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Barriendos Inundacions Catalunya 1617

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Hydrological Sciences–Journal–des Sciences Hydrologiques, 51(5) October 2006 899

Special issue: Historical Hydrology

The catastrophic floods of AD 1617 in Catalonia

(northeast Spain) and their climatic context


1 Institute of Natural Resources, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Serrano 115-bis, E-28006 Madrid,
2 Department of Modern History, University of Barcelona, B. Reixac s/n, E-08028 Barcelona, Spain
3 Pyrenean Institute of Ecology, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Avenida Montañana 1005,
E-50080 Zaragoza, Spain

Abstract This paper presents a reconstruction of the catastrophic floods of AD 1617 in Catalonia
(northeast Spain). Compilation of archival data sources shows that heavy rainfall occurred from 2 to
6 November 1617 and that the resultant flooding caused severe damage throughout the region, including
the destruction of at least 389 houses, 22 bridges and 17 water mills. Discharges of 2700–4500 m3 s-1
and ≤2000 m3 s-1 were estimated from dated palaeostage indicators for the Ter and Segre rivers, respec-
tively, whilst 4680 m3 s-1 was calculated for the Llobregat River flood in a previous study (Thorndycraft
et al., 2005). The magnitude of the 1617 floods of the Llobregat and Ter rivers exceeded the largest
events of the instrumental data series (2300 and 2350 m3 s-1, respectively). The 1617 floods are also
compared to the longer-term palaeoflood record, which shows that the largest floods in the region were
associated with colder phases of climatic variability.
Key words documentary records; floods; Little Ice Age; northeast Spain; palaeodischarge; palaeoflood hydrology
La crue catastrophique de 1617 en Catalogne (nord-est de l’Espagne) et son
contexte climatique
Résumé Cet article présente une analyse de la crue catastrophique de 1617 en Catalogne (nord-est de
l’Espagne). Les sources documentaires montrent que de fortes intensités de pluie ont eu lieu du 2 au 6
novembre 1617 et ont provoqué de graves dommages dans toute la région, avec la destruction d’au
moins 389 maisons, 22 ponts et 17 moulins. La modélisation hydraulique a permis de calculer les débits
associés aux crues extrêmes de trois bassins (Ter, Segre et Llobregat) à partir des traces laissées par les
sédiments de crue, avec respectivement 2700–4500 m3 s-1 et une valeur inférieure à 2000 m3 s-1 pour les
deux premiers bassins, et 4680 m3 s-1 pour le troisième d’après l’estimation faite par Thorndycraft et al.
(2005). L’intensité de la crue de 1617 sur le Llobregat et le Ter a largement dépassé la plus forte crue
enregistrée par le réseau hydrométrique actuel (respectivement 2300 et 2500 m3 s-1). L’événement de
1617 a été resitué dans la chronique pluri-séculaire des paléo-crues, qui montre que les crues les plus
fortes ont été associées à des périodes climatiques froides.
Mots clefs sources documentaires; crues; Petit Age Glaciaire; nord-est de l’Espagne; paléo-débits; paléohydrologie


It is recognized that the most important impacts of climate change on society involve
weather-related disasters, in particular floods and droughts (Houghton et al., 2001).
However, the current accuracy of general circulation models (GCMs) enables only the
projection of mean climatic parameters (monthly temperature and precipitation) at
spatial resolutions greater than the size of most river basins. Uncertainties therefore
exist regarding the impact of climate change on extreme floods at the basin scale. The
relationship of flooding to global environmental change and its associated modelling

* Current address: Department of Geography, Royal Holloway University of London, Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX,

Open for discussion until 1 April 2007 Copyright © 2006 IAHS Press
900 Varyl Robert Thorndycraft et al.

