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Application of Numerical and Experimental Modeling to
Improve the Efficiency of Parshall Flumes: A Review of the
Mehdi Heyrani 1, * , Abdolmajid Mohammadian 1 , Ioan Nistor 1 and Omerul Faruk Dursun 2

1 Department of Civil Engineering, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON K1N 6N5, Canada; (A.M.); (I.N.)
2 Department of Civil Engineering, Inonu University, Malatya 44000, Turkey;
* Correspondence:

Abstract: One of the primary steps in managing the flow in an open channel is determining its
properties. Empirical equations are developed to provide further information regarding the flow in
open channels. Obtaining such experimental equations is expensive and time consuming; therefore,
alternative solutions have been sought. Over the last century, the Parshall flume, a static measuring
device with no moving parts, has played a significant role in measuring the flow in open channels.
Many researchers have focused their interest on studying the application of Parshall flumes in various
fields like irrigation and wastewater management. Although various scholars used experimental
results to enhance the rating equation of the Parshall flume, others used an alternative source of data
to recalibrate the height–discharge relation equation using numerical simulation. Computational
Fluid Dynamic (CFD) software is becoming popular nowadays as computing hardware has advanced
significantly within the last few decades, making it possible to go beyond the limited resolution
 that was experienced in the past. Multiple CFD models, depending on their availability, either

open-source or commercially licensed, have been used to perform numerical simulations on different
Citation: Heyrani, M.;
Mohammadian, A.; Nistor, I.; Dursun,
configurations of flumes, especially Parshall flumes, to produce water level results. Regarding various
O.F. Application of Numerical and CFD tools that have been used, i.e., FLOW-3D, Ansys Fluent, or OpenFOAM, after precise calibration
Experimental Modeling to Improve with experimental data, it has been determined that the output is reliable and can be implemented to
the Efficiency of Parshall Flumes: A the actual scenarios. The benefit of using this technique to produce results is the ability of the CFD
Review of the State-of-the-Art. approach to adjust the initial conditions, like flow velocity or structural geometry, where necessary.
Hydrology 2022, 9, 26. https:// With respect to channel size and the condition of the site where the flume is located, the choices are narrowed to the specific Parshall flume suitable to the situation. It is not always possible to select the
Academic Editor: Monzur A. Imteaz standard Parshall flume; therefore, engineers provide some modification to the closest flume size and
provide a new rating curve to produce accurate flowrates. This review has been performed on the
Received: 30 December 2021
works of a number of scholars who targeted the application of numerical simulation and physical
Accepted: 4 February 2022
experimental data in Parshall flumes to either enhance the existing rating equation or propose further
Published: 6 February 2022
modification to the structure’s geometry.
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
with regard to jurisdictional claims in Keywords: Parshall flume; CFD; OpenFOAM; FLOW-3D; numerical simulation; turbulence model
published maps and institutional affil-

1. Introduction
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.
From ancient times, the allocation of appropriate amounts of water among the various
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. sectors of society was a crucial task to be managed by local authorities. Different methods
This article is an open access article and devices were implemented to perform this task. As time passed, more accuracy was
distributed under the terms and demanded as complaints arose about the performance of basic early measuring devices
conditions of the Creative Commons for water under field conditions such as open channels. Several parameters are considered
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// when designing and building the ideal flow measuring device. According to Ref. [1], seven major criteria should be taken into account. Accuracy is the most important element, while
4.0/). the budget required to build such a device should be adequate. In addition, the device

Hydrology 2022, 9, 26.

Hydrology 2022, 9, 26 2 of 28
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Hydrology 2022, 9, 26 2 of 27

element, while the budget required to build such a device should be adequate. In addition,
element, while the budget required to build such a device should be adequate. In addition,
the device
should also should
be easy also be easyThe
to operate. to operate.
measuring Thedevice
measuring device must
must operate operate
for long forwith
periods long
the device should also be easy to operate. The measuring device must operate for long
periods with
minimum minimumcosts
maintenance maintenance
and be freecosts and
of any be freeparts.
moving of anyDuemoving parts.
to the low Due to the
periods with minimum maintenance costs and be free of any moving parts. Due to the
cost maintenancesediments
cost requirement,
and debris sediments
must be ableand debris
to pass must
freely be able
through to pass
without freely
low maintenance cost requirement, sediments and debris must be able to pass freely
the measuring
through device.
without cloggingFigures 1 and 2 show
the measuring twoFigures
device. different sizes
1 and of a measuring
2 show device
two different sizes
through without clogging the measuring device. Figures 1 and 2 show two different sizes
called the Parshall
of a measuring flume.
device called the Parshall flume.
of a measuring device called the Parshall flume.

Figure Parshallflume
Figure 1. Parshall flume measuring structure, installed [2].

Figure 2. Parshall flume measuring structure, uninstalled [3].

Figure Parshallflume
The Parshall flume is one of the measuring flumes that has been widely used over
The Parshall flume
flume isisone
oneof ofthe
measuringflumes flumesthatthathashasbeen
the last century. It is a modified Venturi flume that was first proposed by Parshall in 1936
the last
last century. ItItisisa amodified
Venturi flume
flume that
that was was
firstfirst proposed
proposed by Parshall
by Parshall in 1936in
when a negative slope was added to the flat bed of the Venturi flume at the throat section
when when a negative
a negative slopeslope was added
was added to theto the
flat flatofbed
bed the of the Venturi
Venturi flume flume at the section
at the throat throat
[4]. The flume worked on the principle of critical depth. The water enters at the conver-
[4]. The[4]. Theworked
flume flume worked on the principle
on the principle of criticalof critical
depth. Thedepth. Theenters
water wateratenters at the
the conver-
gence section of the Parshall flume and is guided through the wing walls at the entrance
gence sectionsection of the Parshall
of the Parshall flume andflume and is guided
is guided throughthrough
the wingthe wing
walls at walls at the
the entrance
toward the throat section, the congestion part of the flume designed to accelerate the flow
toward the toward
throatthe throat the
section, section, the congestion
congestion part of the part of the
flume flume designed
designed to accelerate
to accelerate the flow
to achieve supercritical flow. The bottleneck was accompanied by the sudden steep drop
to achieve supercritical flow. The bottleneck was accompanied by the suddenthe
flow to achieve supercritical flow. The bottleneck was accompanied by sudden
steep drop
in the flume bed followed by a negative slope that worked as a decelerator, starting at the
in thedrop
flume bed byfollowed
a negative byslope
a negative slope as
that worked that worked as astarting
a decelerator, decelerator,
at the
of the
at the
of thesection.
of the Venturi
Various modifications
of the
beginning of the divergence Various modifications of the Venturi flume were
flume wereover the years,
studied overbut
the the Parshall
years, but the flume gained
Parshall flumepopularity due to being
gained popularity duewell orga-
to being
studied over the years, but the Parshall flume gained popularity due to being well orga-
well and accurate.
organized Other flumes
and accurate. Otherlike the Cutthroated
flumes flume, a flume,
like the Cutthroated Venturi flume with
a Venturi flume no
nized and accurate. Other flumes like the Cutthroated flume, a Venturi flume with no
with section,
nosection, has
throat section,a sudden transition
has a sudden between
transition convergence
between convergencepiece and divergence part.
throat has a sudden transition between convergence piece piece and divergence
and divergence part.
The Montana
part. The Montana flume, another
flume, modification
another modification of the Parshall
of the flume,
Parshall which
flume, only
which contains
only containsthe
The Montana flume, another modification of the Parshall flume, which only contains the
the convergence and throat section, is another example of a modified Venturi flume. In this
modification, the divergence part is omitted as it was deemed unnecessary.
Hydrology 2022, 9, 26 3 of 27

Regardless of which type of flume was chosen to measure the flow, the flowrate was
derived from a mathematical relationship between the water level and discharge. The
relationship was provided for each type of flume with different variable values due to
variation in size. The quality of the physical experiment to derive the mathematical relation-
ship for each flume directly affects the accuracy of the obtained flowrate. Therefore, with
respect to various sources of error during physical experiments, it is difficult to neglect their
results on the outcome. Human error and uncalibrated device error were among the most
common errors that have been improved over the last few decades by introducing more
digital sensors instead of human observations. High precision manufacturing processes
have now been implemented and are responsible for producing more accurate devices, i.e.,
measuring devices that result in fewer device errors.
Alternatives to the complicated procedures mentioned above have always been desired
by engineers and researchers. More flexibility was needed in the design of such devices that
worked under different circumstances. As one of the best economic solutions, moneywise
and timewise, implementing numerical models to be run on super-computers to simulate
the behavior of flow by solving the flow equations has drawn significant attention.
One reliable and fast approach introduced to substitute for physical experiments on
hydraulic devices, i.e., Parshall flumes, is the Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) software.
CFD models have been advanced within recent decades as computer processors have
become more powerful. Different approaches to solve the Navier–Stokes equations of flow
were proposed by various scholars over this period. Approaches like the Reynolds Average
Navier–Stokes (RANS), Large Eddy Simulation (LES), and Detached Eddy Simulation
(DES) were used by numerous researchers, and various secondary methods were proposed
under each approach.
Using computational fluid dynamic software provides such accurate results that it
eliminates the need of acquiring experimental observation. The purpose of replicating a
downscaled physical model is to study the actual behavior of the specific structure under
other flow conditions such that a proper safety factor is ensured in the design stage of
a structure in order to withstand against any extreme conditions. For example, when
designing dams, considering the possibility of having a large amount of rainfall that can
occur with 100 or 1000 years return period is often required. Using numerical modeling
made it almost unnecessary to use any type of physical material to build the downscaled
model, while providing the freedom to take into account any unforeseen condition that
might threaten the integrity of the structure in the short or long term of its life span.
Additionally, it provides significant freedom to change the initial conditions, the boundary
conditions, or make necessary changes to the computational mesh of the numerical model.
Hence, CFD plays a significant role against under- or over-designed hydraulic structures
that can affect the environment (aquatic ecosystem) or generate major dangers posed by
their failure.
Based on several applications of different CFD models, the quality of the results in
comparison to the actual laboratory tests were well accepted. Hence, the use of numerical
simulation was approved by many scholars.
The objective of this paper is to (i) provide the reader with an introduction to the
principles and applications of Parshall flumes, as well as to the most common types of
modified flumes such as the Venturi and cutthroat flumes, (ii) present a typical algorithm
to calculate the discharge using head discharge equation, (iii) specifically examine the
work of previous researchers using numerical models to enhance the design and efficiency
of the Parshall flume, (iv) examine selected previous studies on physical experiments to
demonstrate the performance of their modifications to this type of flume; (v) present a
comprehensive explanation of the various components of the numerical models used,
including mesh generation, boundary conditions, initial conditions, postprocessing and
error analysis, numerical methods, etc. Figure 3 illustrates the schematic design of a
Parshall flume.
Hydrology 2022, 9, 26 4 of 28

Hydrology 2022, 9, 26 and error analysis, numerical methods, etc. Figure 3 illustrates the schematic design4of
of a
Parshall flume.

