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Rubric For Video Presentation

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Assessment Rubric for Video Presentation

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
1. Content Shows a full Shows a good Shows a good Does not
understanding understanding understanding seem to
of the topic. of the topic. of parts of the understand
topic. the topic very
2. Audience Makes good Makes fair use Makes some Makes little or
Engagement use of the of chosen use of medium any use of
chosen medium medium to to engage medium, or
to engage the engage audience does not
audience's audience attention. attempt to
attention. attention. engage
3. Preparedness Student is Student seems Student is Student did
completely pretty prepared somewhat not seem at all
prepared and but might have prepared, but it prepared to
has rehearsed. needed a is clear that present.
couple more rehearsal was
rehearsals. lacking.
4. Creativity & Creativity and Creative Creativity is No creative
Authenticity original content elements are lacking and elements are
enhance the included, but doesn’t included, or
purpose of the don’t enhance enhance the the types of
piece in an the purpose of content and/or creative
innovative way. the piece. purpose of the elements used
Creative piece. Creative are
elements don’t elements may inappropriate
distract from the distract from the or distract
content or content or from the
purpose. purpose. content and/or
purpose of the
5. Film Quality All shots are in Most shots are Most shots are Many shots
focus and nicely in focus and in focus, but are out of
cropped. The nicely cropped. pictures need focus and
camera work is Most camera additional many shots
smooth and work is smooth cropping. Some need
steady. and steady. camera work is additional
shaky or cropping.
unsteady. Shaky or
camera work
is distracting.
6. Duration / Run Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation
Time ran for 3-4 ran for 5-6 ran for 7-8 ran beyond 8
minutes. minutes. minutes. minutes.
7. Timeliness Project Project Project Project
submitted a day submitted on submitted 30 submitted a
or more before the due date min. to 6 hrs. day or more
the due date after the due after the due
date date

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