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Philippine Hiv and Aids Policy Act and Its Implementing Rules and Regulations

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PHILIPPINE HIV AND AIDS POLICY ACT AND ITS serve for three years renewable upon recommendation

ee years renewable upon recommendation of the Council for two

consecutive terms.
(RA 11166) – DECEMBER/20/2018 FUNCTIONS OF PNAC *anchored with principle of human rights and human
 Believed to have originated in Democratic Republic of Congo and dignity
yung pinaka common ay transmitted from chimpanzees to humans 1. Develop AIDS Medium term plan (AMTP) and ensure its
during the height of bush meat trading in the early 1900s. implementation plus yung implementation of the guidelines and
 1979 – AIDS was first described policies ng act na ito
 1982 – first case of transfusion associated AIDS sa infant 2. Strengthen yung collab with cso and gov agencies
 1984 – first case sa Philippines 3. Monitor yung progress sa response ng country’s HIV and AIDS
 1989 – naging mandatory screening test for blood units ang HIV situation and yung implementation ng AMTP, undertake midterm
testing under AO 57, series 1989 assessments and evaluate its impact.
 December 03, 1992 – Philippine National AIDS Council (PNAC) was 4. Mobilize sources of funds para sa AMTP and its members to conduct
created by virtue of EO 39 series of 1992 monitoring and evaluation ng HIV related programs, policies, and
 February 13, 1998 – RA 8504 known as the Philippine AIDS services within their mandate
Prevention and Control Act of 1998 came into law; first law 5. Coordinate, organize, and work in partnership sa foreign and
intended to prevent and control the spread of AIDS international orgs regarding sa funding, data collection, research, and
 December 20, 2018 – Philippine HIV and AIDS Policy Act (RA prevention and treatment modalities on HIV and AIDS and ensure
11166) was approved. foreign funded programs are aligned sa national response
6. Advocate policy reforms to Congress and other gov agencies to
REPUBLIC ACT 11166 strengthen country’s response sa HIV and AIDS
1. Strengthens Philippine Comprehensive Policy on human 7. Submit annual report sa office of the president, congress and
immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immunodeficiency members of the council
syndrome (AIDS) prevention, treatment care, and support 8. Identify gaps sa national response on the part of gov agencies and its
2. Reconstitutes PNAC partners from civil society
3. Repeals RA 8504 9. Recommend policies and programs para mabawasan yung gaps na
Kind of retrovirus infecting the cells of human immune system and destroys or COVERAGE OF INFO, EDUCATION, AND COMMUNICATION CAMPAIGN
impairs the cell’s function. OF PHILIPPINE NATIONAL AIDS COUNCIL (PNAC)
 Can be transmitted via unprotected sexual intercourse, blood 1. Education para sa:
transfusion, sharing intravenous needles, during pregnancy, and a. Communities
breastfeeding b. Filipinos going abroad
 Attacks CD4 CELLS c. Key populations and vulnerable communities
 Key populations are groups or people
ACQUIRED IMMUNODEFICIENCY SYNDROME (AIDS) na may higher risk na magkaroon ng
Health condition wherein a deficiency makes an individual susceptible to HIV
opportunistic infections  Vulnerable communities are groups
or people na exposed to increased
OPPORTUNISTIC INFECTIONS susceptibility to HIV infection
Diseases caused by various organisms many of which do not cause illness in d. Learning institutions
persons with a healthy immune system, such as tuberculosis e. Parents and guardians
f. Right to health and info
Choices and behaviors adopted ng isang tao para mabawasan yung risk ng HIV  Office, premises, or work site where
transmission. It includes postponing sexual debut, non-penetrative sex, workers are habitually employed
correct and consistent use of male or female condoms, and minimizing 2. Information para sa tourists and transients
number of sexual partners. 3. Prevention program
 Prophylactic are agent or device used to prevent
*The state shall guarantee and protect the confidentiality and non-compulsory transmission of infection
nature of HIV testing and HIV related testing 4. Misinformation on HIV and AIDS
Agency attached sa DOH na nag iimplement ng response sa AIDS and HIV situation. PREVENTIVE MEASURES FOR HIV
It has the ff compositions:  Accessibility sa anti-retroviral therapy (ART)
1. DOH  Creation ng rights based and community led behavior modification
2. DepEd programs seeking HIV high risk reduction behavior among PLHIVs
3. DOLE  Establishment ng comprehensive human rights and evidence-based
4. DSWD policies programs aiming na mapababa ang transmission ng HIV;
