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Dasamsa by Shrikanth

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How to analyse your career

Postby Shrikanth � Sat May 05, 2012 12:17 am

Rasi chart
The Rasi chart defines a sum total view of the native from a superficial
perspective. It provides a high level view of the native�s life. To use an analogy
of a human body - the Rasi chart provides a skin deep view of the native�s body.
Using the example of a Residential House, the Rasi chart would indicate the view of
the house as seen from the street. It would provide an perspective of the scale of
the house (big, medium, small etc.,), the outer covering of the house, contour of
the house etc.,

Dasamsa chart
The Dasamsa chart provides a more indepth view of the native�s life as it relates
to areas of the native�s actions in this life, how he uses his skills, talents and
natural abilities, the use of his intelligence in sustaining his life, the gains
and recognitions achieved by his actions.
It would also throw light on the challenges faced in performing his actions and any
setbacks in his career. It also extends to the areas of what vocation he pursues,
his roles in his vocation.

Purushartha trikonas
Human life is generally categorized to include 4 purusharthas - Dharma, Artha, Kama
and Moksha. Dharma trikona (houses 1,5,9) revolves around the Primary Reason the
creator created the native and the primary duties and responsibilities to be
fulfilled by this native. Artha trikona (houses 2,6,10) revolves around the factor
of sustenance for the native in carrying out his duties. Kama trikona (houses
3,7,11) is the area of natural desires that arise in human beings in various areas
of our lives. The Moksha trikona (houses 4,8,12) concerns with the native
connecting back to the source or the creator and pursuing a healthy curiosity in
knowing himself and his creator to find means of liberation.

In a Purushartha trikona (A,B,C) - house A indicates the seed of the house - what
is the starting point or the seed associated with that trikona. The House B
indicates what is the tool or method or means to achieve the trikona. The House C
indicates the end result associated with the Trikona.

For example in the Artha Trikona (2, 6, 10) - 2nd house can indicate your natural
resources - speech, face, eyes, family, assets, contacts, food we eat indicate your
natural resources as a seed factor for our sustenance. House 6 indicates the
sustained hardwork, overcoming obstacles and challenges, resolving issues in
earning a livelihood. House 10 indicates the end result - the career, recognitions,

Karakas for Career

Karakas are planets that are natural significators that provide a major emphasis in
the area of Career. There are 4 karakas associated with the career.
Mercury - Primary Karaka for career related matters. Mercury is a rajasic planet,
quite adaptable to changing environments. The strength of Mercury indicates the
level of focus, sincere commitment and ability to constantly learn and adapt to
changing environments.
Jupiter - Secondary karaka that relates to areas of growth in your career. The
strength of Jupiter can also throw light on level of expertise, subject matter
knowledge, respect amongst peers and the growth and expansion in your career.
Sun - Secondary karaka that deals with areas of power, authority and leadership.
This is relevant for phenomenal growth in your career with major expansions in
power and authority. This karaka will help in increasing your leadership abilities
and bring about major opportunities for expansions.
Saturn - Strength of Saturn can bring about improvement in sincerity, commitment,
discipline, sustained hardwork.

D10 Karakas placed in D10 dusthana houses (6, 8 or 12) can cause major weaknesses
in the native�s career in the aspect indicated by the karakas. So if Jupiter is
placed in a dusthana house and Mercury is placed in the strength, the native may be
gainfully employed due the Mercury but will not find adequate growth and expansion
in his career.

Chart A - Dec 28, 1935; 4:15:04PM; Chennai, India.

This native born to a father who was successful lawyer, was never able to maintain
any job for more than few months. The native was uncouth, had fiery instincts, had
no education, always thought he could become a lawyer (like his father) but this
native had no formal law education at all. The native�s domestic life eroded
starting in 1980s. The native left home living a life of penury and begging in
Note the presence of Saturn in 10th in Rasi, 10th lord Rahu is in the 8th in Rasi
and above all Venus and Mercury placed in 12th in D10.

Re: How to analyse your career

Postby Shrikanth � Sat May 05, 2012 12:19 am

The 3 dimensions can be classified into 10 directions - each direction ruled by a
deity. Each deity rules a set of significations associated with that direction. The
following directions are described starting with East and going clockwise.
Indra - Rules direction East - signifies ego, power, authority, leadership, royal,
independent minded and strong political abilities. Vocations like Politicians,
leaders in various fields (Intellectual, scientific, entrepreneurial, education
Agni - Rules direction South East - signifies ability to deal with heat, fire.
Ability to mould, transform, convert, build. This can be in the material sense
(like metals etc.,) or even in transforming human beings from a spiritual sense.
Vocations like Engineers, Metal workers, craftsmen, personality development
Yama - Rules direction South - signifies performing ones task without bias, or
favoritism, adhering to rule of law, conventions and governing principles.
Vocations like judges, lawyers, law and order, corrections officers, Quality
control personnel.
Nirritti - Rules direction South West - Nirritti is a female demon who symbolises
demolishing existing structures and framework and establishing new and radically
different scheme of things. Signifies radical ideas, new thinking, divulging from
existing norms and established ways of functioning and operating. Vocations in
researching new products, technologies, radical scientific ideas etc.,
Varuna - Rules direction West - Varuna is a deity associated with water bodies.
Signifies establishing new links and contacts, forging partnerships with the new
world out there. Vocations mostly around trading, import and export, foreign
relations, international trade etc.,
Vayu - Rules direction North West - Vayu is a deity associated with air bodies.
Signifies all matters concerning with Air. This can also signify strength and power
associated with air. Working with wind related technologies, airplanes, flying.
Kubera - Rules direction North. Though Kubera is naturally associated with wealth
and finance it signifies providing building blocks and resources for sustaining a
function. Wealth and finances is one of the resources. Vocations like finances,
wealth management, purveyors, resource accumulation.
Ishana - Rules direction North East. North East direction is opposite to the South
West (Nrritti). It is in the same context opposite in its significations as well.
Ishana signifies continuing and forwarding long established norms and rules,
traditions. They stick to well established means of functioning and thinking.
Vocations like priests, monks, religious workers, accountants, teachers.
Brahma - Rules downward direction. This deity signifies being fully and thoroughly
invested and involved in the subject area. This signifies seeking answers and
implementing solution after thorough research and deep understanding of the
problems. Vocations like research scientists.
Ananta - Rules upward direction. This deity signifies seeking answers by
contemplation, implementing solutions in an big expansive scale. Vocations like
spiritual leaders, thinkers, philosophers, etc.,

The dik palaka associated with the Atmakaraka planet indicates the
direction/vocation in which the native finds himself comfortable and naturally

Check the Dikpala associated with the Atmakaraka planet and also use the Dikpala
associated with the 10th lord in D10 to get a combined view of the vocations and
fields that are best suited for the native.

