND Second Start of Seconds

intervals the day

MINUTE Minute Start of Minutes

intervals the day

HOUR Hourly Start of Hours

intervals the day

Example: Calculating a Duration

This program reads the project start and end dates. Then, the program calculates
the duration between the dates.
options nodate pageno=1 linesize=80 pagesize=60;
data projects;
input Projid @5 startdate date9. @15 enddate date9.;
398 17oct1997 02nov1997
942 22jan1998 11mar1998
167 15dec1999 15feb2000
250 04jan2001 11jan2001

proc print data=projects;

format startdate enddate date9.;
title 'Days Between Project Start and Project End';

Output 1.4 Calculating the Duration between Start and End Dates
30 Chapter 1 / About Formats

Boundaries of Intervals
SAS associates date and time intervals with fixed points on the calendar. For
example, the MONTH interval represents the time from the beginning of one
calendar month to the next, not a period of 30 or 31 days. When you use date and
time intervals (for example, with the INTCK or INTNX functions), SAS bases its
calculations on the calendar divisions that are present. Consider the following

Table 1.4 Using INTCK and INTNX

Example Result Explanation

mnthnum1=intck( mnthnum1=1 The number of MONTH

'month', '25aug2000'd, intervals the INTCK
'05sep2000'd); function counts depends
on whether the first day of
mnthnum2=intck( mnthnum2=0 a month falls within the
'month', '01aug2000'd, period.

next=intnx('month', next represents The INTNX function

'25aug2000'd,1); 01sep2000 produces the SAS date
value that corresponds to
the beginning of the next

Note: The only intervals that do not begin on the same date in each year are WEEK
and WEEKDAY. A Sunday can occur on any date because the year is not divided
evenly into weeks.

Single-Unit Intervals
Single-unit intervals begin at the following points on the calendar:

Table 1.5 Single-Unit Intervals

Single-Unit Interval Beginning Point on the Calendar

DAY Each day

WEEKDAY For a standard weekday

n Start day–End day

n Monday–Monday
About Date and Time Intervals 31

Single-Unit Interval Beginning Point on the Calendar

n Tuesday–Tuesday

n Wednesday–Wednesday

n Thursday–Thursday

n Friday–Sunday

WEEK Each Sunday

TENDAY The first, eleventh, and twenty-first of each


SEMIMONTH The first and sixteenth of each month

MONTH The first of each month

QTR The first of January, April, July, and October

SEMIYEAR The first of January and July

YEAR The first of January

Single-unit time intervals begin as follows:

Table 1.6 Single-Unit Time Intervals

Single-Unit Time Interval Beginning Point

SECOND Each second

MINUTE Each minute

HOUR Each hour

Multi-unit Intervals

Multi-unit Intervals Other Than Multi-week

Multi-unit intervals such as MONTH2 or DAY50 also depend on calendar measures,
but they introduce a new problem: SAS can find the beginning of a unit (for
example, the first of a month), but where does that unit fall in the interval? For
32 Chapter 1 / About Formats

example, does the first of October mark the first or the second month in a two-month
For all multi-unit intervals except multi-week intervals, SAS creates an interval that
begins on January 1, 1960, and counts forward from that date to determine where
individual intervals begin on the calendar. As a practical matter, when a year can be
divided evenly by an interval, think of the intervals as beginning with the current
year. Thus, MONTH2 intervals begin with January, March, May, July, September,
and November. Consider this example:

Table 1.7 Month2 Intervals

SAS Statement Result

howmany1=intck('month2','15feb2000'd, howmany1=1

count=intck('day50','01oct1998'd, count=1

In the preceding example, SAS counts 50 days beginning with January 1, 1960,then
another 50 days, and so on. As part of this count, SAS counts one DAY50 interval
between October 1, 1998, and January 1, 1999. For example, to determine the date
on which the next DAY50 interval begins, use the INTNX function:

Table 1.8 Using the INTNX Function

SAS Statement Result

start=intnx('day50','01oct98'd,1); SAS date value 14200, or Nov 17,


The next interval begins on November 17, 1998.

Time intervals (those that represent divisions of a day) are aligned with the start of
the day; that is, midnight. For example, HOUR8 intervals divide the day into the
periods 00:00 to 08:00, 8:00 to 16:00, and 16:00 to 24:00 (the next midnight).

Multi-week Intervals
Multi-week intervals such as WEEK2 present a special case. In general, weekly
intervals begin on Sunday, and SAS counts a week whenever it passes a Sunday.
However, SAS cannot calculate multi-week intervals based on January 1, 1960,
because that date fell on a Friday, as shown here:

Figure 1.3 Calculating Multi-week Intervals

Dec Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Jan

1959 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 1960
About Date and Time Intervals 33

Therefore, SAS begins the first interval on Sunday of the week containing January
1, 1960;that is, on Sunday, December 27, 1959. SAS counts multi-week intervals
from that point. The following example counts the number of two-week intervals in
the month of August 1998:

Table 1.9 Counting Two-Week Intervals

SAS Statement Result

count=intck('week2','01aug98'D, '31aug98'D); count=3

To see the beginning date of the next interval, use the INTNX function, as shown

Table 1.10 Using INTNX to See the Beginning Date of an Interval

SAS Statement Result

begin=intnx('week2','01aug1998'd,1); “Begin” represents SAS date 14093 or

August 02, 1998.

The next interval begins on August 16.

Shifted Intervals

Using Shifted Intervals

Shifting the beginning point of an interval is useful when you want to make the
interval represent a period in your data. For example, if your company's fiscal year
begins on July 1, you can create a year beginning in July by specifying the YEAR.7
interval. Similarly, you can create a period matching U.S. presidential elections by
specifying the YEAR4.11 interval. This section discusses how to use shifted
intervals and how SAS creates them.

How to Use Shifted Intervals

When you shift a time interval by a subperiod, the shift value must be less than or
equal to the number of subperiods in the interval. For example, YEAR.12 is valid
(yearly periods beginning in December), but YEAR.13 is not. Similarly, YEAR2.25 is
not valid because there is no 25th month in the two-year period.
In addition, you cannot shift an interval by itself. For example, you cannot shift the
interval MONTH because the shifting subperiod for MONTH is one month and
MONTH contains only one monthly subperiod. However, you can shift multi-unit
34 Chapter 1 / About Formats

intervals by the subperiod. For example, MONTH2.2 specifies bimonthly periods

starting on the first day of the second month.

How SAS Creates Shifted Intervals

For all intervals except those based on weeks, SAS creates shifted intervals by
creating the interval based on January 1, 1960, by moving forward the required
number of subperiods and by counting shifted intervals from that point. For example,
suppose you create a shifted interval called DAY50.5. SAS creates a 50-day interval
in which January 1, 1960, is day 1. SAS then moves forward to day 5. (Note that the
difference, or amount of movement, is four days.) SAS begins counting shifted
intervals from that point. The INTNX function demonstrates that the next interval
begins on January 5, 1960:

Table 1.11 Using INTNX to Determine When an Interval Begins

SAS Statement Result

start=intnx('day50.5','01jan1960'd,1); SAS date value 4, or Jan 5, 1960

For shifted intervals based on weeks, SAS first creates an interval based on Sunday
of the week containing January 1, 1960 (that is, December 27, 1959). Then, SAS
moves forward the required number of days. For example, suppose you want to
create the interval WEEK2.8 (biweekly periods beginning on the second Sunday of
the period). SAS measures a two-week interval based on Sunday of the week
containing January 1, 1960, and begins counting shifted intervals on the eighth day
of that. The INTNX function shows the beginning of the next interval.

Table 1.12 Using the INTNX Function to Show the Beginning of the Next Interval

SAS Statement Result

start=intnx('week2.8','01jan1960'd,1); SAS date value 2, or Jan 3, 1960

You can also shift time intervals. For example, HOUR8.7 intervals divide the day
into the periods 06:00 to 14:00, 14:00 to 22:00, and 22:00 to 06:00.

Custom Intervals
You can define custom intervals and associate interval data sets with new interval
names when you use the INTERVALDS= system option. An interval name cannot
be a reserved SAS name. The dates for these intervals are located in a SAS data
set that you create. The data set must contain the variable Begin. For each
observation, the Begin variable represents the start of an interval. You can specify a
second variable, End, to represent the end of the interval, but it is not required. If the
End variable is not present in the data set, the end of an interval is inferred by the
next Begin variable value. After the custom intervals have been defined, you can
About Date and Time Intervals 35

use them with the INTCK and INTNX functions just as you would use standard
The INTERVALDS= system option enables you to increase the number of allowable
intervals. In addition to the standard list of intervals (DAY, WEEKDAY, and so on),
the names that are listed in INTERVALDS= are valid as well.

Note: Nested custom intervals are not supported.

Retail Calendar Intervals: ISO 8601 Compliant

The retail industry often accounts for its data by dividing the yearly calendar into four
13-week periods, based on one of the following formats: 4-4-5, 4-5-4, and 5-4-4.
The first, second, and third numbers specify the number of weeks in the first,
second, and third month of each period, respectively. Retail calendar intervals
facilitate comparisons across years, because week definitions remain consistent
from year to year.
The intervals that are created from the formats can be used in any of the following
The following table lists calendar intervals that are used in the retail industry and
that are ISO 8601 compliant.

Table 1.13 Calendar Intervals Used in the Retail Industry

Interval Description

YEARV Specifies ISO 8601 yearly intervals. The ISO 8601 year
begins on the Monday on or immediately preceding
January 4. Note that it is possible for the ISO 8601 year to
begin in December of the preceding year. Also, some ISO
8601 years contain a leap week. The beginning subperiod
s is written in ISO 8601 weeks (WEEKV).

R445YR Is the same as YEARV except that in the retail industry the
beginning subperiod s is 4-4-5 months (R445MON).

R454YR Is the same as YEARV except that in the retail industry the
beginning subperiod s is 4-5-4 months (R454MON).

R544YR Is the same as YEARV except that in the retail industry the
beginning subperiod s is 5-4-4 months (R544MON).

R445QTR Specifies retail 4-4-5 quarterly intervals (every 13 ISO 8601

weeks). Some fourth quarters contain a leap week. The
beginning subperiod s is 4-4-5 months (R445MON).
36 Chapter 1 / About Formats

Interval Description

R454QTR Specifies retail 4-5-4 quarterly intervals (every 13 ISO 8601

weeks). Some fourth quarters contain a leap week. The
beginning subperiod s is 4-5-4 months (R454MON).

R544QTR Specifies retail 5-4-4 quarterly intervals (every 13 ISO 8601

weeks). Some fourth quarters contain a leap week. The
beginning subperiod s is 5-4-4 months (R544MON).

R445MON Specifies retail 4-4-5 monthly intervals. The 3rd, 6th, 9th,
and 12th months are five ISO 8601 weeks long with the
exception that some 12th months contain leap weeks. All
other months are four ISO 8601 weeks long. R445MON
intervals begin with the 1st, 5th, 9th, 14th, 18th, 22nd, 27th,
31st, 35th, 40th, 44th, and 48th weeks of the ISO year. The
beginning subperiod s is 4-4-5 months (R445MON).

R454MON Specifies retail 4-5-4 monthly intervals. The 2nd, 5th, 8th,
and 11th months are five ISO 8601 weeks long with the
exception that some 12th months contain leap weeks.
R454MON intervals begin with the 1st, 5th, 10th, 14th,
18th, 23rd, 27th, 31st, 36th, 40th, 44th, and 49th weeks of
the ISO year. The beginning subperiod s is 4-5-4 months

R544MON Specifies retail 5-4-4 monthly intervals. The 1st, 4th, 7th,
and 10th months are five ISO 8601 weeks long. All other
months are four ISO 8601 weeks long with the exception
that some 12th months contain leap weeks. R544MON
intervals begin with the 1st, 6th, 10th, 14th, 19th, 23rd,
27th, 32nd, 36th, 40th, 45th, and 49th weeks of the ISO
year. The beginning subperiod s is 5-4-4 months

WEEKV Specifies ISO 8601 weekly intervals of seven days. Each

week begins on Monday. The beginning subperiod s is
calculated in days (DAY). Note that WEEKV differs from
WEEK in that WEEKV.1 begins on Monday, WEEKV.2
begins on Tuesday, and so on.
Byte Ordering for Integer Binary Data on Big Endian and Little Endian Platforms 37

Byte Ordering for Integer Binary Data on

Big Endian and Little Endian Platforms

Integer values for binary integer data are typically stored in one of three sizes: 1
byte, 2 bytes, or 4 bytes. The ordering of the bytes for the integer varies depending
on the platform (operating environment) on which the integers were produced.
The ordering of bytes differs between the “big endian” and “little endian” platforms.
These colloquial terms are used to describe byte ordering for IBM mainframes (big
endian) and for platforms that are based on Intel (little endian). In SAS, the following
platforms are considered big endian: AIX, HP-UX, IBM mainframe, Macintosh, and
Solaris on SPARC. The following platforms are considered little endian: Intel ABI,
Linux, OpenVMS, OpenVMS on HP Integrity Servers, Solaris on x64, Tru64 UNIX,
and Windows.

How Bytes Are Ordered Differently

On big endian platforms, the value 1 is stored in binary and is represented here in
hexadecimal notation. One byte is stored as 01, 2 bytes as 00 01, and 4 bytes as 00
00 00 01. On little endian platforms, the value 1 is stored in 1 byte as 01 (the same
as big endian), in 2 bytes as 01 00, and in 4 bytes as 01 00 00 00.
If an integer is negative, the two's-complement representation is used. The high-
order bit of the most significant byte of the integer is set on 1. For example, –2
would be represented in 1, 2, and 4 bytes on big endian platforms as FE, FF FE,
and FF FF FF FE, respectively. On little endian platforms, the representation would
be FE, FE FF, and FE FF FF FF. These representations result from the output of the
integer binary value –2 expressed in hexadecimal notation.

Writing Data Generated on Big Endian and Little

Endian Platforms
SAS can read signed and unsigned integers regardless of whether they were
generated on a big endian or a little endian platform. Likewise, SAS can write
signed and unsigned integers in both big endian and little endian format. The length
of these integers can be up to 8 bytes.
38 Chapter 1 / About Formats

The following table shows which format to use for various combinations of platforms.
In the Signed Integer column, “no” indicates that the number is unsigned and cannot
be negative. “Yes” indicates that the number can be either negative or positive.

Platform for Which Platform That Writes Signed

the Data Was Created the Data Integer Format

big endian big endian yes IB or S370FIB

big endian big endian no PIB, S370FPIB,


big endian little endian yes S370FIB

big endian little endian no S370FPIB

little endian big endian yes IBR

little endian big endian no PIBR

little endian little endian yes IB or IBR

little endian little endian no PIB or PIBR

big endian either yes S370FIB

big endian either no S370FPIB

little endian either yes IBR

little endian either no PIBR

Integer Binary Notation and Different Programming

The following table compares integer binary notation according to programming

Language 2 Bytes 4 Bytes

SAS IB2. , IBR2., PIB2., IB4., IBR4., PIB4., PIBR4.,

PIBR2., S370FIB2., S370FIB4., S370FIBU4.,
S370FIBU2., S370FPIB4.


Data Conversions and Encodings 39

Language 2 Bytes 4 Bytes



IBM assembler H F

C short long

Data Conversions and Encodings

An encoding maps each character in a character set to a unique numeric
representation, which results in a table of code points. A single character can have
different numeric representations in different encodings. For example, the ASCII
encoding for the dollar symbol $ is 24 hexadecimal. The Danish EBCDIC encoding
for the dollar symbol $ is 67 hexadecimal. In order for a version of SAS that typically
uses ASCII to properly interpret a data set that is encoded in Danish EBCDIC, the
data must be transcoded.
Transcoding is the process of moving data from one encoding to another. When
SAS is transcoding the ASCII dollar sign to the Danish EBCDIC dollar sign, the
hexadecimal representation for the character is converted from the value 24 to the
value 67.
To learn the encoding of a particular SAS data set for SAS 9 and later:

1 Locate the data set with SAS Explorer.

2 Right-click the data set.

3 Select Properties from the menu.

4 Click the Details tab.

5 The encoding of the data set is listed, along with other information.

Here are several situations in which data might commonly be transcoded:

n when you share data between two different SAS sessions that are running in
different locales or in different operating environments
n when you perform text-string operations such as converting to uppercase or
n when you display or print characters from another language

n when you copy and paste data between SAS sessions that are running in
different locales
For more information about SAS features that are designed to handle Transcoding
for NLS from different encodings or operating environments, see SAS National
Language Support (NLS): Reference Guide.
40 Chapter 1 / About Formats

Working with Packed Decimal and Zoned

Decimal Data

Packed decimal
specifies a method of encoding decimal numbers by using each byte to
represent two decimal digits. Packed decimal representation stores decimal data
with exact precision. The fractional part of the number is determined by the
informat or format because there is no separate mantissa and exponent.
An advantage of using packed decimal data is that exact precision can be
maintained. However, computations that involve decimal data might become
inexact due to the lack of native instructions.
Zoned decimal
specifies a method of encoding decimal numbers in which each digit requires 1
byte of storage. The last byte contains the number's sign as well as the last digit.
Zoned decimal data produces a printable representation.
specifies 1/2 of a byte.

Types of Data

Packed Decimal Data

A packed decimal representation stores decimal digits in each “nibble” of a byte.
Each byte has two nibbles, and each nibble is indicated by a hexadecimal character.
For example, the value 15 is stored in two nibbles, using the hexadecimal
characters 1 and 5.
The sign indication is dependent on your operating environment. On IBM
mainframes, the sign is indicated by the last nibble. With formats, C indicates a
positive value, and D indicates a negative value. With informats, A, C, E, and F
indicate positive values, and B and D indicate negative values. Any other nibble is
invalid for signed packed decimal data. In all other operating environments, the sign
is indicated in its own byte. If the high-order bit is 1, the number is negative.
Otherwise, the number is positive.
The following information applies to packed decimal data representation:
Working with Packed Decimal and Zoned Decimal Data 41

n You can use the S370FPD format on all platforms to obtain the IBM mainframe
n You can have unsigned packed data with no sign indicator. The packed decimal
format and informat handle the representation. The representation is consistent
between ASCII and EBCDIC platforms.
n The S370FPDU format and informat expect to have an F in the last nibble. A
packed decimal expects no sign nibble.

Zoned Decimal Data

The following information applies to zoned decimal data representation:
n A zoned decimal representation stores a decimal digit in the low-order nibble of
each byte. For all bytes except the byte that contains the sign, the high-order
nibble is the numeric zone nibble (F on EBCDIC and 3 on ASCII).
n The sign can be merged into a byte with a digit, or it can be separate, depending
on the representation. But the standard zoned decimal format and informat
expect the sign to be merged into the last byte.
n The EBCDIC and ASCII zoned decimal formats produce the same printable
representation of numbers. There are two nibbles per byte, each indicated by a
hexadecimal character. For example, the value 15 is stored in 2 bytes. The first
byte contains the hexadecimal value F1, and the second byte contains the
hexadecimal value C5.

Packed Julian Dates

The following information applies to packed Julian dates:
n The two formats and informats that handle Julian dates in packed decimal
representation are PDJULI and PDJULG. PDJULI uses the IBM mainframe year
computation, whereas PDJULG uses the Gregorian computation.
n The IBM mainframe computation considers 1900 to be the base year, and the
year values in the data indicate the offset from 1900 (for example, 98 means
1998, 100 means 2000, and 102 means 2002). 1998 would mean 3898.
n The Gregorian computation allows for two-digit or four-digit years. If you use two-
digit years, SAS uses the setting of the YEARCUTOFF= system option to
determine the true year.

Platforms That Support Packed Decimal and Zoned

Decimal Data
Some platforms have native instructions to support packed and zoned decimal data.
Other platforms must use software to emulate the computations. For example, the
42 Chapter 1 / About Formats

IBM mainframe has an Add Pack instruction to add packed decimal data, but the
platforms that are based on Intel have no such instruction and must convert the
decimal data to some other format.

Languages That Support Packed Decimal and

Zoned Decimal Data
Several languages support packed decimal and zoned decimal data. The following
table shows how COBOL picture clauses correspond to SAS formats and informats.

S370Fxxx Formats and
IBM versus COBOL II Clauses Informats








For the packed decimal representation listed in the preceding table, X indicates the
number of digits represented, and W is the number of bytes. For PIC S9(X)
PACKED-DECIMAL, W is ceil((x+1)/2). For PIC 9(X) PACKED-DECIMAL, W is
ceil(x/2). For example, PIC S9(5) PACKED-DECIMAL represents five digits. If a
sign is included, six nibbles are needed. ceil((5+1)/2) has a length of 3 bytes,
and the value of W is 3.
You can substitute COMP-3 for PACKED-DECIMAL.
In IBM assembly language, the P directive indicates packed decimal data, and the Z
directive indicates zoned decimal data. Here is an excerpt from an assembly
language list that shows the offset, the value, and the DC statement:
offset value (in hex) inst label directive

+000000 00001C 2 PEX1 DC PL3'1'

+000003 00001D 3 PEX2 DC PL3'-1'
+000006 F0F0C1 4 ZEX1 DC ZL3'1'
+000009 F0F0D1 5 ZEX2 DC ZL3'-1'

In PL/I, the FIXED DECIMAL attribute is used in conjunction with packed decimal
data. You must use the PICTURE specification to represent zoned decimal data.
There is no standardized representation of decimal data for the Fortran or C
Working with Packed Decimal and Zoned Decimal Data 43

Summary of Packed Decimal and Zoned Decimal

Formats and Informats
SAS uses a group of formats and informats to handle packed and zoned decimal
data. The following table lists the types of data representation for these formats and
informats. The formats and informats that begin with S370 refer to IBM mainframe

Type of Data Corresponding

Format Representation Informat Comment

PD Packed decimal PD Local, signed packed


PK Packed decimal PK Unsigned packed

decimal; not specific to
your operating

ZD Zoned decimal ZD Local zoned decimal.

none Zoned decimal ZDB Translates EBCDIC blank

(hexadecimal 40) to
(hexadecimal F0);
corresponds to the
informat as zoned

none Zoned decimal ZDV Zoned decimal notation

other than IBM.

S370FPD Packed decimal S370FPD Last nibble C (positive) or

D (negative).

S370FPDU Packed decimal S370FPDU Last nibble always F


S370FZD Zoned decimal S370FZD Last byte contains sign in

upper nibble: C (positive)
or D (negative).

S370FZDU Zoned decimal S370FZDU Unsigned; sign nibble

always F.

S370FZDL Zoned decimal S370FZDL Sign nibble in first byte in

informat; separate
leading sign byte of
hexadecimal C0
44 Chapter 1 / About Formats

Type of Data Corresponding

Format Representation Informat Comment

(positive) or D0
(negative) in format.

S370FZDS Zoned decimal S370FZDS Leading sign of –

(hexadecimal 60) or +
(hexadecimal 4E).

S370FZDT Zoned decimal S370FZDT Trailing sign of –

(hexadecimal 60) or +
(hexadecimal 4E).

PDJULI Packed decimal PDJULI Julian date in packed

representation - IBM

PDJULG Packed decimal PDJULG Julian date in packed

representation -
Gregorian computation.

none Packed decimal RMFDUR Input layout is mmsstttF.

none Packed decimal SHRSTAMP Input layout is

where yyyydddF is the
packed Julian date; yyyy
is a zero-based year from

none Packed decimal SMFSTAMP Input layout is

where yyyydddF is the
packed Julian date; yyyy
is a zero-based year from

none Packed decimal PDTIME Input layout is


none Packed decimal RMFSTAMP Input layout is

where yyyydddF is the
packed Julian date; yyyy
is a zero-based year from
Working with Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended Notations

Working with Dates and Times by Using

the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended

ISO 8601 Formatting Symbols

The following list explains the formatting symbols that are used to notate the values
of the ISO 8601 dates, time, datetime, durations, and interval:
specifies a number that represents the number of years, months, or days.
indicates that the duration that follows is specified by the number of years,
months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds.
indicates that a time value follows. Any value with a time must begin with T.

Requirement Time values that are read by the extended notation informats that
begin with the characters E8601 must use an uppercase T.

indicates that the duration is specified in weeks.
indicates that the time value is the time in Greenwich, England, or UTC, time.
the + indicates the time zone offset to the east of Greenwich, England. The -
indicates the time zone offset to the west of Greenwich, England.
specifies a four-digit year.
as part of a date, specifies a two-digit month, 01–12.
specifies a two-digit day, 01–1.
specifies a two-digit hour, 00–24.
as part of a time, specifies a two-digit minute, 00–59.
specifies a two-digit second, 00–59.
46 Chapter 1 / About Formats

fff | ffffff
specifies an optional fraction of a second using the digits 0–9:

fff uses 1–3 digits for values read by the $N8601B informat and the
$N8601E informat.
ffffff use 1–6 digits for informats other than the $N8601B and $N8601E
indicates that a year value precedes this character in a duration.
as part of a date, indicates that a month value precedes this character in a
indicates that a day value precedes this character in a duration.
indicates that an hour value precedes this character in a duration.
as part of a time, indicates that a minute value precedes this character in a
indicates that a seconds value precedes this character in a duration.

Local time
is the local time when a time zone is not specified by the TIMEZONE= system
Time zone offset
specifies the number of hours and minutes that a time zone is from Universal
Coordinate Time (UTC) in the form +|–hh:mm or +|–hhmm.
User local time
is the local time for the time zone that is specified by the TIMEZONE= system
option. For more information, see “TIMEZONE= System Option” in SAS System
Options: Reference.
Universal Coordinate Time is the time at the zero meridian, near Greenwich,
England. UTC is a datetime value that uses the ISO 8601 basic form
yyyymmddThhmmss+|–hhmm or the ISO 8601 extended form yyyy-mm-
Working with Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended Notations

About Dates and Times That Use the ISO 8601

Basic and Extended Notations
ISO 8601 is an international standard for representing dates and time, including
many variations for representing dates, times, and intervals. The two main
representations of date, time, and datetime values within the ISO 8601 standards
are the basic and extended notations. A value is considered extended when
delimiters separate the various components within the value, whereas a basic value
omits the delimiters. The extended format requires hyphen delimiters for date
components (year, month, and day) and colon delimiters for time components (hour,
minute, and second). Spaces are not allowed in any ISO 8601 representation. The
structures for each data type require that you fill each placeholder with a value,
including adding a zero to single-digit months, days, hours, and minutes. When you
specify a datetime value, an uppercase T is the required delimiter between the date
and time.
Some of the ISO 8601 formats are for formatting time and datetime values in UTC.
The time or datetime value includes a time zone offset, which is a positive or
negative number that represents the number of hours a time zone is from the zero
meridian. Positive numbers are east of the zero meridian, and negative numbers are
west of the zero meridian. The time zone offset at the zero meridian is always zero.
Here are examples of basic and extended notations for ISO 8601 date, time,
datetime, and duration values:
n 2018-02-01 is a date that is formatted using the extended notation.

n 125234-0500 is a time with a time zone offset five hours west of the zero
meridian and is formatted using the basic notation.
n 2018-02-01T12:52:34+09:00 is a datetime value with a time zone offset nine
hours east of the zero meridian and is formatted using the extended notation.
n P20180501T120000 is a duration value that is formatted using the basic
When SAS reads an ISO 8601 value that specifies UTC with a time offset, the time
or datetime value is adjusted to account for the offset from the zero meridian.
The SAS ISO 8601 formats for UTC with a time zone offset are based on the
following time, datetime, and time zone offsets:
n the zero meridian time or datetime near Greenwich, England. (The offset is
always +|–0000 or +|–00:00.)
n the local time or datetime, which uses the zero meridian time with a time zone
offset for the local time.
n a zero meridian datetime that uses a time zone offset for the user local time.

n a user local time or datetime, which uses the current time for a time zone with a
time zone offset for the user local time.
48 Chapter 1 / About Formats

Basic ISO 8601 Date, Time, and Datetime Values

Basic formats and informats are prefixed with B8601 and take these forms:

Date yyyymmdd
Time hhmmss<ffffff>
Datetime yyyymmddThhmmss<ffffff>
Time with time zone hhmmss<ffffff>+|–hhmm
Datetime with time zone yyyymmddThhmmss<ffffff>+|–hhmm
SAS uses the formats in the following table to write date, time, and datetime values
in the ISO 8601 basic notations from SAS date, time, and datetime values.

Date, Time, or
Datetime ISO 8601 Notation Example Format

Date yyyymmdd 20180915 B8601DAw. on page


Writes the date from a yyyymmdd 20180915 B8601DNw. on page

datetime. 148

Time hhmmssffffff 155300322348 B8601TMw.d on

page 158

Zero meridian time and hhmmss+|–hhmm 155300+0000 B8601TZw. on page

time zone offset. 161
The time zone offset is
always +0000 or Z.

hhmmssZ 155300Z B8601TZw. on page


Zero meridian time that hhmmss+|–hhmm 155300–0500 B8601LZw. on page

uses a time zone offset 156
for the local time.

Converts time to a hhmmss+|–hhmm 155300–0500 B8601TXw. on page

user’s local time by 159
using a time zone
offset for the user local

Datetime yyyymmddThhmmssffffff 20180915T155300 B8601DTw.d on

page 149

Zero meridian datetime yyyymmddThhmmss+|– 20180915T155300–0000 B8601DZw. on page

and time zone offset. hhmm 153
Working with Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended Notations

Date, Time, or
Datetime ISO 8601 Notation Example Format

The time zone offset is

always +0000 or Z.

yyyymmddThhmmssZ 20180915T155300Z B8601DZw. on page


Zero meridian datetime yyyymmddThhmmss+|– 20180915T155300+0500 B8601LXw. on page

that uses a time zone hhmm 154
offset for the user local

Converts a datetime yyyymmddThhmmss+|– 20180915T155300+0500 B8601DXw. on page

value to the user local hhmm 151
time by using a time
zone offset for the user
local time.

An asterisk ( * ) is used in place of a date- or time-formatted value that is out-of-

range. Increase the width.

Extended ISO 8601 Date, Time, and Datetime

Extended formats and informats are prefixed with E8601 and take these forms:

Date yyyy-mm-dd
Time hh:mm:ss<ffffff>
Datetime yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss<ffffff>
Time with time zone hh:mm:ss<ffffff>+|–hh:mm or hh:mm:ss<ffffff>Z
Datetime with time zone yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss<ffffff>+|–hh:mm or yyyy-mm-
SAS uses the formats in the following table to write date, time, and datetime values
in the ISO 8601 extended notations from SAS date, time, and datetime values.

Date, Time, or
Datetime ISO 8601 Notation Example Format

Date yyyy-mm-dd 2018-09-15 E8601DAw. on page


Writes the date from a yyyy-mm-dd 2018-09-15 E8601DNw. on page

datetime. 148
50 Chapter 1 / About Formats

Date, Time, or
Datetime ISO 8601 Notation Example Format

Time hh:mm:ss.ffffff 15:53:00.322348 E8601TMw.d on page


Zero meridian time and hh:mm:ss.ffffff+|–hh:mm 15:53:00+00:00 E8601TZw.d on page

time zone offset. 161
The time zone offset is
always +00:00.

Zero meridian time that hh:mm:ss.ffffff+|–hh:mm 15:53:00+05:00 E8601LZw.d on page

uses a local time zone 156

Converts time to user hh:mm:ss+|–hh:mm 15:53:00+05:00 EB8601TXw. on page

local time by using a 206
local time zone offset.

Datetime yyyy-mm- 2018-09-15T15:53:00 E8601DTw.d on page

ddThh:mm:ss.ffffff 149

Zero meridian datetime yyyy-mm- 2018-09-15T15:53:00+0 E8601DZw.d on page

and time zone offset. ddThh:mm:ss.nnnnnn 0:00 199
The time zone offset is
always +00:00.

Zero meridian datetime yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss 2018-09-15T15:53:00– E8601LXw. on page

that uses a time zone +|–hh:mm 05:00 201
offset for the user local

Converts a datetime yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss 2018-09-15T185300– E8601DXw. on page

value to the user local +|–hh:mm 0500 197
time by using a time
zone offset for the user
local time.

An asterisk ( * ) is used in place of a date- or time-formatted value that is out-of-

range. The asterisk increases the format width.
For more information about time zones, see “Specifying Time Zones in SAS” in SAS
National Language Support (NLS): Reference Guide and “TIMEZONE= System
Option” in SAS System Options: Reference.

Tips for Remembering UTC Formats That Use Time

Zone Offsets
Here are tips to help you remember which format to use for UTC:
Working with Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended Notations
n A T in the last two letters is a time value.

n A D in the last two letters is a datetime value.

n A Z in the last two letters is a zero meridian time and a zero meridian offset,
except for LZ.
n An L in the last two letters is a zero meridian time with a local or user local time
zone offset.
n An X in the last two letters is for user local time or datetime and uses a user local
time zone offset that is determined by the TIMEZONE= system option.
Here is information to help you determine the format for UTC:

TZ or TX or

Zero meridian date or datetime that uses a zero ✓

meridian time zone offset

Zero meridian time that uses a local time zone offset ✓

Zero meridian datetime that uses a user local time zone ✓


User local time or datetime that uses a user local time ✓

zone offset

Examples of Reading and Writing Basic and

Extended ISO 8601 Date, Time, and Datetime

About the Basic and Extended ISO 8601

The examples in this section demonstrate how to use various informats to read
date, time, and datetime values into SAS date, time, and datetime variables. The
examples also illustrate how to use formats to write these values in a way that is
meaningful to users.
52 Chapter 1 / About Formats

Comparing ISO 8601 Extended Format

This example compares the output for the different extended notations for time and
datetime values.

Note: The E8601DX, E8601LX, and E8601TX formats that are used in the example
are not supported in CAS.

data _null_;
put 'd=' d datetime.;
put 'e8601dz=' d e8601dz.;
put 'e8601lx=' d e8601lx.;
put 'e8601dx=' d e8601dx.;
put 'tm=' tm time.;
put 'e8601tz=' tm e8601tz.;
put 'e8601lz=' tm e8601lz.;
put 'e8601tx=' tm e8601tx.;

The program executed using the local time for the eastern United States and no
value for the TIMEZONE= system option. Therefore, the time zone formats
E8601LZ., E8601DX., and E8601TX. show local times.
n The output for the E8601DZ. and E8601TZ. formats writes a SAS datetime and
time value as the time at the zero meridian by using a time zone offset of +0000
or +00:00.
n The output for the E8601LX. and E8601LZ. formats writes a SAS datetime value
as the time at the zero meridian by using a time zone offset for the local time.
n The output for the E8601DX. and E8601TX. formats converts the time to Eastern
Time by using a time zone offset for the local time.

e8601dz= 2018-09-15T05:53:00+00:00
e8601lx= 2018-09-15T05:53:00-05:00
e8601dx= 2018-09-15T00:53:00-05:00
tm= 5:53:00

Here are the results when the TIMEZONE= option is set to America/Los_Angeles:
Working with Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended Notations
e8601dz= 2018-09-15T05:53:00+00:00
e8601lx= 2018-09-15T05:53:00-07:00
e8601dx= 2018-09-14T22:53:00-07:00
tm= 5:53:00

n The E8601DZ. and E8601TZ. formats do not change. They always show the
time as the time at the zero meridian.
n The E8601LX. format shows the zero meridian time by using the time zone offset
for the America/Los_Angeles time zone.
n The E8601DX. formats show the local date and time in Los Angeles by using the
time zone offset for the America/Los_Angeles time zone. The Los Angeles time
zone offset of –07:00 indicates that the local time is seven hours earlier than the
time at the zero meridian. This changes the date to the 14th.
n The E8601LZ. format shows the time at the zero meridian by using the time zone
offset for the eastern United States because that is where the code executed.
n The E8601TX. format shows the time seven hours earlier from the zero meridian
by using a time zone offset for the America/Los_Angeles time zone.

Reading and Writing Date Values

Suppose that you have a clinical trial where an event begins on April 2, 2018, and
ends on April 8, 2018. The dates are recorded without time values, as follows:
20180402 and 2018-04-08. You can read these values into SAS with the
B8601DAw. and E8601DAw. informats. You can write dates in the same form by
using the B8601DAw. and E8601DAw. formats. These formats write the newly
created SAS dates in an easy-to-read layout rather than the numeric value of days
since 1/1/1960.
data a;
input var1 b8601da8. +1 var2 e8601da10.;
put var1=b8601da. var2=e8601da.;
20180402 2018-04-08

Here is the output from the SAS log:

var1=20180402 var2=2018-04-08

By using the B8601DNw. and E8601DNw. formats, you can extrapolate the date
from a datetime value. This example reads the datetime value by using the
B8601DNw. informat, and writes the date by using the B8601DNw. format:
data _null_;
input @1 dt b8601dn.;
put dt b8601dn.;
54 Chapter 1 / About Formats


Here is the output from the SAS log:


Reading and Writing Time Values with No

Time Zone Offsets
You can read time values that do not have time zone offset values into SAS time
values by using the B8601TMw.d and E8601TMw.d informats. The B8601TMw.d
and the E8601TMw.d formats write time values that do not have time zone offset
values, as shown in this example:
data _null_;
put x=b8601tm8. x=e8601tm10.;

Here is the output from the SAS log:

x=123456 x=12:34:56

Reading and Writing Time Values with

Time Zone Offsets
This example uses the E8601TZw.d informat to read a time value that contains a
time zone offset. The B8601TZw.d and E8601TZw.d formats write the time values
by using a time zone offset for the zero meridian:
data _null_;
put x=e8601tz14.;
put x=b8601tz.;

Here is the output from the SAS log:


You can adjust a time to be the time in another time zone by using a time zone
offset. You specify the time zone by using the TIMEZONE= system option, and then
format the time by using the B8601TXw. or E8601TXw. format. This example writes
the time for a user by using the time zone name PST (Pacific Time):
options timezone=pst;
Working with Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended Notations
data _null_;
put x=e8601tx.;

Here is the output from the SAS log:


Reading and Writing Time Values with

Local Time Zone Offsets
Because time values are scalar, SAS does not typically compute time values based
on the time zone of the programmer’s location. One exception to this rule occurs
when a SAS time (not a datetime) is computed and then formatted with either the
B8601LZw. format or the E8601LZw. format. These two formats query the host code
to determine the time zone offset. Then, the current local time and the time zone
offset (based on your time zone) are displayed accordingly:
data _null_;
put x=e8601lz.;

Here is the output from the SAS log:


Reading and Writing Datetime Values with

No Time Zone Offset
In the following DATA step, SAS reads datetime values with the B8601DTw. and
E8601DTw. informats and writes the datetime values by using the B8601DTw. and
E8601DTw. formats:
data _null_;
input dtB :b8601dt15. dtE :e8601dt19.;
put dtB=b8601dt. dtE=e8601dt.;
20180402T124022 2018-04-02T12:30:22

Here is the output from the SAS log:

dtB=20180402T124022 dtE=2018-04-02T12:30:22
56 Chapter 1 / About Formats

This example reads and writes a Java datetime value and writes the value by using
the B8601DTw.d format:
data a;
input dt1 b8601dj.;
put dt1=b8601dt.;

Here is the output from the SAS log:


Reading and Writing Datetime Values with

Time Zone Offsets
The B8601DZw. and E8601DZw. formats always write a datetime value for the zero
meridian. The offset is always +0000 or +00:00.
In this example, SAS reads a datetime value with an offset and writes the datetime
value by using an offset for the zero meridian:
data _null_;
put x=e8601dz25.;

Here is the output from the SAS log:


You use the B8601DXw. and E8601DXw. formats to adjust a datetime with a time
zone offset to be the time for a specific time zone. You set the time zone by using
the TIMEZONE= system option. The input value is converted to the time for the time
zone and formatted using a time zone offset. This example reads the datetime value
with an offset (–04:00) by using the E8601DZw. informat and writes the datetime
value for the time zone in Zurich (+02:00):
options timezone='europe/zurich';
data _null_;
put x=e8601dx25.;

Here is the output from the SAS log:


In this example, the TIMEZONE= system option sets the time zone ID to America/
Anchorage. The datetime value is written for this time zone ID by using the
Working with Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended Notations
E8601DXw. format. The time zone offset is the difference between the America/
Anchorage time zone and UTC, which is nine hours.
options timezone='america/anchorage';
data _null_;
put t=e8601dx.;

Here is the output from the SAS log:


Reading and Writing Time and Datetime

Values with Time Zone Offsets for Local
Because time values are scalar, SAS does not typically compute time values based
on the time zone of the programmer’s location. One exception to this rule occurs
when a SAS time (not a datetime) is computed and then formatted with either the
B8601LZw. format or the E8601LZw. format. These two formats query the host code
to determine the offset. Then, the current local time and the offset (based on your
time zone) are displayed accordingly:
data _null_;
put x=e8601lz.;

Here is the output from the SAS log:


You can write a user’s local datetime value by using the time zone offset. Specify
the user’s time zone by using the TIMEZONE= system option and the B8601LXw. or
E8601LXw. format. This example writes the datetime for a user by using the time
zone name PST (Pacific Time):
options timezone=pst;
data _null_;
put x=e8601lx.;

Here is the output from the SAS log:

58 Chapter 1 / About Formats

Writing ISO 8601 Duration, Datetime, and Interval


Duration, Datetime, and Interval Formats

A duration is the period of time that is the difference between two time points. Each
time point begins with P and is followed by the date and time in either basic or
extended notation. Durations can be negative or positive values and can be
expressed in these forms:
n PyyyymmddThhmmss.

n Pyyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.

n Pyyyy-mm-dd is a span of years, months, and days.

n PnYnMnDTnHnMnS is the number of years (Y), months (M), days (D), hours (H),
minutes (M), and seconds (S).
n PnW specifies the number of weeks.

The y, m, and d placeholders must have a value, even if the value is 0.

The n placeholder can be 0 or a positive number. The component that contains an n
can be omitted. For example, P0Y0M3DT0H0M0S can be written as P3D.
When you use the PnW notation, W must be the only component in the duration.
An interval comprises two values that represent the beginning and end of an event,
and it is a duration that is anchored to a specific point in time. Intervals are
represented in the following forms:
n datetime/datetime

n datetime/duration

n duration/datetime

SAS writes duration, datetime, and interval values from character data by using
these formats:

Time Component ISO 8601 Notation Example Format

Duration - Basic PyyyymmddThhmmssfff P20180915T155300 $N8601BA


–Pyyyymmdd –P20180915T155300 $N8601BA


Duration - Extended Pyyyy-mm- P2018-09-15T15:53:00 $N8601EA

Notation ddThh:mm:ss.fff
Working with Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended Notations

Time Component ISO 8601 Notation Example Format

–Pyyyy-mm- –P2018-09-15T15:53:0 $N8601EA

ddThh:mm:ss.fff 0

Duration - Basic and PnYnMnDTnHnMnS P2y10m14dT20h13m45 $N8601B

Extended Notation s

–PnYnMnDTnHnMnS –P2y10m14dT20h13m4 $N8601B


PnW (weeks) P6w $N8601B


Interval - Basic Notation yyyymmddThhmmssfff/ 20170915T155300/201 $N8601BA

yyyymmddThhmmssfff 81113T000000

PnYnMnDTnHnMnS/ P2y10M14dT20h13m $N8601B

yyyymmddThhmmssfff 45s/20180915T155300

yyyymmddThhmmssfff/ 20180915T155300/ $N8601BA

PnYnMnDTnHnMnS P2y10M14dT20h13m45

Interval - Extended yyyy-mm- 2017-09-15T15:53:00/2 $N8601EA

Notation ddThh:mm:ss.fff/yyyy- 018-11-13T00:00:00

PnYnMnDTnHnMnS/ P2y10M14dT20h13m45 $N8601E

yyyy-mm- s/2018-09-15T15:53:00

yyyy-mm- 2018-09-15T15:53:00/ $N8601EA

ddThh:mm:ss.fff/ P2y10M14dT20h13m45
PnYnMnDTnHnMnS s

Datetime - Basic yyyymmddThhmmss.fff 20180915T155300 $N8601BA

Notation +|–hhmm

(all blank) $N8601B


Datetime - Extended yyyy-mm- 2018-09-15T15:53:00 $N8601EA

Notation ddThh:mm:ss.fff+|–

(all blank) $N8601B

60 Chapter 1 / About Formats

Time Component ISO 8601 Notation Example Format


Writing Partial and Missing Components

When any component of a date or time is not provided, it is called a partial value,
and the components are considered missing. You can represent a missing
component in a value by using a hyphen ( - ) or an x. A single hyphen represents
the entire value for a given component. For example, one single hyphen can replace
a four-digit year. A single x represents one character for a given component. A
missing two-digit month would be written as xx. If the time portion is omitted when a
date value is specified, the T must also be omitted.
Missing components in the durations form PnYnMnDTnHnMnS are dropped; they
do not contain a hyphen or an x. For example, in P2mT4H, the year, day, minutes,
and seconds are missing and have been dropped.
Do not confuse missing components with zero values. The durations P3D and
P0000-00-03 are not the same because a component value of 0 is not the same as
a missing component value. Change instances of 0 to x (Pxxxx-xx-03) for this value
to be considered the equivalent of P3D.
Missing components are not allowed for values that contain a time zone offset.
Therefore, use 00 in place of omitted components.
The following formats write omitted components that use the hyphen and the x:

Format Datetime Form Duration Form Example

$N8601H yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss PnYnMnDTnHnMnS --09-15T15:-:53


$N8601EH yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss Pyyyy-mm- P000---02T02:55:20/20

ddThh:mm:ss 18---15T-:-:45

$N8601X yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss PnYnMnDTnHnMnS P2Y2DT4H5M6S/


$N8601EX yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss Pyyyy-mm- P0003-

ddThh:mm:ss xx-02T02:55:20/2018-

Datetime values with missing components that are formatted with either the
$N8601B. format or the $N8601BA. format are formatted in the extended notation
that uses the hyphen for missing components to ensure accurate data. For example,
when the month is the missing component, the value 2018---15 is written, and not
Working with Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended Notations
The extended notation with hyphens is also used instead of the basic notation if a
duration is formatted using the $N8601BA. format. Using the same date, P2018---15
is written, and not P2018-15.

Writing Truncated Duration, Datetime, and

Interval Values
Duration, datetime, and interval values can be truncated when one or more lower-
order values are 0 or are not significant. When SAS writes a truncated value that
uses the formats $N8601B., $N8601BA., $N8601E., and $N8601EA., the display of
the value stops at the last nonmissing component.
When you format a truncated value by using either the $N8601H. format or the
$N8601EH. format, the lower-order components are written with a hyphen. When
you format a truncated value that uses the $N8601X. format or the $N8601EX.
format, the lower-order components are written with an x.
These examples show truncated values:
n p00030202T1031

n 2016-09-15T15/2018-09-15T15:53

n –p0003-03-03T-:-:-

n P2y3m4dT5h6m

n 2018-09-xxTxx:xx:xx

n 2018

Normalizing Duration Components

When a value for a duration component is greater than the largest standard value
for a component, SAS normalizes the component except when the duration
component is a single component. The following table shows examples of
normalized duration components:

Duration Extended Normalized Duration

p3y13m p0004-01

pt24h24m65s P----01T-:25:05

p3y13mT24h61m P0004-01-01T01:01

p0004-13 p0005-01

p0003-02-61T15:61:61 P0003-04-01T16:02:01

p13m P13M
62 Chapter 1 / About Formats

If a component contains the largest value such as 60 for minutes or seconds, SAS
normalizes the value and replaces the value with a hyphen. For example,
pT12:60:13 becomes PT13:-:13.
Thirty days is used to normalize a month.
Dates and times in a datetime value that are greater than the standard value for the
component are not normalized. They produce an error.

Fractions in Duration, Datetime, and

Interval Values
Ending components can contain a fraction that consists of a period or a comma,
followed by one to three digits. These examples show the use of fractions in values
for duration, datetime, and interval:
n 201209.5

n P2012-09-15T10.33
n 2012-09-15/P0003-03-03,333

Dictionary of Formats

Formats Documented in Other Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

Formats by Category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Dictionary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
$ASCIIw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
$BASE64Xw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
$BINARYw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
$CHARw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
$CSTR Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
$EBCDICw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
$HEXw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
$MSGCASEw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
$N8601Bw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
$N8601BAw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
$N8601Ew.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
$N8601EAw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
$N8601EHw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
$N8601EXw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
$N8601Hw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
$N8601Xw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
$OCTALw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
$QUOTEw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
$REVERJw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
$REVERSw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
$UPCASEw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
$UUIDw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
$VARYINGw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
$w. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
BESTw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
BESTDw.p Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
BINARYw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
B8601DAw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
B8601DNw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
B8601DTw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
B8601DXw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
B8601DZw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
B8601LXw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
64 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

B8601LZw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156

B8601TMw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
B8601TXw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
B8601TZw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
COMMAw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
COMMAXw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
Dw.p Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
DATEw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
DATEAMPMw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
DATETIMEw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
DAYw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
DDMMYYw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
DDMMYYxw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
DOLLARw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
DOLLARXw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
DOWNAMEw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
DTDATEw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
DTMONYYw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
DTWKDATXw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
DTYEARw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
DTYYQCw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
Ew. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
E8601DAw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
E8601DNw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
E8601DTw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
E8601DXw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
E8601DZw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
E8601LXw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
E8601LZw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
E8601TMw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
E8601TXw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
E8601TZw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
EUROw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
EUROXw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
Fw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
FLOATw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
FRACTw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
HEXw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
HHMMw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
HOURw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
IBw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
IBRw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
IEEEw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
JULDAYw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
JULIANw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
MDYAMPMw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
MMDDYYw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
MMDDYYxw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
MMSSw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
MMYYw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
MMYYxw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
MONNAMEw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
MONTHw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
MONYYw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
Contents 65

NEGPARENw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249

NENGOw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
NLBESTw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
NLDATEw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
NLDATELw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
NLDATEMw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
NLDATEMDw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
NLDATEMDLw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
NLDATEMDMw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
NLDATEMDSw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
NLDATEMNw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
NLDATESw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
NLDATEWw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
NLDATEWNw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
NLDATEYMw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
NLDATEYMLw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
NLDATEYMMw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
NLDATEYMSw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
NLDATEYQw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
NLDATEYQLw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
NLDATEYQMw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
NLDATEYQSw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
NLDATEYRw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
NLDATEYWw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
NLDATMw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
NLDATMAPw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
NLDATMDTw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
NLDATMLw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284
NLDATMMw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
NLDATMMDw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286
NLDATMMDLw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
NLDATMMDMw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
NLDATMMDSw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
NLDATMMNw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
NLDATMSw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
NLDATMTMw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
NLDATMTZw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
NLDATMWw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
NLDATMWNw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
NLDATMWZw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
NLDATMYMw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
NLDATMYMLw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
NLDATMYMMw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
NLDATMYMSw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
NLDATMYQw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
NLDATMYQLw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304
NLDATMYQMw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
NLDATMYQSw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306
NLDATMYRw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
NLDATMYWw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
NLDATMZw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
NLMNIAEDw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
NLMNIAUDw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
NLMNIBGNw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313
66 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

NLMNIBRLw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314

NLMNICADw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
NLMNICHFw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
NLMNICNYw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317
NLMNICZKw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319
NLMNIDKKw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320
NLMNIEEKw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321
NLMNIEGPw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322
NLMNIEURw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323
NLMNIGBPw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
NLMNIHKDw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326
NLMNIHRKw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327
NLMNIHUFw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328
NLMNIIDRw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329
NLMNIILSw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330
NLMNIINRw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
NLMNIJPYw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
NLMNIKRWw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334
NLMNILTLw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335
NLMNILVLw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336
NLMNIMOPw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337
NLMNIMXNw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338
NLMNIMYRw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340
NLMNINOKw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
NLMNINZDw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342
NLMNIPLNw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
NLMNIRUBw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
NLMNISEKw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
NLMNISGDw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
NLMNITHBw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348
NLMNITRYw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349
NLMNITWDw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
NLMNIUSDw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
NLMNIZARw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352
NLMNLAEDx.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354
NLMNLAUDw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355
NLMNLBGNw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356
NLMNLBRLw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357
NLMNLCADw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358
NLMNLCHFw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359
NLMNLCNYw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361
NLMNLCZKw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362
NLMNLDKKw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363
NLMNLEEKw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364
NLMNLEGPw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365
NLMNLEURw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366
NLMNLGBPw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368
NLMNLHKDw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369
NLMNLHRKw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370
NLMNLHUFw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371
NLMNLIDRw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372
NLMNLILSw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373
NLMNLINRw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375
NLMNLJPYw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376
Contents 67

NLMNLKRWw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377

NLMNLLTLw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378
NLMNLLVLw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379
NLMNLMOPw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380
NLMNLMXNw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382
NLMNLMYRw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383
NLMNLNOKw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384
NLMNLNZDw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385
NLMNLPLNw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386
NLMNLRUBw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387
NLMNLSEKw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389
NLMNLSGDw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390
NLMNLTHBw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391
NLMNLTRYw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392
NLMNLTWDw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393
NLMNLUSDw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 394
NLMNLZARw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396
NLMNYw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397
NLMNYIw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 398
NLNUMw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400
NLNUMIw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402
NLPCTw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403
NLPCTIw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405
NLPCTNw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407
NLPCTPw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 408
NLPVALUEw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409
NLSTRMONw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410
NLSTRQTRw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412
NLSTRWKw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413
NLTIMAPw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415
NLTIMEw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416
NUMXw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417
OCTALw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419
ODDSRw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420
PDw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 422
PDJULGw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424
PDJULIw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426
PERCENTw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428
PERCENTNw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429
PIBw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431
PIBRw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433
PKw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435
PVALUEw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436
QTRw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438
QTRRw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 439
RBw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440
ROMANw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442
S370FFw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443
S370FIBw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444
S370FIBUw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446
S370FPDw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448
S370FPDUw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450
S370FPIBw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451
S370FRBw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453
68 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

S370FZDw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455

S370FZDLw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 456
S370FZDSw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458
S370FZDTw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459
S370FZDUw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461
SSNw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462
TIMEw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463
TIMEAMPMw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466
TODw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 468
VAXRBw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 471
VMSZNw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472
w.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474
WEEKDATEw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 476
WEEKDATXw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 478
WEEKDAYw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 480
WEEKUw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481
WEEKVw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 483
WEEKWw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485
WORDDATEw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487
WORDDATXw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 489
WORDFw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 491
WORDSw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 492
YEARw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493
YYMMw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 495
YYMMDDw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 496
YYMMDDxw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499
YYMMxw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501
YYMONw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503
YYQw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504
YYQxw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 506
YYQRw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 508
YYQRxw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 510
YYQZw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 512
YYWEEKUw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 513
YYWEEKVw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515
YYWEEKWw. Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517
Zw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519
ZDw.d Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 520

Formats Documented in Other

Additional formats are documented in these publications:
n “Dictionary of Formats for NLS” in SAS National Language Support (NLS):
Reference Guide.
n “DS2 Formats” in SAS DS2 Language Reference

n “FedSQL Formats” in SAS FedSQL Language Reference

Formats by Category 69

Formats by Category
Here are the categories for formats:

Category Description

CAS Instructs SAS to write character data values from character

variables in CAS.
See CAS for a list of formats.

Character Instructs SAS to write character data values from character

See Character for a list of formats.

Date Instructs SAS to write data values from variables that represent
See Date for a list of formats.

Date and Time Instructs SAS to write data values from variables that represent
dates, times, and datetimes.
See Date and Time for a list of formats.

ISO 8601 Instructs SAS to write date, time, and datetime values using the
ISO 8601 standard.
See ISO 8601 for a list of formats.

Numeric Instructs SAS to write numeric data values from numeric

See Numeric for a list of formats.

Time Instructs SAS to write data values from variables that represent
See Time for a list of formats.

Formats that support national languages can be found in SAS National Language
Support (NLS): Reference Guide.
Storing user-defined formats is an important consideration if you associate these
formats with variables in permanent SAS data sets, especially those data sets
shared with other users. For information about creating and storing user-defined
formats, see “FORMAT Procedure” in Base SAS Procedures Guide.
The following table provides brief descriptions of the SAS formats. For more detailed
descriptions, see the dictionary entry for each format.
70 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Category Language Elements Description

CAS $BASE64Xw. Format (p. Converts character data into ASCII text by using Base 64
104) encoding.

$BINARYw. Format (p. 105) Converts character data to binary representation.

$CHARw. Format (p. 106) Writes standard character data.

$CSTR Format (p. 108) Looks for the last non-blank character of a character
argument and passes a copy of the string with a null
terminator after the last non-blank character.

$HEXw. Format (p. 110) Converts character data to hexadecimal representation.

$OCTALw. Format (p. 130) Converts character data to octal representation.

$QUOTEw. Format (p. 131) Writes data values that are enclosed in double quotation

$REVERJw. Format (p. 133) Writes character data in reverse order and preserves

$REVERSw. Format (p. 134) Writes character data in reverse order and left-aligns

$UPCASEw. Format (p. 135) Converts character data to uppercase.

$UUIDw. Format (p. 136) Converts character data to the Universally Unique Identifier
(UUID) format.

BESTw. Format (p. 141) SAS chooses the best notation.

BESTDw.p Format (p. 143) Prints numeric values, lining up decimal places for values of
similar magnitude, and prints integers without decimals.

COMMAw.d Format (p. 163) Writes numeric values with a comma that separates every
three digits and a period that separates the decimal fraction.

COMMAXw.d Format (p. Writes numeric values with a period that separates every
165) three digits and a comma that separates the decimal

Dw.p Format (p. 166) Prints numeric values, possibly with a great range of values,
lining up decimal places for values of similar magnitude.

DATEw. Format (p. 169) Writes date values in the form ddmmmyy, ddmmmyyyy, or

DATEAMPMw.d Format (p. Writes datetime values in the form

170) with AM or PM.

DATETIMEw.d Format (p. Writes datetime values in the form


DAYw. Format (p. 175) Writes date values as the day of the month.
Formats by Category 71

Category Language Elements Description

DDMMYYw. Format (p. 175) Writes date values in the form ddmm<yy>yy or dd/mm/
<yy>yy, where a forward slash is the separator and the year
appears as either two or four digits.

DDMMYYxw. Format (p. Writes date values in the form ddmm<yy>yy or dd-mm-
177) yy<yy>, where the x in the format name is a character that
represents the special character that separates the day,
month, and year. The special character can be a blank
character, colon (:), hyphen (-),no separator, period (.), or
slash (/). The year can be either two or four digits.

DOLLARw.d Format (p. 180) Writes numeric values with a leading dollar sign, a comma
that separates every three digits, and a period that
separates the decimal fraction.

DOLLARXw.d Format (p. Writes numeric values with a leading dollar sign, a period
181) that separates every three digits, and a comma that
separates the decimal fraction.

DOWNAMEw. Format (p. Writes date values as the name of the day of the week.

DTMONYYw. Format (p. Writes the date part of a datetime value as the month and
186) year in the form mmmyy or mmmyyyy.

DTWKDATXw. Format (p. Writes the date part of a datetime value as the day of the
187) week and the date in the form day-of-week, dd month-name
yy (or yyyy).

DTYEARw. Format (p. 189) Writes the date part of a datetime value as the year in the
form yy or yyyy.

DTYYQCw. Format (p. 190) Writes the date part of a datetime value as the year and the
quarter and separates them with a colon (:).

Ew. Format (p. 192) Writes numeric values in scientific notation.

E8601DAw. Format (p. 193) Writes date values by using the ISO 8601 extended notation

E8601DNw. Format (p. 194) Writes dates from SAS datetime values by using the ISO
8601 extended notation yyyy-mm-dd.

E8601DTw.d Format (p. 195) Writes datetime values by using the ISO 8601 extended
notation yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.ffffff.

E8601DZw. Format (p. 199) Writes datetime values for the zero meridian Coordinated
Universal Time (UTC) by using the ISO 8601 datetime and
time zone extended notation yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss+00:00.

E8601LZw. Format (p. 202) Writes time values as local time, appending the Coordinated
Universal Time (UTC) offset for the local SAS session, using
the ISO 8601 extended time notation hh:mm:ss+|–hh:mm.
72 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Category Language Elements Description

E8601TMw.d Format (p. 204) Writes time values by using the ISO 8601 extended notation

E8601TZw.d Format (p. 208) Adjusts time values to the Coordinated Universal Time
(UTC) and writes the time values by using the ISO 8601
extended notation hh:mm:ss.<fff>+|–hh:mm.

Fw.d Format (p. 215) Rounds the value to the nearest number that fits in the
output field.

FLOATw.d Format (p. 217) Generates a native single-precision, floating-point value by

multiplying a number by 10 raised to the dth power.

FRACTw. Format (p. 219) Converts numeric values to fractions.

HEXw. Format (p. 220) Converts real binary (floating-point) values to hexadecimal

HHMMw.d Format (p. 221) Writes time values as hours and minutes in the form hh:mm.

HOURw.d Format (p. 224) Writes time values as hours and decimal fractions of hours.

IEEEw.d Format (p. 229) Generates an IEEE floating-point value by multiplying a

number by 10 raised to the dth power.

JULIANw. Format (p. 232) Writes date values as Julian dates in the form yyddd or

MDYAMPMw.d Format (p. Writes datetime values in the form mm/dd/yy<yy> hh:mm
233) AM|PM. The year can be either two or four digits.

MMDDYYw. Format (p. 235) Writes date values in the form mmdd<yy>yy or mm/dd/
<yy>yy, where a forward slash is the separator and the year
appears as either two or four digits.

MMDDYYxw. Format (p. Writes date values in the form mmdd<yy>yy or mm-dd-
237) <yy>yy, where the x in the format name is a character that
represents the special character that separates the month,
day, and year. The special character can be a hyphen (-),
period (.), blank character, slash (/), colon (:), or no
separator; the year can be either two or four digits.

MMSSw.d Format (p. 240) Writes time values as the number of minutes and seconds
since midnight.

MMYYw. Format (p. 241) Writes date values in the form mmM<yy>yy, where M is the
separator and the year appears as either two or four digits.

MMYYxw. Format (p. 243) Writes date values in the form mm<yy>yy or mm-<yy>yy,
where the x in the format name is a character that
represents the special character that separates the month
and the year. The special character can be a hyphen (-),
period (.), blank character, slash (/), colon (:), or no
separator. The year can be either two or four digits.
Formats by Category 73

Category Language Elements Description

MONNAMEw. Format (p. Writes date values as the name of the month.

MONTHw. Format (p. 246) Writes date values as the month of the year.

MONYYw. Format (p. 247) Writes date values as the month and the year in the form
mmmyy or mmmyyyy.

NEGPARENw.d Format (p. Writes negative numeric values in parentheses.


NLBESTw. Format (p. 252) Writes the best numerical notation based on the locale.

NLDATEw. Format (p. 255) Writes a SAS date value as a date that is appropriate for the
current SAS locale.

NLDATELw. Format (p. 256) Writes a SAS date value as a date in the form month, date,
year that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATEMw. Format (p. 257) Writes a SAS date value as a date in a medium-uniform
pattern that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATEMDw. Format (p. Writes the SAS date value as the name of the month and
258) the day of the month that is appropriate for the current SAS

NLDATEMDLw. Format (p. Writes a SAS date value as the month and day of the month
259) that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATEMDMw. Format (p. Writes a SAS date value as the month and day of the month
260) that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATEMDSw. Format (p. Writes a SAS date value as the month and day of the month
261) in a short-uniform pattern that is appropriate for the current
SAS locale.

NLDATEMNw. Format (p. Writes a SAS date value as the name of the month that is
262) appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATESw. Format (p. 264) Writes a SAS date value as a date string that is appropriate
for the current SAS locale.

NLDATEWw. Format (p. 265) Writes a SAS date value as the date and the day of the
week that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATEWNw. Format (p. Writes the SAS date value as the day of the week that is
267) appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATEYMw. Format (p. Writes the SAS date value as the year and the name of the
268) month that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATEYMLw. Format (p. Writes a SAS date value as the month and year that is
270) appropriate for the current SAS locale.
74 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Category Language Elements Description

NLDATEYMMw. Format (p. Writes a SAS date value as the month and year with
271) abbreviations that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATEYMSw. Format (p. Writes a SAS date value as a date and year that is
272) appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATEYQw. Format (p. Writes the SAS date value as the year and the quarter that
273) is appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATEYQLw. Format (p. Writes a SAS date value as the year and the year’s quarter
274) value (Q1–Q4) using abbreviations that is appropriate for
the current SAS locale.

NLDATEYQMw. Format (p. Writes a SAS date value as the year and the year’s quarter
276) value (Q1–Q4) using abbreviations that is appropriate for
the current SAS locale.

NLDATEYQSw. Format (p. Writes a SAS date value as the year and the year’s quarter
277) value (1–4) with numbers and delimiters that is appropriate
for the current SAS locale.

NLDATEYRw. Format (p. Writes the SAS date value as the year that is appropriate for
278) the current SAS locale.

NLDATEYWw. Format (p. Writes the SAS date value as the year and the week that is
279) appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATMw. Format (p. 280) Writes a SAS datetime value as a datetime that is
appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATMAPw. Format (p. Wries a SAS datetime value as a datetime with a.m. or p.m.
281) that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATMDTw. Format (p. Writes the SAS datetime value as the name of the month,
282) day of the month and year that is appropriate for the current
SAS locale.

NLDATMLw. Format (p. 284) Writes a SAS datetime value as a long representation of the
date that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATMMw. Format (p. 285) Writes a SAS datetime value as a medium representation of
the date that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATMMDw. Format (p. Writes the SAS datetime value as the name of the month
286) and the day of the month that is appropriate for the current
SAS locale.

NLDATMMDLw. Format (p. Writes a SAS date value as the full-length of the month and
287) day of the month that is appropriate for the current SAS

NLDATMMDMw. Format (p. Writes a SAS date value as the month and day of the month
288) using abbreviations that is appropriate for the current SAS
Formats by Category 75

Category Language Elements Description

NLDATMMDSw. Format (p. Writes a SAS date value as the month and day of the month
289) using numbers and delimiters that is appropriate for the
current SAS locale.

NLDATMMNw. Format (p. Writes the SAS datetime value as the name of the month
290) that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATMSw. Format (p. 292) Writes a SAS datetime value as the short representation of
the date that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATMTMw. Format (p. Writes the time portion of a SAS datetime value as a time of
293) day that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATMTZw. Format (p. Writes the time portion of the SAS datetime value as the
294) time of day and time zone that is appropriate for the current
SAS locale.

NLDATMWw. Format (p. Writes SAS datetime values as the day of the week and the
295) datetime that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATMWNw. Format (p. Writes a SAS datetime value as the day of the week that is
297) appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATMWZw. Format (p. Writes SAS date values as day-of-week, datetime, and time
298) zone values that are appropriate.

NLDATMYMw. Format (p. Writes the SAS datetime value as the month and year that is
299) appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATMYMLw. Format (p. Writes a SAS date value as the month and the year that is
300) appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATMYMMw. Format (p. Writes a SAS date value as the month and the year that is
301) appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATMYMSw. Format (p. Writes a SAS date value as the month and year with
302) numbers and a delimiter that is appropriate for the current
SAS locale.

NLDATMYQw. Format (p. Writes the SAS datetime value as the quarter and the year
303) that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATMYQMw. Format (p. Writes a SAS date value as the year’s quarter (1–4) and the
305) year that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATMYQSw. Format (p. Writes a SAS date value as the year and the quarter (1-4)
306) using numbers and a delimiter that is appropriate for the
current SAS locale.

NLDATMYRw. Format (p. Writes the SAS datetime value as the year that is
308) appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATMYWw. Format (p. Writes the SAS datetime value as the week number and the
309) year that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.
76 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Category Language Elements Description

NLDATMZw. Format (p. 310) Writes SAS datetime values as datetime and time zone
values that are appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLMNIAEDw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
310) for the United Arab Emirates.

NLMNIAUDw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
312) for Australia.

NLMNIBGNw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
313) for Bulgaria.

NLMNIBRLw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
314) for Brazil.

NLMNICADw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
315) for Canada.

NLMNICHFw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
316) for Liechtenstein and Switzerland.

NLMNICNYw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
317) for China.

NLMNICZKw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
319) for the Czech Republic.

NLMNIDKKw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
320) for Denmark, Faroe Island, and Greenland.

NLMNIEEKw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
321) for Estonia.

NLMNIEGPw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
322) for Egypt.

NLMNIEURw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
323) for Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia,
Slovenia, and Spain.

NLMNIGBPw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
324) for the United Kingdom.

NLMNIHKDw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
326) for Hong Kong.

NLMNIHRKw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
327) for Croatia.

NLMNIHUFw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
328) for Hungary.
Formats by Category 77

Category Language Elements Description

NLMNIIDRw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
329) for Indonesia.

NLMNIILSw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
330) for Israel.

NLMNIINRw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
331) for India.

NLMNIKRWw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
334) for South Korea.

NLMNILTLw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
335) for Lithuania.

NLMNILVLw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
336) for Latvia.

NLMNIMOPw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
337) for Macau.