Figure 3. Sketch of Parshall Flume basic design (a) is top view and (b) is cross sectional side view.

2. Parshall
Figure Measuring
3. Sketch of ParshallFlume
Flume basic design (a) is top view and (b) is cross sectional side view.
In order to determine the discharge in open channel flow, various hydraulic structures
2.are used, such
Parshall Measuringas different
Flumetypes of weirs, orifices, spillways, as well as the Parshall
In order to determine different
flume. Among measuring
the discharge in opendevices,
Parshall flume
various providesstruc-
hydraulic more
tures discharge
are used, suchvalue by taking
as different advantage
types of weirs,oforifices,
the principle of critical
spillways, flow.
as well asThe
the design of
the geometry of the Parshall flume allows flow entering the throat section,
measuring flume. Among different measuring devices, the Parshall flume provides more a narrow section
with parallel
accurate walls,value
discharge due to
bythe gradual
taking contraction
advantage of theof the entrance
principle and the
of critical flow.steep
the throat’s bed, to be forced to change to critical flow, with a Froude number
of the geometry of the Parshall flume allows flow entering the throat section, a narrow equal to one.
Using the principle of critical flow leads to find more accurate discharge measurement in
section with parallel walls, due to the gradual contraction of the entrance and the steep
open channel flow.
slope of the throat’s bed, to be forced to change to critical flow, with a Froude number
One of the main advantages of the Parshall flume over other types of measuring
equal to one. Using the principle of critical flow leads to find more accurate discharge
devices is that the relative head loss is much smaller in the case of the Parshall flume when
measurement in open channel flow.
compared to the classical weirs. Additionally, the ability to pass the debris through is
One of the main advantages of the Parshall flume over other types of measuring de-
another important advantage.
vices is that the relative head loss is much smaller in the case of the Parshall flume when
The accuracy of some of the flume results are able to compete with those obtained
compared to the classical weirs. Additionally, the ability to pass the debris through is an-
from weirs i.e., ±2–5%. Among different flumes, the Parshall and Montana flumes have
other important advantage.
exhibited ± 3–5% more accuracy than weirs, alongside cutthroat flume with a value of ±3% [5].
The accuracy of some of the flume results are able to compete with those obtained
from weirsofi.e.,
2.1. Types ± 2–5%.
Parshall Among different flumes, the Parshall and Montana flumes have
exhibited ± 3–5% more accuracy than weirs, alongside cutthroat flume with a value of ±
Various types of flumes were developed over the past century as measuring tools in
open[5].channel flow. One of the early measurement flumes are the Venturi flumes, which have
three main sections: the converging, contraction, and diverging sections. As previously
2.1. Types of Parshall Flume
mentioned, the idea of using a specially-designed flume is to alter the flow into the critical
regime. types of flumes
The contraction sectionwere developed
of the flume is over the pasttocentury
responsible as measuring
deliver this change to thetools in
open The
channel flow.flume,
Parshall One of the earlyversion
a modified measurement flumesflume,
of the Venturi are thewasVenturi flumes,
the result which
of extensive
have three main
modifications sections:
to the originalthedesign.
converging, contraction,ofand
The introduction diverging
the bed elevationsections.
withinAs theprevi-
ously mentioned, the idea of using a specially-designed flume is to alter
section accelerates the flow more efficiently compared to its predecessor (Venturi). Other the flow into the
critical regime.
researchers madeThevarious
contraction section ofto
modifications the
theflume is responsible
Parshall to deliverits
flume by removing this change
to the flow.
section (this was termed the Montana flume), and removed the throat section and named it
The Parshall
the Cutthroat flume,
flume. Thearating
modified version
equations of the
vary Venturion
depending flume, was of
the type themodified
result ofParshall
flumemodifications to the original
and flow conditions, design.
i.e., free flow The introduction
or submerged of the bed elevation within the
throatFree flowaccelerates
section refers to the thecondition
flow more when the water
efficiently level downstream
compared of the flume
to its predecessor has no
Other researchers made various modifications to the Parshall flume by removing its di-is
effect on slowing down the overall flow speed. By contrast, the submerged condition
when the
verging water(this
section levelwasat downstream
termed the Montanasection increases
flume), andand subsequently
removed directly
the throat reduces
section and
the flow
named it speed at the upstream
the Cutthroat flume. The section,
ratinghence creating
equations varya backwater
on the type of modi-
fied Parshall flume and flow conditions, i.e., free flow or submerged flow.
2.2. Rating Equations for Parshall Flume
This section tries to provide some insight on the different mathematical relationships
that were proposed to calculate the flowrate with respect to the widths of flume’s throat and
the type of flow, whether it is a free flow or a submerged flow. The key parameters in the
Hydrology 2022, 9, 26 5 of 27

equations are the head value at a specific location along the flume (within the contraction
section for free flow) or in submerged flow, the ratios of two head values at different
locations i.e., a point within the contraction section (Ha ) and another point within the
converging section (Hb ).
Parshall flumes with free flow condition from 1 to 8 ft. are designed following Equation (1) [6]
Q = 4W Ha1.522W (1)

where the discharge is denoted by Q (cfs), the width of contraction section is W, and Ha is
the water level in the throat section. The equation works with imperial units.
Equation (2) is used for the same range flows, but for submerged flow conditions [6].
 4.57−3.14K 

 
 

  
 Ha  
Q = 4W Ha1.522W −   1.8
+ 0.093K W 0.815 (2)
  1.8
  
− 2.45 

  
  


where K is the ratio of Hb /Ha (referred to as degree of submergence); Ha is the primary

staff gauge reading while Hb is the secondary readings in feet. The equation works with
imperial units.
Parshall [6] proposed Equation (3) for the flumes larger than 10 ft. in throat size up to
40 ft. with free flow condition;

Q = (3.6875W + 2.5) Ha1.6 (3)

where Q is the rate of discharge (cfs), W is the width of flume throat, and Ha is the head

3. Numerical Modeling in CFD

In order to setup a computational fluid dynamic model, a few steps must be taken:
Pre-Processing, Processing, and Post-Processing.
The Pre-Processing stage includes the mesh generation and defining the initial and
boundary conditions.
Mesh generation is performed either by block-mesh (in OpenFOAM) or using other
applications in order to provide a solid watertight mesh that has no flaws in terms of
overlapping, gaps, or sharp angles.
As one of the key parameters to obtain an accurate numerical simulation model, the
focus was on the appropriate selection of the cell sizes. This process is referred to as mesh
sensitivity analysis. Figure 4 demonstrates the mesh sensitivity analysis performed by
Ref. [7].
Boundary conditions are responsible for defining the properties of the computation
domain edges in terms of permeability and specifying the point of entry and exit of the
fluid in block-mesh. The atmosphere edge in the model is defined by boundary conditions
as well. On the other hand, the properties of the flow at the entrance and exit (i.e., speed,
direction, and acceleration) are set by initial conditions.
The processing stage uses various solvers to recruit different schemes (i.e., discretiza-
tion of the interpolation terms), discretize the temporal term, the gradient terms, etc.
Post-processing involves the use of other software to interpret the results from the
previous stage. Paraview, for example, [7,8] is used to plot the numerical results. As an
example, it uses the streamline and contour type of plots beside the slice and threshold
Finally, results from the numerical models are examined against available experimental
result using various error analysis methods such as the absolute error method, the standard
error of estimate (SEE), the root mean square error (RMSE), the central root mean square
error (CRMSE), etc.
Hydrology 2022,
Hydrology 9, 9,
2022, 2626 6 of 28 6 of 27

Figure 4. Mesh sensitivity analysis: top view and side view of the Parshall flume: (a) contains 27,000 cells;
(b) 52,000 cells; (c) 75,000 cells; (d) 270,000 cells. The C setup was used in their simulation [7].
Hydrology 2022, 9, 26 7 of 27

3.1. Governing Equations

The Navier–Stokes equations, a system of equations to solve the incompressible fluid
motion in three-dimensional coordinates, is implemented in the numerical simulations by
various CFD models. The system consists of equations for continuity and momentum. The
Navier–Stokes equations are described as follows [9,10]:

∂u ∂v ∂w
+ + =0 (4)
∂x ∂y ∂z

∂u ∂u ∂u ∂u 1 ∂p
+u +v +w =− + ν ∇2 u (5)
∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z ρ ∂x
∂v ∂v ∂v ∂v 1 ∂p
+u +v +w =− + ν ∇2 v (6)
∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z ρ ∂y
∂w ∂w ∂w ∂w 1 ∂p
+u +v +w =− + ν ∇2 w − g (7)
∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z ρ ∂z
where p denotes total pressure and ρ represents density, the velocity in three-dimensional di-
rections is represented by u, v, and w, t denotes time, and g is the gravitational acceleration.
The following equation is used to obtain the ρ value.