For checking the Dikpalakas.

On the [Basics] tab on the top (alongside Chakras, Basics, Strengths, . . . )
Click on Amsa Rulers tab (on the bottom)
Right click on the window and select Dasamsa (D10)
Find out the Dikpalaka associated with the Atmakaraka planet.

What do planets in Rasi chart indicate

As we know that planets in the Rasi chart are providing a birds eye view of the
life of the native. Yogas in the Rasi chart are still important and relevant. Yogas
associated with the Artha trikona (2,6,10) house lords will result in expansion on
financial wealth and prosperity. Yogas associated with the Kama Trikona will result
in fructification of desires, meeting of ambitions and goals.
When the same planets are associated in strength in the D10 chart and the Dasa of
that planets involved in yoga is running - there is a strong chance of that
event(s) occurring and yoga fructifying.


Re: How to analyse your career

Postby Shrikanth � Sat May 05, 2012 12:21 am

Planets in the 10th house in Rasi chart indicate �how� the native works, what kind
of energies you bring to the workplace.
Planet Way of working at tasks
Saturn Slow and very meticulously - With lots of breaks and pauses.
Jupiter Very focused on producing the output - generating value and harvest
Mars Aggressive and efficient - fast paced and hardworking, resourceful
Sun Authoritative and dominating
Venus Enjoys work that involves travel, greenery, luxury items, systematic and well
MoonWorks cheerfully and with compassion. Works in bridging gaps and bringing
disparate teams together.
Mercury Analytical in approach. May not be able to sustain commitment,
dedication to the task

Planets and Vocations

Sun: Positions of power, dignity, authority and responsibility, Politicians,
Leaders, Administrators, superintendents and directors of public utilities, banks
and businesses; goldsmiths,writers, makers of ornaments, as luxuries and for
display. Sun can also indicate professions in pharmacy, medicine and health care,
life savings drugs and chemicals.

Moon: Women officials and female occupations, as maids, children's nurses, teachers
for young children, midwives; those having to do with water, as seamen, fishermen,
beavers, longshoremen; dealers in liquids; bath attendants; traveling salesmen,
tradesmen, purveyors of food, restaurant workers, hospitality industry. Moon can
also indicate professions in middlemen, brokers, agents or even lobbyists or

Mercury: Authors, actors, orators, teachers, inventors, men of science, journalists

and those engaged in gathering and disseminating information and in basing of
judgment thereon; merchants, book sellers, postal workers, telegraph operators and
messengers, or clerks engaged in the communications industry; artisans who exercise
skill and intelligence; accountants, lawyers, entrepreneurs, commercial agents.

Venus: All professions connected with music and the fine arts; jewellers,
embroiderers, perfumers, botanists; all businesses connected with women and their
adornment: domestic servants, dancers and actors who impersonate beauty or grace,
apart from skill or intelligence; painters, clothing designers, makers and dealers
in toilet accessories. Venus can also indicate professions in management, middle
level managers, system designers, system architects etc.,

Mars: Military professions; surgeons, chemists, blacksmiths, engineers, butchers,

barbers, carpenters, and those who use cutlery or sharp instruments; workers in
iron and steel, and those who make implements of war; bakers, dyers. Mars can also
indicate profession in technology, technicians, working with heat and fire.

Jupiter: Judges, magistrates, law observance authorities, money lenders, All

professions connected with religion, priests, monks and the law; legislators,
physicians, bankers, philanthropists, teachers involved in spiritual subjects.

Saturn: All conservative businesses and all who deal in land, or in commodities
produced by or taken out of the earth; those having to do with places of
confinement, or of the dead; common laborers, and those who undertake laborious
tasks, or who work underground, or by night. civil engineers, Employments where
much labor is necessary to acquire gain. Construction workers, Builders, bridge
makers, potters, plumbers, bricklayers, dyers, cattlemen, policemen, miners,
factory workers, scavengers.

Rahu: Professions involving harsh chemicals, toxins, unsafe work environments. High
Technology related, research oriented, fast paced and dynamic workplace. Rahu can
also indicate professions in civil security, surveillance, military, spying,
diplomacy. Managing large machines like huge turbines or engines, airplanes etc.,

Ketu: Professions involving small, sharp tools, micro sized components like
watchmakers, chip designers or printed circuit board makers. Dentists. People who
work with sharp instruments in small spaces.


Re: How to analyse your career

Postby Shrikanth � Sat May 05, 2012 12:22 am

Example - Chart B: Aug 4, 1943; 11:21:00a; Halifax, Canada
The native has an beautiful voice, is a singer, involved with spiritual groups and
deeply entrenched into music.
Note how the 10th lord in Rasi is in the 12th house with Moon and Venus.
10th house in D10 has exalted Jupiter and 10th lord in D10 Moon is with Venus and

What do planets in D1/D10 chart indicate

Focus on 2-6-10 in D1/D10
In many charts of people working for others(employed professionals), there is some
links or connections between the 2nd, 6th and the 10th house. This is a quite
common phenomenon. Either the 10th lord is in the 6th or 6th lord is in the 10th or
strongly aspecting the 10th or in mutual exchange etc.,
This can either be in the Rasi chart or in D10 chart.