NLMNIMXNw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
338) for Mexico.

NLMNIMYRw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
340) for Malaysia.

NLMNINOKw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
341) for Norway.

NLMNINZDw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
342) for New Zealand.

NLMNIPLNw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
343) for Poland.

NLMNIRUBw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
344) for Russia.

NLMNISEKw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
345) for Sweden.

NLMNISGDw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
347) for Singapore.

NLMNITHBw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
348) for Thailand.

NLMNITRYw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
349) for Turkey.

NLMNITWDw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
350) for Taiwan.
78 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Category Language Elements Description

NLMNIUSDw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
351) for Puerto Rico and the United States.

NLMNIZARw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
352) for South Africa.

NLMNLAEDx.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for the
354) United Arab Emirates.

NLMNLAUDw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for
355) Australia.

NLMNLBGNw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for
356) Bulgaria.

NLMNLBRLw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for Brazil.

NLMNLCADw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for
358) Canada.

NLMNLCHFw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for
359) Liechtenstein and Switzerland.

NLMNLCNYw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for
361) China.

NLMNLCZKw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for the
362) Czech Republic.

NLMNLDKKw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for
363) Denmark, Faroe Island, and Greenland.

NLMNLEEKw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for
364) Estonia.

NLMNLEGPw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for
365) Egypt.

NLMNLEURw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for
366) Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia,
Slovenia, and Spain.

NLMNLGBPw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for the
368) United Kingdom.

NLMNLHKDw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for Hong
369) Kong.

NLMNLHRKw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for
370) Croatia.
Formats by Category 79

Category Language Elements Description

NLMNLHUFw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for
371) Hungary.

NLMNLIDRw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for
372) Indonesia.

NLMNLILSw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for Israel.

NLMNLINRw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for India.

NLMNLJPYw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
376) for Japan.

NLMNLKRWw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for South
377) Korea.

NLMNLLTLw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for
378) Lithuania.

NLMNLLVLw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for
379) Latvia.

NLMNLMOPw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for
380) Macau.

NLMNLMXNw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for
382) Mexico.

NLMNLMYRw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for
383) Malaysia.

NLMNLNOKw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for
384) Norway.

NLMNLNZDw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for New
385) Zealand.

NLMNLPLNw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for
386) Poland.

NLMNLRUBw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for
387) Russia.

NLMNLSEKw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for
389) Sweden.

NLMNLSGDw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for
390) Singapore.

NLMNLTHBw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for
391) Thailand.
80 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Category Language Elements Description

NLMNLTRYw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for
392) Turkey.

NLMNLTWDw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for
393) Taiwan.

NLMNLUSDw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for
394) Puerto Rico and the United States.

NLMNLZARw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for South
396) Africa.

NLMNYw.d Format (p. 397) Writes the monetary format of the local expression that is
appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLMNYIw.d Format (p. 398) Writes the monetary format of the international expression
that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLNUMw.d Format (p. 400) Writes the numeric format of the local expression that is
appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLNUMIw.d Format (p. 402) Writes the numeric format of the international expression
that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLPCTw.d Format (p. 403) Writes percentage data of the local expression that is
appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLPCTIw.d Format (p. 405) Writes percentage data of the international expression that
is appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLPCTNw.d Format (p. 407) Writes percentages, using a minus sign for negative values.

NLPCTPw.d Format (p. 408) Writes locale-specific numeric values as percentages.

NLPVALUEw.d Format (p. Writes p-values of the local expression that is appropriate
409) for the current SAS locale.

NLSTRMONw.d Format (p. Writes the month name that is appropriate for the current
410) SAS locale.

NLSTRQTRw.d Format (p. Writes a numeric value as the quarter-of-the-year that is

412) appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLSTRWKw.d Format (p. Writes a numeric value as the day-of-the-week that is

413) appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLTIMAPw. Format (p. 415) Writes a SAS time value as a time value with a.m. or p.m.
that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLTIMEw. Format (p. 416) Writes a SAS time value as a time value that is appropriate
for the current SAS locale.

OCTALw. Format (p. 419) Converts numeric values to octal representation.

Formats by Category 81

Category Language Elements Description

PERCENTw.d Format (p. Writes numeric values as percentages.


PERCENTNw.d Format (p. Produces percentages, using a minus sign for negative
429) values.

QTRw. Format (p. 438) Writes date values as the quarter of the year.

QTRRw. Format (p. 439) Writes date values as the quarter of the year in Roman

ROMANw. Format (p. 442) Writes numeric values as Roman numerals.

TIMEw.d Format (p. 463) Writes time values as hours, minutes, and seconds in the

TIMEAMPMw.d Format (p. Writes time and datetime values as hours, minutes, and
466) seconds in the form with AM or PM.

TODw.d Format (p. 468) Writes SAS time values and the time portion of SAS
datetime values in the form

VAXRBw.d Format (p. 471) Writes real binary (floating-point) data in VMS format.

w.d Format (p. 474) Writes standard numeric data one digit per byte.

WEEKDATXw. Format (p. Writes date values as the day of the week and date in the
478) form day-of-week, dd month-name yy (or yyyy).

WEEKDAYw. Format (p. Writes date values as the day of the week.

YEARw. Format (p. 493) Writes date values as the year.

YYMMw. Format (p. 495) Writes date values in the form <yy>yyMmm, where M is a
character separator to indicate that the month number
follows the M and the year appears as either two or four

YYMMDDw. Format (p. 496) Writes date values in the form yymmdd or <yy>yy-mm-dd,
where a hyphen is the separator and the year appears as
either two or four digits.

YYMMDDxw. Format (p. Writes date values in the form yymmdd or <yy>yy-mm-dd,
499) where the x in the format name is a character that
represents the special character that separates the year,
month, and day. The special character can be a hyphen (-),
period (.), blank character, slash (/), colon (:), or no
separator. The year can be either two or four digits.

YYMMxw. Format (p. 501) Writes date values in the form <yy>yymm or <yy>yy-mm.
The x in the format name represents the special character
that separates the year and the month. This special
character can be a hyphen (-), period (.), slash (/), colon (:),
or no separator. The year can be either two or four digits.
82 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Category Language Elements Description

YYMONw. Format (p. 503) Writes date values in the form yymmm or yyyymmm.

YYQw. Format (p. 504) Writes date values in the form <yy>yyQq, where Q is the
separator, the year appears as either two or four digits, and
q is the quarter of the year.

YYQxw. Format (p. 506) Writes date values in the form <yy>yyq or <yy>yy-q, where
the x in the format name is a character that represents the
special character that separates the year and the quarter or
the year. The special character can be a hyphen (-), period
(.), blank character, slash (/), colon (:), or no separator. The
year can be either two or four digits.

YYQRw. Format (p. 508) Writes date values in the form <yy>yyQqr, where Q is the
separator, the year appears as either two or four digits, and
qr is the quarter of the year expressed in Roman numerals.

YYQRxw. Format (p. 510) Writes date values in the form <yy>yyqr or <yy>yy-qr, where
the x in the format name is a character that represents the
special character. The special character separates the year
and the quarter or the year. The special character can be a
hyphen (-), period (.), blank character, slash (/), colon (:), or
no separator. The year can be either two or four digits, and
qr is the quarter of the year expressed in Roman numerals.

YYQZw. Format (p. 512) Writes SAS date values in the form <yy><qq>, the year
appears as 2 or 4 digits, and qq is the quarter of the year.

YYWEEKUw. Format (p. Writes a week number in decimal format by using the U
513) algorithm, excluding day-of-the-week information.

YYWEEKVw. Format (p. Writes a week number in decimal format by using the V
515) algorithm, excluding day-of-the-week information.

YYWEEKWw. Format (p. Writes a week number in decimal format by using the W
517) algorithm, excluding the day-of-week information.

Zw.d Format (p. 519) Writes standard numeric data with leading 0s.

Character $ASCIIw. Format (p. 102) Converts native format character data to ASCII

$BASE64Xw. Format (p. Converts character data into ASCII text by using Base 64
104) encoding.

$BINARYw. Format (p. 105) Converts character data to binary representation.

$CHARw. Format (p. 106) Writes standard character data.

$CSTR Format (p. 108) Looks for the last non-blank character of a character
argument and passes a copy of the string with a null
terminator after the last non-blank character.

$EBCDICw. Format (p. 109) Converts native format character data to EBCDIC
Formats by Category 83

Category Language Elements Description

$HEXw. Format (p. 110) Converts character data to hexadecimal representation.

$MSGCASEw. Format (p. Writes character data in uppercase when the MSGCASE
112) system option is in effect.

$OCTALw. Format (p. 130) Converts character data to octal representation.

$QUOTEw. Format (p. 131) Writes data values that are enclosed in double quotation

$REVERJw. Format (p. 133) Writes character data in reverse order and preserves

$REVERSw. Format (p. 134) Writes character data in reverse order and left-aligns

$UPCASEw. Format (p. 135) Converts character data to uppercase.

$UUIDw. Format (p. 136) Converts character data to the Universally Unique Identifier
(UUID) format.

$VARYINGw. Format (p. Writes character data of varying length.


$w. Format (p. 140) Writes standard character data.

Date B8601DAw. Format (p. 146) Writes date values by using the ISO 8601 basic notation

B8601DNw. Format (p. 148) Writes dates from datetime values by using the ISO 8601
basic notation yyyymmdd.

DATEw. Format (p. 169) Writes date values in the form ddmmmyy, ddmmmyyyy, or

DAYw. Format (p. 175) Writes date values as the day of the month.

DDMMYYw. Format (p. 175) Writes date values in the form ddmm<yy>yy or dd/mm/
<yy>yy, where a forward slash is the separator and the year
appears as either two or four digits.

DDMMYYxw. Format (p. Writes date values in the form ddmm<yy>yy or dd-mm-
177) yy<yy>, where the x in the format name is a character that
represents the special character that separates the day,
month, and year. The special character can be a blank
character, colon (:), hyphen (-),no separator, period (.), or
slash (/). The year can be either two or four digits.

DOWNAMEw. Format (p. Writes date values as the name of the day of the week.

DTDATEw. Format (p. 184) Expects a datetime value as input and writes date values in
the form ddmmmyy or ddmmmyyyy.
84 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Category Language Elements Description

DTMONYYw. Format (p. Writes the date part of a datetime value as the month and
186) year in the form mmmyy or mmmyyyy.

DTWKDATXw. Format (p. Writes the date part of a datetime value as the day of the
187) week and the date in the form day-of-week, dd month-name
yy (or yyyy).

DTYEARw. Format (p. 189) Writes the date part of a datetime value as the year in the
form yy or yyyy.

DTYYQCw. Format (p. 190) Writes the date part of a datetime value as the year and the
quarter and separates them with a colon (:).

E8601DAw. Format (p. 193) Writes date values by using the ISO 8601 extended notation

E8601DNw. Format (p. 194) Writes dates from SAS datetime values by using the ISO
8601 extended notation yyyy-mm-dd.

JULDAYw. Format (p. 230) Writes date values as the Julian day of the year.

JULIANw. Format (p. 232) Writes date values as Julian dates in the form yyddd or

MMDDYYw. Format (p. 235) Writes date values in the form mmdd<yy>yy or mm/dd/
<yy>yy, where a forward slash is the separator and the year
appears as either two or four digits.

MMDDYYxw. Format (p. Writes date values in the form mmdd<yy>yy or mm-dd-
237) <yy>yy, where the x in the format name is a character that
represents the special character that separates the month,
day, and year. The special character can be a hyphen (-),
period (.), blank character, slash (/), colon (:), or no
separator; the year can be either two or four digits.

MMYYw. Format (p. 241) Writes date values in the form mmM<yy>yy, where M is the
separator and the year appears as either two or four digits.

MMYYxw. Format (p. 243) Writes date values in the form mm<yy>yy or mm-<yy>yy,
where the x in the format name is a character that
represents the special character that separates the month
and the year. The special character can be a hyphen (-),
period (.), blank character, slash (/), colon (:), or no
separator. The year can be either two or four digits.

MONNAMEw. Format (p. Writes date values as the name of the month.

MONTHw. Format (p. 246) Writes date values as the month of the year.

MONYYw. Format (p. 247) Writes date values as the month and the year in the form
mmmyy or mmmyyyy.

NENGOw. Format (p. 251) Writes date values as Japanese dates in the form
Formats by Category 85

Category Language Elements Description

NLDATEw. Format (p. 255) Writes a SAS date value as a date that is appropriate for the
current SAS locale.

NLDATELw. Format (p. 256) Writes a SAS date value as a date in the form month, date,
year that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATEMw. Format (p. 257) Writes a SAS date value as a date in a medium-uniform
pattern that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATEMDw. Format (p. Writes the SAS date value as the name of the month and
258) the day of the month that is appropriate for the current SAS

NLDATEMDLw. Format (p. Writes a SAS date value as the month and day of the month
259) that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATEMDMw. Format (p. Writes a SAS date value as the month and day of the month
260) that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATEMDSw. Format (p. Writes a SAS date value as the month and day of the month
261) in a short-uniform pattern that is appropriate for the current
SAS locale.

NLDATEMNw. Format (p. Writes a SAS date value as the name of the month that is
262) appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATESw. Format (p. 264) Writes a SAS date value as a date string that is appropriate
for the current SAS locale.

NLDATEWw. Format (p. 265) Writes a SAS date value as the date and the day of the
week that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATEWNw. Format (p. Writes the SAS date value as the day of the week that is
267) appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATEYMw. Format (p. Writes the SAS date value as the year and the name of the
268) month that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATEYMLw. Format (p. Writes a SAS date value as the month and year that is
270) appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATEYMMw. Format (p. Writes a SAS date value as the month and year with
271) abbreviations that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATEYMSw. Format (p. Writes a SAS date value as a date and year that is
272) appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATEYQw. Format (p. Writes the SAS date value as the year and the quarter that
273) is appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATEYQLw. Format (p. Writes a SAS date value as the year and the year’s quarter
274) value (Q1–Q4) using abbreviations that is appropriate for
the current SAS locale.
86 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Category Language Elements Description

NLDATEYQMw. Format (p. Writes a SAS date value as the year and the year’s quarter
276) value (Q1–Q4) using abbreviations that is appropriate for
the current SAS locale.

NLDATEYQSw. Format (p. Writes a SAS date value as the year and the year’s quarter
277) value (1–4) with numbers and delimiters that is appropriate
for the current SAS locale.

NLDATEYRw. Format (p. Writes the SAS date value as the year that is appropriate for
278) the current SAS locale.

NLDATEYWw. Format (p. Writes the SAS date value as the year and the week that is
279) appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATMDTw. Format (p. Writes the SAS datetime value as the name of the month,
282) day of the month and year that is appropriate for the current
SAS locale.

NLDATMMDw. Format (p. Writes the SAS datetime value as the name of the month
286) and the day of the month that is appropriate for the current
SAS locale.

NLDATMMDLw. Format (p. Writes a SAS date value as the full-length of the month and
287) day of the month that is appropriate for the current SAS

NLDATMMDMw. Format (p. Writes a SAS date value as the month and day of the month
288) using abbreviations that is appropriate for the current SAS

NLDATMMDSw. Format (p. Writes a SAS date value as the month and day of the month
289) using numbers and delimiters that is appropriate for the
current SAS locale.

NLDATMMNw. Format (p. Writes the SAS datetime value as the name of the month
290) that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATMWZw. Format (p. Writes SAS date values as day-of-week, datetime, and time
298) zone values that are appropriate.

NLDATMYMLw. Format (p. Writes a SAS date value as the month and the year that is
300) appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATMYMMw. Format (p. Writes a SAS date value as the month and the year that is
301) appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATMYMSw. Format (p. Writes a SAS date value as the month and year with
302) numbers and a delimiter that is appropriate for the current
SAS locale.

NLDATMYQLw. Format (p. Writes a SAS date value as the year’s quarter value (1–4)
304) and the year that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATMYQMw. Format (p. Writes a SAS date value as the year’s quarter (1–4) and the
305) year that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.
Formats by Category 87

Category Language Elements Description

NLDATMYQSw. Format (p. Writes a SAS date value as the year and the quarter (1-4)
306) using numbers and a delimiter that is appropriate for the
current SAS locale.

PDJULGw. Format (p. 424) Writes packed Julian date values in the hexadecimal format
yyyydddF for IBM.

PDJULIw. Format (p. 426) Writes packed Julian date values in the hexadecimal format
ccyydddF for IBM.

QTRw. Format (p. 438) Writes date values as the quarter of the year.

QTRRw. Format (p. 439) Writes date values as the quarter of the year in Roman

WEEKDATEw. Format (p. Writes date values as the day of the week and the date in
476) the form day-of-week, month-name dd, yy (or yyyy).

WEEKDATXw. Format (p. Writes date values as the day of the week and date in the
478) form day-of-week, dd month-name yy (or yyyy).

WEEKDAYw. Format (p. Writes date values as the day of the week.

WEEKUw. Format (p. 481) Writes a week number in decimal format by using the U

WEEKVw. Format (p. 483) Writes a week number in decimal format by using the V

WEEKWw. Format (p. 485) Writes a week number in decimal format by using the W

WORDDATEw. Format (p. Writes date values as the name of the month, the day, and
487) the year in the form month-name dd, yyyy.

WORDDATXw. Format (p. Writes date values as the day, the name of the month, and
489) the year in the form dd month-name yyyy.

YEARw. Format (p. 493) Writes date values as the year.

YYMMw. Format (p. 495) Writes date values in the form <yy>yyMmm, where M is a
character separator to indicate that the month number
follows the M and the year appears as either two or four

YYMMDDw. Format (p. 496) Writes date values in the form yymmdd or <yy>yy-mm-dd,
where a hyphen is the separator and the year appears as
either two or four digits.

YYMMDDxw. Format (p. Writes date values in the form yymmdd or <yy>yy-mm-dd,
499) where the x in the format name is a character that
represents the special character that separates the year,
month, and day. The special character can be a hyphen (-),
88 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Category Language Elements Description

period (.), blank character, slash (/), colon (:), or no

separator. The year can be either two or four digits.

YYMMxw. Format (p. 501) Writes date values in the form <yy>yymm or <yy>yy-mm.
The x in the format name represents the special character
that separates the year and the month. This special
character can be a hyphen (-), period (.), slash (/), colon (:),
or no separator. The year can be either two or four digits.

YYMONw. Format (p. 503) Writes date values in the form yymmm or yyyymmm.

YYQw. Format (p. 504) Writes date values in the form <yy>yyQq, where Q is the
separator, the year appears as either two or four digits, and
q is the quarter of the year.

YYQxw. Format (p. 506) Writes date values in the form <yy>yyq or <yy>yy-q, where
the x in the format name is a character that represents the
special character that separates the year and the quarter or
the year. The special character can be a hyphen (-), period
(.), blank character, slash (/), colon (:), or no separator. The
year can be either two or four digits.

YYQRw. Format (p. 508) Writes date values in the form <yy>yyQqr, where Q is the
separator, the year appears as either two or four digits, and
qr is the quarter of the year expressed in Roman numerals.

YYQRxw. Format (p. 510) Writes date values in the form <yy>yyqr or <yy>yy-qr, where
the x in the format name is a character that represents the
special character. The special character separates the year
and the quarter or the year. The special character can be a
hyphen (-), period (.), blank character, slash (/), colon (:), or
no separator. The year can be either two or four digits, and
qr is the quarter of the year expressed in Roman numerals.

Date and Time $N8601Bw.d Format (p. 113) Writes ISO 8601 duration, datetime, and interval forms by
using the basic notations PnYnMnDTnHnMnS and

$N8601BAw.d Format (p. Writes ISO 8601 duration, datetime, and interval forms by
115) using the basic notations PyyyymmddThhmmss and

$N8601Ew.d Format (p. 117) Writes ISO 8601 duration, datetime, and interval forms by
using the extended notations PnYnMnDTnHnMnS and yyyy-

$N8601EAw.d Format (p. Writes ISO 8601 duration, datetime, and interval forms by
120) using the extended notations Pyyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss and

$N8601EHw.d Format (p. Writes ISO 8601 duration, datetime, and interval forms by
122) using the extended notations Pyyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss and
yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, using a hyphen (-) for omitted
Formats by Category 89

Category Language Elements Description

$N8601EXw.d Format (p. Writes ISO 8601 duration, datetime, and interval forms by
124) using the extended notations Pyyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss and
yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, using an x for each digit of an
omitted component.

$N8601Hw.d Format (p. 126) Writes ISO 8601 duration, datetime, and interval forms
PnYnMnDTnHnMnS and yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, dropping
omitted components in duration values and using a hyphen
(-) for omitted components in datetime values.

$N8601Xw.d Format (p. 128) Writes ISO 8601 duration, datetime, and interval forms
PnYnMnDTnHnMnS and yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, dropping
omitted components in duration values and using an x for
each digit of an omitted component in datetime values.

B8601DNw. Format (p. 148) Writes dates from datetime values by using the ISO 8601
basic notation yyyymmdd.

B8601DTw.d Format (p. 149) Writes datetime values by using the ISO 8601 basic notation

B8601DXw. Format (p. 151) Adjusts a Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) datetime value
to the user’s local date and time. Then, writes the local date
and time by using the ISO 8601 datetime and time zone
basic notation yyyymmddThhmmss+hhmm.

B8601DZw. Format (p. 153) Writes datetime values for the zero meridian Coordinated
Universal Time (UTC) time by using the ISO 8601 datetime
and time zone basic notation yyyymmddThhmmss+0000.

B8601LXw. Format (p. 154) Writes datetime values as local time by appending a time
zone offset difference between the local time and UTC,
using the ISO 8601 basic notation yyyymmddThhmmss+|–

B8601LZw. Format (p. 156) Writes time values as local time by appending a time zone
offset difference between the local time and UTC, using the
ISO 8601 basic time notation hhmmss+|–hhmm.

DATEAMPMw.d Format (p. Writes datetime values in the form

170) with AM or PM.

DATETIMEw.d Format (p. Writes datetime values in the form


DTDATEw. Format (p. 184) Expects a datetime value as input and writes date values in
the form ddmmmyy or ddmmmyyyy.

DTMONYYw. Format (p. Writes the date part of a datetime value as the month and
186) year in the form mmmyy or mmmyyyy.

DTWKDATXw. Format (p. Writes the date part of a datetime value as the day of the
187) week and the date in the form day-of-week, dd month-name
yy (or yyyy).
90 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Category Language Elements Description

DTYEARw. Format (p. 189) Writes the date part of a datetime value as the year in the
form yy or yyyy.

DTYYQCw. Format (p. 190) Writes the date part of a datetime value as the year and the
quarter and separates them with a colon (:).

E8601DNw. Format (p. 194) Writes dates from SAS datetime values by using the ISO
8601 extended notation yyyy-mm-dd.

E8601DTw.d Format (p. 195) Writes datetime values by using the ISO 8601 extended
notation yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.ffffff.

E8601DXw. Format (p. 197) Adjusts a Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) datetime value
to the user’s local date and time. Then, writes the local date
and time by using the ISO 8601 datetime and time zone
extended notation yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss+hh:mm.

E8601DZw. Format (p. 199) Writes datetime values for the zero meridian Coordinated
Universal Time (UTC) by using the ISO 8601 datetime and
time zone extended notation yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss+00:00.

E8601LXw. Format (p. 201) Writes datetime values as local time by appending a time
zone offset difference between the local time and UTC,
using the ISO 8601 extended notation yyyy-mm-

MDYAMPMw.d Format (p. Writes datetime values in the form mm/dd/yy<yy> hh:mm
233) AM|PM. The year can be either two or four digits.

NLDATMw. Format (p. 280) Writes a SAS datetime value as a datetime that is
appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATMAPw. Format (p. Wries a SAS datetime value as a datetime with a.m. or p.m.
281) that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATMDTw. Format (p. Writes the SAS datetime value as the name of the month,
282) day of the month and year that is appropriate for the current
SAS locale.

NLDATMLw. Format (p. 284) Writes a SAS datetime value as a long representation of the
date that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATMMw. Format (p. 285) Writes a SAS datetime value as a medium representation of
the date that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATMMDw. Format (p. Writes the SAS datetime value as the name of the month
286) and the day of the month that is appropriate for the current
SAS locale.

NLDATMMNw. Format (p. Writes the SAS datetime value as the name of the month
290) that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATMSw. Format (p. 292) Writes a SAS datetime value as the short representation of
the date that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.
Formats by Category 91

Category Language Elements Description

NLDATMTMw. Format (p. Writes the time portion of a SAS datetime value as a time of
293) day that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATMTZw. Format (p. Writes the time portion of the SAS datetime value as the
294) time of day and time zone that is appropriate for the current
SAS locale.

NLDATMWw. Format (p. Writes SAS datetime values as the day of the week and the
295) datetime that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATMWNw. Format (p. Writes a SAS datetime value as the day of the week that is
297) appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATMWZw. Format (p. Writes SAS date values as day-of-week, datetime, and time
298) zone values that are appropriate.

NLDATMYMw. Format (p. Writes the SAS datetime value as the month and year that is
299) appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATMYQw. Format (p. Writes the SAS datetime value as the quarter and the year
303) that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATMYRw. Format (p. Writes the SAS datetime value as the year that is
308) appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATMYWw. Format (p. Writes the SAS datetime value as the week number and the
309) year that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATMZw. Format (p. 310) Writes SAS datetime values as datetime and time zone
values that are appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLTIMAPw. Format (p. 415) Writes a SAS time value as a time value with a.m. or p.m.
that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLTIMEw. Format (p. 416) Writes a SAS time value as a time value that is appropriate
for the current SAS locale.

TIMEAMPMw.d Format (p. Writes time and datetime values as hours, minutes, and
466) seconds in the form with AM or PM.

TODw.d Format (p. 468) Writes SAS time values and the time portion of SAS
datetime values in the form

YYQZw. Format (p. 512) Writes SAS date values in the form <yy><qq>, the year
appears as 2 or 4 digits, and qq is the quarter of the year.

YYWEEKUw. Format (p. Writes a week number in decimal format by using the U
513) algorithm, excluding day-of-the-week information.

YYWEEKVw. Format (p. Writes a week number in decimal format by using the V
515) algorithm, excluding day-of-the-week information.

YYWEEKWw. Format (p. Writes a week number in decimal format by using the W
517) algorithm, excluding the day-of-week information.
92 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Category Language Elements Description

ISO 8601 $N8601Bw.d Format (p. 113) Writes ISO 8601 duration, datetime, and interval forms by
using the basic notations PnYnMnDTnHnMnS and

$N8601BAw.d Format (p. Writes ISO 8601 duration, datetime, and interval forms by
115) using the basic notations PyyyymmddThhmmss and

$N8601Ew.d Format (p. 117) Writes ISO 8601 duration, datetime, and interval forms by
using the extended notations PnYnMnDTnHnMnS and yyyy-

$N8601EAw.d Format (p. Writes ISO 8601 duration, datetime, and interval forms by
120) using the extended notations Pyyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss and

$N8601EHw.d Format (p. Writes ISO 8601 duration, datetime, and interval forms by
122) using the extended notations Pyyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss and
yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, using a hyphen (-) for omitted

$N8601EXw.d Format (p. Writes ISO 8601 duration, datetime, and interval forms by
124) using the extended notations Pyyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss and
yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, using an x for each digit of an
omitted component.

$N8601Hw.d Format (p. 126) Writes ISO 8601 duration, datetime, and interval forms
PnYnMnDTnHnMnS and yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, dropping
omitted components in duration values and using a hyphen
(-) for omitted components in datetime values.

$N8601Xw.d Format (p. 128) Writes ISO 8601 duration, datetime, and interval forms
PnYnMnDTnHnMnS and yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, dropping
omitted components in duration values and using an x for
each digit of an omitted component in datetime values.

B8601DAw. Format (p. 146) Writes date values by using the ISO 8601 basic notation

B8601DNw. Format (p. 148) Writes dates from datetime values by using the ISO 8601
basic notation yyyymmdd.

B8601DTw.d Format (p. 149) Writes datetime values by using the ISO 8601 basic notation

B8601DXw. Format (p. 151) Adjusts a Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) datetime value
to the user’s local date and time. Then, writes the local date
and time by using the ISO 8601 datetime and time zone
basic notation yyyymmddThhmmss+hhmm.

B8601DZw. Format (p. 153) Writes datetime values for the zero meridian Coordinated
Universal Time (UTC) time by using the ISO 8601 datetime
and time zone basic notation yyyymmddThhmmss+0000.

B8601LXw. Format (p. 154) Writes datetime values as local time by appending a time
zone offset difference between the local time and UTC,
Formats by Category 93

Category Language Elements Description

using the ISO 8601 basic notation yyyymmddThhmmss+|–


B8601LZw. Format (p. 156) Writes time values as local time by appending a time zone
offset difference between the local time and UTC, using the
ISO 8601 basic time notation hhmmss+|–hhmm.

B8601TMw.d Format (p. 158) Writes time values by using the ISO 8601 basic notation

B8601TXw. Format (p. 159) Adjusts a Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) value to the
user’s local time. Then, writes the local time by using the
ISO 8601 basic time notation hhmmss+|-hhmm.

B8601TZw. Format (p. 161) Adjusts time values to the Coordinated Universal Time
(UTC) and writes the time values by using the ISO 8601
basic time notation hhmmss+|–hhmm.

E8601DAw. Format (p. 193) Writes date values by using the ISO 8601 extended notation

E8601DNw. Format (p. 194) Writes dates from SAS datetime values by using the ISO
8601 extended notation yyyy-mm-dd.

E8601DTw.d Format (p. 195) Writes datetime values by using the ISO 8601 extended
notation yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.ffffff.

E8601DXw. Format (p. 197) Adjusts a Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) datetime value
to the user’s local date and time. Then, writes the local date
and time by using the ISO 8601 datetime and time zone
extended notation yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss+hh:mm.

E8601DZw. Format (p. 199) Writes datetime values for the zero meridian Coordinated
Universal Time (UTC) by using the ISO 8601 datetime and
time zone extended notation yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss+00:00.

E8601LXw. Format (p. 201) Writes datetime values as local time by appending a time
zone offset difference between the local time and UTC,
using the ISO 8601 extended notation yyyy-mm-

E8601LZw. Format (p. 202) Writes time values as local time, appending the Coordinated
Universal Time (UTC) offset for the local SAS session, using
the ISO 8601 extended time notation hh:mm:ss+|–hh:mm.

E8601TMw.d Format (p. 204) Writes time values by using the ISO 8601 extended notation

E8601TXw. Format (p. 206) Adjusts a Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) value to the
user’s local time. Then, writes the local time by using the
ISO 8601 extended time notation hh:mm:ss+|–hh:mm.

E8601TZw.d Format (p. 208) Adjusts time values to the Coordinated Universal Time
(UTC) and writes the time values by using the ISO 8601
extended notation hh:mm:ss.<fff>+|–hh:mm.
94 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Category Language Elements Description

Numeric BESTw. Format (p. 141) SAS chooses the best notation.

BESTDw.p Format (p. 143) Prints numeric values, lining up decimal places for values of
similar magnitude, and prints integers without decimals.

BINARYw. Format (p. 145) Converts numeric values to binary representation.

COMMAw.d Format (p. 163) Writes numeric values with a comma that separates every
three digits and a period that separates the decimal fraction.

COMMAXw.d Format (p. Writes numeric values with a period that separates every
165) three digits and a comma that separates the decimal

Dw.p Format (p. 166) Prints numeric values, possibly with a great range of values,
lining up decimal places for values of similar magnitude.

DOLLARw.d Format (p. 180) Writes numeric values with a leading dollar sign, a comma
that separates every three digits, and a period that
separates the decimal fraction.

DOLLARXw.d Format (p. Writes numeric values with a leading dollar sign, a period
181) that separates every three digits, and a comma that
separates the decimal fraction.

Ew. Format (p. 192) Writes numeric values in scientific notation.

EUROw.d Format (p. 210) Writes numeric values with a leading euro symbol (E), a
comma that separates every three digits, and a period that
separates the decimal fraction.

EUROXw.d Format (p. 213) Writes numeric values with a leading euro symbol (E), a
period that separates every three digits, and a comma that
separates the decimal fraction.

Fw.d Format (p. 215) Rounds the value to the nearest number that fits in the
output field.

FLOATw.d Format (p. 217) Generates a native single-precision, floating-point value by

multiplying a number by 10 raised to the dth power.

FRACTw. Format (p. 219) Converts numeric values to fractions.

HEXw. Format (p. 220) Converts real binary (floating-point) values to hexadecimal

IBw.d Format (p. 225) Writes native integer binary (fixed-point) values, including
negative values.

IBRw.d Format (p. 227) Writes integer binary (fixed-point) values in Intel and DEC

IEEEw.d Format (p. 229) Generates an IEEE floating-point value by multiplying a

number by 10 raised to the dth power.
Formats by Category 95

Category Language Elements Description

NEGPARENw.d Format (p. Writes negative numeric values in parentheses.


NLBESTw. Format (p. 252) Writes the best numerical notation based on the locale.

NLMNIAEDw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
310) for the United Arab Emirates.

NLMNIAUDw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
312) for Australia.

NLMNIBGNw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
313) for Bulgaria.

NLMNIBRLw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
314) for Brazil.

NLMNICADw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
315) for Canada.

NLMNICHFw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
316) for Liechtenstein and Switzerland.

NLMNICNYw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
317) for China.

NLMNICZKw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
319) for the Czech Republic.

NLMNIDKKw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
320) for Denmark, Faroe Island, and Greenland.

NLMNIEEKw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
321) for Estonia.

NLMNIEGPw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
322) for Egypt.

NLMNIEURw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
323) for Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia,
Slovenia, and Spain.

NLMNIGBPw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
324) for the United Kingdom.

NLMNIHKDw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
326) for Hong Kong.

NLMNIHRKw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
327) for Croatia.
96 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Category Language Elements Description

NLMNIHUFw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
328) for Hungary.

NLMNIIDRw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
329) for Indonesia.

NLMNIILSw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
330) for Israel.

NLMNIINRw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
331) for India.

NLMNIJPYw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
333) for Japan.

NLMNIKRWw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
334) for South Korea.

NLMNILTLw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
335) for Lithuania.

NLMNILVLw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
336) for Latvia.

NLMNIMOPw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
337) for Macau.

NLMNIMXNw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
338) for Mexico.

NLMNIMYRw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
340) for Malaysia.

NLMNINOKw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
341) for Norway.

NLMNINZDw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
342) for New Zealand.

NLMNIPLNw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
343) for Poland.

NLMNIRUBw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
344) for Russia.

NLMNISEKw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
345) for Sweden.

NLMNISGDw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
347) for Singapore.

NLMNITHBw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
348) for Thailand.
Formats by Category 97

Category Language Elements Description

NLMNITRYw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
349) for Turkey.

NLMNITWDw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
350) for Taiwan.

NLMNIUSDw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
351) for Puerto Rico and the United States.

NLMNIZARw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
352) for South Africa.

NLMNLAEDx.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for the
354) United Arab Emirates.

NLMNLAUDw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for
355) Australia.

NLMNLBGNw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for
356) Bulgaria.

NLMNLBRLw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for Brazil.

NLMNLCADw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for
358) Canada.

NLMNLCHFw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for
359) Liechtenstein and Switzerland.

NLMNLCNYw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for
361) China.

NLMNLCZKw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for the
362) Czech Republic.

NLMNLDKKw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for
363) Denmark, Faroe Island, and Greenland.

NLMNLEEKw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for
364) Estonia.

NLMNLEGPw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for
365) Egypt.

NLMNLEURw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for
366) Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia,
Slovenia, and Spain.

NLMNLGBPw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for the
368) United Kingdom.
98 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Category Language Elements Description

NLMNLHKDw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for Hong
369) Kong.

NLMNLHRKw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for
370) Croatia.

NLMNLHUFw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for
371) Hungary.

NLMNLIDRw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for
372) Indonesia.

NLMNLILSw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for Israel.

NLMNLINRw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for India.

NLMNLJPYw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the international expression
376) for Japan.

NLMNLKRWw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for South
377) Korea.

NLMNLLTLw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for
378) Lithuania.

NLMNLLVLw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for
379) Latvia.

NLMNLMOPw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for
380) Macau.

NLMNLMXNw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for
382) Mexico.

NLMNLMYRw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for
383) Malaysia.

NLMNLNOKw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for
384) Norway.

NLMNLNZDw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for New
385) Zealand.

NLMNLPLNw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for
386) Poland.

NLMNLRUBw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for
387) Russia.

NLMNLSEKw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for
389) Sweden.
Formats by Category 99

Category Language Elements Description

NLMNLSGDw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for
390) Singapore.

NLMNLTHBw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for
391) Thailand.

NLMNLTRYw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for
392) Turkey.

NLMNLTWDw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for
393) Taiwan.

NLMNLUSDw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for
394) Puerto Rico and the United States.

NLMNLZARw.d Format (p. Writes the monetary format of the local expression for South
396) Africa.

NLMNYw.d Format (p. 397) Writes the monetary format of the local expression that is
appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLMNYIw.d Format (p. 398) Writes the monetary format of the international expression
that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLNUMw.d Format (p. 400) Writes the numeric format of the local expression that is
appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLNUMIw.d Format (p. 402) Writes the numeric format of the international expression
that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLPCTw.d Format (p. 403) Writes percentage data of the local expression that is
appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLPCTIw.d Format (p. 405) Writes percentage data of the international expression that
is appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLPCTNw.d Format (p. 407) Writes percentages, using a minus sign for negative values.

NLPCTPw.d Format (p. 408) Writes locale-specific numeric values as percentages.

NLPVALUEw.d Format (p. Writes p-values of the local expression that is appropriate
409) for the current SAS locale.

NLSTRMONw.d Format (p. Writes the month name that is appropriate for the current
410) SAS locale.

NLSTRQTRw.d Format (p. Writes a numeric value as the quarter-of-the-year that is

412) appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLSTRWKw.d Format (p. Writes a numeric value as the day-of-the-week that is

413) appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NUMXw.d Format (p. 417) Writes numeric values with a comma in place of the decimal
100 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Category Language Elements Description

OCTALw. Format (p. 419) Converts numeric values to octal representation.

ODDSRw.d Format (p. 420) Writes odds ratios.

PDw.d Format (p. 422) Writes data in packed decimal format.

PERCENTw.d Format (p. Writes numeric values as percentages.


PERCENTNw.d Format (p. Produces percentages, using a minus sign for negative
429) values.

PIBw.d Format (p. 431) Writes positive integer binary (fixed-point) values.

PIBRw.d Format (p. 433) Writes positive integer binary (fixed-point) values in Intel and
DEC formats.

PKw.d Format (p. 435) Writes data in unsigned packed decimal format.

PVALUEw.d Format (p. 436) Writes p-values.

RBw.d Format (p. 440) Writes real binary data (floating-point) in real binary format.

ROMANw. Format (p. 442) Writes numeric values as Roman numerals.

S370FFw.d Format (p. 443) Writes native standard numeric data in IBM mainframe

S370FIBw.d Format (p. 444) Writes integer binary (fixed-point) values, including negative
values, in IBM mainframe format.

S370FIBUw.d Format (p. Writes unsigned integer binary (fixed-point) values in IBM
446) mainframe format.

S370FPDw.d Format (p. 448) Writes packed decimal data in IBM mainframe format.

S370FPDUw.d Format (p. Writes unsigned packed decimal data in IBM mainframe
450) format.

S370FPIBw.d Format (p. Writes positive integer binary (fixed-point) values in IBM
451) mainframe format.

S370FRBw.d Format (p. 453) Writes real binary (floating-point) data in IBM mainframe

S370FZDw.d Format (p. 455) Writes zoned decimal data in IBM mainframe format.

S370FZDLw.d Format (p. Writes zoned decimal leading-sign data in IBM mainframe
456) format.

S370FZDSw.d Format (p. Writes zoned decimal separate leading-sign data in IBM
458) mainframe format.
Formats by Category 101

Category Language Elements Description

S370FZDTw.d Format (p. Writes zoned decimal separate trailing-sign data in IBM
459) mainframe format.

S370FZDUw.d Format (p. Writes unsigned zoned decimal data in IBM mainframe
461) format.

SSNw. Format (p. 462) Writes Social Security numbers.

VAXRBw.d Format (p. 471) Writes real binary (floating-point) data in VMS format.

VMSZNw.d Format (p. 472) Generates VMS and MicroFocus COBOL zoned numeric

w.d Format (p. 474) Writes standard numeric data one digit per byte.

WORDFw. Format (p. 491) Writes numeric values as words with fractions that are
shown numerically.

WORDSw. Format (p. 492) Writes numeric values as words.

YYMONw. Format (p. 503) Writes date values in the form yymmm or yyyymmm.

YYQRxw. Format (p. 510) Writes date values in the form <yy>yyqr or <yy>yy-qr, where
the x in the format name is a character that represents the
special character. The special character separates the year
and the quarter or the year. The special character can be a
hyphen (-), period (.), blank character, slash (/), colon (:), or
no separator. The year can be either two or four digits, and
qr is the quarter of the year expressed in Roman numerals.

Zw.d Format (p. 519) Writes standard numeric data with leading 0s.

ZDw.d Format (p. 520) Writes numeric data in zoned decimal format.

Time B8601TMw.d Format (p. 158) Writes time values by using the ISO 8601 basic notation

B8601TXw. Format (p. 159) Adjusts a Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) value to the
user’s local time. Then, writes the local time by using the
ISO 8601 basic time notation hhmmss+|-hhmm.

B8601TZw. Format (p. 161) Adjusts time values to the Coordinated Universal Time
(UTC) and writes the time values by using the ISO 8601
basic time notation hhmmss+|–hhmm.

E8601LZw. Format (p. 202) Writes time values as local time, appending the Coordinated
Universal Time (UTC) offset for the local SAS session, using
the ISO 8601 extended time notation hh:mm:ss+|–hh:mm.

E8601TMw.d Format (p. 204) Writes time values by using the ISO 8601 extended notation
102 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Category Language Elements Description

E8601TXw. Format (p. 206) Adjusts a Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) value to the
user’s local time. Then, writes the local time by using the
ISO 8601 extended time notation hh:mm:ss+|–hh:mm.

E8601TZw.d Format (p. 208) Adjusts time values to the Coordinated Universal Time
(UTC) and writes the time values by using the ISO 8601
extended notation hh:mm:ss.<fff>+|–hh:mm.

HHMMw.d Format (p. 221) Writes time values as hours and minutes in the form hh:mm.

HOURw.d Format (p. 224) Writes time values as hours and decimal fractions of hours.

MMSSw.d Format (p. 240) Writes time values as the number of minutes and seconds
since midnight.

NLDATMTMw. Format (p. Writes the time portion of a SAS datetime value as a time of
293) day that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLDATMTZw. Format (p. Writes the time portion of the SAS datetime value as the
294) time of day and time zone that is appropriate for the current
SAS locale.

NLTIMAPw. Format (p. 415) Writes a SAS time value as a time value with a.m. or p.m.
that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.

NLTIMEw. Format (p. 416) Writes a SAS time value as a time value that is appropriate
for the current SAS locale.

TIMEw.d Format (p. 463) Writes time values as hours, minutes, and seconds in the

TIMEAMPMw.d Format (p. Writes time and datetime values as hours, minutes, and
466) seconds in the form with AM or PM.


$ASCIIw. Format
Converts native format character data to ASCII representation.
Category: Character
Alignment: Left
Restriction: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.
$ASCIIw. Format 103


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 1

Range 1–32767

If ASCII is the native format, no conversion occurs.

n On EBCDIC systems, $ASCIIw. converts EBCDIC character data to ASCIIw.

n On all other systems, $ASCIIw. behaves like the $CHARw. format.

data one;
input x $;

data two;
set one;
put x $ascii3.;
SAS writes the following results to the log:

104 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

$BASE64Xw. Format
Converts character data into ASCII text by using Base 64 encoding.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.
You can use the following formula to determine the width:
When the variable-length+2 is divided by 3, the results are truncated to an
integer and multiplied by 4. For example, if a variable length is 48, the width
calculation is (48+2)/3*4=64.
If the format width is too small, the value is not converted. No message is written
to the SAS log.

Default 1

Range 1–32767

Base 64 is an industry encoding method whose encoded characters are determined
by using a positional scheme that uses only ASCII characters. Several Base 64
encoding schemes have been defined by the industry for specific uses, such as
email or content masking. SAS maps positions 0–61 to the characters A–Z, a–z,
and 0–9. Position 62 maps to the character +, and position 63 maps to the
character /.
Here are some uses of Base 64 encoding:
n embed binary data in an XML file

n encode passwords

n encode URLs
$BINARYw. Format 105

If the encoded results contain the '=' character, it indicates that the results have
been padded with zero bits. In order for the encoded characters to be decoded, the
'=' must be included in the value to be decoded.

data one;
input x :$30.;

data two;
set one;
put x $base64x64.;
SAS writes the following results to the log:


See Also
n The LIBNAME statement option “LIBNAME Statement: XMLV2 and XML
Engines” in SAS XMLV2 and XML LIBNAME Engines: User’s Guide

n “$BASE64Xw. Informat” on page 561

$BINARYw. Format
Converts character data to binary representation.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left
106 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default The default width is calculated based on the length of the variable to be

Range 1–32767

The $BINARYw. format converts character values to binary representation. The
BINARYw. format converts numeric values to binary representation.

Example: Converting Two Characters to

Binary Representation
data one;
put x $binary.;
The preceding example writes this output, the binary values of A and B, to the SAS

There is not a blank space between the A and B in the code example, or between
their binary representations in the output.

$CHARw. Format
Writes standard character data.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left
$CHARw. Format 107


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 8 if the length of the variable is undefined; otherwise, the length of the

Range 1–32767

n The $CHARw. format is not identical to the $w. format. The $CHARw. format
does not trim trailing blanks. The $w. format trims trailing blanks.
n The $CHARw. and $w. formats do not trim leading blanks. To trim leading
blanks, use the LEFT function to left-align character data. Alternatively, use the
PUT statement with the colon (:) format modifier and the format of your choice to
produce list output.
n Use the following table to compare the SAS format $CHAR8. with notation in
other programming languages:

Language Notation


C char [8]


data one;
length x $5;
input x $5. y;
put x $char. y;

AB 123
108 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

The preceding example specifies a length value. The example then uses the value
when it writes this character data to the SAS log.
AB 123

$CSTR Format
Looks for the last non-blank character of a character argument and passes a copy of the string with a null
terminator after the last non-blank character.
Categories: CAS


Required Argument
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 1

Range 1–32767

Use the $CSTRw. format to pass a character argument as a null-terminated string.
$CSTR looks for the last non-blank character of a character argument and passes a
copy of the string with a null terminator after the last non-blank character.

data _null_;
put name $cstr10.;

Statement Value of name Result

$EBCDICw. Format 109

Statement Value of name Result

put x $cstr. y; XYZ* XYZ

Note: The XYZ name value represents a null character.

$EBCDICw. Format
Converts native format character data to EBCDIC representation.
Category: Character
Alignment: Left
Restriction: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.
Note: UTF-8 is the only supported session encoding. $EBCDIC format works only for 7-bit
ASCII characters.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 1

Range 1–32767

If EBCDIC is the native format, no conversion occurs.
On ASCII systems, the $EBCDICw. format is based on the default encoding value of
the LOCALE= option that is specified when SAS starts. For example, if the locale
was set to en_US locale, the default encoding that is used by the $EBCDICw.
format is Open_ed-1047. If the locale is de_DE (German_Germany), the default
encoding that is used by the $EBCDICw. format is Open_ed–1141. For a list of
locales and encoding values, see “Default Values for DFLANG, DATESTYLE, and
PAPERSIZE System Options Based on the LOCALE= System Option” in SAS
National Language Support (NLS): Reference Guide.
110 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

You can specify the translation table that is used to map characters between
EBCDIC and ASCII by using the MAPEBCDIC2ASCII system option. For more
information, see “MAPEBCDIC2ASCII= System Option” in SAS National Language
Support (NLS): Reference Guide.

n On ASCII systems, $EBCDICw. converts ASCII character data to EBCDIC.
n On all other systems, $EBCDICw. behaves like the $CHARw. format.

data one;
input x $;

data two;
set one;
put y $HEX6.;

Table 2.1 Output Locale Values for American English, French, and German

Value of Locale Value Is Locale Value Is

name en_US Locale Value Is fr_FR de_DE

ABC C1C2C3 C1C2C3 C1C2C3

{ä} C043D0 514354 43C0DC

[@] AD7CBD 9044B5 63B5FC

The results are shown as hexadecimal representations of EBCDIC codes for

characters. Each pair of hexadecimal characters correspond to one byte of binary
data, and each byte corresponds to one character.

$HEXw. Format
Converts character data to hexadecimal representation.
$HEXw. Format 111

Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left
See: “$HEX Format: UNIX” in SAS Companion for UNIX Environments
“$HEXw. Format: Windows” in SAS Companion for Windows


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default The default width is calculated based on the length of the variable to be

Range 1–32767

Tips To ensure that SAS writes the full hexadecimal equivalent of your data,
make w twice the length of the variable or field that you want to

If w is greater than twice the length of the variable that you want to
represent, $HEXw. pads it with blanks.

The $HEXw. format converts each character to two hexadecimal characters. Each
blank counts as one character, including trailing blanks.

The HEXw. format converts real binary numbers to their hexadecimal equivalent.

data one;
put x $hex4.;
112 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Value of name Result


----+----1 ----+----1

AB C1C2 4142

$MSGCASEw. Format
Writes character data in uppercase when the MSGCASE system option is in effect.
Category: Character
Alignment: Left
Restriction: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 1, if the length of the variable is undefined. Otherwise, the default is the
length of the variable.

Range 1–32767

When the MSGCASE system option is in effect, all notes, warnings, and error
messages that SAS generates appear in uppercase. Otherwise, all notes, warnings,
and error messages appear in mixed case. You specify the MSGCASE system
option in the configuration file or during the SAS invocation.

data one;
$N8601Bw.d Format 113

put x $msgcase.;

Value of name Result

sas SAS

See Also
System Options:
n “MSGCASE System Option: UNIX” in SAS Companion for UNIX Environments
n “MSGCASE System Option: Windows” in SAS Companion for Windows
n “MSGCASE System Option: z/OS” in SAS Companion for z/OS

$N8601Bw.d Format
Writes ISO 8601 duration, datetime, and interval forms by using the basic notations PnYnMnDTnHnMnS
and yyyymmddThhmmss.
Categories: Date and Time
ISO 8601
Alignment: Left
Restrictions: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.
UTC time zone offset values are not supported.
Values greater than 12 are not supported.
Supports: ISO 8601 Element 5.4.4, complete representation


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 50

Range 1–200
114 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Requirement The minimum length for a duration value or a datetime value is

16. The minimum length for an interval value is 16.

specifies the number of digits to the right of the lowest-order component. This
argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–6

The $N8601B format writes ISO 8601 duration, datetime, and interval values as
character data for the following basic notations:
n PnYnMnDTnHnMnS

n yyyymmddThhmmss

n PnYnMnDTnHnMnS/yyyymmddThhmmss

n yyyymmddThhmmssT/PnYnMnDTnHnMnS

The lowest-order component can contain fractions, as in these examples:

n p2y3.5m

n p00020304T05.335

Note: Using a month value that is greater than 12 with a datetime value causes an
error. For example, the value 20181415T000000/2018-09-15T00:00:00 causes an
error because the value for the month is 14.


Example 1: Writing a Datetime Value

This example writes a datetime value that represents June 8, 2018, 9 hours, 41
minutes, and 5.96 seconds. This newly computed datetime is a character variable,
as the LENGTH statement indicates.
data one;
length mynew $16;
x='P10w'; /* 1 */
y='17aug2018:9:41:05.96'dt; /* 2 */
call is8601_convert('du/dt','start',x,y,mynew);
put mynew $n8601b.;

1 X is a duration of 10 weeks.
2 Y is a datetime value.
$N8601BAw.d Format 115

Statement Value Result

put mynew $n8601b.; 2018608094105F01 20180608T09410596

Example 2: Writing a Duration Value

This example writes a duration value of 1 year, 2 months, 14 days, 1 hour, 34
minutes, and 32 seconds.
data one;
length dur $16;
call is8601_convert('dt/dt','du',start,end,dur); /* 1 */
put dur $n8601b.;

1 Call IS8601_CONVERT computes the duration between datetime variables Start

and End. The result is stored in the dur character variable.

Statement Value Result

put dur $n8601b.; 0001214013432FFC P1Y2M14DT1H34M32S

See Also
“Working with Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended
Notations” on page 45

$N8601BAw.d Format
Writes ISO 8601 duration, datetime, and interval forms by using the basic notations PyyyymmddThhmmss
and yyyymmddThhmmss.
Categories: Date and Time
ISO 8601
Alignment: Left
Restrictions: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.
UTC time zone offset values are not supported.
Supports: IS0 8601 Element, alternative format
116 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 50

Range 1–200

Requirement The minimum length for a duration value or a datetime value is

16. The minimum length for an interval value is 16.

specifies the number of digits to the right of the lowest-order component. This
argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–6

The $N8601BA format writes ISO 8601 duration, datetime, and interval values as
character data for the following basic notations:
n PyyyymmddThhmmss

n yyyymmddThhmmss

n PyyyymmddThhmmss/yyyymmddThhmmss

n yyyymmddThhmmss/PyyyymmddThhmmss

The lowest-order component can contain fractions, as in these examples:

n p00023.5

n 00020304T05.335


Example 1: Writing a Datetime Value

This example writes a datetime value that represents June 20, 2018, 9 hours, 41
minutes, and 5.96 seconds. This newly computed datetime is a character variable,
as the LENGTH statement indicates.
data one;
$N8601Ew.d Format 117

length mynew $16;

x='P10w'; /* 1 */
y='17aug2018:9:41:05.96'dt; /* 2 */
call is8601_convert('du/dt','start',x,y,mynew);
put mynew $n8601ba.;

1 X is a duration of 10 weeks.
2 Y is a datetime value.

Statement Value Result

put mynew $n8601ba.; 2018608094105F01 20180608T09410596

Example 2: Writing a Duration Value

This example writes a duration value of 1 year, 2 months, 14 days, 1 hour, 34
minutes, and 32 seconds.
data one;
length dur $16;
call is8601_convert('dt/dt','du',start,end,dur); /* 1 */
put dur $n8601ba.;

1 Call IS8601_CONVERT computes the duration between datetime variables Start

and End. The result is stored in the dur character variable.

Statement Value Result

put dur $n8601ba.; 0001214013432FFC P00010214T013432

See Also
“Working with Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended
Notations” on page 45

$N8601Ew.d Format
Writes ISO 8601 duration, datetime, and interval forms by using the extended notations
PnYnMnDTnHnMnS and yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.
Categories: Date and Time
ISO 8601
Alignment: Left
118 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Restrictions: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.
UTC time zone offset values are not supported.
Supports: ISO 8601 Element 5.4.4, complete representation


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 50

Range 1–200

Requirement The minimum length for a duration value or a datetime value is

16. The minimum length for an interval value is 16.

specifies the number of digits to the right of the lowest-order component. This
argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–6

The $N8601E format writes ISO 8601 duration, datetime, and interval values as
character data for the following basic notations:
n PnYnMnDTnHnMnS

n yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss
n PnYnMnDTnHnMnS/yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss

n yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssT/PnYnMnDTnHnMnS

The lowest-order component can contain fractions, as in these examples:

n p2y3.5m

n p0002–03–04T05.335
$N8601Ew.d Format 119


Example 1: Writing a Datetime Value

This example writes a datetime value that represents June 20, 2018, 9 hours, 41
minutes, and 5.96 seconds. This newly computed datetime is a character variable,
as the LENGTH statement indicates.
data one;
length mynew $16;
x='P10w'; /* 1 */
y='17aug2018:9:41:05.96'dt; /* 2 */
call is8601_convert('du/dt','start',x,y,mynew);
put mynew $n8601e.;

1 X is a duration of 10 weeks.
2 Y is a datetime value.

Statement Value Result

put mynew $n8601e.; 2018608094105F01 2018-06-08T09:41:05.96

Example 2: Writing a Duration Value

This example writes a duration value of 1 year, 2 months, 14 days, 1 hour, 34
minutes, and 32 seconds.
data one;
length dur $16;
call is8601_convert('dt/dt','du',start,end,dur); /* 1 */
put dur $n8601e.;

1 Call IS8601_CONVERT computes the duration between datetime variables Start

and End. The result is stored in the dur character variable.

Statement Value Result

put dur $n8601e.; 0001214013432FFC P1Y2M14DT1H34M32S

See Also
“Working with Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended
Notations” on page 45
120 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

$N8601EAw.d Format
Writes ISO 8601 duration, datetime, and interval forms by using the extended notations Pyyyy-mm-
ddThh:mm:ss and yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.
Categories: Date and Time
ISO 8601
Alignment: Left
Restrictions: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.
UTC time zone offset values are not supported.
Supports: ISO 8601 Element 5.4.4, complete representation


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 50

Range 1–200

Requirement The minimum length for a duration value or a datetime value is

16. The minimum length for an interval value is 16.

specifies the number of digits to the right of the lowest-order component. This
argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–6

The $N8601EA format writes ISO 8601 duration, datetime, and interval values as
character data for the following basic notations:
n Pyyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss

n yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss

n Pyyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss/yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss
$N8601EAw.d Format 121

n yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss/Pyyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss

The lowest-order component can contain fractions, as in these examples:

n p00023.5

n 0002–03–04T05.335


Example 1: Writing a Datetime Value

This example writes a datetime value that represents June 20, 2018, 9 hours, 41
minutes, and 5.96 seconds. This newly computed datetime is a character variable,
as the LENGTH statement indicates.
data one;
length mynew $16;
x='P10w'; /* 1 */
y='17aug2018:9:41:05.96'dt; /* 2 */
call is8601_convert('du/dt','start',x,y,mynew);
put mynew $n8601ea.;

1 X is a duration of 10 weeks.
2 Y is a datetime value.

Statement Value Result

put mynew $n8601ea.; 2018608094105F01 2018-06-08T09:41:05.96

Example 2: Writing a Duration Value

This example writes a duration value of 1 year, 2 months, 14 days, 1 hour, 34
minutes, and 32 seconds.
data one;
length dur $16;
call is8601_convert('dt/dt','du',start,end,dur); /* 1 */
put dur $n8601ea.;

1 Call IS8601_CONVERT computes the duration between datetime variables Start

and End. The result is stored in the dur character variable.

Statement Value Result

put dur $n8601ea.; P0001-02-14T01:34:32 P1Y2M14DT1H34M32S

122 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

See Also
“Working with Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended
Notations” on page 45

$N8601EHw.d Format
Writes ISO 8601 duration, datetime, and interval forms by using the extended notations Pyyyy-mm-
ddThh:mm:ss and yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, using a hyphen (-) for omitted components.
Categories: Date and Time
ISO 8601
Restrictions: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.
UTC time zone offset values are not supported.
Supports: ISO 8601 Element 5.4.4, complete representation


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 50

Range 1–200

Requirement The minimum length for a duration value or a datetime value is

16. The minimum length for an interval value is 16.

specifies the number of digits to the right of the lowest-order component. This
argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–6

The $N8601EH format writes ISO 8601 duration, datetime, and interval values as
character data, using a hyphen (-) to represent omitted components, for the
following extended notations:
$N8601EHw.d Format 123

n Pyyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss

n yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss

n Pyyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss/yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss

n yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss/Pyyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss

n yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss/yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss

Omitted datetime components are always displayed; they are never truncated.


Example 1: Writing a Datetime Value

This example writes a datetime value that represents June 20, 2018, 9 hours, 41
minutes, and 5.96 seconds.
data one;
length mynew $16;
x='P10w'; /* 1 */
y='17aug2018:9:41:05.96'dt; /* 2 */
call is8601_convert('du/dt','start',x,y,mynew);
put mynew $n8601eh.;

1 X is a duration of 10 weeks.
2 Y is a datetime value.

Statement Value Result

put mynew $n8601eh.; 2018608094105F01 2018-06-08T09:41:05.96

Example 2: Writing a Duration Value

This example writes a duration value of 1 year, 2 months, 14 days, 1 hour, 34
minutes, and 32 seconds.
data one;
length dur $16;
call is8601_convert('dt/dt','du',start,end,dur); /* 1 */
put dur $n8601eh.;

1 Call IS8601_CONVERT computes the duration between datetime variables Start

and End. The result is stored in the dur character variable.

In the table, omitted components of datetimes are represented by a hyphen (-).

124 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Statement Value Result

put dur $n8601eh.; 0001214013432FFC P0001---14T01:34:32

See Also
“Working with Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended
Notations” on page 45

$N8601EXw.d Format
Writes ISO 8601 duration, datetime, and interval forms by using the extended notations Pyyyy-mm-
ddThh:mm:ss and yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss, using an x for each digit of an omitted component.
Categories: Date and Time
ISO 8601
Alignment: Left
Restrictions: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.
UTC time zone offset values are not supported.
Supports: ISO 8601 Elements 5.5.3,, and


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 50

Range 1–200

Requirement The minimum length for a duration value or a datetime value is

16. The minimum length for an interval value is 16.

specifies the number of digits to the right of the lowest-order component. This
argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–6
$N8601EXw.d Format 125

The $N8601EX format writes ISO 8601 duration, datetime, and interval values as
character data, using a hyphen (-) to represent omitted components, for the
following extended notations:
n Pyyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss

n yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss

n Pyyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss/yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss
n yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss/Pyyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss

n yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss/yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss

Omitted datetime components are always displayed; they are never truncated.


Example 1: Writing a Datetime Value

This example writes a datetime value that represents June 20, 2018, 9 hours, 41
minutes, and 5.96 seconds. This newly computed datetime is a character variable,
as the LENGTH statement indicates.
data one;
length mynew $16;
x='P10w'; /* 1 */
y='17aug2018:9:41:05.96 /* 2 */

put mynew $n8601ex.;


1 X is a duration of 10 weeks.
2 Y is a datetime value.

Statement Value Result

put mynew $n8601ex.; 2018608094105F01 2018-06-08T09:41:05.9

Example 2: Writing a Duration Value

This example writes a duration value of 1 year, 2 months, 14 days, 1 hour, 34
minutes, and 32 seconds.
data one;
length dur $16;
call is8601_convert('dt/dt','du',start,end,dur); /* 1 */
put dur $n8601ex.;
126 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

1 Call IS8601_CONVERT computes the duration between datetime variables Start

and End. The result is stored in the dur character variable.

In the table, omitted components of datetimes are represented by x.

Statement Value Result

put dur $n8601ex.; 0001214013432FFC P0001-02-14T01:34:3

See Also
“Working with Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended
Notations” on page 45

$N8601Hw.d Format
Writes ISO 8601 duration, datetime, and interval forms PnYnMnDTnHnMnS and yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss,
dropping omitted components in duration values and using a hyphen (-) for omitted components in
datetime values.
Categories: Date and Time
ISO 8601
Alignment: Left
Restrictions: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.
UTC time zone offset values are not supported.
Supports: ISO 8601 Elements 5.5.3,, and


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 50

Range 1–200

Requirement The minimum length for a duration value or a datetime value is

16. The minimum length for an interval value is 16.
$N8601Hw.d Format 127

specifies the number of digits to the right of the lowest-order component. This
argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–6

The $N8601H format writes ISO 8601 durations, intervals, and datetimes in the
following forms, omitting components in the PnYnMnDTnHnMnS form and using a
hyphen (-) to represent omitted components in the datetime form:
n PnYnMnDTnHnMnS

n yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss

n PnYnMnDTnHnMnS/yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss

n yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssT/PnYnMnDTnHnMnS

n yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss/yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss

Omitted datetime components are always displayed; they are never truncated.


Example 1: Writing a Datetime Value

This example writes a datetime value that represents June 20, 2018, 9 hours, 41
minutes, and 5.96 seconds. This newly computed datetime is a character variable,
as the LENGTH statement indicates.
data one;
length mynew $16;
x='P10w'; /* 1 */
y='17aug2018:9:41:05.96'dt; /* 2 */
call is8601_convert('du/dt','start',x,y,mynew);
put mynew $n8601h.;

1 X is a duration of 10 weeks.
2 Y is a datetime value.

Statement Value Result

put mynew $n8601e.; 2018608094105F01 2018-06-08T09:41:05.96

128 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Example 2: Writing a Duration Value

This example writes a duration value of 1 year, 2 months, 14 days, 1 hour, 34
minutes, and 32 seconds.
data one;
length dur $16;
call is8601_convert('dt/dt','du',start,end,dur); /* 1 */
put dur $n8601h.;

1 Call IS8601_CONVERT computes the duration between datetime variables Start

and End. The result is stored in the dur character variable.

Statement Value Result

put dur $n8601h.; 0001214013432FFC P1Y2M14DT1H34M32S

See Also
“Working with Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended
Notations” on page 45

$N8601Xw.d Format
Writes ISO 8601 duration, datetime, and interval forms PnYnMnDTnHnMnS and yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss,
dropping omitted components in duration values and using an x for each digit of an omitted component in
datetime values.
Categories: Date and Time
ISO 8601
Alignment: Left
Restrictions: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.
UTC time zone offset values are not supported.
Supports: ISO 8601 Elements 5.5.3,, and

$N8601Xw.d Format 129

Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 50

Range 1–200

Requirement The minimum length for a duration value or a datetime value is

16. The minimum length for an interval value is 16.

specifies the number of digits to the right of the lowest-order component. This
argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–6

The $N8601X format writes ISO 8601 durations, intervals, and datetimes in the
following forms, omitting components in the PnYnMnDTnHnMnS form and using an
x to represent omitted components in the datetime form:
n PnYnMnDTnHnMnS

n yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss

n PnYnMnDTnHnMnS/yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss

n yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssT/PnYnMnDTnHnMnS

n yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss/yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss

Omitted datetime components are always displayed; they are never truncated.

This example writes a datetime value that represents June 5, 2018, 10 hours, 15
minutes, and 20 seconds. This newly computed datetime is a character variable, as
the LENGTH statement indicates.
data one;
input y mo d h min s;
length dt $16;
call is8601_convert('dt6','start',y,mo,d,h,min,s,dt);
put dt $n8601x.;
2018 6 . 10 15 20
2018 . 5 10 15 20
130 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

In the table, omitted components of datetimes are represented by x.

Statement Value Result

put dt $n8601x.; 20186FF101520001 2018-06-xxT10:15:20

put dt $n8601x.; 2018F05101520001 2018-xx-05T10:15:20

See Also
“Working with Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended
Notations” on page 45

$OCTALw. Format
Converts character data to octal representation.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default The default width is calculated based on the length of the variable to be

Range 1–32767

Tip Because each character value generates three octal characters,

increase the value of w by three times the length of the character value.
$QUOTEw. Format 131

The $OCTALw. format converts character values to the octal representation of their
character codes. The OCTALw. format converts numeric values to octal

The following example shows ASCII output when you use the $OCTALw. format.
data _null_;
infile datalines truncover;
input item $5.;
put item $octal15.;
SAS writes the following results to the log.


$QUOTEw. Format
Writes data values that are enclosed in double quotation marks.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.
132 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Default 2, if the length of the variable is undefined. Otherwise, the default is the
length of the variable plus 2

Range 1–32767

Tip Make w wide enough to include the left and right quotation marks.

This list describes the output that SAS produces when you use the $QUOTEw.
format. For examples of these items, see the examples that follow the list.
n If your data value is not enclosed in quotation marks, SAS encloses the output in
double quotation marks.
n If your data value is not enclosed in quotation marks, but the value contains a
single quotation mark, SAS behaves in one of these ways:
o encloses the data value in double quotation marks
o leaves the single quotation mark
n If your data value begins and ends with single quotation marks, and the value
contains double quotation marks, SAS behaves in one of these ways:
o encloses the data value in double quotation marks
o duplicates the double quotation marks that are found in the data value
o leaves the single quotation marks
n If your data value begins and ends with single quotation marks, and the value
contains two single contiguous quotation marks, SAS behaves in one of these
o encloses the value in double quotation marks
o leaves the single quotation marks
n If your data value begins and ends with single quotation marks, and contains
both double quotation marks and single, contiguous quotation marks, SAS
behaves in one of these ways:
o encloses the value in double quotation marks
o duplicates the double quotation marks that are found in the data value
o leaves the single quotation marks
n If the length of the target field is not large enough to contain the string and its
quotation marks, SAS returns as much of the quoted string as fits in the field.
The result contains leading and trailing quotation marks, and the value is
truncated to ensure enough room in the field for the quotation marks. For
example, if the specified value is ABCDE and you specify $QUOTE5., the DE in
the value is truncated and the result is "ABC".

