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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
6 May Examine the brief Use yellow paper/bond paper in answering the learning tasks. Have the
03-07 history, core I. Introduction parent
teachings, Established around 7th century C.E., Islam is the youngest among the world’s major religions. With more than 1.5 billion adherents comprising almost hand-in the
fundamental one-fourth of the entire population, Islam is the second largest group and one of the fast-growing religions in the world. output of
beliefs, practices, This learning activity sheet will discuss the history, core teachings, fundamental beliefs, practices and other related issues of Islam, as one of the three the learners
and known Abrahamic Religions in the world. to the
related issues of At the end of this learning material, you should be able to: teacher
Islam. a. Define what is Islam. with the
b. Explain the brief historical background of Islam. help of
c. Identify the core teachings and fundamental beliefs of Islam. barangay
II. Development ve
Directions: Read and analyze each statement carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer and write it on your yellow paper/bond paper. For some
1. Which of the following BEST describes Islam? students
A. It is a polytheistic religion C. It is the oldest Abrahamic religion who have
B. It belongs to Dharmic religion D. It is the second largest religion in the world internet
2. What does the religion of Islam preach? connections
A. Islam preaches the belief in reincarnation. C. Islam preaches that Muhammad is their only God. , they can
B. Islam preaches that there are many Gods. D. Islam preaches the oneness of God and that there is no God except Allah. send it
3. Who is the messenger and last prophet of Islam? online.
A. Gabriel B. Abraham C. Muhammad D. Allah
4. The sacred writing of the Muslims contains the revelation from God of His speech and is the foundation of the Islam religion. What do you call to this sacred
scripture of Islam?
A. Quran B. Torah C. Tripitaka D. Vedas
5. Allah is the only divinity and that he has relayed his will through Muhammad. What pillar of Islam was described?
A. Zakat B. Shahada C. Salat D. Hajj

ISLAM, is a major world religion (2nd Largest in the world) promulgated by the Prophet Muhammad in the Arabian Peninsula in the 7th century CE. The Arabic
term Islam, literally means “surrender,” illuminates the fundamental religious idea of Islam—that the believer (called a Muslim, from the active particle of Islam)
accepts surrender to the will of Allah (in Arabic, Allāh: God).
The star and crescent has become the acknowledged representation of the Islamic faith. The symbol can be seen in the national flags of states
that came about following the collapse of the Ottoman Empire in the 20th century.

Islam began with the Arabian desert people around early seventh century C.E.
Around the year 570 C.E., Muhammad ibn Abdullah was born in the oasis town of Mecca just off the western coast of the Arabian Peninsula (Karabell 2007).
Muhammad’s father died before he was born while his mother died before he was six years old. He was taken into custody by his paternal uncle, Abu Talib, who
was chief of the Quraysh tribe. Life must have been very difficult for the young Muhammad. With no formal schooling, Muhammad worked as a caravan worker
travelling across the Arabian Peninsula as a camel driver. Muhammad later married an older wealthy widow named Khadija, fifteen years his senior.
Around the year 610 C.E., Muhammad began hearing the voice of God in a cave on the summit of Mount Hira, just outside Mecca in the Arabian Hijaz. God
was speaking to Muhammad in the Arabic language. The term “Islam” originated from an Arabic word meaning “submit.” In other words, Islam means to
“surrender or submit oneself for obedience to God” or to “enter into a condition of peace and security with God through allegiance and surrender to him. On the
other hand, the word “Muslim” is the Arabic word for a person who submits.
Beginning 613 C.E., Muhammad began to impart these sacred messages to his closest relatives and friends. The Muslims consider Muhammad as a messenger
and the last prophet sent by God to humankind who was visited by the angel Gabriel. In 632 C.E., Muhammad died at the age of 62 but his newly founded religion
had spread across the entire Arabian Peninsula and the Muslims had been united as one religious community. He was a classic example of a just, compassionate,
honest, and brave human being far removed from all evil deeds.
The sacred writing of the Muslims is called Quran (or Koran in English) that literally means “recitation” or “reading.” The Quran is the revelation from God of
his speech (kalam) and is the foundation of the Islam religion (Bowker 1997). It is the supreme authority in all matters of faith, theology, and law.
The Hadith
The hadith is the collection of the deeds and sayings of Muhammad and his followers (“traditional reports or sayings”) and is the second source of shari’a law.
For all Muslims, there is only one compassionate, everlasting, and omnipotent God, being the lord of everything in existence, including humans.
The basic obligations of Muslims are called the Five Pillars of Islam or arkan al-din.
1. The Creed (Shahada). The basic creed of Islam that “there is no God but Allah; Muhammad is the messenger of Allah”.
2. Obligatory Prayer (Salat). Muslims must offer prayers or salat five times each and every day—before sunrise (as-subh), noon (az-zuhr), mid-afternoon (al-asr),
immediately after sunset (al-maghreb), and before midnight (al-isha).
3. Poor Tax (Zakat). Muslims who live above the subsistence level must pay zakat or the poor tax to aid the underprivileged Muslims. Affluent Muslims must
share their wealth to the unfortunate ones.
4. Fasting (Sawm). Fasting or sawm during the entire 30 days of Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, must be performed by all Muslims every
year. The Ramadan is believed to be the month when Muhammad received the first surah of the Quran.
5. Pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj). All Muslims must attempt to undertake a pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca or hajj (“visitation of Holy Places”) at least once in
their lifetime during the twelfth Islamic month. The “Grand Mosque” (Al-Masjid al-Haram) in Mecca houses the most sacred site of Islam, the Kaaba (“House
of Allah”).
The Muslim calendar (based on the lunar year) dates from the emigration (hijrah) of the Prophet from Mecca to Medina in 622. The two
festive days in the year are the Eids (ʿīds), Eid al-Fitr, which celebrates the end of the month of Ramadan, and Eid al-Adha (the feast of sacrifice), which marks the
end of the hajj. Because of the crowds, Eid prayers are offered either in very large mosques or on
specially consecrated grounds.
Friday is the special day of worship for the Muslims as commanded by Muhammad. In mosques, Muslims are required to pray with his fellows and prayers are
led by an imam. An imam is a member of the community selected to lead the congregation due to the devoutness and religiosity he manifests to the people.

