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The Quantification of Hydrocarbon Reserves in Thinly Laminated Shaly Sandstone

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SPE 81077

The Quantification of Hydrocarbon Reserves in Thinly Laminated

Shaly-Sandstone Formations.
Tim Pritchard, Nick Colley (BG Group). Jonathan Bedford (Schlumbegrer Oilfield Services)

Copyright 2003, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

The simulated responses were then analysed using a
This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum conventional wireline interpretation strategy (Figure 4), to
Engineering Conference held in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, West Indies, 27–30 April 2003.
compute hydrocarbon volumes, and results compared with the
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
model values.
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any Using a conventional interpretation strategy to compute
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of hydrocarbon volumes, even with the correct formation and
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is
fluid parameters, the computed hydrocarbon volumes are
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 significantly lower than the original model values when there
words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O. is no near wellbore invasion. This under-estimation of
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836 U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435. hydrocarbon reserves becomes increasingly significant when
there is invasion in the near wellbore region (Figures 5 and 6).
The conventional interpretation strategy uses single equation
Many deltaic and turbidite reservoirs contain significant to describe the relationship between water-
hydrocarbon reserves within thinly laminated sand-shale saturation/resistivity (e.g. Archie, Simandoux, or Indonesian
intervals, often poorly characterized using conventional equations). However, the use of a single water-
wireline technologies. This paper reviews the problems and saturation/resistivity relationship is inappropriate in thinly
existing methods of quantifying hydrocarbon reserves in these laminated sequences. The measured (horizontal) resistivity is
formations, and proposes a flexible integrated interpretation determined by the harmonic average of the resistivity of the
strategy used to both quantify hydrocarbon reserves and sand and shale layers, and then by a separate water-
associated errors. saturation/resistivity relationship for the sand laminae. The
harmonic averaging of sand and shale resistivity values
Introduction ensures that measured resistivity values are dominated by the
Within many soft-sediment deltaic and turbidite reservoirs a presence of shale.
significant proportion of the hydrocarbon reserves may be Figure 7 presents gamma ray, density, neutron porosity and
contained within thinly laminated sand-shale intervals, where resistivity data acquired over one such thin-bedded interval.
the bed thickness is at or below the resolution of conventional These data provided little evidence that this is actually a
wireline and LWD technologies (Figure 1). These intervals are productive interval, which when tested flowed
often poorly characterized using conventional sensor 22.15 mmscf/day.
measurements, leading to problems in both the detection of the
thin-bed pay, and the quantification of hydrocarbon reserves. Fundamental to quantifying hydrocarbon volumes within such
Furthermore, within such formations sensitivity of shales to formations is knowledge of the nature of the shale distribution.
borehole fluids, and the unconsolidated nature of the sands, In principal, there are three ways in which shale may be
can often give rise to problems with the quality of the borehole distributed within a shaly-sandstone formation (Figure 8). The
and core. shale may be laminated, dispersed (pore filling) or structural
(grain replacing). The nature of the shale distribution has a
Modeling studies provide an insight into the commercial profound impact on the relationships between
significance of the challenge. Figure 2 illustrates a simple petrophysical properties [1,2,3].
clean-sand/shale model, where the sand and shale laminae are
assigned the properties detailed in Figure 3. Using this model
the corresponding neutron porosity, density and resistivity
wireline responses were simulated firstly assuming there was
no invasion in the near well-bore region, and then assuming
complete invasion of water based drilling mud in the near
well-bore region.
2 SPE 81077