paradigm is becoming one of the most important Earth science challenges for the new
millennium (Baker, 2003). In an analysis of extreme rainfall (90th percentile) using a
regional climate model covering the Spanish Mediterranean, it was shown that the
predicted increase in rainfall torrentiality exhibited greater spatial variability than at
present, irrespective of seasonality (Sánchez et al., 2004). This suggests an even
greater level of uncertainty regarding extreme rainfall than exists in the present
climate. As well as advances in modelling capabilities, a greater understanding of the
climatic and hydrological mechanisms that occurred during past catastrophic floods is
needed in order to fully quantify future flood risk. The study of individual catastrophic
past floods with regional impacts set in the context of long-term climatic variability
can provide a valuable understanding of past, present and future relationships between
climate and extreme floods.
Lately, there has been growing research into understanding the climatic variability
of recent centuries using historical documentary sources (e.g. Pfister et al., 1999;
Brázdil et al., 2005). With respect to floods, documentary archives have mainly been
used to: (a) compile flood chronologies (e.g. British Hydrological Society, 1998;
Brázdil et al., 1999; Mudelsee et al., 2003; Black & Law, 2004); (b) estimate flood
discharges from known high water marks (e.g. Benito et al., 2003; Naulet et al., 2005);
and (c) understand the meteorological causes of the events (e.g. Llasat et al., 2005).
The best sedimentary (geomorphologic) archives of past floods are slackwater flood
deposits located in bedrock canyons (Baker, 1987). Such palaeoflood investigations
can document the magnitude and frequencies of large floods over decades to millennia
(e.g. Ely et al., 1993). In Catalonia (northeast Spain), previously published research
has focused on reconstructing the palaeoflood record of the Llobregat River
(Thorndycraft et al., 2005) and obtaining flood chronologies from documentary
archives for the Llobregat, Segre and Ter basins (Llasat et al., 2005). The combination
of palaeoflood and documentary records (Table 1) has the potential to reduce the
uncertainties associated with both methodologies and provide a more holistic approach
that can strengthen our understanding of past floods, as illustrated for the Ardeche
River in France (Sheffer et al., 2003). In this paper we analyse the extreme event of
November 1617 in Catalonia, which, in a previous study, was highlighted as one of the
largest floods of the Llobregat River over the last 3000 years (Thorndycraft et al.,
2005). The main objectives of this paper are to: (1) estimate the 1617 flood discharge
for the main rivers in the region, namely the Segre, Llobregat and Ter rivers;
(2) reconstruct the main socio-economic impacts of the 1617 event throughout
Catalonia; (3) determine the weather pattern and meteorological behaviour of the 1617
event; and (4) compare flood magnitudes of this event with other palaeoflood and
instrumental flood records from the study basins.


The principal study basins discussed in this paper are those of the Ter, Llobregat and
Segre rivers (Fig. 1), which have drainage areas of 3295, 5455 and 11 068 km2,
respectively. The largest floods registered in the instrumental record (from gauge
stations adjacent to the study reaches) are listed in Table 2. These occurred in 1940 in
the Ter River (2350 m3 s-1), 1971 in the Llobregat River (2300 m3 s-1) and 1982 in the

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The catastrophic floods of AD 1617 901

Table 1 Comparison between palaeoflood and historical research methodologies for reconstructing past
flood events.
Type of Palaeoflood hydrology Documentary sources
Floodwater Slackwater flood deposits indicate the Where they exist, historical flood marks
elevation minimum elevation reached by provide an indication of flood water
floodwaters. Water depth above elevation.
sediments is unknown, though can be Relative flood magnitude often difficult
estimated through sedimentological to assess if no flood marks available –
analysis. dependent on impacts not necessarily
Discharge Slackwater flood deposits found in Very complex due to urban growth
estimation bedrock canyons with limited channel and/or location of towns on alluvial
change over centennial timescales. This floodplains with greater potential for
results in stable valley cross-sections historical channel change.
with little channel incision over centuries Known floodwater elevations required.
to millennia, enabling accurate discharge Detailed historical maps and
estimation through hydraulic modelling. information on past infrastructures e.g.
bridges, dykes etc. essential.
Flood chronology Errors associated with 14C and Optically Can provide information at hourly or
Stimulated Luminescence dating. Can daily resolution.
identify periods of increased flood Gaps in record due to loss or destruction
frequency at centennial/millennial of archival sources, e.g. during wars.
temporal resolution.
Possible gaps in record due to erosion.
Meteorological - Can identify a number of
conditions meteorological characteristics, e.g. days
with rainfall, relative rainfall intensity,
wind direction and temperature changes.
Flood impacts Reconstructed flood discharges can be Information on casualties; destruction of
routed through particular river reaches of buildings and infrastructures; economic
a basin, using hydraulic modelling, to losses etc.
estimate potential impact.

Segre (2300 m3 s-1). Each basin has a long historical flood chronology with records
beginning in 1322, 1315 and 1306 for the Ter, Llobregat and Segre basins, respec-
tively. The palaeoflood records span approximately 17 000 years in the Segre River
(Rico, 2004); 3 000 years in the Llobregat River (Thorndycraft et al., 2005) and
350 years in the Ter basin (this paper).


