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Kimani Nash c179 Task 1 v2

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Explain how leveraging an IS solution can help Soliel Panel Distribution achieve operational

With the aid of crucial data that can be very vital and a user experience that will be well
organized, an IS can assist SolDistHR in making better judgments. IS plays a significant role in the
process of processing data and then turning it into some meaningful knowledge. Making
informed decisions about how to use software, hardware, procedures, and organize structured
and unstructured data will be made easier with the aid of IS. Additionally, IS will assist in
improving personnel management to increase productivity.

1. Explain how business process management (BPM) can help the IT department in the
development of SolDistHR.

The aim of business process management is to improve the end-to-end flow of the organization.
An organization works to complete specific activities that remain active throughout the
accomplishment of the organization's goals. By eliminating any potential waste and preserving
an efficient workflow, BPM's primary goal is to assist leadership in managing a seamless process.

2. Explain how each of the five steps of change management could be applied to this project.

Design: Since the process must be developed with the project's requirements in mind, this one
should go without saying. It must be comprehensible and provide a rationale for what will be
improved and how. The HR team must contribute to and help with SolDistHR in order for it to
live up to the expectations of the IT department.

Model: Numerous situations and SolDistHR's behavior in each one, while taking all factors into
account, should be covered in the model.

Implementation: The actual processes used by the IT department and how they will be carried
out are covered in this section. In this case, it will be vital to decide how much work should be
done versus automated and what ratio to apply. If the majority of the process is automated,
things will go more quickly.

Monitoring: It should be obvious saying that we should monitor the progress of every project we
are working on in order to know where we stand. The method of monitoring is a crucial decision
as well, and there are a number of possibilities depending on what we want to focus on. The
need for orientation should be given significant weight along with other factors.

Optimization: As a new piece of software, SolDistHR, historical performance can be very helpful
in this project. When improvements are noticed, the following steps can be reached by
identifying the bottlenecks and making the necessary adjustments.

3. Explain the individual responsibilities of four key contributors (individuals or groups)that would
be directly involved in the project.
CIO: The chief information officer is the person in charge of the IT department. He is in charge of
both planning and carrying it out. His goal is to raise the worth of the company by staying up to
date with the most recent digital information.

Project Manager: In order to complete a project or projects, a project manager manages a team
of developers, business analysts, quality assurance analysts, etc. The project's scope, budget,
resource allotment, deadline setting, responsibility distribution, and progress tracking are all
areas in which he participates.

Product Manager: They are referred to be either product managers or company owners. In the
sense that he is an expert on it, he is the proprietor of a product. He gathers all of the
requirements and expectations for the product through work with clients and stakeholders,
which he then communicates to the team creating it.

Developer: An individual developer could focus on front-end or back-end work. He is an

authority on programming and coding. He really writes the application's code.

B. Select one system development method to be used in the implementation of SolDistHR and do
the following.

1. Justify your selection of the system development method, providing the strengths and
weaknesses of the method.

I'd choose the Agile approach. It is a methodical approach that promotes incremental growth.
Just-in-time techniques and quicker iterations are made possible by agile. Throughout the
process, it keeps lines of communication open between the development teams, the client, and
stakeholders. It gives the right to change the terms at any time by continuing to be competitive.
Depending on the needs at hand, a variety of frameworks under the umbrella of agile might be

I. Agile enables you to break down functionality into more manageable chunks and
incorporate changes as you go.
II. It maintains interest in the process by engaging with all parties involved..
III. Feedback exchanges don't have to wait until the end or completion; they can take place at
any time.
IV. Teams function autonomously by taking ownership of their work, which encourages open
communication among the team members.
V. Has a favorable impact on automation and rigorous programming


I. There is a risk of going over budget if specifications are often changed to stay up with rivals.
II. Because of uncertainty, the time frame can be longer than expected.
III. A failure to appreciate the basis of this method might occasionally lead to confusion and
2. Explain how each milestone within your selected system development method would be
executed during the implementation of SolDistHR.

I. Throughout, sticking to specific subjects will be easier if you adopt shorter iterations and
smaller components. Each step can be finished in two-week sprints.
II. Stakeholders and business partners are both involved at any given time. But especially,
during the evaluation of test cases, the evaluation of the code, the evaluation of test
execution, and the sprint demos at the end of each sprint.
III. At the end of each sprint, the entire team, including the scrum master, gathers to decide the
sprint's scope and approve the tasks for the subsequent sprint.
IV. Automation is highly recommended because it uses incredibly brief iterations, which
accelerates the process compared to manual efforts. Unit tests, functional tests, and
regression tests can all be automated. Another example of extreme programming is pair
programming, in which a developer works alongside another developer to avoid delays and
guarantee that the code is being reviewed as they go.