Lagna lord in the 2nd house indicates a native that is willing to work hard to
accumulate wealth, assets, focused on serving his birth family, relishes good
sumptuous food.
Native C: Feb 8, 1938; 3:30:00a; Gobichettipalayam, India
Note the powerful confluence of 4 planets (Jup,Sun, Merc,Venus, exchanging signs
with Sat) giving rise to a major Dhana yoga. The native lost his father at 6 and
went on to amass wealth worth many millions of rupees before his death in Aug 2004.

Lagna lord in the 6th house indicates a native that is work hard to overcome
obstacles and challenges in life, defeating competition, rivals, dealing with his
weaknesses, may have one or more addictions or obsessions, has material wealth but
lacks good health. Very close association to maternal uncles, cousins.

Richard Cheney (ex VP of USA) - Jan 30, 1941; 7:30:00pm; Lincoln, Nebraska, USA
Leo Asc; Lagna lord placed in the 6th; Rasi 10th lord in the 5th; In D10 5th lord
in the 10th.

Lagna lord in the 10th house indicates a native thoroughly focused on his work and
career. If lagna lord is a malefic, he�ll be professionally successful but will
lack enjoyment and physical comforts.

Links between these houses usually indicates native derives his wealth and
livelihood by working for others and such an occupation brings him recognition and

Focus on 3-7-11 in D1/D10

Houses 3-7-11 form the Kama trikona and when these houses come into play, the
native�s is driven by his desires, ambitions and goal and work is defined by these

When the lagna lord is placed in the Kama trikona houses - or kama trikona lords
are in strength and associated with career related houses, then one is very
resourceful and creative. His work is primarily defined by his passions, interests
and derives wealth and recognition by following his desires and ambitions.

Lagna lord in the 3rd house along with a malefic planet makes the person
resourceful, creative, intelligent, brave and enterprising.
Native D: Dec 10, 1973 1:55:00AM; Chennai, India
Native is an brilliant IIT graduate, intelligent entrepreneur, built many startup
technology companies in Silicon valley - at age 39 works as Senior Management for a
Fortune 500 company.

Native E: Jun 27, 1967; 10:35:00pm; Wilkinsburg, Pennsylvania, USA

Native is a highly spiritual minded, religious but independent minded, works as a
Alternative medicine/Acupuncturist in his clinic. Note the presence of Moon in the
10th house in D10.

Lagna lord in the 7th makes the person quite ambitious in life and has many
desires. Relentlessly pursues his passions and goals in life, has large network of
friends and acquaintances.
Examples -
Adolf Hitler - April 20, 1889; 6:30:00pm; Braunau am Inn, Austria�Hungary
Sanjay Gandhi - Dec 14, 1946; 9:27:00am; New Delhi; India
Lagna lord in the 11th house makes the person very intuitive and thoughtful. Such
combinations can make the person successful in pursuing vocations that need lot of
thinking and problem solving abilities. Very successful in higher learning,
spiritual or occult studies.

Entrepreneurs/businessmen or independent / Free lance professionals, creative

artists will usually have a strong links between their Kama trikonas and Artha


Re: How to analyse your career

Postby Shrikanth � Sat May 05, 2012 12:24 am

Yogas in Rasi chart associated with Career.
Associations between the 9th and 10th gives rise to the Dharmakarmadhipathi yoga.
The native is fortunate with his career and derives a lot of wealth and prosperity
thru his vocation. The native is naturally inclined to perform Dharmic work and
carrying on traditions.

Associations between the 5th and 10th gives rise to much fame, power, authority and
following. People with this yoga usually rise up very quickly in their careers and
have the fortune of leading large teams/people, can play an influential role in
lives of many people.
Rabindranath Tagore - May 7, 1861; 3:00:00am; Calcutta, India.
Richard Cheney (ex VP of USA) - Jan 30, 1941; 7:30:00pm; Lincoln, Nebraska, USA
Leo Asc; Lagna lord placed in the 6th; Rasi 10th lord in the 5th; In D10 5th lord
in the 10th.

Associations between the 1st and 10th makes the native very sincere and hardworking
and fully committed and invested in his work and producing tangible outputs. The
native�s work bring him recognition, fame, wealth and prosperity.

A strong yogakaraka planet placed in the Artha Trikona can give rise to fruitful
and fulfilling careers. Yogakaraka planet in the 2nd house provides rise of wealth,
assets and prosperity. When a Yogakaraka planet is placed in the 10th house - this
can give good prosperous careers, good element of recognition and wealth,
fulfillment and satisfaction. A malefic yogakaraka like Saturn or Mars in the 6th
can work in defeating enemies, overcoming obstacles and amassing wealth and gains.
Venus in 6th can bring about some softness or weaknesses in dealing with rivals or

Yogakaraka planet placed in the 12th can bring about good fortunes when the native
travels/moves to faraway lands for work.

Career challenges
Houses 3, 8 and 12 are primarily responsible for giving some concerns or problems
in the area of career.

3rd house can give a short term downturn or setback in one�s career. Often when one
is bold, brave and takes proper initiatives, uses skill and creativity - one can
avoid the ill effects of a 3rd house related problems. In such cases enhancing ones
skill thru a rethinking of talents, more training or job related education,
certifications will help in overcoming such problems.

8th house can bring about much more prolonged period of setbacks like layoffs etc.,
When the 10th lord is placed in the 8th and afflicted and/or if the 8th lord is
weak this can also cause some weakened positions, lose favors from superiors, be
overlooked for promotions and may lose jobs etc.,

12th house can bring about a prolonged weakness in one�s career in a far away
lands. The native is producing much needed outputs, but he�s in a position of
losing ground. The native fails to be recognized for his contributions and gets
overlooked for promotions and other relevant benefits, inspite of hardwork and
initiatives. Native is usually quite charitable at work, quite forgiving and has
few ambitions and goals.

