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Chrome Studio Shortcuts

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sa012019 Sound Shop Pricing Login Sign up bgbgbg ‘Menu Studio Learn Community Sound Shop Pricing My account Log Out ‘Soundation — Leam | How-l: Chrome Studio Shortcuts How-to: Chrome Studio Shortcuts Shortcuts for Soundation Chrome Studio ‘Add Audio Channel [8 Add Instrument 9 Channel Show Master Channel [0 (zero) Show/hide Master Channel Solo Channel Ss Solo on/off for selected channel Mute Channel M Mute on/off for selected channel Unsolo/Unmute All | Alt+ SorM For all channels, Or Alt + Click on S/M buttons Show Effects F Show/hide effect list for selected channel Show All Effects | Shift +F Show/hide effect list for all channels Show Automation [A Show/hide automation for selected channel Show All Automation | Shift + A Show/hide automation for all channels. Toggle Metronome | Shift + M Turn on/off metronome Toggle Recording | R Toggle recording for selected channel Loop ° Toggle loop locators for playback on/off Show Library CurliGmd +L. Show/hide Loop Library Kobowt CirlCmd + K To play selected channel with computer keyboard hitps:/soundation comlearnhaw-to-shorteuts-chrome a sa1012019 Virtual Keyboard Octave ‘Soundation — Leam | How-lo: Chrome Studio Shortcuts Left/Right Arrow Keys Toggle between octaves on Virtual Keyboard Close Window ESC Close the active window Close All Windows Shift + ESC Close all open windows ‘New Song CtrliCmd + Alt +N Open Ctrl/Cmd +0 Save Cul/Cmd+$ Save As Ctrl/Cmd + Shift +S Publish Ctrl/Cmd +P Publish the song to your artist profile Copy CurliCmd + Clips, Notes Paste Cul/Cmd+V Clips, Notes Cut CtrliCmd +X Clips, Notes Duplicate Alt + Click & Drag | Clips, Notes Delete Del / Backspace Selected Channel, Clips, Notes Undo CtrliCmd +Z Redo Ctrl/Cmd + Shifl + Z Arrangement Tool |1,2,3,4 In Arrangement. 1-Arrow, 2-Scissor, 3-Stretch, 4-Pitch Note Clip Editor Tool | 1, 2,3 In Note Clip Editor. l-Arrow, 2-Pen, 3-Velocity Select All Cul/Cmd +A Select all Clips, Notes Piano Roll Key Select Ctrl/Cmd + Left Click Select all Notes in clicked key, or range by dragging over keys Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + Left Click Add or Remove key to Note selection Channel Clip Select Ctrl/Cmd + Left Click Selects all Clips on clicked channel, or range by dragging over channels Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + Left Click Add or Remove channel to Clip selection Add To Selection Shift + Left Click ‘Add or Remove Clip or Note to current selection Slippy Move Ctrl/Cmd + Drag Move Clips, Notes without grid snapping Slippy Split Ctrl/Cmd + Scissor hitps:/soundation comlearnhaw-to-shorteuts-chrome Use Scissor Tool without grid snapping 26 sa1012019 ‘Soundation — Leam | How-lo: Chrome Studio Shortcuts Tool Restricted Move Drag + Shift Dragging restricted to one direction s + Ctrl/Cmd + jl Restricted Slippy Drag + CirliCmd Dragging restricted to one direction without grid snapping Move Shift Move Notes Arrow Keys Move selected Notes up, down, left, right Move Notes in Octaves Shift + Arrow Keys Move selected Notes up, down in octaves. Left, right in 1/4 steps Fine tune knob value Shift + Tweak value Tweak a knob value in finer increments by holding Shift Play, Pa Space bar Rewind Enter Rewind playhead to song start ‘Move Playhead sor. Move playhead in one bar steps backward, forward Scroll View Up/Down Mouse Scroll Scroll the view up or down Scroll View Left/Right Alt+ Mouse Scroll Scroll the view backward or forward Zoom Horizontally Ctrl/Cmd + Mouse Scroll Zoom the view horizontally at cursor Zoom Vertically Ctrl/Cmd + Alt + Mouse Scroll Zoom the view vertically at cursor Popular Topics Mixdown your Ise the Virh Record Use the Effects Autom: n How can we make Share your thoughts! I Instrum ng ‘Community Guidelines «Take part in our user research here Studio Chrome 2.0 Studio Chrome 1.0 Studio Flash Learn ‘Support ‘Community Sound Shop Pricing wundation 4 Education Featur Requirements hitps:/Isoundtion.comilearnthow-to-shorteute-chrome easier for you to create mu: aia sa012019 ‘Soundation — Leam | How-l: Chrome Studio Shortcuts Terms of service Blog ‘support @soundation,com® 2019 Soundation * to use Chrome version of studio you need Chrome browser hitps:/soundation comlearnfhaw-to-shorteuts-chrome aa

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