C. Describe the potential internal and external security threats that could exist after the
implementation of SolDistHR.

I. The program contains a lot of corporate data that needs to be protected at all times. A
data breach can be a major worry if the program wasn't fully tested and there's a
potential it could malfunction. Internal dangers exist because internal staff will use the
II. Outside hackers may be responsible for data breaches
III. The application's ability to achieve the desired results once it is implemented is another
potential danger.
IV. A further risk is that the program could be harmed if the customer support utilizing it is
originally fully aware of all of its capabilities and operations.
V. Hacking is a serious external threat that might appear in a variety of forms. XSS and DoS
are two examples of hacking.

D. Explain how to protect against digital and physical threats to SolDistHR that couldexist after

I. Virus: By downloading antivirus software, you can defend yourself against this digital
II. Malware: Malware is an additional digital worry that can be prevented by employing
anti-threat software like AVAST.
III. Phishing and Scamming: You may prevent phishing and frauds by being informed and
taking the security training that almost every company provides.
IV. Locking the laptop: Lock your laptop and any other devices that are running SolDistHR to
prevent unauthorized access.
V. Strong Password: Setting up a strong password and requiring periodic updates is
another defense step.
VI. Encryption: Encrypt any sensitive SolDistHR data to protect it.
VII. Shred: SolDistHR data should be destroyed once you've finished using it.

E. Describe the approach you would take to troubleshoot and restore SolDistHR after system

As a first step, I would try to pinpoint the source of failure. I would try to reproduce the situation
by starting over and repeating the behaviors that resulted in this failure. Before I even consider
making this move, I need to be thoroughly comfortable with the application and all of its
capabilities. Then and only then would I stand a chance. I'll try to compare the problem situation
with the actual scenario in order to decide what the best course of action is. I would have
sufficient expertise to know how the application ought to react at each level. Once I've found
the problem, I'll look at my resources to see how to remedy it. I'll take all necessary steps, then
execute the take another action If the problem has been fixed, that's excellent. If not, I'll have to
start over and create a plan B. I'll write down what I discover in each situation. I would also try
to implement a cloud backup strategy now or in the future to speed up the procedure.

F. When implementing any application or talking about information systems in the modern world,
problem management is crucial. Understanding the roles of problem management is essential to
maintaining a high and stable level of productivity.

Due to the rapid growth of Soliel Panel Distribution, there are high hopes for the new
application SoldDistHR. To effectively manage problems, the service desk is essential. There are
various steps involved in problem solving. Identification of the problem is the first and most
obvious step. the process of determining a problem and then reporting it to the area of
expertise that is appropriate. The appropriate protocol or software created specifically for this
use is then used to log or file this issue as a record. There are already other issues that need to
be addressed according to their importance and priority. There are many other categories to
take into account when escalating this issue, including its significance and the potential number
of unique steps. Each of these issues and the service desk, a trusted resource for the entire
company, keeps track of difficulties. As previously mentioned, the significance of the problem
significantly affects how crucial it is to address it initially. A priority score is assigned to each
issue based on the possible harm or impact it might have.
The issue's study ultimately comes into play, when each element is examined to find a solution.
A script that outlines each phase of the procedure should exist if the problem has been handled.
We must review the problem or look for a different solution if it cannot be solved. Then,
everything necessary is done to find a solution to the issue. After all parties involved have been
informed of the complete situation, the problem is then resolved.

G. Describe how you would apply the steps of incident management to address issuesand mitigate
future issues related to SolDistHR
I. It is also referred to as incident logging, and there are various ways to do it, such as
through emails or hip-chat.
II. Category: In order to focus on the appropriate area of study, incidents should be
classified based on the experts' areas of knowledge.
III. The urgency of the situation will depend on its gravity and nature. More serious matters
are usually looked into first and dealt with more promptly because of their nature.
IV. Expertise: It is escalated to the appropriate group of people or expert for inspection and
resolution after the category and priority are determined.
V. Further Escalation: Differing on the nature of the issue, it may require a variety of
abilities to manage it, which might then be transferred to another area once particular
stages and the people involved in them have been determined.
VI. There are regulations governing the types of issues and the maximum amount of time
before they must be resolved.
VII. There are regulations governing the types of issues and the maximum amount of time
before they must be resolved.
VIII. As soon as it appears that the issue has been resolved, after receiving the appropriate
approval, the matter is finished.
IX. Future Mitigation Plan: After the issue has been resolved, thorough documentation that
outlines each step the issue took to be resolved is developed. Each of the numerous
scenarios, activities, projects, thoughts, and experts involved in the solution are
accurately emphasized for the purposes of the future.

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