Note: An embedded quotation mark must be enclosed within additional

quotation marks. If you specify a value of A"B, then $QUOTE5. truncates the B
in the value and writes "A""".
$REVERJw. Format 133

data test;
input original $19.;
format original $quote20.;
proc print noobs; run;

Value of original Result



SAS's "SAS's"

'ad"verb"' "'ad""verb""'"

'ad''verb' "'ad''verb'"

'"ad"''"verb"' ----+----1----+----2


deoxyribonucleotide "deoxyribonucleotid" 1

1 deoxyribonucleotide is 19 characters. When SAS adds the quotation marks, the length of the string is
21 characters. SAS truncates the letter e at the end of the text to accommodate the quotation marks.

$REVERJw. Format
Writes character data in reverse order and preserves blanks.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Right
134 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 1, if w is not specified

Range 1–32767

The $REVERJw. format is similar to the $REVERSw. format, except that
$REVERSw. left-aligns the result by trimming all leading blanks.

data _null_;
x='ABCD ';
put x $reverj7.;
y=' ABCD';
put y $reverj7.;

Statement Name1 Result


put x $reverj7.; ABCD### DCBA

put y $reverj7.; ###ABCD DCBA

1 The character # represents a blank space.

$REVERSw. Format
Writes character data in reverse order and left-aligns
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left
$UPCASEw. Format 135


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 1 if w is not specified

Range 1–32767

The $REVERSw. format is similar to the $REVERJw. format, except that
$REVERJw. does not left-align the result.

data _null_;
x='ABCD ';
put x $revers7.;
y=' ABCD';
put y $revers7.;

Statement Name1 Result


put x $revers7.; ABCD### DCBA

put y $revers7.; ###ABCD DCBA

1 The character # represents a blank space.

$UPCASEw. Format
Converts character data to uppercase.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left
136 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 8, if the length of the variable is undefined. Otherwise, the default is the
length of the variable.

Range 1–32767

Special characters, such as hyphens and other symbols, are not altered.

data one;
put name $upcase9.;

Value of name Result


coxe-ryan COXE-RYAN

$UUIDw. Format
Converts character data to the Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) format.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left
$VARYINGw. Format 137


specifies the width of the output field.

Range 1–200

The value to be formatted must be a 16-byte binary value. The $UUID format
displays the binary data with hexadecimal characters and hyphens as delimiters. If
you specify the value in a format other than hexadecimal, the returned UUID is the
hexadecimal representation of the original characters.

Note: In this example, the binary value is set via a hexadecimal literal.

data _null_;
length x $32 y $36;
y=put(x, $uuid36.);
put y;

Value of x Result

1548611fb8cb6a47a721a6fd284e74f2 1548611f-b8cb-6a47-a721-a6fd284e74f2

$VARYINGw. Format
Writes character data of varying length.
Valid in: DATA step
Category: Character
Alignment: Left
Restriction: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.
138 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

$VARYINGw. length-variable

Syntax Description
specifies the maximum width of the output field for any output line or output file

Default 8 if the length of the variable is undefined. Otherwise, the default is the
length of the variable

Range 1–32767

specifies a numeric variable that contains the length of the current value of the
character variable. SAS obtains the value of the length-variable by reading it
directly from a field that is described in an INPUT statement, reading the value of
a variable in an existing SAS data set, or calculating its value.

Restriction length-variable cannot be an array reference.

Requirement You must specify length-variable immediately after $VARYINGw.

in a SAS statement.

Tips If the value of length-variable is 0, negative, or missing, SAS

writes nothing to the output field.

If the value of length-variable is greater than 0 but less than w,

SAS writes the number of characters that are specified by length-

If length-variable is greater than or equal to w, SAS writes w


Use $VARYINGw. when the length of a character value differs from record to record.
After writing a data value with $VARYINGw., the pointer's position is the first column
after the value.


Example 1: Obtaining a Variable Length Directly

data one;
infile datalines truncover;
input @1 name & $12. @14 varlen;
$VARYINGw. Format 139

New York 8
Toronto 7
Buenos Aires 12
Tokyo 5

proc print;

data _null_;
set one;
put name $varying12. varlen;
An existing data set variable contains the length of a variable. The data values and
the results follow the explanation of this SAS statement:
put @10 name $varying12. varlen;

NAME is a character variable of length 12 that contains values that vary from 1 to 12
characters in length. VARLEN is a numeric variable in the same data set that
contains the actual length of NAME for the current observation.

Value of name 1 Result


New York 8 New York

Toronto 7 Toronto

Buenos Aires 12 Buenos Aires

Tokyo 5 Tokyo

1 The value of NAME appears before the value of VARLEN.

Example 2: Obtaining a Variable Length Indirectly

Use the LENGTH function to determine the length of a variable. The data values
and the results follow the explanation of these SAS statements:
put @10 name $varying12. varlen;

The assignment statement determines the length of the varying-length variable. The
variable VARLEN contains this length and becomes the length-variable argument to
the $VARYING12. format.

Value of varlen1 Result

140 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Value of varlen1 Result

New York New York

Toronto Toronto

Buenos Aires Buenos Aires

Tokyo Tokyo

1 The value of NAME appears before the value of VARLEN.

$w. Format
Writes standard character data.
Category: Character
Alignment: Left
Alias: $Fw.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field. You can specify a number or a column

Default 1, if the length of the variable is undefined. Otherwise, the default is the
length of the variable.

Range 1–32767

The $w. format is not identical to the $CHARw. format. The $w. format trims trailing
blanks. The $CHARw. format does not trim trailing blanks.
The $w. format and the $CHARw. format do not trim leading blanks. To trim leading
blanks, use the LEFT function to left-align character data, or use list output with the
colon (:) format modifier and the format of your choice.
BESTw. Format 141

data one;
input name $char5.;
data two;
set one;
put @name $5.;
put name $ 10-15;

Value of name1 Result


#Cary Cary

Tokyo Tokyo

1 The character # represents a blank space.

BESTw. Format
SAS chooses the best notation.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Right
Interaction: When the DECIMALCONV= system option is set to STDIEEE, the output that is written
using this format might differ slightly from previous releases. For more information, see
“DECIMALCONV= System Option” in SAS System Options: Reference.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12
142 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Range 1–32

Tip If you print numbers between 0 and .01 exclusively, use a field width of
at least 7 to avoid excessive rounding. If you print numbers between 0
and –.01 exclusively, use a field width of at least 8.

When a format is not specified for writing a numeric value, SAS uses the BESTw.
format as the default format. The BESTw. format attempts to write numbers that
balance the conflicting requirements of readability, precision, and brevity. Here are
several rules:
n Values are written with the maximum readable precision, as determined by the
width. The maximum precision for floating-point numbers might be limited to 14
or 15 digits, as determined by the width.
n Integers are written without decimals.

n Numbers with decimals are written with as many digits to the left and right of the
decimal point as needed or as allowed by the width.
n Extreme values and values with leading or trailing 0s might be written in scientific
notation to fit into the specified width, to increase the precision, or to simplify the
magnitude of the number. Extremely small values might be written as 0 if the
width is too small for scientific notation.
n Trailing 0s are not written.

n If a value cannot be represented in either decimal or scientific notation in the

width that is specified, the output field is filled with asterisks.
n The behavior of the BESTw. format is affected by the setting of the
DECIMALCONV option. For more information, see “DECIMALCONV= System
Option” in SAS System Options: Reference. These rules are generally applicable
regardless of the option setting.

n The BESTw. format writes as many significant digits as possible in the output
field, but if the numbers vary in magnitude, the decimal points do not line up.
Integers are printed without a decimal.
n The Dw.p format writes numbers with the desired precision and more alignment
than the BESTw. format.
n The BESTDw.p format is a combination of the BESTw. format and the Dw.p
format in that it formats all numeric data, and it does a better job of aligning
decimals than the BESTw. format.
n The w.d format aligns decimal points, if possible, but does not necessarily show
the same precision for all numbers.
BESTDw.p Format 143

data one;
put x best6.;
put x best3.;
The following statements produce these results:

SAS Statement Result


put x best6.; 1.26E6

put x best3.; 1E6

See Also
n “BESTDw.p Format” on page 143

BESTDw.p Format
Prints numeric values, lining up decimal places for values of similar magnitude, and prints integers without
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Right
Interaction: When the DECIMALCONV= system option is set to STDIEEE, the output that is written
using this format might differ slightly from previous releases. For more information, see
“DECIMALCONV= System Option” in SAS System Options: Reference.

144 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 1–32

specifies the precision. This argument is optional.

Default 3

Range 0 to w–1

Requirement p must be less than w.

Tip If p is omitted or is specified as 0, then p is set to 3.

The BESTDw.p format writes numbers so that the decimal point aligns in groups of
values with similar magnitude. Integers are printed without a decimal point. Larger
values of p print the data values with more precision and potentially more shifts in
the decimal point alignment. Smaller values of p print the data values with less
precision and a greater chance of decimal point alignment.
The format chooses the number of decimal places to print for ranges of values, even
when the underlying values can be represented with fewer decimal places.

n The BESTw. format writes as many significant digits as possible in the output
field, but if the numbers vary in magnitude, the decimal points do not line up.
Integers are printed without a decimal.
n The Dw.p format writes numbers with the desired precision and more alignment
than the BESTw. format.
n The BESTDw.p format is a combination of the BESTw. format and the Dw.p
format in that it formats all numeric data, and it does a better job of aligning
decimals than the BESTw. format.
n The w.d format aligns decimal points, if possible, but it does not necessarily
show the same precision for all numbers.

data one;
input x;
BINARYw. Format 145


data _null_;
set one;
put x bestd9.;

Variable Result


12345 12345

123.45 123.4500

1.2345 1.2345

.12345 0.12345

See Also
n “BESTw. Format” on page 141
n “Dw.p Format” on page 166

BINARYw. Format
Converts numeric values to binary representation.
Category: Numeric
Alignment: Left
Restriction: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.

146 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 8

Range 1–64

BINARYw. converts numeric values to binary representation. The $BINARYw.
format converts character values to binary representation.

data one;
input x;

data two;
set one;
put x binary8.;

Value of x Result


123.45 01111011

123 01111011

-123 10000101

B8601DAw. Format
Writes date values by using the ISO 8601 basic notation yyyymmdd.
Categories: Date
B8601DAw. Format 147

ISO 8601
Alignment: Left
Restrictions: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.
UTC time zone offset values are not supported.
Supports: ISO 8601 Element, complete representation


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 10

Range 8–10

The B8601DA format writes the date value by using the ISO 8601 basic date
notation yyyymmdd:
is a four-digit year.
is a two-digit month (zero padded) between 01 and 12.
is a two-digit day of the month (zero padded) between 0 and 31.

data one;
put x b8601da.;

Value of x Result

21319 20180515
148 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

See Also
“Working with Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended
Notations” on page 45

B8601DNw. Format
Writes dates from datetime values by using the ISO 8601 basic notation yyyymmdd.
Categories: Date
Date and Time
ISO 8601
Alignment: Left
Restrictions: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.
UTC time zone offset values are not supported.
Supports: ISO 8601 Element, complete representation


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 10

Range 8–10

The B8601DN format writes the date from a datetime value by using the ISO 8601
basic date notation yyyymmdd:
is a four-digit year.
is a two-digit month (zero padded) between 01 and 12.
is a two-digit day of the month (zero padded) between 01 and 31.
B8601DTw.d Format 149

data one;
put x b8601dn.;

Value of x Result

21319 20180515

See Also
“Working with Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended
Notations” on page 45

B8601DTw.d Format
Writes datetime values by using the ISO 8601 basic notation yyyymmddThhmmss<ffffff>.
Categories: Date and Time
ISO 8601
Alignment: Left
Restrictions: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.
UTC time zone offset values are not supported.
Interaction: When the DECIMALCONV= system option is set to STDIEEE, the output that is written
using this format might differ slightly from previous releases. For more information, see
“DECIMALCONV= System Option” in SAS System Options: Reference.
Supports: ISO 8601 Element 5.4.1, complete representation


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 19

Range 15–26
150 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

specifies the number of digits to the right of the seconds value that represents a
fraction of a second. This argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–6

The B8601DT format writes the datetime value by using the ISO 8601 basic
datetime notation yyyymmddThhmmss<ffffff>:
is a four-digit year.
is a two-digit month (zero padded) between 01 and 12.
is a two-digit day of the month (zero padded) between 01 and 31.
is a two-digit hour (zero padded) between 00 and 23.
is a two-digit minute (zero padded) between 00 and 59.
is a two-digit second (zero padded) between 00 and 59.
are optional fractional seconds, with a precision of up to six digits, where each
digit is between 0 and 9.

data one;
put x b8601dt.;

Value of x Result

---- +----1

1842015142 20180515T145222
B8601DXw. Format 151

See Also
“Working with Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended
Notations” on page 45

B8601DXw. Format
Adjusts a Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) datetime value to the user’s local date and time. Then, writes
the local date and time by using the ISO 8601 datetime and time zone basic notation yyyymmddThhmmss
Categories: Date and Time
ISO 8601
Alignment: Left
Restriction: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.
Supports: ISO 8601 Element 5.4.1, complete representation


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 26

Range 20–35

UTC values specify a date and a time that are based on the zero meridian in
Greenwich, England. Using this format, SAS converts a datetime value to the UTC
value and determines the user local date and time by using the value of the
TIMEZONE= system option. If the TIMEZONE= option is not set, then the user local
date and time are based on the local date and time. The B8601DX format writes
SAS datetime values by using the following ISO 8601 basic datetime notation:
n yyyymmddThhmmss+hhmm

is a four-digit year.
is a two-digit month (zero padded) between 01 and 12.
152 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

is a two-digit day of the month (zero padded) between 01 and 31.
is a two-digit hour (zero padded) between 00 and 23.
is a two-digit minute (zero padded) between 00 and 59.
is a two-digit second (zero padded) between 00 and 59.
is an hour and minute signed offset from zero meridian time. The offset must be
+|–hhmm (that is, + or – and four characters).
Use + for time zones east of the zero meridian, and use – for time zones west of
the zero meridian. For example, +0200 indicates a two-hour time difference to
the east of the zero meridian, and –0600 indicates a six-hour time difference to
the west of the zero meridian.
Restriction: The shorter form +|–hh is not supported.

The first example uses the local time to determine the time and the time zone offset.
The second example changes the time zone to America/Adak, which is Hawaii-
Aleutian Time.

Statement Result

data _null_ ; 20130201T073456-0500

t='01Feb2013T12:34:56'dt ;
put t b8601dx.;

options timezone='America/Adak'; 20130201T023456-1000

data _null_ ;
t='01Feb2013T12:34:56'dt ;
put t b8601dx.;

See Also
“Working with Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended
Notations” on page 45
B8601DZw. Format 153

B8601DZw. Format
Writes datetime values for the zero meridian Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) time by using the ISO
8601 datetime and time zone basic notation yyyymmddThhmmss+0000.
Categories: Date and Time
ISO 8601
Alignment: Left
Restriction: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.
Supports: ISO 8601 Element 5.4.1, complete representation


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 26

Range 20–35

UTC values specify a time and a time zone based on the zero meridian in
Greenwich, England. The B8601DZ format writes SAS datetime values for the zero
meridian date and time by using one of these ISO 8601 basic datetime notations:
n yyyymmddThhmmss+0000

Note: Use this form when w is large enough to support this time zone notation.

n yyyymmddThhmmssZ

Note: Use this form when w is not large enough to support the +0000 time zone

is a four-digit year.
is a two-digit month (zero padded) between 01 and 12.
154 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

is a two-digit day of the month (zero padded) between 01 and 31.
is a two-digit hour (zero padded) between 00 and 23.
is a two-digit minute (zero padded) between 00 and 59.
is a two-digit second (zero padded) between 00 and 59.
indicates the UTC time for the zero meridian (Greenwich, England).
An ISO 8601 time or datetime value that specifies a time zone offset is adjusted
by the number of hours and minutes that is specified in the offset. Then, the time
zone offset is processed as the time or datetime for the zero meridian
(Greenwich, England). The B8601DZ format always writes the datetime value by
using the zero meridian offset value of +0000. To write a datetime that uses a
time zone offset other than +0000, see “B8601LZw. Format” on page 156.
Restriction: The shorter form +00 is not supported.
indicates that the time is for the zero meridian (Greenwich, England) or +0000
UTC time. Z is used when the width of the format does not support the +0000

data _null_;
put offset_added b8601dz.;
put nooffset b8601dz.;


See Also
“Working with Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended
Notations” on page 45

B8601LXw. Format
Writes datetime values as local time by appending a time zone offset difference between the local time and
UTC, using the ISO 8601 basic notation yyyymmddThhmmss+|–hhmm.
Categories: Date and Time
B8601LXw. Format 155

ISO 8601
Alignment: Right
Restriction: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.
Supports: ISO 8601 Elements 5.3.3 and


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 26

Range 20–35

The B8601LX format writes datetime values without making any adjustments, and
appends the UTC time zone offset for the local SAS session by using the ISO 8601
basic datetime notation:
n yyyymmddThhmmss+|–hhmm

is a four-digit year.
is a two-digit month (zero padded) between 01 and 12.
is a two-digit day of the month (zero padded) between 01 and 31.
is a two-digit hour (zero padded) between 00 and 23.
is a two-digit minute (zero padded) between 00 and 59.
is a two-digit second (zero padded) between 00 and 59.
is an hour and minute signed offset from zero meridian time. The offset must be
+|–hhmm (that is, + or – and four characters).
Use + for time zones east of the zero meridian, and use – for time zones west of
the zero meridian. For example, +0200 indicates a two-hour time difference to
the east of the zero meridian, and –0600 indicates a six-hour time difference to
the west of the zero meridian.
156 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Restriction: The shorter form +|–hh is not supported.

This PUT statement writes the time for the Eastern Standard time zone:
put blx b8601lx.;

Value of blx Result

1675341296 20130201T123456-0500

See Also
“Working with Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended
Notations” on page 45

B8601LZw. Format
Writes time values as local time by appending a time zone offset difference between the local time and
UTC, using the ISO 8601 basic time notation hhmmss+|–hhmm.
Categories: Date and Time
ISO 8601
Alignment: Left
Restriction: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.
Supports: ISO 8601 Elements 5.3.3 and


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 14

Range 9–20
B8601LZw. Format 157

The B8601LZ format writes time values without making any adjustments, and
appends the UTC time zone offset for the local SAS session by using the ISO 8601
basic notation hhmmss+|–hhmm:
is a two-digit hour (zero padded) between 00 and 23.
is a two-digit minute (zero padded) between 00 and 59.
is a two-digit second (zero padded) between 00 and 59.
is an hour and minute signed offset from zero meridian time. Note that the offset
must be +|–hhmm (that is, + or – and four characters).
Use + for time zones east of the zero meridian, and use – for time zones west of
the zero meridian. For example, +0200 indicates a two-hour time difference to
the east of the zero meridian, and –0600 indicates a six-hour time difference to
the west of the zero meridian.
Restriction: The shorter form +|–hh is not supported.
When SAS reads a UTC time by using the B8601TZ informat, and the adjusted time
is greater than 24 hours or less than 00 hours, SAS adjusts the value so that the
time is between 000000 and 235959. If the B8601LZ format attempts to format a
time outside of this time range, the time is formatted with asterisks to indicate that
the value is out of range.

data one;
put x b8601lz.;
This PUT statement writes the time for the Eastern Standard time zone:

Value of x Result

21319 153200-0400

See Also
“Working with Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended
Notations” on page 45
158 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

B8601TMw.d Format
Writes time values by using the ISO 8601 basic notation hhmmss<ffff>.
Categories: Time
ISO 8601
Alignment: Left
Restrictions: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.
UTC time zone offset values are not supported.
Interaction: When the DECIMALCONV= system option is set to STDIEEE, the output that is written
using this format might differ slightly from previous releases. For more information, see
“DECIMALCONV= System Option” in SAS System Options: Reference.
Supports: ISO 8601 Element, complete representation


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 8

Range 6–15

specifies the number of digits to the right of the seconds value that represents a
fraction of a second. This argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–6

The B8601TM format writes SAS time values by using the ISO 8601 basic time
notation hhmmss<ffffff>:
is a two-digit hour (zero padded) between 00 and 23.
is a two-digit minute (zero padded) between 00 and 59.
B8601TXw. Format 159

is a two-digit second (zero padded) between 00 and 59.
are optional fractional seconds, with a precision of up to six digits, where each
digit is between 0 and 9.

data one;
put x b8601tm.;

Value of x Result

55920 153200

See Also
“Working with Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended
Notations” on page 45

B8601TXw. Format
Adjusts a Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) value to the user’s local time. Then, writes the local time by
using the ISO 8601 basic time notation hhmmss+|-hhmm.
Categories: Time
ISO 8601
Alignment: Right
Restriction: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.
Supports: ISO 8601 Elements 5.3.3 and 5.3.4


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.
160 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Default 14

Range 9–20

UTC values specify a time based on the zero meridian in Greenwich, England.
Using this format, SAS converts a time value to the UTC value and determines the
user local time by using the TIMEZONE= system option. If the TIMEZONE= option
is not set, then the user local time is based on the local time. The B8601TX format
writes SAS datetime values by using the following ISO 8601 basic time notation:
n hhmmss+|–hhmm

is a two-digit hour (zero padded) between 00 and 23.
is a two-digit minute (zero padded) between 00 and 59.
is a two-digit second (zero padded) between 00 and 59.
is an hour and minute signed offset from zero meridian time. The offset must be
+|–hhmm (that is, + or – and four characters).
Use + for time zones east of the zero meridian, and use – for time zones west of
the zero meridian. For example, +0200 indicates a two-hour time difference to
the east of the zero meridian, and –0600 indicates a six-hour time difference to
the west of the zero meridian.
Restriction: The shorter form +|–hh is not supported.
When SAS reads a UTC time by using the B8601TZ informat, and the adjusted time
is greater than 24 hours or less than 00 hours, SAS adjusts the value so that the
time is between 000000 and 240000. If the B8601TX format attempts to format a
time outside of this time range, the time is formatted with asterisks to indicate that
the value is out of range.

The first example uses the local time to determine the time and the time zone offset.
The second example changes the time zone to America/Adak, which is Hawaii-
Aleutian Time.

Statement Result

data _null_; 073456-0500

put t b8601tx.;
B8601TZw. Format 161

Statement Result

options timezone='America/Adak'; 023456-1000

data _null_ ;
put t b8601tx.;

See Also
“Working with Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended
Notations” on page 45

B8601TZw. Format
Adjusts time values to the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and writes the time values by using the ISO
8601 basic time notation hhmmss+|–hhmm.
Categories: Time
ISO 8601
Alignment: Left
Restriction: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.
Supports: ISO 8601 Elements 5.3.3 and 5.3.4


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 14

Range 9–20

UTC time values specify a time and a time zone based on the zero meridian in
Greenwich, England. The B8601TZ format adjusts the time value to be the time at
162 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

the zero meridian and writes the time value in one of these ISO 8601 basic time
n hhmmss+|–hhmm

Note: Use this form when w is large enough to support this time notation.

n hhmmssZ

Note: Use this form when w is not large enough to support the +|–hhmm time
zone notation.

is a two-digit hour (zero padded) between 00 and 23.
is a two-digit minute (zero padded) between 00 and 59.
is a two-digit second (zero padded) between 00 and 59.
is an hour and minute signed offset from zero meridian time. Note that the offset
must be +|–hhmm (that is, + or – and four characters).
Use + for time zones east of the zero meridian, and use – for time zones west of
the zero meridian. For example, +0200 indicates a two-hour time difference to
the east of the zero meridian, and –0600 indicates a six-hour time difference to
the west of the zero meridian.
Restriction: The shorter form +|–hh is not supported.
indicates that the time is for zero meridian (Greenwich, England) or +0000 UTC
When SAS reads a UTC time by using the B8601TZ informat, and the adjusted time
is greater than 24 hours or less than 00 hours, SAS adjusts the value so that the
time is between 000000 and 240000. If the B8601TZ format attempts to format a
time outside of this time range, the time is formatted with asterisks to indicate that
the value is out of range.

For time values between 000000 and 240000, the B8601TZ format adjusts the time
value to be the time at the zero meridian and writes the time value in the
international standard extended time notation. The B8601LZ format makes no
adjustment to the time and writes time values in the international standard extended
time notation, using a UTC time zone offset for the local SAS session.

data one;
COMMAw.d Format 163

put x b8601tz.;

Value for x Result

55920 153200+0000

See Also
“Working with Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended
Notations” on page 45

COMMAw.d Format
Writes numeric values with a comma that separates every three digits and a period that separates the
decimal fraction.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Right
Interaction: When the DECIMALCONV= system option is set to STDIEEE, the output that is written
using this format might differ slightly from previous releases. For more information, see
“DECIMALCONV= System Option” in SAS System Options: Reference.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 6

Range 1–32

Tip Make w wide enough to write the numeric values, the commas, and the
optional decimal point.

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric
value. This argument is optional.
164 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Range 0–31

Requirement must be less than w

The COMMAw.d format writes numeric values with a comma that separates every
three digits and a period that separates the decimal fraction.

n The COMMAw.d format is similar to the COMMAXw.d format, but the
COMMAXw.d format reverses the roles of the decimal point and the comma.
This convention is common in European countries.
n The COMMAw.d format is similar to the DOLLARw.d format, except that the
COMMAw.d format does not print a leading dollar sign.

data one;
input x;

data two;
set one;
put x comma10.2;

Value of x Result


23451.23 23,451.23

123451.234 123,451.23
COMMAXw.d Format 165

See Also
n “COMMAXw.d Format” on page 165
n “DOLLARw.d Format” on page 180

COMMAXw.d Format
Writes numeric values with a period that separates every three digits and a comma that separates the
decimal fraction.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Right
Interaction: When the DECIMALCONV= system option is set to STDIEEE, the output that is written
using this format might differ slightly from previous releases. For more information, see
“DECIMALCONV= System Option” in SAS System Options: Reference.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field. This argument is optional.

Default 6

Range 1–32

Tip Make w wide enough to write the numeric values, the commas, and the
optional decimal point.

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Range 0–31

Requirement must be less than w

166 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

The COMMAXw.d format writes numeric values with a period that separates every
three digits and with a comma that separates the decimal fraction.

The COMMAw.d format is similar to the COMMAXw.d format, but the COMMAXw.d
format reverses the roles of the decimal point and the comma. This convention is
common in European countries.

data one;
input x;

data two;
set one;
put x commax10.2;

Value of x Result


23451.23 23.451,23

123451.234 123.451,23

Dw.p Format
Prints numeric values, possibly with a great range of values, lining up decimal places for values of similar
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Right
Dw.p Format 167

Interaction: When the DECIMALCONV= system option is set to STDIEEE, the output that is written
using this format might differ slightly from previous releases. For more information, see
“DECIMALCONV= System Option” in SAS System Options: Reference.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field. This argument is optional.

Default 12

Range 1–32

specifies the precision. This argument is optional.

Default 3

Range 0–16

Requirement p must be less than w

Tips If p is omitted or is specified as 0, then p is set to 3.

If zero is the desired precision, use the w.d format in place of the
Dw.p format.

The Dw.p format writes numbers so that the decimal point aligns in groups of values
with similar magnitude. Larger values of p print the data values with more precision
and potentially more shifts in the decimal point alignment. Smaller values of p print
the data values with less precision and a greater chance of decimal point alignment.

n The BESTw. format writes as many significant digits as possible in the output
field, but if the numbers vary in magnitude, the decimal points do not line up.
n Dw.p writes numbers with the desired precision and more alignment than the
BESTw. format.
n The BESTDw.p format is a combination of the BESTw. format and the Dw.p
format in that it formats all numeric data, and it does a better job of aligning
decimals than the BESTw. format.
168 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

n The w.d format aligns decimal points, if possible, but it does not necessarily
show the same precision for all numbers.

data one;
input x;

data two;
set one;
put x d10.4;

Value of x Result


12345 12345.0

1234.5 1234.5

123.45 123.45000

12.345 12.34500

1.2345 1.23450

.12345 0.12345

See Also
n “BESTDw.p Format” on page 143
DATEw. Format 169

DATEw. Format
Writes date values in the form ddmmmyy, ddmmmyyyy, or dd-mmm-yyyy.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Right


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 7

Range 5–11

Tip Use a width of 9 to print a four-digit year without a separator between

the day, month, and year. Use a width of 11 to print a four-digit year
using a hyphen as a separator between the day, month, and year.

The DATEw. format writes SAS date values in the form ddmmmyy, ddmmmyyyy, or
is an integer that represents the day of the month.
is the first three letters of the month name.
yy or yyyy
is a two-digit or four-digit integer that represents the year.

data one;
/* create SAS date with date literal */
170 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

put x date5.;
put x date6.;
put x date7.;
put x date8.;
put x date9.;
put x date11.;
The example table uses the input value of 21258, which is the SAS date value that
corresponds to March 15, 2018.

SAS Statement Result


put x date5.; 15MAR

put x date6.; 15MAR

put x date7.; 15MAR18

put x date8.; 15MAR18

put x date9.; 15MAR2018

put x date11.; 15-MAR-2018

See Also
n “DATE Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference

n “NLDATEw. Format”

n “DATEw. Informat” on page 615

DATEAMPMw.d Format
Writes datetime values in the form with AM or PM.
Categories: CAS
Date and Time
Alignment: Right
DATEAMPMw.d Format 171

Interaction: When the DECIMALCONV= system option is set to STDIEEE, the output that is written
using this format might differ slightly from previous releases. For more information, see
“DECIMALCONV= System Option” in SAS System Options: Reference.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 19

Range 7–40

Tip SAS requires a minimum w value of 13 to write AM or PM. For widths

between 10 and 12, SAS writes a 24-hour clock time.

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the seconds
value. This argument is optional.

Range 0–39

Requirement d must be less than w.

Note If w–d< 17, SAS truncates the decimal values.

The DATEAMPMw.d format writes SAS datetime values in the form
is an integer that represents the day of the month.
is the first three letters of the month name.
is a two-digit integer that represents the year.
is an integer that represents the hour.
is an integer that represents the minutes.
is the number of seconds to two decimal places.
172 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

The DATEAMPMw.d format is similar to the DATETIMEw.d format, except that
DATEAMPMw.d prints AM or PM at the end of the time.

data one;
put x dateampm.;
put x dateampm7.;
put x dateampm10.;
put x dateampm13.;
put x dateampm22.2;

SAS Statement Result


put x dateampm.; 13MAR18:10:25:33 PM

put x dateampm7.; 13MAR18

put x dateampm10.; 13MAR18:22

put x dateampm13.; 13MAR18:10 PM

put x dateampm22.2; 13MAR18:10:25:33.00 PM

See Also
n “DATETIMEw.d Format” on page 172

DATETIMEw.d Format
Writes datetime values in the form
Categories: CAS
Date and Time
Alignment: Right
Restriction: If w–d< 17, SAS truncates the decimal values.
DATETIMEw.d Format 173

Interaction: When the DECIMALCONV= system option is set to STDIEEE, the output that is written
using this format might differ slightly from previous releases. For more information, see
“DECIMALCONV= System Option” in SAS System Options: Reference.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 16

Range 7–40

Tip SAS requires a minimum w value of 16 to write a SAS datetime value

with the date, hour, and seconds. Add an additional two places to w and
a value to d to return values with optional decimal fractions of seconds.

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the seconds
value. This argument is optional.

Range 0–39

Requirement d must be less than w.

The DATETIMEw.d format writes SAS datetime values in the form
is an integer that represents the day of the month.
is the first three letters of the month name.
is a two-digit integer that represents the year.
is an integer that represents the hour in 24-hour clock time.
is an integer that represents the minutes.
is the number of seconds to two decimal places.
174 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

data one;
put x datetime.;
put x datetime7.;
put x datetime12.;
put x datetime18.;
put x datetime18.1;
put x datetime19.;
put x datetime20.1;
put x datetime21.2;

SAS Statement Result


put x datetime.; 14MAR18:22:25:33

put x datetime7.; 14MAR18

put x datetime12.; 14MAR18:22

put x datetime18.; 14MAR18:22:25:33

put x datetime18.1; 14MAR18:22:25:33.0

put x datetime19.; 14MAR2018:22:25:33

put x datetime20.1; 14MAR2018:22:25:33.0

put x datetime21.2; 14MAR2018:22:25:33.00

See Also
n “DATEw. Format” on page 169
n “TIMEw.d Format” on page 463

n “DATETIME Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference

n “DATEw. Informat” on page 615
n “DATETIMEw. Informat” on page 616
DDMMYYw. Format 175

n “TIMEw. Informat” on page 700

DAYw. Format
Writes date values as the day of the month.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Right


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 2

Range 2–32

data one;
put x day2.;

SAS Statement Result


put x day2.; 15

DDMMYYw. Format
Writes date values in the form ddmm<yy>yy or dd/mm/<yy>yy, where a forward slash is the separator and
the year appears as either two or four digits.
176 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Categories: CAS
Alignment: Right


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 8

Range 2–10

Interaction When w has a value from 2 to 5, the date appears with as much of
the day and the month as possible. When w is 7, the date appears
as a two-digit year without slashes.

The DDMMYYw. format writes SAS date values in the form ddmm<yy>yy or
is an integer that represents the day of the month.
is the separator.
is an integer that represents the month.
is a two-digit or four-digit integer that represents the year.

data one;
put x ddmmyy5.;
put x ddmmyy6.;
put x ddmmyy7.;
put x ddmmyy8.;
put x ddmmyy10.;
DDMMYYxw. Format 177

Value of x Result


put x ddmmyy5.; 15/05

put x ddmmyy6.; 150518

put x ddmmyy7.; 150518

put x ddmmyy8.; 15/05/18

put x ddmmyy10.; 15/05/2018

See Also
n “DATEw. Format” on page 169
n “DDMMYYxw. Format” on page 177
n “MMDDYYw. Format” on page 235
n “YYMMDDw. Format” on page 496

n “MDY Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference

n “DATEw. Informat” on page 615
n “DDMMYYw. Informat” on page 619
n “MMDDYYw. Informat” on page 647
n “YYMMDDw. Informat” on page 718

DDMMYYxw. Format
Writes date values in the form ddmm<yy>yy or dd-mm-yy<yy>, where the x in the format name is a
character that represents the special character that separates the day, month, and year. The special
character can be a blank character, colon (:), hyphen (-),no separator, period (.), or slash (/). The year can
be either two or four digits.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Right
178 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats


Syntax Description
identifies a separator or specifies that no separator appear between the day, the
month, and the year. The following values are valid for x:
separates with a blank
separates with a colon
separates with a hyphen
indicates no separator
separates with a period
separates with a slash
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 8

Range 2–10

Interactions When w has a value of 2 to 5, the date appears with as much of

the day and the month as possible. When w is 7, the date appears
as a two-digit year without separators.

When x has a value of N, the width range changes from 2 to 8.

The DDMMYYxw. format writes SAS date values in the form ddmm<yy>yy or
is an integer that represents the day of the month.
is a specified separator.
is an integer that represents the month.
is a two-digit or four-digit integer that represents the year.
DDMMYYxw. Format 179

data one;
put x ddmmyyc5.;
put x ddmmyyd8.;
put x ddmmyyp10.;
put x ddmmyyn8.;

SAS Statement Result


put x ddmmyyc5.; 15:06

put x ddmmyyd8.; 15-06-18

put x ddmmyyp10.; 15.06.2018

put x ddmmyyn8.; 15062018

See Also
n “DATEw. Format” on page 169
n “DDMMYYw. Format” on page 175
n “MMDDYYxw. Format” on page 237
n “YYMMDDxw. Format” on page 499

n “DAY Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference
n “MDY Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference
n “MONTH Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference
n “YEAR Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference

n “DDMMYYw. Informat” on page 619
180 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

DOLLARw.d Format
Writes numeric values with a leading dollar sign, a comma that separates every three digits, and a period
that separates the decimal fraction.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Right
Interaction: When the DECIMALCONV= system option is set to STDIEEE, the output that is written
using this format might differ slightly from previous releases. For more information, see
“DECIMALCONV= System Option” in SAS System Options: Reference.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 6

Range 2–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric
value. This argument is optional.

Range 0–31

Requirement must be less than w

The DOLLARw.d format writes numeric values with a leading dollar sign, a comma
that separates every three digits, and a period that separates the decimal fraction.
The hexadecimal representation of the code for the dollar sign character ($) is 5B on
EBCDIC systems and 24 on ASCII systems. The monetary character that these
codes represent might be different in other countries, but DOLLARw.d always
produces one of these codes. If you need another monetary character, define your
own format with the FORMAT procedure. For more information, see “FORMAT
Procedure” in Base SAS Procedures Guide.
DOLLARXw.d Format 181

n The DOLLARw.d format is similar to the DOLLARXw.d format, but the
DOLLARXw.d format reverses the roles of the decimal point and the comma.
This convention is common in European countries.
n The DOLLARw.d format is the same as the COMMAw.d format, except that the
COMMAw.d format does not write a leading dollar sign.

data one;
put netpay dollar10.2;

Value of netpay Result


1254.71 $1,254.71

See Also
n “COMMAw.d Format” on page 163
n “DOLLARXw.d Format” on page 181

DOLLARXw.d Format
Writes numeric values with a leading dollar sign, a period that separates every three digits, and a comma
that separates the decimal fraction.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Right
Interaction: When the DECIMALCONV= system option is set to STDIEEE, the output that is written
using this format might differ slightly from previous releases. For more information, see
“DECIMALCONV= System Option” in SAS System Options: Reference.
182 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 6

Range 2–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric
value. This argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–31

Requirement d must be less than w.

The DOLLARXw.d format writes numeric values with a leading dollar sign, with a
period that separates every three digits, and with a comma that separates the
decimal fraction.
The hexadecimal representation of the code for the dollar sign character ($) is 5B on
EBCDIC systems and 24 on ASCII systems. The monetary character that these
codes represent might be different in other countries, but DOLLARXw.d always
produces one of these codes. If you need another monetary character, define your
own format with the FORMAT procedure. For more information, see “FORMAT
Procedure” in Base SAS Procedures Guide.

n The DOLLARXw.d format is similar to the DOLLARw.d format, but the
DOLLARXw.d format reverses the roles of the decimal point and the comma.
This convention is common in European countries.
n The DOLLARXw.d format is the same as the COMMAXw.d format, except that
the COMMAXw.d format does not write a leading dollar sign.

data one;
DOWNAMEw. Format 183

put netpay dollarx10.2;

Value of netpay Result


1254.71 $1.254,71

See Also
n “COMMAXw.d Format” on page 165
n “DOLLARw.d Format” on page 180

DOWNAMEw. Format
Writes date values as the name of the day of the week.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Right


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 9

Range 1–32

Tip If you omit w, SAS prints the entire name of the day.
184 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

If necessary, SAS truncates the name of the day to fit the format width. For
example, the DOWNAME2. format prints the first two letters of the day name.

data one;
put mydate downame.;

SAS Statement Result


put mydate downame.; Wednesday

See Also
n “WEEKDAYw. Format” on page 480

DTDATEw. Format
Expects a datetime value as input and writes date values in the form ddmmmyy or ddmmmyyyy.
Categories: Date and Time
Alignment: Right
Restriction: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.

DTDATEw. Format 185

Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 7

Range 5–9

Tip Use a width of 9 to print a four-digit year.

The DTDATEw. format writes SAS date values in the form ddmmmyy or
is an integer that represents the day of the month.
is the first three letters of the month name.
yy or yyyy
is a two-digit or four-digit integer that represents the year.

The DTDATEw. format produces the same type of output that the DATEw. format
produces. The difference is that the DTDATEw. format requires a datetime value.

data one;
mydt='28mar2018 13:45:14'dt;
put mydt dtdate.;
put mydt dtdate9.;

SAS Statement Result


put mydt dtdate.; 28MAR18

put mydt dtdate9.; 28MAR2018

186 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

See Also
n “DATEw. Format” on page 169

DTMONYYw. Format
Writes the date part of a datetime value as the month and year in the form mmmyy or mmmyyyy.
Categories: CAS
Date and Time
Alignment: Right


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 5

Range 5–7

The DTMONYYw. format writes SAS datetime values in the form mmmyy or
is the first three letters of the month name.
yy or yyyy
is a two-digit or four-digit integer that represents the year.
DTWKDATXw. Format 187

The DTMONYYw. format and the MONYYw. format are similar in that they both
write date values. The difference is that DTMONYYw. expects a datetime value as
input, and MONYYw. expects a SAS date value.

data one;
mydt='28mar2018 13:45:14'dt;
put mydt dtmonyy.;
put mydt dtmonyy5.;
put mydt dtmonyy6.;
put mydt dtmonyy7.;

SAS Statement Result


put mydt dtmonyy.; MAR18

put mydt dtmonyy5.; MAR18

put mydt dtmonyy6.; MAR18

put mydt dtmonyy7.; MAR2018

See Also
n “DATETIMEw.d Format” on page 172
n “MONYYw. Format” on page 247

Writes the date part of a datetime value as the day of the week and the date in the form day-of-week, dd
month-name yy (or yyyy).
Categories: CAS
Date and Time
188 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Alignment: Right


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 29

Range 3–37

The DTWKDATXw. format writes SAS date values in the form day-of-week, dd
month-name, yy or yyyy.
is either the first three letters of the day name or the entire day name.
is an integer that represents the day of the month.
is either the first three letters of the month name or the entire month name.
yy or yyyy
is a two-digit or four-digit integer that represents the year.

The DTWKDATXw. format is similar to the WEEKDATXw. format in that they both
write date values. The difference is that DTWKDATXw. expects a datetime value as
input, and WEEKDATXw. expects a SAS date value.

data one;
mydt='28mar2018 13:45:14'dt;
put mydt dtwkdatx.;
put mydt dtwkdatx3.;
put mydt dtwkdatx8.;
put mydt dtwkdatx25.;
DTYEARw. Format 189


SAS Statement Result


put mydt dtwkdatx.; Wednesday, 28 March 2018

put mydt dtwkdatx3.; Wed

put mydt dtwkdatx8.; Wed

put date dtwkdatx25.; Wednesday, 28 Mar 2018

See Also
n “DATETIMEw.d Format” on page 172
n “WEEKDATXw. Format” on page 478

DTYEARw. Format
Writes the date part of a datetime value as the year in the form yy or yyyy.
Categories: CAS
Date and Time
Alignment: Right


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 4

Range 2–4
190 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

The DTYEARw. format is similar to the YEARw. format in that they both write date
values. The difference is that DTYEARw. expects a datetime value as input, and
YEARw. expects a SAS date value.

data one;
mydt='28mar2018 13:45:14'dt;
put mydt dtyear.;
put mydt dtyear2.;
put mydt dtyear3.;
put mydt dtyear4.;

SAS Statement Result


put mydt dtyear.; 2018

put mydt dtyear2.; 18

put mydt dtyear3.; 18

put mydt year4.; 2018

See Also
n “DATETIMEw.d Format” on page 172
n “YEARw. Format” on page 493

DTYYQCw. Format
Writes the date part of a datetime value as the year and the quarter and separates them with a colon (:).
Categories: CAS
Date and Time
Alignment: Right
DTYYQCw. Format 191


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 4

Range 4–6

The DTYYQCw. format writes SAS datetime values in the form yy or yyyy, followed
by a colon (:) and the numeric value for the quarter of the year.

data one;
mydt='28mar2018 13:45:14'dt;
put mydt dtyyqc.;
put mydt dtyyqc4.;
put mydt dtyyqc5.;
put mydt dtyyqc6.;

SAS Statement Result


put mydt dtyyqc.; 18:1

put mydt dtyyqc4.; 18:1

put mydt dtyyqc5.; 18:1

put mydt dtyyqc6.; 2018:1

See Also
192 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

n “DATETIMEw.d Format” on page 172

Ew. Format
Writes numeric values in scientific notation.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Right


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field. The output field can display up to 14
significant digits.

Default 12

Range 7–32

When formatting values in scientific notation, the E format reserves the first column
of the result for a minus sign and formats up to 14 significant digits.

data one;
input value;

data two;
set one;
put value e10.;
E8601DAw. Format 193

Value of x


1257 1.257E+03

-1257 -1.257E+03

E8601DAw. Format
Writes date values by using the ISO 8601 extended notation yyyy-mm-dd.
Categories: CAS
ISO 8601
Alignment: Left
Alias: IS8601DAw.
Restriction: UTC time zone offset values are not supported.
Supports: ISO 8601 Element, complete representation


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 10

Requirement The width of the output field must be 10.

The E8601DA format writes a date by using the ISO 8601 extended notation yyyy-
is a four-digit year.
194 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

is a two-digit month (zero padded) between 01 and 12.
is a two-digit day of the month (zero padded) between 01 and 31.

data one;
put mydt e8601da.;

Value for mydt Result

21442 2018-09-15

See Also
“Working with Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended
Notations” on page 45

E8601DNw. Format
Writes dates from SAS datetime values by using the ISO 8601 extended notation yyyy-mm-dd.
Categories: CAS
Date and Time
ISO 8601
Alignment: Left
Alias: IS8601DN
Restriction: UTC time zone offset values are not supported.
Supports: ISO 8601 Element, complete representation

E8601DTw.d Format 195

Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 10

Requirement The width of the input field must be 10.

The E8601DN format writes the date by using the ISO 8601 extended date notation
is a four-digit year.
is a two-digit month (zero padded) between 01 and 12.
is a two-digit day of the month (zero padded) between 01 and 31.

data one;
mydt='15sep2018 14:52:22'dt;
put mydt e8601dn.;

Value for mydt Result

1852642342 2018-09-15

See Also
“Working with Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended
Notations” on page 45

E8601DTw.d Format
Writes datetime values by using the ISO 8601 extended notation yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.ffffff.
Categories: CAS
Date and Time
196 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

ISO 8601
Alignment: Left
Alias: IS8601DTw.d
Restriction: UTC time zone offset values are not supported.
Interaction: When the DECIMALCONV= system option is set to STDIEEE, the output that is written
using this format might differ slightly from previous releases. For more information, see
“DECIMALCONV= System Option” in SAS System Options: Reference.
Supports: ISO 8601 Element 5.4.1, complete representation


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 19

Range 16–26

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the seconds
value. This argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–6

The E8601DT format writes datetime values by using the ISO 8601 extended
datetime notation yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.ffffff:
is a four-digit year.
is a two-digit month (zero padded) between 01 and 12.
is a two-digit day of the month (zero padded) between 01 and 31.
is a two-digit hour (zero padded) between 00 and 23.
is a two-digit minute (zero padded) between 00 and 59.
E8601DXw. Format 197

is a two-digit second (zero padded) between 00 and 59.
are optional fractional seconds, with a precision of up to six digits, where each
digit is between 0 and 9.

Note: If you specify a width of 16, SAS assumes that the value for seconds is 0 and
omits them from the output.

data one;
mydt='15sep2018 14:52:22'dt;
put mydt e8601dt25.3;

Value of mydt Result

1852642342 2018-09-15T14:52:22.000

See Also
“Working with Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended
Notations” on page 45

E8601DXw. Format
Adjusts a Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) datetime value to the user’s local date and time. Then, writes
the local date and time by using the ISO 8601 datetime and time zone extended notation yyyy-mm-
Categories: Date and Time
ISO 8601
Alignment: Left
Supports: ISO 8601 Element 5.4.1, complete representation

198 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 26

Range 20–35

UTC values specify a date and time that are based on the zero meridian in
Greenwich, England. Using this format, SAS converts a datetime value to the UTC
value and determines the user local date and time by using the value of the
TIMEZONE= system option. If the TIMEZONE= option is not set, the user local date
and time are based on the local date and time. The E8601DX format writes SAS
datetime values by using this ISO 8601 basic datetime notation:
n yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss+hh:mm

is a four-digit year.
is a two-digit month (zero padded) between 01 and 12.
is a two-digit day of the month (zero padded) between 01 and 31.
is a two-digit hour (zero padded) between 00 and 23.
is a two-digit minute (zero padded) between 00 and 59.
is a two-digit second (zero padded) between 00 and 59.
is an hour and minute signed offset from zero meridian time. The offset must be
+|–hh:mm (that is, + or – and four characters).
Use + for time zones east of the zero meridian, and use – for time zones west of
the zero meridian. For example, +02:00 indicates a two-hour time difference to
the east of the zero meridian, and –06:00 indicates a six-hour time difference to
the west of the zero meridian.
Restriction: The shorter form +|–hh is not supported.

The first example uses the local time to determine the time. The second example
changes the time zone to America/Adak, which is Hawaii-Aleutian Time.
E8601DZw. Format 199

Statement Result

data _null_ ; 2018-09-15T08:34:56-04:00

t='15Sep2018T12:34:56'dt ;
put t e8601dx.;

options timezone='America/Adak'; 2018-09-15T03:34:56-09:00

data _null_ ;
t='15Sep2018T12:34:56'dt ;
put t e8601dx.;

See Also
“Working with Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended
Notations” on page 45

E8601DZw. Format
Writes datetime values for the zero meridian Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) by using the ISO 8601
datetime and time zone extended notation yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss+00:00.
Categories: CAS
Date and Time
ISO 8601
Alignment: Left
Alias: IS8601DZw.
Restriction: UTC time zone offset values are not supported.
Supports: ISO 8601 Element 5.4.1, complete representation


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 26

Range 20–35
200 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

UTC values specify a time and a time zone based on the zero meridian in
Greenwich, England. The E8601DZ format writes SAS datetime values by using one
of these ISO 8601 extended datetime notations:
n yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss+00:00

Note: Use this form when w is large enough to support this time zone notation.

n yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ

Note: Use this form when w is not large enough to support the +00:00 time zone

is a four-digit year.
is a two-digit month (zero padded) between 01 and 12.
is a two-digit day of the month (zero padded) between 01 and 31.
is a two-digit hour (zero padded) between 00 and 24.
is a two-digit minute (zero padded) between 00 and 59.
is a two-digit second (zero padded) between 00 and 59.
indicates that the time is for zero meridian (Greenwich, England) time.
An ISO 8601 time or datetime value that specifies a time zone offset is adjusted
by the number of hours and minutes that is specified in the offset and processed
as the time or datetime for the zero meridian (Greenwich, England). The
E8601DZ format always writes the datetime value by using the zero meridian
offset value of +00:00. To write a datetime that uses the UTC offset other than
+00:00, see “E8601LZw. Format” on page 202.
Restriction: The shorter form +00 is not supported.
indicates that the time is for zero meridian (Greenwich, England) or +00:00 UTC.
Z is used when the width of the format does not support the +00:00 notation.

data one;
mydt='15sep2018 14:52:22'dt;
put mydt e8601dz.;
E8601LXw. Format 201

Value of mydt Result

1852642342 2018-09-15T14:52:22+00:00

See Also
“Working with Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended
Notations” on page 45

E8601LXw. Format
Writes datetime values as local time by appending a time zone offset difference between the local time and
UTC, using the ISO 8601 extended notation yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss+|–hh:mm.
Categories: Date and Time
ISO 8601
Alignment: Right
Supports: ISO 8601 Elements 5.3.3 and


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 26

Range 20–35

The E8601LX format writes datetime values without making any adjustments, and
appends the UTC time zone offset for the local SAS session by using this ISO 8601
basic datetime notation:
n yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss+hh:mm

is a four-digit year.
202 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

is a two-digit month (zero padded) between 01 and 12.
is a two-digit day of the month (zero padded) between 01 and 31.
is a two-digit hour (zero padded) between 00 and 23.
is a two-digit minute (zero padded) between 00 and 59.
is a two-digit second (zero padded) between 00 and 59.
is an hour and minute signed offset from zero meridian time. The offset must be
+|–hh:mm (that is, + or – and four characters).
Use + for time zones east of the zero meridian, and use – for time zones west of
the zero meridian. For example, +02:00 indicates a two-hour time difference to
the east of the zero meridian, and –06:00 indicates a six-hour time difference to
the west of the zero meridian.
Restriction: The shorter form +|–hh is not supported.

This example writes the time for the Eastern time zone:
data one;
mydt='15sep2018 T12:34:56'dt;
put mydt e8601lx.

Value of mydt Result

1852634096 2018-09-15T12:34:56-05:00

See Also
“Working with Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended
Notations” on page 45

E8601LZw. Format
Writes time values as local time, appending the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) offset for the local SAS
session, using the ISO 8601 extended time notation hh:mm:ss+|–hh:mm.
Categories: CAS
E8601LZw. Format 203

ISO 8601
Alignment: Left
Alias: IS8601LZw.
Supports: ISO 8601 Element, complete representation


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 14

Range 9–20

The E8601LZ format writes time values without making any adjustments, and
appends the UTC time zone offset for the local SAS session by using one of these
ISO 8601 extended time notations:
n hh:mm:ss+|–hh:mm

Note: Use this form when w is large enough to support this time notation.

n hh:mm:ssZ

Note: Use this form when w is not large enough to support the +|– hh:mm time
zone notation.

is a two-digit hour (zero padded) between 00 and 23.
is a two-digit minute (zero padded) between 00 and 59.
is a two-digit second (zero padded) between 00 and 59.
is an hour and minute signed offset from zero meridian time. The offset must be
+|–hh:mm (that is, + or – and five characters).
Use + for time zones east of the zero meridian, and use – for time zones west of
the zero meridian. For example, +02:00 indicates a two-hour time difference to
204 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

the east of the zero meridian, and –06:00 indicates a six-hour time difference to
the west of the zero meridian.
Restriction: The shorter form +|–hh is not supported.
indicates zero meridian (Greenwich, England) or +00:00 UTC.
SAS writes the time value by using the form hh:mm.ffffff, and appends the time zone
indicator +|–hh:mm based on the time zone offset from the zero meridian for the
local SAS session, or Z. The Z time zone indicator is used for format lengths that
are less than 14.
If the same time is written using both zone indicators, they indicate two different
times based on the UTC. For example, if the local SAS session uses Eastern Time
in the U.S., and the time value is 45824, SAS would write 12:43:44–04:00 or
16:43:44Z. The time 12:43:44–04:00 is the time 16:43:44+00:00 at the zero
meridian. The Z indicates that the time is the time at the zero meridian, or
When SAS reads a UTC time by using the E8601TZ informat, and the adjusted time
is greater than 24 hours or less than 00 hours, SAS adjusts the value so that the
time is between 00:00:00 and 24:00:00. If the E8601LZ format attempts to format a
time outside of this time range, the time is formatted with asterisks to indicate that
the value is out of range.

This example writes the time for the Eastern Time zone:
data one;
put mytime e8601lz.;

Value of mytime Result

53546 14:52:26-05:00

See Also
“Working with Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended
Notations” on page 45

E8601TMw.d Format
Writes time values by using the ISO 8601 extended notation hh:mm:ss.ffffff.
Categories: CAS
E8601TMw.d Format 205

ISO 8601
Alignment: Left
Alias: IS8601TMw.d
Restriction: UTC time zone offset values are not supported.
Interaction: When the DECIMALCONV= system option is set to STDIEEE, the output that is written
using this format might differ slightly from previous releases. For more information, see
“DECIMALCONV= System Option” in SAS System Options: Reference.
Supports: ISO 8601 Element, complete representation, and, representation of
decimal fractions


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 8

Range 8–15

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the seconds
value. This argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–6

The E8601TM format writes SAS time values by using the ISO 8601 extended time
notation hh:mm:ss.ffffff:
is a two-digit hour (zero padded) between 00 and 23.
is a two-digit minute (zero padded) between 00 and 59.
is a two-digit second (zero padded) between 00 and 59.
are optional fractional seconds, with a precision of up to six digits, where each
digit is between 0 and 9.
206 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

data one;
put mytime e8601tm.;

Value of mytime Result

53546 14:52:26

See Also
“Working with Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended
Notations” on page 45

E8601TXw. Format
Adjusts a Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) value to the user’s local time. Then, writes the local time by
using the ISO 8601 extended time notation hh:mm:ss+|–hh:mm.
Categories: Time
ISO 8601
Alignment: Right
Supports: ISO 8601 Elements 5.3.3 and 5.3.4


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 14

Range 9–20
E8601TXw. Format 207

UTC values specify a time based on the zero meridian in Greenwich, England.
Using this format, SAS converts a time value to the UTC value and determines the
user local time by using the value of the TIMEZONE= system option. If the
TIMEZONE= option is not set, the user local time is based on the local time. The
E8601TX format writes SAS datetime values by using this ISO 8601 basic time
n hh:mm:ss+|–hh:mm

is a two-digit hour (zero padded) between 00 and 23.
is a two-digit minute (zero padded) between 00 and 59.
is a two-digit second (zero padded) between 00 and 59.
is an hour and minute signed offset from zero meridian time. The offset must be
+|–hhmm (that is, + or – and four characters).
Use + for time zones east of the zero meridian, and use – for time zones west of
the zero meridian. For example, +0200 indicates a two-hour time difference to
the east of the zero meridian, and –0600 indicates a six-hour time difference to
the west of the zero meridian.
Restriction: The shorter form +|–hh is not supported.
When SAS reads a UTC time by using the E8601TZ informat, and the adjusted time
is greater than 24 hours or less than 00 hours, SAS adjusts the value so that the
time is between 000000 and 240000. If the E8601TX format attempts to format a
time outside of this time range, the time is formatted with asterisks to indicate that
the value is out of range.

The first example uses the local time to determine the time and the time zone offset.
The second example changes the time zone to America/Adak, which is Hawaii-
Aleutian Time.

Statement Result

data _null_ ; 07:34:56-05:00

put t e8601tx.;

options timezone='America/Adak'; 02:34:56-10:00

data _null_ ;
put t e8601tx.;
208 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

See Also
“Working with Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended
Notations” on page 45

E8601TZw.d Format
Adjusts time values to the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and writes the time values by using the ISO
8601 extended notation hh:mm:ss.<fff>+|–hh:mm.
Categories: CAS
ISO 8601
Alignment: Left
Alias: IS8601TZw.d
Interaction: When the DECIMALCONV= system option is set to STDIEEE, the output that is written
using this format might differ slightly from previous releases. For more information, see
“DECIMALCONV= System Option” in SAS System Options: Reference.
Supports: ISO 8601 Element, complete representation


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 14

Range 9–20

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the seconds
value. This argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–6
E8601TZw.d Format 209

UTC time values specify a time and a time zone based on the zero meridian in
Greenwich, England. The E8601TZ format writes time values in one of these ISO
8601 extended time notations:
n hh:mm:ss<.fff>+|–hh:mm

Note: Use this form when w is large enough to support this time zone notation.

n hh:mm:ssZ

Note: Use this form when w is not large enough to support the +|–hh:mm time
zone notation.

is a two-digit hour (zero padded) between 00 and 23.
is a two-digit minute (zero padded) between 00 and 59.
is a two-digit second (zero padded) between 00 and 59.
are optional fractional seconds.
is an hour and minute signed offset from zero meridian time. The offset must be
+|–hh:mm (that is, + or – and five characters).
Restriction: The shorter form +|–hh is not supported.
Use + for time zones east of the zero meridian, and use – for time zones west of
the zero meridian. For example, +02:00 indicates a two-hour time difference to
the east of the zero meridian, and –06:00 indicates a six-hour time difference to
the west of the zero meridian.
indicates zero meridian (Greenwich, England) or +00:00 UTC time.
When SAS reads a UTC time by using the E8601TZ informat and the adjusted time
is greater than 24 hours or less than 00 hours, SAS adjusts the value so that the
time is between 00:00:00 and 24:00:00. If the E8601TZ format attempts to format a
time outside of this time range, the time is formatted with asterisks to indicate that
the value is out of range.

For time values between 00:00:00 and 24:00:00, the E8601TZ format adjusts the
time value to be the time at the zero meridian and writes the time value in the
international standard extended time notation. The E8601LZ format makes no
adjustment to the time and writes time values in the international standard extended
time notation, using a UTC time zone offset for the local SAS session.
210 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

data _null_;
input @1 time e8601tz.;
put time=;
put time e8601tz.;

Statement Value of time Result

put time=; 17024 04:43:44+00:00

put time e8601tz.; 85424 23:43:44+00:00

See Also
“Working with Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended
Notations” on page 45

EUROw.d Format
Writes numeric values with a leading euro symbol (E), a comma that separates every three digits, and a
period that separates the decimal fraction.
Category: Numeric
Alignment: Right
Restriction: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 6

Range 1-32
EUROw.d Format 211

Tip If you want the euro symbol to be part of the output, be sure to choose
an adequate width.

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 0

Range 0-31

Requirement must be less than w

n The EUROw.d format is similar to the EUROXw.d format, but EUROXw.d format
reverses the roles of the decimal point and the comma. This convention is
common in European countries.
n The EUROw.d format is similar to the DOLLARw.d format, except that
DOLLARw.d format writes a leading dollar sign instead of the euro symbol.

These examples use 1254.71 as the value of amount.

Statements Results


put amount euro10.2; E1,254.71

put amount euro5.; 1,255

put amount euro9.2; E1,254.71

put amount euro15.3; E1,254.710

data _null_;
input x;
put x euro10.2;
put x euro5.;
put x euro9.2;
put x euro15.3;
SAS Log:
212 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats


/* This code determines the default length. */

data _null_;
input x;
put x euro.;
SAS Log:
NOTE: At least one W.D format was too small for the number to be
The decimal may be shifted by the "BEST" format.
/* This code determines the range. */
data _null_;
input x;
put x euro5.;
put x euro6.;
put x euro7.;
put x euro8.;
put x euro9.;
put x euro9.2;
put x euro10.;
put x euro10.2;
put x euro10.4;
put x euro11.;
put x euro11.3;
put x euro12.;
put x euro12.2;
put x euro13.;
put x euro13.2;
EUROXw.d Format 213


See Also
n “EUROXw.d Format” on page 213

n “EUROw.d Informat” in SAS National Language Support (NLS): Reference Guide
n “EUROXw.d Informat” in SAS National Language Support (NLS): Reference

EUROXw.d Format
Writes numeric values with a leading euro symbol (E), a period that separates every three digits, and a
comma that separates the decimal fraction.
Category: Numeric
Alignment: Right
Restriction: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 6

Range 1-32

Tip If you want the euro symbol to be part of the output, be sure to choose
an adequate width.
214 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 0

Range 0-31

Requirement must be less than w

n The EUROXw.d format is similar to the EUROw.d format, but EUROw.d format
reverses the roles of the comma and the decimal point. This convention is
common in English–speaking countries.
n The EUROXw.d format is similar to the DOLLARXw.d format, except that
DOLLARXw.d format writes a leading dollar sign instead of the euro symbol.

These examples use 1254.71 as the value of amount.

Statements Results


put amount eurox10.2; E1.254,71

put amount eurox5.; 1.255

put amount eurox9.2; E1.254,71

put amount eurox15.3; E1.254,710

data _null_;
input x;
put x eurox10.2;
put x eurox5.;
put x eurox9.2;
put x eurox15.3;
; run;
SAS Log:
Fw.d Format 215

/* This code determines the default length. */

data _null_;
input x;
put x eurox.;
SAS Log:

Note: At least one W.D format was too small for the number to be printed. The
decimal might be shifted by the "BEST" format.

See Also
n “EUROw.d Format” on page 210

n “EUROw.d Informat” in SAS National Language Support (NLS): Reference Guide
n “EUROXw.d Informat” in SAS National Language Support (NLS): Reference

Fw.d Format
Rounds the value to the nearest number that fits in the output field.
Categories: CAS
216 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Alignment: Right


Required Argument
specifies the width of the output field.

Range 1–32

Tip Allow enough space to write the value, the decimal point, and a minus
sign, if necessary.

Optional Argument
specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric
value. This argument is optional. If d is 0 or you omit d, Fw.d writes the value
without a decimal point.

Range 0–31

Requirement must be less than w

Tip If d is 0 or you omit d, w.d writes the value without a decimal


Only decimal separator and negative symbol alignment complies with Common
Locale Data Repository (CLDR).

data one;
x=23451.23 ;
put x F8.1;
SAS writes the following results to the log:

FLOATw.d Format 217

FLOATw.d Format
Generates a native single-precision, floating-point value by multiplying a number by 10 raised to the dth
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Requirement width must be 4

specifies the power of 10 by which to multiply the value. This argument is

Default 0

Range 0–31

This format is useful in operating environments where a float value is not the same
as a truncated double. Values that are written by FLOAT4. are typically meant to be
read by some other external program that runs in your operating environment and
that expects these single-precision values.

Note: If the value that is to be formatted is a missing value, or if it is out-of-range for

a native single-precision, floating-point value, a single-precision value of zero is

On IBM mainframe systems, a four-byte floating-point number is the same as a

truncated eight-byte floating-point number. However, in operating environments
using the IEEE floating-point standard, such as IBM PC-based operating
environments and most UNIX operating environments, a four-byte floating-point
number is not the same as a truncated double. Hence, the RB4. format does not
218 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

produce the same results as the FLOAT4. format. Floating-point representations

other than IEEE might have this same characteristic.
Delimiters are not supported in the PUT statement’s LIST output.

The following table compares the names of float notation in several programming

Language Float Notation


Fortran REAL+4

C float



data one;
put y;
put y hex.;
The result of the put y=; statement shows the character representation of the
underlying hexadecimal values. The result of the put y=hex.; statement shows the
hexadecimal value that the FLOAT format produced. The result is a hexadecimal
representation of a binary number that is stored in little-endian form. Big-endian
IEEE systems store the hexadecimal representation as 3F800000.

Statement Value of y

put y=; €?

put y=hex.; 0000803F

FRACTw. Format 219

FRACTw. Format
Converts numeric values to fractions.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Right


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 10

Range 4–32

Dividing the number 1 by 3 produces the value 0.33333333. To write this value as
1/3, use the FRACTw. format. FRACTw. writes fractions in reduced form (for
example, 1/2 instead of 50/100).

data one;
input x;
data two;
set one;
put x fract8.;
220 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Value of x Result


0.6666666667 2/3

0.2784 174/625

HEXw. Format
Converts real binary (floating-point) values to hexadecimal representation.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left
See: “HEXw. Format: Windows” in SAS Companion for Windows
“HEX Format: UNIX” in SAS Companion for UNIX Environments


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 8

Range 1–16

Tip If w<16, the HEXw. format converts real binary numbers to fixed-point
integers before writing them as hexadecimal characters. It also writes
negative numbers in two's-complement notation, and right-aligns digits.
If w is 16, HEXw. displays floating-point values in their hexadecimal

In any operating environment, the least significant byte written by HEXw. is the
rightmost byte. Some operating environments store integers with the least
significant digit as the first byte. The HEXw. format produces consistent results in
any operating environment regardless of the order of significance by byte.
HHMMw.d Format 221

Note: Different operating environments store floating-point values in different ways.

However, the HEX16. format writes hexadecimal representations of floating-point
values with consistent results in the same way that your operating environment
stores them.

The HEXw. numeric format and the $HEXw. character format both generate the
hexadecimal equivalent of values.

data one;
input x;

data two;
set one;
put x hex8.;

Value of x Result


35.4 00000023

88 00000058

2.33 00000002


HHMMw.d Format
Writes time values as hours and minutes in the form hh:mm.
222 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Categories: CAS
Alignment: Right
Interaction: When the DECIMALCONV= system option is set to STDIEEE, the output that is written
using this format might differ slightly from previous releases. For more information, see
“DECIMALCONV= System Option” in SAS System Options: Reference.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 5

Range 2–20

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the minutes
value. The digits to the right of the decimal point specify a fraction of a minute.
This argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–19

Requirement must be less than w

The HHMMw.d format writes SAS time values in the form hh:mm:
is an integer.

Note: If hh is a single digit, HHMMw.d places a leading blank before the digit.
For example, the HHMMw.d. format writes 9:00 instead of 09:00.

is an integer between 00 and 59 that represents minutes.
SAS rounds hours and minutes that are based on the value of seconds in a SAS
time value.
The HHMM format uses asterisks to format values that are outside the time range
0–24 hours, such as datetime values.
HHMMw.d Format 223

The HHMMw.d format is similar to the TIMEw.d format, except that the HHMMw.d
format does not print seconds.
The HHMMw.d format writes a leading blank for a single-hour digit. The TODw.d
format writes a leading 0 for a single-hour digit.

data a;
put mytime hhmm.;
put mytime hhmm8.2;
In the first example, SAS rounds up the time value 4 seconds based on the value of
seconds in the SAS time value. In the second example, adding a decimal
specification of 2 to the format shows that 56 seconds is 93% of a minute.

SAS Statement Result

put mytime hhmm.; 13:00

put mytime hhmm8.2; 12:59.93

See Also
n “HOURw.d Format” on page 224
n “MMSSw.d Format” on page 240
n “TIMEw.d Format” on page 463
n “TODw.d Format” on page 468

n “HMS Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference
n “HOUR Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference
n “MINUTE Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference
n “SECOND Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference
n “TIME Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference

n “TIMEw. Informat” on page 700
224 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

HOURw.d Format
Writes time values as hours and decimal fractions of hours.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Right
Interaction: When the DECIMALCONV= system option is set to STDIEEE, the output that is written
using this format might differ slightly from previous releases. For more information, see
“DECIMALCONV= System Option” in SAS System Options: Reference.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 2

Range 2–20

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the hour value.
Therefore, SAS prints decimal fractions of the hour. This argument is optional.