Compiling past flood information from sedimentary records – palaeoflood


Palaeoflood hydrology is the reconstruction of the magnitude and frequency of recent,

past, or ancient floods using geomorphological evidence. Most commonly used are
slackwater flood deposits, which indicate the minimum water surface elevation of past
floods and can be used to estimate flood magnitude and frequency (Baker, 1987;
Benito et al., 2003). During high-flood stages in river gorges, eddies, back-flooding
and water stagnation occur at the valley sides, producing low velocities and/or flow
stagnation that favours deposition of clay, silt and sand. At the study reaches (Fig. 1),
sites of slackwater sediment deposition were identified. Sections were cut to expose

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902 Varyl Robert Thorndycraft et al.

01º E 02º E 03º E




La Seu d’Urgell

42º N 4
1 9 R.Ter
R.Segre >30 3
100 Catalonia 3
2 R.Besos
Lleida 2
1 14 ? ?
8 Martorell
3 1
? 68
El Prat
41º N
152 Mediterranean
Tortosa Sea SPAIN

Palaeoflood Study Reach Impacts of the 1617 Floods

1 Alós de Balaguer Bridge Irrigation channel
2 Monistrol de Montserrat Building (no. Water mill (no.
8 damaged)
2 damaged)
3 Pont de Vilomara
Sarría de Ter Town wall Coastal lagoon
Fig. 1 Map showing the location of the palaeoflood study reaches and the major
societal impacts of the 1617 floods in Catalonia.

Table 2 Summary of the different flood records at the study reaches.

Basin and Drainage Period of Largest Interval of Length of Calculated
study reach area gauge recorded historical palaeoflood palaeo-
location (km2) station discharge record in the record (years) discharge
operation (m3 s-1) and whole basin (m3 s-1)
Gerona 1802 1912–1998 2350 1322–1987 c. 400 2700–4500
(18/10/1940) (172 floods)
Pont de 1845 1915–1922 1650 1315–1992 c. 3000 3700–4300
Vilomara 1943– (20/09/1971) (158 floods) (no dated LIA
Monistrol 3370 1942– 2300 c. 400 4860
Alós de 4318 1944–1983 2300 1306–1982 c. 17 000 1900
Balaguer (08/11/1982) (51 floods)

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The catastrophic floods of AD 1617 903

Table 3 Information concerning the radiocarbon dates discussed in the text. All samples were dated by
the Accelerator Mass Spectrometry method at the Institute of Particle Physics of the Swiss Federal
Institute of Technology, Zurich. Flood unit numbers refer to the stratigraphic columns in Fig. 3, except
units A4 and A5 which refer to Fig. 5 of Thorndycraft et al. (2005).
Study reach Flood Sample material Laboratory code Age Two sigma
unit no. (years BP) calibrated age
range (95.4%)
Llobregat: L1 Charcoal UZ-4605/ETH-24418 305 ± 50 AD 1460–1670
Llobregat: A4 Charcoal UZ-4523/ETH-23673 2640 ± 55 930–750 BC
Pont de (88.5%)
Vilomara A5 Charcoal UZ-4524/ETH-23674 2580 ± 75 840–480 BC

Segre: S2 Charcoal UZ-4740/ETH-25511 1120 ± 50 AD 780–1020

Alós de

the sedimentary sequences. Individual flood units were determined through a close
inspection of depositional breaks and/or indicators of surficial exposure, such as bio-
turbation. Flood chronology was determined by radiocarbon dating carried out on
charcoal samples collected from individual flood units (Table 3). In addition, at the Ter
site, a coin was found buried by slackwater deposits. The coin was dated to AD 1651–
52 (see Appendix 1 for details).

Compiling past flood information from archival sources

In Catalonia, the recording of destructive events, such as floods or droughts, was under-
taken by public institutions in order to provide information for future decision making as
communities were especially dependent upon rivers for drinking water, water power and
irrigation. These administrative sources (e.g. town council resolution books and public
works files) were the main types consulted in this study due to their optimal objectivity.
Other sources used included chronicles, diaries or books written by individuals or cor-
porations. The objectivity or continuity of the information are not guaranteed; however,
these types of documents can usually provide useful anecdotal details. In total, 903
manuscript volumes from different documentary series were consulted in the three study
basins, with 1227 additional manuscript volumes used from elsewhere in Catalonia. Of
these, 27 documents (and nine further bibliographic sources) were specifically concerned
with the 1617 event (see Appendix 2 for a list of the data sources).
The available information concerning floods, relevant to this study, can be divided
into three types. Firstly, the general meteorological conditions may be described, for
example, the occurrence of torrential or persistent rain, the date and time a storm began
and its duration and the prevailing wind direction. Often the information is sufficient to
understand the cause of the flood. Secondly, there may be precise descriptions about
the nature of the flooding, for example the dates of overbank flows, characteristics of
the floodwaters such as the strength of flow or the maximum elevation reached by the
floodwaters. In some cases the latter is preserved by marks and dates etched onto the
sides of buildings. Finally, an assessment of flood impacts can be estimated as the
authorities made descriptions of the damage caused.