For example, it is well known that the nature of the shale However, it is noted that the relationships between
distribution directly influences the relationship between total
permeability and free fluid index (FFI, where FFI = ..(1-
porosity () and the fractional volume of shale (VSH). Swir))), suggest a lower sensitivity to changes in shale
 If shale is distributed as laminae, then changes in shale distribution (Figure 12).
volume do not affect the effective-porosity or Therefore, to accurately quantify hydrocarbon reserves within
permeability of the sand laminae, although as the volume formations containing sand-shale laminae, and predict the
of laminar shale increases the amount of the porous petrophysical properties, it is important to establish the
medium is reduced in proportion. relative proportion of each type of shale within the formation.
Considering the formation to be composed of clean Knowledge of the shale distribution is also important for
sandstone layers of porosity  inter-bedded between reservoir modeling, when one is seeking to propagate
layers of shale of porosity C the total porosity of the formation properties away from the wellbore. In addition,
formation may be described by the equation: however, the nature of the shale distribution also induces
changes to the manner in which any random errors are
 =  - VL .(   C ) [1] propagated in any interpretation scheme. Both factors need to
Where VL is the fraction of laminated shale. be considered.
This paper reviews a number of existing thin bed
 If shale is distributed in dispersed (i.e. pore-filling) form,
characterization methods, before presenting an integrated
then changes in shale volume have a far more significant
wireline interpretation strategy for quantifying hydrocarbon
impact on the effective-porosity and permeability of the
reserves. It seeks to exploit the advantages inherent in these
sand laminae. Considering the formation to be composed
methods, and presents a method for the evaluation of the
of clean sandstone of porosity   where dispersed shale
uncertainty intrinsic in these computations. The application of
of porosity C is present filling the inter-granular this method to field data is demonstrated, and the benefits and
porosity, the total porosity of the formation would be limitations of the approach are discussed.
described by the equation:
 =  - VD .( - C ) [2] Integrated Wireline Interpretation

Where VD is the fractional of dispersed shale, and In this section we firstly review a number of technologies or
0 <= VD <=  methodologies used to quantify hydrocarbon reserves within
thin bedded shale-sand sequences, highlighting the advantages
 If shale is present in structural (i.e. grain replacing) form,
and limitations of each method, in order to demonstrate the
then changes in shale volume do not affect the effective-
complementary nature of the methods and how they may be
porosity or permeability of the formation. Considering the
combined in a flexible interpretation procedure. As highlighted
formation to be composed of sandstone of porosity   above, any robust interpretation must explicitly address the
where structural clay of porosity C replaces a proportion issue of shale distribution within the formation.
of the original sand-grains, the total porosity of the
formation would be described by the equation: In particular, before presenting an integrated wireline
 =  + VST .C [3] interpretation procedure, it is instructive to firstly review
conventional wireline, Electrical Anisotropy, NMR, and
Where VST is the fractional volume of structural shale, and Borehole Image or Log Activity methods for quantifying
0 <= VST <= (1-). hydrocarbon reserves within laminated formations.

The total fractional volume of shale within a formation (V SH ) Conventional Wireline Interpretation in Thin Beds
may be described as:
These methods seek to make use of the methodology
= VL + VD + VST [4] developed by Thomas et al [1] to define shale distributions.

Using these arguments Thomas et al [1] first demonstrated that However, the measurement of total or effective porosity ( or
plots of against VC (Figure 9) provide an insight into the ) and fractional shale volume (V SH) alone provide
manner in which shale is distributed within a formation [1]. insufficient information to unambiguously define the nature of
These models can be further developed to illustrate the impact the shale distribution. Although it has been suggested that by
of shale distribution on relationships between irreducible combining density, neutron and acoustic measurements it is
water saturation (Figure 10), permeability (Figure 11), possible to resolve this problem [5], and quantify the fractional
acoustic properties, and water-saturation/resistivity volumes of laminated, dispersed and structural shale within a
relationships [1,2,3,4,5]. formation, these methods are not widely used. It appears
common practice to implement a simplifying assumption
In particular, these models indicate that often there exists no
originally proposed by Ruhovets et al [6].
simple relationship between petrophysical properties (e.g.
porosity and permeability) can be used without an a priori
knowledge of the nature of the shale distribution.
SPE 81077 3