Range 0–19

Requirement must be less than w

SAS rounds hours based on the value of minutes in the SAS time value.
The HOUR format uses asterisks to format values that are outside the time range 0–
24 hours, such as datetime values.

data a;
IBw.d Format 225

put mytime hour.;


SAS Statement Result

put mytime hour; 13

See Also
n “HHMMw.d Format” on page 221
n “MMSSw.d Format” on page 240
n “TIMEw.d Format” on page 463
n “TODw.d Format” on page 468

n “HMS Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference
n “HOUR Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference
n “MINUTE Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference
n “SECOND Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference
n “TIME Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference

n “TIMEw. Informat” on page 700

IBw.d Format
Writes native integer binary (fixed-point) values, including negative values.
Category: Numeric
Alignment: Left
Restriction: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.
See: “IB Format: UNIX” in SAS Companion for UNIX Environments
“IBw.d Format: Windows” in SAS Companion for Windows
“IBw.d Format: z/OS” in SAS Companion for z/OS
226 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 4

Range 1–8

specifies to multiply the number by 10d. This argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–10

The IBw.d format writes integer binary (fixed-point) values, including negative values
that are represented in two's-complement notation. IBw.d writes integer binary
values with consistent results if the values are created in the same type of operating
environment that you use to run SAS.

Note: Different operating environments store integer binary values in different

ways. This concept is called byte ordering. For a detailed discussion about byte
ordering, see “Byte Ordering for Integer Binary Data on Big Endian and Little Endian
Platforms” on page 37 .

The IBw.d and PIBw.d formats are used to write native format integers. (Native
format enables you to read and write values created in the same operating
environment.) The IBRw.d and PIBRw.d formats are used to write little endian
integers in any operating environment.
To view a table that shows the type of format to use with big endian and little endian
integers, see “Writing Data Generated on Big Endian and Little Endian Platforms” on
page 37.
To view a table that compares integer binary notation in several programming
languages, see “Integer Binary Notation and Different Programming Languages” on
page 38.
IBRw.d Format 227

data _null_;
put y $hex8.;

Result on Big Endian Result on Little Endian

Value of x Platforms 1 Platforms 1

128 00000080 80000000

1 The result is a hexadecimal representation of a four-byte integer binary number. Each byte occupies
one column of the output field.

See Also
n “IBRw.d Format” on page 227

IBRw.d Format
Writes integer binary (fixed-point) values in Intel and DEC formats.
Category: Numeric
Alignment: Left
Restriction: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 4

Range 1–8

specifies to multiply the number by 10d. This argument is optional.
228 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Default 0

Range 0–10

The IBRw.d format writes integer binary (fixed-point) values, including negative
values that are represented in two's-complement notation. IBRw.d writes integer
binary values that are generated by and for Intel and DEC operating environments.
Use IBRw.d to write integer binary data from Intel or DEC environments on other
operating environments. The IBRw.d format in SAS code allows for a portable
implementation for writing the data in any operating environment.

Note: Different operating environments store integer binary values in different

ways. This concept is called byte ordering. For a detailed discussion about byte
ordering, see “Byte Ordering for Integer Binary Data on Big Endian and Little Endian
Platforms” on page 37 .

n The IBw.d and PIBw.d formats are used to write native format integers. (Native
format enables you to read and write values that are created in the same
operating environment.)
n The IBRw.d and PIBRw.d formats are used to write little endian integers,
regardless of the operating environment that you are writing on.
n In Intel and DEC operating environments, the IBw.d and IBRw.d formats are
To view the type of format to use with big endian and little endian integers, see
“Writing Data Generated on Big Endian and Little Endian Platforms” on page 37.
To view a table that compares integer binary notation in several programming
languages, see “Integer Binary Notation and Different Programming Languages” on
page 38.

data _null_;
put y $hex8.;
IEEEw.d Format 229

Value of x Result1

128 80000000

1 The result is a hexadecimal representation of a 4-byte integer binary number. Each byte occupies
one column of the output field.

See Also
n “IBw.d Format” on page 225

IEEEw.d Format
Generates an IEEE floating-point value by multiplying a number by 10 raised to the dth power.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left
CAUTION: Large floating-point values and floating-point values that require precision might not be
identical to the original SAS value when they are written to an IBM mainframe using the
IEEE format and read back into SAS using the IEE informat.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 8

Range 1–8

Tip If w is 8, an IEEE double-precision, floating-point number is written. If w

is 5, 6, or 7, an IEEE double-precision, floating-point number is written,
which assumes truncation of the appropriate number of bytes. If w is 4,
an IEEE single-precision floating-point number is written. If w is 3, an
IEEE single-precision, floating-point number is written, which assumes
truncation of 1 byte.

specifies to multiply the number by 10d. This argument is optional.
230 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Default 0

Range 0–10

This format is useful in operating environments where IEEEw.d is the floating-point
representation that is used. In addition, you can use the IEEEw.d format to create
files that are used by programs in operating environments that use the IEEE
floating-point representation.
Typically, programs generate IEEE values in single-precision (4 bytes) or double-
precision (8 bytes). Programs perform truncation solely to save space on output
files. Machine instructions require that the floating-point number be one of the two
lengths. The IEEEw.d format allows other lengths, which enables you to write data
to files that contain space-saving truncated data.

data _null_;
put test1 $hex8.;
put test2 $hex10.;

Value of x Result1

1 3F800000


1 The result contains hexadecimal representations of binary numbers stored in IEEE form.

JULDAYw. Format
Writes date values as the Julian day of the year.
Category: Date
Alignment: Right
Restriction: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.
See: “Julian Date Formats and Astronomical Dates” on page 10
JULDAYw. Format 231


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 3

Range 3–32

The JULDAYw. format writes SAS date values in the form ddd. In this syntax, the
letter d is defined as follows:
is the number of the day, 1–365 (or 1–366 for leap years).

data one;
input date :mmddyy10.;

data two;
set one;
put date julday3.;
The example table uses the input values of 21196, which is the SAS date value that
corresponds to January 12, 2018, and 21369, which is the SAS date value that
corresponds to July 4, 2018.

Input Value SAS Statement Result


21196 put date julday3.; 12

21369 put date julday3.; 185

232 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

JULIANw. Format
Writes date values as Julian dates in the form yyddd or yyyyddd.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left
See: “Julian Date Formats and Astronomical Dates” on page 10


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 5

Range 5–7

Tip If w is 5, the JULIANw. format writes the date with a two-digit year. If w
is 7, the JULIANw. format writes the date with a four-digit year.

The JULIANw. format writes SAS date values in the form yyddd or yyyyddd:
yy or yyyy
is a two-digit or four-digit integer that represents the year.
is the number of the day, 1–365 (or 1–366 for leap years), in that year.

data one;
input date :mmddyy10.;
MDYAMPMw.d Format 233

data two;
set one;
put date julian5.;
put date julian7.;
The example table uses the input value of 21369, which is the SAS date value that
corresponds to July 4, 2018 (the 185 th day of the year).

SAS Statement Result


put date julian5.; 18185

put date julian7.; 2018185

See Also
n “DATEJUL Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference
n “JULDATE Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference

n “JULIANw. Informat” on page 643

MDYAMPMw.d Format
Writes datetime values in the form mm/dd/yy<yy> hh:mm AM|PM. The year can be either two or four digits.
Categories: CAS
Date and Time
Alignment: Right
Interaction: When the DECIMALCONV= system option is set to STDIEEE, the output that is written
using this format might differ slightly from previous releases. For more information, see
“DECIMALCONV= System Option” in SAS System Options: Reference.
Note: The default time period is AM.

234 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 19

Range 8−40

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the minutes
value. This argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–39

The MDYAMPMw.d format writes SAS datetime values in the following form:
mm/dd/yy<yy> hh:mm<AM | PM>:
is an integer between 1 and 12 that represents the month.
is an integer between 1 and 31 that represents the day of the month.
yy or yyyy
specifies a two-digit or four-digit integer that represents the year.
is an integer between 00 and 23 that represents hours.
is an integer between 00 and 59 that represents minutes.
specifies either the time period 00:01−12:00 noon (AM) or the time period
12:01−12:00 midnight (PM). The default is AM.
date and time separator characters
is one of several special characters, such as the slash (/), colon (:), or a blank
character that SAS uses to separate date and time components.

The MDYAMPMw. format writes datetime values with separators in the form mm/dd/
yy<yy> hh:mm AM | PM, and requires a space between the date and the time.
The DATETIMEw.d format writes datetime values with separators in the form
MMDDYYw. Format 235

data one;
mydt='04jul2018 14:58:23'dt;
put mydt mdyampm25.;

SAS Statement Result

put mydt mdyampm25. 7/4/2018 2:58 PM

See Also
n “DATETIMEw.d Format” on page 172

n “MDYAMPMw.d Informat” on page 645

MMDDYYw. Format
Writes date values in the form mmdd<yy>yy or mm/dd/<yy>yy, where a forward slash is the separator and
the year appears as either two or four digits.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Right


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 8

Range 2–10
236 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Interaction When w has a value from 2 to 5, the date appears with as much of
the month and the day as possible. When w is 7, the date appears
as a two-digit year without slashes.

The MMDDYYw. format writes SAS date values in one of these forms:
In this syntax, the letters m, d, and y and the forward slash are defined as follows:
is an integer that represents the month.
is the separator.
is an integer that represents the day of the month.
is a two-digit or four-digit integer that represents the year.

data one;
put mydt mmddyy.;
put mydt mmddyy2.;
put mydt mmddyy3.;
put mydt mmddyy4.;
put mydt mmddyy5.;
put mydt mmddyy6.;
put mydt mmddyy7.;
put mydt mmddyy8.;
put mydt mmddyy10.;

SAS Statement Result


put mydt=02may2018'd; 05/02/18

put mydt mmddyy2.; 05

put mydt mmddyy3.; 05

put mydt mmddyy4.; 0502

MMDDYYxw. Format 237

SAS Statement Result

put mydt mmddyy5.; 05/02

put mydt mmddyy6.; 050218

put mydt mmddyy7.; 050218

put mydt mmddyy8.; 05/02/18

put mydt mmddyy10.; 05/02/2018

See Also
n “DATEw. Format” on page 169
n “DDMMYYw. Format” on page 175
n “MMDDYYxw. Format” on page 237
n “YYMMDDw. Format” on page 496

n “DAY Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference
n “MDY Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference
n “MONTH Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference
n “YEAR Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference

n “DATEw. Informat” on page 615
n “DDMMYYw. Informat” on page 619
n “YYMMDDw. Informat” on page 718

MMDDYYxw. Format
Writes date values in the form mmdd<yy>yy or mm-dd-<yy>yy, where the x in the format name is a
character that represents the special character that separates the month, day, and year. The special
character can be a hyphen (-), period (.), blank character, slash (/), colon (:), or no separator; the year can
be either two or four digits.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Right
238 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats


Syntax Description
identifies a separator or specifies that no separator appear between the month,
the day, and the year. These are valid values for x:
separates with a blank.
separates with a colon.
separates with a hyphen.
indicates no separator.
separates with a period.
separates with a slash.
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 7

Range 5–32

Interactions When w has a value from 2 to 5, the date appears with as much of
the month and the day as possible. When w is 7, the date appears
as a two-digit year without separators.

When x has a value of N, the width range changes to 4–32.

The MMDDYYxw. format writes SAS date values in one of these forms:
In this syntax, the letters m, x, d, and y are defined as follows:
is an integer that represents the month.
is a specified separator.
MMDDYYxw. Format 239

is an integer that represents the day of the month.
is a two-digit or four-digit integer that represents the year.

data one;
put mydt mmddyyc5.;
put mydt mmddyyd8.;
put mydt mmddyyp10.;
put mydt mmddyyn8.;

SAS Statement Result


put mydt mmddyyc5.; 05:02

put mydt mmddyyd8.; 05-02-18

put mydt mmddyyp10.; 05.02.2018

put mydt mmddyyn8.; 05022018

See Also
n “DATEw. Format” on page 169
n “DDMMYYxw. Format” on page 177
n “MMDDYYw. Format” on page 235
n “YYMMDDxw. Format” on page 499

n “DAY Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference
n “MDY Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference
n “MONTH Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference
n “YEAR Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference

n “MMDDYYw. Informat” on page 647
240 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

MMSSw.d Format
Writes time values as the number of minutes and seconds since midnight.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Right
Interaction: When the DECIMALCONV= system option is set to STDIEEE, the output that is written
using this format might differ slightly from previous releases. For more information, see
“DECIMALCONV= System Option” in SAS System Options: Reference.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 5

Range 2–20

Tip Set w to a minimum of 5 to write a value that represents minutes and


specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the seconds
value. Therefore, the SAS time value includes fractional seconds. This argument
is optional.

Range 0–19

Requirement d must be less than w.

data a;
put x mmss8.;
put y mmss10.2;
MMYYw. Format 241

SAS Statement Result


put x mmss8.; 510:21

put y mmss10.2; 1542:08.00

See Also
n “HHMMw.d Format” on page 221
n “TIMEw.d Format” on page 463

n “HMS Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference
n “MINUTE Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference
n “SECOND Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference

n “TIMEw. Informat” on page 700

MMYYw. Format
Writes date values in the form mmM<yy>yy, where M is the separator and the year appears as either two
or four digits.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Right


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.
242 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Default 7

Range 5–32

Interaction When w has a value of 5 or 6, the date appears with only the last
two digits of the year. When w is 7 or more, the date appears with a
four-digit year.

The MMYYw. format writes SAS date values in the form mmM<yy>yy. In this syntax,
the letters m, M, and y are defined as follows:
is an integer that represents the month.
is the character separator.
is a two-digit or four-digit integer that represents the year.

data one;
put dte mmyy.;
put dte mmyy5.;
put dte mmyy6.;
put dte mmyy7.;
put dte mmyy10.;

SAS Statement Result


put dte mmyy. 05M2018

put dte mmyy5.; 05M18

put dte mmyy6.; 05M18

put date mmyy7.; 05M2018

put date mmyy10.; 05M2018

MMYYxw. Format 243

See Also
n “MMYYxw. Format” on page 243
n “YYMMw. Format” on page 495

MMYYxw. Format
Writes date values in the form mm<yy>yy or mm-<yy>yy, where the x in the format name is a character
that represents the special character that separates the month and the year. The special character can be
a hyphen (-), period (.), blank character, slash (/), colon (:), or no separator. The year can be either two or
four digits.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Right


Syntax Description
identifies a separator or specifies that no separator appear between the month
and the year. These are valid values for x:
separates with a colon.
separates with a hyphen.
indicates no separator.
separates with a period.
separates with a forward slash.
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 7

Range 5–32
244 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Interactions When x is set to N, no separator is specified. The width range is

then 4–32, and the default changes to 6.

When x has a value of C, D, P, or S and w has a value of 5 or 6,

the date appears with only the last two digits of the year. When w
is 7 or more, the date appears with a four-digit year.

When x has a value of N and w has a value of 4 or 5, the date

appears with only the last two digits of the year. When x has a
value of N and w is 6 or more, the date appears with a four-digit

The MMYYxw. format writes SAS date values in one of these forms:
In this syntax, the letters m, x, and y are defined as follows:
is an integer that represents the month.
is a specified separator.
is a two-digit or four-digit integer that represents the year.

data one;
put dte mmyyc5.;
put dte mmyyd.;
put dte mmyyn4.;
put dte mmyyp8.;
put dte mmyys10.;

SAS Statement


put dte mmyyc5.; 05:18

put dte mmyyd.; 05-2018

put dte mmyyn4.; 0518

MONNAMEw. Format 245

SAS Statement

put dte mmyyp8.; 05.2018

put dte mmyys10.; 05/2018

See Also
n “MMYYw. Format” on page 241
n “YYMMxw. Format” on page 501

MONNAMEw. Format
Writes date values as the name of the month.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Right


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 9

Range 1–32

Tip Use MONNAME3. to print the first three letters of the month name.

If necessary, SAS truncates the name of the month to fit the format width.
246 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

data one;
put dte monname.;
put dte monname1.;
put dte monname3.;

SAS Statement Result


put dte monname.; May

put dte monname1.; M

put dte monname3.; May

See Also
n “MONTHw. Format” on page 246

MONTHw. Format
Writes date values as the month of the year.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Right


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 2
MONYYw. Format 247

Range 1–32

Tip Use MONTH1. to obtain a hexadecimal value.

The MONTHw. format writes the month (1 through 12) of the year from a SAS date
value. If the month is a single digit, the MONTHw. format places a leading blank
before the digit. For example, the MONTHw. format writes 4 instead of 04.

data one;
put dte month.;

SAS Statement Result


put dte month.; 5

See Also
n “MONNAMEw. Format” on page 245

MONYYw. Format
Writes date values as the month and the year in the form mmmyy or mmmyyyy.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Right
248 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 5

Range 5–7

The MONYYw. format writes SAS date values in the form mmmyy or mmmyyyy. In
this syntax, the letters m and y are defined as follows:
is the first three letters of the month name.
yy or yyyy
is a two-digit or four-digit integer that represents the year.

The MONYYw. format and the DTMONYYw. format are similar in that they both
write date values. The difference is that MONYYw. expects a SAS date value as
input, and DTMONYYw. expects a datetime value.

data one;
put dte monyy5.;
put dte monyy7.;

SAS Statement Result


put dte monyy5.; MAY18

put dte monyy7.; MAY2021

NEGPARENw.d Format 249

See Also
n “DDMMYYw. Format” on page 175
n “DTMONYYw. Format” on page 186
n “MMDDYYw. Format” on page 235
n “NLDATEMw. Format”
n “YYMMDDw. Format” on page 496

n “MONTH Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference
n “YEAR Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference

n “MONYYw. Informat” on page 649

NEGPARENw.d Format
Writes negative numeric values in parentheses.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Right
Interaction: When the DECIMALCONV= system option is set to STDIEEE, the output that is written
using this format might differ slightly from previous releases. For more information, see
“DECIMALCONV= System Option” in SAS System Options: Reference.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 6

Range 1–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric
value. This argument is optional.
250 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Default 0

Range 0–31

The NEGPARENw.d format attempts to right-align output values. If the input value is
negative, NEGPARENw.d displays the output by enclosing the value in
parentheses, if the field that you specify is wide enough. Otherwise, it uses a minus
sign to represent the negative value. If the input value is nonnegative,
NEGPARENw.d displays the value with a leading and trailing blank to ensure proper
column alignment. It reserves the last column for a close parenthesis even when the
value is positive.

The NEGPARENw.d format is similar to the COMMAw.d format in that it separates
every three digits of the value with a comma.

data one;
input x;

data two;
set one;
put x negparen8.;

Value of x Result


100 100

1000 1,000

-200 (200)
NENGOw. Format 251

Value of x Result

-2000 (2,000)

NENGOw. Format
Writes date values as Japanese dates in the form e.yymmdd.
Category: Date
Alignment: Left
Restriction: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 10

Range 2–10

The NENGOw. format writes SAS date values in the form e.yymmdd, where
is the first letter of the name of the imperial era (Meiji, Taisho, Showa, Heisei, or
is an integer that represents the year.
is an integer that represents the month.
is an integer that represents the day of the month.
If the width is too small, SAS omits the period.
252 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

The example table uses the input value of 15342, which is the SAS date value that
corresponds to January 2, 2002.
data _null_;
put date nengo3.;
put date nengo6.;
put date nengo8.;
put date nengo9.;
put date nengo10.;


See Also
n “NENGOw. Informat” in SAS National Language Support (NLS): Reference

NLBESTw. Format
Writes the best numerical notation based on the locale.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Right


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12
NLBESTw. Format 253

Range 1–32

Tip If you print numbers between 0 and .01 exclusively, then use a field
width of at least 7 to avoid excessive rounding. If you print numbers
between 0 and -.01 exclusively, use a field width of at least 8.

The NLBEST format writes the best numerical value based on the locale's decimal
point and the sign mark's location. NLBEST is similar to the BEST format. For more
information, see the BEST format in the SAS Formats and Informats: Reference.

The following code produces results based on the locale:
options locale=English_UnitedStates;
data test;
put x nlbest6.;
put x nlbest3.;
put "=====";
put x nlbest6.;
put x nlbest3.;
put "=====";
put x nlbest6.;
put x nlbest3.;
put "=====";
put x nlbest6.;
put x nlbest3.;


options locale=German_Germany;
data test;
put x nlbest6.;
put x nlbest3.;
254 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

put "=====";
put x nlbest6.;
put x nlbest3.;
put "=====";
put x nlbest6.;
put x nlbest3.;
put "=====";
put x nlbest6.;
put x nlbest3.;


options locale=ar_BH;
data test;
put x nlbest6.;
put x nlbest3.;
put "=====";
put x nlbest6.;
put x nlbest3.;
put "=====";
put x nlbest6.;
put x nlbest3.;
put "=====";
put x nlbest6.;
put x nlbest3.;

NLDATEw. Format 255

NLDATEw. Format
Writes a SAS date value as a date that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field. If necessary, SAS abbreviates the date to
fit the format width.

Default 20

Range 10–200

NLDATEw. is similar to DATEw. and WORDDATEw., except that NLDATEw. is

These examples use the input value of 15760, which is the SAS date value that
corresponds to February 24, 2003. The first example specifies the english_United
States locale. The second example specifies the german_Germany locale.
options locale=English_UnitedStates;
data test;
put day nldate.;

February 24, 2003

options locale=German_Germany;
data test;
256 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

put day nldate.;

24. Februar 2003

See Also
n “NLDATEMNw. Format” on page 262
n “NLDATEWw. Format” on page 265
n “NLDATEWNw. Format” on page 267

NLDATELw. Format
Writes a SAS date value as a date in the form month, date, year that is appropriate for the current SAS
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field. If necessary, SAS abbreviates the date to
fit the format width.

Default 18

Range 2–200

NLDATEL writes the date in a long-uniform pattern with the full length of the month
and week names.
NLDATEMw. Format 257

This example uses the date November 19, 2012.
data _null_;
dt = dt='19Nov2012:00:00:00'dt;
put "+--- NLDATEL min=2 default=18
max=200 ---+";
put dy nldatel.;
put dy nldatel10.;
put dy nldatel12.;
put dy nldatel18.;
put dy nldatel200.;

+--- NLDATEL min=2 default=18max=200 ---+

November 19, 2012
Nov 19, 2012
November 19, 2012
November 19, 2012

NLDATEMw. Format
Writes a SAS date value as a date in a medium-uniform pattern that is appropriate for the current SAS
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field. If necessary, SAS abbreviates the date to
fit the format width.

Default 14

Range 2–200
258 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

NLDATEM writes the date in a medium-uniform pattern such as Nov 19, 2012.

This example specifies the date Nov 19, 2012.
data _null_;
dt = dt='19Nov2012:00:00:00'dt;
put '+--- NLDATEM min=2 default=14
max=200 ---+';
put dy nldatem.;
put dy nldatem8.;
put dy nldatem14.;
put dy nldatem200.;

+--- NLDATEM min=2 default=14 max=200 ---+

Nov 19, 2012
Nov 19, 2012
Nov 19, 2012

Writes the SAS date value as the name of the month and the day of the month that is appropriate for the
current SAS locale.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 16
NLDATEMDLw. Format 259

Range 6-200

This example specifies the english_United States locale option.
option locale=en_US;
data _null_;
dy = date();
put dy nldatemd.;

April 03

See Also
n “NLDATEYMw. Format” on page 268

Writes a SAS date value as the month and day of the month that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field. If necessary, SAS abbreviates the date to
fit the format width.

Default 12

Range 5–200
260 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

NLDATEMDL writes the date in a long-uniform pattern with the full length of the
month and the day such as November 19.

The following example specifies the date of November 19, 2012.
data _null_;
dt = dt='19Nov2012:00:00:00'dt;
put '+--- NLDATEMDL min=5 default=12
max=200 ---+';
put dy nldatemdl.;
put dy nldatemdl5.;
put dy nldatemdl9.;
put dy nldatemdl12.;
put dy nldatemdl200.;

+--- NLDATEMDL min=5 default=12max=200 ---+

November 19
Nov 19
November 19
November 19

Writes a SAS date value as the month and day of the month that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field. If necessary, SAS abbreviates the date to
fit the format width.
NLDATEMDSw. Format 261

Default 9

Range 5–200

NLDATEMDM writes the date in a medium-uniform pattern with abbreviation of the
month and the day using numbers and delimiters, such as Nov 19.

The following example specifies the date of November 19, 2012.
data _null_;
dt = dt='19Nov2012:00:00:00'dt;
put '+--- NLDATEMDL min=5 default=9
max=200 ---+';
put dy nldatemdm.;
put dy nldatemdm5.;
put dy nldatemdm9.;
put dy nldatemdm200.;

+--- NLDATEMDL min=5 default=9max=200 ---+

Nov 19
Nov 19
Nov 19

Writes a SAS date value as the month and day of the month in a short-uniform pattern that is appropriate
for the current SAS locale.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left

262 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field. If necessary, SAS abbreviates the date to
fit the format width.

Default 5

Range 5–200

NLDATEMDS writes the date in a short-uniform pattern in full length of the month
and the day using numbers and delimiters, such as MM/dd.

The following example specifies the date of November 19, 2012.
data _null_;
dt = dt='19Nov2012:00:00:00'dt;
put '+--- NLDATEMDL min=5 default=5
max=200 ---+';
put dy nldatemds.;
put dy nldatemds5.;
put dy nldatemds5.;
put dy nldatemds200.;

+--- NLDATEMDL min=5 default=5max=200 ---+


Writes a SAS date value as the name of the month that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left
NLDATEMNw. Format 263


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field. If necessary, SAS abbreviates the name of
the month to fit the format width.

Default 9

Range 4–200

NLDATEMN writes values in a uniform pattern which ensures that the output has the
same pattern when using the same format width but different input data.
This example demonstrates uniform pattern. This example uses a UTF-8 session
and the width value is 6 for both statements.
option locale = zh_cn;
data test;
x = '08jun91'd;
put x nldatemn6.;
= '08sep91'd;
put x nldatemn6.;


NLDATEMNw. is similar to MONNAMEw., except that NLDATEMNw. is locale-

These examples specify the input value of 15760, which is the SAS date value that
corresponds to February 24, 2003. The first example specifies the en_US locale.
The second example specifies the german_Germany locale.
option locale=en_US;
data _null_;
264 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

put month nldatemn.;



option locale=german_germany;
data _null_;
put month nldatemn.;


See Also
n “NLDATEw. Format” on page 255
n “NLDATEWw. Format” on page 265
n “NLDATEWNw. Format” on page 267

NLDATESw. Format
Writes a SAS date value as a date string that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field. If necessary, SAS abbreviates the date to
fit the format width.

Default 10

Range 2–200
NLDATEWw. Format 265

NLDATES writes the date in a short-uniform pattern that contains only numbers and
delimiters, such as mm/dd/yyyy.

This example specifies the date November 19, 2012. This example specifies the
en_US locale.
option locale=en_US;
data _null_;
dt = dt='19Nov2012:00:00:00'dt;
put '+--- NLDATEMDL min=2 default=10
max=200 ---+';
put dy nldates.;
put dy nldates8.;
put dy nldates10.;
put dy nldates200.;;

+--- NLDATEMDL min=2 default=10max=200 ---+


NLDATEWw. Format
Writes a SAS date value as the date and the day of the week that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field. If necessary, SAS abbreviates the date
and the day of the week to fit the format width.
266 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Default 29

Range 10–200

The NLDATEW format might produce inaccurate localized output when using the
default width with some encoding and locale combinations because the date and
time names are too long. Please refer to Exceptions for Date and Time Default
Widths for information about recommended widths for locale and encoding
combinations. You might need to use the recommended width.
NLDATEW writes the date value in a uniform pattern which ensures that the output
has the same pattern when using the same format width but different input data.

NLDATEWw. is similar to WEEKDATEw., except that NLDATEWw. is locale specific.

These examples use the input value of 15760, which is the SAS date value that
corresponds to February 24, 2003. The first example specifies the en_US locale.
The second example specifies the de_DE locale.
options locale=en_US;
data _null_;
put dy nldatew.;
put dy nldatew20.;
put dy nldatew200.;

Monday, February 24, 2003

Mon, Feb 24, 2003
Monday, February 24, 2003

options locale=de_DE;
data _null_;
put dy nldatew.;
put dy nldatew20.;
put dy nldatew200.;
NLDATEWNw. Format 267

Mo., 24. Feb 2003

Mo., 24. Feb 2003
Montag, 24. Februar 2003

See Also
n “NLDATEw. Format” on page 255
n “NLDATEMNw. Format” on page 262
n “NLDATEWNw. Format” on page 267

Writes the SAS date value as the day of the week that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field. If necessary, SAS abbreviates the day of
the week to fit the format width.

Default 9

Range 4–200

NLDATEWN writes the date value in a uniform pattern which ensures that the output
has the same pattern when using the same format width but different input data.
268 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

NLDATEWNw. is similar to DOWNAMEw., except that NLDATEWNw. is locale-

These examples use the input value of 15760, which is the SAS date value that
corresponds to February 24, 2003. The first example specifies the en_US locale.
The second example specifies the de_DE locale.
options locale=en_US;
data _null_;
put dy nldatewn.;


options locale=de_DE;
data _null_;
put dy nldatewn10.;


See Also
n “NLDATEw. Format” on page 255
n “NLDATEMNw. Format” on page 262
n “NLDATEWw. Format” on page 265

Writes the SAS date value as the year and the name of the month that is appropriate for the current SAS
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left
NLDATEYMw. Format 269


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 16

Range 6–200

If you specify a width of 6, but your data is larger than 6, your output contains
asterisks: d=******. To remove the asterisks, you can use PROC LOCALEDATA.
The following example uses PROC LOCALEDATA to write the date without the

data _null_;
format d nldateym6.;
d = '17OCT14'd;
put d=;

d=Oct 14

This example specifies the spanish_Spain locale option. This example specifies the
date of April 4, 2019.
options locale=spanish_Spain;
data _null_;
put dy nldateym.;
put dy nldateym12.;
put dy nldateym200.;
270 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

abril de 2019
abr de 2019
abril de 2019

See Also
n “NLDATEMDw. Format” on page 258

Writes a SAS date value as the month and year that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field. If necessary, SAS abbreviates the date to
fit the format width.

Default 14

Range 5–200

NLDATEYML writes the date in a long-uniform pattern with abbreviations for the
month and year, such as April 2019.
NLDATEYMMw. Format 271

This example specifies the date April 4, 2019. This example specifies the en_US
options locale=en_US;
data _null_;
dt = datetime();
dy = date();
put "+--- NLDATEYML min=5 default=14 max=200 ---+";
put dy nldateyml.;
put dy nldateyml7.;
put dy nldateyml11.;
put dy nldateyml14.;
put dy nldateyml200.;

+--- NLDATEYML min=5 default=14 max=200 ---+

April 2019
Apr 2019
April 2019
April 2019

Writes a SAS date value as the month and year with abbreviations that is appropriate for the current SAS
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field. If necessary, SAS abbreviates the date to
fit the format width.

Default 11

Range 5–200
272 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

NLDATEYMS writes the date in a medium-uniform pattern with abbreviations for the
month and year, such as Apr 2019.

This example specifies the date April 4, 2019. This example specifies the en_US
options locale=en_US;
data _null_;
dt = datetime();
dy = date();
put "+--- NLDATEYML min=5 default=14 max=200 ---+";
put dy nldateymm.;
put dy nldateymm7.;
put dy nldateymm11.;
put dy nldateymm200.;

+--- NLDATEYML min=5 default=14 max=200 ---+

Apr 2019
Apr 2019
Apr 2019

Writes a SAS date value as a date and year that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field. If necessary, SAS abbreviates the date to
fit the format width.
NLDATEYQw. Format 273

Default 7

Range 5–200

NLDATEYMS writes the date in a short-uniform pattern with numbers and delimiters
such as mm/yyy.

This example specifies the date April 4, 2019. This example specifies the en_US
options locale=en_US;
data _null_;
dt = datetime();
dy = date();
put "+--- NLDATEYMS min=5 default=14 max=200 ---+";
put dy nldateyms.;
put dy nldateyms5.;
put dy nldateyms7.;
put dy nldateyms200.;

+--- NLDATEYMS min=5 default=14 max=200 ---+


Writes the SAS date value as the year and the quarter that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left

274 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 16

Range 4–200

The NLDATEYQ format might produce inaccurate localized output when using the
default width with some encoding and locale combinations because the date and
time names are too long. Please refer to Exceptions for Date and Time Default
Widths for information about recommended widths for locale and encoding
combinations. You might need to use the recommended width.

This example specifies the date April 4, 2019. This example specifies the fr_FR
locale option.
options locale=fr_FR;
data _null_;
put "+--- NLDATEYQ min=4 default=16 max=200 ---+";
put ' 16' +5 dy nldateyq.;
put ' 4' +5 dy nldateyq4.;
put ' 14' +5 dy nldateyq14.;
put ' 32' +5 dy nldateyq32.;
put '200' +5 dy nldateyq200.;

+--- NLDATEYQ min=4 default=16 max=200 ---+

16 T2 2019
4 ****
14 T2 2019
32 2e trimestre 2019
2e trimestre 2019

Writes a SAS date value as the year and the year’s quarter value (Q1–Q4) using abbreviations that is
appropriate for the current SAS locale.
Categories: CAS
NLDATEYQLw. Format 275

Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field. If necessary, SAS abbreviates the date to
fit the format width.

Default 18

Range 4–200

NLDATEYQL writes the date in a long-uniform pattern with full length for the year
and year’s quarter value, such as 2nd quarter 2019.

This example specifies the date April 4, 2019. This example specifies the en_US
locale option.
options locale=en_US;
data _null_;
dt = datetime();
dy = date();
put '+--- NLDATEYQL min=4 default=18 max=200 ---+';
put dy nldateyql.;
put dy nldateyql6.;
put dy nldateyql7.;
put dy nldateyql18.;
put dy nldateyql200.;

+--- NLDATEYQL min=4 default=18 max=200 ---+

2nd quarter 2019
Q2 2019
2nd quarter 2019
2nd quarter 2019
276 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Writes a SAS date value as the year and the year’s quarter value (Q1–Q4) using abbreviations that is
appropriate for the current SAS locale.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field. If necessary, SAS abbreviates the date to
fit the format width.

Default 7

Range 4–200

NLDATEYQM writes the date in a medium-uniform pattern with abbreviations for the
year and year’s quarter value, such as Q2 2019.

The following example uses the date April 4, 2019.
data _null_;
dt = datetime();
dy = date();
put '+--- NLDATEYQM min=4 default=7 max=200 ---+';
put dy nldateyqm.;
put dy nldateyqm6.;
put dy nldateyqm7.;
put dy nldateyqm200.;
NLDATEYQSw. Format 277

+--- NLDATEYQM min=4 default=7 max=200 ---+

Q2 2019
Q2 2019
Q2 2019

Writes a SAS date value as the year and the year’s quarter value (1–4) with numbers and delimiters that is
appropriate for the current SAS locale.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field. If necessary, SAS abbreviates the date to
fit the format width.

Default 6

Range 4–200

NLDATEYQS writes the date in a short-uniform pattern with numbers and delimiters
for the year and year’s quarter value, such as 2019/2.

The following example specifies the date April 4, 2019.
data _null_;
dt = datetime();
dy = date();
put '+--- NLDATEYQS min=4 default=6 max=200 ---+';
put dy nldateyqs.;
278 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

put dy nldateyqs4.;
put dy nldateyqs6.;
put dy nldateyqs200.;

+--- NLDATEYQS min=4 default=6 max=200 ---+


Writes the SAS date value as the year that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 16

Range 2–200

This example specifies the fr_FR locale option. This example specifies the date April
4, 2019.
options locale=fr_FR;
data _null_;
dt = datetime();
dy = date();
put '+--- NLDATEYR min=4 default=6 max=200 ---+';
put dy nldateyr.;
put dy nldateyr2.;
put dy nldateyr8.;
put dy nldateyr200.;
NLDATEYWw. Format 279


+--- NLDATEYR min=4 default=6 max=200 ---+


Writes the SAS date value as the year and the week that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 16

Range 5–200

This example specifies the date April 4, 2019. This example specifies the fr_FR
locale option.
options locale=fr_FR;
data _null_;
dt = datetime();
dy = date();
put "+--- NLDATEYW min=5 default=16 max=200 ---+";
put ' 16' +5 dy nldateyw.;
put ' 5' +5 dy nldateyw5.;
put ' 8' +5 dy nldateyw8.;
put ' 32' +5 dy nldateyw32.;
put '200' +5 dy nldateyw200.;
280 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

+--- NLDATEYW min=5 default=16 max=200 ---+

16 Semaine 14 2019
5 *****
8 S14 19
32 Semaine 14 2019
Semaine 14 2019

NLDATMw. Format
Writes a SAS datetime value as a datetime that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.
Categories: CAS
Date and Time
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field. If necessary, SAS abbreviates the datetime
value to fit the format width.

Default 30

Range 10–200

The NLDATMw. format is similar to the DATETIMEw. format, except that the
NLDATMw. format is locale-specific.

These examples specify the input value of 1361709583, which is the SAS datetime
value that corresponds to 12:39:43 p.m. on February 24, 2003. The first example
specifies the en_US locale. The second example specifies the de_DE locale.
options locale=en_US;
data _null_;
NLDATMAPw. Format 281

put dy nldatm.;


options locale=de_DE;
data _null_;
put dy nldatm.;

24. Februar 2003 12.39 Uhr

See Also
n “NLDATMAPw. Format” on page 281
n “NLDATMTMw. Format” on page 293
n “NLDATMWw. Format” on page 295

Wries a SAS datetime value as a datetime with a.m. or p.m. that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.
Categories: CAS
Date and Time
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field. If necessary, SAS abbreviates the date-
time value to fit the format width.

Default 32

Range 16–200
282 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

The NLDATMAPw. format is similar to DATEAMPMw., except that the
NLDATMAPw. format is locale-specific.

These examples specify the input value of 1361709583, which is the SAS date-time
value that corresponds to 12:39:43 p.m. on February 24, 2003. The first example
specifies the en_US locale. The second example specifies the es_MX locale.
options locale=en_US;
data _null_;
put dy nldatmap.;

February 24, 2003 12:39:43 PM

options locale=es_MX;
data _null_;
put dy nldatmap200.;

24 de febrero de 2003 12:39:43 p.m.

See Also
n “NLDATMw. Format” on page 280
n “NLDATMTMw. Format” on page 293
n “NLDATMWw. Format” on page 295

Writes the SAS datetime value as the name of the month, day of the month and year that is appropriate for
the current SAS locale.
Categories: CAS
Date and Time
NLDATMDTw. Format 283

Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field

Default 18

Range 10-200

NLDATMDT writes the date value in a uniform pattern which ensures that the output
has the same pattern when using the same format width but different input data.

This example specifies the value 86400, which corresponds to January 2, 1960. The
first example specifies the english_United States locale. The second example
specifies the turkish_Turkey locale.
options locale=en_US;
data _null_;
put x nldatmdt.;

January 2, 1960

options locale=tr_TR;
data _null_;
put x nldatmdt200.;

2 Ocak 1960
284 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

See Also
n “NLDATMMDw. Format” on page 286

NLDATMLw. Format
Writes a SAS datetime value as a long representation of the date that is appropriate for the current SAS
Categories: CAS
Date and Time
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field. If necessary, SAS abbreviates the date to
fit the format width.

Default 30

Range 9–200

NLDATML writes the date in a long-uniform pattern with the full length of the month,
date, year, and time, such as April 10, 2019 03:13:27 PM.

data _null_;
dt = datetime();
dy = date();
put "+--- NLDATML min=9 default=30
max=200 ---+";
put dt nldatml.;
NLDATMMw. Format 285

put dt nldatml19.;
put dt nldatml24.;
put dt nldatml30.;
put dt nldatml200.;

+--- NLDATML min=9 default=30max=200 ---+

April 10, 2019 03:13:27 PM
04/10/2019 15:13:27
Apr 10, 2019 03:13:27 PM
April 10, 2019 03:13:27 PM
April 10, 2019 03:13:27 PM

NLDATMMw. Format
Writes a SAS datetime value as a medium representation of the date that is appropriate for the current
SAS locale.
Categories: CAS
Date and Time
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field. If necessary, SAS abbreviates the date to
fit the format width.

Default 24

Range 9–200

NLDATMM writes the date in a medium-uniform pattern with abbreviations of the
month and week names, such as Apr 10, 2019 03:23:34 PM.
286 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

data _null_;
dt = datetime();
dy = date();
put '+--- NLDATMM min=9 default=30
max=200 ---+';
put dt NLDATMM.;
put dt NLDATMM19.;
put dt NLDATMM24.;
put dt NLDATMM30.;
put dt NLDATMM200.;

+--- NLDATMM min=9 default=30max=200 ---+

Apr 10, 2019 03:23:34 PM
04/10/2019 15:23:34
Apr 10, 2019 03:23:34 PM
Apr 10, 2019 03:23:34 PM
Apr 10, 2019 03:23:34 PM

Writes the SAS datetime value as the name of the month and the day of the month that is appropriate for
the current SAS locale.
Categories: CAS
Date and Time
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 16

Range 6–200
NLDATMMDLw. Format 287

This example uses the en_US locale option.
options locale=en_US;
data _null_;
put x=;

x=January 02

See Also
n “NLDATMYMw. Format” on page 299

Writes a SAS date value as the full-length of the month and day of the month that is appropriate for the
current SAS locale.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field. If necessary, SAS abbreviates the date to
fit the format width.

Default 12

Range 5–200
288 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

NLDATMMDL writes the date in a long-uniform pattern with full-length of the month
and the day, such as November 19.

The following example uses the date of April 12, 2019.
data _null_;
dt = datetime();
dy = date();
put '+--- NLDATMMDL min=5 default=12
max=200 ---+';
put dt nldatmmdl.;
put dt nldatmmdl5.;
put dt nldatmmdl9.;
put dt nldatmmdl12.;
put dt nldatmmdl200.;

+--- NLDATMMDL min=5 default=12max=200 ---+

April 12
Apr 12
April 12
April 12

Writes a SAS date value as the month and day of the month using abbreviations that is appropriate for the
current SAS locale.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left

NLDATMMDSw. Format 289

Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field. If necessary, SAS abbreviates the date to
fit the format width.

Default 9

Range 5–200

NLDATMMDM writes the date in a medium-uniform pattern with abbreviations of the
month and the day, such as Nov 19.

The following example uses the date of April 12, 2019.
data _null_;
dt = datetime();
dy = date();
put '+--- NLDATMMDM min=5 default=9
max=200 ---+';
put dt nldatmmdm.;
put dt nldatmmdm5.;
put dt nldatmmdm9.;
put dt nldatmmdm200.;

+--- NLDATMMDM min=5 default=9max=200 ---+

Apr 12
Apr 12
Apr 12

Writes a SAS date value as the month and day of the month using numbers and delimiters that is
appropriate for the current SAS locale.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left
290 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field. If necessary, SAS abbreviates the date to
fit the format width.

Default 5

Range 5–200

NLDATMMDS writes the date in a short-uniform pattern with numbers and delimiters
of the month and the day, such as 4/12.

The following example uses the date of April 12, 2019.
data _null_;
dt = datetime();
dy = date();
put '+--- NLDATMMDS min=5 default=5 max=200 ---+';
put dt nldatmmds.;
put dt nldatmmds5.;
put dt nldatmmds5.;
put dt nldatmmds200.;

+--- NLDATMMDS min=5 default=5max=200 ---+


Writes the SAS datetime value as the name of the month that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.
Categories: CAS
NLDATMMNw. Format 291

Date and Time

Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 9

Range 4–200

NLDATMMN writes values in a uniform pattern which ensures that the output has
the same pattern when using the same format width but different input data.

This example uses the en_US locale option.
options locale=en_US;
data _null_;
dt = datetime();
dy = date();
put '+--- NLDATMMN min=5 default=10 max=200 ---+';
put dt nldatmmn.;
put dt nldatmmn4.;
put dt nldatmmn10.;
put dt nldatmmn200.;

+--- NLDATMMN min=5 default=10max=200 ---+

292 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

NLDATMSw. Format
Writes a SAS datetime value as the short representation of the date that is appropriate for the current SAS
Categories: CAS
Date and Time
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field. If necessary, SAS abbreviates the date to
fit the format width.

Default 19

Range 9–200

NLDATMS writes the date in a short-uniform pattern with number and delimiters,
such as MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss.

This example uses the date April 12, 2019.
data _null_;
dt = datetime();
dy = date();
put '+--- NLDATMS min=9 default=19 max=200---+';
put dt nldatms.;
put dt nldatms10.;
put dt nldatms19.;
put dt nldatms200.;
NLDATMTMw. Format 293

+--- NLDATMS min=9 default=19 max=200---+

04/12/2019 11:50:53
041219 11
04/12/2019 11:50:53
04/12/2019 11:50:53

Writes the time portion of a SAS datetime value as a time of day that is appropriate for the current SAS
Categories: CAS
Date and Time
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 16

Range 16–200

The NLDATMTMw. format is similar to the TODw. format, except that the
NLDATMTMw. format is locale-specific.

These examples use the input value of 1361709583, which is the SAS datetime
value that corresponds to 12:39:43 p.m. on February 24, 2003.
This example specifies the English_United_States locale.
options locale=en_US;
data one;
294 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

put event nldatmtm.;


This example specifies the German_Germany locale.

options locale=en_US;
data one;
put event nldatmtm.;

12.39 Uhr

See Also
n “NLDATMw. Format” on page 280
n “NLDATMAPw. Format” on page 281
n “NLDATMWw. Format” on page 295

Writes the time portion of the SAS datetime value as the time of day and time zone that is appropriate for
the current SAS locale.
Categories: CAS
Date and Time
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.
NLDATMWw. Format 295

Default 32

Range 16–200

This example uses the current datetime value. This example specifies the
French_France locale.
options locale=fr_FR;
data test;
put x=nldatmtz.;

x=10 h 08 -0400

NLDATMWw. Format
Writes SAS datetime values as the day of the week and the datetime that is appropriate for the current
SAS locale.
Categories: CAS
Date and Time
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field. If necessary, SAS abbreviates the day of
week and datetime to fit the format width.

Default 41

Range 16–200
296 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

The NLDATMW format might produce inaccurate localized output when using the
default width with some encoding and locale combinations because the date and
time names are too long. Please refer to Exceptions for Date and Time Default
Widths for information about recommended widths for locale and encoding
combinations. You might need to use the suggested width for the NLDATMW format.
NLDATMW writes the date value in a uniform pattern which ensures that the output
has the same pattern when using the same format width but different input data.

The NLDATMWw. format is similar to the TWMDYw. format, except that the
NLDATMWw. format is locale-specific.

This example uses the input value of 1361709583, which is the SAS datetime value
that corresponds to 12:39:43 p.m. on February 24, 2003. This example specifies the
English_United States locale.
options locale=English_UnitedStates;
data one;
put x=;
put y=;
put z=;

x=Monday, February 24, 2003 12:39:43 PM

y=Mon, Feb 24, 2003 12:39:43 PM
z=Monday, February 24, 2003 12:39:43 PM

See Also
n “NLDATMw. Format” on page 280
n “NLDATMAPw. Format” on page 281
n “NLDATMTMw. Format” on page 293
NLDATMWNw. Format 297

Writes a SAS datetime value as the day of the week that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.
Categories: CAS
Date and Time
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 9

Range 4–200

NLDATMWN writes the date value in a uniform pattern which ensures that the
output has the same pattern when using the same format width but different input

This example writes the SAS datetime value as a day of the week. This example
specifies the English_United States locale, which is the default SAS session
data _null_;
dt = datetime();
dy = date();
put '+--- NLDATMWN min=4 default=9 max=200 ---+';
put dt nldatmwn;
put dt nldatmwn4.;
put dt nldatmwn9.;
put dt nldatmwn200.;
298 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

+--- NLDATMWN min=4 default=9 max=200 ---+


Writes SAS date values as day-of-week, datetime, and time zone values that are appropriate.
Categories: CAS
Date and Time
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field. If necessary, SAS abbreviates the day of
week and datetime to fit the format width.

Default 40

Range 16–200

The NLDATMWZ format might produce inaccurate localized output when using the
default width with some encoding and locale combinations because the date and
time names are too long. Please refer to Exceptions for Date and Time Default
Widths for information about recommended widths for locale and encoding
combinations. You might need to use the recommended width.

This example uses the current datetime value. This example specifies the
French_France locale.
options locale=fr_FR;
NLDATMYMw. Format 299

data test;
put x=nldatmwz.;

x=mardi 16 avril 2019 10:35:06 -0400

Writes the SAS datetime value as the month and year that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.
Categories: CAS
Date and Time
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 16

Range 6–200

This example uses the en_US locale option.
options locale=en_US;
data _null_;
put x=;
put y=;

x=January 1960
y=January 1960
300 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

See Also
n “NLDATMMDw. Format” on page 286

Writes a SAS date value as the month and the year that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field. If necessary, SAS abbreviates the date to
fit the format width.

Default 14

Range 5–200

NLDATMYML writes the date in a long-uniform pattern with full length of the month
and year, such as November 2012.

The following example uses the date April 16, 2019.
data _null_;
dt = datetime();
put '+--- NLDATMYML min=5 default=14 max=200 ---+';
put dt nldatmyml.;
put dt nldatmyml7.;
put dt nldatmyml11.;
NLDATMYMMw. Format 301

put dt nldatmyml14.;
put dt nldatmyml200.;

+--- NLDATMYML min=5 default=14max=200 ---+

April 2019
Apr 2019
April 2019
April 2019

Writes a SAS date value as the month and the year that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field. If necessary, SAS abbreviates the date to
fit the format width.

Default 11

Range 5–200

NLDATMYMM writes the date in a medium-uniform pattern with abbreviations of the
month and year, such as Nov 2012.

The following example uses the date April 16, 2019.
data _null_;
302 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

dt = datetime();
dy = date();
put '+--- NLDATMYMM min=5 default=11 max=200 ---+';
put dt nldatmymm.;
put dt nldatmymm7.;
put dt nldatmymm11.;
put dt nldatmymm200.;

+--- NLDATMYMM min=5 default=11 max=200 ---+

Apr 2019
Apr 2019
Apr 2019

Writes a SAS date value as the month and year with numbers and a delimiter that is appropriate for the
current SAS locale.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field. If necessary, SAS abbreviates the date to
fit the format width.

Default 7

Range 5–200

NLDATMYMS writes the date in a short-uniform pattern with numbers and a
delimiter for the month and year, such as 11/2012.
NLDATMYQw. Format 303

The following example uses the date April 16, 2019.
data _null_;
dt = datetime();
dy = date();
put '+--- NLDATMYMS min=5 default=7 max=200 ---+';
put dt nldatmyms.;
put dt nldatmyms5.;
put dt nldatmyms7.;
put dt nldatmyms200.;

+--- NLDATMYMS min=5 default=7 max=200 ---+


Writes the SAS datetime value as the quarter and the year that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.
Categories: CAS
Date and Time
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 16

Range 4–200

The NLDATMYQ format might produce inaccurate localized output when using the
default width with some encoding and locale combinations because the date and
304 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

time names are too long. Please refer to Exceptions for Date and Time Default
Widths for information about recommended widths for locale and encoding
combinations. You might need to use the recommended width.

This example uses the en_US locale option.
options locale=en_US;
data _null_;
put "+--- NLDATMYQ min=4 default=16 max=200 ---+";
put ' 16' +5 dt nldatmyq.;
put ' 4' +5 dt nldatmyq4.;
put ' 14' +5 dt nldatmyq14.;
put ' 32' +5 dt nldatmyq32.;
put '200' +5 dt nldatmyq200.;

+--- NLDATMYQ min=4 default=16 max=200 ---+

16 2nd quarter 2019
4 ****
14 Q2 2019
32 2nd quarter 2019
2nd quarter 2019

Writes a SAS date value as the year’s quarter value (1–4) and the year that is appropriate for the current
SAS locale.
Category: Date
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field. If necessary, SAS abbreviates the date to
fit the format width.
NLDATMYQMw. Format 305

Default 18

Range 4–200

NLDATMYQL writes the date in a long uniform pattern in full length of the year’s
quarter and then the year, such as 4th quarter 2012.

The following example uses the date of April 16, 2019. This example specifies the
en_US locale.
options locale=en_US;
data _null_;
dt = datetime();
dy = date();
put '+--- NLDATMYQL min=4 default=18 max=200 ---+';
put dt nldatmyql.;
put dt nldatmyql6.;
put dt nldatmyql7.;
put dt nldatmyql18.;
put dt nldatmyql200.;

+--- NLDATMYQL min=4 default=18 max=200 ---+

2nd quarter 2019
Q2 2019
2nd quarter 2019
2nd quarter 2019

Writes a SAS date value as the year’s quarter (1–4) and the year that is appropriate for the current SAS
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left
306 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field. If necessary, SAS abbreviates the date to
fit the format width.

Default 7

Range 4–200

NLDATMYQM writes the date in a medium-uniform pattern of the year’s quarter and
then the year, such as Q2 2019.

The following example uses the date of April 16, 2019.
data _null_;
dt = datetime();
dy = date();
put '+--- NLDATMYQM min=4 default=7 max=200 ---+';
put dt nldatmyqm.;
put dt nldatmyqm6.;
put dt nldatmyqm7.;
put dt nldatmyqm200.;

+--- NLDATMYQM min=4 default=7 max=200 ---+

Q2 2019
Q2 2019
Q2 2019

Writes a SAS date value as the year and the quarter (1-4) using numbers and a delimiter that is
appropriate for the current SAS locale.
Categories: CAS
NLDATMYQSw. Format 307

Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field. If necessary, SAS abbreviates the date to
fit the format width.

Default 6

Range 4–200

NLDATMYQS writes the date in a short-uniform pattern of the year and year’s
quarter value using numbers and a delimiter, such as 2012/4.

The following example uses the date April 16, 2019.
data _null_;
dt = datetime();
dy = date();
put '+--- NLDATMYQS min=4 default=6 max=200 ---+';
put dt nldatmyqs.;
put dt nldatmyqs4.;
put dt nldatmyqs6.;
put dt nldatmyqs200.;

+--- NLDATMYQS min=4 default=6 max=200 ---+

308 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Writes the SAS datetime value as the year that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.
Categories: CAS
Date and Time
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 16

Range 2–200

This example uses the en_US locale option, which is the default SAS session
data _null_;
dt = datetime();
dy = date();
put '+--- NLDATMYR min=2 default=16 max=200 ---+';
put dt nldatmyr.;
put dt nldatmyr2.;
put dt nldatmyr32.;
put dt nldatmyr200.;

+--- NLDATMYR min=2 default=16 max=200 ---+

NLDATMYWw. Format 309

Writes the SAS datetime value as the week number and the year that is appropriate for the current SAS
Categories: CAS
Date and Time
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 16

Range 5–200

This example uses the en_US locale option, which is the default SAS session
data _null_;
dt = datetime();
dy = date();
put '+--- NLDATMYW min=5 default=16 max=200 ---+';
put ' 16' +5 dt nldatmyw.;
put ' 5' +5 dt nldatmyw5.;
put ' 8' +5 dt nldatmyw8.;
put ' 32' +5 dt nldatmyw32.;
put '200' +5 dt nldatmyw200.;

+--- NLDATMYW min=5 default=16 max=200 ---+

16 Week 16 2019
5 *****
8 W16 19
32 Week 16 2019
Week 16 2019
310 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

NLDATMZw. Format
Writes SAS datetime values as datetime and time zone values that are appropriate for the current SAS
Categories: CAS
Date and Time
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 40

Range 16–200

This example uses the current datetime value. This example specifies the fr_FR
options locale=fr_FR;
data test;
put x=nldatmz.;

x=16 avril 2019 11 h 40 -0400

NLMNIAEDw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the international expression for the United Arab Emirates.
Categories: CAS
NLMNIAEDw.d Format 311

Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 3

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (AED1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNLAEDx.d Format” on page 354
312 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

NLMNIAUDw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the international expression for Australia.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 2

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (AUD1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

NLMNIBGNw.d Format 313

See Also
n “NLMNLAUDw.d Format” on page 355

NLMNIBGNw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the international expression for Bulgaria.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 2

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to
314 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Statements Results


put x=; (BGN1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNLBGNw.d Format” on page 356

NLMNIBRLw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the international expression for Brazil.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 2

Range 0–28
NLMNICADw.d Format 315

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (BRL1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNLBRLw.d Format” on page 357

NLMNICADw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the international expression for Canada.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32
316 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 2

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (CAD1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNLCADw.d Format” on page 358

NLMNICHFw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the international expression for Liechtenstein and Switzerland.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left

NLMNICNYw.d Format 317

Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 2

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (CHF1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNLCHFw.d Format” on page 359

NLMNICNYw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the international expression for China.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left
318 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 02

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (CNY1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNLCNYw.d Format” on page 361
NLMNICZKw.d Format 319

NLMNICZKw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the international expression for the Czech Republic.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 4

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (CZK1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

320 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

See Also
n “NLMNLCZKw.d Format” on page 362

NLMNIDKKw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the international expression for Denmark, Faroe Island, and Greenland.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 2

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to
NLMNIEEKw.d Format 321

Statements Results


put x=; (DKK1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNLDKKw.d Format” on page 363

NLMNIEEKw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the international expression for Estonia.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 4

Range 0–28
322 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (EEK1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNLEEKw.d Format” on page 364

NLMNIEGPw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the international expression for Egypt.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32
NLMNIEURw.d Format 323

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 3

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (EGP1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNLEGPw.d Format” on page 365

NLMNIEURw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the international expression for Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland,
France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal,
Slovakia, Slovenia, and Spain.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left

324 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 2

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; x=-1.234,57 EUR

put y=; y=-1.234,57 €

See Also
n “NLMNLEURw.d Format” on page 366

NLMNIGBPw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the international expression for the United Kingdom.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left
NLMNIGBPw.d Format 325


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 2

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (GBP1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNLGBPw.d Format” on page 368
326 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

NLMNIHKDw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the international expression for Hong Kong.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 2

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (HKD1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

NLMNIHRKw.d Format 327

See Also
n “NLMNLHKDw.d Format” on page 369

NLMNIHRKw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the international expression for Croatia.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 2

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to
328 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Statements Results


put x=; (HRK1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNLHRKw.d Format” on page 370

NLMNIHUFw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the international expression for Hungary.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 2

Range 0–28
NLMNIIDRw.d Format 329

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (HUF1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNLHUFw.d Format” on page 371

NLMNIIDRw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the international expression for Indonesia.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32
330 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 2

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (IDR1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNLIDRw.d Format” on page 372

NLMNIILSw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the international expression for Israel.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left

NLMNIINRw.d Format 331

Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 4

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (ILS1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNLILSw.d Format” on page 373

NLMNIINRw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the international expression for India.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left
332 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 2

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (INR1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNLINRw.d Format” on page 375
NLMNIJPYw.d Format 333

NLMNIJPYw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the international expression for Japan.
Category: Numeric
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 0

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (JPY1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

334 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

See Also
n “NLMNLJPYw.d Format” on page 376

NLMNIKRWw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the international expression for South Korea.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 0

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to
NLMNILTLw.d Format 335

Statements Results


put x=; (KRW1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNLKRWw.d Format” on page 377

NLMNILTLw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the international expression for Lithuania.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 4

Range 0–28
336 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (LTL1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNLLTLw.d Format” on page 378

NLMNILVLw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the international expression for Latvia.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32
NLMNIMOPw.d Format 337

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 4

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (LVL1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNLLVLw.d Format” on page 379

NLMNIMOPw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the international expression for Macau.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left

338 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 2

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (MOP1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNLMOPw.d Format” on page 380

NLMNIMXNw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the international expression for Mexico.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left
NLMNIMXNw.d Format 339


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 2

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (MXN1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNLMXNw.d Format” on page 382
340 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

NLMNIMYRw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the international expression for Malaysia.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 2

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (MYR1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

NLMNINOKw.d Format 341

See Also
n “NLMNLMYRw.d Format” on page 383

NLMNINOKw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the international expression for Norway.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 2

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to
342 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Statements Results


put x=; (NOK1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNLNOKw.d Format” on page 384

NLMNINZDw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the international expression for New Zealand.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 2

Range 0–28
NLMNIPLNw.d Format 343

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (NZD1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNLNZDw.d Format” on page 385

NLMNIPLNw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the international expression for Poland.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32
344 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 2

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (PLN1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNLPLNw.d Format” on page 386

NLMNIRUBw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the international expression for Russia.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left

NLMNISEKw.d Format 345

Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 2

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (RUB1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNLRUBw.d Format” on page 387

NLMNISEKw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the international expression for Sweden.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left
346 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 2

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (SEK1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNLSEKw.d Format” on page 389
NLMNISGDw.d Format 347

NLMNISGDw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the international expression for Singapore.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 2

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (SGD1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

348 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

See Also
n “NLMNLSGDw.d Format” on page 390

NLMNITHBw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the international expression for Thailand.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 2

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to
NLMNITRYw.d Format 349

Statements Results


put x=; (THB1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNLTHBw.d Format” on page 391

NLMNITRYw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the international expression for Turkey.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 4

Range 0–28
350 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (TRY1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNLTRYw.d Format” on page 392

NLMNITWDw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the international expression for Taiwan.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32
NLMNIUSDw.d Format 351

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 2

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (TWD1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNLTWDw.d Format” on page 393

NLMNIUSDw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the international expression for Puerto Rico and the United States.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left

352 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 2

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (USD1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNLUSDw.d Format” on page 394

NLMNIZARw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the international expression for South Africa.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left
NLMNIZARw.d Format 353


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 2

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (ZAR1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNLZARw.d Format” on page 396
354 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

NLMNLAEDx.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the local expression for the United Arab Emirates.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 3

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (AED1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

NLMNLAUDw.d Format 355

See Also
n “NLMNIAEDw.d Format” on page 310

NLMNLAUDw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the local expression for Australia.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 2

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to
356 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Statements Results


put x=; (AU$1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNIAUDw.d Format” on page 312

NLMNLBGNw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the local expression for Bulgaria.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 2

Range 0–28
NLMNLBRLw.d Format 357

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (BGN1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNIBGNw.d Format” on page 313

NLMNLBRLw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the local expression for Brazil.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32
358 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 2

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (R$1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNIBRLw.d Format” on page 314

NLMNLCADw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the local expression for Canada.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left

NLMNLCHFw.d Format 359

Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 2

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (CA$1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNICADw.d Format” on page 315

NLMNLCHFw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the local expression for Liechtenstein and Switzerland.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left
360 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 2

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; SFr.1,234.57

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNICHFw.d Format” on page 316
NLMNLCNYw.d Format 361

NLMNLCNYw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the local expression for China.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 2

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (RMB1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

362 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

See Also
n “NLMNICNYw.d Format” on page 317

NLMNLCZKw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the local expression for the Czech Republic.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 4

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to
NLMNLDKKw.d Format 363

Statements Results


put x=; (CZK1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNICZKw.d Format” on page 319

NLMNLDKKw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the local expression for Denmark, Faroe Island, and Greenland.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 2

Range 0–28
364 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (kr1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNIDKKw.d Format” on page 320

NLMNLEEKw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the local expression for Estonia.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32
NLMNLEGPw.d Format 365

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 4

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (Kr1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNIEEKw.d Format” on page 321

NLMNLEGPw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the local expression for Egypt.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left

366 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 3

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (EGP1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNIEGPw.d Format” on page 322

NLMNLEURw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the local expression for Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia,
Slovenia, and Spain.
Categories: CAS
NLMNLEURw.d Format 367

Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 2

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to German_Germany.

Statements Results


put x=; x=-1.234,57 EUR

put y=; y=-1.234,57 €

See Also
n “NLMNIEURw.d Format” on page 323
368 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

NLMNLGBPw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the local expression for the United Kingdom.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 2

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (£1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

NLMNLHKDw.d Format 369

See Also
n “NLMNIGBPw.d Format” on page 324

NLMNLHKDw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the local expression for Hong Kong.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 2

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to
370 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Statements Results


put x=; (HK$1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNIHKDw.d Format” on page 326

NLMNLHRKw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the local expression for Croatia.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 2

Range 0–28
NLMNLHUFw.d Format 371

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (Kn1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNIHRKw.d Format” on page 327

NLMNLHUFw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the local expression for Hungary.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32
372 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 2

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (Ft1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNIHUFw.d Format” on page 328

NLMNLIDRw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the local expression for Indonesia.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left

NLMNLILSw.d Format 373

Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 2

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (Rp1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNIIDRw.d Format” on page 329

NLMNLILSw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the local expression for Israel.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left
374 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 4

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (ILS1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNIILSw.d Format” on page 330
NLMNLINRw.d Format 375

NLMNLINRw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the local expression for India.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 2

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (INR1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

376 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

See Also
n “NLMNIINRw.d Format” on page 331

NLMNLJPYw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the international expression for Japan.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 0

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to
NLMNLKRWw.d Format 377

Statements Results


put x=; (JPY1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNIJPYw.d Format” on page 333

NLMNLKRWw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the local expression for South Korea.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 0

Range 0–28
378 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (KRW1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNIKRWw.d Format” on page 334

NLMNLLTLw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the local expression for Lithuania.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32
NLMNLLVLw.d Format 379

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 4

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (LT1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNILTLw.d Format” on page 335

NLMNLLVLw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the local expression for Latvia.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left

380 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 4

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (Ls1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNILVLw.d Format” on page 336

NLMNLMOPw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the local expression for Macau.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left
NLMNLMOPw.d Format 381


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 2

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (P1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNIMOPw.d Format” on page 337
382 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

NLMNLMXNw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the local expression for Mexico.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 2

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (MX$1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

NLMNLMYRw.d Format 383

See Also
n “NLMNIMXNw.d Format” on page 338

NLMNLMYRw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the local expression for Malaysia.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 2

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to
384 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Statements Results


put x=; (R1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNIMYRw.d Format” on page 340

NLMNLNOKw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the local expression for Norway.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 2

Range 0–28
NLMNLNZDw.d Format 385

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (kr1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNINOKw.d Format” on page 341

NLMNLNZDw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the local expression for New Zealand.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32
386 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 2

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (NZ$1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNINZDw.d Format” on page 342

NLMNLPLNw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the local expression for Poland.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left

NLMNLRUBw.d Format 387

Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 2

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (PLN1,234.57

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNIPLNw.d Format” on page 343

NLMNLRUBw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the local expression for Russia.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left
388 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 2

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (RUB1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNIRUBw.d Format” on page 344
NLMNLSEKw.d Format 389

NLMNLSEKw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the local expression for Sweden.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 2

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (kr1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

390 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

See Also
n “NLMNISEKw.d Format” on page 345

NLMNLSGDw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the local expression for Singapore.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 2

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to
NLMNLTHBw.d Format 391

Statements Results


put x=; (SG$1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNISGDw.d Format” on page 347

NLMNLTHBw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the local expression for Thailand.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 2

Range 0–28
392 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (THB1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNITHBw.d Format” on page 348

NLMNLTRYw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the local expression for Turkey.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32
NLMNLTWDw.d Format 393

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 4

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (YTL1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNITRYw.d Format” on page 349

NLMNLTWDw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the local expression for Taiwan.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left

394 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 2

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (NT$1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNITWDw.d Format” on page 350

NLMNLUSDw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the local expression for Puerto Rico and the United States.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left
NLMNLUSDw.d Format 395


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 2

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (US$1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNIUSDw.d Format” on page 351
396 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

NLMNLZARw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the local expression for South Africa.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 8–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 2

Range 0–28

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; (R1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

NLMNYw.d Format 397

See Also
n “NLMNIZARw.d Format” on page 352

NLMNYw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the local expression that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 9

Range 1–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 0

Range 0–31

The NLMNYw.d informat reads integer binary (fixed-point) values, including
negative values that are represented in two's-complement notation. The NLMNYw.d
format writes numeric values by using the currency symbol, the thousands
separator, and the decimal separator that is used by the locale.

Note: The NLMNYw.d format does not convert currency format. Therefore, the
value of the formatted number should equal the currency of the current locale value.
398 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

The NLMNYw.d and NLMNYIw.d formats write the monetary format with locale-
dependent thousands and decimal separators. However, the NLMNYIw.d format
uses three-letter international currency codes, such as USD, while NLMNYw.d
format uses local currency symbols, such as $.
The NLMNYw.d format is similar to the DOLLARw.d format, except that the
NLMNYw.d format is locale-specific.

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; ($1,234.57)

put y=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNYIw.d Format” on page 398

n “NLMNYw.d Informat” in SAS National Language Support (NLS): Reference
n “NLMNYIw.d Informat” in SAS National Language Support (NLS): Reference

NLMNYIw.d Format
Writes the monetary format of the international expression that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left
NLMNYIw.d Format 399


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 9

Range 1–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric

Default 0

Range 0–31

The NLMNYIw.d informat reads integer binary (fixed-point) values, including
negative values that are represented in two's-complement notation. The
NLMNYIw.d format writes numeric values by using the international currency code,
and locale-dependent thousands and decimal separators. The position of
international currency code is also locale dependent.