5. DILG rights-based mechanisms para maencourage yung newly tested na
6. CSC HIV + na indivuals na magconduct ng partner notification and
7. CHED promote HIV status disclosure sa partners; and standard
8. National Youth Commission (NYC) precautionary measures sa public and private facilities
9. Phil Information Agency (PIA)  Mobilization ng communities of PLHIV for public awareness
10. Dept of Budget and Mgmt (DBM) campaigns and stigma reduction activities
11. Chairperson of the Committee on Health and Demography of the
Senate of the Philippines or his/her assigned proxy GUIDELINES AND STANDARD PRECAUTIONS ON THE DONATION OF BLOOD
12. Chairperson of the Committee on Health of the House of TISSUES OR ORGANS
Representatives or his/her assigned proxy  Lahat ng blood subjected sa donation will undergo HIV testing and
13-14. 2 representatives from org of persons living with HIV and AIDS shall not be retested (RA 7719) Pero okay lang kapag nagpasecond
15. One representative from priv org with expertise sa standard setting test as a matter of right ng blood, tissue, or organ recipient before
and service delivery transfusion except sa emergency cases. (present HIV and AIDS law)
16-21. 6 representatives sa NGOs working for the welfare or identified key  Lahat ng donations, mapablood man yan, organs, or tissue either
populations (HIV prone) gratuitous or onerous ay tatanggapin lamang ng lab kung negative
yan sa HIV; and kung positive edi deferred na sa donation and
*Maliban sa mga members na galing sa gov agencies, yung members niya ay can be accepted for research purposes only and shall be subject sa
appointed by the President ng Phil, then yung mga gov agencies naman ay strict sanitary disposal requirements
pwedeng manduhan ng official na ang rank ay hindi mas mababa sa  Donation is an act of liberality whereby a person disposes
Assistant Secretary or its equivalent. gratuitously of a thing or right in favor of another who
accepts it. It has two types:
* Secretary of Health ang permanent chairperson ng PNAC, and then si Vice  Gratuitous when donated liberally and
chairperson naman ay elected from the government agency members and shall generously
 Onerous if its burdened with charges or future
service equal to the value of the item donated
Interpersonal and dynamic communication process between a client and a trained
counselor. It has two phases which should be free of charge:
 PRE-TEST COUNSELING – provision of information on biomedical
aspects of HIV/AIDS and emotional support for any psychological
implications of undergoing HIV testing and the test result itself
INSTANCES WHERE CONSENT OF THE DONOR IS DEEMED GIVEN before the individual is subjected to the test
Lawful consent to HIV testing of a donated human body, organ, tissue, or blood  POST-TEST COUNSELING – provision of risk reduction information
shall be considered given kapag: and emotional support to a person who submits to HIV testing at the
 A person volunteers or freely agrees to donate time the result is released
 Legacy and donation are executed in accordance with Sec 3 and 4 of
RA 7170 known as Organ Donation Act of 1991 ANTI-RETROVIRAL THERAPY (ART)
Treatment that stops or suppresses the replication of retroviruses such as HIV to
*two types of consent/ waiver for HIV testing (MANDATORY) slow down the progress of infection
- express/direct consent kapag written consent which is given before HIV
testing (Sec 29) TREATMENT HUBS
-implied consent kapag indirectly given by reason of operation of law; Private or public or medical establishments accredited by DOH to have the
example; voluntary act of donation (Sec 27) capacity and facilities to provide treatment and care services to PLHIV; services
-informed consent is a voluntary agreement ng isang tao to undergo or be include:
subjected sa procedure based sa full information where such permission is  Pre exposure prophylaxis refers to the use of drugs as a strategy to
written or conveyed verbally. prevent HIV sa mga taong walang HIV or AIDS
 Post exposure prophylaxis refers sa preventive medical treatment
WHO CAN GIVE CONSENT? after exposure sa pathogen like HIV
Any person who is atleast 15 yrs old (evolving capacities of the child) or pag
walang kakayahan e dapat may guardian or kaya any social worker, pero CONFIDENTIALITY
kung pregnant or engaged in high risk behavior is duly assisted by a Medical Confidentiality are core duty ng medical practice to kept info private
licensed social or health worker pwede na sila magbigay ng consent (mature and not divulged to third parties. It is deeply rooted sa constitutional right ng
minor doctrine) person sa privacy. Violation to it is considered CRIME