From computations of the total porosity () of the formation average of the resistivity of the sand and clay/shale layers. In
at a particular depth, the theoretical fractional volume of contrast, the vertical resistivity is determined by the arithmetic
laminated shale required to yield the total porosity is mean resistivity of each of the sand and shale layers. As a
computed as (VL*) using the equation: result the vertical resistivity values are inherently more
VL* = ( -   / ( - C ) [5] sensitive to changes in the fluid saturations within the sand
laminae (Figure 13). This method provides a means of
Where  is the porosity of the clean sandstone, and c is the improving the accuracy with which hydrocarbon volumes may
porosity of the shale. The theoretical value (VL*) is then be computed [8]. Furthermore, from measurements of the
compared with the measured fractional volume of shale (V C) horizontal and vertical resistivity the fractional volume of
to define the three rock-types: laminated shale may be computed; provided both the sand and
 If VC = VL* , then the formation is assumed to contain shale layers are not electrically anisotropic. However, this
only laminated shale (i.e. VD = 0, VS =0), such that techniques appears to have a number of limitations:
the total porosity of the sand laminae (TO) may be  The determination of the horizontal and vertical
computed as: resistivity values themselves implicitly assumes the
TO = ( - VL C ) / (1 - VL ) [6] formation is transversely isotropic, an assumption
that requires verification from the inspection of core
 If VC < VL* , then the formation is assumed to contain data, image logs and/or computations of laminated
only dispersed and laminated shale, such that the true shale volumes (as discussed earlier).
volume of laminated shale may be computed as:
 Computation results rely on assumptions regarding
VL = ( - + VC .(1 - C )) / (1 - ) [7] the electrical anisotropic character of the sands and
shales, in that the water-saturation/resistivity
In turn, the fraction of dispersed clay/shale, within
relationships used to interpret results also contain
the sand laminae may be computed as:
parameters that are tensor properties, which are often
VDO = VD / (1 - VL) [8] only characterized in the laboratory using horizontal
core plug samples.
Where VD = VC - VL [9]
 These methods do not, as yet, provide information
 If VC > VL* , then the formation is assumed to regarding resistivity anisotropy in the near the
contain only structural and laminated shale, such that
wellbore region. Consequently, corrections for
the true volume of laminated shale may be invasion effects are problematic. Invasion corrections
computed as:
can have a significant impact on hydrocarbon
VL= ( - + VC .C ) /  [10] reserves computed.
In turn, the fraction of structural clay/shale within the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)
sand laminae may be computed as:
NMR logging tools in water and oil-bearing formations
VSO = VS / (1 - VL) [11] provide direct measurement of the total porosity, effective
porosity, clay bound water volume, capillary bound water
Where VS = VC - VL [12] volume and free (mobile) fluid volume (i.e. Free Fluid Index).
The effective porosity of the sand laminae (), and the More advanced methods still, exist to characterize the nature
formation ( ), may then be computed using Equations 13 and of the hydrocarbon fluid [10]. However, there are particular
14, respectively. challenges presented by low-pressure gas reservoirs.

 = TO- ( VDO C ) [13] NMR logging tools typically offer a shallow depth of
investigation. In low-pressure gas reservoirs, the shallow
 = (1-VL ). [14] depth of investigation can be an advantage. In good hole
It is implicitly assumed the petrophysical character of the conditions, and circumstances where there exists full mud-
shale does not change, regardless of the manner filtrate invasion in the near well-bore region, NMR is
of distribution. particularly well suited to quantifying Free Fluid volumes (i.e.
measuring the Free Fluid Index) within the formation. In these
Resistivity Anisotropy Methods conditions, the Free Fluid volume provides a direct
measurement of the hydrocarbon pore volume above any gas-
More recently, it has been demonstrated that resistivity water contact, without it being necessary to know the nature of
anisotropy measurements can provide information concerning the shale distribution.
the nature of the shale distribution. These methods take
advantage of the different ways in which the resistivities of the However, when there is little invasion in the near well-bore
sand and shale laminae are averaged together, to compute the region, one can no longer just rely on direct measurements of
overall formation horizontal and vertical resistivity [7,8,9]. The the Free Fluid Index, since the NMR signal from the gas is
measured horizontal resistivity is determined by the harmonic suppressed by hydrogen index and (in some circumstances)
polarization effects.
4 SPE 81077