ρ = αρ1 + (1 − α)ρ2 (8)

The two involved phases, i.e., air and water, in fluid motion are represented by ρ1 and
ρ2 , respectively. Depending on where the point is selected, the α value varies from 1 to 0.
The presence of water requires α = 1 while 0 represents the presence of air. The best value
to represent the surface would be the average value.
And, finally, ∇2 is obtained from Equation (9),

∂2 ∂2 ∂2
∇2 = + + (9)
∂x2 ∂y2 ∂z2
Hydrology 2022, 9, 26 8
3.2. Equation of the Free Surface
As the dominant method for analyzing the free surface, Volume of Fluid (VoF) is
implemented in the majority of CFD models. Figure 5 shows the basic illustration of how
VoF Hence,within
the the mesh grid.
average valueAsinmentioned
betweenabove, the assigned
represents value for the full
the zero-pressure boundary
presence of air is 0, while in contrast, 1 is used when there is no air, i.e., the presence of
fluid surface. The following equation is used by VoF:
water. Hence, the average value in between represents the zero-pressure boundary, i.e.,
𝜕𝛼 is𝜕(𝛼𝑢)
fluid surface. The following equation 𝜕(𝛼𝑣) 𝜕(𝛼𝑤)
used by VoF:
+ + + =0
∂α 𝜕𝑡∂(αu) 𝑥∂(αv) ∂(𝑦αw) 𝑧
+ + + =0 (10)
∂t x y z

Figure 5. Basic Illustration of VoF method (Reprinted with permission from Ref. [11]. 2020 ELSEVIER).
Figure 5. Basic Illustration of VoF method (Reprinted with permission from Ref. [11]. 2020

4. Literature Review
4.1. Numerical Studies
Hydrology 2022, 9, 26 8 of 27

4. Literature Review
4.1. Numerical Studies
Ref. [8] studied the results of models using 7 different turbulence models to investigate
which one performed the best when simulating a Parshall flume. The simulations were
constructed based on experimental setup by Ref. [12] where the water level was recorded.
OpenFOAM, an open-source Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) software package was
utilized to solve the flow equations. The turbulence models were chosen from three different
main methods, i.e., Reynolds Average Navier–Stokes (RANS), Large Eddy Simulation (LES),
and Detached Eddy Simulation (DES). The VOF method was implemented to reveal the
boundary between fluid and air. Considering all different approaches to solve the flow
equations, the performance of each turbulence model was evaluated by calculating the
standard average error. This was done for 7 well-distributed cross-sections along the
flume by comparing simulation results with experimental data. Results of the comparison
revealed that the best performance was achieved with the standard k − ε model from the
RANS family, followed by the Dynamic one-equation approach from the LES approach.
Due to the variety of the turbulence models used in the study by Heyrani et al., the
latter was considered to be one of the most comprehensive resources to study the appli-
cation of numerical modeling in Venturi flumes, specifically the Parshall flume. Overall,
the results from all turbulence models were considered acceptable due to the low error
percentage values, i.e., less than 2.53%, where the highest was recorded for k − ω SST
and k − ω SST-DES from RANS and DES families, respectively. The authors showed that
due to the fluctuations recorded at the first cross-section, the average error percentage
Hydrology 2022, 9, 26 9 of 28
recorded was higher. Figure 6 shows the comparison between the numerical data versus
the experimental results.

Figure Comparisonbetween

numerical modeling
modeling asas
a tool to to
a tool enhance
design of hydraulic structures was highly recommended by Heyrani et al. [8]. This was
lic design of hydraulic structures was highly recommended by Heyrani et al. [8]. This was
mainly due to the time and cost saving nature of the CFD approach. Additionally, the
mainly due to the time and cost saving nature of the CFD approach. Additionally, the
reasonably low computational resource allocation for numerical modeling of the Parshall
reasonably low computational resource allocation for numerical modeling of the Parshall
flume made it a good candidate to be applied in order to rectify complicated engineering
flume made it a good candidate to be applied in order to rectify complicated engineering
The implementation of nonlinear turbulence models in OpenFOAM was pursued by
The implementation of nonlinear turbulence models in OpenFOAM was pursued by
Ref. [7] in conjunction with their previous comprehensive study on 7 linear turbulence
Ref. [7] in conjunction with their previous comprehensive study on 7 linear turbulence
models. Three different turbulence models, i.e., Shih et al. (1998) [13] Quadratic k − ε Model
models. Three different turbulence models, i.e., Shih et al. (1998) [13] Quadratic 𝑘 − 𝜀
(SQ), Lien, 1996 [14] Cubic Turbulence Model (LC) and v2 − f , from the RANS family were
Model (SQ), Lien, 1996 [14] Cubic Turbulence Model (LC) and 𝑣 − 𝑓, from the RANS
selected to simulate the flow in a modified 3-in Parshall flume. The modification was
family were
focused on theselected
throat to simulate
section the flow in
parameters, a modified
i.e., the width,3-in
length, flume.
and theThe modifica-
overall bed
tion was focused on the throat section parameters, i.e., the width, the length,
drop of the throat. Various flowrates were used in the simulation model, as the experimental and the over-
all bed
data weredrop of theinthroat.
available Various
the other study,flowrates were usedabove.
Ref. [8], mentioned in the Asimulation
comparison model, as the
was made
between numerical and experimental data. The maximum average error was obtainedcom-
experimental data were available in the other study, Ref. [8], mentioned above. A by
SQ model,wasi.e.,made
8.69%,between numerical
while the and experimental
v2 − f model data. The
provided an average maximum
error value of average er-
1.79%, the
ror was obtained by SQ model, i.e., 8.69%, while the 𝑣 − 𝑓 model provided an average
error value of 1.79%, the lowest among not only the three nonlinear models used in this
study, but also the seven linear models that were used previously by Heyrani et al. [8] in
another study, with the same experimental setup.
The authors concluded that the use of CFD software with a non-linear turbulence
Hydrology 2022, 9, 26 9 of 27

lowest among not only the three nonlinear models used in this study, but also the seven
linear models that were used previously by Heyrani et al. [8] in another study, with the
same experimental setup.
The authors concluded that the use of CFD software with a non-linear turbulence
model to simulate the flow in Parshall flumes was feasible due to the quality of the results
and the amount of time spent to achieve them. The level of accuracy within not only the
three nonlinear models, but also the other linear turbulence models used previously were
considered acceptable, as all of the average error values were below 3% except the SQ
model. Hence, it was recommended that the CFD results be implemented for any further
modifications in the design of Parshall flumes, as the numerical simulations closely mimic
Hydrology 2022, 9, 26 10 of 28
the actual scenarios. Figure 7 is an example of what was discussed above regarding the
numerical simulation reliability.

Figure Thesimulated
simulated velocity
velocity (a) and simulated
simulated pressure
pressure pattern
The patternsmatch
behavior of
of actual
actual Parshall
Parshall flumes [7].

conducted aa study
study on
on the
the effects of nonstandard conditionswith
nonstandard conditions withrespect
The most
most common
common criteria that are neglected
neglected by
by scholars
ofoflongitudinal bed slope at the placement
longitudinal bed slope at the placement location and the existence of distortion
and the existence of distortion ininthe
velocity profile upstream of the flume’s entrance. The Parshall flume used in
velocity profile upstream of the flume’s entrance. The Parshall flume used in Ref. [15] Ref. [15]
experiments was a 6-in flume. As a simulation tool, SOLA-FLUMP, a three-dimensional,
free-surface finite-difference code was utilized to rectify the errors that arose due to such
non-structural issues. The use of SOLA-FLUMP is strictly limited to the cases where non-
submerged flows are passing through Parshall flumes. The comparison of the simulation
results and experimental data were reported to be good even though the viscosity param-
Hydrology 2022, 9, 26 10 of 27

experiments was a 6-in flume. As a simulation tool, SOLA-FLUMP, a three-dimensional,

free-surface finite-difference code was utilized to rectify the errors that arose due to such
non-structural issues. The use of SOLA-FLUMP is strictly limited to the cases where non-
submerged flows are passing through Parshall flumes. The comparison of the simulation
results and experimental data were reported to be good even though the viscosity parameter
in the model was neglected.
Implementing a V-Notch Weir in the system provides a flowrate reading with an
accuracy of up to 1.25% when calibration was done in place. There was a modification
on the entrance wing-walls that made the flume geometry different from the standard
one. One of the reasons for this modification was to improve the simplicity of the model’s
performance, while it was claimed that shifting the wingwall’s location to 2.44 m upstream
of the inlet entry point did not make any changes to the flume’s overall performance. It was
also highlighted that due to lack of computational resources, the numerical simulations
were all performed on symmetric geometry around the centerline of the flume. Asymmetric
simulations were possible to achieve with improvements of the computational hardware.
The authors concluded that the SOLA-FLUMP code was accurate enough to be used as a
resource to provide guidelines for the use of Parshall flumes in nonstandard situations.
Ref. [11] compiled numerous numerical simulations and physical experiments to
investigate the accuracy of two field-scaled Parshall flumes placed in a parallel setup. The
application of two flumes (0.91 and 1.22 m) was used as a tool to measure the flow rate
in a wastewater system in Minnesota. VFS-Geophysics code, an open-source simulation
model that was available in-house to the researchers, was used to develop the numerical
simulations. Volume of Fluid (VOF), Large Eddy Simulation (LES), and level-set methods
were also used as numerical tools to determine the water surface level and turbulent flow,
as two-phase flow conditions were assumed. A combination of LES and level-set methods
provided instantaneous water level values at any point in the flume.
Overall, the study was conducted over four different flowrates, i.e., 500, 700, 1000, and
1500 L/s, where the total number of nodes in the grid system was reported as 6.5 million
nodes. The experimental study was carried out using dye dilution method along with
different flowrate measurement devices to determine the discharge passing through Par-
shall flumes. The authors reported that the best discharge results were obtained using an
interval of one hour for time-averaged flow rate data. The main objective in the compari-
son of numerical results and experimental data in this study was to demonstrate that the
numerical model is a reliable method of finding the margin of error of the full-scale flume
under working condition; also, it is an applicable tool to determine the range of water
surface level fluctuations over the Parshall flume. The comparison between simulation
results and experimental data showed up to 8% variation in one Parshall flume’s rating
curve, while the other one demonstrated a 3% error at high flow rates. The error increased
up to 10% when low discharge was introduced to the second flume. Figure 8 illustrates the
grid system on the Side A (right) Parshall flume in the parallel system.
In a study by Ref. [16], the advantages of using a flume, specifically a short-throat
flume, was explored. It was highlighted that the application of a flume or flume set
with smaller size to provide more accurate discharge control at the inlet of the field was
neglected by different researchers. The TruVOF technique together with the principles of
critical flow were implemented in a 76 mm wide flume in FLOW-3D. The Re-Normalization
group (RNG) k − ε turbulence model was used in the numerical simulation to evaluate
the hydraulic performance of the flume under 16 different conditions. The maximum
discharge of up to 40 L/s was assumed during the experiments. Simulation results were
then compared to the time-averaged flow field, flow pattern, Froud number, and velocity
distribution. The results of the application of a portable short-throat flume revealed lower
head loss compared to the long-throat flume. Moreover, free flow condition confirmed less
head loss versus having submerged condition.
the numerical model is a reliable method of finding the margin of error of the full-scale
flume under working condition; also, it is an applicable tool to determine the range of
water surface level fluctuations over the Parshall flume. The comparison between simu-
lation results and experimental data showed up to 8% variation in one Parshall flume’s
rating curve, while the other one demonstrated a 3% error at high flow rates. The error
Hydrology 2022, 9, 26 11 of 27
increased up to 10% when low discharge was introduced to the second flume. Figure 8
illustrates the grid system on the Side A (right) Parshall flume in the parallel system.