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Palaeodischarge estimation

The estimation of palaeodischarge from slackwater flood deposits or historical flood

marks (palaeostage indicators) was carried out by computing the water surface profiles
for various hypothetical discharges that were routed through the surveyed study
reaches. The hydraulic modelling was carried out through the step-backwater method
(Webb & Jarrett, 2002) using the HEC-RAS one-dimensional model (Hydrologic
Engineering Center, 1995) run within a GIS environment. Palaeodischarge estimates
were obtained by matching the model-generated water surface profiles to the elevation
of the palaeostage indicators, except for the Monistrol palaeoflood deposits. In this
specific case, channel flow velocity was over 6 m s-1 with subcritical flow conditions
(Froude Number about 0.5), indicating a sharp velocity transition from the main
channel to the canyon side where the slackwater flood sediments illustrated deposition
in stagnant water conditions (Thorndycraft et al., 2005). Assuming that the sedimenta-
tion at the alcove (where the velocity head equals zero) was close to the maximum
flow stage and, therefore, related to the total energy head for the cross-section, the
palaeodischarge was obtained by matching the energy line (rather than the water
surface profile) to the palaeostage evidence. Further information on the hydraulic
modelling, including details of the roughness coefficients used and the surveys, are
presented in Thorndycraft et al. (2005) and Casas et al. (2006).


Historical reconstruction of the event

The storm began on 2 November with a front of torrential rain passing over coastal
areas of Catalonia (Fig. 2(a)). The area initially affected was not extensive; however, a
shift in wind direction on 3 November (to predominantly southeasterlies or southerlies)
caused the rainfall to move further inland and cover the whole of Catalonia. The first
floods recorded in the documentary record occurred on the morning of 3 November in
small coastal basins such as the Besos River (Fig. 1; Fig. 2(a)). By the evening, there
was flooding in Seu d’Urgell in the upper Segre catchment. The orographic effect of
the Pyrenees led to high rainfall that lasted for many hours (3–4 November) in the
headwaters of the main Catalan rivers. After a brief period of respite, coastal areas
were hit by further torrential rain (5–6 November), this time resulting from dispersed
convective activity. As a result of this prolonged heavy rainfall there was severe
flooding documented in river basins throughout Catalonia.
The known damage in the region was the destruction of 389 houses, 17 water mills
and 22 bridges; partial damage to six city walls and the rupture of seven irrigation
canals (Fig. 1). The most severely affected reaches occurred at Lleida in the Segre
basin (where the Cappont neighbourhood was totally destroyed), Tortosa at the mouth
of the River Ebro and the lower reaches of both the Llobregat and Ter rivers. In
addition to the direct impacts of damage to infrastructures, communication routes and
crops, there were other impacts more difficult to quantify. The destruction of mills
resulted in the loss of a basic source of energy, impeding flour production and
resulting in famine in the largest towns. Furthermore, the floodwaters formed a number

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The catastrophic floods of AD 1617 905

(a) (b)

Fig. 2 (a) Reconstruction of the 1617 extreme rainfall event compiled from docu-
mentary sources; and (b) proposed synoptic conditions that caused the rainfall.

of coastal lagoons (Fig. 1) that took more than a year to dry, resulting in increased
levels of mosquitoes and associated diseases within the coastal population.

Estimating discharge of the 1617 floods

The sedimentary evidence for the 1617 flood in the Llobregat, Ter and Segre river
basins is presented in Fig. 3. At the Monistrol de Montserrat reach of the Llobregat
River a single slackwater flood unit was discovered in a valley side alcove located
approximately 16 m above the river bed (Fig. 3(c)). The deposit was dated to cal.
AD 1460–1670 (Table 3). This date and the exceptional altitude of the deposits, when
cross-referenced with the documentary flood record from the basin, imply that the
sediments were most likely deposited by the 1617 flood (Thorndycraft et al., 2005),
the most extreme to have occurred during the last seven centuries according to flood
marks at Martorell and El Prat del Llobregat (located at the delta reach). These flood
marks indicate the severe magnitude of the flood. However, an accurate discharge is
difficult to quantify due to urbanization, the construction of major road and rail
infrastructure and, in the case of El Prat, complex hydraulics due to its location on the
delta. The palaeoflood study reach at Monistrol, located in a stable bedrock gorge with
limited human impact, enabled a more accurate discharge to be calculated. Hydraulic
modelling (Thorndycraft et al., 2005) resulted in a minimum discharge of 4680 m3 s-1
for the flood (Fig. 3(c)).
The evidence from the Ter basin comes from the lower catchment, in a study reach
downstream of Gerona (Fig. 1). A flood mark located 3.6 m above street level on the

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906 Varyl Robert Thorndycraft et al.