Note: The NLMNYIw.d format does not convert currency format. Therefore, the
value of the formatted number should equal the currency of the current locale value.

The NLMNYw.d and NLMNYIw.d formats write the monetary format with locale-
dependent thousands and decimal separators. However, the NLMNYIw.d format
uses three-letter international currency codes, such as USD, while NLMNYw.d
format uses local currency symbols, such as $.

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to
400 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats


Statements Results


put x=; (USD1,234.57)

put y=; ($1,234.57)

put z=; $-1,234.57

See Also
n “NLMNYw.d Format” on page 397

n “NLMNYw.d Informat” in SAS National Language Support (NLS): Reference
n “NLMNYIw.d Informat” in SAS National Language Support (NLS): Reference

NLNUMw.d Format
Writes the numeric format of the local expression that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 6

Range 1–32
NLNUMw.d Format 401

specifies to divide the number by 10 d. If the data contains decimal separators,
the d value is ignored.

Default 0

Range 0–31

The NLMUMw.d informat reads integer binary (fixed-point) values, including
negative values that are represented in two's-complement notation. The NLNUMw.d
format writes numeric values by using the thousands separator and the decimal
separator that is used by the locale.

The NLNUMw.d format writes the numeric value with locale-dependent thousand
and decimal separators. The NLNUMIw.d format writes the numeric value with a
comma (,) as thousands separator and a period (.) as a decimal separator.
If the w or d values are not large enough to generate a formatted number, the
NLNUMw.d format uses an algorithm that prints the thousands-separator characters
whenever possible, even if some decimal precision is lost.


Statements Results


options LOCALE=English_UnitedStates; -1,234,356.79

put x=;

options LOCALE=German_Germany; -1.234.356,79

put x=;

See Also
n “NLNUMIw.d Format” on page 402
402 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

n “NLNUMw.d Informat” in SAS National Language Support (NLS): Reference
n “NLNUMIw.d Informat” in SAS National Language Support (NLS): Reference

NLNUMIw.d Format
Writes the numeric format of the international expression that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 6

Range 1–32

specifies to divide the number by 10 d. If the data contains decimal points, the d
value is ignored.

Default 0

Range 0–31

The NLNUMIw.d informat reads integer binary (fixed-point) values, including
negative values that are represented in two's-complement notation. The
NLNUMIw.d format writes numeric values by using a comma (,) as thousands
separator and a period (.) as a decimal separator for all locales.
NLPCTw.d Format 403

The NLNUMIw.d format writes the numeric data of the international expression in
the specified locale. The NLNUMIw.d format writes the numeric value with a comma
(,) as thousands separator and a period (.) as a decimal separator.
If the w or d values are not large enough to generate a formatted number, the
NLNUMw.d format uses an algorithm that prints the thousands-separator characters
whenever possible, even if some decimal precision is lost.


Statements Results


options LOCALE=English_UnitedStates; -1,234,356.79

put x=;

options LOCALE=German_Germany; -1,234,356.79

put x=;

See Also
n “NLNUMw.d Format” on page 400

n “NLNUMw.d Informat” in SAS National Language Support (NLS): Reference
n “NLNUMIw.d Informat” in SAS National Language Support (NLS): Reference

NLPCTw.d Format
Writes percentage data of the local expression that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left
404 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 6

Range 4–32

specifies to divide the number by 10 d. If the data contains decimal separators,
the d value is ignored.

Default 0

Range 0–31

The NLPCTw.d format writes percentage data of the local expression in the
specified locale. The NLPCTw.d format writes the percentage value with locale-
dependent thousand and decimal separators. The NLPCTIw.d format writes the
percentage value with a comma (,) as thousands separator and a period (.) as a
decimal separator.
The NLPCTw.d format is similar to the PERCENTw.d format except the NLPCTw.d
format is locale-specific.


Statements Results


options LOCALE=English_UnitedStates; -1,234.57%

put x=; -1,234.57%

put y=; ( 1234.57%)

put z=;

options LOCALE=German_Germany; -1.234,57%

NLPCTIw.d Format 405

Statements Results
put x=; -1,234.57%

put y=; ( 1234.57%)

put z=;

See Also
n “NLPCTIw.d Format” on page 405

n “NLPCTw.d Informat” in SAS National Language Support (NLS): Reference
n “NLPCTIw.d Informat” in SAS National Language Support (NLS): Reference

NLPCTIw.d Format
Writes percentage data of the international expression that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 6

Range 4–32

specifies to divide the number by 10 d. If the data contains decimal separators,
the d value is ignored.
406 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Default 0

Range 0–31

The NLPCTIw.d format writes percentage data of the international expression in the
specified locale. The NLPCTw.d format writes the percentage value with locale-
dependent thousand and decimal separators. The NLPCTIw.d format writes the
percentage value with a comma (,) as thousands separator and a period (.) as a
decimal separator.
The NLPCTw.d format is similar to the PERCENTw.d format except the NLPCTw.d
format is locale-specific.

In the following example, the LOCALE= system option is set to

Statements Results


put x=; -1,234.57%

put y=; ( 1234.57)

See Also
n “NLPCTw.d Format” on page 403

n “NLPCTw.d Informat” in SAS National Language Support (NLS): Reference
n “NLPCTIw.d Informat” in SAS National Language Support (NLS): Reference
NLPCTNw.d Format 407

NLPCTNw.d Format
Writes percentages, using a minus sign for negative values.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Right


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 6

Range 4–32

Tip The width of the output field must account for the minus sign ( – ), the
percent sign ( % ), and a trailing blank, whether the number is negative
or positive.

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric
value. This argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–31

Requirement must be less than w

The NLPCTNw.d format multiplies negative values by 100, adds a minus sign to the
beginning of the value, and adds a percent sign (%) to the end of the formatted

408 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Statements Results

put x nlpctn6.; x=-2%

put x percentn6.; x=-2%

NLPCTPw.d Format
Writes locale-specific numeric values as percentages.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Right


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 6

Range 4–32

Tip The width of the output field must account for the percent sign (% ).

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric
value. This argument is optional. The thousands separator and decimal symbol
for the NLPCTP format is locale-specific.

Default 0

Range 0–31

Requirement must be less than w

The NLPCTPw.d format multiplies values by 100, formats them, and adds a percent
sign (%) to the end of the formatted value. The NLPCTPw.d format is similar to the
NLPVALUEw.d Format 409

The PERCENTw.d format, except that the thousands separator and decimal symbol
for the NLPCTPw.d format is locale-specific.


Statements Results

put x nlpctp6.; –2%

put x percent6.; ( 2%)

NLPVALUEw.d Format
Writes p-values of the local expression that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 6

Range 3–32

specifies to divide the number by 10 d. If the data contains decimal separators,
the d value is ignored.

Default 4

Range 1–30
410 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

This example uses the german_Germany locale option.

options locale=german_germany;
data _null_;
put "+--- nlpvalue min=3 default=6 max=32 ---+";
put x= +5 x pvalue. +5 x nlpvalue.;
put x= +5 x pvalue3.1 +5 x nlpvalue3.1;
put x= +5 x pvalue20.2 +5 x nlpvalue20.2;
put x= +5 x pvalue32.3 +5 x nlpvalue32.3;

+--- nlpvalue min=3 default=6 max=32 ---+
x=0.1248 0.1248 0,1248
x=0.1248 0.1 0,1
x=0.1248 0.12 0,12
x=0.1248 0.125 0,125

See Also
n “PVALUEw.d Format” on page 436

NLSTRMONw.d Format
Writes the month name that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field
NLSTRMONw.d Format 411

Default 20

Range 1-200

specifies the following:
n 00000001: write abbreviated form.

n 00000010: write capitalized form.

Default 0

Range 0-3

The NLSTRMONw.d format writes a SAS value, 1–12 as the name-of-the-month in
the specified locale. The following examples use the English_UnitedStates locale.
n 1 = the first month (January)

n 2 = the second month (February)

n 3 = the third month (March)

n 4 = the fourth month (April)

n 5 = the fifth month (May)

n 6 = the sixth month (June)

n 7 = the seventh month (July)

n 8 = the eight month (August)

n 9 = the ninth month (September)

n 10 = the 10th month (October)

n 11 = the 11th month (November)

n 12 = the 12th month (December)

This example uses the English_UnitedStates session encoding.

Statements Results

Data _null_ ;
monnum = 1 ; /* January=1,
December=12 */ Jan

put monnum NLSTRMON20. ; JANUARY

412 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Statements Results

put monnum NLSTRMON20.1; /*

decimal .1 specified use abbreviation. */
put monnum NLSTRMON20.2;
put monnum NLSTRMON20.3;

NLSTRQTRw.d Format
Writes a numeric value as the quarter-of-the-year that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field

Default 20

Range 1–200

specifies the following:
n 00000001: write abbreviated form.
n 00000010: write capitalized form.

Default 0

Range 0–3
NLSTRWKw.d Format 413

The NLSTRQTRw.d format writes a SAS value, 1–4 as the name-of-the-quarter for
the year in the specified locale. The following examples use the
English_UnitedStates locale.
n 1 = 1st quarter

n 2 = 2nd quarter

n 3 = 3rd quarter
n 4 = 4th quarter

This example uses the English_UnitedStates session encoding.

Statements Results

Data _null_ ;
1st quarter
qtrnum = 1 ; /* January=1, December=12
*/ Q1

put qtrnum NLSTRQTR20. ; 1ST QUARTER

put qtrnum NLSTRQTR20.1; /* decimal .1 Q1

specified use abbreviation. */
put qtrnum NLSTRQTR20.2;
put qtrnum NLSTRQTR20.3; run;

NLSTRWKw.d Format
Writes a numeric value as the day-of-the-week that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left

414 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field

Default 20

Range 1–200

specifies the following:
n 00000001: write abbreviated form.

n 00000010: write capitalized form.

Default 0

Range 0–3

The NLSTRWKw.d format writes a SAS value, 1–7 as the name-of-the-week in the
specified locale. The following examples use the English_UnitedStates locale.
n 1 = First day-of-week (Monday)

n 2 = Second day-of-week (Tuesday)

n 3 = Third day-of-week (Wednesday)

n 4 = Fourth day-of-week (Thursday)

n 5 = Fifth day-of-week (Friday)

n 6 = Sixth day-of-week (Saturday)

n 7 = Seventh day-of-week (Sunday)

This example uses the English_UnitedStates session encoding.

Statements Results

Data _null_ ;
wknum = 1 ; /* Sunday=1, Saturday=7 */
put wknum NLSTRWK20. ;
put wknum NLSTRWK20.1; /* decimal .1
specified use abbreviation. */ SUN

put wknum NLSTRWK20.2;

put wknum NLSTRWK20.3;
NLTIMAPw. Format 415

Statements Results


NLTIMAPw. Format
Writes a SAS time value as a time value with a.m. or p.m. that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.
Categories: CAS
Date and Time
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 10

Range 4–200

The NLTIMAP format might produce inaccurate localized output when using the
default width with some encoding and locale combinations because the date and
time names are too long. Please refer to Exceptions for Date and Time Default
Widths for information about recommended widths for locale and encoding
combinations. You might need to use the recommended width.

The NLTIMAPw. format is similar to the TIMEAMPMw. format, except that the
NLTIMAPw. format is locale-specific.
NLTIMAP also writes datetime values.
416 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

These examples use the input value of 59083, which is the SAS date-time value that
corresponds to 4:24:43 p.m.

Statements Results


options locale=English_UnitedStates; 4:24:43 PM

put time nltimap.;

options locale=German_Germany; 4:24:43 nachm

put time nltimap14.;

See Also
n “NLTIMEw. Format” on page 416

NLTIMEw. Format
Writes a SAS time value as a time value that is appropriate for the current SAS locale.
Categories: CAS
Date and Time
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 20

Range 10–200
NUMXw.d Format 417

The NLTIMEw. format is similar to the TIMEw. format, except that the NLTIMEw.
format is locale-specific.
NLTIME also writes datetime values.

These examples use the input value of 59083, which is the SAS date-time value that
corresponds to 4:24:43 p.m.

Statements Results


options locale=English_UnitedStates; 4:24:43

put time nltime.;

options locale=German_Germany; 16.24

put time nltime.;

See Also
n “NLTIMAPw. Format” on page 415

NUMXw.d Format
Writes numeric values with a comma in place of the decimal point.
Category: Numeric
Alignment: Right
Restriction: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.
Interaction: When the DECIMALCONV= system option is set to STDIEEE, the output that is written
using this format might differ slightly from previous releases. For more information, see
“DECIMALCONV= System Option” in SAS System Options: Reference.
418 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 1–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point (comma) in the
numeric value. This argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–31

The NUMXw.d format writes numeric values with a comma in place of the decimal

The NUMXw.d format is similar to the w.d format, except that NUMXw.d writes
numeric values with a comma in place of the decimal point.

data one;
input x;

data two;
set one;
put x numx10.2;
OCTALw. Format 419

Value of x Result


896.48 896,48

64.89 64,89

3064.10 3064,10

See Also
n “w.d Format” on page 474

n “NUMXw.d Informat” on page 652

OCTALw. Format
Converts numeric values to octal representation.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 3

Range 1–24
420 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

If necessary, the OCTALw. format converts numeric values to integers before
displaying them in octal representation.

OCTALw. converts numeric values to octal representation. The $OCTALw. format
converts character values to octal representation.

data one;
put x octal6.;

Value of x Result


3592 007010

ODDSRw.d Format
Writes odds ratios.
Category: Numeric
Alignment: Right
Restriction: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.
ODDSRw.d Format 421

Default 8

Range 2–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric
value. This argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–30

Requirement d must be less than w.

The ODDSRw.d format follows the rules for the w.d format, except in these
n values from –1e-12 to 10 -d –eps are displayed as less than “0.0...01”

n values that are greater than or equal to 10 w-d-2 are displayed as greater than

data one;
input x;

data two;
set one;
put x oddsr8.3;
422 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Value of x Result


0.00001 <0.001

0.0001 <0.001

0.001 0.001

0.01 0.010

0.1 0.100

1 1.000

10 10.000

100 100.000

1000 >999.999

I >999.999

. .

-1 ********

PDw.d Format
Writes data in packed decimal format.
Category: Numeric
Alignment: Left
Restriction: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.
Interaction: When the DECIMALCONV= system option is set to STDIEEE, the output that is written
using this format might differ slightly from previous releases. For more information, see
“DECIMALCONV= System Option” in SAS System Options: Reference.
See: “PD Format: UNIX” in SAS Companion for UNIX Environments
“PDw.d Format: Windows” in SAS Companion for Windows
“PDw.d Format: z/OS” in SAS Companion for z/OS
PDw.d Format 423


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field. The w value specifies the number of bytes,
not the number of digits. (In packed decimal data, each byte contains two digits.)

Default 1

Range 1–16

specifies to multiply the number by 10 d. This argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–31

Different operating environments store packed decimal values in different ways.
However, the PDw.d format writes packed decimal values with consistent results if
the values are created in the same type of operating environment that you use to
run SAS.
The PDw.d format writes missing numerical data as –0. When the PDw.d informat
reads a –0, it stores it as 0.

The following table compares packed decimal notation in several programming

Language Notation



IBM 370 assembler PL4


424 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

data a;
put y $hex8.;

Value of x Result 1


128 00000128

1 The result is a hexadecimal representation of a binary number written in packed decimal format.
Each byte occupies one column of the output field.

PDJULGw. Format
Writes packed Julian date values in the hexadecimal format yyyydddF for IBM.
Category: Date
Restriction: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 4

Range 3–16

The PDJULGw. format writes SAS date values in the form yyyydddF.
is the 2-byte representation of the four-digit Gregorian year.
PDJULGw. Format 425

is the 1 1/2-byte representation of the three-digit integer that corresponds to the
Julian day of the year, 1–365 (or 1–366 for leap years).
is the half-byte that contains all binary 1s, which assigns the value as positive.

Note: SAS interprets a two-digit year as part of the 100-year span that is defined by
the YEARCUTOFF= system option.

date = '15sep2018'd;
juldate = put(date,pdjulg4.);
put juldate $hex8.;
SAS writes the following results to the log:


See Also
n “JULDAYw. Format” on page 230
n “JULIANw. Format” on page 232
n “PDJULIw. Format” on page 426

n “DATEJUL Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference
n “JULDATE Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference

n “JULIANw. Informat” on page 643
n “PDJULGw. Informat” on page 656
n “PDJULIw. Informat” on page 658

System Options:
n “YEARCUTOFF= System Option” in SAS System Options: Reference
426 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

PDJULIw. Format
Writes packed Julian date values in the hexadecimal format ccyydddF for IBM.
Category: Date
Restriction: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 4

Range 3–16

The PDJULIw. format writes SAS date values in the form ccyydddF.
is the 1-byte representation of a two-digit integer that represents the century.
is the 1-byte representation of a two-digit integer that represents the year. The
PDJULIw. format makes an adjustment for the century byte by subtracting 1900
from the four-digit Gregorian year to produce the correct packed decimal ccyy
representation. A year value of 1998 is stored in ccyy as 0098, and a year value
of 2011 is stored as 0111.
is the 1 1/2-byte representation of the three-digit integer that corresponds to the
Julian day of the year, 1–365 (or 1–366 for leap years).
is the half-byte that contains all binary 1s, which assigns the value as positive.

Note: SAS interprets a two-digit year as part of the 100-year span that is defined by
the YEARCUTOFF= system option.
PDJULIw. Format 427


Example 1
data _null_;
date = '15jun2018'd;
juldate = put(date,pdjuli4.);
put juldate $hex8.;
SAS writes the following results to the log:


Example 2
data _null_;
date = '31dec2018'd;
juldate = put(date,pdjuli4.);
put juldate $hex8.;
SAS writes the following results to the log:


See Also
n “JULDAYw. Format” on page 230
n “JULIANw. Format” on page 232
n “PDJULGw. Format” on page 424

n “DATEJUL Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference
n “JULDATE Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference

n “JULIANw. Informat” on page 643
n “PDJULGw. Informat” on page 656
n “PDJULIw. Informat” on page 658
428 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

System Options:
n “YEARCUTOFF= System Option” in SAS System Options: Reference

PERCENTw.d Format
Writes numeric values as percentages.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Right
Interaction: When the DECIMALCONV= system option is set to STDIEEE, the output that is written
using this format might differ slightly from previous releases. For more information, see
“DECIMALCONV= System Option” in SAS System Options: Reference.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 6

Range 4–32

Tip The width of the output field must account for the percent sign (% ) and
parentheses for numbers, whether the number is negative or positive.

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric
value. This argument is optional.

Range 0–31

Requirement must be less than w

The PERCENTw.d format multiplies values by 100, formats them the same as the
BESTw.d format, and adds a percent sign (%) to the end of the formatted value.
Negative values are enclosed in parentheses.
PERCENTNw.d Format 429

data one;
input gain;

data two;
set one;
put @10 gain percent10.;

Value of gain Result


0.1 10%

1.2 120%

-0.05 ( 5%)

See Also
n “PERCENTNw.d Format” on page 429

PERCENTNw.d Format
Produces percentages, using a minus sign for negative values.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Right
Interaction: When the DECIMALCONV= system option is set to STDIEEE, the output that is written
using this format might differ slightly from previous releases. For more information, see
“DECIMALCONV= System Option” in SAS System Options: Reference.
430 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 6

Range 4–32

Tip The width of the output field must account for the minus sign ( – ), the
percent sign ( % ), and a trailing blank, whether the number is negative
or positive.

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric
value. This argument is optional.

Range 0–31

Requirement must be less than w

The PERCENTNw.d format multiplies negative values by 100, formats them the
same as the BESTw.d format, adds a minus sign to the beginning of the value, and
adds a percent sign (%) to the end of the formatted value.

The PERCENTNw.d format produces percents by using a minus sign instead of
parentheses for negative values. The PERCENTw.d format produces percents by
using parentheses for negative values.

data one;
input gain;
PIBw.d Format 431


data two;
set one;
put @10 gain percentn10.;

Value of gain Result

–0.1 -10%

.2 20%

.8 80%

–0.05 -5%

–6.3 –630%

See Also
n “PERCENTw.d Format” on page 428

PIBw.d Format
Writes positive integer binary (fixed-point) values.
Category: Numeric
Alignment: Left
Restriction: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.
See: “PIB Format: UNIX” in SAS Companion for UNIX Environments
“PIBw.d Format: Windows” in SAS Companion for Windows

432 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 1

Range 1–8

specifies to multiply the number by 10 d. This argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–10

All values are treated as positive. PIBw.d writes positive integer binary values with
consistent results if the values are created in the same type of operating
environment that you use to run SAS.

Note: Different operating environments store integer binary values in different

ways. This concept is called byte ordering. For more information about byte
ordering, see “Byte Ordering for Integer Binary Data on Big Endian and Little Endian
Platforms” on page 37 .

n Positive integer binary values are the same as integer binary values, except that
the sign bit is part of the value, which is always a positive integer. The PIBw.d
format treats all values as positive and includes the sign bit as part of the value.
n The PIBw.d format with a width of 1 results in a value that corresponds to the
binary equivalent of the contents of a byte. A value that corresponds to the
binary equivalent of the contents of a byte is useful if your data contains values
between hexadecimal 80 and hexadecimal FF, where the high-order bit can be
misinterpreted as a negative sign.
n The PIBw.d format is the same as the IBw.d format, except that PIBw.d treats all
values as positive values.
n The IBw.d and PIBw.d formats are used to write native format integers. (Native
format enables you to read and write values that are created in the same
operating environment.) The IBRw.d and PIBRw.d formats are used to write little
endian integers in any operating environment.
To view a table that shows the type of format to use with big endian and little
endian integers, see “Writing Data Generated on Big Endian and Little Endian
Platforms” on page 37.
PIBRw.d Format 433

To view a table that compares integer binary notation in several programming

languages, see “Integer Binary Notation and Different Programming Languages”
on page 38.

data _null_;
put y $hex2.;

Value of x Result 1


12 0C

1 The result is a hexadecimal representation of a 1-byte binary number written in positive integer
binary format, which occupies one column of the output field.

See Also
n “PIBRw.d Format” on page 433

PIBRw.d Format
Writes positive integer binary (fixed-point) values in Intel and DEC formats.
Category: Numeric
Restriction: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.
434 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Default 1

Range 1–8

specifies to multiply the number by 10 d. This argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–10

All values are treated as positive. PIBRw.d writes positive integer binary values that
have been generated by and for Intel and DEC operating environments. Use
PIBRw.d to write positive integer binary data from Intel or DEC environments in
other operating environments. The PIBRw.d format in SAS code allows for a
portable implementation for writing the data in any operating environment.

Note: Different operating environments store positive integer binary values in

different ways. This concept is called byte ordering. For a detailed discussion about
byte ordering, see “Byte Ordering for Integer Binary Data on Big Endian and Little
Endian Platforms” on page 37 .

n Positive integer binary values are the same as integer binary values, except that
the sign bit is part of the value, which is always a positive integer. The PIBRw.d
format treats all values as positive and includes the sign bit as part of the value.
n The PIBRw.d format with a width of 1 results in a value that corresponds to the
binary equivalent of the contents of a byte. A value that corresponds to the
binary equivalent of the contents of a byte is useful if your data contains values
between hexadecimal 80 and hexadecimal FF, where the high-order bit can be
misinterpreted as a negative sign.
n In Intel and DEC operating environments, the PIBw.d and PIBRw.d formats are
n The IBw.d and PIBw.d formats are used to write native format integers. (Native
format enables you to read and write values that are created in the same
operating environment.) The IBRw.d and PIBRw.d formats are used to write little
endian integers in any operating environment.
To view a table that shows the type of format to use with big endian and little
endian integers, see “Writing Data Generated on Big Endian and Little Endian
Platforms” on page 37.
To view a table that compares integer binary notation in several programming
languages, see “Integer Binary Notation and Different Programming Languages”
on page 38.
PKw.d Format 435

data _null_;
put y $hex4.;

Value of x Result 1


128 8000

1 The result is a hexadecimal representation of a two-byte binary number written in positive integer
binary format, which occupies one column of the output field.

See Also
n “PIBw.d Informat” on page 662

PKw.d Format
Writes data in unsigned packed decimal format.
Category: Numeric
Alignment: Left
Restriction: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.
Interaction: When the DECIMALCONV= system option is set to STDIEEE, the output that is written
using this format might differ slightly from previous releases. For more information, see
“DECIMALCONV= System Option” in SAS System Options: Reference.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 1
436 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Range 1–16

specifies to multiply the number by 10 d. This argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–10

Requirement must be less than w

Each byte of unsigned packed decimal data contains two digits.

The PKw.d format is similar to the PDw.d format, except that PKw.d does not write
the sign in the low-order byte.

data _null_;
put y $hex8.;

Value of x Result 1


128 00000128

1 The result is a hexadecimal representation of a 4-byte number written in packed decimal format.
Each byte occupies one column of the output field.

PVALUEw.d Format
Writes p-values.
Category: Numeric
Alignment: Right
PVALUEw.d Format 437

Restriction: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.
Interaction: When the DECIMALCONV= system option is set to STDIEEE, the output that is written
using this format might differ slightly from previous releases. For more information, see
“DECIMALCONV= System Option” in SAS System Options: Reference.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 6

Range 3–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric
value. This argument is optional.

Default the minimum of 4 and w–2

Range 1–30

Requirement d must be less than w.

The PVALUEw.d format follows the rules for the w.d format, except in these
n if the value x is such that 0 <= x < 10 -d, x is printed as “<.0...01” with d–1 zeros

n missing values are printed as “.” unless you specify a different character by using
the MISSING= system option

data one;
input x;
438 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats


data two;
set one;
put x pvalue6.4;

Value of x Result


.05 0.0500

0.000001 <.0001

0 <.0001

.0123456 0.0123

QTRw. Format
Writes date values as the quarter of the year.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Right


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 1

Range 1–32

data one;
QTRRw. Format 439

put x qtr.;

SAS Statement Result


put x qtr.; 1

See Also
n “QTRRw. Format” on page 439

QTRRw. Format
Writes date values as the quarter of the year in Roman numerals.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Right


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 3

Range 3–32

data one;
put x qtrr.;
440 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

The example table uses the input value of 21432, which is the SAS date value that
corresponds to September 5, 2018.

SAS Statement Result


put x qtrr.; III

See Also
n “QTRw. Format” on page 438

RBw.d Format
Writes real binary data (floating-point) in real binary format.
Category: Numeric
Alignment: Left
Restriction: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.
See: “RB Format: UNIX” in SAS Companion for UNIX Environments
“RBw.d Format: Windows” in SAS Companion for Windows
“RBw.d Format: z/OS” in SAS Companion for z/OS


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 4

Range 2–8

specifies to multiply the number by 10 d. This argument is optional.
RBw.d Format 441

Default 0

Range 0–10

The RBw.d format writes numeric data in the same way that SAS stores the data.
Because it requires no data conversion, RBw.d is the most efficient method for
writing data with SAS.

Note: Different operating environments store real binary values in different ways.
However, RBw.d writes real binary values with consistent results in the same type of
operating environment that you use to run SAS.

Using RB4. to write real binary data on equipment that conforms to the IEEE standard
for floating-point numbers results in a truncated 8-byte (double-precision) number rather
than a true 4-byte (single-precision) floating-point number.

The following table compares the names of real binary notation in several
programming languages:

Language 4 Bytes 8 Bytes


Fortran REAL*4 REAL*8

C float double


IBM 370 assembler E D

data one;
put y $hex16.;
442 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Value of x Result 1


128 0000000000006040

1 The result is a hexadecimal representation of an 8-byte real binary number as it looks on an IBM
mainframe. Each byte occupies one column of the output field.

ROMANw. Format
Writes numeric values as Roman numerals.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 6

Range 2–32

The ROMANw. format truncates a floating-point value to its integer component
before the value is written.

data one;
input x;
S370FFw.d Format 443

data two;
set one;
put x roman10.;

Value of x Result


52.3 LII

S370FFw.d Format
Writes native standard numeric data in IBM mainframe format.
Category: Numeric
Restriction: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 12

Range 1–32

specifies the power of 10 by which to divide the value. This argument is optional.

Range 0–31

The S370FFw.d format writes numeric data in IBM mainframe format (EBCDIC).
The EBCDIC numeric values are represented with 1 byte per digit. If EBCDIC is the
native format, S370FFw.d performs no conversion.
444 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

If a value is negative, an EBCDIC minus sign precedes the value. A missing value is
represented as a single EBCDIC period.

n On an EBCDIC system, S370FFw.d behaves like the w.d format.

n On all other systems, S370FFw.d performs the same role for numeric data that
the $EBCDICw. format does for character data.

data _null_;
put y $hex10.;

Value of x Result 1


12345 F1F2F3F4F5

1 The result is the hexadecimal representation for the integer.

See Also
n “$EBCDICw. Format” on page 109
n “w.d Format” on page 474

S370FIBw.d Format
Writes integer binary (fixed-point) values, including negative values, in IBM mainframe format.
Category: Numeric
Alignment: Left
S370FIBw.d Format 445


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 4

Range 1–8

specifies to multiply the number by 10 d. This argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–10

The S370FIBw.d format writes integer binary (fixed-point) values that are stored in
IBM mainframe format, including negative values that are represented in two's-
complement notation. S370FIBw.d writes integer binary values with consistent
results if the values are created in the same type of operating environment that you
use to run SAS.
Use S370FIBw.d to write integer binary data in IBM mainframe format from data that
is created in other operating environments.

Note: Different operating environments store integer binary values in different

ways. This concept is called byte ordering. For a detailed discussion about byte
ordering, see “Byte Ordering for Integer Binary Data on Big Endian and Little Endian
Platforms” on page 37 .

n If you use SAS on an IBM mainframe, S370FIBw.d and IBw.d are identical.

n S370FPIBw.d, S370FIBUw.d, and S370FIBw.d are used to write big endian

integers in any operating environment.
To view a table that shows the type of format to use with big endian and little
endian integers, see “Writing Data Generated on Big Endian and Little Endian
Platforms” on page 37.
To view a table that compares integer binary notation in several programming
languages, see “Integer Binary Notation and Different Programming Languages”
on page 38.
446 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

data _null_;
put y $hex8.;

Value of x Result 1


128 00000080

1 The result is a hexadecimal representation of a 4-byte integer binary number. Each byte occupies
one column of the output field.

See Also
n “S370FIBUw.d Format” on page 446
n “S370FPIBw.d Format” on page 451

S370FIBUw.d Format
Writes unsigned integer binary (fixed-point) values in IBM mainframe format.
Category: Numeric
Alignment: Left
Restriction: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 4

Range 1–8
S370FIBUw.d Format 447

specifies to multiply the number by 10 d. This argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–10

The S370FIBUw.d format writes unsigned integer binary (fixed-point) values that are
stored in IBM mainframe format, including negative values that are represented in
two's-complement notation. Unsigned integer binary values are the same as integer
binary values, except that all values are treated as positive. S370FIBUw.d writes
integer binary values with consistent results if the values are created in the same
type of operating environment that you use to run SAS.
Use S370FIBUw.d to write unsigned integer binary data in IBM mainframe format
from data that is created in other operating environments.

Note: Different operating environments store integer binary values in different

ways. This concept is called byte ordering. For a detailed discussion about byte
ordering, see “Byte Ordering for Integer Binary Data on Big Endian and Little Endian
Platforms” on page 37 .

n The S370FIBUw.d format is equivalent to the COBOL notation PIC 9(n) BINARY,
where n is the number of digits.
n The S370FIBUw.d format is the same as the S370FIBw.d format, except that the
S370FIBUw.d format always uses the absolute value instead of the signed
n The S370FPIBw.d format writes all negative numbers as FFs, whereas the
S370FIBUw.d format writes the absolute value.
n S370FPIBw.d, S370FIBUw.d, and S370FIBw.d are used to write big endian
integers in any operating environment.
To view a table that shows the type of format to use with big endian and little
endian integers, see “Writing Data Generated on Big Endian and Little Endian
Platforms” on page 37.
To view a table that compares integer binary notation in several programming
languages, see “Integer Binary Notation and Different Programming Languages”
on page 38.

data one;
448 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

input x;

data two;
set one;
put y $hex4.;

Value of x Result 1

245 F5

-245 F5

1 The result is a hexadecimal representation of a 1-byte integer binary number. Each byte occupies
one column of the output field.

See Also
n “S370FIBw.d Format” on page 444
n “S370FPIBw.d Format” on page 451

S370FPDw.d Format
Writes packed decimal data in IBM mainframe format.
Category: Numeric
Alignment: Left
Restriction: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.
Interaction: When the DECIMALCONV= system option is set to STDIEEE, the output that is written
using this format might differ slightly from previous releases. For more information, see
“DECIMALCONV= System Option” in SAS System Options: Reference.

S370FPDw.d Format 449

Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 1

Range 1–16

specifies to multiply the number by 10 d. This argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–31

Use S370FPDw.d in other operating environments to write packed decimal data in
the same format as on an IBM mainframe computer.

The following table shows the notation for equivalent packed decimal formats in
several programming languages:

Language Packed Decimal Notation




IBM 370 assembler PL4

data _null_;
put y $hex8.;
450 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Value of x Result 1


128 0000128C

1 The result is a hexadecimal representation of a binary number written in packed decimal format.
Each byte occupies one column of the output field.

S370FPDUw.d Format
Writes unsigned packed decimal data in IBM mainframe format.
Category: Numeric
Alignment: Left
Restriction: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.
Interaction: When the DECIMALCONV= system option is set to STDIEEE, the output that is written
using this format might differ slightly from previous releases. For more information, see
“DECIMALCONV= System Option” in SAS System Options: Reference.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 1

Range 1–16

specifies to multiply the number by 10 d. This argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–31

Use S370FPDUw.d in other operating environments to write unsigned packed
decimal data in the same format as on an IBM mainframe computer.
S370FPIBw.d Format 451

n The S370FPDUw.d format is similar to the S370FPDw.d format, except that the
S370FPDw.d format always uses the absolute value instead of the signed value.
n The S370FPDUw.d format is equivalent to the COBOL notation PIC 9(n)
PACKED-DECIMAL, where n is the number of digits.

data one;
input x;
data two;
set one;
put y $hex8.;

Value of x Result 1

123 123F

-123 123F

1 The result is a hexadecimal representation of a binary number written in packed decimal format.
Each two hexadecimal characters correspond to 1 byte of binary data, and each byte corresponds to
one column of the output field.

S370FPIBw.d Format
Writes positive integer binary (fixed-point) values in IBM mainframe format.
Category: Numeric
Alignment: Left
Restriction: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.

452 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 4

Range 1–8

specifies to multiply the number by 10 d. This argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–10

Positive integer binary values are the same as integer binary values, except that all
values are treated as positive. S370FPIBw.d writes integer binary values with
consistent results if the values are created in the same type of operating
environment that you use to run SAS.
Use S370FPIBw.d to write positive integer binary data in IBM mainframe format
from data that is created in other operating environments.

Note: Different operating environments store integer binary values in different

ways. This concept is called byte ordering. For a detailed discussion about byte
ordering, see “Byte Ordering for Integer Binary Data on Big Endian and Little Endian
Platforms” on page 37 .

n If you use SAS on an IBM mainframe, S370FPIBw.d and PIBw.d are identical.

n The S370FPIBw.d format is the same as the S370FIBw.d format, except that the
S370FPIBw.d format treats all values as positive values.
n S370FPIBw.d, S370FIBUw.d, and S370FIBw.d are used to write big endian
integers in any operating environment.
To view a table that shows the type of format to use with big endian and little
endian integers, see “Writing Data Generated on Big Endian and Little Endian
Platforms” on page 37.
To view a table that compares integer binary notation in several programming
languages, see “Integer Binary Notation and Different Programming Languages”
on page 38.
S370FRBw.d Format 453

data _null_;
put y $hex2.;

Value of x Result 1


12 0C

1 The result is a hexadecimal representation of a 1-byte binary number written in positive integer
binary format, which occupies one column of the output field.

See Also
n “S370FIBw.d Format” on page 444
n “S370FIBUw.d Format” on page 446

S370FRBw.d Format
Writes real binary (floating-point) data in IBM mainframe format.
Category: Numeric
Alignment: Left
Restriction: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 4

Range 2–8
454 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

specifies to multiply the number by 10 d. This argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–10

A floating-point value consists of two parts: a mantissa that gives the value and an
exponent that gives the value's magnitude.
Use S370FRBw.d in other operating environments to write floating-point binary data
in the same format as on an IBM mainframe computer.

The following table shows the notation for equivalent floating-point formats in
several programming languages:

Language 4 Bytes 8 Bytes

SAS S370FRB4. S370FRB8.


Fortran REAL*4 REAL*8


IBM 370 assembler E D

C float double

data _null_;
input x;
put y $hex8.;
S370FZDw.d Format 455

Value of x Result 1

128 42800000

-123 C2800000

1 The result is a hexadecimal representation of a binary number in zoned decimal format on an IBM
mainframe computer. Each two hexadecimal characters correspond to 1 byte of binary data, and
each byte corresponds to one column of the output field.

S370FZDw.d Format
Writes zoned decimal data in IBM mainframe format.
Category: Numeric
Alignment: Left
Restriction: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.
Interaction: When the DECIMALCONV= system option is set to STDIEEE, the output that is written
using this format might differ slightly from previous releases. For more information, see
“DECIMALCONV= System Option” in SAS System Options: Reference.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 8

Range 1–32

specifies to multiply the number by 10 d. This argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–31

Use S370FZDw.d in other operating environments to write zoned decimal data in
the same format as on an IBM mainframe computer.
456 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

The following table shows the notation for equivalent zoned decimal formats in
several programming languages:

Language Zoned Decimal Notation




assembler ZL3

data one;
input x;
data two;
set one;
put y $hex6.;

Value of x Result 1

123 F1F2C3

-123 F1F2D3

1 The result is a hexadecimal representation of a binary number in zoned decimal format on an IBM
mainframe computer. Each two hexadecimal characters correspond to 1 byte of binary data, and
each byte corresponds to one column of the output field.

S370FZDLw.d Format
Writes zoned decimal leading-sign data in IBM mainframe format.
Category: Numeric
Alignment: Left
S370FZDLw.d Format 457

Restriction: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.
Interaction: When the DECIMALCONV= system option is set to STDIEEE, the output that is written
using this format might differ slightly from previous releases. For more information, see
“DECIMALCONV= System Option” in SAS System Options: Reference.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 8

Range 1–32

specifies to multiply the number by 10 d. This argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–31

Use S370FZDLw.d in other operating environments to write zoned decimal leading-
sign data in the same format as on an IBM mainframe computer.

n The S370FZDLw.d format is similar to the S370FZDw.d format, except that the
S370FZDLw.d format displays the sign of the number in the first byte of the
formatted output.
n The S370FZDLw.d format is equivalent to the COBOL notation PIC S9(n)
DISPLAY SIGN LEADING, where n is the number of digits.

data one;
input x;
458 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats


data two;
set one;
put y $hex6.;

Value of x Result 1

123 C1F2F3

-123 D1F2F3

1 The result is a hexadecimal representation of a binary number in zoned decimal format on an IBM
mainframe computer. Each two hexadecimal characters correspond to 1 byte of binary data, and
each byte corresponds to one column of the output field.

S370FZDSw.d Format
Writes zoned decimal separate leading-sign data in IBM mainframe format.
Category: Numeric
Alignment: Left
Restriction: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 8

Range 2–32

specifies to multiply the number by 10 d. This argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–31
S370FZDTw.d Format 459

Use S370FZDSw.d in other operating environments to write zoned decimal separate
leading-sign data in the same format as on an IBM mainframe computer.

n The S370FZDSw.d format is similar to the S370FZDLw.d format except that the
S370FZDSw.d format does not embed the sign of the number in the zoned
n The S370FZDSw.d format is equivalent to the COBOL notation PIC S9(n)
DISPLAY SIGN LEADING SEPARATE, where n is the number of digits.

data one;
input x;
data two;
set one;
put y $hex6.;

Value of x Result 1

123 4EF1F2F3

-123 60F1F2F3

1 The result is a hexadecimal representation of a binary number in zoned decimal format on an IBM
mainframe computer. Each two hexadecimal characters correspond to 1 byte of binary data, and
each byte corresponds to one column of the output field.

S370FZDTw.d Format
Writes zoned decimal separate trailing-sign data in IBM mainframe format.
Category: Numeric
Alignment: Left
460 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Restriction: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.
Interaction: When the DECIMALCONV= system option is set to STDIEEE, the output that is written
using this format might differ slightly from previous releases. For more information, see
“DECIMALCONV= System Option” in SAS System Options: Reference.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 8

Range 2–32

specifies to multiply the number by 10 d. This argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–31

Use S370FZDTw.d in other operating environments to write zoned decimal separate
trailing-sign data in the same format as on an IBM mainframe computer.

n The S370FZDTw.d format is similar to the S370FZDSw.d format except that the
S370FZDTw.d format displays the sign of the number at the end of the formatted
n The S370FZDTw.d format is equivalent to the COBOL notation PIC S9(n)
DISPLAY SIGN TRAILING SEPARATE, where n is the number of digits.

data one;
input x;
S370FZDUw.d Format 461

data two;
set one;
put y $hex8.;

Value of x Result 1

123 F1F2F34E

-123 F1F2F360

1 The result is a hexadecimal representation of a binary number in zoned decimal format on an IBM
mainframe computer. Each two hexadecimal characters correspond to 1 byte of binary data, and
each byte corresponds to one column of the output field.

S370FZDUw.d Format
Writes unsigned zoned decimal data in IBM mainframe format.
Category: Numeric
Alignment: Left
Restriction: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.
Interaction: When the DECIMALCONV= system option is set to STDIEEE, the output that is written
using this format might differ slightly from previous releases. For more information, see
“DECIMALCONV= System Option” in SAS System Options: Reference.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 8

Range 1–32

specifies to multiply the number by 10 d. This argument is optional.

Default 0
462 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Range 0–31

Use S370FZDUw.d in other operating environments to write unsigned zoned
decimal data in the same format as on an IBM mainframe computer.

n The S370FZDUw.d format is similar to the S370FZDw.d format, except that the
S370FZDUw.d format always uses the absolute value of the number.
n The S370FZDUw.d format is equivalent to the COBOL notation PIC 9(n)
DISPLAY, where n is the number of digits.

data one;
input x;
data two;
set one;
put y $hex6.;

Value of x Result 1

123 F1F2F3

-123 F1F2F3

1 The result is a hexadecimal representation of a binary number in zoned decimal format on an IBM
mainframe computer. Each pair of hexadecimal characters (such as F1) corresponds to 1 byte of
binary data, and each byte corresponds to one column of the output field.

SSNw. Format
Writes Social Security numbers.
TIMEw.d Format 463

Category: Numeric
Restriction: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 11

Restriction w must be 11

If the value is missing, SAS writes nine single periods with hyphens between the
third and fourth periods and between the fifth and sixth periods. If the value contains
fewer than nine digits, SAS right-aligns the value and pads it with zeros on the left. If
the value has more than nine digits, SAS writes it as a missing value.

data one;
put id ssn.;

Value of id Result

263878439 263-87-8439

TIMEw.d Format
Writes time values as hours, minutes, and seconds in the form
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Right
464 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Interaction: When the DECIMALCONV= system option is set to STDIEEE, the output that is written
using this format might differ slightly from previous releases. For more information, see
“DECIMALCONV= System Option” in SAS System Options: Reference.
Note: The value of TIME can be a SAS time value, but it can also represent a time duration.
Therefore, the value of TIME can exceed 23:59:59, and it can also be a negative value.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 8

Range 2–20

Tip Make w large enough to produce the desired results. To obtain a

complete time value with three decimal places, you must allow at least
12 spaces: eight spaces to the left of the decimal point, one space for
the decimal point, and three spaces for the decimal fraction of seconds.

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the seconds
value. This argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–19

Requirement must be less than w

The TIMEw.d format writes SAS time values in the form
is an integer.

Note: If hh is a single digit, TIMEw.d places a leading blank before the digit. For
example, the TIMEw.d. format writes 9:00 instead of 09:00.

is an integer between 00 and 59 that represents minutes.
is the number of seconds between 00 and 59, with the fraction of a second
following the decimal point.
TIMEw.d Format 465

The TIMEw.d format is similar to the HHMMw.d format except that TIMEw.d
includes seconds.
The TIMEw.d format writes a leading blank for a single-hour digit. The TODw.d
format writes a leading 0 for a single-hour digit.


Example 1
data one;
put mytime time.;
This example uses the input value of 59083, which is the SAS time value that
corresponds to 4:24:43 p.m.

SAS Statement Result


put mytime time.; 16:24:43

Example 2
data one;
mytime='8:00:00't *3;
put mytime time.;
This example uses the input value of '8:00:00't and a multiplier of 3 for the total
(*3;), which indicates that the total time duration (such as 3 days of work) is 24

SAS Statement Result


put mytime time.; 24:00:00

466 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Example 3
data one;
put diff time.;
This example uses the input values of x='4:00:00't and y='3:00:00't and determines
that the value of y is one hour less than the value of x (diff = y-x;).

SAS Statement Result


put diff time8.; -1:00:00

See Also
n “HHMMw.d Format” on page 221
n “HOURw.d Format” on page 224
n “MMSSw.d Format” on page 240
n “TODw.d Format” on page 468

n “HOUR Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference
n “MINUTE Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference
n “SECOND Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference
n “TIME Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference

n “TIMEw. Informat” on page 700

TIMEAMPMw.d Format
Writes time and datetime values as hours, minutes, and seconds in the form with AM or PM.
Categories: CAS
Date and Time
TIMEAMPMw.d Format 467

Alignment: Right
Interaction: When the DECIMALCONV= system option is set to STDIEEE, the output that is written
using this format might differ slightly from previous releases. For more information, see
“DECIMALCONV= System Option” in SAS System Options: Reference.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 11

Range 2–20

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the seconds
value. This argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–19

Requirement must be less than w

The TIMEAMPMw.d format writes SAS time values and SAS datetime values in the
form with AM or PM. The letters h, m, and s are defined as follows:
is an integer that represents the hour.
is an integer that represents the minutes.
is the number of seconds to two decimal places.
Times greater than 23:59:59 PM appear as the next day.
Make w large enough to produce the desired results. To obtain a complete time
value with three decimal places and AM or PM, you must allow at least 11 spaces
(hh:mm:ss PM). If w is less than 5, SAS writes AM or PM only.
468 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

n The TIMEAMPMw.d format is similar to the TIMEw.d format, except that
TIMEAMPMw.d prints AM or PM at the end of the time.
n TIMEw.d writes hours greater than 23:59:59 PM, and TIMEAMPMw.d does not.

data one;
put begin timeampm3.;
put begin timeampm5.;
put begin timeampm8.;
put begin timeampm11.;
The example table uses the input value of 59083, which is the SAS time value that
corresponds to 4:24:43 p.m.

SAS Statement Result


put begin timeampm3.; PM

put begin timeampm5.; 4 PM

put begin timeampm8.; 4:24 PM

put begin timeampm11.; 4:24:43 PM

See Also
n “TIMEw.d Format” on page 463

TODw.d Format
Writes SAS time values and the time portion of SAS datetime values in the form
Categories: CAS
Date and Time
Alignment: Right
TODw.d Format 469

Interaction: When the DECIMALCONV= system option is set to STDIEEE, the output that is written
using this format might differ slightly from previous releases. For more information, see
“DECIMALCONV= System Option” in SAS System Options: Reference.
Note: You can specify a value greater than 24:00:00 for the TOD format, but it takes the MOD
of the value and 24:00:00. For example, if you give TOD a value of '25:00:00't, it formats
the value as 1:00:00.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 8

Range 2–20

Tip SAS writes a 0 for a zero hour if the specified width is sufficient. For
example, the times 02:30 or 00:30 have a zero in the hour digits.

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the seconds
value. This argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–19

Requirement d must be less than w.

The TODw.d format writes SAS time and datetime values in the form
is an integer that represents the hour.
is an integer that represents the minutes.
is the number of seconds to two decimal places.
470 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

The TODw.d format writes a leading 0 for a single-hour digit. The TIMEw.d format
and the HHMMw.d format write a leading blank for a single-hour digit.


Example 1
data one;
mydt1='24aug2018 2:20:23 pm'dt;
mydt3='8:54:43 am't;
put mydt1 tod5.;
put mydt2 tod9.;
put mydt3 tod9.;
In this example, the SAS datetime value 1850739623 corresponds to August 24,
2018 at 2:20:23 p.m.

SAS Statement Result


put mydt1 tod5.; 14:20

put mydt2 tod9.; 01:30:00

put mydt3 tod9.; 08:54:43

Example 2
In this example, the SAS time value 32083 corresponds to 8:54:43 a.m.
data _null_;
begin = 32083;
put begin tod9.;

SAS Statement Result


begin = 32083;
VAXRBw.d Format 471

SAS Statement Result

put begin tod9.;

See Also
n “HHMMw.d Format” on page 221
n “TIMEw.d Format” on page 463
n “TIMEAMPMw.d Format” on page 466

n “TIMEPART Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference

n “TIMEw. Informat” on page 700

VAXRBw.d Format
Writes real binary (floating-point) data in VMS format.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Right


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 8

Range 2–8

specifies the power of 10 by which to divide the value. This argument is optional.

Default 0
472 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Range 0–31

Use the VAXRBw.d format to write data in native VAX or VMS floating-point

If you use SAS that is running under VAX or VMS, the VAXRBw.d and RBw.d
formats are identical.

data one;
put y $hex16.;

Value of x Result 1

1 8040000000000000

1 The result is the hexadecimal representation for the integer.

VMSZNw.d Format
Generates VMS and MicroFocus COBOL zoned numeric data.
Category: Numeric
Alignment: Left
Restriction: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.

VMSZNw.d Format 473

Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 1

Range 1–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric
value. This argument is optional.

The VMSZNw.d format is similar to the ZDw.d format. Both generate a string of
ASCII digits, and the last digit is a special character that denotes the magnitude of
the last digit and the sign of the entire number. The difference between these
formats is in the special character that is used for the last digit. This table shows the
special characters that are used by the VMSZNw.d format.

Desired Special Desired Special

Digit Character Digit Character

0 0 –0 p

1 1 –1 q

2 2 –2 r

3 3 –3 s

4 4 –4 t

5 5 –5 u

6 6 –6 v

7 7 –7 w

8 8 –8 x

9 9 –9 y

If the value to be formatted is too large to fit in a field of the specified width, the
VMSZNw.d format handles values this way:
n For positive values, it sets the output to the largest positive number that fits in
the given width.
474 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

n For negative values, it sets the output to the negative number of greatest
magnitude that fits in the given width.

data one;
put x vmszn4.;
put x vmszn5.1;
put x vmszn6.2;
put x vmszn5.;
SAS writes the following results to the log:


See Also
n “ZDw.d Format” on page 520

n “VMSZNw.d Informat” on page 706

w.d Format
Writes standard numeric data one digit per byte.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Right
Alias: Fw.d
Interaction: When the DECIMALCONV= system option is set to STDIEEE, the output that is written
using this format might differ slightly from previous releases. For more information, see
“DECIMALCONV= System Option” in SAS System Options: Reference.
w.d Format 475


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Range 1–32

Tip Allow enough space to write the value, the decimal point, and a minus
sign, if necessary.

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric
value. This argument is optional.

Range 0–31

Requirement must be less than w

Tip If d is 0 or you omit d, w.d writes the value without a decimal


The w.d format rounds to the nearest number that fits in the output field. If w.d is too
small, SAS might shift the decimal to the BESTw. format. The w.d format writes
negative numbers with leading minus signs. In addition, w.d right-aligns before
writing and pads the output with leading blanks.

The Zw.d format is similar to the w.d format except that Zw.d pads right-aligned
output with 0s instead of blanks.

data one;
put x 6.3;
SAS writes the following results to the log:

476 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Writes date values as the day of the week and the date in the form day-of-week, month-name dd, yy (or
Category: Date
Alignment: Right
Restriction: Use the NLDATEw. format on the CAS server instead of the WEEKDATEw format.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 29

Range 3–37

The WEEKDATEw. format writes SAS date values in the form day-of-week, month-
name dd, yy (or yyyy):
is an integer that represents the day of the month.
yy or yyyy
is a two-digit or four-digit integer that represents the year.
If w is too small to write the complete day of the week and month, SAS abbreviates
as needed.

The WEEKDATEw. format is the same as the WEEKDATXw. format, except that
WEEKDATXw. prints dd before the month's name.
WEEKDATEw. Format 477

The example table uses the input value of 21349, which is the SAS date value that
corresponds to June 14, 2018.
data one;
put mydate weekdate3.;
put mydate weekdate9.;
put mydate weekdate15.;
put mydate weekdate17.;

SAS Statement Result


put mydate weekdate3.; Thu

put mydate weekdate9.; Thursday

put mydate weekdate15.; Thu, Jun 14, 18

put mydate weekdate17.; Thu, Jun 14, 2018

See Also
n “DATEw. Format” on page 169
n “DDMMYYw. Format” on page 175
n “MMDDYYw. Format” on page 235
n “TODw.d Format” on page 468
n “WEEKDATXw. Format” on page 478
n “YYMMDDw. Format” on page 496

n “JULDATE Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference
n “MDY Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference
n “WEEKDAY Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference

n “DATEw. Informat” on page 615
n “DDMMYYw. Informat” on page 619
n “MMDDYYw. Informat” on page 647
478 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

n “YYMMDDw. Informat” on page 718

Writes date values as the day of the week and date in the form day-of-week, dd month-name yy (or yyyy).
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Right


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 29

Range 3–37

The WEEKDATXw. format writes SAS date values in the form day-of-week, dd
month-name, yy (or yyyy):
is an integer that represents the day of the month.
yy or yyyy
is a two-digit or a four-digit integer that represents the year.
If w is too small to write the complete day of the week and month, SAS abbreviates
as needed.

The WEEKDATEw. format is the same as the WEEKDATXw. format, except that
WEEKDATEw. prints dd after the month's name.
The WEEKDATXw. format is the same as the DTWKDATXw. format, except that
DTWKDATXw. expects a datetime value as input.
WEEKDATXw. Format 479

The example table uses the input value of 21349, which is the SAS date value that
corresponds to June 14, 2018.
data one;
put mydate weekdatx.;

SAS Statement Result


put mydate weekdatx.; Thursday, 14 June 2018

See Also
n “DATEw. Format” on page 169
n “DDMMYYw. Format” on page 175
n “DTWKDATXw. Format” on page 187
n “MMDDYYw. Format” on page 235
n “TODw.d Format” on page 468
n “WEEKDATEw. Format” on page 476
n “YYMMDDw. Format” on page 496

n “JULDATE Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference
n “MDY Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference
n “WEEKDAY Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference

n “DATEw. Informat” on page 615
n “DDMMYYw. Informat” on page 619
n “MMDDYYw. Informat” on page 647
n “YYMMDDw. Informat” on page 718
480 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

WEEKDAYw. Format
Writes date values as the day of the week.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Right


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 1

Range 1–32

The WEEKDAYw. format writes a SAS date value as the day of the week (where
1=Sunday, 2=Monday, and so on).

data one;
put mydate weekday.;
The example table uses the input value of 21442, which is the SAS date value that
corresponds to September 15, 2018.

SAS Statement Result


put mydate weekday.; 7

WEEKUw. Format 481

See Also
n “DOWNAMEw. Format” on page 183

n “WEEKDAY Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference

WEEKUw. Format
Writes a week number in decimal format by using the U algorithm.
Category: Date
Alignment: Left
Restriction: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 11

Range 2–200

The WEEKUw. format writes a week-number format. The WEEKUw. format writes
the various formats depending on the specified width. Algorithm U calculates the
SAS date value by using the number of the week within the year. (Sunday is
considered the first day of the week.) The number-of-the-week value is represented
as a decimal number in the range 0–53, with a leading 0 and maximum value of 53.
For example, the fifth week of the year would be represented as 05.
Here are widths, formats, and examples:
482 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Width Format Example

3-4 Www w01

5-6 yyWww 18W01

7-8 yyWwwdd 18W0101

9-10 yyyyWwwdd 2018W0101

11-200 yyyy-Www-dd 2018-W01-01

The WEEKVw. format writes the week number as a decimal number in the range
01–53. Weeks that begin on a Monday and week 1 of the year include January 4
and the first Thursday of the year. If the first Monday of January is 2, 3, or 4, the
preceding days are part of the last week of the preceding year. The WEEKWw.
format writes the week number of the year as a decimal number in the range 00–53,
with Monday as the first day of week 1. The WEEKUw. format writes the week
number of the year (with Sunday as the first day of the week) as a decimal number
in the range 0–53, with a leading 0.

data one;
put sasdate weeku3.;
put sasdate weeku5.;
put sasdate weeku7.;
put sasdate weeku9.;
put sasdate weeku11.;

Statement Result


put sasdate weeku3.; W15

put sasdate weeku5.; 18W15

put sasdate weeku7.; 18W1502

put sasdate weeku9.; 2018W1502

put sasdate weeku11.; 2018-W15-02

WEEKVw. Format 483

See Also
n “WEEKVw. Format” on page 483
n “WEEKWw. Format” on page 485

n “WEEK Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference

n “WEEKUw. Informat” on page 709
n “WEEKVw. Informat” on page 711
n “WEEKWw. Informat” on page 714

WEEKVw. Format
Writes a week number in decimal format by using the V algorithm.
Category: Date
Alignment: Left
Restriction: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 11

Range 2–200
484 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

The WEEKVw. format writes the various formats depending on the specified width.
Algorithm V calculates the SAS date value. The number-of-the-week value is
represented as a decimal number in the range 01–53, with a leading 0 and
maximum value of 53. Weeks begin on a Monday and week 1 of the year is the
week that includes both January 4 and the first Thursday of the year. If the first
Monday of January is 2, 3, or 4, the preceding days are part of the last week of the
preceding year. For example, the fifth week of the year would be represented as 06.
Here are the widths, formats, and examples:

Width Format Example

3-4 Www w01

5-6 yyWww 18W01

7-8 yyWwwdd 18W0101

9-10 yyyyWwwdd 2018W0101

11-200 yyyy-Www-dd 2018-W01-01

The WEEKVw. format writes the week number as a decimal number in the range
01–53.Weeks that begin on a Monday and week 1 of the year include January 4 and
the first Thursday of the year. If the first Monday of January is 2, 3, or 4, the
preceding days are part of the last week of the preceding year. The WEEKWw.
format writes the week number of the year as a decimal number in the range 00–53,
with Monday as the first day of week 1. The WEEKUw. format writes the week
number of the year (with Sunday as the first day of the week) as a decimal number
in the range 0–53, with a leading 0.

data one;
put sasdate weekv3.;
put sasdate weekv5.;
put sasdate weekv7.;
put sasdate weekv9.;
put sasdate weekv11.;
WEEKWw. Format 485

Statement Result


put sasdate weekv3.; W37

put sasdate weekv5.; 18W15

put sasdate weekv7.; 18W1502

put sasdate weekv9.; 2018W1502

put sasdate weekv11.; 2018-W15-02

See Also
n “WEEKUw. Format” on page 481
n “WEEKWw. Format” on page 485

n “WEEK Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference

n “WEEKUw. Informat” on page 709
n “WEEKVw. Informat” on page 711
n “WEEKWw. Informat” on page 714

WEEKWw. Format
Writes a week number in decimal format by using the W algorithm.
Category: Date
Alignment: Left
Restriction: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.

486 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 11

Range 2–200

The WEEKWw. format writes the various formats depending on the specified width.
Algorithm W calculates the SAS date value by using the number of the week within
the year. (Monday is considered the first day of the week.) The number-of-the-week
value is represented as a decimal number in the range 0–53, with a leading 0 and a
maximum value of 53. For example, the fifth week of the year would be represented
as 05.
Here are widths, formats, and examples:

Width Format Example

3–4 Www w01

5–6 yyWww 18W01

7–8 yyWwwdd 18W0101

9–10 yyyyWwwdd 2018W0101

11–200 yyyy-Www-dd 2018-W01-01

The WEEKVw. format writes the week number as a decimal number in the range
01–53. Weeks that begin on a Monday and week 1 of the year include January 4
and the first Thursday of the year. If the first Monday of January is 2, 3, or 4, the
preceding days are part of the last week of the preceding year. The WEEKWw.
format writes the week number of the year as a decimal number in the range 00–53,
with Monday as the first day of week 1. The WEEKUw. format writes the week
number of the year (with Sunday as the first day of the week) as a decimal number
in the range 0–53, with a leading 0.

data _null_;
WORDDATEw. Format 487


Statement Result


put sasdate weekv3.; W16

put sasdate weekv5.; 18W16

put sasdate weekv7.; 18W1601

put sasdate weekv9.; 2018W1601

put sasdate weekv11.; 2018-W16-01

See Also
n “WEEKUw. Format” on page 481
n “WEEKVw. Format” on page 483

n “WEEK Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference

n “WEEKUw. Informat” on page 709
n “WEEKVw. Informat” on page 711
n “WEEKWw. Informat” on page 714

Writes date values as the name of the month, the day, and the year in the form month-name dd, yyyy.
Category: Date
Alignment: Right
488 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Restriction: The WORDDATEw. format is not valid on the CAS server. Use the NLDATEw. format on
the CAS server instead of the WORDDATEw. format.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 18

Range 3–32

The WORDDATEw. format writes SAS date values in the form month-name dd,
is an integer that represents the day of the month.
is a four-digit integer that represents the year.
If the width is too small to write the complete month, SAS abbreviates as necessary.

The WORDDATEw. format is the same as the WORDDATXw. format, except that
WORDDATXw. prints dd before the month's name.

The example table uses the input value of 21349, which is the SAS date value that
corresponds to June 14, 2018.
data one;
put mydate worddate3.;
put mydate worddate9.;
put mydate worddate12.;
put mydate worddate20.;
WORDDATXw. Format 489

SAS Statement Result


put mydate worddate3.; Jun

put mydate worddate9.;

put mydate worddate12.; Jun 14, 2018

June 14, 2018

put mydate worddate20.;

See Also
n “WORDDATXw. Format” on page 489

Writes date values as the day, the name of the month, and the year in the form dd month-name yyyy.
Category: Date
Alignment: Right
Restriction: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 18

Range 3–32
490 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

The WORDDATXw. format writes SAS date values in the form dd month-name,
is an integer that represents the day of the month. For days 1–9, the leading 0 is
not displayed.
is a four-digit integer that represents the year.
If the width is too small to write the complete month, SAS abbreviates as necessary.

The WORDDATXw. format is the same as the WORDDATEw. format, except that
WORDDATEw. prints dd after the month's name.

The example table uses the input value of 21349, which is the SAS date value that
corresponds to June 14, 2018.
data one;
put mydate worddatx.;

SAS Statement Result


put mydate worddatx.; 14 June 2018

See Also
n “WORDDATEw. Format” on page 487
WORDFw. Format 491

WORDFw. Format
Writes numeric values as words with fractions that are shown numerically.
Category: Numeric
Alignment: Left
Restriction: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 10

Range 5–32767

The WORDFw. format converts numeric values to their equivalent in English words,
with fractions that are represented numerically in hundredths. For example, 8.2 is
printed as eight and 20/100.
Negative numbers are preceded by the word minus. When the value's equivalent in
words does not fit in the specified field, the word is truncated on the right and the
last character is printed as an asterisk.

The WORDFw. format is similar to the WORDSw. format, except that WORDFw.
prints fractions as numbers instead of words.

data one;
492 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

put value wordf15.;


Value of value Result


2.5 two and 50/100

See Also
n “WORDSw. Format” on page 492

WORDSw. Format
Writes numeric values as words.
Category: Numeric
Alignment: Left
Restriction: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 10

Range 5–32767

You can use the WORDSw. format to print checks with the amount written below the
payee line.
YEARw. Format 493

Negative numbers are preceded by the word minus. If the number is not an integer,
the fractional portion is represented as hundredths. For example, 5.3 is printed as
five and thirty hundredths. When the value's equivalent in words does not fit in the
specified field, the word is truncated on the right and the last character is printed as
an asterisk.

The WORDSw. format is similar to the WORDFw. format, except that WORDSw.
prints fractions as words instead of numbers.

data one;
put value words25.;

Value Result


2.5 two and fifty hundredths

See Also
n “WORDFw. Format” on page 491

YEARw. Format
Writes date values as the year.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Right
494 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 4

Range 2–32

Tip If w is less than 4, the last two digits of the year are printed. Otherwise,
the year value is printed as four digits.

The YEARw. format is similar to the DTYEARw. format in that they both write date
values. The difference is that YEARw. expects a SAS date value as input, and
DTYEARw. expects a datetime value.

data one;
put mydate year2.;
put mydate year4.;
The example table uses the input value of 21349, which is the SAS date value that
corresponds to June 14, 2018.

SAS Statement Result


put mydate year2.; 18

put mydate year4.; 2018

See Also
YYMMw. Format 495

n “DTYEARw. Format” on page 189

YYMMw. Format
Writes date values in the form <yy>yyMmm, where M is a character separator to indicate that the month
number follows the M and the year appears as either two or four digits.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Right


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 7

Range 5–32

Interaction When w has a value of 5 or 6, the date appears with only the last
two digits of the year. When w is 7 or more, the date appears with a
four-digit year.

The YYMMw. format writes SAS date values in the form <yy>yyMmm.
is a two-digit or four-digit integer that represents the year.
is the character separator to indicate that the number of the month follows.
is an integer that represents the month.

data one;
496 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

put mydate yymm.;

put mydate yymm5.;;
put mydate yymm6.;
put mydate yymm7.;
put mydate yymm10.;
The following examples use the input value of 21349, which is the SAS date value
that corresponds to June 14, 2018.

SAS Statement


put mydate yymm.; 2018M06

put mydate yymm5.; 18M06

put mydate yymm6.; 18M06

put mydate yymm7.; 2018M06

put mydate yymm10.;

See Also
n “MMYYw. Format” on page 241
n “YYMMxw. Format” on page 501

YYMMDDw. Format
Writes date values in the form yymmdd or <yy>yy-mm-dd, where a hyphen is the separator and the year
appears as either two or four digits.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Right

YYMMDDw. Format 497

Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 8

Range 2–10

Interaction When w has a value from 2 to 5, the date appears with as much of
the year and the month as possible. When w is 7, the date appears
as a two-digit year without hyphens.

The YYMMDDw. format writes SAS date values in one of these forms:
The letters and special character are defined as follows:
is a two-digit or four-digit integer that represents the year.

is the separator.
is an integer that represents the month.
is an integer that represents the day of the month.
To format a date that has a four-digit year and no separators, use the YYMMDDx.

data one;
put mydate yymmdd2.;
put mydate yymmdd3.;;
put mydate yymmdd4.;
put mydate yymmdd5.;
put mydate yymmdd6.;
put mydate yymmdd7.;
put mydate yymmdd8.;
put mydate yymmdd10.;
The following examples use the input value of 21277, which is the SAS date value
that corresponds to April 3, 2018.
498 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

SAS Statement Result


put mydate yymmdd2.; 18

put mydate yymmdd3.; 18

put mydate yymmdd4.; 1804

put mydate yymmdd5.; 18-04

put mydate yymmdd6.; 180403

put mydate yymmdd7.; 180403

put mydate yymmdd8.; 18-04-03

put mydate yymmdd10.; 2018-04-03

See Also
n “DATEw. Format” on page 169
n “DDMMYYw. Format” on page 175
n “MMDDYYw. Format” on page 235
n “YYMMDDxw. Format” on page 499

n “DAY Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference
n “MDY Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference
n “MONTH Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference
n “YEAR Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference

n “DATEw. Informat” on page 615
n “DDMMYYw. Informat” on page 619
n “MMDDYYw. Informat” on page 647
YYMMDDxw. Format 499

YYMMDDxw. Format
Writes date values in the form yymmdd or <yy>yy-mm-dd, where the x in the format name is a character
that represents the special character that separates the year, month, and day. The special character can
be a hyphen (-), period (.), blank character, slash (/), colon (:), or no separator. The year can be either two
or four digits.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Right


Syntax Description
identifies a separator or specifies that no separator appear between the year, the
month, and the day. These are the valid values for x:
separates with a blank.
separates with a colon.
separates with a hyphen.
indicates no separator.
separates with a period.
separates with a slash.
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 8

Range 2–10

Interactions When w has a value from 2 to 5, the date appears with as much of
the year and the month. When w is 7, the date appears as a two-
digit year without separators.

When x has a value of N, the width range is 2–8.

500 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

The YYMMDDxw. format writes SAS date values in one of these forms:
The letters and special character are defined as follows:
is a two-digit or four-digit integer that represents the year.
is a specified separator.
is an integer that represents the month.
is an integer that represents the day of the month.

data one;
put mydate yymmddc5.;
put mydate yymmddd8.;;
put mydate yymmddp10.;
put mydate yymmddn8.;
The following examples use the input value of 21318, which is the SAS date value
that corresponds to May 14, 2018.