*high risk behavior – being involved sa activities with high risk of transmitting Its essence is the right to be left alone or the right to be free from unwarranted
or acquiring HIV exploitation of one’s person from intrusion into one’s private activities.

EVOLVING CAPACITIES OF THE CHILD These are the violations considered of confidentiality:
Article 5 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child recognizing the  Disclosure ng confidential HIV and AIDS info without written consent of
developmental changes and the corresponding progress sa cognitive abilities the PLHIV
and capacity for self determination  Media disclosure without written consent of PLHIV
 Waiver of confidentiality occurs when a PLHIV violated section 4 of RA
*child- minor atleast 15 yrs old but less than 18 years of age 10175- Cybercrime protection act of 2012 (cybercrime offenses),
section 25 of RA 10173 – Data Privacy Act of 2012 (unauthorized
MATURE MINOR DOCTRINE processing of personal info and sensitive personal information)
Legal principle that recognizes the capacity of some minors to consent
independently to medical procedures; aka Gillick Principle or Gillick However, confidentiality rule is not absolute dahil may mga exception parin:
Competence which was decided in 1986 by the English House of Lords  Compliance with reportorial requirements of the DOH
 Informing other health workers directly involved in the treatment or
Any facility based, mobile medical procedure or community-based screening  Responding to subpoenas
modalities that are conducted to determine the presence or absence of HIV in a
person’s body. It could be compulsory or voluntarily. It has two aspects:
 Screening test – initial serologic test to determine the presence of WHO CAN RECEIVE RESULTS
antibodies against HIV 1 and HIV 2. It includes, but is not limited, to:  Pag may kakayahan ka na mag isip and magdecide, so sayo lang and
 Enzyme immunoassay dun sa nagconduct ng test madidisclose yung results
 Particle agglutination  Pero kung may mental incapacity ka, below 15 and orphan so either
 Rapid immunoassay sa parent, legal guardian or licensed social worker
 Confirmatory test – performed sa samples na reactive sa
screening test to ensure na true positive. Reactive samples are PARTNER NOTIFICATION
referred sa NRL-STD/AIDS Cooperative Central Lab of the San  Kunware nakatransmit ako ng STI like HIV, so bibigyan ako ng
Lazaro Hospital (NRL-SACCL/SLH); while reactive blood support para masabi ko sa partner ko na naexpose sa infection.
units/donors are turned over sa NRL-RITM. Confirmatory tests  So ayun dapat e any person na positive sa HIV ay inaasahan na
includes, but is not limited, to: sabihin sa kanilang mga asawa or sexual partners na ganon na nga.
 Western Blot
 Line Immunoassay DISCRIMINATION
 Immunoflourescene assay Unjust treatment to any person, it is inimical to public interest.
 Polymerase chain reaction  Gender expression – how you represent yourself
 Rapid HIV diagnostic algorithm (rHIVda) – new  Gender Identity – LGBTQ
confirmatory procedure in the Philippines  Sexual orientation – Homo, hetero, or asexual (attraction)
*HIV testing labs shall have licensed medical technologist with training
sa HIV proficiency testing certified by the NRL-SACCL/SLH, and the Acts constituting discrimination:
proficiency certification is valid for three years. 1. In workplace (hindi ka tinatanggap; auto reject agad)
2. In learning institution (refusal din, expulsion and more)
COMPULSORY HIV TESTING is prohibited by the law pero pwede siya sa ff: 3. Restriction on travel habitation (refusal sa lawful entry)
 When charged with any of the offenses punishable under Articles 264 4. Restriction on shelter (ayaw patirahin)
and 266 on serious and slight physical injuries (injecting injurious 5. Prohibition from seeking or holding public office
substance like HIV) and 335 and 338 in rape and simple seduction 6. Exclusion from credit and insurance services
(element ay sexual intercourse) both of act 3815 or the revised penal 7. In hospitals and health institutions
code as amended, and as also amended by RA 8553 aka anti rape law of 8. Denial of burial services
1997 9. Act of bullying
 When it is necessary para maresolve ang relevant issues under EO 209
known as the Family Code ng Philippines. Example if HIV + yung asawa STIGMA
tas sinecret niya lang noon pa, pwedeng ground yon for fraud leading Dynamic devaluation and dehumanization of an individual in the eyes of others.
to annulment
 Pag nagdodonate ng blood syempre under RA 7719, dapat itest palagi BULLYING
ang donated blood for HIV Severe or repeated use by one or more persons of a written, verbal, or electronic
expression or physical act or gesture or any combination na nagcacause ng fear or
HIV COUNSELLING emotional harm or damage to property
THE COMPREHENSIVE DANGEROUS DRUGS ACT OF 2002  Immunoassay – preliminary screening based on
antibody-antigen reaction:
(RA 9165) – June 07, 2003  Enzyme multiplied immunoassay
technique (EMIT)
 July 11, 2003 – DOH promulgated Implementing Rules and  Flourescence polarization
Regulations Governing the accreditation of drug testing laboratories  Radioimmunoassay (RIA)
in the Philippines; standardizes the procedure of drug testing  Chromatography – separation of mixture ang
nationwide, from screening hanggang confirmatory main outcome. Mixture of substance is separated in