4 1982 flood Legend
Climbing ripples: in-drift Fluid escape structures
3 A.D.1617 flood?

Current ripples Colluvial deposits

290 2 1170-930 cal. BP

Parallel lamination Radiocarbon sample

Palaeflood site Coin

1 w.s.e.
280 2100 m3 s -1

2000 m3 s -1

1617 flood

1982 flood
270 R.Segre

0 50 100 150 0 1000 2000 3000
60 (b)

55 w.s.e.
2750 m3 s -1
Elevation (m)


50 2

3 LIA floods
0.1m 1 AD1651-52

0 50 100 150 0 1000 2000 3000

130 0.15m 1 490-280 cal. BP (A.D. 1617 flood)
C) e.l.
4680 m3 s -1
2300 m3 s -1
1971 flood

1617 flood


0 20 40 60 80 100 0 2000 4000 6000 8000

3 -1
Distance (m) Discharge (m s )
Fig. 3 Cross-sections of key localities at the palaeoflood study reaches illustrating the
location of slackwater flood deposits, their chronology and the discharge rating curve
(where w.s.e. = water surface elevation; e.l. = energy line): (a) Alós de Balaguer;
(b) Sarría de Ter; and (c) Monistrol de Montserrat. Flood units discussed in the text
are identified by initial and number (e.g. S2 refers to the flood deposit of the Segre
River dated to 1170–920 cal. BP).

Pont Mayor parish church (Fig. 4) illustrates the extreme elevation of the floodwaters.
Hydraulic modelling at this reach of the river indicates a discharge of 4500 m3 s-1, a
similar magnitude to that of the Llobregat River discussed above. The estimate may
contain errors because the cross-section is unstable, as it is an alluvial reach of the

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The catastrophic floods of AD 1617 907

Fig. 4 Cross-section of the Ter River showing the elevation of the 1617 flood
according to a flood mark on the wall of the Pont Mayor church (Sarría de Ter reach).
Also shown is the associated discharge rating curve.

river and in an urbanized area. However, the value of 4500 m3 s-1 combined with the
physical evidence of the flood mark indicate that the 1617 flood was substantially
greater than the 2350 m3 s-1 recorded during the 1940 flood, the largest in the
instrumental record (Table 2). Downstream of Sarría de Ter a site of slackwater flood
deposition was found where the Ter narrows as it passes through the littoral mountain
range. There is no sedimentary evidence for the 1617 flood here as the three flood
units (Fig. 3(b)) post-date a buried coin stamped in AD 1651 or 1652 (see
Appendix 2). Hydraulic modelling indicates a minimum discharge of 2750 m3 s-1 for a
flood to inundate the alcove. This is substantially lower than the flood mark discharge
of 4500 m3 s-1. It appears that the alcove was repeatedly inundated during the Little Ice
Age (LIA), for example at least three floods are known to have occurred between the
late 17th and 19th centuries from the palaeoflood evidence (Fig. 3(b). It is probable,
therefore, that the flood sediments here were exposed to erosion. Despite there being
no direct physical evidence for the 1617 event, this palaeoflood site provides a
conservative lower bound threshold of 2750 m3 s-1 for the flood.
The sedimentary record from the Alós de Balaguer study reach of the Segre River
(Fig. 3(a)) consistently shows evidence for three to four large floods (depending on the
site of deposition) over the last millennium (Rico, 2004). In the section illustrated in
Fig. 3(a), three flood units, separated by gravely colluvium, are preserved. The earliest
flood was radiocarbon dated to 930–1170 cal. BP, whilst the upper flood sediments
were deposited by the 1982 flood, the sediments of which were mapped along the
study reach and dated by the presence of anthropogenic materials such as sweet
wrappers (Rico, 2004). Prior to the modern period, three catastrophic floods (observed
at Seu d’Urgell, Balaguer and Lleida (Fig. 1) in the upper, middle and lower reaches,
respectively) have been recorded since AD 1317 (namely 1617, 1726 and 1853).
Historical evidence indicates that the 1617 flood was one of the largest and most
catastrophic on record, destroying bridges, water mills and houses at Seu d’Urgell and
the entire Cappont neighbourhood at Lleida. Whether the undated deposits (S3, in
Fig. 3) were a result of the 1617 flood or not, there is no evidence at this reach to

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suggest that the 1617 flood was of greater magnitude than that of 1982. Hydraulic
modelling resulted in a minimum discharge of 2000 m3 s-1 for the S3 deposits, which
compares with 2300 m3 s-1 for the 1982 event.