Service v/s Business

Generally the 6th house is considered the house of service or servitude, being a
servant and serving others. The 7th house is considered the house of desires,
ambitions and goals.

The native is driven by the stronger of two houses. When multiple planets reside in
the 6th but no planets in the 7th; 6th can be considered stronger. The native is
more focused on working for somebody else - not very desirous and less ambitious in

Chart F: May 11, 1941; 6:16:48am; New York; New York, USA.
The native is rich and wealthy, earned most of her wealth thru inheritance.
Spiritually advanced, wise, learned in spiritual studies and shastras.
Works as a Yoga, Pranayama and Meditation senior teacher.

Note the extremely close conjunction and powerful combination of Jupiter-Merc-Venus

in the Ascendant. 10th lord Sat is with exalted Sun in the 12th house; 12th lord
Mars in the 10th.
D10 chart - 10th lord Venus is with Jupiter and Mercury.
Note the confluence of panapharas (2,5,8,11) in the D1 & D10 chart. Panapharas are
very important is understanding the native potential in learning spiritual studies,
occult sciences.

Chart G: July 16, 1948; 10:34:00a; Karur, India

The native worked as a Bank employee throughout his life and retired at a senior
position in the bank. Continues to work as commercial broker in securities, life
insurance or other investment vehicles. Note the combination of Venus, Mercury in
the 10th in Rasi in a Dharmakarmadhipathi yoga. Note the combination of Ketu-Sun-
Mercury-Rahu along the 4/10 axis in D10.


Re: How to analyse your career

Postby navall � Sat May 05, 2012 1:07 pm

Details are.:
6 may,1985,
4.15 pm,
Ambala, india.
76.49E, 30.19 N
Warm Regards,

Re: How to analyse your career

Postby Iluvmyindia1 � Sat May 05, 2012 8:25 pm

Excellent post Shrikanth ji with fabulous details.

One comment though:

When the 10th lord is placed in the 8th and afflicted and/or if the 8th lord is
weak this can also cause some weakened positions, lose favors from superiors, be
overlooked for promotions and may lose jobs etc.

8th is 11th from 10th house, and what I have read in this forum is that 11th from a
house typically amounts to gains. So in that respect, how can the 10th lord in the
8th house can be detrimental for 10th house (Note: The presumption is that the 10th
lord has no negative aspect by any malefic).

Or may be that one theory takes precedence over the other, just curious.


Re: How to analyse your career

Postby digvijaysingh � Mon May 07, 2012 5:21 pm

srikanth ji in
Chart A - Dec 28, 1935; 4:15:04PM; Chennai, India.
as you mentioned karakas od D10 merc jup sun and sat , out of these jup in own
house in kona sun as lagna loed exalted in kona along with 9th lord mars and sat in
11th house of gains also sun and mars form rajyoga in d10 being LL and 9L and that
too in 9th house . as u said rashi chart give only the superficial or birds eye
view of various aspects then how come with such a not so bad d10 { good placements
of 3 / 4 karakas od d10 in d10 and lagna loed exalted in d10 and other rajyogas }
how can we justify such a bad professional life .. is dispositor or rashi 10th lord
in 8th enough for this ??? should the 10th lord in 10th not protect the 10th house
in rashi . please shed some light thankyou


Re: How to analyse your career

Postby Shrikanth � Mon May 07, 2012 7:57 pm

Dear digvijaysingh,

As you notice few karakas are quite strong in D10; but Mercury is placed in the
12th house - which is a very big drag on the varga chart.

Secondly Rasi chart is not to be discounted.

Note presence of 10th lord Rahu (Rahu and Sat co-own Aquarius and Rahu becomes the
full owner since Sat is Aquarius) is in the 8th house with Sun-Merc. The other drag
is that Venus as the lagna lord is placed in the 6th - this causes some weaknesses
in dealing with issues, fighting obstacles and a tenacity to take challenges - this
causes a native to bog down or give up before a fight.

Saturn in 10th is also not a good placement.

Note how 2nd lord, 4th lord, 5th lord in Rasi have been relegated to the 8th and
eclipsed by Rahu in Sagittarius.

I'll try to share more charts to highlight this condition.


Re: How to analyse your career

Postby krishnendu12das � Mon May 07, 2012 11:26 pm

Dear Srikanth sir ,

8th house can bring about much more prolonged period of setbacks like layoffs
etc., When the 10th lord is placed in the 8th and afflicted and/or if the 8th lord
is weak this can also cause some weakened positions, lose favors from superiors, be
overlooked for promotions and may lose jobs etc.,

Here if the 8th Lord is placed in the 10th H , will there be similar effect ?

In my D10 , there is a DharmaKarmadhipati yoga between 9th L Sa and 10th L Ju in

the 10th H but here Sa is 8th Lord also .

Can DkA yoga also form by aspect , if so then i have DKA yoga in rasi chart also or
DKA yoga only forms by conjunction in the same house ?

my details
12 aug 1984 , 11:47am , kolkata , india


Re: How to analyse your career

Postby Shrikanth � Tue May 08, 2012 6:30 am

Dear Krishnendudas,

When a planet is both the 8th and 9th lords it can give mixed results - meaning it
could do good and at another time do bring some pain as well - especially Saturn.

Your D10 is quite well endowed. There is high level of strength and immense
D10 Asc Gemini with Lagna lord Mercury and Karaka is well placed in the 9th with
the 2nd lord Moon.
Jup is well placed in a Quadrant with Saturn forming a strong Dharmakarmadhipati
Other planets like Mars and Sun are well placed as well.

On the same token Rasi chart is quite strong as well Sun placed in Cancer in 10th;
10th lord Moon is in 5th with Saturn yogakaraka exalted in the Ascendant.

Current Jup should be quite beneficial - but I think there is better prosperity to
be expected after 2019.
in Saturn dasa.