SAS Statement Result


put mydate yymmddc5.; 18:05

put mydate yymmddd8.; 18-05-14

put mydate yymmddp10.; 2018.05.14

put mydate yymmddn8.; 20180514

See Also
n “DATEw. Format” on page 169
YYMMxw. Format 501

n “DDMMYYxw. Format” on page 177

n “MMDDYYxw. Format” on page 237
n “YYMMDDw. Format” on page 496

n “DAY Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference
n “MDY Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference
n “MONTH Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference
n “YEAR Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference

n “YYMMDDw. Informat” on page 718

YYMMxw. Format
Writes date values in the form <yy>yymm or <yy>yy-mm. The x in the format name represents the special
character that separates the year and the month. This special character can be a hyphen (-), period (.),
slash (/), colon (:), or no separator. The year can be either two or four digits.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Right


Syntax Description
identifies a separator or specifies that no separator appear between the year and
the month. These are valid values for x:
separates with a colon.
separates with a hyphen.
indicates no separator.
separates with a period.
separates with a forward slash.
502 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

specifies the width of the output field.

Default 7

Range 5–32

Interactions When x is set to N, no separator is specified. The width range is 4–

32, and the default changes to 6.

When x has a value of C, D, P, or S and w has a value of 5 or 6,

the date appears with only the last two digits of the year. When w
is 7 or more, the date appears with a four-digit year.

When x has a value of N and w has a value of 4 or 5, the date

appears with only the last two digits of the year. When x has a
value of N and w is 6 or more, the date appears with a four-digit

The YYMMxw. format writes SAS date values in one of these forms:
The letters are defined as follows:
is a two-digit or four-digit integer that represents the year.
is a specified separator.
is an integer that represents the month.

The following examples use the input value of 2138, which is the SAS date value
that corresponds to May 14, 2018.
data one;
put mydate yymmc5.;
put mydate yymmd.;
put mydate yymmn4.;
put mydate yymmp8.;
put mydate yymms10.;
YYMONw. Format 503

SAS Statement Result


put mydate yymmc5.; 18:05

put mydate yymmd.; 2018-05

put mydate yymmn4.; 1805

put mydate yymmp8.; 2018.05

put mydate yymms10.; 2018/05

See Also
n “MMYYxw. Format” on page 243
n “YYMMw. Format” on page 495

YYMONw. Format
Writes date values in the form yymmm or yyyymmm.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Right


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field. If the format width is too small to print a
four-digit year, only the last two digits of the year are printed.

Default 7

Range 5–32
504 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

The YYMONw. format writes SAS date values in the form <yy>yymmm:
is a two-digit or four-digit integer that represents the year.
is the name of the month, abbreviated to three characters.

data one;
put mydate yymon6.;
put mydate yymon7.;

The example table uses the input value of 21349, which is the SAS date value that
corresponds to June 14, 2018.

SAS Statement Result


put mydate yymon6.; 18JUN

put mydate yymon7.; 2018JUN

See Also
n “MMYYw. Format” on page 241

YYQw. Format
Writes date values in the form <yy>yyQq, where Q is the separator, the year appears as either two or four
digits, and q is the quarter of the year.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Right
YYQw. Format 505


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 6

Range 4–32

Interaction When w has a value of 4 or 5, the date appears with only the last
two digits of the year. When w is 6 or more, the date appears with a
four-digit year.

The YYQw. format writes SAS date values in the form <yy>yyQq.
is a two-digit or four-digit integer that represents the year.
is the character separator.
is an integer (1, 2, 3, or 4) that represents the quarter of the year.

The following examples use the input value of 21349, which is the SAS date value
that corresponds to June 14, 2018.
data one;
put mydate yyq.;
put mydate yyq4.;
put mydate yyq5.;
put mydate yyq6.;
put mydate yyq10.;

SAS Statement Result


put mydate yyq.; 2018Q2

506 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

SAS Statement Result

put mydate yyq4.; 18Q2

put mydate yyq5.; 18Q2

put mydate yyq6.; 2018Q2

put mydate yyq10.; 2018Q2

See Also
n “YYQxw. Format” on page 506
n “YYQRw. Format” on page 508

YYQxw. Format
Writes date values in the form <yy>yyq or <yy>yy-q, where the x in the format name is a character that
represents the special character that separates the year and the quarter or the year. The special character
can be a hyphen (-), period (.), blank character, slash (/), colon (:), or no separator. The year can be either
two or four digits.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Right


Syntax Description
identifies a separator or specifies that no separator appear between the year and
the quarter. These are the valid values for x:
separates with a colon
separates with a hyphen
YYQxw. Format 507

indicates no separator
separates with a period
separates with a forward slash.
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 6

Range 4–32

Interactions When x is set to N, no separator is specified. The width range is 3–

32, and the default changes to 5.

When w has a value of 4 or 5, the date appears with only the last
two digits of the year. When w is 6 or more, the date appears with
a four-digit year.

When x has a value of N and w has a value of 3 or 4, the date

appears with only the last two digits of the year. When x has a
value of N and w is 5 or more, the date appears with a four-digit

The YYQxw. format writes SAS date values in one of these forms:
The letters and special character are defined as follows:
is a two-digit or four-digit integer that represents the year.
is a specified separator.
is an integer (1, 2, 3, or 4) that represents the quarter of the year.

The following examples use the input value of 21366, which is the SAS date value
that corresponds to July 01, 2018.
data one;
put mydate yyqc4.;
put mydate yyqd.;
508 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

put mydate yyqn3.;

put mydate yyqp6.;
put mydate yyqs8.;

SAS Statement Result


put mydate yyqc4.; 18:3

put mydate yyqd.; 2018-3

put mydate yyqn3.; 183

put mydate yyqp6.; 2018.3

put mydate yyqs8.; 2018/3

See Also
n “YYQw. Format” on page 504
n “YYQRxw. Format” on page 510

YYQRw. Format
Writes date values in the form <yy>yyQqr, where Q is the separator, the year appears as either two or four
digits, and qr is the quarter of the year expressed in Roman numerals.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Right


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.
YYQRw. Format 509

Default 8

Range 6–32

Interaction When the value of w is too small to write a four-digit year, the date
appears with only the last two digits of the year.

The YYQRw. format writes SAS date values in the form <yy>yyQqr.
is a two-digit or four-digit integer that represents the year.
is the character separator.
is a Roman numeral (I, II, III, or IV) that represents the quarter of the year.

The following examples use the input value of 21366, which is the SAS date value
that corresponds to July 01, 2018.
data one;
put mydate yyqr.;
put mydate yyqr6.;
put mydate yyqr7.;
put mydate yyqr8.;
put mydate yyqr10.;

SAS Statement Result


put mydate yyqr.; 2018QIII

put mydate yyqr6.; 18QIII

put mydate yyqr7.; 2018QIII

put mydate yyqr8.; 2018QIII

put mydate yyqr10.; 2018QIII

510 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

See Also
n “YYQw. Format” on page 504
n “YYQRxw. Format” on page 510

YYQRxw. Format
Writes date values in the form <yy>yyqr or <yy>yy-qr, where the x in the format name is a character that
represents the special character. The special character separates the year and the quarter or the year. The
special character can be a hyphen (-), period (.), blank character, slash (/), colon (:), or no separator. The
year can be either two or four digits, and qr is the quarter of the year expressed in Roman numerals.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Right


Syntax Description
identifies a separator or specifies that no separator appear between the year and
the quarter. These are the valid values for x.
separates with a colon.
separates with a hyphen.
indicates no separator.
separates with a period.
separates with a forward slash.
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 8

Range 6–32
YYQRxw. Format 511

Interactions When x is set to N, no separator is specified. The width range is 5–

32, and the default changes to 7.

When the value of w is too small to write a four-digit year, the date
appears with only the last two digits of the year.

The YYQRxw. format writes SAS date values in one of these forms:
The letters and special character are defined as follows:
is a two-digit or four-digit integer that represents the year.
is a specified separator.
is a Roman numeral (I, II, III, or IV) that represents the quarter of the year.

The following examples use the input value of 21318, which is the SAS date value
that corresponds to May 14, 2018.
data _null_;
input date anydtdte12.;
put date;
put date yyqrc6.;
put date yyqrd.;
put date yyqrn5.;
put date yyqrp8.;
put date yyqrs10.;

SAS Statement Result


put date; 21318

put date yyqrc6.; 18:II

put date yyqrd.; 2018-II

512 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

SAS Statement Result

put date yyqrn5.; 18II

put date yyqrp8.; 2018.II

put date yyqrs10.; 2018/II

See Also
n “YYQxw. Format” on page 506
n “YYQRw. Format” on page 508

YYQZw. Format
Writes SAS date values in the form <yy><qq>, the year appears as 2 or 4 digits, and qq is the quarter of
the year.
Categories: CAS
Date and Time
Alignment: Right


Required Arguments
specifies that no separator appear between the year and the quarter.
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 4

Range 4–6
YYWEEKUw. Format 513

The YYQZw. format writes SAS date values in the form <yy> <qq>. Here is an
explanation of the syntax:
is a two-digit or four-digit integer that represents the year.
specifies that there is no separator.
is an integer (01, 02, 03, or 04) that represents the quarter of the year.

The following examples use the input value of 20999. 20999 is the SAS date value
that corresponds to June 29, 2017.
data _null_;
declare char(20) a b;
method run();
a=put (20999,yyqz6.);
b=put (20999,yyqz4.);
put a= b=;
SAS writes the following output to the log.

a=201702 b=1702

See Also
n “DS2 Expressions” in SAS DS2 Programmer’s Guide

n “YYQw. Format” in SAS DS2 Language Reference
n “YYQxw. Format” in SAS DS2 Language Reference
n “YYQRw. Format” in SAS DS2 Language Reference
n “YYQRxw. Format” in SAS DS2 Language Reference

YYWEEKUw. Format
Writes a week number in decimal format by using the U algorithm, excluding day-of-the-week information.
514 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Categories: CAS
Date and Time
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 7

Range 2-8

The YYWEEKUw. format writes a week-number format. The YYWEEKUw. format
writes the various formats depending on the specified width. Algorithm U calculates
the SAS date value by using the number of the week within the year (Sunday is
considered the first day of the week).
For more information about widths, formats, and examples see the following table:

Widths Formats Examples

3-4 Www W01

5-6 yyWww 07W01

7 yyyyWww 2007W01

8 yyyy-Www 2007-W01

9-above invalid invalid

The YYWEEKUw. format is similar to the WEEKUw. format except that the
YYWEEKUw. format does not specify the day-of-week information. Also, the
YYWEEKUw. format does not accept any width that is greater than 8.
YYWEEKVw. Format 515

sasdate = '01JAN2007'd;

Statements Results


u=put(sasdate,yyweeku3.); W00
v=put(sasdate,yyweeku4.); W00
w=put(sasdate,yyweeku5.); 07W00
x=put(sasdate,yyweeku6.); 07W00
y=put(sasdate,yyweeku7.); 2007W00
z=put(sasdate,yyweeku8.); 2007-W00
put u;
put v;
put w;
put x;
put y;
put z;

See Also
n “WEEKUw. Format” in SAS National Language Support (NLS): Reference Guide

YYWEEKVw. Format
Writes a week number in decimal format by using the V algorithm, excluding day-of-the-week information.
Categories: CAS
Date and Time
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.
516 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

Default 7

Range 2–8

The YYWEEKVw. format writes the various formats depending on the specified
width. Algorithm V calculates the SAS date value, and the number-of-the-week
value is represented as a decimal number in the range 01–53, with a leading 0 and
maximum value of 53. Weeks begin on a Monday and week 1 of the year is the
week that includes both January 4 and the first Thursday of the year. If the first
Monday of January is the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th, the preceding days are part of the last
week of the preceding year. For example, the fifth week of the year would be
represented as 06.
For more information about widths, formats, and examples see the following table:

Widths Formats Examples

3-4 www w01

5-6 yyWww 07W01

7 yyyyWww 2007W01

8 yyyy-Www 2007-W01

9-above invalid invalid

The YYWEEKVw. format is similar to the WEEKVw. format except that the
YYWEEKVw. format does not specify the day-of-week information. Also, the
YYWEEKVw. format does not accept a width that is greater than 8.

sasdate = '01JAN2007'd;

Statements Results


u=put(sasdate,yyweekv3.); W01
v=put(sasdate,yyweekv4.); W01
YYWEEKWw. Format 517

Statements Results
w=put(sasdate,yyweekv5.); 07W01
x=put(sasdate,yyweekv6.); 07W01
y=put(sasdate,yyweekv7.); 2007W01
z=put(sasdate,yyweekv8.); 2007-W01
put u;
put v;
put w;
put x;
put y;
put z;

See Also
n “WEEKVw. Format” in SAS National Language Support (NLS): Reference Guide

YYWEEKWw. Format
Writes a week number in decimal format by using the W algorithm, excluding the day-of-week information.
Categories: CAS
Date and Time
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 7

Range 2–8
518 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

The YYWEEKWw. format writes the various formats depending on the specified
width. Algorithm W calculates the SAS date value using the number of the week
within the year.
For more information about widths, formats, and examples see the following table:

Widths Formats Examples

3-4 Www W01

5-6 yyWww 07W01

7 yyyyWww 2007W01

8 yyyy-Www 2007-W01

9-above invalid invalid

The YYWEEKWw. format is similar to the WEEKWw. format except that the
YYWEEKWw. format does not specify the day-of-week information. Also, the
YYWEEKWw. format does not accept any width that is greater than 8.

sasdate = '01JAN2007'd

Statements Results


u=put(sasdate,yyweekw3.); W01
v=put(sasdate,yyweekw4.); W01
w=put(sasdate,yyweekw5.); 07W01
x=put(sasdate,yyweekw6.); 07W01
y=put(sasdate,yyweekw7.); 2007W01
z=put(sasdate,yyweekw8.); 2007-W01
put u;
put v;
put w;
put x;
put y;
put z;
Zw.d Format 519

See Also
n “WEEKWw. Format” in SAS National Language Support (NLS): Reference Guide

Zw.d Format
Writes standard numeric data with leading 0s.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Right
Interaction: When the DECIMALCONV= system option is set to STDIEEE, the output that is written
using this format might differ slightly from previous releases. For more information, see
“DECIMALCONV= System Option” in SAS System Options: Reference.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 1

Range 1–32

Tip Allow enough space to write the value, the decimal point, and a minus
sign, if necessary.

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric
value. This argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–31

Tip If d is 0 or you omit d, Zw.d writes the value without a decimal point.
520 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

The Zw.d format writes standard numeric values one digit per byte and fills in 0s to
the left of the data value.
The Zw.d format rounds to the nearest number that fits in the output field. If w.d is
too large to fit, SAS might shift the decimal to the BESTw. format. The Zw.d format
writes negative numbers with leading minus signs. In addition, it right-aligns before
writing and pads the output with leading 0s.

The Zw.d format is similar to the w.d format, except that Zw.d pads right-aligned
output with 0s instead of blanks.

data one;
put num z8.;

Value of num Result


1350 00001350

ZDw.d Format
Writes numeric data in zoned decimal format.
Category: Numeric
Alignment: Left
Restriction: This format is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.
Interaction: When the DECIMALCONV= system option is set to STDIEEE, the output that is written
using this format might differ slightly from previous releases. For more information, see
“DECIMALCONV= System Option” in SAS System Options: Reference.
See: “ZD Format: UNIX” in SAS Companion for UNIX Environments
“ZDw.d Format: Windows” in SAS Companion for Windows
“ZDw.d Format: z/OS” in SAS Companion for z/OS
ZDw.d Format 521


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 1

Range 1–32

specifies to multiply the number by 10 d. This argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–31

The zoned decimal format is similar to standard numeric format in that every digit
requires 1 byte. However, the value's sign is in the last byte, along with the last digit.
Delimiters are not supported in the PUT statement’s LIST output.

Note: Different operating environments store zoned decimal values in different

ways. However, the ZDw.d format writes zoned decimal values with consistent
results if the values are created in the same type of operating environment that you
use to run SAS.

The following table compares the zoned decimal format with notation in several
programming languages:

Language Zoned Decimal Notation




IBM 370 assembler ZL3

522 Chapter 2 / Dictionary of Formats

data one;
put num zd8.;

Value of num Result 1

1350 0000135{

1 The result is a hexadecimal representation of a binary number in zoned decimal format on an IBM
mainframe computer. Each byte occupies one column of the output field.


SAS Informats

Chapter 3
About Informats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525

Chapter 4
Dictionary of Informats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 545

About Informats

Definition of Informats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525

Syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526
Using Informats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527
Ways to Specify Informats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527
Permanent versus Temporary Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 529
User-Defined Informats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 529
Byte Ordering for Integer Binary Data on Big Endian and Little
Endian Platforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 530
Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 530
How the Bytes Are Ordered . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 530
Reading Data Generated on Big Endian and Little Endian Platforms . . . . . . . . . . . . 531
Integer Binary Notation in Different Programming Languages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 532
Working with Packed Decimal and Zoned Decimal Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533
Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533
Types of Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533
Platforms Supporting Packed Decimal and Zoned Decimal Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 534
Languages Supporting Packed Decimal and Zoned Decimal Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535
Summary of Packed Decimal and Zoned Decimal Formats and Informats . . . . . . . 536
Reading Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and
Extended Notations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 538
ISO 8601 Formatting Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 538
Reading ISO 8601 Date, Time, and Datetime Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 539
Reading ISO 8601 Duration, Interval, and Datetime Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541

Definition of Informats
An informat is a type of SAS language element that applies a pattern to or executes
instructions for a data value to be read as input. Types of informats correspond to
the data's type: numeric, character, date, time, or timestamp. The ability to create
user-defined informats is also supported. Examples of SAS informats are BINARY,
526 Chapter 3 / About Informats

DATE. and COMMA. For example, the following value contains a dollar sign and

To remove the dollar sign ($) and commas (,) before storing the numeric value
1000000 in a variable, read this value with the COMMA11. informat.
Unless you explicitly define a variable first, SAS uses the informat to determine
whether the variable is numeric or character. SAS also uses the informat to
determine the length of character variables.

SAS informats have the following form:
indicates a character informat; its absence indicates a numeric informat.
names the informat. The informat is a SAS informat or a user-defined informat
that was previously defined with the INVALUE statement in PROC FORMAT.
“FORMAT Procedure” in Base SAS Procedures Guide.
specifies the informat width, which for most informats is the number of columns
in the input data.
specifies an optional decimal scaling factor in the numeric informats. SAS
divides the input data by 10 to the power of d.

Note: Even though SAS can read up to 32 digits when you specify some numeric
informats, numbers with more than 15 significant digits might lose precision due to
the limitations of the 8-byte floating-point representation used by most computers.

Informats always contain a period (.) as a part of the name. If you omit the w and d
values from the informat, SAS uses default values. If the data contains decimal
points, SAS ignores the d value and reads the number of decimal places that are
actually in the input data.
If the informat width is too narrow to read all the columns in the input data, you
might get unexpected results. The problem frequently occurs with the date and time
informats. You must adjust the width of the informat to include blanks or special
characters between the day, month, year, or time. For more information about date
and time values, see “Definitions for Dates, Times, and Intervals” on page 9.
When a problem occurs with an informat, SAS writes a note to the SAS log and
assigns a missing value to the variable. Problems occur if you use an incompatible
informat such as a numeric informat to read character data, or if you specify the
width of a date and time informat that causes SAS to read a special character in the
last column.
Using Informats 527

Using Informats

Ways to Specify Informats

Overview of Specifying Informats

You can specify informats in these ways:
n in an INPUT statement

n with the INPUT, INPUTC, and INPUTN functions

n in an INFORMAT statement in a DATA step or a PROC step

n in an ATTRIB statement in a DATA step or a PROC step

INPUT Statement
The INPUT statement with an informat after a variable name is the simplest way to
read values into a variable. For example, the following INPUT statement uses two
input @15 style $3. @21 price 5.2;

The $w. character informat reads values into the variable STYLE. The w.d numeric
informat reads values into the variable PRICE.
For a complete discussion of the INPUT statement, see “INPUT Statement” in SAS
DATA Step Statements: Reference.

INPUT Function
The INPUT function converts a SAS character expression using a specified
informat. The informat determines whether the resulting value is numeric or
character. Thus, the INPUT function is useful for converting data. Here is an

The INPUT function in combination with the w.d informat converts the character
value of TempCharacter to a numeric value and assigns the numeric value 98.6 to
528 Chapter 3 / About Informats

TIP If the first argument of the INPUT function is a character expression

and not a variable, the character expression must include quotation marks.

Use the PUT function with a SAS format to convert numeric values to character
values. For an example of a numeric-to-character conversion, see “PUT Function” in
SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference. For a complete discussion of the
INPUT function, see “INPUT Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines:

INFORMAT Statement
The INFORMAT statement associates an informat with a variable. SAS uses the
informat in any subsequent INPUT statement to read values into the variable. For
example, in the following statements, the INFORMAT statement associates the
DATEw. informat with the variables Birthdate and Interview:
informat Birthdate Interview date9.;
input @63 Birthdate Interview;

An informat that is associated with an INFORMAT statement behaves like an

informat that you specify with a colon (:) format modifier in an INPUT statement. For
information about using the colon (:) modifier, see “INPUT Statement: List” in SAS
DATA Step Statements: Reference. Therefore, SAS uses a modified list input to
read the variable and ensure that these rules are followed:
n The w value in an informat does not determine column positions or input field
widths in an external file.
n The blanks that are embedded in input data are treated as delimiters unless you
change the DLM= or DLMSTR= option in an INFILE statement.
n For character informats, the w value in an informat specifies the length of
character variables.
n For numeric informats, the w value is ignored.
n For numeric informats, the d value in an informat behaves in the usual way for
numeric informats.
If you have coded the INPUT statement to use another style of input such as
formatted input or column input, that style of input is not used when you use the
INFORMAT statement.
For more information about how to use modified list input to read data, see “INPUT
Statement: List” in SAS DATA Step Statements: Reference .

Note: Anytime a text file originates from anywhere other than the local encoding
environment, it might be necessary to specify the ENCODING= option in either the
ASCII or EBCDIC environment. For example, when you read an EBCDIC text file on
an ASCII platform, it is recommended that you specify the ENCODING= option in
the FILENAME or INFILE statement. However, if you use the DSD and the DLM= or
DLMSTR= options in the FILENAME or INFILE statement, the ENCODING= option
is a requirement because these options require certain characters (such as
quotation marks, commas, and blanks) in the session encoding. The use of
Using Informats 529

encoding-specific informats should be reserved for use with true binary files (that is,
binary files that contain both character and non-character fields).

ATTRIB Statement
The ATTRIB statement can also associate an informat, as well as other attributes,
with one or more variables. For example, in the following statements, the ATTRIB
statement associates the DATEw. informat with the variables Birthdate and
attrib Birthdate Interview informat=date9.;
input @63 Birthdate Interview;

An informat that is associated by using the INFORMAT= option in the ATTRIB

statement behaves like an informat that you specify with a colon (:) format modifier
in an INPUT statement. For details about using the colon (:) modifier, see “INPUT
Statement: List” in SAS DATA Step Statements: Reference. Therefore, SAS uses a
modified list input to read the variable in the same way as it does for the INFORMAT
For more information, see “ATTRIB Statement” in SAS DATA Step Statements:

Permanent versus Temporary Association

When you specify an informat in an INPUT statement, SAS uses the informat to
read input data values during that DATA step. However, does not permanently
associate the informat with the variable. To permanently associate an informat with
a variable, use an INFORMAT statement or an ATTRIB statement. SAS
permanently associates an informat with the variable by modifying the descriptor
information in the SAS data set.

User-Defined Informats
In addition to the informats that are supplied with Base SAS software, you can
create your own informats. In Base SAS software, PROC FORMAT enables you to
create your own informats and formats for both character and numeric variables. For
more information about user-defined informats, see “FORMAT Procedure” in Base
SAS Procedures Guide.
When you execute a SAS program that uses user-defined informats, these
informats should be available. Here are the two ways to make these informats
n create permanent, not temporary, informats with PROC FORMAT

n store the source code that creates the informats (the PROC FORMAT step) with
the SAS program that uses them
530 Chapter 3 / About Informats

If you execute a program that cannot locate a user-defined informat, the result
depends on the setting of the FMTERR= system option. If the user-defined informat
is not found, the following system options produce these results:

System Option Result

FMTERR SAS produces an error that causes the current

DATA or PROC step to stop.

NOFMTERR SAS continues processing by substituting a default


Although using NOFMTERR enables SAS to process a variable, you lose the
information that the user-defined informat supplies. This option can cause a DATA
step to misread data, and it can produce incorrect results. For more information, see
“FMTERR System Option” in SAS System Options: Reference.
To avoid problems, make sure that users of your program have access to all the
user-defined informats that are used.

Byte Ordering for Integer Binary Data on

Big Endian and Little Endian Platforms

Integer values for integer binary data are typically stored in one of three sizes: 1
byte, 2 bytes, or 4 bytes. The ordering of the bytes for the integer varies depending
on the platform (operating environment) on which the integers were produced.
The ordering of bytes differs between the “big endian” and the “little endian”
platforms. These colloquial terms are used to describe byte ordering for IBM
mainframes (big endian) and for platforms that are based on Intel (little endian). In
SAS, the following platforms are considered big endian: IBM mainframe, HP-UX,
AIX, Solaris on SPARC, and Macintosh. In SAS, the following platforms are
considered little endian: Intel ABI, Linux, OpenVMS Alpha, OpenVMS Integrity,
Solaris on x64, Tru64 UNIX, and Windows.

How the Bytes Are Ordered

On big endian platforms, the value 1 is stored in binary and is represented here in
hexadecimal notation. One byte is stored as 01, 2 bytes as 00 01, and 4 bytes as 00
00 00 01. On little endian platforms, the value 1 is stored in 1 byte as 01 (the same
as big endian), in 2 bytes as 01 00, and in 4 bytes as 01 00 00 00.
Byte Ordering for Integer Binary Data on Big Endian and Little Endian Platforms 531

If an integer is negative, the two's complement representation is used. The high-

order bit of the most significant byte of the integer is set to 0. For example, –2 would
be represented in 1, 2, and 4 bytes on big endian platforms as FE, FF FE, and FF
FF FF FE, respectively. On little endian platforms, the representation would be FE,
FE FF, and FE FF FF FF. These representations result from the output of the integer
binary value –2 expressed in hexadecimal representation.

Reading Data Generated on Big Endian and Little

Endian Platforms
SAS can read signed and unsigned integers regardless of whether they were
generated on a big endian or a little endian platform. Likewise, SAS can write
signed and unsigned integers in both big endian and little endian format. The length
of these integers can be up to 8 bytes.
The following table shows which informat to use for various combinations of
platforms. In the Sign Integer column, “no” indicates that the number is unsigned
and cannot be negative. “Yes” indicates that the number can be either negative or

Platform for Which Platform the Data Is Signed

the Data Was Created Read On Integer Informat

big endian big endian yes IB or S370FIB

big endian big endian no PIB, S370FPIB,


big endian little endian yes IBR

big endian little endian no PIBR

little endian big endian yes IBR

little endian big endian no PIBR

little endian little endian yes IB or IBR

little endian little endian no PIB or PIBR

big endian either yes S370FIB

big endian either no S370FPIB

little endian either yes IBR

little endian either no PIBR

532 Chapter 3 / About Informats

Integer Binary Notation in Different Programming

The following table compares integer binary notation according to programming

2 Bytes or 8-Bit 4 Bytes or 16-Bit 8 Bytes or 64-Bit

Language Systems Systems Systems

SAS IB2., IBR2., IB4., IBR4., PIB4., IB8., IBR8., PIB8.,

PIB2., PIBR2., PIBR4., S370FIB4., PIBR8., S370FIB8.,
S370FIB2., S370FIBU4., S370FIBU8.,
S370FIBU2., S370FPIB4. S370FPIB8.

C short int long 1

Java short int long 1

Visual Basic 6.0 short long* none

Visual Basic.NET short integer long 1

PL/I fixed bin(15) fixed bin(31) fixed bin(63)

Fortran integer*2 integer*4 integer*8

COBOL comp pic 9(4) comp pic 9(8) comp pic 9(16)

IBM assembler H F FD

1 The size of integers declared as long depends on the operating environment.

Working with Packed Decimal and Zoned Decimal Data 533

Working with Packed Decimal and Zoned

Decimal Data

Packed decimal
specifies a method of encoding decimal numbers by using each byte to
represent two decimal digits. Packed decimal representation stores decimal data
with exact precision. The fractional part of the number is determined by the
informat or format because there is no separate mantissa and exponent.
An advantage of using packed decimal data is that exact precision can be
maintained. However, computations involving decimal data might become
inexact due to the lack of native instructions.
Zoned decimal
specifies a method of encoding decimal numbers in which each digit requires 1
byte of storage. The last byte contains the number's sign as well as the last digit.
Zoned decimal data produces a printable representation.
specifies 1/2 of a byte.

Types of Data

Packed Decimal Data

A packed decimal representation stores decimal digits in each “nibble” of a byte.
Each byte has two nibbles, and each nibble is indicated by a hexadecimal character.
For example, the value 15 is stored in two nibbles, using the hexadecimal
characters 1 and 5.
The sign indication is dependent on your operating environment. On IBM
mainframes, the sign is indicated by the last nibble. With formats, C indicates a
positive value, and D indicates a negative value. With informats, A, C, E, and F
indicate positive values, and B and D indicate negative values. Any other nibble is
invalid for signed packed decimal data. In all other operating environments, the sign
is indicated in its own byte. If the high-order bit is 1, the number is negative.
Otherwise, it is positive.
The following information applies to packed decimal data representation:
534 Chapter 3 / About Informats

n You can use the S370FPD format on all platforms to obtain the IBM mainframe
n You can have unsigned packed data with no sign indicator. The packed decimal
format and informat handle the representation. It is consistent between ASCII
and EBCDIC platforms.
n Note that the S370FPDU format and informat expect to have an F in the last
nibble, whereas packed decimal data expects no sign nibble.

Zoned Decimal Data

The following information applies to zoned decimal data representation:
n A zoned decimal representation stores a decimal digit in the low order nibble of
each byte. For all but the byte that contains the sign, the high-order nibble is the
numeric zone nibble (F on EBCDIC and 3 on ASCII).
n The sign can be merged into a byte with a digit, or it can be separate, depending
on the representation. But the standard zoned decimal format and informat
expect the sign to be merged into the last byte.
n The EBCDIC and ASCII zoned decimal formats produce the same printable
representation of numbers. There are two nibbles per byte, each indicated by a
hexadecimal character. For example, the value 15 is stored in 2 bytes. The first
byte contains the hexadecimal value F1 and the second byte contains the
hexadecimal value C5.

Packed Julian Dates

The following information applies to packed Julian dates:
n The two formats and informats that handle Julian dates in packed decimal
representation are PDJULI and PDJULG. PDJULI uses the IBM mainframe year
computation, whereas PDJULG uses the Gregorian computation.
n The IBM mainframe computation considers 1900 to be the base year, and the
year values in the data indicate the offset from 1900. For example, 98 means
1998, 100 means 2000, and 102 means 2002. 1998 would mean 3898.
n The Gregorian computation allows for two-digit or four-digit years. If you use two-
digit years, SAS uses the setting of the YEARCUTOFF= system option to
determine the true year.

Platforms Supporting Packed Decimal and Zoned

Decimal Data
Some platforms have native instructions to support packed and zoned decimal data.
Other platforms must use software to emulate the computations. For example, the
Working with Packed Decimal and Zoned Decimal Data 535

IBM mainframe has an Add Pack instruction to add packed decimal data, but the
platforms that are based on Intel have no such instruction and must convert the
decimal data to some other format.

Languages Supporting Packed Decimal and Zoned

Decimal Data
Several languages support packed decimal and zoned decimal data. The following
table shows how COBOL picture clauses correspond to SAS formats and informats.

S370Fxxx Formats and
IBM VS COBOL II Clauses Informats








For the packed decimal representation listed in the preceding table, X indicates the
number of digits represented, and W is the number of bytes. For PIC S9(X)
PACKED-DECIMAL, W is ceil((x+1)/2). For PIC 9(X) PACKED-DECIMAL, W is
ceil(x/2). For example, PIC S9(5) PACKED-DECIMAL represents five digits. If a
sign is included, six nibbles are needed. ceil((5+1)/2) has a length of 3 bytes,
and the value of W is 3.
Note that you can substitute COMP-3 for PACKED-DECIMAL.
In IBM assembly language, the P directive indicates packed decimal data, and the Z
directive indicates zoned decimal data. Here is an excerpt from an assembly
language list that shows the offset, the value, and the DC statement:
offset value (in hex) inst label directive

+000000 00001C 2 PEX1 DC PL3'1'

+000003 00001D 3 PEX2 DC PL3'-1'
+000006 F0F0C1 4 ZEX1 DC ZL3'1'
+000009 F0F0D1 5 ZEX2 DC ZL3'1'

In PL/I, the FIXED DECIMAL attribute is used in conjunction with packed decimal
data. You must use the PICTURE specification to represent zoned decimal data.
There is no standardized representation of decimal data for the Fortran or C
536 Chapter 3 / About Informats

Summary of Packed Decimal and Zoned Decimal

Formats and Informats
SAS uses a group of formats and informats to handle packed and zoned decimal
data. The following table lists the type of data representation for these formats and
informats. Note that the formats and informats that begin with S370 refer to IBM
mainframe representation.

Data Type Corresponding

Format Representation Informat Comment

PD Packed decimal PD Local signed packed


PK Packed decimal PK Unsigned packed

decimal; not specific to
your operating

ZD Zoned decimal ZD Local zoned decimal.

none Zoned decimal ZDB Translates EBCDIC blank

(x'40') to EBCDIC zero
(x'F0'), and then
corresponds to the
informat as zoned

none Zoned decimal ZDV Zoned decimal

representation other than

S370FPD Packed decimal S370FPD Last nibble C (positive) or

D (negative).

S370FPDU Packed decimal S370FPDU Last nibble always F


S370FZD Zoned decimal S370FZD Last byte contains sign in

upper nibble: C (positive)
or D (negative).

S370FZDU Zoned decimal S370FZDU Unsigned; sign nibble

always F.

S370FZDL Zoned decimal S370FZDL Sign nibble in first byte in

informat; separate
leading sign byte of x'C0'
Working with Packed Decimal and Zoned Decimal Data 537

Data Type Corresponding

Format Representation Informat Comment

(positive) or x'D0'
(negative) in format.

S370FZDS Zoned decimal S370FZDS Leading sign of – (x'60')

or + (x'4E').

S370FZDT Zoned decimal S370FZDT Trailing sign of – (x'60') or

+ (x'4E').

PDJULI Packed decimal PDJULI Julian date in packed

representation - IBM

PDJULG Packed decimal PDJULG Julian date in packed

representation -
Gregorian computation

none Packed decimal RMFDUR Input layout is: mmsstttF

none Packed decimal SHRSTAMP Input layout is

where yyyydddF is the
packed Julian date; yyyy
is a zero-based year from

none Packed decimal SMFSTAMP Input layout is

where yyyydddF is the
packed Julian date; yyyy
is a zero-based year from

none Packed decimal PDTIME Input layout is


none Packed decimal RMFSTAMP Input layout is

where yyyydddF is the
packed Julian date; yyyy
is a zero-based year from
538 Chapter 3 / About Informats

Reading Dates and Times by Using the

ISO 8601 Basic and Extended Notations

ISO 8601 Formatting Symbols

The following list explains the formatting symbols that are used to notate the values
of the ISO 8601 dates, time, datetime, durations, and interval:
specifies a number that represents the number of years, months, or days.
indicates that the duration that follows is specified by the number of years,
months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds.
indicates that a time value follows. Any value with a time must begin with T.

Requirement Time values that are read by the extended notation informats that
begin with the characters E8601 must use an uppercase T.

indicates that the duration is specified in weeks.
indicates that the time value is the time in Greenwich, England, or UTC, time.
the + indicates the time zone offset to the east of Greenwich, England. The -
indicates the time zone offset to the west of Greenwich, England.
specifies a four-digit year.
as part of a date, specifies a two-digit month, 01–12.
specifies a two-digit day, 01–1.
specifies a two-digit hour, 00–24.
as part of a time, specifies a two-digit minute, 00–59.
specifies a two-digit second, 00–59.
fff | ffffff
specifies an optional fraction of a second using the digits 0–9:
Reading Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended Notations 539

fff uses 1–3 digits for values read by the $N8601B informat and the
$N8601E informat.
ffffff use 1–6 digits for informats other than the $N8601B and $N8601E
indicates that a year value precedes this character in a duration.
as part of a date, indicates that a month value precedes this character in a
indicates that a day value precedes this character in a duration.
indicates that an hour value precedes this character in a duration.
as part of a time, indicates that a minute value precedes this character in a
indicates that a seconds value precedes this character in a duration.

Reading ISO 8601 Date, Time, and Datetime

SAS reads ISO 8601 dates, times, and datetimes using various informats, and the
resulting values are SAS date, time, or datetime values. The following table shows
different date, time, and datetime forms and the informats that you use to read them:

Date, Time, or
Datetime ISO 8601 Notation Example Informat

Basic Notations

Date YYYYMMDD 20180915 B8601DAw.

Time with no time hhmmssnnnnnn 155300322348 B8601TMw.d

zone offset

Time with a time hhmmss+|–hhmm 155300–0500 B8601TZw.d

zone offset

hhmmssZ 155300Z B8601TZw.d

Convert to local hhmmss+|–hhmm 155300+0500 B8601TZw.d

time with a time
zone offset
540 Chapter 3 / About Informats

Date, Time, or
Datetime ISO 8601 Notation Example Informat

Datetime with no yyyymmddThhmmssnn 20180915T155300 B8601DTw.d

time zone offset nnnn

Datetime with a yyyymmddThhmmss+|– 20180915T155300 B8601DZw.d

time zone offset hhmm +0500

yyyymmddThhmmssZ 20180915T155300 B8601DZw.d


Date from a yyyymmdd 20180915 B8601DNw.

datetime and no
time zone offset

Extended Notations

Date yyyy-mm-dd 2018-09-15 E8601DAw.

Time with no time hh:mm:ss.nnnnnn 15:53:00.322348 E8601TMw.d

zone offset

Time with a time hh:mm:ss.nnnnnn+|– 15:53:00+05:00 E8601TZw.d

zone offset hh:mm

Convert to local hh:mm:ss.nnnnnn+|– 15:53:00+05:00 E8601LZw.d

time with a time hh:mm
zone offset

Datetime with no yyyy-mm- 2018-09-15T15:53: E8601DTw.d

time zone offset ddThh:mm:ss.nnnnnn 00

Datetime with a yyyy-mm- 2018-09-15T15:53: E8601DZw.d

time zone offset ddThh:mm:ss.nnnnnn 00+05:00

Date from a yyyy-mm-dd 2018-09-15 E8601DNw.

datetime and no
time zone offset

When SAS reads an ISO 8601 value that specifies a time zone offset (+|–hh:mm or
+|–hhmm), the time or datetime value is adjusted to account for the offset. A SAS
time or datetime value for an ISO 8601 value with a time zone offset is the time or
datetime for the zero meridian (Greenwich, England). For example, if SAS reads the
datetime 2018-09-15T15:53:00+05:00 using the E8601DZ informat, the datetime
value 1852645980 has been adjusted for the five-hour time zone difference. This
datetime value is the datetime value for the zero meridian. If you write this value
using the E8601DZ format, the value is 2018–09–15T10:53:00+00:00. The hour
specified after the T shows the five-hour adjustment.
Reading Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended Notations 541

For examples of reading ISO 8601 dates, times, and datetimes, see “Examples of
Reading and Writing Basic and Extended ISO 8601 Date, Time, and Datetime
Values” on page 51.

Reading ISO 8601 Duration, Interval, and Datetime


Informats That Read Duration, Interval,

and Datetime Values
SAS uses two informats that read ISO datetime, duration, and interval values.
$N8601B informat
reads duration, interval, and datetime values that are specified in either the basic
notation or the extended notation.
$N8601E informat
reads duration, interval, and datetime values that are specified only in the
extended notation.
Use the $N8601E informat when you want to make sure that you are in compliance
with the extended notation.
The datetime values that are read by these informats result in a SAS character
representation. If you want a datetime value to be read as a numeric value, use the
B8601DT informat, the B8601DZ informat, the E8601DT informat, or the E8601DZ

Complete Duration, Interval, and Datetime

The following table shows the formatting of duration, datetime, and interval values
that can be read in the complete form:

Time Component ISO 8601 Notation Example

Duration - Basic Notation PYYYYMMDDThhmmss P20180915T155300

–PYYYYMMDDThhmmss –P20180915T155300

Duration - Extended PYYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss P2018-09-15T15:53:00


–PYYYY-MM- –P2018-09-15T15:53:00
542 Chapter 3 / About Informats

Time Component ISO 8601 Notation Example

Duration - Basic and PnYnMnDTnHnMnS P2y10m14dT20h13m45s

Extended Notation

–PnYnMnDTnHnMnS –P2n10m14dT20h13m45s

PnW (weeks) P6w

Interval - Basic Notation YYYYMMDDThhmmss/ 20180915T155300/201411

YYYYMMDDThhmmss 13T000000

PnYnMnDTnHnMnS/ P2y10M14dT20h13m45s/
YYYYMMDDThhmmss 20180915T155300

YYYYMMDDThhmmss/ 20180915T155300/
PnYnMnDTnHnMnS P2y10M14dT20h13m45s

Interval - Extended YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss/ 2018-09-15T15:53:00/201

Notation YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss 4-11-13T00:00:00

PnYnMnDTnHnMnS/ P2y10M14dT20h13m45s/
YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss 2018-09-15T15:53:00

YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss/ 2018-09-15T15:53:00/
PnYnMnDTnHnMnS P2y10M14dT20h13m45s

Datetime-Basic Notation YYYYMMDDThhmmss.fff 20180915T155300


(all blank)

Datetime-Extended YYYY-MM- 2018-09-15T15:53:00

Notation DDThh:mm:ss.fff+|–hhmm

(all blank)

Reading Omitted Components

One or more date or time components can be omitted from a datetime value or a
duration value that is in the form Pyyyymmdd. SAS reads omitted components by
using the $N8601B informat or the $N8601E informat, and the omitted component
must be represented by a hyphen ( - ).
The following examples show duration, datetime, and interval values with omitted
The omitted component is the number of days.
Reading Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended Notations 543

The omitted component is the number of hours.
The omitted components are the number of years, minutes, and seconds.
The omitted components are the minutes.
When reading values that contain a time zone offset, omitted components are not
allowed. Use 00 in place of omitted components.

Truncated Values
SAS reads truncated duration, datetime, and interval values, where one or more
lower-order components is truncated because the value is 0 or the value is not
The following list shows examples of truncated values:
n p00030202T1031

n 2016-09-15T15/2018-09-15T15:53

n –p0003-03-03T-:-:-

n P2y3m4dT5h6m

n 2018-09-xTx:x:x

n 2018

When reading values that contain a time zone offset, truncation is not allowed. Use
00 in place of truncated values.

Normalizing Duration Components

When a value for a duration component is greater than the largest standard value
for a component, SAS normalizes the component except when the duration
component is a single component. The following table shows examples of
normalized duration components:

Duration Extended Normalized Duration

p3y13m p0004-01

pt24h24m65s P----01T-:25:05

p3y13mT24h61m P0004-01-01T01:01

p0004-13 p0005-01

p0003-02-61T15:61:61 P0003-04-01T16:02:01

p13m P13M
544 Chapter 3 / About Informats

If a component contains the largest value such as 60 for minutes or seconds, SAS
normalizes the value and replaces the value with a hyphen. For example,
pT12:60:13 becomes PT13:-:13.
Thirty days is used to normalize a month.
Dates and times in a datetime value that are greater than the standard value for the
component are not normalized. They produce an error.

Fractions in Duration, Datetime, and

Interval Values
Ending components can contain a fraction that consists of a period or a comma,
followed by one to three digits. These examples show the use of fractions in values
for duration, datetime, and interval:
n 201209.5

n P2012-09-15T10.33
n 2012-09-15/P0003-03-03,333

Dictionary of Informats

Informats Documented in Other Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 547

Informats by Category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 547
Dictionary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 560
$ASCIIw. Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 560
$BASE64Xw. Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 561
$BINARYw. Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 562
$CBw. Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 564
$CHARw. Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 565
$CHARZBw. Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 567
$EBCDICw. Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 568
$HEXw. Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 569
$N8601Bw.d Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571
$N8601Ew.d Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 573
$OCTALw. Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 576
$PHEXw. Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 577
$QUOTEw. Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 578
$UPCASEw. Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 579
$UUIDw. Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 580
$VARYINGw. Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 581
$w. Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 583
ANYDTDTEw. Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 584
ANYDTDTMw. Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 587
ANYDTTMEw. Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 590
B8601CIw.d Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 592
B8601DAw. Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 594
B8601DJw.d Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 596
B8601DNw. Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 597
B8601DTw.d Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 599
B8601DXw. Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600
B8601DZw.d Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 601
B8601LXw. Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 603
B8601TMw.d Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 603
B8601TXw. Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605
B8601TZw.d Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605
BINARYw.d Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 607
BITSw.d Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 608
546 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

BZw.d Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 609

CBw.d Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 611
COMMAw.d Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 612
COMMAXw.d Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 613
DATEw. Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 615
DATETIMEw. Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 616
DDMMYYw. Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 619
E8601DAw. Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 620
E8601DNw. Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 622
E8601DTw.d Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 623
E8601DXw. Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 625
E8601DZw.d Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 625
E8601LXw. Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 627
E8601LZw.d Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 628
E8601TMw.d Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 630
E8601TXw. Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 631
E8601TZw.d Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 631
FLOATw.d Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 633
HEXw. Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 635
HHMMSSw. Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 636
IBw.d Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 638
IBRw.d Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 640
IEEEw.d Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 642
JULIANw. Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 643
MDYAMPMw.d Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 645
MMDDYYw. Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 647
MONYYw. Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 649
MSECw. Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 651
NUMXw.d Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 652
OCTALw.d Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 653
PDw.d Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 654
PDJULGw. Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 656
PDJULIw. Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 658
PDTIMEw. Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 659
PERCENTw.d Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 661
PIBw.d Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 662
PIBRw.d Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 664
PKw.d Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 666
PUNCH.d Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 667
RBw.d Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 668
RMFDURw. Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 670
RMFSTAMPw. Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 672
ROWw.d Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 673
S370FFw.d Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 675
S370FIBw.d Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 677
S370FIBUw.d Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678
S370FPDw.d Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 680
S370FPDUw.d Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 682
S370FPIBw.d Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 683
S370FRBw.d Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 685
S370FZDw.d Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 687
S370FZDBw.d Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 688
S370FZDLw.d Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 690
S370FZDSw.d Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 691
Informats by Category 547

S370FZDTw.d Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 692

S370FZDUw.d Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 694
SHRSTAMPw. Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 695
SMFSTAMPw. Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 697
STIMERw. Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 698
TIMEw. Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700
TODSTAMPw. Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 702
TRAILSGNw. Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 703
TUw. Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 704
VAXRBw.d Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 705
VMSZNw.d Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 706
w.d Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 708
WEEKUw. Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 709
WEEKVw. Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 711
WEEKWw. Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 714
YMDDTTMw.d Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 716
YYMMDDw. Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 718
YYMMNw. Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 720
YYQw. Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 722
ZDw.d Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 723
ZDBw.d Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 725
ZDVw.d Informat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 726

Informats Documented in Other

Additional informats are documented in National Language Support (NLS):
Reference Guide:“Dictionary of Informats for NLS” in SAS National Language
Support (NLS): Reference Guide..

Informats by Category
Here are the categories for informats:

Category Description

CAS instructs SAS to read character data values into character

variables in CAS.
See CAS for a list of informats.

Character instructs SAS to read character data values into character

548 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

Category Description

See Character for a list of informats.

Column Binary instructs SAS to read data stored in column-binary or

multipunched form into character or numeric variables.
See Column Binary for a list of informats.

Date Instructs SAS to write data values from variables that represent
See Date for a list of informats.

Date and Time instructs SAS to read date values into variables that represent
dates, times, and datetimes.
See Date and Time for a list of informats.

ISO 8601 instructs SAS to read date, time, and datetime values that are
written in the ISO 8601 standard into either numeric or
character variables.
See ISO 8601 for a list of informats.

Numeric instructs SAS to read numeric data values into numeric

See Numeric for a list of informats.

Time Instructs SAS to write data values from variables that represent
See Time for a list of informats.

For information about column-binary data, see “Description of Column-Binary Data

Storage” in SAS Programmer’s Guide: Essentials. For information about creating
user-defined informats, see “FORMAT Procedure” in Base SAS Procedures Guide.
The following table provides brief descriptions of the SAS informats. For more
detailed descriptions, see the dictionary entry for each informat.

Category Language Elements Description

CAS $ASCIIw. Informat (p. 560) Converts ASCII character data to native format.

$BASE64Xw. Informat (p. Converts ASCII text to character data by using Base 64
561) encoding.

$BINARYw. Informat (p. Converts binary data to character data.


$CBw. Informat (p. 564) Reads standard character data from column-binary files.

$CHARw. Informat (p. 565) Reads character data with blanks.

Informats by Category 549

Category Language Elements Description

$CHARZBw. Informat (p. Converts binary 0s to blanks.


$EBCDICw. Informat (p. Converts EBCDIC character data to native format.


$HEXw. Informat (p. 569) Converts hexadecimal data to character data.

$N8601Bw.d Informat (p. Reads complete, truncated, and omitted forms of ISO 8601
571) duration, datetime, and interval values that are specified in
either the basic or extended notation.

$N8601Ew.d Informat (p. Reads ISO 8601 duration, datetime, and interval values that
573) are specified in the extended notation.

$OCTALw. Informat (p. 576) Converts octal data to character data.

$PHEXw. Informat (p. 577) Converts packed hexadecimal data to character data.

$QUOTEw. Informat (p. Removes matching quotation marks from character data.

$UPCASEw. Informat (p. Converts character data to uppercase.


$VARYINGw. Informat (p. Reads character data of varying length.


$w. Informat (p. 583) Reads standard character data.

ANYDTDTEw. Informat (p. Reads and extracts the date value from various date, time,
584) and datetime forms.

ANYDTDTMw. Informat (p. Reads and extracts datetime values from various date, time,
587) and datetime forms.

ANYDTTMEw. Informat (p. Reads and extracts time values from various date, time, and
590) datetime forms.

BINARYw.d Informat (p. Converts positive binary values to integers.


CBw.d Informat (p. 611) Reads standard numeric values from column-binary files.

COMMAw.d Informat (p. Removes embedded characters.


COMMAXw.d Informat (p. Removes embedded periods, blanks, dollar signs, percent
613) signs, hyphens, and close parentheses from the input data.
An open parenthesis at the beginning of a field is converted
to a minus sign. The COMMAX informat reverses the roles
of the decimal point and the comma.

DATEw. Informat (p. 615) Reads date values in the form ddmmmyy or ddmmmyyyy.
550 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

Category Language Elements Description

DATETIMEw. Informat (p. Reads datetime values in the form ddmmmyy
616) or ddmmmyyyy

DDMMYYw. Informat (p. Reads date values in the form ddmmyy<yy> or dd-mm-
619) yy<yy>, where a special character such as a hyphen (-),
period (.), or slash (/) separates the day, month, and year.
The year can be either two or four digits.

E8601DAw. Informat (p. Reads date values that are specified using the ISO 8601
620) extended notation yyyy-mm-dd.

E8601DNw. Informat (p. Reads date values that are specified using the ISO 8601
622) extended notation yyyy-mm-dd and returns SAS datetime
values where the time portion of the value is 000000.

E8601DTw.d Informat (p. Reads datetime values that are specified using the ISO
623) 8601 extended notation yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.<ffffff>.

E8601DZw.d Informat (p. Reads Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) datetime values
625) that are specified using the ISO 8601 datetime extended
notation yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss+|–hh:mm.<fffff> or yyyy-

E8601TMw.d Informat (p. Reads time values that are specified using the ISO 8601
630) extended notation hh:mm:ss.<ffffff>.

E8601TZw.d Informat (p. Reads time values that are specified using the ISO 8601
631) extended time notation hh:mm:ss+|–hh:mm.<ffffff> or

FLOATw.d Informat (p. 633) Reads a native single-precision, floating-point value and
divides it by 10 raised to the dth power.

HEXw. Informat (p. 635) Converts hexadecimal positive binary values to either
integer (fixed-point) or real (floating-point) binary values.

HHMMSSw. Informat (p. Reads hours, minutes, and seconds in the form hh:mm:ss or
636) hhmmss.

IBw.d Informat (p. 638) Reads native integer binary (fixed-point) values, including
negative values.

IBRw.d Informat (p. 640) Reads integer binary (fixed-point) values in Intel and DEC

IEEEw.d Informat (p. 642) Reads an IEEE floating-point value and divides it by 10
raised to the dth power.

JULIANw. Informat (p. 643) Reads Julian dates in the form yyddd or yyyyddd.

MDYAMPMw.d Informat (p. Reads datetime values in the form mm-dd-yy<yy>

645) AM|PM, where a special character such as a
hyphen (-), period (.), slash (/), or colon (:) separates the
month, day, and year. The year can be either two or four
Informats by Category 551

Category Language Elements Description

MMDDYYw. Informat (p. Reads date values in the form mmddyy or mmddyyyy.

MONYYw. Informat (p. 649) Reads month and year date values in the form mmmyy or

MSECw. Informat (p. 651) Reads TIME MIC values.

NUMXw.d Informat (p. 652) Reads numeric values with a comma in place of the decimal

PDw.d Informat (p. 654) Reads data that is stored in IBM packed decimal format.

PDTIMEw. Informat (p. 659) Reads packed decimal time of SMF and RMF records.

PERCENTw.d Informat (p. Reads percentages as numeric values.


PIBw.d Informat (p. 662) Reads positive integer binary (fixed-point) values.

PIBRw.d Informat (p. 664) Reads positive integer binary (fixed-point) values in Intel
and DEC formats.

PKw.d Informat (p. 666) Reads unsigned packed decimal data.

PUNCH.d Informat (p. 667) Reads whether a row of column-binary data is punched.

RBw.d Informat (p. 668) Reads numeric data that is stored in real binary (floating-
point) notation.

RMFDURw. Informat (p. Reads duration intervals of RMF records.


RMFSTAMPw. Informat (p. Reads time and date fields of RMF records.

S370FFw.d Informat (p. Reads EBCDIC numeric data.


S370FIBw.d Informat (p. Reads integer binary (fixed-point) values, including negative
677) values, in IBM mainframe format.

S370FIBUw.d Informat (p. Reads unsigned integer binary (fixed-point) values in IBM
678) mainframe format.

S370FPDw.d Informat (p. Reads packed data in IBM mainframe format.


S370FPDUw.d Informat (p. Reads unsigned packed decimal data in IBM mainframe
682) format.

S370FPIBw.d Informat (p. Reads positive integer binary (fixed-point) values in IBM
683) mainframe format.
552 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

Category Language Elements Description

S370FRBw.d Informat (p. Reads real binary (floating-point) data in IBM mainframe
685) format.

S370FZDw.d Informat (p. Reads zoned decimal data in IBM mainframe format.

S370FZDBw.d Informat (p. Reads zoned decimal data in which 0s have been left blank.

S370FZDLw.d Informat (p. Reads zoned decimal leading-sign data in IBM mainframe
690) format.

S370FZDSw.d Informat (p. Reads zoned decimal, separate leading-sign data in IBM
691) mainframe format.

S370FZDTw.d Informat (p. Reads zoned decimal, separate trailing-sign data in IBM
692) mainframe format.

S370FZDUw.d Informat (p. Reads unsigned zoned decimal data in IBM mainframe
694) format.

SHRSTAMPw. Informat (p. Reads date and time values of SHR records.

SMFSTAMPw. Informat (p. Reads time and date values of SMF records.

TIMEw. Informat (p. 700) Reads hours, minutes, and seconds in the form, where special characters such as the colon (:)
or the period (.) are used to separate the hours, minutes,
and seconds.

TODSTAMPw. Informat (p. Reads an 8-byte time-of-day stamp.


TUw. Informat (p. 704) Reads timer units.

VAXRBw.d Informat (p. Reads real binary (floating-point) data in VMS format.

VMSZNw.d Informat (p. Reads VMS and MicroFocus COBOL zoned numeric data.

w.d Informat (p. 708) Reads standard numeric data.

YYMMDDw. Informat (p. Reads date values in the form yymmdd or yyyymmdd.

YYMMNw. Informat (p. 720) Reads date values in the form yyyymm or yymm.

YYQw. Informat (p. 722) Reads quarters of the year in the form yyQq or yyyyQq.

ZDw.d Informat (p. 723) Reads zoned decimal data.

Informats by Category 553

Category Language Elements Description

Character $ASCIIw. Informat (p. 560) Converts ASCII character data to native format.

$BASE64Xw. Informat (p. Converts ASCII text to character data by using Base 64
561) encoding.

$BINARYw. Informat (p. Converts binary data to character data.


$CHARw. Informat (p. 565) Reads character data with blanks.

$CHARZBw. Informat (p. Converts binary 0s to blanks.


$EBCDICw. Informat (p. Converts EBCDIC character data to native format.


$HEXw. Informat (p. 569) Converts hexadecimal data to character data.

$OCTALw. Informat (p. 576) Converts octal data to character data.

$PHEXw. Informat (p. 577) Converts packed hexadecimal data to character data.

$QUOTEw. Informat (p. Removes matching quotation marks from character data.

$UPCASEw. Informat (p. Converts character data to uppercase.


$VARYINGw. Informat (p. Reads character data of varying length.


$w. Informat (p. 583) Reads standard character data.

Column Binary $CBw. Informat (p. 564) Reads standard character data from column-binary files.

CBw.d Informat (p. 611) Reads standard numeric values from column-binary files.

PUNCH.d Informat (p. 667) Reads whether a row of column-binary data is punched.

ROWw.d Informat (p. 673) Reads a column-binary field down a card column.

Date B8601DAw. Informat (p. Reads date values that are specified using the ISO 8601
594) base notation yyyymmdd.

B8601DNw. Informat (p. Reads date values that are specified using the ISO 8601
597) basic notation yyyymmdd and returns SAS datetime values
where the time portion of the value is 000000.

DATEw. Informat (p. 615) Reads date values in the form ddmmmyy or ddmmmyyyy.

DDMMYYw. Informat (p. Reads date values in the form ddmmyy<yy> or dd-mm-
619) yy<yy>, where a special character such as a hyphen (-),
period (.), or slash (/) separates the day, month, and year.
The year can be either two or four digits.
554 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

Category Language Elements Description

E8601DAw. Informat (p. Reads date values that are specified using the ISO 8601
620) extended notation yyyy-mm-dd.

E8601DNw. Informat (p. Reads date values that are specified using the ISO 8601
622) extended notation yyyy-mm-dd and returns SAS datetime
values where the time portion of the value is 000000.

MMDDYYw. Informat (p. Reads date values in the form mmddyy or mmddyyyy.

MONYYw. Informat (p. 649) Reads month and year date values in the form mmmyy or

PDJULGw. Informat (p. Reads packed Julian date values in the hexadecimal form
656) yyyydddF for IBM.

PDJULIw. Informat (p. 658) Reads packed Julian dates in the hexadecimal format
ccyydddF for IBM.

WEEKUw. Informat (p. 709) Reads a value in the form of a week number within the year
and returns a SAS date value by using the U algorithm.

WEEKVw. Informat (p. 711) Reads a value in the form of a week number within a year
and returns a SAS date value by using the V algorithm.

WEEKWw. Informat (p. Reads a value in the form of a week number within the year
714) and returns a SAS date value by using the W algorithm.

YYMMDDw. Informat (p. Reads date values in the form yymmdd or yyyymmdd.

YYMMNw. Informat (p. 720) Reads date values in the form yyyymm or yymm.

YYQw. Informat (p. 722) Reads quarters of the year in the form yyQq or yyyyQq.

Date and Time $N8601Bw.d Informat (p. Reads complete, truncated, and omitted forms of ISO 8601
571) duration, datetime, and interval values that are specified in
either the basic or extended notation.

$N8601Ew.d Informat (p. Reads ISO 8601 duration, datetime, and interval values that
573) are specified in the extended notation.

ANYDTDTEw. Informat (p. Reads and extracts the date value from various date, time,
584) and datetime forms.

ANYDTDTMw. Informat (p. Reads and extracts datetime values from various date, time,
587) and datetime forms.

ANYDTTMEw. Informat (p. Reads and extracts time values from various date, time, and
590) datetime forms.

B8601CIw.d Informat (p. Reads an IBM date and time value that includes a century
592) marker, in the form cyymmddhhmmss<fff>.
Informats by Category 555

Category Language Elements Description

B8601DJw.d Informat (p. Reads a Java date and time value that is in the form
596) yyyymmddhhmmss<ffffff>.

B8601DNw. Informat (p. Reads date values that are specified using the ISO 8601
597) basic notation yyyymmdd and returns SAS datetime values
where the time portion of the value is 000000.

B8601DTw.d Informat (p. Reads datetime values that are specified using the ISO
599) 8601 basic notation yyyymmddThhmmss<ffffff>.

B8601DZw.d Informat (p. Reads Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) datetime values
601) that are specified using the ISO 8601 datetime basic
notation yyyymmddThhmmss+|–hhmm or

DATETIMEw. Informat (p. Reads datetime values in the form ddmmmyy
616) or ddmmmyyyy

E8601DTw.d Informat (p. Reads datetime values that are specified using the ISO
623) 8601 extended notation yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.<ffffff>.

E8601DZw.d Informat (p. Reads Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) datetime values
625) that are specified using the ISO 8601 datetime extended
notation yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss+|–hh:mm.<fffff> or yyyy-

JULIANw. Informat (p. 643) Reads Julian dates in the form yyddd or yyyyddd.

MDYAMPMw.d Informat (p. Reads datetime values in the form mm-dd-yy<yy>

645) AM|PM, where a special character such as a
hyphen (-), period (.), slash (/), or colon (:) separates the
month, day, and year. The year can be either two or four

RMFDURw. Informat (p. Reads duration intervals of RMF records.


RMFSTAMPw. Informat (p. Reads time and date fields of RMF records.

SHRSTAMPw. Informat (p. Reads date and time values of SHR records.

SMFSTAMPw. Informat (p. Reads time and date values of SMF records.

YMDDTTMw.d Informat (p. Reads datetime values in the form <yy>yy-mm-dd

716), where special characters such as a hyphen
(-), period (.), slash (/), or colon (:) are used to separate the
year, month, day, hour, minute, and seconds. The year can
be either two or four digits.

ISO 8601 $N8601Bw.d Informat (p. Reads complete, truncated, and omitted forms of ISO 8601
571) duration, datetime, and interval values that are specified in
either the basic or extended notation.
556 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

Category Language Elements Description

$N8601Ew.d Informat (p. Reads ISO 8601 duration, datetime, and interval values that
573) are specified in the extended notation.

B8601CIw.d Informat (p. Reads an IBM date and time value that includes a century
592) marker, in the form cyymmddhhmmss<fff>.

B8601DAw. Informat (p. Reads date values that are specified using the ISO 8601
594) base notation yyyymmdd.

B8601DJw.d Informat (p. Reads a Java date and time value that is in the form
596) yyyymmddhhmmss<ffffff>.

B8601DNw. Informat (p. Reads date values that are specified using the ISO 8601
597) basic notation yyyymmdd and returns SAS datetime values
where the time portion of the value is 000000.

B8601DTw.d Informat (p. Reads datetime values that are specified using the ISO
599) 8601 basic notation yyyymmddThhmmss<ffffff>.

B8601DZw.d Informat (p. Reads Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) datetime values
601) that are specified using the ISO 8601 datetime basic
notation yyyymmddThhmmss+|–hhmm or

B8601TMw.d Informat (p. Reads time values that are specified using the ISO 8601
603) basic notation hhmmss<ffffff>.

B8601TZw.d Informat (p. Reads time values that are specified using the ISO 8601
605) basic time notation hhmmss<ffff>+|–hhmm or

E8601DAw. Informat (p. Reads date values that are specified using the ISO 8601
620) extended notation yyyy-mm-dd.

E8601DNw. Informat (p. Reads date values that are specified using the ISO 8601
622) extended notation yyyy-mm-dd and returns SAS datetime
values where the time portion of the value is 000000.

E8601DTw.d Informat (p. Reads datetime values that are specified using the ISO
623) 8601 extended notation yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.<ffffff>.

E8601DZw.d Informat (p. Reads Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) datetime values
625) that are specified using the ISO 8601 datetime extended
notation yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss+|–hh:mm.<fffff> or yyyy-

E8601LZw.d Informat (p. Reads Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) values that are
628) specified using the ISO 8601 extended notation hh:mm:ss
+|–hh:mm.<fffff> or hh:mm:ss.<fffff>Z and converts the
values to the local time.

E8601TMw.d Informat (p. Reads time values that are specified using the ISO 8601
630) extended notation hh:mm:ss.<ffffff>.
Informats by Category 557

Category Language Elements Description

E8601TZw.d Informat (p. Reads time values that are specified using the ISO 8601
631) extended time notation hh:mm:ss+|–hh:mm.<ffffff> or

Numeric BINARYw.d Informat (p. Converts positive binary values to integers.


BITSw.d Informat (p. 608) Extracts bits.

BZw.d Informat (p. 609) Converts blanks to 0s.

COMMAw.d Informat (p. Removes embedded characters.


COMMAXw.d Informat (p. Removes embedded periods, blanks, dollar signs, percent
613) signs, hyphens, and close parentheses from the input data.
An open parenthesis at the beginning of a field is converted
to a minus sign. The COMMAX informat reverses the roles
of the decimal point and the comma.

FLOATw.d Informat (p. 633) Reads a native single-precision, floating-point value and
divides it by 10 raised to the dth power.

HEXw. Informat (p. 635) Converts hexadecimal positive binary values to either
integer (fixed-point) or real (floating-point) binary values.

IBw.d Informat (p. 638) Reads native integer binary (fixed-point) values, including
negative values.

IBRw.d Informat (p. 640) Reads integer binary (fixed-point) values in Intel and DEC

IEEEw.d Informat (p. 642) Reads an IEEE floating-point value and divides it by 10
raised to the dth power.

NUMXw.d Informat (p. 652) Reads numeric values with a comma in place of the decimal

OCTALw.d Informat (p. 653) Converts positive octal values to integers.

PDw.d Informat (p. 654) Reads data that is stored in IBM packed decimal format.

PERCENTw.d Informat (p. Reads percentages as numeric values.


PIBw.d Informat (p. 662) Reads positive integer binary (fixed-point) values.

PIBRw.d Informat (p. 664) Reads positive integer binary (fixed-point) values in Intel
and DEC formats.

PKw.d Informat (p. 666) Reads unsigned packed decimal data.

RBw.d Informat (p. 668) Reads numeric data that is stored in real binary (floating-
point) notation.
558 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

Category Language Elements Description

S370FFw.d Informat (p. Reads EBCDIC numeric data.


S370FIBw.d Informat (p. Reads integer binary (fixed-point) values, including negative
677) values, in IBM mainframe format.

S370FIBUw.d Informat (p. Reads unsigned integer binary (fixed-point) values in IBM
678) mainframe format.

S370FPDw.d Informat (p. Reads packed data in IBM mainframe format.


S370FPDUw.d Informat (p. Reads unsigned packed decimal data in IBM mainframe
682) format.

S370FPIBw.d Informat (p. Reads positive integer binary (fixed-point) values in IBM
683) mainframe format.

S370FRBw.d Informat (p. Reads real binary (floating-point) data in IBM mainframe
685) format.

S370FZDw.d Informat (p. Reads zoned decimal data in IBM mainframe format.

S370FZDBw.d Informat (p. Reads zoned decimal data in which 0s have been left blank.

S370FZDLw.d Informat (p. Reads zoned decimal leading-sign data in IBM mainframe
690) format.

S370FZDSw.d Informat (p. Reads zoned decimal, separate leading-sign data in IBM
691) mainframe format.

S370FZDTw.d Informat (p. Reads zoned decimal, separate trailing-sign data in IBM
692) mainframe format.

S370FZDUw.d Informat (p. Reads unsigned zoned decimal data in IBM mainframe
694) format.

TRAILSGNw. Informat (p. Reads a trailing plus (+) or minus (–) sign.

VAXRBw.d Informat (p. Reads real binary (floating-point) data in VMS format.

VMSZNw.d Informat (p. Reads VMS and MicroFocus COBOL zoned numeric data.

w.d Informat (p. 708) Reads standard numeric data.

ZDw.d Informat (p. 723) Reads zoned decimal data.

ZDBw.d Informat (p. 725) Reads zoned decimal data in which zeros have been left
Informats by Category 559

Category Language Elements Description

ZDVw.d Informat (p. 726) Reads and validates zoned decimal data.

Time B8601TMw.d Informat (p. Reads time values that are specified using the ISO 8601
603) basic notation hhmmss<ffffff>.

