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Nephrol Dial Transplant (2020) 35: ii18–ii22

doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfaa012

Physical activity in chronic kidney disease and the EXerCise

Introduction To Enhance trial

Francesca Mallamaci1,2, Anna Pisano1,2 and Giovanni Tripepi1,2

CNR-IFC, Clinical Epidemiology and Physiopathology of Renal Diseases and Hypertension, Reggio Calabria, Italy and 2Nephrology, Dialysis
and Transplantation Unit, Reggio Calabria, Italy

Correspondence to: Giovanni Tripepi; E-mail:

ABSTRACT University cohort, which was a sample of the general popula-

It is well known from observational studies that sedentary life- tion, physical exercise has been associated with improvement in
style and reduced physical activity are common in dialysis and blood pressure (BP) and diabetes control and improved physi-
chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients and associate with an cal functioning. A strong inverse relationship between exercise
increased risk of morbidity and mortality in this patient popula- and all-cause and cardiovascular mortality has also been
tion. Epidemiological studies indicate that CKD patients un- reported both among healthy individuals and those with known
dergo physical activity ~9 days/month and 43.9% of dialysis cardiovascular disease. Furthermore, maintenance and im-
patients report not exercising at all. On the basis of awareness provement of physical fitness over time may also decrease the
about the strong link between sedentary lifestyle and adverse mortality risk. Despite the current recommendations, exercise
clinical outcomes, the National Kidney Foundation and Kidney rates in the general population remain low and the sedentary
Disease: Improving Global Outcomes have provided specific lifestyle is a growing and worrying risk factor in the third mil-
recommendations for physical activity in patients with kidney lennium. Indeed, lack of exercise is a major cause of chronic dis-
disease. Given the fact that CKD is a public health problem and eases and physical inactivity causes not only osteoporosis,
it is still debated which type of exercise should be prescribed in degenerative joint disease and loss of neuromuscular strength,
these patients, this review focuses on the most robust evidence but also atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases and even can-
accumulated so far on the beneficial effect of various types of cer. Furthermore, physical inactivity has been documented to
physical exercise on clinical outcomes in CKD and dialysis be associated with other growing issues such as Alzheimer’s dis-
patients. This review does not treat this very important topic in ease, dementia and depression. Among chronic disease epidem-
another CKD category of patients, such as kidney-transplanted ics that are responsible for most of today’s worldwide death toll,
patients, for whom a special issue should be dedicated. chronic kidney disease (CKD) is one of the most burdensome
for the national health systems worldwide. The National
Keywords: chronic kidney disease, clinical trials, end-stage
Kidney Foundation (NKF) and Kidney Disease: Improving
renal disease, physical exercise
Global Outcomes have developed physical activity recommen-
dations for patients with renal disease that are similar to those
for other chronic disease populations. Current recommenda-
tions include aerobic exercise 30 min on most days of the week.
‘Mens sana in corpore sano’ is an old saying by Juvenal, a Observational and epidemiological studies have demonstrated
Roman poet, and it means that physical health goes together that patients with CKD participate in physical activity ~9 days/
with mental health. Despite this, scientific evidence that physi- month and 45% of patients with end-stage kidney disease
cal exercise is beneficial for human health is much more recent (ESKD) [1] reported not exercising at all. These findings were
and it was documented at Harvard University in the 20th cen- attributed to various types of barriers and consistently differ be-
tury in a cohort of alumni enrolled between 1916 and 1950. In tween those barriers identified by doctors and those by patients
that large cohort of men, physical activity was documented to themselves. Indeed, CKD is a public health problem, and al-
reduce the risk of coronary artery disease, and the interpretation though physical activity is considered essential for the preven-
of these findings was that physical activity is inversely related to tion and treatment of most chronic diseases, exercise is rarely
the risk of coronary events. In addition to the Harvard prescribed to patients with CKD. Of note, it is still to be debated

C The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA.