Figure 8.
Figure Computationalgrid
8. Computational gridsystem
the Side
Side AA flume.
flume. (a) (a) contains
contains a triangular
a triangular gridgrid system
system (b)
(b) demonstratesthe rectangular gridgrid
the rectangular system. (c) and
system. (d)are
(c,d) arethree-dimensional
three-dimensional schematics
schematics showing thethe
superimposed grid system. (e) (e) magnifies
magnifies the
the dashed
dashed section
section in
in (b).
(b). (Reprinted
(Reprinted with
with permission
permission from
Ref. [11]. 2020 ELSEVIER).
Ref. [11]. 2020 ELSEVIER). ).).

In a study
A short by Ref.
throat flume[16],
with thea advantages of using
flat bottom was usedainflume, specifically
their study. Thereawere,short-throat
in total,
flume, was explored. It was highlighted that the application of a flume
11 cross-sections considered as the data collection points, starting with 259 mm width or flume set withat
smaller size to1 provide
cross-section to 178 mmmore accurate
width at thedischarge control atThe
last cross-section. the throat
inlet ofsize
theoffield was was
76 mm ne-
glected cross-sections 5 to 9. The comparison
researchers. of resultstogether
TruVOF technique indicated a ±principles
with 10% errorofis
critical In addition,
flow were the constructed
implemented in a 76 mmregression
wide flume model used to illustrate
in FLOW-3D. the relation
The Re-Normaliza-
between the upstream depth and discharge in various tested conditions showed an error
of 9.16%, a value that is acceptable when it comes to the flow measurement in irrigation
areas. With respect to the long-throat flume, the head loss of a portable short-throat flume
in the field was determined to be considerably low. Further, head loss under the free
flow condition was less than the one under the submerged flow condition of portable
short-throat flume with a flat base in the field.
In another study by Ref. [17], by developing a numerical model, the importance of
consideration of the fluid viscosity was explored. The focus of the study was on flow with
low discharge in a Parshall flume. As mentioned in the paper, the original rating equation
by Parshall paid no attention to the fluid viscosity for low discharge flows. Therefore,
a numerical model was introduced for four different sizes of Parshall flume to predict
the fluid viscosity’s effect on the depth–discharge relation. The use of the original rating
equation along with several experimental data shows an overprediction of discharge. This
happened for a discharge of around less than 15% of the maximum rated discharge for
the flume. Moreover, inconsistency was up to 25% when the flume operated within its
recommended flowrate. Therefore, the coefficients of the initial rating equation were
reconstructed for low discharges using the numerical results. It was highlighted that the
simulation results were in perfect accordance with experimental data.
The numerical model was constructed based on two concepts of energy conservation
and the formation of the boundary layer on the sides and bed of the Parshall flume. The
physical Parshall flume model used for experimental investigation could accommodate
two different setups: 3- and 6-in, which acted as a 1/4 scale model of 1- and 2-ft setups.
The flowrate was measured for each experiment with a calibrated Venturi meter, a separate
procedure in addition to the main experiments. Alternative rating equation coefficients
were proposed for various Parshall flumes when the flow is in submerged condition at low
discharge, but it was recommended that the original Parshall’s equation constants be used
for higher flowrates.
Ref. [18] investigated the importance of maintaining the main design parameters
as originally proposed for the Parshall flume. The proper design criteria from Parshall
himself can lead to discharge accuracy of ± 3–5%. Meanwhile, the negligence of common
parameters, such as specifying the correct location for head measurement upstream and
Hydrology 2022, 9, 26 12 of 27

the selection of the proper wingwalls design at the entrance, caused the rating curve to be
produced with inaccurate discharge results. As an example, a possible error of up to 60%
was unavoidable when the submergence condition was not fully considered with no free-
flow condition involved. In addition, measuring the flow head upstream anywhere but the
specific location proposed by Parshall can also introduce an error of up to 60%. Therefore, to
rectify the issue of applying nonstandard Parshall flumes in flow measurements over free-
flow conditions, numerical simulation was utilized as a cost saving tool to provide numerus
flow parameters over various sizes of Parshall flumes. The CFD results were investigated to
provide a procedure to correct the flowrate for different sizes of flumes ranging from 2- to
8-ft. The application of CFD in this study was considered as an alternative to the traditional
build–test method, which was considered inefficient with respect to over-allocation of some
resources such as time and cost.
The results and procedures provided by Heiner and Barfuss followed the approach
of collecting the head measurement at different points on the wingwalls and centerline
anywhere within the convergence section except the standard location. For each flume size
studied by Heiner and Barfuss, three different wingwall arrangements were considered,
i.e., standard radius wingwall, 45-degree wingwall, and no wingwall. The CFD model used
was FLOW-3D, while the VOF method was used to determine the boundary condition of
the free surface. The FAVOR method was implemented to distinguish the boundary line
between solid surfaces and the flow.
Ref. [19] validated the application of the numerical modeling by providing the correc-
tion coefficient for different sizes of Parshall flumes. Common problems in nonstandard
Parshall flumes include dislocation of staff gauge and the presence of undefined entrance
conditions such as different wingwall arrangements in the flumes, which can increase the
calculated flowrate error up to 60%. Introducing a suitable correction factor, in the majority
of cases, was able to produce results of (±) 3–5% in error and improve the biased data of
the rating curve. The correction value was obtained by using data from a physical model
of a 61 cm Parshall flume. Geometrical dissimilarity across the various sizes of Parshall
flumes made it impossible to implement a single calibrated equation to remove the biases
from the calculated flow rates of all nonstandard flumes. Therefore, numerical modeling
was employed to rectify this problem.
Up to 18 cross sections within the converging area of a Parshall flume were defined
to evaluate water level, while various wingwall configurations were introduced to the
flume, i.e., radius of curvature of entrance wingwalls, 45-degree angled, and no wingwall.
Multiple locations within the cross sections were chosen to record the water surface data:
at centerline, close to side walls, and at the sides attached to the stilling well. In total, 54
points were designated to be studied. The locations of the cross sections were selected
based on the data collected during a field visit to the nonstandard flumes.
FLOW-3D was used as the CFD tool while the VOF method was implemented to
provide the free surface of the flow. As wall function, the Fractional Area/Volume Obstacle
Representation (FAVOR) method was chosen. In order to minimize the simulation time,
the channel was only defined up to the beginning of the downstream section. Running the
simulation only for the left side of the longitudinal centerline allowed further reduction in
computational time since the geometry of the flume was symmetric. Due to the ability of
RNG k − ε model to simulate hydraulic jumps, this turbulence model was used in FLOW-
3D. Based on 10 s time averaged data of water surface, pressure, and velocity, a small
deviation was observed against the instantaneous data. Based on the study on wingwall
configuration, a ± 5% deviation was expected to occur in the measured flow. The use of a
numerical model was recommended by Ref. [19], based on the good performance of the
numerical results, i.e., deviation of 5% for 90 to 95% of the data, against bias corrected
physical findings.
Ref. [20] investigated the sources of flow problems in short-throated flumes. The
empirical models that were derived from physical experiments were pointed out to be a
fundamental tool in constructing the rating curve of the flume. The quality and efficiency
Hydrology 2022, 9, 26 13 of 27

of the derived equation is in direct proportion to the size of the samples collected under dif-
ferent conditions, i.e., flume sizes and flow discharges. The conventional approaches, such
as hydrostatic pressure method, were incapable of modeling the hydraulic characteristics
Hydrology 2022, 9, 26 of flows passing through Venturi flumes. Instead, a one-dimensional model was used14 to of 28
simulate the flow and clarify various characteristics of the flow, such as water level and
pressure gradient over various sections. Finally, measured data were compared against
the simulated data. The comparison between numerical and experimental data confirmed
The study was divided into two main categories. For an open channel flow, a high-
good model performance.
order model was developed with no consideration of pressure or vertical velocity assump-
The study was divided into two main categories. For an open channel flow, a high-
tions for the flow. It was claimed that the one-dimensional model had higher computa-
order model was developed with no consideration of pressure or vertical velocity assump-
tions the flow. Itthan
was the 2D non-hydrostatic
claimed and quasi-3D
that the one-dimensional model hadnumerical models. With re-
higher computational
spect to simplicity in application, it was considered as
efficiency than the 2D non-hydrostatic and quasi-3D numerical models. With computationally efficient.
to ca-
pability ininproviding
simplicity application, theit rating curve viaasa computationally
was considered convenient method for free
efficient. Theflow condition
capability in in
flumes like Venturi and Parshall made the proposed model even
providing the rating curve via a convenient method for free flow condition in flumes like more competent.
VenturiThe andother pertinence
Parshall made the ofproposed
this study waseven
model the provision of numerical simulation for
more competent.
short-throated flumes with
The other pertinence ofor without
this study bottom
was thehump.
provisionTotaloflosses of energy
numerical considered
simulation for in
the study wereflumesdue towith or without
the flow bottom
turbulence andhump. Total losses
roughness of the of energy
walls andconsidered
floor, where it
study were thatdue to the friction
surface flow turbulence
caused the and majority
roughnessofofthe thelosses.
walls and floor, the
Overall, whereresults
believed that surface friction caused the majority of the losses. Overall,
proposed one-dimensional model satisfied the free flow data in a Parshall flume the results
from theas
as well proposed one-dimensional
in the other short-throated model satisfied
flumes when thecompared
free flow data
a Parshall
2D model flume
as well as in the other short-throated flumes when compared
Figure 9 illustrates the comparison of simulation results and experimental data. with the 2D model results.
Figure 9 illustrates the comparison of simulation results and experimental data.