Various syntheses of LIA climate (e.g. Bradley & Jones, 1992) indicate a scenario of
climatic irregularity, with phases of high frequency of extraordinary events (floods or
droughts) contrasting with phases characterized by similar conditions to those of the
Medieval Warm Period (c. 8–13th centuries, Hughes & Diaz, 1994) or the present day.
One of the climatic anomalies that occurred during the LIA in Catalonia was an
increase in the frequency of catastrophic flooding (Barriendos & Martín-Vide, 1998;
Llasat et al., 2005), in particular during decades centred around AD 1600, 1790 and
1850. The 1617 flood occurred during the earliest of these documented periods.
Despite the scarcity of available meteorological data almost four centuries ago, the
reconstruction of the 1617 event from information on wind directions and rainfall
timing (Fig. 2) allows comparison to be made with more recent events for which
instrumental records are available. The atmospheric situation that could have led to the
severe 1617 rainfall is similar to that of a low pressure cell that slowly tracks the
Spanish coast after either entering the Mediterranean from the Atlantic in the Gulf of
Cádiz area, or originating in the western Mediterranean basin (Fig. 2(b)). There was
probably an associated blocking anticyclone to the east of Catalonia, coinciding with
high-level cold air over Western Europe. The result was a cold centred depression that
would explain the severity and duration of the intense rainfall. In general, the extreme
floods during this period were probably the result of the prevailing meridional circula-
tion patterns caused by anticyclonic blocking over Eastern Europe (Luterbacher et al.,
2002; Jacobeit et al., 2003), with northerly cold air masses coinciding with warm,
humid air masses over the Mediterranean Sea. This synoptic situation also led to other
catastrophic flood events in the region, for example the Ebro River flood of
2–8 October 1787 (unpublished data), or the event of 16–20 October 1940 (Llasat,
1993). Such blocking situations over Western Europe had the potential to cause long
periods of adverse meteorological conditions, such as heavy rainfalls, cold spells or
droughts (Barriendos & Llasat, 2003), the specific hydrological response dependent
upon the exact location of the high pressure cells.
The timing and pattern of rainfall across Catalonia is reflected in the discharge
estimates obtained for the 1617 floods of the Llobregat, Ter and Segre rivers. The most
extreme flood discharges occurred in the Ter and Llobregat basins, where the floods
were significantly larger than (around double) the highest magnitude events recorded
in the instrumental record. By contrast, the more westerly located Segre, though
severely affected in terms of socio-economic damage, witnessed a discharge probably
similar to that of the 1982 flood. This reflects the fact that the convective rainfall that
occurred on 5–6 November 1617 affected the littoral basins more than the inland Segre
basin. The extreme hydrological conditions of the 1617 flood event are represented in
the regional envelope curve (Fig. 5) where the palaeoflood and historical flood dis-
charges are plotted alongside the maximum floods recorded at gauging stations across
Catalonia and eastern Aragon, which has a similar hydrological regime. The palaeo-

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The catastrophic floods of AD 1617 909

World envelope

10,000 1617-Ter 1617-Llobregat

2850-2360 cal.BP-
Peak Discharge (m3s-1)


1000 1617-Segre

Regional envelope


10 Catalonia
Eastern Aragon
Historical floods
1 10 100 1000 10,000 10,0000
Drainage Area (km 2 )
Fig. 5 Regional envelope curve for Catalonia and eastern Aragon. Palaeodischarges
from palaeoflood deposits and historical flood information are plotted. Also shown for
comparison is the world envelope curve produced from the data in Rodda (2003).

flood discharge data from the Ter and Llobregat rivers plot substantially above the
regional envelope curve (by contrast, that of the Segre River plots below).
Also presented on the envelope curve (Fig. 5) are palaeoflood discharges from the
Pont de Vilomara study reach (Fig. 1) of the Llobregat River. The discharges here are
of similar magnitude to the 1617 flood at Monistrol; however, no absolute dating has
yet indicated LIA flood sediments preserved at this site of deposition. However, radio-
carbon dating does identify five major floods during the last 3000 years (Thorndycraft
et al., 2005), with two events dated to 2880–2500 cal. BP and 2850–2360 cal. BP
(Table 3). This evidence can be used to place the 1617 floods in a longer-term context
of climatic variability. There is significant evidence from across Europe, and from
North Atlantic deep-sea sediment cores (e.g. Bond et al., 2001), showing that the Late
Bronze Age period experienced a cold phase of climate, specifically dated to 2850 cal.
BP by van Geel et al. (1998), who relate the cooling to solar forcing. The analysis of
past flood events in Catalonian basins, therefore, suggests that the most extreme flood
magnitudes of the last 3000 years occurred in response to a colder climate in Europe.