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (
by-nc/4.0/), which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. For commercial
re-use, please contact ii18
(if indeed there is awareness of the need to discuss it) which 12 months. The prescribed exercises also comprised 60 min/
type of exercise should be prescribed in this category of high- week of endurance training and 90 min/week of either strength
risk patients. or balance exercises. In this trial, the effects on physical perfor-
mance did not differ between the two study arms (strength ver-
Physical activity in CKD patients not on dialysis sus balance training). However, a within-arm analysis showed
Among the modifiable lifestyle risk factors, physical inactiv- that 12 months of regular strength or balance training com-
ity is suspected to play a fundamental role in most chronic dis- bined with endurance training improved or maintained overall
eases. The issue is of particular relevance in CKD patients, a and muscular endurance and strength in patients with Stages
patient category in which substantially deteriorated fitness and 3–5 CKD. Of note, patients in the strength group had a signifi-
frailty (one of the main consequences of physical inactivity) is cant decrease in albuminuria (33%) as compared with those
strongly associated with adverse prognosis and reduced quality in the balance group, whereas the mGFR change was almost
of life. identical in the two arms (P ¼ 0.90). Thus 12 months of either
In a systematic review by Barcellos et al. [2] including 11 strength or balance training improved physical performance
randomized controlled trials (RCTs) in pre-dialysis patients, and might have beneficial effects on CKD progression.
the effect of various physical exercise programmes was assessed Unfortunately, the main limitation of the RENEXC study was
on a series of outcomes. In this article, among the three studies that it did not include a sedentary control group.
adopting inflammation as an endpoint, only the study by Another RCT [8] investigated the effect of lifestyle interven-
Castaneda et al. [3] found a positive effect of resistance training tion (i.e. access to multidisciplinary care through a nurse
on circulating levels of C-reactive protein and interleukin-6. practitioner–led CKD clinic, exercise training and a lifestyle
The same systematic review [2] also documented a beneficial ef- programme) versus usual care on metabolic equivalent tasks
fect of physical exercise on oxygen consumption (VO2 peak, i.e. (METs), 6-min walking distance and other anthropometric
the maximum rate of oxygen consumption measured during in- measures in 72 patients with Stages 3 and 4 CKD [8]. The MET
cremental exercise) in five studies and on quality of life in two value was obtained from the treadmill based on the speed and
studies. These results are in keeping with those reported in a re- inclines at the termination of the exercise stress test compared
cent meta-analysis specifically focused on aerobic exercise with sex-specific normative data. The exercise training was a
training in adults with CKD [4], which documented that this in- two-phased programme in which patients received 8 weeks of
tervention improved VO2 peak and quality of life in CKD supervised training before beginning 10 months of home-based
patients. Another study by Castaneda et al. [5] reported a bene- training. Patients in the intervention arm showed a significant