B8601TZw.d Informat (p. Reads time values that are specified using the ISO 8601
605) basic time notation hhmmss<ffff>+|–hhmm or

E8601LZw.d Informat (p. Reads Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) values that are
628) specified using the ISO 8601 extended notation hh:mm:ss
+|–hh:mm.<fffff> or hh:mm:ss.<fffff>Z and converts the
values to the local time.

E8601TMw.d Informat (p. Reads time values that are specified using the ISO 8601
630) extended notation hh:mm:ss.<ffffff>.

E8601TZw.d Informat (p. Reads time values that are specified using the ISO 8601
631) extended time notation hh:mm:ss+|–hh:mm.<ffffff> or

HHMMSSw. Informat (p. Reads hours, minutes, and seconds in the form hh:mm:ss or
636) hhmmss.

MSECw. Informat (p. 651) Reads TIME MIC values.

PDTIMEw. Informat (p. 659) Reads packed decimal time of SMF and RMF records.

STIMERw. Informat (p. 698) Reads time values and determines whether the values are
hours, minutes, or seconds; reads the output of the STIMER
system option.

TIMEw. Informat (p. 700) Reads hours, minutes, and seconds in the form, where special characters such as the colon (:)
or the period (.) are used to separate the hours, minutes,
and seconds.

TODSTAMPw. Informat (p. Reads an 8-byte time-of-day stamp.


TUw. Informat (p. 704) Reads timer units.

560 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats


$ASCIIw. Informat
Converts ASCII character data to native format.
Categories: CAS


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 1 if the length of the variable is undefined. Otherwise, the default is the
length of the variable.

Range 1–32767

If ASCII is the native format, no conversion occurs.

n On an IBM mainframe system, $ASCIIw. converts ASCII data to EBCDIC.

n On all other systems, $ASCIIw. behaves like the $CHARw. informat, except that
the default length is different.
$BASE64Xw. Informat 561

data one;
input name $ascii3.;
put name $hex.;

Table 4.1 Output on EBCDIC and ASCII Systems

Variable EBCDIC Results ASCII Results

abc 818283 818283

ABC C1C2C3 414243

Note: The results in this table is hexadecimal representations of codes for

characters. Each two hexadecimal characters correspond to 1 byte of binary data,
and each byte corresponds to one character value.

$BASE64Xw. Informat
Converts ASCII text to character data by using Base 64 encoding.
Categories: CAS
Alignment: Left


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 1

Range 1–32767
562 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

Base 64 is an industry encoding method whose encoded characters are determined
by using a positional scheme that uses only ASCII characters. Several Base 64
encoding schemes have been defined by the industry for specific uses, such as
email or content masking. SAS maps positions 0–61 to the characters A–Z, a–z,
and 0–9. Position 62 maps to the character +, and position 63 maps to the
character /.
Here are some uses of Base 64 encoding:
n embed binary data in an XML file

n encode passwords

n encode URLs

The '=' character in the encoded results indicates that the results have been padded
with zero bits. In order for the encoded characters to be decoded, the '=' must be
included in the value to be decoded.

data _null_;
B64EXMPL2=input(B64EXMPL, $base64x64.);
put B64EXMPL / B64EXMPL2 ;

Variable Result



See Also
n The XMLDOUBLE option of the “LIBNAME Statement: XMLV2 and XML
Engines” in SAS XMLV2 and XML LIBNAME Engines: User’s Guide

n “$BASE64Xw. Format” on page 104

$BINARYw. Informat
Converts binary data to character data.
$BINARYw. Informat 563

Categories: CAS


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field. Because eight bits of binary information
represent one character, every eight characters of input that $BINARYw. reads
become one character value stored in a variable.
If w< 8, $BINARYw. reads the data as w characters followed by 0s. Thus,
$BINARY4. reads the characters 0101 as 01010000, which converts to an
EBCDIC & or an ASCII P. If w> 8 but is not a multiple of 8, $BINARYw. reads up
to the largest multiple of 8 that is less than w before converting the data.

Default 8

Range 1–32767

The $BINARYw. informat does not interpret actual binary data, but it converts a
string of characters that contains only 0s or 1s as if it is actual binary information.
Therefore, use only the character digits 1 and 0 in the input, with no embedded
blanks. $BINARYw. ignores leading and trailing blanks.
To read representations of binary codes for unprintable characters, enter an ASCII
or EBCDIC equivalent for a particular character as a string of 0s and 1s. The
$BINARYw. informat converts the string to its equivalent character value.

n The BINARYw. informat reads eight characters of input that contain only 0s or 1s
as a binary representation of 1 byte of numeric data.
n The $HEXw. informat reads hexadecimal characters that represent the ASCII or
EBCDIC equivalent of character data.

data one;
564 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats


put name ;
put name2 ;

Variable Result


put name2; LM

$CBw. Informat
Reads standard character data from column-binary files.
Categories: CAS
Column Binary


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 1

Range 1–32767

Column-binary data storage compresses data so that more than 80 items of data
can be stored on a single “virtual” punch card.
The $CBw. informat reads standard character data from column-binary files, where
each card column is represented in 2 bytes. The $CBw. informat translates the data
into standard character codes. If the combinations are invalid punch codes, SAS
returns blanks and sets the automatic variable _ERROR_ to 1.
$CHARw. Informat 565

The variable is a hexadecimal representation of the column binary. The “virtual”
punch card column for the example data has row 12, row 6, and row 8 punched.
The binary representation is 0010 0000 0000 1010.
data _null_;
put a=;

Table 4.2 Output on EBCDIC and ASCII Systems

Variable EBCDIC Results ASCII Results

a + N

See Also
n “Description of Column-Binary Data Storage” in SAS Programmer’s Guide:

n “CBw.d Informat” on page 611
n “PUNCH.d Informat” on page 667
n “ROWw.d Informat” on page 673

$CHARw. Informat
Reads character data with blanks.
Categories: CAS


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.
566 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

Default 8 if the length of the variable is undefined. Otherwise, the default is the
length of the variable.

Range 1–32767

The $CHARw. informat does not trim leading and trailing blanks or convert a single
period in the input data field to a blank before storing values. If you use $CHARw. in
an INFORMAT or ATTRIB statement within a DATA step to read list input, by default
SAS interprets any blank embedded within data as a field delimiter, including
leading blanks.

n The $CHARw. informat is almost identical to the $w. informat. However,
$CHARw. does not trim leading blanks or convert a single period in the input
data field to a blank, whereas the $w. informat does.
n Use the following table to compare the SAS informat $CHAR8. with notation in
other programming languages:

Language Character Notation


IBM 370 assembler CL8

C char [8]


Fortran A8


This example uses the TRANSLATE function to replace specific characters in a
character expression. The TRANSLATE function converts the spaces in Name2 to #
symbols so that the blanks in the value are more obvious.
data one;
name=' X YZ';
name2=translate(input(name,$char5.),'#',' ');
$CHARZBw. Informat 567

put name ;
put name2 ;
The character # represents a blank space.
SAS writes the following output to the log:


$CHARZBw. Informat
Converts binary 0s to blanks.
Categories: CAS


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 1 if the length of the variable is undefined. Otherwise, the default is the
length of the variable.

Range 1–32767

The $CHARZBw. informat does not trim leading and trailing blanks in character data
before it stores values.

The $CHARZBw. informat is identical to the $CHARw. informat, except that
$CHARZBw. converts any byte that contains a binary 0 to a blank character.
568 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

This hexadecimal input string, '58595A0000'x, is “XYZ” followed by two null
characters. The informat converts the null characters to spaces, indicated by
hexadecimal ‘20’x in the output.
data a;
put y=;
put y=$hex10;
SAS writes the following output to the log:


$EBCDICw. Informat
Converts EBCDIC character data to native format.
Categories: CAS


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 1 if the length of the variable is undefined. Otherwise, the default is the
length of the variable.

Range 1–32767

If EBCDIC is the native format, no conversion occurs.

Note: Anytime a text file originates from anywhere other than the local encoding
environment, it might be necessary to specify the ENCODING= option in either the
$HEXw. Informat 569

ASCII or EBCDIC environment. When you read an EBCDIC text file on an ASCII
platform, it is recommended that you specify the ENCODING= option in the
FILENAME or INFILE statement. However, if you use the DSD and the DLM= or
DLMSTR= option in the FILENAME or INFILE statement, the ENCODING= option is
required because these options require certain characters (for example, quotation
marks, commas, and blanks) in the session encoding. Encoding-specific informats
should be reserved for use with true binary files (that is, files that contain both
character and non-character fields).

n On an IBM mainframe system, $EBCDICw. behaves like the $CHARw. informat.

n On all other systems, $EBCDICw. converts EBCDIC data to ASCII.

data _null_;
put a= hex6. b= hex6. c= hex6.;

Variable Result



c 8B9A9E

Note: The results are hexadecimal representations of codes for characters. Each
two hexadecimal characters correspond to 1 byte of binary data, and each byte
corresponds to one character value.

$HEXw. Informat
Converts hexadecimal data to character data.
Categories: CAS
570 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

See: “$HEX Informat: UNIX” in SAS Companion for UNIX Environments

“$HEXw. Informat: Windows” in SAS Companion for Windows


Syntax Description
specifies the number of digits of hexadecimal data.
If w=1, $HEXw. pads a trailing hexadecimal 0. If w is an odd number that is
greater than 1, $HEXw. reads w–1 hexadecimal characters.

Default 2

Range 1–32767

The $HEXw. informat converts every two digits of hexadecimal data to 1 byte of
character data. Use $HEXw. to encode hexadecimal values into a character variable
when your input method is limited to printable characters.

The HEXw. informat reads two digits of hexadecimal data at a time and converts
them to 1 byte of numeric data.

data test;

Table 4.3 Output on EBCDIC and ASCII Systems

Variable EBCDIC Results ASCII Results

6C6C %% 11
$N8601Bw.d Informat 571

$N8601Bw.d Informat
Reads complete, truncated, and omitted forms of ISO 8601 duration, datetime, and interval values that are
specified in either the basic or extended notation.
Categories: CAS
Date and Time
ISO 8601
Alignment: Left
Restriction: UTC time zone offset values are not supported.
Supports: ISO 8601 Element 5.4.4, complete representation


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 50

Range 1–200

Requirement The minimum length for a duration value or a datetime value is

16. The minimum length for an interval value is 16.

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the seconds
value. This argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–6

The $N8601B informat reads ISO 8601 duration, interval, and datetime values as
character data for these basic notations:
572 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

Time Component ISO 8601 Notation Example

Duration Pyyyy-mm- P2012-09-15T15:53:00


PyyyymmddThhmmss P00020304T050607

PnYnMnDTnHnMn.fffS P2y10m14dT20h13m45.2

PnW P6w

Interval yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.fff/ 2012-09-15T15:53:00/201

yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.fff 4-11-13T00:00:00

yyyymmddThhmmss.fff/ 20120915T155300/201411
yyyymmddThhmmss.fff 15T120000

PnYnMnDTnHnMn.fffS/ P2y10M14dT20h13m45s/
yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.fff 2012-09-15T15:53:00

yyyy-mm- 2012-09-15T15:53:00/
ddThh:mm:ss.fff/ P2y10M14dT20h13m45s

Datetime yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.fff 2012-09-15T15:53:00

yyyymmddThhmmss.fff 20120915T155300

The $N8601B informat also reads ISO 8601 duration, interval, and datetime
components that contain omitted or truncated components. Omitted components
must use a single hyphen ( - ) to represent the component.

Note: Using a month value that is greater than 12 with a datetime value causes an
error. For example, the value 20121415T000000/2014-09-15T00:00:00 causes an
error because the value for the month is 14.

The $N8601B informat reads durations, intervals, and datetimes that are specified in
either the basic or extended notation.
The $N8601E informat reads durations, intervals, and datetimes that are specified
only in the extended notation. Use the $N8601E informat when you need to ensure
compliance with the extended notation.
$N8601Ew.d Informat 573

The resulting value of Date2 can be formatted so that it is displayed like Date with
the $N8601E format.
data one;

put dt2 /
SAS writes the following output to the log:


See Also
“Reading Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended Notations”
on page 538

$N8601Ew.d Informat
Reads ISO 8601 duration, datetime, and interval values that are specified in the extended notation.
Categories: CAS
Date and Time
ISO 8601
Alignment: Left
Restriction: UTC time zone offset values are not supported.
Supports: ISO 8601 Element 5.4.4, complete representation


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 50
574 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

Range 1–200

Requirement The minimum length for a duration value or a datetime value is

16. The minimum length for an interval value is 16.

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the seconds
value. This argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–3

The $N8601E informat reads ISO 8601 duration, interval, and datetime values that
can be specified in these extended notations:

Time Component ISO 8601 Notation Example

Duration Pyyyy-mm- P2012-09-15T15:53:00


PnW P6w

Interval yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.fff/ 2012-09-15T15:53:00/201

yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.fff 4-11-13T00:00:00

yyyy-mm- 2012-09-15T15:53:00/
ddThh:mm:ss.fff/ P2Y10M14DT20H13M45S

Datetime yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.fff 2012-09-15T15:53:00

specifies a number that represents the number of years, months, or days.
is the character that is used to indicate that the duration that follows is specified
by the number of years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds.
is the character that is used to designate that the duration is specified in weeks.
is the character that is used to designate that a time value follows. If all time
values are 0, T is not required.
in an interval, is used to separate the beginning and ending datetime values.
specifies a four-digit year.
$N8601Ew.d Informat 575

specifies a two-digit month between 01 and 12.
specifies a two-digit day between 01 and 31.
specifies a two-digit hour between 00 and 23.
specifies a two-digit minute between 00 and 59.
specifies a two-digit second between 00 and 59.
specifies an optional fraction of a second with a precision of up to three digits,
where each digit is between 0 and 9.
is the character that is used to designate years in a duration.
is the character that is used to designate months in a duration.
is the character that is used to designate days in a duration.
is the character that is used to designate hours in a duration.
is the character that is used to designate minutes in a duration.
is the character that is used to designate seconds in a duration.

The $N8601E informat reads valid durations, intervals, and datetimes that are
specified only in the extended notation.
The $N8601B informat reads valid durations, intervals, and datetimes that are
specified in either the basic or extended notation.
Use the $N8601E informat when you need to ensure compliance with the extended

The resulting value of Date2 can be formatted so that it is displayed like Date with
the $N8601E format.
data one;

put date2 /
576 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

SAS writes the following output to the log:


See Also
“Reading Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended Notations”
on page 538

$OCTALw. Informat
Converts octal data to character data.
Categories: CAS


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field in bits. Because one digit of octal data
represents three bits of binary information, increment the value of w by three for
every column of octal data that $OCTALw. reads.

Default 3

Range 1–32767

Eight bits of binary data represent the code for one digit of character data.
Therefore, you need at least three digits of octal data to represent one digit of
character data, which includes an extra bit. $OCTALw. treats every three digits of
octal data as one digit of character data, ignoring the extra bit.
Use $OCTALw. to read octal representations of binary codes for unprintable
characters. Enter an ASCII or EBCDIC equivalent for a particular character in octal
$PHEXw. Informat 577

notation. Then use $OCTALw. to convert the octal notation to its equivalent
character value.
Use only the digits 0 through 7 in the input, with no embedded blanks. $OCTALw.
ignores leading and trailing blanks.

The OCTALw. informat reads octal data and converts it to the numeric equivalents.

data _null_;
a=input('141162164040040', $octal15.);
b=input('162151143145040', $octal15.);
c=input('142141156153040', $octal15.);
put a= b= c=;
SAS writes the following output to the log:

a=art b=rice c=bank

$PHEXw. Informat
Converts packed hexadecimal data to character data.
Categories: CAS


Syntax Description
specifies the number of bytes in the input.
When you use $PHEXw. to read packed hexadecimal data, the length of the
variable is the number of bytes that are required to store the resulting character
value, not w. In general, a character variable whose length is implicitly defined
with $PHEXw. has a length of 2w–1.
578 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

Default 2

Range 1–32767

Packed hexadecimal data is like packed decimal data, except that all hexadecimal
characters are valid. In packed hexadecimal data, the value of the low-order nibble
has no meaning. In packed decimal data, the value of the low-order nibble indicates
the sign of the numeric value that the data represents. The $PHEXw. informat
returns a character value and treats the value of the sign nibble as if it were X'F',
regardless of its actual value.

The PDw.d. informat reads packed decimal data and converts it to numeric data.

data _null_;
put a=;
SAS writes the following to the log:


$QUOTEw. Informat
Removes matching quotation marks from character data.
Categories: CAS

$UPCASEw. Informat 579

Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 8 if the length of the variable is undefined. Otherwise, the default is the
length of the variable.

Range 1–32767

data one;
put name2= ;
SAS writes the following output to the log:

$UPCASEw. Informat
Converts character data to uppercase.
Categories: CAS


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 8 if the length of the variable is undefined. Otherwise, the default is the
length of the variable.

Range 1–32767
580 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

Special characters, such as hyphens, are not altered.

data test;
put name2 ;

Variable Result


sas SAS

$UUIDw. Informat
Converts a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) to binary data.


specifies the width of the input field.

Range 1–36

The input for the informat should be a character representation of a UUID. That
representation consists of eight hexadecimal characters, a hyphen, four
hexadecimal digits, a hyphen, four hexadecimal characters, a hyphen, and twelve
hexadecimal characters. A total of thirty-two hexadecimal characters convert to 16
binary bytes. The input typically uses lowercase for the hexadecimal characters a–f,
$VARYINGw. Informat 581

although the characters can be uppercase. Leading or trailing blanks are

acceptable, but there must be thirty-six continuous characters between blanks.

data _null_;
length x $16;
x = input('1548611f-b8cb-6a47-a721-a6fd284e74f2',$uuid36.);
put x $hex.;
SAS writes the following output to the log:


$VARYINGw. Informat
Reads character data of varying length.
Categories: CAS

$VARYINGw. length-variable

Syntax Description
specifies the maximum width of a character field for all the records in an input

Default 8 if the length of the variable is undefined. Otherwise, the default is the
length of the variable.

Range 1–32767

specifies a numeric variable that contains the width of the character field in the
current record. SAS obtains the value of length-variable by reading it directly
from a field that is described in an INPUT statement or by calculating its value in
the DATA step.

Restriction Length-variable cannot be an array reference.

Requirement You must specify length-variable immediately after $VARYINGw.

in an INPUT statement.
582 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

Tips If the value of length-variable is negative or missing, SAS reads

no data from the corresponding record.

If the value of length-variable is 0, the value of the variable is a

blank character. A value of 0 for length-variable enables you to
read zero-length records and fields.

If a variable has been read using an informat other than the

$VARYING. informat, and then the same data is read into the
same variable that uses the $VARYING. informat where length-
variable is 0, then the previous value is overwritten with a blank

If length-variable is greater than 0 but less than w, SAS reads the

number of columns that are specified by length-variable. Then,
SAS pads the value with trailing blanks up to the maximum width
that is assigned to the variable.

If length-variable is greater than or equal to w, SAS reads w


Use $VARYINGw. when the length of a character value differs from record to record.
After reading a data value with $VARYINGw., the pointer's position is set to the first
column after the value.


Example 1: Obtaining a Current Record Length

data one;
input fwidth 1. name $varying9. fwidth;
put name;
SAS writes the following to the log.

$w. Informat 583

Note: The result of the second variable, 3sunfish, is truncated.

Example 2: Obtaining a Current Record Length

Use the LENGTH= option in the INFILE statement to obtain a record length
indirectly. The input variables and results follow the explanation of the SAS
data one;
infile file-specification length=reclen;
input @;
input name $ 1-9
@10 class $varying20. fwidth;
The LENGTH= option in the INFILE statement assigns the internally stored record
length to RECLEN when the first INPUT statement executes. The trailing @ holds
the record for another INPUT statement. Next, the assignment statement calculates
the value of the varying-length field by subtracting the fixed-length portion of the
record from the total record length. The variable FWIDTH contains the length of the
last field and becomes the length-variable argument to the $VARYING20. informat.

Variable Result





$w. Informat
Reads standard character data.
Categories: CAS
Alias: $Fw.

584 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field. You must specify w because SAS does not
supply a default value.

Range 1–32767

The $w. informat trims leading blanks and left-aligns the values before storing the
text. In addition, if a field contains only blanks and a single period, $w. converts the
period to a blank because it interprets the period as a missing value. The $w.
informat treats two or more periods in a field as character data.

The $w. informat is almost identical to the $CHARw. informat. However, $CHARw.
does not trim leading blanks nor does it convert a single period in an input field to a
blank, whereas $w. does both.

This example truncates the leading blanks on the name statement.
data one;
name=' XYZ';
put name2;
SAS writes the following output to the log:


ANYDTDTEw. Informat
Reads and extracts the date value from various date, time, and datetime forms.
Categories: CAS
Date and Time
Restriction: Do not use a period (.) as a separator in the date part or between the date and time
parts of date-time values. SAS might consider a period to be an invalid separator in the
date part of ANYDTDTE values when running in certain environments. The time part of
ANYDTDTEw. Informat 585

the date-time value can contain a period. For example, 01JAN2018 14:30:08.5 is a valid
date-time value that contains a period in the time part.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 9

Range 5–60

The ANYDTDTE informat reads input data that corresponds to any of the following
informats or date, time, or datetime forms. Then, the informat extracts the date part
from the derived value.

Informat or Form Informat or Form

of Input Example Data of Input Example Data


01JAN2018 JAN2018

DATETIME 01JAN18 14:30:08 TIME 14:30

01JAN2018 14:30:08.05

DDMMYY 010118 YMDDTTM 18-01-01 11:23


JULIAN 18001 YYMMDD 180101

2018001 20180101

MDYAMPM 01-01-18 3:53 pm YYQ 18Q1


MMDDYY 010118 YY<YY>xMM 1 18/01

01012018 2018-01

MMxYY<YY> 1 01/18 month-day-year January 1, 2018

586 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

Informat or Form Informat or Form

of Input Example Data of Input Example Data


1 x is a special character that separates the month from the year.

If the input value is a time-only value, SAS assumes a date of 01JAN1960.

It is possible for input data such as 01-02-03 or 01-02 to be ambiguous with respect
to the month, day, and year. In this case, the DATESTYLE system option indicates
the order of the month, day, and year.
Input data that contains colons is interpreted as time data. For example, 2013:12 is
interpreted as 2013 hours and 12 minutes, not as the year 2013 and the month 12.
The date result of reading a time value is 0.

The ANYDTDTE informat extracts the date part from the derived value. The
ANYDTDTM informat extracts the datetime part. The ANYDTTME informat extracts
the time part.

data test;
dateinfo='01JAN2018 14:30:08.5';
put sasdate ;
put sasdate date9.;
SAS writes the following output to the log.


See Also
n “ANYDTDTMw. Informat” on page 587
n “ANYDTTMEw. Informat” on page 590
n “DATEw. Informat” on page 615
n “DATETIMEw. Informat” on page 616
n “DDMMYYw. Informat” on page 619
n “JULIANw. Informat” on page 643
ANYDTDTMw. Informat 587

n “MDYAMPMw.d Informat” on page 645

n “MMDDYYw. Informat” on page 647
n “MONYYw. Informat” on page 649
n “TIMEw. Informat” on page 700
n “YMDDTTMw.d Informat” on page 716
n “YYMMDDw. Informat” on page 718
n “YYQw. Informat” on page 722

ANYDTDTMw. Informat
Reads and extracts datetime values from various date, time, and datetime forms.
Categories: CAS
Date and Time
Restriction: Do not use a period (.) as a separator in the date part or between the date and time
parts of date-time values. SAS might consider a period to be an invalid separator in the
date part of ANYDTDTM values when running in certain environments. The time part of
the date-time value can contain a period. For example, 01JAN2018 14:30:08.5 is a valid
date-time value that contains a period in the time part.
Interaction: If an input datetime value contains a special character for formatting characters and the
character is not B, C, N, P, or S, the ANYDTDTMw. informat reads only the date portion
of the input and the time is set to 0. For example, for an EN_US locale, an input value of
'150501X1' results in 01MAY15:00:00:00.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 19

Range 1–60

The ANYDTDTM informat reads data that is in the form of any of the following
informats or datetime forms. Then, the format extracts the datetime part from the
derived value:
588 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

Informat or Form of Input Example Data


DATETIME 01JAN18 14:30:08

01JAN2018 14:30:08.5

DDMM<YY>YY 2, 3 010118

JULIAN 18001

MMDD<YY>YY 2, 3 010118

MMx<YY>YY 1, 2 01/18

MDYAMPM 3 01/01/18 02:30:08 AM

01/01/2018 02:30:08 AM


TIME 14.30

<YY>YYMMDD 2 180101

<YY>YYQ 2 18Q1

<YY>YYxMM 1, 2 18/01

month-day-year January 1, 2018

month-day-year hh:mm:ss January 1, 2018 12:00:00

1 x is a special character that separates the month from the year.

2 <YY> indicates the century is optional.
3 If the month and day values are ambiguous, the value for the DATESTYLE= system option is used to
determine the order.
ANYDTDTMw. Informat 589

If the input value is a time-only value, SAS assumes a date of 01JAN1960. If the
input value is a date-only value, SAS assumes a time of 12:00 midnight. Input time
values must include hours and minutes. If any part of a date in the input value is
missing in the input value, or if the hour and minutes in a time value are missing or
out of range, the value read is a SAS missing value.
The input values for the preceding informats are mutually exclusive except for
MMDDYY, DDMMYY, or YYMMDD when two-digit years are used. It is possible for
input data such as 01-02-03 or 01-02 to be ambiguous with respect to the month,
day, and year. In this case, the DATESTYLE system option indicates the order of the
month, day, and year.
The ANYDTTME informat uses these rules when reading colons and periods in time

Use of Colons and Periods Example

A single colon in the value h:m indicates 14:30

hours and minutes.

Two colons in the value h:m:s indicate 14:30:08

hours, minutes, and seconds.

Multiple periods in the value indicate that 12.25.2018

the period is a delimiter for dates and the
value is not a time value.

The ANYDTDTE informat extracts the date part from the derived value. The
ANYDTDTM informat extracts the datetime part. The ANYDTTME informat extracts
the time part.

data test;
dateinfo='01JAN2018 14:30:08.5';
put sasdt ;
put sasdt datetime20.;
SAS writes the following output to the log:

590 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

See Also
n “ANYDTDTEw. Informat” on page 584
n “ANYDTTMEw. Informat” on page 590
n “DATEw. Informat” on page 615
n “DATETIMEw. Informat” on page 616
n “DDMMYYw. Informat” on page 619
n “JULIANw. Informat” on page 643
n “MMDDYYw. Informat” on page 647
n “MONYYw. Informat” on page 649
n “TIMEw. Informat” on page 700
n “YYMMDDw. Informat” on page 718
n “YYQw. Informat” on page 722

ANYDTTMEw. Informat
Reads and extracts time values from various date, time, and datetime forms.
Categories: CAS
Date and Time
Restriction: Do not use a period (.) as a separator in the date part or between the date and time
parts of date-time values. SAS might consider a period to be an invalid separator in the
date part of ANYDTTME values when running in certain environments. The time part of
the date-time value can contain a period. For example, 01JAN2018 14:30:08.5 is a valid
date-time value that contains a period in the time part.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 8

Range 1–60
ANYDTTMEw. Informat 591

The ANYDTTME informat reads input data that corresponds to any of these
informats or forms:

Informat or Form Informat or Form

of Input Example Data of Input Example Data


01JAN2018 JAN2018

DATETIME 01JAN18 14:30:08 YYMMDD 180101

01JAN2018 20180101

DDMMYY 010118 YYQ 18Q1

01012018 2018Q1

JULIAN 18001 YYQ 18Q1

2018001 2018Q1

MMDDYY 010118 month-day-year January 1, 2018


If the input value is a time-only value, SAS assumes a date of 01JAN1960. If the
input value is a date value only, SAS assumes a time of 12:00 midnight.
It is possible for input data such as 01-02-03 or 01-02 to be ambiguous with respect
to the month, day, and year. In this case, the DATESTYLE system option indicates
the order of the month, day, and year.
The ANYDTTME informat uses these rules when reading colons and periods in time

Use of Colons and Periods Example

A single colon in the value h:m indicates 14:30

hours and minutes.

Two colons in the value h:m:s indicate 14:30:08

hours, minutes, and seconds.

Multiple periods in the value indicate that 12.25.2018

the period is a delimiter for dates and the
value is not a time value.
592 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

The ANYDTDTE informat extracts the date part from the derived value. The
ANYDTDTM informat extracts the datetime part. The ANYDTTME informat extracts
the time part.

data test;
dateinfo='01JAN2018 14:30:08.5';
put sastime ;
put sastime time8.2;

Variable Result

put sastime; 14:30:09

put sastime time8.2; 01JAN2018:14:30:09

See Also
n “ANYDTDTEw. Informat” on page 584
n “ANYDTDTMw. Informat” on page 587
n “DATEw. Informat” on page 615
n “DATETIMEw. Informat” on page 616
n “DDMMYYw. Informat” on page 619
n “JULIANw. Informat” on page 643
n “MMDDYYw. Informat” on page 647
n “MONYYw. Informat” on page 649
n “TIMEw. Informat” on page 700
n “YYMMDDw. Informat” on page 718
n “YYQw. Informat” on page 722

B8601CIw.d Informat
Reads an IBM date and time value that includes a century marker, in the form cyymmddhhmmss<fff>.
B8601CIw.d Informat 593

Categories: Date and Time

ISO 8601
Alignment: Left
Restriction: This informat is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 16

Range 10–26

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the seconds

Default 0

Range 0–6

The B8601CI informat reads time values that are specified in the IBM time notation
is a single digit that represents a century.

Table 4.4 Digits and Represented Centuries

Digit Century

0 indicates the years 1900–1999.

1 indicates the years 2000–2099.

2 indicates the years 2100–2199.

n indicates the years 00–99 in a century that is determined by performing a

calculation on a year greater than 2199. To determine the century marker,
subtract 1900 from the year and divide the result by 100. Discard the
remainder. The remaining integer is the century marker. For example, to
594 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

Digit Century

determine the century marker for the year 2382, perform this calculation:
(2382–1900)/100=4.82. Discard .82. The century marker is 4.

is a two-digit year between 00 and 99.
is a two-digit month (zero padded) between 01 and 12.
is a two-digit day of the month (zero padded) between 01 and 31.
is a two-digit hour (zero padded) between 00 and 23.
is a two-digit minute (zero padded) between 00 and 59.
is a two-digit second (zero padded) between 00 and 59.
are optional fractional seconds, with a precision of up to three digits, where each
digit is between 0 and 9.

data one;
put date2 /
date2 datetime25.2;
SAS writes the following output to the log:


B8601DAw. Informat
Reads date values that are specified using the ISO 8601 base notation yyyymmdd.
Categories: Date
ISO 8601
Alignment: Left
Alias: ND8601DAw
Restrictions: This informat is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.
B8601DAw. Informat 595

UTC time zone offset values are not supported.

Supports: ISO 8601 Element, complete representation


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 10

The B8601DA informat reads date values that are specified using the ISO 8601
basic date notation yyyymmdd.
is a four-digit year.
is a two-digit month (zero padded) between 01 and 12.
is a two-digit day of the month (zero padded) between 01 and 31.
If the month or day values are omitted, SAS uses a value of 1 for the month or day.

data _null_;
input d b8601da.;
put d;
SAS writes the following to the log.

596 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

See Also
“Reading Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended Notations”
on page 538

B8601DJw.d Informat
Reads a Java date and time value that is in the form yyyymmddhhmmss<ffffff>.
Categories: Date and Time
ISO 8601
Alignment: Left
Restriction: This informat is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 16

Range 10–26

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the seconds

Default 0

Range 0–6

The B8601DJw.d informat reads a date and time value that is specified using the
Java date and time notation yyyymmddhhmmss<ffffff>.
is a four-digit year between 0000 and 9999.
is a two-digit month (zero padded) between 01 and 12.
B8601DNw. Informat 597

is a two-digit day of the month (zero padded) between 01 and 31.
is a two-digit hour (zero padded) between 00 and 23.
is a two-digit minute (zero padded) between 00 and 59.
is a two-digit second (zero padded) between 00 and 59.
are optional fractional seconds, with a precision of up to six digits, where each
digit is between 0 and 9.

The B8601DJw.d informat reads a date and time value that does not include a T to
separate the date from the time.
Java date and time values do not include a T. For example, the date September 1,
2018 at 7:30:00.33 a.m. is written as 2018090107300033.
ISO 8601 date and time values include a T. For example, the date September 1,
2018 at 7:30:00.33 a.m. is written as 20180901T07300033.

data one;
put datetm2 /
datetm2 datetime25.2;
SAS writes the following output to the log:


B8601DNw. Informat
Reads date values that are specified using the ISO 8601 basic notation yyyymmdd and returns SAS
datetime values where the time portion of the value is 000000.
Categories: Date
Date and Time
ISO 8601
Alignment: Left
598 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

Alias: ND8601DNw
Restrictions: This informat is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.
UTC time zone offset values are not supported.
Supports: ISO 8601 Element, complete representation


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 10

Requirement The width of the input field must be 10.

The B8601DN informat reads date values that are specified using the ISO 8601
basic date notation yyyymmdd and returns the date in a SAS datetime value.
is a four-digit year.
is a two-digit month (zero padded) between 01 and 12.
is a two-digit day of the month (zero padded) between 01 and 31.

data one;
put datetm /
datetm datetime20.;
SAS writes the following output to the log:

B8601DTw.d Informat 599

See Also
“Reading Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended Notations”
on page 538

B8601DTw.d Informat
Reads datetime values that are specified using the ISO 8601 basic notation yyyymmddThhmmss<ffffff>.
Categories: Date and Time
ISO 8601
Alignment: Left
Aliases: B8601LXw.d
Restrictions: This informat is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.
UTC time zone offset values are not supported.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 19

Range 14–26

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the seconds
value. This argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–6

The B8601DT informat reads datetime values that are specified in the ISO 8601
basic datetime notation yyyymmddThhmmss<ffffff>.
is a four-digit year.
600 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

is a two-digit month (zero padded) between 01 and 12.
is a two-digit day of the month (zero padded) between 01 and 31.
is a two-digit hour (zero padded) between 00 and 23.
is a two-digit minute (zero padded) between 00 and 59.
is a two-digit second (zero padded) between 00 and 59.
are optional fractional seconds, with a precision of up to six digits, where each
digit is between 0 and 9.
If the month or day values are omitted, SAS uses a value of 1 for the month or day.
If the hour, minute, or second values are omitted, SAS uses a value of 0 for the
hour, minute, or second.

data _null_;
input d b8601dt.;
put d;
SAS writes the following to the log.


See Also
“Reading Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended Notations”
on page 538

B8601DXw. Informat
Adjusts a Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) datetime value to the user’s local date and time. Then, reads
the local date and time by using the ISO 8601 datetime and time zone basic notation yyyymmddThhmmss
Restriction: This informat is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.
B8601DZw.d Informat 601

See: The B8601DXw. informat uses the B8601DZw.d informat to read data. See
“B8601DZw.d Informat” on page 601.


B8601DZw.d Informat
Reads Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) datetime values that are specified using the ISO 8601 datetime
basic notation yyyymmddThhmmss+|–hhmm or yyyymmddThhmmss<ffffff>Z.
Categories: Date and Time
ISO 8601
Alignment: Left
Aliases: B8601DXw.d
Restrictions: This informat is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.
UTC time zone offset values are not supported.
Supports: ISO 8601 Element 5.4.1, complete representation


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 26

Range 15–35

specifies the number of digits to the right of the seconds value, which represents
a fraction of a second. This argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–6
602 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

UTC values specify a time and a time zone based on the zero meridian in
Greenwich, England. The B8601DZ informat reads datetime values that are
specified in one of these ISO 8601 basic datetime notations:
n yyyymmddThhmmss+|–hhmm

n yyyymmddThhmmss<ffffff>Z

is a four-digit year.
is a two-digit month (zero padded) between 01 and 12.
is a two-digit day of the month (zero padded) between 01 and 31.
is a two-digit hour (zero padded) between 00 and 24.
is a two-digit minute (zero padded) between 00 and 59.
is a two-digit second (zero padded) between 00 and 59.
are optional fractional seconds, with a precision of up to six digits, where each
digit is between 0 and 9.
is an hour and minute signed offset from zero meridian time. Note that the offset
must be +|–hhmm (that is, + or – and four characters).
Use + for time zones east of the zero meridian, and use – for time zones west of
the zero meridian. For example, +0200 indicates a two-hour time difference to
the east of the zero meridian, and –0600 indicates a six–hour time difference to
the west of the zero meridian.
Restriction: The shorter form +|–hh is not supported.
indicates that the time is for zero meridian (Greenwich, England) or +0000 UTC.

data one;
input d b8601dz.;
put d;
put d datetime.;
SAS writes the following output to the log:
B8601TMw.d Informat 603


See Also
“Reading Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended Notations”
on page 538

B8601LXw. Informat
Reads datetime values as local time by appending a time zone offset difference between the local time and
UTC, using the ISO 8601 basic notation yyyymmddThhmmss+|–hhmm.
Restriction: This informat is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.
See: The B8601LXw.d informat uses the B8601DTw.d informat to read data. See
“B8601DTw.d Informat” on page 599.


B8601TMw.d Informat
Reads time values that are specified using the ISO 8601 basic notation hhmmss<ffffff>.
Categories: Time
ISO 8601
Alignment: Left
Alias: ND8601TMw.d
Restrictions: This informat is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.
UTC time zone offset values are not supported.
Supports: ISO 8601 Elements and, complete representation and representation of
decimal fractions

604 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 8

Range 6–15

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the seconds
value. This argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–6

The B8601TM informat reads time values that are specified using the ISO 8601
basic time notation hhmmss<ffffff>:
is a two-digit hour (zero padded) between 00 and 23.
is a two-digit minute (zero padded) between 00 and 59.
is a two-digit second (zero padded) between 00 and 59.
are optional fractional seconds, with a precision of up to six digits, where each
digit is between 0 and 9.

data one;
input d b8601tm.;
put d;
SAS writes the following output to the log:

B8601TZw.d Informat 605

See Also
“Reading Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended Notations”
on page 538

B8601TXw. Informat
Adjusts a Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) value to the user’s local time. Then, reads the local time by
using the ISO 8601 basic time notation hhmmss+|–hhmm.
Restriction: This informat is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.
See: The B8601TXw. informat uses the B8601TZw.d informat to read data. See “B8601TZw.d
Informat” on page 605.


B8601TZw.d Informat
Reads time values that are specified using the ISO 8601 basic time notation hhmmss<ffff>+|–hhmm or
Categories: Time
ISO 8601
Alignment: Left
Aliases: B8601TXw.d
Restrictions: This informat is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.
UTC time zone offset values are not supported.
Supports: ISO 8601 Element, complete representation


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.
606 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

Default 14

Range 7–20

(optional) specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the
seconds value.

Default 0

Range 0–6

UTC time values specify a time and a time zone based on the zero meridian in
Greenwich, England. The B8601TZ informat reads time values that are specified in
these ISO 8601 basic time notations:
n hhmmss<ffffff>+|–hhmm

n hhmmss<ffffff>Z

is a two-digit hour (zero padded) between 00 and 23.
is a two-digit minute (zero padded) between 00 and 59.
is a two-digit second (zero padded) between 00 and 59.
are optional fractional seconds, with a precision of up to six digits, where each
digit is between 0 and 9.
is an hour and minute signed offset from zero meridian time. Note that the offset
must be +|–hhmm (that is, + or – and four characters).
Use + for time zones east of the zero meridian, and use – for time zones west of
the zero meridian. For example, +0200 indicates a two-hour time difference to
the east of the zero meridian, and –0600 indicates a six-hour time difference to
the west of the zero meridian.
Restriction: The shorter form +|–hh is not supported.
indicates that the time is for zero meridian (Greenwich, England) or +0000 UTC
When SAS reads a UTC time by using the B8601TZ informat and the adjusted time
is greater than 240000 or less than 000000, SAS adjusts the time value so that the
time is between 000000 and 240000. For example, if SAS reads the UTC time
234344–0500 using the B8601TZ informat, SAS adds five hours to the time so that
the value is 284344, and then makes the time adjustment. The value stored
represents the time 044344+0000.
BINARYw.d Informat 607

data _null_;
input d b8601tz.;
put d= d=time8.;;
SAS writes the following output to the log:

d=5041 d=1:24:01
d=73441 d=20:24:01
d=73441 d=20:24:01

See Also
“Reading Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended Notations”
on page 538

BINARYw.d Informat
Converts positive binary values to integers.
Categories: CAS


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 8

Range 1–64

specifies the power of 10 by which to divide the value. SAS uses the d value
even if the data contains decimal points. This argument is optional.

Range 0–31
608 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

Use only the character digits 1 and 0 in the input, with no embedded blanks.
BINARYw.d ignores leading and trailing blanks.
BINARYw.d cannot read negative values. It treats all input values as positive

data one;
input @1 value binary8.1;
put value;
SAS writes the following output to the log:


BITSw.d Informat
Extracts bits.
Category: Numeric
Restriction: This informat is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.
Interaction: List input is incompatible with binary input when this informat is specified in an
INFORMAT= statement or an ATTRIB= statement that uses the INFORMAT= argument.
SAS issues a warning and uses formatted input to read the data.


Syntax Description
specifies the number of bits to read.

Default 1

Range 1–64
BZw.d Informat 609

specifies the zero-based offset.

Range 0–63

The BITSw.d informat extracts particular bits from an input stream and assigns the
numeric equivalent of the extracted bit string to a variable. Together, the w and d
values specify the location of the string that you want to read.
This informat is useful for extracting data from system records with many pieces of
information packed into single bytes.

The EBCDIC binary code for a capital B is 11000010, and the ASCII binary code is
01000010. The INPUT statement reads four bits (w=4), which is the bit string 1000,
and stores the numeric value 8, which is equivalent to this binary combination.
data _null_;
put a=;
SAS writes the following output to the log:


BZw.d Informat
Converts blanks to 0s.
Category: Numeric
Restriction: This informat is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.
610 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

Default 1

Range 1–32

specifies the power of 10 by which to divide the value. If the data contains
decimal points, the d value is ignored. This argument is optional.

Range 0–31

The BZw.d informat reads numeric values, converts any trailing or embedded blanks
to 0s, and ignores leading blanks.
The BZw.d informat can read numeric values that are located anywhere in the field.
Blanks can precede or follow the numeric value, and a minus sign must precede
negative values. The BZw.d informat ignores blanks between a minus sign and a
numeric value in an input field.
The BZw.d informat interprets a single period in a field as a 0. The informat
interprets multiple periods or other nonnumeric characters in a field as a missing
To use BZw.d in a DATA step with list input, change the delimiter for list input with
the DLM= or DLMSTR= option in the INFILE statement. By default, SAS interprets
blanks between values in the variable as delimiters rather than 0s.

The BZw.d informat converts trailing or embedded blanks to 0s. If you do not want
to convert trailing blanks to 0s (for example, when reading values in E notation), use
either the w.d informat or the Ew.d informat instead.

data _null_;
input @1 x bz4.;
put x;
-2 1
SAS writes the following output to the log:
CBw.d Informat 611


CBw.d Informat
Reads standard numeric values from column-binary files.
Categories: CAS
Column Binary


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 1

Range 1–32

0–31, specifies the power of 10 by which to divide the value. SAS uses the d
value even if the data contains decimal points. This argument is optional.

Column-binary data storage compresses data so that more than 80 items of data
can be stored on a single “virtual” punch card.
The CBw.d informat reads standard numeric values from column-binary files and
translates the data into standard binary format.
SAS first stores each column of column-binary data that you read with CBw.d in 2
bytes and ignores the two high-order bits of each byte. If the punch codes are valid,
SAS stores the equivalent numeric value in the variable that you specify. If the
combinations are not valid, SAS assigns the variable a missing value and sets the
automatic variable _ERROR_ to 1.
612 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

Example: Examples
input @1 x cb8.;

Variable1 Result


0009 9

1 The variable is a hexadecimal representation of the column binary. The “virtual” punch card column
for the example data has row 9 punched. The binary representation is 0000 0000 0000 1001.

See Also
n “Description of Column-Binary Data Storage” in SAS Programmer’s Guide:

n “$CBw. Informat” on page 564
n “PUNCH.d Informat” on page 667
n “ROWw.d Informat” on page 673

COMMAw.d Informat
Removes embedded characters.
Categories: CAS
Alias: DOLLARw.d


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 1

Range 1–32
COMMAXw.d Informat 613

specifies the power of 10 by which to divide the value. If the data contains
decimal points, the d value is ignored. This argument is optional.

Range 0–31

The COMMAw.d informat reads numeric values and removes embedded commas,
blanks, dollar signs, percent signs, hyphens, and close parentheses from the input
data. The COMMAw.d informat converts an open parenthesis at the beginning of a
field to a minus sign.

The COMMAw.d informat operates like the COMMAXw.d informat, but it reverses
the roles of the decimal point and the comma. This convention is common in
European countries.

data test;
put value2 ;
SAS writes the following output to the log:


COMMAXw.d Informat
Removes embedded periods, blanks, dollar signs, percent signs, hyphens, and close parentheses from the
input data. An open parenthesis at the beginning of a field is converted to a minus sign. The COMMAX
informat reverses the roles of the decimal point and the comma.
Categories: CAS
Alias: DOLLARXw.d
614 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 1

Range 1−32

specifies the power of 10 by which to divide the value. If the data contains a
comma, which represents a decimal point, the d value is ignored. This argument
is optional.

Range 0−31

The COMMAXw.d informat reads numeric values and removes embedded periods,
blanks, dollar signs, percent signs, hyphens, and closing parentheses from the input
data. The COMMAXw.d informat converts an open parenthesis at the beginning of a
field to a minus sign.

The COMMAXw.d informat operates like the COMMAw.d informat, but it reverses
the roles of the decimal point and the comma. This convention is common in
European countries.

data one;
input @1 x commax10.;
put x;
SAS writes the following output to the log:
DATEw. Informat 615


DATEw. Informat
Reads date values in the form ddmmmyy or ddmmmyyyy.
Categories: CAS


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 7

Range 7–32

Tip Use a width of 9 to read a four-digit year.

The date values must be in the form ddmmmyy or ddmmmyyyy.
is an integer between 01 and 31 that represents the day of the month.
are the first three letters of the month name.
yy or yyyy
is a two-digit or four-digit integer that represents the year.
You can separate the year, month, and day values by blanks or special characters.
Ensure that the width of the input field allows space for blanks and special

Note: SAS interprets a two-digit year as part of the 100-year span that is defined by
the YEARCUTOFF= system option.
616 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

data test;
put sasdate;
put sasdate date9;

Variable Result


put sasdate ; 21942

put sasdate date9; 28JAN2020

See Also
n “DATEw. Format” on page 169

n “DATE Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference

System Options:
n “YEARCUTOFF= System Option” in SAS System Options: Reference

DATETIMEw. Informat
Reads datetime values in the form ddmmmyy or ddmmmyyyy
Categories: CAS
Date and Time

DATETIMEw. Informat 617

Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 18

Range 13–40

The datetime values must be in the following form: ddmmmyy or ddmmmyyyy,
followed by a blank or special character, followed by (the time).
is an integer between 01 and 31 that represents the day of the month.
are the first three letters of the month name.
yy or yyyy
is a two-digit or four-digit integer that represents the year.
is an integer between 00 and 23 that represents hours.
is an integer between 00 and 59 that represents minutes.
is the number of seconds that range from 00–59 with the fraction of a second
following the decimal point.
DATETIMEw. requires values for both the date and the time. However, the
portion is optional.

Note: SAS interprets a two-digit year as part of the 100-year span that is defined by
the YEARCUTOFF= system option.

Note: SAS can read time values with AM and PM in them.

The DATETIMEw.d informat reads datetime values with optional separators in the
form dd-mmm-yy<yy> AM | PM, and the date and time can be
separated by a special character.
The MDYAMPMw.d informat reads datetime values with optional separators in the
form mm-dd-yy<yy> AM | PM, and requires a space between the date
and the time.
The YMDDTTMw.d informat reads datetime values with required separators in the
form <yy>yy-mm-dd/
618 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

data test;
put sasdate ;
put sasdate datetime20.;

Variable Result


put sasdata ; 1841059998

put sasdata datetime20.; 04MAY2018:13:33:18

See Also
n “Definitions for Dates, Times, and Intervals” on page 9

n “DATEw. Format” on page 169
n “DATETIMEw.d Format” on page 172
n “TIMEw.d Format” on page 463

n “DATETIME Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference

n “DATEw. Informat” on page 615
n “MDYAMPMw.d Informat” on page 645
n “TIMEw. Informat” on page 700
n “YMDDTTMw.d Informat” on page 716

System Options:
n “YEARCUTOFF= System Option” in SAS System Options: Reference
DDMMYYw. Informat 619

DDMMYYw. Informat
Reads date values in the form ddmmyy<yy> or dd-mm-yy<yy>, where a special character such as a
hyphen (-), period (.), or slash (/) separates the day, month, and year. The year can be either two or four
Categories: CAS


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 6

Range 6–32

The date values must be in the form ddmmyy<yy> or ddxmmxyy<yy>.
is an integer between 01 and 31 that represents the day of the month.
is an integer between 01 and 12 that represents the month.
yy or yyyy
is a two-digit or four-digit integer that represents the year.
is a separator that can be any special character or a blank space.
If you use separators, place them between all the values. Blanks can also be placed
before and after the date. Ensure that the width of the input field allows space for
blanks and special characters.

Note: SAS interprets a two-digit year as part of the 100-year span that is defined by
the YEARCUTOFF= system option.
620 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

data test;
put sasdate ;
put sasdate date9.;

Variable Result


put sasdate ; 21308

put sasdate date9.; 04MAY2018

See Also
n “DATEw. Format” on page 169
n “DDMMYYw. Format” on page 175
n “MMDDYYw. Format” on page 235
n “YYMMDDw. Format” on page 496

n “MDY Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference

n “DATEw. Informat” on page 615
n “MMDDYYw. Informat” on page 647
n “YYMMDDw. Informat” on page 718

System Options:
n “YEARCUTOFF= System Option” in SAS System Options: Reference

E8601DAw. Informat
Reads date values that are specified using the ISO 8601 extended notation yyyy-mm-dd.
Categories: CAS
E8601DAw. Informat 621

ISO 8601
Alignment: Left
Alias: IS8601DAw
Restriction: UTC time zone offset values are not supported.
Supports: ISO 8601 Element, complete representation


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 10

Requirement The width of the input field must be 10.

The E8601DA informat reads date values that are specified in the ISO 8601
extended date notation yyyy-mm-dd.
is a four-digit year.
is a two-digit month (zero padded) between 01 and 12.
is a two-digit day of the month (zero padded) between 01 and 31.

data one;
input eda e8601da.;
put eda;
SAS writes the following output to the log:

622 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

See Also
“Reading Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended Notations”
on page 538

E8601DNw. Informat
Reads date values that are specified using the ISO 8601 extended notation yyyy-mm-dd and returns SAS
datetime values where the time portion of the value is 000000.
Categories: CAS
ISO 8601
Alignment: Left
Alias: IS8601DNw
Restriction: UTC time zone offset values are not supported.
Supports: ISO 8601 Element, complete representation


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 10

Requirement The width of the input field must be 10.

The E8601DN informat reads date values that are specified using the ISO 8601
extended date notation yyyy-mm-dd and returns the date in a SAS datetime value.
is a four-digit year.
is a two-digit month (zero padded) between 01 and 12.
is a two-digit day of the month (zero padded) between 01 and 31.
E8601DTw.d Informat 623

data one;
input edn e8601dn.;
put edn;
SAS writes the following output to the log:


See Also
“Reading Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended Notations”
on page 538

E8601DTw.d Informat
Reads datetime values that are specified using the ISO 8601 extended notation yyyy-mm-
Categories: CAS
Date and Time
ISO 8601
Alignment: Left
Aliases: E8601LXw.d
Restriction: UTC time zone offset values are not supported.
Supports: ISO 8601 Element 5.4.1, complete representation


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 19
624 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

Range 16–26

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the seconds
value. This argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–6

The E8601DT informat reads datetime values that are specified using the ISO 8601
extended datetime notation yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.<ffffff>.
is a four-digit year.
is a two-digit month (zero padded) between 01 and 12.
is a two-digit day of the month (zero padded) between 01 and 31.
is a two-digit hour (zero padded) between 00 and 23.
is a two-digit minute (zero padded) between 00 and 59.
is a two-digit second (zero padded) between 00 and 59.
are optional fractional seconds, with a precision of up to six digits, where each
digit is between 0 and 9.

Note: If you specify a width of 16, SAS assumes that the value for seconds is 0 and
omits them from the output.

data one;
input edt e8601dt.;
put edt;
SAS writes the following output to the log:

E8601DZw.d Informat 625

See Also
“Reading Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended Notations”
on page 538

E8601DXw. Informat
Adjusts a Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) datetime value to the user’s local date and time. Then, reads
the local date and time by using the ISO 8601 datetime and time zone extended notation yyyy-mm-
See: The E8601DXw. informat uses the E8601DZw.d informat to read data. See
“E8601DZw.d Informat” on page 625.


E8601DZw.d Informat
Reads Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) datetime values that are specified using the ISO 8601 datetime
extended notation yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss+|–hh:mm.<fffff> or yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.<fffff>Z.
Categories: CAS
Date and Time
ISO 8601
Alignment: Left
Aliases: E8601DXw.d
Supports: ISO 8601 Element 5.4.1, complete representation


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 26
626 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

Range 20–35

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the value for the
lowest-order component. This argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–6

UTC values specify a time and a time zone based on the zero meridian in
Greenwich, England. The E8601DZ informat reads datetime values that contain
UTC time offsets and that are specified in one of these ISO 8601 extended datetime
n yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.<ffffff>+|–hh:mm

n yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.<ffffff>Z

is a four-digit year.
is a two-digit month (zero padded) between 01 and 12.
is a two-digit day of the month (zero padded) between 01 and 31.
is a two-digit hour (zero padded) between 00 and 24.
is a two-digit minute (zero padded) between 00 and 59.
is a two-digit second (zero padded) between 00 and 59.
are optional fractional seconds, with a precision of up to six digits, where each
digit is between 0 and 9.
is an hour and minute signed offset from zero meridian time. Note that the offset
must be +|–hh:mm (that is, + or – and five characters).
Use + for time zones east of the zero meridian, and use – for time zones west of
the zero meridian. For example, +02:00 indicates a two-hour time difference to
the east of the zero meridian, and –06:00 indicates a six-hour time difference to
the west of the zero meridian.
Restriction: The shorter form +|–hh is not supported.
indicates that the time is UTC time at the zero meridian (Greenwich, England).
E8601LXw. Informat 627

data one;
input edz e8601dz.;
put edz= edz=datetime22

data one;
input edz e8601dz28.2;
put edz= edz=datetime22
SAS writes the following output to the log:

edz=1852645980 edz=1852645980
edz=1852635180 edz=1852635180

See Also
“Reading Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended Notations”
on page 538

E8601LXw. Informat
Reads datetime values as local time by appending a time zone offset difference between the local time and
UTC, using the ISO 8601 extended notation yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss+|–hh:mm.
Restriction: This informat is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.
See: The E8601LXw. informat uses the E8601DTw.d informat to read data. See “E8601DTw.d
Informat” on page 623.

628 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

E8601LZw.d Informat
Reads Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) values that are specified using the ISO 8601 extended notation
hh:mm:ss+|–hh:mm.<fffff> or hh:mm:ss.<fffff>Z and converts the values to the local time.
Categories: Time
ISO 8601
Alignment: Left
Alias: IS8601LZw.d
Restriction: This informat is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.
Supports: ISO 8601 Element, complete representation


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 14

Range 9–20

Requirement To read a time with the Z time zone indicator, the width of the
input field must be 9 if more data follows the time on the same line
of data.

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the value for the
lowest-order component. This argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–6

UTC values specify a time and a time zone based on the zero meridian in
Greenwich, England. The E8601LZ informat reads UTC time values that are
specified in one of these ISO 8601 extended time notations and returns a SAS time
value for the local time:
n hh:mm:ss.<ffffff>+|–hh:mm
E8601LZw.d Informat 629

n hh:mm:ss.<ffffff>Z

is a two-digit hour (zero padded) between 00 and 23.
is a two-digit minute (zero padded) between 00 and 59.
is a two-digit second (zero padded) between 00 and 59.
are optional fractional seconds, with a precision of up to six digits, where each
digit is between 0 and 9.
is an hour and minute signed offset from zero meridian. Note that the offset must
be +|–hh:mm (that is, + or – and five characters).
Use the + for time zones east of the zero meridian, and use the – for time zones
west of the zero meridian.
Restriction: The shorter form +|–hh is not supported.
indicates zero meridian or +00:00 UTC time.
When SAS reads a UTC time by using the E8601LZ informat and the adjusted time
is greater than 24:00:00 or less than 00:00:00, SAS adjusts the value so that the
time is between 00:00:00 and 24:00:00. For example, if SAS reads the UTC time
23:43:44-05:00 by using the E8601LZ informat, SAS adds five hours to the time so
that the value is 28:43:44, and then makes the time adjustment. The value stored
represents the time 04:43:44+00:00.

data one;
input edz e8601lz.;
put etz= etz=time8.;
SAS writes the following output to the log:

edz=8001 edz=2:13:21
edz=85424 edz=23:43:44

See Also
“Reading Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended Notations”
on page 538
630 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

E8601TMw.d Informat
Reads time values that are specified using the ISO 8601 extended notation hh:mm:ss.<ffffff>.
Categories: CAS
ISO 8601
Alignment: Left
Alias: IS8601TMw.d
Restriction: UTC time zone offset values are not supported.
Supports: ISO 8601 Elements and, complete representation and representation of
decimal fractions


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 8

Range 8–15

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the seconds
value. This argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–6

The E8601TM informat reads time values that are specified using the ISO 8601
extended time notation hh:mm:ss.<ffffff>.
is a two-digit hour (zero padded) between 00 and 23.
is a two-digit minute (zero padded) between 00 and 59.
E8601TZw.d Informat 631

is a two-digit second (zero padded) between 00 and 59.
are optional fractional seconds, with a precision of up to six digits, where each
digit is between 0 and 9.

data one;
input edm e8601tm.;
put edm;
SAS writes the following output to the log:


See Also
“Reading Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended Notations”
on page 538

E8601TXw. Informat
Adjusts a Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) value to the user’s local time. Then, reads the local time by
using the ISO 8601 extended time notation hh:mm:ss+|–hh:mm.
Restriction: This informat is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.
See: The E8601TXw. informat uses the E8601TZw.d informat to read data. See “E8601DZw.d
Informat” on page 625.


E8601TZw.d Informat
Reads time values that are specified using the ISO 8601 extended time notation hh:mm:ss+|–
hh:mm.<ffffff> or hh:mm:ssZ.
632 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

Categories: CAS
ISO 8601
Alignment: Left
Aliases: E8601TXw.d
Supports: ISO 8601 Element, complete representation


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 14

Range 9−20

Requirement To read a time with the Z time zone indicator, the width of the
input field must be 9 if more data follows the time on the same line
of data.

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the value for the
lowest-order component. This argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0−6

UTC time values specify a time and a time zone based on the zero meridian in
Greenwich, England. The E8601TZ informat reads UTC time values that are
specified in one of these ISO 8601 extended notations:
n hh:mm:ss+|–hh:mm.<ffffff>

n hh:mm:ssZ

is a two-digit hour (zero padded) between 00 and 23.
is a two-digit minute (zero padded) between 00 and 59.
is a two-digit second (zero padded) between 00 and 59.
FLOATw.d Informat 633

are optional fractional seconds, with a precision of up to six digits, where each
digit is between 0 and 9.
is an hour and minute signed offset from zero meridian. Note that the offset must
be +|–hh:mm (that is, + or – and five characters).
Use the + for time zones east of the zero meridian, and use the – for time zones
west of the zero meridian.
Restriction: The shorter form +|–hh is not supported.
indicates zero meridian or +00:00 UTC time.
When SAS reads a UTC time by using the E8601TZ informat and the adjusted time
is greater than 24:00:00 or less than 00:00:00, SAS adjusts the value so that the
time is between 00:00:00 and 24:00:00. For example, if SAS reads the UTC time
23:43:44–05:00 by using the E8601TZ informat, SAS adds five hours to the time so
that the value is 28:43:44, and then makes the time adjustment. The value stored
represents the time 04:43:44+00:00.

data one;
input etz e8601tz.;
put etz= etz=time8.;
SAS writes the following output to the log:

etz=17024 etz=4:43:44
etz=85424 etz=23:43:44

See Also
“Reading Dates and Times by Using the ISO 8601 Basic and Extended Notations”
on page 538

FLOATw.d Informat
Reads a native single-precision, floating-point value and divides it by 10 raised to the dth power.
Categories: CAS
634 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

Interaction: List input is incompatible with binary input when this informat is specified in an
INFORMAT= statement or an ATTRIB= statement that uses the INFORMAT= argument.
SAS issues a warning and uses formatted input to read the data.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Requirement w must be 4.

specifies the power of 10 by which to divide the value. This argument is optional.

The FLOATw.d informat is useful in operating environments where a float value is
not the same as a truncated double.
On the IBM mainframe systems, a 4-byte floating-point number is the same as a
truncated 8-byte floating-point number. However, in operating environments that use
the IEEE floating-point standard, such as the IBM PC-based operating environments
and most UNIX platforms, a 4-byte floating-point number is not the same as a
truncated double. Therefore, the RB4. informat does not produce the same results
as FLOAT4. Floating-point representations other than IEEE might have this same
characteristic. Values read with FLOAT4. typically come from some other external
program that is running in your operating environment.

The following table compares the names of float notation in several programming

Language Float Notation


Fortran REAL*4

C float


HEXw. Informat 635

Language Float Notation


input x float4.;

Variable1 Result


3F800000 1

1 The variable is a hexadecimal representation of a binary number that is stored in IEEE form.

HEXw. Informat
Converts hexadecimal positive binary values to either integer (fixed-point) or real (floating-point) binary
Categories: CAS
See: “HEX Informat: UNIX” in SAS Companion for UNIX Environments
“HEXw. Informat: Windows” in SAS Companion for Windows
“HEXw. Informat: z/OS” in SAS Companion for z/OS


Syntax Description
specifies the field width of the input value and also specifies whether the final
value is fixed-point or floating-point.

Default 8

Range 1–16

Tip If w<16, HEXw. converts the input value to positive integer binary
values, treating all input values as positive (unsigned). If w is 16,
636 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

HEXw. converts the input value to real binary (floating-point) values,

including negative values.

Operating Environment Information: Different operating environments store
floating-point values in different ways. However, HEX16. reads hexadecimal
representations of floating-point values with consistent results if the values are
expressed in the same way that your operating environment stores them.
The HEXw. informat ignores leading or trailing blanks.

data _null_;
put a= b=;
SAS writes the following to the log:

a=2191 b=4718592

HHMMSSw. Informat
Reads hours, minutes, and seconds in the form hh:mm:ss or hhmmss.
Categories: CAS


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 8

Range 1–20
HHMMSSw. Informat 637

The HHMMSSw. informat reads SAS time values in one of these forms:
n hh:mm:ss

n hhmmss

is an integer that represents the number of hours.
represents a special character that separates hours, minutes, and seconds.
is an integer that represents the number of minutes.
is an integer that represents the number of seconds. Fractional seconds are
If the input data is six digits, SAS reads the data from left to right as hours, minutes,
and seconds. For data that is less than six digits, SAS follows these rules:
n If the number has an odd number of digits, SAS pads a zero to the left of the first
digit. Then, SAS pads after the last digit to the right with zeros until there are six
n If the number has an even number of digits, SAS pads zeros to the right of the
last digit until there are six digits.
The first two digits are read as hours. Digits three and four are read as minutes.
Digits five and six are read as seconds.

1 is the same as 010000 or 1:00:00.

02 is the same as 020000 or 2:00:00.
124 is the same as 0124000 or 1:24:00.
1435 is the same as 143500 or 14:35:00.
20345 is the same as 020345 or 2:03:45.
165532 is the same as 16:55:32.
When there are more than six digits, SAS reads the last two digits from the right as
seconds. SAS reads the third and forth digits from the right as minutes. SAS reads
the remaining digits to the left of the minutes as hours.

2358444 is the same as 235:84:44.

12545533 is the same as 1254:55:33.
If the input data has only one colon (for example, 17:35), SAS reads the two digits
before the colon as hours. SAS reads the two digits after the colon as minutes. The
number of seconds is 0.
If a colon is omitted between minutes and seconds, as in 12:3400, SAS reads the
3400 as 3400 minutes. 3400 minutes adds 56 hours and 40 minutes to the 12
hours, resulting in 68:40:00.
638 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

data test;
put sastime ;
put sastime time8.;

Variable Result


put sastime ; 45944

put sastime time8.; 12:45:44

See Also
n “TIMEw. Informat” on page 700

IBw.d Informat
Reads native integer binary (fixed-point) values, including negative values.
Categories: CAS
Interaction: List input is incompatible with binary input when this informat is specified in an
INFORMAT= statement or an ATTRIB= statement that uses the INFORMAT= argument.
SAS issues a warning and uses formatted input to read the data.
See: “IB Informat: UNIX” in SAS Companion for UNIX Environments
“IBw.d Informat: Windows” in SAS Companion for Windows
“IBw.d Informat: z/OS” in SAS Companion for z/OS

IBw.d Informat 639

Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 4

Range 1–8

specifies the power of 10 by which to divide the value. This argument is optional.

Range 0–10

The IBw.d informat reads integer binary (fixed-point) values, including negative
values represented in two's-complement notation. IBw.d reads integer binary values
with consistent results if the values are created in the same type of operating
environment that you use to run SAS.

Note: Different operating environments store integer binary values in different

ways. This concept is called byte ordering. For a detailed discussion about byte
ordering, see “Byte Ordering for Integer Binary Data on Big Endian and Little Endian
Platforms” on page 530 .

The IBw.d and PIBw.d informats are used to read native format integers. (Native
format enables you to read and write values created in the same operating
environment.) The IBRw.d and PIBRw.d informats are used to read little endian
integers in any operating environment.
To view a table that shows the type of informat to use with big endian and little
endian integers, see “Reading Data Generated on Big Endian and Little Endian
Platforms” on page 531.
To view a table that compares integer binary notation in several programming
languages, see “Integer Binary Notation and Different Programming Languages” on
page 38.

You can use the INPUT statement and specify the IB informat. However, these
examples use the informat with the INPUT function, where binary input values are
described using a hexadecimal literal.
data one;
640 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

put result;

Result on Big Endian Result on Little Endian

SAS Statement Platforms Platforms

put result; 128 -32768

See Also
n “IBRw.d Informat” on page 640

IBRw.d Informat
Reads integer binary (fixed-point) values in Intel and DEC formats.
Categories: CAS
Interaction: List input is incompatible with binary input when this informat is specified in an
INFORMAT= statement or an ATTRIB= statement that uses the INFORMAT= argument.
SAS issues a warning and uses formatted input to read the data.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 4

Range 1–8

specifies the power of 10 by which to divide the value. This argument is optional.

Range 0–10
IBRw.d Informat 641

The IBRw.d informat reads integer binary (fixed-point) values, including negative
values that are represented in two's-complement notation. IBRw.d reads integer
binary values that are generated by and for Intel and DEC platforms. Use IBRw.d to
read integer binary data from Intel or DEC environments in other operating
environments. The IBRw.d informat in SAS code allows for a portable
implementation for reading the data in any operating environment.

Note: Different operating environments store integer binary values in different

ways. This concept is called byte ordering. For a detailed discussion about byte
ordering, see “Byte Ordering for Integer Binary Data on Big Endian and Little Endian
Platforms” on page 530 .

The IBw.d and PIBw.d informats are used to read native format integers. (Native
format enables you to read and write values that are created in the same operating
environment.) The IBRw.d and PIBRw.d informats are used to read little endian
integers in any operating environment.
In Intel and DEC operating environments, the IBw.d and IBRw.d informats are
To view a table that shows the type of informat to use with big endian and little
endian integers, see “Reading Data Generated on Big Endian and Little Endian
Platforms” on page 531.
To view a table that compares integer binary notation in several programming
languages, see “Integer Binary Notation and Different Programming Languages” on
page 38.

You can use the INPUT statement and specify the IBR informat. However, in these
examples, we use the informat with the INPUT function, where binary input values
are described using a hexadecimal literal.
data one;
put x;
put y;
put result;
642 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

Result on Big Endian Result on Little Endian

SAS Statement Platforms Platforms

put x; 1 1

put y; 256 256

put result; 128 128

See Also
n “IBw.d Informat” on page 638

IEEEw.d Informat
Reads an IEEE floating-point value and divides it by 10 raised to the dth power.
Categories: CAS
Interaction: List input is incompatible with binary input when this informat is specified in an
INFORMAT= statement or an ATTRIB= statement that uses the INFORMAT= argument.
SAS issues a warning and uses formatted input to read the data.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 4

Range 3–8

Tip If w is 8, an IEEE double-precision, floating-point number is read. If w is

5, 6, or 7, an IEEE double-precision, floating-point number is read,
which assumes truncation of the appropriate number of bytes. If w is 4,
an IEEE single-precision, floating-point number is read. If w is 3, an
IEEE single-precision, floating-point number is read, which assumes
truncation of 1 byte.
JULIANw. Informat 643

specifies the power of 10 by which to divide the value.