The value of utilizing a combined palaeoflood and historical methodological approach

for obtaining data on floods that occurred prior to the instrumental period has been
illustrated through a reconstruction of the 1617 floods in Catalonia. Cross-referencing

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the palaeoflood chronology with flood inventories compiled from archival sources can
reduce the inherent uncertainties associated with the techniques (e.g. radiocarbon) used
to date flood sediments. Hence the high-elevation L1 flood deposits of the Llobregat
River (Fig. 3(c)), radiocarbon dated to 490–280 cal. BP, could be assigned to the 1617
flood, as the documentary evidence pointed to this event being the most extreme in the
historical record. In addition, documentary records can provide information concerning
the timing of the flood, meteorological aspects of the event and the socio-economic
consequences. The principal advantage of palaeoflood hydrology is that it provides
accurate discharge estimates for past floods as palaeoflood sediments are located in
bedrock river reaches with stable cross-sections avoiding the complexities of hydraulic
modelling in urbanized areas. With respect to the 1617 event, intense rainfall occurred
over an unusually long period (from 2 to 6 November) and resulted in minimum
discharges of 4680 m3 s-1 and 2750–4500 m3 s-1 at the study reaches of the Llobregat
and Ter rivers, respectively. These discharge values plot significantly above the
regional envelope curve (Fig. 5). The extreme rainfall was triggered by anomalous
meteorological patterns that were a consequence of decadal-scale climatic variability
during the Little Ice Age. The period AD 1580–1620, with colder temperatures and
frequent blocking situations over Eastern Europe that led to more frequent storm fronts
affecting Catalonia, was one of increased flood frequency in the region (Llasat et al.,
2005). Similar meteorological patterns may also have been encountered during the
cold phase of the Late Bronze Age (c. 2850 cal. BP), accounting for the extreme floods
of the Llobregat basin radiocarbon dated to this time.

Acknowledgements This research was carried out within the SPHERE project
(Systematic, Palaeoflood and Historical data for the improvEment of flood Risk
Estimation) funded by the EC VI Framework Programme (EVG1-CT-1999-00010).
M. Barriendos acknowledges the support of the “Ramon y Cajal” Research Programme
(Spanish Ministry of Science and Education). We would also like to thank the F.
Calicó Company in Barcelona for dating the coin and two anonymous reviewers whose
comments helped improve the manuscript.

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Dating of the coin found at the Sarría de Ter palaeoflood site

The coin found underlying the slackwater flood sediments of the Ter River at Sarría de Ter
is made of copper and had a value of 8 “maravedies”. The coin is a restamping related to a
long period of inflation during the reign of Felipe IV (1621–65) and only the restamping in
1651–2 has the coin value written in Arabic numerals (in other re-stampings Roman
numerals are used). The first three numbers of the year (1, 6 and 5) can also be read on the
coin. The coin can be found on p. 308 (type 267) in Calicó et al. (1998).

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Complete list of documentary and bibliographic sources regarding the 1617 flood
in northeast Spain