The polarization characteristics of natural gas are very reference to available core analysis data, core photographs and
different from that of water, such that although the NMR additional log information. This is, however, a very laborious
wireline data may have been acquired under conditions where and time-consuming process. Furthermore, once completed it
there is complete polarization of the hydrogen nuclei in the may still be unclear how to assign petrophysical properties to
water molecules, the acquisition parameters may be each of the sand laminae; unless there is a wealth of high
insufficient to allow complete polarization of hydrogen nuclei quality core analysis data. Consequently, these methods often
within the gas molecules. Consequently, measurements of the suffer for want of an independent check on the hydrocarbon
Free Fluid Index can be relatively insensitive to changes in volumes that can be computed. The importance of high-quality
hydrocarbon volumes in these circumstances (Figure 14). The core data, particularly in this context, cannot be over-
lack of signal also precludes the application of more advanced emphasized.
NMR measurements that rely on exploiting differences in
NMR relaxation characteristics between gas and drilling fluid However, borehole image data can be used to independently
filtrate. Nevertheless, even in such conditions NMR provides a measure volumes of laminated shale, which together with
measure of the minimum effective porosity and Free Fluid conventional wireline data, can be used to compute volumes
Index, within the formation. shale present in each form. Furthermore, additional wireline
data, with the assistance of core data, can be used to define the
However, it is possible to circumvent the low-invasion petrophysical properties of the sand laminae.
problem, to a certain extent, by simultaneously analyzing the
NMR and density wireline data using the so-called DMR
(Density-Magnetic-Resonance) method [10], since NMR and An Integrated Wireline Interpretation Procedure
density logging measurements have a similar depth of In reviewing existing methods for quantifying hydrocarbon
investigation. To perform this calculation requires knowledge reserves in thinly bedded shaly-sandstone formations, it is
of the grain density of the matrix is required. In clean evident that in many ways existing methods complement each
sandstone intervals, the DMR analysis method is easily other. In the integrated wireline interpretation procedure
implemented. However, in shaly-sandstone or more proposed here, we have sought to take advantage of the
geologically complex intervals ideally an independent measure complementary nature of the existing evaluation methods to
of grain density is required to implement a VDMR (Variable- develop a single flexible interpretation scheme illustrated in
Density-Magnetic Resonance) interpretation procedure. In Figure 15.
principal, this additional grain density information could be
provided from geochemical logging data [11], or from the If only conventional wireline data is available, then an
simultaneous computation of grain density and total porosity interpretation is undertaken where the density, neutron-
by solving the density, neutron porosity and NMR porosity porosity and gamma ray information is used to compute total
wireline log response equations. However, in the latter porosity and shale volume. From these data, the shale
approach it is necessary to correct for invasion effects using distribution is evaluated using the Rohovets simplifying
the shallow reading resistivity logs, and to do that requires an assumption, and the resistivity response equations solved to
accurate knowledge of the shale distribution. compute hydrocarbon pore volumes.

Borehole Image and Log Activity Measurements

If NMR log data is available, then the results from the above
conventional interpretation are used to compute a grain
Borehole Image logs provide high resolution images of the density, which is then used in a VDMR interpretation
formation, from which net sand volumes are usually procedure to determine a corrected porosity values and a near
determined; typically based on the assignment of resistivity well-bore water saturation at approximately the same depth of
thresholds to the borehole image data or examining the investigation as the density and NMR tools measure. NMR
statistical variability of the high resolution resistivity data logs define the minimum effective porosity and Free Fluid
acquired by the image logs (Figure 1). Alternatively, Index of the formation.
techniques have been developed to derive net sand volumes
based upon the examination of the activity of high-resolution If geochemical log data is available then the manner in which
resistivity/conductivity/electromagnetic-propagation logs. In both the NMR and conventional wireline log response
turn, hydrocarbon volumes are estimated by attributing equations are solved may be further constrained through the
petrophysical properties to the sand volumes derived by such direct input of a matrix grain density.
methods (e.g. porosity, irreducible water saturation etc). Finally, if either borehole (or activity) log information is
However, in utilizing such methods considerable caution is available or resistivity anisotropy information, then this
required. Net sand determinations can yield high volumes of information can be used to establish the volume of laminated
sand in the thin-bedded intervals. In particular, image log shale, thereby allowing the volumes of structural and
methods have the potential to overestimate sand volumes in dispersed shale to be evaluated.
intervals of poor borehole conditions, in irregular mass-flow The shale-distribution information is then used to define the
deposits and where there are thin cemented-beds. nature of the water-saturation/resistivity relationships existing
Consequently, manual picking of sand layers is generally for the formation, and solving these relationships (subject to
considered to produce the most defensible values of net sand, the boundary conditions imposed by the available wireline
where the validity of the sand pick can be verified with data) allows the hydrocarbon reserves to be quantified.
SPE 81077 5