 October 2003 – DOH designed computer based system called stationary medium. Types are:
INFORMATION SYSTEM (IDTOMS) which captures data for  Gas chromatography (GC)
accrediting DTLs and rehabilitation centers, drig testing operations at  Liquid chromatography (LC)
different levels.
 January 05, 2009 – DOH started nationwide implementation of o Confirmatory Lab – performs qlty and qty exams
IDTOMS. Central data is located in Health Facilities Service  PATHOLOGIST
Regulatory Bureau (HFRSB) operating 24 hrs and seven days  FULL TIME CHEMIST WITH MASTERS
week. And yung kelangan lang nila ay computer unit na accessible lang DEGREE IN CHEM OR BIOCHEM, training with
sa authorized users of the system with internet syempre hehe chromatography, spectroscopy
 They are required na magpasa ng
RA 9165 proficiency test administered ng
Special penal law with 102 sections pero focus lang tayo sa pang medtech hehe. Isa EAMC
sa pinaka importante mamsh na mandate dine for the DOH is to license accredit,  60 sqm (floor area)
establish, and maintain the drug test network and lab and to initiate, conduct, and  30 sqm (work area)
support scientifivs research on drugs and drug control (HABA)
Confirmatory Test ay quantitative test referring sa analytical
Ang DOH thru HRSRB lang ang may kakayahan na magbigay license oki procedure used to identify and quantify the presence of a specific drug
or metabolite which is independent of the initial test and which uses a
Implementing rules and Regulations Governing the Accreditation of DTL in different technique and chemical principle from that of the screening
the Philippines – governing IRR which standardizes the procedures of drug test in order to ensure reliability and accuracy. IT SHALL DECLARE
testing services in the Philippines; covers both gov and private DTLs THE PRESENCE OR ABSENCE AND THE IDENTITY OF THE
MOST ABUSED PROHIBITED DRUGS SA PINAS Kunware positive and hindi mo and hindi mo siya narefer, ay pwedeng
 SHABU maglead sa suspension or revocation of accreditation.
o Meth, crank, crystal meth, speed  Hyphenated technique – combination ng 2 sophisticated
o Synthesized in JAPAN noong 1888 by Dr. Nagai Nagayoshi technologies (GAS CHROMA – MASS SPECTRO OR LC – MS,
o Active chemical: Ephedra plant, stimulant called GC – MS – MS, OR LC-MS-MS)
o Synthesized next in crystal form in 1919 by akira ogata Ang original copy ng test result ay binibigay agad don sa client/donor immediately
 Used phosphorus and iodine to reduce the ASAP. Yung ibang copies ay ibibigay sa DOH na dapat ay may membrane of the
ephedrine into a crystallized form, creating the registered drug testing kit for screening tests and copy ng chromatogram in the
world’s first crystal meth case of confirmatory tests and sa requesting agency. The DTL SHALL RETAIN ONE
o Active metabolite: methamphetamine hydrochloride COPY AND LAHAT DAPAT NG RESULTS NA MAOOBTAIN AY MAY PIRMA NG
o Dati for herbal medicine sa ASIA noong 500 BC talaga kaso
 Lahat ng may baril, or police, may criminal offense, candidates for
o Active metabolite: tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
public office, and yung mga taong nagviolate ng RA 9165 _
 Yung mga students ng secondary and tertiary schools saka yung
Monitored by HFSRB OR CHD
officers and employees mapa gov man or private, domestic or
Private or gov facility na may kakayahan na magtest ng specimen to determine
presence ng dangerous drugs. It could be based on:
 Ownership
Yung mga pasaway lang na driver ang masusubject sa mandatory drug
o Gov
testing and alcohol tests under RA 10586 – ANTI DRUNK AND DRUGGED
o Private
 Institutional Character
o Institution based – located sa premises and operates as TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS AND LABORATORY EQUIPMENT
part ng institution Accreditation refers to the formal authorization issued by the DOH to an
 Headed by licensed phycisian individual, or anything with all the licensing and accreditation requirements
 Atleasr 10 DTLs lang ang allowed sa as prescribed sa Manual of Operations for Drug Testing Laboratories of DOH.
licensed physician na ito Dapat nakalagay ditto yung pangalan ng owner, head ng lab, classification ng
 Chemist DTL, and its validity period.
 Medtech
 Pharmacist Drug Analysts
 Yung validity ng screening lab ay one year.
 Chem engr  Yung validity ng confirmatory lab ay two years.
o Freestanding DTLs – miss independent  Application for renewal shall be filled 90 days before the expiry
 Service Capability date
o Screening Lab – performs screening test.
 If freestanding: headed by pathologist and  Yung screening lab ay dapat mayroong:
licensed physician with clin labman o Immunoassay equipment of BFAD registered drug testing
training kits or
 DAPAT FULL TIME o Thin layer chromatography
 20 SQM (floor area) o Refrigerator
 10 sqm (work area)
 Yung confirmatory lab naman ay dapat”
o Gas chromatography mass spectrometer (GC-MS)
Screening test are qualitative test to eliminate negative
o High performance liquid chromatography mass
specimens from further considerations and to identify
spectrometer (HPLC-MS), or other accepted modern
the presumptively positive specimens. Ang narerelease
na results ay NEGATIVE AT POSITIVE. So eto yung mga
 Lab oven
pwedeng gawin under ST:
 Analytical balance
 Refrigerator  Estimates bacterial coliform
 Freezer o Biological analysis lab
 Fume hood  Biological org like plankton