Re: How to analyse your career

Postby 2002diksha � Tue May 08, 2012 11:05 am

i am trained software professional but has never worked outside. instead i derive
my money from writings and other literature stuff. why i could not work despite
being in IT. is it written in my chart.kindly analyse.
18 sep 1975
7:35 pm

Re: How to analyse your career

Postby Shrikanth � Tue May 08, 2012 10:00 pm

Dear 2002diksha,

Your chart is a good example of what I've written in the post.

Rasi chart - there are 2 planets Mercury and Sun in the 6th house, none in the 7th.
So more service driven rather than desire driven.

D10 - Asc Taurus; Note the 2nd and 5th lord Mercury well placed in 10th house. Your
wealth is derived from the work in Mercury related fields (writing, journalism,
communications etc.,).
This is also true because Mercury is in the 10th from Sun, Moon and also from the
Dasa Lord Saturn - all placed in the Ascendant.

Note also the strength of Mercury in Navamsa

It is exalted and placed in a trine.

When did you get this job Jun 2006/Nov 2007

D10 : Sun and Saturn in the Ascendant (and also Moon) will cause sluggishness in
the prospects in career. The foundation of your career is weak. Though Saturn is
the yogakaraka - You'll need to strengthen Saturn by inculcating his principles in
your life - especially useful during his dasa.

Feel free to write about the kind of work you do, the workplace, what do you write
about, when you go the job, etc., I'm sure we'll all find it useful in learning.


Re: How to analyse your career

Postby idontknow � Wed May 09, 2012 1:00 am

Dear Shrikanth ji

I am having mercury (10th & LL (virgo)) in 7th house with venus exalted and sun
form 12th house

Sir as you said 12th house if joining can become a severe weakness ,but will the
exalted venus is able to save it?

I am having 9th lord and 10th lord(DKRY yoga) with debilated LL ,so shrikanth ji
does my career indicate
research ??
My current job in my opinion is neither a job at all.

March 30 1989
6:40 PM
When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first

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Re: How to analyse your career

Postby krishnendu12das � Wed May 09, 2012 4:02 pm

Dear Shrikanth sir thanks for looking into my chart .
I have thoroughly read your post and as per little knowledge I have gained from
this forum , tried to analyse the chart of this native .
Birth details
11 sept 1987 , 10:35am , kolkata , india
In this chart almost all planets is influencing 10th H with Su , Ve, Ma in 10th and
Ju aspecting from 6th and Sa aspecting from Lagna .
Here Ve is placed in 10th H in both rasi and dasamsa but badly combust in rasi
chart . So less productive .
Ju aspecting 10TH H in rasi , placed in 10th in both navamsa and dasamsa but placed
in 6th in Rasi and has less than minimum required shadbala strength so unable to
give good result and that is proved by Su-Ju dasa which is placed in 2/12 in
dasamsa and he left his job due to work pressure but did not get a new one . Weak
5th L Ju also weakens chance in competetive exams . 5th H furthur afflicted by Ra .
Again placement of Sa in Lagna is always bad except Cap , Aq , Lib and Tau Lagna .
And again that too in an inimical sign of Ma and this Maraka Sa is aspecting 10th L
Su in 10th H , thus irrespective of mahadasa of 10th L he did not get good job but
also had to leave his low paying job .
But still this Sa has aspect on 10th H and in 11th H from dasa Lord Su in dasamsa ,
so I think he should be able to get job in this period . Need your opinion on this
point !
But Me is exalted in both rasi and navamsa and placed in 11th H and 2nd H
respectively . Although 5th H is weak but still I think that he has fair bit of
chance in bank jobs with respect to Me and now �a- days there is also a lot of
recruitment going on in banks or else business should be his option as mercury
stands for merchants .
Am I right about this reading . if not what kind of profession should he look for ?


Re: How to analyse your career

Postby kc123 � Fri May 11, 2012 7:31 am

Dear Srikanth ji,

I found your post very enlightening. I have a couple of questions and would really
appreciate if you can answer them:

1) When you mention houses in the post, are those calculated on the longitudinal
basis? In your extensive experience, is that the more accurate way ?
2) Is Saturn in 10th house always bad - what if Saturn lords over trine houses or
is exalted/in its own house, will that mitigate the ill effects ?


Re: How to analyse your career

Postby Shrikanth � Sat May 12, 2012 8:21 pm

Dear kc123,

1) Yes, houses calculated from a longitudinal basis (traditional astrologers use

the sign counting - the whole sign becomes a house)

2) Saturn in the 10th is not bad unless you adhere to Saturnine principles in your
work. On the same token any planet will turn up negative if the native doesn't
adhere to the planets' principles in his work.
Jupiter in the 10th - will need the native to take up noble causes and be honest,
humble in his work.


Re: How to analyse your career

Postby idontknow � Sat May 12, 2012 9:33 pm

Dear Shrikant ji

Sir I have 2 questions

10th lord (MERC)conjucting 12 th lord(SUN) does it I mean will reside abroad and
face lot of my LL(Mercury) combust and debilated in pisces.

What does 10th and 12th in 7th do? My only benefic in 7th is venus from (9th) but
is also in combust.
My 7th jupiter badhka in 9th with mars aspectingd his own house.

I am asking this question is bcos I am trying to go abroad for studies sir ji. With
all these fault should I attempt to go or .....what is ur advice ?// How can I
strengthen my buddha

Plz respond

March 30 1989
6:40 pm
When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first

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Re: How to analyse your career

Postby Shrikanth � Mon May 14, 2012 1:12 am

Dear idontknow,

In Rasi chart Sun-Merc-Venus are in Pisces but they are mostly in the 6th house
Saturn is in the 4th (even longitudinally) aspecting the 10th - so any
laziness/insecurity/anxiety will weaken your job/career.

In D10 as well Saturn is in the 8th and aspecting the 10th but since Karaka Mercury
is exchanging signs with Saturn such a combination still will be fine.

In D24 Saturn is a yogakaraka in the 2nd house of higher studies.