However, as noted earlier, the implementation of an the borehole, and may be subject to systematic errors when
interpretation scheme that explicitly addresses the issue of boreholes are rugose. Furthermore, the parameters themselves
shale distribution is only half the problem. It is also important may be subject to boundary conditions. For example, the
to consider how changes in shale distribution impact upon hydrocarbon pore volume is determined by both the porosity
error propagation and uncertainty. and water saturation of the formation. Water saturations must
Error Propagation and Uncertainty lie between zero and one, and may be further constrained by
the information provided from other wireline tools (i.e.
Using a single interpretation scheme, it is possible evaluate the irreducible water saturation). If the P10 and P90 estimates of
impact of uncertainties or errors associated with every single water saturation are less than zero or greater than one then
input log and parameter used for the interpretation. In this way they must be set to either zero or one if the values are to have
it is possible to establish the most critical parameters driving any physical meaning. Similarly, when NMR data is available
the uncertainty in any evaluation, and focus additional work the porosity of the formation is constrained by the minimum
upon reducing uncertainty in these parameters. effective porosity measurement made by the NMR logging
The best way of establishing the uncertainties associated with tool. In view of these limitations the results are best seen as
the quantification of hydrocarbon reserves is via Monte Carlo being semi-quantitative.
simulation. However, in reality the implementation of Monte
Carlo simulation methods is very time-consuming, requiring Applications of the interpretation methodology
the use of special software. However, an alternative method The application of the integrated interpretation methodology is
that may yield comparable results in favorable conditions is illustrated with data from three unconsolidated low-pressure
provided using the General Theory for the Propagation of gas reservoirs.
In the first example, the volumes of hydrocarbon in place had
The Hydrocarbon Pore Volume (i.e. HCPV) computed within initially been evaluated using a conventional wireline
the formation at a given depth is a function of all the wireline interpretation methodology. The wireline or LWD data
data inputs and parameters used in the available for the interpretation work was of limited quality.
interpretation procedure: After several-years production, however, it became evident
HCPV = f (a1, a2, a3….aN) [15] that the reservoir gas pressure remained consistently higher
than that predicted from the original reservoir model. There
Provided that the each of the above parameters are were additional gas reserves unaccounted for by the
independent, and any errors in the values of the parameters conventional wireline interpretation. Utilizing the above
random and normally distributed, then the General Theory for integrated interpretation methodology, where the nature of the
the Propagation of Errors shows that the standard deviation of shale distribution was determined, 20% additional gas volume
the computed hydrocarbon pore volume can be calculated as: was computed throughout the reservoir interval for the P50

HCPV = {  ((HCPV/ai). ai ) 2 cases (Figure 16). However, an analysis of the errors involved
1/2 [16] in the computational procedure also demonstrated a significant
Where Freedman et al defined the best estimate of the increase in uncertainty associated with the increased
uncertainty associated with each parameter as: hydrocarbon pore volume arising as a direct consequence of
changing the nature of the water-satruation/resistivity model
ai = (+/- q).ai [17] (Figure 17). Overall, the increase in computed hydrocarbon
pore volumes appeared to be statistically significant, but the
Where ai is the best estimate of the parameter and q is the
increase in uncertainty was also a crucial factor that needed to
estimate of the uncertainty of the value of the parameter
be taken into account.
expressed as a ratio. A further extension of this argument is
that provided the distribution of errors is normal, then the In the second example, the integrated interpretation procedure
normal error integral can be used to allow P10 and P90 was used to compute P10, P50 and P90 estimates of
estimates of hydrocarbon pore volume to be computed: hydrocarbon volumes within the formation. This information
can be used to identify intervals where there is potential for
P10, P90 low resistivity pay, that could be subsequently tested (Figure
= +/- 0.8225.  HCPV [18] 18). The utility of this method is that it could be used as a
The same methodology may also be applied to evaluate first-look well-site procedure to estimate the probability of
uncertainty in the computation of other petrophysical hydrocarbons being present within the formation at particular
parameters (e.g. porosity, water saturation, permeability etc) depths, taking into account the uncertainties in formation
. parameters at the time. This allows operational decisions to be
made in order to reduce that uncertainty, for example to make
In seeking to make use of this method, however, it is more reservoir pressure tests at specific intervals. These
important to note that there are significant problems with the calculations also facilitate the evaluation of the contribution of
assumptions inherent in the method In particular; the method the uncertainty of each parameter to the over-all computation
assumes that the errors associated with each parameter are of hydrocarbon pore volumes. This information may be used
randomly distributed. However, logging tools make to focus subsequent core analysis studies to reducing the
measurements over overlapping volumes as they move along uncertainty associated with particular parameters.
6 SPE 81077