1. Yung mga di agad nakapagrenew bago mag expire ay makakansel.  Aesthetic characteristics of water sample
2. Hindi mo pwedeng iaassign or transfer directly or indirectly sa iba o Chemical analysis lab
3. If magchachange location, apply ka ng bagong accreditation  Estimate levels of chemical substances
4. Kung hindi ka makareport within 15 days nung mga changes na gusto o Radiological analysis lab
mong mangyari, marerevoke or suspend yung accreditation  Radioactive contaminants
5. Separate accreditation ay required sa lahat ng laboratories na Philippine National Standards for Drinking Water (PNSDW) of 2017 states that
maintained ang separate premises operated ng same management all water samples for regulatory purposes shall be examined only in DOH
6. Idisplay ang accreditation sa kita ng mga tao mehehe accredited labs, tapos yung for radiological quality ay sa Philippine Nuclear
7. Pag naviolate yung above conditions, pwede kang masuspend for not Research Institute (PNRI)
more than 60 days immediately ng HFSRB; pero if revocation
naman, pwede ka mag re apply if nakacomply ka na sa product ng ACCREDITATION
mga actions mo sa buhay COA IS VALID FOR TWO YEARS
8. Any person aggrieved can file an appeal 15 days from receipt of  HFSRB – regulates issuance of the COA
decision to the Secretary of Health  CHD – responsible for renewal ng accreditation
 NRL shall conduct PT (EAMC)
1. COA is valid for two years and expires on the last day of December stated in
Urine, blood, fingernails, saliva, scalp hair, sweat patch, and tissue mehehe
the cert.
 Pag single container – URINE 60 ML 2. Yung mga di agad nakapagrenew within 60 days bago mag expire ay
 Pag dalawang container – TIG HALF, 30 , 30 makakansel.
3. Hindi mo pwedeng iaassign or transfer directly or indirectly sa iba
CHAIN OF CUSTODY 4. Separate accreditation ay required sa lahat ng laboratories na maintained
Lab procedures to account specimen by tracking its handling and storage from ang separate premises operated ng same management
point of collection to final disposal. Authorized specimen collector and the 5. Idisplay ang accreditation sa kita ng mga tao mehehe
client/donor/subject must affix their signature on the seal with date and 6. Laboratory for drinking water that us a unit, section or division of clinical
time lab is not required to secure a separate COA, ang kaylangan lang ay LTO.
 Custody and control form – form used to document procedures
from time of collection until receipt by the laboratory SUPERVISION, MANAGEMENT, AND STAFFING (AO 31, S.1979)
 Memorandum for records – records document specimens that had  DWL shall be headed by licensed sanitary engineer, pero kung
been rejected or canceled attached sa licensed clinical lab, so pathologist and head
 Pero kung wala sila, pwede ang: licensed chemist, RMT, or
Authorized to conduct proficiency tests for all screening and confirmatory  RMT and Registered Pharmacist can carry out bacteriological and
DTLs. biological analysis
 Laboratory shall send submit sa NRL ng results ng test performed  Licensed chemist – chemical and physical analysis
of the unknown samples within three weeks after the receipt ng
 Performance is evaluated by the closeness of its result to the pre-  Ang pwedeng magsign sa official lab report ng DWL ay analyst in
determined value of unknown sample charge and head ng lab
 Pag di mo naipasa sa unang take magiging candidate ka na for  Results outsourced from other accredited labs shall be attached to the
suspension. Pag naipasa mo yung second take, jan malilift yung original lab results
suspension mo, pero kung di mo naipasa parehas, edi ayun,
marerevoke ang accreditation; tapos kung di ka pa nagpaparticipate
edi gg
 Secretary of health thru HFSRB ang charged na mag enforce ng
 Revocation ng license
 Kulang for 6 yrs to one day to 12 years
 Pag nakitang di ka sumunod ay isususpend ka agad
 Fine of 100,000 – 500,000 IMMEDIATELY not more than 60 DAYS
 Pwede magfile ng appeal sa Office ng Secretary of Health within 15
 Decision of secretary of health is FINAL AND EXECUTORY.