ficial effect of resistance training combined with a low-protein improvement in MET and 6-min walking distance as compared
diet on the longitudinal changes of estimated glomerular filtra- with those in the control group, whereas between-group
tion rate (eGFR) in CKD patients. In this latter study [4], over a changes in eGFR, BMI, urinary albumin:creatinine ratio and BP
short time period (12 weeks), eGFR increased in the resistance did not differ between them. Of note, 6-min walking distance
training group (þ1.2 mL/min) and decreased in the control increased (þ11%) in the intervention group (baseline: 485 m,
group (1.6 mL/min) and the between-arms difference 12 months: 539 m), whereas it remained unchanged in the con-
(2.8 mL/min) was statistically significant (P ¼ 0.048). This re- trol group (baseline: 475 m, 12 months: 472 m; between-group
sult was confirmed in a recent meta-analysis by Zhang et al. [6], difference, P < 0.001; Figure 1). The study also documented no
including 13 RCTs totaling 421 patients with CKD. In this serious adverse events related to the exercise programme. The
meta-analysis, exercise therapy caused an increase in eGFR effect of physical exercise as a potential strategy to lower BP in
(þ2.6 mL/min), which was of similar magnitude to that ob- CKD was recently investigated in another systematic review in-
served in the study of Castaneda et al. [5]. The article by Zhang cluding RCTs[9]. In this article, the authors examined the effect
et al. [6] also showed that patients in the exercise arm had a sig- of exercise on BP control in adult Stages 3–5 CKD patients.
nificant decrease in BP (systolic BP: 5.6 mmHg, diastolic BP: Outcomes were non-ambulatory systolic BP (auscultation or
2.9 mmHg) and body mass index (BMI, 1.3 kg/m2) as com- oscillometric), 24-h ambulatory BP (ABPM) and two bio-
pared with controls but did not report a significant effect of the markers of atherosclerosis and endothelial function such as
intervention on creatinine, total cholesterol, high-density lipo- pulse wave velocity and flow-mediated dilatation. Twelve stud-
protein (HDL) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) in CKD ies with 505 participants were included. Ten trials (totaling 335
patients. participants) reporting non-ambulatory systolic BP were meta-
Another interesting issue is whether a strong exercise pro- analysed. Exercise was associated with a significant lowering ef-
gramme associates with better clinical outcomes in CKD fect on non-ambulatory systolic BP in the short term (12–
patients as compared with balance (i.e. less strength) physical 26 weeks) but not in the long term (48–52 weeks). In the two
exercise training. In an RCT (the RENEXC study) [7], the trials that measured BP by 24-h ABPM, the overall effect of ex-
authors compared the effects of two different exercise pro- ercise on systolic BP did not differ from that observed in con-
grammes on physical performance, GFR [by iohexol clearance, trols. No effect of exercise was observed on pulse wave velocity
measured GFR (mGFR)] and albuminuria in 151 patients with and endothelial function.
Stages 3–5 CKD randomly allocated to the balance group Overall, exercise training may represent a potential strategy
(n ¼ 75) and the strength group (n ¼ 76). Both groups were to improve eGFR and BMI in CKD patients. Limited evidence
prescribed 30 min of exercise per day, 5 days/week, for from short-term studies also suggests that exercise may reduce