Figure Consistencyininthe
the simulated
simulated data
data and
and physical
physical results
results [20].[20].

studied available
available approaches
approaches to reduce the head
to reduce loss inloss
the head flumes by introducing
in flumes by introduc-
three curve-designed
ing three curve-designedflumes. The new
flumes. The flumes
new flumeswere formed as the as
were formed result
the of alteration
result in
of alteration
the contraction ratio of the flume using the concept of critical flow to minimize
in the contraction ratio of the flume using the concept of critical flow to minimize the head the head
losses. According to Ref. [21], contraction ratio was defined as the ratio of the throat’s cross-
losses. According to Ref. [21], contraction ratio was defined as the ratio of the throat’s
sectional area to the area of the channel’s cross-section. A comparison was carried out for
cross-sectional area to the area of the channel’s cross-section. A comparison was carried
various hydraulic parameters such as water level, Froude number, velocity distribution, and
out for various hydraulic parameters such as water level, Froude number, velocity distri-
head loss over the physical model and numerical simulation for curved flumes. The analysis
bution, and
revealed head error
an overall loss of over
4.7%the physical
in the modelwhich
water level, and was
consideredsimulation forThe
acceptable. curved
results Theshowed
analysis revealed
a sudden an overall
decrease error ofdue
in discharge 4.7%toin
thethe water level,
submerged whichatwas
condition the con-
sidered acceptable. The results also showed a sudden decrease
beginning of the divergence section. This happened shortly after the flow gained speed in discharge due to the
submerged condition at the beginning of the divergence section.
along the contraction section. A gradual increase in the contraction ratio resulted in a This happened shortly
after thein
decrease flow
the gained
depth ofspeedwateralong
and an the contraction
increase in the section. A gradual
Froude number increase
upstream. in best
The the con-
result ratio resulted
of maximum headin a decrease
loss was 38.4%inwhilethe depth of water
26.41 L/s flowrateand anpassing
was increase in the the
through Froude
number flume’s throat The
upstream. with best
a contraction
result ofratio of 0.4. It was
maximum heademphasized
loss was 38.4%by the authors that L/s
while 26.41
flowrate wasto other flumes,
passing the results
through from curved
the curved flume’sflumes
throat were
with superior.
a contractionIn addition,
ratio of a0.4. It
was emphasized by the authors that compared to other flumes, the results from curved
flumes were superior. In addition, a new formula to provide the rating curve of the pro-
posed flumes was constructed based on dimensional analysis method, and this led to ac-
curate results.
Fluent software was used as CFD with implementation of VOF method to illustrate
Hydrology 2022, 9, 26 14 of 27

new formula to provide the rating curve of the proposed flumes was constructed based on
dimensional analysis method, and this led to accurate results.
Fluent software was used as CFD with implementation of VOF method to illustrate
the free surface of the flow. Due to the presence of the curved surface within the flume,
an unstructured mesh was chosen to define its geometry within CFD. The standard k − ε
turbulence model was selected to solve the flow equations for 12 different flow rates, i.e.,
5 L/s to 27.19 L/s over three different curved flumes having various contraction ratios, i.e.,
0.4, 0.5, and 0.6. The authors concluded that due to smaller head loss in curved flumes,
higher flow capacity was expected to pass compared to the airfoil-shaped flume under the
same conditions.
Ref. [22] used numerical modeling to simulate the three-dimensional (3-D) flow field
in a Parshall flume and two other flumes using the VOF method. The data from physical
experiments were used to evaluate the accuracy of simulated results in order to determine
the efficiency of the CFD approach. FLOW-3D software was chosen as the CFD tool, while
the standard k − ε turbulence model was selected to simulate the flow. The implementation
of FLOW-3D was due to its reliability, as verified by various researchers. A U-shaped
channel with a radius of 0.2 and 0.45 m in depth was used to accommodate the Parshall
flume with a throat size of 0.152 m and a contraction ratio of 0.763. The velocity of the
flow and the turbulent kinetic energy were assessed at 4 different cross sections, with the
flowrate set to 40 L/s. The largest error in the comparison was found to be 2.3 mm or
1.07%. The overall head loss of the Parshall flume was observed in the throat section and
especially in the divergence section where the hydraulic jump was formed.
It was concluded that the head loss of the Parshall flume in a U-shaped channel was
far greater than the other two flumes, i.e., 3.3 times bigger than the parabolic flume and
1.16 times greater than the long-throated flume. Therefore, the parabolic flume was found
to be the most accurate measuring tool in the study. The rating curve relationship for
different channel gradients was also proposed.
In a study by Ref. [23], several parameters in four different flumes were numerically
and experimentally investigated. ANSYS Fluent software such as the CFD tool and standard
k − ε turbulence model, along with the VOF method, were used to provide the results for
144 simulations across various flume configurations with different contraction ratios. The
correlation between the contraction ratio, i.e., 0.4, 0.5, and 0.6, the discharge, i.e., 4.83 to
27.15 L/s, and depth upstream, were analyzed. Figure 10 illustrates different setups on
different types of flumes. The formula to evaluate the discharge was obtained through
this correlation. To avoid the effect of flow fluctuations on the water level readings, the
flumes were placed 3 m downstream in the 12 m long rectangular channel in the laboratory.
The comparison was carried out across the flume’s centerline for the discharge, and a
few different constrains were used, such as: Froude number and water depth upstream,
critical submergence degree, and velocity gradient, along with the head loss. In the critical
state, the ratio of the water depth from downstream to upstream was considered as the
critical submergence degree. The authors stated that in sewer monitoring systems and
irrigation systems in agriculture, the lowest head loss and backwater were expected, while
an acceptable large value of critical submergence degree is required.
Satisfactory results of the comparison of all four flume designs were reported. Figure 11
illustrates the basic schematic of the flumes used in this study. The head loss in the cutthroat
flume was found to be the smallest while an error of 3.17% was recorded in the flume’s
discharge comparison. Overall, the variance in the simulation and experimental discharge
values in all four flumes did not exceed 5%, which satisfied the discharge measurement
requirements. It was concluded that with the simulation setup mentioned earlier, the
comparison of experimental results and the numerical data showed that a 10% error was
unavoidable. It was mentioned that more numerical studies can lead to the achievement of
better flume shape designs.
Hydrology 2022, 9, 26

Hydrology 2022, 9, 26 16 of 2
Hydrology 2022, 9, 26 15 of 27

Figure 10. The results of flow patterns in different flumes; (a) Cutthroat flume, (b) airfoil-
Figure (c)
10. airfoil pillar-shaped
The results flume,
of flow patterns (d) optimized
in different airfoil-shaped
flumes; (a) flume
Cutthroat flume, [23].
(b) airfoil-shaped
Figure 10. The results of flow patterns in different flumes; (a) Cutthroat flume, (b) airfoil-shape
flume, (c) airfoil pillar-shaped flume, (d) optimized airfoil-shaped flume [23].
flume, (c) airfoil pillar-shaped flume, (d) optimized airfoil-shaped flume [23].

Figure 11. Experimental setup: contraction ratio used on each flume [23].
Figure 11. Experimental setup: contraction ratio used on each flume [23].
Figure 11. Experimental setup: contraction ratio used on each flume [23].
A study on the numerical modeling of a Montana flume, a Parshall flume with no
A study
divergent section, onunder
the submerged
numericalflow modeling
condition,of wasa undertaken
Montana flume, by Ref. [24] a Parshall
to calibrateflume w
A study the on accuracy
the numerical modeling of a Montana flume, a Parshall flume with n
divergent section, under submerged flow condition, was undertakenthe
and evaluate of the flume. The motivation behind this research was byfact
Ref. [24]
that numerous Montana flumes during several field visits were observed to have submerged to cal
section, under submerged flow condition, was undertaken by Ref. [24]
brate and evaluate the accuracy of the flume. The motivation behind this research w
flow and evaluate
condition whilethe accuracy of
no adjustment is the flume.
available forThe
them. motivation
Based on the behind this research
experiments carried was th
out, that
the numerous
Montana flumeMontana
under flumes
free flow during
fact that numerous Montana flumes during several field visits were observed several
provided field
very visits
similar were observed
results to to
thehaveto sub
merged flowcondition
Parshall flow
flume incondition
the samewhile while
size nono
class. adjustment
adjustment when is available
is submerged
available for them.
for them. isBased Based
on the aonexper
mentscarried underestimation
carriedout, out,the of up
Montana to 15% in
flume the submerged-flow
under equation of Parshall flume
ments flume under freefreeflowflow condition
condition providedprovidedvery very
was observed.
resultstotothe Moreover,
Parshallflumea discharge
flume in theoverestimation
same size of 56%
class. occurred
However, whenwhen the free-flow
submerged con
results in the same size class. However,
equation of the Parshall flume was implemented. Therefore, an independent process to
when submerged conditio
is introduced,
the biased a adischarge
discharge underestimation
flow rate during submerged flow
of up
up towas
to 15% 15% in submerged-flow
the by
the submerged-flow
comparison equatio
of Parshall
Parshall flume
flume and
physical was observed.
wasnumerical Moreover,
on a 6-inaMontana a discharge
discharge overestimation
flume. Next, the method of 56% of 56%
of occurreoc
when thefree-flow
calibration free-flow equation
of the numerical modelof ofthe the
based Parshall
on flume flume
the physical was was
data wasimplemented.
implemented. nineTherefore,
extended toTherefore, other an inde a
pendentprocess flumes with
processtotoadjust sizes of
adjust up
thethe to 8
biased ft
biased under
flow the
flow same
raterate submerged
duringsubmerged flow
submerged condition.
flowflow condition was i
lustratedThe CFD model used in this study was FLOW-3D, while the turbulence model used
lustratedby bycomparison
comparison between
between physical
physical andand numerical
numerical datadata on aon 6-ina Montana
6-in Montana flum
was RNG k − ε due to its reputation for for accuracy when defining the flows that have
Next, the method of calibration of the numerical model based on the physical data wa
strongtheshear method
regions and of calibration
low-intensityofturbulent the numerical
flow. For model
submerged based flowon the physical
condition of da
the Montana to nine
to flume, other
nine other Montana
the model flumes
reachedflumes with
steady state sizes
withafter of
sizes up
27 of to 8 ft under
up toit 8was
s, while the
ft under
mentionedsame submerge
the that
same subm
most condition.
flow condition. required only 15 s. To indicate different areas, i.e., water, air, or solid in
the model, CFDthe model
VOF used
(Volume in
of this
Fluid) study
and was FLOW-3D,
Fractional Area
The CFD model used in this study was FLOW-3D, while the turbulence mod Volumewhile the
Obstacle turbulence
Representation model use
was RNG 𝑘 − 𝜀 due to its reputation for for accuracy when defining the flows that hav
(FAVOR) methods were used. Additionally, a no-slip condition was used for the wall
shearRNG 𝑘 − 𝜀 due to its reputation for for accuracy when defining the flows tha
strong shear regions and low-intensity turbulent flow. For submerged flow condition o
strong shear
Since regions and
Parshall low-intensity turbulentRef. flow. For submerged flow condi
the Montana flume,flumes cause
the model a drop in water
reached steady head,
state after[25] 27 s,proposed
while itawas new flume
mentioned tha
the Montana
design. The flume, flume,withthe modelsection,
no throat reached wassteady state after
to be installed 27 s, while
in trapezoidal it was
channels thatmention
most simulations required only 15 s. To indicate different areas, i.e., water, air, or solid i
the simulations
model, the VOFrequired
(Volumeonly 15 s.and
of Fluid) To indicate
Fractionaldifferent areas,Obstacle
Area Volume i.e., water, air, or s
the model,
tion (FAVOR)the VOF (Volume
methods of Fluid)
were used. and Fractional
Additionally, a no-slip Area Volume
condition Obstacle
was used Repr
for the wa
tion (FAVOR) methods
shear boundaries. were used. Additionally, a no-slip condition was used for th
of the cutthroat flumes defined in CFD. Acceptable errors of less than 10% were reported
when the observed time-averaged flow rate and simulated flow velocity gradient were
compared. It was also noted that the velocity near the walls was lower than the flow ve-
locity at the center of the flume.
Hydrology 2022, 9, 26
Increase and decrease were indicated in the results of averaged longitudinal 16 of 27
velocity and Froud number, respectively, over convergence and divergence sections. As
an example, a Froud number of less than 0.5 was calculated just before the throat conges-
section. The
widely objective
used of for
in China theirrigation
study was achieved
channels when the results
for agricultural indicated
purposes. Figurethat
12 only
9% provides
of the total head was recorded as being lost. The cutthroat flume worked
the schematic of the proposed flume. To determine the efficiency of the new significantly
better whenflume,
cutthroat the cross-section of the channel
FLOW-3D software was trapezoidal
was implemented compared
as the CFD simulation totool
using In
the RNG kwith
accordance − ε turbulence model. The
the relationship method
between used to distinguish
discharge and upstreamwater depth,
from airaatregression
model wasofdeveloped.
the flow wasUnder
the TruVOF
working while the meshthe
situations, was generated model
regression using the showed
Fractional Area Volume Obstacle Representation (FAVOR) method to define
satisfactory results with up to 2.06% error, which was considered to be an acceptable rel- the rigid
boundaries. Different flowrates of up to 75 L/s were applied in the simulation model in
ative value.
order to evaluate the hydraulic performance of the newly designed flume. To compare
the conclusion,CFDthe authors
result, strongly
physical recommended
experiments the use
were carried of athe
out on trapezoidal
same size and cutthroat
condition of the cutthroat flumes defined in CFD. Acceptable errors of less than 10% weresignifi-
in order to improve the accuracy of the discharge measurement, while no
flow head
the was expected
observed to occur.flow rate and simulated flow velocity gradient
were compared. It was also noted that the velocity near the walls was lower than the flow
velocity at the center of the flume.