 Primary law mandating the accreditation of water analysis

laboratories on December 23, 1975
 Henry Cavendish – English chemist and physicist, demonstrated in
1781 that water is composed of oxygen and hydrogen molecules
 March 22, 2004 – RA 9275 – Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004
to safeguard water quality
 AO 24, series of 2006, monitor the quality services of water testing
laboratories in the Philippines
 May issuance na nirelease like AO 2006-0024 governing the
accreditation ng lab for drinking water except for those utilized
purely for academic and research and other lab performing in house


 As to ownership
o Gov
o Private
 As to institutional character
o Institution based lab
o Freestanding lab – independent – 20 sqm
 As to service capability
o Bacteriological analysis lab
RA 9288 – JUNE 07, 2004  March 29, 2019
 January 3, 2000  AO 2014-0045 directing that option 1 (6-Test) will be
 AO NO 1-A 2000 offered until April 30, 2019 only. Pero effective May 1, 2019,
 Policies for the Nationwide Implementation of Newborn all infants will undergo sa OPTION 2 (ENBS) only
 Congenital hypothyroidism, congenital adrenal NEWBORN SCREENING
hyperplasia, galactosemia, and phenylketonuria Process of collecting few drops of blood from the newborn onto an appropriate
 December 09, 2003 collection and performing biochemical testing para malaman kung may
 AO 121 heritable or congenital disorder ba si baby.
 Strengthening Implementation of the National Newborn
Screening System SPECIMEN OF CHOICE: WHOLE BLOOD and are collected using ENBS filter
 Congenital hypothyroidism, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, paper cards
galactosemia, and phenylketonuria + GLUCOSE 6
 January 20, 2004 Examination that increases the coverage of the NBS panel from 6 to 28 types of
 President Gloria Arroyo issued Proclamation 540 declaring congenital disorders that fall into various categories
first week of October as the NBS week  Performed 24 hrs of life pero not greater than 3 days from the
 May 15, 2012 delivery
 DOH issued Department Memorandum No. 2012-0154  Pero yung mga nasa ICU, they can be tested by 7 days of age
directing the inclusion of Maple syrup urine , completing
the six panels (6 Test or Option 1) PARENTS CAN REFUSE GROUNDED BY RELIGIOUS BELIEFS; it shall be made
 November 05, 2018 thru writing and must be included in the newborn’s medical record; refusal is
 DOH promulgated AO 2018-0025 also indicated sa national NBS database
 National Policy and strategic framework on Expanded
Newborn Screening for 2017-2030 NEWBORN SCREENING FACILITY (NSF)
 November 19, 2014 Health facility that educates parents about NBS during the prenatal period,
 DOH issued AO 2014-0045 or the Guidelines on the collects blood samples for NBS, sends specimens to the NSC, recalls px found
Implementation of the Expanded Newborn Screening positive in NBS, and assists in the management of px
 Detects 28 newborn disorders falling under types namely NEWBORN SCREENING CENTER (NSC)
 Hemoglobinopathies Facility equipped with NBS lab that complies with the standards established by
 Alpha thalassemia the National Institutes of Health and provides all required lab tests and
 Beta thalassemia recall/follow up programs with heritable conditions
 Hgb C, D, E  RECALL
 Sickle cell disease o Procedures for locating a newborn with possible heritable
 Amino Acid Disorders condition
 Homcystinuria (HCY)  FOLLOW UP
 Hypermethioninemia (MAT) o Monitoring a newborn with heritable condition
 Maple syrup urine disease (MSUD)
 Tyrosinemia type 1, 2 (TRY) Facility identified by DOH to be part of national comprehensive newborn
 Organic Acidurias screening system treatment network and performs confirmatory testing
 3-Methylcrotnyl CoA carboxylase
 Beta Ketothiolase deficiency (BKT) Central facility at the NIH defining testing and follow up protocols. Maintains
 Glutaric Acidemia Type 1 (GAI) external laboratory PT program, oversees national testing database and case
 Isovaleric Acidemia (IVA) registries, assists in training act as the secretariat of the Advisory Committee
 Methylmalonic Acidemia (MMA) on Newborn screening
 Multiple Carboxylase deficiency
 Proprionic academia (PA_ Ambulatory clinic based in a tertiary hospital. Facilitates continuity of care
 Disorders of the fatty acid for confirmed patients in its area of coverage.
 Carnitine Palmiotransferase
deficiency I deficiency (CPT1) PACCREDITATION
 Carnitine Palmiotransferase
deficiency II deficiency (CPT2) NSC is given COA valid for three years with certification from NIH
 Carnitine uptake deficiency (CUD)
 Glutaric academia type II (GA II) NBCC is given LTO valid for one year with certification from NSRC
 Long chain hydroxyacyl-COA
dehydrogenase deficiency (LCHAD)
 Medium chain-Acyl-CoA
dehydrogenase deficiency (MCAD)
 Very long chain-Acyl-CoA
dehydrogenase deficiency (VLCAD)
 Tri-functional protein deficiency
 Endocrine disorders
 Congenital Hypothyroidism (CH)
 Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
 Urea-cycle Defects
 Citrullinemia (CIT)
 Argininosuccinic aciduria (asa)
 Others
 Galactosemia (GAL)
 Glucose-6-phosphate
dehydrogenase deficiency (G6PD
 Cystic Fibrosis (CF)
 Biotinidase deficiency (BTND)
the round wars activity but actively participating in the dead by which a evil is
Bioethics is defined as a philosophically discipline that deals with the study of performed.
the morality of human conduct in relation to health in particular and to human