Physical activity in kidney diseases ii19

550 home-based) in the dialysis population. Since organization and
cost problems associated with intradialytic modalities are diffi-
6-minute walking 525 cult to overcome, home-based exercise needs to be progressively
distance (m) included in the training programme of dialysis centres to in-
500 Between-groups
crease patient compliance and the feasibility of such interven-
difference, P<0.001 tions. Although potentially effective [12, 16], the literature on
home-based training in the management of health-related end-
points of dialysis patients has not been fully defined. To date, a
few RCTs have focused specifically on walking exercise pro-
Baseline 12 months Baseline 12 months grammes considering walking capacity as an outcome measure.
Control group Interventional group Recently a review by Bohm et al. [17] identified relevant studies
assessing the role of aerobic/resistance exercise on patient-
FIGURE 1: Effect of lifestyle intervention on the evolution over time
of 6-min walking distance (redrawn from ref. [8]). reported outcomes, including for the first time a recent multi-
centre RCT testing a home, low-intensity walking exercise
allowing a meaningful increase in walking distance and a signif-
conventional BP (as measured by auscultation or oscillometric
icant improvement in cognitive and physical functions [12].
methods) but not 24-h ABPM or total, HDL or LDL cholesterol.
In contrast, the evidentiary basis for recommending exercise
RCTs on hard endpoints such as death and cardiovascular
training in CKD Stage 5D is still limited and even when and
events have always focused on ESKD patients, while no atten-
how exercise training should be articulated (intradialysis or off-
tion at all has been reserved for non-dialysis CKD patients. In
the near future, RCTs with larger sample sizes and long-term dialysis, in-centre only and daily versus other schedules) and
follow-ups are needed to better clarify the impact of exercise implemented (duration and intensity) still remains an open
training on cardiovascular complications and CKD progression problem. Therefore the main aim of this review is to focus not
in this high-risk population. Physical activity should be investi- only on the importance of physical activity in HD patients but
gated in CKD patients to assess whether the beneficial effect also to address the role of home-based exercise in these high-
documented in the general population is also present in CKD risk populations, reporting the main results of the EXerCise
patients. With sedentary lifestyle being a cardiovascular risk Introduction To Enhance performance in dialysis trial
factor, a regular prescription of some degree of physical activity (EXCITE) [12]. This recently published RCT performed on HD
could be a treatment strategy for non-dialysis CKD patients and PD patients provided valid evidence about the effect of
that will have significant social benefits. home-based exercise on physical fitness and health endpoints.
Indeed, National Kidney Foundation Kidney Disease Outcomes
Physical activity in haemodialysis (HD) and peritoneal Quality Initiative guidelines formally recommend that all dialy-
dialysis (PD) patients sis patients should be counselled and regularly encouraged by
ESKD patients on dialysis display an increased risk of mor- nephrology and dialysis staff to increase their level of physical
bidity and mortality, which is due in part to complications re- activity and that physical functioning assessment and encour-
lated to reduced physical function [10]. Several studies focused agement for participation in physical activity should be part of
on the whole spectrum of CKD suggest a beneficial effect of ex- the routine patient care plan. To comply with these recommen-
ercise on physical performance and health endpoints [7, 11, dations, an additional consideration that should be properly
12]. To date, most systematic reviews and meta-analyses have addressed is to assess the feasibility of such a prescription. In
included RCTs testing physical exercise programmes mainly as other words, exercise during the dialysis session is not easily af-
supervised training performed at the treatment centre, i.e. dur- fordable in the vast majority of dialysis centres worldwide.
ing inter- or intradialysis sessions [13, 14]. Overall, these trials Another consideration is that dialysis session exercise pro-
documented an improvement in aerobic and walking capacity grammes cannot be applied to PD patients, which are home di-
and in health-related quality of life in these patients, although, alysis patients by definition. All these considerations strongly
due to small-sized studies and differences in exercise modalities, stimulated the initiative to set up a trial testing home-based
intensity and duration, these results should be interpreted with physical exercise programmes, which could be important not
caution. In a well-performed multicentre clinical trial enrolling only to substantially enhance adherence but also to involve
171 HD patients, a sustainable resistance exercise programme home dialysis patients, mainly PD patients and the most elderly.
using elastic bands in a seated position during the first hour of The question that was at the core of the EXCITE trial was
HD treatment produced an objective improvement in physical whether low-intensity, home-based physical exercise could be
function as assessed by the 30-s sit-to-stand (STS) and the 8- of any benefit on physical performance and quality of life in di-
foot timed up and go (TUG) tests [15]. Remarkably, the ob- alysis patients. The issue was first explored in a preliminary pi-
served outcome measures showed a significant increase in the lot experience with a simplified programme of a home-based,
number of 30-s STSs and a reduction in time for TUG after the individualized, low-intensity exercise programme in a small
exercise started, with no evidence of adverse exercise-related number of HD patients, and the main findings were so promis-
symptoms. ing that a multicentre RCT, the EXCITE trial, was conceived
Despite these positive findings, different opinions still exist and financially supported by the Italian Health System. In this
on how exercise training should be employed (in-centre or trial, which is the first one on a particular topic such as exercise

ii20 F. Mallamaci et al.

for dialysis patients performed at home, participant centres
were located in several Italian regions. Because of the fact that
this was a truly peculiar trial with a sizeable number of patients,
it is of importance to describe it in full detail in this review. The Control arm
Active arm
aim of this study was to assess the clinical value of a 6-month,