Figure 12. Entire flume geometry [25].

Figure 12. Entire flume geometry [25].
Increase and decrease were indicated in the results of averaged longitudinal flow
A studyandbyFroud
Ref.number, respectively,
[26] explored the over convergence
application and divergence
of numerical sections.inAs
modeling a an
example, a Froud number of less than 0.5 was calculated just before the throat congestion
flume to determine the appropriate size of the flume for different applications. The aim of
section. The objective of the study was achieved when the results indicated that only 9%
thisofstudy was to use numerical simulation (FLOW-3D) to determine the efficiency of the
the total head was recorded as being lost. The cutthroat flume worked significantly
better when the cross-section of the channel was trapezoidal compared to rectangular. In
accordance with the relationship between discharge and upstream depth, a regression
model was developed. Under various working situations, the regression model showed
satisfactory results with up to 2.06% error, which was considered to be an acceptable
relative value.
In conclusion, the authors strongly recommended the use of a trapezoidal cutthroat
flume in order to improve the accuracy of the discharge measurement, while no significant
flow head loss was expected to occur.
A study by Ref. [26] explored the application of numerical modeling in a Parshall
flume to determine the appropriate size of the flume for different applications. The aim of
Hydrology 2022, 9, 26 17 of 27

this study was to use numerical simulation (FLOW-3D) to determine the efficiency of the
empirical equation provided by the International Standard Organization (ISO) (ISO9826)
for the Parshall flumes with low standard grades. The water level at the upstream and
downstream ends were measured during the experimental phase.
The width of the water channel used for the experiment was 0.8 m while Parshall
flumes with the throat section sizes of 0.3 and 0.152 m were placed into it. The entrance
values of the convergence section were reported as 0.64 and 0.4 m, respectively, while 0.5
and 0.39 m were the widths of the downstream side of the divergence section, respectively.
Unique boundary conditions at upstream and downstream ends of the flume with respect to
the experimental setup were defined as well for the numerical simulation. The measurement
of the flowrate was carried out using a triangular weir that was installed upstream.
The comparison between experimental and numerical simulation results revealed that
the error was less than 4%. A new empirical model for flow was proposed using numerical
simulation results. The calibration of the new model using the measured flowrate exhibited
an error of up to 2.3%. It was concluded that the low error value proved that the proposed
model can be used to determine the proper size of a Parshall flume.
Ref. [27] investigated the use of a cutthroat flume to measure the discharge of the
supercritical flow. In order to construct a suitable relationship, various physical experiments
were done on the cutthroat flume to provide adequate amounts of data for regression
analysis. Compared to the Venturi flume and Parshall flume, the application of a cutthroat
flume was mentioned as being more popular in measuring the flow in open channels. This
is due to the simplicity of its geometry; hence it is cost effective to construct this specific
type of flume for supercritical flow. The proposed relationship between water head (Ha )
and flow (Q) was developed based on regression analysis and it was demonstrated to
perform well. It could be implemented in any cutthroat flume with the same specifications
and still provide high quality results. In the experimental laboratory, a flume with square
cross-section having dimensions of 0.6 m depth, 0.6 m width, and 21 m length was used
to house a cutthroat flume with throat size of 0.34 m. The width of the converging and
diverging sections was 0.58 and 0.36 m, respectively. To achieve supercritical flow and avoid
any effect of the water turbulence on the cutthroat flume, the flume was placed 13.65 m
downstream of the 21 m channel with the same slope of 1.05% for all the experiments.
It was concluded by the authors that if the supercritical flow formed at the throat
section, the application of the cutthroat flume as a tool to measure the supercritical flow
discharge was satisfactory. Therefore, it was deemed unnecessary to convert the flow
type from supercritical to subcritical while measuring the discharge. With respect to the
location where the supercritical flow formed within the flume, i.e., at the throat section or
downstream of that section, two different relationships were proposed.
Ref. [28] performed extensive research on long-throated flume designs to increase
flow measurement efficiency by implementing a software program. The application of a
long-throated flume, due to its significant reduction of head-loss and low cost of fabrication,
was proposed as an alternative solution for implementing various kinds of flumes with
contraction sections. This revealed potential capabilities in measuring different flow types
more economically and flexibly.
The calibration was done using computer software in order to eliminate the need for
laboratory experiments. The possibility of creating non-modular flow in the flume where
the ratio of the width to length of crest is relatively great introduced discrepancies between
the numerical and experimental data. Additionally, the generated suction effect at the end
of the throat section that was observed during experiments affected the reading of that
section, and this could easily influence the accuracy of the results provided by the rating
equation for numerical and experimental results.
The proposed designs were calibrated to achieve the maximum accuracy. To achieve
full potential of the flume, two essential parameters in each design were required, i.e.,
(1) providing enough freeboard, and (2) maintaining the Froude number in the approach
channel as low as possible to guarantee a turbulent flow in the throat section.
Hydrology 2022, 9, 26 18 of 27

In order to produce a successful long-throated design with width-contraction, FLOW3D

was used by the US Bureau of Reclamation to simulate 4- and 2-ft modified Parshall flumes.
Various flowrates were used in simulations to provide the rating curve that well described
the relation between head and discharge in the long-throated flume. The comparison of the
results from CFD and WinFlume software on an 8-ft Parshall flume revealed an acceptable
error variation of less than 2%.
The authors also eliminated two common issues in the implementation of long-
throated flumes. They recommended that adding a ramp at the control section could
rectify the suction effect challenges, and that keeping the length to width ratio of the crest
to 2:1 or higher can minimize the other obstacles to using the long-throated flume as an
accurate measuring device.
Ref. [29] used the CFD approach to find a suitable contraction design on the flume to
accurately calibrate the Acoustic Doppler velocity meters (ADVMs). The purpose of this
research was to find the linear relationship between average velocity of the contraction’s
cross section and the sample velocity measured by the upward-facing ADVM. Accuracy
improvement of the ADVM with elimination of the in-situ calibration was part of the
objective as well. While the contraction section was removed from the flume, the flow
was measured to calibrate the CFD software. The contraction section was responsible for
creating the Rapidly Varied Flow (RVF), known as a non-uniform type of flow in the open
channel that forces a rapid depth change over a small section of the flume.
The flume was 1.215 m in width and depth while having 86 m length with a 0.2%
bed slope. The section occupied for this experiment as the testing region was 54 m in
total length. It was capable of handling a maximum flowrate of 0.86 m3 /s. FLOW-3D was
implemented as CFD software to provide the appropriate design for channel contraction.
Three different contraction setups were proposed and tested, using CFD to find the most
appropriate design.
The surface roughness of the whole length of the channel was calibrated by com-
paring the velocity from the experimental test on 36 cross-sections against the numerical
results corresponding to the same locations of the cross-sections. The roughness value
(k s = 0.0002 m) was iteratively set to achieve the minimum error in the comparison. This
value was the exact value for the roughness of the steel’s painted surface of the current
flume used in this experiment. The results revealed that the Coefficient of Variation of the
Root Mean Squared Error (CVRMSE) values for similar scenarios varied from 4 to 8%. It
was concluded that the lack of CFD’s ability due to the limitations of computer resources
was one of the reasons for inadequate performance. The other reason was the existence of
measurement errors known as the measuring device error.
Ref. [30] conducted a study to estimate the applicability of Parshall flumes (PF)
and modified Parshall flumes (MPF) in determining the oxygenation rate of surface
water. In this study, the usefulness of three different modeling techniques—artificial
neural network (ANN), fuzzy logic (FL), and adaptive neurofuzzy inference system
(ANFIS)—were examined.
The researchers used a dataset of 50 experiments. According to the results they
obtained, the ANN model was found as suitable to predict the oxygen transfer efficiency
E20 in PF and MPF. The ANN model also provided better predictive performance than the
FL and ANFIS models. They also reported that the Gaussian membership function-based
(MF) models had better results than the gbell MF-based models. According to the results of
the sensitivity analysis, they suggested that q and K play important roles in estimating the
oxygenation rate. Table 1 provides a summary of the papers using numerical method.
Hydrology 2022, 9, 26 19 of 27

Table 1. Summary of the articles that contributed in the numerical category.