The IEEEw.d informat is useful in operating environments where IEEE is the
floating-point representation that is used. In addition, you can use the IEEEw.d
informat to read files that are created by programs in operating environments that
use the IEEE floating-point representation.
Typically, programs generate IEEE values in single precision (4 bytes) or double
precision (8 bytes). Truncation is performed by programs solely to save space on
output files. Machine instructions require that the floating-point number be one of
the two lengths. The IEEEw.d informat allows other lengths, which enables you to
read data from files that contain space-saving truncated data.

The variables are hexadecimal representations of binary numbers that are stored in
IEEE format.
data _null_;
put a= b=;
SAS writes the following to the log:

a=1 b=1

JULIANw. Informat
Reads Julian dates in the form yyddd or yyyyddd.
Categories: CAS
Date and Time
See: “Julian Date Formats and Astronomical Dates” on page 10

644 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 5

Range 5–32

The date values must be in one of these forms:
n yyddd
n yyyyddd

yy or yyyy
is a two-digit or four-digit integer that represents the year.
dd or ddd
is an integer from 01–365 that represents the day of the year.
Julian dates consist of strings of contiguous numbers, which means that zeros must
pad any space between the year and the day values.
Julian dates that contain year values before 1582 are invalid for the conversion to
Gregorian dates.

Note: SAS interprets a two-digit year as part of the 100-year span that is defined by
the YEARCUTOFF= system option.

data test;
put sasdate ;
put sasdate date9.;

Variable Result


put sasdate ; 21283

put sasdate date9.; 09APR2018

MDYAMPMw.d Informat 645

See Also
n “JULIANw. Format” on page 232

n “DATEJUL Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference
n “JULDATE Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference

System Options:
n “YEARCUTOFF= System Option” in SAS System Options: Reference

MDYAMPMw.d Informat
Reads datetime values in the form mm-dd-yy<yy> AM|PM, where a special character such as
a hyphen (-), period (.), slash (/), or colon (:) separates the month, day, and year. The year can be either
two or four digits.
Categories: CAS
Date and Time
Alignment: Right
Requirement: A space must separate the date and the time.
Note: The default time period is AM.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 19

Range 8–40

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the seconds
value. The digits to the right of the decimal point specify a fraction of a second.
This argument is optional.

Default 0
646 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

Range 0–39

The MDYAMPMw.d format reads SAS datetime values in the form mm-dd-yy<yy>
hh:mm<:ss<.ss>> <AM | PM>.
is an integer between 01 and 12 that represents the month.
is an integer between 01 and 31 that represents the day of the month.
yy or yyyy
specifies a two-digit or four-digit integer that represents the year.
is an integer between 00 and 23 that represents hours.
is an integer between 00 and 59 that represents minutes.
is the number of seconds that range from 00–59 with the fraction of a second
following the decimal point.
Requirement: If a fraction of a second is specified, the decimal point can be
represented only by a period and is required.
specifies either the time period 00:01–12:00 noon (AM) or the time period 12:01–
12:00 midnight ( PM).
- or :
represents one of several special characters such as the slash (/), hyphen (-),
colon (:), or a blank character that can be used to separate date and time
components. Special characters can be used as separators between any date or
time component and between the date and the time.

The MDYAMPMw.d informat reads datetime values with optional separators in the
form mm-dd-yy<yy> AM | PM, and requires a space between the date
and the time.
The DATETIMEw.d informat reads datetime values with optional separators in the
form dd-mmm-yy<yy> AM|PM, and the date and time can be
separated by a special character.
The YMDDTTMw.d informat reads datetime values with required separators in the
form <yy>yy-mm-dd/
MMDDYYw. Informat 647

data test;
date='04-30-18 3:27 pm';
put sasdate ;
put sasdate datetime20.;

Variable Result

put sasdate ; 1840721220

put sasdate datetime20.; 30APR2018:15:27:00

See Also
n “DATETIMEw. Informat” on page 616
n “YMDDTTMw.d Informat” on page 716

MMDDYYw. Informat
Reads date values in the form mmddyy or mmddyyyy.
Categories: CAS


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 6

Range 6–32
648 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

The date values must be in one of these forms:
n mmddyy

n mmddyyyy

is an integer between 01 and 12 that represents the month.
is an integer between 01 and 31 that represents the day of the month.
yy or yyyy
is a two-digit or four-digit integer that represents the year.
You can separate the month, day, and year fields by blanks or special characters.
However, if you use delimiters, place them between all fields in the value. Blanks
can also be placed before and after the date.

Note: SAS interprets a two-digit year as part of the 100-year span that is defined by
the YEARCUTOFF= system option.

data test;
put sasdate ;
put sasdate date9.;

Variable Result


put sasdate ; 21308

put sasdate date9.; 04MAY2018

See Also
n “DATEw. Format” on page 169
n “DDMMYYw. Format” on page 175
n “MMDDYYw. Format” on page 235
MONYYw. Informat 649

n “YYMMDDw. Format” on page 496

n “DAY Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference
n “MDY Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference
n “MONTH Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference
n “YEAR Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference

n “DATEw. Informat” on page 615
n “DDMMYYw. Informat” on page 619
n “YYMMDDw. Informat” on page 718

System Options:
n “YEARCUTOFF= System Option” in SAS System Options: Reference

MONYYw. Informat
Reads month and year date values in the form mmmyy or mmmyyyy.
Categories: CAS


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 5

Range 5–32

The date values must be in one of these forms:
n mmmyy

n mmmyyyy
650 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

are the first three letters of the month name.
yy or yyyy
is a two-digit or four-digit integer that represents the year.
A value read with the MONYYw. informat results in a SAS date value that
corresponds to the first day of the specified month.

Note: SAS interprets a two-digit year as part of the 100-year span that is defined by
the YEARCUTOFF= system option.

data test;
put sasdate ;
put sasdate date9.;

Variable Result


put sasdate ; 21305

put sasdate date9.; 01MAY2018

See Also
n “DDMMYYw. Format” on page 175
n “MMDDYYw. Format” on page 235
n “MONYYw. Format” on page 247
n “YYMMDDw. Format” on page 496

n “MONTH Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference
n “YEAR Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference

n “DDMMYYw. Informat” on page 619
n “MMDDYYw. Informat” on page 647
MSECw. Informat 651

n “YYMMDDw. Informat” on page 718

System Options:
n “YEARCUTOFF= System Option” in SAS System Options: Reference

MSECw. Informat
Reads TIME MIC values.
Categories: CAS


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Requirement w must be 8 because the OS TIME macro or the STCK

System/370 instruction on IBM mainframes each returns an 8-
byte value.

The MSECw. informat reads time values that are produced by IBM mainframe
operating environments and converts the time values to SAS time values.
Use the MSECw. informat to find the difference between two IBM mainframe TIME
values, with precision to the nearest microsecond.

The MSECw. and TODSTAMPw. informats both read IBM time-of-day clock values,
but the MSECw. informat assigns a time value to a variable, and the TODSTAMPw.
informat assigns a datetime value.
652 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

The input time used in this example is the hexadecimal timestamp
‘0000EA044E65A000’ that corresponds to 5:26:58 p.m.
data _null_;
put x=timeampm.;
SAS writes the following to the log:

x=5:26:58 PM

See Also
n “TODSTAMPw. Informat” on page 702

NUMXw.d Informat
Reads numeric values with a comma in place of the decimal point.
Categories: CAS


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 12

Range 1–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal. If the data contains
decimal points, the d value is ignored. This argument is optional.

Range 0–31
OCTALw.d Informat 653

The NUMXw.d informat reads numeric values and interprets a comma as a decimal

The NUMXw.d informat is similar to the w.d informat, except that it reads numeric
values that contain a comma in place of the decimal point.

data one;
input @1 x numx10.;
put x;
SAS writes the following output to the log:


See Also
n “NUMXw.d Format” on page 417
n “w.d Format” on page 474

OCTALw.d Informat
Converts positive octal values to integers.
Category: Numeric
Restriction: This informat is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.
654 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 3

Range 1–24

specifies the power of 10 by which to divide the value. This argument is optional.

Range 1–31

Restriction must be greater than or equal to the w value.

Use only the digits 0 through 7 in the input, with no embedded blanks. The
OCTALw.d informat ignores leading and trailing blanks.
OCTALw.d cannot read negative values. It treats all input values as positive

data one;
input @1 x octal13.1;
put x;
SAS writes the following output to the log:


PDw.d Informat
Reads data that is stored in IBM packed decimal format.
PDw.d Informat 655

Categories: CAS
Interaction: List input is incompatible with binary input when this informat is specified in an
INFORMAT= statement or an ATTRIB= statement that uses the INFORMAT= argument.
SAS issues a warning and uses formatted input to read the data.
See: “PD Informat: UNIX” in SAS Companion for UNIX Environments
“PDw.d Informat: Windows” in SAS Companion for Windows
“PDw.d Informat: z/OS” in SAS Companion for z/OS


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 1

Range 1–16

specifies the power of 10 by which to divide the value. This argument is optional.

Range 0–10

The PDw.d informat is useful because many programs write data in packed decimal
format for storage efficiency, fitting two digits into each byte and using only a half
byte for a sign.

Note: Different operating environments store packed decimal values in different

ways. However, PDw.d reads packed decimal values with consistent results if the
values are created in the same type of operating environment that you use to run

The PDw.d format writes missing numerical data as –0. When the PDw.d informat
reads –0, it stores it as 0.

The following table compares packed decimal notation in several programming
656 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

Language Notation



IBM 370 Assembler PL4


Example: Reading Packed Decimal Data

data _null_;
a=input('000123'x, pd3.);
put a=;
SAS writes the following output to the log:


PDJULGw. Informat
Reads packed Julian date values in the hexadecimal form yyyydddF for IBM.
Category: Date
Restriction: This informat is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 4

Range 3–16
PDJULGw. Informat 657

The PDJULGw. informat reads IBM packed Julian date values in the form yyyydddF:
is the 2-byte representation of the four-digit Gregorian year.
is the 1 1/2-byte representation of the three-digit integer that corresponds to the
Julian day of the year, 1–365 (or 1–366 for leap years).
is the half byte that contains all binary 1s, which assigns the value as positive.

Note: SAS interprets a two-digit year as part of the 100-year span that is defined by
the YEARCUTOFF= system option.

data a;
format x mmddyy10.;
put x=;
SAS writes the following output to the log:


See Also
n “JULDAYw. Format” on page 230
n “JULIANw. Format” on page 232
n “PDJULGw. Format” on page 424
n “PDJULIw. Format” on page 426

n “DATEJUL Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference
n “JULDATE Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference

n “JULIANw. Informat” on page 643
n “PDJULIw. Informat” on page 658
658 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

System Options:
n “YEARCUTOFF= System Option” in SAS System Options: Reference

PDJULIw. Informat
Reads packed Julian dates in the hexadecimal format ccyydddF for IBM.
Category: Date
Restriction: This informat is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 4

Range 3–16

The PDJULIw. informat reads IBM packed Julian date values in the form ccyydddF:
is the 1-byte representation of a two-digit integer that represents the century.
is the 1-byte representation of a two-digit integer that represents the year. The
PDJULIw informat makes an adjustment to the 1-byte century representation by
adding 1900 to the 2-byte ccyy value in order to produce the correct four-digit
Gregorian year. This adjustment causes ccyy values of 0098 to become 1998,
0101 to become 2001, and 0218 to become 2118.
is the 1 1/2- byte representation of the three-digit integer that corresponds to the
Julian day of the year, 1–365 (or 1–366 for leap years).
is the half byte that contains all binary 1s, which assigns the value as positive.
PDTIMEw. Informat 659

data a;
format x mmddyy10.;
put x;
SAS writes the following output to the log:


See Also
n “JULDAYw. Format” on page 230
n “JULIANw. Format” on page 232
n “PDJULGw. Format” on page 424
n “PDJULIw. Format” on page 426

n “DATEJUL Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference
n “JULDATE Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference

n “JULIANw. Informat” on page 643
n “PDJULGw. Informat” on page 656

System Options:
n “YEARCUTOFF= System Option” in SAS System Options: Reference

PDTIMEw. Informat
Reads packed decimal time of SMF and RMF records.
Categories: CAS

660 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Requirement w must be 4 because packed decimal time values in SMF and

RMF records contain 4 bytes of information.

The PDTIMEw. informat reads packed decimal time values that are contained in
SMF and RMF records that are produced by IBM mainframe systems and converts
the values to SAS time values.
The general form of a packed decimal time value in hexadecimal notation is
is a half-byte that contains all 0s.
is 1 byte that represents two digits that correspond to hours.
is 1 byte that represents two digits that correspond to minutes.
is 1 byte that represents two digits that correspond to seconds.
is a half-byte that contains all 1s.
If a field contains all 0s, PDTIMEw. treats it as a missing value.
PDTIMEw. enables you to read packed decimal time values from files that are
created on an IBM mainframe in any operating environment.

The variable is a hexadecimal representation of a binary time value that is stored in
packed decimal form. Each byte occupies one column of the input field. The result is
a SAS time value that corresponds to 2:22.25 p.m.
data _null_;
put a=;
SAS writes the following to the log:

PERCENTw.d Informat 661

PERCENTw.d Informat
Reads percentages as numeric values.
Categories: CAS


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 6

Range 1–32

specifies the power of 10 by which to divide the value. If the data contains
decimal points, the d value is ignored. This argument is optional.

Range 0–31

The PERCENTw.d informat converts the numeric portion of the input data to a
number using the same method as the COMMAw.d informat. If a percent sign (%)
follows the number in the input field, PERCENTw.d divides the number by 100.

data test;
put percent;
SAS writes the following output to the log:

662 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

PIBw.d Informat
Reads positive integer binary (fixed-point) values.
Categories: CAS
Interaction: List input is incompatible with binary input when this informat is specified in an
INFORMAT= statement or an ATTRIB= statement that uses the INFORMAT= argument.
SAS issues a warning and uses formatted input to read the data.
See: “PIB Informat: UNIX” in SAS Companion for UNIX Environments
“PIBw.d Informat: Windows” in SAS Companion for Windows


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 1

Range 1–8

specifies the power of 10 by which to divide the value. This argument is optional.

Range 0–10

All values are treated as positive. PIBw.d reads positive integer binary values with
consistent results if the values are created in the same type of operating
environment that you use to run SAS.

Note: Different operating environments store positive integer binary values in

different ways. This concept is called byte ordering. For a detailed discussion about
byte ordering, see “Byte Ordering for Integer Binary Data on Big Endian and Little
Endian Platforms” on page 530 .
PIBw.d Informat 663

n Positive integer binary values are the same as integer binary values, except that
the sign bit is part of the value, which is always a positive integer. The PIBw.d
informat treats all values as positive and includes the sign bit as part of the
n The PIBw.d informat with a width of 1 results in a value that corresponds to the
binary equivalent of the contents of a byte. The binary equivalent of the contents
of a byte is useful if your data contains values between hexadecimal 80 and
hexadecimal FF, where the high-order bit can be misinterpreted as a negative
n The IBw.d and PIBw.d informats are used to read native format integers. (Native
format enables you to read and write values that are created in the same
operating environment.) The IBRw.d and PIBRw.d informats are used to read
little endian integers in any operating environment.
To view a table that shows the type of informat to use with big endian and little
endian integers, see “Reading Data Generated on Big Endian and Little Endian
Platforms” on page 531.
To view a table that compares integer binary notation in several programming
languages, see “Integer Binary Notation and Different Programming Languages”
on page 38.

You can use the INPUT statement and specify the PIB informat. However, in these
examples, we use the informat with the INPUT function, where binary input values
are described by using a hexadecimal literal.
data _null_;
put result;
data _null_;
put x ;
put y;

Result on Big Endian Result on Little Endian

SAS Statement Platforms Platforms

put result; 193 65

put x; 256 1

put y; 1 256
664 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

See Also
n “PIBRw.d Informat” on page 664

PIBRw.d Informat
Reads positive integer binary (fixed-point) values in Intel and DEC formats.
Categories: CAS
Interaction: List input is incompatible with binary input when this informat is specified in an
INFORMAT= statement or an ATTRIB= statement that uses the INFORMAT= argument.
SAS issues a warning and uses formatted input to read the data.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 1

Range 1–8

specifies the power of 10 by which to divide the value. This argument is optional.

Range 0–10

All values are treated as positive. PIBRw.d reads positive integer binary values that
have been generated by and for Intel and DEC operating environments. Use
PIBRw.d to read positive integer binary data from Intel and DEC environments in
other operating environments. The PIBRw.d informat in SAS code allows for a
portable implementation for reading the data in any operating environment.

Note: Different operating environments store positive integer binary values in

different ways. This concept is called byte ordering. For a detailed discussion about
PIBRw.d Informat 665

byte ordering, see “Byte Ordering for Integer Binary Data on Big Endian and Little
Endian Platforms” on page 530 .

n Positive integer binary values are the same as integer binary values, except that
the sign bit is part of the value, which is always a positive integer. The PIBRw.d
informat treats all values as positive and includes the sign bit as part of the
n The PIBRw.d informat with a width of 1 results in a value that corresponds to the
binary equivalent of the contents of a byte. This is useful if your data contains
values between hexadecimal 80 and hexadecimal FF, where the high-order bit
can be misinterpreted as a negative sign.
n On Intel and DEC platforms, the PIBw.d and PIBRw.d informats are equivalent.

n The IBw.d and PIBw.d informats are used to read native format integers. (Native
format enables you to read and write values that are created in the same
operating environment.) The IBRw.d and PIBRw.d informats are used to read
little endian integers in any operating environment.
To view a table that shows the type of informat to use with big endian and little
endian integers, see “Reading Data Generated on Big Endian and Little Endian
Platforms” on page 531.
To view a table that compares integer binary notation in several programming
languages, see “Integer Binary Notation and Different Programming Languages”
on page 38.

data _null_;
put x y;
You can use the INPUT statement and specify the PIBR informat. However, these
examples use the informat with the INPUT function, where binary input values are
described using a hexadecimal literal.

Result on Big Endian Result on Little Endian

SAS Statement Platforms Platforms

put x; 1 1
put y; 256 256
666 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

See Also
n “PIBw.d Informat” on page 662

PKw.d Informat
Reads unsigned packed decimal data.
Categories: CAS
Interaction: List input is incompatible with binary input when this informat is specified in an
INFORMAT= statement or an ATTRIB= statement that uses the INFORMAT= argument.
SAS issues a warning and uses formatted input to read the data.


Syntax Description
specifies the number of bytes of unsigned packed decimal data. Each byte
contains two digits.

Default 1

Range 1–16

specifies the power of 10 by which to divide the value. This argument is optional.

Range 0–10

Each byte of unsigned packed decimal data contains two digits.

The PKw.d informat is the same as the PDw.d informat, except that PKw.d treats
the sign half of the field's last byte as part of the value, not as the sign of the value.
PUNCH.d Informat 667

The variable in this example is a hexadecimal representation of a binary number
stored in unsigned packed decimal form.
data _null_;
b=input(a, pk3.);
put b=;
SAS writes the following to the log:


PUNCH.d Informat
Reads whether a row of column-binary data is punched.
Categories: CAS
Column Binary


Syntax Description
specifies which row in a card column to read.

Range 1–12

Column-binary data storage compresses data so that more than 80 items of data
can be stored on a single “virtual” punch card.
This informat assigns the value 1 to the variable if row d of the current card column
is punched, or 0 if row d of the current card column is not punched. After PUNCH.d
reads a field, the pointer does not advance to the next column.
668 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

data one;
input x punch.12;
put x;
SAS writes the following output to the log:

See Also
n “Description of Column-Binary Data Storage” in SAS Programmer’s Guide:

n “$CBw. Informat” on page 564
n “CBw.d Informat” on page 611
n “ROWw.d Informat” on page 673

RBw.d Informat
Reads numeric data that is stored in real binary (floating-point) notation.
Categories: CAS
Interaction: List input is incompatible with binary input when this informat is specified in an
INFORMAT= statement or an ATTRIB= statement that uses the INFORMAT= argument.
SAS issues a warning and uses formatted input to read the data.
See: “RB Informat: UNIX” in SAS Companion for UNIX Environments
“RBw.d Informat: Windows” in SAS Companion for Windows
“RBw.d Informat: z/OS” in SAS Companion for z/OS

RBw.d Informat 669

Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 4

Range 2–8

specifies the power of 10 by which to divide the value. This argument is optional.

Range 0–10

Note: Different operating environments store real binary values in different ways.
However, the RBw.d informat reads real binary values with consistent results if the
values are created on the same type of operating environment that you use to run

The following table compares the names of real binary notation in several
programming languages:

Real Binary Notation

Language 4 Bytes 8 Bytes


Fortran REAL*4 REAL*8

C float double

IBM 370 assembler F D


Using the RBw.d informat to read real binary information on equipment that
conforms to the IEEE standard for floating-point numbers results in a
truncated 8-byte number (double-precision) instead of a true 4-byte floating-
point number (single-precision).
670 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

This example uses a hexadecimal representation of a real binary (floating-point)
data _null_;
b=input(a, rb8.);
put b=;
SAS writes the following output to the log:


See Also
n “IEEEw.d Informat” on page 642

RMFDURw. Informat
Reads duration intervals of RMF records.
Categories: CAS
Date and Time


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Requirement w must be 4 because packed decimal duration values in RMF

records contain 4 bytes of information.
RMFDURw. Informat 671

The RMFDURw. informat reads the duration of RMF measurement intervals of RMF
records that are produced as packed decimal data by IBM mainframe systems.
Then, the RMFDURw. informat converts the measurement intervals to SAS time
The general form of the duration interval data in an RMF record in hexadecimal
notation is mmsstttF:
is the 1-byte representation of two digits that correspond to minutes.
is the 1-byte representation of two digits that correspond to seconds.
is the 1 1/2-byte representation of three digits that correspond to thousandths of
a second.
is a half byte that contains all binary 1s, which assigns the value as positive.
If the field does not contain packed decimal data, RMFDURw. results in a missing

n Both the RMFDURw. informat and the RMFSTAMPw. informat read packed
decimal information from RMF records that are produced by IBM mainframe
n The RMFDURw. informat reads duration data and results in a time value.

n The RMFSTAMPw. informat reads time-of-day data and results in a datetime


The variable is a hexadecimal representation of a binary duration value that is
stored in packed decimal form as it would appear in an RMF record. Each byte
occupies one column of the input field. The result is a SAS time value that
corresponds to 00:35:52.226.
data _null_;
put a=;
SAS writes the following to the log:

672 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

See Also
n “RMFSTAMPw. Informat” on page 672
n “SMFSTAMPw. Informat” on page 697

RMFSTAMPw. Informat
Reads time and date fields of RMF records.
Categories: CAS
Date and Time


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Requirement w must be 8 because packed decimal time and date values in

RMF records contain 8 bytes of information: 4 bytes of time data
that are followed by 4 bytes of date data.

The RMFSTAMPw. informat reads packed decimal time and date values of RMF
records that are produced by IBM mainframe systems. Then, the RMFSTAMPw.
informat converts the time and date values to SAS datetime values.
The general form of the time and date information in an RMF record in hexadecimal
notation is 0hhmmssFccyydddF:
is the half byte that contains all binary 0s.
is the 1-byte representation of two digits that correspond to the hour of the day.
is the 1-byte representation of two digits that correspond to minutes.
is the 1-byte representation of two digits that correspond to seconds.
ROWw.d Informat 673

is the 1-byte representation of two digits that correspond to the century.
is the 1-byte representation of two digits that correspond to the year.
is the 1 1/2- bytes that contain three digits that correspond to the day of the year.
is the half byte that contains all binary 1s.
The century indicators 00 correspond to 1900, 01 to 2000, and 02 to 2100.
RMFSTAMPw. enables you to read, in any operating environment, packed decimal
time and date values from files that are created on an IBM mainframe.

Both the RMFSTAMPw. informat and the PDTIMEw. informat read packed decimal
values from RMF records. The RMFSTAMPw. informat reads both time and date
values and results in a SAS datetime value. The PDTIMEw. informat reads only time
values and results in a SAS time value.

The variable is a hexadecimal representation of a binary time and date value that is
stored in packed decimal form as it would appear in an RMF record. Each byte
occupies one column of the input field. The result is a SAS datetime value that
corresponds to July 18, 2018, 2:22.25 PM.
data one;
input x $hex16.;
put y ;
put y datetime16.;
SAS writes the following output to the log:


ROWw.d Informat
Reads a column-binary field down a card column.
Category: Column Binary
674 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

Restriction: This informat is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.


Syntax Description
specifies the row where the field begins.

Range 0–12

specifies the length in rows of the field.

Default 0

Range 0–25

Column-binary data storage compresses data so that more than 80 items of data
can be stored on a single “virtual” punch card.
The ROWw.d informat assigns the relative position of the punch in the field to a
numeric variable.
If the field that you specify has more than one punch, ROWw.d assigns the variable
a missing value and sets the automatic variable _ERROR_ to 1. If the field has no
punches, ROWw.d assigns the variable a missing value.
ROWw.d can read fields across columns, continuing with row 12 of the new column
and going down through the rest of the rows. After ROWw.d reads a field, the
pointer moves to the next row.

input x row5.3
input x row7.1
input x row5.2
input x row3.5

Variable1 Result


S370FFw.d Informat 675

Variable1 Result

04 3

1 The variable is a hexadecimal representation of the column binary. The “virtual” punch card column
for the example data has row 7 punched. The binary representation is 0000 0000 0000 0100.

See Also
n “Description of Column-Binary Data Storage” in SAS Programmer’s Guide:

n “$CBw. Informat” on page 564
n “CBw.d Informat” on page 611
n “PUNCH.d Informat” on page 667

S370FFw.d Informat
Reads EBCDIC numeric data.
Categories: CAS


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 12

Range 1–32
676 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

specifies the power of 10 by which to divide the value. This argument is optional.

Range 0–31

The S370FFw.d informat reads numeric data that is represented in EBCDIC and
converts the data to native format. If EBCDIC is the native format, S370FFw.d
performs no conversion.
S370FFw.d reads EBCDIC numeric values that are represented with 1 byte per
digit. Use S370FFw.d in other operating environments to read numeric data from
IBM mainframe files.
S370FFw.d reads numeric values located anywhere in the input field. EBCDIC
blanks can precede or follow a numeric value with no effect. If a value is negative,
an EBCDIC minus sign should immediately precede the value. S370FFw.d reads
values with EBCDIC decimal points and values in scientific notation, and it interprets
a single EBCDIC period as a missing value.

The S370FFw.d informat performs the same role for numeric data that the
$EBCDICw.d informat does for character data. That is, on an IBM mainframe
system, S370FFw.d has the same effect as the standard w.d informat. On all other
systems, using S370FFw.d is equivalent to using $EBCDICw.d as well as using the
standard w.d informat.

The variables are hexadecimal representations of codes for characters. Each two
hexadecimal characters correspond to 1 byte of binary data, and each byte
corresponds to one character value.
data _null_;
put a= b=;
SAS writes the following to the log:

a=123 b=240
S370FIBw.d Informat 677

S370FIBw.d Informat
Reads integer binary (fixed-point) values, including negative values, in IBM mainframe format.
Categories: CAS
Interaction: List input is incompatible with binary input when this informat is specified in an
INFORMAT= statement or an ATTRIB= statement that uses the INFORMAT= argument.
SAS issues a warning and uses formatted input to read the data.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 4

Range 1–8

specifies the power of 10 by which to divide the value. This argument is optional.

Range 0–10

The S370FIBw.d informat reads integer binary (fixed-point) values that are stored in
IBM mainframe format, including negative values that are represented in two's-
complement notation. S370FIBw.d reads integer binary values with consistent
results if the values are created in the same type of operating environment that you
use to run SAS.
Use S370FIBw.d for integer binary data that is created in IBM mainframe format for
reading in other operating environments.

Note: Different operating environments store integer binary values in different

ways. This concept is called byte ordering. For a detailed discussion about byte
ordering, see “Byte Ordering for Integer Binary Data on Big Endian and Little Endian
Platforms” on page 530 .
678 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

n If you use SAS on an IBM mainframe, S370FIBw.d and IBw.d are identical.

n S370FPIBw.d, S370FIBUw.d, and S370FIBw.d are used to read big endian

integers in any operating environment.
To view a table that shows the type of informat to use with big endian and little
endian integers, see “Reading Data Generated on Big Endian and Little Endian
Platforms” on page 531.
To view a table that compares integer binary notation in several programming
languages, see “Integer Binary Notation and Different Programming Languages”
on page 38..

You can use the INPUT statement and specify the S370FIB informat. However, this
example uses the informat with the INPUT function, where the binary input value is
described using a hexadecimal literal.
data _null_;
put a=;
SAS writes the following to the log:


See Also
n “S370FIBUw.d Informat” on page 678
n “S370FPIBw.d Informat” on page 683

S370FIBUw.d Informat
Reads unsigned integer binary (fixed-point) values in IBM mainframe format.
Categories: CAS
Interaction: List input is incompatible with binary input when this informat is specified in an
INFORMAT= statement or an ATTRIB= statement that uses the INFORMAT= argument.
SAS issues a warning and uses formatted input to read the data.
S370FIBUw.d Informat 679


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 4

Range 1–8

specifies the power of 10 by which to divide the value. SAS uses the d value
even if the data contains decimal points. This argument is optional.

Range 0–10

The S370FIBUw.d informat reads unsigned integer binary (fixed-point) values that
are stored in IBM mainframe format, including negative values that are represented
in two's-complement notation. Unsigned integer binary values are the same as
integer binary values, except that all values are treated as positive. S370FIBUw.d
reads integer binary values with consistent results if the values are created in the
same type of operating environment that you use to run SAS.
Use S370FIBUw.d for unsigned integer binary data that is created in IBM mainframe
format for reading in other operating environments.

Note: Different operating environments store integer binary values in different

ways. This concept is called byte ordering. For a detailed discussion about byte
ordering, see “Byte Ordering for Integer Binary Data on Big Endian and Little Endian
Platforms” on page 530 .

n The S370FIBUw.d informat is equivalent to the COBOL notation PIC 9(n)
BINARY, where n is the number of digits.
n The S370FIBUw.d and S370FPIBw.d informats are identical.

n S370FPIBw.d, S370FIBUw.d, and S370FIBw.d are used to read big endian

integers in any operating environment.
To view a table that shows the type of informat to use with big endian and little
endian integers, see “Reading Data Generated on Big Endian and Little Endian
Platforms” on page 531.
680 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

To view a table that compares integer binary notation in several programming

languages, see “Integer Binary Notation and Different Programming Languages”
on page 38..

You can use the INPUT statement and specify the S370FIBU informat. However,
these examples use the informat with the INPUT function, where binary input values
are described using a hexadecimal literal.
data _null_;
put result1 +1 result2;

SAS Statement Result

put result1; result1=127

put result2; result2=246

See Also
n “S370FIBw.d Informat” on page 677
n “S370FPIBw.d Informat” on page 683

S370FPDw.d Informat
Reads packed data in IBM mainframe format.
Categories: CAS
Interaction: List input is incompatible with binary input when this informat is specified in an
INFORMAT= statement or an ATTRIB= statement that uses the INFORMAT= argument.
SAS issues a warning and uses formatted input to read the data.

S370FPDw.d Informat 681

Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 1

Range 1–16

specifies the power of 10 by which to divide the value. This argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–31

Packed decimal data contains two digits per byte, but only one digit in the input field
represents the sign. The last half of the last byte indicates the sign: a C or an F for
positive numbers and a D for negative numbers.
Use S370FPDw.d to read packed decimal data from IBM mainframe files in other
operating environments.

n If you use SAS on an IBM mainframe, the S370FPDw.d and PDw.d informats
are identical.
n The following table compares the equivalent packed decimal notation by
programming language:

Language Packed Decimal Notation




assembler PL4
682 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

The variable in this example is a hexadecimal representation of a binary number
that is stored in packed decimal form. Each two hexadecimal characters correspond
to 1 byte of binary data, and each byte corresponds to one column of the input field.
data _null_;
put a=;
SAS writes the following to the log:


S370FPDUw.d Informat
Reads unsigned packed decimal data in IBM mainframe format.
Categories: CAS
Interaction: List input is incompatible with binary input when this informat is specified in an
INFORMAT= statement or an ATTRIB= statement that uses the INFORMAT= argument.
SAS issues a warning and uses formatted input to read the data.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 1

Range 1–16

specifies the power of 10 by which to divide the value. This argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–31
S370FPIBw.d Informat 683

Packed decimal data contains two digits per byte. The last half of the last byte,
which indicates the sign for signed packed data, is always F for unsigned packed
Use S370FPDUw.d in other operating environments to read unsigned packed
decimal data from IBM mainframe files.

n The S370FPDUw.d informat is similar to the S370FPDw.d informat, except that
the S370FPDUw.d informat rejects all sign digits except F.
n The S370FPDUw.d informat is equivalent to the COBOL notation PIC 9(n)
PACKED-DECIMAL, where n is the number of digits.

input @1 x s370fpdu3.;

Variable1 Result


12345F 12345

1 The variable is a hexadecimal representation of a binary number that is stored in packed decimal
form. Each two hexadecimal characters correspond to 1 byte of binary data, and each byte
corresponds to one column of the input field.

S370FPIBw.d Informat
Reads positive integer binary (fixed-point) values in IBM mainframe format.
Categories: CAS
Interaction: List input is incompatible with binary input when this informat is specified in an
INFORMAT= statement or an ATTRIB= statement that uses the INFORMAT= argument.
SAS issues a warning and uses formatted input to read the data.
684 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 4

Range 1–8

specifies the power of 10 by which to divide the value. This argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–10

Positive integer binary values are the same as integer binary values, except that all
values are treated as positive. S370FPIBw.d reads integer binary values with
consistent results if the values are created in the same type of operating
environment that you use to run SAS.
Use S370FPIBw.d for positive integer binary data that is created in IBM mainframe
format for reading in other operating environments.

Note: Different operating environments store integer binary values in different

ways. This concept is called byte ordering. For a detailed discussion about byte
ordering, see “Byte Ordering for Integer Binary Data on Big Endian and Little Endian
Platforms” on page 530 .

n If you use SAS on an IBM mainframe, S370FPIBw.d and PIBw.d are identical.

n S370FPIBw.d, S370FIBUw.d, and S370FIBw.d are used to read big endian

integers in any operating environment.
To view a table that shows the type of informat to use with big endian and little
endian integers, see “Reading Data Generated on Big Endian and Little Endian
Platforms” on page 531.
To view a table that compares integer binary notation in several programming
languages, see “Integer Binary Notation and Different Programming Languages”
on page 38.
S370FRBw.d Informat 685

You can use the INPUT statement and specify the S370FPIB informat. However,
this example uses the informat with the INPUT function, where the binary input
value is described using a hexadecimal literal.
data _null_;
put result;

SAS Statement Result

put result; 12337

See Also
n “S370FIBw.d Informat” on page 677
n “S370FIBUw.d Informat” on page 678

S370FRBw.d Informat
Reads real binary (floating-point) data in IBM mainframe format.
Categories: CAS
Interaction: List input is incompatible with binary input when this informat is specified in an
INFORMAT= statement or an ATTRIB= statement that uses the INFORMAT= argument.
SAS issues a warning and uses formatted input to read the data.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 4

Range 2–8
686 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

specifies the power of 10 by which to divide the value. This argument is optional.

Range 0–10

Real binary values are represented in two parts: a mantissa that gives the value,
and an exponent that gives the value's magnitude.
Use S370FRBw.d to read real binary data from IBM mainframe files in other
operating environments.

n If you use SAS on an IBM mainframe, S370FRBw.d and RBw.d are identical.

n The following table shows the equivalent real binary notation for several
programming languages:

Real Binary Notation

Language 4 Bytes 8 Bytes

SAS S370FRB4. S370FRB8.


Fortran REAL*4 REAL*8


assembler E D

C float double

See Also
n “RBw.d Informat” on page 668
S370FZDw.d Informat 687

S370FZDw.d Informat
Reads zoned decimal data in IBM mainframe format.
Categories: CAS
Interaction: List input is incompatible with binary input when this informat is specified in an
INFORMAT= statement or an ATTRIB= statement that uses the INFORMAT= argument.
SAS issues a warning and uses formatted input to read the data.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 8

Range 1–32

specifies the power of 10 by which to divide the value. If the data contains
decimal points, the d value is ignored. This argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–31

Zoned decimal data is similar to standard decimal data in that every digit requires 1
byte. However, the value's sign is stored in the last byte, along with the last digit.
Use S370FZDw.d in other operating environments to read zoned decimal data from
IBM mainframe files.

n If you use SAS on an IBM mainframe, S370FZDw.d and ZDw.d are identical.
688 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

n The following table shows the equivalent zoned decimal notation for several
programming languages:

Language Zoned Decimal Notation




assembler ZL3

The variable contains a hexadecimal representation of a binary number stored in
zoned decimal format in an IBM mainframe operating environment. Each two
hexadecimal characters correspond to 1 byte of binary data, and each byte
corresponds to one column of the input field.
data _null_;
put a= b=;
SAS writes the following to the log:

a=123 b=-123

See Also
n “ZDw.d Informat” on page 723

S370FZDBw.d Informat
Reads zoned decimal data in which 0s have been left blank.
Categories: CAS
Interaction: List input is incompatible with binary input when this informat is specified in an
INFORMAT= statement or an ATTRIB= statement that uses the INFORMAT= argument.
SAS issues a warning and uses formatted input to read the data.
S370FZDBw.d Informat 689

See: “ZDBw.d Informat: z/OS” in SAS Companion for z/OS


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 8

Range 1–32

specifies the power of 10 by which to divide the value. This argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–31

Use the S370FZDBw.d informat in other operating environments to read zoned
decimal data from IBM mainframe files.

The variables contain a hexadecimal representation of a binary number that is
stored in zoned decimal format in an IBM mainframe operating environment. Two
hexadecimal characters correspond to 1 byte of binary data, and each byte
corresponds to one column of the input field.
data _null_;
put a= b=;
SAS writes the following to the log:

a=1000 b=-123
690 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

S370FZDLw.d Informat
Reads zoned decimal leading-sign data in IBM mainframe format.
Categories: CAS
Interaction: List input is incompatible with binary input when this informat is specified in an
INFORMAT= statement or an ATTRIB= statement that uses the INFORMAT= argument.
SAS issues a warning and uses formatted input to read the data.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 8

Range 1–32

specifies the power of 10 by which to divide the value. This argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–31

Use S370FZDLw.d in other operating environments to read zoned decimal data
from IBM mainframe files.

n Zoned decimal leading-sign data is similar to standard zoned decimal data,
except that the sign of the value is stored in the first byte of zoned decimal
leading-sign data, along with the first digit.
n The S370FZDLw.d informat is equivalent to the COBOL notation PIC S9(n)
DISPLAY SIGN LEADING, where n is the number of digits.
S370FZDSw.d Informat 691

The variables contain a hexadecimal representation of a binary number stored in
zoned decimal format in an IBM mainframe operating environment. Each two
hexadecimal characters correspond to 1 byte of binary data, and each byte
corresponds to one column of the input field.
data _null_;
put a= b=;
SAS writes the following to the log:

a=123 b=-123

S370FZDSw.d Informat
Reads zoned decimal, separate leading-sign data in IBM mainframe format.
Categories: CAS
Interaction: List input is incompatible with binary input when this informat is specified in an
INFORMAT= statement or an ATTRIB= statement that uses the INFORMAT= argument.
SAS issues a warning and uses formatted input to read the data.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 8

Range 2–32

specifies the power of 10 by which to divide the value. This argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–31
692 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

Use S370FZDSw.d in other operating environments to read zoned decimal data
from IBM mainframe files.

n Zoned decimal, separate leading-sign data is similar to standard zoned decimal
data, except that the sign of the value is stored in the first byte of zoned decimal,
leading-sign data, and the first digit of the value is stored in the second byte.
n The S370FZDSw.d informat is equivalent to the COBOL notation PIC S9(n)
DISPLAY SIGN LEADING SEPARATE, where n is the number of digits.

The variable contains a hexadecimal representation of a binary number that is
stored in zoned decimal format in an IBM mainframe operating environment. Each
two hexadecimal characters correspond to 1 byte of binary data, and each byte
corresponds to one column of the input field.
data _null_;
put a= b=;
SAS writes the following to the log:

a=123 b=-123

S370FZDTw.d Informat
Reads zoned decimal, separate trailing-sign data in IBM mainframe format.
Categories: CAS
Interaction: List input is incompatible with binary input when this informat is specified in an
INFORMAT= statement or an ATTRIB= statement that uses the INFORMAT= argument.
SAS issues a warning and uses formatted input to read the data.

S370FZDTw.d Informat 693

Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 8

Range 2–32

specifies the power of 10 by which to divide the value. This argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–31

Use S370FZDTw.d in other operating environments to read zoned decimal data
from IBM mainframe files.

n Zoned decimal, separate trailing-sign data is similar to zoned decimal, separate
leading-sign data, except that the sign of the value is stored in the last byte of
zoned decimal, separate trailing-sign data.
n The S370FZDTw.d informat is equivalent to the COBOL notation PIC S9(n)
DISPLAY SIGN TRAILING SEPARATE, where n is the number of digits.

The variable contains a hexadecimal representation of a binary number that is
stored in zoned decimal format in an IBM mainframe operating environment. Each
two hexadecimal characters correspond to 1 byte of binary data, and each byte
corresponds to one column of the input field.
data _null_;
put a= b=;
SAS writes the following to the log:

a=123 b=-123
694 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

S370FZDUw.d Informat
Reads unsigned zoned decimal data in IBM mainframe format.
Categories: CAS
Interaction: List input is incompatible with binary input when this informat is specified in an
INFORMAT= statement or an ATTRIB= statement that uses the INFORMAT= argument.
SAS issues a warning and uses formatted input to read the data.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 8

Range 1–32

specifies the power of 10 by which to divide the value. This argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0–31

Use S370FZDUw.d in other operating environments to read unsigned zoned
decimal data from IBM mainframe files.

n The S370FZDUw.d informat is similar to the S370FZDw.d informat, except that
the S370FZDUw.d informat rejects all sign digits except F.
n The S370FZDUw.d informat is equivalent to the COBOL notation PIC 9(n)
DISPLAY, where n is the number of digits.
SHRSTAMPw. Informat 695

The variable contains a hexadecimal representation of a binary number that is
stored in zoned decimal format in an IBM mainframe operating environment. Each
two hexadecimal characters correspond to 1 byte of binary data, and each byte
corresponds to one column of the input field.
data _null_;
put a=;
SAS writes the following to the log:


SHRSTAMPw. Informat
Reads date and time values of SHR records.
Categories: CAS
Date and Time


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Requirement w must be 8 because packed decimal date and time values in

SHR records contain 8 bytes of information: 4 bytes of date data
that are followed by 4 bytes of time data.

The SHRSTAMPw. informat reads packed decimal date and time values of SHR
records that are produced by IBM mainframe environments. Then, the
SHRSTAMPw. format converts the date and time values to SAS datetime values.
The general form of the date and time information in an SHR record in hexadecimal
notation is ccyydddFhhmmssth. The letters are defined as follows:
696 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

is the 2-byte representation of the year. The cc portion is the 1-byte
representation of a two-digit integer that represents the century. The yy portion is
the 1-byte representation of two digits that correspond to the year.
The cc portion is the century indicator where 00 indicates 19yy, 01 indicates
20yy, 02 indicates 21yy, and so on. A hexadecimal year value of 0115 is equal to
the year 2015.
is the 1 1/2 bytes that contain three digits that correspond to the day of the year.
is the half-byte that contains all binary 1s.
is the 1-byte representation of two digits that correspond to the hour of the day.
is the 1-byte representation of two digits that correspond to minutes.
is the 1-byte representation of two digits that correspond to seconds.
is the 1-byte representation of two digits that correspond to a 100th of a second.
The SHRSTAMPw. informat enables you to read, in any operation environment,
packed decimal date and time values from files that are created on an IBM

data values;
put shrstamp ;
put shrstamp datetime.;

Variable1 Result


put shrstamp ; 5006666435.8

put shrstamp datetime.; 27AUG18:12:40:36

1 The variable is a hexadecimal representation of a packed decimal date and time value that is stored
as it would appear in an SHR record. Each byte occupies one column of the input field. The result is
a SAS datetime value that corresponds to August 27, 2018 12:40:36.
SMFSTAMPw. Informat 697

SMFSTAMPw. Informat
Reads time and date values of SMF records.
Categories: CAS
Date and Time


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Requirement w must be 8 because time and date values in SMF records

contain 8 bytes of information: 4 bytes of time data that are
followed by 4 bytes of date data.

Tip The time portion of an SMF record is a 4-byte integer binary

number that represents time as the number of hundredths of a
second past midnight.

The SMFSTAMPw. informat reads integer binary time values and packed decimal
date values of SMF records that are produced by IBM mainframe systems. Then,
the SMFSTAMPw. informat converts the time and date values to SAS datetime
The date portion of an SMF record in hexadecimal notation is ccyydddF.
is the 1-byte representation of two digits that correspond to the century.
is the 1-byte representation of two digits that correspond to the year.
is the 1 1/2 bytes that contain three digits that correspond to the day of the year.
is the half byte that contains all binary 1s.
The SMFSTAMPw. informat enables you to read, in any operating environment,
integer binary time values and packed decimal date values from files that are
created on an IBM mainframe.
698 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

data one;
input x: $hex16.;
put y;
put y datetime16.;

Variable1 Result


put y ; 1532016635

put y datetime; 18JUL08:16:10:35

1 The variable is a hexadecimal representation of a binary time and date value that is stored as it
would appear in an SMF record. Each byte occupies one column of the input field. The result is a
SAS datetime value that corresponds to July 18, 2018, 4:10:35 PM.

STIMERw. Informat
Reads time values and determines whether the values are hours, minutes, or seconds; reads the output of
the STIMER system option.
Category: Time
Restriction: This informat is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 10

Range 1–32
STIMERw. Informat 699

The STIMER informat reads performance statistics that the STIMER system option
writes to the SAS log.
The informat reads time values and determines whether the values are hours,
minutes, or seconds based on the presence of decimal points and colons:
n If no colon is present, the value is the number of seconds.

n If a single colon is present, the value before the colon is the number of minutes.
The value after the colon is the number of seconds.
n If two colons are present, the sequence of time is hours, minutes, and then
In all cases, the result is a SAS time value.
The input values for STIMER must be in one of these forms:
n ss


n mm:ss


n hh:mm:ss


is an integer that represents the number of seconds.
is an integer that represents the number of minutes.
is an integer that represents the number of hours.

data one;
input test stimer10.;
put test=;
SAS writes the following output to the log:
700 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats


TIMEw. Informat
Reads hours, minutes, and seconds in the form, where special characters such as the colon
(:) or the period (.) are used to separate the hours, minutes, and seconds.
Categories: CAS


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 8

Range 5–32

The TIMEw. informat reads SAS time values in the form hh:mm:ss<.ss> <AM | PM>.
is an integer that represents the number of hours.
represents a special character that separates hours, minutes, and seconds.
is an integer between 00 and 59 that represents minutes.
is an integer that represents the number of seconds, and if needed, tenths of a
second. Seconds and tenths of a second must always be separated by a period.
AM indicates time between 12:00 midnight and 11:59 in the morning. PM
indicates time between 12:00 noon and 11:59 at night.
TIMEw. Informat 701

Separate hh, mm, and ss with a special character. When the period is used as the
special character, the time is interpreted in the order hours, minutes, and seconds.
For example, 23.22 is 23 hours and 22 minutes, not 23 minutes and 22 seconds, or
23 seconds and 22 tenths of a second.
If you do not enter a value for seconds, SAS assumes a value of 0.
The stored value is the total number of seconds in the time value.
You must specify a value in the hours field when using the TIME informat. You do
not have to specify a value in the hours field when using the STIMER informat.

data test;
put sastime ;
put sastime time8.;
SAS writes the following output to the log:


See Also
n “HHMMw.d Format” on page 221
n “HOURw.d Format” on page 224
n “MMSSw.d Format” on page 240
n “TIMEw.d Format” on page 463

n “HOUR Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference
n “MINUTE Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference
n “SECOND Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference
n “TIME Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference

n “STIMERw. Informat”
702 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

TODSTAMPw. Informat
Reads an 8-byte time-of-day stamp.
Categories: CAS


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Requirement w must be 8 because the OS TIME macro or the STCK instruction

on IBM mainframes each returns an 8-byte value.

The TODSTAMPw. informat reads time-of-day clock values that are produced by
IBM mainframe operating systems and converts the clock values to SAS datetime
If the time-of-day value is all 0s, TODSTAMPw. results in a missing value.
Use TODSTAMPw. in other operating environments to read time-of-day values that
are produced by an IBM mainframe.

This example uses a SAS datetime value that corresponds to September 9, 2018,
data one;

put dt2 /
dt2 datetime20.;
SAS writes the following output to the log:
TRAILSGNw. Informat 703


TRAILSGNw. Informat
Reads a trailing plus (+) or minus (–) sign.
Category: Numeric
Restriction: This informat is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 6

Range 1–32

If the data contains a decimal point, the TRAILSGN informat honors the number of
decimal places that are in the input data. If the data contains a comma, the
TRAILSGN informat reads the value, ignoring the comma.

data _null_;
put a= b= c= d= e= f= g=;
SAS writes the following output to the log:
704 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

a=1 b=1000 c=1 d=-1 e=1.2 f=1.2 g=-1.2

TUw. Informat
Reads timer units.
Categories: CAS


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Requirement w must be 4 because the OS TIME macro returns a 4-byte value.

The TUw. informat reads timer unit values that are produced by IBM mainframe
operating environments and converts the timer unit values to SAS time values.
There are exactly 38,400 software timer units per second. The low-order bit in a
timer unit value represents approximately 26.041667 microseconds.
Use the TUw. informat to read timer unit values that are produced by an IBM
mainframe in other operating environments.

The variable is a hexadecimal representation of a binary, 4-byte timer unit value.
Each byte occupies one column of the input field. The result is a SAS time value
that corresponds to 5:26:58.41 p.m.
data _null_;
put a=;
SAS writes the following to the log:
VAXRBw.d Informat 705


VAXRBw.d Informat
Reads real binary (floating-point) data in VMS format.
Categories: CAS
Interaction: List input is incompatible with binary input when this informat is specified in an
INFORMAT= statement or an ATTRIB= statement that uses the INFORMAT= argument.
SAS issues a warning and uses formatted input to read the data.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 4

Range 2–8

specifies the power of 10 by which to divide the value. This argument is optional.

Range 0–10

Use the VAXRBw.d informat to read floating-point data from VMS files in other
operating environments.

If you use SAS that is running under VMS, the VAXRBw.d and the RBw.d informats
are identical.
706 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

See Also
n “RBw.d Informat” on page 668

VMSZNw.d Informat
Reads VMS and MicroFocus COBOL zoned numeric data.
Categories: CAS
Interaction: List input is incompatible with binary input when this informat is specified in an
INFORMAT= statement or an ATTRIB= statement that uses the INFORMAT= argument.
SAS issues a warning and uses formatted input to read the data.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 1

Range 1–32

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric
value. This argument is optional.

The VMSZNw.d informat is similar to the ZDw.d informat. Both read a string of
ASCII digits, and the last digit is a special character denoting the magnitude of the
last digit and the sign of the entire number. The difference between the VMSZNw.d
informat and the ZDw.d informat is in the special character used for the last digit.
The following table shows the special characters used by the VMSZNw.d informat.
VMSZNw.d Informat 707

Desired Special Desired Special

Digit Character Digit Character

0 0 –0 p

1 1 –1 q

2 2 –2 r

3 3 –3 s

4 4 –4 t

5 5 –5 u

6 6 –6 v

7 7 –7 w

8 8 –8 x

9 9 –9 y

data _null_;
put a= b=;
SAS writes the following to the log:

a=1234 b=-1234

See Also
n “VMSZNw.d Format” on page 472

n “ZDw.d Informat” on page 723
708 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

w.d Informat
Reads standard numeric data.
Categories: CAS
Alias: BESTw.d, Dw.d, Ew.d, Fw.d


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Range 1–32

specifies the power of 10 by which to divide the value. If the data contains
decimal points, the d value is ignored. This argument is optional.

Range 0–31

The w.d informat reads numeric values that are located anywhere in the field.
Blanks can precede or follow a numeric value with no effect. A minus sign with no
separating blank should immediately precede a negative value. The w.d informat
reads values with decimal points and values in scientific E notation, and it interprets
a single period as a missing value.

n The w.d informat is identical to the BZw.d informat, except that the w.d informat
ignores trailing blanks in the numeric values. To read trailing blanks as 0s, use
the BZw.d informat.
n The w.d informat can read values in scientific E notation exactly as the Ew.d
informat does.
WEEKUw. Informat 709

data test;
put value2 ;
SAS writes the following output to the log:


WEEKUw. Informat
Reads a value in the form of a week number within the year and returns a SAS date value by using the U
Category: Date
Restriction: This informat is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 11

Range 3–200

The WEEKUw. informat reads the week-number value within the year, and then
returns a SAS date value by using the U algorithm. If the input does not contain a
year expression, then WEEKUw. uses the current year as the year expression,
which is the default. If the input does not contain a day expression, then WEEKUw.
uses the first day of the week as the day expression, which is the default.
The U algorithm calculates the SAS date value by using the number-of-week value
within the year. (Sunday is considered the first day of the week.) The number-of-
week value is represented as a decimal number in the range 0–53, with a leading 0
710 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

and maximum value of 53. For example, the fifth week of the year would be
represented as 05.
The inputs to the WEEKUw. informat are the same date for the following example.
The current year is 2018.

Width Format Example

3–4 Www w01

5–6 yyWww 18W01

7–8 yyWwwdd 18W0101

9–10 yyyyWwwdd 2018W0101

11–200 yyyy-Www-dd 2018-W01-01

The WEEKUw. informat reads the week-number value as a decimal number in the
range 0–53, with Sunday as the first day of the week.
The WEEKVw. informat reads the number-of-week value as a decimal number in
the range 01–53, with Monday as the first day of the week. Week one of the year is
the week that includes both January fourth and the first Thursday of the year. If the
first Monday of January is the second, third, or fourth, the preceding days are part of
the last week of the preceding year.
The WEEKWw. informat reads the week-number value as a decimal number in the
range 00–53, with Monday as the first day of the week.

The current year is 2018 in these examples.
data one;
put v;
put w;
put x;
put y;
put z;
WEEKVw. Informat 711

Statement Result


put v; 21555

put w; 21191

put x; 21191

put y; 21191

put z; 21191

See Also
n “WEEKUw. Format” on page 481
n “WEEKVw. Format” on page 483
n “WEEKWw. Format” on page 485

n “WEEK Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference

n “WEEKVw. Informat” on page 711
n “WEEKWw. Informat” on page 714

WEEKVw. Informat
Reads a value in the form of a week number within a year and returns a SAS date value by using the V
Category: Date
Restriction: This informat is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.

712 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 11

Range 3–200

The WEEKVw. informat reads the week-number value within a year. If the input
does not contain a year expression, WEEKVw. uses the current year as the year
expression, which is the default. If the input does not contain a day expression,
WEEKVw. uses the first day of the week as the day expression, which is the default.
The V algorithm calculates the SAS date value. The number-of-week value is
represented as a decimal number in the range 01–53, with a leading 0 and a
maximum value of 53. Weeks begin on a Monday, and week 1 of the year is the
week that includes January 4 and the first Thursday of the year. If the first Monday
of January is 2, 3, or 4, the preceding days are part of the last week of the preceding
year. For example, the fifth week of the year would be represented as 06.
The inputs to the WEEKVw. informat are the same date for the following example.
The current year is 2018.

Width Format Example

3–4 Www w01

5–6 yyWww 18W01

7–8 yyWwwdd 18W0101

9–10 yyyyWwwdd 2018W0101

11–200 yyyy-Www-dd 2018–W01–01

The WEEKVw. informat reads the week-number value as a decimal number in the
range 01–53, with Monday as the first day of the week. Week 1 of the year is the
week that includes January 4 and the first Thursday of the year. If the first Monday
of January is 2, 3, or 4, the preceding days are part of the last week of the preceding
The WEEKUw. informat reads the week-number value as a decimal number in the
range 0–53, with Sunday as the first day of the week.
WEEKVw. Informat 713

The WEEKWw. informat reads the week-number-of-year value as a decimal number

in the range 00–53, with Monday as the first day of the week.

The current year is 2018 in these examples.
data one;
put v;
put w;
put x;
put y;
put z;

Statement Result


put v; 21549

put w; 21185

put x; 21185

put y; 21185

put z; 21185

See Also
n “WEEKUw. Format” on page 481
n “WEEKVw. Format” on page 483
n “WEEKWw. Format” on page 485

n “WEEK Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference

n “WEEKUw. Informat” on page 709
714 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

n “WEEKWw. Informat” on page 714

WEEKWw. Informat
Reads a value in the form of a week number within the year and returns a SAS date value by using the W
Category: Date
Restriction: This informat is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 11

Range 3–200

The WEEKWw. informat reads the week-number value within the year. If the input
does not contain a year expression, the WEEKWw. informat uses the current year
as the year expression, which is the default. If the input does not contain a day
expression, the WEEKWw. informat uses the first day of the week as the day
expression, which is the default. The W algorithm calculates the SAS date value by
using the number of the week within the year. (Monday is considered the first day of
the week.) The number-of-week value is represented as a decimal number in the
range 0–53, with a leading 0 and maximum value of 53. For example, the fifth week
of the year would be represented as 05.
The inputs to the WEEKWw. informat are the same date for the following example.
The current year is 2018.

Width Format Example

3–4 Www w01

5–6 yyWww 18W01

7–8 yyWwwdd 18W0101

WEEKWw. Informat 715

Width Format Example

9–10 yyyyWwwdd 2018W0101

11–200 yyyy-Www-dd 2018–W01–01

The WEEKWw. informat reads the week-number value as a decimal number in the
range 00–53, with Monday as the first day of the week.
The WEEKUw. informat reads the week-number value as a decimal number in the
range 00–53, with Sunday as the first day of the week.
The WEEKVw. informat reads the week-number value as a decimal number in the
range 01–53, with Monday as the first day of the week. Week one of the year is the
week that includes both January fourth and the first Thursday of the year. If the first
Monday of January is the second, third, or fourth, the preceding days are part of the
last week of the preceding year.

The current year is 2018 in these examples.
data one;
put v;
put w;
put x;
put y;
put z;

Statement Result


put v; 21556

put w; 21185

put x; 21185

put y; 21185
716 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

Statement Result

put z; 21185

See Also
n “WEEKUw. Format” on page 481
n “WEEKVw. Format” on page 483
n “WEEKWw. Format” on page 485

n “WEEK Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference

n “WEEKUw. Informat” on page 709
n “WEEKVw. Informat” on page 711

YMDDTTMw.d Informat
Reads datetime values in the form <yy>yy-mm-dd, where special characters such as a
hyphen (-), period (.), slash (/), or colon (:) are used to separate the year, month, day, hour, minute, and
seconds. The year can be either two or four digits.
Category: Date and Time
Alignment: Right
Restriction: This informat is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the output field.

Default 19

Range 13−40
YMDDTTMw.d Informat 717

specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the seconds
value. The digits to the right of the decimal point specify a fraction of a second.
This argument is optional.

Default 0

Range 0−39

The YMDDTTMw.d format reads SAS datetime values in the form <yy>yy-mm-dd
yy or yyyy
specifies a two- or four-digit integer that represents the year.
is an integer between 01 and 12 that represents the month.
is an integer between 01 and 31 that represents the day of the month.
is an integer between 00 and 23 that represents hours.
is an integer between 00 and 59 that represents minutes.
is the number of seconds ranging from 00–59 with the fraction of a second
following the decimal point.
- or :
represents one of several special characters such as the slash (/), hyphen (-),
colon (:), or a blank character that can be used to separate date and time
components. Special characters can be used as separators between any date or
time component and between the date and the time.

IMPORTANT If a fraction of a second is specified, the decimal point can

be represented only by a period and is required.

The YMDDTTMw.d informat reads datetime values with required separators in the
form <yy>yy-mm-dd/
The MDYAMPMw.d informat reads datetime values with optional separators in the
form mm-dd-yy<yy> AM | PM, and requires a space between the date
and the time.
718 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

The DATETIMEw.d informat reads datetime values with optional separators in the
form dd-mmm-yy<yy> AM | PM, and the date and time can be
separated by a special character.

data one;
input dt ymddttm24.;
put dt;
put dt datetime24.;
2018-03-16 11:23:07.4
2018 03 16 11 23 07.4
SAS writes the following output to the log:


See Also
n “DATETIMEw. Informat” on page 616
n “MDYAMPMw.d Informat” on page 645

YYMMDDw. Informat
Reads date values in the form yymmdd or yyyymmdd.
Categories: CAS

YYMMDDw. Informat 719

Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 6

Range 6–32

SAS read date values in one of these forms:
n yymmdd
n yyyymmdd

yy or yyyy
is a two-digit or four-digit integer that represents the year.
is an integer between 01 and 12 that represents the month of the year.
is an integer between 01 and 31 that represents the day of the month.
You can separate the year, month, and day values by blanks or special characters.
However, if delimiters are used, place them between all the values. You can also
place blanks before and after the date. Make sure the width of the input field allows
space for blanks and special characters.

Note: SAS interprets a two-digit year as part of the 100-year span that is defined by
the YEARCUTOFF= system option.

data test;
put sasdate;
put sasdate date9.;
SAS writes the following output to the log:

720 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

See Also
n “DATEw. Format” on page 169
n “DDMMYYw. Format” on page 175
n “MMDDYYw. Format” on page 235
n “YYMMDDw. Format” on page 496

n “DAY Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference
n “MDY Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference
n “MONTH Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference
n “YEAR Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference

n “DATEw. Informat” on page 615
n “DDMMYYw. Informat” on page 619
n “MMDDYYw. Informat” on page 647

System Options:
n “YEARCUTOFF= System Option” in SAS System Options: Reference

YYMMNw. Informat
Reads date values in the form yyyymm or yymm.
Categories: CAS


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 6

Range 4–32
YYMMNw. Informat 721

SAS reads date values in one of these forms:
n yyyymm

n yymm

yy or yyyy
is a two-digit or four-digit integer that represents the year.
is a two-digit integer that represents the month.
The N in the informat name must be used and indicates that you cannot separate
the year and month values by blanks or special characters. SAS automatically adds
a day value of 01 to the value to make a valid SAS date variable.

Note: SAS interprets a two-digit year as part of the 100-year span that is defined by
the YEARCUTOFF= system option.

data test;
put sasdate;
put sasdate date9.;
SAS writes the following output to the log:


See Also
n “DATEw. Format” on page 169
n “DDMMYYw. Format” on page 175
n “YYMMDDw. Format” on page 496
n “YYMMw. Format” on page 495
n “YYMONw. Format” on page 503

n “DAY Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference
n “MONTH Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference
722 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

n “MDY Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference

n “YEAR Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference

n “DATEw. Informat” on page 615
n “DDMMYYw. Informat” on page 619
n “MMDDYYw. Informat” on page 647
n “YYMMDDw. Informat” on page 718

System Options:
n “YEARCUTOFF= System Option” in SAS System Options: Reference

YYQw. Informat
Reads quarters of the year in the form yyQq or yyyyQq.
Categories: Date


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 4 (For SAS version 6, the default is 4.)

Range 4–32 (For SAS version 6, the range is 4–6.)

SAS reads data in one of these forms:
n yyQq

n yyyyQq

yy or yyyy
is an integer that represents the two-digit or four-digit year.
ZDw.d Informat 723

is an integer (1, 2, 3, or 4) that represents the quarter of the year. You can also
represent the quarter as 01, 02, 03, or 04.
The letter Q must separate the year value and the quarter value. The year value, the
letter Q, and the quarter value cannot be separated by blanks. A value that is read
with YYQw. produces a SAS date value that corresponds to the first day of the
specified quarter.

Note: SAS interprets a two-digit year as part of the 100-year span that is defined by
the YEARCUTOFF= system option.

data test;
put sasdate;
put sasdate date9.;
SAS writes the following output to the log:


See Also
n “QTR Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference
n “YEAR Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference
n “YYQ Function” in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference

System Options:
n “YEARCUTOFF= System Option” in SAS System Options: Reference

ZDw.d Informat
Reads zoned decimal data.
Categories: CAS
724 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

Interaction: List input is incompatible with binary input when this informat is specified in an
INFORMAT= statement or an ATTRIB= statement that uses the INFORMAT= argument.
SAS issues a warning and uses formatted input to read the data.
See: “ZD Informat: UNIX” in SAS Companion for UNIX Environments
“ZDw.d Informat: Windows” in SAS Companion for Windows
“ZDw.d Format: z/OS” in SAS Companion for z/OS


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 1

Range 1–32

specifies the power of 10 by which to divide the value. This argument is optional.

Range 1–31

The ZDw.d informat reads zoned decimal data in which every digit requires 1 byte
and in which the last byte contains the value's sign along with the last digit.

Note: Different operating environments store zoned decimal values in different

ways. However, ZDw.d reads zoned decimal values with consistent results if the
values are created in the same type of operating environment that you use to run

You can enter positive values in zoned decimal format from a personal computer.
Some keying devices enable you to enter negative values by overstriking the last
digit with a minus sign.

n Like the w.d informat, the ZDw.d informat reads data in which every digit
requires 1 byte. Use ZDVw.d or ZDw.d to read zoned decimal data in which the
last byte contains the last digit and the sign.
ZDBw.d Informat 725

n The ZDw.d informat functions like the ZDVw.d informat, with one exception:
ZDVw.d validates the input string and disallows invalid data.
n The following table compares the zoned decimal informat with notation in several
programming languages:

Language Zoned Decimal Notation




IBM assembler ZL3

data _null_;
a=input('123{', zd4.);
put a=;
SAS writes the following to the log:


See Also
n “w.d Informat” on page 708
n “ZDVw.d Informat” on page 726

ZDBw.d Informat
Reads zoned decimal data in which zeros have been left blank.
Category: Numeric
Restriction: This informat is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.
Interaction: List input is incompatible with binary input when this informat is specified in an
INFORMAT= statement or an ATTRIB= statement that uses the INFORMAT= argument.
SAS issues a warning and uses formatted input to read the data.
See: “ZDBw.d Informat: z/OS” in SAS Companion for z/OS
726 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 1

Range 1–32

specifies the power of 10 by which to divide the value. This argument is optional.

Range 0–31

The ZDBw.d informat reads zoned decimal data that is produced in IBM 1410, 1401,
and 1620 form, where 0s are left blank rather than being punched.

data _null_;
a=input('123{', zdb4.);
put a=;
SAS writes the following output to the log:


ZDVw.d Informat
Reads and validates zoned decimal data.
Category: Numeric
Restrictions: This informat is not supported in a DATA step that runs in CAS.
This option does not perform validation on z/OS.
Interaction: List input is incompatible with binary input when this informat is specified in an
INFORMAT= statement or an ATTRIB= statement that uses the INFORMAT= argument.
SAS issues a warning and uses formatted input to read the data.
ZDVw.d Informat 727


Syntax Description
specifies the width of the input field.

Default 1

Range 1–32

specifies the power of 10 by which to divide the value. This argument is optional.

Range 1–31

The ZDVw.d informat reads data in which every digit requires 1 byte and in which
the last byte contains the value's sign along with the last digit. It also validates the
input string and disallows invalid data.
ZDVw.d is dependent on the operating environment. For example, on IBM
mainframes, the ZDVw.d informat requires an F for all high-order nibbles except the
last. (In contrast, the ZDw.d informat ignores the high-order nibbles for all bytes
except for the nibbles that are associated with the sign.) The last high-order nibble
accepts values that range from A–F, where A, C, E, and F are positive values and B
and D are negative values. The low-order nibble on IBM mainframes must be a
numeric digit that ranges from 0–9, as with ZD.

Note: Different operating environments store zoned decimal values in different

ways. However, the ZDVw.d informat reads zoned decimal values with consistent
results if the values are created in the same type of operating environment that you
use to run SAS.

The ZDVw.d informat functions like the ZDw.d informat, with one exception: ZDVw.d
validates the input string and disallows invalid data.

data _null_;
a=input('123{', zdv4.);
728 Chapter 4 / Dictionary of Informats

b=input('123}', zdv4.);
put a= b=;
SAS write the following to the log:

a=1230 b=-1230

See Also
n “w.d Informat” on page 708
n “ZDw.d Informat” on page 723

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