You are currently in the period of Moon/Sat until Nov 2013.
So I'd say that if you are planning to do your higher this is the time to atleast
start it.

I wouldnt say that Merc is weak - but you can still strengthen it by visiting your
local Vishnu Temple regularly and reciting Vishnu Sahasranamam regularly at home.
This in a simple way to get both Saturn and Mercury strengthened during the current


Re: How to analyse your career

Postby idontknow � Mon May 14, 2012 5:12 pm

Thank you for your reply shrikant ji

So I'd say that if you are planning to do your higher this is the time to
atleast start it.

Why atleast ? Did I miss good dashas or the next year is not so good?

When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first

Re: How to analyse your career

Postby chavitarun � Mon May 14, 2012 9:41 pm

respected Shrikant sir

pl. look into the horoscope & tell what type of career is in destiny for him .

DOB : 18-4-1992
time 19.55
place : Beawar(Raj.) india

Tula lagna , moon in 1st

saturn in 4th
venus & mercury in 6th
exalted sun in 7th
mars in 5th
rahu in 3rd &ketu in 9th
how exalted sun in 7th & malefic saturn in 4th (sash yoga) will perform
Venus exalted in 6th with debiliated mercury

further It is being said that education Graph is very good, but he is facing
problem in education i.e not getting good percentage & failure in entrance exams of
professional course despite He has Tula Lagan ,Saturn is In 4th house(Capricorn) as
lord of 5th(Aquarious) in own house forming Sash Yoga .also Jupiter Aspects Fifth
house ?

Is it due to Malefics? or is is due to Lord of 5th gone to 4th house?

will he complete CA course

or will he do business or service ?



Re: How to analyse your career

Postby vnt5007 � Tue May 15, 2012 12:06 am

Hi shrikanth ji,
Can u analyse my carreer chart. when and where I will achieve my potential.
dob 27 april 1976
pob: Charkhari, Distt. Mahoba, U.P , india
tob: 10.10 pm night
Thanks in advance


Re: How to analyse your career

Postby navall � Tue May 15, 2012 8:46 pm

Dear Shrikanth Sir,

Pls have a deeper look into my chart,and suggest what is right for me.

6 May,1985, 4.15 pm, 76.49 E, 30.19 N, ambala ,India.

Negative Points:

1 Never been stable in my career, maximunm job duration,1.5 years

2 started Career in Aug, 2005, since then changed 4 times.
3 Till date confused what is right career for me
4 Never had good relation with my immediate boss.
5 jobless since may,2010

Positive points:

1 Dharmakarmadhipati Yoga in 7th house

2 Current MD of Venus exalted in D1 involved in DKP yoga
3 Always maintained good relations with all colleagues,still in touch with them.
4 Very optimistic about my career.

D 10:

1 LL venus exalted in 6th house of service

2 Mer (10th lord in D1) in 10 house in D 10 with Retro sat.( 6th lord in rasi)
3 Karkas for D 10 are placed good, like jup in 7th, merc in 10th, venus in 6th sun
in 2nd.
4 but moon deb.the 10th lord in D10.

Currently preparing for govt job in banks, have cleared exams and waiting for
interviews, never wanted to join banks, but for the sake of stable career doing

Always interested in doing something of my own, something artistic or creative,

like i draw sketches, good drawing skills.

So pls analyze my chart and tell me,where to go in life,which area wud bring me
name and fame, when wud i be settled in life.

Eagerly waiting for ur reply

Warm Regards,


Re: How to analyse your career

Postby anxious2711 � Wed May 16, 2012 2:19 am

Shrikanth wrote:In D10 as well Saturn is in the 8th and aspecting the 10th but
since Karaka Mercury is exchanging signs with Saturn such a combination still will
be fine.

Dear Shrikant ji,

What can we say about his future career?

L10 is exalted, so is L7/L12, L9 is also exalted and so are Rahu and Ketu, on top
of that there is an exchange between Mercury and Saturn (strengthening both
planets). The only drawback is that Mars is debilitated, and Mars being the co-lord
of the D10 lagna, what can we say about all that?
I have never understood how to read D10 charts and more specifically how to
interpret exalted/debilitated planets in D10.



Re: How to analyse your career

Postby Eve � Wed May 16, 2012 12:05 pm
Dear Shrikant ji,

Thank you for taking time to teach us. I've studied western astrology for a long
time, but just now starting to study vedic astrology in-depth, so please excuse my
novice level.

If you could, please analyze my chart for career. Admittedly, I have not worked in
at least 5 years now. Career was never stable, but workable. I do want to work very
much again, but do not like working for someone necessarily. I do like to be my own
boss. The problem has been feeling passion, worth and usefulness through something
I do. I also do not want to invest time pursuing a career that may not be the right
path. I am interested to know which field is best to pursue to actually make a good
living financially and feel worth as well. My interests are astrology (I've been a
western astrologer in the past), photography, working saving/rescuing animals
(little money), acting, music, and gemstones. If there are other careers which are
better suited to me then subjects I've mentioned, please indicate them.

Chart info: female

Summit, NJ USA (40N43, 74W22)
5:45 am Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)

In rasi, 10L is Venus in the 12H. Saturn is in Mrigshira in the 10th. Lagna lord
Sun in 1H.
In D10 Sun is in 5H and 10H ruler Venus in the 7H. Lagna lord Saturn in 6H.

Thank you for any insight and guidance you can provide.


Re: How to analyse your career

Postby sekharn � Wed May 16, 2012 3:07 pm

Dear Shrikant ji...

Thanks for an excellent post... I shall be oblized if you kindly go through my

chart as my career related planets are associated with 8H and 12H and would like to
know whether i can hope something better out of my career pospects and if so
when... I am a film director and i am in this field since 10 years... though i was
able to get into the core of film making nothing better has happend as per my
abilities... I have dedicated my life for this and will continue to be the same at
any cost... so it would be very helpful for me if u can shed some light about my
film career as a director... my 10th lord Venus is exalted in 8H of Pisces along
with 12H lord Moon in Pisces... What could be the effect of D10 lagna lord Saturn
in 12H of capricorn along with the yogakaraka (4H & 9H lord) venus... now i am
running ven/sat period only... can i expect something better at this moment about
my film making...
23-4-1971, 3pm, Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh...

thanks in advance...