The core of bioethics is to assess health care providers in making sound The principle of respect for autonomy entails the healthcare professional
decisions before each using any medical intervention to any person at any should respect the autonomous decisions of competent adults this principle
stage of his or her life. simply in the elucidates the ability of a person to give consent. The application
for this principle is very critical in other bioethical issues such as abortion ,
Ethics is a branch of philosophy that deals with the morality of human conduct it suicide , and euthanasia , especially when application will entail the risk of
is also defined as a formal study of moral choices s form to standard of conduct. destruction of life.

Morality is a quality of human conduct. The principle of beneficence holds the health care should aim to do good. If a
candidate is tested when the principle of respect for autonomy and the
In aristotle's work ethics is concerned with what a person should do that is principle of beneficence , the former will prevail.
if a person has something then a person does it for a reason. Nothing is the
intellect that was not first in the senses. The principle of nonmaleficence requires that healthcare professionals should
do no harm.
German philosopher immanuel kant believed that the ideal behavior was
acting in accordance with one's duty for him , well-being meant having the The principle of justice holds the healthcare professional give fair share the
freedom to exercise autonomy , not being used as means to an end , being interests of different individuals or groups are in competition.
treated with dignity , and having a capability to think rationally. • Comparative justice refers to balancing the competing interests of
individual and groups against one another . It is observed by giving priority to
Ethics by nature becomes a tool to determine whether the answer or emergency cases , persons with disabilities , pregnant women , and senior
behavior is grounded for a reason and whether such reason fulfills what is citizens because of their higher interest at healthcare services as well as special
important to a person are in accordance with fans duty. medical attention demanded by the situation.
• distributive justice refers to the fair distribution . It is implemented by
Normative ethics seeks to set norms or standards for conduct the term is observing the first come first served policy in providing clinical laboratory
commonly used in reference to the discussion of general theories about one services without distinction of their inherent interests.
ought to do.
Metaethics also known as analytical ethics does not deal with substantive
content in of ethical theories or moral judgments but rather with questions about Professional ethics is concerned with standards in moral conduct that govern a
their nature , such as the question whether moral judgments or objective or profession and its members.
subjective .
Healthcare ethics is the field of applied ethics that a compass is to vast array of
Applied ethics or practical ethics is the application of normative ethical moral decision-making situations that arise in a practice of medicine in addition
theories to practical problems . It is a definite application of ethics to a to the procedures in the policies that are designed to guide such practice.
specific bioethical issues .
The revised code of ethics for medical technology was enacted on march 7
* According to socrates morality refers to how we ought to leave me and 1997 and serves as the basis of the professional ethics of the profession.
why. However the code of ethics cannot guarantee ethical behavior or can you
solve ethical issues in this field or capture the richness and complexity
An act is said to be a human act when performed by persons full knowledge involved in striving to make responsible choices within a moral community .
or intelligence on his own volition and free will . Thus , the following are Rather a code of ethics sets forth the values , ethical principles and
factors that affect human acts which is knowledge , freedom , and standards that professionals aspired to uphold and actions can be judged.
voluntariness. Any absence of the three will not qualify as a human act but
rather an act of human. LIABILITIES OF MEDTECH
1. imprudence indicate a deficiency of action . Negligence points to a deficiency
RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN LAWS AND PUBLIC MORALITY of perception . If a person feels to take the necessary precaution to avoid
injury to a person , imprudence is present . If a person fails to pay proper
LAWS ENACTED BECOME EXPRESSIONS OF PUBLIC MORALITY. As justice attention and use due diligence in for seeing the injury or damage about to
holmes put it the law is weakness in deposit of our moral life. occur , this is negligence . It is usually involves lack of foresight . Imprudence
usually involves lack of skill.