Categories Article # CFD Turbulence Model Flume Type Standard/Nonstandard Free Surface Wall Function Submergence Flowrate
[7] OpenFOAM SQ/LC/V2-f Parshall Nonstandard VOF method Standard Unsubmerged 20 L/s
[8] OpenFOAM 7 Turbulence Models Parshall Nonstandard VOF method Standard Unsubmerged 20–30 L/s
[21] Ansys Fluent Standard K-Epsilon Curved Nonstandard UNSPECIFIED UNSPECIFIED Submerged 5–27.19 L/s
[19] FLOW-3D RNG Kepsilon Parshall Nonstandard VOF method FAVOR method UNSPECIFIED UNSPECIFIED
[23] Ansys Fluent Standard KEpsilon Cutthroat Nonstandard VOF method UNSPECIFIED UNSPECIFIED 4.8–27.15 L/s
[25] FLOW-3D RNG Kepsilon New design Nonstandard TruVOF method FAVOR method UNSPECIFIED up to 75 L/s
[24] FLOW-3D RNG Kepsilon Montana Standard VOF method FAVOR method Submerged UNSPECIFIED
[22] FLOW-3D Standard KEpsilon Parshall Standard VOF method No-Slip UNSPECIFIED 40 L/s
Hydrology 2022, 9, 26 20 of 27

4.2. Experimental Studies

The application of a small Parshall flume to measure supercritical flow was inves-
tigated by Ref. [31]. Experiments with multiple configurations, i.e., 15 different setups,
were performed for 82 test conditions to study the accuracy of the results of two differ-
ent sizes of Parshall flumes, i.e., 6- and 9-in. In order to modify the flume’s relationship,
alterations in various parameters such as approach channel slope, roughness, and flume
convergence were considered. To provide conditions for 82 experiments, various slopes
ranging from 4 to 7% were incorporated, with different flowrates from 0.028 to 0.112 m3 /s
for two different flume sizes along with changes in other parameters of the flow.
While the flow was maintained in unsubmerged condition, the accuracy of the flumes
to measure the supercritical and subcritical flows was determined to be ±5%. The relation-
ship used to measure the flow in the flume was enhanced to incorporate various parameters
such as channel slope, roughness, and the condition of the convergence section. To deter-
mine supercritical flow, an equation was proposed. Additionally, in order to distinguish
properly between different regimes of flow, a Froude ratio indicator was established.
The developed relationship was applicable only to Parshall flumes with throat width
sizes of 12-in or smaller while flume slopes of up to 7% were considered in the process of
collecting experimental data; hence, it is not recommended to use the equation for larger
gradients. The Parshall flume was located 12.2 m downstream in a 0.61 m wide, 18.3 m long
channel with adjustable bed slope. The condition of the approach flow was determined by
various parameters within the upstream section of the flume such as roughness. Overall,
13 cross-sections were chosen to record the water surface elevation.
The authors concluded that it was not possible at that time to come up with one single
relationship for both flow regimes, i.e., supercritical and subcritical; instead, for each flow
type, different equations were developed. In addition, it was important to carefully observe
the condition of the hydraulic flow at the beginning and/or the end of the converging
section. As an example, based on the observations during the experiments, the hydraulic
flow condition could affect the creation of the hydraulic jump further downstream of the
Parshall flume while the same configuration was followed.
In a study by Ref. [12], the performance of a modified 3-inch Parshall flume was
investigated in relation to the process of flow aeration. The lack of highly turbulent flow in
rivers and man-made channels causes a reduction in Dissolved Oxygen (DO) ratios. The
introduction of hydraulic structures such as throated flumes, cascades, and weirs has been
proposed as a solution to this problem in channels and rivers. In the experimental setup
used by Ref. [12], deoxygenation took place chemically in a storage tank at the beginning of
the system. The DO was measured upon entrance and exit of the flume in order to record
the increase in DO after the flow passed through the flume.
Flumes were installed in a rectangular channel with dimensions of 0.4 m in width
and 0.6 m in height with the length of 5 m. Fluid with various flow rates, i.e., 10, 20, 30,
and 40 L/s, were set to pass through 27 modified Parshall flumes. With respect to flow in
critical regions of the flume, eight locations were selected to collect the water level data
using a mobile digital point gauge. The shape variation of the Venturi flumes was specified
based on the size of their throat width, throat length and the sill height. The results of
water surface level and DO were recorded in the study for a total number of 108 physical
It was concluded that in channels having low or zero gradient, the implementation of
Parshall flumes or any type of throated flume capable of introducing turbulence to the flow
was recommended by the author. The presence of hydraulic jump that was caused by the
flume geometry design was one of the key elements in the DO increment process.
Ref. [32] used a 5-ft full-scale Parshall flume to determine an accurate relationship
to estimate discharge of supercritical flow. The objective of the study was to evaluate
if Parshall flumes with various sizes greater than 12-in could be sufficiently calibrated
to determine the flowrate of supercritical flows. Across 11 different experiments, i.e.,
Hydrology 2022, 9, 26 21 of 27

3 subcritical and 8 supercritical, the discharge range was set between 3.07 and 30.15 cfs,
and the variation in Froud number was recorded as between 0.67 and 1.31. A comparison
of the experimental data with the results of the current equation used for subcritical and
supercritical flows led to the development of a new rating relationship that was applied for
only supercritical flows in large Parshall flumes.
In the experimental setup, the Parshall flume was placed downstream of a 17.1 m
length channel with the width of 4.88 m and a slope of 4.38%. The water level and velocity
were measured at three points on the center line of the flume, in addition to 16 different
cross-sections that were located in the upstream channel.
The rating equation provided acceptable results when used for Parshall flumes with
sizes similar to the one chosen in this study. It was mentioned that unsubmerged free-flow
condition was considered during all experiments. It was concluded that accurate flow
measurement with various sizes of Parshall flumes, i.e., up to 5-ft, for different types of flow,
especially supercritical flow, was possible with only 4.52% error. It was also recommended
to perform physical tests on different sizes of Parshall flumes, i.e., 9-in and greater up to
5-ft, to validate the derived relationship for supercritical flow.
Ref. [33] worked on the determination of uncertainty in flow rate measurement with
Parshall channels. They used the Monte Carlo Method (MCM). The researchers presented
the main uncertainties and explained the mathematical models and parameters. They
reported the measurement uncertainty components with the help of MCM simulations.
In their study, the input sizes and the uncertainties of the measured flow rate were eval-
uated separately. Regarding the measurement uncertainty, they considered the following
parameters: reference equipment calibration; repeatability; resolution of both the reference
equipment and the equipment installed in the calibrated system; zero setting; linearity of
scale; aging deviations and bias; vertical angular deviations (longitudinal and transverse);
air temperature compensation (correction applied to the speed of sound); pressure and
vapor pressure in the air; echo interference (noise interference); surface irregularity (due
to unstable flow conditions); fluid properties (viscosity, density, non-Newtonian behavior;
etc.); sub-surface thin layers of sediment; and stability of the installation (influence of wind
and other sources of vibration).
The researchers showed that the common use of fixed model parameters under-
estimates the uncertainty of measurement, ranging from 8 to 12%, depending on the
correlation effect.
Ref. [34] produced different sizes of Parshall flumes with different throat widths and
tested them in the laboratory under free flow conditions. They determined the discharge
coefficient and exponent and developed a single equation for different channel sizes.
The researchers tested four different sizes of Parshall flumes with throat widths of
0.052, 0.076, 0.152, and 0.229 cm in an open channel measuring 9.45 × 0.60 × 0.55 m. They
measured upstream heads and velocities in the experiments.
According to the results of their experiments for flow rates ranging from 0.004 to
0.138 m3 /s, they proposed a new empirical formula that provides the depth–discharge
relationship. They reported that this equation is suitable for simple and small Parshall
Flumes under free flow conditions. In their paper, four different sizes of Parshall flumes,
having different throat widths were fabricated and tested in the laboratory under free-flow
condition. The coefficient of discharge and exponent were determined and a single equation
for the different flume sizes was developed. The relationship is simple and suitable to use
for small Parshall Flumes.
Ref. [35] performed a study to accurately estimate the flow rate of a low flow season
in Korea. They used a Parshall Flume and reviewed its applicability. In their study, they
installed a Parshall Flume in an actual river and measured the flow rate obtained from the
flow rate formula and velocity measurements, which were stated to be very accurate when
compared to the flow rate computation results. They estimated the flow rate and compared
it with the actual flow rate of the Parshall Flume.
Hydrology 2022, 9, 26 22 of 27

They mentioned that in comparison with the directly measured flow rate as measured
by flow velocity, the flow rate measured by the Parshall Flume possessed higher accuracy.
The researchers reported that the flow rate formula based on the state discharge rating
curve equation results showed an error of approximately 14%. They also stated that the
usage of calculation by the state discharge rating curve equation at low flow rates leads to
a greater error than the Parshall Flume, and in order to calculate the accurate low flow rate,
the flow rate measured by the Parshall Flume should be preferred.
As a result, the authors concluded that the flow rate measured by the Parshall Flume
had a very high accuracy and reliability.
Ref. [36] studied the Parshall flume and the Montana flume, which have the same
calibration procedures under normal free-flow conditions, and tested their calibrations
under submerged flows.
They conducted the tests at the Utah Water Research Laboratory on an acrylic 15.2 cm
(6-in) flume. The researchers stated that the standard Parshall flume rating curve overpre-
dicted flow rates in the submerged Montana flume by up to 48%. They also stated that
Parshall submergence corrections were applied to the submerged Montana flume, and
flow rates were under predicted by up to 19%. The study developed submerged flow rate
correction factors specifically for a Montana flume, and the paper also demonstrated how
to apply the corrections.
Ref. [37] aimed to determine the limits of application of traditional critical flow theory
in the study of Venturi flumes. The researchers conducted this study to account for the
influence of the slope and curvature of streamlines on the head–discharge relationship in
Venturi weirs with short throats, and to evaluate the discharge coefficient as a function of
the radius of curvature of the upstream energy, throat length, throat width, and inlet arc
constriction. They proposed an empirical equation. As a result of the study, they reported
that this empirical equation is valid up to a deviation of 8% compared to the traditional
approach and can be used in engineering applications. Table 2 provides a basic summary
of the experimental studies.
Table 2. Summary of the articles that contributed to the experimental section.