Re: How to analyse your career

Postby krishnendu12das � Wed May 16, 2012 6:00 pm
Dear Shrikanth sir ,

One small question

Scorpio asc with 3rd Lord Sa in Lagna and aspecting 10th with Su in it .

Dosen't that mean that the person will have to find job by his own effort rather
than waiting for somebody else to help him in getting job especially during Su-Sa
dasa ?

As Sa stands for dedicated hard work !

birth details
11 sep 1987 , 10:35 am , kolkata ,india

He is a friend but he is misguided by others . Su-Ju dasa was of no good to him and
he even left his earlier job .Maybe because Su-Ju in 2/12 in dasamsa .

My previous post was also regarding this .

He thinks because of the aspect of Ju on his Lagna lord Ma , he will get job by the
help of somebody .


Re: How to analyse your career

Postby Shrikanth � Wed May 16, 2012 11:11 pm

Dear sekharn,

As I reviewed your chart - it seemed interesting.

I use longitudinal basis for reckoning houses from lagna.
So in my reckoning Lagna (Asc) is 19 Le 11; the first house spans from 19 Le 11 to
19 Virgo 11 and so on;
So Lagna lord Sun is placed at 9 Ar 08 is actually in the 8th along with Merc; Sat
(29 Ar 23) is in 9th house;

Rahu is placed in the 6th but Mars is in the 5th due to longitudes;
Venus and Moon are placed in the 7th house;
10th lord Venus is placed in the 7th house of ambition and desires.

This gives clues about the fact that there is more focus on being independent and
free thinking and driven by desire than by service/employed to others.

You may started your independent career during Venus/Moon around Feb 2002 - Oct

Reading your dasamsa D10

Karakas Merc and Jupiter are well placed in quadrants or trines; Sun is placed

One other way to analyze this chart is to read it from the Karaka Mercury in D10
From Mercury Sat and Venus are well placed in the 9th. So I'm assuming that May
2010-Jun 2013 will be a period of lot of work flowing your way; but may not turn
into financial prosperity - There is more losses in this period.

Atmakaraka Saturn is in Anantamsa (indicating working on large sized projects


Based on reading the chart from the current dasa lord Venus placed in Capricorn the
period from Jun 2013 to Mar 2016 will be a much better in terms of satisfaction and
prosperity and growth.

Hope this helps


Re: How to analyse your career

Postby verma071 � Wed May 16, 2012 11:39 pm

Respected shrikanth,
I would really appreciate if you check my details and let me know about my career.
It's going very rough. I recently got a job (not related to my career) after 3
years. I have 9th and 10th lord with 12th lord sun in ascendant.I am struggling to
get a job related to my career. Do you think I will have a good career in coming
years. My details are
Oct. 2,1971
7:30 am


Re: How to analyse your career

Postby sekharn � Thu May 17, 2012 2:28 am

Thanks a ton Shrikant ji for analysing my chart...
As per your longitudinal analysis my lagna lord is in 8th, so will that be a
problem for my growth... What ever u analysed about my career, everthing is
perfect... What does my Atmakaraka shani in Ananthamsa means... I am much motivated
towards my film making career... At anycost i should hit the target with a bang and
i have the confidence that oneday sure i will achieve it... otherwise there is no
use of my existence... Is the analysis you made about my D10 is also as per
longitudinal division... I had lot of breaks in my career till now but still
achieved some satisfaction... My Saturn is in Pushkaramsa as per my little
knowledge... and 3 planets jup, ven, moon are in the Nakshatra of Saturn which is
debilitated... does it make any difference sir...
I shall be obliged if you could kindly share some views about this and am i
supposed to do any remedial measures in order to pacify the effects of lagna lord
sun and 2H & 11H lord mer in 8H... I am still unmarried and not settled

thanks in advance sir...


Re: How to analyse your career

Postby astro_novice � Thu May 17, 2012 4:55 am

Respected Shrikanthji,

Can you please shed some light on my professional life. I am working as a software
engineer in a MNC.

1) Will I be able to start my own company or continue working under someone else.
2) Would I be successful in my ventures If I do start my own company
3) Negative things I should take care of.

Gender : Male
DOB : October 21st, 1985
TOB : 1:06:46 AM
POB : Vijayawada, India

Thanks in advance.


Re: How to analyse your career

Postby 123rbkbtb � Thu May 17, 2012 7:42 am

I am very new to the community and came to know about this transition. Also to
confess the truth I don't know astrology much. Will anybody provide any information
regarding how these transition will affect my life or career:
DOB: 30/06/1970
Time: 6:40 AM
Place Kolkata (Calcutta), west Bengal
Latitude: 22�34'10.92?N Longitude: 88�22'10.92?E
Moon Sign: Taurus
Thanking you in anticipation.


Re: How to analyse your career

Postby anxious2711 � Thu May 17, 2012 6:31 pm

Shrikanth wrote:Dikpalakas

The dik palaka associated with the Atmakaraka planet indicates the
direction/vocation in which the native finds himself comfortable and naturally

Check the Dikpala associated with the Atmakaraka planet and also use the
Dikpala associated with the 10th lord in D10 to get a combined view of the
vocations and fields that are best suited for the native.

How do you identify the dik palaka associated with the Atmakaraka? Is it according
to the Nakshatra placement? Or the bhava placement?
Furthermore how do you identify the dikpala associated with the 10th lord in D10 (I
assume you mean the 10th Lord of D10 and not the 10th Lord of D1 placed in D10)?

This may sound like a stupid question but I honestly don't know...


