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Bible Notes

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- A collection of books (ta biblia)

- PNEUMA - hininga – life After adam is created
- Contains different stories about the relationship of God and His people
- Written under Divine Inspiration
- Product of human wisdom and experiences throughout history
- a product of many different authors depending on the time these stories were written
- Testament means Agreement

- the first day - light was created

- the second day - the sky was created
- the third day - dry land, seas, plants and trees were created
- the fourth day - the Sun, Moon and stars were created
- the fifth day - creatures that live in the sea and creatures that fly were created
- the sixth day - animals that live on the land and finally humans, made in the
image of God were created
- by day seven - God finished his work of creation and rested, making the seventh
day a special holy day.
- It has two parts (73 Books):
 Old Testament
o 46 Books
o The first Five Books in the Bible are known as The Law or Torah. Also known as the
Pentateuch or the 5 Books of Moses
o Genesis tells about how the world began, the origin of the race, and the story of the
Hebrews and their calling as God’s chosen people
o Exodus tells how Israelites fled from Egypt and the laws the swore to observe when
they made their covenant with Yahweh at Mt. Sinai
o Leviticus tells about the laws and regulations for sacrifices and how to observe Holy
o Numbers tells about the census of the people and the story of the Israelites
wandering in the wilderness
o Deuteronomy tells about the story of Moses’ last discourses and the addition of new
o There are 6 Historical Books [ Joshua, Judges, Samuel 1 and 2, Kings 1 and 2]
o Composed of stories about the covenant between God and Israel
o The story of Israel after they were freed by Moses from Slavery in Egypt
 PSALMS – 150 songs of prayer and praise.
 PROVERBS – maxims and sayings
 JOB – story of troubles that afflict a good man.
 DANIEL – story of a young Jew, taken captive to Babylon, who rose to
become governor.
 EZRA – story of the return from exile in Babylon to Judea in 536 B.C.
 NEHEMIAH – story of how a great leader in the Persian Court helped exiles
return to and rebuild Jerusalem and their lives.
 1 CHRONICLES – history from Adam to Jacob
 2 CHRONICLES – history of the Israelites from David to the Babylonian exile.
 SONG OF SONGS (Song of Solomon) – a collection of beautiful lyrics which
many feel is an allegory of God’s love for Israel and Christ’s love for the
 RUTH – a story of a Moabite girl who became a daughter of Israel and
belonged to the line of ancestry of King David onwards to Jesus Christ.
 LAMENTATIONS – story of the fall of Jerusalem and the resulting chaos and
 ECCLESIASTES – an account of divine wisdom as reflected in nature, in
sovereignty, and in human person.
 ESTHER – story of a Jewish girl who became queen of Persia and who saved
her people from destruction
 New Testament
o 27 Books
o A compilation of stories and teachings of Jesus who opened up a new relationship
with God that eventually created the Church
o The first Four are called “gospel” which means “good news”
o The 4 Gospels:
 Matthew, Mark, Luke
 Synoptics “seen with the same eye” because they have similar
stories and accounts of Jesus’ Life
 John
 Presents Jesus as the Eternal Word of God who descended from
heaven and became man
o The Acts
 The story of the formation of the early Christian communities and
subsequently the faith of the Church
 The Book of the Acts of the Apostles
 Tells the spread and growth of the Church from Palestine to Rome
st nd rd
o 1 , 2 , 3 John
 All concerns various theological matters (things about God)

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