Categories Article # Flume Type Standard/Nonstandard High/Low Discharge

[12] Parshall Nonstandard Low to High
[31] Parshall Standard UNSPECIFIED
Experimental [32] Parshall Standard Supercritical flow
[27] Cutthroat Standard Supercritical flow
[33] Parshall Nonstandard UNSPECIFIED

5. Discussion
Based on the thorough analysis of various studies concerning the measurement of
flow in open channels using Parshall flumes and other similar types of flumes, it should
be emphasized that the majority of the numerical modeling studies were carried out on
nonstandard Parshall flumes rather than on the standard ones.
Various turbulence models have been used by different scholars. Among the re-
searchers, Refs. [7,16,19,21–23], the K − ε turbulent model, both the standard and RNG
versions, are implemented the most. It has been applied to the standard Parshall flume, cut-
throat and short-throat flumes. Heyrani et al., 2021 [8] extended the use of K − ε model by
implementing another version of the K − ε turbulent model, i.e., realizable K − ε beside the
earlier versions. In one specific case, the K − ε model was used by Sun et al. 2020 [21], for a
modified flume with curved contraction walls. The results demonstrate good correlation
between numerical and experimental findings. Considering the various articles reviewed
in this paper, it is found that the K − ε model is deemed to be the most reliable turbulence
model among different turbulence models like K − ω, Smagorinsky, etc.
Hydrology 2022, 9, 26 23 of 27

In an overview of the numerical articles that implement the computational fluid dynamic
software, using the three-dimensional modeling is observed in few articles [7,8,11,23,25]. The
possibility of generating a 3-D mesh and solving the flow equation in three-dimensional
modeling is due to the advancement of the computer processors within the past decades.
The volume of calculations is in direct proportion to the desired resolution for the models.
Using higher resolution will result in more explicit findings. The Large Eddy Simulation
(LES) and Detached Eddy Simulations are addressed in Ref. [8] and provide quality results,
since in these methods the presence of small eddies is considered in the calculation. There-
fore, it is recommended to choose fine mesh size in LES and DES modeling to be able to get
more accurate findings on the mechanics of the flow.
Application of non-linear models by Ref. [7] shows promising results with the least
error possible in comparison to the linear methods that are used by other scholars in
different studies. Additionally, the VOF method to determine the water surface level is
implemented by the majority of the researchers [7,8,11,19,22–25].
Most of the articles in the numerical section are focused on numerical simulation
of either Parshall flume or its modified versions, such as cutthroat and short-throated
flumes. On the other hand, Montana measuring flume was only used by Ref. [24] to be
simulated numerically while the submerged flow condition was experienced. This is due to
the negligence of the studying the behavior of Montana flume using numerical models in
different articles. Therefore, in future studies, it is recommended to focus more on Montana
measuring flume as well.
According to Refs. [17,32], the Parshall flume’s rating equation does not work ac-
curately when there is supercritical flow, and it is unreliable when low discharges pass
through the flume since the presence of fluid viscosity is neglected in the equation that
was first proposed by Parshall himself. Therefore, improvement of the height–discharge
relationship, known as the rating curve, in the standard Parshall flume will increase the
efficiency of the system in the design stage when precise information is demanded for
further adjustments for its various applications, i.e., wastewater treatment plant design or
design of a specific hydraulic structure.
According to the investigation of the articles mentioned, there is limited use of various
turbulence models in numerical simulation in the literature. More studies should be
conducted on the application of not only RANS models, but also LES and DES models in
order to provide in-depth information regarding turbulent models from all major methods.
Apart from the articles by Heyrani et al., 2021 [7,8], the rest of the researchers used either
the standard k − ε or RNG k − ε, or otherwise did not specify the turbulence model they
implemented in their study. Providing a comprehensive study, covering all the appropriate
turbulence models will be crucial for the future use of CFD.
In addition, it was found that due to limitations in numerical simulation resources, i.e.,
insufficient computational hardware, some researchers preferred to perform only partial
simulations. Therefore, the reliability of the results has more room to be improved. The
use of different CFD models was also observed in various cases as some used commercial
software while open-source software was implemented by others. The accessibility of
CFD to a wide range of researchers is quite important. Therefore, more flume related
applications of open-source CFD models like OpenFOAM are recommended due to their
availability to a vast number of people.
Some of the researchers relied on the results from numerical simulations with no fur-
ther verification against the experimental data. Therefore, with respect to the available re-
sources, the use of experimental data is recommended in addition to the simulation results.
One of the highlights of using numerical simulation to study the behavior of flow in
open channels is the freedom to choose the appropriate size of a Parshall flume depending
on different conditions. Simulating flow in a Parshall flume can help engineers to efficiently
select the proper size of a Parshall flume suitable for specific situations.
One of the parameters used to assess the quality of the experimental or numerical
studies is analyzing the effect of various input values on the model. Among the articles
Hydrology 2022, 9, 26 24 of 27

that were reviewed in this paper, a number of scholars [7,8,21–23,25] specified more details
of the inputs that were assumed, such as the flowrate value, while there is a large gap
identified in other researchers’ work with respect to detailed parameters specifications.
As a first step in setting up a numerical model, it is important to define a sealed mesh
with no gaps and overlaps. In order to build up the mesh, two options are available: either
choose a structured mesh, where the dominant shape of the mesh cells is organized, or
use an unstructured mesh, e.g., with triangular/tetrahedral geometry of the mesh cells.
Depending on the geometry, it is recommended to choose an unstructured mesh such as in
the work of Khosronejad et al. [11] and Sun et al. [23] where, due to the shape of the block-
mesh, the researchers used unstructured meshes. In a previous study by Heyrani et al. [7,8]
and Ran et al. [25], due to the straight edges and surfaces of their modeled hydraulic
structure, the structured mesh was chosen.
While the mesh of the geometry is constructed by block-mesh or other types of
software, one should carefully deal with the boundary between the structure and the water
in contact with various surfaces; this is termed as wall tracking algorithm. The VOF method
presented earlier in this paper demonstrates this technique to differentiate the interface
between the water and atmosphere. Another type of joint surface in numerical model is
when the flow flows through the hydraulic structure, i.e., passing the water flow from
Parshall flume. The Fractional Area Volume Obstacle Representation (FAVOR) method was
used by various scholars [19,24,25], while Boundary Fitted Mesh method implemented by
Refs. [7,8,21,23] delineates the boundary between the flow and any rigid object in the path
of the flow.
Various CFD software were used by scholars and engineers to solve flow equations for
various flow measuring devices. As mentioned earlier, the resolution of mesh is essential to
provide as accurate as possible results. Using a powerful computer processor can determine
whether, with a given resolution of the mesh, it is possible to capture the smallest eddies or
not. The accessibility of the current CFD software in the market is also directly determined
by the availability of the software to the target audience. One of the parameters to choose
the CFD model is to consider the price paid for its license, whether it is an open-source
software like OpenFOAM or if it is a licensed registered software like FLOW-3D. Although
there has not been any study to compare their capability in numerical modeling in the
context of Parshall flumes, considering the same block-mesh, initial conditions, boundary
conditions, numerical method, etc., depending on the computational resources available to
the researcher [7,8] it is preferable to use open-source software such as OpenFOAM, while
the FLOW-3D is the chosen CFD by some other scholars.

6. Conclusions
This review has covered numerous articles focusing on implementing numerical
modeling to enhance the efficiency of Parshall flumes or Cutthroat flumes, and others based
on the physical experimental results—they all tried to validate the numerical relationship,
or the modifications introduced to the Parshall flume. Based on what was discussed in this
review article, the following points are highlighted below.
• The application of numerical modeling is considered to be a reliable technique to
provide fast and accurate results with minimum cost in terms of time and money.
• The efficiencies of various Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) software programs
have been well described by different scholars who demonstrated the accuracy of
results of their numerical models. The reliability of these models made their applica-
tion popular among researchers and engineers who have access to suitable computer
processors. The freedom to alter, as needed, the geometry of the modeled hydraulic
structure adds to the popularity of numerical modeling.
• Laboratory tests are useful in conjunction with the results of the numerical models,
as the accuracy of the CFD models’ output can be determined via the data obtained
physically on the same setup. It is important to calibrate the mathematical relation-
ship that was used for the Parshall flume to provide the flowrate since the entrance
Hydrology 2022, 9, 26 25 of 27

condition and upstream flow type directly affect the precision of the height–discharge
relationship. Nevertheless, choosing inappropriate equations and constants with
respect to the type of flow and hydraulic jump, whether it is submerged or not, can
trigger inaccurate flowrate results.
• Due to the accessibility of testing facilities to the majority of engineers and researchers,
most of the time, building and testing methods for small scale models are not as
expensive as for large projects. However, for larger projects, numerical models are typ-
ically less expensive than physical models. Additionally, the application of hydraulic
structures, i.e., large scale Parshall flumes, requires the consideration of different
scenarios to assess the tolerance of the structure under unforeseen harsh conditions.
For example, choosing a Parshall flume as a measuring device for a wide-open channel
requires extensive study on the hydrology of the region to understand the extreme
weather conditions over the life span of the structure. The return period should be
selected based on the codes and regulations that are available in various versions from
different municipalities.
• Since having access to high performance processors is essential to run numerical
models, in some articles, it was highlighted that to tackle the deficit of limited access
to proper computer hardware, the proposed structures were usually designed with
a symmetrical shape. Therefore, only one side of the symmetrical structure was
modeled to deal with the limited computational resources. Although this method
provides reasonable results, the reliability of this technique requires greater validation,
particularly for LES and DES simulations, since the behavior of the fluid in motion is
highly turbulent.
• Based on the review of numerous articles, for further study, the use of CFD models is
recommended to perform numerical modeling on various sizes of Parshall flumes since
there is a gap in the current state of application of the existing numerical modeling for
this type of flume. A large number of turbulence models exist that have not yet been
used to simulate the flow in Parshall flumes.
• Parshall flume is a flow measuring device that does not require energy to operate.
The only vital energy to operate is taken from the water flow. As was explained
earlier in this paper, the primary water level at throat section is used to calculate the
discharge when there is free flow. The water level in the converging section determines
the degree of submergence when submerged flow is experienced. These water level
values are directly used to determine the flowrate using the rating equation explained
in Section 2.2. Using the flow energy to convert the water level into discharge is
highly useful in Parshall flumes. Therefore, the authors advocate that such systems are
used to retrofit the open channels in agricultural section, wastewater treatment plants,
and also encourage different industrial sectors to substitute the current electrical
flowmeters with Parshall flumes whenever feasible and applicable.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, A.M. and I.N.; Data curation, M.H.; Formal analysis, M.H.;
Funding acquisition, A.M. and I.N.; Investigation, M.H. and O.F.D.; Methodology, A.M. and I.N.;
Project administration, A.M. and I.N.; Resources, M.H.; Software, M.H., A.M. and I.N.; Supervision,
A.M. and I.N.; Validation, M.H.; Visualization, M.H.; Writing—original draft, M.H. and O.F.D.;
Writing—review & editing, A.M. and I.N. All authors have read and agreed to the published version
of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was supported by funding provided by Discovery (NSERC) Grants to Prof.
Majid Mohammadian and Prof. Ioan Nistor (210282).
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Part or all of the data is available by the corresponding author upon request.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Hydrology 2022, 9, 26 26 of 27

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