Re: How to analyse your career

Postby verma071 � Thu May 17, 2012 8:57 pm

Respected shrikanth,
Any advice.
[quote="verma071"]Respected shrikanth,
I would really appreciate if you check my details and let me know about my career.
It's going very rough. I recently got a job (not related to my career) after 3
years. I have 9th and 10th lord with 12th lord sun in ascendant.I am struggling to
get a job related to my career. Do you think I will have a good career in coming
years. My details are
Oct. 2,1971
7:30 am


Re: How to analyse your career

Postby anshu � Thu May 24, 2012 8:53 pm

Dear Shrikanth Ji,

Great article again with so many points in depth. I do agree with your analysis..
lots of learnings..

Specially for 2 points..

1. Relation between 5th & 10 Lord which is very strong significator for career for
both Rashi & Dasamsa.
2. 6th & 7th House related to Job/Business.

I am doing job but never satisfied and very strong desire to do the business. You
would get some good points on my chart for what you mentioned in the post.

Please take a look.

DOB: Sep-12-1978
Time: 20:56
Place: Alirajpur, India
Lat.: 22.18N Long.: 74.22E Timezone: +5.30

Anshu :)

Re: How to analyse your career

Postby Hari76 � Fri Nov 02, 2012 7:27 pm

Srikanth Sir
Thank you for sharing your knowledge in such a lucid fashion. I happened to see
this thread while searching forsomething. My doubts after reading the article are

1) In the context of D10 (And other divisional charts) is the 3rd house considered
a mild dustana as in rashi? Or no dustana at all? If any of the karakas of career
find itself well placed in 3rd could we ignore dustana effects?

2) Your approach of identifying the karakas of a house and then analysing based on
its position in the corresponding divisional chart - can we extrapolate this
approach for other divisional charts as well? Apologies if I am asking about
something very obvious...



Re: How to analyse your career

Postby Astroadvice1 � Mon Nov 05, 2012 11:06 pm

Dear shrikantji,

very nicely written nd learning a lot...about me i joint medical college in the

year 2003 but dropd out in 2012,did every possible things but stil ws not able to here i m startin again frm in ur opinion which possible
career should i opt for,stil very confused... at one look in chart it seems
unfavourable wit 3 planets debilated...nd the lord of 10th satrun being in,
please advice for a possible favourable career suitable for me...
Hopin to learn frm you...
(My detail- 25th oct 1985, tm- 17.30, plce- 88e15 27n15, 5.30ist)



Re: How to analyse your career

Postby manya � Wed Nov 07, 2012 3:22 pm

Shrikant ji,

Please analyse my chart for career, I want to learn in which direction my career
will be ultimately and when? And what are the obstacles in teh career front.

28th july 197

I am letting go of the thoughts that do not make me strong.


Re: How to analyse your career

Postby manya � Thu Nov 22, 2012 1:24 pm

Shrikant ji,

If someone has weak D-10 chart but good D1 chart in terms of career, will his
career still flourish?

I am letting go of the thoughts that do not make me strong.

Re: How to analyse your career

Postby Shrikanth � Sun Nov 25, 2012 2:52 am

Dear Akanksha,

A weak D10 chart usually indicates some problems in translating your potential to
A stronger D1 chart means that there is a much more support material or otherwise
to help you in life.


Re: How to analyse your career

Postby ashtalakshmi � Sun Dec 30, 2012 4:02 pm

Shrikanth sir, what if the native has a strong D1 and D 10 chart but a weak D9
chart with respect to career?

I have moon ( cancer)in 10th in D1 and again in D10 moon is in 10th house in cancer
but my moon(10th lord of navamsa) is debilitated in D9 with lagna being vargothama
in all the three.I don't have any career but I have few creative hobbies which I
consider that I am skilled in those. But no specific career, why???


Re: How to analyse your career

Postby farout.x � Thu Jan 03, 2013 2:48 am

Dear Shrikanth ji,

My D-1's 10th lord is in 8th house. Does that mean struggle?

D-10's 10th lord is in 12th house. Again a dushtana house.

Kindly put some light on it. Which career is best suited for me? I have passion for
Arts (music and photography) but my job is different. I have the opportunity to
join family business as well.

Arts (music/photography), Job in business field (marketing, accounts etc),

Manufacturing (confectioneries), Trade (Imports) , Agricultural items (rice etc)

My birth details:
Date: 1st June 1988 - Time: 9:50 AM -
Longitude: 67E3
Latitude: 24N52


Re: How to analyse your career

Postby Newraj824211 � Thu Jan 10, 2013 6:04 pm

Srikanth ji,
Can you please analyze my career? My details are - Nice education (IIT and MBA from
top B school), but disastrous in job (big name companies, but not that high
pay/position compared to similarly skilled people). Few breaks in employment, with
current one being 2 weeks old. Any pointer on how what etc will help. I am an
novice astrologer (I have taken this up to realize God, if there is destiny, he is
there). I have may interesting an unusual experiences, I will relate them once you
ask (I am sure you would see them in the chart).

My details
Date of birth -- 26 October 1971
Time -- 0:30 am (half past midnight)
Place -- Sherghati 24 n 34 (Latitude) and 84 e 47 (longitude)
For verification these are some of the salient features of Rashi Kundali �
Karka lagna dhanu rashi, House 1 is Ketu (in Karka -4), in 4th house (Libra), I
have Sun, Mercury and Venus (Venus is atma karka), 5th house is Jupiter, 6th is
Moon, 7th is Rahu, 8th is Mars (the degree is 0 degree 47 minutes), 11th house is
Retrograde Saturn.


Re: How to analyse your career

Postby Ravikiran � Tue Jan 15, 2013 12:19 am

Astro Gurus,
Can you analyze my chart and kindly let me know, why I am making wrong
decisions.Today I lost my job for mistakes committed by some one else. I am
depressed and desperate to find another job. could you kindly show light on what is
going wrong and when I could get a job again. I will really appreciate it.

3rd Feb 1980

2:28 AM
Hanamakonda( 79 e55, 18N01) ( nearest city: Warangal, India)


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