Cumulative risk of
simple, personalized, home-based training period in dialysis 0.2
(HD and PD patients). Exclusion criteria were very severe phys-
ical limitation (e.g. amputation and/or any other limitation to
ambulation), clinical limitation, severe effort angina, Stage IV 0.1
New York Heart Association (NYHA) heart failure, any inter-
current illness requiring hospitalization and a high degree of fit- P=0.04
ness (ability to walk a distance of >550 m in 6 min). Dialysis 0
patients were randomly assigned to the active arm (exercise) 0 50 100 150 200
and the control arm and all patients were stratified according to Time (days)
the NYHA classification. The performance tests in this trial
FIGURE 2: Reverse Kaplan–Meier survival curves for hospitalization
were two very well-validated tests such as the 6-min walking in patients in the active group and those in the control group of the
test and the sit-to-stand (STS) test. The primary analysis, i.e. the EXCITE trial (redrawn from ref. [12]).
major clinical endpoints, was the assessment of whether a 6-
month home-based training intervention improves physical complications during exercise were reported in the active arm
performance as measured by the 6-min walking test and the of the trial. Of note, in an analysis restricted to patients who
STS and quality of life [Kidney Disease Quality of Life completed the trial (i.e. in a ‘per protocol’ analysis), the cumula-
(KDQOL), Rand Corporation, validated in Italian CKD tive risk of hospitalization was lower [hazard ratio 0.46 (95% CI
patients]. The secondary outcomes included all-cause mortality. 0.22–0.97); P ¼ 0.04] in patients in the active group than those
In addition to these outcomes, the safety of the exercise pro- in the control group (Figure 2). This finding was germane to an-
gramme was assessed. The whole dialysis population cohort other analysis of the EXCITE trial [18] testing the predictive
(the source population) consisted of 714 individuals. The num- value of the 6-min walking test per se (i.e. independently of the
ber of eligible patients was 473, and among those, roughly 300 allocation arm) for death, cardiovascular events and hospitali-
agreed to participate in the study and were randomized. zation in the intention-to-treat population (n ¼ 296 dialysis) of
Randomization was effective and at baseline the two groups (ac- the trial. In multiple Cox models—adjusting for the allocation
tive arm and control arm) were highly comparable. arms as well as for traditional and non-traditional risk factors—
The distance covered during the 6-min walking test im- a 20-m increase in the 6-min walking test entailed a 6% reduc-
proved in the exercise group (mean distance 6 SD: baseline, tion (P ¼ 0.001) of the risk of the composite endpoint (i.e. mor-
328 6 96 m; 6 months, 367 6 113 m) but not in the control tality, fatal and non-fatal cardiovascular events and
group (baseline, 321 6 107 m; 6 months, 324 6 116 m; hospitalizations) and similar relationships existed between the
P < 0.001 between groups). Similarly, the five times STST time same test with mortality (P < 0.001) and hospitalizations
improved in the exercise group (mean time 6 SD: baseline, (P ¼ 0.03) considered as single outcomes [18].
20.5 6 6.0 s; 6 months, 18.2 6 5.7 s) but not in the control group Moreover, a secondary analysis of the EXCITE trial con-
(baseline, 20.9 6 5.8 s; 6 months, 20.2 6 6.4 s; P ¼ 0.001 be- firmed the beneficial effect of exercise on physical performance
tween groups). These results in a relatively large cohort of dialy- and cognitive function in dialysis patients >65 years of age [19].
sis patients, the largest so far, indicate that some type of Interestingly, an analysis of the EXCITE trial limited to PD
physical activity is beneficial in this high-risk population. patients (Mallamaci F. et al., unpublished data) showed that the
Another important endpoint in the EXCITE trial was quality effect of physical exercise on the 6-min walk test in PD patients
of life, which was measured by the KDQOL Short Form was identical to that observed in the whole study population. In
(KDQOL-SF) and was performed using the version translated contrast, the results for the STS test in PD patients were not dif-
into Italian and specifically validated in a sample of the Italian ferent in the exercise group compared with the control group,
population. It is well known that an important aspect in clinical but this could be due to the relatively small number of PD
research is the assessment of cognitive function, which is a patients in the study.
broad term defined as ‘an intellectual process by which one In conclusion, so far the scientific community has dedicated
becomes aware of, perceives, or comprehends ideas. It involves a huge amount of effort to studying the burden of physical inac-
all aspects of perception, thinking, reasoning, and remember- tivity in dialysis patients [1], as well as the impact of physical ex-
ing’. Dialysis patients in the active arm of this trial showed a sig- ercise in the same patient population, but these programmes
nificant improvement in cognitive function, which is in part represent important barriers for their diffusion as routine treat-
connected to social relationships. The cognitive function score ment for the following reasons: (i) these programmes are con-
in the kidney disease component of the KDQOL-SF improved ceived to be performed during dialysis sessions [20] and thus
significantly in patients in the exercise arm compared with cannot be extended to the PD population, (ii) they are costly
those in the control arm (P ¼ 0.04). Overall, the training pro- and (iii) they are not standardized and include too many types
gramme was well tolerated and no major symptoms/ of exercise. The first trial that attempted to generalize (i.e. not

Physical activity in kidney diseases ii21

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