III. Engagement
Activity 1. Prayer Analysis
Directions: 1. Recite the Prayer- Al Fatinah- (the opening of Quran) with all the intentions to pray and talk to God.
2. Analyze and reflect on the prayer through answering the following guide questions.

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful: All Praise is due to Allah, Lord of the Universe
The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Owner of the Day of Judgement. You alone do we worship, and You alone we turn to for help Guide us
to the straight path; The path of those on whom You have bestowed your grace, not (the way) of those who have earned Your anger, nor of
those who went astray.

Processing Questions:
1. What did the prayer talk about?
2. What is its message to God?
3. If you are a member of other religious group, do you pray with the same intent as to the prayer of the Muslim? Explain.
4. What are the qualities of Allah proclaimed in these verses?
Activity 2. Slogan Making Period
Directions: 1. Create your own slogan on how you can show respect on Muslim’s faith, religion and tradition.
2. Write your slogan on a bond paper.
3. Create your output creatively and imaginatively.
Criteria Highest Possible Points
Relevance (relation to the topic) 10
Originality (uniqueness) 5
Creativity (artistry) 5
Overall Collage Impact (appeal) 5

IV. Assimilation
Directions: Read and analyze each statement carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer and write it on a yellow paper/bond paper.
1. Which of the following BEST describes Islam?
A. It is a polytheistic religion C. It is the oldest Abrahamic religion
B. It belongs to Dharmic religion D. It is the second largest religion in the world
2. What does the religion of Islam preach?
A. Islam preaches the belief in reincarnation. C. Islam preaches that Muhammad is their only God.
B. Islam preaches that there are many Gods. D. Islam preaches the oneness of God and that there is no God except Allah.
3. Who is the messenger and last prophet of Islam?
A. Gabriel B. Abraham C. Muhammad D. Allah
4. The sacred writing of the Muslims contains the revelation from God of His speech and is the foundation of the Islam religion. What do
you call to this sacred scripture of Islam?
A. Quran B. Torah C. Tripitaka D. Vedas
5. Allah is the only divinity and that he has relayed his will through Muhammad. What pillar of Islam was described?
A. Zakat B. Shahada C. Salat D. Hajj
6. Just as the body requires food for its daily sustenance, prayers are done for spiritual development so that a Muslim’s character and
conduct remain sound and healthy. Based on the teaching of Islam, how many times should Muslim pray every day?
A. 4 B. 3 C. 5 D. 6
7. In which cave did Prophet Muhammad receive his first revelation of the Quran?
A. Mt. Tabor B. Mt. Sinai C. Mt. Hira D. Mt. Moriah
8. Who was Khadija?
A. The first Abbasid caliph C. The wife of prophet Muhammad
B. A twentieth-century reformer D. An Egyptian who fight for democracy
9. When do Muslims observe fasting for a month?
A. During the month of Rajjab C. During the month of Shaa’ban
B. During the month of Dulhijjah D. During the month of Ramadan
10. What humanitarian and socio-political responsibility does Zakath encourage among Muslims?
A. Zakath encourages Muslims to build new houses for themselves.
B. Zakath encourages Muslims to spend money in travelling to new places.
C. Zakath encourages Muslims to organise social get-togethers and parties.
D. Zakath encourages Muslims to redistribute wealth and boosts social responsibility.
Learners will write on their notebooks or journals their insights about the lesson.
I understand that_____________________________________________________________________________.
I realized that ________________________________________________________________________________.

References: Ong, Jerome A., et al. (2016). Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems. 1253 Gregorio Araneta Avenue, Quezon City: Vibal Group, Inc.

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Teacher II Teacher I HEAD TEACHER II Principal IV

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