Documentary sources
1) Archive of Aragon Kingdom (ACA), “Dietari de la Deputació”, vol. 30, fol. 36, 03/11/1617.
2) Archive of Chapter Cathedral of Barcelona (ACCB), “Exemplaria”, vol. 3, fol. 13-15.
3) Archive of Chapter Cathedral of Barcelona (ACCB), “Exemplaria”, vol. 4, fol. 6.
4) Archive of Chapter Cathedral of Tortosa (ACCTo), “Actes Capitulars”, 1617, s.f., 07/11/1617.
5) Departmental Archive of Eastern Pyrenees (ADPO), “Llibre de Totis”, vol. 56, fol. 103, 02/12/1617.
6) Historical Archive of Arenys de Mar, Section II, Ms. 57, Nicolau Morató, “Noticies curioses”, fol. 1.
7) Historical Archive of Tarragona (AHT), “Liber consiliorum civitatis Tarracone”, vol. 163, fol. 46, 06/11/1617.
8) Historical Country Archive of La Bisbal (AHCLB), “Llibres d’actes”, vol. 3, p. 142, 12/11/1617.
9) Historical Country Archive of Manresa (AHCM), “Manuale Consilii”, vol. “Fragments”, s.f., 09/11/1617,
10) Historical Country Archive of Olot (AHCO), “Manual d’Acords”, vol. 9, s.f., 10/12/1617.
11) Historical Country Archive of Olot (AHCO), “Manual d’Acords”, vol. 9, s.f., 06/01/1618.
12) Historical Country Archive of Reus (AHCR), “Actes municipals”, vol. 11, fol. 144, 17/12/1617.
13) Historical Country Archive of Tarrega (AHCT), “Llibres de Consells”, vol. 22, fol. 144, 10/11/1617.
14) Historical Country Archive of Terrassa (AHCTas), “Llibre de consells de la Universitat Forana de Terrassa”,
vol. year 1617, fol. 4, 20/12/1617.
15) Historical Municipal Archive of Barcelona (AHCB), “Dietari del Antic Consell Barceloní”, vol. 25, 04/11/1617.
16) Historical Municipal Archive of Gerona (AHCG), “Manual d'Acords”, vol. 220, 1617, fol. 133 and following.
17) Historical Municipal Archive of Sabadell (AHMS), “Llibre d’actes del Ple”, A.6, 1614-1634, fol. 79, 09/11/1617.
18) Historical Municipal Archive of Sabadell (AHMS), “Llibre d’actes del Ple”, A.6, 1614-1634, fol. 80, 12/11/1617.
19) Historical Municipal Archive of Selva del Camp, “Llibre de determinacions del Consell de la vila de la Selva”,
vol. 1611–1621, s.f., 05/11/1617.
20) Historical Municipal Archive of Tortosa (AHMTo), “Llibres de provisions i acords municipals”, vol. 76,
s.f., 06/11/1617, 19/11/1617.
21) Library of Catalonia (BC), Manuscripts Section, Ms. 778, “Llibre de les serimonies y coses memorables de la vila
de Puigcerdà”, fol. 66.
22) Library of University of Barcelona (BUB), Manuscripts Section, Ms. 115, Magí Sevilla, “Historia General del
Principado de Cataluña, Condados de Rossellon y Cerdaña. Desde el año 1598 hasta el año 1640”, fol. 26.
23) Library of University of Barcelona (BUB), Manuscripts Section, Ms. 1008-1010, Gaspar Vicens, “De cosas varias
y notables sucedidas en estos nuestros tiempos”, 3 vols. Vol. 1, fols. 251–253.
24) Municipal Archive of Lleida (APL), “Llibres del Consell General”, A-437, fol. 111, 05/11/1617.
25) Municipal Archive of Lleida (APL), “Llibres del Consell General”, A-437, fol. 114, 12/11/1617.
26) Municipal Archive of Seu d’Urgell (AMSU), “Llibre de Consells”, vol. 4, 1617-1657, fol. 4, 03/11/1617.
27) Notarial Archive of Besalu (ANB), Manual 308 (1403), fol. 1. 02/11/1617.

Bibliographical sources
1) Aguilar, F. A. & Salarich, J. (1863) Desgracias de Vich, Soler Hnos., Vic, 143 pp.
2) Birba, L. (1962) La Vall de Camprodon, Selecta, Barcelona, 256 pp.
3) Crusellas, F. de P. (1896) Nueva historia del santuario y monasterio de Nuestra Señora de Montserrat, Tipografía
Católica, Barcelona, 531 pp.
4) Feliu de la Penya, N. (1709) Anales de Cataluña, Josep Llopis (3 vols), vol. 3, 235.
5) Gort, E. (1991) Història de la Cartoixa de Scala Dei, Fundació Roger Belfort, Reus, 465 pp.
6) Junyent, E. (1975) “L'aiguat de 1617 a Vic”, Ausa, vol. 8, nr. 149, Vic, 149-155.
7) Porcar, P. J. (1934) Coses evengudes en la ciutat y regne de València. Dietario de Mosén Juan Porcar, capellán de
San Martín (1589-1629), Góngora, Madrid, 2 vols.
8) Soler Simón, S. (1994) Memòries d’una família pagesa: els Anglada de Fonteta (ss. XVII-XVIII), Ajuntament de
La Bisbal, 113 pp.
9) Valdeosero, M. de (1617) Relación verdadera, que truxo Miguel de Valdeosero Correo de a cavallo de su
Magestad, del lastimoso diluvio, que uvo el mes de Noviembre deste año de 1617 en la ciudad de Barcelona, y en
otros lugares, y de la perdida de Monasterios, y muertes de muchas gentes, y otros que milagrosamente escaparon,
como por la relación se declara, Alonso Rodríguez Garrama, Sevilla, 4pp.

Received 3 March 2006; accepted 19 June 2006

Copyright © 2006 IAHS Press

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