In the final example, the integrated interpretation procedure is REFERENCES

used to evaluate the impact of including NMR and resistivity
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utilizing NMR data, and a laboratory calibrated permeability Annual Logging Symposium, June 4-7, 1975, Paper T.
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decrease in uncertainty resulting from the introduction of the 1999 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition,
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4. Worthington, P.F., "The Influence of Formation
 The accurate quantification of hydrocarbon volumes Anisotropy upon Resistivity-Porosity Relationships",
within thinly bedded shaly-sandstone formations, and the Petrophysics, Vol 42, No 2 (March-April) 2001.
subsequent prediction of petrophysical properties,
requires a knowledge of the manner in which clay/shale is 5. Asakura, S., Ashida, Y., Eida, H., Brie, A., Kida, M.,
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can result in hydrocarbon volumes being significantly Thinly Laminated Formations", 5th Well Logging
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 A number of conventional and advanced wireline 6. Ruhovets, N., Fertl, W.H., "Digital Shaly Sand Analysis
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developed to address this problem. Individually, each Typing", SAID's 7th European Logging Symposium
method has strengths and weaknesses. When combined in Transactions. 1981.
an appropriate integrated interpretation methodology the 7. Kriegshauser, B., Fanini, O., Forgag, S., Itskovich, G.,
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hydrocarbon volumes. Symposium. 2000.
 The development of a single, integrated, interpretation 8. Olesen, J.R., "Formation Evaluation of Thin Laminated
scheme capable of utilizing conventional and advanced Pay", SPWLA European Symposium 2002. Paper T3B.
wireline measurements allows one to evaluate uncertainty
in computations of hydrocarbon volumes using the 9. Shray, F., Borbas, T., "Evaluation of Laminated
general theory for the propagation of errors. Formations using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and
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 The method has been successfully applied to: demonstrate
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thinly laminated shaly-sandstone reservoirs; identify Ginness, T., Terry, B., Rawlence, D., "Combining NMR
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12. Theys, P.H., "Log Data Acquisition and Quality Control",
1991 Editions Technip, Paris.
SPE 81077 7

Figure 1 Figure 4
Example of borehole data acquired within a
thin-bedded gas reservoir Schematic diagram of a conventional wireline
interpretation strategy

Figure 2

Schematic diagram illustrating the definition of the

term “fraction of resolved sand laminae” Figure 5

Schematic diagram illustrating the results of a

conventional wireline interpretation when there is no
invasion in the near wellbore region

Figure 3

Summary of simulated formation properties

Figure 6
Schematic diagram illustrating the results of a
conventional wireline interpretation when there is full
invasion in the near wellbore region
8 SPE 81077

Figure 7 Figure 10
Wireline data acquired over a thin bedded reservoir Schematic diagram illustrating the dependence of the total
interval that was subsequently tested and flowed dry gas irreducible water saturation with shale volume for
different modes of shale distribution

Figure 8
Figure 11
Schematic diagram illustrating the three different
modes of shale distribution Schematic diagram illustrating the dependence of
permeability with shale volume for different modes of
shale distribution

Figure 9
Schematic diagram illustrating the dependence of total
porosity with shale volume for different modes of shale Figure 12
distribution Schematic diagram illustrating the dependence of
permeability with free fluid index for laminated and
dispersed shale modes of distribution
SPE 81077 9

Figure 13 Figure 16
Diagram illustrating the enhanced sensitivity of vertical Example 1: Computation of additional thin bed pay using
resistivity measurements to the presence of hydrocarbons limited quality log data.
within thinly laminated formations

Figure 17

Figure 14 Increases in uncertainty arising from changes in the nature

of the water-saturation/resistivity relationship
Schematic diagram illustrating the impact of invasion in
low-pressure gas reservoirs in the capability of NMR to
quantify hydrocarbon volumes

Figure 18
Figure 15
Analysis of errors can be used to identify potential
Schematic diagram illustrating an integrated procedure intervals for subsequent reservoir pressure tests
for the quantification of hydrocarbon reserves in thinly
laminated shaly-sandstone formations
10 SPE 81077

Figure 19

Net Hydrocarbon Column Thickness as a function of

permeability cutoff

Figure 20

The reduction in uncertainty for sands with permeabilities

below 1 Darcy, arising from the use of both NMR and
Resistivity Anisotropy measurements

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