Law has also been defined as something mean create enterprise moments to 2. res ipsa loquitur translate to the thing speaks for itself . The doctrine
protect themselves in their worst moments. Load deals with the minimum where the thing which causes injury is shown to be under the management of the
standards of human can acquire morality is answering with the maximum. Law offender , and the accident is such as in the ordinary course of things does not
also serves as a helpful starting point for thinking about improper or idea public happen if those who have the management use proper care , it affords reasonable
morality for a society and pursuit of moral progress. evidence in the absence of an explanation by the offender the accident arose
from want of care.
BASIC BIOETHICAL PRINCIPLES 3. The medical technologies can also be criminally liable if he/ she commit
violations. Crime is a generic term and if crimes punishable by the revised
THE STEWARDSHIP PRINCIPLE EMBODIES A CONCEPT THAT A STEWARD penal code then the crime is called felony but if the crime is penalized by other
HAS OBLIGATION TO TAKE GOOD CARE IN IMPROVE EATING OR ASSET AND special penal laws it is called an offense.
The totality principle means that the parts of the physical entity as parts or
ordained to the good of the physical whole . In the medical perspective it is PRO-LIFE DEMANDS FOR RESPECT AND PROTECTION OF LIFE WHILE PRO-
referring to the parts of human body as parts are main to exist in function for the CHOICE ATTEMPTS TO CALIBRATE THE EXTENT OF RESPECT AND
good of the whole body and toes naturally subordinated to the good of the whole PROTECTION DUE TO LIFE . A BIOETHICAL ISSUE ST FRIEND FROM A LEGAL
body. Classical period in dealing with concerns about methylation organ ISSUE . THE FORMERLY FORCE APPLICATION OF ETHICAL PRINCIPLES TO
donation and transplantation while preserving the sanctity of life. ASCERTAIN ETHICAL INQUIRY , WHILE THE LATTER IS CONCERNED WITH THE
The double effect principle can contain set it is permissible to cause harm
as a side effect of bringing about a good result even though it would not be • ABORTION REFERS TO THE TERMINATION OF PREGNANCY BEFORE THE
permissible to cause such a harm as a means to bring about the same good VIABILITY OF THE FETUS IT IS THE WILLFUL KILLING OF THE FETUS IN
The principle of corporation is a bioethical concept that differentiate the action EXISTS SUCH AS THOSE DUE TO NATURAL CAUSES THOSE PERFORMED FOR
of the wrongdoer from the action of the operator there are two types: PERSONAL REASONS , OVERT ACTS , AND TO STAND FOR MEDICAL REASONS
LIKE THERAPEUTIC ABORTION . Abortions that are classified as therapeutic are
- formal cooperation is a find as willing participation on a part of the the focus of most ethical concerns. In a conflict situation between life of child
cooperative agent in the sinful act of the principal-agent and the life of mother the doctor is morally obliged always to try to save
- material cooperation occurs when the operator does not intend the object of both lives . Ever he cannot act in favor of one when it is medical impossible
to save both , provided that no direct harm is intended to the other . Hands
the doctor will not be guilty of abortion or murder . The mother is never
pitted against the child because both their lives are equally valuable.
• euthanasia or mercy killing is a practice of painlessly putting to death a
person suffering from an incurable disease . Euthanasia may be active (act of
commission) or passive (act of ommission). Active euthanasia are positive
within asia involves actions that speed up the process of dying in passive
euthanasia are negative there is no heroic measure taken to preserve life .
Thus , the ethical issue in euthanasia whether active or passive , revolves
around and who has the right to determine the death or survival of a

In active euthanasia, a medical practitioner performs a positive factor

introduced as an agent that results in the ultimate of dying patient . Activity
may be committed with or without the consent of the dying patient.

In passive euthanasia , the death of a dying patient is brought about by the

non introduction of medical measures to preserve life . It is represented by
do not resuscitate or no code orders .

Withholding treatment refers to the decision of the patient or his or her

representatives referred from gave me permission for treatment or care.

Withdrawing treatment refers to the decision of the patient or his or her

representative to discontinue activities or remove forms of patient care.

• Organ transplantation is a form of surgery were in one body part is

transferred from one side to another or from one part of the body to
another in the same individual.

Tissue transplanted from one part of the body to another in the same individual
is called autograph are auto transplant.

The transplant of an organ or tissue from an individual to another is called

allograph or homograph

A surgical graft of tissue from animals to humans is called xenograph for


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