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Global Warming Reference Source

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What is climate change?
Climate change refers to changes in the Earth's average temperature. Climate
change occurs naturally through things like volcanic eruptions, changes in the
Earth’s orbit and variations in the Sun’s energy.
In recent years, temperatures have been increasing more rapidly than in the past.
Global temperatures are around 1 °C higher than they were around 300 years
ago. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report of 2021 says
that global warming of 1.5 °C and 2 °C will be exceeded during the 21st century
unless deep reductions in greenhouse gas emissions occur in the coming decades.
Greenhouse gases
Most scientists agree that human behaviour is causing this increase in
temperature. Humans are increasing the concentration of greenhouse gases, such
as carbon dioxide and methane, within the atmosphere.
Greenhouse gases can be released by human activity, such as:
• burning of fossil fuels for example for power generation and vehicles, which
releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
• deforestation, as trees absorb carbon dioxide and store carbon.
• food waste, which creates methane when it breaks down.
Carbon dioxide emissions are now more than three times higher than they were
in 1965. Greenhouse gases absorb any heat that is reflected from the Earth. A
greater concentration of greenhouse gases means that more heat is absorbed and
so the planet warms up.
Graph to show growth of observed monthly global average surface temperature.

X axis shows decades 1960 to 2040, y axis rate of warming (degrees centigrade).
Projected temperature rise from 2020.

A graph showing the growth of observed monthly global average surface

What is the greenhouse effect?

The diagram above compares the natural greenhouse effect with the enhanced greenhouse effect.

Why is it important that the Earth has some greenhouse gases?

Greenhouse gases help to keep the planet warm. Without them, humans would
not be able to live on Earth. Therefore, the natural greenhouse effect is a good

Impacts of climate change(global warming)

Global warming is causing global temperatures to increase and average
sea levels to rise. Scientists suggest that the impacts of higher
temperatures and rising sea levels could include:
• a change to the location of the Earth’s climate belts, which would
make it difficult for some countries to grow food.
• flooding of coastal and low-lying communities.
• the spread of tropical diseases, like malaria, to places that are
further north and south.

Managing climate change

What can be done to reduce the impacts of global warming or even
stop global warming from happening?
Mitigation – limiting or preventing greenhouse gas emissions. Examples
of this are
• renewable energy, such as solar panels, and new technology, such
as electric vehicles.
Adaptation – learning to live with climate change.
• Examples of this include building flood defences to protect against
rising sea levels, and developing new crops that are drought-
Videos to watch:

The term Biome refers to a large community of plant and animal species
distinctive of a specific region and maintained under the climatic conditions of
the region. A biome is a large (global) ecosystem.

An ecosystem is that it is a community or group of living organisms that

live in and interact with each other in a specific environment.
For instance, tropical forests are ecosystems made up of living beings
such as trees, plants, animals, insects and micro-organisms that are in
constant interaction between themselves and that are affected by the
environmental conditions such as the climate and soil.
The map below shows the major Global Biomes:

Biomes are influenced by both biotic and abiotic factors. Biotic= living
organisms. Abiotic= non-living organisms.
Biomes are influenced by the following factors:
1. Climate-temperature and rainfall. This is the most important factor.
Plants and animals found in a place are those that are best adapted to

the climatic conditions of that place. Can you think of an example in the
desert biome of UAE?
2. Latitude of a place-how far a place is north or south of the equator.
Latitude affects the climate of a place.
3. Physical features of a place e.g. elevation/relief features. As elevation
increases, the type and density of vegetation also changes.
Other factors that affect biomes include soils and biotic factors for
example competition between species.
Biomes of Asia:

Characteristics of Biomes of Asia

1. Rainforest Biome
The tropical rainforest biome contains the world’s greatest biodiversity.
Located near the equator, this biome experiences equal day length,
warm temperatures and up to 200 inches of rain annually.
These conditions lead to prolific plant growth in levels from the forest
floor to the canopy. Epiphytic plants grow on trees and other
vegetation. The Amazon Rainforest is an excellent example of a tropical
rainforest biome. In Asia, this biome dominates in South East Asia.
Temperate rainforests are found in higher latitudes, with cooler
temperatures but significant amounts of precipitation. Evergreens,
mosses and ferns thrive there. T
2. Grassland Biome
Grasslands represent biomes dominated by grass. The hot,
tropical savanna in parts of India.
Savannas receive concentrated rainfall for several months and then
drought. Few trees dot the grassy savanna.
Temperate grassland includes steppes, veldts and prairies. Moderate
precipitation, rich soils, hot summers and cold winters distinguish this
biome. The few trees grow along rivers. Some animals include deer,
gazelles, birds, insects and larger predators such as wolves and lions.
3. Desert Biome
Desert biomes receive less than 12 inches of precipitation annually and
experience very high temperatures. Asia has large desert areas.
Can you find and name the deserts of Asia?

Plants are adapted for low rainfall. Animals use burrowing or have
nocturnal activity to escape scorching daytime temperatures. Some
types of desert species include yuccas, cacti, reptiles, small mammals
and burrowing owls.
4. Desert Biome
Desert biomes receive less than 12 inches of precipitation annually and
experience very high temperatures. Desert subtypes include hot and
dry, semiarid, coastal and cold (Arctic).
Plants are adapted for low rainfall. Animals use burrowing or have
nocturnal activity to escape scorching daytime temperatures. Some
types of desert species include yuccas, cacti, reptiles, small mammals
and burrowing owls.
5. Tundra Biome
This is found in the extreme part of northern Asia. It is the coldest
biome, and receives only about 60 growing days and low precipitation.
Plants consist mostly of shrubs, lichens, mosses, sedges and liverworts.
Tundra animals include lemmings, caribou, migratory birds, mosquitos,
flies and fish.
6. Temperate Forest Biome
Temperate forests cover large parts of northeastern Asia. Distinct
seasons, consistent precipitation and varied temperatures yield a
diverse biome.
Deciduous broadleaf trees, evergreens and other plants flourish. This
biome hosts many animal species including deer, rabbits, bears, birds,
insects and amphibians.

7. Mountain/Alpine Biome
The mountain/alpine biome exists only at high altitudes. At those
levels, trees do not grow. Alpine regions receive about 180 days of
growing season.
This occupies high altitude parts of the Himalayas mountains.
A number of shrubs, grasses and heaths thrive. Mammals such as
sheep, elk, goats and pikas flourish. Some bird species and several types
of insects live there.
Biomes of China Case study:

The map shows the location of China.


China has 8 main types of Biomes. These biomes have been influenced
by the climate, latitude and elevation (Relief) of China for example,
South Western region of China has the High-mountain vegetation
because of the Himalayas mountains. The Eastern and SE China has
forest biomes because this location has a wetter climatic condition that
allows the growth of forests.
Biomes affect population density and distribution; and economic
activities. We can see this in the map of China below. Eastern China has
a warm and wet climate, this encourages settlements and human
activities such as Agriculture. Most of the largest cities of China are also
concentrated in the east e.g. Beijing.

Because most of the resources are found in the east, this has also
influenced development. The map below shows that eastern China has
higher level of development than the north or west.

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